From Transformer to LLM: Architecture, Training and Usage
从 Transformer 到LLM :架构、培训和使用

Transformer Tutorial Series


In this session, we walked through the architecture, training and applications of transformers (slides), the lecture slides covered
在本次会议中,我们介绍了 Transformer 的架构、培训和应用(幻灯片),讲座幻灯片涵盖了

  • The basic principles of NLP
  • Basics of attention mechanism and transformer
    注意力机制和 Transformer 基础知识
  • Training language models (language modelling objective)
  • Usage of pretrained models (finetuning vs prompting)
  • Application of transformer beyond language (vision, audio, music, image generation, game&control) 

Jupyter Notebook Tutorial Series
Jupyter Notebook 教程系列

We prepared this series of jupyter notebooks for you to gain hands-on experience about transformers from their architecture to the training and usage. 
我们为您准备了这一系列的 Jupyter Notebook,让您获得 Transformer 从架构到培训和使用的实践经验。

  • Fundamentals of Transformer and Language modelling
    Transformer 和语言建模基础知识
  • Beyond Language:  超越语言:
    in the following notebooks, we will demonstrate the flexibility of the transformer model by 
    •  Learn to do arithmetics by sequence modelling.

      In this notebook, you will train a GPT2 on arithmetic dataset, and let it learn to do arithmetics (partially) by next token prediction. 
      在本笔记本中,您将在算术数据集上训练 GPT2,并让它通过下一个标记预测来学习(部分)进行算术运算。
    •  Image generation by sequence modelling.

      In this notebook, you will train a GPT2-like transformer for generative modelling of MNIST images, by predicting the sequence of patches in an image. 
      在本笔记本中,您将通过预测图像中的补丁序列来训练类似 GPT2 的转换器,用于 MNIST 图像的生成建模。
    •  Audio signal classification (~ 20 min)
      音频信号分类(约 20 分钟)

      In this notebook, you will train a transformer on Spoken MNIST dataset, and classify the audio sequences. 
      在此笔记本中,您将在 Spoken MNIST 数据集上训练变压器,并对音频序列进行分类。
    •  Image classification  (~ 30 min)
      图像分类(约 30 分钟)

      In this notebook, you will train a transformer on images -- formated as a sequence of patches, and predict the identity of the image. 
    • Music generation by sequence modelling. (Difficult, training takes hrs)
      通过序列建模生成音乐。 (困难,训练需要几个小时)

      In this notebook, you will train a transformer to predict next note in a music dataset consists of piano rolls. By doing so it could be used to generate classic piano music. 
  • Using Large Language Model

    Finally we will get a glimpse at the LLMs, by using OpenAI APIs to achieve some useful things
    最后我们将了解一下LLMs ,通过使用 OpenAI API 来实现一些有用的事情
    • OpenAI API and Chat with PDF  :
      OpenAI API 和 PDF 聊天

      In this notebook, you will use the OpenAI API and langchain to build a bot that can chat with a given document e.g. scientific paper . (replicating the functionality of Chat with PDF
      在本笔记本中,您将使用 OpenAI API 和langchain构建一个可以与给定文档(例如科学论文)聊天的机器人。 (复制Chat with PDF的功能)
  • Official Github repo
    官方Github 存储库


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