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Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology guidelines for malignant bowel obstruction management

Renato Morato Zanatto MD, ScM | Claudia Naylor Lisboa MD, ScM Junea Caris de Oliveira MD, ScM, PhD - | Teresa Cristina da Silva dos Reis MD, ScM (0)Audrey Cabral Ferreira de Oliveira MD | | Manoel J. P. Coelho Jr. MD, ScM |
奥德里·卡布拉尔·费雷拉·德·奥利维拉医学博士 | | 曼努埃尔·J·P·科埃略医学博士,科学硕士 |
Bruno de Ávila Vidigal MD - | Heber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro MD, ScM, PhD ( |
布鲁诺·德·阿维拉·维迪加尔医学博士 - | 海伯·萨尔瓦多·德·卡斯特罗·里贝罗医学博士,科学硕士,博士 (|
Reitan Ribeiro MD | Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes MD, ScM |
Reitan Ribeiro MD | 保罗·亨利克·德·索萨·费尔南德斯医学博士,科学硕士 |
Alexcia Camila Braun ScM (-) | Rodrigo N. Pinheiro MD, ScM (1)Alexandre F. Oliveira MD, ScM, PhD | Gustavo A. Laporte MD, ScM, PhD Department of Surgical Oncology, Amaral Carvalho Cancer Hospital, Jaú, SP, Brazil
Instituto Nacional de Cancer José Alencar Gomes da Silva-INCA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Department of Clinical Oncology, Clínica de Oncologia/Grupo CAM-CLION, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市临床肿瘤学科,肿瘤诊所/CAM-CLION 集团 部门
Departament of Surgical Oncology, Hospital Santo Alberto, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Clínica Linharense de Oncologia-CLIONCO, Linhares, ES, Brazil
Department of Surgical Oncology, A.C.CamargoCancer, CenterSão Paulo, SP, Brazil
巴西圣保罗州圣保罗市 A.C.Camargo 癌症中心外科肿瘤科
Department of Surgical Oncology, Erasto Gaertner Hospital, Curitiba, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia-UFU, Uberlândia, Brazil
Surgical Oncology Service, Federal District Base Hospital, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
Department of Surgical Oncology, Juiz de Fora Federal University, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州茹伊斯迪福拉联邦大学外科肿瘤科 部门
Department of Surgical Oncology, Santa Casa de Porto Alegre/Santa Rita Hospital/Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Correspondene 对应

Renato Morato Zanatto, MD, ScM, Department of Surgical Oncology, Amaral Carvalho Cancer Hospital, Rua Marcel Maziteli Trindade, 291, Jardim Bela Vista, 17.206-400, Jaú, SP, Brazil. Email: renato.zanatto@gmail.com
Renato Morato Zanatto, MD, ScM, 手术肿瘤科,阿马拉尔·卡瓦略癌症医院,Rua Marcel Maziteli Trindade,291 号,Jardim Bela Vista,17.206-400,Jaú,SP,巴西。 电子邮件:renato.zanatto@gmail.com

Abstract 摘要

Background: Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) is a frequent complication in advanced cancer patients and especially those with abdominal tumors. The clinical management of MBO requires a specific and individualized approach based on the disease prognosis. Surgery is recommended. Less invasive approaches such as endoscopic treatments should be considered when surgery is contraindicated. The priority of care for inoperable and consolidated MBO is to control the symptoms and promote the maximum level of comfort.
背景:恶性肠梗阻(MBO)是晚期癌症患者中经常发生的并且尤其是腹部肿瘤患者中常见的并发症。MBO 的临床管理需要基于疾病预后的特定和个性化方法。手术是推荐的治疗方法。当手术有禁忌症时,应考虑较少侵入性的治疗方法,如内窥镜治疗。对于不可手术和已固定的 MBO,护理的优先级是控制症状并促进最大程度的舒适。

Objectives: This study aimed to develop recommendations for the effective management of MBO.
目标:本研究旨在制定有效管理 MBO 的建议。

Methods: A questionnaire was administered to all members of the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology, of whom 41 surgeons participated in the survey. A literature review of studies retrieved from the National Library of Medicine database was conducted on particular topics chosen by the participants. These topics addressed questions regarding the MBO management, to define the level of evidence and
方法:向巴西外科肿瘤学会的所有成员发放了一份问卷,其中 41 名外科医生参与了调查。从国家医学图书馆数据库检索的研究文献进行了文献回顾,涉及由参与者选择的特定主题。这些主题涉及有关 MBO 管理的问题,以确定证据水平和。


Renato Morato Zanatto MD, ScM | Claudia Naylor Lisboa MD, ScM | Junea Caris de Oliveira 医学博士、理科硕士、哲学博士| Teresa Cristina da Silva dos Reis 医学博士、理科硕士 | Audrey Cabral Ferreira de Oliveira MD | Manoel JP Coelho Jr. 医学博士、理学硕士 | Bruno de Ávila Vidigal 医学博士 | Heber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro 医学博士、理科硕士、哲学博士| Reitan Ribeiro 医学博士 | Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes MD, ScM | Alexcia Camila Braun ScM | Rodrigo N. Pinheiro 医学博士、理科硕士 | Alexandre F. Oliveira 医学博士、理科硕士、哲学博士| Gustavo A. Laporte 医学博士@理科硕士、哲学博士
1 巴西圣保罗州哈乌阿马拉尔卡瓦略癌症医院肿瘤外科
2 巴西里约热内卢 José Alencar Gomes da Silva-INCA 国立癌症研究所
3 巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市 Clínica de Oncologia/Grupo CAM-CLION 临床肿瘤学系
4 巴西亚马摙州马瑙斯市圣阿尔贝托医院外科肿瘤科
5 巴西利尼亚雷斯肿瘤诊所一CLIONCO
6 巴西圣保罗 ACCamargoCancer 中心外科肿瘤科
7 \text { 巴西库里提巴 Erasto Gaertner 医院外科肿瘤科}
8 乌贝兰迪亚联邦大学(UFU),乌贝兰迪亚,巴西
9 巴西利亚联邦区基地医院外科肿瘤科
10 巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州茹伊斯迪福拉联邦大学外科肿瘤学系
Renato Morato Zanatto 医学博士、理学硕士,阿马拉尔卡瓦略癌症医院外科肿瘤科,Rua Marcel Maziteli Trindade, 291, Jardim Bela Vista, 17.206-400, Jaú, SP,巴西。电子邮件: renato.zanatto@gmail.com


背景:恶性肠梗阻 (MBO) 是
MBO 的管理需要根据
目标: 本研究旨在为有效
方法: 向巴西社会的所有成员发放一份问卷
外科肿瘤学,其中 41 名外科医生参与了调查。文献

Abstract 摘要

strength of each recommendation, and an adapted version of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Health Service rating system was used.

Results: Most aspects of the medical approach and management strategies reviewed were strongly recommended by the participants.

Conclusions: Guidelines outlining the strategies for management MBO were developed based on the strongest evidence available in the literature.
结论:根据文献中最有力的证据,制定了管理 MBO 策略的指导方针。


abdominal neoplasms, malignant bowel obstruction, practice guideline, treatment


Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) associated with advanced-stage cancers is a medical complication frequently occurring in patients with gastrointestinal and gynecological tumors. Hence, it remains a challenge for surgeons to decide whether to perform palliative surgery or provide exclusive conservative medical comfort measures as end-of-life care. Recognizing MBO requires clinical evidence with a medical history of cancer often of gynecological or gastrointestinal origin, physical examination, and imaging examinations (computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) showing the presence of an intraperitoneal malignant disease. Despite the fact that most of the diagnosed primary tumors are of gynecological and gastrointestinal origin, extra-abdominal malignancies are also involved with MBO as part of the potential medical complications.
恶性肠梗阻(MBO)与晚期癌症相关,是胃肠道和妇科肿瘤患者中经常发生的医学并发症。因此,对外科医生来说,决定是进行姑息手术还是提供独家保守的医疗舒适措施作为临终关怀仍然是一个挑战。识别 MBO 需要临床证据,通常是妇科或胃肠道起源的癌症病史,体格检查和影像检查(计算机断层扫描或磁共振成像[MRI])显示腹腔内恶性疾病的存在。尽管大多数诊断的原发肿瘤是妇科和胃肠道起源的,但额外的腹外恶性肿瘤也可能与 MBO 相关,作为潜在的医学并发症之一。
The primary cancers commonly associated with MBO are colorectal cancer , ovarian cancer , and stomach cancer ( . The syndrome can present with multiple or single points of obstruction and may be due to other underlying causes and mechanisms. The obstruction can be partial or complete. Depending on the degree of lumen occlusion, patients with an MBO will present with pain due to abdominal distension, cramps, nausea and vomiting, cessation of gas and feces elimination, and progressive inability to eat.
与 MBO 常见相关的原发性癌症包括结肠癌 ,卵巢癌 和胃癌 。这种综合症可以表现为多个或单个梗阻点,可能是由于其他潜在原因和机制引起的。梗阻可以是部分或完全的。根据腔内阻塞的程度,患有 MBO 的患者会出现因腹部胀气、痉挛、恶心和呕吐、气体和粪便排泄停止以及逐渐无法进食而引起的疼痛
This high load of symptoms compromises the patient's quality of life. It is associated with a dismal prognosis and a short life expectation of a few weeks to months, making the diagnosis of MBO a preterminal event and causing a devastating impact on the lives of affected patients and their families. The nature and aggressiveness of the symptoms are due to the obstruction of the intestinal lumen, impaired peristalsis, and altered motility due to tumor growth. The retention of fluids and gases causes an increase in endoluminal pressure, production of 5 -hydroxytryptamine by intestinal enterochromaffin cells, activation of the interneuronal system, and release of nociceptive mediators leading to splanchnic vasodilation and cell hypersecretion. This series of events causes the appearance of intense intestinal edema, increase in retained secretions, distension, and abdominal pain, a condition that must be differentiated from those unrelated to tumor growth such as bridles, actinic adhesions, constipation, and opioid colon.
这种症状的高负荷影响了患者的生活质量。它与糟糕的预后和数周到数月的短寿命预期相关,使 MBO 的诊断成为临终事件,并对受影响患者及其家人的生活造成毁灭性影响。症状的性质和侵袭性是由于肠腔阻塞、蠕动受损和肿瘤生长导致的运动异常。液体和气体的滞留导致内腔压力增加,肠内分泌细胞产生 5-羟色胺,激活间神经系统,释放痛觉介质导致腹腔血管扩张和细胞分泌增加。这一系列事件导致强烈的肠道水肿、保留分泌物增加、腹胀和腹痛的出现,这种情况必须与与肿瘤生长无关的情况区分开,如肠系带、光化粘连、便秘和阿片类结肠。

