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The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials.
The physical and mental health needs of older residents in long-term care facilities are not being met due to a shortage of staff.
Virtual reality-based interventions are a widespread strategy for health promotion in older adults.
The effects of virtual reality-based interventions in older residents in long-term care facilities have not been previously established in systematic reviews.
Virtual reality-based interventions possibly provide a safe and effective approach for improving the physical health of older residents in long-term care facilities.
The effectiveness of virtual reality-based interventions for the mental health of older residents in long-term care facilities is uncertain.
Virtual reality-based interventions have the potential to provide individualized, error-free self-training for older residents in long-term care facilities.
Long-term care settings, such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes, provide formal care and services to support older adults. Older adults with functional impairment are more likely to move into long-term care facilities, and these older adults often experience physical and mental health problems along with vulnerability to psychological and social stressors (Curtis et al., 2018; Kua et al., 2019; Quan et al., 2020; Wilson et al., 2019; World Health Organisation, 2014). A decrease in physical health or cognitive difficulties can be a predictor for older adults moving into long-term care facilities, and older residents in long-term care facilities often have chronic illnesses, with many possessing more than one long-term health condition, such as arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and dementia (Curtis et al., 2018; O'Neill, 2011; Wilson et al., 2019). Many older residents in long-term care facilities suffer from functional impairments and disabilities, which creates a unique burden for formal caregivers and adds pressure to an overextended workforce in long-term care; many of these residents are unable to receive the level of care required for their health conditions (Kunkle et al., 2021). There is recognition that long-term care facilities often adequately respond to the physical needs of residents; however, their mental health needs remain unmet. The failure to meet such needs for older residents in long-term care facilities can lead to further health deterioration, new health problems, including increased incidences of anxiety and low mood, and deteriorations in cognitive functions, which may lead to behavioral disturbances, including mood disorders, wandering and verbal or physical aggression (Curtis et al., 2018; De Guzman et al., 2011; Hancock et al., 2006).
长期护理机构,如生活辅助设施和养老院,为老年人提供正规的护理和服务支持。有功能障碍的老年人更有可能入住长期护理机构,这些老年人通常会遇到身体和精神健康问题,同时容易受到心理和社会压力的影响(Curtis 等人,2018 年;Kua 等人,2019 年;Quan 等人,2020 年;Wilson 等人,2019 年;世界卫生组织,2014 年)。身体健康状况下降或认知困难可能是老年人入住长期护理机构的一个预测因素,长期护理机构中的老年居民通常患有慢性疾病,其中许多人拥有不止一种长期健康状况,如关节炎、心血管疾病和痴呆症(Curtis 等,2018 年;O'Neill,2011 年;Wilson 等,2019 年)。长期护理机构中的许多老年居民都患有功能障碍和残疾,这给正式护理人员带来了独特的负担,也给长期护理领域过度紧张的劳动力增加了压力;其中许多居民无法获得其健康状况所需的护理水平(Kunkle 等人,2021 年)。人们认识到,长期护理设施通常能充分满足居民的生理需求;但是,他们的心理健康需求仍然得不到满足。如果长期护理机构不能满足老年居民的这些需求,就会导致他们的健康状况进一步恶化,出现新的健康问题,包括焦虑和情绪低落的发生率增加,以及认知功能退化,从而可能导致行为紊乱,包括情绪障碍、游荡和言语或肢体攻击(Curtis 等人,2018 年;De Guzman 等人,2011 年;Hancock 等人,2011 年)。, 2006).
Given the current trends in population aging, active aging has become fundamental. The successful management of aging enables older people to be healthy, active, and autonomous for as long as possible (World Health Organization, 2002). Technology has been considered a key factor in cost-effective active-aging interventions, as a variety of systems have been proposed, ranging from monitoring systems to games for maintaining engagement in preventive exercises or during therapy and rehabilitation (De Angeli et al., 2020). Studies evaluating the use of internet-based resources, social networks, and new technologies in older adults have found positive opinions of these technologies among older adults (Garcon et al., 2016; Mitzner et al., 2010). Virtual reality is a novel approach in the field of aging that has been widely exploited as a tool for functional rehabilitation (Bergmann et al., 2018). Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have concluded that virtual reality technology has the potential to improve rehabilitation for the most common challenges among older adults, such as disruptions in balance, upper limb function, activities of daily living (ADLs), and quality of life, and to achieve high levels of satisfaction and adherence (Cacciata et al., 2019; Campo-Prieto et al., 2021, Campo-Prieto et al., 2021; Grigoras et al., 2018; Laufer et al., 2014; Miller et al., 2014; Nauta et al., 2019).
鉴于当前人口老龄化的趋势,积极老龄化已成为根本。成功的老龄化管理能使老年人尽可能长久地保持健康、活跃和自主(世界卫生组织,2002 年)。技术一直被认为是具有成本效益的积极老龄化干预措施的关键因素,因为已经提出了各种系统,从监测系统到保持参与预防性锻炼或治疗和康复期间的游戏(De Angeli 等人,2020 年)。对老年人使用互联网资源、社交网络和新技术进行评估的研究发现,老年人对这些技术持积极态度(Garcon 等人,2016 年;Mitzner 等人,2010 年)。虚拟现实是老龄化领域的一种新方法,已被广泛用作功能康复的工具(Bergmann 等人,2018 年)。一些系统综述和荟萃分析得出结论,虚拟现实技术具有改善老年人最常见挑战的康复潜力,如平衡、上肢功能、日常生活活动(ADLs)和生活质量方面的障碍,并能达到较高的满意度和依从性(Cacciata et al、2019;Campo-Prieto 等人,2021;Grigoras 等人,2018;Laufer 等人,2014;Miller 等人,2014;Nauta 等人,2019)。
Virtual reality has advantages in the field of health promotion. Virtual reality uses interactive simulations created with computer hardware and software to present users with opportunities to engage in environments that appear and feel similar to real world objects and events (Weiss et al., 2006). It offers the potential to develop a human performance testing and training environment with a wide range of applications (Dockx et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2003). Virtual reality could be advantageous, since it offers several features. Virtual reality technology replicates real-life scenarios, providing greater potential for transfer to real life (Dockx et al., 2016). Goal-oriented tasks and repetition provide training in a challenging and motivating environment (Langhorne et al., 2011; Lewis and Rosie, 2012; Veerbeek et al., 2014). Virtual reality mediates the interactions between the user and the virtual environment, which is immersive and engages a sense of presence (Greenleaf and Tovar, 1994; Laver et al., 2015). Virtual environments and objects provide the user with feedback through the senses, e.g., visual, hearing, touch, movement, balance and smell (Laver et al., 2015; Weiss et al., 2006). These features of virtual reality have been shown to be important and enjoyable, engaging users in long-term participation.
虚拟现实在健康促进领域具有优势。虚拟现实利用计算机硬件和软件创建的交互式模拟,为用户提供参与环境的机会,这些环境的外观和感觉与真实世界的物体和事件相似(Weiss 等人,2006 年)。它为开发具有广泛应用的人体性能测试和训练环境提供了潜力(Dockx 等人,2016 年;Lee 等人,2003 年)。虚拟现实技术具有多种优势。虚拟现实技术复制了现实生活中的场景,为向现实生活迁移提供了更大的可能性(Dockx 等人,2016 年)。以目标为导向的任务和重复提供了具有挑战性和激励性的训练环境(Langhorne 等人,2011 年;Lewis 和 Rosie,2012 年;Veerbeek 等人,2014 年)。虚拟现实介导用户与虚拟环境之间的互动,使用户身临其境,产生临场感(Greenleaf 和 Tovar,1994 年;Laver 等人,2015 年)。虚拟环境和物体通过视觉、听觉、触觉、运动、平衡和嗅觉等感官为用户提供反馈(Laver 等人,2015 年;Weiss 等人,2006 年)。虚拟现实的这些特点已被证明是重要和令人愉悦的,能吸引用户长期参与。
To date, several systematic studies of virtual reality used for health promotion among older adults have been published and have summarized the evidence for the current use of virtual reality technologies for the enhancement of health conditions in older adults, including pain management, posture, balance, mobility, cognitive functioning, and emotional wellbeing and a decreased risk of falls (Corregidor-Sanchez et al., 2020; Dermody et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2022; Miller et al., 2014; Montana et al., 2020; Sakaki et al., 2021). However, these studies have mostly focused on community populations, with little information on geriatric populations in long-term care facilities. The acceptability and effectiveness of virtual reality for older residents in long-term care facilities, who are a frailer population, have not been previously established in systematic reviews. One systematic review investigated the effects of exergaming on physical and cognitive outcomes among older adults living in long-term care facilities (Chu et al., 2022). However, this systematic review focused on evidence regarding exergaming itself, including physical exercise-based games applied using video games or virtual reality technology. To our knowledge, there is still much evidence involving virtual reality that has yet not been aggregated. To address the gap in knowledge regarding the application of virtual reality technology for residents in long-term care facilities, the aim of this systematic review was to understand the effectiveness of Virtual reality-based interventions in improving physical and mental outcomes (e.g., balance, cognition, and depression) among older residents in long-term care facilities.
