Isha Foundation 瑜伽基金會 寄件者: 寄件者: 收件者: 收件者: 12月19日 週四 於 下午3:02 12月19日 週四 於 下午3:02 ⚖️ Marghazhi Sadhana Now Available on Sadhguru App! Margazhi is a time of stability. If you use this stability to bring balance to your system, this can become a time of great spiritual possibility. 瑪嘉希月是一個穩定的時期。如果你利用這種穩定性來平衡你的系統,這可以成為一個巨大的靈性可能性的時期。 Namaskaram Yao-chiu Huang, 南無 姚秋煌, Margazhi sadhana is a program designed by Sadhguru, for those who are seeking to deepen their sadhana and establish themselves in balance, vibrance, and stability, during the spiritually significant period of Margazhi. 瑪嘉希修持是由薩古魯設計的一個修行計劃,適合那些希望在靈性意義重大的瑪嘉希期間加深修持,並在平衡、活力和穩定中確立自我的人。 We are thrilled to announce that Margazhi Sadhana is now available on the Sadhguru app , which you can make use of to intensify your sadhana from your own space! 我們很高興地宣布,Margazhi Sadhana 現已在 Sadhguru 應用程式上推出,您可以利用它在自己的空間中加強修行! What is Margazhi Sadhana Online? 什麼是線上 Margazhi Sadhana? This is a spiritually significant 21-day journey designed to bring the sacred ambience of the Isha Yoga Center right into your home and deepen your sadhana! 這是一個具有靈性意義的21天旅程,旨在將 Isha 瑜伽中心的神聖氛圍帶入您的家中,加深您的修行! Register 註冊 What’s in store for you? 為您準備了什麼? These 21 days will include daily guided sadhana sessions in both the mornings and evenings. 這21天將包括早晚每日引導式修行課程。 Morning Sadhana 晨間修行 Guru Pooja 上師供養 Mahamantra Chanting (a rare offering for those outside the Isha Yoga Center) 大明咒誦唱(一個難得提供給伊沙瑜伽中心以外人士的機會) Guided Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya 引導式香巴維大手印修習 An insightful video from Sadhguru 薩古魯的深刻視頻開示 Evening Sadhana 晚間修行 Unique Margazhi Mantra, specially designed by Sadhguru 由薩古魯特別設計的獨特摩揭月咒語 Sadhguru Presence Time at 6:20pm 薩古魯臨在時間:下午6:20 Sadhguru discourses exploring the path of devotion and the cultural richness of Margazhi 薩古魯開示探索虔誠之路和瑪嘉希月的文化豐富性 It is recommended to start the morning sadhana at 5:30 AM , just as it happens at Isha Yoga Center. If you are unable to manage this and wish to start earlier or later, all sessions will also be available to view on demand. 建議在早上5:30開始修習,就像在伊沙瑜伽中心一樣。如果您無法配合這個時間,想要提早或延後開始,所有課程也都可以隨時觀看。 When will it happen? 什麼時候會舉行? 22 December 2024 – 11 January 2025 2024年12月22日至2025年1月11日 Where can I participate? 我在哪裡可以參加? 💠 💠 Margazhi Sadhana is available on the Sadhguru app and offered for free . Margazhi Sadhana 可在 Sadhguru 應用程式上免費使用。 💠 💠 You can also join the live sadhana support sessions with Ishangas as well as special offerings such as Nada Aradhana, Devi Abhishekam, and more! 您還可以參加與 Ishanga 一起進行的實時修持支援課程,以及諸如 Nada Aradhana、Devi Abhishekam 等特別活動! Frequently Asked Questions 常見問題 Can I change the order of my practices during this phase? 在這個階段我可以改變修持的順序嗎?
Yes, you can change the order of your practices so that you can participate in the Margazhi Sadhana. 是的,您可以調整練習的順序,以便參與瑪嘉希修行。 Can I skip some days and join back? 我可以跳過某些天然後再重新加入嗎?
If you cannot attend the sadhana on a certain day, you can still join the next day. However, it is best to do the sadhana daily. 如果您某天無法參加修行,您仍可以在下一天加入。不過,最好是每天都進行修行。 Can I do the evening Margazhi Sadhana at a different time? 我可以在不同時間進行晚間瑪嘉希修行嗎?
You can do the Margazhi Mantra at any time, but ensure to sit for Sadhguru’s Presence at 6:20 PM local time. 你可以在任何時候做瑪嘉希咒語,但請確保在當地時間下午6:20坐下來感受薩古魯的臨在。 Can I chant the Mahamantra on my own at home? 我可以在家自己唱誦大明咒嗎?
Usually, the powerful Mahamantra chanting with Sadhguru is offered only within the Isha Yoga Center and is not recommended at home. However, as an exception for this Margazhi Sadhana, chanting of the mantra is being offered to those outside the Centre as well. 通常,與薩古魯一起進行的強大明咒唱誦只在伊沙瑜伽中心內提供,不建議在家進行。然而,作為本次瑪嘉希修行的特例,咒語的唱誦也向中心以外的人開放。 Can someone who has not completed the Inner Engineering program take part? 未完成內在工程課程的人可以參加嗎?
No, this sadhana is only for those who have completed Inner Engineering, including Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. 不可以,這個修行法門只適用於已完成內在工程課程(包括香巴維大手印奎利亞)的人。 Being together for Sadhana at Isha Place 在Isha場所一起進行修行 💠 💠 Isha places near you will be open on specific mornings from Dec 22 to Jan 12 to provide a conducive environment for your in-person Sadhana during Margazhi. 從12月22日到1月12日,您附近的Isha場所將在特定的早晨開放,為您在瑪迦希期間提供適合親身修行的環境。 💠 💠 We will start with Guru Pooja and then everyone can go through sadhana in the same space being together just like how sadhana space is created in Isha Yoga Center. Just being together and practising together can create a powerful impact on your own experience. 我們將從古魯崇拜開始,然後每個人都可以在同一個空間一起進行修持,就像在伊沙瑜伽中心創造的修持空間一樣。僅僅是在一起修持就能對你的個人體驗產生強大的影響。 Isha Yoga Centre Hong Kong 香港伊沙瑜伽中心 Weekdays 7:00 - 9:00 AM 平日 上午7:00 - 9:00 Isha Yoga Centre Malaysia 馬來西亞伊沙瑜伽中心 Weekends 5:20 - 8:00 AM 週末 上午5:20 - 8:00 Isha Yoga Centre Singapore 新加坡伊沙瑜伽中心 Weekends 7:00 - 9:00 AM 週末 早上7:00 - 9:00 Isha Yoga Centre Melbourne 墨爾本伊沙瑜伽中心 Weekends 6:30 - 9:00 AM 週末 早上6:30 - 9:00 We hope you make the most of this offering to establish balance and vibrance this Margazhi. 我們希望您能充分利用這個機會,在瑪嘉希月期間建立平衡與活力。 In Love, Light and Laughter 以愛、光明和歡笑 Isha Volunteers 伊沙志願者 Copyright © 2024 Isha 版權所有 © 2024 Isha | Contact us | Unsubscribe | 聯絡我們 | 取消訂閱
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