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BILIBILI 企业商业模式分析


Lin Chen

Master of Business Administration Program in Management

School of Management

Metharath University

MBA Thesis-Business Administration Program-2023

BILIBILI 企业商业模式分析

A Thesis


Lin Chen

Master of Business Administration Program in Management

School of Management

Metharath University


Title Bilibili Enterprise Business Model Analysis
名称 哔哩哔哩企业商业模式分析

Author Lin Chen

Program Business Administration Program
项目 工商管理项目

Advisor Dr.A.K.Mahbubul Hye
顾问 Dr.A.K.Mahbubul Hye

Academic Year 2020


The Thesis is Accepted by the School of Management, Metharath University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Enter degree.


(Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanchai Banchapattansakda)【填写院长的学术级别和姓名】

Dean, School of Management


................................................................ Advisor

(Dr.A.K.Mahbubul Hye)
(A.K.Mahbubul Hye博士)

................................................................ Co-Advisor

(Dr.Wasin Phromphithakkul)
(Wasin Phromphithakkul博士)

................................................................ Committee

(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pacapol Anurit)【填写委员会学术级别和名称】

................................................................ External Examiner

(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supachok Wiriyacosol)填写校外考官学术级别和名称



The flight of time. Paper writing is coming to an end, although encountered difficulties in the process of writing, some pain, but look back on this journey, leaving more experience and joy, and deeply grateful, grateful to the teacher to inculcate to me, not only in the graduation thesis gave me a lot of guidance and support, put forward valuable Suggestions for my paper, and during the period of school also taught me a lot of practical knowledge, let me in the last writing paper, whether literature retrieval, or format layout. At the same time, I also expressed my heartfelt thanks to every teacher in the department of Industry and Commerce for their gratitude.
时间的流逝。论文写作即将结束,虽然在写作过程中遇到了困难,有些痛苦,但回首这段旅程,留下了更多的经验和喜悦,并深表感激,感谢老师对我的灌输,不仅在毕业论文中给了我很多指导和支持,对我的论文提出了宝贵的建议, 而且在学校期间也教会了我很多实践知识,让我在最后的写作论文中,无论是文献检索,还是排版。同时,我也衷心感谢工商部的每一位老师的感谢。

Lin Chen



TitleBilibili Enterprise Business Model Analysis
名称 哔哩哔哩企业商业模式分析

AuthorLin Chen

ProgramBusiness Administration Program
项目 工商管理项目

Year 2020

In the context of today's cultural diversity, the ACGN culture, as a unique culture, is favored by the new generation of young people with its aesthetics, diversified contents and vivid forms of expression. In recent years, with the support of national policies and the rapid development of the Internet technology, the ACGN culture has developed healthily and prosperously. Many ACGN fans constitute ACGN communities, which also play an influence that cannot be ignored. Bilibili, as a leading enterprise in the ACGN community in China, the research of it can be useful for the development of ACGN community enterprises.

This paper takes the ACGN community enterprise business model as the research object and the business model element canvas model as the analysis tool. It mainly uses the qualitative research and summarizes the research methods, from nine elements of business canvas of the business model of ACGN community enterprises. And taking Bilibili as the research object, this paper analyzes in detail the specific contents of each element of the core business and business model, analysis of SWOT of Bilibili and corresponding strategy advice. Finally, based on the business model and SWOT analysis, the paper proposes countermeasures to help the development of the ACGN community enterprises.

Keywords Business canvas
关键词 business canvas

ACGN community


Business model

Table of Contents

Title Page

致谢 i


Table of Contentsiii
目录 iii

List of Tablesv
表 v 列表

List of Figuresvi

Chapter 1 Introduction1
第 1 章 引言 1

1.1 Research Background1
1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 Study significance1
1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 Study content2
1.3 学习内容 2

1.4 Research and innovation points4
1.4 研究与创新要点 4

Chapter 2 Basic concepts and theoretical summary5
第二章 基本概念及理论总结 5

2.1 Two atic community5
2.1 两个社区 5

2.2 The concept of the business model and its components6
2.2 商业模式的概念及其组成部分 6

2.3 Cantorial model of business model elements8
2.3 商业模式要素的规范模型 8

Chapter 3 Analysis of the current situation of the two-dimensional community business model10
第三章 二次元社区商业模式现状分析 10

3.1 Cantorial model of secondary community business model10
3.1 二级社区商业模式的规范模式 10

3.2 Analysis of the constituent elements of the secondary element community business model10
3.2 次级要素社区商业模式的构成要素分析10

3.3 Main user groups14
3.3 主要用户群体 14

3.4 Existing two-dimensional community enterprises15
3.4 现有二维社区企业 15

Chapter 4 Blilbi Business model analysis17
第 4 章 Blilbi 商业模式分析 17

4.1Blilbi Introduction17
4.1Blilbi 简介 17

4.2Blilbi Development process and community change18
4.2Blilbi 开发过程和社区变化 18

4.3Blilbi Business model element canvas model and analysis21
4.3Blilbi 商业模式元素画布模型与分析 21

4.4 Blilbi Main users29
4.4 Blilbi 主要用户 29

4.5 Blilbi, the main competitor31
4.5 Blilbi,主要竞争对手 31

4.6 Blilbi Business model SWOT analysis34
4.6 Blilbi 商业模式 SWOT 分析 34

4.7 Suggestions for improvement of Blilbi Business model46
4.7 Blilbi 商业模式的改进建议 46

Chapter 5 Conclusion49
第 5 章 结论 49

参考文献 51

传记 53

List of Tables

Title Page

Table 4.1 Average daily users and number of paying users of mainstream video websites42
表4.1 主流视频网站日均用户数及付费用户数 42

Table 4.2 Analysis of Blilbi SWOT Combination strategies44
表 4.2 Blilbi SWOT 组合策略分析 44

List of Figures

Title Page

Figure 2.1 Evolution of business model research6
图 2.1 商业模式研究的演变 6

Figure 2.2 Canvas structure diagram of business model elements8
图 2.2 商业模式要素 8 的画布结构图

Figure 2.3 Canvas of business model elements9
图 2.3 商业模式要素画布 9

Figure 3.1 Canvas of two-dimensional community business model elements10
图 3.1 二维社区商业模式要素画布 10

Figure 3.2 2022 Chinese netizens watch 2 yuan video reason survey15
图3.2 2022年中国网民观看2元视频理性调查15

Figure 4.1 Blilbi 2020 Happy New Year offering poster19
图 4.1 Blilbi 2020 新年快乐奉献海报 19

Figure 4.2 Blilbi 2020 New Year festival interactive scene19
图4.2 Blilbi 2020年新年节日互动场景19

Figure 4.3 Blilbi Content partitioning20
图 4.3.. Blilbi 内容分区 20

Figure 4.4 Figure 0.5 Blilbi Business model Canvas model21
图 4.4 图 0.5 Blilbi 商业模式 Canvas 模型 21

Figure 4.6 Quarterly main revenue and monthly active users23
图 4.6 季度主要收入和月活跃用户 23

Figure 4.7 The mobile game industry of Blilbi24
图 4.7 Blilbi 24 的手机游戏产业

Figure 4.8 Blilbi, Strong growth in the mobile game business24
图 4.8 Blilbi,移动游戏业务的强劲增长 24

Figure 4.9 View of Blilbi's advertising business25
图 4.9 Blilbi 广告业务概况 25

Figure 4.10 Membership and value-added services of Blilbi25
图 4.10 Blilbi 25 的会员和增值服务

Figure 4.11 The number of online video users in China and the future trend of Generation Z29
图 4.11 中国在线视频用户数量与Z世代未来趋势 29

Figure 4.12 Business model of Blilbi30
图 4.12 Blilbi 30 的商业模式

Figure 4.13 Blilbi provides support for different levels of UP master in various ways30
图 4.13 Blilbi 以各种方式为不同级别的 UP master 提供支持 30

Figure 4.14 Survey on the preference of Chinese netizens31
图 4.14 中国网民偏好调查 31

Figure 4.15 Tencent Video secondary element plate32
图 4.15 腾讯视频二次元板 32

Figure 4.16 Statistics of Tencent Video Content Investment in 2020-202233
图 4.16 2020-2022年腾讯视频内容投资统计 33

Figure 4.17 2022 TikTok APP user basic attributes33
图 4.17 2022 TikTok APP 用户基本属性 33

Figure 4.18 The Community of the Blilbi35
图 4.18 Blilbi 社区 35

Figure 4.19 Blilbi Number of users and retention rate35
图 4.19 Blilbi 用户数量和留存率 35

Figure 4.20 Commercial exploration of Blilbi36
图 4.20 Blilbi 36 的商业勘探

Figure 4.21 2021Q1-2022Q3Blilbi revenue structure analysis38
图 4.21 2021Q1-2022Q3Blilbi 收入结构分析 38

Figure 4.22 Blilbi 2021-2022 Number and growth rate of paying users40
图 4.22 Blilbi 2021-2022 付费用户数量和增长率 40

Figure 4.23 The two-dimensional section on Tencent video website43
图 4.23 腾讯视频网站二维版面 43


Chapter 1
第 1 章


1.1 Research Background
1.1 研究背景

In 2016, Big Fish & Begonia presented the two-dimensional works to the audience with a new face. It spread the charm of the two-dimensional culture to the audience with the Chinese story full of mystery and romance, the magnificent Chinese painting style, and the plot and lines containing classical philosophy. Three years later, "Which Zha: The Magic Boy" caught the attention of the audience with a high box office and a high score, so that the people of all age groups are exposed to animation, so that the second yuan video toward a better future forward.
2016年,Big Fish & Begonia以全新的面貌呈现给观众的二维作品。它以充满神秘和浪漫的中国故事,宏伟的中国画风,蕴含古典哲学的情节和台词,向观众传播了二次元文化的魅力。三年后,《哪个扎:魔术少年》以高票房、高分吸引了观众的眼球,让各个年龄段的人都接触到动画,让二元视频走向更美好的未来。

ACGN is a comprehensive abbreviation for four cultural forms: animation (Animation), Cartoon (Comic), Game (Game) and Light Novel (Novel). The quadratic element is a specialized in the ACGN subcultural circle, from the Japanese "quadratic element ()", originally for two-dimensional, plane, which relies on the virtual world of paper or screen, catching the definition of "two-dimensional" in physics. Since early Japanese animation, games and other works are composed of two-dimensional maps, and the two-dimensional culture is based on ACGN, where lovers form distinctive values, as well as fan creation, film and television adaptation, and peripheral commodities derived from these contents. On the basis of animation, comics, games and light novels as the carrier, the two-dimensional culture has derived various forms of content, which has further expanded the influence of the two-dimensional community. Therefore, the two-dimensional community is also booming thanks to this.

1.2 Study significance
1.2 研究意义

With the development of The Times and economy, the second dimension culture is loved and concerned by more and more people, and the second dimension is also immersed in people's life bit by bit, and has become an important part of people's entertainment. At the same time, not only is loyal to the lovers who like the second dimension, the country also attaches great importance to the development of the second dimension industry, which provides the most powerful support for the development of the second dimension. The economic development has driven the rapid development of Internet technology. The application of 5G and VR technology not only reduces the difficulty for people to obtain two-dimensional content, but also makes people's experience more smooth and fast. Under the dual support of society and economy, it provides the most sufficient nutrition for the development of the big garden of two yuan. In such a favorable situation, the two-dimensional community is also constantly absorbing nutrients, taking root and sprouting.

As the best growing tree in the garden of the two-dimensional community, Blilbi keeps making deep exploration after obtaining the support of capital rain and dew, and finally goes public. The research on its business model is of great significance to every two-dimensional community enterprise.

At the present stage, the development of online video websites in China is divided into two parts, one is long video websites such as "Aiyouteng", and the other is short video websites such as TikTok. But in the long video, the three companies can account for four-fifths of the number of users.Blilbi Is powerful in the second, although it is a niche website, but in the level of users has been climbing, at the same time, because it focuses on the second dimension culture, has attracted the attention and love of countless two dimension lovers, which makes it very different from other video websites. Through the study of Blilbi business model, we can not only find the reason why Blilbi stands out, but also provide the best suggestions for other two-dimensional community enterprises.

1.3 Study content
1.3 学习内容

This paper takes the business model of quadratic community enterprise as the research object, the canvas model as the analysis tool, mainly uses the research method of qualitative research and induction to study the business model of quadratic community enterprise and Blilbi, and conducts SWOT analysis of Blilbi, and gives the corresponding combination strategy suggestions. Finally, based on the business model and SWOT analysis, the Blilbi business model, in order to help the development of secondary community enterprises in the future.

Chapter 1, the introduction. It mainly introduces the development of the secondary industry in politics, economy, technology and social environment, the secondary community, the significance of the comprehensive analysis of the business model of the secondary community, and summarizes the research framework of this paper.
第 1 章,引言。主要介绍了第二产业在政治、经济、技术和社会环境中的发展,二级社区,综合分析二级社区商业模式的意义,总结了本文的研究框架。

Chapter 2, Research Basis. Firstly, the virtual community is elaborated, which leads to the two-dimensional community; secondly, the definition and introduction of business model and business model elements are summarized and summarized, and the concept of business model is summarized through a large number of literature, and the canvas model of business model is described.

Chapter three: an analysis of the current situation of the two-dimensional community business model. This chapter first gives the commercial canvas of the two-dimensional community based on the elements of the canvas model of the business model, and analyzes its nine components according to the four pillars. Then, the main user groups of the secondary community and the existing secondary community enterprises are introduced.