In view of the suspicion of MBO, the literature recommends the performance of imaging tests. Computed tomography (CT) is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, being useful not only in identifying the level and degree of obstruction but also in determining the associated pathological processes, playing a fundamental role in defining the appropriate surgical and invasive approaches. CT has a lower predictive value in identifying the glow rates of peritoneal carcinomatosis and does not clearly differentiate MBO from nonmalignant adhesions. Despite its low accuracy, plain abdominal radiography is also useful in assessing constipation and its severity as a potential cause of symptoms and remains an important initial imaging study in almost all patients with suspected bowel obstruction, considering its low cost and accessibility.
鉴于 MBO 的怀疑,文献建议进行影像检查。计算机断层扫描(CT)被认为是诊断的金标准,不仅有助于确定梗阻的程度和级别,还有助于确定相关的病理过程,对于定义适当的外科手术和侵入性方法起着基础性作用。CT 在识别腹膜癌转移的发光速率方面具有较低的预测价值,并且不能清楚地区分 MBO 和非恶性粘连。尽管其准确性较低,普通腹部 X 线摄影在评估便秘及其严重程度作为症状潜在原因方面也很有用,并且在几乎所有疑似肠梗阻患者中仍然是一项重要的初始影像研究,考虑到其低成本和易获得性。
Conservative measures include bowel rest and drug therapy. Anticholinergic drugs, antisecretory drugs such as somatostatin analogs, neuroleptics, glucocorticoids, and opioids are the essential drugs that inhibit inflammation and decrease intraluminal secretion volume, prevent painful peristaltic movements, and promote gastric emptying, reducing pain and cramps, nausea, and vomiting in up to of the cases.
保守措施包括肠道休息和药物疗法。抗胆碱药物、抗分泌药物如生长抑素类似物、神经阻滞药、糖皮质激素和阿片类药物是抑制炎症、减少肠腔分泌量、预防疼痛性蠕动、促进胃排空的必需药物,可在 的病例中减轻疼痛和痉挛、恶心和呕吐。
After more than 30 years of octreotide use, some controversial issues remain, and further research is recommended to clarify the time of use and effectiveness related not only to the number of days free from vomiting as an endpoint but also to discuss the reduction in the daily frequency of vomiting as a relevant clinical parameter, considering the high cost of the drug.
使用奥曲肽 30 多年后,仍存在一些有争议的问题,建议进一步研究以澄清使用时间和有效性,不仅与无呕吐天数作为终点相关,还要讨论减少每日呕吐频率作为相关临床参数,考虑到药物的高成本。
However, when consensus and guidance regarding the definition of a care plan for these patients were sought, which includes the appropriate surgical approach and clinical management of symptoms, clinical issues related to their medical management were observed owing to the lack of robust evidence required to establish the ideal treatment for MBO. The Palliative Care Status of MBO demands the development of an individualized individualization and personalized approach focused on the patients' desires, as well as the expectations of the patients and their family members. Surgical intervention plays a fundamental role in the correction of serious situations such as peritonitis, perforation, or signs of ischemia. Complete or persistent obstructions during the period of conservative treatment are also an indication of surgery. Techniques involving segmental resection of
然而,当寻求关于为这些患者制定护理计划的定义的共识和指导时,包括适当的手术方法和症状的临床管理,由于缺乏建立 MBO 理想治疗所需的有力证据,观察到与其医疗管理相关的临床问题。 MBO 的姑息护理状态要求制定一个以患者愿望为重点的个性化和个性化方法,以及患者及其家人的期望。手术干预在纠正严重情况(如腹膜炎、穿孔或缺血征象)中发挥着基础作用。在保守治疗期间出现完全或持续性梗阻也是手术的指征。涉及分段切除的技术

参与者强烈推芓。 参与者强烈推崇。
腹部肿瘤恶性肠梗阻 实践指南治疗 腹部肿瘤恶性肠梗阻实践指南治疗

1 | 介绍

与晚期相关的恶性肠梗阻 (MBO)癌症是患者经常发生的医疗并发症胃肠道和妇科肿痹。因此,它仍然是外科医生面临的挑战是决定是否进行姑息治疗
临终关怀措施。识别 MBO 需要临床有妇科癌症病史的证据或胃肠道来源、体格检查和影像学检查(计算机断层扫描或磁共振成像 (MRI) 显示腹腔内恶性疾病。尽管大多数确诊的原发性肿瘤来自妇科和胃肠道,腹部外恶性肿瘤也与 MBO 有关,这是
潜在的医疗并发症。与 MBO 常见的原发性癌症是结直肠癌
癌症 、卵巢癌 ( 和胃癌 (6%-19%)。该综合征可表现为多处或单处阻塞,也可能是由于其他潜在原因和机械 nisms。阻塞可能是部分的或完全的。取决于管腔阻塞程度,MBO 患者会出现疼痛由于腹胀、痉挛、恶心和呕吐,停止
排气和排便困难,并且逐渐无法进食。症状负担过重会损害患者的寿命。它与预后不佳和寿命短有关预计几周到几个月的时间,做出沴断 MBO 是一个提前事件,并对公司造成毁灭性的影响受影响患者及其家属的生活。症状的严重性是由于阻塞了肠腔、蠕动受损和运动能力改变,原因是肿瘤生长。液体和气体的滞留导致腔内压力、5-羟色胺 3 (5-HT3) 的产生通过肠道嗜铬细胞,激活中间神经元系统,并释放伤害性介质,导致内脏血管扩张和细胞分泌过多。这一系列事件导致出现严重的肠水肿,滞留分泌物增加腹胀和腹痛,这种情况必须与肿瘤生长无关的肿瘤如缰绳、鉴于管理层收购的怀疑,文献建议影像学检查的表现。计算机断层扫描 (CT) 是被认为是诊断的黄金标准,不仅有用确定阻塞的程度和程度,以及确定相关的病理过程,发挥在确定适当的手术和侵入性治疗方面发挥着重要作用 在识别腹膜癌病的发光率并不明确区分 MBO 与非恶性粘连。尽管其低准确性,普通腹部X光检查也有助于评估便秘及其严重程度是导致症状的潜在原因并且仍然是几乎所有疾病的重要初始成像研究怀疑肠梗阻的患者,考虑到其低
奥曲肽使用 30 多年后,一些有争议的问题仍然存在,建议进一步研究以澄清使用时间和效果不仅与天数有关不呕吐作为终点, 同时也要讨论减少每日呕吐频率作为相关临床参数,
寻求针对这些患者的护理计划,其中包括适当的手术方法和症状的临床管理,观察到与他们的医疗管理相关的临床问题由于缺乏建立理想治疗 MBO。MBO 的姑息治疗状况要求个性化个性化和个性化发展方法侧重于患者的愿望和期望患者及其家属。外科手术干预起着在纠正严重情况方面发挥根本作用,例如腹膜炎、穿孔或缺血征象。完全或持续性保守治疗期间的阻塞也是一个
loops, intestinal bypass, ostomy, and drainage are recommended strategies. However, most patients are considered inoperable ; in all contexts, the surgical approach is associated with high morbidity ( ) and mortality ( ), prolonged hospitalization, and risk of early reobstruction ( ).
循环、肠道旁路、造口和引流是推荐的策略。然而,大多数患者被认为不适合手术;在所有情况下,手术方法与高发病率( )和死亡率( )、长期住院以及早期再阻塞的风险相关。
Several studies have been conducted to identify the prognostic factors, performance status (PS), ascites , carcinomatosis, multiple points of obstruction, and palpable abdominal mass, to help select patients who can safely undergo surgical or invasive approaches, with better-defined risks and benefits. 8 , 15,16
The decision to use an open surgical approach involves the proper selection of these patients and determination of whether MBO is a manifestation of terminal disease or an initial event, with the patient in good clinical condition to tolerate the stressful effects of surgery and its risks already described. However, questions related to nasogastric decompression, laparoscopy, debulking procedures, and the use of parenteral nutrition still persist. The effectiveness of a palliative intervention must be evaluated based on the success in controlling the symptoms and complete resolution of symptoms recognized by the patient. If accompanied by a general improvement in quality of life, limited morbidity and mortality, and rational use of resources, the approach has enormous added value.
决定采用开放手术方法涉及正确选择这些患者,并确定 MBO 是否是晚期疾病的表现或初次事件,患者身体状况良好,能够承受手术的应激效应和已描述的风险。然而,与鼻胃减压、腹腔镜检查、减压手术和使用肠外营养液相关的问题仍然存在。必须根据成功控制症状和患者认可的症状完全消失来评估姑息干预的有效性。如果伴随着生活质量的普遍改善、有限的发病率和死亡率以及资源的合理利用,这种方法具有巨大的附加价值。
In recent years, the development of more effective techniques for symptomatic treatment, such as stents and decompression endoscopic or radiological procedures, in particular gastrostomy, has improved the quality of care for these patients, whenever conventional surgery cannot be indicated, thus decreasing the complication and mortality rates and increasing the success rates in controlling the symptoms, particularly nausea and vomiting, in more her than of the patients with high-level obstruction and of those with low-level obstructions.
近年来,针对症状性治疗的更有效技术的发展,如支架和减压内窥镜或放射学程序,特别是胃造瘘术,已经改善了这些患者的护理质量,每当常规手术不适用时,从而降低并发症和死亡率,并提高了控制症状的成功率,特别是恶心和呕吐,在高位梗阻患者中的超过 和低位梗阻患者中的
The decision regarding the treatment of any surgical condition is usually carried out based on the existing principles, well-described surgical procedures, and robust evidence in the literature. When dealing handling MBO cases, there are still shadow areas that must be clarified.
有关任何外科疾病治疗的决定通常是基于现有原则、详细描述的外科手术程序和文献中的充分证据进行的。在处理 MBO 病例时,仍然存在必须澄清的模糊领域。
Since only a few trials related to the surgical palliative care for MBO have been conducted this questionnaire seeks to bring together the best available scientific evidence and the current state-of-the-art approaches aimed at treating this condition, comparing them with the practices and assessment results of 41 cancer surgeons, to generate data that can build a robust body of knowledge, improve the diagnostic approach, and define the best clinical and surgical management strategy for each patient.
由于与 MBO 相关的手术姑息治疗试验很少,本问卷旨在汇集最佳的科学证据和当前最先进的治疗方法,旨在治疗这种疾病,将其与 41 名癌症外科医生的实践和评估结果进行比较,生成可以建立强大知识体系的数据,改善诊断方法,并为每位患者制定最佳的临床和手术管理策略。

