S/N 序號 | Tenderers' Question 投標者的問題 | VF's Response VF 的回應 | ||
1 | Are work stations still 130x60cm? 工作站仍然是 130x60 公分嗎? |
Workstations should be 1200 mm to 1400 mm in length (designer to decide based on the test-fit). Depth to be 750 mm . 工作站的長度應為 1200 毫米至 1400 毫米(設計師根據試裝決定)。深度為 750 毫米。 |
2 | Does the brand storage room need walls for seperation? 品牌儲藏室需要牆壁來分隔嗎? |
No. All brands items to be stored in 1 store room. 不。所有品牌的物品都應存放在一個儲藏室內。 |
3 | Do weak current/network cabling need to be included in our quotation? 弱電/網絡布線需要包含在我們的報價中嗎? |
Yes. Please include structured cabling in your submission. 是的。請在您的提交中包含結構化布線。 |
4 | What type of equipment will be used for self serve reception? 自助接待將使用什麼類型的設備? |
No plans for any equipment. 沒有任何設備的計劃。 |
5 | Should the optional task chairs be lincluded in the total sum? 可選的任務椅應該包含在總金額中嗎? |
No. Optional task chairs should not be included in your total sum for submission. 不。可選的任務椅不應包含在您的總金額提交中。 |
6 | Reception and pantry areas are PVC flooring while office area and meeting rooms carpet. Is it alright to maintain this with this new design? 接待區和茶水間是 PVC 地板,而辦公區和會議室是地毯。這個新設計可以保持這樣的佈局嗎? |
Yes it is. 是的,可以。 | ||
7 | Do we need an ECS system for lighting? 我們需要為照明系統安裝 ECS 系統嗎? |
ECS lighting to be priced as optional. ECS 照明將作為選項定價。 |
8 | Can the pigeon holes be combined with the locker area? What are the dimensions requirements for both pigeon holes and lockers? And are there any prexisting examples for us to consider? 鳩穴能否與儲物櫃區域結合?鳩穴和儲物櫃的尺寸要求是什麼?是否有任何現有的範例供我們參考? |
9 | Can company color schemes be provided for our design use? 是否可以提供公司色彩方案供我們設計使用? |
Please refer to VF's primary, secondary, tertiary and accent colors for reference. 請參考 VF 的主要、次要、第三和輔助顏色作為參考。 |
10 | 請問您是否有希望的整體設計風格取向? 請問您是否有希望的整體設計風格取向? | Our preferred office would be modern, bright and open. Good use of space to meet functional requirements. Space planning should make sense as to how users should use the space. Workstations area should be open and not too dense to allow for activities and collaboration to happen. Pantry should be designed to encourage socialization to happen. 我們偏好的辦公室風格是現代、明亮和開放的。良好的空間利用以滿足功能需求。空間規劃應該合理,讓使用者能夠有效使用空間。工作站區域應該是開放的,不要過於密集,以便促進活動和合作的發生。茶水間應設計以鼓勵社交活動的進行。 |
11 | 是否能告訴我們您希望的裝修預算,以利我們提出最佳設計需 求 是否能告訴我們您希望的裝修預算,以利我們提出最佳設計需求? |
Tenderers to focus and balance between cost effectiveness, functionality and aesthetics. The budget will fall within low-to-mid budget range. We will prioritize optimizing space without compromising on quality and practical needs. Tenderers are to ensure final deliverable can meet both aesthetic and operational requirements efficiently. 投標者需專注於成本效益、功能性和美學之間的平衡。預算將落在低至中等的範圍內。我們將優先考慮優化空間,而不妥協於質量和實際需求。投標者需確保最終交付物能有效滿足美學和操作需求。 |