Chapter four, Blilbi Business model analysis. A brief introduction of Blilbi enterprises, and show the development process of Blilbi in the form of picture summary and text. Then, based on the canvas model, the four interfaces and nine aspects of Blilbi are analyzed, and its main user groups and competitors are analyzed. Blilbi business model SWOT analysis. Based on the above introduction and analysis of Blilbi, this chapter finds the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Blilbi's business model.Suggestions for improving the Blilbi business model. Based on the analysis of Blilbi business model and SWOT in chapter 4 and chapter 5, some suggestions for improvement are put forward.
第四章,Blilbi商业模式分析。简要介绍Blilbi企业,并以图片摘要和文字的形式展示Blilbi的发展历程。然后,基于画布模型,分析了Blilbi的四个接口和九个方面,并分析了其主要用户群体和竞争对手。Blilbi 商业模式 SWOT 分析。基于上述对Blilbi的介绍和分析,本章发现了Blilbi商业模式的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。改进 Blilbi 商业模式的建议。在第四章和第五章对Blilbi商业模式和SWOT的分析基础上,提出了一些改进建议。

Chapter FIVE, Conclusion. This chapter mainly summarizes the basic research methods, analysis steps and conclusions of the paper, and analyzes the limitations of the paper, and finally prospects the application of the business model of the secondary community enterprises.

1.4 Research and innovation points
1.4 研究与创新点

First, this paper uses the canvas model of the business model elements to study the business model of the quadratic community. Specifically from the four interfaces, nine elements of analysis, the two dimensional community enterprise business model elements canvas model. At present, the two-dimensional industry is developing rapidly, and the related research on the two-dimensional is also developing rapidly, but there are few research results on the two-dimensional community. This paper analyzes the business model of the two-dimensional community enterprises from a new perspective, and provides a new method to study the business model of the two-dimensional community enterprises.

Second, based on the application of the model elements of the business model canvas, this paper studies how the business model elements change with the development of Blilbi, and obtains the inseparable relationship between them. At the same time, with the help of SWOT analysis and combination strategy, suggestions for the development of Blilbi


Chapter 2
第 2 章

Basic concepts and theoretical summary

2.1 Two atic community
2.1 两个社区

As early as ancient times, people have formed communities, but there is no concept of community. German sociologist Tonnie (Tonnie) defines community as "a combination of groups people build based on relationships."As a unique existence, the quadratic community belongs to the virtual community. Domestic and foreign scholars have different views on this.

In 1994, Howard Rheingold gave the definition of virtual community (Virtual community). The author believes that virtual community is a kind of collection. Through the Internet, people have common topics, communicate with each other emotionally, and finally form an interpersonal network.
1994年,霍华德·莱茵戈尔德(Howard Rheingold)给出了虚拟社区(Virtual community)的定义。笔者认为,虚拟社区是一种集合。通过互联网,人们有共同的话题,在情感上相互交流,最终形成人际网络。

In 1999, John Hagel Ⅲ and Arthur Armstrong established the virtual community business model, and defined the virtual community as a group with a common interest or even enthusiasm for a specific activity or product class.
1999年,约翰·哈格尔三世(John Hagel III.)和亚瑟·阿姆斯特朗(Arthur Armstrong)建立了虚拟社区商业模式,并将虚拟社区定义为对特定活动或产品类别具有共同兴趣甚至热情的群体。

In 2010, Gupta Sumeet and Kim Hee-Woong defined virtual communities as people who did not know each other to achieve the same way, to acquire knowledge through the process of information exchange, and to make financial transactions.
2010年,古普塔·苏梅特(Gupta Sumeet)和金熙雄(Kim Hee-Woong)将虚拟社区定义为彼此不认识的人,以相同的方式实现目标,通过信息交换过程获取知识,并进行金融交易。

In 2011, Tonteri believed that the members had a sense of home in the community as a sense of belonging, while they made a promise to the community members and the community, fulfilled it through their beliefs, and found common interests in the process to communicate through the Internet.
2011 年,Tonteri 认为成员在社区中有一种家的感觉,这是一种归属感,同时他们向社区成员和社区做出承诺,通过他们的信念实现它,并在通过互联网交流的过程中找到共同的兴趣。

In 2020, Olushola Oyadiji believes that the virtual community is a group of hundreds of people who have never met, but they come together with a common interest on the Internet.
2020 年,Olushola Oyadiji 认为,虚拟社区是由数百人组成的团体,他们从未见过面,但他们在互联网上怀着共同的兴趣走到了一起。

In 2011, through the study of the literature of domestic and foreign scholars, Chinese scholar Xu Xiaolong defined the virtual community as the sum of a relationship, which forms that people can find common purposes through communication in order to realize their own needs.

In 2011, Li believed that people in the virtual community had similar interests, and their BBS-based core applications, which mainly include online interactive platforms such as bulletin boards and group discussions.

In 2013, Zhao Baowei believed that the virtual community is through the Internet, using modern technology and information technology, through deepening the communication between people, discovering the things they are interested in and enjoy common interests, and connecting people living in different regions into inseparable living communities.

In 2019, Huang Lijia believed that the virtual community, as a new form of community, broke the limitation of time and space, and gathered a group of people with like-minded interests and certain information needs together, forming a complex communication network.

From the above research, we can find that the people who make up the virtual community have a common interest. Although they do not live in the same area, they can communicate with each other by connecting them together through the convenience of the Internet. According to Lu Jiahui, the two-dimensional community is a comprehensive group relationship, in which the members or organizations in the community have a common interest and communicate through cyberspace.

2.2 The concept of the business model and its components
2.2 商业模式的概念及其组成部分

In 1994, Peter F Drucker once pointed out: " The competition between today's enterprises is not the competition between products, but the competition between business models."Osterwalder Through studying the business model, summarizes the research results, and through horizontal and vertical research to roughly summarize the business model development into the following five stages.

Business model ideas and applications

Business model model description

Description of the business model elements

List of business model elements

Business model definition and classification

Figure 2.1 Evolution of business model research

In the late 1990s, it emerged and grew. However, due to the different perspectives and motives of researchers in different industries and fields, there is no unified definition of the concept of business model and its components.
在 1990 年代后期,它出现并发展壮大。然而,由于不同行业和领域的研究人员的观点和动机不同,对商业模式的概念及其组成部分没有统一的定义。

In 1998, Timmers argued that the business model was a system of products, services and information, with descriptions of the various participants and the role they play, the possible benefits and how the income was obtained. In 2000, Rappa argued that the company's business model was not complicated, as long as managers understood how it worked and how the company benefited. In 2001, Amit and Zott believed that the focus of enterprise innovation is on the business model. Only by knowing the operation of the business model can enterprises create value for a range of related users, which is the most critical source. In 2010, Jonas Thomas believed that the business model includes nine elements, namely users, competitive people, goods provided, activities and organizations, resources, product input and factor supply, vertical process elements, business model dynamics, cognitive and cultural constraints.
1998年,蒂默斯认为,商业模式是一个由产品、服务和信息组成的系统,描述了各种参与者及其所扮演的角色、可能的好处以及如何获得收入。2000年,拉帕认为,公司的商业模式并不复杂,只要经理们了解它是如何运作的,以及公司是如何受益的。2001年,Amit和Zott认为,企业创新的重点在于商业模式。企业只有了解商业模式的运作,才能为一系列相关用户创造价值,这是最关键的源泉。2010年,乔纳斯·托马斯(Jonas Thomas)认为,商业模式包括九个要素,即用户、竞争者、提供的商品、活动和组织、资源、产品投入和要素供应、纵向流程要素、商业模式动态、认知和文化约束。

In 2002, Wang Bo and Peng Yali believed that the operational business model aims to gain benefits through effective operational means; while the strategic business model has different priorities, it is aimed at the performance of specific strategies formulated by the enterprise. In 2003, professor luo think business model is a whole, its elements are closely related, and he summarizes on the basis of previous research, put forward his own point of view, he thinks that business model can achieve excess profits premise is able to coordinate internal and external resources, and has the ability to enterprise related business arrangements, to achieve strategic innovation. In 2006, Zeng Tao proposed that the concept of business model was very similar to Professor Luo Min. He also believed that the key to obtaining excess profits is to arrange stakeholders and effectively coordinate the resources and capabilities within the enterprise. In 2010, Wang Xiaoming believed that the business model refers to the choice made for the purpose of enabling the enterprise and its related people to obtain the corresponding value and profit by formulating the activity policy of the enterprise under a certain premise. In 2011, Shen Yongyi believed that the business model is the result of enterprise strategy and the basis of strategy implementation, including four basic elements: value proposition, value production, value submission and value acquisition.
2002年,王波、彭亚丽认为,运营商业模式旨在通过有效的运营手段获得收益;虽然战略商业模式有不同的优先事项,但它的目标是企业制定的特定战略的绩效。2003年,罗教授认为商业模式是一个整体,其要素密切相关,他在以往研究的基础上,提出了自己的观点,他认为商业模式能够实现超额利润的前提,是能够协调内部和外部资源,并具备企业相关业务安排的能力, 实现战略创新。2006年,曾涛提出商业模式的概念与罗敏教授非常相似。他还认为,获得超额利润的关键是安排利益相关者,有效协调企业内部的资源和能力。2010年,王晓明认为,商业模式是指在一定前提下,通过制定企业的活动政策,使企业及其相关人员获得相应的价值和利润而做出的选择。2011年,沈永毅认为,商业模式是企业战略的结果,是战略实施的基础,包括价值主张、价值生产、价值提交和价值获取四个基本要素。

2.3 Cantorial model of business model elements
2.3 商业模式要素的规范模型

In 2005, Swiss scholar Alexander Osterwalder proposed the business model canvas model, which proposed the reference model including four pillars and nine elements. This model is a common language to visualize business models and evaluate business models, and it is also one of the more commonly used analysis tools. In 2011, together with Dr. Yves Pigneur, he supplemented and developed the theory and designed the analysis tool of "business model element canvas". This framework has been applied and tested around the world and has been implemented in companies such as IBM, Ericsson, Deloitte, Public Works and Government Services in Canada.
2005年,瑞士学者亚历山大·奥斯特瓦尔德(Alexander Osterwalder)提出了商业模式画布模型,该模型提出了包括四大支柱和九个元素的参考模型。该模型是可视化业务模型和评估业务模型的通用语言,也是比较常用的分析工具之一。2011年,他与Yves Pigneur博士一起补充和发展了该理论,并设计了“商业模式元素画布”的分析工具。该框架已在世界各地应用和测试,并已在加拿大的IBM、爱立信、德勤、公共工程和政府服务等公司实施。

The business model element canvas model covers four main aspects of business, and it is divided into four pillars: product or service interface, asset management interface, customer interface, and financial interface, which include nine construction blocks.

Figure 2.2 Canvas structure diagram of business model elements

Through the display of the nine elements of the business model as shown in Figure 2.2, we can clearly see how to bring higher revenue to the enterprise. Customer segmentation (Customer Segments) is the enterprise want to clear strategic business, Provide targeted services to different users and organizations; Value proposition (Value Propositions) is the description of goods and services that can meet the real needs of customers; Channel channel (Channels) is described as how the company conveys information about products and services by serving and communicating with customers; Customer relationship (Customer Relationships) is a certain kind of connection that an enterprise establishes with its users to achieve its goals; The income source (Revenue Streams) is the cash income obtained by the user after the transaction; Core resources (Key Resources) is the key element for the normal and efficient operation of enterprises; Business Critical (Key Activities) is the most important thing for companies to make policies implemented; Key cooperation (Key Partnerships) is a network of relationships established between upstream enterprises and downstream partners related to the daily operations of the enterprise; Cost structure (Cost Structure) is the cost of maintaining the normal operation of the enterprise.
通过图2.2所示的商业模式的九个要素的展示,我们可以清楚地看到如何为企业带来更高的收入。客户细分(Customer Segments)是企业想要明确战略业务,为不同的用户和组织提供有针对性的服务;价值主张(Value Propositions)是对能够满足客户实际需求的商品和服务的描述;渠道(渠道)被描述为公司如何通过服务和与客户沟通来传达有关产品和服务的信息;客户关系(Customer Relationships)是企业为实现其目标而与用户建立的某种联系;收入来源(Revenue Streams)是用户在交易后获得的现金收入;核心资源(Key Resources)是企业正常高效运行的关键要素;关键业务(关键活动)是公司制定政策实施的最重要的事情;关键合作(Key Partnerships)是上游企业与下游合作伙伴之间建立的关系网络,与企业的日常运营有关;成本结构(Cost Structure)是维持企业正常运营的成本。

Business model canvas is similar to the painter's canvas. On this canvas, the activities of the enterprise as the paint and the activities of the employees as the brush, presenting a colorful enterprise operation mode. In the process of specific drawing, slowly understand the business model of the enterprise step by step, which can not only solve the existing problems of the enterprise, but also provide a new direction for the future development of the enterprise.

Figure 2.3 Canvas of business model elements
图 23 商业模式元素画布

Chapter 3
第 3 章

Analysis of the current situation of the two-dimensional community business model

3.1 Cantorial model of secondary community business model
3.1 二级社区商业模式的规范模式

Figure 3.1 Canvas of two-dimensional community business model elements

3.2 Analysis of the constituent elements of the secondary element community business model
3.2 次级要素社区商业模式的构成要素分析

3.2.1 Product or Service Interface.Two-dimensional community enterprises provide high-quality service platform for pan-two-dimensional users. From the platform established, two-dimensional fans with common preferences can gather here, and the two-dimensional community also arises. In the community, fans can not only find like-minded partners to share the joy brought by the second dimension, but also enjoy a series of resources such as high-quality video, audio, games, and peripheral commodities provided by the platform, so that fans can gather here and form a benign community.
3.2.1 产品或服务接口:二次元社区企业为泛二次元用户提供优质的服务平台。从建立的平台开始,有共同喜好的二次元粉丝可以聚集在这里,二次元社区也应运而生。在社区中,粉丝们不仅可以找到志同道合的伙伴分享二次元带来的快乐,还可以享受平台提供的优质视频、音频、游戏、周边商品等一系列资源,让粉丝们聚集在这里,形成良性社区。

3.2.2 Asset Management Interface
3.2.2 资产管理界面

1. Core resources
1. 核心资源

The core resources of two-dimensional community enterprises are mainly related to two-dimensional culture and valuable customer resources. The related content of secondary culture includes mainly ACGN, which is an important resource for all secondary enterprises. The annual investment of secondary enterprises in the secondary culture is the core of enterprises. At the same time, the rich and diversified contents of the second dimension constantly attract more people to join the big family of the second dimension. In 2022, the user scale of the second dimension in China has reached 532 million people, and it is expected to reach a new peak of 800 million people in 2024.

