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A Theoretical Framework for Conversational Search

Filip Radlinski* 菲利普·拉德林斯基*filiprad@microsoft.comMicrosoft, United Kingdom

Nick Craswellnickcr@microsoft.comMicrosoft, United States 微软,美国

Abstract 摘要

This paper studies conversational approaches to information retrieval, presenting a theory and model of information interaction in a chat setting. In particular, we consider the question of what properties would be desirable for a conversational information retrieval system so that the system can allow users to answer a variety of information needs in a natural and efficient manner. We study past work on human conversations, and propose a small set of properties that taken together could measure the extent to which a system is conversational. Following this, we present a theoretical model of a conversational system that implements the properties. We describe how this system could be implemented, making the action space of an conversational search agent explicit. Our analysis of this model shows that while theoretical, the model could be practically implemented to satisfy the desirable properties presented. In doing so, we show that the properties are also feasible.

Keywords: Conversational Search, Chatbot, Personal Agent


Recent progress in Machine Learning has brought tremendous improvements in natural language dialogs between humans and conversational agents. This has led to a plethora of commercial conversational agents (also called chat bots or simply bots) that are able to answer user requests from ordering pizza to suggesting holiday destinations. Such systems are conversational in that they assist users using a dialog interaction, be it in written or spoken form, usually with a rich human-like vocabulary.
To build an information retrieval system with a conversational user interface, it is useful to define a computational model that describes the process of conversational search. The model should allow the user to make a natural language request, akin to a traditional information retrieval query. It should allow the system to propose search results, but also ask the user for clarification if necessary. It should allow the user to give feedback on the system's results and suggestions, including negative feedback. Over time, the process should allow the system to build a cumulative picture of the
user's information need based on their query statements and other relevance feedback.
We observe that conversational search is in keeping with trends in the design of computing devices and interfaces [15]. Modern devices with small or no screen may provide responses via small on-screen cards and speech synthesis, so succinct conversational responses are appropriate. With speech recognition accuracy also improving due to progress in machine learning, the popularity of speech-based search input is also growing . Such a growth in natural language dialog between users and search systems may even lead to the dominant interaction model of one-shot keyword queries being displaced with conversational systems.
To build a computational model for conversational search it is important to define which steps are allowable during a conversation: The types of statements that can be made by the system and by the user. The system must build a model of the user's information need over the course of the conversation, such that he or she does not need to repeat important aspects of the information need. Cumulative clarifications should tend to move the process closer to success To make the conversation more flexible and natural, ideally most conversational steps that humans would take should be interpretable by the system and also potentially generated by the system. For example, in a real conversation about restaurants a person might ask "Do you like sushi? I went to a great place yesterday" or perhaps ask key questions such as "Are you looking for somewhere fancy?" In certain contexts the question may not directly appear to be about food, such as "How much time do you have?" People take into account what they know about the other person from past conversations and other aspects of context, and even ask for direct feedback "What did you think of the restaurant that I suggested to you last week?"
Many conversational search tasks are similar: People offer a reference point, or a key choice, to elicit the information they consider most important for separating the sorts of places that they might recommend. In the restaurant domain, people very rarely enumerate the types of cuisines or ask for a specific limit on the number of miles you are willing to travel. The same applies in other domains, such as when searching personal photo collections - a particular photo may serve as a reference point from which the target may for instance be earlier/later, in a different location, but with the same people.
许多对话式搜索任务都很相似:人们提供一个参考点或关键选择,以引出他们认为最重要的信息,以区分他们可能推荐的地方类型。在餐厅领域,人们很少列举不同类型的菜肴,或要求对旅行的里程数设定具体限制。在其他领域也是如此,比如搜索个人照片收藏时 - 特定照片可能作为一个参考点,从中目标可能是更早/更晚,位于不同位置,但与相同的人。
In the field of spoken dialog systems, approaches already exist allowing conversational slot filling of a structured query within a schema (e.g. [44]). This allows users to book a ticket for a certain concert on a certain night, or set a certain reminder message to appear on their mobile device at a certain time. By contrast, in other conversational search scenarios there may not be a fixed schema or the underlying data may not be structured as a database. In those cases rather than slot filling it may be beneficial to use a more freeform conversation that nevertheless builds its understanding over the user's needs over multiple rounds of conversation and may provide responses as well as ask clarifying questions.
We hypothesize that two aspects of conversations are particularly pertinent to search settings. First, users often do not know how to describe their information need - be it for a recommendation, or information regarding a new topic. Part of the role of the conversation is to elicit the actual need from the user by helping them formulate it clearly [24]. Second, for many tasks particularly suited to multi-turn conversational interactions, a set of results interact to produce a single item response which satisfies the need. For instance, when selecting a product to purchase, it is often driven by a preference among available options [13]. On the other hand, in some settings the solution is by its very nature a set, as in when deciding upon a holiday destination which requires travel, accommodation and dining requirements to be satisfied [21].
我们假设对话的两个方面特别与搜索设置相关。首先,用户通常不知道如何描述他们的信息需求 - 无论是推荐,还是有关新主题的信息。对话的作用之一是通过帮助用户清晰地表达需求来引出用户的实际需求[24]。其次,对于许多特别适合多轮对话交互的任务,一组结果相互作用以产生满足需求的单个项目响应。例如,选择要购买的产品时,通常是由可用选项中的偏好驱动[13]。另一方面,在某些情况下,解决方案本质上是一个集合,例如在决定需要满足旅行、住宿和餐饮需求的度假目的地时[21]。
This paper presents a formalism that allows for richer sharing of initiative, and longer-term adaptation and personalization. Our goal is to capture the desirable properties of conversation specifically from an information retrieval perspective. Intuitively, the setting is that a conversational agent (assistant) has been asked satisfy an information need. At each point in time, the agent can perform one of a fixed set of actions, to which the user responds, with a back-and-forth. Mixed initiative and memory are key parts of this model. Our key contributions are
  1. We suggest a formal definition of a conversation from an information retrieval perspective, showing why each property is desirable.
  2. We propose a theoretical model of conversations that allows agents to satisfy the formal properties, demonstrating that the definition is also practical.
Human conversations have been studied for decades, and conversational research can be understood in relation to a number of existing research areas. We present an overview of the space to place our work in context. We start with conversations as applied to information retrieval, then discuss the broader literature regarding the essence of conversations.

