这是用户在 2024-12-31 10:18 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/e8555f52-cd1e-40da-9723-537b3e61c3b1 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

并行安装指南-... 5.2KVA/6KVA/6.2KVA


  1.   导论.… 1
  2.   包装内容。… 1

  3. 安装单位。… 1



    4 2 4 2 4-24-2 .支持三相设备8

      5.PV连接。… 8

  4. LCD设置和显示9

  5. 故障码显示器9
  6.   故障排除. 10



1.单相并联运行最多6台机组。5.2 KW支持的最大输出功率为 31.2 KW / 31.2 KVA 31.2 KW / 31.2 KVA 31.2KW//31.2KVA31.2 \mathrm{KW} / 31.2 \mathrm{KVA} 。支持的6 KW最大输出功率为 36 KW / 36 KVA 36 KW / 36 KVA 36KW//36KVA36 \mathrm{KW} / 36 \mathrm{KVA}


注意:请确保每个逆变器的所有输出 N N NN 线应始终连接。否则,会造成故障。














  模型   导线尺寸 Cable mm 2 (each)  Cable  mm 2  (each)  {:[" Cable "mm^(2)],[" (each) "]:}\begin{gathered} \text { Cable } \mathrm{mm}^{2} \\ \text { (each) } \end{gathered}    T ^("T "){ }^{\text {T }}   闽铝   扭矩值
  直径(mm)   长度(mm)
5.2KW/6KW/6.2KW 1*2AWG 38 6.4 39.2 5Nm
2*4AWG 25 6.4 33.2
Model Wire Size " Cable mm^(2) (each) " Ring ^("T ") minal Torque Value Dimensions D(mm) L(mm) 5.2KW/6KW/6.2KW 1*2AWG 38 6.4 39.2 5Nm https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-04.jpg?height=67&width=59&top_left_y=202&top_left_x=735 2*4AWG 25 6.4 33.2 | Model | Wire Size | $\begin{gathered} \text { Cable } \mathrm{mm}^{2} \\ \text { (each) } \end{gathered}$ | Ring ${ }^{\text {T }}$ | minal | Torque Value | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | | Dimensions | | | | | | | | D(mm) | L(mm) | | | | 5.2KW/6KW/6.2KW | 1*2AWG | 38 | 6.4 | 39.2 | 5Nm | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-04.jpg?height=67&width=59&top_left_y=202&top_left_x=735) | | | 2*4AWG | 25 | 6.4 | 33.2 | | |


  AWG编号   扭矩
10 AWG 1.2 1.6 Nm 1.2 1.6 Nm 1.2∼1.6Nm1.2 \sim 1.6 \mathrm{Nm}
AWG no. Torque 10 AWG 1.2∼1.6Nm| AWG no. | Torque | | :---: | :---: | | 10 AWG | $1.2 \sim 1.6 \mathrm{Nm}$ |

您需要将每个逆变器的电缆连接在一起。以电池电缆为例:您需要使用连接器或汇流条作为接头将电池电缆连接在一起,然后连接到电池端子。从接头到电池所用的电缆尺寸应为上表中电缆尺寸的 X X XX 倍。“ X X XX “表示并联逆变器的数量。关于交流输入和输出,也请遵循相同的原则。

  1台 *
140 A / 70 VDC 140 A / 70 VDC 140A//70VDC140 \mathrm{~A} / 70 \mathrm{VDC}
1 unit* 140A//70VDC| 1 unit* | | :---: | | $140 \mathrm{~A} / 70 \mathrm{VDC}$ |

* 如果整个系统只想在电池侧使用一个断路器,则断路器的额定值应为 X X XX 乘以1个单元的电流。“ X X XX “表示并联的逆变器数量。

  2个单位   3个单位   4个单位   5个单位   6个单位
80 A / 230 VAC 80 A / 230 VAC 80A//230VAC80 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC} 120 A / 230 VAC 120 A / 230 VAC 120A//230VAC120 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC} 160 A / 230 VAC 160 A / 230 VAC 160A//230VAC160 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC} 200 A / 230 VAC 200 A / 230 VAC 200A//230VAC200 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC} 240 A / 230 VAC 240 A / 230 VAC 240A//230VAC240 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}
2 units 3 units 4 units 5 units 6 units 80A//230VAC 120A//230VAC 160A//230VAC 200A//230VAC 240A//230VAC| 2 units | 3 units | 4 units | 5 units | 6 units | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | $80 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}$ | $120 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}$ | $160 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}$ | $200 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}$ | $240 \mathrm{~A} / 230 \mathrm{VAC}$ |