迄今为止,已经发表了几项关于虚拟现实技术用于促进老年人健康的系统性研究,并总结了目前使用虚拟现实技术改善老年人健康状况的证据,包括疼痛管理、姿势、平衡、活动能力、认知功能、情绪健康以及降低跌倒风险(Corregidor-Sanchez等人,2020年;Dermody等人,2020年;Liu等人,2022年;Miller等人,2014年;Montana等人,2020年;Sakaki等人,2021年)。然而,这些研究大多集中在社区人群,很少有关于长期护理机构中老年人群的信息。长期护理机构中的老年居民体质较弱,虚拟现实技术对他们的可接受性和有效性尚未在系统综述中得到证实。有一篇系统综述调查了外部游戏对长期护理机构中老年人身体和认知能力的影响(Chu 等人,2022 年)。然而,这篇系统综述主要关注的是外部游戏本身的相关证据,包括使用视频游戏或虚拟现实技术的基于体育锻炼的游戏。据我们所知,还有许多涉及虚拟现实技术的证据尚未汇总。为了弥补长期护理机构中居民应用虚拟现实技术方面的知识空白,本系统综述旨在了解基于虚拟现实技术的干预措施在改善长期护理机构中老年居民的身体和精神状况(如平衡、认知和抑郁)方面的有效性。
This paper utilized the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines for reporting studies (Page et al., 2021). The protocol was registered in the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (Protocol registration ID: CRD42022331917).
本文采用了《系统综述和元分析首选报告项目》(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses,PRISMA)指南进行研究报告(Page et al.)该协议已在美国国家健康研究院(NIHR)的PROSPERO国际前瞻性系统综述注册中心注册(协议注册编号:CRD42022331917)。
Studies were included if they presented primary research that investigated the effect of virtual reality-based interventions on the physical and mental health outcomes of older residents in long-term care facilities. The Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome (PICO) framework information is presented in Table 1. While there is no ‘gold standard’ definition of a virtual reality-based intervention, this review of virtual reality was defined as “an advanced form of a human-computer interface that allows the user to ‘interact’ with and become ‘immersed’ in a computer-generated environment in a naturalistic fashion” (Kardong-Edgren et al., 2019). Virtual reality is a realistic virtual environment formed by a combination of computer software and hardware that should have 3 characteristics: immersion, interaction, and imagination (Lin et al., 2020).
只要是调查基于虚拟现实的干预措施对长期护理机构中老年居民身心健康结果的影响的主要研究,均被纳入研究范围。表 1 列出了人口、干预、比较和结果(PICO)框架信息。虽然基于虚拟现实的干预没有 "黄金标准 "的定义,但本综述将虚拟现实定义为 "人机界面的高级形式,允许用户以自然的方式与计算机生成的环境'互动'并'沉浸'其中"(Kardong-Edgren 等人,2019 年)。虚拟现实是由计算机软件和硬件组合而成的逼真虚拟环境,应具备三个特征:沉浸感、交互性和想象力(Lin et al.)
Table 1. Population Intervention Comparison Outcome (PICO) selection criteria.
表 1.人群干预比较结果(PICO)选择标准。
Empty Cell | Inclusion criteria 纳入标准 | Exclusion criteria 排除标准 |
Participants | Older adults aged 55 years and over living in long-term care settings, such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes. 居住在长期护理机构(如生活辅助设施和疗养院)的 55 岁及以上老年人。 | |
Intervention | Virtual reality-based interventions 基于虚拟现实的干预措施 | Studies that compared two different types of virtual reality without an alternative group were excluded. 将两种不同类型的虚拟现实进行比较而不设备选组的研究排除在外。 |
Control | Usual care or an active control intervention. 常规护理或积极的对照干预。 | |
Outcomes | One or more physical or mental health outcomes (e.g., balance or cognitive function, depression). 一种或多种生理或心理健康结果(如平衡或认知功能、抑郁)。 | Lack of at least one relevant prespecified outcome. 缺乏至少一项相关的预设结果。 |
Study Design | Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental trials reported as full-length articles and published in English. 随机对照试验(RCT)和以英文发表的长篇文章形式报告的准实验试验。 | Incomplete information or studies for which the full text could not be obtained, conference papers, study protocols, qualitative studies, reviews, and editorials. 信息不完整或无法获得全文的研究、会议论文、研究方案、定性研究、综述和社论。 |
Four databases (the Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science) were searched (from their inception up to May 2022) for original articles. The literature search was conducted using search terms related to virtual reality and older adults. A combination of MeSH and entry terms was used (nursing home OR homes for the aged OR long-term care OR assisted living facilities OR residential facilities OR institutional care OR institutionalized) AND (‘Virtual’ OR ‘Computer aided therap*’ OR ‘Computer assisted therap*’ OR ‘Active gam*’ OR ‘Exergam*’ OR ‘Video gam*’ OR ‘Computer gam*’). The complete search strategies are listed in Appendix 1. The search was limited to publications with humans. Only publications in English were included in this review. The reference lists of all potentially relevant articles and other reviews in the field were reviewed to identify any studies missed in the electronic database search.
对四个数据库(Cochrane 图书馆、PubMed、EMBASE 和 Web of Science)进行了检索(从开始到 2022 年 5 月),以获取原始文章。文献检索使用了与虚拟现实和老年人相关的检索词。使用了 MeSH 和条目术语(养老院或老人院或长期护理或生活辅助设施或住宅设施或机构护理或机构化)和("虚拟 "或 "计算机辅助治疗*"或 "计算机辅助治疗*"或 "主动游戏*"或 "Exergam*"或 "视频游戏*"或 "计算机游戏*")的组合。完整的检索策略见附录 1。搜索仅限于以人为对象的出版物。本综述只包括英文出版物。对所有可能相关的文章和该领域其他综述的参考文献目录进行了审查,以确定电子数据库搜索中遗漏的任何研究。
Search titles and abstracts were screened by two study authors (GL and XL). The full texts of eligible studies were then independently assessed for inclusion. When a consensus could not be reached, these disagreements were resolved with a third author acting as arbiter (LC).
由两位研究作者(GL 和 XL)筛选检索标题和摘要。然后对符合条件的研究报告全文进行独立评估,以决定是否纳入。如果无法达成共识,则由第三位作者作为仲裁人(LC)来解决这些分歧。
For each included trial, two reviewers (GL and XL) independently extracted all relevant data and trial quality information and entered it into a predesigned data extraction form. The data extracted included citation details, the study design, the study population, intervention details, outcome measures and results.
对于每项纳入的试验,由两名审稿人(GL 和 XL)独立提取所有相关数据和试验质量信息,并将其输入预先设计的数据提取表中。提取的数据包括引用细节、研究设计、研究人群、干预细节、结果测量和结果。
The quality of each trial was appraised using The Cochrane Collaboration's ‘Risk of bias’ tool. The tool covers the domains of sequence generation, allocation concealment, the blinding of outcome assessors, incomplete outcome data and selective reporting. Each domain is classified as having a ‘low risk’, a ‘high risk’ or an ‘unclear risk’ of bias. The domain that assessed the blinding of participants was omitted, as we believed this domain was related to the nature of the intervention and not study quality. The quality of nonrandomized controlled trials was appraised using the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies (MINORS). This index considers noncomparative studies to have good methodological quality if a score of 12 points is obtained, whereas for comparative studies, good methodological quality is considered when a score of 18 points is reached. All the data were checked by a third reviewer, and any discrepancies were discussed until consensus was achieved. We contacted authors by email to obtain any missing information necessary for the review. A trial was excluded if no usable data were listed or if usable data could not be retrieved. Meta-analysis was not conducted due to the variety in the outcomes and the differences in the measurement tools used to measure the outcomes.