2.1 Search and Recommender Systems
2.1 搜索和推荐系统

In traditional ad hoc search, the system allows the user to provide a natural language request (query) describing results that they want. A minimal response from the system is a ranked list of results (akin to "try looking at these") and a search box that remains available (the system allowing the user to "tell me what you want"). Systems may also correct the user's query ("did you mean?"), suggest other queries ("try these related searches") or provide faceted browsing in the results ("refine by") [43]. In that sense the user is having a conversation with a system that is providing a variety of responses, and many results at once are bundled into a single search engine results page.
During such a conversation, even if the user's search task does not change their understanding of the task, their query vocabulary may change and they may apply a variety of search strategies [2]. In some systems the retrieval response is based only on the user's most recent query, but other systems can take into account past queries and other context . In that sense modern contextual information retrieval systems already allow some co-active development, where both the system and the human user develop their understanding over time. However, real conversations may have mixed initiative [37], where control of the conversation passes from one side to the other via assertions, commands, questions and prompts. For instance, Dredze et al. [14] showed how in the context of email search an agent may propose pertinent ways to select subsets of the result set by adding key-value pairs to the query.
在这样的对话中,即使用户的搜索任务不会改变他们对任务的理解,他们的查询词汇可能会改变,他们可能会应用各种搜索策略[2]。在一些系统中,检索响应仅基于用户最近的查询,但其他系统可以考虑过去的查询和其他上下文 。从这个意义上讲,现代上下文信息检索系统已经允许一些协同发展,系统和人类用户随着时间的推移都会发展他们的理解。然而,真实的对话可能具有混合主动性[37],在这种情况下,对话的控制通过断言、命令、问题和提示从一方传递到另一方。例如,Dredze 等人[14]展示了在电子邮件搜索的背景下,代理可以提出相关的方法来选择结果集的子集,通过向查询添加键值对。
Already over two decades ago, Belkin et al. [3] considered conversational information retrieval by characterizing information-seeking strategies. They proposed scripts that can be followed by a system for different types of retrieval tasks, using case-based reasoning to select next steps and offer users choices. This differs from our work, as we assume a simpler conversational interface (such as a chat) where users enter text in response to agent actions also consisting of simple statements. The users may or may not respond directly to the system's requests. Also, we model the retrieval problem as one where the system reasons about items that can be retrieved, rather than over the space of possible user intents.
已经超过二十年前,Belkin 等人[3]通过表征信息寻求策略来考虑对话式信息检索。他们提出了可以由系统遵循的脚本,用于不同类型的检索任务,使用基于案例的推理来选择下一步并为用户提供选择。这与我们的工作不同,因为我们假设一个更简单的对话界面(如聊天),用户以文本形式回应代理动作,这些动作也由简单的语句组成。用户可能会或可能不会直接回应系统的请求。此外,我们将检索问题建模为系统推理可以检索的项目,而不是用户意图的可能空间。
Conversational agents for more advanced multi-turn tasks have been proposed continuously since then, for instance recent work to isolate and resolve technical issues typically handled by a help desk [42]. This differs from our work, as we address the task of information retrieval rather than guiding a process by which a problem may be resolved. While a related informational goal could be to identify an instruction document, our goal is a characterization of a more general class of conversations.
In a spoken conversation or on a device with a small screen, it also becomes important for the search system to chose one response or a small number of responses, rather than bundling a large number of results and suggestions into a results page. For example, if the user's query was ambiguous it may be optimal to show search results for just one intent and query suggestions for another [19] If we consider the query suggestion to be a clarifying question, then showing such a suggestion prominently allows for a greater reward later by incurring an initially costly question. The idea of reinforcement learning, to optimally plan for a delayed reward rather than greedily always choosing the maximum immediate reward, is also explored under the card model of information retrieval [45] These are important steps towards a mixed initiative conversational search system, although still with traditional system responses such as results and query suggestions.
Methods for conversational recommendation have also been proposed. Recently, Christakopoulou et al. [9] studied whether to ask absolute or relative questions, comparing the utility of each for learning about users. They also asked questions contextually, based on what is already known. Much earlier, Linden et al. [21] proposed a conversational travel agent that allows the user to find an optimal or near-optimal trip by presenting the user with examples that characterize the solution space and allowing the user to express and modify their criteria. A key method for expressing such updates is critiquing, which gives feedback on facets of importance - such as airline, price or departure time of a flight - with respect to the options already presented. In general a critique can be directed at a particular attribute of a particular item, for example "like this one but cheaper" [23]. Another form of critiquing is at the item level, dating to the Rocchio relevance feedback algorithm where users of a search system may annotate results as relevant or not to refine the search query [29]. A critique differs in that it explains how a result could be modified to improve its utility to the user.
对话式推荐的方法也已被提出。最近,Christakopoulou 等人研究了是询问绝对问题还是相对问题,比较了每种方法对了解用户的效用。他们还根据已知信息情境性地提出问题。在更早之前,Linden 等人提出了一种对话式旅行代理,允许用户通过展示表征解决方案空间的示例来找到最佳或接近最佳的旅行方案,并允许用户表达和修改他们的标准。表达这种更新的关键方法是批评,它针对重要方面提供反馈 - 例如航空公司、价格或航班出发时间 - 相对于已经呈现的选项。一般来说,批评可以针对特定项目的特定属性,例如“喜欢这个但更便宜”[23]。另一种批评形式是在项目级别,可以追溯到 Rocchio 相关反馈算法,用户可以将搜索系统的结果注释为相关或不相关以细化搜索查询[29]。批评的不同之处在于它解释了如何修改结果以提高其对用户的效用。
We note that in human conversation critiquing also happens, but it is not limited to a pre-defined set of facets. An ideal conversational information retrieval system might allow free form critiquing of

suggested results in natural language. To enable free-form queries and critiques, the information retrieval system could build its models based on the language modeling approach to information retrieval. However, more advanced forms of reasoning may be required, particularly when the user answers a question or refers to other parts of the conversation, suggesting the use of more sophisticated natural language technology. Despite this, today most end-to-end conversational systems based on deep neural networks lack the ability to explicitly focus on a search task, rather giving generic contextual responses (for example, [31]). Memory networks have proved very effective at complex question answering scenarios, able to provide correct answers given complex pieces of information and potentially a large knowledge base [33]. However, they are unable to request clarification of the task at hand when the solution is uncertain.

2.2 Spoken Dialog Systems
2.2 口语对话系统

Spoken dialog system research enables a flexible conversation to take place including corrections and clarifications, usually in a closed domain such as setting a reminder or booking tickets (for instance, [44]). In an early system, Paek and Horvitz modeled spoken conversations using a Bayesian network that tracks confidence from the level of the audio signal obtained from the user through to predicting the user's goal with appropriate back-off depending on detected failure modes [26]. More recently, Chen et al. [8] have studied how a system can estimate the user's intent within a particular conversation step. In a simpler task, the Dialog State Tracking Challenge has pushed forward the ability of systems to fill known slots for the task of bus travel planning (e.g. [16]). Yet such a slotdriven approach differs from human recommendation where it is rarely important to fill all slots [9].
口语对话系统研究使得灵活的对话能够进行,包括更正和澄清,通常在封闭领域内进行,比如设置提醒或订票(例如,[44])。在早期系统中,Paek 和 Horvitz 使用贝叶斯网络对口语对话进行建模,该网络跟踪从用户获取的音频信号水平到根据检测到的失败模式预测用户目标的信心,并根据情况适当地回退[26]。最近,Chen 等人[8]研究了系统如何在特定对话步骤中估计用户意图。在一个更简单的任务中,对话状态跟踪挑战推动了系统填充已知插槽的能力,用于公交出行规划任务(例如,[16])。然而,这种基于插槽的方法与人类推荐不同,人类推荐很少重要填充所有插槽[9]。
Co-reference resolution can successfully track references to entities across spoken queries , yet back references to preferences expressed in a search scenario have not been explored to the best of our knowledge. Further, these systems do not involve mixed initiative, with the system simply keeping up with the human. Even in closed domain dialog systems, additional work is needed to make the turn-taking behavior of the system more flexible and efficient [27]. In a more open domain, Jiang et al. recently studied the most popular commercial personal agent systems capable of multi-turn task solving. They identified a set of actions that agents tend to perform, albeit at a high level [17]. Such an agent performs a mix of slot filling and information tasks, although in many cases for an information retrieval task it resorts to a traditional search engine results page.
共指消解可以成功跟踪跨口头查询中实体的引用 ,然而,我们所知,对于在搜索场景中表达的偏好的反向引用尚未得到探索。此外,这些系统不涉及混合倡议,系统只是简单地跟上人类的步伐。即使在封闭域对话系统中,还需要进一步的工作来使系统的轮流行为更加灵活和高效[27]。在更开放的领域中,Jiang 等人最近研究了能够进行多轮任务解决的最流行的商业个人代理系统。他们确定了代理通常执行的一组动作,尽管在许多情况下,对于信息检索任务,这样的代理会诉诸于传统的搜索引擎结果页面。

