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Guide and Walkthrough (Japanese) (PS2) by Kouli

Version: 0.4 | Updated: 02/23/2006

-- Ar Tonelico: Sekai No Owari De Shi Tsudzukeru Shoujo --
-- FAQ/Walkthrough --
-- By Ken "Kouli/Ice" Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) --
-- Version 0.4 --


<Beforehand Words>

This game is a collaboration between Banpresto and Gust, then it's published by
Banpresto. As for this FAQ/Walkthrough, it's based on the Japanese version of
"Ar Tonelico: Sekai No Owari De Shi Tsudzukeru Shoujo" that is released on Jan
26th, 2006. Also, this FAQ could contain spoilers.

BTW, Sekai means The World; Owari means The End; Shi means Poem/Poetry, but in
this game's context, it's Uta which means Song/Sing. Tsudzukeru means Continue;
Shoujo means Girl; In the end, you get "The Girl That Continues Singing At The
End Of The World".


<Update Logs>

\February 7th~8th, 2006/
- Version 0.1, beginning to write the walkthrough

\February 8th~12th, 2006/
- Version 0.2, continue on the walkthrough & got to early Phase 2(Orica Route)

\February 12th~19th, 2006/
- Version 0.3, moving slowly with the walkthrough & got to early Phase 3(Orica

\February 19th~23rd, 2006/
- Version 0.4, moving slowly as well but got the walkthrough done


<Phase 1>

~Sky City Platina/Disciples' Altar
Shortly after scenes, you will be in your first battle, with Lyner, Ayatane and
Syureria as your party. Keep on attacking and it will get transparent. With an
attack from the enemy, you will be forced to retreat. You will end up getting
the Humune Brooch at the end.

~Viola Forest
Save your game at near south. Go right and get the Handkerchief. Continue on,
there is an item on the way. Continue on and an intersection eventually, take
the north path, it leads to 2 items. After, take the south and save your game.
Once you are out, head to Karl Village.

~Karl Village
Head to the Central Plaza. After, the Inn and General Shop are available. Visit
the General Shop then exit out to the World Map. Head back to Viola Forest.

~Viola Forest
Head back toward the Airship. Afterward, Jack will join the party. Exit out and
go back to Karl Village.

~Karl Village
After, Cello Forest will be added to the World Map. Go there.

~Cello Forest
Continue on to fight the Blue Beasts. You will be forced to retreat. Anyway, go
on through the forest and head toward the north for an item. After that, head
back to the Karl Village.

~Karl Village
Head to the Inn. After, Tower Guardian will be added and go there. Speak with
the female behind the counter. After, speak with the near oldman. He will show
you to make a Kaifukun C.

Afterward, head to the Inn. Speak with the Owner and more Glass Melk. Make few
Messoo. After, go back to that oldman. Exit out and go back to Cello Forest.

~Cello Forest
Continue on to fight the Blue Beasts. Jack can attack and Lyner to support. If
you think that's a bit slow, use Messoo.

After, get the item near and back to the Viola Forest.

~Viola Forest
Head to the Airship for more scene. After, back to Cello Forest.

~Cello Forest
Continue to the east. More scene on the way. After, move on and exit out to the
World Map. Head to Nemo.

~Airport City Nemo
Head to the Star Street. You will get into a fight against ABR. Orica will be
supporting you here. Press Triangle and pick the Song. After, keep on attacking
with Lyner and Jack. If you need to heal, use items. Once the Song is ready,
press Triangle again and activate it. If you need to heal, Orica can also help
you on that.

After, you can head to the El Elemia Church. Next, to the Inn. You will get the
Double Attack and you can now Power your Equipment. Speak with Orica and select
Yes. Then to the Bar to speak with Jack. At the end, exit out to fight Bord. Do
not bother, you can't win.

~Tenpa Research Lab
After scenes, a battle. Misya will join the party. Save your game. If you check
out the Rest option, the Inn Talk System will be opened.

Moving on, check the near cells for 2 items. You will get into another battle
after. Now, similar thing with Orica from before. But, you can protect Misya
here by using the Guard command. After guarding, you can initiate Counter. For
that, you just need to press the buttons quickily.

After the battle, check the nearby for Shops. Moving on to the next area. There
are 2 doors, one to west and one to east. Check the east locked door. Misya can
open it. Next, check that room as Misya wishes. Get 2 items and a box which is
another Recipe Card. There is also a Shop to the right of this room. After, go
take the stairs down.

Continue on, and you will be in a room with another Shop, as well as 2 doors.
Check the near west door that leads to a scene. Then take the lower west door.
It leads to another locked door but Misya can open it as well.

~Firefly Power Department
Take the right path. Continue on and save your game. Moving on, a scene and go
along the path. Eventually, there is a room at south where you can enter for an
item. Next, save your game and select Rest for more Inn Talk. After, go to the
next area for a fight.

Cursye will be helping you out in this battle. Just watch out for your HPs and
you shouldn't have much trouble here. Cursye also got a skill that can heal.
After, back track up and head to the west.

~Firefly Alley
Check the near shiny point for Talk Master. The oldman near can also sell you
things. For that Dive House to the left, leave it. Head to the right or left,
you will get out to the Map. Go check the Inn&General Shop. There is another
shiny point to check for more Talk Master.

Once you are ready, go to the Seagull Port. Within Seagull Port, there is also
a shiny point for more Talk Master. Now, go back to Firefly Power Department.

~Firefly Power Department
Continue on to the east til you get a scene. Go through the door and continue
on. Eventually, more scene. Now, return to Firefly Alley.

~Firefly Alley
As you got back here, head right and speak with Spica. She can also sell you
stuff. If you pick Rest, more talk with Misya for more Talk Master. Now, head
back to the Firefly Power Department.

~Firefly Power Department
You will be by the door that Spica spoke of. After, head back to Firefly Alley.

~Firefly Alley
Head to the Dive House. Dive in.

~Cosmo Sphere Level 1 (Misya)
Here, you can only check out places by using Dive Points. Check the one with a
yellow star, that requires 50 DP. After the scene, Misya will learn new green

After, check out then next place with the yellow star. You will get a new blue

Next, yet another place with yellow star. After, yet another place, then one
more after. You will get the Clear at the end.

Lastly, head back to the Stone Henge.

~Firefly Alley
Now, with R1 or L1, you can pick Thunder Bullet and use it with Square. Check
out the Rest option in the Inn and more Talk Master. You should be at Level 2


<Cosmo Sphere> (Misya)

Don't have to do them now and I doubt you have the DP to go through most of the
levels right now. Just try to focus on getting more DP and do these as you play
through the game. Asides from that, get more and more Talk Master as you play
through the game as well. Don't forget that there are usually more Talk Master
you can check out after clearing each Cosmo Sphere Level.

For Cosmo Sphere Level 2, if you got the DP and Money, you can go to the Dive
House and dive in Level 2. You can get 2 new magic. One of them is the Frozen
Tree Bullet which you can also use on the field with Square, after you select
it with R1 or L1. After doing this, you can head to the Inn and select Rest for
more Talk Master.

Like wise, with more Money and more importantly, DP, you can go through Cosmo
Sphere Level 3. This Level is pretty heavy with DP, but you can also get about
4 magic here. After this, Misya also gets the Magical Shower outfit. Of course,
you can also check out Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master.