使用 Cochrane 协作组织的 "偏倚风险 "工具对每项试验的质量进行评估。该工具涵盖序列生成、分配隐藏、结果评估者的盲法、结果数据不完整和选择性报告等领域。每个领域的偏倚风险分为 "低风险"、"高风险 "或 "不明确风险"。评估参与者盲法的领域被省略,因为我们认为该领域与干预的性质有关,与研究质量无关。非随机对照试验的质量采用非随机研究方法指数(MINORS)进行评估。该指数如果达到 12 分,则认为非比较研究的方法学质量良好;如果达到 18 分,则认为比较研究的方法学质量良好。所有数据均由第三位审稿人进行检查,并对任何差异进行讨论,直至达成共识。我们通过电子邮件与作者取得联系,以获取评审所需的任何缺失信息。如果没有列出可用数据或无法检索到可用数据,则排除该试验。由于结果的多样性以及用于测量结果的测量工具的差异,我们没有进行 Meta 分析。
A total of 8491 articles were initially identified from the database searches, and an additional 20 records were found through manual searches. Following the removal of duplicate records and articles that were deemed to be not relevant through manual screening of the titles and, where they were obtainable, the abstracts, there were 44 articles eligible for full-text screening (Fig. 1). Thirty of these studies met the inclusion criteria (see Appendix 2). A summary of the characteristics of the articles is provided in Appendix 2.
通过数据库搜索初步确定了 8491 篇文章,另外通过人工搜索发现了 20 条记录。通过人工筛选标题和摘要(如果可以获得),删除重复记录和认为不相关的文章后,共有 44 篇文章符合全文筛选条件(图 1)。其中 30 项研究符合纳入标准(见附录 2)。附录 2 提供了这些文章的特征摘要。
Fig. 1. Flow chart of the study selection process for this review.
图 1.本综述的研究选择流程图。
The studies were conducted in Asia (n = 9), Europe (n = 8), North America (n = 4), South America (n = 4), and Oceania (n = 5). Sixteen trials took place before 2020, and fourteen trials were conducted in 2020 and later. A total of 1057 participants met the inclusion criteria in the included studies. The sample size per study ranged from 8 to 106. Except for three studies that did not report sex/gender ratios (Alves et al., 2021; Cheng et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020), females made up approximately 55% of the total sample. The mean age of the individuals in the included studies, excluding one study that did not report the mean age (Alves et al., 2021), ranged from 66.5 to 87.5 years. The frequency of the virtual reality interventions varied from twice weekly to five times a week, and each virtual reality session ranged from 5 to 60 min, except for two studies that conducted free exercise interventions in which the frequency, duration and type of games were decided based on the participants' wishes (Keogh et al., 2012, Keogh et al., 2014). The overall duration of the virtual reality intervention in each study ranged from 2 weeks to 6 months, except for four studies that conducted a single intervention (Alves et al., 2021; D'Cunha et al., 2021; Loggia et al., 2021; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017a). None of the included studies had a long-term follow-up after the completion of the intervention. No adverse events were observed, as reported in 9 studies. Because of the heterogeneity in the outcome measures, a meta-analysis was not feasible. We categorized all included articles into different domains according to the different study population classifications for the following analysis.
这些研究分别在亚洲(9 项)、欧洲(8 项)、北美洲(4 项)、南美洲(4 项)和大洋洲(5 项)进行。其中 16 项试验在 2020 年前进行,14 项试验在 2020 年及以后进行。共有 1057 名参与者符合纳入研究的标准。每项研究的样本量从 8 到 106 不等。除三项研究未报告性别比例外(Alves 等,2021 年;Cheng 等,2020 年;Lin 等,2020 年),女性约占样本总数的 55%。除一项未报告平均年龄的研究(Alves 等人,2021 年)外,纳入研究的个体平均年龄在 66.5 岁至 87.5 岁之间。虚拟现实干预的频率从每周两次到每周五次不等,每次虚拟现实时间从5分钟到60分钟不等,只有两项进行自由运动干预的研究根据参与者的意愿决定游戏的频率、持续时间和类型(Keogh等人,2012年;Keogh等人,2014年)。每项研究中虚拟现实干预的总体持续时间从2周到6个月不等,只有四项研究进行了单次干预(Alves等人,2021年;D'Cunha等人,2021年;Loggia等人,2021年;Monteiro-Junior等人,2017年a)。所纳入的研究均未在干预结束后进行长期随访。9项研究均未发现不良事件。由于结果测量存在异质性,因此无法进行荟萃分析。我们根据不同的研究人群分类将所有纳入的文章分为不同的领域,以便进行以下分析。
All included studies were conducted with older residents in long-term care facilities. In most studies, there was no restriction on the population included, and older adults in long-term care facilities with the ability to apply virtual devices were included as subjects (Alves et al., 2021; Babadi and Daneshmandi, 2021; Cheng et al., 2020; Cicek et al., 2020; Ellmers et al., 2018; Janssen et al., 2013; Keogh et al., 2012, Keogh et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2020; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017a, Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain, 2017; Stanmore et al., 2019; Taylor et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019). However, some studies had various specific target populations and included older residents in long-term care facilities with decreased upper limb function (Hsu et al., 2011), frail older residents in long-term care facilities (Fu et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2021b), older residents in long-term care facilities with a fall history or fall risk (Ogawa et al., 2020; Yesilyaprak et al., 2016; Zahedian-Nasab et al., 2021), previously disabled older residents in long-term care facilities (Valiani et al., 2017), older residents in long-term care facilities with cognitive impairment (D'Cunha et al., 2021; Delbroek et al., 2017; Eisapour et al., 2020; Hsieh et al., 2018; Loggia et al., 2021; Oliveira et al., 2021a; Swinnen et al., 2021), and older residents in long-term care facilities with apathy (Saredakis et al., 2021).
所有纳入研究的对象都是长期护理机构中的老年居民。在大多数研究中,对纳入的人群没有限制,有能力应用虚拟设备的长期护理机构中的老年人都被列为研究对象(Alves 等人,2021 年;Babadi 和 Daneshmandi,2021 年;Cheng 等人,2020 年;Cicek 等人、2020;Ellmers 等人,2018;Janssen 等人,2013;Keogh 等人,2012;Keogh 等人,2014;Lin 等人,2020;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017a;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Mugueta-Aguinaga 和 Garcia-Zapirain,2017;Stanmore 等人,2019;Taylor 等人,2018;Wu 等人,2019)。然而,一些研究有各种特定的目标人群,包括长期护理机构中上肢功能减退的老年居民(Hsu 等人,2011 年)、长期护理机构中体弱的老年居民(Fu 等人,2015 年;Oliveira 等人,2021b)、长期护理机构中有跌倒史或跌倒风险的老年居民(Ogawa 等人,2020 年;Yesilyaprak 等人,2016 年;Zahedian-Nasab 等人、2021 年)、长期护理机构中曾经残疾的老年居民(Valiani 等人,2017 年)、长期护理机构中患有认知障碍的老年居民(D'Cunha 等人,2021 年;Delbroek 等人,2017 年;Eisapour 等人,2020 年;Hsieh 等人,2018 年;Loggia 等人,2021 年;Oliveira 等人,2021a 年;Swinnen 等人,2021 年)以及长期护理机构中患有冷漠症的老年居民(Saredakis 等人,2021 年)。
Virtual reality-based interventions in the included studies had five main forms: virtual reality-based exercise interventions (Alves et al., 2021; Babadi and Daneshmandi, 2021; Cicek et al., 2020; D'Cunha et al., 2021; Delbroek et al., 2017; Eisapour et al., 2020; Ellmers et al., 2018; Fu et al., 2015; Hsieh et al., 2018; Hsu et al., 2011; Janssen et al., 2013; Keogh et al., 2012, Keogh et al., 2014; Loggia et al., 2021; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017a, Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain, 2017; Ogawa et al., 2020; Oliveira et al., 2021b; Stanmore et al., 2019; Swinnen et al., 2021; Taylor et al., 2018; Valiani et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2019; Yesilyaprak et al., 2016; Zahedian-Nasab et al., 2021), virtual reality-based cognitive stimulation interventions (Oliveira et al., 2021a), virtual reality-based aromatherapy (Cheng et al., 2020), virtual reality-based reminiscence therapy (Saredakis et al., 2021), and virtual reality-based horticultural therapy (Lin et al., 2020). Several virtual reality systems were used, including the Nintendo Wii (n = 10), Kinect (n = 7), JINTRONIX (n = 1), Dividat Senso (n = 1) and other virtual reality systems (n = 11).