2. Key businesses
2. 重点业务

The key business of two-dimensional community enterprises is to provide content related to ACGN, including high-quality video content, mobile games, animation music, offline comic-Con, live streaming, value-added services, etc. The website platform is the basis for the secondary enterprises to carry out all their businesses. It can provide users with various services through the platform, so as to realize their value proposition. From the perspective of business development, the two-dimensional enterprise R & D team constantly develops new business segments, trying to provide users with more rich and diversified content and services.

3. Important cooperation

Important cooperation between two-dimensional community enterprises includes content production companies, film and television copyright owners, game production companies, and e-commerce enterprises. Content production companies provide enterprises with copywriting or activity content required by the platform, but also for enterprises, including the creation of Chinese comics. The owners of film and television copyright mainly refer to Japanese animation companies. Most of the two-yuan animation in China now comes from the introduction of new fan animation in Japan, and it has close cooperation with the film and television copyright owners. Game production companies mainly refer to mobile games. Two-dimensional enterprises attract a large number of new users for mobile games with the resources of user traffic on the platform, and the platform can profit from this. At the same time, two-dimensional community enterprises have also started to cooperate with e-commerce enterprises, such as Taobao, etc. Through the platform UP master (UP is short for upload (upload), a network word introduced into Japan, refers to the people who upload video and audio files on video websites, forums and other forums), to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

3.2.3 Customer Interface
3.2.3 客户界面

1. Customer segmentation
1. 客户细分

There are several typical markets for customer segments, namely, mass market whose business model is not much different between different customer segments, highly specialized niche market, diversified market with diversified customer business model, multilateral platform or multilateral market with two or more interdependent customer segments. Two-dimensional community enterprises are all based on the video platform. For two-dimensional community enterprises, they strive to create a two-dimensional community ecosystem, and customer segmentation belongs to a diversified market.

The main customers of two-dimensional community enterprises are two-dimensional fans, mainly Generation Z (born from 1900 to 2000). They have special feelings for two-dimensional enterprises and have a high degree of loyalty to the video platform. Secondly, there are a new generation of parents born in the 1990s, who may not have been exposed to the second dimension before, but as new parents, parent-child company has become the fourth largest scene of watching the second dimension video. And a large number of users themselves are also UP owners. They make two-dimensional related videos and upload them to the platform so that more users can watch them at the same time and communicate through bullet screen and other means, creating a good community atmosphere. They are also the first choice of many users and scholars for the vertical two-dimensional video platform.

2. Channel channels
2. 渠道渠道

The channels and channels of two-dimensional community enterprises have been expanded horizontally and deepened vertically, realizing the integration of online and offline. Online channel operations are focused on mobile clients and the Internet. Mobile terminal is that with the high popularity of smart phones, it has become an important channel. Users can pay or buy related products through mobile terminal during viewing or using. The Internet channel is mainly based on the initial establishment of the website, and users can keep the records on the platform through the registered members of the registered website. Secondly, online also includes the operation of wechat public accounts, the sharing of Weibo links and the application of small programs. These three types are similar, which mainly play a bridge role in the sharing of user use, and play a role in boosting the dissemination of platform content. For two-dimensional enterprises, their offline channels are mainly held through comic-Con. Through the offline animation exhibition, fans who communicate through the platform can gather together and enjoy the cosplay of animation characters (English Costume Play, Japanese. It means to use costumes, videos, props and makeup to play the characters in anime works and games), and to make more like-minded friends through Comic-Con.

3. Customer relationship
3. 客户关系

The types of customer relationships are mainly as follows: personal assistant, dedicated personal assistant, self-service, automation service, community, co-creation, etc. Through the study of customer relations, on the one hand, the enterprise can effectively improve efficiency and save costs in the operation; on the other hand, because of the familiar customer relations, it can greatly expand the market of the enterprise and diversify it. For online users, customer relations are mainly completed through the community, that is, in the community, users can interact with other users and UP users through barrage, messages, comments, forwarding, etc., and the platform can provide corresponding content recommendation and information push according to users' preferences through big data analysis. For offline users, they directly interact with the offline staff, which belongs to face-to-face communication, so it is a personal assistant relationship. During the comic-Con holding process, users can also communicate between them.
客户关系的类型主要有:个人助理、专属个人助理、自助服务、自动化服务、社区、共创等。通过对客户关系的研究,一方面可以有效提高企业的运营效率,节约成本;另一方面,由于熟悉的客户关系,可以大大拓展企业的市场,使其多样化。对于线上用户来说,客户关系主要通过社区完成,即在社区内,用户可以通过弹幕、消息、评论、转发等方式与其他用户和UP用户进行互动,平台可以通过大数据分析,根据用户的喜好提供相应的内容推荐和信息推送。对于线下用户来说,他们直接与线下工作人员互动,属于面对面的交流,所以是个人助理关系。在 comic-Con 举办过程中,用户还可以在它们之间进行交流。

3.2.4 Financial Interface
3.2.4 财务接口

1. Cost structure
1. 成本结构

The cost of a secondary community enterprise mainly includes employee cost, platform cost, content cost and operating cost of the company.

Employee costs refer to the salaries paid to employees and the corresponding benefits provided.

Platform cost. Including the platform operation of the server and bandwidth costs, software technical service fee, etc. This part is an inevitable part of the cost of the secondary community enterprises. Only by providing smooth network services can we retain more users.

Content cost mainly refers to the cost paid for the purchase of film and television Copyrights. For users to have more content to choose from when using the platform to watch. Therefore, it is an effective strategy to buy high-quality animation dramas.

Operating costs include marketing and sales, etc., mainly necessary for the daily operation of the company, including office rent, utilities and other administrative expenses.

2. Source of income
2. 收入来源

The income sources of two-yuan community enterprises mainly include membership fee, advertising fee, live broadcasting and value-added service fee, games, e-commerce cooperation, etc. Membership fee is the cost paid by users in order to obtain more and better rights and interests on the platform, which can improve the user experience. Advertising fee is the cooperation with various enterprises, through charging advertising fee in the process of advertising, increase the exposure of advertising. Live broadcasting and value-added service fees are the reward fees obtained by anchors in the process of live broadcasting. At the same time, many anchors also bring goods and plant grass in the live broadcast, and reach the fees obtained by the cooperation with e-commerce. The game mainly comes from the recharge of mobile games, which introduces a large number of users into the game through the large flow of the platform, while the platform obtains revenue through the agent game or the cooperation with the game side.

3.3 Main user groups
3.3 主要用户群体

For the quadratic community community enterprises, their main group is the pan-quadratic community users. In addition, according to the data of IMedia, most of the two-dimensional video users are male, and most of the users are students. Young age and low income level are the most prominent characteristics of the user group. In addition, the audience of two-dimensional video products is relatively concentrated, mainly characterized by low age and low income, among which students account for the majority, but they are also the most loyal users.

As shown in figure 3.2, most people watch secondary yuan video is "kill time or personal pastime," followed by "link pressure, relieve mood", in the third is "pure love and appreciation", and hope that through the secondary yuan video "looking for like-minded friends" only 4.3%, it can be seen that the secondary yuan video itself entertainment attribute make its young people recreation, decompression, thus makes young people become the main force of secondary yuan video.
如图3.2所示,大多数人观看二次元视频是“消磨时间或个人消遣”,其次是“链接压力,缓解心情”,第三是“纯粹的爱与欣赏”,并希望通过二次元视频“寻找志同道合的朋友”只有4.3%,可以看出二次元视频本身的娱乐属性使其年轻人娱乐, 减压,从而使年轻人成为中学元视频的主力军。

Figure 3.2 2022 Chinese netizens watch 2 yuan video reason survey

3.4 Existing two-dimensional community enterprises
3.4 现有二维社区企业

With the development of economy, the two-dimensional video industry has also obtained a better development environment, and the two-dimensional industry has become more perfect. The development of new technology is a favorable condition to promote the transformation of secondary users into content producers, and the secondary-related content is therefore enriched to the maximum extent. At the same time, because the two-dimensional enthusiasts have gradually expanded to all ages, the two-dimensional market has thus developed. The vertical platform no longer dominates the world, and the integrated platform also begins to share a share of the second dimension. The distinction between the vertical platform and the comprehensive platform is to see the breadth of the content involved in the platform. The vertical platform is more specific and not comprehensive; the comprehensive platform expands the content horizontally and provides more diversified content. Among them, major vertical platforms such as Blilbi, AcFun, half-dimension, etc.; integrated platforms such as iQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, etc. At the same time, because of the popularity of short video, the second yuan light also shines in the field of short video, TikTok, Kuaishou and so on have joined the second yuan ranks. In 2019, for AcFun, the cooperation with Kuaishou has increased the support and support of domestic animation content, and at the same time, it has also directly promoted the development of the whole two-dimensional content market.

Chapter 4
第 4 章

Blilbi Business model analysis
Blilbi 商业模式分析

4.1Blilbi Introduction

Blilbi (Also known as bilibili or "B station"), is now the largest cultural community and video platform in mainland China where the young generation focusing on secondary video and secondary video original video sharing. Xu founded Mikufans in 2009 and renamed it Blilbi in 2010, nicknamed "Station B" by fans.
Blilbi(又称哔哩哔哩或“B站”)是目前中国大陆最大的文化社区和视频平台,年轻一代专注于二次视频和二次视频原创视频分享。徐旭于2009年创立了Mikufans,并于2010年更名为Blilbi,被粉丝们昵称为“Station B”。

Blilbi For the original intention of creating more high-quality bullet screen video websites, we established a unique membership registration system, which flexibly screened out some low-quality users. At the same time, Blilbi values the stability of the server during its operation, and increases the investment in the server to prevent the loss of users caused by the server. With user friendliness and stability of the website, Blilbi has attracted a large number of users and UP owners, and has gradually become the largest video sharing video website in China.
Blilbi 为了打造更多优质弹幕视频网站的初衷,我们建立了独特的会员注册系统,灵活筛选出一些低质量的用户。同时,Blilbi重视服务器在运行过程中的稳定性,加大对服务器的投入,防止服务器造成的用户流失。凭借网站的用户友好性和稳定性,Blilbi吸引了大量用户和UP用户,并逐渐成为中国最大的视频分享视频网站。

Blilbi Has two major characteristics. One is that in the process of watching videos, user comments are played on the screen in various forms like mobile subtitles, which is called "bullet screen" by two-dimensional users. Different from traditional video websites, Blilbi's bullet screen is played simultaneously with the video. When watching the video, users can choose to send the bullet screen at any point in time, which can be seen by all those who watch the video. The bullet screen brings is a new experience for users. Although it seems to be just a space for comments, in fact, everyone who has experienced the bullet screen knows the great energy it plays. Because of the existence of the bullet screen, users can still find like-minded friends in the bullet screen when they watch videos alone or with friends who have no common interests, which is a unique experience that transcends time and space. It makes the connection between users more close, forming a real community, and is a powerful booster for the development of the secondary element. The second is user-produced content, which is often known as UGC. There is no denying that most of Blilbi's loyal customers exist because of this part of user-made content. Because no matter who, can become a UP master, this is the other traditional video sites can not do, but Blilbi can. As long as they are members of Blilbi, they can upload their own videos on the platform, or make clips of film and television works, or explain the game, and they will be recognized by other users. At the same time, in addition to participating in video creation, users can also comment or ridicule the video, which also makes Blilbi the birthplace of many Internet hot words, such as DUANG, AWSL, of course, choose to forgive her, tears, famous scenes and so on.
Blilbi 有两个主要特征。一是在观看视频的过程中,用户评论以手机字幕等多种形式在屏幕上播放,被二维用户称为“弹幕”。与传统的视频网站不同,Blilbi的弹幕是与视频同时播放的。观看视频时,用户可以选择在任何时间点发送弹幕,所有观看视频的人都可以看到。弹幕为用户带来的是全新的体验。虽然看似只是一个评论的空间,但其实每个经历过弹幕的人都知道它所发挥的巨大能量。因为弹幕的存在,用户在单独观看视频或与没有共同兴趣的朋友一起观看视频时,仍然可以在弹幕中找到志同道合的朋友,这是一种超越时空的独特体验。它使用户之间的联系更加紧密,形成一个真正的社区,是次要元素发展的强大助推器。第二种是用户制作的内容,通常称为UGC。不可否认,Blilbi 的大多数忠实客户都是因为用户制作的这部分内容而存在的。因为不管是谁,都能成为UP高手,这是其他传统视频网站做不到的,但Blilbi可以。只要是Blilbi的会员,就可以在平台上上传自己的视频,或者制作影视作品的片段,或者解说游戏,都会被其他用户认可。 同时,用户除了参与视频创作,还可以对视频进行评论或调侃,这也让Blilbi成为许多网络热词的发源地,比如DUANG、AWSL,当然选择原谅她、眼泪、名场面等等。

4.2Blilbi Development process and community change
4.2Blilbi 开发过程和社区变化

Through the information collected by the network, the Blilbi since the establishment of the event into the figure timeline, to clearly see the development of this community enterprise.

Blilbi The development is gradually developed from the "secondary element" vertical community to the mainstream "Generation Z" gathering area, and its development history is from the vertical Japanese ACG content to the pan-secondary element "subculture" expansion.