Further, Cosmo Sphere Level 4. There can be a lot more yellow stars you should
check out within, and you get about 2 magic here. One of them is Sonic Bullet.
Sonic Bullet is another one you can use on the field, by pressing Square, after
selecting it with R1 or L1. Misya also gets the Sheep Sweets outfit. Like wise,
you can check out the Rest option in the Inn for more Talk Master. This time,
you get a new system, Install. It allows you to insert crystals onto the magic.

Next, Cosmo Sphere Level 5. Bit longer and more DP, you can get about 3 magic
here. One of them is Blast Bullet which you can also use on the field. Like the
other times, you can check Rest in the Inn, but no Talk Master this time, just
an item from Misya, the Crested Skirt. It's a decent armor for Lyner.


*Talk Master, besure to frequently Rest to see if you can get more. Asides from
the shiny spots you see, you can also get more by using specific outfits of the
RT, using Song Magic, Glass Melk...etc Sometimes, you are also rewarded with
items and recipe cards.*

Once you are ready, back to the Firefly Power Department.

~Firefly Power Department
Get back to that door that you were at, destroy it with Square. Continue on and
you will get into a battle. After, back track to where you fought the guards,
go east and get the item. Go back to move on, another item and save your game.
Do check out Rest for more Talk Master. Continue on the path.

~Terraced Fields
You will meet up with Cursye and another battle. Just keep on attacking and the
enemy should heal itself every time. Continue to attack and Misya will finish
off it.

After, Cursye will join the party. Take the near north path to the next area.
Continue on, an item on the way. An intersection after, go right that leads to
an item. Then go north to move on. Save your game. Go check the left of that
house for more item. Continue on to the left for another item. Back track and
go north to move on.

Continue on, at the next intersection, go left for a silver box. Back track and
continue on to north. Check the shiny point for more Talk Master. There is the
save point here, so check Rest for 2 more Talk Master. From here, there is the
path to the right that leads to an item, after, move on from the north path.

~Within Ar Tonelico
A quick battle after entering. Continue on and head to the left. You will get
to an intersection, the right leads to an item and the left is to move on. Then
save your game and get the item near.

On to the second floor, another intersection, the left leads to 2 items and the
right is to move on. Moving on, another intersection, the right is a dead end.
Continue on from the left, 2 more items on the way.

Third floor, save your game. Of course, more intersection, the left leads to an
item. Move on from the right path and there should be 2 more items on the way.
After that, move on and move scenes. Get the item and attack the object with
Square. After that, time to back track to the first floor. You can take that
lift now.

All the way up at 91th floor already. Continue on, save your game and there is
another intersection. Go take the upper left one and get the item. Then you can
back track since if you continue along the path, it will be a dead end. Then go
take the lower left path.

~Flight Quay
You will be outside. Head to the right and scenes. Radolf will join the party.
Get the item, and there is a Shop near. Save your game & go in the airship for
a boss battle.

The enemy is pretty good with full party attacks, so you will be healing a lot
here, but do have Misya charging her magic. The enemy can also call for backup
to help but you can take them out in few hits.

After, Cursye leaves the party. Once you are ready, speak with Radolf and pick
Yes. After scenes, you will be aparted from Misya and Radolf. But, Cursye and
Orica will join back the party.

~Eagle's Scar
Save your game. Go right that leads to 2 items then go left. An intersection,
go left for an item box. Then continue on with the right path. There's another
intersection after. Take the left first, that leads to a save point and a box.
Then you can go back and to the right. Once again, another intersection. Take
the right for 1 more item then to the left. Continue on then save your game. Go
left from this intersection for an item, then to the right. Then intersection
again, go left for another item, then to the right. Continue on and there is 1
more item on the way. After the scene, save your game and go in.

~Elemia Temple
Before you go on, check the rocks here which you can destroy. It's an item. Go
along the path after. Second area, like wise, destroy the rocks to an area with
item. Third area, you need to destroy the rocks, another item then go on from
there. Get another item on the way and to the last area for more scene. After
that, back track out. After, go south.

~Airport City Nemo
Check out the Inn. There is a shiny spot for more Talk Master with Orica. After
that, to the El Elemia Church. Within the Church, there is also a shiny spot to
be checked out for more Talk Master.

Next, head to the Inn. Then to the El Elemia Church again. Radolf will join the
party. The Dive House will be shown on at the Map now. At the World Map, there
is also the Hill Of Expression which is to the left of Karl Village.


<Cosmo Sphere> (Orica)

Just similar to what we have with Misya above. Pay the Money & with enough DP,
go through Cosmo Sphere Level 1. You can get 3 magic. One of them is the Blaze
Bullet which you can also use on the field. Go check Rest in the Inn for about
4 Talk Master.

Cosmo Sphere Level 2, requires a bit more DP and you can get about 2 magic. By
clearing this Level, Orica also gets the Squirt outfit. After, check the Rest
in the Inn for more Talk Master.

Cosmo Sphere Level 3, a bit longer and more DP, you can get about 2 magic here.
Upon clearing this Level, Orica gets her Tenshu Seii outfit. Go to the Rest in
the Inn for 2 more Talk Master.

Cosmo Sphere Level 4, more yellow stars, longer & more DP than previous Level.
You can get about 2 magic here. Upon clearing this, Orica gets the School Days
outfit. Also, Install system is also applicable for Orica. Head to Rest in the
Inn for more Talk Master.


~Hill Of Expression
Enter and move on. Get the item on the way. Get an item and save your game. You
have 3 doors here. Each one leads to a locked door. Right door needs you to hit
it with Blaze Bullet, and leads to 2 items. Middle door needs Blast Bullet. It
leads to an item and a fight. As for the left door, you need Thunder Bullet but
you don't have Misya...

You only need to check out the middle door and fight that enemy. After that, go
back track and you can take that warp now.

At B1F, get the item near. Similar to previous floor, but it has more doors to
be opened. For the right section, an item, one door requires Blast Bullet that
leads to an item, and one door that requires Frozen Tree Bullet but you don't
have Misya here... For the left section, one door that requires Blaze Bullet
that leads to an item and one door requires Thunder Bullet but you need Misya.
After, move on at the middle.

At the intersection, go right and left for items. Continue along the middle way
for an item and save your game. Continue on and another fight. After the fight,
you will get the Euteria Fragment. Get the item and take the warp.

At B2F, continue on to save your game. Move along the path and destroy another
object for more scene. Time for another fight. This is a bit tricky here, don't
use offensive magic with Orica, use Life Worm and take your time. If you need
further healing from time to time, use items or Cursye's Cure Tablet. Continue
this for some time, and you would beat it.

After the battle, save your game and continue to the left. Moving on, there is
an intersection, go left for an item and go right up to move on.

Next, a 3 way intersection here. Go west and north for items. Then go east. Go
right for another item and continue to north. Continue on and more scenes. Then
Orica will learn a new blue magic, Thunder Guard. Surprisingly, this is done in
the real world, not the Cosmo Sphere.

Anyway, you will finally obtain the Humune Crystal, Paja. Jack will also join
the party. Go on and save your game. Another fight. It should be pretty easy.
Just use Orica's offense magic, charge it up while Lyner and Jack attacking or

After the battle, you will be taken to the entrance of the place. Exit out and
come back in. Head back to B4F, where Orica learned her Thunder Guard. There is
a Talk Master here. Go to Rest by a save point and you should have about 2 Talk

~Viola Forest
Back to where the Airship is. Exit out to the World Map after. Before heading
back to Nemo, go check out Karl Village. The General Shop got some new items,
as well as the Tower Guardian. At the Tower Guardian, there's also a shiny spot
for more Talk Master.