纳入研究中基于虚拟现实的干预主要有五种形式:基于虚拟现实的运动干预(Alves等人,2021年;Babadi和Daneshmandi,2021年;Cicek等人,2020年;D'Cunha等人,2021年;Delbroek等人、2017;Eisapour 等人,2020;Ellmers 等人,2018;Fu 等人,2015;Hsieh 等人,2018;Hsu 等人,2011;Janssen 等人,2013;Keogh 等人,2012,Keogh 等人,2014;Loggia 等人,2021;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017a,Monteiro-Junior et al、2017b;Mugueta-Aguinaga 和 Garcia-Zapirain,2017;Ogawa 等人,2020;Oliveira 等人,2021b;Stanmore 等人,2019;Swinnen 等人,2021;Taylor 等人,2018;Valiani 等人,2017;Wu 等人,2019;Yesilyaprak 等人,2016;Zahedian-Nasab 等人、2021)、基于虚拟现实的认知刺激干预(Oliveira 等人,2021a)、基于虚拟现实的芳香疗法(Cheng 等人,2020)、基于虚拟现实的回忆疗法(Saredakis 等人,2021)和基于虚拟现实的园艺疗法(Lin 等人,2020)。使用了多个虚拟现实系统,包括任天堂 Wii(n = 10)、Kinect(n = 7)、JINTRONIX(n = 1)、Dividat Senso(n = 1)和其他虚拟现实系统(n = 11)。
Twenty-five studies, including virtual reality-based exercise interventions (n = 22), a virtual reality-based cognitive stimulation intervention (n = 1), a virtual reality-based aromatherapy intervention (n = 1), and a virtual reality-based horticultural therapy intervention (n = 1), evaluated the effects of virtual reality on the physical health outcomes of older residents in long-term care facilities. The physical health outcomes that were assessed included dynamic stability (Ellmers et al., 2018; Keogh et al., 2012), balance (Babadi and Daneshmandi, 2021; Cicek et al., 2020; Delbroek et al., 2017; Ellmers et al., 2018; Janssen et al., 2013; Stanmore et al., 2019; Swinnen et al., 2021; Yesilyaprak et al., 2016; Zahedian-Nasab et al., 2021), fall risk (Fu et al., 2015; Keogh et al., 2012; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Ogawa et al., 2020; Stanmore et al., 2019; Yesilyaprak et al., 2016; Zahedian-Nasab et al., 2021), frailty (Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain, 2017), functional ability (Eisapour et al., 2020; Hsieh et al., 2018; Hsu et al., 2011; Keogh et al., 2014; Valiani et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2019), mobility (Cicek et al., 2020; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Ogawa et al., 2020; Stanmore et al., 2019; Taylor et al., 2018), gait (Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Ogawa et al., 2020; Swinnen et al., 2021), muscle strength (Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Swinnen et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2019), physical activity (Janssen et al., 2013; Keogh et al., 2014; Taylor et al., 2018; Valiani et al., 2017), ADLs (Oliveira et al., 2021a; Swinnen et al., 2021), pain (Hsu et al., 2011; Stanmore et al., 2019), fatigue (Stanmore et al., 2019), sleep quality (Cheng et al., 2020), health status (Lin et al., 2020), and exercise intensity (Loggia et al., 2021).
25 项研究,包括基于虚拟现实的运动干预(n = 22)、基于虚拟现实的认知刺激干预(n = 1)、基于虚拟现实的芳香疗法干预(n = 1)和基于虚拟现实的园艺疗法干预(n = 1),评估了虚拟现实对长期护理机构中老年居民身体健康结果的影响。评估的身体健康结果包括动态稳定性(Ellmers 等人,2018 年;Keogh 等人,2012 年)、平衡能力(Babadi 和 Daneshmandi,2021 年;Cicek 等人,2020 年;Delbroek 等人,2017 年;Ellmers 等人,2018 年;Janssen 等人,2013 年;Stanmore 等人,2019 年;Swinnen 等人,2021 年;Yesilyaprak 等人,2016 年;Zahedian-Nasab 等人、2021 年)、跌倒风险(Fu 等人,2015 年;Keogh 等人,2012 年;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017 年 b;Ogawa 等人,2020 年;Stanmore 等人,2019 年;Yesilyaprak 等人,2016 年;Zahedian-Nasab 等人、2021)、虚弱(Mugueta-Aguinaga 和 Garcia-Zapirain,2017)、功能能力(Eisapour 等人,2020;Hsieh 等人,2018;Hsu 等人,2011;Keogh 等人、2014;Valiani 等人,2017;Wu 等人,2019)、活动能力(Cicek 等人,2020;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Ogawa 等人,2020;Stanmore 等人,2019;Taylor 等人,2018)、步态(Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Ogawa 等人,2020;Swinnen 等人,2021)、肌肉力量(Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Swinnen 等人,2021;Wu 等人、2019)、体力活动(Janssen 等人,2013;Keogh 等人,2014;Taylor 等人,2018;Valiani 等人,2017)、ADLs(Oliveira 等人,2021a;Swinnen 等人,2021)、疼痛(Hsu 等人、2011;Stanmore 等人,2019)、疲劳(Stanmore 等人,2019)、睡眠质量(Cheng 等人,2020)、健康状况(Lin 等人,2020)和运动强度(Loggia 等人,2021)。
Most of the studies investigated multiple physical outcomes. Of the studies that assessed physical health-related outcomes, eighteen (n = 18/25, 72%) reported a positive postintervention effect. Fourteen studies (n = 14/25, 56%) reported a negative postintervention effect (Table 2).
大多数研究调查了多种身体结果。在评估身体健康相关结果的研究中,18 项研究(n = 18/25,72%)报告了干预后的积极效果。14 项研究(n = 14/25,56%)报告了干预后的负面影响(表 2)。
Table 2. The results for physical health-related outcomes.
表 2.与身体健康相关的结果。
Physical outcomes 物理成果 | Results | Studies | Sources of bias 偏见的来源 |
Dynamic stability 动态稳定性 | Positive | Ellmers et al. (2018) 埃尔默斯等人(2018) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint and calculation of the study size 非 RCT:评估研究终点和计算研究规模 |
Negative | Keogh et al. (2012) 基奥等人(2012 年) | Non-RCTs: calculation of the study size 非重复性研究:研究规模的计算 | |
Balance | Positive | Babadi and Daneshmandi (2021), Cicek et al. (2020), Stanmore et al. (2019), Swinnen et al. (2021), Zahedian- Zahedian-Nasab et al. (2021) Babadi 和 Daneshmandi (2021)、Cicek 等人 (2020)、Stanmore 等人 (2019)、Swinnen 等人 (2021)、Zahedian- Zahedian-Nasab 等人 (2021) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 4): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 4), selective reporting (n = 1), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 4):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 4)、选择性报告(n = 1)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Ellmers et al. (2018), Delbroek et al. (2017), Janssen et al. (2013), Yesilyaprak et al. (2016) Ellmers 等人(2018)、Delbroek 等人(2017)、Janssen 等人(2013)、Yesilyaprak 等人(2016) | Non-RCTs (n = 2): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1) and calculation of the study size (n = 2) 非 RCT(n = 2):评估研究终点(n = 1)和计算研究规模(n = 2) RCTs (n = 2): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 2), selective reporting (n = 2), and incomplete outcome data (n = 2) 随机对照研究(n = 2):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 2)、选择性报告(n = 2)和结果数据不完整(n = 2) | |
Fall risk | Positive | Stanmore et al. (2019), Zahedian-Nasab et al. (2021), Fu et al. (2015) Stanmore 等人(2019)、Zahedian-Nasab 等人(2021)、Fu 等人(2015) | RCTs: allocation concealment (n = 3), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 2), and selective reporting (n = 1) 研究性试验:分配隐藏(3 例)、结果评估盲法(2 例)和选择性报告(1 例) |
Negative | Keogh et al. (2012), Yesilyaprak et al. (2016), Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b), Ogawa et al. (2020) Keogh 等人(2012)、Yesilyaprak 等人(2016)、Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b)、Ogawa 等人(2020) | Non-RCTs (n = 2): calculation of the study size (n = 2), assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 2):计算研究规模(n = 2)、评估研究终点(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 2): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 2), selective reporting (n = 2), and incomplete outcome data (n = 2) 随机对照研究(n = 2):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 2)、选择性报告(n = 2)和结果数据不完整(n = 2) | |
Frailty | Positive | Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain (2017) 穆格塔-阿吉纳加和加西亚-扎皮拉因(2017 年) | RCTs: random sequence generation, allocation concealment, selective reporting, blinding of outcome assessment, and incomplete outcome data 研究性临床试验:随机序列生成、分配隐藏、选择性报告、结果评估盲法和结果数据不完整 |