2 | 材料和方法

This study was carried out between June 10, 2021, and October 29, 2021. A questionnaire was administered to all members of the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO). Of them, of whom only 41 surgeons participated in the study. In total, 11 clinically relevant questions about the management of MBO were divided into the following main topics: imaging method, surgical indications, use of the nasogastric tube, symptomatic medications, total parenteral nutrition (TPN), chemotherapy, decompression gastrostomy, stents, derived procedures, pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). A working group was created to review the literature available in the National Library of Medicine database and draft recommendations for each of the assigned questions. Initial recommendations were reviewed by 13 BSSO medical coordinators. An adapted version of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Health Service rating system was used to define the level of evidence and strength of each recommendation proposed by the working group (Table 1). Finally, through the Survey Monkey website, voting was carried out to determine the level of agreement among the members of the expert panel for each of the recommendations. To establish a consensus, at least of the panel members had to agree with the answer; failure to achieve this percentage resulted in another round of voting at the end of the survey. Ultimately, a recommendation was suggested as approved by the majority.
这项研究是在 2021 年 6 月 10 日至 2021 年 10 月 29 日期间进行的。一份问卷调查被分发给所有巴西外科肿瘤学会(BSSO)的成员。其中,只有 41 名外科医生参与了这项研究。总共有 11 个与 MBO 管理相关的临床问题,分为以下主要主题:影像方法、手术适应症、鼻胃管的使用、症状性药物、全静脉营养(TPN)、化疗、减压胃造瘘术、支架、衍生手术、压力腹腔内喷雾化化疗(PIPAC)和热热腹腔内化疗(HIPEC)。成立了一个工作小组,审查了美国国家医学图书馆数据库中可用的文献,并为分配的每个问题起草了建议。初始建议由 13 名 BSSO 医学协调员审查。采用美国传染病学会卫生服务评级系统的改编版本来定义工作小组提出的每个建议的证据水平和强度(表 1)。 最终,通过 Survey Monkey 网站进行投票,以确定专家组成员对每项建议的一致程度。为建立共识,至少 名专家组成员必须同意答案;未能达到此百分比将导致在调查结束时进行另一轮投票。最终,建议被提议为获得多数人批准。

3 | 结果和讨论

3.1 | PIPAC

MBO is a contraindication of PIPAC as well as those with a life expectancy of less than 3 months, who received exclusive TPN, with decompensated ascites, who underwent simultaneous tumor debulking with gastrointestinal resection, who developed anaphylactic reaction before chemotherapy in addition or as a relative contraindication to extraperitoneal metastasis, with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) PS score of , and with portal vein thrombosis.
MBO 是 PIPAC 的禁忌症,以及那些预期寿命不足 3 个月、接受独家 TPN、伴有失代偿性腹水、同时进行肿瘤减灭伴有胃肠切除手术、在化疗前发生过过敏反应或作为相对禁忌症的外腹膜转移、具有东部合作肿瘤学小组(ECOG)PS 评分为 ,以及具有门静脉血栓的患者。
Recommendation: PIPAC is contraindicated in the treatment of MBO treatment.
建议:PIPAC 在 MBO 治疗中是禁忌的。
Evidence level: IV; Recommendation degree: C.
Consensus level: agreement-61.9%; disagreement-7.2%; voting abstention .
共识水平:同意-61.9%; 不同意-7.2%; 投票弃权

3.2 | HIPEC and cytoreduction
3.2 | HIPEC 和细胞减少

The context of MBO makes complete surgical debulking extremely unlikely. However, in an isolated focus of carcinomatosis and if it is possible to resect the affected area to achieve a CCO or CC1 cytoreduction (in specific histological types and responses to adjuvant cancer therapies), the addition of HIPEC can be considered for selected patients after multidisciplinary discussion in centers with experience in performing the technique.
MBO 的背景使得完全手术切除极不可能。然而,在癌病灶的孤立焦点中,如果可能切除受影响区域以达到 CCO 或 CC1 细胞减少(在特定组织学类型和对辅助癌症治疗的反应中),在具有执行该技术经验的中心进行多学科讨论后,可以考虑为选择患者添加 HIPEC。
Recommendation: Cytoreductive surgery plus HIPEC can be considered for selected patients after multidisciplinary discussion in centers with experience in performing the technique
建议:在有经验进行该技术的中心进行多学科讨论后,可以考虑为选择患者进行细胞减灭手术加 HIPEC
Evidence level: IV; Recommendation degree: C.

策略。然而,大多数患者是被认为 无法操作 策略。然而,大多数患者被认为无法操作。
高发病率 和 死亡率
因素,表现状态 (PS),腹水 升,癌症播散,多-
MBO 是终末期疾病的表现或初始事件,患者的临床状况良好,能够承受压力的影响
用于症状性治疗,如支架和减压内窥镜或放射学程序,特别是胃造口术,已提高了这些患者的护理质量,每当传统手术无法指示,因此减少了并发症和死亡率以及提高成功率控制症状,特别是恶心和呕吐,在更多情况下高位梗阻的患者中有 以上
60%-100%的低水平阻塞患者。关于任何外科状冗的治疗决策是通常基于现有原则进行,描述详尽外科手术程序和文献中的确凿证据。当处理 MBO 案件时,仍有一些阴影区域必须
MBO 已进行,本问卷旨在带来
与 41 种癌症的做法和评估结果相结合外科医生,生成可以构建强大身体的数据知识,改进诊断方法,并确定最佳

21 材料与方法

这项研究进行的时间是从 2021 年 6 月 10 日到 10 月 29 日
2021 年,向所有成员发放了一份问卷。
巴西外科肿瘤学会 (BSSO) 。其中,他们
只有 41 名外科医生参加了这项研究。总共 11 名临床
关于 MBO 管理的相关问题被分成了以下主要话题:成像方法,手术指征,使用方法
电离子腹腔化疗 (PIPAC) 和热疗腹腔化疗 (HIPEC)。成立了一个工作组来审查文献。可在国家医学图书馆数据库和草稿中查阅
推荐 for 每个 the 分配的问题。初始
建议由 13 名 BSSO 医疗协调员审核。
群组(表 1)。最后,通过 Survey Monkey 网站进行投票
至少 的小组成员必须达成共识