注1:此外,您只能为1台机组使用50 A断路器,并在每个逆变器的交流输入端安装一个断路器。


2 3 4 5 6
  电池容量 200 AH 400 AH 400 AH 600 AH 600 AH
Inverter parallel numbers 2 3 4 5 6 Battery Capacity 200 AH 400 AH 400 AH 600 AH 600 AH| Inverter parallel numbers | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Battery Capacity | 200 AH | 400 AH | 400 AH | 600 AH | 600 AH |







变频器(1)将选项42设置为1 P1,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。

变频器(2)将选项42设置为1 P2并重启变频器检查设置是否成功。





变频器(1)将选项42设置为1 P1,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。

变频器(2)将选项42设置为1 P2,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。
























变频器(2)将选项42设置为1 P 2,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。

变频器(3)将选项42设置为1 P 3,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。









变频器(1)将选项42设置为3 A 1并重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。


变频器(3)将选项42设置为3 C 1,重新启动变频器,检查设置是否成功。





6. LCD设置和显示



并联:本变频器采用并联方式运行(可将第一台设为 1 P 1 1 P 1 1P11 P 1 ,第二台设为1 P2,第三台设为1 P3,以此类推)



A阶段:(可以将阶段 A A AA 的第一台机器设置为3A 1)
[ 4 4 ] = 911 4 4 = 911 [[4],[4]]=911\left[\begin{array}{llll} 4 \\ 4 \end{array}\right]=911

B阶段:(可将阶段 B B BB 的第一台机器设置为3 B 1)
18 [ 18 10 ] 18 18 10  ㅇ  18[[18],[10]]" ㅇ "18\left[\begin{array}{ll} 18 \\ 10 \end{array}\right] \text { ㅇ }

C阶段:(可以将阶段 C C CC 的第一台机器设置为3 C 1)
[ 1 0 10 ] = 15 c i 1 0 10 = 15 c i [[1,0],[10]]quad=15 ci\left[\begin{array}{lll} 1 & 0 \\ 10 \end{array}\right] \quad=15 c i
42 Parallel address Setting (After the program is set, please restart the inverter to take effect.Before confirming that the settings are in effect ,please disconnect the connection between the machine outputs) Single:This inverter is used in single phase application Parallel:This inverter is operated in parallel system(you can set the first machine to 1P1 ,the second machine to 1 P 2 ,the third machine to 1 P 3 ,and so on) When the inverter is operated in 3-p operated in specific phase phase application,set up inverter to be A phase:(you can set the first machine in phase A to 3A1) [[4],[4]]=911 B phase:(you can set the first machine in phase B to 3 B 1 ) 18[[18],[10]]" ㅇ " C phase:(you can set the first machine in phase C to 3 C 1 ) [[1,0],[10]]quad=15 ci | 42 | Parallel address Setting (After the program is set, please restart the inverter to take effect.Before confirming that the settings are in effect ,please disconnect the connection between the machine outputs) | Single:This inverter is used in single phase application | Parallel:This inverter is operated in parallel system(you can set the first machine to $1 P 1$ ,the second machine to 1 P 2 ,the third machine to 1 P 3 ,and so on) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | When the inverter is operated in 3-p operated in specific phase | phase application,set up inverter to be | | | | A phase:(you can set the first machine in phase $A$ to 3A1) $\left[\begin{array}{llll} 4 \\ 4 \end{array}\right]=911$ | B phase:(you can set the first machine in phase $B$ to 3 B 1 ) $18\left[\begin{array}{ll} 18 \\ 10 \end{array}\right] \text { ㅇ }$ | | | | C phase:(you can set the first machine in phase $C$ to 3 C 1 ) $\left[\begin{array}{lll} 1 & 0 \\ 10 \end{array}\right] \quad=15 c i$ | |