2.3 The Human Perspective
2.3 人类视角

Finally we turn to work studying conversations as performed by people. Perhaps among the most famous attempts to replicate conversations, Eliza was one of the first chat bots, replying to user statements consistently with how a therapist may engage a patient [39]. The algorithm rephrased statements made by the patient, reformulating them as questions back to the patient. More recently, deep learning systems have attempted to build contextualized chit chat systems, for instance as a Twitter bot that responds to context [31]. We consider what roles conversations per se appear to play as part of information exchange.
最后,我们转向研究人们进行的对话。也许在尝试复制对话方面最著名的是 Eliza,她是最早的聊天机器人之一,始终以治疗师可能与患者交流的方式回复用户的声明。该算法重新表述了患者的声明,将其重新构造为问题,再次提出给患者。最近,深度学习系统尝试构建具有上下文的闲聊系统,例如作为回应上下文的 Twitter 机器人。我们考虑对话本身似乎在信息交流中扮演的角色。

Conversations as Revealment

One significant role of conversation from an information retrieval perspective is to allow the two parties to reach an understanding as to what is required by the user, and what the answerer knows.
Before Web search became prevalent, as much information retrieval occurred in libraries, it was noted that the role of librarians was to help users to express their information needs. In particular, [24] studied how librarians assist in this task. The author found that the method of the librarians wasn't as important as that the conversation was happening. This suggests that automated conversational systems may also be effective even if using very different techniques.
在网络搜索变得普遍之前,大量信息检索发生在图书馆中,人们注意到图书馆员的角色是帮助用户表达他们的信息需求。特别是,[24] 研究了图书馆员如何协助完成这项任务。作者发现,图书馆员的方法并不像对话的发生那样重要。这表明,即使使用非常不同的技术,自动对话系统也可能是有效的。

Initiative and Engaging Behavior

A number of authors have studied how a "virtual human" should behave [6, 38]. For instance Traum et al. describe desirable aspects of a system conversing with humans, such as being real-time and incremental as utterances are formed over time [36]. Similarly there has been extensive work on multi-modal systems, expressing emotion and so forth. These aspects are beyond the scope of our work, as we restrict ourselves to chat type interfaces. Additionally, our focus is to consider conditions on what needs to be possible to be said rather than how the information should be conveyed.
多位作者已经研究了“虚拟人”应该如何行为[6, 38]。例如,Traum 等人描述了与人类对话系统的理想方面,如实时和增量,因为话语随着时间形成[36]。同样,已经进行了大量关于多模态系统、表达情感等方面的工作。这些方面超出了我们工作的范围,因为我们将自己限制在聊天类型的界面上。此外,我们的重点是考虑需要可能说出的条件,而不是信息应该如何传达。
One of the key aspects of human conversations is initiative. A number of authors have considered what constitutes initiative in dialog systems . Of key interest to us is mixed initiative: At different times in the conversation, the human or the agent may take initiative. We use a generic definition of mixed initiative compared to past work, defining it as both the human and the system having initiative at different points in time. For instance, the agent may take initiative to clarify or elicit information from the user whenever appropriate, while allowing the user to drive the conversation at other times.
人类对话的一个关键方面是主动性。许多作者考虑了对话系统中的主动性构成 。我们感兴趣的一个关键点是混合主动性:在对话中的不同时间,人类或代理人可能采取主动。与过去的工作相比,我们使用了一个通用的混合主动性定义,将其定义为人类和系统在不同时间点具有主动性。例如,代理人可能会在适当时候采取主动,从用户那里澄清或引出信息,同时在其他时间允许用户引导对话。

Trust and Moral Character

A final important concept in agents emulating human behavior is one of moral character [18]. Any agent taking part in a conversation conveys a personality, and inherently builds a relationship with the user (for instance, trust with regards to what happens to information shared by the person with the agent). However, this aspect of conversational behavior is outside the scope of our work and is not a goal of the conversational model.
It is also the case that when provided information (such as advice or recommendations), the source matters to people - it has been established that different sources have different influence on purchase decisions [30]. Effectiveness of a conversational system would likely depend on the system saying why it made a specific recommendations [35]. As with moral character, we do not address this question in this work.
In this section we consider the properties of conversations, proposing aspects that are applicable to search.

3.1 What is a Conversation?
3.1 什么是对话?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a conversation as a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged. While broad, this provides some guidance in information retrieval settings. In particular, we note that information is exchanged, suggesting symmetry where initiative may belong to both sides at different point in the conversation (rather than say a lecture). Hence we postulate that a conversational search system is a mixed-initiative system.
We may also classify conversations by their outcomes. Often, a conversation may be an end in itself. We do not consider this type of conversation here as it does not involve information retrieval. Similarly, conversations may have as a goal to assist a person to follow a known sequence of steps. Once more, this type of conversation falls

beyond the scope of this work. We focus on conversations that aim to elicit user preferences, and identify target information.
As a third aspect, we postulate that there is an element of memory: The conversation is a unit, and earlier statements can be referenced later in the conversation. Indeed, it should be possible to reference earlier statements in earlier conversations. A first consequence of the ability to index earlier statements is the existence of repair mechanisms, for instance the ability to clarify with "what I meant is..." [34, chapter 7]. More importantly in a search setting, memory allows information to be elicited from the user in a piecemeal fashion, maintaining simple steps that can together describe an arbitrarily complex information need. Indeed, it has been shown that loss of context is a common reason for user frustration with conversational systems [20]. It is important to note that memory thus plays two roles:
作为第三个方面,我们假设存在一种记忆元素:对话是一个单位,较早的陈述可以在对话后期引用。事实上,应该可以在早期对话中引用较早的陈述。能够索引早期陈述的第一个结果是存在修复机制,例如通过“我的意思是…”来澄清的能力[34,第 7 章]。在搜索设置中更重要的是,记忆允许以逐步方式从用户那里获取信息,保持可以共同描述任意复杂信息需求的简单步骤。事实上,已经表明,上下文丢失是用户对话系统感到沮丧的常见原因[20]。重要的是要注意,记忆因此发挥了两个角色:
  1. The systems remembers what was previously said by the user or the system to assist in resolving the user's information need.
  2. It is possible for the user to explicitly reference past information, for example to indicate what statements are not correct or should be "forgotten".
Finally, the conversation should be adaptive, with neither participant following a script, but rather adapting to the current context. This expands upon common definitions of personalization, while avoiding the challenge of sessions. In particular, a conversational search agent is essentially fulfilling a long-term task, which may otherwise have consisted of many sessions in the traditional search engine sense. The abstraction will prove useful below.
Taken together, these properties lead to the following definition:
DEFINITION 1. A conversational search system is a system for retrieving information that permits a mixed-initiative back and forth between a user and agent, where the agent's actions are chosen in response to a model of current user needs within the current conversation, using both short- and long-term knowledge of the user.
定义 1. 会话式搜索系统是一种用于检索信息的系统,允许用户和代理之间进行混合主动式来回交流,代理的操作是根据当前对话中用户需求的模型选择的,利用用户的短期和长期知识。
Further, the system has the following five properties, which we term the RRIMS properties:
此外,该系统具有以下五个特性,我们称之为 RRIMS 特性:
User Revealment The system helps the user express (potentially discover) their true information need, and possibly also long-term preferences.
System Revealment The system reveals to the user its capabilities and corpus, building the user's expectations of what it can and cannot do.
Mixed Initiative The system and user both can take initiative as appropriate.
Memory The user can reference past statements, which implicitly also remain true unless contradicted.
Set Retrieval The system can reason about the utility of sets of complementary items.

