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PHYS 2LA: Lab 1
Acceleration Due to Gravity Precise
PHYS 2LA:实验室1重力加速度精确

Objectives 目标

This lab introduces fundamental concepts involved in physics experimentation like measurement, mathematical analysis, and graphical analysis. You will put these concepts in action to measure the acceleration due to gravity acting on an object in free-fall. Read all the steps in each part before you start. Work in your assigned groups and maintain a collaborative and communicative team.
Of the 8 learning objectives listed at the beginning of the Student Information Guide, you should expect to work on the following during today's lab.
A. Number 1. Create an appropriate graph based on collected data. Be able interpret information from that graph.
B. Number 5. Use calculus, scalars, vectors, and pictorial representations in order to solve problems.
C. Number 7. Explain how an abstract model relates to physical phenomena, including identifying the limitations of a model.

Introduction 介绍

If an object is dropped near the Earth's surface, we claim that it will fall with a constant acceleration due to the Earth's gravity, . You will experimentally test this claim in today's lab.
如果一个物体落在地球表面附近,我们声称它将由于地球的引力而以恒定的加速度下落, 。您将在今天的实验中通过实验验证这一说法。
The motion of an object in free fall is one-dimensional motion in the y-direction with constant acceleration. In general, an object undergoing free fall follows the kinematic equation:
where is the displacement of the object in time, , and is the initial falling speed of the object, and is the acceleration of that object in free fall . If the
其中, 是物体在时间上的位移, 是物体的初始下落速度, 是物体在自由下落时的加速度 。如果

object is dropped from standstill , we can update Eq. 1 :
如果物体从静止 下降,我们可以更新Eq.一曰:
We can now rearrange this to calculate the acceleration due to gravity, , from the initial height when the object was released and the time of free fall:

Developing good laboratory habits:

One of the primary objectives in our physics labs is to familiarize you with rigorous scientific methodology that includes setting up experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and deriving conclusions compatible with a given theoretical background and hypothesis. As a general rule:
  • Fill every data column and calculate the answer before moving on to the next column.
  • Let everyone in the group participate in the data taking - distributing the procedure among different people will increase precision.
  • Make sure that the result is compatible with your physical hypothesis, or if it isn't, make sure that you can explain why it isn't.
  • Do not finish any experiment before you are convinced that your overall analysis and conclusions make sense.

Software: 软件方面:

We will make use of a software interface called Capstone to collect, analyze, and manipulate data from experiments. The PASCO 850 interface is used to translate data from various sensors to the software. Throughout the introductory physics lab curriculum, you will use different features of the software, though the most commonly used will be the "graphs", "tables", "digits", and "calculator" features. Capstone has four main palettes, which are described on the following page:
我们将使用一个名为Capstone的软件界面来收集、分析和操作实验数据。PASCO 850接口用于将来自各种传感器的数据转换为软件。在整个介绍性物理实验室课程中,您将使用该软件的不同功能,尽管最常用的是“图形”,“表格”,“数字”和“计算器”功能。Capstone有四个主要的调色板,如下所述:
(1) Tools: Used to add and configure sensors and interfaces, edit data sets and properties, calibrate sensors, define calculations, and set up signal generators.
(2) Controls: Used to start/stop data collection, set the data monitoring mode, set the sampling rate, delete data runs, and define start/stop conditions.
(3) Displays: Used to add data displays such as data tables, graphs, and digital monitoring.
(4) Central Display: Displays the data displays selected from the "Displays" palette

Experimental Apparatus: 实验装置:

In the first part of the lab, you will use a two-meter stick and a motion sensor.
In the second part of the lab, the experimental apparatus you will use to measure (shown at right) consists of:
在本实验的第二部分中,您将用于测量 的实验装置(如右图所示)包括:
  • A two-meter stick, 一根两米长的棍子
  • A steel ball, 一个钢球,
  • A ball release mechanism,
  • And a receptor plate.
This apparatus will allow you to precisely measure
Release Plate takes for an object released from a known height to ground, hence allowing you to calculate using Eq. 3 . the time it hit the
释放板用于从已知高度释放到地面的物体,因此允许您使用公式计算 。3 .当它撞上

Part I: Introduction to Capstone 1. Data Acquisition and Graphical Analysis
第一部分:Capstone 1的介绍。数据采集和图形分析

The purpose of this first section is to introduce you to data-input and graphical analysis in the Capstone software. You will generate functions of position versus time by moving along a line while trying to arrive at specific positions at specific times. The data will be acquired by a motion sensor that sends data through the 850 interface to the software.
1.1: Turn on the 850 interface and make sure the motion sensor is plugged into "Pasport Input 1" and the free fall adapter is plugged into "Digital Input 1". Open the Capstone template corresponding to this week's lab in the " " folder on your computer's desktop. Position the motion sensor at the front edge of the lab table.
1.1:打开850接口,确保运动传感器插入“Pasport Input 1”,自由落体适配器插入“Digital Input 1”。在电脑桌面的“ “文件夹中打开与本周实验对应的Capstone模板。将运动传感器放置在实验台的前边缘。
1.2: In Capstone, click on the "Hardware Setup" menu under the tools palette. An image of the 850 interface should appear. You will see next to "Pasport Input 1" the icon for the motion sensor (") (you will also see next to "Digital Input 1" the icon for the free fall adapter ( the second part of the lab). Click Hardware Setup again to close the menu.
1.2:在Capstone中,点击工具面板下的“硬件设置”菜单。应出现850接口的图像。您将在“Pasport Input 1”旁边看到运动传感器的图标(“)(您还将在“Digital Input 1”旁边看到自由落体适配器的图标(本实验的第二部分))。再次单击硬件设置关闭菜单。
1.3: In the template you have a table already created for you. Enter the data in the table below on your computer. To do this, click at the top of one of the columns in the Capstone tables. Under "Create New", select "User-Entered Data". This will allow you to type in your data set by hand. Title the first column "Time Elapsed" with units (s) and the second column "Position Traveled" with units (m). Create the table as shown below:
Title Match Graph
Time Elapsed (s) Position Traveled (m)
0.00 2.00
1.00 1.40
2.00 1.00
4.00 1.00
5.00 1.60
6.00 2.00
8.00 1.00
1.4: Now plot the data from your table in the "Match Graph" at the bottom left of the screen. To do this, click on the vertical axis and select "Position Traveled " under the "User-Entered Data" heading. Then assign "Time Elapsed (s)" to the horizontal axis.
1.4:现在在屏幕左下方的“匹配图”中绘制表格中的数据。为此,单击垂直轴并选择“用户输入的数据”标题下的“行程位置 “。然后将“Time Elapsed(s)”分配给水平轴。
1.5: Lay the two-meter stick on the floor in front of the motion sensor with the zero end of the scale approximately under the face of the motion sensor. Orient the stick so that the motion sensor is facing along the stick.
1.6: Adjust the position of the measuring stick with the following procedure:
  • On the controls palette, click on "Recording Conditions" (
  • Set the start condition type to "Time Based" and enter in for the time delay. Set the stop condition to "Time Based" and enter for the record time. When you're finished, click OK.
    将启动条件类型设置为“基于时间”,并在 中输入时间延迟。将停止条件设置为“基于时间”,并输入 作为记录时间。完成后,单击“确定”。
  • Set the motion sensor's sampling rate to . Click on the Record button (O) at the bottom of the screen. The motion sensor will start to emit a clicking sound.
    将运动传感器的采样率设置为 。点击屏幕底部的录制按钮(O)。运动传感器将开始发出咔哒声。
  • Stand in front of the motion sensor.
  • Observe the trace on the graph "Motion Sensor Data," which will begin tracing across the graph after a three-second count on the timer. While the trace moves across the graph, move toward or away from the motion sensor so that the trace reaches a vertical coordinate of 1.0 meter. The trace will automatically stop after eight seconds.
  • Remain standing where you are.
  • Have your partner slide the stick towards or away from the motion sensor so that the 1.0-meter mark is under the front of your body.
  • Tape the stick in place with masking tape.
1.7: Examine the match graph and determine the position coordinate of the graph for a time of zero seconds.
1.8: Click on the record button. A three-second countdown will commence, followed by eight seconds of measurement by the motion sensor. While the motion sensor is operating, it will emit a clicking sound.
1.9: During the three-second countdown, stand in front of the motion sensor at the initial position of the match graph, which you determined in step 1.7.
1.10: During the eight seconds of measurement, have your partner give you instructions to move towards or away from the motion sensor so that the trace moving across the graph matches the colored graph as nearly as possible. It may be helpful to rehearse your movements before taking data.
  • What do the flat lines on the position versus time graphs represent?
  • What do diagonal lines connecting the flat lines represent? What do their slopes represent (i.e. a steeper slope versus a more gradual slope)?
1.11: Repeat steps 1.8-1.10 until a reasonably good match is obtained for the match graph on the bottom left. Ask your TA to check your match.
In your notebook, briefly summarize the activity from this section: Explain what skills you learned and why they might be useful in the study of experimental physics. Also discuss the difference between your theoretical data (the information you inserted into the table) and your measured data (the trace you generated using the motion sensor).

Part II: Determination of
第二部分: 的确定

  1. Equipment Setup 设备设置
2.1: In Capstone, select the second tab at the top of your screen titled "Time of Fall Measurements". You should see a page with a table and a "Digits display" on the left and a graph on the right.
2.2: From the "Controls" palette, change the recording mode from "Continuous Mode" to "Keep Mode". The "Controls" palette should now look like the image below. With Capstone now ready, it is time to setup the apparatus.
NOTE: "Keep Mode" will allow you to preview the measured value before it is stored into the data table. If you want to keep the value, click to record the
注:“保持模式”将允许您在将测量值存储到数据表中之前预览测量值。如果要保留该值,请单击 以记录

data. If you do not want to keep the value, do not hit stop. Simply redo the sample run.
2.3: On the experimental apparatus (refer to the figure on p. 3), press the dowel pin until the release plate/contact screw separation is slightly less than the diameter of the ball. Insert the ball between the contact screw and the release plate then tighten the thumbscrew to secure the steel ball. It should fit just tightly enough to prevent it from falling, but not so tight that the release plate is damaged. Move the clamp holding the release plate along the meter stick, such that the bottom of the ball is at a height of .
2.3:在实验装置上(参见第3页的图),按压定位销,直到释放板/接触螺钉的间距略小于球的直径。将钢球插入接触螺钉和释放板之间,然后拧紧指旋螺钉以固定钢球。它应该安装得足够紧,以防止它下降,但不要太紧,释放板损坏。沿仪表杆沿着移动固定释放板的夹具,使球的底部处于 的高度。
2.4: To release the ball, loosen the thumbscrew. Make sure that the ball strikes the center of the receptor pad. Re-position the receptor pad as necessary. Repeat steps 2.3 and 2.4 as needed to ensure the ball strikes the center of the receptor pad.
NOTE: Make sure the receptor pad is level and aligned with the bottom of the two-meter stick. If the pad is placed completely under the stick, it may not register the strike of the ball.
NOTE: When inserting the ball into the release mechanism, a bogus value of time appears in the digits display. Ignore this value; it will be automatically erased when a fall time measurement is complete.

3. Data Collection 3.数据收集

3.1: Tighten the thumbscrew and insert the ball between the contact screw and the release plate. Click "Preview" (O) to begin data collection. Release the ball by loosening the screw. When the ball hits the receptor pad, the time between when the ball leaves the contact screw to when it hits the release plate will be recorded on the digits display - this is the "Time of Fall".
3.1: 拧紧指旋螺钉,并将球插入接触螺钉和释放板之间。点击“预览”(O)开始数据收集。松开螺钉,释放滚珠。当球撞击接收器垫时,从球离开接触螺钉到球撞击释放板之间的时间将记录在数字显示器上-这是“坠落时间”。
3.2: For the first sample run, record the data in your notebook (eg. "Attempt 1: ). Does it make sense for the ball to have fallen from that distance in that amount of time? (eg. is not a reasonable amount of time and that measurement would lead us to presume that our experiment is not measuring what we want it to measure). If you estimate
3.2:对于第一次样品运行,将数据记录在笔记本中(例如:“尝试1: )。球在那么长的时间内从那么远的地方落下有意义吗?(例如: 不是一个合理的时间量,这种测量会导致我们假设我们的实验没有测量我们想要测量的东西)。如果你估计

that your measured time of fall is approximately near what it should be, you can move on to take meaningful data.
3.3: Repeat the measurement. When finished, click to stop data collection. Once you complete your measurement, record it in your notebook and copy the time into the table in Capstone.
3.4: Repeat steps 3.1-3.3 to measure fall times from , and . Move the clamp holding the release plate along the two-meter stick, such that the bottom of the ball is at the chosen height.
3.4:重复步骤3.1-3.3,测量从 开始的跌落时间。将固定释放板的夹子沿着两米长的棍子移动,使球的底部处于选定的高度。

4. Data Analysis 4.数据分析

4.1: Using the time value you found for , calculate using Eq. 3. Do the same calculation for each of the six data points. Comment on the calculated values. How do they compare to ? Are the calculated values for the same for each fall height? Explain why or why not. If they are different, which calculated value do you think is "most correct"? Why?
4.1:使用您为 找到的时间值,使用等式计算 3.对六个数据点中的每一个进行相同的计算。对计算值进行注释。如何与 比较? 的计算值对于每个坠落高度是否相同?解释为什么或为什么不。如果它们不同,您认为哪个计算值“最正确”?为什么?为什么?
4.2: Now that we've done so analytically, Let's analyze the data graphically. Add the data to the vertical axis of the plot in Capstone and add the data to the horizontal axis. This doesn't tell us much as it is now, but the power of graphical analysis is that we can compare measured data (like you have in your graph) to theoretical predictions for physical behavior (like Eq. 2).
4.2:既然我们已经完成了分析,让我们以图形方式分析数据。将 数据添加到Capstone中图的垂直轴,并将 数据添加到水平轴。这并没有告诉我们太多,因为它是现在,但图形分析的力量是,我们可以比较测量数据(就像你在你的图)的理论预测的物理行为(如方程。2)。
  • First, identify a physical hypothesis to describe the trend between your controlled (fall-height) and measured data (time-of-fall). Write down the equation that describes this hypothesis and explain your choice.
  • From this statement of your physical hypothesis, identify the mathematical model that can be used to represent it (you may wish to reference the listed models on p. 2 of the "Graphical Analysis Guide"). State what the parameters in the mathematical represent in your physical hypothesis stated in the first bullet point, and state what terms from your hypothesis correlate with the ' ' and ' ' terms in the mathematical model.
    从你的物理假设的陈述中,确定可以用来表示它的数学模型(你可能希望参考“图形分析指南”第2页上列出的模型)。说明数学模型中的参数在第一个要点中所述的物理假设中代表什么,并说明假设中的哪些项与数学模型中的“ ”和“ ”项相关。
  • Click the arrow next to the curve fitting icon ). You will see a big list of mathematical models. The closest one to your mathematical model is "Quadratic: ", but this is not the same as the model needed to describe your physical hypothesis (Eq. 2). Explain why not.
    单击曲线拟合图标 旁边的箭头)。你会看到一个很大的数学模型列表。最接近你的数学模型的是“二次: ”,但这与描述你的物理假设所需的模型不同(等式11)。2)。解释为什么不。
  • From the curve fitting menu, select "User-Defined Fit" so that you can tell the software which mathematical model to fit to your data. Click the "Curve Fit Editor" on the left of the screen ( %). Enter the correct mathematical model next to " " - it should be " " - then click "Apply". Your data will be fit accordingly, and the software will tell you the value of your fitting parameter, A, that yields the best-fit curve.
    从曲线拟合菜单中,选择“用户定义的拟合”,这样您就可以告诉软件要拟合数据的数学模型。点击屏幕左侧的“曲线拟合编辑器”( %)。在“ “旁边输入正确的数学模型-应该是“ “-然后点击“应用”。您的数据将相应地拟合,软件将告诉您拟合参数A的值,该值将产生最佳拟合曲线。
  • Use the value of your fit parameter to calculate . Compare this value to the values you calculated in step 4.1. Do you think it's more or less accurate than your analytical value? Why?
    使用拟合参数的值计算 。将此值与步骤4.1中计算的值进行比较。你认为它比你的分析值更准确还是更不准确?为什么?为什么?
4.3: Make a sketch of your graph in your lab notebook. Your TA should be able to provide guidance on what is important to include.
Thought Experiment: How do you think air resistance affected your measured value of ? If you used a ping pong ball, for example, how would this affect the fall-time? Would you expect the ping pong ball and the steel ball to land at the same time if they were both dropped from a height of ? What would happen if you dropped both balls from a height of ?
思想实验:你认为空气阻力如何影响你的测量值 ?例如,如果你使用一个乒乓球,这会如何影响下降时间?如果乒乓球和钢球都从1#的高度掉下来,你认为它们会同时落地吗?如果你把两个球从 的高度掉下来会发生什么?
Finally, write a short summary of today's activities. In it, please discuss:
  • What is the difference between physical values (measured values) and mathematical values (exact numbers)?
  • Briefly describe the experiments you performed to measure .
    简要描述您为测量 而进行的实验。
  • What is the difference between the values you found for analytically (step 4.1) vs. graphically (step 4.2)?
    您通过分析(步骤4.1)和图形(步骤4.2)找到的 值之间的差异是什么?
  • Why are your measured values for different than the that we always use in physics?
    为什么你对 的测量值与我们在物理学中一直使用的 不同?