~Airport City Nemo
Head to the El Elemia Church. Exit out and head to the Inn. Go speak with that
Crea. You will get the Recipe Card to make Euteria Bowstring. Then Glass Melk
the Euteria Bowstring.

At night, go out for more scenes. Head to the Star Street, there's a shiny spot
there for more Talk Master. Back to the Inn and pick Rest for 2 Talk Master.
Anyway, back on the World Map, you can check out Hexagon Plank which is above
the Cello Forest.

~Hexagon Plank
Enter and at the intersection, to the left for an item and move on from right.
Continue on, 2 more items on the way. You will come to a door and if you check
the right, there is also a cracked wall. You can destroy both. The cracked wall
leads to an item.

Next, get the item and save your game. If you check Rest at the save point, you
can get more Talk Master. Destroy the door near for 2 more items among those
lockers. Continue on to the right, destroy another door.

~Airport City Nemo
Back to Nemo automatically. Head to the El Elemia Church. Exit out to the World
Map and you can head to Silva Plate which is above Nemo.

~Silva Plate
Continue on and there should a house, and some village with BBQ. Blaze Bullet
that BBQ then check it for an item. Continue on, and at the next intersection,
go left for an item, then back track and go up.

Another house and BBQ. Do the same as before for another item. There is an item
at north, then go up. Continue on and save your game. Get another item & there
is another BBQ for you to get another item from.

Within, head to the right for an item then move on from the left. Next, right
for another item, then take the middle path. Head to the left a bit for another
item. Next, a 2 way. Go right for an item then back track. Go left & there are
2 items if you take the middle path. After that, exit out at the left path.

Save your game and move on for a boss fight. It's Bord with 2 Guards, as well
as their RevaTale, Misya. Use Life Worm and start with 2 Guards. Now, do not
forget to Guard Orica when you need to. With the 2 Guards out, you don't have
to worry about Guarding Orica and further focus on Bord. Bord's single or full
party attacks can all do good damage, so keep your HPs high here. If you got
time to spare with Orica, you can try some offensive magic. Keep this up & you
would beat that Bord.

Afterward, Misya will join the party. Back track a bit to get an item. Continue
on and eventually, an intersection. Head left to a table with a glass. Frozen
Tree Bullet that table then check it for an item. Continue on for more scene.
Blast Bullet at the object near that person, then check it for an item. Go in.

Next area, continue on and an item on the way. Save your game and there are 3
ways here. Take the middle for an item then take the left path. Continue on and
you will be out again. Get an item on the way, then continue on for more scene.

~Im Fena
Go check out Restore. Rest there and you can have more Talk Master with Orica
and Misya. Head to MagiCure for an item and you should also shop. Once you are
ready, head to the Foundation Vow. Misya will leave the party and you can head
to the Temple now. Go check out Restore first, to meet with Lilula.

Within the Temple, you only have Lyner and Orica. There are 3 ways here. Bu, do
not worry about it. They are linked. At west and east, there are items and at
north, you can save. At NW, NE, SW and SE, there are warps. Don't bother with
the SE and NE ones, they are dead ends. SW one leads to an item. So, take the
NW one. Go left for an item and the right to move on. Another item on the way,
as well as another warp at the end. Continue on and save your game.

Move on and you will fight Flauto. Just keep your HPs high and attack him. He
can also poison you, and target on Orica.

Back to the entrance and everyone joins back. Exit out. Go check out the Rest
in Restore, more Talk Master with Orica. Head back to the Foundation Vow. Misya
will join back. You will get a Recipe Card of Circular. Exit out and you will
get another Recipe Card, Ultra Civilization's Inheritance.

(Remember some doors in Hill Of Expression that require Misya? You can go check
them out for items. While you are at it, head to the General Shop in the Karl
Village, you can find a shiny spot for more Talk Master with Misya. The Shop at
Tower Guardian also got new Recipe Card. Shop in the Inn of Nemo also got new
Recipe Card. Head to the Great Song Stone Park in Nemo for more shiny spot of
Talk Master.)

Check out Rest in Restore for more Talk Master with Misya. If you make a White
Ring, more Talk Master with Misya. After the first one on White Ring, Rest and
more Talk Master. Moving on, back into the Temple.

Within, go up to the second floor and check any stone tree/broken off path. You
will get the Recipe Card, Stone Tree Nutrient. You probably do have the Thunder
Mushrooms, but Nyo?Gimo/Liver is a drop from some enemy. You might not have got
that. If so, go to the Viola Forest and fight Nyo?. The Grade 2 Item of Nyo? is
the Nyo?Gimo/Liver. Make the Stone Tree Nutrient and have about 10 of them.

(With Nyo?Gimo/Liver, you can also make the InaiInai/PeekABoo. Once you have the
InaiInai/PeekABoo, you can have more Talk Master with Misya.)

Anyway, with the Stone Tree Nutrient, back to the Temple. Use some Stone Tree
Nutrient at the stone tree/broken off path. You can reach few more warps.

For the stone trees/broken off paths at the second floor, SW one leads to more
warps and an item at the end; SE one leads to 4 items; NW one leads to 2 items;
Lastly, to move on, take the NE warp from the 1st floor. Continue on to another
warp. Next, an item to the left. Moving on, save your game. Continue on to the
inside. Get the item and the Eulastrino.

Back to Im Fena. Go make the Circular. Once you made it, go Rest for more Talk
Master then to the Foundation Vow. After, go to the Fena Gate. Go in.

~Ion Plate
Continue on up, as you reach the cloud and before the next area, go left for a
slightly hidden path. It leads to 3 items. Then continue on to the inside.

Continue on and save your game. Go right for an item and to the left. You will
end up outside again. Continue up, and there is an item but some girl is in the
way. Moving on and continue up. You will end up inside again.

*That girl will go away in Phase 3, so besure to check it out later.*

Continue on and an item on the way. By the intersection, the left is to move on
and the right leads to a save point and an item.

Moving on and you will be outside again. Continue up, by the intersection, go
left for an item and save your game. Continue up all the way and an item at the
end. Continue on and go in.

~Icy Pupil
An item nearby. Move on and an intersection, the right leads to 3 items & then
take the door just left of the save point. Pick "Of Course" when that Tastiera
promts you with a choice.

~Disciples' Altar
Continue on and an item on the way. Go upper left and left again. Go right and
enter through the gate, then back out and to the left. Continue on and another
intersection, go right to save your game and then move on from the left.

~Sky City Platina
Finally. Exit out at right. If you go to Department, there are 2 Shops and one
shiny spot for more Talk Master. At the Inn, there is another shiny spot for
more Talk Master. Within the Inn, there is also another Shop. Anyway, Rest by
the Inn for more Talk Master.

Once you are ready, head to the Platina Cathedral. After, Platina Dive House
will be added. At the Plaza, there is another shiny spot for more Talk Master.
So, head to Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master.

Now, to the Dive House. Get the item and hear about the Download. Dive in Orica
and get her Humune Code. Dive in Misya to get her Humune Code. Save your game
and back to the Dive House. You can go pick either Orica or Misya to download
to. I am going with Orica. If you picked the wrong one, you can just reload or
reload and pick one each time to see the minor difference for upcoming events.

After, back to the Platina Cathedral. Orica will join for the upcoming events.
Misya will stay behind. If you picked Misya, then probably the opposite.