3.2 When should search involve conversation?
3.2 搜索应该何时涉及对话?

The appropriateness of a conversation for a search task is largely driven by the complexity of the task. The simplest search settings, where the user enters a single query and they expect to immediately identify relevant results clearly does not call for a back-and-forth with a search agent.
The next more complex type of tasks require memoryless refinement: The user learns the right terms to describe their information need by iterating with a search system. If each step is only informed by the results from the previous iteration, this does not require memory nor agent initiative. In such a setting a more complex model may in fact reduce user utility and does not call for conversational approaches to search.
However, consider these more complex scenarios where a conversation is more likely to be appropriate:

Faceted Elicitation 分面引诱

The user is searching for an item with rich attributes that can be individually specified, but are much simpler to provide piecewise. For instance, it may be possible to describe a difficult to find email such as I'm looking for an email that contains a link to a research paper that I got from a student who emailed me right after SIGIR last year. I can't remember the student's name, but I had never heard from her before.
用户正在搜索具有丰富属性的项目,这些属性可以单独指定,但更容易逐段提供。例如,可能可以描述一个难以找到的电子邮件,比如我正在寻找一封包含链接到去年 SIGIR 之后给我发来的一篇研究论文的电子邮件。我记不得那位学生的名字,但之前从未收到过她的来信。
The user is selecting among items based on facets - but cannot be expected to know how to reference these directly as this would involve memorizing a complex query language. As part of the search, the user is identifying aspects that can be used to describe a relevant item. In contrast to memoryless refinement, here the user may need to learn about a facet before returning to the top level of the search process with a tag describing how this facet can be satisfied. For instance, consider a similar case where the user is selecting a vacuum cleaner to purchase. Here, as an aside, the user may need to learn about relevant attributes such as how loud a given number of decibels really is, and then returning to his main task.

Multi-Item Elicitation 多项目引诱

The user is searching for a single item supported by a set of nearby items. For instance, a photo which can only be described by the properties of other photos taken earlier such as the photo Alice took of me right after I took her picture a few months ago. In this case, the system may need to learn who Alice is.
While the search is for an item that has an easy to establish relevance, the user's only known description of this item (i.e. query) depends on other items, which may themselves need to be found. Then, the search system must estimate the relevance of the whole set of items.

Multi-Item Faceted Elicitation

In this setting, the user is searching for a set of items directly. Importantly, not only must the system estimate the utility of each single item, it must combine the utilities of multiple items to reach an assessment of an entire set.
For instance, planning a vacation where the results consist of a hotel, travel arrangements, restaurant plans, places to see, and so forth. During the conversation, the agent elicits users to describe relevant aspects of different destinations, hotels, transport options and attractions. Then, it must elicit information from the user to learn how to combine the utilities of a whole set of items to reach a final decision about a holiday as a package.
It is this last setting in which we hypothesize that conversational approaches to search have the highest usefulness.

Bounding Choices / Building Expectations
限定选择 / 建立期望

Simultaneously, a conversational interface may simplify the problem of need elicitation by providing users with bounded choices. It may be easier for a user to clarify their needs given precise choices rather than expecting them to come up with particular terms. Similarly, choices can be bounded by allowing the user to understand complex features available in a search system, as examples of how a need can be presented are given.
For instance users engage with facets for email search much more often when these are suggested contextually, rather than relying on the user to generate the relevant terms [14]. Similarly, expert search users are much more likely to use advanced operators [40], presumably as less expert users are unaware of the options available.
This concept of bounding choices can also be considered as revealment from the side of the system, showing the user examples of the possibilities the system offers.

3.3 Learning, curiosity and serendipity
3.3 学习、好奇心和意外发现

During any search interaction, the agent may acquire knowledge that is useful to answer the user's current information need, while also building a model to improve personalization in future. For instance, an example in the previous section required the agent to learn to identify Alice in a query. This knowledge would allow the agent to answer future queries that refer to Alice without requiring the label to be provided anew.
在任何搜索交互过程中,代理可能会获取对回答用户当前信息需求有用的知识,同时建立模型以改进未来的个性化。例如,在前一节中的一个示例中,代理需要学会在查询中识别 Alice。这种知识将使代理能够回答未来涉及 Alice 的查询,而无需重新提供标签。
It is worth noting that there are also cases where the agent may provide the user with long-term utility at a cost in the current query, perhaps by eliciting information that happens to be related but not directly relevant. For instance, consider a user who searches for a restaurant recommendation and specifies that it should be vegetarian. The agent may clarify if the requirement is simply for the current query, or indicates that the user always requires vegetarian restaurants. Similarly, in a photo search scenario, the agent may elicit a name that can be applied to a face common in candidate photos.
We do not exclude such scenarios from expectations of a conversational agents, although such actions return to issues of trust and moral character, and thus further treatment of them are beyond the scope of the current work.

