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The Relationship between Inclination for Conscious Movement Monitoring and Control and Stopping a Golf Stroke

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Received 04 Jul 2023, Accepted 27 Jun 2024, Published online: 12 Jul 2024
收稿日期 2023年7月4日,接受日期 2024年6月27日,在线发布: 2024年7月12日

Abstract 抽象的

Increased conscious movement monitoring and control can impair sports performance. Recent evidence indicates it might facilitate stopping motor actions. To further investigate, we asked novices to putt balls, but they needed to stop promptly while an auditory cue appeared during the downswing. They also completed the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale, which measures movement self-consciousness (MS-C) and conscious motor processing, indicating the degree of inclination for conscious movement monitoring and control, respectively. Individuals with high MS-C displayed higher stopping rates but longer stopping time. Further exploration suggests that they were more likely to make slow downswings, allowing successful but late stops. We conclude that increased conscious movement monitoring may affect movement execution in such a way that it affords better stopping of ongoing motor actions.
增加有意识的运动监测和控制会损害运动表现。最近的证据表明它可能有助于停止运动动作。为了进一步调查,我们要求新手推杆,但他们需要在下杆期间出现听觉提示时立即停止。他们还完成了运动特定再投资量表,该量表测量运动自我意识(MS-C)和有意识运动处理,分别表明有意识运动监测和控制的倾向程度。 MS-C 较高的个体表现出较高的停止率,但停止时间较长。进一步的探索表明,他们更有可能缓慢下跌,从而允许成功但较晚的止损。我们的结论是,增加有意识的运动监控可能会影响运动执行,从而更好地停止正在进行的运动动作。

Introduction 介绍

Athletes pursue optimal performance during competition. Interestingly, many elite athletes indicate that they typically do not or pay only little conscious attention toward the execution of movements, that is, on how movements should unfold in space and time, when performing optimally (Toner & Moran, Citation2011). In fact, increased conscious investment in monitoring and control of movement is often associated with suboptimal performance (Beilock & Carr, Citation2001; Masters, Citation1992; Maxwell et al., Citation2006; Toner & Moran, Citation2011). For example, when expert golf players were instructed to turn attention inwards to the ongoing putting movement and (afterwards) reported which part of the putter face contacted the ball, their performance worsened in comparison to a condition without instruction (Toner & Moran, Citation2011). A similar phenomenon is thought to underpin break downs of performance in high pressure situations. These lead to increased conscious monitoring and control of normally automatized movement control, which may disrupt performance, especially in skilled athletes (Beilock & Carr, Citation2001, Masters & Maxwell, Citation2008).
运动员在比赛中追求最佳表现。有趣的是,许多精英运动员表示,他们通常不会或很少有意识地关注动作的执行,即在最佳表现时动作应如何在空间和时间上展开(Toner & Moran, Citation 2011 )。事实上,增加对运动监测和控制的有意识投资通常与次优表现相关(Beilock & Carr, Citation 2001 ;Masters, Citation 1992 ;Maxwell 等人, Citation 2006 ;Toner & Moran, Citation 2011 )。例如,当专业高尔夫球手被指示将注意力转向正在进行的推杆运动并(随后)报告推杆面的哪一部分接触球时,与没有指导的情况相比,他们的表现会恶化(Toner & Moran, Citation 2011) )。人们认为,类似的现象会导致高压情况下的表现下降。这些导致对通常自动运动控制的有意识监视和控制的增加,这可能会扰乱表现,特别是对于技术熟练的运动员(Beilock&Carr, Citation 2001 ,Masters&Maxwell, Citation 2008 )。

