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Exploring IDEs for Apple Shortcuts: A Look at Jellycuts and Cherrilang
探索 Apple 快捷方式的 IDE:看看 Jellycuts 和 Cherrilang

Exploring IDEs for Apple Shortcuts: A Look at Jellycuts and Cherrilang

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have been crucial tools in the software development world, providing programmers with a robust suite of tools to write, test, and debug code in one place.
集成开发环境 (IDE) 一直是软件开发领域的重要工具,为程序员提供了一套强大的工具来在一个地方编写、测试和调试代码。

Traditionally associated with computer and mobile app development, IDEs are taking on a new role in the Apple ecosystem through innovative applications like Jellycuts and Cherrilang, designed to work with Apple Shortcuts.
传统上与计算机和移动应用程序开发相关的 IDE 正在通过 Jellycuts 和 Cherrilang 等创新应用程序在 Apple 生态系统中发挥新作用,这些应用程序旨在与 Apple Shortcuts 配合使用。

What is an IDE? 什么是IDE?

An IDE, or Integrated Development Environment, is software that combines common development tools into a single graphical application. It includes a text editor for writing code, a compiler or interpreter to execute and test the code, and a debugger for tracing errors.

IDEs are designed to maximize programmer productivity by providing compatible components within a cohesive user interface.
IDE 旨在通过在具有凝聚力的用户界面中提供兼容的组件来最大限度地提高程序员的工作效率。

Apple Shortcuts 苹果快捷键

Apple Shortcuts are automated scripts created to perform specific tasks on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS devices. These can be as simple as sending a predefined message to a contact or as complex as coordinating several apps to organize a daily schedule.
Apple 快捷方式是为在 iOS、iPadOS、macOS 和 watchOS 设备上执行特定任务而创建的自动化脚本。这些可以像向联系人发送预定义消息一样简单,也可以像协调多个应用程序来组织每日日程一样复杂。

Until now, creating these Shortcuts has mainly been done through the "Shortcuts" app, which uses a graphical drag-and-drop interface.

The Need for IDEs in the World of Shortcuts
快捷方式世界对 IDE 的需求

As users seek greater flexibility and power in their automations, the standard interface of the "Shortcuts" app can fall short for advanced users or those accustomed to traditional programming. This is where tools like Jellycuts and Cherrilang come into play.
随着用户在自动化中寻求更大的灵活性和功能,“快捷方式”应用程序的标准界面可能无法满足高级用户或习惯于传统编程的用户的需求。这就是 Jellycuts 和 Cherrilang 等工具发挥作用的地方。

Jellycuts: An IDE for Shortcuts
Jellycuts:快捷方式 IDE

Jellycuts is an IDE that allows users to write Shortcuts using a text-based programming language called Jelly. This approach offers several advantages over the standard graphical interface:
Jellycuts 是一个 IDE,允许用户使用称为 Jelly 的基于文本的编程语言编写快捷方式。与标准图形界面相比,这种方法具有多个优点:

  • Flexibility: Jelly enables complex control structures and advanced data handling that can be cumbersome in a graphical interface.
    灵活性:Jelly 支持复杂的控制结构和高级数据处理,而这在图形界面中可能会很麻烦。
  • Efficiency: Writing code can be faster than configuring multiple blocks in a graphical interface, especially for complex processes.
  • Ease of Review: Written code allows for simpler review and maintenance, especially in lengthy workflows.

Jellycuts not only facilitates the writing of Shortcuts but also integrates features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and real-time preview, making it a powerful tool for automation enthusiasts.

Cherrilang: Expanding Possibilities

Cherrilang, while less known than Jellycuts, offers a similar approach to coding Shortcuts. Its purpose is to enable users to use a programming language to create Shortcuts more efficiently and with greater control.
Cherrilang 虽然不如 Jellycuts 出名,但提供了类似的快捷方式编码方法。其目的是使用户能够使用编程语言更有效地创建快捷方式并具有更好的控制力。

Although it shares several features with Jellycuts, each tool has its unique quirks and may be preferred depending on the developer's personal style.
尽管它与 Jellycuts 共享多个功能,但每个工具都有其独特的怪癖,并且可能会根据开发人员的个人风格进行首选。

Conclusion 结论

The introduction of IDEs like Jellycuts and Cherrilang into the Apple Shortcuts ecosystem is an exciting development that opens up new possibilities for personal and professional automation.
将 Jellycuts 和 Cherrilang 等 IDE 引入 Apple Shortcuts 生态系统是一项令人兴奋的发展,它为个人和专业自动化开辟了新的可能性。

By offering a code-based approach to creating Shortcuts, these tools allow advanced users to fully leverage Apple's automation capabilities, marking a turning point in how daily tasks can be managed and optimized.
通过提供基于代码的方法来创建快捷方式,这些工具允许高级用户充分利用 Apple 的自动化功能,标志着日常任务管理和优化方式的转折点。
