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L. Zhao et al.

The characteristic equation of the system (4) is
Equation (5) is equivalent to
The following two cases are discussed according to Eq. (6):
(i) . (一) .
(ii) . (二) .

4.1. Bifurcation caused by
4.1. 分岔引起的

For (i), it is only necessary to consider , suppose that is one of its roots. Separating the real and imaginary parts, then it follows that
对于(i),只需要考虑 ,假设这是 它的根之一。将真实部分和虚部分分开,然后得出
Combined with the expression of
Accordingly 因此
It is found from Eq. (8) that
where 哪里
If the values of in system (3) are given, substitute Eq. (10) of in Eq. (8) and the value of can be calculated from by Maple software. Finally, the value of can be obtained by Eq. (11).
如果给出了系统(3)中的值 ,则将方程(10) 代入方程(8),则可以通过Maple软件计算 出的值 。最后,可以通过方程(11)得到的 值。
Define 定义
For (ii), take into account 1) . Let be one of its roots, thus
对于(ii),考虑 1)。 让我们 成为它的根源之一,因此
In view of Eq. (12)
Hence 因此
From Eq. (13) 由式 (13)
where 哪里
If the values of in system (3) are given, use the same method as (i), the value of can be obtained by Eq. (13).
如果给出了系统(3)中的值 ,则使用与(i)相同的方法,可以通过方程(13)获得的 值。
Next, define the first bifurcation point as
The following assumption is given hereinafter:
(H1) or .
(H1) .
Lemma 1. Suppose that is the root of Eq. (6) near meeting , , then the following transversality condition holds
引理 1.假设这是 方程(6)的根 以下横向条件成立
Proof. For (i), differentiating both sides of with respect to , and bring in the expression of , it can be deduced that
证明。对于(i),将 的两侧 差,并引入 的 表达式,可以推导出
where 哪里
From Eq. (23), after direct calculation, the following result can be obtained
where 哪里
For (ii), differentiating both sides of with respect to , instead of (i), becomes in the transversal condition, and the rest of the proof is the same as (i).
对于(ii),将两 边相对于 ,而不是(i)进行微分, 处于横向条件,其余证明与(i)相同。
Apparently, the hypothesis hints that transversality condition is satisfied.
Based on the above discussion, the following theorem can be obtained.

L. Zhao et al.

Theorem 1. Assume that (H1) holds, then
定理 1.假设 (H1) 成立,则
(1) The trivial equilibrium of system (3) is asymptotically stable when and becomes unstable when .
(1)系统(3)的平凡平衡在时 渐近稳定,在 时变为不稳定。
(2) System (3) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at .
(2) 系统 (3) 在 处发生 Hopf 分岔。
Remark 4.1. The relationship between the roots of Eqs. (11) and (16) with respect to can be solved as follows. If the values of parameters are given, is expressed by Eq. (10), and then its expression is substituted into Eq. (8)). Using Maple software, the value of can be solved by
备注 4.1.方程根之间的关系。(11)和(16)可以 按如下方式解决。如果给出参数 的值, 则用方程(10)表示,然后将其表达式代入方程(8))。使用Maple软件,可以通过 以下方式解决
Note that at this time, the values of , are all known. Finally, use Maple software to calculate the value of . In addition, it can also be substituted back into Eq. (10) to verify whether the calculated value is correct. The calculation of Eq. (16) is similar.
请注意,此时 ,的 值都是已知的。最后,使用Maple软件计算出的 值。此外,还可以将其代入方程(10)中,以验证计算 值是否正确。方程(16)的计算与此类似。

