Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 第 1 节:识别物质/混合物和公司/企业
1.1. Product identifier 1.1. 产品标识符
ACMOS 101-9018
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.2. 物质或混合物的相关确定用途和建议禁用的用途
Relevant identified uses 相关确定的用途
Additive 添加剂
Uses advised against 不建议使用
Consumer uses: Private households (= general public = consumers) 消费者使用:私人家庭(=普通公众=消费者)
Sector of uses [SU]: 21 使用领域[SU]:21
Do not use for private purposes (household). 请勿用于私人用途(家庭)。
Relevant identified uses - Further information: 相关确定的用途 - 更多信息:
Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites 工业用途:在工业场所使用物质本身或在制剂中使用物质
Sector of uses [SU]: 3 使用领域[SU]:3
The product is intended for professional use. 该产品适用于专业使用。
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet 1.3. 安全数据表供应商的详细信息
Manufacturer 制造商
Company name: 公司名称:
Street: 街道:
Industriestrasse 49 工业街 49
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
SECTION 4: First aid measures 第 4 节:急救措施
4.1. Description of first aid measures 4.1. 急救措施描述
General information 一般信息
Remove affected person from the danger area and lay down. 将受影响的人员从危险区域移开并让其躺下。
Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. 立即脱掉所有被污染的衣物,并在重新使用之前清洗。
Put victim at rest, cover with a blanket and keep warm. 让受害者休息,盖上毯子保暖。
Do not leave affected person unattended. 不要让受影响的人独自一人。
If a person vomits when lying on his back, place him in the recovery position. 如果一个人仰卧时呕吐,将他放在恢复位置。
If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. 如果呼吸不规则或停止,请进行人工呼吸。
If unconscious but breathing normally, place in recovery position and seek medical advice. 如果没有意识但呼吸正常,请将其放置在恢复位置并寻求医疗建议。
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person or a person with cramps. 永远不要给昏迷的人或抽筋的人口服任何东西。
In the event of cardiac arrest immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 在心脏骤停的情况下立即进行心肺复苏。
In case of accident or unwellness, seek medical advice immediately (show directions for use or safety data sheet if possible). 在发生事故或不适时,立即寻求医疗建议(如可能,请展示使用说明或安全数据表)。
Self-protection of the first aider: 急救者的自我保护:
Wear personal protection equipment (refer to section 8) 佩戴个人防护装备(参见第 8 节)
First Aid. 急救。
Notes for the doctor: 医生注意事项:
No special measures are necessary. 不需要特别措施。
After inhalation 吸入后
Remove victim out of the danger area. 将受害者从危险区域移开。
Provide fresh air. 提供新鲜空气。
In the case of lung irritation: Primary treatment using corticoide spray, eg. Auxiloson spray, Pulmicort-dosage-spray. 在肺部刺激的情况下:首选治疗方法是使用皮质类固醇喷雾,例如 Auxiloson 喷雾,Pulmicort 剂量喷雾。
(Auxiloson and Pulmicort are registered trademarks.) Auxiloson 和 Pulmicort 是注册商标。
Call a physician immediately. 立即致电医生。
Consult a doctor immediately in the case of inhaling spray mist and show him packing or label. 在吸入喷雾雾气的情况下立即咨询医生,并向他展示包装或标签。
After contact with skin 与皮肤接触后
Wash immediately with: 立即用以下方法清洗:
Water and soap 水和肥皂
Rub greasy ointment into the skin. 将油膏擦入皮肤。
Do not wash with: 不要用以下物品清洗:
Solvents/Thinner 溶剂/稀释剂
In case of skin irritation, consult a physician. 如果皮肤发炎,请咨询医生。
After contact with eyes 与眼睛接触后
In case of contact with eyes flush immediately with plenty of flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes holding eyelids apart and consult an ophthalmologist. 如果不慎接触到眼睛,立即用大量流动的水冲洗眼睛 10 至 15 分钟,保持眼睑张开,并咨询眼科医生。
Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. 移除隐形眼镜,如果有的话并且容易取下。继续冲洗。
If present: Initial treatment with Previn. (Previn is a registered trademark). 如果有:首次治疗使用 Previn。(Previn 是注册商标)。
Protect uninjured eye. 保护未受伤的眼睛。
After ingestion 摄入后
Do NOT induce vomiting. 不要催吐。
Give nothing to eat or drink. 不要给任何东西吃或喝。
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person or a person with cramps. 永远不要给昏迷的人或抽筋的人口服任何东西。
Call a physician immediately. 立即致电医生。
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed 4.2. 最重要的症状和影响,无论是急性还是延迟。
The following symptoms may occur: 以下症状可能会出现:
Cough 咳嗽
Dyspnoea 呼吸困难
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed 4.3. 需要任何立即医疗注意和特殊治疗的指示
Treat symptomatically. 对症治疗。
A suitable eye rinse equipment shall be provided, if required. 如果需要,应提供适当的眼部冲洗设备。
Use eye rinse liquid with room temperature, if possible. 请尽量使用室温的眼部冲洗液。
SECTION 5: Firefighting measures 第 5 节:消防措施
5.1. Extinguishing media 5.1. 灭火介质
Suitable extinguishing media 适用的灭火介质