3 | 结果与讨论

3.1 | 皮特帕克

MBO 是 PIPAC 的禁忌症,也是那些有生命的人的禁忌症预期寿命不足 3 个月,接受了专用的全静脉营养治疗,失代偿性腹水,同时进行肿瘤减负术的患者在接受胃肠切除术后发生过敏性休克的化疗前的反应,作为附加或相对禁忌条件指示到腹膜外转移,与东部合作
肿瘤学小组 (ECOG) PS 评分>2,且合并门静脉
肿瘤学小组(ECOG)PS 评分>2,且合并门静脉
推荐: PIPAC 不适用于治疗
MBO 治疗。
共识水平:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票
弃权一  弃权一

3.2 HIPEC 和细胞减量术

MBO 的背景使得完全的外科减瘤变得极为困难
可能切除受影响区域以达到 CC0 或 CC1 细胞减少术(在特定组织类型和对辅助癌症治疗中,可以考虑加入 HIPEC 经多学科讨论后,在具备条件的中心为选定患者
证据等级: IV;推荐程度:C。
TABLE 1 Levels of evidence and grades of recommendation
表 1 证据水平和推荐等级

Levels of evidence 证据水平
Grade of recommendation 推荐等级
Evidence from at least one large randomized controlled trial with of good methodological quality (low
potential bias) or meta-analyses of well-conducted randomized trials without heterogeneity
Small randomized trials or large randomized trials with suspected bias (poor methodological quality),
meta-analyses of these trials, or trials that demonstrated sample heterogeneity
Prospective cohort studies
Retrospective cohort or case-control studies
Studies without control groups, case reports, and expert advice
Strong evidence of efficacy with substantial clinical benefit: strongly recommended
Strong or moderate evidence of efficacy, but with limited clinical benefit: usually recommended
Insufficient proof of efficacy or benefit does not outweigh risk or disadvantages (i.e., adverse events, costs, other factors): recommended in some cases
Moderate evidence of ineffectiveness or occurrence of adverse outcomes: rarely recommended
Strong evidence of ineffectiveness or occurrence of adverse outcomes: never recommended
Consensus level: agreement-73.8%; disagreement-9.6%; voting abstention-16.6%.

3.3 | Complementary examinations in the diagnosis
3.3 | 诊断中的补充检查

Abdominal radiography should be performed as an initial screening in patients with suspected MBO. Abdominal CT plays a key role in the diagnosis of MBO. It can determine the level of obstruction by defining whether the obstruction is high or low or total or partial, and may detect the presence of ischemia, necrosis, or perforation. Still, the evaluation of the disease along with the detection of ascites and multiple metastases in distant organs contributes to the determination of the prognosis and selection of treatment. MRI is more timeconsuming, more expensive, and more variable in terms of image quality compared with CT. In the evaluation of more acutely manifesting MBO, CT is preferred as it detects perforation more accurately and quickly compared with MRI.
腹部 X 线检查应作为疑似 MBO 患者的初步筛查。腹部 CT 在 MBO 的诊断中起着关键作用。它可以通过确定梗阻的高低或全面或部分来确定梗阻的级别,并可能检测出缺血、坏死或穿孔的存在。然而,对疾病的评估以及在远端器官中检测腹水和多发性转移有助于确定预后和选择治疗。与 CT 相比,MRI 在图像质量方面更耗时、更昂贵且更不稳定。在对更急性表现的 MBO 进行评估时,CT 更受青睐,因为与 MRI 相比,它可以更准确、更快速地检测出穿孔。
Recommendation: The radiological evaluation of MBO conditions is initially composed of abdominal radiography and contrast CT. MRI is less available and adds few advantages compared to CT.
建议:对 MBO 病况的放射学评估最初由腹部 X 光和对比 CT 组成。与 CT 相比,MRI 的可用性较低,并且几乎没有优势。
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-100%.

3.4 | Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy (PEG/J) tube
3.4 | 经皮内窥镜胃造瘘/空肠造瘘(PEG/J)管

In MBO, the nonsurgical management must be selected quickly, as the delay in conducting the treatment, beyond , increases the risk of mortality by three times and systemic infectious complications by two times, with a significant increase in time of hospitalization. Endoscopic procedures are promising for patients who are not candidates for surgery or who refuse to undergo an open surgical intervention. The most frequently performed percutaneous decompression procedure is gastrostomy, also called "PEG tube" and eventually PEG/J. PEG is used as an alternative to nasogastric tubes and minimizes their side effects, such as strictures, nasal discomfort, nasal erosions, and even bronchoaspiration. Due to the ease of insertion in most cases, PEG is commonly used in patients unlikely to survive a resection or bypass. Because the tube is placed along the anterior wall of the stomach, decompression and symptom relief are not completely achieved additional palliative measures are often required to treat symptoms. In combination with other medical techniques, percutaneous gastrostomy offers the possibility of intermittent ingestion of oral fluids. These procedures should be performed by experienced endoscopists or interventional radiologists. They are easily performed by these professionals and enable symptom control in more than of patients. Complications related to the insertion of PEG for bowel decompression rarely occur particularly when used for relatively short periods of time in the advanced malignancy setting. Greater care is needed in patients with ascites, who have higher complication rates and require prior treatment of ascites with relief paracentesis or placement of intraperitoneal relief catheters.
在 MBO 中,非手术治疗必须迅速选择,因为治疗延误超过 ,会使死亡风险增加三倍,全身感染并发症增加两倍,住院时间显著增加。内窥镜手术对于那些不适合手术或拒绝接受开放手术干预的患者是有希望的。最常见的经皮减压手术是胃造瘘术,也称为“PEG 管”,最终 PEG/J。PEG 被用作鼻胃管的替代品,并减少其副作用,如狭窄、鼻部不适、鼻部糜烂,甚至支气管吸入。由于在大多数情况下插入容易,PEG 常用于不太可能存活手术切除或旁路的患者。由于管道沿胃前壁放置,减压和症状缓解并不能完全实现,通常需要额外的姑息措施来治疗症状。结合其他医疗技术,经皮胃造瘘术提供了间歇性口服液体的可能性。 这些程序应由经验丰富的内窥镜医生或介入放射科医生执行。这些专业人士可以轻松执行这些程序,并使超过 的患者症状得到控制。与用于肠减压的 PEG 插入相关的并发症很少发生,特别是在晚期恶性肿瘤设置中短时间使用时。对于腹水患者,需要更加小心,因为他们的并发症率较高,并且需要先进行腹水缓解穿刺或放置腹腔内减压导管的治疗。
Recommendation: The percutaneous endoscopic procedure should only be performed by trained endoscopists or experienced interventional radiologists and should be indicated for debilitated patients, those not suitable for receiving anesthesia, and those with a life expectancy of less than 90 days.
建议:经皮内窥镜手术应仅由经过培训的内窥镜医师或有经验的介入放射科医师执行,并应适用于虚弱患者、不适合接受麻醉的患者以及预期寿命不足 90 天的患者。
Evidence level: III; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-73.1%; disagreement-9.1%; voting abstention-17.8%.

翻译文字: 证据水平和推荐等级 证据水平和推荐等级

证据显示效果不佳或有不良结果发生: 很少推荐
研究没有对照组、病例报告和专家建议共识水平:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票弃权-16.6%。