Once you are ready, go back to the Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Continue on to the NE locked door. Beyond that, a quick battle. An intersection
here, the right leads to 2 items. Move on to north. Save your game and head to
the left.

A boss battle here, and supposedly, the BGM varies, depending on who you have.
Heal with items and Cursye's Cure Tablet. Orica or Misya can keep charging with
offensive magic.

~Sky City Platina
After, back to the Cathedral. After, head to the Dive House. Speak with that
Syureria and select Yes.

Within the Cosmo Sphere, another boss battle. Slightly harder than the previous
one. Focus on taking out the side enemies first. They don't deal much damage,
and you can heal with items or Cursye's Cure Tablet. The boss will mostly try
to support, but it can still inflict some great damage. Start with the RevaTale
doing healings. Slowly take them out one by one.

Once you beat it, that's it for this Phase.


<Phase 2>

~Sky City Platina
Check the Inn. There is new stuff at the Shop. Check Rest in the Inn for more
Talk Master. At Department, 2 items and new stuff at the Shops. At the Plaza,
speak with an oldman to the left to get an item. He can also sell you some new

Back to the Inn. Pick Rest for more Talk Master on the Fantasy Shop. Rest again
after for another Talk Master on Fantasy Shop. Head to the Platina Cathedral.
Next, to the Inn, Department and the Plaza. Go save your game, at a different
slot of the memory card if I may suggest.

Next, go down to the Disciples' Altar. Head to the right gate to the Airship
Port. You will be back to the Cathedral. It's time for the route selection:


<Orica or Misya Route>

Well, 1st choice is for the Search Team which is the Misya Route. Thus, the 2nd
choice is for the Orica Route. I am picking the Orica Route. If you did save
your game just before this, you can always reload and play the other route.



<Phase 2> (Orica Route)

~Sky City Platina
Afterward, everyone will join back the party for now. Check the Shops in that
Department for new Recipe Card. Check Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master. For
Misya, it's likely she will get up to Level 6.


Cosmo Sphere (Misya)

If you have Talk Master with Misya at Level 6, then you can go check out Cosmo
Sphere Level 6, given that you have completed the previous 5 Levels. You can
get about 2 magic here. You will also get the Y outfit. Check the Rest at Inn
for more Talk Master. It will go up to Level 7.

Cosmo Sphere Level 7 with Misya. You can get 3 magic and the Sinobi outfit. Go
to Rest in the Inn and more Talk Master.

The Sinobi and Y outfits don't show up in the menu as you can see. But, later
on, you will get back Misya with her original body size. Then you can change to
Y or Sinobi outfit.


Once you are ready, head to the Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Continue on and follow Syureria. Continue up/north and more scene. Since this's
the Orica Route, Jack, Cursye and Misya will leave the party. You will only got
Radolf and Orica.

~Icy Pupil
Continue on down to south. Save your game and check Rest for more Talk Master.
Go south to exit out to the World Map.

(In Karl Village, at the Tower Guardian shop, you can get some new stuff. There
is also an item at the right end. In Im Fena, at the MagiCure shop, there's new
stuff as well.)

~Airport City Nemo
You will be taken to the El Elemia Church. After, head to Star Street for new
items at the shop. At the Great Song Stone Park, there is an item.

After, head to the Inn. Exit out and head to the Star Street. Speak with that
General Shop. Go to the Inn and speak with Crea.

Go check the Star Street for a scene and go to the Inn after for another scene.
Now, go to the El Elemia Church. Head to Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master.
You should be able to get to Cosmo Sphere Level 5 for Orica.


Cosmo Sphere (Orica)

If you have cleared the other 4 levels, then you can head to Level 5. You can
get about 3 magic. One of them is the Frozen Tree Bullet which you can use on
the field. You will also get the Donsuke outfit. Head to Rest for Talk Master.

Cosmo Sphere Level 6, you get about 3 magic here. One of them is the Thunder
Bullet which you can use on the field. You will also get the Bubble Passion
outfit for Orica. Rest at the Inn for more Talk Master. Rest again and Orica
may give you the armor, Warm Sweater. It's weaker than the Crested Skirt that
Misya gave, but the elemental resistance are greater.

Cosmo Sphere Level 7, you get about 2 magic here. You will need to exit out at
half way. Head to the Inn in Nemo, near Crea, there is a shiny spot for more
Talk Master. Also, speak with Crea for the Recipe Card, Stuffed Toy. First, go
Rest at the Inn for more Talk Master then go make the Stuffed Toy. To make the
Stuffed Toy, you need the Afron Cotton and Patched Cloth. You probably do not
have Patched Cloth, and to make that, you need Comical Clothes, Obeaune TShirt
and Relation-Binding Thread. And, you probably don't have the Relation-Binding
Thread. You need Sparkling Fur and Dragon Wing for that. Within Ion Plate, you
can fight Mini Dora. The Grade 2 and 3 item from it is the Dragon Wing. As for
the Sparkling Fur, there are some you can find in the Tenpa Research Lab & the
Ayane Corridor. Once you made it, back to Cosmo Sphere Level 7. Clearing this
will get you the Seraph outfit for Orica and another magic. Rest in the Inn for
more Talk Master.


~Silva Plate
Continue on up. There are few items around, one table requires the Frozen Tree
Bullet and one needs the Blast Bullet. Continue on and get inside. Go left all
the way to exit out and more scene.

Blast the table that's between a chicken and a person. Get the item and check
the right for another item. Moving on, go left for another item. To the inside

Continue on and Ayatane will join you. From the save point, go lower left and
continue on. Once you are out, look closely at the left tree. There is an item
behind it. Continue on to the left and head out to the World Map. To the left
of the Ion Plate, there is the Ayane Corridor.

~Ayane Corridor
Within, more scenes. Take the lower right path. Get the item & take the portal.
More scene then to the left for more. You'll get the Recipe Card, Photon Glass.
To change the direction of the big mirror here, you can Blast Bullet it.

Anyway, there are 3 paths here. Take the left one to get an item then back to
the big mirror. Blast Bullet it once. Go right and take the orange portal to go
to the Orange Room.

Within the Orange Room, go on to the big mirror. From there, go left for an
item then back to the big mirror. Destroy the mirror using magic other than the
Blast Bullet. Go middle/up. Take the yellow portal to the Yellow Room.

Within the Yellow Room, continue on to the big mirror. Go right to get an item.
Now, Blast Bullet the big mirror 3 times. Take that left path, then go take the
green portal to the Green Room.

Within the Green Room, continue on to the big mirror. Go middle from here to an
item. Back at the big mirror, go left. Take the blue portal to the Blue Roon.

Within the Blue Room, get the item near. By the big mirror, go to the right for
an item and back at the big mirror. Blast Bullet the mirror 2 times, then head
to that left path. Take the magenta portal here to the Magenta Room.

Within the Magenta Room, get the near item and move on. Blast Bullet the big
mirror once and go right. You will be taken back to the entrance. Rest at that
save point for more Talk Master. Save your game and go upper left, back to the
Control Room. You will be taken into a fight. Charge up your magic and attack
then all at once, just besure to heal often.

After, get out to the World Map. BTW, Flight Quay, Terraced Fields and Firefly
Alley are added to the World Map, just below Nemo.

(The Shop in Flight Quay got new items and for Firefly Alley, there's more Talk
Master/shiny spot at the Seagull Port. In the Inn/General Shop, there are some
new stuff. Also, the oldman and Spica offer you new stuff as well.

In Karl Village, more shiny spot at the Central Plaza. If you return to Platina
from the Icy Pupil, the Obeaune Shop will be in the Plaza again.)