Full water jet 全水射流
Water spray jet 水喷射流
Water mist 水雾
Safety Data Sheet 安全数据表
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
Fire class (DIN EN 2): B (Fires of liquids or liquid turning substances). 火灾等级(DIN EN 2):B(液体或液体转化物质的火灾)。
Unsuitable extinguishing media 不适合的灭火介质
None known 未知
5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture 5.2. 物质或混合物产生的特殊危害
In principle, fire gasses of organic materials have to be classified as toxic to the respiratory system. 原则上,有机材料的火气必须被归类为对呼吸系统有毒。
Hazardous combustion products: 危险的燃烧产物:
Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳 (CO2)
Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 氮氧化物(NOx)
Pyrolysis products, toxic 热解产物,有毒
5.3. Advice for firefighters 5.3. 消防员建议
Usual measures of preventive and averting fire protection. 通常的预防和避免火灾保护措施。
Co-ordinate fire-fighting measures to the fire surroundings. 协调消防措施以应对火灾周围环境。
Do not inhale explosion and combustion gases. 不要吸入爆炸和燃烧气体。
Move to fresh air in case of accidental inhalation of fumes from overheating or combustion. 如果意外吸入过热或燃烧产生的烟雾,请迅速移至新鲜空气处。
Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in confined spaces. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. 在封闭空间使用二氧化碳时请小心。二氧化碳可以取代氧气。
Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done safely. 如果可以安全地进行,将未受损的集装箱从立即危险区域移开。
Stop and contain spill/release if it can be done safely. If this cannot be done, allow fire to burn under control. 停止并控制泄漏/释放,如果可以安全地进行。如果无法做到这一点,请允许火灾在控制下燃烧。
Use water spray jet to protect personnel and to cool endangered containers. 使用水雾射流保护人员并冷却受威胁的容器。
Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. Do not allow entering drains or surface water. 将受污染的灭火水单独收集。不要让其进入排水口或地表水。
Fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. 火灾残留物和受污染的灭火水必须按照当地法规处理。
Special protective equipment for firefighters 消防员的特殊防护装备
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and chemical protective clothing. 穿戴自给式呼吸器和化学防护服。
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures 6.1. 个人预防措施、防护装备和应急程序
General advice 一般建议
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes. 避免接触皮肤、眼睛和衣服。
Do not breathe vapour/aerosol. 不要吸入蒸汽/气溶胶。
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so 如有可能,防止进一步泄漏或溢出
Provide adequate ventilation. 提供充足的通风。
Special danger of slipping by leaking/spilling product. 产品泄漏/溢出可能导致滑倒的特殊危险。
For non-emergency personnel: 对非紧急人员:
Use personal protection equipment. 使用个人防护装备。
Walk out of the danger zone and notify trained personnel 走出危险区并通知受过训练的人员
Emergency procedures: 紧急程序:
Keep the factory emergency plan and the information chain. 保持工厂应急计划和信息链。
For emergency responders: 对于紧急救援人员:
Use personal protection equipment. 使用个人防护装备。
The personal protective equipment must be adapted to the situation 个人防护装备必须根据情况进行调整
Suitable material: 适合的材料:
See under section 8.2 - Personal protection equipment. 查看第 8.2 节 - 个人防护装备。
6.2. Environmental precautions 6.2. 环境预防措施
Do not allow to enter into surface water or drains. 不要允许进入地表水或排水口。
Do not allow to enter into soil/subsoil. 不允许进入土壤/地下。
Ensure waste is collected and contained. 确保废物被收集和包装。
In case of gas escape or of entry into waterways, soil or drains, inform the responsible authorities 在发生气体泄漏或进入水道、土壤或排水口的情况下,请通知相关部门
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up 6.3. 包含和清理的方法和材料
Other information 其他信息
For containment: 对于遏制:
Repair leaks if without risk. 如果没有风险,修复泄漏。
Move containers from spill area 从泄漏区移动容器
Safety Data Sheet 安全数据表
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
Make sure spills can be contained, e.g. in sump pallets or kerbed areas. 确保泼洒物可以被收集,例如在集水盘或围栏区域内。
Prevent spread over a wide area (e.g. by containment or oil barriers). 防止在广泛区域内传播(例如通过封锁或油障碍物)。
Remove from the water surface (e.g. skimming, sucking). 从水面上移除(例如撇去、吸取)。
Cover drains. 覆盖排水口。
For cleaning up: 用于清理:
Clean-up methods - large spillage: 清理方法 - 大面积泄漏:
Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomaceous earth, acid- or universal binding agents). 用液体结合材料(沙子、硅藻土、酸性或通用结合剂)吸收。
Shovel into suitable container for disposal. 将铲子放入适当的容器中进行处理。
Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. 当重大泄漏无法控制时,应通知当地政府部门。
Clean-up methods - small spillage: 清理方法 - 小量泄漏:
Clear spills immediately. 立即清除溢出物。
Wipe up with absorbent material (eg. cloth, fleece). 用吸水材料(如布、羊毛)擦拭。
Collect in closed and suitable containers for disposal. 收集在封闭和适当的容器中进行处理。
Clear contaminated areas thoroughly. 彻底清理受污染的区域。
Recommended cleansing agent: 推荐的清洁剂:
Clean with detergents. Avoid solvent cleaners. 用洗涤剂清洁。避免使用溶剂清洁剂。
Retain contaminated washing water and dispose it. 保留受污染的洗涤水并处理。
Ensure all waste water is collected and treated via a waste water treatment plant. 确保所有废水通过废水处理厂收集和处理。
Ventilate affected area. 通风受影响的区域。
Suitable material for taking up: 适合采用的材料:
Sand 沙
Kieselguhr 硅藻土
Universal binder 通用粘合剂
Absorbing material, organic 吸收材料,有机
Unsuitable material for taking up: 不适合用来占用的材料:
None known 未知
6.4. Reference to other sections 6.4. 参考其他部分
Personal protection equipment: see section 8 个人防护装备:请参阅第 8 节
Disposal: see section 13 处置:请参阅第 13 节
SECTION 7: Handling and storage 第 7 节:处理和储存
7.1. Precautions for safe handling 7.1. 安全操作的预防措施
Advice on safe handling 安全操作建议
Measures to prevent aerosol and dust generation: 防止气溶胶和粉尘产生的措施:
All work processes must always be designed so that the following is as low as possible: 所有工作流程必须始终设计得尽可能低
Inhalation of vapours or spray/mists 蒸气或喷雾/雾气吸入
Eye contact 眼神交流
Skin contact 皮肤接触
Technical ventilation of workplace 工作场所的技术通风
During filling, metering and sampling should be used if possible: 在灌装过程中,尽量使用计量和取样
Devices with local exhaust 具有局部排气装置
Filtered air may be re-circulated into the workroom. 过滤后的空气可以重新循环进入工作室。
Always close containers tightly after the removal of product. 在取出产品后,始终要紧紧关闭容器。
Advice on protection against fire and explosion 防火和爆炸防护建议
Measures to prevent fire: 防火措施:
The product is: Combustible 该产品是:易燃的
Usual measures for fire prevention. 常规的防火措施。
Fire-fighting equipment on the basis of class B. 基于 B 类的灭火设备。
Further information on handling 进一步了解处理的信息
Environmental precautions: 环境预防措施:
Shafts and sewers must be protected from entry of the product. 轴和下水道必须受到产品进入的保护。
Transfer wash-downs in sealed containers. 在密封容器中转移冲洗。
Provide for retaining containers, e.g. floor pan without outflow. 提供保留容器,例如没有流出的地板盘。
Advices on general occupational hygiene: 一般职业卫生建议:
Wear personal protection equipment (refer to section 8). 佩戴个人防护装备(参见第 8 节)。
Minimum standard for preventive measures while handling with working materials are specified in the TRGS 500 . TRGS 500 中规定了处理工作材料时预防措施的最低标准。
General industrial hygiene practice. 一般工业卫生实践。
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. 根据良好的工业卫生和安全规范处理。
Working places should be designed to allow cleaning at any time. 工作场所应设计成随时可以清洁的样式。
Safety Data Sheet 安全数据表
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
Floors, walls and other surfaces in the hazard area must be cleaned regularly. 危险区域的地板、墙壁和其他表面必须定期清洁。
When using do not eat, drink, smoke, sniff. 使用时不要吃东西、喝水、吸烟、嗅气。
Thorough skin-cleansing after handling the product. 处理产品后彻底清洁皮肤。
Used working clothes should not be worn outside the work area. 不应该在工作区域外穿着使用过的工作服。
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities 7.2. 安全存储条件,包括任何不相容性
Requirements for storage rooms and vessels 存储室和容器的要求
Suitable floor material: 适合的地板材料:
Floors should be impervious, resistant to liquids and easy to clean. 地板应该是不透水的,耐液体,易清洁。
See under section 8.2 - Hand protection. 查看第 8.2 节 - 手部防护。
Hints on joint storage 关于联合存储的提示
Do not store together with: 不要与以下物品存放在一起:
Storage class: 存储类:
1 (Explosive hazardous substances) 1(爆炸性危险物质)
(Gases (except aerosol dispensers and lighters)) (气体(除喷雾器和打火机))
5.1 A (Highly oxidising substances) 5.1 A(高度氧化性物质)
6.2 (Infectious substances) 6.2(传染性物质)
7 (Radioactive substances) 7(放射性物质)
Further information on storage conditions 存储条件的更多信息
Technical measures and storage conditions: 技术措施和存储条件:
The valid water and zoning ordinances must be observed. 必须遵守有效的水和分区法规。
Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place. 存放在阴凉通风的地方。
Keep container tightly closed. 保持容器密封关闭。
Protect containers against damage. 保护容器免受损坏。
Ensure adequate ventilation of the storage area. 确保储存区域通风良好。
Do not store outside. 不要存放在室外。
See also instuctions on the label. 请参阅标签上的说明。
7.3. Specific end use(s) 7.3. 特定最终用途(s)
Recommendation: 推荐:
Possibilities for substitution and references to less hazardous products: 替代可能性和参考更少危险产品:
