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Philipp Hauer's Blog

Engineering Management, Java Ecosystem, Kotlin, Sociology of Software Development
工程管理、Java 生态系统、Kotlin、软件开发社会学

Package by Feature 按功能打包

Posted on Apr 21, 2020. Updated on Jun 12, 2022
发布于 2020 年 4 月 21 日。更新于 2022 年 6 月 12 日

A popular approach is packaging by technical concerns. But this approach has some drawbacks. Instead, we can package by feature and create self-contained and independent packages. The result is a codebase that is easier to understand and less error-prone.

Package by Feature

TL;DR 简要说明

  • Drawbacks of packaging classes by technical concerns:
    • Poor overview of all classes that belong to a feature.
    • Tendency to generic, reused and complex code, which is hard to understand and changes can easily break other use cases as the impact of a change is hard to grasp.
  • Instead, package by feature and create packages that contain all classes that are required for a feature. The benefits are:
    • Better discoverability and overview
    • Self-contained and independent
    • Simpler code 更简单的代码
    • Testability 可测试性

Package by Layer 逐层包装

A very popular approach for a project structure is to package by layer. This leads to a package for each technical group of classes.

Packaging by layer groups all classes by a technical point of view

Packaging by layer groups all classes by a technical point of view

Let’s add the call hierarchy to the picture to “clearly” see which class depends on which class.
让我们把调用层次结构添加到图片中,以便 "清楚 "地看到哪个类依赖于哪个类。

The call hierarchy is spread across the whole project and involves many packages

The call hierarchy is spread across the whole project and involves many packages

So, what are the drawbacks of packaging by layer?

  • Poor feature overview. Usually, when we approach the code in a project, we have a certain domain or feature in mind that we want to change. So we are coming from a domain perspective. Unfortunately, technical packaging forces us to jump around from one package to another to grasp the big picture of a feature.
  • Tendency to generic, reused, and complex code. Often, this approach leads to central classes containing all methods for every use case. Over time, those methods get more and more abstracted (with extra parameters and generics) to fulfill more use cases. Only one example in the above picture is the ProductDAO where the methods for the ProductController and ExportController are located. The consequences are:
    倾向于通用、重复使用和复杂的代码。这种方法通常会导致中心类包含每个用例的所有方法。随着时间的推移,这些方法会越来越抽象(使用额外的参数和泛型),以满足更多的用例。上图中的 ProductDAO 就是一个例子,其中包含了 ProductControllerExportController 的方法。其后果是
    • A class gets bigger when more methods are added. So understanding it becomes harder just because of the amount of code.
    • Changing the generic reused code is dangerous. You can easily break all use cases although you only want to work on one use case.
    • Abstracted and generic methods are harder to understand for the following two reasons: First, to be generic, you usually need additional technical constructs (if, else, switch, parameter, generics) which makes it harder to see the business logic that the relevant for the current use case (signal-noise-ratio). Second, the cognitive demand is higher because you have to know all the other use cases to be sure you don’t break them. Sandi Metz nailed this:
      抽象方法和泛型方法更难理解,原因有二:首先,要实现泛型,通常需要额外的技术构造(if、else、switch、参数、泛型),这使得查看与当前用例相关的业务逻辑变得更加困难(信噪比)。其次,对认知的要求更高,因为你必须了解所有其他用例,以确保不会破坏它们。桑迪-梅兹(Sandi Metz)指出了这一点:

“I felt like I had to understand everything in order to help with anything.” Sandi Metz. See my post about our Wall of Coding Wisdom.
"我觉得我必须了解一切,才能帮上忙"。桑迪-梅兹。请参阅我关于 "编码智慧墙 "的文章。

We achieve DRY but violate KISS.
我们实现了 DRY,但违反了 KISS。

Package by Feature 按功能打包

Let’s rearrange the classes into self-contained feature packages.

The feature package for the user management

The feature package for the user management

The new package userManagement contains all classes that belong to this feature: the controller, the DAO, the DTOs and the entities.
新软件包 userManagement 包含属于该功能的所有类:控制器、DAO、DTO 和实体。

The feature package for the product management

The feature package for the product management

The new package productManagement contains the same class types plus the StockServiceClient and the corresponding StockDTO. This fact states clearly: The stock service is only used by product management.
新包 productManagement 包含相同的类类型,加上 StockServiceClient 和相应的 StockDTO 。这一事实清楚地说明了这一点:库存服务仅用于产品管理。

The userManagement and productManagement are using different domain entities and tables. Separating them into different packages is simple. But what happens when a feature needs similar or the even same domain entities than another feature?
userManagementproductManagement 使用不同的域实体和表。将它们分离到不同的软件包中很简单。但是,如果一个功能需要与另一个功能相似甚至相同的域实体,该怎么办呢?