  故障代码   故障事件   上查看消费
80   CAN故障
81   寄主丧失 [ 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 [[-1,1],[1,1]]\left[\begin{array}{ll}-1 & 1 \\ \hline 1 & 1\end{array}\right]
82   同步丢失   [日大]
89   均流故障
90   CAN ID设置错误
Fault Code Fault Event Icon on 80 CAN fault https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=70&width=132&top_left_y=568&top_left_x=705 81 Host loss [[-1,1],[1,1]] 82 Synchronization loss [日大]就 83 Battery voltage detected different https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=62&width=121&top_left_y=777&top_left_x=705 84 AC input voltage and frequency detected different https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=123&top_left_y=840&top_left_x=703 85 AC output current unbalance https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=70&width=125&top_left_y=907&top_left_x=701 86 AC output mode setting is different https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=123&top_left_y=978&top_left_x=703 87 Power feedback protection https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=125&top_left_y=1047&top_left_x=701 88 Firmware version inconsistent https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=67&width=134&top_left_y=1112&top_left_x=703 89 Current sharing fault https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=125&top_left_y=1182&top_left_x=701 90 CAN ID setting Error https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=74&width=127&top_left_y=1247&top_left_x=699| Fault Code | Fault Event | Icon on | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 80 | CAN fault | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=70&width=132&top_left_y=568&top_left_x=705) | | 81 | Host loss | $\left[\begin{array}{ll}-1 & 1 \\ \hline 1 & 1\end{array}\right]$ | | 82 | Synchronization loss | [日大]就 | | 83 | Battery voltage detected different | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=62&width=121&top_left_y=777&top_left_x=705) | | 84 | AC input voltage and frequency detected different | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=123&top_left_y=840&top_left_x=703) | | 85 | AC output current unbalance | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=70&width=125&top_left_y=907&top_left_x=701) | | 86 | AC output mode setting is different | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=123&top_left_y=978&top_left_x=703) | | 87 | Power feedback protection | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=125&top_left_y=1047&top_left_x=701) | | 88 | Firmware version inconsistent | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=67&width=134&top_left_y=1112&top_left_x=703) | | 89 | Current sharing fault | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=66&width=125&top_left_y=1182&top_left_x=701) | | 90 | CAN ID setting Error | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_31_c58b8fb0a8f393926de5g-11.jpg?height=74&width=127&top_left_y=1247&top_left_x=699) |


  情况   溶液

故障 代码
Fault Code| Fault | | :--- | | Code |
80   CAN数据丢失

1.检查通讯电缆是否连接好,重新启动变频器。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |
81   主机数据丢失

1.确保所有逆变器共用同一组电池。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1. Make sure all inverters share same groups of batteries together. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1. Make sure all inverters share same groups of batteries together. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |

1.检查公用设施接线连接并重新启动逆变器。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Check the utility wiring conncetion and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Check the utility wiring conncetion and restart the inverter. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |

1.重新启动逆变器。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员
1.Restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer| 1.Restart the inverter. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer |

1.关闭逆变器并检查DIP开关设置。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |

1.重新启动逆变器。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Restart the inverter. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |

1.将所有变频器固件更新为同一版本。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Update all inverter firmware to the same version. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Update all inverter firmware to the same version. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |

1.检查通讯电缆是否连接好,重新启动变频器。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |
90   CAN ID设置错误

1.关闭逆变器并检查DIP开关设置。 2.如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的安装人员。
1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer.| 1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. | | :--- | | 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |
Situation Solution "Fault Code" Fault Event Description 80 CAN data loss "1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 81 Host data loss 82 Synchronization data loss 83 The battery voltage of each inverter isnot the same. "1. Make sure all inverters share same groups of batteries together. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 84 AC input voltage and frequency are detected different "1.Check the utility wiring conncetion and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 85 AC output current unbalance "1.Restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer" 86 AC output mode setting is different "1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 87 Current feedback into the inverter is detected. "1.Restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 88 The firmware version of each inverter is not the same. "1.Update all inverter firmware to the same version. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 89 The output current of each inverter is different. "1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer." 90 CAN ID setting Error "1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer."| Situation | | Solution | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Fault <br> Code | Fault Event Description | | | 80 | CAN data loss | 1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 81 | Host data loss | | | 82 | Synchronization data loss | | | 83 | The battery voltage of each inverter isnot the same. | 1. Make sure all inverters share same groups of batteries together. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 84 | AC input voltage and frequency are detected different | 1.Check the utility wiring conncetion and restart the inverter. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 85 | AC output current unbalance | 1.Restart the inverter. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer | | 86 | AC output mode setting is different | 1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 87 | Current feedback into the inverter is detected. | 1.Restart the inverter. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 88 | The firmware version of each inverter is not the same. | 1.Update all inverter firmware to the same version. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 89 | The output current of each inverter is different. | 1.Check if communication cables are connected well and restart the inverter. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. | | 90 | CAN ID setting Error | 1.Switch off the inverter and check the DIP switch setting. <br> 2.If the problem remains, please contact your installer. |