1. Initial stage: from 2009- -2013

In 2009, when Blilbi was first founded, its target users were the core users of the second dimension and some permanent residents of the Internet, who were always influenced by Japanese anime. In order to improve the user traffic, activity and enhance the community atmosphere, Blilbi held a series of two-dimensional activities, such as New Year greetings, BDF (Bilibili Dancing Festival), BML (Bilibili Macro Link) and cute war (animation popularity tipping). Through these events, Blilbi has expanded its reputation, improved its influence on secondary users, and surpassed AcFun to become the leader of China's secondary culture. Among them, "New Year greetings" has always had an irreplaceable position in the hearts of users. Since its inception in 2010, it has become the most anticipated party for two yuan lovers. This year, the Blilbi "New Year Festival" party has been watched more than 71 million times, and the number of bullet screens sent by users is more than 1.389 million. The high number of views and the amazing number of bullet screens show the influence of Blilbi in the secondary users.
2009年,Blilbi刚成立时,其目标用户是二次元的核心用户和一些互联网的永久居民,他们总是受到日本动漫的影响。为了提升用户流量、活跃度,提升社区氛围,Blilbi举办了一系列二次元活动,如新年问候、BDF(哔哩哔哩舞蹈节)、BML(哔哩哔哩宏链接)、萌萌大战(动画人气打赏)。通过这些活动,Blilbi扩大了知名度,提高了对二级用户的影响力,并超越了AcFun,成为中国二级文化的领导者。其中,“新年问候”在用户心中一直有着不可替代的地位。自2010年创办以来,已成为两元恋人最期待的派对。今年,Blilbi“新年晚会”的观看次数已超过7100万次,用户发送的弹幕数量超过138.9万。大量的浏览量和惊人的弹幕数量显示了 Blilbi 在二级用户中的影响力。

Figure 4.1 Blilbi 2020 Happy New Year offering poster
图41Blilbi 2020新年快乐献祭海报

Figure 4.2 Blilbi 2020 New Year festival interactive scene
图42 Blilbi 2020年新年节日互动场景

2. Interim stage: from 2014- -2016
2. 过渡阶段:2014-2016年

As can be seen from the trend of Baidu index in Figure 4.2, the Baidu search index of Blilbi has increased by a leap forward, which is the period of rapid development of Blilbi, and also the expansion period for Blilbi to develop to a broader secondary dimension content through specialized ACG content. In 2013, Blilbi made a series of adjustments to the content of the website, for example, the original overall ranking and the partition ranking, which can not only increase the content partition and enlarge the user audience, but also let more secondary veteran users into the new large community. Therefore, young people continue to pay attention to and be attracted by this two-dimensional community. They find their charm in the community, combat their own talent, bring glory to themselves and also expand the popularity of the website.

Figure 4.3 Blilbi Content partitioning
图 43Blilbi 内容分区

3. Current stage: 2017- -present
3. 现阶段:2017年至今

During this period, Blilbi further expanded its business and explored more possible ways for its future development. Among them, Blilbi has increased the support for Chinese comics, vertically grasped the development trend of the second dimension, and tried to dig the treasure of the second dimension, and built Blilbi into "a new generation of Chinese second dimension entertainment community".

In March 2017, Blilbi established the "National Innovation" zone, which is specialized in providing domestic original works. The purpose of the domestic original animation section is to spread and build a domestic animation environment. With the support of domestic animation in 2017, which not only reflects the weight of domestic animation in the hearts of users, but also reflects the Blilbi in the heart of domestic animation production. At the same time, taking advantage of the loopholes in the capital and operation of A station, Blilbi rights developed and become the most trusted website of China's secondary users. At the same time, with the advantage of the capital pull, Blilbi continuously expands its land, steadily contacts the cooperation with related enterprises, and further stabilizes Blilbi's leading position. According to the data, Blilbi has strategically invested in more than 50 upstream and downstream companies in the two-dimensional industry to further expand its industrial chain and improve its risk resistance.

4.3Blilbi Business model element canvas model and analysis
4.3Blilbi 商业模式元素画布模型及分析

Source: The author draws it

Figure 4.4 Figure 0.5 Blilbi Business model Canvas model
图 44图 05 Blilbi 商业模式 Canvas 模型

4.3.1 The Product or Service Interface.Blilbi The value proposition is to create a two-dimensional community, in which UP owners provide users with original videos, and the platform provides high-quality video content and convenient game entry.Blilbi The customer base is the generation born in 1990-2000, and Blilbi wants to create a cultural platform for the new generation of China and animation lovers to gather.
4.3.1 产品或服务界面Blilbi的价值主张是创建一个二维社区,UP所有者在其中为用户提供原创视频,平台提供高质量的视频内容和便捷的游戏入口。Blilbi 的客户群是 1990-2000 年出生的一代,Blilbi 希望为新一代中国和动漫爱好者打造一个文化平台。

4.3.2 Asset Management Interface.Blilbi The core resources are mainly composed of PUGV (abbreviation of Professional User Generated Video, meaning content made by professional users, namely the original video of UP master), barrage secondary culture, OGV (abbreviation of Occupationally Generated Video, meaning content produced by professional institutions).
4.3.2 资产管理界面Blilbi 核心资源主要由PUGV(专业用户生成视频的缩写,指专业用户制作的内容,即UP大师的原创视频)、弹幕二级文化、OGV(职业生成视频的缩写,专业机构制作的内容)组成。

In the PUGV section, UP owners will create all kinds of videos originally or twice according to their interests or specialties. Users who watch videos will cast coins or pay attention to the creation. At the same time, the love from fans and the incentive of the platform creation incentive system constantly encourage UP owners to create high-quality content. In 2019, PUGV has always been the lead in the number of Blilbi broadcasts, and related indicators, such as monthly active UP main and monthly contributions, are also rising.

The two-dimensional culture is a major feature of Blilbi, and its own uniqueness lies in the viewing experience of food. Different from the previous quiet video watching alone, the addition of bullet screen makes the film viewing no longer lonely. It can transcend the limitation of time and space to the eyes of the viewer, and cleverly build a bridge of communication between users and users. Users can interact with each other in real time, and cultural communities can be formed. While OGV mainly produces commercial video works, and its content classification is more detailed. The content ecosystem layout of UP main + OGV has become an extremely important hand in Blilbi's hands, which can bring more user traffic and enable users to rely on Blilbi, an interesting platform.
二次元文化是Blilbi的一大特色,其自身的独特性在于对食物的观赏体验。与以往单靠安静视频观看不同,弹幕的加入让观影不再寂寞。它可以超越时间和空间对观众眼睛的限制,巧妙地搭建用户与用户之间的沟通桥梁。用户可以实时互动,形成文化社区。而OGV主要制作商业视频作品,其内容分类更为详细。UP main + OGV的内容生态布局,成为Blilbi手中极其重要的一手牌,可以带来更多的用户流量,让用户能够依赖Blilbi这个有趣的平台。

Blilbi Key businesses include high-quality video content operation, game combined transportation, and live streaming. At present, Blilbi has 24 content zones, such as documentary, cartoon, column, classroom, digital, VLOG, etc. Life, entertainment, games and animation are the zones where users pay the most attention and have the largest number of video creation. At the same time, Blilbi also opens other sections, such as game center and member purchase, for users to improve the service quality of the platform.
Blilbi 主要业务包括高质量视频内容运营、游戏组合运输和直播。目前,Blilbi拥有24个内容专区,如纪录片、卡通、专栏、课堂、数字、VLOG等。生活、娱乐、游戏和动画是用户关注度最高、视频创作数量最多的领域。同时,Blilbi还开放了游戏中心、会员购买等其他版块,供用户提升平台的服务质量。

Blilbi The main business is mainly composed of mobile games, live streaming, value-added services and advertising. Generally, video sites should mainly through advertising to obtain income, such as Tencent video is such an example. However, Blilbi because of its own development characteristics, these two parts account for a small proportion, but mobile games have become the main part. While other businesses have grown rapidly this year and the share of mobile games has declined slightly, mobile games still accounted for 43.4% of the main revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Blilbi 主营业务主要由手游、直播、增值服务和广告组成。一般来说,视频网站应该主要通过广告来获取收入,比如腾讯视频就是这样的例子。不过,Blilbi因为自身的发展特点,这两部分占比很小,但手游却成了主要部分。虽然今年其他业务增长较快,手游份额略有下降,但手游仍占2022年第四季度主营收入的43.4%。

Due of the high percentage of mobile games in the main revenue, Blilbi's annual compound main revenue growth is as high as 74%. Therefore, now the Blilbi is like a candy, the video website is more like the Blilbi wrapping paper, and the actual game operation is the real candy inside.

Figure 4.6 Quarterly main revenue and monthly active users
图46 季度主营收及月活跃用户

Figure 4.8 and 4.9 are related to Blilbi mobile game business. The most closely connected with the mobile game business is game live broadcast. Because of the popularity of mobile game, game live broadcast has become a relatively popular kind of video. In addition, with the help of modern technology, users can accurately analyze their preferences and behaviors in use, so as to use targeted recommended videos in users. At the same time, mobile players can enter the world of Blilbi through the game live broadcast.
图 4.8 和 4.9 与 Blilbi 手游业务相关。与手机游戏业务联系最紧密的是游戏直播。由于手机游戏的普及,游戏直播已经成为一种比较流行的视频类型。此外,借助现代技术,用户可以准确分析自己在使用中的偏好和行为,从而在用户中使用有针对性的推荐视频。同时,手机玩家可以通过游戏直播进入Blilbi的世界。

Blilbi The development of the game industry is becoming more and more perfect, including 1 independent research and development, 20 exclusive agent mobile games and 750 jointly operated mobile games. Currently, half of Blilbi's revenue comes from mobile game destiny: Designated and Blue routes. At the same time, the game live is also like a Popeye eating spinach, endless power. The first pot of spinach is the Chinese exclusive broadcast right of the League of Legends S series in October 2019, which is a key decision to give Blilbi traffic and revenue. The second pot of spinach was a collaboration with the original betyu, von Timo, and with the popularity of its own popularity, Blilbi further expanded the user base. Two cans of spinach, the Popeye won strength and applause.
Blilbi 游戏行业的发展日趋完善,包括自主研发1款、独家代理手游20款、联营手游750款。目前,Blilbi的一半收入来自手机游戏《命运:指定》和《蓝色路线》。同时,游戏现场也像大力水手吃菠菜一样,力量无穷。第一锅菠菜是2019年10月《英雄联盟S》系列的中国独家转播权,这是给Blilbi带来流量和收入的关键决定。第二锅菠菜是与原来的betyu von Timo合作的,随着自身人气的普及,Blilbi进一步扩大了用户群。两罐菠菜,大力水手赢得了力量和掌声。

Figure 4.7 The mobile game industry of Blilbi
图47 Blilbi的手机游戏产业

Figure 4.8 Blilbi, Strong growth in the mobile game business
图 48 Blilbi,移动游戏业务强劲增长

At present, Blilbi's advertising business consists of two forms, mainly including brand advertising on the screen and information flow advertising in video recommendation. Unlike other websites, Blilbi does not have patch advertising before video.
目前,Blilbi的广告业务由两种形式组成,主要包括屏幕上的品牌广告和视频推荐中的信息流广告。与其他网站不同,Blilbi 在视频之前没有补丁广告。

Figure 4.9 View of Blilbi's advertising business
图 49 Blilbi 广告业务视图

Although the live broadcasting business is an emerging business, because the nature of live broadcasting is based on the community, the anchors and users are closely connected through the interaction of gifts or refresh. As a part of value-added services, "big members" are different from ordinary members in video playback and viewing, which is also a major feature of members.

Figure 4.10 Membership and value-added services of Blilbi
图410 Blilbi的会员和增值服务

In 2017, "Member Buy" was officially launched on Blilbi, mainly selling tickets for animation peripheral, handmade and comic-Con performances, etc. The convenience of this service has been highly praised by users.

Blilbi Important partners include game production companies, e-commerce companies, copyright owners, etc. These partners are closely related to Blilbi's day-to-day operations, and errors on either side will lead to operational failure. The main forms of Blilbi cooperation include advertising cooperation, business cooperation, live streaming cooperation, game cooperation, media contact, video promotion and comic-Con ticketing cooperation. Among these specific forms of cooperation, Japanese virtual anchor firm hololive and von Timmer are more represented. The cooperation with these two anchors represents the development trend of Blilbi. When live broadcasting is relatively popular, the cooperation with live broadcasting has built a close connection between Blilbi and the new generation of young people.
Blilbi 重要的合作伙伴包括游戏制作公司、电子商务公司、版权所有者等。这些合作伙伴与Blilbi的日常运营密切相关,任何一方的错误都会导致运营失败。Blilbi合作的主要形式包括广告合作、商务合作、直播合作、游戏合作、媒体联系、视频推广和动漫展票务合作。在这些具体的合作形式中,日本虚拟主播公司hololive和von Timmer的代表性较强。与这两款主播的合作,代表了Blilbi的发展趋势。在直播比较流行的时候,与直播的合作,让Blilbi和新一代年轻人建立了紧密的联系。

4.3.3 Customer Interface
4.3.3 客户界面

1. Customer segmentation
1. 客户细分

At present, Blilbi has more than 7.9 million paying users, with 63 percent with male users, 62 percent under the age of 24, and 65.8 percent with monthly income of 5,000 or less.Blilbi The new generation born in 1990-2000 is defined as Generation Z, the group that pursues fashionable, young and dynamic cultural content. With the growth of Gen Z, they begin to enter the workplace, and their consumption level gradually increases. In addition, they have a relatively deep affection for Blilbi, which can bring high benefits to Blilbi in the future.
目前,Blilbi拥有超过790万付费用户,其中63%为男性用户,62%为24岁以下用户,65.8%为月收入在5000以下。Blilbi 1990-2000 年出生的新生代被定义为 Z 世代,即追求时尚、年轻和充满活力的文化内容的群体。随着Z世代的成长,他们开始进入职场,消费水平逐渐提高。此外,他们对Blilbi有着比较深厚的感情,这可以在未来为Blilbi带来很高的利益。

2. Channel channels
2. 渠道渠道

At the beginning of Blilbi establishment, it was spread through the sharing of secondary content, but with the development of technology, the channels of Blilbi were also expanded.Blilbi At present, there are not only web pages and mobile clients, but also QQ links, wechat small programs, public accounts, weibo links and other forms, which provide great convenience for users to share and forward videos.

3. Customer relationship
3. 客户关系

Blilbi Create a cultural community for users, where UP owners can share self-made videos with platform users, users can watch all kinds of videos, and Blilbi mainly plays the role of a bridge. The customer relationship of Blilbi is summarized into the following five points:
Blilbi 为用户打造文化社区,UP主主可以在这里与平台用户分享自制视频,用户可以观看各类视频,Blilbi主要扮演桥梁的角色。Blilbi的客户关系总结为以下五点:

(1) Clear target users: Blilbi users are mainly generation Z fans, and the relevant content on the Blilbi platform is also customized for these users.

(2) Timely handling of user questions: Blilbi has all-weather customer service staff, and also has intelligent customer service as an assistant to provide suggestions on users' problems.Blilbi But also through the questionnaire and separate communication form to obtain customer satisfaction, in the process of users, depending on the user usage to improve the user level, give B coins or coins,

(3) Accurately grasp customer needs: Blilbi In daily operation, through users' preference for videos in the platform, constantly find the potential needs of users, and take practical actions to meet users.Blilbi Put the user experience in the first place, and gain user loyalty and satisfaction with high-quality video works.

(4) The premium meeting has services: Blilbi big members is similar to other video platforms, and large members have the right to watch more high-definition picture quality, exclusive member content, and can also receive benefits from the platform.

(5) Strict threshold for user membership: Blilbi Different from other video websites, Blilbi is just a member that can not be solved with money, and must pass the membership examination set by Blilbi. There are 100 questions in the exam, covering all aspects. Only those who can pass the exam can become full members of Blilbi. However, this is not once and for all. If improper remarks are made during the use of the platform, you will face the risk of being locked up in a "small black room" or permanently banned.
(5)用户会员门槛严格:Blilbi 与其他视频网站不同的是,Blilbi只是一个用钱解决不了的会员,必须通过Blilbi设定的会员考试。考试有100道题,涵盖各个方面。只有能够通过考试的人才能成为Blilbi的正式成员。然而,这并不是一劳永逸的。如果在使用平台过程中发表不当言论,您将面临被关在“小黑屋”或永久封禁的风险。

4.3.4 Financial Interface
4.3.4 金融接口

1. Cost structure
1. 成本结构

Blilbi The entertainment services provided cover a variety of everything, including massive UP main homemade videos, legitimate drama, TV, documentary, game live broadcast, and even offline comic-Con ticketing. To provide these entertainment services, Blilbi will also pay the corresponding costs, including:
Blilbi 提供的娱乐服务涵盖了各种内容,包括海量 UP 主要自制视频、合法戏剧、电视、纪录片、游戏直播,甚至线下动漫展票务。为了提供这些娱乐服务,Blilbi还将支付相应的费用,包括:

Employee cost: This part includes the salary of internal employees and the salary of contracted anchors, which is the lowest part of the website cost, with about 7%.

Server and bandwidth cost: This is the cost that any Internet company will pay to the telecom operator and the cost of server maintenance, especially for video websites with 1080P video definition like Blilbi, the bandwidth cost will also go from HD to HD, which accounts for about 19% of the total cost

Content cost: This part is the cost of buying a genuine drama and participating in the documentary production.Blilbi In the past few years, we have continued to buy high-quality copyrighted dramas and documentaries, providing users with a large amount of high-quality content, among which there are some phenomenal popular works such as "Ghost blade" and "A String of Life", accounting for about 17% of the total cost, even lower than the cost of server and bandwidth
内容成本:这部分是购买正版电视剧和参与纪录片制作的成本。Blilbi 这几年,我们不断购买优质的版权剧和纪录片,为用户提供海量的优质内容,其中有一些现象级的热门作品,如《鬼刃》《一弦命》等,占总成本的17%左右,甚至低于服务器和带宽的成本

Income sharing cost (revenue-sharing cost): accounted for about 50%, this part is the Blilbi revenue need to pay to other platforms, including Blilbi in operating game developers, app stores and payment platform, including live exceptional into the host and website give UP main upload video revenue sharing, this part of the cost of the highest cost and Blilbi source of income has a lot to do.
收入分成成本(Revenue Sharing Cost):约占50%,这部分是Blilbi收入需要支付给其他平台,包括Blilbi在运营游戏开发商、应用商店和支付平台,包括直播异常进入主机和网站给UP主上传视频收入分成,这部分成本最高与Blilbi的收入来源有很大关系。

Finally, the daily operating costs of the company, which is about 7%, includes marketing and sales, general administrative expenses such as office rent, utilities and electricity, as well as research and development costs of algorithms and systems.

2. Source of income
2. 收入来源

It is generally believed that the revenue source of Blilbi is membership fee and advertising. In fact, the most important source of Blilbi revenue is mobile games, which accounts for more than half of its total revenue, especially FGO and Blue Line. As one of the most profitable mobile games in the world, FGO has more than 1.5 million players, contributing to the vast majority of Blilbi's mobile game revenue.
一般认为,Blilbi的收入来源是会员费和广告费。事实上,Blilbi收入最重要的来源是手游,占其总收入的一半以上,尤其是FGO和Blue Line。作为全球最赚钱的手机游戏之一,FGO 拥有超过 150 万玩家,贡献了 Blilbi 手机游戏收入的绝大部分。

The second largest revenue engine is live streaming revenue and value-added services, mainly from rewards when users watch live streaming, and sales of large members. Game revenue and live streaming value-added services together account for more than 70% of Blilbi's revenue, and this part of the revenue, except for the sales of large members, all needs to be paid to the relevant interest parties, so the revenue sharing cost of Blilbi will be so huge.Blilbi On the advertising business is quite restraint, compared with the traditional video platform advertising revenue accounted for the largest income, its CEO Chen Rui once promised, not to add the play beginning patch ads, the Blilbi advertising mainly includes open screen brand advertising and video recommended information flow advertising, this behavior of love to ensure the user experience, but Blilbi own advertising revenue is relative to other mainstream platform is still low.
第二大收入引擎是直播收入和增值服务,主要来自用户观看直播时的奖励,以及大会员的销售。游戏收入和直播增值服务合计占Blilbi收入的70%以上,而这部分收入,除了大会员的销售外,都需要支付给相关利益方,所以Blilbi的收益分成成本才会如此巨大。Blilbi在广告业务上颇为克制,相较于传统视频平台广告收入占比最大,其CEO陈锐曾承诺,不会添加播放开头的补丁广告,Blilbi广告主要包括开屏品牌广告和视频推荐信息流广告,这种爱心行为保证了用户体验, 但Blilbi自身的广告收入相对于其他主流平台来说仍然很低。

Finally, part of Blilbi's revenue comes from e-commerce. Through self-operated sales, peripheral, fashionable products and some third-party ticket sales business. After Blilbi reaches cooperation with Alibaba, UP owners can grow grass and bring goods from Taobao product library, and the platform takes a percentage of the sales revenue. Although Blilbi was still losing money as of 2019 years, the number of users and revenue on the platform grew rapidly, and the proportion of revenue from live streaming and value-added services has also been steadily increasing.

4.4 Blilbi Main users
4.4 Blilbi 主要用户

Gen Z has always been the main user of Blilbi, and they play an important role in China's entertainment market. They are not only the future of the motherland, but also the key to the development of the entertainment market. This generation has distinctive characteristics. They are part of the first group of users of Blilbi, and they have a high degree of loyalty to the platform, and as the economy enters the society, the willingness to pay on the platform increases.

Figure 4.11 The number of online video users in China and the future trend of Generation Z
图411 中国在线视频用户数量与Z世代未来趋势

Different from other video websites, Gen Z sees Blilbi provides users with user-original content (UGC, User Generated Content). Whether it is original or the secondary creation of film and television content, UP owners can let all users see their works through the platform. At the same time, Blilbi has a high loyalty community through years of accumulation. These are two advantages that Blilbi can monetize traffic into.
与其他视频网站不同,Z 世代认为 Blilbi 为用户提供用户原创内容(UGC,用户生成内容)。无论是影视内容的原创还是二次创作,UP所有者都可以让所有用户通过平台看到自己的作品。同时,Blilbi通过多年的积累,拥有高忠诚度的社区。这是 Blilbi 可以通过流量获利的两个优势。

Figure 4.12 Business model of Blilbi
图412 Blilbi的商业模式

Blilbi Multi-channel support for UP main content creation.Blilbi We will launch new UP main activities from time to time, encourage more users to contribute, and provide teaching videos for video creators, so that they can get started quickly and become a qualified UP master. For the mature UP owners, it is more important to motivate them to continuously create high-quality content, and to provide them with perfect incentive plans to expand their impact on users.
Blilbi 多渠道支持UP主要内容创作。Blilbi 我们会不定期推出新的UP主活动,鼓励更多用户贡献,并为视频创作者提供教学视频,让他们快速上手,成为合格的UP大师。对于成熟的UP所有者来说,更重要的是激励他们不断创造高质量的内容,并为他们提供完善的激励计划,以扩大他们对用户的影响。

Figure 4.13 Blilbi provides support for different levels of UP master in various ways

4.5 Blilbi, the main competitor
4.5 Blilbi,主要竞争对手

Figure 4.14 Survey on the preference of Chinese netizens

4.5.1 Vertical video platform AcFun.The establishment of Blilbi has great roots with AcFun. In June 2007, after seeing the right time, China's first barrage video website AcFun ("A station") was born. The purpose of the website is to bring users the fun of animation (Anime Comic Fun), which is also the origin of its name. At the early stage of the establishment of Station A, it was like A new racing car. It took video as the engine. Through continuous transformation, it formed A unique content secondary creation operation mode, and finally realized the double growth of video and the number of users. However, with the operation of the website, many problems are also exposed: users bring content and traffic to the website, but the poor quality of new users and the poor atmosphere of the site also appear. At the same time, AcFun server is also unstable, not accessible and other problems, which brings a lot of bad experience to users. In 2018, the blessing of Kuaishou makes AcFun like A spring breeze, buying A new era of A station with your head held high. In 2019, it increased the support for the second dimension content creation, making it once again a beacon on the road to the second dimension.
4.5.1 垂直视频平台AcFunBlilbi的成立与AcFun有着深厚的渊源。2007年6月,在看准时机后,中国第一个弹幕视频网站AcFun(“A站”)诞生了。该网站的目的是为用户带来动画的乐趣(Anime Comic Fun),这也是其名称的由来。在A站成立初期,它就像一辆新的赛车。它以视频为引擎。通过不断转型,形成了独具特色的内容二次创作运营模式,最终实现了视频和用户数量的双增长。然而,随着网站的运营,也暴露出许多问题:用户为网站带来内容和流量,但新用户质量差、网站氛围差也出现了。同时,AcFun服务器也存在不稳定、无法访问等问题,这给用户带来了很多不好的体验。2018年,快手的加持让AcFun如春风,昂首挺胸地购买A站新时代。2019年,加大了对二次元内容创作的支持力度,再次成为通往二次元之路上的灯塔。

After the AcFun secondary culture gene, alone in the introduction of high-quality copyright content and strengthen the cooperation with OGC and PGC. After the new departure, AcFun introduced a number of high-quality solo dramas represented by Rick and Morty, which further strengthened the core two-dimension tone of the platform. At the same time, AcFun also encourages UP owners through capital, traffic and resources, and constantly strengthens the content ecology of the platform. In view of the technical shortcomings of AcFun, with the help of the technical strength of Alibaba, Kuaishou and other giants, the platform has comprehensively upgraded the hardware and software technology facilities, making its service stability jump to the forefront of the industry, and realizing the accurate recommendation of content.

4.5.2 Tencent Video, an integrated video platform.Tencent Video can be regarded as the "rich second generation" among the video platform enterprises. Since its birth, Tencent Group has taken the care of the rich parents, and Tencent Video has gradually improved its industrial chain. However, the high content cost has occupied the profit space of Tencent Video for a long time. With Tencent Video gradually opening up the two-dimensional video industry chain, its content cost will be effectively controlled. However, due to the unstable quality and long production cycle of the local two-dimensional video content, there are still many uncertain factors in the development of the two-dimensional video content into a new profit growth.
4.5.2 腾讯视频,一个综合视频平台腾讯视频可以算得上是视频平台企业中的“富二代”。自诞生以来,腾讯集团照顾有钱父母,腾讯视频产业链逐步完善。然而,高昂的内容成本长期占据了腾讯视频的盈利空间。随着腾讯视频逐步打通二维视频产业链,其内容成本将得到有效控制。但是,由于本土二维视频内容质量不稳定,制作周期长,二维视频内容发展成新的利润增长仍存在许多不确定因素。

Figure 4.15 Tencent Video secondary element plate
图415 腾讯视频二元板

Figure 4.16 Statistics of Tencent Video Content Investment in 2020-2022
图416 2020-2022年腾讯视频内容投资统计

4.5.3 Video platform TikTok short video
4.5.3 视频平台TikTok短视频

TikTok In recent years, it has received the favor of young people, and TikTok has also begun to flood into secondary-related games, ACG companies, we media and individual creators. Meanwhile, TikTok has also begun to publish corporate advertisements, sell secondary derivatives or IP authorization to realize the realization. The TikTok itself has strong interactivity and communication. After combining with the two-dimensional culture, it is easy to arouse user resonance with the help of advertising and other forms of expression, providing a new idea for the realization of the two-dimensional video platform. But at present, the tone of TikTok is more inclined to pan-entertainment, and does not form the core competitiveness in the second dimensional field.

Figure 4.17 2022 TikTok APP user basic attributes
图417 2022年TikTok APP用户基本属性

4.6 Blilbi Business model SWOT analysis
4.6 Blilbi 商业模式 SWOT 分析

Based on the above, SWOT analysis of Blilbi business model is used to evaluate these elements from the four pillars of business model elements, namely product or service interface, asset management interface, customer interface and financial interface, so as to provide suggestions for the innovation and improvement of Blilbi business model.

4.6.1 Blilbi Advantages of the business model
4.6.1 Blilbi商业模式的优势 Large user scale and high loyalty.Blilbi Is a two-dimensional community enterprise, and the most basic composition of the two-dimensional community is people, whether a community can have a good development and a better future, the decisive factor lies in the community members. Therefore, the size and loyalty of the members of the community will affect where the ship of the community will sail in the future.
46.1.1 用户规模大,忠诚度高Blilbi是一个二维的社区企业,二维社区最基本的构成是人,一个社区能否有好的发展和美好的未来,决定性因素在于社区成员。因此,社区成员的规模和忠诚度将影响社区之船未来的航行方向。

In the fourth quarter of 2022, Blilbi continued to grow in user numbers with its premium content. As shown in Figure 5.1, Blilbi has an average of 710 million video views per day and 240 million user interactions per month. In addition to the site's huge number of users, another Blilbi advantage is its high level of community user engagement and loyalty. As shown in Figure 5.2, in 2022, Blilbi has 68 million full members, with an average daily usage time of 77 minutes, and 80% of users ultimately choose to continue using Blilbi. Such high loyalty became a solid motivation for Blilbi to move forward.
2022 年第四季度,Blilbi 凭借其优质内容的用户数量继续增长。如图 5.1 所示,Blilbi 平均每天有 7.1 亿次视频观看,每月有 2.4 亿次用户互动。除了该网站的大量用户外,Blilbi 的另一个优势是其高水平的社区用户参与度和忠诚度。如图5.2所示,2022年Blilbi拥有6800万正式会员,日均使用时间为77分钟,80%的用户最终选择继续使用Blilbi。如此高的忠诚度成为 Blilbi 前进的坚实动力。

Blilbi With its unique bullet and immersive screen experience and original community access system, it has created a highly loyal user community rare on the Chinese Internet.bullet screen first originated from Japanese animation, Bilibi introduced bullet screen culture into Chinese video websites, successfully setting off a trend in China's two-dimensional community, and allowing more and more young people to join the ranks of bullet screen. They publish their views on videos or UP owners through the bullet screen. At the same time, the quality of fans and comments is quite high, there is basically no malicious brush list, and a benign real-time interaction between users and users, making Blilbi different from other video websites and far more than the same type of video websites. In the pursuit of user traffic today, Blilbi's membership system is out of place. Major video sites are trying to lower the barriers to entry to attract a large number of users, but Blilbi is the opposite, only 100 points of 60 questions to become full members. And these 100 questions involve a wide range, difficult, is not a simple choice can be completed, so this also makes a lot of people hesitate. However, Blilbi also has a large number of loyal customers, who identify with the culture of Blilbi, and can have more extreme enjoyment in this two-dimensional community, giving formal users a better experience.
Blilbi 凭借其独特的弹幕和沉浸式屏幕体验以及独创的社区接入系统,打造了中国互联网上罕见的高度忠诚的用户社区,弹幕最初起源于日本动画,将弹幕文化引入中国视频网站,成功掀起了中国二次元社区的一股潮流,也让越来越多的年轻人加入到弹幕的行列中来。他们通过子弹屏幕发布他们对视频或UP所有者的看法。同时,粉丝和评论的质量相当高,基本没有恶意刷单,用户与用户之间良性的实时互动,使得Blilbi有别于其他视频网站,远不止同类型的视频网站。在追求用户流量的今天,Blilbi的会员制度已经不合时宜了。各大视频网站都在努力降低进入门槛以吸引大量用户,但 Blilbi 却恰恰相反,只需 100 分的 60 个问题即可成为正式会员。而这100道题涉及的范围很广,难度很大,不是一个简单的选择就能完成的,所以这也让很多人犹豫不决。不过,Blilbi 也拥有大量忠实的客户,他们认同 Blilbi 的文化,在这个二次元的社区中可以拥有更极致的享受,给正式用户更好的体验。

Figure 4.18 The Community of the Blilbi
图418 Blilbi社区

Figure 4.19 Blilbi Number of users and retention rate
图 419Blilbi 用户数量和留存率

Figure 4.20 Commercial exploration of Blilbi
图420 Blilbi的商业勘探

4.6.2 Low copyright fee, no patch advertising.For users who use Blilbi for the first time, the home page of the APP will show recommended videos, but most of them come from videos made by Blilbi users and UP users, and there are few recommendations of TV series or movies seen on other websites, which is a major feature that distinguishes Blilbi from other video websites.Blilbi Users can become UP owners, upload self-made videos, and other users will leave comments or B coins after watching or after watching. As the UP owners, they will present better works to users to form a good interaction and communication in such a community.Blilbi Mode makes it to avoid the endless cost of royalties, although it also need to spend royalties, but compared with iQIYI or tencent video high fees, Blilbi only need to buy Japan over the new animation, and some anime will buy through the way of the raise, let the user also can participate in the copyright purchase, can give users more ownership.
46.2 版权费低,无补丁广告对于初次使用Blilbi的用户,APP首页会显示推荐视频,但大部分来自Blilbi用户和UP用户制作的视频,在其他网站上看到的电视剧或电影推荐很少,这是Blilbi区别于其他视频网站的一大特点。Blilbi用户可以成为UP主,上传自制视频,其他用户在观看后或观看后会留言或B币。作为UP的所有者,他们会向用户呈现更好的作品,在这样的社区中形成良好的互动和沟通。Blilbi Mode使得它避免了无休止的版税成本,虽然它也需要花费版税,但相比于爱奇艺或腾讯视频的高额费用,Blilbi只需要购买日本过新动画,而一些动漫会通过购买的方式加薪,让用户也可以参与版权购买, 可以赋予用户更多的所有权。

In the process of using Blilbi to watch videos, I can only see the brand advertisement on the screen and the information flow advertisement in the home page recommendation. Different from other video websites, Blilbi guarantees that it will never add patch advertising to the video. It is this regulation that although Blilbi loses the high money brought by advertising promotion, it brings higher loyalty to users. Even if you are not a big member of Blilbi, you can also enjoy the viewing without advertising interference. A good viewing experience makes Blilbi can better retain users and greatly improve the retention rate of users.
在使用Blilbi观看视频的过程中,我只能看到屏幕上的品牌广告和首页推荐中的信息流广告。与其他视频网站不同,Blilbi 保证永远不会在视频中添加补丁广告。正是这一规定,Blilbi虽然失去了广告推广带来的高额资金,但它为用户带来了更高的忠诚度。即使您不是 Blilbi 的大会员,您也可以在没有广告干扰的情况下享受观看。良好的观看体验使得Blilbi可以更好地留住用户,大大提高用户的留存率。

4.6.3 Blilbi Disadvantages of the business model
4.6.3 Blilbi商业模式的缺点 Optimization of revenue structure, it is difficult to hide the profit dilemma.After 13 years of growth and training, Blilbi's current user size and liquidity are growing, and many investors are looking at this point.Blilbi Total revenue has always maintained a stable growth, and at the same time, it is also constantly optimizing its revenue structure, to carry out more diversified businesses. In 2021, Blilbi took a series of measures to improve its revenue dilemma, but paid high costs. According to the Blilbi 2019 annual report, Blilbi's total revenue was 6.78 billion yuan, up 64% year on year, among which the number of monthly active users and the average monthly fee users both increased. In terms of Blilbi's revenue structure in the fourth quarter, the revenue of the game business was 870 million RMB, live streaming and value-added services were 65% of the game business, and advertising and e-commerce were each 33% of the game business. It can be seen that the game business can account for 44% of the total revenue, and the rest of the various businesses constitute 56% of the revenue. Although Blilbi is optimizing its revenue model, the impact of the game business can be seen. Once the game copyright owner stops the cooperation with Blilbi, it will bring a fatal blow to Blilbi. At the same time, with other video platforms joining the secondary market, Blilbi will form a direct competition with them in many aspects, and Blilbi's own advantages will be constantly consumed in the competition. Whether the investment in video can save Blilbi's continuous loss is a question that all Blilbi managers need to consider. 优化收益结构,难以掩饰盈利困境 经过13年的成长和训练,Blilbi目前的用户规模和流动性都在增长,很多投资者都在关注这一点。Blilbi总营收始终保持稳定增长,同时也在不断优化营收结构,开展更加多元化的业务。2021年,Blilbi采取了一系列措施来改善其收入困境,但付出了高昂的代价。根据Blilbi 2019年年报,Blilbi总营收为67.8亿元,同比增长64%,其中月活跃用户数和平均月费用户数均有所增长。从Blilbi第四季度的营收结构来看,游戏业务营收为8.7亿元人民币,直播和增值服务占游戏业务的65%,广告和电商各占游戏业务的33%。可以看出,游戏业务可以占到总收入的44%,其余各类业务占到收入的56%。尽管 Blilbi 正在优化其收入模式,但游戏业务的影响可见一斑。一旦游戏版权所有者停止与Blilbi的合作,将给Blilbi带来致命的打击。同时,随着其他视频平台加入二级市场,Blilbi将在多个方面与他们形成直接竞争,Blilbi自身的优势将在竞争中不断消耗。对视频的投资能否挽救Blilbi的持续亏损,是所有Blilbi管理者都需要考虑的问题。

Figure 4.21 2021Q1-2022Q3Blilbi revenue structure analysis
图421 2021Q1-2022Q3Blilbi营收结构分析 Content compliance risks brought about by pan-entertainment. On July 20,2018, CCTV News channel named and criticized the large number of vulgar and ambiguous content in some cartoons on the Blilbi website, which had a bad impact on the growth of minors. In response, Blilbi immediately responded, deleted all videos that did not meet the communication requirements on the platform, checked the relevant content, strengthened the user feedback mechanism, and interrogated and punished the relevant staff. However, on April 15,2019, an article published by Chutian Metropolis Daily once again pushed Blilbi to the forefront.
46.3.2 泛娱乐带来的内容合规风险2018年7月20日,央视新闻频道点名批评了Blilbi网站上部分漫画中大量低俗、暧昧的内容,对未成年人的成长产生了不良影响。对此,Blilbi立即做出回应,删除了平台上所有不符合传播要求的视频,检查相关内容,强化用户反馈机制,并对相关工作人员进行了质询和处罚。然而,2019年4月15日,《楚天都市报》发表的一篇文章,再次将布利尔比推到了风口浪尖。

The occurrence of two vulgar events is not accidental. Throughout the development of Blilbi, since the beginning of its establishment, the number of new registered users on the platform has been rising, while in contrast, the entry age of users has shown a continuous decline, which has buried the fire for the risk brought by excessive entertainment of Blilbi. Z generation is the main user of Blilbi, but with the development of Blilbi and the emergence of a new generation of young people, more members of the community increasingly younger, younger, more and more under 18 minors began to join the big community, in the face of a wide variety of content, they are difficult to identify selection, because of its small age, resistance of a lot of new things is weak, it is vulnerable to bad content. At the same time, most of the content in the platform comes from user-made, but the quality of members in the community is uneven, and the content created is difficult to guarantee. In the face of this situation, the development of communities can bring strong content creation ability, but at the same time, the risk of content creation is also worth paying attention to. For Blilbi, the creative freedom of users in the site increases the diversity of content, but the shortcomings such as excessive freedom and lack of constraints will make many content cross the line, which will not only bring bad experience to users, but also bring bad impact to Blilbi itself.
两个低俗事件的发生并非偶然。纵观Blilbi的发展历程,自成立之初,平台上的新注册用户数量一直在攀升,而相比之下,用户的入驻年龄却呈现出持续下降的趋势,这为Blilbi过度娱乐带来的风险埋下了伏火。Z世代是Blilbi的主要用户,但随着Blilbi的发展和新一代年轻人的出现,越来越多的社区成员越来越年轻,越来越年轻,越来越多的18岁以下的未成年人开始加入这个大社区,面对各种各样的内容,他们很难识别选择, 由于年代小,对很多新事物的抵抗力很弱,容易受到不良内容的影响。同时,平台内大部分内容来自用户制作,但社区成员质量参差不齐,创作的内容难以保证。面对这种情况,社区的发展可以带来强大的内容创作能力,但同时,内容创作的风险也值得关注。对于Blilbi来说,用户在网站中的创作自由增加了内容的多样性,但过度自由和缺乏约束等缺点会让很多内容越界,这不仅会给用户带来不好的体验,也会给Blilbi本身带来不好的影响。

4.6.4 Blilbi Business model opportunities
4.6.4 Blilbi 商业模式机会 Application of new technologies.With the development of science and technology, the two-dimensional industry is also like the spring breeze, ushered in the continuous development and maturity of various new technologies. On the other hand, China's two-dimensional video industry is highly dependent on imported animation, its own production technology is not mature, and it needs to pay high copyright fees, which makes the content cost high, and has become a stumbling block to the development of the two-dimensional video platform. In addition, users have higher and higher requirements for the quality of video, which causes a great contradiction within the video platform. The application of 5G technology in video platforms not only liberates the productivity of secondary video content creators, but also improves the user experience through a variety of new gameplay. At the same time, AI, VR and other new video playback experience forms are also loved by users and recognized by the market with more realistic realistic experience. The research and development of new technologies is a powerful tool to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of content, which greatly reduces the difficulty of creation, improves the production efficiency, but also makes the two-dimensional video users have more choices, and improves user satisfaction at the technical level. 新技术的应用随着科学技术的发展,二次元产业也像春风一样,迎来了各种新技术的不断发展和成熟。另一方面,我国二维视频产业高度依赖进口动画,自身制作技术不成熟,需要支付高额版权费,这使得内容成本高,成为二维视频平台发展的绊脚石。此外,用户对视频质量的要求越来越高,这在视频平台内部造成了很大的矛盾。5G技术在视频平台的应用,不仅解放了二次视频内容创作者的生产力,还通过各种新的玩法提升了用户体验。同时,AI、VR等新的视频播放体验形式也以更逼真的真实体验受到用户的喜爱和市场认可。新技术的研发是解决内容供需矛盾的有力工具,大大降低了创作难度,提高了制作效率,也让二维视频用户有了更多的选择,在技术层面上提高了用户满意度。

Secondly, the dissemination of two-dimensional works also benefits from the development of new technologies. The pleasure of users watching their favorite videos on the platform makes them want to share it, so more and more users join the Blilbi because of the word-of-mouth effect. For the dissemination of works, by benefiting from the development of technology, it can achieve a faster, more extensive and more accurate effect, which greatly facilitates the use of users. At the same time, based on the development of big data, the platform can automatically generate user portraits through the data collection system, and count users' preferences and preferences, which can not only provide users with more targeted push, but also the platform creators can improve and optimize accordingly.
其次,二维作品的传播也受益于新技术的发展。用户在平台上观看自己喜欢的视频的乐趣让他们想要分享,所以越来越多的用户因为口碑效应而加入 Blilbi。对于作品的传播,借助技术的发展,可以达到更快、更广泛、更准确的效果,极大地方便了用户的使用。同时,基于大数据的发展,平台可以通过数据采集系统自动生成用户画像,并统计用户的偏好和偏好,不仅可以为用户提供更有针对性的推送,平台创建者也可以相应地进行改进和优化。 Broad market and capital support.Compared with the United States, Japan and other developed countries, China's cultural industry has a broader space for development. According to statistics, in the top countries in the world, the output value of the cultural industry always occupies a favorable position in the GNP. Korea's cultural entertainment industry can account for one-twentieth, Japan's cultural industry can account for one-fifth, and the United States can account for one-third. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's cultural industry increased by 3.8 trillion yuan in 2022, accounting for 4.3% of GDP, far lower than the proportion of developed countries. The main reason for this phenomenon is that China still lacks development in many aspects, and the audience of two-dimensional video is relatively narrow, and the paying ability of platform users is low. However, as Generation Z begins to step into the society, it will bring the dawn to the two-dimensional industry. 广阔的市场和资金支持与美国、日本等发达国家相比,我国文化产业具有更广阔的发展空间。据统计,在世界排名靠前的国家中,文化产业的产值在国民生产总值中始终占据有利地位。韩国的文化娱乐产业可以占二十分之一,日本的文化产业可以占五分之一,美国可以占三分之一。国家统计局数据显示,2022年中国文化产业增长3.8万亿元,占GDP比重4.3%,远低于发达国家。造成这种现象的主要原因是,中国在很多方面还缺乏发展,二维视频的受众相对狭窄,平台用户的付费能力低下。然而,随着Z世代开始步入社会,它将为二维行业带来曙光。

Figure 4.22 Blilbi 2021-2022 Number and growth rate of paying users
图 422Blilbi 2021-2022 付费用户数量及增长率

In terms of Blilbi itself, as shown in the figure, the number of paying users of Blilbi has experienced a sustained and steady growth process, but compared with the number of 128 million active users of Blilbi itself. In addition, although Blilbi is a video website, but its dependence on the game business makes its revenue structure have a lot of room for improvement. Meanwhile, on March 28,2018, Blilbi opened its capital road at NASDAQ in the United States. For Blilbi, listing in the United States not only shows the world the development of China's second dimension, but also can raise more sufficient funds in the capital market for the development and construction of the website. In addition, in 2018 and 2019, Tencent and Alibaba invested in Blilbi respectively, becoming the two largest investors in Blilbi. The addition of Tencent and Alibaba, two giants, reflects the affirmation of the secondary industry, and also adds a strong impetus to Blilbi
. Generation Z is economically independent, and UP owners receive sufficient support. It is expected that by 2024, the number of secondary users in China will exceed 800 million, while the number of Gen Blilbi Z mobile Internet users has reached 328 million. Their contribution to the secondary market will increase year by year and will contribute 66% of the total consumption by 2023. With the gradual infiltration of the two-dimensional culture into the lives of more and more people, the number of two-dimensional users is increasing, and its overall consumption power is gradually improving. With the stimulation of the series of activities launched by the video platform, the two-dimensional industry as a whole also bursts out great vitality. Z世代经济独立,UP用户得到充分支持预计到2024年,中国二级用户数量将超过8亿,而Z世代移动互联网用户数量已达到3.28亿。它们对二级市场的贡献将逐年增加,到2023年将占总消费量的66%。随着二维文化逐渐渗透到越来越多人的生活中,二维用户数量不断增加,其整体消费能力也逐渐提升。随着视频平台推出的系列活动的带动,整个二次元行业也迸发出巨大的活力。

Gen Z is the most critical part of Blilbi users, most of whom are highly loyal to the platform. As Gen Z grows up, as they enter into social work, their economic ability and consumption power increase, and their awareness of paying for the platform develops accordingly. Therefore, the second dimensional video content will achieve considerable development, and the realization way is also rich and diversified.
Z 世代是 Blilbi 用户中最关键的部分,他们中的大多数人对平台高度忠诚。随着Z世代的成长,随着他们进入社会工作,他们的经济能力和消费能力都会提高,他们为平台付费的意识也会相应提高。因此,二次元视频内容将取得长足的发展,实现方式也更加丰富多样。

Followed by rich incentive plan, the content of the Blilbi platform more than 80% mainly from UP main upload manuscript, to ensure the quality of content, Blilbi introduced a series of UP main incentive and support measures, from one hundred big UP main awards, to create incentive plan and charging, reward plan, for different levels of UP main hierarchical, multi-dimensional incentives and support. If UP main is the engine of Blilbi content ecology, then Blilbi incentive plan is like a fuel to continuously encourage the production of UP main content, so as to maintain the sustainable development of Blilbi ecology. To be specific, such as the "bilibili Creation Incentive Plan" launched in 2018, the plan is oriented to all creative capable and influential UP owners, scoring the manuscripts created by UP owners themselves, and providing corresponding benefits. The original intention of the platform is to make the content creation of UP owners more relaxed through this plan, and to provide double power for their creation. At the same time, such an incentive plan can encourage more users to actively become UP owners, which greatly improves the richness of resources in the station and ensures the output capacity of the platform content. After a period of operation and exploration, as of September 2022, hundreds of thousands of UP owners have joined the creation incentive plan, among which nearly one million articles have won the creation income, and many new UP owners have thus gained opportunities to grow rapidly in their respective fields.
随后是丰富的激励计划,Blilbi平台80%以上的内容主要来自UP主上传稿件,为保证内容质量,Blilbi推出了一系列UP主激励和支持措施,从百大UP主奖开始,打造激励计划和收费、奖励计划,针对不同级别的UP主分层, 多维度的激励和支持。如果说UP main是Blilbi内容生态的引擎,那么Blilbi激励计划就像是燃料一样,不断鼓励UP主内容的生产,从而保持Blilbi生态的可持续发展。具体来说,比如2018年推出的“哔哩哔哩创作激励计划”,就是面向所有有创意能力、有影响力的UP主,对UP主主自己创作的稿件进行评分,并提供相应的福利。平台的初衷是透过这个计划,让UP主的内容创作更加轻松,为他们的创作提供双倍动力。同时,这样的激励计划可以鼓励更多用户主动成为UP主,大大提升了站内资源的丰富度,保证了平台内容的输出能力。经过一段时间的运营和探索,截至2022年9月,已有数十万UP用户加入创作激励计划,其中近百万篇文章获得创作收益,众多UP新用户也因此获得了在各自领域快速成长的机会。

4.6.5 Blilbi The threat of the business model
4.6.5 Blilbi 商业模式的威胁 Fierce market competition.After more than a years of change, China's online video market has been divided by long and short videos. In the short video camp, TikTok and fast ishou are Qiyi, Youku and Tencent.Blilbi In such a living environment, if you want to realize its strategy of breaking the circle, you need to bear the pressure from both long and short videos, such as traffic dispersion, traffic realization, the purchase of the drama copyright and so on. This is a difficult problem for Blilbi, which is in the center of the balance. Which side is the tendency of the balance between the secondary community culture and the mass culture. 激烈的市场竞争经过一年多的变革,我国网络视频市场已经被长视频和短视频分割开来。在短视频阵营中,TikTok和快手分别是奇艺、优酷和腾讯,在这样的生活环境中,想要实现其破圈策略,需要承受来自长视频和短视频的压力,比如流量分散、流量实现、购买剧权等等。对于处于平衡中心的 Blilbi 来说,这是一个难题。哪一边是次级社区文化和大众文化之间平衡的趋势。

As can be seen from Table 5.1, "Aiteng you" is not only supported by Tencent and Alibaba, but also has formed a large user accumulation after a long period of accumulation. Among them, under the influence of idol group programs such as iQiyi's "Youth with You" and Tencent Video's "Creation Camp Series", both have about 100 million paying members, so the membership fees are also considerable.

Table 4.1 Average daily users and number of paying users of mainstream video websites
表41 主流视频网站日均用户数及付费用户数

Mainstream video website


Tencent Video


Mango TV


Sohu video

APP DAU/million







APP Average daily/min







Paid users/million







At the same time, "love teng you" will also extend the tentacles into the market prospects of the second dimensional field. Take Tencent Video as an example. In 2021, the competition in China's animation market is very fierce. Both vertical platforms and comprehensive platforms are growing in the competition, while Tencent Video's animation channel is still firmly in the first place. Since the beginning of 2020, "Douro Mainland" has been broadcast on Tencent Video, with the number of broadcasts increasing year by year. At present, the number of broadcasts has reached 12.4 billion, which has won the attention of countless secondary users.

Figure 4.23 The two-dimensional section on Tencent video website
图423 腾讯视频网站二维版块

Because users have different demands for the content of the platform, Blilbi users are open big members because of their love for drama and animation. The average monthly paying users (MPUs) of Blilbi was only 8.8 million, with a user payment rate of 6.8%. In addition, Blilbi's leading position in the two-dimensional cultural community is also threatened by many competitors. AcFun, the earliest secondary community and the later half dimension have formed a direct competition with Blilbi. Although they are less than Blilbi in terms of user scale and community ecology, all major websites are constantly expanding their strength, giving full play to their advantages, and becoming more and more brave in the secondary market.
因为用户对平台内容的需求不同,所以Blilbi用户因为对戏剧和动画的热爱而成为开放的大会员。Blilbi 的平均月付费用户 (MPU) 仅为 880 万,用户支付率为 6.8%。此外,Blilbi在二次元文化界的领先地位也受到众多竞争对手的威胁。最早的次元社团AcFun和后半次元已经与Blilbi形成了直接的竞争关系。虽然在用户规模和社区生态上不如Blilbi,但各大网站都在不断壮大实力,发挥优势,在二级市场越来越勇于担当。 Threatins brought about by commercialization.Since its inception in 2009, Blilbi has gradually become a leader in the two-dimensional sector through continuous financing, and has gained closer relationships with investors. In 2022, Tencent Holdings continued to increase its holdings in Blilbi, accounting for about 13.4% of Blilbi's total share capital, and is currently the second largest investor in Blilbi, and this relationship keeps it away from users. The diversification of the platform content has expanded the number of users, and the commercialization measures such as large members, member purchase and game agency have also increased the revenue. However, this has caused the dissatisfaction of some users, especially the introduction of Blilbi advertisements, which violates the promise of not advertising. At the same time, the addition of a large number of new users also shows a trend of younger platform users. 商业化带来的威胁自2009年成立以来,Blilbi通过持续的融资,逐渐成为二维领域的领军企业,与投资者的关系更加紧密。2022年,腾讯控股持续增持Blilbi,约占Blilbi总股本的13.4%,目前是Blilbi的第二大投资者,这种关系使其远离用户。平台内容的多元化扩大了用户数量,大会员、会员购买、游戏代理等商业化措施也增加了收入。然而,这引起了一些用户的不满,尤其是Blilbi广告的引入,违反了不做广告的承诺。同时,大量新用户的加入也呈现出平台用户年轻化的趋势。

In the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022, Blilbi's revenue was $2.01 billion, up 74% year on year. However, according to GAAP), Blilbi's net loss in the fourth quarter of 2022 was $387.2 million, a loss up 103% year on year. For the whole year of 2022, Blilbi posted a net loss of 1.304 billion yuan, up 130.6% year on year. Thus, through the efforts of billions of capital, you have won Blilbi's users today. But as Blilbi becomes more and more commercialized, the hidden dangers of old users leaving emerge. Assuming Blilbi's 2030 user profile is 21, it's clear that its old users are moving away from the platform, but Blilbi is still relying on these more active new users. It can be seen from the data that the user scale of Blilbi is constantly expanding, but the younger age still exists, and where the Blilbi should go in the future.
2022财年第四季度,Blilbi的收入为20.1亿美元,同比增长74%。然而,根据美国通用会计准则,Blilbi 2022 年第四季度的净亏损为 3.872 亿美元,同比亏损 103%。2022年全年,Blilbi录得净亏损13.04亿元,同比增长130.6%。因此,通过数十亿资本的努力,您今天赢得了 Blilbi 的用户。但随着 Blilbi 越来越商业化,老用户离开的隐患也随之而来。假设 Blilbi 的 2030 年用户资料为 21 人,很明显其老用户正在远离该平台,但 Blilbi 仍然依赖这些更活跃的新用户。从数据中可以看出,Blilbi的用户规模在不断扩大,但年轻化依然存在,未来Blilbi应该走向何方。

4.6.6 Blilbi SWOT Combination strategy analysis.Through the analysis of Blilbi's own advantages and disadvantages, external opportunities and threats, combined with Blilbi's internal resources and external environment, to provide ideas for the improvement of Blilbi's business model. The SWOT strategy matrix was formed, as shown in Table 5.2
4.6.6 Blilbi SWOT 组合策略分析。通过分析Blilbi自身的优势和劣势,外部机遇和威胁,结合Blilbi的内部资源和外部环境,为Blilbi的商业模式的改进提供思路。形成了SWOT策略矩阵,如表5.2所示

Table 4.2 Analysis of Blilbi SWOT Combination strategies
表42 Blilbi SWOT组合策略分析

superiority S
优势 S

Large user scale, high loyalty and low copyright cost, no patch advertising

inferior strength or position W
较差的强度或位置 W

Income structure optimization, difficult to hide the profit dilemma of content compliance risks brought by pan-entertainment

chance O
机会 O

Application of new technology

Broad market, capital support, generation Z economic independence, UP main get sufficient support

SO strategy

●Platform users are "out of the circle" strategy

Increase the investment in and the application of new technologies

●Encourage UP owners to create content

WO strategy

●Give full play to the content ecological closed-loop expertise, to avoid the threat of other video websites.