4. 对话式搜索模型

For our model, we assume there is a user searching for information, and a system or agent that is assisting the user. Search is performed over a well-defined corpus , where the user it looking for an item (which may not be unique) that contains the information needed. Such needed items are said to be of high utility to the user. Within a conversation, the system must estimate the utility of each item, which we write . We note that the agent may have a prior estimate of utility over items before the user has specified anything, based on long-term knowledge, although do not further consider how this prior utility is maintained.
对于我们的模型,我们假设有一个正在搜索信息的用户,以及一个正在协助用户的系统或代理。搜索是在一个明确定义的语料库 上进行的,用户正在寻找包含所需信息的项目 (可能不唯一)。这些所需项目被认为对用户非常有用。在对话中,系统必须估计每个项目的效用,我们将其写为 。我们注意到代理可能在用户指定任何内容之前就对项目 的效用有先前的估计,这是基于长期知识的,尽管我们不进一步考虑这种先前效用是如何维护的。

4.1 Interaction Approaches
4.1 交互方式

In each back and forth step in a conversation, the system provides some information to the user, and the user responds. Depending on what is provided, and what the response is, we find ourselves in different conversation settings seen in prior work. Existing approaches of which we are aware are summarized in Figure 1.
在对话中的每一个来回步骤中,系统向用户提供一些信息,用户做出回应。根据所提供的信息和回应的内容,我们发现自己处于先前工作中看到的不同对话设置中。我们知道的现有方法总结在图 1 中。
From the system perspective, our model provides for three basic types of information that the system may provide to the user. We term these actions that the system may perform. In increasing specificity, these are nothing, a partial item and a complete item. In particular, an item may be partially described in many ways. In the simplest case, the system may select a specific item feature to focus on, such as the concept of price in a product search scenario. Alternatively, the system may provide a suggested value of each field, e.g. price between and . Finally, the system may present a cluster of items, for instance a grouping of products that are somehow similar; this can be through of as a dynamic field having been created for say "electronic gadgets that make good gifts for a teenager".
从系统的角度来看,我们的模型提供了系统可能向用户提供的三种基本信息类型。我们将这些系统可能执行的操作称为动作。在逐渐具体化的过程中,这些动作分别是无、部分项目和完整项目。特别是,一个项目可以以多种方式进行部分描述。在最简单的情况下,系统可以选择要关注的特定项目特征,比如在产品搜索场景中的价格概念。或者,系统可以提供每个字段的建议值,例如价格在 之间。最后,系统可以呈现一组项目,例如一组某种程度相似的产品;这可以被视为为“适合作为青少年礼物的电子小工具”创建的动态字段。

Conversely, the user may be expected to provide (equivalently, the system may understand user statements that provide), feedback of different types. The simplest design would be for the user to provide either a binary or ordinal score in response to a question, or a preference given two or more choices. A more sophisticated feedback from the user would be a critique that indicates in what way the item or partial item presented by the system does not represent the user's information need. The most detailed level of feedback a user may provide would be free text. Clearly, the meaning of the user's feedback is only well defined given a specific question.
Considering previous work, we note that each prior system typically falls into a single cell as indicated in the Figure. We now describe each of the labeled cells in turn. This will describe the basis of the richer action space model we propose in this paper.

Null System - Free Text User
空系统 - 自由文本用户

This is the starting point for most information retrieval systems such as Web search engines, and often for conversational systems where the user may specify many possible requests (such as commercial intelligent agents including Cortana and Siri). The user is simply presented with a search box into which any query can be entered.
这是大多数信息检索系统的起点,如 Web 搜索引擎,通常也适用于对话系统,用户可以指定许多可能的请求(如商业智能代理,包括 Cortana 和 Siri)。用户只需看到一个搜索框,可以输入任何查询。

Partial Item System - Pref/Rating User
部分项目系统 - Pref/Rating 用户

A user may be presented with partial information about matching items in various ways. The most common approach is for a conversational system to confirm a slot that has been inferred, such as "you are looking for an Italian restaurant, correct?" (see, for example [17]). Some systems may also cluster items, asking for a preference. For instance, it might ask "would you prefer to a fancy restaurant, or an inexpensive one?". A third interaction mode, where a preference is elicited over a set of (feature,value) pairs would for instance "would you prefer a laptop with a 12 inch screen for or a laptop with a 14 inch screen for . Note that all of these interaction modes - as well as critiques and free text entry discussed below - may also be considered "faceted search".
用户可能以各种方式被呈现有关匹配项目的部分信息。最常见的方法是让对话系统确认已被推断的插槽,例如“您是在找意大利餐厅,对吗?”(参见,例如[17])。一些系统还可能对项目进行分组,询问偏好。例如,它可能会问“您更喜欢高档餐厅还是便宜的餐厅?”。第三种交互模式,其中通过一组(特征,值)对引出偏好,例如“您更喜欢带有 12 英寸屏幕的笔记本电脑 还是带有 14 英寸屏幕的笔记本电脑 ”。请注意,所有这些交互模式 - 以及下面讨论的批评和自由文本输入 - 也可以被视为“分面搜索”。

Partial Item System - Critique User
部分项目系统 - 评论用户

When the user may provide a richer answer than a simple score or preference, this presents a more powerful information retrieval paradigm. In the simplest case, fielded search provides users with a selection of known fields and users may select or specify ranges for any property they desire. This is common in online shopping scenarios, where often the allowed field values are pre-specified In other settings a user is presented with specific individual facet values. Some commercial intelligent agents allow users to clarify in this way, rather requiring a simple yes/no. For instance, in response to a prompt "you are looking for an Italian restaurant, correct?", the user may reply "no, I'm looking for an Indian restaurant."

Partial Item System - Free Text User
部分项目系统 - 自由文本用户

When a system asks a user to fill in a particular aspect of an infor mation need, this is usually referred to as slot filling. For instance, many recommendation systems work in this way. As an example, systems taking part in the Dialog State Tracking Challenge [41] require users to specify travel details to complete a structured query over a public transit schedule.

Complete Item System - Pref/Rating User
完整项目系统 - 首选/评分用户

Classic approaches to recommendation often request ratings of items to learn a user model for further recommendations. These may be absolute rating requests ("how much did you enjoy the movie Kill Bill?") or preference requests ("did you enjoy Kill Bill or Pride and
Figure 1: Conversation action space, as matched to previous names from past work. The system may provide three types of feedback, and expect three types of responses in return. In each cell, we describe related work that falls into the appropriate category. We also note that many of the partial item field or field+value ) interaction approaches are often considered variants of faceted search.
图 1:对话动作空间,与以往工作中的先前名称相匹配。系统可能提供三种类型的反馈,并期望得到三种类型的回应。在每个单元格中,我们描述了属于相应类别的相关工作。我们还注意到,许多部分项目字段 或字段+值 )交互方法通常被认为是分面搜索的变体。
Prejudice more?"). For example, Christakopoulou et al. [9] describe such a system in the restaurant domain.
偏见更多?例如,Christakopoulou 等人[9]在餐厅领域描述了这样一个系统。

Complete Item System - Critique User
完整项目系统 - 评论用户

In this case, a system may select a given item, then allow the user to refine their information need anchoring of the properties of the item. For instance, Reilly et al. [28] describe a system where users are presented with an item and possible ways the information need can be refined. Users may select a pre-defined rich critique that allows the system to move closer to the user's goals. Su et al. [32] describe a more sophisticated restaurant recommendation system, where queries are matched to a complete item, which can then be refined or further metadata can be requested.
在这种情况下,系统可能会选择一个给定的项目,然后允许用户通过锚定项目的属性来细化他们的信息需求。例如,Reilly 等人[28]描述了一个系统,用户被呈现一个项目和可能的信息需求细化方式。用户可以选择一个预定义的丰富评论,使系统更接近用户的目标。Su 等人[32]描述了一个更复杂的餐厅推荐系统,其中查询与完整项目匹配,然后可以对其进行细化或请求更多元数据。
We also propose an extension to the critique model to allow the agent to learn about the collection directly from user feedback. For example, suppose the agent has been asked to recommend a movie. Given a movie, the user might respond with a critique "that movie is too gory". This can inform the agent about the existence of the concept "gory", which may not have been known to the agent previously. Once given a name and one example, the agent may learn to model it through further interactions with this and other users.