Functional ability 功能能力 | Positive | Hsieh et al. (2018), Keogh et al. (2014), Valiani et al. (2017), Wu et al. (2019) Hsieh et al (2018)、Keogh et al (2014)、Valiani et al (2017)、Wu et al (2019) | Non-RCTs (n = 3): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 3), calculation of the study size (n = 3), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 3):评估研究终点(n = 3)、计算研究规模(n = 3)和失去随访(n = 1)。 RCTs (n = 1): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Eisapour et al. (2020), Hsu et al. (2011) Eisapour 等人(2020 年),Hsu 等人(2011 年) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1) and 非 RCT(n = 1):评估研究终点(n = 1)和 calculation of the study size (n = 1) 计算研究规模 (n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) | |
Mobility | Positive | Cicek et al. (2020), Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b) Cicek 等人(2020),Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Stanmore et al. (2019), Ogawa et al. (2020), Taylor et al. (2018) 斯坦摩尔等人(2019)、小川等人(2020)、泰勒等人(2018) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 2): allocation concealment (n = 1), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 2):分配隐藏(n = 1)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) | |
Gait | Positive | Swinnen et al. (2021), Ogawa et al. (2020) Swinnen 等人(2021 年),Ogawa 等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b) Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b) | RCTs: random sequence generation, allocation concealment, selective reporting, and incomplete outcome data 研究性临床试验:随机序列生成、分配隐藏、选择性报告和结果数据不完整 | |
Muscle strength 肌肉力量 | Positive | Swinnen et al. (2021), Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b) Swinnen 等人(2021),Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b) | RCTs: random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 2), selective reporting (n = 2), and incomplete outcome data (n = 2) 随机对照研究:随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 2)、选择性报告(n = 2)和结果数据不完整(n = 2) |
Negative | Wu et al. (2019) 吴等人(2019) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint and calculation of the study size 非 RCT:评估研究终点和计算研究规模 | |
Physical activity 体育活动 | Positive | Janssen et al. (2013), Keogh et al. (2014), Valiani et al. (2017) Janssen 等人(2013 年)、Keogh 等人(2014 年)、Valiani 等人(2017 年) | Non-RCTs(n = 2): calculation of the study size (n = 2) and assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 2):计算研究规模(n = 2)和评估研究终点(n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Taylor et al. (2018), Stanmore et al. (2019) 泰勒等人(2018)、斯坦莫尔等人(2019) | RCTs (n = 2): allocation concealment (n = 1), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 2):分配隐藏(n = 1)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) | |
ADLs | Negative | Swinnen et al. (2021), Oliveira et al. (2021a) Swinnen 等人(2021),Oliveira 等人(2021a) | RCTs: random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 2), selective reporting (n = 2), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究:随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 2)、选择性报告(n = 2)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Pain | Positive | Stanmore et al. (2019) 斯坦摩尔等人(2019) | RCTs: allocation concealment and blinding of outcome assessment 研究性临床试验:分配隐藏和结果评估盲法 |
Negative | Hsu et al. (2011) Hsu 等人(2011 年) | RCTs: allocation concealment, selective reporting, and incomplete outcome data 研究性试验:分配隐藏、选择性报告和结果数据不完整 | |
Fatigue | Negative | Stanmore et al. (2019) 斯坦摩尔等人(2019) | RCTs: allocation concealment and blinding of outcome assessment 研究性临床试验:分配隐藏和结果评估盲法 |
Sleep quality 睡眠质量 | Positive | Cheng et al. (2020) 程等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、数据分析和失去随访机会 |
Health status 健康状况 | Positive | Lin et al. (2020) 林等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, calculation of the study size, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、计算研究规模、数据分析和失去随访机会 |
Exercise intensity 运动强度 | Positive | Loggia et al. (2021) Loggia 等人(2021 年) | Non-RCTs: calculation of the study size 非重复性研究:研究规模的计算 |
Sixteen studies, including virtual reality-based exercise interventions (n = 12), a virtual reality-based cognitive stimulation intervention (n = 1), a virtual reality-based aromatherapy intervention (n = 1), a virtual reality-based reminiscence therapy intervention (n = 1), and a virtual reality-based horticultural therapy intervention (n = 1), evaluated the effects of virtual reality on the mental health outcomes of older residents in long-term care facilities. The mental health outcomes assessed included cognitive-related outcomes, emotional outcomes, and psychosocial outcomes. The cognitive-related outcomes included cognitive functions (Delbroek et al., 2017; Hsieh et al., 2018; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017a, Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Ogawa et al., 2020; Oliveira et al., 2021a, Oliveira et al., 2021b; Saredakis et al., 2021; Stanmore et al., 2019; Swinnen et al., 2021; Taylor et al., 2018), frontal cortical activity (Alves et al., 2021), and symptoms of dementia (Oliveira et al., 2021a). The emotional outcomes included depressive symptoms (Cicek et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Oliveira et al., 2021a; Saredakis et al., 2021; Swinnen et al., 2021), mood (D'Cunha et al., 2021; Delbroek et al., 2017; Hsieh et al., 2018; Stanmore et al., 2019), loneliness (Lin et al., 2020; Saredakis et al., 2021), and happiness (Cheng et al., 2020). The psychosocial outcomes included psychopathological behaviors (Saredakis et al., 2021; Swinnen et al., 2021), meaning in life (Lin et al., 2020), perceived mattering (Lin et al., 2020), health status (Lin et al., 2020), perceived stress (Cheng et al., 2020), meditation experience (Cheng et al., 2020), and life satisfaction (Cheng et al., 2020).
16 项研究,包括基于虚拟现实的运动干预(12 项)、基于虚拟现实的认知刺激干预(1 项)、基于虚拟现实的芳香疗法干预(1 项)、基于虚拟现实的回忆疗法干预(1 项)和基于虚拟现实的园艺疗法干预(1 项),评估了虚拟现实对长期护理机构老年居民心理健康结果的影响。评估的心理健康结果包括认知相关结果、情绪结果和社会心理结果。认知相关结果包括认知功能(Delbroek 等人,2017;Hsieh 等人,2018;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017a;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Ogawa 等人,2020;Oliveira et al、2021a、Oliveira 等人,2021b;Saredakis 等人,2021;Stanmore 等人,2019;Swinnen 等人,2021;Taylor 等人,2018)、额叶皮层活动(Alves 等人,2021)和痴呆症状(Oliveira 等人,2021a)。情绪结果包括抑郁症状(Cicek 等人,2020;Lin 等人,2020;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Oliveira 等人,2021a;Saredakis 等人,2021;Swinnen 等人、2021 年)、情绪(D'Cunha 等人,2021 年;Delbroek 等人,2017 年;Hsieh 等人,2018 年;Stanmore 等人,2019 年)、孤独感(Lin 等人,2020 年;Saredakis 等人,2021 年)和幸福感(Cheng 等人,2020 年)。社会心理结果包括心理病理行为(Saredakis 等人,2021 年;Swinnen 等人,2021 年)、人生意义(Lin 等人,2020 年)、感知重要性(Lin 等人,2020 年)、健康状况(Lin 等人,2020 年)、感知压力(Cheng 等人,2020 年)、冥想体验(Cheng 等人,2020 年)和生活满意度(Cheng 等人,2020 年)。
Many studies have investigated multiple mental health outcomes. Of the studies that assessed mental health-related outcomes, eight (n = 8/16, 50%) reported a positive postintervention effect. Twelve studies (n = 12/16, 75%) reported a negative postintervention effect (Table 3).
许多研究对多种心理健康结果进行了调查。在评估心理健康相关结果的研究中,8 项研究(n = 8/16,50%)报告了干预后的积极效果。12 项研究(n = 12/16,75%)报告了干预后的负面影响(表 3)。
Table 3. The results for mental health-related outcomes.
