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Jakarta, March 27, 2013

Subject: Job Application

Dear Sir,

HRDTrihamas Finance

Trihamas Building

Jl. Let. General TB. Simatupang Kav. 11

Tanjung Barat - Jakarta 12530

With respect,

As per the job vacancy offer from Trihamas Finance. I propose myself to jointhe position of BOS Branch Office Supportat Trihamas Finance..

My brief data, as follows.

Name :Muliana Sukatendel

Place, Tdate of Birth :Bandar Muda, July 2, 1990.

Final Education :S-1AccountingUnivTrisakti University - Jakarta.

Address :Jl. Taman Apel VII No. 131 Tanjung Duren, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta - 11470

No. Phone, Eemail : 0813-9775-3190,

Marital Status : Unmarried

I have excellent health, can communicate well, and can work professionally.

For your consideration, I enclose:

Listcurriculum vitae.

Photo copy surat keterangan lulus (SKL)and transcript value.

I hope that you will take the time to give me an interview, so that I can explain in more detail about my potential.

Thus this application letter and thank you for your attention.


Muliana Sukatendel