3.3 | 诊断中的补充检查

腹部 X 光检查应作为初步笕查方法来执行怀疑梗阻性黄疸患者。腹部 CT 在此中发挥关键作用。诊断为机械性肠梗阻。它可以确定梗阻的程度通过定义阻塞是高度的还是低度的,是完全的还是部分的,可能检测到缺血、坏死或穿孔的存在。不过,疾病的评估以及腹水的检测和多个远处器官的转移性病变有助于确定消耗的时间更长的 MRI 用于预后的评估和治疗的选择。消耗更多,成本更高,图像方面更具变化性质量与 CT 相比。在评估更急性的情况下表现 MBO 时, CT 是首选,因为它能更好地检测穿孔
准确且迅速地与 MRI 比较。
推荐: MBO 条件的放射学评估 推荐:MBO 条件的放射学评估
最初由腹部 X 光和对比 组成。MRI
最初由腹部 X 光和对比 组成。MRI
相比 CT,可用性较低,优势不多。 与 CT 相比,可用性较低,优势不多。
证据等级: II; 推荐程度: B。
共识水平:一致同意一  共识水平:一致同意一
经皮内镜胃/空肠造口术 (PEG/J) 管
在 MBO 中,必须迅速选择非手术治疗方法,因为
在 MBO 中,必须迅速选择非手术治疗方法,因为 在 MBO 中,必须迅速选择非手术治疗方法,因为
延迟治疗超过 72 小时,增加了风险
死亡率增加三倍,系统性感染并发症增加两倍次数,住院时间显著增加。内窥镜程序对于不适合手术的患者来说是有前景的拒绝接受开放式手术的患者。最常见的经皮减压手术是胃造口术,也称为 “PEG 管”,最终为 PEG/J。PEG 被用于作为鼻胃管的替代品,减少了它们的副作用,诸如狭窄、鼻部不适、鼻腔侵蚀,甚至支气管由于在大多数情况下插入容易,PEG 是常用于不太可能存活下来的切除术或旁路手术的患者。因为这个管子放在胃的前壁上,减压和症状缓解并未完全实现附加的姑息治疗措施通常是必需的,以治疗症状。结合其他医疗技术,经皮胃造口术提供间歇性摄入口服液体的可能性。这些程序应由经验丰富的内镜医师执行或介入放射科医师。这些专业人员可以轻松执行这些操作。专业人士可以控制超过 80%的患者的症状。与插入 PEG 进行肠减压相关的并发症在使用时间相对较短的情况下很少发生晚期恶性肿瘤环境中,患者需要更多的关怀。患有腹水的人,他们的并发症率较高,需要事先处理
治疗方法 腹水 缓解 穿刺或放置
推芓翻译: The 经皮的 内窥镜 程序应仅由受过训练的内窥镜医师或有经验的人员执行介入放射科医师应为虚弱患者指明
预期寿命不足 90 天。
共识水平:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票

3.5 | Stents 3.5 | 支架

Endoscopic self-expanding metallic stents play an important role in the resolution of MBO. For this reason, they have been increasingly indicated for the resolution of primary obstructions and obstructions caused by peritoneal carcinomatosis. Endoluminal wall stents have a high success rate for symptom relief in MBO. In malignant obstructions of the upper digestive tract, endoluminal wall stents have a success rate of greater than (gastric, duodenal, and jejunal obstructions); in complete and incomplete colorectal obstructions, it has a success rate of . Definitive stent implantation may include preliminary procedures for channeling the lumen, for example, laser or balloon dilations. Although the risks include perforation , stent migration ), or reocclusion , stents can often lead to adequate palliation of symptoms for long periods of time. Stents insertion is indicated for selected patients with limited carcinomatosis and obstructions restricted to a single proximal point. In addition to benefits such as shorter hospital stay, lower morbidity, and lower mortality and cost, with stent placement, MBO symptoms decrease within , and the patient is allowed to take oral feedings. Currently, the early recurrence of symptoms in up to of cases is discussed, often requiring additional approaches such as stent replacement or additional surgical approach through perforation (4.5%), migration (11%), or potential tumor growth, which is subjected to new endoscopic intervention. In addition, it should be performed by trained professionals in high-volume centers that can provide adequate surgical interventions in cases where complications occur. Although less durable for obstruction relief compared with surgical approaches, stenting is more often consistent with the goals of end-of-life care with success in of cases.
内窥镜自膨胀金属支架在解决 MBO 中发挥着重要作用。因此,它们越来越被指示用于解决原发性梗阻和由腹膜癌症引起的梗阻。内腔壁支架在缓解 MBO 症状方面具有很高的成功率。在上消化道恶性梗阻中,内腔壁支架的成功率大于 (胃、十二指肠和空肠梗阻);在完全和不完全结肠梗阻中,成功率为 。确定性支架植入可能包括用于引导腔道的初步程序,例如激光或球囊扩张。尽管风险包括穿孔 、支架迁移 )或再闭塞 ,支架通常能够长时间有效缓解症状。支架插入适用于患有有限癌症和梗阻局限于单个近端点的患者。 除了诸如较短的住院时间、较低的发病率和死亡率以及成本较低等好处外,支架植入还可使 MBO 症状在 内减轻,并允许患者口服进食。目前,有 病例早期症状复发的情况,通常需要额外的方法,如支架更换或通过穿孔(4.5%)、迁移(11%)或潜在肿瘤生长的额外外科手术干预,这需要进行新的内窥镜干预。此外,应由受过培训的专业人员在能够提供充分外科干预的高容量中心进行操作,以处理并发症发生的情况。尽管与外科手术方法相比,支架在缓解梗阻方面的持久性较差,但在 病例中更常符合终末期护理目标并取得成功。
Recommendation: Upper digestive tract stents are recommended for primary obstructions and obstructions due to peritoneal carcinomatosis. They must be performed under endoscopic guidance by trained professionals. They are mainly indicated for debilitated patients who are not suitable for receiving anesthesia and undergoing surgery. It is also recommended for patients who might require palliative chemotherapy for immediate symptom relief. Colonic and rectal stents have a high success rate in selected patients with MBO.
建议:上消化道支架适用于原发性梗阻和由于腹膜癌症引起的梗阻。必须由受过培训的专业人员在内窥镜指导下进行。主要适用于身体虚弱的患者,不适合接受麻醉和手术。也建议对可能需要进行姑息化疗以立即缓解症状的患者使用。在选择的 MBO 患者中,结肠和直肠支架具有较高的成功率。
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-83.3%; disagreement-0%; voting abstention-16.7%.

3.6 | Parenteral nutritional support
3.6 | 静脉营养支持

A MBO is usually a late event in the course of the disease, and patients have a median survival of 1-9 months after diagnosis. Although MBO symptoms recur after initial control in four of five MBO patients and in of surgically treated patients, the role of TPN in the management of consequent progressive starvation remains controversial in the oncological literature. One of the objectives of TPN is the maintenance or recovery of the nutritional status of patients who are candidates for surgery. In MBO, TPN only plays a permissive role, prolonging the intestinal rest period while keeping the patient alive. The benefits of TPN are uncertain, with a very low level of evidence provided primarily by studies that were only conducted in patients who received TPN, rather than comparing them with those who did not receive TPN. The possible indication of TPN depends mainly on the evaluation of two premises: patients who died early due to nutritional deterioration or due to rapid tumor progression. Approximately of MBO patients who received TPN developed complications, including infection in the catheter insertion site (central venous catheter), thrombosis, electrolyte disturbances, and fluid overload; TPN is administered to help maintain the nutritional status of patients for a maximum of 2-3 months before death. TPN is discontinued when the intestinal transit is restored, after the initiation of other treatments for MBO, or when the patient has other conditions that are contraindicated for parenteral support, such as refractory cachexia, active process of death, or an MBO whose broader critical picture was not thoroughly investigated. In these situations, discontinuation of parenteral support is recommended and should be discussed with patients and family members. Finally, only of patients who survived more than 3 months were able to benefit from TPN. Thus, it should not be routinely used in the treatment of MBO.
MBO 通常是疾病过程中的晚期事件,患者在诊断后的 1-9 个月内具有中位生存期。尽管 MBO 症状在五分之四的 MBO 患者和 接受手术治疗的患者中初步控制后会复发,但在肿瘤学文献中,TPN 在处理随之而来的进行性饥饿方面的作用仍存在争议。TPN 的目标之一是维持或恢复那些需要手术的患者的营养状况。在 MBO 中,TPN 仅起到一种许可的作用,延长肠道休息期同时保持患者生命。TPN 的益处尚不确定,主要由仅在接受 TPN 的患者中进行的研究提供了非常低水平的证据,而不是将其与未接受 TPN 的患者进行比较。TPN 的可能适应症主要取决于对两个前提的评估:由于营养恶化或肿瘤快速进展而导致早期死亡的患者。 大约 接受 TPN 治疗的 MBO 患者出现并发症,包括导管插入部位感染(中心静脉导管)、血栓形成、电解质紊乱和液体过载;TPN 用于帮助维持患者的营养状态,最多可维持 2-3 个月,直至死亡。当肠道通行恢复、开始其他 MBO 治疗或患者有其他禁忌于全静脉支持的情况时,应停止 TPN 治疗,如难治性消瘦、临终过程活跃、或 MBO 的更广泛危急情况未经彻底调查。在这些情况下,建议停止全静脉支持,并与患者和家属讨论。最后,只有 存活超过 3 个月的患者能从 TPN 中受益。因此,在 MBO 治疗中不应常规使用。
Recommendation: The objective of TPN, in the context of MBO, is the maintenance or recovery of the nutritional status of patients who are candidates for surgery. The indication of TPN in advanced cancer patients with inoperable MBO remains controversial.
推荐:在 MBO 的背景下,TPN 的目标是维持或恢复需要手术的患者的营养状况。对于晚期癌症患者中不适合手术的 MBO,TPN 的适应症仍存在争议。
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-90.4%; disagreement-2.4%; voting abstention-7.2%.

3.7 | Evaluation and management of MBO
3.7 | MBO 的评估和管理

There is no high evidence describing an ideal therapeutic approach for most patients who present with MBO, although surgical evaluation must be guaranteed for possible complications (e.g., ischemia and perforation). Even in cases of surgical emergencies, a nonoperative approach can still be selected if the patient's overall disease prognosis or treatment goals are inconsistent with more aggressive measures. The surgical approach depends on the extent and location of the disease, general prognosis, nutritional status, and recent use of steroids/chemotherapy. The multiple warnings and illdefined recommendations for appropriate surgical intervention further highlight the need for a multidisciplinary approach and the importance of early management planning. Careful selection of patients is imperative. The literature documents that increasing age, advanced disease, deteriorating general health, and malnutrition are primary factors associated with poor prognosis in cases where surgery can be avoided. Several studies have focused on identifying some prognostic factors for selecting patients who can benefit from surgery that seems to be useful for those with a life expectancy of
目前没有高度证据描述大多数 MBO 患者的理想治疗方法,尽管必须确保手术评估以防可能的并发症(例如缺血和穿孔)。即使在手术紧急情况下,如果患者的整体疾病预后或治疗目标与更积极的措施不一致,仍然可以选择非手术方法。手术方法取决于疾病的范围和部位、一般预后、营养状况以及最近使用的类固醇/化疗药物。对于适当的手术干预,存在多个警告和模糊的建议,进一步凸显了需要多学科方法和早期管理规划的重要性。患者的谨慎选择是必不可少的。文献记录显示,年龄增长、疾病进展、一般健康恶化和营养不良是与手术可避免的病例中预后不良相关的主要因素。一些研究已经着重于确定一些预后因素,以选择可以从手术中受益的患者,这对于那些有望延长生命的患者似乎是有用的。

3.5 | 支架

MBO 的决议。因此,他们越来越多地
高成功率的症状缓解在 MBO 中。在恶性 MBO 中的症状缓解成功率高。
成功率超过 70%(胃的、十二指肠的和
小肠梗阻); 完全和不完全的结直肠梗阻-
翻译文字: 成功率为 64%-100%。确定性 成功率为 64%-100%。确定性
植入可能包括用于开通通道的初步程序例如,激光或气球扩张的管腔。尽管如此,风险包括穿孔 ( 、支架移位 或再闭塞 ( ,支架通常可以导致足够的缓解长时间的症状。支架植入是适应症。为特定患者提供有限的癌症转移和梗阻治疗限制在一个近端点。除了诸如此类的好处外,住院时间更短,发病率更低,死亡率也更低费用,放置支架后,MBO 症状在 48 小时内减轻,患者可以进行口服进食。目前,高达 的病例中出现症状的早期复发正在讨论中,常需采取额外方法如支架置换或
额外的外科手术方法通过穿孔 (4.5%),移位
修补 初级 障碍物 和障碍 由于
显微镜引导 by 受过训练 专业人士。 They are 主要
症状缓解。结肠和直肠支架的成功率很高 症状缓解。结肠和直肠支架的成功率很高。
在选定的 MBO 患者中。
证据等级: II; 推荐程度:B。
共识程度:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票
弃权——  弃权——

3.6 | 肠外营养支持

MBO 通常是疾病过程中的晚期事件,并且患者沴断后的平均生存期为 1 至 9 个月。尽管在五分之四的病例中,MBO 症状在初步控制后会复发在接受 MBO 治疗的患者中,以及在接受手术治疗的患者中, TPN 在治疗随之而来的渐进性饥饿中的作用在肿瘤学文献中仍然存在争议。其中之一
TPN 的目标是维持或恢复营养适合手术的患者状态。在 MBO 中,仅 TPN 起着允许作用,延长肠道休息时间,同时维持患者生命。TPN 的益处尚不确定,证据水平非常低,主要由以下研究提供:仅在接受 TPN 的患者中进行,而不是比较与未接受 TPN 的患者相比,
TPN 主要取决于两个前提的评估: 患者因营美恶化或肿瘤快速发展而过早死亡进展。接受 TPN 治疗的 MBO 患者中约有 出现并发症,包括导管插入时感染部位 (中心静脉导管)、血栓形成、电解质紊乱、和液体超负荷;给予 TPN 以帮助维持患者营养状况最多持续 2-3 个月
死亡。当肠道转运恢复后,停止 TPN,在开始其他 MBO 治疗后,或当患者患有其他不适合进行肠外支持的疾病,如顽固性恶病质、主动死亡过程或 MBO 其更广泛的批评图景尚未得到彻底调查。这些情况下,建议停止肠外支持并应与患者及家属讨论。最后,存活超过 3 个月的患者中只有 能够从 TPN 中获益。因此,它不应该常规用于
MBO 的处理。
建议:在管理层收购 (MBO) 的背景下,TPN 的目标是维持或恢复患者的营养状况话合王术治疗 TPN 在䐉期癌病中的活应病
无法手术的 MBO 患者仍然存在争议。
证据等级: II; 推荐程度: B。
共识程度:同意- ; 不同意— ; 投票弃权——

3.7 | MBO的评估与管理 3.7 | MBO 的评估与管理

没有足够证据描述理想的治疗方法对于大多数患有 MBO 的患者来说,尽管手术必须保证对可能出现的并发症进行评估 (例如,缺血和穿孔)。即使在外科紧急情况下如果患者的整体
选择可从中受益的患者的一些预后因素 选择可从中受益的患者的一些预后因素 选择那些可以受益的患者的一些预后因素
对于那些预期寿命为 對於那些預期壽命為
more than 2 months. Previous studies have identified age, ascites, previous radiotherapy, intestinal obstruction in multiple sites, carcinomatosis, palpable masses, and a short interval from diagnosis to obstruction as clinical indicators of poor surgical prognosis. PS is a measure of a patient's functional capacity. The two most common measurement systems used are as follows: ECOG and the Karnofsky Performance Scale. In addition, PS is an important prognostic indicator in patients with MBO. The survival of patients with ECOG PS scores of 0-1 was 222 days, while those with ECOG PS scores of 2 and 3-4, were 63 and 27 days, respectively. In the study published by Perri et al., four variables were correlated with the overall survival times of 30 and 60 days after palliative surgery for MBO: age years, ascites greater than , nonovarian primary tumor, and albumin of . However, the PS was not evaluated. With regard to the underlying primary disease process and the general outcome of the management, no significant difference was observed between patients with gastrointestinal and those with gynecological diseases. In a palliative setting, the patient's expectations as they are subjective.
超过 2 个月。先前的研究已经确定年龄、腹水、先前放疗、多个部位的肠梗阻、癌症转移、可触及的肿块以及从诊断到梗阻的时间间隔短等临床指标是手术预后不良的指标。PS 是患者功能能力的衡量标准。最常用的两种测量系统分别是:ECOG 和 Karnofsky 绩效评分。此外,PS 在 MBO 患者中是一个重要的预后指标。ECOG PS 评分为 0-1 的患者的存活时间为 222 天,而 ECOG PS 评分为 2 和 3-4 的患者分别为 63 天和 27 天。在 Perri 等人发表的研究中,与 MBO 姑息手术后 30 天和 60 天的总体存活时间相关的四个变量是:年龄 岁、腹水大于 、非卵巢原发肿瘤和白蛋白 。然而,PS 没有被评估。关于潜在的原发疾病过程和治疗的一般结果,胃肠疾病患者和妇科疾病患者之间没有观察到显著差异。 在姑息治疗环境中,患者的期望是主观的。
For these reasons, patients and their families must be informed, in addition to the current morbidity condition about their life expectancy.
Recommendation: In carefully selected patients, symptom relief after palliative surgery can be expected, but new or recurrent symptoms limit their duration. The potential benefits, in addition to minimizing postoperative complications, will be less predictable for patients with low PS, malnutrition, and no previous treatment for the neoplasm.
Evidence level: IV; Recommendation degree: D.
Consensus level: agreement-85.7%; disagreement-0%; voting abstention-14.3%.
共识水平:同意-85.7%; 不同意-0%; 弃权投票-14.3%。

3.8 | Nasogastric tube
3.8 | 鼻胃管

The nasogastric tube can promote temporary decompression of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce nausea, vomiting, and pain. However, it is not a realistic long-term solution considering the discomfort it causes, frequent obstructions requiring replacement, and the risk of more serious events, including aspiration pneumonitis, mucosal ulceration, pharyngitis, and sinusitis. Thus, the insertion of a probe is indicated in selected patients, to control vomiting refractory caused by drug treatment and should be removed as soon as possible. The probe should be removed if it drains lower than . When removal is not feasible, placement of decompressive gastrostomy (via endoscopic or interventional radiological guidance) is a reasonable long-term alternative.
鼻胃管可以促进胃肠道的暂时减压,减少恶心、呕吐和疼痛。然而,考虑到它引起的不适、频繁的阻塞需要更换以及更严重事件的风险,包括吸入性肺炎、粘膜溃疡、咽炎和鼻窦炎,它并不是一个现实的长期解决方案。因此,在选择的患者中插入探针是合适的,以控制因药物治疗引起的难治性呕吐,并应尽快拔除。如果探针排出液体低于 ,应拔除探针。当无法拔除时,通过内窥镜或介入放射学引导进行减压胃造瘘是一个合理的长期替代方案。
Recommendation: The use of a nasogastric tube should be a temporary measure indicated in selected patients to control vomiting caused by drug treatment.
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-95%; disagreement-5%.

3.9 | Drugs to treat symptoms
3.9 | 用药治疗症状

Pharmacological management of patients focuses on adequate control of pain, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. In inoperable patients, it provides symptomatic relief in of patients with MBO and aims to reduce inflammation and peritumoral intestinal edema (glucocorticoids), as well as intraluminal secretions and peristaltic movements (anticholinergic agents and octreotide). 8
患者的药物管理侧重于充分控制疼痛、恶心、呕吐和脱水。对于无法手术的患者,它为 的 MBO 患者提供症状缓解,并旨在减少炎症和周围肿瘤肠道水肿(糖皮质激素),以及肠腔分泌物和蠕动(抗胆碱药物和奥曲肽)。
Opioids: The basic analgesic approach involves the use of opioids due to their safety profile, multiple possible administration routes, wide therapeutic range, and good efficacy against most pain mechanisms (somatic, visceral, and neuropathic). Morphine is the opioid of choice, and it can be used intravenously or subcutaneously.
Somatostatin analogs (octreotide): inhibit gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal secretions; reduce gastrointestinal motility; and may relieve pain and other symptoms of intestinal obstruction. Although existing data are conflicting, some studies demonstrate therapeutic success in more than of patients and superiority over an isolated anticholinergic agent in the symptomatic management of MBO. Octreotide is used at a dose of (divided into 2-3doses/day, administered subcutaneously). Patients who respond to the treatment may receive a depot injection of longacting octreotide (Sandostatin LAR) or monthly lanreotide for maintenance therapy. Antiemetics: haloperidol (dose: , , intravenously or day in continuous infusion), a selective dopamine (D2) receptor antagonist, is the primary antiemetic drug used for patients with MBO.
生长抑素类似物(奥曲肽):抑制胃、胰腺和肠道分泌物;减少胃肠道蠕动;可能缓解疼痛和其他肠梗阻症状。尽管现有数据存在矛盾,但一些研究表明在超过 的患者中取得治疗成功,并在症状性管理 MBO 方面优于单独的抗胆碱药物。 奥曲肽剂量为 (分为 2-3 次/天,皮下注射)。对治疗有反应的患者可以接受长效奥曲肽(Sandostatin LAR)的深部注射或每月兰雷肽进行维持治疗。 抗恶心药物:氟哌啶(剂量: ,静脉注射或 日持续输注),一种选择性多巴胺(D2)受体拮抗剂,是用于 MBO 患者的主要抗恶心药物。
Prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide ( day) may be tried for partial obstructions, but are contraindicated if there is complete mechanical or colonic obstruction. However, findings of previous studies regarding the effectiveness of antagonists remain inconsistent.
促动力药物如美托普拉米( 天)可用于部分梗阻,但如果存在完全机械性或结肠梗阻则禁忌使用。然而,关于 拮抗剂有效性的先前研究结果仍不一致。
Anticholinergics: Scopolamine butylbromide (hyoscine) is a preferred first-line antisecretory drug for the treatment of inoperable bowel obstruction. The dose usually prescribed is day, administered intravenously, or hypodermoclysis.
抗胆碱药物:丁溴铵东莨菪碱(颠茄碱)是治疗无法手术的肠梗阻的首选一线抗分泌药物。通常开的剂量是 天,静脉注射或皮下输液。
Glucocorticoids: the use of dexamethasone ( day) may be helpful in patients who do not respond to antisecretory therapy with an antiemetic.
糖皮质激素:地塞米松( 天)的使用可能有助于那些对抗分泌抑制疗法和止吐药无效的患者。
In the context of partial intestinal obstruction, in which the physiopathologic mechanism is functional and can be reversible if treatment is started early, the combination of propulsion and antisecretory agents can act synergistically to allow the rapid recovery of the intestinal transit.
Recommendation: In the symptomatic control of intestinal obstruction, especially nausea and vomiting, medications that reduce gastrointestinal secretions such as anticholinergics (scopolamine), somatostatin (octreotide), and antiemetics (metoclopramide or haloperidol) are used. Among the antisecretory drugs, scopolamine is used; for patients who are not responsive to this drug, octreotide can be used. Corticosteroids can be prescribed, to reduce loop edema, tumor mass, and local inflammatory factors.

超过 2 个月。以前的研究已经确定了年龄、腹水,之前的放疗,肠道 阻碍 在多个 网站癌症转移、可触及肿块,以及从诊断到现在的短时间间隔作为不良手术预后的临床指标的阻塞。PS 是一个患者功能能力的衡量。两种最常见的使用的测量系统包括: ECOG 和 Karnofsky 性能量表。此外,PS 是一个重要的预后指标。患者 MBO 的指标。具有 ECOG 的患者的生存情况。 评分为 0-1 的为 222 天,而 ECOG PS 评分为 2 和 3-4 分别是 63 天和 27 天。在发表的研究中根据 Perri 等人的研究,四个变量与总生存期有关联。 MBO 姑息手术后 30 天和 60 天: 年龄 岁年,腹水超过 2 升,非卵巢原发性肿瘤,及白蛋白低于 2.5 克/分升。然而,PS 未进行评估。与关于基础的主要疾病过程和一般情况管理结果,没有观察到明显差异胃肠道疾病患者和妇科疾病患者之间疾病。在姑息治疗中,患者的期望
证据级别: IV; 推荐程度: D。
共识程度:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票弃权——
共识程度:同意一 ;不同意一 ;投票弃权——

3.8 | 鼻胃管


胃肠道道和减少恶心、呕吐,和痛苦。 胃肠道和减少恶心、呕吐,和痛苦。
导致不适,频繁阻塞需要更换, 导致不适,频繁阻塞需要更换
如果探头排出量低于 500 毫升/24 小时,则应移除探头。当无法移除时,放置减压胃
证据等级: II; 推荐程度: B。
共识程度:同意- ;不同意—

3.9 治疗症状的药物

患者,它能缓解 患者的症状 患者,它能緩解 患者的症狀
MBO 旨在减少炎症和肿瘤周围肠,道 MBO 旨在减少炎症和肿瘤周围肠道
可静脉注射或皮下注射。 可以静脉注射或皮下注射。
超过 的患者,优于单独的
抗胆碱能 代理人 in the 有症状的 管理 of
MBO. 奥曲肽的剂量为 毫克 (分为
MBO。奥曲肽的剂量为 毫克(分为
每天 2-3 次, 皮下注射)。
奥曲肽 (Sandostatin LAR) 或每月兰瑞肽
奥曲肽(Sandostatin LAR)或每月兰瑞肽
维持治疗。止吐药:氟哌啶醇 (剂量:0.5-2毫克,
维持治疗。止吐药:氟哌啶醇 (剂量:0.5-2 毫克,
6/6 小时静脉注射或 5-10 毫克/天持续输注),
可选择的 多巴胺(D2) 受体 反派, is the 基本的
用于 MBO 患者的止吐药。
促动力药,如甲氧氯普胺(30-40 毫克/天)可能可以尝试治疗部分阻塞,但如果有
关于 拮抗剂有效性的先前研究
䏡糧阳 涌堂外方剂量为 毫古/天
治疗从早期开始, 结合推进和
田晅首分汹物 加抗昍碱药物 (东菖䓖碱)
生长抑素 (奥曲肽),以及 止吐药 (甲氧氯普胺 or 氟哌啶醇 (haloperidol) 是常用的药物。在抗分泌药物中,东茛苃碱 ;对于对该药物没有反应的患者,奥曲肽可以使用。可以开皮质类固醇处方,以减少环
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-97.5%; disagreement-0%; voting abstention-2.5%.