4.2 Interaction Choice 4.2 交互选择

Based on the above variety of existing user/system interaction models, we can now formally model a conversation as a back-andforth, where the user and agent take turns. For convenience, the conversation always starts with the agent. Each time it is the agent's turn, it will (1) select an action to perform and (2) request for the user to provide a specific type of response. Specifically, the actions available to the agent are:
The null action - provide nothing, user is requested for free text describing the information need.
空操作 - 不提供任何内容,用户被要求提供描述信息需求的自由文本。
System provides a single partial item/cluster. User is requested to provide a rating, critique, or free text. System provides two or a small number of partial items, requesting a preference, critique, or free text.
系统提供单个部分项目/群集。用户被要求提供评分、评论或自由文本。 系统提供两个或少量部分项目,要求偏好、评论或自由文本。
System provides a single complete item. User is requested to provide a rating, critique, or free text.
System provides two or a small number of complete items. User is requested to provide a preference, critique, or free text.
The user responses are of the following types:
A rating of the current item/partial item.
A preference among the presented items/partial items.
A lack of preference, either indicating that none of the option is suitable, or indicating that all options are equally suitable.
缺乏偏好,要么 表示没有一个选项合适,要么 表示所有选项都同样合适。
A critique of the current item/partial item, indicating how the current item/partial item could be modified to be of higher relevance to the user.
Unstructured text describing their information need.

4.3 Action Selection 4.3 行动选择

As described at the start of Section 4, the system maintains a distribution over utility values for each item . The goal in an information retrieval setting is to find an item with maximal utility. Thus, a conversational search algorithm must select actions to maximize user satisfaction while tracking expectations over user responses. The motivation behind the above model is that the choice available to the system is simple enough that the utility of each action and response request can be estimated, yet provides the richness necessary for a true conversational retrieval system.
正如第 4 节开头所描述的,系统针对每个项目 维护了一个效用值 的分布。在信息检索环境中,目标是找到具有最大效用的项目。因此,对话式搜索算法必须选择行动以最大化用户满意度,同时跟踪用户响应的期望。上述模型背后的动机是系统可用选择足够简单,以至于可以估计每个行动和响应请求的效用,同时又提供了真正对话式检索系统所需的丰富性。
Specific satisfaction metrics that can be optimized are beyond the scope of this work, given the large amount of past work on this topic (see recent work by Kiseleva et al. [20] for an overview). However, we will describe an example algorithm for this selection process in the analysis of our model below.
特定的满意度指标可以进行优化,但由于过去在这个主题上的大量研究(请参阅 Kiseleva 等人最近的研究[20]),这超出了本工作的范围。然而,我们将在下面分析我们的模型时描述这个选择过程的一个示例算法。

5. ANALYSIS 5. 分析

We finally present an analysis of the conversational model. In particular we assess four natural analysis questions: Are the criteria suggested for conversations both necessary and sufficient? Are the system action and user response spaces sufficiently rich? How can the system select among the possible actions? How can the system correctly interpret user feedback in this rich environment? We discuss each in turn.

5.1 Are the conversational properties presented both necessary and sufficient?
5.1 所呈现的对话特性既必要又充分吗?

The goal of the conversational model presented in this work is to allow efficient and effective conversational information retrieval without more complexity than necessary. Thus the first research question we must address considers what kinds of tasks and can be solved with the properties presented. While showing that a wide variety of previously studied information retrieval tasks can be addressed, we argue that each of the properties presented is also necessary.

Example application 1: Basic information retrieval.
示例应用程序 1:基本信息检索。

We start by considering a standard information retrieval task. We take the first topic from the most recent TREC Web Track [11]:
我们从考虑一个标准的信息检索任务开始。我们从最近的 TREC Web Track [11] 中取第一个主题:
Topic ID: 251 主题 ID:251
Query: Identifying spider bites
Description: Find data on how to identify
spider bites. 蜘蛛咬伤。
While the task description is a short query, it suggests the user may need to identify a specific spider bite. As the variety of spiders is large, this need would likely be satisfied best in a conversation where the user and the system exchange information to assist the user in narrowing down the candidate set of all possible spiders into the most likely one(s). During this process, the system needs to remember what information the user has already provided, to allow the user to answer individual questions one at a time. It may also be the case that the user needs to revisit or alter answers by referring to past statements. For instance, the user may incorrectly answer one of the questions and not realize until later in the conversation.
Being able to satisfy such needs illustrates the importance of user revealment, as well as memory in the conversational search setting.

Example application 2: Personal information search.
示例应用程序 2:个人信息搜索。

We consider a second information retrieval setting with increasing research attention - search over personal information. This may involve searching for personal emails (e.g. [5]), documents (e.g. [12]) or over personal records that allow a user to investigate for instance where a particular event took place [7]. Such search tasks involve heterogeneous items with rich metadata, where a user may remember a variety of contextual information. An effective conversational retrieval system must aid the user in specifying such information, without requiring the user to remember a complex query language.
我们考虑了一个备受关注的第二种信息检索设置 - 搜索个人信息。这可能涉及搜索个人电子邮件(例如[5]),文档(例如[12])或允许用户调查特定事件发生地点的个人记录[7]。这类搜索任务涉及具有丰富元数据的异构项,用户可能记得各种上下文信息。有效的对话检索系统必须帮助用户指定这些信息,而无需用户记住复杂的查询语言。
In this setting, mixed initiative is particularly valuable, where a system may prompt the user with information that the user may remember. This in turn may lead the user to recall other pertinent information the he or she wishes to provide. Traditional search interfaces for personal information of this nature tend to present rich user interfaces . A mixed initiative system can present users with choices when appropriate to refine the search space, yet allow the user to describe their information need in free text when this is the optimal strategy. Additionally, the value of system revealment and memory is clear.
在这种情况下,混合倡议尤为重要,系统可能提示用户记得的信息。这反过来可能会促使用户回想起其他相关信息,他或她希望提供的信息。这种性质的个人信息的传统搜索界面往往呈现丰富的用户界面 。混合倡议系统可以在适当时向用户提供选择,以细化搜索空间,同时允许用户在这是最佳策略时用自由文本描述他们的信息需求。此外,系统揭示和记忆的价值是明显的。

Example application 3: Product recommendation.
示例应用程序 3:产品推荐。

A common information retrieval task is product selection given a general information need. For instance, consider a new parent who must purchase a stroller for the first time. The parent may be unaware of the qualities of such a product without having previously engaged in this task. In an offline recommendation setting, the parent visits a retailer, and an assistant will describe the range of products available, how they differ and elicit the information from the parent as to which features are important, and ultimately guide the parent to suitable choices.
In a conversational search setting, the agent must similarly reveal to the user characteristics of the available search space, knowledge of which features exist in the corpus of items, and assist the user in expressing their information need suitably. Thus this example illustrates particularly the necessity for system and user revealment.