This product was designed for a special application purpose and optimized appropriately. 该产品是为特定应用目的设计的,并经过适当优化。
In case of questions regarding product and application, please contact our field service in line with customer service or our technical sales department. 如有关于产品和应用方面的问题,请联系我们的现场服务部门,与客户服务部门或技术销售部门联系。
Observe technical data sheet. 观察技术数据表。
Industrial sector specific solutions: 工业部门特定解决方案:
Hazardous substance information systems of professional associations: 专业协会的危险物质信息系统:
GESTIS - International Limit Values - Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA): GESTIS - 国际限值 - 德国法定事故保险协会劳动保护研究所(IFA):
Source of law: EH40 (GB) ( 法律来源:EH40(GB)(
ACMOS 101-9018
Recommended monitoring procedures: 推荐的监控程序:
Workplace atmospheres - Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of exposure to chemical and biological agents (BS EN 14042): 工作场所氛围-化学和生物制剂暴露评估程序的应用和使用指南(BS EN 14042):
Personal air monitoring 个人空气监测
Room air monitoring 房间空气监测
Exposure limits at intended use: 在预期使用时的暴露限制:
See under section 8.1 - occupational exposure limit value. 查看第 8.1 节 - 职业暴露限值。
DNEL-/PNEC-values: DNEL-/PNEC 值:
There are no exposure scenarios attached in the Appendix of this Safety Data Sheet. 在安全数据表的附录中没有附加的暴露场景。
Risk management measures according to used control banding approach: 根据使用的控制层级方法进行风险管理措施:
Control banding for chemicals according to the ILO CHEMICAL CONTROL TOOLKIT (ICCT): ICCT-Guidelines and Control Guidance Sheets ( 根据国际劳工组织化学品控制工具包(ICCT)对化学品进行控制带的控制:ICCT 指南和控制指导单(
Used model: 使用的模型:
Consider appropriate model solutions according to good engineering practices on designing the working process, if available. 根据良好的工程实践设计工作流程时,请考虑适当的模型解决方案。
8.2. Exposure controls 8.2. 暴露控制
Appropriate engineering controls 适当的工程控制
Substance/mixture related measures to prevent exposure during identified uses: 防止在确定的用途中暴露的物质/混合物相关措施:
Technical measures to prevent exposure: 防止暴露的技术措施:
Design of appropriate work processes and engineering controls and the use of adequate materials (working appliance according to the state of the art, optimization of process / spray robots, working appliance for prevention of skin contact, models of working times). 设计适当的工作流程和工程控制,并使用适当的材料(根据现有技术的工作设备,优化工艺/喷涂机器人,用于预防皮肤接触的工作设备,工作时间模型)。
Organisational measures to prevent exposure: 防止暴露的组织措施:
Execution of collective protection measures at source and appropriate organisational measures (local exhaust ventilation, ventilation by technical means, general ventilation, measures on averting a danger at breakdowns / at emergencies / after accidents, first-aid-measures, manner related measures: operating instruction / instruction of employees). 在源头执行集体保护措施和适当的组织措施(局部排风装置、技术手段通风、一般通风、在故障/紧急情况/事故后避险措施、急救措施、与方式相关的措施:操作说明/员工指导)。
Structural measures to prevent exposure: 预防暴露的结构措施:
Execution of individual and personnel protection measures (personal protective equipment - PPE). 执行个人和人员保护措施(个人防护装备 - PPE)。
If technical exhaust or ventilation measures are not possible or insufficient, respiratory protection must be worn. Technical measures and the application of suitable work processes have priority over personal protection equipment. 如果技术排气或通风措施不可行或不足,必须佩戴呼吸防护设备。技术措施和适当工作流程的应用优先于个人防护装备。
References for design of technical equipment: 技术设备设计参考资料:
See under section 7.1 - Precautions for safe handling. 查看第 7.1 节 - 安全操作的预防措施。
Summary of the risk management measures for exposure scenario: 曝露情景风险管理措施摘要:
Use only the following product amount per time unit: 每次仅使用以下产品数量:
No information available. 没有可用信息。
Minimum room-width and room-height for handling/application: 处理/应用的最小房间宽度和房间高度:
No information available. 没有可用信息。
Minimum room ventilation rate for handling/application (air changes per hour): 处理/应用的最低房间通风率(每小时换气次数):
No information available. 没有可用信息。
Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment 个人防护措施,如个人防护装备
Eye/face protection 眼睛/面部保护
If required according to hazard assessment: 如果根据危险评估需要:
Suitable eye protection: 适合的眼部保护:
Eye glasses with side protection (EN 166) 具有侧面保护的眼镜(EN 166)
Recommended eye protection articles: 推荐的眼部保护用品:
Or comparable articles from other companies. 或其他公司的类似文章。
Hand protection 手部保护
Skin protection: 皮肤保护:
Preventive skin protection.: 预防性皮肤保护。