~Airport City Nemo
To the El Elemia Church. After, to the Inn. Head to the Star Street. Misya will
join the party. Check the Dive House, Church then the Park.

~Hexagon Plank
Continue on and an item on the way. With the Room, more scene and you will get
the Power Cylinder. There is also an item here. Moving on to the right, get one
more item and save your game. Head in the left house.

~Airport City Nemo
Head to the Dive House. Dive in and back to the Church. Rest in the Inn for one
more Talk Master. Save your game and back to the Church. Pick Yes when Radolf
promts you with a choice.

~Eagle's Scar
Go right to get in the temple.

~Elemia Temple
Continue on all the way to the last area. After, exit out to the World Map.

~Firefly Alley
Speak with Spica and she will give you the item you need. Now, go back to the

~Elemia Temple
Continue on all the way to the last area again. Use the item and a portal will
appear. Take the portal.

Continue on for an item, Blaze Bullet the near fire symbol then enter through
that near left door for 2 items. An intersection here, the left leads to one
more item and you can Frozen Tree Bullet the ice symbol to go through that ice
door. The ice door leads to 3 items and a green door. Anyway, moving on to the
upper left path from the intersection, save your game and another intersection.
Go left for an item and the Blast Bullet the symbol here. You can get to that
green door from before now. Back at the intersection, go right and more item on
the way.

Continue on, go left a bit to Thunder Bullet the symbol then you can get 1 more
item by the right door. Continue on to the left and save your game. Destroy the
object to the left for more scene.

Time for another boss fight. The side enemies are really nothing and easily to
be taken out. Dragon Head in the back can deal tons of damage. You need to keep
your HPs high at all time and Orica might as well use Life Worm or Shower. Some
character will likely to die at least once in this battle, so having the Life
Refresh magic for Orica is useful as well. Keep it in mind that you will need
to Guard Orica from time to time. Once it's down to Dragon Head, continue on
with the healing cuz it can still use Fire Breath. Orica needs to heal you at
all time here.

After, you will obtain the Humune Crystal, Linka.

~Airport City Nemo
Back to the Church. After, exit out to the World Map.

~Hill Of Expression
You've been here before, so just continue on and more event. Save your game and
move on to the left. You will enter 2 fights consecutively. Use items when you
need to, these battles aren't hard. Back to Nemo after.

~Airport City Nemo
Head to the Church. Go to the Star Street and check the General Shop for more
info. Go to the Inn and speak with Crea. You can check with the Weapon Shop as
well. Now, exit out to the World Map.

~Silva Plate
Your goal is to go all the way up til you get to Im Fena. You've been here for
few times already, you should know the way.

~Im Fena
More scene and out to the World Map. Above Im Fena, the next location.

~Crescent Chronicle
Get the item near and go right. Continue on and go through gates. There are two
items on the way. You can also save your game at the end. Afterward, out to the
World Map. Go to Icy Pupil.

~Icy Pupil
More scene and head north to warp into Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Go down 2 times, save your game and to the left. A quick battle and if you got
few attack-all offensive items and heal-all items, this shouldn't be hard.

After the battle, Radolf will leave the party. Moving on, more battle. Remember
that it's just Lyner and Ayatane. But, one can attack and the other can heal if
you need to. After this, one more battle after.

After scenes, Orica and Radolf will join back. Rest and save your game then go
back in to fight the rabbi Falss. Have Orica to use Serious Q here, it works
nicely against his Elemia Ray or Forbidden Crow. He can also heal himself with
Elemia Praise. Further, he can double target on Orica, so you'll need to have
2 characters to Guard her once he uses Gravity Banish. The thing to watch out
is his Ultra-Acceleration which allows him to the above 4 moves consecutively.
Wait til you have good amount of HPs for all and after he uses Gravity Banish,
then you can have 2 to Guard Orica and Orica can switch to attack.

~Sky City Platina
To the Cathedral. Ayatane will leave the party, but Jack and Cursye will join
back to the party. Go to Department then the Plaza. Radolf will also join back.
Now, at the Department, you can get some new items. Save your game and back to
the Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Continue to north. Save your game at the end and to the left. You will enter a
battle against Syureria. Pretty easy battle overall. Keep attacking and Guard
Orica when you need to.

After, back track, Rest, save your game and go south. South again, then to the
right and south to exit out to the World Map.

~Crescent Chronicle
Go right. Next area, go left, it leads to quite a few items then back track and
move on. Continue on and you will meet up with Misya(in her original body size)
and she will join. To the right of the save point, there is an item hidden at

Afterward, back track out to the World Map.

~Sky City Platina
To the Plaza for more scenes.

(Here are few things you can check out: Since Misya got her original body size
back, go to speak with Spica in Firefly Alley. She can also sell you new stuff.
Speak with her again for more conversation. The oldman also offer you one last
card pack. In Nemo, General Shop in Star Street got new recipe card.)

~Viola Forest
Back to the Airship. You will get the Recipe Card, Flipper. Back on the World
Map, there are 2 new places to the right of Nemo: Tail Of Recollection & Squirt

(You can get back to the Firefly Power Department from the Firefly Alley. Move
south all the way to where you first met with Cursye. You can go pass the left
path now.)

~Tail Of Recollection
This is probably an optional area. Nothing really happens here, but you can get
qiute a few items. Starting up, go right at the first intersection for 2 items.
Next intersection, go right for 3 items. Moving on, save your game and another
item on the way. Check the slate at the end for another item. That's about it.

~Squirt Ruins
Near left leads to an item. Back at the first area, continue up for another
item. Continue up for another, then continue up all the way for more scene.

After that, continue on for an item then check the rock for the Squirt Metal.
Now, go south few times for more scene. Go left, Rest at the save point for a
Talk Master. Go left again and get near Crea's House. If you go back to Nemo to
speak with Crea, then back to Crea's House, you can get an item from a rock by
Crea's House.

To go back to Viola Forest instantly, just make the Flipper.

~Viola Forest
Go save your game. Speak with Cursye and select Yes.

You will end up fighting Sleipnir. He uses Surge Cannon which targets your RT,
so you need to Guard, all 3 characters. After using Surge Cannon, he will go to
the sleep mode. Time to go all out and attack.

~Blast Plate
Go left to move on. Save your game. Continue up, an item on the way. Within, an
item on the way as well. Another item and an intersection, go left. There is an
item to the left and moving on. Outside again, go up and inside again. Another
intersection, go right for an item and to the left to move on.

~Astronomical Observatory
Save your game. Go right and it leads to 2 items. Check the left house for an
event with Mei Mei. After, there is a shiny spot in this room. If you need to
Dive or Re-Crystalize, speak with Mei Mei.

Rest at the save point for more Talk Master. Take the middle path near the save
point to move on.

(The Talk Master you just got for Misya, that's about Mei Mei, should have the
Level go up to Level 8. Meaning, Cosmo Sphere Level 8 is opened for Misya.)


Cosmo Sphere (Misya)

Speak with Mei Mei if you need to Dive. If you haven't done any Diving after
Misya back to her original body size, then you will complete Cosmo Sphere M for
the Humunoth. Misya also gets the Tenshin Ranman/Splendid Dim Sum outfit. There
is also a new pointer, Inside The Ship.

Cosmo Sphere Level 8, you can get 5 magic and the Kasha oufit. Head to Rest at
the save point for more Talk Master with Misya. You will get an item & another
recipe card.


~Prism Garden
Floor 1, get the item and go right. At the end, check the right object then go
back. The lift at the beginning should work now.

Floor 2, to the left, there is an item. Go take the right door. It leads to an
item and a save point. At the end, examine the object again to plug the cables
in. Go back and take the left path. Go right for item then to the left. Now, go
back down to 1F. Go left. Take the lift here to go up.

Floor 3, continue on to the next area. Go left for an item then to the right.
Save your game. Right path here leads to an item & the cables you need to plug
in. If you take the middle lift, it leads to an item. Now, go back to Floor 1.
Take the lift up to Floor 2. At Floor 2, go left & use that end lift to go up.

Floor 4, continue on and get an item in the middle. Go right and right again.
Get an item and left of where the cables are, there are more items. Anyway, go
plug in the cables. Go left and take the lift up.

Floor 5, continue on and save your game. Take the near left path to the cables.
After the scene with Ayatane, plug in the cables. Back track and go down. Check
the object at the end to plug in more cables, then enter the near door. Take
the lift down to 4F, then back track all the way to 1F. From 1F, go left and go
take the lift to 3F. Continue on to the area with the save point. Do save your
game and take the near left door. The lift here takes you up.

Floor 6, continue on and an item on the way.

Continue on up to the inside. Moving on, the right leads to a save point. Move
to the left.

~Astronomical Observatory
After scenes, Rest at the save point for more Talk Master with Misya.

(The Talk Master you just got for Misya should have the Level go up to Level 9.
Meaning, Cosmo Sphere Level 9 is opened for Misya.)


Cosmo Sphere (Misya)

Speak with Mei Mei if you need to Dive. Cosmo Sphere Level 9, you will need to
exit out half way and make the Rest at the save point to speak with Misya. She
will give you the Recipe Card, Ocarina. To make the Sea Breeze Ocarina, you'll
need/lack the Mermaid's Song Can, mostly. To make that, you will need/lack the
Photon Oscillator, mostly. For Photon Oscillator, it is in the Book Room which
is in Phase 3. Once you made the Mermaid's Song Can, you also get Talk Master
with Orica. Once you made the Sea Breeze Ocarina, there will be more Talk with
Misya, then you can get back to the Cosmo Sphere. You will get 4 magic here and
the Shiromuku/White Kimono outfit. There is also a Song Magic Shop. There is a
portal to another world as well, which is the Atelier Elie cameo/reference in
short. You can head to Elie's WorkShop. Misya will dress up with Elie(Atelier
Elie)'s clothings and even call herself Elie. Check around locations here and
there are more cameo/reference, like Aizel, Douglas, Eurica. You'll also meet
with Marlone/Marie which is really Orica in Marie's clothings. Marie is from
Atelier Marie and you get this cameo/reference in Cosmo Sphere Level 9, for
Orica. Upon clearing this, you get the Elfir outfit. Rest in the Inn for more
Talk with Misya. She will give you the Ocarina of Heaven&Earth which is great

BTW, that's it for the Cosmo Sphere with Misya.


Anyway, get back to S.P.U. If you forgot the way, head to 1F of Prism Garden.
Go take the lift at western area. You will be at 3F. Continue on to a room with
a save point. Take the left door from there and take the lift at the end. That
will get you up to 6F. Continue on and you will be back in S.P.U.

More scene and a quick fight. Keep up the healings and you should be fine. If
you need to save your game, head to the right for the save point. Moving on, go
to the left. Get the item and to the left.

Floor 1, continue on and to the left, there is an item. Continue on to Floor 2.
Grab the item and continue on to Floor 3. Continue on to Floor 4. You can save
your game on the way. Continue on to Floor 5.

A quick battle against Ayatane. With decent weapons and armors, along with the
RT using magic like Serious Q to reduce damage, you can defeat him easily. You
still need to heal from time to time, but you can focus on attacking.

After, get the item to the left. Floor 6, another item to the left. Floor 7, go
on to get to Floor 8. After the event, save your game. Make sure you are ready
for 3 consecutive boss fights, then move on.

First up, Air Fort One. I give it 2 turns, tops. Yes, it's that easy. Just keep
on attacking til you kill it.

Second fight, Syureria. Now, she begins to get serious. Satellite Strike can do
about 1000 damage, but to one target only. You can quickily heal/revive after.
Next, the more deadly Satellite Rain, it is a multi-target attack, can do 700
damage in random amount of hits. You can full-party heal with items. Orica can
focus on supporting you.

Lastly, Shadow Mule. The Kill attack is similar to Satellite Strike but can do
a bit more damage. The Turn attack will require you to Guard Orica with all 3
characters, then you can counter. It does have a multi-target attack, but seems
to me that he doesn't use it often. For most of the battle, he keeps on using
Turn then I can counter after. Just have your RT to use magic to reduce damage
then you can focus on attacking.

After the battle, the credits roll. Don't worry, this is not the end yet.

~Sky City Platina
Radolf is in the Plaza, Jack is in the Department and Misya is in the Inn. Once
you have spoken with them, check the Inn to save your game.

Back down to the Disciples' Altar. Go right to the Airship Port. You will meet
with Cursye there. After scenes, it is decision time:


<Normal Ending With Orica Or Phase 3>

First choice leads to the Normal Ending with Orica, the second one is to move
on with Phase 3 of the Orica Route. If you have a saved file before this, you
can try the first choice. Anyway, 2nd choice for me.



<Phase 3> (Orica Route)

~Sky City Platina
After scenes, Orica will join back. Go to Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master.


Cosmo Sphere (Orica)

Cosmo Sphere Level 8, you can get about 3 magic here. You also get the Lilim
outfit. Rest at the Inn for more Talk Master. You also get more item and recipe

Cosmo Sphere Level 9, you can get about 5 magic here. You also get the Ceremony
outfit. Within, there is also a Song Magic Shop. There is also Atelier Marie
cameo/reference here. There is a spot called Marie's WorkShop. Within, Orica
dresses up in Marie(Atelier Marie)'s clothings. She even call herself Marie for
laughing out loud. She will get you to collect 4 materials. Just visit around
and you will see even more cameo/reference. There are Krais, the Weapon Shop
Owner. Once you got 3, don't worry about the one from Orica/Marie's teacher.
You need to go back to the WorkShop anyway. Miss Ingrid will show up, then you
will get the Teacher's Tear. Upon clearing the Cosmo Sphere Level E, you'll get
the Marlone/Marie outfit. Rest at the Inn for more Talk Master. You will also
get the Heavenly Orgel which is a really decent Acc.

BTW, that's it for the Cosmo Sphere with Orica.


Once you are ready, go to the Cathedral. Speak with Reard. After, head down to
the Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Go north all the way to a save point, then go left from there.

~Sky City Platina
After scenes, exit out to the World Map.

~Im Fena
Head to the Foundation Vow. After, exit out.

~Airport City Nemo
Head to the Church. After, exit out.

~Firefly Alley
Head to the First Street. After, you can also visit the Tenpa HQ now. Once you
are ready, exit out to the World Map.

~Karl Village
After scene, exit out.

~Sky City Platina
To the Cathedral. Radolf will join and exit out after.

~Airport City Nemo
To the Church. Once you are ready, go in by picking the first choice.