Example application 4: Travel planning.
示例应用程序 4:旅行规划。

In some settings, search involves heterogeneous items that give rise to two distinct types of user utility: A given item has a utility to the user, while a set of items is needed to answer the user's information yet has a different type of utility.
One common example is travel planning (see for example [21]), where travel and accommodation are both necessary yet each have their own utilities (cost, convenience, brand, etc), while the combination is the ultimate user's need and has its own utility to the user. For example, even an otherwise perfect inexpensive five star hotel is likely to have low utility for a cost-conscious traveler if it can only be reached by private helicopter on the intended travel date. Other distinct aspect to travel plans - including attractions and restaurants further complicate the retrieval setting, giving rise to distinct item-based and set utility functions.
一个常见的例子是旅行规划(例如参见[21]),其中旅行和住宿都是必要的,但每个都有自己的效用(成本、便利性、品牌等),而二者的结合是最终用户的需求,并对用户有自己的效用。例如,即使一家否则完美的廉价五星级酒店可能对注重成本的旅行者的效用较低,如果只能在预定的旅行日期乘坐私人直升机到达。旅行计划的另一个独特方面 - 包括景点和餐厅进一步复杂了检索设置,导致了独特的基于项目和集合效用函数。
While in the previous example total cost might be considered a strong indicator of utility for both an item and a set of items, in related settings these utilities may be quite different. For instance, consider an itinerary within a city: The user may have preferences about what types of attractions they prefer to visit, giving rise to an item utility. However for a complete itinerary the user may also value diversity, so as not to spend the entire day visiting only attractions of one type.

Summary. 摘要。

As we have seen, each of the properties presented - User Revealment, System Revealement, Mixed Initiative, Memory and Set Retrieval - are natural for at least one of the example applications These applications typify the settings in which information retrieval systems are commonly used, and this in which conversational information retrieval should be possible. As such, we argue that the proposed properties are both necessary, as well as being sufficient to enable many common information retrieval tasks.
正如我们所看到的,所提出的每个属性 - 用户揭示、系统揭示、混合倡议、记忆和集合检索 - 至少对一个示例应用程序是自然的。这些应用程序代表了信息检索系统通常使用的设置,也代表了会话式信息检索可能发生的情境。因此,我们认为所提出的属性既是必要的,也足以实现许多常见的信息检索任务。

5.2 Are the system and user action spaces sufficiently rich?
5.2 系统和用户操作空间是否足够丰富?

After presenting the desirable properties for a conversational IR system, we presented a model in Section 4. We now analyze to what extent this model satisfies the desired properties.
在介绍了对话式信息检索系统的理想特性之后,我们在第 4 节中提出了一个模型。现在我们分析这个模型在多大程度上满足了所需的特性。

User Revealment. 用户揭示。

During search, a common strategy to assist users to refine their information needs is to present alternatives within the space of extant items. As such, the action spaces and provide efficient ways for the user to identify alternative items, as well as dimensions on which the items differ, and ambiguities within the information need described so far.
在搜索过程中,帮助用户细化信息需求的常见策略是在现有项目空间内提供替代选择。因此,操作空间 为用户提供了识别替代项目、项目之间差异的维度以及描述的信息需求中存在的歧义的有效方式。
For instance, when searching for a suitable product in a class where the user is unfamiliar (say, the first time a new parent must purchase a stroller), choices help the user reveal the relevant features to the user.

System Revealment. 系统揭示。

Free-form text entry systems are known to have low discoverability (e.g. [40]). By presenting users with confirmations ( ) and requesting a rating or critique as well as partial item choices , the system both demonstrates the ways in which it can partition and refine the search space, as well as common properties of the corpus available.
自由文本输入系统以低可发现性而闻名(例如[40])。通过向用户展示确认( )并请求评分 或评论 以及部分项目选择 ,系统既展示了其可以划分和细化搜索空间的方式,也展示了可用语料库的共同属性。

Set Retrieval. 设置检索。

In modeling partial item presentation as clusters, the model allows for retrieval of sets of items. For instance, taking a travel set retrieval scenario, the system may assist the user in identifying high utility items of various types, then subsequently present sets of complementary items as candidate solutions to the user's information need (for instance, inviting critiques of proposed combinations). We note that as seen in Figure 1, to the best of our knowledge such structured set-based retrieval has not been previously studied in a conversational setting, rather relying on a rich user interface.
在将部分项目展示建模为簇时,该模型允许检索项目集。例如,以旅行套检索场景为例,系统可以帮助用户识别各种类型的高效用项目,然后随后将互补项目集呈现为用户信息需求的候选解决方案(例如,邀请对提议的组合进行评论)。我们注意到,据我们所知,如图 1 所示,这种结构化的基于集合的检索在对话设置中尚未被研究,而是依赖于丰富的用户界面。

Memory. 内存。

As previously noted, we postulated that memory plays two distinct roles in a conversational search setting: (1) the system recalling past statements by default, and (2) the ability to reference explicitly to past statements (for instance to indicate that they are no longer correct). The first is addressed in the model implicitly, as a conversation is designed to be a continuous process, thus a continuation of a conversation implicitly requires the continuation of a user's information need and thus all earlier conversational steps.
正如前面所指出的,我们假设记忆在对话式搜索环境中发挥两种不同的作用:(1) 系统默认回忆过去的陈述,以及 (2) 明确参考过去的陈述的能力(例如指出它们不再正确)。第一种情况在模型中隐含地得到解决,因为对话被设计为一个连续的过程,因此对话的延续隐含地需要用户信息需求的延续,因此所有早期的对话步骤。
The second is addressed in the requirement that the model allows the user to always enter free text . While a weaker constraint on the implementation, this possibility - assuming the user text is interpreted correctly by the system - allows the user to refer to a previous statement to override it specifically. However, the details of how this could be implemented is left as future work.
第二个问题涉及到模型允许用户始终输入自由文本 。虽然在实施上是一个较弱的约束条件,但是假设系统正确解释用户文本,这种可能性允许用户引用先前的陈述以具体覆盖它。然而,关于如何实现这一点的细节将作为未来的工作留下。

Mixed Initiative. 混合倡议。

In providing the system a number of alternative interaction modes, from a basic free-text to structured and preference-based , the system is designed to choose the right level of initiative for an information task. In allowing the user to always return unstructured text , the user can at any time take the initiative from the system.
在为系统提供多种交互模式的基础上,从基本的自由文本 到结构化和基于偏好的 ,系统被设计为为信息任务选择合适的主动性水平。允许用户随时返回非结构化文本 ,用户可以随时从系统中采取主动。