表 3.心理健康相关结果。
Categories | Mental outcomes 心理结果 | Results | Studies | Sources of bias 偏见的来源 |
Cognitive-related outcomes 认知相关成果 | Cognitive functions 认知功能 | Positive | Swinnen et al. (2021), Hsieh et al. (2018), Oliveira et al., 2021a, Oliveira et al., 2021b, Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b) Swinnen 等人(2021 年),Hsieh 等人(2018 年),Oliveira 等人,2021a,Oliveira 等人,2021b,Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):评估研究终点(n = 1)、计算研究规模(n = 1)和失去随访(n = 1) RCTs (n = 4): incomplete outcome data (n = 2), random sequence generation (n = 2), allocation concealment (n = 3), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 1), and selective reporting (n = 3) 研究性临床试验(n = 4):结果数据不完整(n = 2)、随机序列生成(n = 2)、分配隐藏(n = 3)、结果评估盲法(n = 1)和选择性报告(n = 3)。 |
Negative | Stanmore et al. (2019), Saredakis et al. (2021), Delbroek et al. (2017), Taylor et al. (2018), Ogawa et al. (2020), Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017a) Stanmore 等人(2019)、Saredakis 等人(2021)、Delbroek 等人(2017)、Taylor 等人(2018)、Ogawa 等人(2020)、Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017a) | Non-RCTs (n = 2): loss to follow-up (n = 2), baseline equivalence groups (n = 1), adequate statistical analyses (n = 2), assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), and calculation of the study size (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 2):随访损失(n = 2)、基线等效组(n = 1)、充分的统计分析(n = 2)、研究终点评估(n = 1)和研究规模计算(n = 1) RCTs (n = 4): allocation concealment (n = 3), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 2), random sequence generation (n = 1), incomplete outcome data (n = 2), and selective reporting (n = 1) 随机研究(n = 4):分配隐藏(n = 3)、结果评估盲法(n = 2)、随机序列生成(n = 1)、结果数据不完整(n = 2)和选择性报告(n = 1)。 | ||
Frontal cortical activity 额叶皮层活动 | Positive | Alves et al. (2021) 阿尔维斯等人(2021 年) | RCTs: allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1) 研究性试验:分配隐藏(n = 1),选择性报告(n = 1) | |
Symptoms of dementia 痴呆症的症状 | Negative | Oliveira et al. (2021a) 奥利维拉等人 (2021a) | RCTs: random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of outcome assessment, and selective reporting 研究性临床试验:随机序列生成、分配隐藏、结果评估盲法和选择性报告 | |
Emotional outcomes 情感成果 | Depressive symptoms 抑郁症状 | Positive | Swinnen et al. (2021), Lin et al. (2020) Swinnen 等人(2021 年),Lin 等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 1)和随访损失(n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 1):分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) |
Negative | Saredakis et al. (2021), Cicek et al. (2020), Oliveira et al. (2021a), Monteiro-Junior et al. (2017b) Saredakis 等人(2021)、Cicek 等人(2020)、Oliveira 等人(2021a)、Monteiro-Junior 等人(2017b) | Non-RCTs (n = 2): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), data analyses (n = 2), loss to follow-up (n = 2), and baseline equivalence groups (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 2):研究终点评估(n = 1)、研究规模计算(n = 1)、数据分析(n = 2)、随访损失(n = 2)和基线等效组(n = 1) RCTs (n = 2): random sequence generation (n = 1), allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机对照研究(n = 2):随机序列生成(n = 1)、分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)、结果数据不完整(n = 1) | ||
Mood | Negative | Stanmore et al. (2019), Hsieh et al. (2018), D'Cunha et al. (2021), Delbroek et al. (2017) Stanmore et al (2019)、Hsieh et al (2018)、D'Cunha et al (2021)、Delbroek et al (2017) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): assessment of the study endpoint (n = 1), calculation of the study size (n = 1), and loss to follow-up (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):评估研究终点(n = 1)、计算研究规模(n = 1)和失去随访(n = 1) RCTs (n = 3): allocation concealment (n = 3), blinding of outcome assessment (n = 2), selective reporting (n = 2), random sequence generation (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1) 随机研究(n = 3):分配隐藏(n = 3)、结果评估盲法(n = 2)、选择性报告(n = 2)、随机序列生成(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1) | |
Loneliness | Positive | Lin et al. (2020), Lin 等人(2020 年)、 | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, calculation of the study size, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、计算研究规模、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Negative | Saredakis et al. (2021) Saredakis 等人(2021 年) | Non-RCTs: loss to follow-up, baseline equivalence groups, and adequate statistical analyses 非 RCT:随访损失、基线等效组和充分的统计分析 | ||
Happiness | Positive | Cheng et al. (2020) 程等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Psychosocial outcomes 社会心理成果 | Psychopathological behaviors 精神病理行为 | Negative | Swinnen et al. (2021), Saredakis et al. (2021) Swinnen 等人(2021 年)、Saredakis 等人(2021 年) | Non-RCTs (n = 1): loss to follow-up (n = 1), baseline equivalence groups (n = 1), and adequate statistical analyses (n = 1) 非 RCT(n = 1):随访损失(n = 1)、基线等效组(n = 1)和充分的统计分析(n = 1) RCTs (n = 1): allocation concealment (n = 1), selective reporting (n = 1), and incomplete outcome data (n = 1), 随机对照研究(n = 1):分配隐藏(n = 1)、选择性报告(n = 1)和结果数据不完整(n = 1)、 |
Meaning in life 生命的意义 | Positive | Lin et al. (2020) 林等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, calculation of the study size, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、计算研究规模、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Perceived mattering 认为重要 | Positive | Lin et al. (2020) 林等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, calculation of the study size, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、计算研究规模、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Health status 健康状况 | Positive | Lin et al. (2020) 林等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, calculation of the study size, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、计算研究规模、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Perceived stress 感知压力 | Positive | Cheng et al. (2020) 程等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Meditation experience 冥想体验 | Positive | Cheng et al. (2020) 程等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、数据分析和失去随访机会 | |
Life satisfaction 生活满意度 | Positive | Cheng et al. (2020) 程等人(2020 年) | Non-RCTs: assessment of the study endpoint, data analyses, and loss to follow-up 非研究性临床试验:评估研究终点、数据分析和失去随访机会 |
The risk of bias in the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was assessed, as shown in Appendix 3. The overall risk of bias in the included studies was unclear to low. Random sequence generation was reported as adequate in 11 trials (65%). Allocation concealment was reported as adequate in 2 trials (12%). Blinding of the outcome assessor was reported in 9 trials (53%). No trials were able to blind participants or personnel. We deemed 9 trials (53%) to be at low risk of bias in relation to incomplete outcome data. Six studies (35%) were free of selective reporting. We considered that all included studies had no other bias. The largest sources of bias were the influence on allocation concealment and outcome assessments, insufficient evidence showing that the results were not biased by missing data (e.g., lack of intention-to-treat analyses), and a lack of detailed trial protocols. The risk of bias in the non-RCTs was assessed and is presented in Appendix 4. The MINORS ranged from 12 to 22 points, which was considered an indication of moderate methodological quality. For twelve of the checklist items, the studies mostly presented the required information. Shortfalls in the studies included the absence of a description of the unbiased assessment of the study endpoint (69%), loss to follow-up (46%), and insufficient information for calculation of the study size (85%).
如附录 3 所示,对随机对照试验 (RCT) 的偏倚风险进行了评估。纳入研究的总体偏倚风险为不明确至低。据报告,11 项试验(65%)的随机序列生成是充分的。2项试验(12%)的分配隐藏报告为充分。9项试验(53%)报告对结果评估者进行了盲法操作。没有一项试验能够对参与者或工作人员进行盲法操作。我们认为9项试验(53%)因结果数据不完整而存在偏倚的风险较低。6项研究(35%)不存在选择性报告。我们认为所有纳入的研究都没有其他偏倚。最大的偏倚来源是对分配隐藏和结果评估的影响、没有足够的证据表明结果没有受到缺失数据的影响(如缺乏意向治疗分析)以及缺乏详细的试验方案。对非 RCT 的偏倚风险进行了评估,评估结果见附录 4。MINORS 为 12 分至 22 分,表明方法学质量处于中等水平。在核对表的 12 个项目中,大部分研究都提供了所需的信息。不足之处包括缺乏对研究终点无偏见评估的说明(69%)、随访损失(46%)以及计算研究规模的信息不足(85%)。
We identified 30 studies on the effectiveness of virtual reality-based interventions conducted in long-term care facilities. Most studies involved virtual reality-based exercise interventions. Most studies also focused on the effects of virtual reality-based interventions on balance, fall risk, functional ability, mobility, physical activity, cognitive function, and depressive symptoms. Many articles were published in 2020 and beyond, indicating an increased focus on virtual reality in recent years. Based on our findings in this systematic review, virtual reality-based interventions could be effective in improving the physical health of older residents in long-term care facilities, but their effectiveness for the mental health was inconclusive. No adverse events were reported, indicating that virtual reality-based interventions could be a safe approach for older residents in long-term care facilities.
我们确定了 30 项在长期护理机构中进行的基于虚拟现实的干预有效性研究。大多数研究涉及基于虚拟现实的运动干预。大多数研究还关注了基于虚拟现实的干预措施对平衡、跌倒风险、功能能力、活动能力、体力活动、认知功能和抑郁症状的影响。许多文章发表于 2020 年及以后,表明近年来人们越来越关注虚拟现实技术。根据我们在这篇系统综述中的发现,基于虚拟现实的干预措施可以有效改善长期护理机构中老年居民的身体健康,但其对心理健康的影响尚无定论。没有关于不良事件的报道,这表明对长期护理机构中的老年居民来说,基于虚拟现实的干预是一种安全的方法。
Virtual reality-based interventions are possibly effective for improving the physical health of older residents in long-term care facilities. However, this evidence lacks certainty. Regarding outcomes including dynamic stability, balance, fall risk, functional ability, mobility, gait, muscle strength, physical activities, and pain, the included studies showed inconsistent results. For outcomes including frailty, sleep quality, health status, and exercise intensity, the studies showed virtual reality-based interventions to be effective, but the number of studies was small.