●Use communities to make up for the disadvantages of commercialization.

threaten T
威胁 T

The threat of fierce market competition and commercialization

ST strategy

●The realization way "out of the circle" strategy to improve the revenue structure.

●Short-term strategy: relying on the live broadcasting business to complete the explosive growth of revenue.

●Long-term strategy: with the advertising business as the main source of revenue.

WT strategy

●Develop the learning plate and retain more users.

●Reduce the risk of pan-entertainment at the root cause.

As can be seen from Table 5.2, Blilbi itself still has a lot of room for improvement. If it wants to gain profits in the operation, Blilbi must give full play to its own advantages to make up for the revenue dilemma. From the perspective of the external environment, Blilbi has more opportunities than threats. Learning to seize the opportunities and skillfully respond to threats is the stage that Blilbi needs to face today. Therefore, the SO-type strategy is more applicable to the Blilbi. SO strategy requires Blilbi to grasp the opportunity, the platform user circle strategy, to live plate layout, overweight technology, living area, combined with the existing New Year party, New Year festival, can steadily perform the "circle" strategy, the user group from ACG enthusiasts gradually widened to all the young Z generation, finally realize the user's "broken circle" type growth. At the same time, it will focus on the development of 5G, VR and other new technologies, and this part of the development can expand Blilbi's user scale advantage and improve user stickiness. In addition, based on the advantages of Blilbi and UGC itself, more activities are launched to encourage the creation of UP owners, which can bring win-win results for the platform and UP owners.

4.7 Suggestions for improvement of Blilbi Business model
4.7 Blilbi商业模式的改进建议

4.7.1 Seize the opportunity and reshape the image . For part 4.3.1 and part 5.2.2, an important point of Blilbi's value proposition is to make it a cultural platform for young Chinese people to gather and a platform for animation lovers to gather. In 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 showed us the other side of Blilbi, a learning paradise for children. This is an opportunity for Blilbi, due to the bad impact of pan-entertainment, to rebuild the image of the platform to the public.Blilbi Is not a simple entertainment platform, it can also become a pure land for children to learn. In addition, Blilbi specially launched the youth model for minors, which can let children learn at ease, and make Blilbi better realize its value proposition. And Blilbi, CCTV News, Guangming Daily and other homemade video "Empress Wave" is a good representative. This is Blilbi's speech to the new generation first. Through recognition, praise and message to the young generation, we can see the shining light of the young people in the mixed cutting.
4.7.1 抓住机遇,重塑形象。对于第4.3.1部分和第5.2.2部分,Blilbi价值主张的一个重要点是使其成为中国年轻人聚集的文化平台和动画爱好者聚集的平台。2020 年,COVID-19 的爆发向我们展示了 Blilbi 的另一面,这是一个儿童学习天堂。由于泛娱乐的不良影响,这是Blilbi重建平台形象的机会。Blilbi不是一个简单的娱乐平台,它也可以成为孩子们学习的净土。此外,Blilbi还特别推出了针对未成年人的青少年模式,可以让孩子轻松学习,让Blilbi更好地实现其价值主张。而Blilbi、央视新闻、光明日报等自制视频《皇后浪潮》就是一个很好的代表。这是布利尔比首先对新一代的演讲。通过对年轻一代的认可、赞美和留言,我们可以看到年轻人在混剪中的闪耀光芒。

4.7.2 Give full play to the advantages for mutual benefit and win-win results . For part 4.3.2, it is needed to leverage the advantages of Blilbi.Blilbi User-made videos, bullet screen culture, mobile game live streaming business, and cooperation with e-commerce are all the key factors for Blilbi's long-term development. The existence of these factors, on the one hand, distinguishes Blilbi from other video sites, on the other hand, it is also the most important part of the platform to achieve profit.
4.7.2 充分发挥优势,互利共赢。对于4.3.2部分,需要发挥Blilbi的优势Blilbi 用户制作的视频、弹幕文化、手机游戏直播业务以及与电子商务的合作都是 Blilbi 长期发展的关键因素。这些因素的存在,一方面将Blilbi与其他视频网站区分开来,另一方面,它也是平台实现盈利的最重要部分。

The encouragement to the UP owner of the platform can not only enrich the content, but also make the content full of various possibilities. This unknown possibility is also where to attract users. Invest funds to organically link the bullet screen with VR, the future era is the world of more new technologies, can keep up with the development trend of technology, will not be left behind by The Times. To consolidate the connection between mobile games and live streaming, many mobile game business is Blilbi, as agents, who need to bear the risk of the withdrawal of game manufacturers. However, live streaming, as the resource of the platform itself, will promote the future development of the platform. At present, the platform UP has formed a benign cooperative relationship with Taobao and other e-commerce companies, achieving mutual benefit and win-win results with the traffic of the platform.

4.7.3 Enhance user value and maintain channel advantage . For part 4.3.3, part 5.1.1 and part 5.4.1, on the basis of the huge user scale, we should pay more attention to the introduction and retention of new users, and take into account the transformation of the old users, and actively expand the channels, so as to enhance the user value and increase the competitiveness of the platform. For a two-dimensional community enterprise like Blilbi, only with the continuous addition of new users can the community be full of fresh vitality.
4.7.3 提升用户价值,保持渠道优势。对于4.3.3、5.1.1和5.4.1部分,在庞大的用户规模的基础上,要更加注重新用户的引进和留存,并兼顾老用户的转化,积极拓展渠道,从而提升用户价值,增加平台的竞争力。对于像Blilbi这样的二次元社区企业来说,只有不断有新用户的加入,才能让社区充满新鲜的活力。

After introducing new users, the biggest question is whether we can retain them. On the one hand, the retention rate can reflect whether the operation strategy of the platform is correct, and on the other hand, it can clearly reflect the loyalty and stickiness of community members to the community. For Blilbi, loyalty and stickiness are their own strengths, so it should continue to play. The last point about users is how to achieve the transformation of community members, which requires Blilbi to realize the realization of platform traffic. It is difficult for any company to operate for a long time without any profit, and so is Blilbi. Users and accustomed to Blilbi's business model, free video and resource viewing can improve user satisfaction, but it is difficult to bring real profits.Blilbi What needs to be done is to make users change their ideas, operate when the community users will not dislike and resist, and improve the revenue of the enterprise.
在引入新用户之后,最大的问题是我们是否能留住他们。留存率一方面可以反映平台的运营策略是否正确,另一方面可以清晰地反映社区成员对社区的忠诚度和粘性。对于Blilbi来说,忠诚和粘性是他们自己的优势,所以它应该继续发挥作用。关于用户的最后一点是如何实现社区成员的转化,这需要Blilbi实现平台流量的实现。任何公司都很难在没有任何利润的情况下长期运营,Blilbi 也是如此。用户和习惯了Blilbi的商业模式,免费观看视频和资源可以提高用户满意度,但很难带来真正的利润。Blilbi 需要做的是让用户改变想法,在社区用户不会反感和抵制的时候运营,提高企业的收益。

Blilbi The channels are becoming more and more perfect, and the sharing among online users and the holding of offline comic-Con provide a good way for Blilbi to spread.Blilbi It should also maintain this advantage, maintain the activity of each channel, and expand the influence of the platform in the process of information dissemination.
Blilbi 渠道越来越完善,线上用户之间的分享和线下动漫展的举办,为Blilbi的传播提供了很好的途径。Blilbi也应该保持这一优势,保持每个渠道的活跃度,扩大平台在信息传播过程中的影响力。

4.7.4 Improve liquidity and reduce cost expenditure . According to the analysis of parts 4.3.4 and 5.2.1, we can clearly feel the importance of mobile games in the Blilbi revenue structure, and also see the cost distribution of Blilbi. As a video platform, although this structure can bring a lot of user traffic, but it is difficult to realize, the reason is that the platform in most of the game from the game company, once the cooperation with the game company, will greatly affect the platform traffic, at the same time it is also most of the place of Blilbi cost. This requires Blilbi to improve its game production capabilities and increase the number of users with the number of users on the platform. At the same time, combined with live and its value-added services, Blilbi cooperate with the host to provide more quality live business, let users to be more involved in the live, by brush gift way to improve the income of the platform, and live in the natural cooperation with electricity, through the anchor promotion goods, greatly expand live business. In addition, the frequency of advertising in the platform can be appropriately increased in a way without affecting the user experience, so as to strengthen the cooperation with advertisers.
4.7.4 改善流动性,降低成本支出。根据对4.3.4和5.2.1部分的分析,我们可以清楚地感受到手游在Blilbi收益结构中的重要性,也看到了Blilbi的成本分布。作为视频平台,这种架构虽然能带来大量的用户流量,但是很难实现,究其原因,就是平台在大部分游戏都来自游戏公司,一旦与游戏公司合作,就会对平台流量产生很大影响,同时也是大部分地方的Blilbi成本。这就要求Blilbi提升自己的游戏制作能力,随着平台上的用户数量增加用户数量。同时,结合直播及其增值服务,Blilbi与主机合作,提供更多优质的直播业务,让用户更多地参与直播,通过刷礼方式提高平台收入,与生活自然合作用电,通过主播推广商品,大大拓展直播业务。此外,在不影响用户体验的情况下,可以适当增加平台广告的投放频率,从而加强与广告主的合作。

4.7.5 Reduce the impact of excessive entertainment . According to the analysis of 5.2.2, as a two-dimensional community enterprise, although the users of Blilbi are mainly Generation Z, with the growth of the new generation, more and more minors begin to join this large community, and the video content on the platform should be changed and adapted to adapt accordingly. In order to be younger and younger, we should pay attention to the value orientation of secondary video content, establish and transmit the correct value-oriented content, so as to ensure the physical and mental healthy development of young users. At the same time, by raising the threshold of becoming a full member, it can effectively filter some low-quality users and reduce the adverse factors of the community. The "small black house" created by Blilbi is a special area for community norms and punishment. The community members can directly participate in the punishment of community violations through the discipline committee, and judge and vote on violations. By conducting community norms and punishing behaviors for violations, let more users understand and abide by the community guidelines, and create a better community atmosphere. Therefore, establishing the correct value orientation is not only necessary to reduce the regulatory risk of secondary video content, but also the potential need to expand the audience and gain user reputation.
4.7.5 减少过度娱乐的影响。根据5.2.2的分析,作为二次元社区企业,Blilbi的用户虽然以Z世代为主,但随着新一代的成长,越来越多的未成年人开始加入这个大社区,平台上的视频内容需要做出相应的调整和调整。要想越来越年轻,就要注重二次视频内容的价值导向,建立和传递正确的价值导向内容,从而保证年轻用户的身心健康发展。同时,通过提高成为正式会员的门槛,可以有效过滤一些低质量的用户,减少社区的不利因素。布利尔比创造的“小黑屋”是社区规范和惩罚的特殊区域。社区成员可以通过纪律委员会直接参与对社区违规行为的处罚,对违规行为进行评判和投票。通过开展社区规范,对违规行为进行惩罚,让更多用户了解并遵守社区准则,营造更好的社区氛围。因此,树立正确的价值导向,不仅是降低二次视频内容监管风险的必要条件,也是扩大受众群体、获得用户口碑的潜在需求。

Chapter 5
第 5 章


This paper with secondary yuan community enterprise business model as the research object, with business model elements canvas model for analysis tools, mainly use the qualitative research and summary research methods, and according to the search to the data and data mainly study the Blilbi business model and Blilbi SWOT analysis, and put forward the corresponding suggestion countermeasures.
本文以二元社区企业商业模式为研究对象,以商业模式要素画布模型为分析工具,主要采用定性研究和总结研究方法,根据对数据的搜索和数据主要研究了Blilbi商业模式和Blilbi SWOT分析,并提出了相应的对策建议。

Through the secondary yuan community enterprises, especially the analysis of Blilbi can be seen, Blilbi as a vertical mainly secondary yuan video platform, is not like iQIYI, tencent video integrated platform as large number of users, also unlike short video platform users use age distribution, but the Blilbi business model also has its extraordinary place.

(1) Blilbi Give full play to its own advantages, at the beginning of its establishment, in order to create a secondary yuan enthusiasts as the goal, attracting countless young people to settle in this secondary community. In addition, with its introduction of bullet screen culture, it has created a spati-temporal bullet screen communication mode, which greatly improves user satisfaction, and thus improves user retention rate and user engagement.

(2) Blilbi is different from other video platforms because of its huge advantages of PUGC.Blilbi By establishing a good relationship with the UP owners and encouraging the cultivation of new UP owners, the content on the platform is rich and diversified.
(2)Blilbi与其他视频平台不同,因为它具有PUGC的巨大优势。Blilbi 通过与UP所有者建立良好的关系,鼓励培养新的UP所有者,平台上的内容丰富多样。

(3) Although Blilbi did not make a profit compared with other video platforms, it did not lose too much. However, it is imperative to optimize the revenue structure. Only by adjusting the revenue structure, can Blilbi truly achieve long-term and stable development.

In a word, Blilbi's current business model is video main site drainage + external realization, both live streaming, membership and advertising e-commerce revenue, but it is still dominated by mobile games. From the start of this year, Blilbi is vigorously increasing its live streaming business. Compared with the mobile game business model, which relies highly on one or two games, Blilbi's revenue may become more diversified in the future and make its business model more sustainable.


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NameLin Chen
姓名:Lin Chen

Date of BirthJuly 24, 1986
出生日期 1986年7月24日

Place of BirthXuchang, Henan Provincenter, China
出生地 Xuchang, Henan Provincenter, China

Institutions Attended

本科毕业年份 Zhejiang Provincial University of Science and Technology

Zhejiang, China
浙江, 中国

Position and Office Children's Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine
职位和办公室 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院

Administrative post

Home Address Xiangyue County International Apartment, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
家庭住址 浙江省杭州市拱墅区象月县国际公寓

Telephone +86 15958030920
电话 +86 15958030920

E-mail 191028829@qq.com
电子邮件 191028829@qq.com