5.3 Could a system optimally select the next action from the search space?
5.3 系统能否从搜索空间中最优地选择下一步动作?

Given the choices of actions, the system must have a model allowing it to decide which action it is to take at any given point in time. It must (1) select an action in a given context, and (2) interpret the user's response given the previous conversational history. We focus on the action selection process here, arguing that a system could reasonably implement the model presented while leaving the practical details as an open challenge for future work.
In our model, the system maintains a distribution over utility values for each item . As the goal in an information retrieval setting is to find an item with maximal utility, the action must be selected so as to maximize how efficiently this is achieved. While a number of algorithms may be optimal with different implementations of the model, here we present one possible implementation to demonstrate feasibility. Other approaches may be more efficient or lead to better user experiences. One of the goals of this paper is to inspire such approaches, hence we leave them as future work. Rather, we argue here that our model is suitable for describing a conversational information retrieval system.
在我们的模型中,系统针对每个项目 维护了一个效用值 的分布。在信息检索环境中,目标是找到具有最大效用的项目,因此必须选择行动以最大化实现这一目标的效率。虽然许多算法可能是最优的,具有不同的模型实现,但在这里我们提出了一种可能的实现以展示可行性。其他方法可能更有效或导致更好的用户体验。本文的一个目标是激发这样的方法,因此我们将它们留作未来的工作。相反,我们在这里论证我们的模型适用于描述对话式信息检索系统。
For each action the system may take, if the user response comes from a known distribution, we can infer the update to the utility of each item. Specifically, suppose that for each item the system has an estimate of utility , as well as an estimate of the uncertainty of the utility . If the system were to take some action , and observe response , the system can predict the update of the item utility and uncertainty (for instance, [9] propose a specific virtual-update multi-armed bandit algorithm for this purpose). Summing over all items and possible user responses, the utility of a system action can be computed as the expected reduction in uncertainty about which items have highest utility. This is more difficult in cases where the distribution over user responses is unknown, such as where the user is requested to provide free text. Here, the utility must be estimated based on prior observations of the system when such an action was requested. A deployed conversational system may estimate the expected utility gain of such open-ended requests, and use this for selecting when to perform such actions.
对于系统可能采取的每个操作,如果用户的响应来自已知分布,我们可以推断每个项目的效用更新。具体而言,假设对于每个项目,系统都有一个效用估计 ,以及效用不确定性的估计 。如果系统要执行某个操作 ,并观察到响应 ,系统可以预测项目效用和不确定性的更新(例如,[9]提出了一种特定的虚拟更新多臂老虎机算法用于此目的)。对所有项目和可能的用户响应求和,系统操作的效用可以计算为关于哪些项目具有最高效用的不确定性的预期减少。在用户响应分布未知的情况下,例如用户被要求提供自由文本的情况下,这将更加困难。在这种情况下,必须基于系统在请求此类操作时的先前观察来估计效用。部署的对话系统可以估计此类开放式请求的预期效用增益,并用于选择何时执行此类操作。
While the above addresses the system-side utility of an action, a second aspect of question utility is that of the cost a system action incurs upon the user. For instance, a question that has high utility in terms of uncertainty reduction may be difficult for a user to answer. This cost needs to be estimated by the system when selecting actions. A simple approach would be to assume a fixed cost for users to respond to any action. This assumption is commonly used by recommendation system where users are requested to label particular examples as part of the learning process. An alternative would be for a conversational system to observe how long it takes a user to respond to a given type of action, and/or how often the user response is not of the requested type for the given system action.
Finally, in the more complex case of set retrieval, the goal of the user is to find a suitable set of items rather than a single item. In this case, once the system has been able to identify items of high utility, it must learn a combined utility function. The form of this utility function would depend on the particular type of information need being addressed. For instance, in a travel planning scenario there may be complex constraints (e.g. only one hotel is needed at a time, the hotel must be near an airport to which there is a suitable flight, and so forth). While the action space is sufficiently rich to allow the system to propose tradeoffs between combinations, we believe that the details of the utility function learning needs to be addressed in a task-by-task manner.

5.4 How can the system interpret user feedback?
5.4 系统如何解释用户反馈?

Finally, we consider the question of whether our conversational model allows a system to interpret user feedback effectively
The model is for the system to take an action at each turn, requesting the user for a specific response. If the user response is of the expected type, the system will clearly be able to interpret it. However, we have also shown it important that the model allows the user to ignore the system's action (question) and provide alternative feedback, as in a real conversation. In this way, the user would be taking his or her own initiative, for instance if the agent is not providing useful information.
该模型是让系统在每个轮次采取一个动作 ,请求用户提供特定的响应。如果用户的响应是预期类型,系统将能够清楚地解释它。然而,我们还表明模型允许用户忽略系统的动作(问题)并提供替代反馈是重要的,就像在真实对话中一样。这样,用户将采取自己的主动行动,例如如果代理人没有提供有用信息。
One way to reduce the likelihood of unexpected feedback is to explicitly model common conversational outcomes. For instance, our model specifies one of the possible preference answers is that there is no preference among options being presented (with the
减少意外反馈可能性的一种方法是明确建模常见的对话结果。例如,我们的模型指定可能的偏好答案之一是 ,即在提出的选项中没有偏好。

uniform label still being positive or negative). This was noted by [9] that such feedback is particularly useful in some settings.
While "unexpected" answers are thus the most problematic, we believe that our model provides the right amount of structure to facilitate interpretability. If the user chooses to provide alternative free-text feedback, interpretation of this feedback is relatively limited given the conversational context. Future success of conversational systems adhering to our general model will hinge on how often users choose to (or need to) revert to other answer types, and how well the system captures such deviations. A system that supports memory is also more robust to errors.
Therefore we claim that our model provides a suitable framework for effectively interpreting user feedback.

6. 结论和未来工作

In this paper, we have described the characteristics of a conversational information retrieval system. These characteristics are based on a broad overview of previous work on human conversations. What have argued that the properties of conversations described are both necessary and sufficient to allow a rich variety of information retrieval tasks to be naturally performed using a conversational interface. We consider the primary contribution of these properties to provide a framework for design and evaluation of future conversational information retrieval systems. In allowing approaches to be compared, the types of tasks that such systems can address, and the way in which they differ from human-level conversations can be more easily characterized.
In doing so, we also discussed when conversational approaches appear most valuable for information retrieval, illustrating with a number of tasks that appear to be well suited to chat-based search.
Following this presentation, we presented a theoretical model that satisfies the conversational properties. While theoretical, the model provides the framework for a conversational search system that appears practical in implementation. The model is a generalization of many specialized systems that have previously been implemented, and have been shown to be effective by previous authors. However, none of the previous systems satisfy all the proposed properties of a conversational information retrieval system. We view the contribution of this model as a proposed structure that can be employed towards obtaining true conversational information retrieval. Implementing the model proposed is the most important future extension of this work.
It is further worth considering limitations in the characterization of conversational information retrieval. It may be the case that some of the properties presented can be replaced with others that serve similar function but lead to higher user satisfaction through more natural interaction. The properties described reflect previous findings of human conversations, thus it may be the case that automatic conversational system do not need to reflect human level conversation to be widely useful for information retrieval. In particular, we have chosen to represent knowledge about the corpus as a utility function defined over items and sets of items. It is possible that such a utility function may not exist, or may be too complex to model in relatively short interactions. Incorporating prior knowledge about global utility and popularity may allow the conversational properties to be refined.

Acknowledgments 致谢

The authors would like to thank Cecily Morrison and Alex Taylor for insightful discussions about the nature of (human) conversations. We also thank Paul Thomas for useful feedback on related work, and the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.
作者们要感谢 Cecily Morrison 和 Alex Taylor 就(人类)对话性质进行深入讨论。我们还要感谢 Paul Thomas 对相关工作提供的有用反馈,以及匿名审稿人提供的帮助性评论。

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    CHIIR '17, March 07 - 11, 2017, Oslo, Norway
    CHIIR '17,2017 年 3 月 07 日至 11 日,挪威奥斯陆
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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3020165.3020183