By the end of this module, you will be able to: 本單元結束時,您將能夠
Describe the different forms of workplace communication. 說明工作場所溝通的不同形式。
Tell the important elements for effective workplace communication. 告知有效工作場所溝通的重要元素。
Identify the different parts of telephone communication. 識別電話通訊的不同部分。
Use suitable expressions for telephone communication. 在電話通訊中使用適當的表達方式。
Making and answering telephone calls with the given contexts. 在指定的情況下撥打和接聽電話。
Taking simple messages during phone conversation. 在電話對話中錄製簡單的訊息。
Identify the different parts of business correspondence. 識別商業信函的不同部分。
Draft business correspondence using appropriate format and language structures. 使用適當的格式和語言結構草擬商業信函。
Explain the different tones of a business letter. 解釋商業信函的不同語調。
Present information using appropriate tone and expressions. 使用適當的語氣和表達方式呈現資訊。
Introduction 簡介
Introducing the topic 介紹主題
Warm-up Discussion 熱身討論
Answer the following questions. Then share and discuss your view with a classmate. 回答下列問題。然後與同學分享並討論您的觀點。
What is workplace communication? 什麼是職場溝通? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Why is workplace communication important? 為何職場溝通很重要? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
How did she start a conversation with colleagues? Was there anything interesting happening? 她是如何開始與同事交談的?有什麼有趣的事情發生嗎?
Vocabulary Building 詞彙建構
(v) (c) A. B.
A workplace is the place where someone works for his/ her employer. Employees can work at different places, depending on the nature of their jobs. People working indoors usually work in office buildings, factories, shopping centres or even at home. People working in the same office or organisation are called colleagues or coworkers. 工作場所是指某人為其雇主工作的地方。根據工作性質的不同,員工可以在不同的地方工作。在室內工作的人通常在辦公大樓、工廠、購物中心甚至家中工作。在同一辦公室或組織工作的人稱為同事或同事。
Check the meaning of the following vocabulary items from the dictionary: 從字典中檢查下列詞彙的意思:
Vocabulary 詞彙
Part of Speech 語言部分
Meaning 意義
1. workplace 1. 工作場所
noun 名詞
a person's place of employment 籍贯
2. employer 2. 僱主
3. employee(s) 3. 僱員
4. depending on 4. 取決於
5. factory/ factories 5. 工廠/工廠
6. organisation 6. 組織
7. colleague(s)/ coworker(s) 7. 同事/同事
Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning
1. workplace noun a person's place of employment
2. employer
3. employee(s)
4. depending on
5. factory/ factories
6. organisation
7. colleague(s)/ coworker(s) | Vocabulary | Part of Speech | Meaning |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 1. workplace | noun | a person's place of employment |
| 2. employer | | |
| 3. employee(s) | | |
| 4. depending on | | |
| 5. factory/ factories | | |
| 6. organisation | | |
| 7. colleague(s)/ coworker(s) | | |
Focus on Reading Comprehension 專注於閱讀理解
Pre-reading Discussion 讀前討論
Answer the following questions. Then share and discuss your view with a classmate. 回答下列問題。然後與同學分享並討論您的觀點。
What are the important elements when communicating with colleagues? 與同事溝通時有哪些重要元素? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
What are the ways that people communicate with colleagues in the workplace? 人們在工作場所與同事溝通的方式有哪些? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
In case miscommunication occurs, what could be done to resolve the sitution? 如果發生溝通錯誤,該如何解決? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Reading Comprehension 目目 閱讀理解 目錄
Read the passage below and answer the questions. 閱讀下面的段落並回答問題。
4 Different Types of Workplace Communication and How to Improve in Each Area 4 種不同類型的工作場所溝通,以及如何改善每個領域
(1) Words are only a small portion of how we communicate with one another. Yet the value of other forms of communication is often overlooked. Learn more about four different types of communication, and how using them effectively can improve performance, morale, teamwork and success in your business. (1) 言語只是我們彼此溝通的一小部分。然而,其他溝通形式的價值往往被忽視。進一步瞭解四種不同類型的溝通方式,以及如何有效運用這些方式來提升績效、士氣、團隊合作和企業成功。
Communication Types and How to Improve Each One 溝通類型及如何改善每種類型
(2) Verbal (In-Person) Communication. Whenever possible, use face-to-face communication in the workplace to eliminate many of the misunderstandings that can occur. Speaking directly with someone in person allows both of you to see and hear the bigger picture. As you or your team member speak, you can see each other’s facial expressions and body language. The emphasis on focusing on one another and the conversation promotes a feeling of value and credibility. You may think that it will take longer for you to leave your office and walk to the other end of the building to speak face-to-face with someone. But having one quick conversation rather than a multitude of emails can actually make it more efficient in the end. (2) 口頭 (當面) 溝通。只要有可能,在工作場所中使用面對面的溝通來消除許多可能發生的誤解。面對面直接溝通可以讓雙方看到和聽到大局。當您或您的團隊成員說話時,您可以看到對方的臉部表情和身體語言。強調專注於彼此和對話,可以提升價值感和可信度。您可能會認為,離開辦公室走到大樓的另一端與人面對面對話,會花費更長的時間。但是,進行一次快速的對話,而不是大量的電子郵件,到頭來其實可以更有效率。
(3) Body Language & Facial Expressions. As mentioned above, your body language and facial expressions play a vital role in how effective or ineffective you are at communicating with staff members. Eye contact makes people feel acknowledged as they talk and listen. A relaxed stance (3) 身體語言和面部表情。如上所述,您的身體語言和面部表情對於您與員工溝通的有效或無效起著重要作用。眼神接觸會讓人們在交談和聆聽時感到被認可。放鬆的姿勢
with your arms by your sides encourages employees to feel comfortable in a meeting. If you rehearse what you’re going to say before a meeting, do so in front of a full-length mirror so you can see if what your body language says matches up with your words. Employees will receive your words more positively if your facial expressions and body language don’t put them on edge or the defensive. 雙手放在兩側,讓員工在會議中感到舒適。如果您在會議前練習您要說的話,請對著一面全身鏡子進行,這樣您就可以看到您的身體語言是否與您的說話相符。如果您的面部表情和肢體語言不會讓員工感到緊張或防禦,他們會更積極地接受您的說話。
(4) Phone Conversations. Use of the phone is a common part of most business days. Some people enjoy talking to team members by phone. Others dislike it so much that they put it off until the last minute. If the staff you lead is remote and spread out throughout the state, country or world, the phone will be a vital communication tool. You can positively impact the effectiveness of your phone communication by doing three simple things. Smile while you talk (in an appropriate conversation, of course); it sounds silly, but it gives your voice a friendlier tone. Take notes before the conversation and use them to ensure you cover all points. Finally, speak clearly and slowly so your words are understood. (4) 電話對話。使用電話是大多數工作日的常事。有些人喜歡和團隊成員通電話。有些人則非常不喜歡,以至於拖到最後一分鐘。如果您所領導的員工位於偏遠地區,並且分散在各州、國家或世界各地,那麼電話將成為重要的溝通工具。您可以透過做三件簡單的事情來正面影響電話溝通的效果。在通話時微笑(當然是在適當的對話中);這聽起來很傻,但卻能讓您的語氣更友善。在談話前做筆記,並利用筆記來確保您涵蓋所有重點。最後,說話時要清楚、緩慢,這樣才能讓人聽懂您說的話。