Draw up skin protection programme. 制定皮肤保护计划。
Before starting work, apply solvent-resistant skincare preparations. 在开始工作之前,涂抹耐溶剂护肤品。
Wash hands before breaks and after work. 休息前和工作后洗手。
e.g. ecosan®, topscrub® soft / topscrub® extra / topscrub® nature (PETER GREVEN PHYSIODERM) 例如 ecosan®, topscrub® soft / topscrub® extra / topscrub® nature (PETER GREVEN PHYSIODERM)
After cleaning apply high-fat content skin care cream. 清洁后,涂抹高脂肪含量的护肤霜。
If required according to hazard assessment: 如果根据危险评估需要:
When handling with chemical substances, protective gloves must be worn with the CE-label including the four control digits. 处理化学物质时,必须戴上带有 CE 标签和四个控制数字的防护手套。
The quality of the protective gloves resistant to chemicals must be chosen as a function of the specific working place concentration and quantity of hazardous substances. 抗化学品的防护手套的质量必须根据特定工作场所的浓度和有害物质的数量来选择。
Decrease wearing protection gloves to an inevitable degree to avoid skin rash. 减少佩戴保护手套到不可避免的程度,以避免皮疹。
Technical and organizational protective actions have to be preferred. 技术和组织保护措施必须优先考虑。
Breakthrough times and swelling properties of the material must be taken into consideration. 材料的突破次数和膨胀性质必须考虑在内。
Check leak tightness/impermeability prior to use. 在使用之前检查密封性。
Wear cotton undermitten if possible. 如有可能,请穿棉质内手套。
Change preventive gloves once by hour or use special skin-protective preparations for protective gloves carrier, e.g. physioderm® proGlove (PETER GREVEN PHYSIODERM) 每小时更换一次预防手套,或者使用特殊的皮肤保护制剂来保护手套携带者,例如 physioderm® proGlove(PETER GREVEN PHYSIODERM)。
Take recovery periods for skin regeneration. 为皮肤再生留出恢复期。
Do not wear gloves near rotary machines and tools. 不要在旋转机器和工具附近戴手套。
Dispose preventive gloves after defect or expiry of wearing time. Replace when worn 在破损或到期后,应弃用预防手套。磨损时更换。
In the case of wanting to use the gloves again, clean them before taking off and air them well. 在想要再次使用手套的情况下,在脱下手套之前清洁它们并充分晾干。
Wearing time with permanent contact: 佩戴时间与永久接触:
Suitable gloves type 适合的手套类型
Gloves with long cuffs 长袖手套
Recommended glove articles: 推荐的手套文章:
Suitable materials at long term, direct contact (Recommended: Preventive index 6, accordingly min. permeation time in accordance to EN 374): 适合长期直接接触的材料(建议:根据 EN 374,预防指数为 6,相应 分钟渗透时间)。
Or comparable articles from other companies. 或其他公司的类似文章。
Unsuitable material: 不合适的材料:
(natural rubber, natural latex) (天然橡胶,天然乳胶)
Wearing time with occasional contact (splashes): 佩戴时间与偶尔接触(飞溅):
Suitable gloves type 适合的手套类型
Disposable gloves 一次性手套
Recommended glove articles: 推荐的手套文章:
Suitable materials at short term contact or splash (Recommended: Preventive index 3 , accordingly min. permeation time in accordance to EN 374): 适合短期接触或溅泼的材料(建议:预防指数 3,根据 EN 374 规定的 分钟渗透时间)。
Disposable gloves of special nitrile rubber / NBR (KCL-DERMATRIL® P - Art. No. 743) - Layer thickness: 0,2 mm Or comparable articles from other companies. 特殊丁腈橡胶/NBR(KCL-DERMATRIL® P - 货号 743)一次性手套 - 层厚:0.2 毫米或其他公司的类似产品。
The statements are based on self-tests, literary reference and information of glove manufacturers or have been derived from similar substances by analogy. 这些陈述是基于自测、文献参考和手套制造商的信息,或者是通过类推从类似物质中得出的。
Source: CHEMIKALIEN-MANAGER - KCL software for hand protection. 来源:CHEMIKALIEN-MANAGER - 用于手部保护的 KCL 软件。
It has to be noticed, that daily time of use of chemical protective gloves may be quite shorter in practice because of many factors of influence (e.g. thermal and mechanical stress as well as special conditions on the floor) than the permeation time determined in accordance to EN 374. 必须注意到,由于许多影响因素(例如热力和机械应力以及地板上的特殊条件),化学防护手套的日常使用时间在实践中可能会比根据 EN 374 确定的渗透时间要短得多。
The respective permeation time doubles/halvens at about 1,5 times larger/lower layer thickness. 各自的渗透时间在大/小一倍的层厚约 1.5 倍时翻倍/减半。
Declared permeation times according to EN 374 are not carried out under practical conditions. Therefore a maximum wearing time up to of breakthrough time is recommended. 根据 EN 374 规定的透过时间并未在实际条件下进行。因此建议最大穿戴时间为透过时间的 。
They relate to the pure solvent as mean component. 它们与纯溶剂作为平均成分相关。
Safety Data Sheet 安全数据表
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
Barrier creams are not substitutes for body protection. 屏障霜不是身体保护的替代品。
Skin protection 皮肤保护
If required according to hazard assessment: 如果根据危险评估需要:
Suitable protective clothing: 适合的防护服:
Overall, Natural fibres (e.g. cotton) (EN 340) 总的来说,天然纤维(如棉花)(EN 340)
Chemical resistant safety shoes with conductible sole (EN ISO 20345) 具有导电鞋底的耐化学品安全鞋(EN ISO 20345)
Wash contaminated clothing prior to re-use. 在重新使用之前清洗受污染的衣物。
Used working clothes should not be worn outside the work area. 不应该在工作区域外穿着使用过的工作服。
Street clothing should be stored separately from work clothing. 街头服装应与工作服装分开存放。
Thermal hazards: 热危害:
No thermal hazards during use of this product. 使用本产品时没有热危险。
Respiratory protection 呼吸防护
If required according to hazard assessment: 如果根据危险评估需要:
Use only respiratory protection equipment with CE-symbol including four digit test number. 仅使用带有 CE 标志和四位数字测试编号的呼吸防护设备。
Filter types: A, B, E, K. Class 1: Maximum permitted contaminant concentration in inhaled air by vol.); class 2: maximum permitted contaminant concentration in inhaled air by vol.); class 3 : 过滤器类型:A、B、E、K。 类别 1:吸入空气中允许的最大污染物浓度 体积分数);类别 2:吸入空气中允许的最大污染物浓度 体积分数);类别 3:
maximum permitted contaminant concentration in inhaled air ( by vol.) 吸入空气中允许的最大允许污染物浓度 (按体积计 )
The filter class must be suitable for the maximum contaminant concentration (gas/vapour/aerosol/particulates) that may arise when handling the product. If the concentration is exceeded, self-contained breathing apparatus must be used. 过滤器类必须适用于处理产品时可能出现的最大污染物浓度(气体/蒸气/气溶胶/颗粒物)。如果浓度超过限值,必须使用自给式呼吸器。
Observe the wear time limits according GefStoffV in combination with the rules for using respiratory protection apparatus (BGR 190). 根据 GefStoffV 规定的穿戴时间限制,结合使用呼吸防护装置的规则(BGR 190)进行观察。
The use of filter equipment requires a minimum oxygen content of in the surrounding atmosphere and that the maximum permitted gas concentration - normally 0,5 Vol- - is not exceeded. 使用过滤设备需要周围大气中的最低氧气含量为 ,并且不得超过最大允许的气体浓度 - 通常为 0.5 Vol- 。
Half-face mask or quarter facepiece: maximum use concentration for substances with exposure limits: filter: up to a max. of 4 times the exposure limit. P2 filter: up to a max. of 10 times the exposure limit. P3 filter: up to a max. of 30 times the expo. 半面罩或四分之一面罩:对于具有暴露限值的物质的最大使用浓度: 过滤器:最多可达到暴露限值的 4 倍。P2 过滤器:最多可达到暴露限值的 10 倍。P3 过滤器:最多可达到暴露限值的 30 倍。
Half mask or quarter mask with combination filter A1P1/A2P2 for gases, vapors and particles. (EN 140, EN 14387) 半面罩或四分之一面罩,带有 A1P1/A2P2 组合过滤器,用于气体、蒸气和颗粒物。(EN 140,EN 14387)
Filtering half mask or quarter mask with combination filter FFA1 P1/FFA2P2 for gases, vapors and particles. (EN 405) 带有组合过滤器 FFA1 P1/FFA2P2 的过滤式半面罩或四分之一面罩,用于气体、蒸气和颗粒物。 (EN 405)
Gas filtrating Half-face mask FFA (EN 405) 气体过滤半面罩 FFA(EN 405)
Does not decompose when used for intended uses. 在使用预期用途时不会分解。
No known hazardous decomposition products. 没有已知的有害分解产物。
Under fire conditions: See under section 5.2 - Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture. 在火灾条件下:请参阅第 5.2 节 - 物质或混合物产生的特殊危害。
SECTION 11: Toxicological information 第 11 节:毒理学信息
11.1. Information on hazard classes as defined in GB CLP Regulation 11.1. 根据 GB CLP 法规定义的危害类别信息
Toxicocinetics, metabolism and distribution 毒物动力学、代谢和分布
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。
The product has not been tested. 该产品尚未经过测试。
Information on likely routes of exposure / 可能暴露途径的信息
Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics: 与物理、化学和毒理特性相关的症状:
ACMOS 101-9018
See under section 4.2 - Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed. 请参阅第 4.2 节 - 最重要的急性和延迟症状和影响。
Exposure route: 暴露途径:
In case of ingestion: 在吞食的情况下:
Ingestion causes nausea, weakness and central nervous system effects. 摄入会导致恶心、虚弱和中枢神经系统影响。
In case of skin contact: 在皮肤接触的情况下:
irritant. 刺激物。
erythema (redness) 红斑(红色)
In case of inhalation: 在吸入的情况下:
slightly irritant but not relevant for classification. 略有刺激性,但不影响分类。
In case of eye contact: 在眼睛接触的情况下:
strongly irritant. 强烈刺激。
Corneal opacity. 角膜混浊。
Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposure: 短期和长期暴露的延迟和即时效应以及慢性效应:
Not relevant 不相关
Interactive effects: 互动效应:
Not relevant 不相关
Absence of specific data: 缺乏具体数据:
No data is available on the product itself. Description of possible hazardous to health effects is based on experience and/or toxicological characteristics of several components. 产品本身没有可用数据。对健康可能造成危害的描述是基于经验和/或几种成分的毒理特征。
However, some datas are not complete regarding particular main components. Nevertheless according to the experience of the manufacturer there are no other hazards expected then those which are already mentioned on the label. 然而,关于特定主要组件,一些数据并不完整。然而,根据制造商的经验,除了已在标签上提到的危险之外,不会有其他危险。
Mixture versus substance information: 混合物与物质信息:
Not relevant 不相关
Acute toxicity 急性毒性
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. 根据现有数据,未达到分类标准。
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. 根据现有数据,未达到分类标准。
Carcinogenic/mutagenic/toxic effects for reproduction 致癌/致突变/对生殖有毒影响
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. 根据现有数据,未达到分类标准。
STOT-single exposure STOT-单次暴露
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. STOT-repeated exposure 根据现有数据,不符合分类标准。STOT-重复暴露
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. 根据现有数据,未达到分类标准。
Aspiration hazard 渴望危险
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. 根据现有数据,未达到分类标准。
SECTION 12: Ecological information 第 12 节:生态信息
12.1. Toxicity 12.1. 毒性
Aquatic toxicity: 水生毒性:
Acute (short-term) fish toxicity: 急性(短期)鱼类毒性:
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. The product has not been tested. 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。该产品尚未经过测试。
ACMOS 101-9018
Acute (short-term) toxicity to crustacea: 对甲壳类动物的急性(短期)毒性:
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. The product has not been tested. 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。该产品尚未经过测试。
Acute (short-term) toxicity to algae and cyanobacteria: 对藻类和蓝藻的急性(短期)毒性:
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. The product has not been tested. 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。该产品尚未经过测试。
Chronic (long-term) toxicity to aquatic invertebrate: 水生无脊椎动物的慢性(长期)毒性:
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. The product has not been tested. Chronic (long-term) fish toxicity: 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。该产品尚未经过测试。慢性(长期)鱼类毒性:
There are no data available on the preparation/mixture itself. The product has not been tested. 关于制备/混合本身没有可用数据。该产品尚未经过测试。
Toxicity to other aquatic plants/organisms: 对其他水生植物/生物的毒性:
No data available (Substances/Ingredient) 没有可用数据(物质/成分)
Terrestrial toxicity: 陆地毒性:
Acute and subchronic bird toxicity: 急性和亚慢性鸟类毒性:
No data available (Substances/Ingredient) 没有可用数据(物质/成分)
Bird reproduction toxicity: 鸟类繁殖毒性:
No data available (Substances/Ingredient) 没有可用数据(物质/成分)
Acute earthworm toxicity: 急性蚯蚓毒性:
No data available (Substances/Ingredient) 没有可用数据(物质/成分)
This product does not contain a substance that has endocrine disrupting properties with respect to non-target organisms as no components meets the criteria. 该产品不含对非靶标生物具有内分泌干扰特性的物质,因为没有任何成分符合标准。
12.7. Other adverse effects 12.7. 其他不良影响
Ozone depletion potential (ODP): 臭氧消耗潜势(ODP):
No data available (Substances/Ingredient) 没有可用数据(物质/成分)
Send to a hazardous waste incinerator facility under observation of official regulations. 根据官方规定,将危险废物送往焚烧设施进行观察。
Dispose of waste according to applicable legislation. 根据适用法律法规处理废物。
Waste disposal according to directive 2008/98/EC, covering waste and dangerous waste 根据 2008/98/EC 指令进行废物处理,涵盖废物和危险废物
Properties of waste which render it hazardous: 使废物具有危险性的特性:
Irritant — skin irritation and eye damage 刺激物——皮肤刺激和眼睛损伤
Ecotoxic 生态毒理
Evidence for disposal must be provided. 必须提供处置证据。
Consult the appropriate local waste disposal expert about waste disposal. 请咨询适当的当地废物处理专家有关废物处理。
Waste for recycling is to be classified and labelled. 废物回收应分类和贴标签。
For recycling, contact recycling exchanges. 联系回收交换。
Safety Data Sheet 安全数据表
Information following the respective legal area 根据各自的法律领域提供的信息
ACMOS 101-9018
May not be disposed or deposited together with domestic garbage. 不得与生活垃圾一起处理或丢弃。
Do not mix with other wastes. 不要与其他废物混合。
Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. 不要将废物排入地表水或污水系统。
Do not dispose of waste into sewer. 不要将废物倾倒到下水道。
Before discharge in public drains (e.g. residues of washing- and rinsing liquids) please observe the relevant regulations. In case of further questions please contact your waste- or environmental representative or the responsible authority. 在将废水排入公共排水系统之前(例如洗涤和冲洗液的残留物),请遵守相关法规。如有进一步问题,请联系您的废物或环境代表或负责机构。
Clean IBCs or drums at approved facility only. 仅在经批准的设施清洁 IBC 或桶。