3.10 | Impact of chemotherapy on MBO
3.10 | 化疗对 MBO 的影响

Although systemic therapies are the mainstays of treatment for patients with metastatic cancer, the use of this strategy in patients with MBO is limited, as previous retrospective studies showed conflicting.
尽管系统疗法是治疗转移性癌症患者的主要支柱,但在 MBO 患者中使用这种策略受到限制,因为先前的回顾性研究显示了矛盾的结果。
In a study involving patients aged years with gastrointestinal, gynecological, or genitourinary cancer, chemotherapy improved the survival of patients with colorectal, pancreatic, and ovarian tumors. Furthermore, the use of chemotherapy after surgery was associated with longer survival compared with surgery alone (hazard ratio: 2.97, confidence interval:
在一项涉及年龄为 岁的胃肠道、妇科或泌尿系统癌症患者的研究中,化疗改善了结肠癌、胰腺癌和卵巢肿瘤患者的生存率。此外,与单纯手术相比,手术后使用化疗与更长的生存期相关(危险比:2.97, 置信区间: )。
A previous Canadian retrospective analysis of patients with gynecological cancer ( ovarian cancer) demonstrated greater use of palliative chemotherapy ( vs. ) in patients assisted through a multidisciplinary program for managing MBO compared with that in patients who received usual care. In this sense, chemotherapy has shown a positive impact on cancer outcomes in selected groups of patients.
一项加拿大既往的回顾性分析显示,与接受常规护理的患者相比,通过多学科管理 MBO 的患者在妇科癌症( 卵巢癌)治疗中更多地使用姑息化疗( vs. )。从这个意义上讲,化疗已经显示出对特定患者群体的癌症结果产生积极影响。
By contrast, a retrospective study conducted on patients ( with gastrointestinal tumors) unsuitable for surgery and candidates for palliative chemotherapy ( treatment-naive) demonstrated that the use of systemic treatment significantly increased the risk of toxicities, without improving the patient's survival. Another study demonstrated the low efficacy and high morbidity and mortality risk of systemic chemotherapy combined with parenteral nutrition in patients with small bowel intestinal obstruction. In this sense, given the uncertain benefits of chemotherapy in patients with intestinal obstruction, this should be an exception strategy guided by a multidisciplinary discussion, taking into account the tumoral biology and clinical status of the patient.
相比之下,对患有胃肠肿瘤( )且不适合手术、适合接受姑息化疗( 治疗原始)的患者进行的一项回顾性研究表明,系统性治疗的使用显著增加了毒性风险,但并未改善患者的生存率。 另一项研究表明,在患有小肠梗阻的患者中,系统化疗与全静脉营养结合使用的疗效低,且有较高的发病率和死亡风险。 因此,考虑到化疗在患有肠梗阻的患者中的不确定益处,这应该是一种由多学科讨论指导的例外策略,考虑到肿瘤生物学和患者的临床状况。
Recommendation: Palliative chemotherapy for MBO should not be routinely recommended; when performed, it should be discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting, taking into account the tumor biology, clinical status of the patient, and patient's prognosis.
建议:对于 MBO 的姑息化疗不应该被常规推荐;如果进行,应该在多学科会议上讨论,考虑肿瘤生物学、患者的临床状况和预后。
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-100%.

3.11 | Surgical bypass/ostomyin MBO
3.11 | MBO 中的手术旁路/造口

In cases of MBO due to a locally advanced or non-metastatic primary bowel tumor, surgical intervention with curative intent remains the main first line of treatment. However, for patients who present with obstruction due to advanced incurable disease, the factors that affect the final treatment plan include care goals established by the patient and their family, with the guidance of the surgeon and oncologist. It is beneficial to involve a palliative care specialist at this time as well. The patient's type of primary malignancy, cancer staging, previous treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy), the patient's clinical condition, and comorbidities all play a key role in selecting the approach. Properly identifying which patients will benefit from surgical treatment is crucial, as the morbidity and mortality risks of a surgical procedure in this population are significantly high. An initial decompression through the insertion of a nasogastric tube was attempted for in patients without peritonitis or those who did not show worsening of clinical condition. Patients who showed persistent obstructive symptoms after this time period underwent definitive surgical intervention if they were considered suitable surgical candidates: the indications for surgical intervention should be substantiated with the " 30 -day mortality predictors" in these patients. Once the decision to operate has been made, the type of surgical procedure necessary to treat the obstruction is should be selected. Palliative surgery was associated with 30 -day mortality ranging from to and morbidity from to ; the primary complications include formation of fistulas, sepsis, and early reobstruction. Specifically in patients with MBO due to recurrent ovarian cancer, the most recent series reported the median survival times of 11.4-12.6 months for patients undergoing surgery for MBO and 3.7-3.9 months for nonsurgical patients. As reported, two essential factors, pain reduction, and reobstruction, were significantly improved by surgical palliation.
在由于局部晚期或非转移性原发性肠道肿瘤导致的 MBO 病例中,手术干预具有治愈意图仍然是主要的一线治疗。然而,对于因晚期不可治愈疾病导致梗阻的患者,影响最终治疗方案的因素包括患者及其家人确定的护理目标,以及外科医生和肿瘤学家的指导。此时也有益于纳入姑息护理专家。患者的原发性恶性肿瘤类型、癌症分期、先前治疗(手术、放疗或化疗)、患者的临床状况和合并症都在选择方法方面起着关键作用。正确识别哪些患者将从手术治疗中受益至关重要,因为在这一人群中手术风险和死亡风险显著高。对于没有腹膜炎或临床状况未恶化的患者,尝试通过插入鼻胃管进行初始减压。 在此时间段后表现出持续阻塞性症状的患者,如果被认为适合手术的候选者,则接受明确的手术干预:手术干预的指征应该通过这些患者的“30 天死亡预测因子”来证实。一旦决定进行手术,应选择必要的手术程序来治疗阻塞。姑息手术与 30 天死亡率范围从 ,发病率从 相关;主要并发症包括瘘管形成、败血症和早期再阻塞。特别是对于因复发性卵巢癌引起 MBO 的患者,最近的系列报道显示,接受 MBO 手术的患者的中位生存时间为 11.4-12.6 个月,非手术患者为 3.7-3.9 个月。据报道,手术姑息治疗显著改善了两个关键因素,即疼痛减轻和再阻塞。
Recommendation: The decision of which techniques to use is based on the location of the obstruction, the patient's comorbidities, and the overall prognosis. Surgical management consists of less invasive and more conservative interventions to alleviate symptoms and restore bowel function when possible.
Evidence level: II; Recommendation degree: B.
Consensus level: agreement-100%.

4 | CONCLUSION 4 | 结论

The BSSO assembled a group of experienced cancer surgeons and searched the medical literature for precedent to outline strategies for MBO management. This condition frequently occurs in patients with gastrointestinal or gynecologic cancers and is prevalent worldwide. Therefore, we emphasized that the selection of MBO treatment, for any surgical condition, especially in this context, should be based on principles, well-described surgical procedures, and robust evidence in the literature.
BSSO 组织了一组经验丰富的癌症外科医生,并搜索医学文献以制定 MBO 管理策略的先例。这种情况经常发生在患有胃肠或妇科癌症的患者身上,并且在全球范围内普遍存在。因此,我们强调,对于任何外科疾病的 MBO 治疗选择,特别是在这种情况下,应基于原则、详细描述的外科手术程序和文献中的可靠证据。


Not applicable. 不适用。


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3.10 | 化疗对机械性肠梗阻的影响

在转移性癌症串考中使田伩种策略的情;呪下 对 MRO 串老的使田是
在一项涉及年龄超过 65 岁的胃肠道患者的研究中,
95%置信区间:2.65-3.34, 。加拿大之前对患者的回顾性分析
95% 置信区间:2.65-3.34, 。加拿大之前对患者的回顾性分析
妇科癌症 ( 为卵巢癌) 的使用更为广泛姑息化疗 ( ) 在通过辅助的患者中多学科管理 MBO 的程序相比接受常规治疗的患者。在这个意义上,化疗已经显示出
在特定患者群体中对癌症结果产生积极影响。相比之下,对患者进行的回顾性研究 (75%
具有胃肠道肿瘤的、不适合手术的候选人用于姑息化疗 (70%为未经治疗者)的疗效得到了证明系统治疗的使用显著增加了风险
建议:不应进行 MBO 的姑息化疗
在一次多学科会议中 老虏到㫑㾇生物学 在一次多学科会议中,老虏到㫑㾇生物学
共识水平:一致同意一  共识水平:一致同意一

3.11 外科旁路/造口术在机械性肠梗阻中

在因局部晚期或非转移性原发性导致的 MBO 情况下
在没有腹膜炎的患者中尝试了 48 小时的治疗未显示临床状况恶化的患者。在这段时间后仍有持续的阻塞性症状如果他们被认为合适,进行明确的外科干预外科手术候选人:外科干预的适应症应该是这些 "30 天死亡率预测因子" 得到了证实患者。一旦决定进行手术,手术的类型手术程序是治疗梗阻所必需的选定的姑息手术与 30 天内死亡率相关联。范围从 0%到 32%,发病率从 22%到 87%;主要
并发症包括瘘管的形成败血症,早期再次阻塞。特别是在因复发的 MBO 患者中卵巢癌,最新系列报告了中位生存期患者接受 MBO 手术的时间为 11.4-12.6 个月和 3.7-3.9 个月对于非手术患者。据报道,两个关键因素、减轻疼痛和再阻塞,均有显著
并在可能的情况下恢复肠功能。 在可能的情况下恢复肠功能。
共识水平:一致同意一  共识水平:一致同意一

4 | 结论

BSSO 组织了一组经验丰富的癌症外科医生
MBO 管理。这种情况经常发生在患者中
因此,我们强调了选择 MBO 治疗的重要性,对于任何
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How to cite this article: Zanatto RM, Lisboa CN, Oliveira JCd, et al. Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology guidelines for malignant bowel obstruction management. J Surg Oncol.
如何引用本文:Zanatto RM,Lisboa CN,Oliveira JCd 等。巴西外科肿瘤学会对恶性肠梗阻管理的指南。J Surg Oncol。
2022;126:48-56. doi:10.1002/jso. 26930
2022;126:48-56。doi:10.1002/jso. 26930
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如何引用本文:Zanatto RM、Lisboa CN、Oliveira JCd、巴西外科肿瘤学会指南
2022; 126: 48-56。 doi:10.1002/jso. 26930