Virtual reality-based interventions have the potential to improve the physical health of older residents in long-term care facilities. The included studies showed that virtual reality-based interventions had positive effects for high-risk older adults over 80 years old and older adults with mobility difficulties for whom crutches or wheelchairs are required in long-term care facilities (Cheng et al., 2020; Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain, 2017; Swinnen et al., 2021). At the same time, it can improve the physical activity of older adults (Janssen et al., 2013; Keogh et al., 2014; Valiani et al., 2017). Older adults living in long-term care facilities are far less physically active than their community-dwelling counterparts, and insufficient activity negatively affects their health and quality of life (Martinez-Gomez et al., 2016; Pavey et al., 2015; Weeks et al., 2008). A previous review demonstrated the importance of improving physical activity for older residents in long-term care facilities, and interventions should be embedded into long-term care (Barrett et al., 2021). Thus, virtual reality-based training could be an appropriate approach, since it might provide the motivation needed to engage in physical activity (Keogh et al., 2012; Valiani et al., 2017).
基于虚拟现实的干预措施有可能改善长期护理机构中老年居民的身体健康。纳入的研究表明,基于虚拟现实的干预措施对 80 岁以上的高风险老年人和长期护理机构中需要拐杖或轮椅的行动不便的老年人有积极影响(Cheng 等人,2020 年;Mugueta-Aguinaga 和 Garcia-Zapirain,2017 年;Swinnen 等人,2021 年)。同时,它还能提高老年人的身体活动能力(Janssen 等人,2013 年;Keogh 等人,2014 年;Valiani 等人,2017 年)。居住在长期护理机构中的老年人的体育活动量远远低于居住在社区的老年人,活动量不足会对他们的健康和生活质量产生负面影响(Martinez-Gomez 等人,2016 年;Pavey 等人,2015 年;Weeks 等人,2008 年)。之前的一篇综述表明,改善长期护理设施中老年居民的体育活动非常重要,干预措施应嵌入长期护理中(Barrett 等人,2021 年)。因此,基于虚拟现实的培训可能是一种合适的方法,因为它可以提供参与体育活动所需的动力(Keogh 等人,2012 年;Valiani 等人,2017 年)。
It is difficult to conclude the effect of virtual reality-based interventions on the mental health outcomes of older residents in long-term care facilities. The included studies showed inconsistent results for cognitive functions (Delbroek et al., 2017; Hsieh et al., 2018; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017a, Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Ogawa et al., 2020; Oliveira et al., 2021a, Oliveira et al., 2021b; Saredakis et al., 2021; Stanmore et al., 2019; Swinnen et al., 2021; Taylor et al., 2018) and depressive symptoms (Cicek et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020; Monteiro-Junior et al., 2017b; Oliveira et al., 2021a; Saredakis et al., 2021; Swinnen et al., 2021) and no improvements in mood (D'Cunha et al., 2021; Delbroek et al., 2017; Hsieh et al., 2018; Stanmore et al., 2019). A previous meta-analysis found moderate effects of virtual reality exergames on overall cognitive function and memory and a large effect on depressive outcomes in older adults (Yen and Chiu, 2021). This may have to do with the different populations included in these studies. In the future, more studies are needed to explore the impacts of virtual reality-based interventions on the mental health of older residents in long-term care facilities.
基于虚拟现实的干预措施对长期护理机构中老年居民心理健康结果的影响很难下结论。纳入的研究显示,认知功能(Delbroek 等人,2017;Hsieh 等人,2018;Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017a,Monteiro-Junior 等人,2017b;Ogawa 等人,2020;Oliveira 等人,2021a,Oliveira 等人,2021b;Saredakis 等人,2021;Stanmore 等人,2019;Swinnen 等人、2021;Taylor等人,2018)和抑郁症状(Cicek等人,2020;Lin等人,2020;Monteiro-Junior等人,2017b;Oliveira等人,2021a;Saredakis等人,2021;Swinnen等人,2021),情绪没有改善(D'Cunha等人,2021;Delbroek等人,2017;Hsieh等人,2018;Stanmore等人,2019)。之前的一项荟萃分析发现,虚拟现实外部游戏对老年人的整体认知功能和记忆力有中等程度的影响,对抑郁结果有较大影响(Yen 和 Chiu,2021 年)。这可能与这些研究涉及的人群不同有关。未来,需要开展更多研究,探索基于虚拟现实的干预措施对长期护理机构中老年居民心理健康的影响。
First, virtual reality-based interventions could provide real-time feedback to create an error-free learning environment, since performance feedback for the status and outcome of a response is generally accepted to be necessary for most forms of learning or skill acquisition (Fu et al., 2015). According to the feedback, the training intensity could be personally tailored to the characteristics of older adults and provide graded progression interventions (Babadi and Daneshmandi, 2021; Stanmore et al., 2019). This finding is consistent with a previous study demonstrating that virtual reality technology could monitor body movements and reactions and provide real-time feedback on exercise performance, resulting in fun and play (Anderson-Hanley et al., 2011).
首先,基于虚拟现实的干预措施可以提供实时反馈,创造一个无差错的学习环境,因为对反应状态和结果的性能反馈被普遍认为是大多数形式的学习或技能习得所必需的(Fu 等人,2015 年)。根据反馈信息,训练强度可根据老年人的特点量身定制,并提供分级进步干预(Babadi 和 Daneshmandi,2021 年;Stanmore 等人,2019 年)。这一发现与之前的一项研究相一致,该研究表明虚拟现实技术可以监测身体动作和反应,并对运动表现提供实时反馈,从而带来乐趣和游戏性(Anderson-Hanley 等人,2011 年)。
Second, Virtual reality-based interventions are mostly conducted in the form of games in the virtual environment through the completion of tasks to achieve the purpose of training. Game training is interesting, and older people like it, which helps improve their motivation for training (Babadi and Daneshmandi, 2021; Hsu et al., 2011; Loggia et al., 2021; Zahedian-Nasab et al., 2021). At the same time, there is a group effect. Through training, communication among older residents in long-term care facilities is increased, life in long-term care facilities is enriched, and self-confidence is improved (Ellmers et al., 2018; Janssen et al., 2013; Keogh et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2020; Taylor et al., 2018). The included studies showed beneficial effects of virtual reality-based interventions on improving wellbeing and life satisfaction in older adults (Cheng et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020).
其次,基于虚拟现实的干预大多以游戏的形式在虚拟环境中进行,通过完成任务达到训练目的。游戏训练趣味性强,老年人喜欢,有助于提高他们的训练积极性(Babadi 和 Daneshmandi,2021 年;Hsu 等人,2011 年;Loggia 等人,2021 年;Zahedian-Nasab 等人,2021 年)。同时,还存在群体效应。通过培训,长期护理机构中老年居民之间的交流得到加强,长期护理机构中的生活得到丰富,自信心得到提高(Ellmers 等人,2018 年;Janssen 等人,2013 年;Keogh 等人,2014 年;Lin 等人,2020 年;Taylor 等人,2018 年)。纳入的研究表明,基于虚拟现实的干预措施对提高老年人的幸福感和生活满意度有益(Cheng 等人,2020 年;Lin 等人,2020 年)。
Third, virtual reality interventions have the potential to provide meaningful activities for older residents in long-term care facilities during lockdowns due to infectious diseases. Many of the studies were reported as being conducted after 2020, which was after the outbreak of COVID-19. The context of the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced the physical and mental health status of older residents in long-term care facilities, as they were often isolated in their own rooms (Oliver, 2020). Virtual reality-based programmes have the potential to increase activities and reduce social isolation and boredom for older residents in long-term care facilities during lockdowns (D'Cunha et al., 2021; Oliver, 2020).
第三,虚拟现实干预措施有可能在长期护理设施因传染病而关闭期间为老年居民提供有意义的活动。据报道,许多研究都是在 2020 年之后进行的,也就是 COVID-19 爆发之后。COVID-19 大流行的背景可能影响了长期护理机构中老年居民的身心健康状况,因为他们往往被隔离在自己的房间里(Oliver,2020 年)。基于虚拟现实的计划有可能在长期护理机构关闭期间为老年居民增加活动,减少社会隔离和无聊感(D'Cunha 等人,2021 年;Oliver,2020 年)。
The potential usability of virtual reality technology in long-term care facilities is uncertain. On the one hand, some studies have suggested that after learning, the staff of long-term care facilities could master the operation method and implement the intervention for older adults, who can practise by themselves after learning (Janssen et al., 2013; Taylor et al., 2018; Valiani et al., 2017). This aspect provides the possibility for the rehabilitation training of older residents in long-term care facilities. Compared with interventions performed by professional therapists, Virtual reality technology interventions could be more cost-effective. On the other hand, due to staff shortages and staff workloads in long-term care facilities, whether and how virtual reality-based interventions can be integrated into daily work remain to be explored.
虚拟现实技术在长期护理机构中的潜在可用性尚不确定。一方面,一些研究认为,长期护理机构的工作人员经过学习后,可以掌握操作方法,对老年人实施干预,老年人学习后可以自己练习(Janssen 等,2013;Taylor 等,2018;Valiani 等,2017)。这为长期护理机构中的老年居民提供了康复训练的可能性。与专业治疗师进行的干预相比,虚拟现实技术干预可能更具成本效益。另一方面,由于长期护理机构的人员短缺和工作量大,基于虚拟现实技术的干预措施能否以及如何融入日常工作仍有待探索。
Devices are needed for the implementation of virtual reality-based intervention. The interaction and immersion of virtual reality systems are increasing from the use of a PC or tablet (nonimmersive) and large monitors (semi-immersive) to head-mounted devices (fully immersive),while among these devices, virtual reality technologies supported by readily available gaming platforms, which represent an inexpensive and inspiring alternative to professional devices, have become increasingly popular, for instance, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox, or Sony PlayStation, which might be more suitable for adoption (Campo-Prieto et al., 2021, Campo-Prieto et al., 2021). However, because equipment is indispensable, costly devices could still limit the usability of virtual reality-based intervention in long term care facilities.
实施基于虚拟现实的干预需要设备。虚拟现实系统的交互性和沉浸感越来越强,从使用个人电脑或平板电脑(非沉浸式)和大型显示器(半沉浸式)到头戴式设备(全沉浸式),而在这些设备中,由现成的游戏平台支持的虚拟现实技术越来越受欢迎,这些平台是专业设备的廉价和鼓舞人心的替代品,例如任天堂 Wii、微软 Xbox 或索尼 PlayStation,它们可能更适合采用(Campo-Prieto 等人,2021 年;Campo-Prieto 等人,2021 年)。然而,由于设备不可或缺,昂贵的设备仍会限制基于虚拟现实的干预在长期护理机构中的可用性。
At the same time, it remains to be studied whether it is feasible for elderly individuals to perform the exercises independently after training. Two included studies provided free practise with a virtual reality-based exercise intervention for older adults and showed conflicting results regarding physical function (Keogh et al., 2012, Keogh et al., 2014). The results indicated that the amount of time each person spends exercising per week varies. Therefore, although virtual reality interventions are often considered to improve exercise adherence (Shen and Mak, 2014, Shen and Mak, 2015), free access to the exercise intervention still requires staff to encourage and monitor the frequency of exercise. Future studies need to evaluate whether the same quality and safety of treatment can be achieved when low-supervised interventions are provided (King et al., 2015).
与此同时,老年人在训练后独立完成练习是否可行仍有待研究。纳入的两项研究为老年人提供了基于虚拟现实的运动干预自由练习,结果显示,在身体功能方面存在矛盾(Keogh 等人,2012 年;Keogh 等人,2014 年)。结果表明,每个人每周锻炼的时间各不相同。因此,尽管虚拟现实干预通常被认为能提高锻炼的坚持性(Shen 和 Mak,2014 年;Shen 和 Mak,2015 年),但免费获得锻炼干预仍需要工作人员鼓励和监督锻炼频率。未来的研究需要评估在提供低监督干预时,是否能达到同样的治疗质量和安全性(King 等人,2015 年)。
Most studies used commercial exergaming. The intervention programs were not designed specifically for older residents in long-term care facilities, nor were they designed for specific intervention goals. Only two articles included instrumental ADL scenarios and cognitive function training scenarios designed for older adults (Eisapour et al., 2020; Oliveira et al., 2021a). In the future, more studies are needed to design virtual reality-based interventions with more targeted training functions according to the physical and mental characteristics and living environment characteristics of older residents in long-term care facilities to further improve the effectiveness of these interventions (Fu et al., 2015; Hsu et al., 2011; Mugueta-Aguinaga and Garcia-Zapirain, 2017; Stanmore et al., 2019; Taylor et al., 2018).
大多数研究使用的是商业电子游戏。这些干预项目并不是专门为长期护理机构中的老年居民设计的,也不是针对特定干预目标设计的。只有两篇文章包含了为老年人设计的工具性日常活动场景和认知功能训练场景(Eisapour 等人,2020 年;Oliveira 等人,2021a)。未来,需要开展更多研究,根据长期护理机构中老年居民的身心特点和生活环境特征,设计具有更有针对性训练功能的基于虚拟现实的干预措施,以进一步提高这些干预措施的有效性(Fu等人,2015;Hsu等人,2011;Mugueta-Aguinaga和Garcia-Zapirain,2017;Stanmore等人,2019;Taylor等人,2018)。
Older people have different experiences with virtual reality technology, and older people with low experience could experience more difficulty in adopting virtual reality-based intervention, which might influence these older adults in benefiting from such interventions. The feasibility of virtual reality for older adults as an important consideration for implementation has generally been poorly described (Miller et al., 2014). Thus, qualitative insights into older adults' attitudes and experiences towards the use of virtual reality technology are valuable from the ethical and utilitarian perspectives. Future studies should address not only the effectiveness of virtual reality-based interventions but also the feasibility issues specific to implementation in long term care facilities.
老年人对虚拟现实技术有不同的体验,体验较少的老年人在采用基于虚拟现实的干预措施时可能会遇到更多困难,这可能会影响这些老年人从此类干预措施中受益。虚拟现实技术对老年人的可行性是实施干预的重要考虑因素,但对这一问题的描述普遍较少(米勒等人,2014 年)。因此,从伦理和功利的角度来看,对老年人使用虚拟现实技术的态度和经验进行定性分析是非常有价值的。未来的研究不仅要解决基于虚拟现实的干预措施的有效性问题,还要解决在长期护理机构实施的可行性问题。
There are several limitations of this systematic review. First, most of the included studies had relatively small sample sizes. Studies with limited sample sizes are at risk of being underpowered, which may result in less reliability. Second, meta-analysis was not performed due to the heterogeneity among the included studies. Third, the included studies did not conduct follow-up investigations, and there was a lack of evidence for the long-term effects of the interventions. Finally, there have been only limited studies providing limited evidence for the effectiveness of virtual reality-based nonexercise interventions.
In summary, our findings indicated that virtual reality-based interventions might be a safe and effective approach to improve the physical health outcomes of older residents in long-term care facilities, but this evidence lacks certainty. The effectiveness of virtual reality-based interventions for mental health outcomes is uncertain. Virtual reality-based interventions showed the potential to provide individualized, error-free self-training, but the usability for older residents in long-term care facilities requires further study. Future studies should use RCT designs and aim to include larger sample sizes and have longer intervention durations. Researchers should also strictly follow the rules of RCT design, particularly regarding allocation concealment, blinding and the intention-to-treat analysis of data.
总之,我们的研究结果表明,基于虚拟现实的干预措施可能是一种安全有效的方法,可以改善长期护理机构中老年居民的身体健康结果,但这种证据缺乏确定性。基于虚拟现实的干预措施对心理健康结果的有效性尚不确定。基于虚拟现实的干预措施显示出了提供个性化、无差错自我培训的潜力,但对于长期护理机构中的老年居民来说,其可用性还需要进一步研究。未来的研究应采用 RCT 设计,并力求纳入更大的样本量和更长的干预持续时间。研究人员还应严格遵守 RCT 设计规则,尤其是分配隐藏、盲法和意向治疗数据分析方面的规则。
This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number: 81902295).
This funding source had no role in the design of this study, in the analysis and interpretation of the data, in the writing of the report, or in the decision to submit the article for publication.
Guichen Li and Li Chen conceived and designed the study. Guichen Li and Xin Li conducted the title/abstract screening and full-text review of selected papers. Guichen Li wrote the manuscript, and all authors reviewed the study design, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and made crucial revision to the manuscript.
I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “Effects of virtual reality-based interventions on the physical and mental health of older residents in long-term care facilities: a systematic review”.
Guichen Li.
None. 无。
Supplementary material
The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials.