Defamatory statement that turns out to be false 被证实为虚假的诽谤性声明
Statement to be of or concerning the 声明属于或涉及
3.Published to a third party 3. 向第三方公布
4. .
B. Defamatory Statement: A defamatory statement is one that injures the plaintiff's reputation. 嘼 Honesty; Integrity; Morality B.诽谤性声明:诽谤性声明是指损害原告名誉的声明。嘼诚实;正直;道德
Mere name calling is not enough. 仅仅骂人是不够的。
1. Examples 1.实例
Example #1: Talk Show Host calls Dr. Greene a "buffoon". Is this a "defamatory statement?" 示例 1:脱口秀主持人称格林博士为 "小丑"。这是 "诽谤性言论 "吗?
? No. This might be insulting, but it's mere name calling, and it's not detrimental to Dr.'s reputation. ?不,这可能是一种侮辱,但这只是一种称呼,并不会损害博士的声誉。
Example #2: Talk Show Host says that Dr. Greene has performed unnecessary surgeries. Is this a "defamatory statement?" 示例 2:脱口秀主持人说格林医生做了不必要的手术。这是 "诽谤性声明 "吗?
? Yes. That implies that the Dr. is incompetent as in ethnics. ?是的。这就意味着医生不称职,就像人种学一样。
COMMON LAW [? Truth: The defendant bears the burden of proving truth. Therefore, at common law, truth is a defense to a defamation claim. 普通法[? 真实性:被告承担证明真实性的责任。因此,在普通法中,真实性是诽谤索赔的抗辩理由。
C. Of and Concerning: The defendant's statement must reasonably be understood to refer to the plaintiff. C.关于:被告的陈述必须被合理地理解为是指原告。
Normally tested when it involves a group of people, and it depends on the size of the group. 通常在涉及一群人时进行测试,这取决于群体的大小。
Example: Defendant says: "The lawyers in this town steal their clients' money." Is this statement "of and concerning" any particular lawyer ... 例如:被告说:"这个镇上的律师都偷客户的钱"。这句话是否 "属于并涉及 "任何特定的律师......
In a town with three lawyers? 在一个有三名律师的小镇?
? Yes, it is of and concerning a particular lawyer in the group. ?是的,是关于小组中的某位律师的。
In a large city? 在大城市?
? No, it is not. ?不,不是这样的。
D. Publication: The statement must be communicated to a third person. D.发表:声明必须传达给第三人。
The third person(s) must be capable of understanding it. E.g., Talk Show Host said about Dr. Greene in English, but none of the 第三者必须能够理解。例如,脱口秀主持人用英语谈论格林博士,但没有一个人
Publication must be at least negligent if not intentional on the part of the . 的发布即使不是有意为之,也必须至少是出于疏忽。
Therefore, if a carefully tries to avoid other see or hear the statement, that almost always insolates her from defamation liability. 因此,如果 小心翼翼地尽量避免他人看到或听到其言论,几乎总是可以免除其诽谤责任。
Example: Talk Show Host confronts Dr. Greene quietly in his office, but is overheard by Eavesdropper. Has Talk Show Host "published" his statement to Eavesdropper? 举例说明:脱口秀主持人在格林医生的办公室里悄悄地与他对质,但被偷听者听到了。脱口秀主持人是否向偷听者 "公布 "了他的陈述?
? No, b/c based on the facts given, there is no E showing that Talk Show Host is intentional or negligent. ?没有,因为根据所提供的事实,没有证据表明脱口秀主持人是故意或疏忽。
E. Damages: When defamation is spoken (slander), the plaintiff must prove special damages. When defamation is written or broadcast (libel), juries may presume damages. E.损害赔偿:口头诽谤(诽谤)时,原告必须证明特别损害赔偿。如果是书面或广播诽谤(诽谤),陪审团可以推定损害赔偿。
Exception: A plaintiff can recover presumed damages in cases of slander per se. The traditional categories of slander per se are 例外:在诽谤本身案件中,原告可获得推定损害赔偿。诽谤本身的传统类别有
Statements that impune one's trade or profession. 诋毁个人行业或职业的言论。
Statements accusing someone of a serious crime 指控某人犯有严重罪行的声明
anything punishable by imprisonment 监禁
Traditionally, statements that will imply the has a "loathsome disease" 传统上,会暗示 患有 "令人厌恶的疾病 "的言论
Traditionally, statements that impune unchastity to a woman 传统上,指责妇女不贞的言论
? Although some jdx. had abandoned this and apply the new rule that includes men b/c of the potential gender bias ?虽然有些 jdx 放弃了这一做法,而采用了包括男性在内的新规则,因为可能存在性别偏见。
II. Common Law: Defenses - not often tested II.普通法:抗辩--不常见
A. Truth bears the burden A. 承担责任
B. Absolute Privilege - if the statement were made intentionally, or even maliciously B.绝对特权--如果陈述是故意,甚至是恶意作出的
Categories 类别
a. Judicial proceedings statements made by judges, lawyers, Ws or anything that pertains to the course of litigation a. 法官、律师、证人或任何与诉讼过程有关的人发表的司法程序声明
b. Statements made in the course of legislative proceeding by executive branch b.行政部门在立法程序中的发言
c. c.
Tip: If an absolute privilege applies, it applies no matter how bad the defendant behaves. 提示:如果适用绝对特权,则无论被告行为多么恶劣,该特权都适用。
Example: During floor debate, Senator falsely says that Constituent cheated the welfare system. Can Constituent successfully maintain a defamation action? 举例说明:在议会辩论中,参议员谎称选民欺骗了福利制度。选民能否成功提起诽谤诉讼?
? No, b/c the statement was made during legislative proceeding. And the context is privileged against the defamation claim. ?不是,因为声明是在立法程序中做出的。而且,针对诽谤索赔,上下文是保密的。
C. Qualified Privilege - not often tested C.有条件的特权--不经常测试
A person has a qualified privilege to make a defamatory statement in the course of legitimate public debate, or more commonly, is to serve the interest of the person who is receiving the information, the might be liable if she abuses the privilege. 一个人在合法的公开辩论过程中发表诽谤性言论,或者更常见的是为接收信息的人的利益服务,是享有特定特权的,如果 滥用了这一特权,可能要承担法律责任。
III. Constitutional Limitations III.宪法限制
A. General Rule: The First Amendment protects speech on matters of public concern. In cases involving such speech, the Supreme Court has added two elements to the plaintiff's prima facie case. [ +4 common law element] A.一般规则:第一修正案保护有关公众关注事项的言论。在涉及此类言论的案件中,最高法院在原告表面证据确凿的案件中增加了两个要素。[ +4 普通法要素]
Falsity: The plaintiff must prove that the statement was false. 虚假性:原告必须证明陈述是虚假的。
Fault: The plaintiff must prove some level of fault regarding the 's knowledge of whether the statement was true or false 过错:原告必须证明 在了解声明真假方面存在一定程度的过错。
a. Public Persons: A public plaintiff must prove actual malice. The Supreme Court defines actual malice as the either knew her statement was false or that the had reckless disregard of the truth but published the statement anyway New York Times . Sullivan a.公众人物:公众原告必须证明实际恶意。最高法院将实际恶意定义为 要么知道自己的陈述是虚假的,要么 罔顾事实真相,但还是发表了该陈述,《纽约时报》 。沙利文
Public officials - elected officials; candidate for office; most other gov't officials and some positions of authority 公职人员--民选官员;公职候选人;大多数其他政府官员和一些权力职位
Public figures - non-gov't actors who are in positions of tremendous affects or fame 公众人物 - 具有巨大影响力或名气的非政府部门演员
b. Private Persons: A private plaintiff must prove fault amounting to at least negligence b.私人:私人原告必须证明其过失至少相当于疏忽
Example: Talk Show Host accuses Dr. Weaver of bribing a jury in a malpractice case. What level of fault must Dr. Weaver prove in a defamation action against Talk Show Host? 举例说明:脱口秀主持人指控韦弗医生在一起渎职案件中贿赂陪审团。在针对脱口秀主持人的诽谤诉讼中,韦弗医生必须证明哪种程度的过错?
?. Only to the level that the Talk Show Host should have known that he didn't bribe the jury. - normal reasonably prudent person standard ?.只有到了脱口秀主持人应该知道他没有贿赂陪审团的程度。- 正常的合理审慎者标准
B. Damages: In matters of public concern, all plaintiffs must prove actual malice to recover presumed or punitive damages. B.损害赔偿:在公众关注的问题上,所有原告必须证明实际恶意才能获得推定或惩罚性赔偿。
No presumed dmg. in any case, even for a private person, if it involves public concern. 在任何情况下,如果涉及公众利益,即使是个人,也不能假定其受到损害。
I. Appropriation I.拨款
Normally will test one in exam 通常会在考试中测试一个
A. Definition: Use of the plaintiff's name or picture or likeness for commercial advantage without permission. A.定义:未经许可使用原告的姓名、照片或肖像以谋取商业利益。
Example: Wheaties puts Celebrity's picture on a cereal box. Appropriation? ? Yes, b/c Wheaties used Celebrity's picture for commercial advantage w/o permission. 例如:Wheaties 把名人的照片印在麦片盒上。挪用??是的,因为 Wheaties 公司未经许可使用名人的照片以谋取商业利益。
B. Limitation: Plaintiff's likeness must be used for advertising, promotional, or labeling purposes. Newsworthy use of a celebrity's name, picture or likeness is not appropriation. B.限制:原告的肖像必须用于广告、促销或标签目的。对名人姓名、照片或肖像的新闻性使用不属于侵占。
II. Intrusion II.入侵
A. Definition: Interference with a plaintiff's seclusion in a way that would be highly offensive to a reasonable person. A.定义:干扰原告的隐居,其方式会对一个正常人造成极大的冒犯。
You don't have to physically come to somebody's property to be liable for this T. 你不必亲自到别人的财产上,也要对 T 负责。
? E.g., a telescope or eavesdropping device. ?例如,望远镜或窃听装置。