The feature package for the product export

The feature package for the product export

Now, it’s getting interesting. The package exportProduct also deals with the product entity but has a different use case.
现在,情况越来越有趣了。软件包 exportProduct 也与产品实体打交道,但用途不同。

Our goal is to have self-contained independent feature packages. Consequently, the exportProduct should have it’s own DAO, DTO classes, and entities classes even if they may look similar to the classes in the productManagement. Resist the urge to reuse the classes from productManagement.
我们的目标是拥有自成一体的独立功能包。因此, exportProduct 应该有自己的 DAO、DTO 类和实体类,即使它们看起来与 productManagement 中的类相似。不要急于重用 productManagement 中的类。

  • We can use structs (DTO, entites) that are tailored for the export use case. They only contain the relevant fields and the entities can be created based on a query with a nice projection of the relevant columns - and nothing else.
  • The dedicated ExportProductDAO contains export-specific queries and projections.
    专门的 ExportProductDAO 包含针对出口的查询和预测。

We may have to write more code (again) but end up with a very beneficial situation:

  • Changes in the productManagement will never break the exportProduct code and vice versa. They can evolve independently.
    productManagement 的变化永远不会破坏 exportProduct 的代码,反之亦然。它们可以独立发展。
  • When changing code, we only have to keep the current feature in mind.
  • The code itself will become much simpler and easier to understand because it’s not generic and doesn’t have to work for both use-cases.

The above feature packages are great but in reality, we will always need a common package.
上述功能包固然很好,但在现实中,我们总是需要一个 common 功能包。

The common package contains technical configuration and reusable code

The common package contains technical configuration and reusable code

  • It contains technical configuration classes (e.g. for DI, Spring, object mapping, http clients, database connection, connection pooling, logging, thread pools)
    它包含技术配置类(如 DI、Spring、对象映射、http 客户端、数据库连接、连接池、日志、线程池等)。
  • It contains small useful code snippets that can be reused. But be very careful with the premature abstraction of your code. I always start by putting util code as close as possible to its usage, which is the feature package or even the using class. Only if I really have more usages for a snippet (not: I think I might have in the future), I move it to the common package. The Rule Of Three gives good guidance.
    它包含一些有用的小代码片段,可以重复使用。但要注意不要过早抽象代码。我总是先将实用代码尽可能地贴近其用途,也就是功能包,甚至是使用类。只有当某个代码段真的有更多的用途时(而不是:我认为将来可能会有),我才会把它移到 common 包中。三原则提供了很好的指导。
  • It might make sense to locate all entities in the common package. We also did this for some projects, where many feature packages are using the same entities again and again. Some devs also prefer to have all entities in a central place to be able to see the mapping of the database schema as a whole. I’m not dogmatic at this point because both locations for entities can be reasonable. Still, I always start to move as much code to the feature package as possible and rely on tailored use-case-specific entities and projections.
    common 软件包中定位所有实体可能是有意义的。我们在一些项目中也这样做了,在这些项目中,许多功能包都反复使用相同的实体。有些开发人员也喜欢把所有实体放在一个中心位置,以便查看整个数据库模式的映射。在这一点上,我并不固执己见,因为这两种实体位置都是合理的。不过,我在开始时总是尽可能多地将代码移到功能包中,并依赖于为特定用例量身定制的实体和投影。

Big Picture 大图片

Finally, our big picture looks like this:

Big picture of the package-by-feature approach

Big picture of the package-by-feature approach

Benefits 益处

Let’s briefly wrap up the benefits:

  • Better discoverability and overview from the domain point of view. Most of the code that belongs to a business feature is located together. This is crucial because we are approaching a codebase usually with a certain business requirement in mind.
  • Self-contained and independent. Most of the code that a feature needs, is located in the package. So we are avoiding dependencies to other feature packages. The consequences are:
    • It’s less likely that we break other features while evolving a feature.
    • Less cognitive capacity is required to estimate the impact of changes. Often, we only have to keep the current package in mind.
  • Simpler code. As we are avoiding generic and abstracted code, the code becomes simpler because it only has to handle a single use-case. Hence, it’s easier to understand and to evolve the code.
  • Testability. Usually, a class in a feature package has fewer dependencies compared to a “god-class” in a technical package that tries to fulfill all use-cases. So testing becomes easier as we have to create less test fixture.
    可测试性。通常情况下,功能包中的类与技术包中的 "神级 "类相比,依赖关系较少,而技术包中的 "神级 "类则试图满足所有的用例。因此,测试变得更容易,因为我们只需创建更少的测试夹具。

Drawbacks 缺点

  • We have to write more code.
  • We might write similar code multiple times.
  • It’s tricky to decide when we are better off moving code to the common package and to reuse it. The Rule of Three is useful when in doubt. I like to highlight that reuse is still allowed and useful.
    要决定何时将代码转移到 common 软件包并重复使用会更好,这很棘手。在有疑问时,"三原则 "很有用。我喜欢强调重复使用仍然是允许和有用的。
  • It’s also tricky to find out the adequate scope and size of a feature package. See the questions sections for details about this.

However, I believe that the advantages outweigh the drawbacks.

The Principles Behind 背后的原则

The proposed package-by-feature approach follows a principle that’s very close to my heart:

KISS > DRY 吻 > 干

Again, I like to quote Sandi Metz

“Prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction.” Sandi Metz. See The Wall Of Coding Wisdom.

A Recipe to Package by Feature

Our team documents its coding guidelines and principles that it commits on. The section about packaging by feature looks like this:

We package our code based on features. Each feature package contains most of the code that is required to serve the feature. Each feature package should be self-contained and independent.

├── feature1
│   ├── Feature1Controller
│   ├── Feature1DAO
│   ├── Feature1Client
│   ├── Feature1DTOs.kt
│   ├── Feature1Entities.kt
│   └── Feature1Configuration
├── feature2
├── feature3
└── common
  • This approach affects all layers. For instance, each package has its own DAO and client. There should be no huge god DAO class.
    这种方法会影响所有层。例如,每个软件包都有自己的 DAO 和客户端。不应该有一个庞大的 DAO 类。
  • A package should have only a few relationships with other packages. Everything that is required for the feature should be placed inside the package.
  • Rule of thumb: If you want to delete a feature, you should only have to delete the corresponding package.
  • Still, it’s okay to reuse stuff in a common package but it should only contain the code that is used multiple times (see rule of three). It doesn’t contain business logic. Technical utils are okay.
    尽管如此,在 common 包中重复使用某些内容也是可以的,但它只应包含多次使用的代码(参见三原则)。它不包含业务逻辑。技术实用程序可以。
  • If there are feature-specific Spring beans, we place their configuration in the feature package.
    如果有特定功能的 Spring Bean,我们会将其配置放在功能包中。

Questions 问题

What About the Structure Within a Feature Package?

This depends on the size of your project and feature packages.

For small and mid-size projects, I like to avoid defining rules that may add more ceremony than value (e.g. by requiring certain interfaces and subpackages). As long as you build independent and self-contained packages derived from your domain you are on the right track.

If you are dealing with a bigger codebase you may want to define more rules about the subpackage structure and the way, one feature package is allowed to access another one. The notion of “modules” or “components” instead of “feature packages” may be more helpful. For example, Tom Hombergs suggests adding api and internal packages in each component package that defines which parts of the component are allowed to be used by other components. See his post “Clean Architecture Boundaries with Spring Boot and ArchUnit” for details.
如果您要处理的是一个更大的代码库,您可能需要定义更多有关子包结构的规则,以及允许一个功能包访问另一个功能包的方式。模块 "或 "组件 "的概念可能比 "功能包 "更有帮助。例如,Tom Hombergs 建议在每个组件包中添加 apiinternal 包,定义允许其他组件使用组件的哪些部分。详情请参见他的文章《用 Spring Boot 和 ArchUnit 清理架构边界》。

Will I End Up Writing the Same Code Again and Again?

Yes, there will be some duplication but after my experience, there is not so much 100% identical code as you may believe. As the similar code covers different use-cases it is often different. For instance, two methods may query for products by the product name but they differ in the projected fields, sorting and additional criteria. So it’s totally fine to keep the methods separated in different packages.
是的,会有一些重复,但根据我的经验,并不像你认为的那样有那么多 100% 相同的代码。因为相似的代码涵盖了不同的用例,所以往往是不同的。例如,两种方法都可以通过产品名称查询产品,但它们在预测字段、排序和附加条件方面有所不同。因此,完全可以将这些方法分开放在不同的包中。

Moreover, duplication is not evil per se. I like to apply the rule of three before I start to extract code to a generic reused methods.

Finally, I like to highlight that centralizing reusable code is still allowed and sometimes reasonable, BUT those cases are not so frequent anymore.

Can Kotlin Support This Approach?
Kotlin 能否支持这种方法?

The packaging approach is language-independent. But Kotlin makes it easier to follow it:
打包方法与语言无关。但 Kotlin 让我们更容易遵循它:

  • With data classes, writing tailored feature-specific structs (like DTOs or entities) takes only a few lines and no boilerplate.
    有了数据类,编写定制的特定功能结构体(如 DTO 或实体)只需几行,无需模板。
  • Kotlin allows putting multiple classes in one file. So instead of having a subpackage dtos or entities containing many Java files for each POJO class, we can have a single DTOs.kt or Entities.kt file containing all data class definitions.
    Kotlin 允许将多个类放在一个文件中。因此,我们可以用一个包含所有数据类定义的 DTOs.ktEntities.kt 文件来代替包含每个 POJO 类的多个 Java 文件的子包 dtosentities