(5) Written Communication. Emails, memos and notes are common forms of written communication. Of all four communication styles, this is the one that can lead to the most misunderstandings. People often read between the lines or feel that there are implied messages or emotions in written forms of communication. In a workplace situation, this should and can be avoided. Before you send an email to your employees, distribute a memo or post an important notice on the staff bulletin board, have an objective pair of eyes read it first. A business coach or mentor can look over your written communication and provide constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. (5) 書面溝通。電子郵件、備忘錄和便條是常見的書面溝通方式。在所有四種溝通方式中,這是最容易造成誤解的一種。人們通常會從字裡行間讀出一些信息,或覺得書面溝通中隱含了一些訊息或情感。在工作場合中,這種情況應該而且可以避免。在向員工發送電子郵件、分發備忘錄或在員工公告板上張貼重要通知之前,請先讓一雙客觀的眼睛閱讀一下。企業教練或導師可以審閱您的書面溝通內容,並提供建設性的批評和有用的建議。
(6) Communication between you and your team will always be a work in progress. The tips in this blog post can assist you in becoming more mindful about your written communication while providing you with strategies for improvement. If communication between you and your staff has been problematic, you can zone in on the trouble spots and learn how to change them by working with a business trainer or coach. (6) 您與團隊之間的溝通永遠都是一項進步中的工作。本篇博文中的提示可以幫助您更加注意書面溝通,同時為您提供改善策略。如果您和員工之間的溝通一直存在問題,您可以與企業培訓師或教練合作,找出問題所在,並學習如何改變它們。
Name four things that can be improved in a business if workplace communication is effective. 如果工作場所溝通有效,請說出可以改善企業的四件事。 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase. The word may not be found in the passage above. 在每個空格中填上適當的單字或詞組。在上面的段落中可能找不到這個詞。
Verbal communication can help avoid (i) because it lets you 口頭溝通有助於避免 (i),因為它可以讓您
(ii) and (ii) (ii)和(ii) qquad\qquad of their (iii) qquad\qquad and (iv) qquad\qquad . qquad\qquad 的 (iii) qquad\qquad 和 (iv) qquad\qquad 。
3. Verbal Communication emphasises on ‘focus(ing) on one another.’ Why is it important? 3.口頭溝通強調「互相關注」。為什麼它很重要? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
4. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. The word may not be found in the passage above. The disadvantages of verbal communication could be leaving your office (i) qquad\qquad and (ii) qquad\qquad more time to walk to that person. 4.在每個空格填上適當的詞。這個詞可能在上面的段落中找不到。口頭溝通的缺點可能是離開您的辦公室(i) qquad\qquad 和(ii) qquad\qquad 更多的時間走到那個人面前。
5. Find a sentence in the passage which explains how body language and facial expressions help in the communication process in the workplace. 5.在段落中找出一個句子,說明身體語言和面部表情如何幫助工作場所中的溝通過程。 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
6. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Information is Not Given by writing T, F or NG respectively. 6.請分別寫上 T、F 或 NG,以決定下列陳述是 True、False 還是 Information is Not Given。
(i) It is necessary to use the phone in the workplace. (i) 有必要在工作場所使用電話。
(ii) The phone is useful if the staff do not work with you in the same office. (ii) 如果員工與您不在同一辦公室工作,電話就會很有用。
(iii) If you smile when you talk on the phone, the other people will smile, too. (iii) 如果您在通電話時微笑,其他人也會微笑。
(iv) Taking notes before your phone conversation makes you speak longer. (iv) 在電話對話前做筆記,會讓您說得更長。
(v) 在有效的電話交談中,講話者應確保聽眾瞭解所要傳達的訊息。
(v) In an effective phone conversation, the speaker should make sure that the
audience understand the message.
(v) In an effective phone conversation, the speaker should make sure that the
audience understand the message.| (v) In an effective phone conversation, the speaker should make sure that the |
| :--- |
| audience understand the message. |
(i) It is necessary to use the phone in the workplace.
(ii) The phone is useful if the staff do not work with you in the same office.
(iii) If you smile when you talk on the phone, the other people will smile, too.
(iv) Taking notes before your phone conversation makes you speak longer.
"(v) In an effective phone conversation, the speaker should make sure that the
audience understand the message."| | (i) It is necessary to use the phone in the workplace. |
| :--- | :--- |
| | (ii) The phone is useful if the staff do not work with you in the same office. |
| | (iii) If you smile when you talk on the phone, the other people will smile, too. |
| | (iv) Taking notes before your phone conversation makes you speak longer. |
| | (v) In an effective phone conversation, the speaker should make sure that the <br> audience understand the message. |
7. Why did the writer say that written communication, among the four styles, can lead to the most misunderstandings? 7.為什麼作者說在四種溝通方式中,書面溝通最容易造成誤解?
8. Circle the best answer: To avoid misunderstandings in written communication, the writer suggests ‘hav(ing) an objective pair of eyes’ to read an email because: 8.請圈出最佳答案:為了避免書面溝通中的誤解,作者建議「要有一雙客觀的眼睛」來閱讀電子郵件,因為:
A. people are usually emotional. A. 人們通常都很感性。
B. posting on staff bulletin board is more important B. 在員工公告板上張貼更重要
C. a business coach is always critical. C. 業務指導老是很重要。
D. a second reader can give helpful suggestions. D. 第二位讀者可以提供有用的建議。
9. Vocabulary building 9.詞彙建立
Find a word or expression with the same meaning from the passage for each of the below description: 從文段中為下列每項描述找出意思相同的字或詞:
Description 說明
Word/ Expression 字詞表達
failed to notice or do something 不察
(v.) (para. 1) (五) (第1段)
(ii) (二)
the amount of enthusiasm that a
person or group of people feel about
their situation at a particular time
the amount of enthusiasm that a
person or group of people feel about
their situation at a particular time| the amount of enthusiasm that a |
| :--- |
| person or group of people feel about |
| their situation at a particular time |
(n.) (para. 1) (n.) (第1段)
(iii) (三)
using spoken communication rather
than writing
using spoken communication rather
than writing| using spoken communication rather |
| :--- |
| than writing |
(adj.) (para. 2)
(iv) (四)
to get rid of something that is not
wanted or needed
to get rid of something that is not
wanted or needed| to get rid of something that is not |
| :--- |
| wanted or needed |
(v.) (para. 2) (五) (第2段)
motions or positions of the muscles
beneath the skin of the face that
convey the emotional state of an
individual to observers.
motions or positions of the muscles
beneath the skin of the face that
convey the emotional state of an
individual to observers.| motions or positions of the muscles |
| :--- |
| beneath the skin of the face that |
| convey the emotional state of an |
| individual to observers. |
(n.) (para. 2) (n.) (第2段)
(vi) (六)
something or someone works well
and quickly in the way that gets the
best results
something or someone works well
and quickly in the way that gets the
best results| something or someone works well |
| :--- |
| and quickly in the way that gets the |
| best results |
(adj.) (para. 2)
to be equal to or comparable to 等於或相當於
(phrasal verb) (para. 3) (動詞)(第 3 段)
to practise something you are going
to say or do
to practise something you are going
to say or do| to practise something you are going |
| :--- |
| to say or do |
(v.) (para. 3) (五) (第3段)
Description Word/ Expression
(i) failed to notice or do something (v.) (para. 1)
(ii) "the amount of enthusiasm that a
person or group of people feel about
their situation at a particular time" (n.) (para. 1)
(iii) "using spoken communication rather
than writing" (adj.) (para. 2)
(iv) "to get rid of something that is not
wanted or needed" (v.) (para. 2)
(v) "motions or positions of the muscles
beneath the skin of the face that
convey the emotional state of an
individual to observers." (n.) (para. 2)
(vi) "something or someone works well
and quickly in the way that gets the
best results" (adj.) (para. 2)
(vii) to be equal to or comparable to (phrasal verb) (para. 3)
(viii) "to practise something you are going
to say or do" (v.) (para. 3)| Description | | Word/ Expression |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| (i) | failed to notice or do something | (v.) (para. 1) |
| (ii) | the amount of enthusiasm that a <br> person or group of people feel about <br> their situation at a particular time | (n.) (para. 1) |
| (iii) | using spoken communication rather <br> than writing | (adj.) (para. 2) |
| (iv) | to get rid of something that is not <br> wanted or needed | (v.) (para. 2) |
| (v) | motions or positions of the muscles <br> beneath the skin of the face that <br> convey the emotional state of an <br> individual to observers. | (n.) (para. 2) |
| (vi) | something or someone works well <br> and quickly in the way that gets the <br> best results | (adj.) (para. 2) |
| (vii) | to be equal to or comparable to | (phrasal verb) (para. 3) |
| (viii) | to practise something you are going <br> to say or do | (v.) (para. 3) |
move away from one another 分野
(phrasal verb) (para. 4) (動詞)(第 4 段)
include and deal with 包括和處理
(v.) (para. 4) (五) (第4段)
(ii) (二)
cause, make 導致
(phrasal verb) (para. 5) (動詞)(第 5 段)
(iii) (三)
a comment that shows that you think
something is wrong or bad
a comment that shows that you think
something is wrong or bad| a comment that shows that you think |
| :--- |
| something is wrong or bad |
(n.) (para. 5) (n.) (第5段)
(iv) (四)
involving or causing problems 涉及或造成問題
(adj.) (para. 6) (第6段)
(ix) move away from one another (phrasal verb) (para. 4)
(i) include and deal with (v.) (para. 4)
(ii) cause, make (phrasal verb) (para. 5)
(iii) "a comment that shows that you think
something is wrong or bad" (n.) (para. 5)
(iv) involving or causing problems (adj.) (para. 6)| (ix) | move away from one another | (phrasal verb) (para. 4) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| (i) | include and deal with | (v.) (para. 4) |
| (ii) | cause, make | (phrasal verb) (para. 5) |
| (iii) | a comment that shows that you think <br> something is wrong or bad | (n.) (para. 5) |
| (iv) | involving or causing problems | (adj.) (para. 6) |
The above passage says that written communication can lead to the most misunderstandings, so why do people still use it? Discuss with 3 other classmates to find out the advantages of using written communication. Be ready to present what you have found to the class afterwards. 上面的段落中說書面溝通最容易導致誤會,那麼為什麼人們仍然使用書面溝通呢?請與其他三位同學討論,找出使用書面溝通的好處。請準備好之後向全班介紹您的發現。
Although written communication can lead to the most misunderstandings, people still use it a lot because… 儘管書面溝通會導致最多的誤解,人們仍然大量使用書面溝通,因為... qquad\qquad
Phone conversations are very common way of communication in the workplace. Below are some useful expressions for telephone conversations. Read the list of headings (i) to (viii). Choose the heading for each part in the passage. Explain your choice. 電話對話是工作場所中非常普遍的溝通方式。以下是一些電話交談的實用詞句。閱讀標題清單 (i) 至 (viii)。為段落中的每一部分選擇標題。解釋您的選擇。
List of headings: 標題清單:
(i) Asking to speak to someone (i) 要求與某人對話
(ii) Ending your call (ii) 結束通話
(iii) Greeting and introducing yourself (iii) 打招呼和自我介紹
(iv) Answering the phone (iv) 接聽電話
(v) Clarifying and asking for repetition (v) 澄清並要求重複
(vi) Leaving a message for someone (vi) 為某人留言
(vii) Taking a message for someone (vii) 替人捎信
(viii) Putting someone on hold (viii) 讓他人等候
Formal 正式
Hello. This is Susan. (Personal) 你好我是蘇珊(個人)
Hello, thank you for calling [name of company]. This is Susan - how can I help you? (Professional) 您好,感謝您致電 [公司名稱]。我是 Susan - 有什麼可以幫到您?(專業人士)
Good morning (good afternoon), this is Susan. How can I help you? (Professional) 早上好(下午好),我是 Susan。我能為您效勞嗎?(專業)
Informal 非正式
Hello. 你好
Susan speaking. 我是蘇珊
Formal 正式
This is Laure from [company name]. 這是 [公司名稱] 的 Laure。
Hello. This is Laure. I am calling about… (your advertisement, information about your services, to make a reservation, etc.) 你好我是 Laure。我致電是關於......(您的廣告、您的服務資訊、預約等)。
Is qquad\qquad available? (Example: Is Çim available?) qquad\qquad 是否可用?(例如:Is Çim available?)
May I speak to qquad\qquad ? (Example: May I speak to the doctor?) 我可以和 qquad\qquad 說話嗎?(例如:我可以和醫生說話嗎?)
I’d like to talk with qquad\qquad . (Example: I’d like to talk with Mr. Adams.) 我想和 qquad\qquad 談談 (例:我想和 Adams 先生談談)。
Informal 非正式
Is qquad\qquad free? (Example: Is Çim free?) qquad\qquad 是否免費?(例如:Is Çim free?)
Can I talk to qquad\qquad ? (Example: Can I talk to mom?) 我可以和 qquad\qquad 交談嗎?(例如:我可以和媽媽說話嗎?)
Formal 正式
Can I put you on hold for a moment, please? 請稍等一下,好嗎?
Would you mind holding for just a moment? 你介意等一下嗎?
If it is ok with you, I am going to put you on hold for a moment. I will see if she is available. 如果您不介意的話,我讓您稍等一下。我看看她是否有空。
Pro Tip: These expressions can also be used when you are not ready to speak in English on the phone. You can use this moment to calm yourself and prepare yourself to speak English. 專業提示:當您還沒準備好在電話上說英文時,也可以使用這些表達方式。您可以利用這個時刻讓自己冷靜下來,為說英語做好準備。
Informal 非正式
Hold on a sec. (Note: “Sec” is short for “second” and is another way to say “Hold on a moment.”) 請稍等一下(註:"Sec 「是 」second 「的縮寫,是 」請稍等一下 "的另一種說法。)
Just a sec. 等一下
Just a moment. 稍等
Formal 正式
I’m sorry - I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat yourself? 對不起 - 我沒聽清。您能再說一遍嗎?
I’m sorry - do you mean to say [identify what you understand]? 抱歉 - 您的意思是 [指出您所理解的]?
Just to clarify, you said… (Example: Just to clarify, you said you were calling from RTR Industries?) 例:請澄清一下,您說您是從 RTR Industries 打來的?
Would you mind spelling that for me? 你能幫我拼一下嗎?
Would you mind slowing down? 你介意慢一點嗎?
Would you mind speaking a little more slowly? 你介意說慢一點嗎?
Informal 非正式
I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? 對不起你能重複一遍嗎?
Can you spell that? 你會拼嗎? (F)(\mathrm{F})
Formal 正式
I’m sorry. She isn’t available at the moment. Can I take a message for her? 對不起她現在沒空我能幫她捎個口信嗎?
If you leave a message, I will be sure to get it to him as soon as he is available. 如果您留言,我一定會在他有空時盡快轉達給他。
She is away at the moment. May I ask who is calling? 她現在不在請問您是哪位?
Would you like me to connect you to his voicemail? 要我幫你接通他的語音信箱嗎?
Informal 非正式
I’ll let him/her know that you called. 我會讓他/她知道你打電話來過。
Who’s calling, please? 請問是哪位?
Formal 正式
Yes. Thank you. Please tell her Selma called. Ask her to call me back at 27111111. 是的,謝謝請告訴她Selma來過電話讓她給我回電話 27111111.
Could you have her return my call tomorrow? 你能讓她明天回我電話嗎?
Please tell him I’ll be available on Thursday at 9:00. 請告訴他我星期四九點有空
Yes, please put me through to her voicemail. Thank you. 是的,請幫我接通她的語音信箱。謝謝。
Informal 非正式
No thanks. I’ll call back later. 不,謝謝我晚點再打給你
Yeah, tell him Selma called. 是啊 告訴他Selma打電話來了
Formal 正式
Thank you for calling. I will make sure to give him the message. 謝謝您的來電。我一定會轉告他的。
Thanks for calling - I have another phone call so I will need to let you go. 謝謝您的來電 - 我還有另一個電話,所以需要讓您離開。
Thanks for calling and have a great day. 謝謝您的來電,祝您有美好的一天。
Informal 非正式
I need to let you go. 我要讓你走
I have a meeting soon so I have to run. (Americans would also say: "I have a meeting soon so I gotta run. “Gotta” is short for “got to” or “have to”) 我很快就要開會了,所以我得走了。(美國人也會說:"我馬上要開會,所以我得走了。「Gotta 是 」got to「 或 」have to" 的縮寫)
Work with a partner in this activity. Look at pages 12 - 17 for students AA and BB respectively. Call each other using the information given. You should make use of the expressions in Activity 2. Check the answers with each other afterwards. 在這個活動中,請與同伴合作。分別看第 12 - 17 頁的學生 AA 和 BB 。使用給定的資訊呼叫對方。您應該使用活動 2 中的表達方式。之後互相檢查答案。
Practice 1: Student A 練習 1:學生 A
You are the receptionist at DYJ Company. One of your duties is to answer telephone calls. The table below tells you the status of your colleagues: 您是 DYJ 公司的接待員。您的職責之一是接聽電話。下表顯示您同事的狀況:
Staff 員工
Status 狀態
Connie Chan
On the phone 在電話上
Ron Lee
In a meeting until 5 p.m. 開會至下午 5 時
Henry Luk
In a meeting until 5 p.m. 開會至下午 5 時
Connie Poon
On leave 休假中
Ronald Berkley
Out of office 離任
Yen Smith
On leave 休假中
Staff Status
Connie Chan On the phone
Ron Lee In a meeting until 5 p.m.
Henry Luk In a meeting until 5 p.m.
Connie Poon On leave
Ronald Berkley Out of office
Yen Smith On leave| Staff | Status |
| :--- | :--- |
| Connie Chan | On the phone |
| Ron Lee | In a meeting until 5 p.m. |
| Henry Luk | In a meeting until 5 p.m. |
| Connie Poon | On leave |
| Ronald Berkley | Out of office |
| Yen Smith | On leave |
You are the person above. Call Ronald Berkley of DYJ company to send you the invoice as soon as possible. If he cannot answer the phone, leave a message. 您就是上面的人。致電 DYJ 公司的 Ronald Berkley,讓他盡快把發票寄給您。如果他無法接電話,請留言。
You are the person above. Call Connie Poon of DYJ company to bring you the sample product in the next meeting. If she cannot answer the phone, leave a message. Tell her to call you back, too. 您就是上面的人。致電 DYJ 公司的 Connie Poon,請她在下次會議中為您帶來樣品。如果她無法接電話,請留言。告訴她也給您回電話。
You are the person above. Call Pansy Kidson of DSE company to deliver the goods next Wednesday in the afternoon. Your order number is PS 66302. If she cannot answer the phone, leave a message. Tell her to call you back, too. 你就是上面那個人致電 DSE 公司的 Pansy Kidson,在下星期三下午送貨。您的訂單號碼為 PS 66302。如果她不能接電話,請留言。告訴她也給你回電話。
BABY Kingdom
Yen Smith 嬰兒王國
Yen Smith
Administrative Assistant 行政助理
Tel: 36031197 (Office) 66457725 (Mobile) 電話:36031197 (辦公室) 66457725 (行動電話)
2. You are the person above. Call Leslie Kung of DSE company to meet you this Friday at 2 p.m… If he cannot answer the phone, leave a message. 2.你就是上面那個人。打電話給 DSE 公司的 Leslie Kung,約他本星期五下午 2 點見面......如果他無法接電話,請留言。
Practice 2: Student B 練習 2:學生 B
You are the receptionist at DSE Company. One of your duties is to answer telephone calls. The table below tells you the status of your colleagues: 您是 DSE 公司的接待員。您的職責之一是接聽電話。下表告知您同事的狀況:
Staff 員工
Status 狀態
Lucy Cheung
Out of office 離任
Chan Tai Man 陳大文
In a meeting until 7 p.m. 開會至下午 7 時
Pansy Kidson
In a meeting until 5 p.m. 開會至下午 5 時
Connie Ma
On leave 休假中
Paul Chan 陳茂波
Out of office 離任
Leslie Kung 龔國榮
On leave 休假中
Staff Status
Lucy Cheung Out of office
Chan Tai Man In a meeting until 7 p.m.
Pansy Kidson In a meeting until 5 p.m.
Connie Ma On leave
Paul Chan Out of office
Leslie Kung On leave| Staff | Status |
| :--- | :--- |
| Lucy Cheung | Out of office |
| Chan Tai Man | In a meeting until 7 p.m. |
| Pansy Kidson | In a meeting until 5 p.m. |
| Connie Ma | On leave |
| Paul Chan | Out of office |
| Leslie Kung | On leave |
Business trips are very common in the workplace. Discuss the following questions with 2 other classmates. Be ready to share your ideas in the class. 出差在工作場所非常普遍。請與另外 2 位同學討論下列問題。準備好在課堂上分享您的想法。
What do you need to prepare if you are to go for a business trip? 如果您要出差,需要準備什麼? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
What problems may you encounter when you have a business trip in a country or city that you are not familiar with? 當您在不熟悉的國家或城市出差時,可能會遇到哪些問題? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Pete and Jenny are talking about a business trip. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. You have two minutes to read the questions before the audio file is played. Pete 和 Jenny 正在談論一次商務旅行。請聆聽他們的對話,並回答問題。在播放音訊檔案之前,您有兩分鐘時間閱讀問題。
Fill in each blank with one suitable word. 在每個空白處填入一個合適的單字。
Jenny went to (i) qquad\qquad for a conference. She did not complain about the (ii) Jenny 去 (i) qquad\qquad 開會。她沒有抱怨 (ii) qquad\qquad although it rained on the first day. She described her trip as a (iii) qquad\qquad 雖然第一天下了雨。她形容她的旅行是一次 (iii) qquad\qquad
2. Who did Jenny go to the conference with? 2.Jenny 和誰一起去參加會議?
She went with qquad\qquad in the qquad\qquad department. 她在 qquad\qquad 部門選擇了 qquad\qquad 。
3. What was the problem with the hotel room? 3.飯店房間有什麼問題? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
4. Decide whether the following statements are True or False by writing T or F respectively. 4.請分別寫上 T 或 F,以判斷下列陳述是真還是假。
A. Jenny went to the conference hall smoothly. A.Jenny 順利前往會議廳。
B. Jenny took a bus to the conference hall. B.Jenny 搭公車到會議廳。
C. Martin was Jenny's brother. C.Martin 是 Jenny 的哥哥。
D. Pete knew who Martin was. D.Pete 知道 Martin 是誰。
A. Jenny went to the conference hall smoothly.
B. Jenny took a bus to the conference hall.
C. Martin was Jenny's brother.
D. Pete knew who Martin was.| | A. Jenny went to the conference hall smoothly. |
| :--- | :--- |
| | B. Jenny took a bus to the conference hall. |
| | C. Martin was Jenny's brother. |
| | D. Pete knew who Martin was. |
Tick (✓)(\checkmark) the correct answers: Jenny said the conference centre was not suitable because: 在 (✓)(\checkmark) 正確的答案上打勾:珍妮說會議中心不適合,因為:
A. the wi-fi was not good. A. 無線網路不好。
B. the centre was too far away from the hotel. B. 中心距離飯店太遠。
C. the microphones were terrible. C. 麥克風很糟糕。
D. the keynote speaker did not come. D. 主題演講人沒有來。
A. the wi-fi was not good.
B. the centre was too far away from the hotel.
C. the microphones were terrible.
D. the keynote speaker did not come.| | A. the wi-fi was not good. |
| :--- | :--- |
| | B. the centre was too far away from the hotel. |
| | C. the microphones were terrible. |
| | D. the keynote speaker did not come. |
Circle the correct answer: When the very smart woman from Madrid spoke, 圈出正確答案:馬德里那位非常聰明的女士發言時、
A. she spoke in French A. 她說法語
B. no one understood what she said. B. 沒有人聽得懂她說的話。
C. people found it interesting. C. 大家覺得很有趣。
D. everyone was embarrassed. D. 每個人都感到尷尬。
Why did Jenny still say it was a good conference? 為什麼 Jenny 還說這是個很好的會議? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
When did Jenny do the networking? Jenny 何時做的網路? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Focus on Writing 專注於寫作
Format of a business letter 商業信函的格式
Below is a letter from Larry Yeung to Raymond Wong. Label the different parts of the business letter using the section headings given in the box below. One example has been done for you. 以下是 Larry Yeung 致 Raymond Wong 的一封信。使用下面方框中給出的部分標題標示商務信函的不同部分。已為您完成一個範例。
Complimentary close 免費關閉
Letterhead 信紙
Body 身體
Enclosures 機箱
Salutation 敬語
Inside address 內部地址
Opening paragraph 開頭段落
Reference & date 參考與日期
Signature & title 簽名與職稱
Subject heading 主題標題
Action 行動
Complimentary close Letterhead Body Enclosures
Salutation Inside address Opening paragraph Reference & date
Signature & title Subject heading Action | Complimentary close | Letterhead | Body | Enclosures |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Salutation | Inside address | Opening paragraph | Reference & date |
| Signature & title | Subject heading | Action | |
Ciba Print & Dye Ltd. Ciba Print & Dye Ltd. (汽巴印染有限公司)
11 Hoi Kwong Street Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔海光街 11 號
Your Ref: D-68 您的編號: D-68
Our Ref: CB022 我們的參考編號: CB022
24 March 2010 2010 年 3 月 24 日
e.g. Reference & date 例如:參考資料與日期
Raymond Wong
Purchasing Manager 採購經理
Cosmo Designs Ltd.
9/F 89 Wai Yip Street 偉業街 89 號 9 樓
Prosperity Industrial Building 繁榮工業大樓
Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍
Dear Mr Wong, 親愛的黃先生
Confirmation of Order No. CBA-626 確認訂單編號 CBA-626
the urgency of your order and can confirm that we are able to deliver the first batch of goods to you on Tuesday, 24^("th ")24^{\text {th }} April. 您的訂單非常緊急,我們可以確認我們能夠在 4 月 24^("th ")24^{\text {th }} 日(星期二)向您交付第一批貨物。
Unfortunately, we are currently out of stock of the Ciba Yellow 4B dye that you ordered as part of the second batch to be delivered on 27^("th ")27^{\text {th }} April. 很抱歉,您訂購的第二批 Ciba Yellow 4B 染料將於 27^("th ")27^{\text {th }} 4 月出貨,但我們目前缺貨。
However, we are expecting our next consignment of dye from Germany on 4th May, and can guarantee delivery of the 24 boxes of Ciba Yellow 4B by 6th May. 然而,我們預計將於 5 月 4 日從德國運來下一批染料,並可保證在 5 月 6 日之前交付 24 箱 Ciba Yellow 4B。
If your production schedule makes it difficult for you to wait for delivery until 6th May, may I suggest using an alternative dye to 如果您的生產排程使您很難等到 5 月 6 日才交貨,請容我建議您使用另一種染料,以
5. the Ciba Yellow 4B. We currently hold in stock a range of high quality dyes produced by Levanti of Italy. Levanti produces a water-soluble dye called Leva YL-6 which is identical in colour to the Ciba Yellow 4B. Although this is a powder dye rather than a 5. Ciba Yellow 4B。我們目前庫存有一系列由義大利 Levanti 公司生產的高品質染料。Levanti 生產一種名為 Leva YL-6 的水溶性染料,其顏色與 Ciba Yellow 4B 相同。雖然這是一種粉末染料,而不是
paste, I think that you will find it suitable for your purposes. I am enclosing a copy of the Levanti product brochure for your reference. 粘貼,我想您會發現它適合您的用途。我隨信附上一份 Levanti 產品手冊供您參考。
I would appreciate it if you could telephone me on 24237624 as soon as possible to let me know whether you would prefer to wait for the Ciba Yellow delivery on 6th May, or take delivery of the Leva YL-6 dye with your second batch on 27th April. 如果您能盡快致電 24237624,告訴我您是希望等待 5 月 6 日 Ciba Yellow 的交貨,還是在 4 月 27 日將 Leva YL-6 染料與您的第二批貨一起交貨,我將不勝感激。
Circle the best answer to complete the text. 圈選最佳答案,完成文字。
The Three Tones of Business Writing 商業寫作的三種語調
The tone of your writing depends qquad\qquad(1)(1) how formal or casual you qquad\qquad(2)(2) to sound. In business writing, there are three tones to qquad\qquad (3) qquad\qquad 您寫作的語調取決於 qquad\qquad(1)(1) 您 qquad\qquad(2)(2) 要聽起來多正式或多隨意。在商業寫作中,有三種語調可以 qquad\qquad (3) qquad\qquad
Formal tone is best used for important letters, proposals, messages to superiors, or bad-news messages that qquad\qquad (4) carry legal implications. Complex vocabulary and sentence structure qquad\qquad 正式的語氣最適合用於重要的信件、建議書、給上級的訊息,或 qquad\qquad (4) 帶有法律影響的壞消息。複雜的詞彙和句子結構 qquad\qquad
(5)__ this tone serious. qquad\qquad (6) produce formal tone, avoid contractions and personal pronouns, and aim qquad\qquad (7) objectivity in your word qquad\qquad (8) —. (5)__ 這種語氣是嚴肅的。 qquad\qquad (6) 產生正式的語氣,避免使用縮略語和人稱代名詞,並以 qquad\qquad (7) 客觀為目標 qquad\qquad (8) -。
Moderate tone is appropriate qquad\qquad (9) le etters to colleagues and other business contacts. To achieve this less formal tone, use a qquad\qquad (10) qquad\qquad casual style, with common words, personal pronouns, some contractions, and varied sentence structure. 適中的語氣適合 qquad\qquad (9) 給同事和其他業務聯繫人的信件。為了達到這種不太正式的語氣,請使用 qquad\qquad (10) qquad\qquad 隨意的風格,使用常用字、人稱代名詞、一些縮寫和多變的句子結構。
Finally, an informal tone is the qquad\qquad (11) casual tone and is best used with those you know very 最後,非正式的語氣是 qquad\qquad (11) 隨意的語氣,最好用在您非常熟悉的人身上。 qquad\qquad such as in personal e qquad\qquad (13) slang or jargon. Contractions, personal pronouns, and and familiar and may even qquad\qquad 例如人稱代詞 qquad\qquad (13) 俗語或行話。縮寫、人稱代名詞、和熟悉的和甚至可能是 qquad\qquad
_(14) qquad\qquad acceptable. _(14) qquad\qquad 可以接受。
Remember, the tone of your writing will determine the import and impact of your message. Always consider your purpose and your reader, adjusting your writing (15)_ necessary to assure the appropriate tone. 請記住,您寫作的語調將決定您訊息的重要性和影響力。請務必考慮您的目的和您的讀者,必要時調整您的寫作 (15)_ 以確保適當的語氣。
Answers 答案
A. to A. 至
A. want A. 想要
B. on B. 關於
B. should B. 應該
C. by C. 由
C. have C. 有
A. do A. 進行
D. about D. 關於
D. can D. 可以
B. write B. 寫
C. design C. 設計
D. consider D. 考慮
A. might A. 可能
A. makes A. 製造
A. By A.由
B. is B. 是
B. make B. 製造
B. In B.在
C. are C. 是
C. brings C. 帶來
C. For C.對於
D. must D. 必須
D. bring D. 帶
D. To D.要
A. on A. 關於
A. choice A. 選擇
A. on A. 關於
B. for B. 用於
B. choose B. 選擇
B. at B. 在
C. about C. 關於
C. chosen C. 已選擇
C. to C. 以
D. in D. 在
D. chose D. 選擇
D. for D. 為
A. rather A. 相當
A. most A. 大多數
B. less B. 較少
B. best B. 最佳
A. much A. 很多
B. well B. 很好
C. more C. 更多
C. definite C. 確定
C. long C. 長
D. much D. 多
D. fully D. 完全
D. good D. 好
A. make A. 製造
AA. is AA .是
A, to
B. provide B. 提供
B. are B. 是
B. for B. 用於
C. use C. 使用
C. will C. 將
C. as C. 作為
D. include D. 包括
D. can D. 可以
D. in D. 在
Writing a memo 撰寫備忘錄
A memo, or memorandum, is one of the most common forms of business communication. It is normally used for communicating policies, procedures, or related official business within an organisation. As a memo is usually used to convey a direct message, it should be kept short, normally not longer than 1 page. The level of formality of the memo depends on the audience who will be reading it. 備忘錄或備忘錄是最常見的商業溝通形式之一。它通常用於溝通組織內的政策、程序或相關官方事務。由於備忘錄通常用於傳達直接訊息,因此應該保持簡短,通常不超過 1 頁紙。備忘錄的正式程度取決於閱讀對象。
Successful memos are (i) qquad\qquad and sweet, both concise and (ii) 成功的備忘錄是 (i) qquad\qquad 且貼心,既簡潔又 (ii)
The two parts in a memo are: (iii) qquad\qquad and (iv) 備忘錄中的兩個部分是(iii) qquad\qquad 和 (iv)
the heading part includes: (v) qquad\qquad (vi) (vii) qquad\qquad and (viii) 標題部分包括(v) qquad\qquad (vi) (vii) qquad\qquad 和 (viii)
the message part should focus on the (ix) qquad\qquad Do not mix other unrelated topics. There are normally three parts: (ix) qquad\qquad 請勿混入其他不相關的主題。通常有三個部分:
the opening: state the (x) qquad\qquad ; 開場: 說明 (x) qquad\qquad ;
the middle: add (xi) qquad\qquad ; 中間:添加 (xi) qquad\qquad ;
the closing: focus on outcomes, responses and (xii) 結束:重點在結果、回應和(xii)
Read the following sample memo and answer the questions that follow. 閱讀下列備忘錄範例,並回答下列問題。
To: Computer Programming Division 至電腦程式設計處
From: Vice President Lumbergh 來自副總裁 Lumbergh
Date: February 19, 2020 日期2020年2月19日
Subject: Attaching cover sheets to TPS reports 主題為 TPS 報告附上封面頁
This is to remind the division that, starting today, we are now filing all Testing Procedure Specification (TPS) reports with new cover sheets. 在此提醒各分部,從今天開始,我們將使用新的封面頁提交所有測試程序規格 (TPS) 報告。
The reason for this change is simple. In addition to a new format, the cover sheets provide a summary of the report as well as the updated legal copy. The new cover sheets also include Initech’s new logo. 做出此變更的原因很簡單。除了新的格式外,封面頁還提供報告摘要以及更新的法律文本。新的封面還包括 Initech 的新標誌。
Though this change may initially seem like a headache and an extra step, it is necessary to include the new cover sheets due to their updated information. Failing to do so will result in an inaccurate and confusing product delivered to our customers. 雖然這項變更一開始可能看起來很頭痛,也多了一個步驟,但由於新封面頁的資訊已更新,因此有必要包含新封面頁。不這樣做會導致交付給客戶的產品不準確和混亂。
Please be sure to follow this new procedure. 請務必遵循此新程序。
What was the first paragraph about? 第一段是關於什麼的? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
What was the second paragraph about? 第二段說的是什麼? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
What was third paragraph about? 第三段說的是什麼? qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Memo writing 撰寫備忘錄
You are Larry Yeung, the Client Accounts Manager of Ciba Print and Dye Ltd… After writing to Raymond Wong of Cosmos Design Ltd. in Activity 1, he has replied to you that they would like to wait for the next consignment of dye from Germany on 4 May. Cosmos Design Ltd. has been a client of your company for over 10 years. Understanding the tight production schedule of the client, you would like to write a memo to the logistic department to ensure that the 24 boxes of Ciba Yellow 4B dye could reach the client by 6 May. You would like the logistic department to include a sample of Leva YL-6 in the delivery. Tell the logistic department to contact you over the phone if they have any questions. 您是 Ciba 印染有限公司的客戶經理 Larry Yeung......在活動 1 中寫信給 Cosmos Design Ltd. 的 Raymond Wong 後,他回覆您說他們希望等待 5 月 4 日從德國運來的下一批染料。Cosmos Design Ltd. 是貴公司超過 10 年的客戶。了解到客戶的生產時間表緊迫,您希望寫一份備忘錄給物 流部門,以確保 24 箱 Ciba Yellow 4B 染料能在 5 月 6 日之前送達客戶。您希望物流部門在送貨時附上 Leva YL-6 的樣品。如果物流部門有任何問題,請與您電話聯繫。
Language Focus: Useful Expressions for Presentations 語言焦點:簡報的實用詞彙
Study the speech below: 學習下面的演講:
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. I am Daniel Guo, a consultant with Education&Travel, and I am here to talk about working holidays in England. Before I begin, please allow me to briefly introduce my company. Education&Travel was founded in 1993, and we are the world leader in international education. Here is the outline today. I’ll start by sharing with you some background information on working holidays, including what they are and their various destinations. 早上好,女士們先生們。歡迎大家我是 Daniel Guo,Education&Travel 的顧問,我在這裡談談英國的打工度假。在開始之前,請容許我簡單介紹一下我的公司。Education&Travel 成立於 1993 年,我們是全球國際教育的領導者。以下是今天的大綱。首先我會跟大家分享一些有關打工度假的背景資料,包括什麼是打工度假以及打工度假的各種目的地。
Note: 請注意:
The introduction is a crucial part of any presentation. There are many functions which you need to achieve: 介紹是任何簡報的關鍵部分。您需要實現許多功能:
To facilitate a successful presentation, we may make use of various expressions and there are various steps of doing a presentation. 為了讓簡報成功,我們可能會使用各種不同的表達方式,而做簡報也有各種不同的步驟。
a. Introduce yourself and your company a.介紹您自己和您的公司
Never assume everyone knows you. You should introduce yourself. 永遠不要假設每個人都認識您。您應該自我介紹。
I am Daniel Guo, a consultant with Education&Travel. 我是 Daniel Guo,是 Education&Travel 的顧問。
My name is Jennifer from the Marketing Department. 我是行銷部的 Jennifer。
My name is Demi McLean, and I’m with the Investment Banking Department. 我叫 Demi McLean,在投資銀行部工作。
Before we get started on the presentation, allow me to briefly introduce myself. I’m a sales rep with AG Technology in Silicon Valley. 在開始演講之前,請允許我簡單介紹一下自己。我是矽谷 AG Technology 的銷售代表。
You may also introduce your company. 您也可以介紹您的公司。
Education & Travel was founded in 1993, and we are the world leader in international education. Education & Travel 成立於 1993 年,我們是全球國際教育的領導者。
Our company is proud to be one of five major players in the automobile manufacturing industry. 本公司很榮幸成為汽車製造業的五大企業之一。
We distinguish ourselves in the marketplace by focusing primarily on our customers’ everchanging taste buds. 我們在市場上脫穎而出,主要著重於顧客不斷變化的味蕾。
Our businesses include the sale and trading of securities, investment banking services, venture capital, and brokerage services. 我們的業務包括證券銷售和交易、投資銀行服務、風險資本和經紀服務。
b. Introduce the purpose of your presentation b.介紹您的簡報目的
After introducing yourself, you should tell the audience your purpose of presentation. 自我介紹之後,您應該告訴聽眾您的簡報目的。
I am here to talk about working holidays in England. 我在這裡談談英國的打工度假。
Today I want to talk about giving am inspirational speech to youngsters. 今天我想談談給年輕人的鼓舞人心的演講。
The purpose of my presentation is to inform you about our initiatives in building peaceful inter-communal relations in Kenya. 我發言的目的是要告知您我們在肯亞建立和平族群間關係的計畫。
The purpose of this presentation is to identify six key measures to assess how the Hong Kong healthcare system is performing. 本簡報的目的在於找出六項主要衡量指標,以評估香港醫療系統的表現。 qquad\qquad
c. Introduce the structure and flow of your presentation c.介紹您簡報的結構和流程
The first thing is to tell the audience the expected duration. 首先要告訴觀眾預期的時間長度。
I’ll be speaking for about 30 minutes. 我將發言約 30 分鐘。
My presentation will last about 30 minutes. 我的演講將持續約 30 分鐘。
You may make use of listing to brief the audience. 您可以利用列表來向聽眾做簡報。
I’ll start by sharing with you some background information on working holidays, including what they are and their various destinations. 首先,我會與您分享一些有關打工度假的背景資訊,包括什麼是打工度假以及打工度假的各種目的地。
There are four things we need to cover today. First …; second …; third …; and fourth… 我們今天需要涵蓋四件事。第一...;第二...;第三...;第四...
I have divided my talk into three parts. In the first part,… In the second part,… And in the final part, … 我將我的演講分成三個部分。在第一部分中,... 在第二部分中,... 在最後一部分中,...
Or there are other choices. 或者還有其他選擇。
Here is an overview of my presentation. 以下是我的簡報概述。
Here on this slide you can see an outline of my presentation. 在這張幻燈片上,您可以看到我的簡報大綱。
d. Supporting details d.證明細節
If you can provide more details, your presentation will be more impressive. 如果您能提供更多細節,您的簡報會更令人印象深刻。
for instance/ for example 例如/ 例如
My garden is at its best during warm months, for instance/for example, May, June, and July. 我的花園在溫暖的月份會處於最佳狀態,例如/例如五月、六月和七月。
such as/ like 如
Products made of rice, such as/ like rice crackers, rice noodles, rice milk, and rice vinegar, are very popular in Europe now. 以米製成的產品,例如米餅、米粉、米漿和米醋,目前在歐洲非常流行。
Owing to 由於
Owing to the recession, we have no choice but to cut back on overseas staff. 由於經濟不景氣,我們別無選擇,只能裁減海外員工。
for the reason(s) of 原因為
He dropped out of school for the reasons of personal health and financial difficulties. 他因個人健康和經濟困難而退學。
explain … why … 解釋...為什麼...
I’ll explain in full detail why we prefer proposal A to proposal B. The first reason is … The second, … 我會詳細解釋為什麼我們偏好提案 A 而非提案 B,第一個理由是 ... 第二個, ...
including 包括
There are many kinds of pet grooming services, including shampooing, blow drying, styling and paw hair shaving. 寵物美容服務有許多種類,包括洗毛、吹乾、造型和剃爪毛。
e. Concluding your presentation e.結束您的簡報
An appropriate conclusion makes your presentation complete. 適當的結語可讓您的簡報更完整。
In summary 總結
In summary, the effects of the Chernobyl accident have been many and serious. In conclusion 總而言之,切爾諾貝爾事故的影響既多且嚴重。總結
In conclusion, these are the options for overseas operations in the future and the subsequent benefits. 總括而言,這些都是未來海外營運的選擇,以及隨後的效益。
You may also want to summarise your main points. 您可能還需要總結您的主要觀點。
I’d like to finish by restating today’s key issues. 最後,我想重申今天的關鍵議題。
Before I finish, I’d like to run through the main points again. 在我結束之前,我想再說一遍重點。
Please allow me to finish my presentation by summarising the benefits of our service. 最後請允許我總結一下我們服務的優點。
Fill in the blanks with the expressions you have learnt in this unit. 用本單元所學的詞句填空。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. 1 . Martin Yam, and 2 . 早上好,女士們先生們。歡迎。1 .Martin Yam,以及 2 .
Stand At Margin Theatre. 3. one 站在邊緣劇場。3. 一個
of the top theatre companies in the world. 4. qquad\qquad three main forms of playwriting in theatre. 5 . qquad\qquad about an hour. There are three things we need to cover today. 6 . qquad\qquad Realism; 7 . qquad\qquad 的世界頂級劇團。4. qquad\qquad 劇場劇本創作的三種主要形式。5 . qquad\qquad 約一小時。今天我們需要講的有三件事。6 . qquad\qquad 現實主義; 7 . qquad\qquad
Absurd Theatre; and 8 . qquad\qquad New Writing. 荒謬劇場;以及 8 . qquad\qquad 新作。 qquad\qquad
There are quite a number of outstanding writers of New Writing, 9. qquad\qquad Sarah Kane, Martin Crimp and Simon Stephens, etc. They adopt the form of New Writing 10. 有不少傑出的新寫作作家,9. qquad\qquad Sarah Kane、Martin Crimp、Simon Stephens 等。他們採用新寫作的形式 10. qquad\qquad discovering an appropriate form for contemporary. qquad\qquad 發現當代的適當形式。 qquad\qquad
11. qquad\qquad these three forms of writing are widely adopted in today’s world theatre. 11. qquad\qquad 這三種書寫形式在現今世界的劇場中被廣泛採用。 qquad\qquad
Further Practice *\cdot ・(O 進一步實作 *\cdot ・(O
Write a speech to promote your favourite company with the expressions learnt in this unit. 使用本單元所學的表達方式寫一篇演說,宣傳您最喜歡的公司。 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Assignment 3 (10% of the course marks) 作業 3 (佔課程分數的 10%)
A. Task A.任務
You are required to conduct a formal individual/group (3-4 people) presentation on a product. 您需要進行正式的個人/團體(3-4 人)產品簡報。
Time limit: 3 minutes 30 seconds -4 minutes 時間限制:3 分 30 秒 -4 分鐘
B. Assessment rubric B.評估標準
You should conduct adequate research and be very familiar with the topic before the presentation. It may not be something new to others but should not be very complicated to explain. You should also decide your topic as early as possible so that you have enough time for research. You will be evaluated based on the following criteria. 您應該進行充分的研究,並在簡報前對主題非常熟悉。對其他人來說,這可能不是新的題目,但也不應該非常複雜難以解釋。您也應該儘早決定您的主題,以便有足夠的時間進行研究。您將根據以下標準接受評估。
Assessment Item 評估項目
Description 說明
1. Appearance 1.外觀
- Clothing (Formal attire is required) - 服裝 (必須穿著正裝)
You may prepare your presentation based on the following guiding questions or in your own way. 您可以根據下列指導性問題或自己的方式準備您的簡報。
Component 組件
Guiding Question 指導性問題
Background 背景資料
What is the product? 產品是什麼?
Appearance 外觀
How does the product look? 產品外觀如何?
Function 功能
How does the product help us? 產品如何幫助我們?
Usage 使用方式
How can we use the product?/ Demonstration? 如何使用產品?/示範?
Time 時間
When should we use the product? 我們應該何時使用本產品?
Customer 客戶
Who should use the product 誰應該使用本產品
Comparison 比較
How far is the product better than others of a similar type? 該產品比其他同類型產品優勝多少?
Price 價格
How much is the product? 產品的價格是多少?
Purchase 購買
How/Where can we buy the product? 我們如何/從何處購買產品?
Component Guiding Question
Background What is the product?
Appearance How does the product look?
Function How does the product help us?
Usage How can we use the product?/ Demonstration?
Time When should we use the product?
Customer Who should use the product
Comparison How far is the product better than others of a similar type?
Price How much is the product?
Purchase How/Where can we buy the product?| Component | Guiding Question |
| :--- | :--- |
| Background | What is the product? |
| Appearance | How does the product look? |
| Function | How does the product help us? |
| Usage | How can we use the product?/ Demonstration? |
| Time | When should we use the product? |
| Customer | Who should use the product |
| Comparison | How far is the product better than others of a similar type? |
| Price | How much is the product? |
| Purchase | How/Where can we buy the product? |
These guiding questions are for reference only. It is not necessary for you to answer all them in the presentation. You may add other information as appropriate. 這些指導性問題僅供參考。您不必在簡報中回答所有問題。您可以適當地加入其他資訊。
It is more important to give an informative, interesting, logical, persuasive and coherent presentation. 更重要的是提供資訊豐富、有趣、合乎邏輯、有說服力且連貫的簡報。
3. Conclusion 3.結論
A brief summary of the most attractive/ important things of your chosen product. 簡述您所選產品最吸引人/最重要的地方。
The final close: encourage your audience to try and buy the product. 最後關頭:鼓勵您的觀眾嘗試並購買產品。