Within the Book Room, light up the candles around with Blaze Bullet, then get
the item and move on. Second area is rather big and there are lots of candles
you can light up, as well as lots of paths. Just check out each room and read
whatever on the bookshelves. Within the western room, there are 2 items here.
Check the left one for more scene. Exit out this room, take the nearest right
room. Read 3770/7/2. Exit out and for the hidden path, it's at the most upper
right corner which is just about directly north of the entrance of this second

Within, there is a chair at left. You can jump on that and jump along the book
shelves to get to an item. Moving on, another chair you can jump and then jump
on to get to another item. Now, check the upper right corner.

Go back to the big area with lots of rooms. There is also a chair here that can
lead to another item. Back to the western room and check that locked box. Yes,
it is indeed the Humune Crystal, Re-Nation.

Exit out and you will be at the Inn. Misya and Jack will join the party. Exit
out to the World Map.

~Im Fena
To the Foundation Vow to speak with Flauto. Misya will leave the party. After,
exit out.

~Sky City Platina
Head to the Cathedral to speak with Reard. After, go down to Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Go right to the Airship Port. After, exit out this room and head north. Move on
pass the save point and you will notice the gate is opened. Get the 2 items on
the way.

~Within Ar Tonelico
Continue on and save your game. Continue on and you will meet up with Cursye.
She will join back. Save your game. Continue on and items on the way.

Continue to the left.

To the top and more scenes. Syureria will finally reborn and join the party.

~Sky City Platina
To the Cathedral. Your next goal is the Crescent Chronicle. Save your game and
exit out.

(Keep it in mind that Syureria got 5 Cosmo Sphere Levels in total and you can
dive in like usual. Try to complete the 5 Levels before the end of this Phase.
It will reward you a choice for another ending which I will talk about later.

Head to Rest to trigger the initial Talk Master with Syureria. Repeat for more
talk. Head to the Plaza, Department in Platina for shiny spots.)


<Phase 3> (Common Route)

~Crescent Chronicle
Continue on toward the last room.

~Im Fena
Misya will join back. Rest in the Inn for more Talk Master. Head to the Fena
Gate for a shiny spot. Exit out.

~Sky City Platina
To the Cathedral. After, exit out.

~Im Fena
To the Foundation Vow. More scenes.

~Crescent Chronicle
Save your game and speak with Tastiera which will promt you a choice:


<Bad End or Continue>

Pick the first option to another choice: If you pick the first option to fight
Tastiera, you will fight her which will lead to the Bad Ending. If you've saved
your game before this, then you can check out the first option. Anyway, moving
on with the second option. Exit out to the World Map.

BTW, 2nd option is basically directing you to the Good Ending.


~Airport City Nemo
Head to the Star Street, Great Song Stone for shiny spots. Speak with Crea in
the Inn. To the Church. Exit out after.

(In Karl Village, more shiny spot in Tower Guardian. Speak with the Shop Owner
of the Tower Guardian for more scene. Go check out Hill Of Expression after.
Rest for more Talk with Syureria.)

~Eagle's Scar
Go in and head to the inside of the Elemia Temple. Exit out after.

~Firefly Alley
New item in Seagull Port. Exit out and head to another place, like the First
Street. There will be an event where Syureria got lost. Anyway, you can speak
with Spica here for more scene. She also offer some new stuff. The oldman also
offer you new card packs.

Anyway, to the Tenpa HQ. Speak with the reception. After, exit out.

(If you go back to Firefly Power Department, go south all the way to where you
first met with Cursye. After, back track. Open up the Map with R2. Head to the
SE to get in the Tenpa Research Lab. In 1F, open up the Map & go to the Western
Room. You can destroy that door now. Continue your way down & there is an item
on the way. Continue on to the right path and more items. Destroy the doors at
the end and there are items on the way.

Down at B2, more item and continue along the path. You will end up in this RT
WorkShop. This is where you can change Misya to Small or Adult Form. Remember,
some outfits are only for the Small or Adult Form. After, there are more Talk
Master on this.

BTW, there are 2 doors here that can only be destroyed if you've Installed the
Speed+, Power+...etc Glassno Crystal to the on-field Green Magic. Later in the
game, there are these types of doors/fences as well, you destroy them the same
way after you have Installed Speed+, Power+...etc)

~Hexagon Plank
Head toward the Western part of the map and the guards will let you pass. Go on
to the end room for more scene. Check the one book that's on the floor. After,
check out all the books then exit out.

~Firefly Alley
To the Tenpa HQ. Speak with the reception. After, exit out.

~Sky City Platina
Go down to the Disciples' Altar.

~Disciples' Altar
Head to the right gate to the Airship Port. Speak with the Technician here.
Select the first choice and you can now freely go above Platina. Dragon's Nest
is also added to the World Map.

(If you head to the top of Linka-Nation, there will be a scene. After, Rest for
more Talk Master with Misya.)

~Dragon's Nest
Beware that your HPs will slowly decrease as time goes. You also need the Stone
Tree Nutrient, so prepare some. However, this is probably an optional area cuz
you can head straight to the Astronomical Observatory to advance. Anyway, let's
explore it.

First up, continue on and items on the way. Eventually, you'll need to use the
Stone Tree Nutrient to move on. After that, an intersection. If you head to the
right, there is a blue camp circle for you to heal. Then back track and go to
the left to the village. There is an item and a Shop. After, to the left room.
Cursye will leave the party. Get the item within the house & you can speak with
Garzbern for the Ancient Shop.

After, exit out the house and head up to speak with Cursye. Cursye will join
back. BTW, you can also Blast Bullet the table here to get another item. Head
out the village, you can either exit out or explore the forest to the right.

(You can check out the Tail Of Recollection, there is some scene at the slate
of the end area; Squirt Ruins, Orica's House; Ayane Corridor, Control Room that
is at the west.)

~Astronomical Observatory
Speak with Mei Mei within the room. After, you will get the Memory Pendant. The
next location will also be added to the World Map. It's below Nemo.

~Plasma Bell
Continue on the path and more scene. Get an item and move on. More items on the
way, then save your game. Continue on and more scene, you will also meet up the

Move on and the left rooms lead to items, then move on. After scenes, have the
Grosbeak #2 to break the door. But, you will end up fighting the Grosbeak #2.
Your characters can do the healings, your RT can focus on offensive magic since
most of your characters' attacks don't do much damage.

After, take the right path to more items then you can back track and go through
the left gate. First up, 2 paths here. Left leads to an item then to the right
path. Two more items and two more paths. The left leads to an item again, then
to the right path. An item here and 2 more paths. The right leads to paths and
about 5 items. The left is to move on. An item here and 2 more paths. The right
path leads to an item and move on with the left path. Get one more item & save
your game.

At the end, you will enter a boss fight. Should be pretty easy with Syureria
as your RT. Most of her magic are pretty useful, like Life Fill. Keep your HPs
high and you would beat it with ease.

Afterward, Ayatane finally joins back the party. The party is now full.

~Airport City Nemo
After scene, the Silva Horn will be added to the World Map. It is to the right
of Im Fena.

~Silva Horn
First up, the left leads to an item. Moving on. There is a save point and an
item near, as well as 3 paths here. However, back track a bit since before the
save point, there is another path. Go through here to get items and an object
you can check on.

Back track to the save point and those 3 paths. Take the right path and it will
lead to more item and another object you can check on at the end. Ignore the
left path and take the middle one. You can continue on or take the near stairs
down. Take the stairs down first, it leads to an item and another object at the
end that you can check on. Back track and continue on. You will get to a save
point and an object near. Use the Sonic Bullet to destroy it. Save your game &
move in.