4.2. Bifurcation caused by
4.2. 分岔引起的

For (i), use the method in Sec. 4.1, from Eq. (12) we have,
From Eq. (8) that
where 哪里
If the values of in system (3) are given, the value of can be obtained by Eq. (20), which is applied using the same method as in the previous section.
如果给出了系统(3)中的 值,则可以通过方程(20)获得其值,该方程使用与上一节相同的方法应用。
Define 定义
For (ii), we can get
As can be seen from Eq. (13)
where 哪里
If the values of in system (3) are given, the value of can be obtained by Eq. (22).
如果给出系统(3)中的 值,则可以通过方程(22)得到的 值。
Next, define the first bifurcation point as
The following assumption is given hereinafter:
Lemma 2. Let be the root of Eq. (6) near meeting , , then the following transversality condition holds
引理 2.设 为方程(6)近 相交 的根, 则以下横向条件成立
Proof. For (i), differentiating both sides of with respect to , it can be deduced that
证明。对于(i),区分两边 相对于 ,可以推导出
where 哪里
From Eq. (23), the following result can be obtained
where 哪里
For (ii), differentiating both sides of with respect to , at this time, becomes 1) in the transversal condition, the remaining proof is similar to (i).
对于(ii),此时将 的两边 相差 为 1) 在横向条件下,剩余的证明类似于 (i)。
Apparently, the hypothesis hints that transversality condition is satisfied.
Based on the above discussion, the following theorem can be obtained.
Theorem 2. Assume that (H2) holds, then
定理 2.假设 (H2) 成立,则
(1) The trivial equilibrium of system (3) is unstable when and becomes asymptotically stable when .
(1)系统(3)的平凡平衡在时 不稳定,在 时渐近稳定。
(2) System (3) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at .
(2) 系统 (3) 在 处发生 Hopf 分岔。

Remark 4.2. The fractional delay competitive website system based on Lotka-Volterra competitive model has aroused the interest of scholars [Zhao et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2019]. Unfortunately, in all kinds of competition models proposed before, time delay is taken as the bifurcation parameter. In this paper, the system parameters are analyzed as the bifurcation parameters of the competitive website model, and the analysis method adopted is a very rich supplement to the existing technical means.
备注 4.2.基于Lotka-Volterra竞争模型的分数延迟竞争网站系统引起了学者们的兴趣[Zhao et al., 2017;Xu 等人,2019 年]。不幸的是,在之前提出的各种竞争模型中,时间延迟都以分岔参数为分岔参数。本文将系统参数作为竞争性网站模型的分岔参数进行分析,所采用的分析方法对现有技术手段进行了非常丰富的补充。
Remark 4.3. So far, fractional-order systems with system parameters as bifurcation parameters have little research on bifurcation, especially dimensional systems Huang et al., 2018]. The conclusion of this paper is a rich supplement and an innovative strategy to the existing theoretical results of high-dimensional systems.
备注 4.3.到目前为止,以系统参数为分岔参数的分数阶系统对分岔的研究很少,尤其是 维度系统Huang et al., 2018]。本文的结论是对现有高维系统理论成果的丰富补充和创新策略。
Remark 4.4. It should be noted that select system parameters or are used as bifurcation parameter, the equilibrium point of the system may change. But this does not affect the main results. In addition, in the numerical simulation of the fifth part, when is taken as the bifurcation parameter, the state of the system (3) changes from stable state to unstable state at the critical value. However, the state of the system (3) changes from unstable state to stable state if is taken as the bifurcation parameter, which is just opposite to that when is taken as the parameter.
备注 4.4.需要注意的是,选择系统参数 用作分岔参数时,系统的平衡点可能会发生变化。但这不会影响主要结果。此外,在第五部分的数值模拟中,当以分岔参数为 分岔参数时,系统(3)的状态在临界值处由稳定状态变为不稳定状态。然而,系统(3)的状态从不稳定状态变为稳定状态,如果 作为分岔参数,这与当作为参数的 状态正好相反。
Remark 4.5. Not only the system parameters and are discussed, in the fifth part, the effects of other parameters, delay value and system order , on the random dynamic behavior of fractional-order system (3) are also studied. These results will provide more references for fractional-order theory and competitive system theory.
备注 4.5.在第五部分中,不仅讨论了系统参数 ,还研究了其他参数、延迟值 和系统阶 数对分数阶系统随机动力学行为的影响(3)。这些结果将为分数阶理论和竞争系统理论提供更多参考。

5. Numerical Examples 5. 数值示例

In order to prove the correctness of the proposed theoretical method, two numerical examples are given in this section.