Yet, some researchers have suggested that increased conscious investment in movement can also be accommodating, particularly when a movement suddenly needs to be stopped or inhibited (Beilock & Gray, Citation2012; Park et al., Citation2020). Abruptly stopping or profoundly changing an ongoing or planned action is especially necessitated in the unpredictable dynamics of sporting environments (Gray, Citation2009). For example, in soccer, the penalty kicker may interrupt the planned action and opt instead to kick to the side opposite of the initially intended side because of the goalkeeper’s actions (Morya et al., Citation2003; van der Kamp, Citation2006). Or in baseball, the batter may stop the swing at the latest moment when it appears that the trajectory of the oncoming ball is different from what was initially perceived (Gray, Citation2009). Therefore, to stop or inhibit planned or ongoing movements quickly and (just) in time can be crucial to successful sport performance. Increased conscious movement monitoring and control has been suggested to speed up inhibition (Beilock & Gray, Citation2012; Park et al., Citation2020). Beilock and Gray (Citation2012) recruited novices and skilled golfers and required them to stop golf putting strokes in response to an auditory stop-signal. They reported that novices had shorter stopping time and distances compared to the skilled golfers when the stop-signal appeared during the downswing. Novices thus seemed more proficient in inhibiting the golf swing compared to experienced golfers. Since novices compared to skilled performers typically show increased conscious engagement in movement behavior, Beilock and Gray (Citation2012) proposed that skilled golfers were slower in stopping because they first had to (re-)direct attention to the movement. By contrast, novices could forego this step since they were already consciously attending inward.
然而,一些研究人员认为,增加对运动的有意识投资也可以起到调节作用,特别是当运动突然需要停止或抑制时(Beilock & Gray, Citation 2012 ;Park et al., Citation 2020 )。在不可预测的动态运动环境中,突然停止或深刻改变正在进行或计划的动作尤其必要(Gray, Citation 2009 )。例如,在足球中,由于守门员的行为,点球手可能会打断计划的动作并选择踢到与最初预期一侧相反的一侧(Morya 等人, Citation 2003 ;van der Kamp, Citation 2006 )。或者在棒球中,当即将到来的球的轨迹与最初感知的不同时,击球手可能会在最后一刻停止挥杆(Gray, Citation 2009 )。因此,快速、及时地停止或抑制计划中或正在进行的运动对于成功的运动表现至关重要。有人建议增加有意识的运动监测和控制来加速抑制(Beilock & Gray,引文2012 ;Park 等人,引文2020 )。 Beilock 和 Gray(引文2012 )招募了新手和熟练的高尔夫球手,并要求他们在听到停止信号时停止高尔夫推杆。 他们报告说,与熟练的高尔夫球手相比,当下杆期间出现停止信号时,新手的停止时间和距离更短。因此,与经验丰富的高尔夫球手相比,新手似乎更擅长抑制高尔夫挥杆。由于与熟练的高尔夫球手相比,新手通常会表现出更多的有意识地参与运动行为,Beilock 和 Gray(引文2012 )提出,熟练的高尔夫球手停下来的速度较慢,因为他们首先必须(重新)将注意力转移到运动上。相比之下,新手可以放弃这一步,因为他们已经有意识地向内关注。

The degree of conscious movement investment not only differentiates novices and skilled performers but is also considered a disposition that explains interindividual differences (i.e., within a level of skill) in the degree to which performers lean toward conscious investment in movement monitoring and control. This disposition can be measured with the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale (MSRS, Malhotra et al., Citation2015; Masters & Maxwell, Citation2008; Masters et al., Citation1993, Citation2005). Movement reinvestment is used as an umbrella term merging different ways of how consciousness engages in movement (Masters & Maxwell, Citation2008). The original MSRS consisted of two factors, named conscious motor processing (CMP) and movement self-consciousness (MS-C, Masters et al., Citation2005). CMP reflects an individual’s inclination to consciously regulate or apply explicit movement rules in the ongoing movements, for instance, by actively adjusting movement form or speed in response to instructions. MS-C refers to an individual’s concern or attention to the ‘style’ of movement, for instance, when trying to make a good impression in public (Masters et al., Citation2005; Masters & Maxwell, Citation2008). Recently, however, Malhotra et al. (Citation2015) reinterpreted the MS-C to generally reflect the conscious monitoring of movement without necessarily having the intention to actively intervene in its execution. This reading followed from their observations that both CMP and MS-C were associated with novices’ golf putting performance during early practice, higher scores for CMP and MS-C were related to better performance. Malhotra et al. (Citation2015, p. 6) argued that “it is difficult to comprehend how being self-conscious about movements or being concerned about the ‘style’ of movement manifests in more proficient performance in practice”. Instead, they argued, MS-C would be more appropriately taken to represent a conscious monitoring or paying attention to one’s movements without actively intervening in them. In fact, Malhotra et al. (Citation2015) proposed, following an earlier lead by Jackson et al. (Citation2006), that the two factors of MSRS draw a distinction between conscious movement control and movement monitoring. We are sympathetic to this proposal, and thus interpret the CMP and MS-C factors of the MSRS to measure an individual’s inclination to consciously control and monitor one’s movements, respectively. Skilled athletes with a higher inclination for conscious movement control and monitoring are more likely to show performance break downs in high pressure situations (Chell et al., Citation2003; Jackson et al., Citation2006; Citation2013; Tang et al., Citation2023), presumably because they reinvest conscious attention in already automatized movement behaviors. Also, without contingencies such as high pressure, the MSRS is shown to be sensitive to individual differences in the degree movements to which they tend to consciously attend to and control movements. For example, novices with higher CMP and MS-C scores, and therefore a higher inclination for conscious movement investment, showed higher performance of golf putting (Malhotra et al., Citation2015).
有意识的动作投入程度不仅区分新手和熟练的表演者,而且还被认为是解释表演者倾向于有意识地投入运动监控和控制的程度的一种倾向(即在技能水平内)。这种处置可以通过运动特定再投资量表来衡量(MSRS,Malhotra 等人,引文2015 ;Masters & Maxwell,引文2008 ;Masters 等人,引文1993引文2005 )。运动再投资被用作一个涵盖性术语,融合了意识参与运动的不同方式(Masters & Maxwell, Citation 2008 )。最初的 MSRS 由两个因素组成,称为有意识运动处理(CMP)和运动自我意识(MS-C,Masters 等人, Citation 2005 )。 CMP反映了个体在正在进行的运动中有意识地调节或应用明确的运动规则的倾向,例如,根据指令主动调整运动形式或速度。 MS-C 指的是个人对运动“风格”的关注或注意,例如,当试图在公共场合留下好印象时(Masters 等人, Citation 2005 ;Masters & Maxwell, Citation 2008 )。然而,最近,Malhotra 等人。 (引文2015 )重新解释了 MS-C,一般反映了对运动的有意识监控,而不一定有主动干预其执行的意图。这一读数是根据他们的观察得出的,即 CMP 和 MS-C 都与新手在早期练习中的高尔夫推杆表现相关,CMP 和 MS-C 得分越高,表现越好。马尔霍特拉等人。 (引文2015 ,第 6 页)认为“很难理解对动作的自我意识或对动作‘风格’的关注如何在实践中体现出更熟练的表现”。相反,他们认为,MS-C 更适合代表有意识地监控或关注一个人的动作,而不主动干预它们。事实上,马尔霍特拉等人。 ( Citation 2015 ) 是在 Jackson 等人的早期领导下提出的。 ( Citation 2006 ),MSRS 的两个因素区分了有意识的运动控制和运动监控。我们赞同这一提议,因此解释了 MSRS 的 CMP 和 MS-C 因子,以分别衡量个体有意识地控制和监控自己的运动的倾向。更倾向于有意识的运动控制和监测的熟练运动员更有可能在高压情况下表现出表现下降(Chell 等人,引用2003 年;Jackson 等人,2003 年)。,引文2006引文2013 ; Tang 等人,引用2023 ),大概是因为他们将有意识的注意力重新投入到已经自动化的运动行为中。此外,在没有高压等意外情况的情况下,MSRS 对运动程度的个体差异很敏感,他们倾向于有意识地关注和控制运动。例如,具有较高 CMP 和 MS-C 分数的新手,因此更倾向于有意识的运动投资,表现出更高的高尔夫推杆表现(Malhotra 等人,引文2015 )。

Recently, Park et al. (Citation2020) directly examined the relationship between the ability to inhibit simple movements and the inclination for conscious movement investment. They hypothesized that participants who showed more proficient inhibition would have a low inclination for conscious movement investment (Park et al., Citation2020). They had participants complete the MSRS and perform a computerized Go/No-Go Task to measure inhibition. In the Go/No-Go Task participants respond to the prevalent go-stimulus but withhold that response when the less frequent no-go stimulus appears. Park et al. (Citation2020) found a negative correlation between MSRS score and the variability in the go response time. However, there was no significant correlation between MSRS score and the number of false responses to the no-go stimuli (i.e., commission errors), which is the primary indicator of inhibition in the Go/No-Go Task. If anything, this suggests that individuals with a high inclination to consciously invest in movement monitoring and control, have more proficient inhibition ability, which contradicts Park et al.’s hypothesis. Yet, this finding does seem to (partly) corroborate Beilock and Gray (Citation2012) observations. Possibly, the association observed in Park et al. (Citation2020) in the simple button press tasks is even more pronounced for more complex movements involving multiple degrees of freedom.
最近,帕克等人。 (引文2020 )直接检验了抑制简单运动的能力与有意识运动投资的倾向之间的关系。他们假设表现出更熟练抑制的参与者对有意识运动投资的倾向较低(Park 等人,引文2020 )。他们让参与者完成 MSRS 并执行计算机化的 Go/No-Go 任务来测量抑制。在“进行/不进行”任务中,参与者对普遍的“进行”刺激做出反应,但当出现不太频繁的“不进行”刺激时,则不会做出反应。帕克等人。 (引文2020 )发现 MSRS 分数与 go 响应时间的变异性之间存在负相关。然而,MSRS 分数与对不进行刺激的错误反应数量(即委托错误)之间没有显着相关性,而这是进行/不进行任务中抑制的主要指标。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是,这表明,高度倾向于有意识地投资于运动监测和控制的个体,具有更熟练的抑制能力,这与 Park 等人的假设相矛盾。然而,这一发现似乎确实(部分)证实了 Beilock 和 Gray(引文2012 )的观察结果。 Park 等人可能观察到这种关联。 (引文2020 )在简单的按钮按下任务中,对于涉及多个自由度的更复杂的运动来说更加明显。

Typically, the conscious monitoring and control of movement is understood in the context of cognitive theories that hold that internal representations or motor programs underpin movement behavior (Masters & Maxwell, Citation2008). The key argument follows from early work by Fitts and Posner (Citation1967), Keele (Citation1968) that novices consciously control or monitor their movements, but that with learning the explicit knowledge that they have accumulated becomes internalized into motor programs. Once the program is acquired, executive conscious monitoring and control is superfluous and, consequently, the movement normally runs off automatically or unconsciously (Schneider & Shiffrin, Citation1977; Willingham, Citation1999). It follows that conscious control and monitoring of movement is beneficial for beginners, but degrades movement performance among skilled performers, because it interferes with the already automatized control (Beilock et al., Citation2002; Beilock & Carr, Citation2001; Maxwell et al., Citation2006; Perkins-Ceccato et al., Citation2003). For example, Beilock et al. (Citation2002) reported that novice soccer players dribbled faster when they were instructed to report whether they touched the ball with the outside or inside of their foot on hearing a loud a tone compared to when they had to identify a targe