It is boss fight again. The boss is likely to be in Normal mode which is got
its hands toward you. If you use offensive magic from your RT, it'll just get
absorbed. If you attack any of the 3 parts, the boss use Full Recovery. Attack
it with some magic from your RT, and when it puts its hands down, time to get
your attacks out, and charge up your magic to attack. Beware that it can also
target at your RT, at Guard with all 3 characters then counter. Back to Normal
Mode, then don't have your characters to attack, throw in another charged up
magic from your RT, then it will put its hands down again. Repeat til you beat
it. Just don't attack it with your 3 characters when it's in Normal Mode.

After the battle, get the item and move on to the last room.

~Im Fena
After scenes, it's time for you to prepare for the final showdown. Glass Melk,
Shop, Cosmo Sphere, especially clearing the 5 Levels of the Cosmo Sphere for
Syureria. You will be rewarded with a choice for another ending if you do so.
Anyway, whatever you want to do, you should do them now.

(Check the Temple in Im Fena, the entrance area got an item. Spica in Firefly
Alley can sell you new stuff. If you check out the Astronomical Observatory, a
scene with Syureria got lost again.)


Cosmo Sphere (Syureria)

*At least get Orica and Misya's at about Level 7*
*For me, I already done both Orica and Misya's*

Level 1, you will end up fighting the boss from Silva Horn with only Lyner and
Syureria. But, it's rather easy. You get one magic at the end. Rest in the Inn
for more Talk Master, you might want to repeat Rest for few times til you get

Level 2, you will fight Falss here but it's still easy. You will get 1 magic &
head to Rest for more Talk Master. You will get an item and a recipe card. Keep
on Resting til you get noting.

Level 3, you will get into a battle with Misya as your RT. After that, another
battle with Syureria as your RT, against ELMA. You can get about 1 magic here.
Rest for more Talk Master. Install system is also applicable for Syureria now.
You also get more item and recipe card.

Level 4, you will fight Shadow Mule this time, but it's rather easy overall.
You can get 1 magic at the end. Go Rest for more Talk Master. You will get more
item and recipe card.

Level 5, seems like a dead end after you've checked out places. But, just back
out and check out Orica&Misya's Cosmo Spheres. There'll be scenes with Donsuke
and Hama. After, go back to Syureria's. You can advance from some new yellow
star. You can get 1 magic here and if you dive back in, there is a Song Magic
Shop. Rest for more Talk Master. You also get some item and recipe card. Repeat
and she will give you the Aria's Ring.


Once you are ready, head to Crescent Chronicle and go to meet with Tastiera.

(Within Crescent Chronicle, open up the map with R2, beyond the eastern door,
you can explore some large area to get lots of items. There are strong fences
here at the Crescent Chronicle, but if you have Installed Speed+, Power+...etc
Glassno Crystal to the on field magic, then you can destroy them easily.

If you are wondering about the Star Tiara for the Crown recipe, head to the
Plasma Bell. At the last area, there is a group of rare enemies you can fight:
Sera Heart, Sera Beast, Sera Leader and Sera Bird. Each of them can drop their
Level 3 item, Star Tiara.

BTW, you can also fight Kanade at the last area. Fight some battles, meet her
again at the last area of Plasma Bell, then you can fight her again and again
if you repeat. Fight her 4 times, and by the 5th time, she's just insane & got
tons of HPs. If you do beat her for the 5th time, Syureria will get the Song
Magic that allows you to summon Kanade.

Lastly, Spica in Firefly Alley got some new items. There is also a shiny spot
in the General Shop/Inn of Firefly Alley.)

~Crescent Chronicle
Save your game. Speak with Tastiera and there will be no choice here since you
have Ayatane now. She will step aside. Speak with her again to get the Glassno
Crystal, Glittering Life Crest. Save your game again if you wish, what's beyond
is indeed the 2 consecutive final battles.

First up, some huge version of Shadow Mule. It's a lot more powerful than the
one from Phase 2. It can potentially wipe you out in one turn, yes, this is no
joke if your party aren't ready. Keep your party at high Lvls or at least with
lots of HPs. Glass Melk all the items you need and the decent weapons/armors,
it's good to have lots of healing items here. Install various crystals into the
best healing and offensive you got for the RT you are going to use, whom you
should pick, Syureria. Pick your party and equip them the best stuff. Now, it
is also important to Power them as well, mainly to raise the defense and HPs.
Another thing here is that have lots of HPs for your RT cuz the boss can just
attack the RT directly.

Shadow Mule here has lots of HPs, Defense and Offense as well. The RT should be
that Syureria, and use her to charge up Ar Tonelico. If you already beat that
Kanade, then you can use Kanade over Ar Tonelico. Start up with Life Fill and
see how the beginning plays out. If you can stand against his attack-all move,
then you can heal the party with items. Your RT should switch to charging up
Ar Tonelico or Kanade. Although Shadow Mule moves between parts of his body but
you can just attack them one by one. The rest of the battle is mostly healings
from the characters, and Syureria attacks with Ar Tonelico or Kanade. Once you
attack out all 3 parts, on to the second/final battle.

This time, smaller form but still deadly. Start up with Syureria using the Life
Fill. Only one part here and it still got tons of HPs. Her single-target move
don't do as much, but the full party attack is where this comes deadly. It even
attacks your RT, meaning if your RT doesn't have enough HPs, she will likely to
die right there. If you have at least 1 character and the RT standing, then you
can start up the healings and revivings. Slowly attack her and heal, if you can
spare some time for Ar Tonelico or Kanade, then do so. Overall, if you can with
stand that full party attack frequently, you will find this fight easier.

~Sky City Platina
Lots of scenes, then head to the Cathedral to speak with Reard. Exit out after.

~Im Fena
To the Foundation Vow. Speak with Flauto. Exit out after. 

~Firefly Alley
Head to the Tenpa HQ. Speak with reception to get to Ayano. Exit out after.

~Airport City Nemo
To the Inn. Save your game and speak with Crea.

~Sky City Platina
More scenes, the credits roll then the final choice:


<Good Ending or Syureria Ending>

If you haven't clear the 5 Cosmo Sphere Levels for Syureria, then you probably
will go directly into the Good Ending. Thus, you won't get a choice. If you did
do all 5 Levels, then you have then choice for the Syureria Ending.

The first choice here is to remain in Platina with Syureria which is of course,
the Syureria Ending. If you decided to pick the 2nd choice, that will be, going
back to Karl Village with Orica, which means the Good Ending with Orica.

If you have saved your game before this, then you can check both out.


This is it for the game. At the end, save the Game Clear Info. You will unlock
Extra at the Title Menu. You can check out Card Collection, RT Book, Humunoth
Concert, Glassno Book, Gallery, Movie Theater and Concert Hall.


<The 7 Endings>

Start with the Bad Ending, it is by fighting Tastiera without going into the
Good Ending Path, meaning you shouldn't bother to go after Ayatane and directly
fight Tastiera. This can be done in Orica or Misya Route, since this is in the
Common Route of Phase 3.

As you can see with this walkthrough, I have Normal Ending, Good Ending with
Orica, as well as the Syureria Ending. That's 3 more endings, so 4 in total.
But, there is also the Misya Route's. Which means, Misya gets Normal Ending and
Good Ending, as well as another version of the Syureria Ending.

To get the Normal Ending, Good Ending and Syureria Ending with Misya, you can
do and pick the similar things. It shouldn't really be THAT different from the
ones with Orica.



- Me
- CJayC
- Banpresto
- Gust


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