5.1. Example 1 5.1. 示例 1

When , the following parameters are selected as the bifurcation parameters to study the

bifurcation problem of system (3),
Select initial values of . For (i), through the calculation method provided above, can be obtained if when the system parameter is taken as the bifurcation parameter. The calculation shows that meets (H1). For (ii), after calculation, we can get 1.6270, . The calculation shows that meets (H1). Therefore, the system (25) is continuous in the interval and there is no bifurcation at , so take . From Theorem [1, the trivial equilibrium of the
选择 的 初始值。对于(i),通过上面提供的计算方法, 可以得到如果 将系统参数 作为分岔参数。计算显示满足 (H1)。对于(ii),经过计算,我们可以得到 1.6270, 。计算显示满足 (H1)。因此,系统 (25) 在区间内是连续的 ,并且在 处 没有分岔,因此取 。根据定理 [1,平凡平衡
(c) system (25) is stable if , which is shown in Fig. [1, and Hopf bifurcation occurs if , as is illustrated in Fig. 2 .
(c)系统(25)是稳定的,如 图所示。[1,并且 Hopf 分岔发生在 ,如图 2 所示。
When the system parameter is taken as the bifurcation parameter, if , for (i), from Theorem 2, it can be obtained that 0.4828 , and meeting (H2). For (ii), using the above method, we can obtain and satisfying (H2). In addition, after verification, it is possible to obtain and . From the above calculation, it can be considered that the system (25) is continuous in the interval and there is no bifurcation at , thus 0.4828. From Theorem 2, the trivial equilibrium of the system (25) is stable if , which is shown in Fig. 3, and Hopf bifurcation occurs if , as is illustrated in Fig. 4.
当系统参数 作为分岔参数时,如果 , 对于(i),从定理2中可以得到0.4828 ,并 满足(H2)。对于(ii),使用上述方法,我们可以得到 满足(H2)。此外,经过验证,可以获得 .从上面的计算可以认为系统(25)在区间内是连续的 ,并且在 处 没有分岔,因此 为0.4828。根据定理 2,系统 (25) 的平凡平衡 在 中 是稳定的,如图 3 所示,如果 ,则发生 Hopf 分岔,如图 4 所示。
Figure 5 displays the effects of on . This implies that the onset of bifurcation can be deferred as increases when fixing and , which is further
图 5 显示了 on 的影响。这意味着分岔的开始可以推迟 为固定 时的增加,这是 进一步的
Fig. 1. The trivial equilibrium of system (25) is stable with . (a)-(c) Time-series of and (d) phase portrait.
图 1.系统(25)的平凡平衡在 中是稳定的。(a)-(c)时间序列 和(d)相位画像。
Fig. 2. The trivial equilibrium of system (25) is unstable with . (a)-(c) Time-series of and (d) phase portrait.
图 2.系统(25)的平凡平衡在 中不稳定。(a)-(c)时间序列 和(d)相位画像。
Fig. 3. The trivial equilibrium of system (25) is stable with . (a)-(c) Time-series of and (d) phase portrait.
图 3.系统(25)的平凡平衡在 中是稳定的。(a)-(c)时间序列 和(d)相位画像。
Fig. 4. The trivial equilibrium of system (25) is stable with . (a)-(c) Time-series of and (d) phase portrait.
图 4.系统(25)的平凡平衡在 中是稳定的。(a)-(c)时间序列 和(d)相位画像。
verified by Fig. 6. Figure 7 reveals the effects of on . Thus, bifurcation can occur in advance with the increment of when fixing and , which is also validated by Fig. 8 ,
通过图 6 验证。图 7 揭示了 on 的影响。因此,当固定 时,分岔可以提前 发生,这也由图 8 验证 ,
It can be distinctly seen from Fig. 9 that get small as increases if . This indicates
从图 9 中可以清楚地看出, 如果 .这表明
Fig. 5. The bifurcation point as varies with , . that the onset of bifurcation for system (25) can be advanced with the increment of in the given interval , which is proved in Fig. 10, On the contrary, it can be distinctly seen from Fig. 9 that get larger as increases if . This suggests that the onset of bifurcation for system (25) lags with the increment of in given interval , which is proved in Fig. 11.
图 5.分岔点 而变化。系统(25)的分岔开始可以随着给定区间内的 增量而提前 ,这在图10中得到了证明,相反,从图9中可以清楚地看出, 如果 .这表明系统(25)的分岔开始滞后于给定区间内的 增量 ,如图11所示。

5.2. Example 2 5.2. 示例 2

Consider the following system when ,