The waste producer is resposible for correct coding and designation of his wastes. 废物生产者负责正确编码和指定他的废物。
The allocation of waste identity numbers/waste descriptions must be carried out according to the EEC, specific to the industry and process. 废物身份编号/废物描述的分配必须根据欧洲经济共同体进行,特定于行业和流程。
List of proposed waste codes/waste designations in accordance with EWC: 根据 EWC 提议的废物代码/废物分类列表:
List of Wastes Code - residues/unused products 废物代码列表 - 残留物/未使用产品
PLASTICS; wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics; machining emulsions and solutions free of halogens; hazardous waste 塑料; 金属和塑料成型以及物理和机械表面处理的废物; 不含卤素的加工乳化液和溶液; 有害废物
List of Wastes Code - used product 废物代码列表 - 使用产品
PLASTICS; wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics; machining emulsions and solutions free of halogens; hazardous waste 塑料;金属和塑料成型以及物理和机械表面处理的废物;不含卤素的加工乳化液和溶液;危险废物
List of Wastes Code - contaminated packaging 废物代码列表 - 污染包装
CLOTHING NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED; packaging (including separately collected municipal packaging waste); packaging containing residues of or contaminated by hazardous substances; hazardous waste 未另行指定的服装;包装(包括单独收集的市政包装废物);包含有害物质残留物或受污染的包装;危险废物
Contaminated packaging 受污染的包装
Other disposal recommendations: 其他处理建议:
Contaminated packages must be completely emptied and can be re-used following proper cleaning. 受污染的包装必须完全清空,并经过适当清洁后可重新使用。
Cleaning by recycling company. 回收公司清洁。
Recommended cleansing agent: 推荐的清洁剂:
Clean with detergents. Avoid solvent cleaners. 用洗涤剂清洁。避免使用溶剂清洁剂。
Handle contaminated packages in the same way as the substance itself. 以与物质本身相同的方式处理受污染的包装。
Non-contaminated packages may be recycled. 未受污染的包装可以回收利用。
Packing which cannot be properly cleaned must be disposed of. 无法彻底清洁的包装必须处理掉。
The conditions of the regional reconditioning companies have to be observed. 必须遵守区域再生公司的条件。
SECTION 14: Transport information 第 14 节:运输信息
Land transport (ADR/RID) 陆路运输(ADR/RID)
Other applicable information (land transport) 其他适用信息(陆路运输)
No dangerous good in sense of these transport regulations. 这些运输条例中没有危险品。
Inland waterways transport (ADN) 内河运输(ADN)
Other applicable information (inland waterways transport) 其他适用信息(内河运输)
Not classified for this transport carrier. 此运输承运人未分类。
Marine transport (IMDG) 海洋运输(IMDG)
Other applicable information (marine transport) 其他适用信息(海上运输)
No dangerous good in sense of these transport regulations. 这些运输条例中没有危险品。
Other applicable information (air transport) 其他适用信息(空运)
No dangerous good in sense of these transport regulations. 这些运输条例中没有危险品。
14.5. Environmental hazards 14.5. 环境危害
14.6. Special precautions for user 14.6. 用户的特别注意事项
not relevant 不相关
14.7. Maritime transport in bulk according to IMO instruments 14.7. 根据 IMO 工具的散装海运
not relevant 不相关
Other applicable information 其他适用信息
not relevant 不相关
SECTION 15: Regulatory information 第 15 节:监管信息
15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture 15.1. 物质或混合物的特定安全、健康和环境法规/立法。
EU regulatory information 欧盟监管信息
ACMOS 101-9018
Restrictions on use (REACH, annex XVII): 使用限制(REACH,附件 XVII):
Entry 3, Entry 75 条目 3,条目 75
2010/75/EU (VOC): 2010/75/EU(VOC):
Additional information 额外信息
Authorisations and/or restrictions on use: 使用授权和/或限制:
Authorisations: 授权:
Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) as regards Annex XIV: not relevant 化学品授权(REACH)有关附件 XIV 的授权:不相关
Restrictions on use: 使用限制:
Restriction of chemicals (REACH) as regards annex XVII: not relevant 化学品限制(REACH)涉及附件 XVII:不相关
Other regulations (EU): 其他规定(欧盟):
Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2009 - Substances that deplete the ozone layer: not relevant 法规(EC)No. 1005/2009 - 损害臭氧层的物质:不相关
Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 and No 907/2006 - Detergents: not relevant 法规(EC)第 648/2004 号和第 907/2006 号 - 洗涤剂:不相关
Regulation (EC) No. 649/2012 - Export and import of dangerous chemicals: not relevant 法规(欧盟)第 649/2012 号 - 危险化学品的出口和进口:不相关
Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 and No. 388/2012 and No. 1382/2014 - Control of exports, or transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use goods (Dual-Use Regulation): 法规(EC)No. 428/2009 和 No. 388/2012 和 No. 1382/2014 - 对双用途商品(双用途法规)的出口、转让、经纪和过境进行控制: