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第 1-1-1/11/10-2024-SD 号普通伙伴关系与合作协议

Astana city “12” 11 2024
阿斯塔纳市 "12" 11 2024
FB Waste Recycling AG (hereinafter referred to as “FB”), represented by its Managing Director Mr. Walter Findeisen, acting based on the company’s Charter, hereinafter referred to as PARTNER I, on the one hand, and
FB Waste Recycling AG(以下简称 "FB"),由其总经理 Walter Findeisen 先生代表,根据公司章程行事,以下简称 "合伙人 I";以及
Altro Ltd, represented by the director of the company Mr. Serik Dinmukhamed Erzhanuly, acting on the basis of the Company’s Charter and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, hereinafter referred to as PARTNER II, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the PARTIES, have entered into this Agreement as follows:
Altro 有限公司,由公司董事 Serik Dinmukhamed Erzhanuly 先生代表,根据《公司章程》和哈萨克斯坦共和国法律行事,以下简称合伙人 II,另一方面,以下统称为双方,签订本协议如下:


1.1. The Parties, using the right to freely choose the organizational and legal forms of cooperation, carry out cooperation in scientific and technical, production and business, economic, investment, financial, commercial, socio-cultural, charitable and other spheres of activity, using the principle of business partnership, for the purpose of extracting joint income and achieving the intended results.
1.1.双方利用自由选择合作的组织和法律形式的权利,在科学和技术、生产和商业、经 济、投资、金融、商业、社会文化、慈善和其他活动领域开展合作,利用商业伙伴关 系的原则,以获取共同收入和实现预期成果为目的。

1.2. All financial, economic and other activities are conducted with separate balance sheets, except for possible mergers and openings of joint ventures, which are reflected in separate agreements, protocols, and contracts.

1.3. The Parties wish and intend to establish a joint basis on which their cooperation will be carried out in any forms and forms acceptable to the Parties, to provide each other with information and mutual services necessary for the implementation of agreements and arrangements arising and/or resulting from and the implementation of this Agreement and/or any subsequent transactions or agreements, concluded for the purpose of implementing this Agreement.
1.3.双方希望并打算建立一个共同的基础,在此基础上以双方可以接受的任何形式开展合 作,相互提供必要的信息和相互服务,以执行本协定产生和/或导致的协定和安排,以及 执行本协定和/或为执行本协定而缔结的任何后续交易或协定。

1.4. In the execution of this Agreement, the Parties intend to jointly carry out the following types of activities on the principles of business partnership:
  • investment and implementation of socially significant programs and projects in various areas of scientific, technical, production, economic, investment, financial, commercial, sociocultural and charitable activities, presented both in the territory Republic of Kazakhstan (southern and western regions), agreed upon and approved by the Parties.
  • control and supervision of the implementation of relevant investment programs and projects and targeted spending of investments.
  • represent each other’s interests only after all the Parties have agreed and the necessary agreements have been signed, having received a power of attorney corresponding to the agreement.
    只有在所有各方同意并签署了必要的协议后,在收到与协议相应的授权书后,方可代 表对方的利益。

  • development and implementation of joint programs and projects in various fields of activity with the participation of specialists from the Parties and/or the involvement of third parties.
  • coordination of actions and exchange of information between the Parties and implementing participants within the framework of the development and implementation of joint projects.
  • full legal, financial, economic and organizational support for the joint projects and programs being developed.
  • The Parties may provide each other with loans, credits, both in the general order and interest-free, and use other financial and economic instruments that are economically justified and agreed upon by the Parties.
    双方可相互提供贷款、一般贷款和无息贷款,并可使用双方商定的经济上合理的其 他金融和经济手段。
  • conducting various types of research in each other’s interests (scientific, technical, sociological, marketing and others);
  • creation of various organizational structures of a commercial and other nature with the participation of residents and non-resident the Republic of Kazakhstan on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (southern and western regions), temporary teams and groups of specialists for the development and implementation of individual programs and/or projects and providing these structures, teams and groups with the conditions necessary for the successful solution of the tasks set before them.
  • creation of a system of education and training of highly qualified labor resources various specialties.
  • creation of a set of measures to improve the health of the population and improve the environmental conditions of human habitat.
  • interaction in representing common interests before third parties.
  • providing charitable assistance and support to all segments of the population.

    1.5. The types of activities listed in paragraph 1.4. of this Agreement are not exhaustive and will be carried out on the basis of areas, agreements, projects, individual programs, etc. jointly developed and agreed upon by the Parties.
    1.5.本协定第 1.4 段所列的各类活动并非详尽无遗,将在双方共同制定和商定的领域、协 定、项目、单项计划等基础上开展。

    1.6. All jointly developed projects, programs, decisions and procedures for investing in programs and projects of third parties on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (southern and western regions), as well as other joint activities of the Parties, after their agreement and approval, shall be signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and formalized in writing as appendices to this Agreement.


2.1. Within the framework and interests of mutually beneficial cooperation and in accordance with individual agreements in any form between the Parties, the Parties irrevocably undertake jointly, or on behalf of one of the Parties:

2.1.1. Build relationships among ourselves based on equality, cooperation and mutual protection of interests.

2.1.2. Regulate the duties and responsibilities of the Parties in specifically agreed and concluded agreements, protocols, and contracts for each new joint project or program.

FB WASTE RECYCLING AG 与 AITRO LTD 于 2024 年 1 月 12 日签署的普通合伙和合作协议 Na.I-II/10-2024-SD.2024 年 FB WASTE RECYCLING AG 与 AITRO LTD 之间的协定

2.1.3. Plan, coordinate and implement individual transactions and operations.

2.1.4. Jointly prepare, implement and revise subsequent documents through periodic revision in order to avoid any conflict of interest or unintentional breach of any of the agreements and/or obligations accepted by any of the Parties prior to the conclusion of this Agreement.

2.1.5. All agreements and changes to previously agreed agreements that arise in the process of implementation, investment, control and supervision of joint projects and programs shall be executed only in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
2.1.5.在联合项目和计划的实施、投资、控制和监督过程中产生的所有协议和对先前商定 协议的修改只能以书面形式执行,并由双方授权代表签字。

2.1.6. When signing relevant agreements or changes to previously agreed agreements, the Parties are obliged to provide each other with a complete set of documents reliably confirming the authority of the person acting on behalf of the organization.

2.1.7. Carry out mutual settlements between each other and with third parties.

2.1.8. Settlements under the agreement of the Parties may be made either by non-cash transfer of funds to the organization’s bank account, or in cash by depositing funds into the organization’s cash desk.

2.1.9. Carry out office work and financial and economic activities on behalf of one or more Parties on the basis of a power of attomey and/or separate agreements.

2.1.10. Provide each other with various services on a compensation basis or on the terms of participation in the partner’s profits.

2.1.11. Respect each other’s interests arising from the right of ownership, including information on the location, details, communications, documents and other relevant information concerning third parties who are or have been involved in all transactions performed or are being performed. Within the framework of this Agreement or in connection with it. Any information shall be made available to third parties only for a specific transaction or operation and on a “need to know” basis.
2.1.11.尊重彼此因所有权而产生的利益,包括有关第三方的位置、细节、通信、文件和其他相关信息,这些第三方参与了或已经参与了所有已进行或正在进行的交易。在本协议框架内或与本协议有关。任何信息只能在 "需要了解 "的基础上为特定交易或操作提供给第三方。

2.1.12. Observe and maintain complete confidentiality, both with respect to each other’s and/or their partners’ business sources of information and with respect to information on transactions carried out or being carried out under this Agreement and will disclose any and all information under this Agreement only to named persons and Parties based on the express consent of the Party that has provided access to such information.

2.1.13. Informing a third Party is permitted only in the case of written consent of the Parties. The Parties confirm that they will not disclose names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, or other details or jointly developed confidential information to third Parties, and that each Party individually recognizes such contacts as the exclusive property of the other Party. The Parties will not enter into direct negotiations or transactions with other Parties regarding such contacts without the consent of the other Party.

2.2. Not to interfere with, avoid, use the partner’s channels for attracting financial resources or exclude each other directly or indirectly in any of the operations or transactions carried out within the framework of this Agreement or arising from it, and also to avoid receiving remuneration or commission from any third Party participating in such an operation and represented by one Party to this Agreement to the other Party in connection with a specific transaction or deal, including any

renegotiation, renewal, extension, amendment, discussion of new transactions, contracts or agreements.

2.2.1 The Parties agree that neither Party shall, without the consent of the other interested Party/Parties, expressed in writing:
2.2.1 双方同意,未经另一方/多方以书面形式表示同意,任何一方不得

2.2.2 To accept any obligations on behalf of or at the expense of the other Party/Parties.
2.2.2 代表另一方/多方承担任何义务或费用。

2.2.3. Perform documented actions of any form and/or provide guarantees on behalf of the other Party/Parties.

2.3. The Parties have agreed to protect the property rights and interests of each other, their individual participants, shareholders on all issues arising from this Agreement or in connection with it, including, but not limited to, activities in accordance with paragraph 1.1. of this Agreement and related issues in relations with any and all business partners, associates, clients and/or other business contacts of the Parties, including the establishment of business relations recognized as necessary and/or beneficial to the Parties.
2.3.双方同意在本协定引起的或与本协定有关的所有问题上,包括但不限于根据本协定第 1.1 款开展的活动以及与双方的任何和所有商业伙伴、合伙人、客户和/或其他业务联系 人的关系中的相关问题,包括建立公认为对双方必要和/或有益的业务关系,保护彼此、 其个人参与者、股东的财产权和利益。

2.4. In the event that any of the Parties if a Party withdraws from this Agreement for any legally justified reason, it undertakes to not disclose the identity or contacts of the other Parties for a period of 10 (Ten) years, starting from the date of withdrawal from the Agreement, except in other cases unanimously agreed upon in writing by all Parties.
2.4.如果任何一方因任何法律上的正当理由退出本协定,则该方承诺自退出协定之日起十 (10)年内不披露其他各方的身份或联系方式,但经各方书面一致同意的其他情况除外。


3.1. The obligations of the Parties are determined by this Agreement and subsequent Contracts, agreements (appendices), and are established based on specific tasks arising from the conditions of their implementation, developed and agreed upon jointly by the Parties.
3.1.双方的义务由本协定及其后的合同、协定(附录)确定,并根据双方共同制定和商 定的实施条件所产生的具体任务来确定。

3.2. In order to avoid conflict situations after reaching oral agreements between the Parties on participation or investment in each new project, before the start of legally significant actions, in writing, if necessary, the Parties have the right to draw up an agreement on the procedure for actions and responsibilities of each Party in a specific project, which is an integral appendix to this Agreement.
3.2.在双方就每个新项目的参与或投资达成口头协议之后,为了避免出现冲突情况,在开 始具有法律意义的行动之前,如有必要,双方有权以书面形式就每一方在具体项目中的行 动程序和责任制定一项协议,该协议是本协定的一个组成部分,也是本协定的附录。

4. 双方的组织和财务关系

4.1. All actions of the Parties to organize the planning and implementation of individual programs and/or projects not included in the List of joint programs shall be carried out on the basis of individual contracts, protocols, agreements and other documents executed by the interested and/or participating Parties in writing.
4.1.双方组织规划和实施未列入联合计划清单的单个计划和/或项目的所有行动,均应根 据有关和/或参与方以书面形式签署的单个合同、议定书、协议和其他文件进行。

4.2. Decisions on the organization of planning of joint programs, projects, agreements, contracts, international export-import operations, the issue of liquid financial instruments for the purpose of attracting funds, etc. for joint activities under a business partnership agreement are made and approved by authorized representatives of the Parties.

4.3. Number of participants- The Parties to this Agreement may be expanded on the basis of a unanimous decision of all Parties, made in writing by authorized representatives of the Parties.
4.3.参与方的数量--本协定的参与方可根据各方授权代表以书面形式做出的一致决定扩 大。

4.4. Each of the Parties, if such a need arises, has the right to become familiar with business and financial documents on transactions and transactions performed or being performed within the framework of and in accordance with this Agreement. This Agreement or in connection with it.
4.4.如有必要,双方均有权了解在本协定框架内并根据本协定进行的交易和正在进行的交 易的商业和财务文件。本协议或与本协议有关的

4.5. The income and dividends of the Parties from the implementation of projects, programs, investments and control over the proper execution of third-party programs are determined in each specific project in the implementation of which the Parties have combined their efforts, and are drawn up in writing.as an appendix to this Agreement.


5.1 Each Party hereby acknowledges that the other Parties may have other business interests and that this Agreement is not an exclusive combination and applies to activities and actions performed under or in connection with this document.
5.1 各方特此确认,其他各方可能有其他商业利益,本协议并非排他性组合,适用于根据本文件或与本文件有关的活动和行动。

5.2. For their activities with third parties, the Parties shall each bear independent liability.

5.3. Each Party to this Agreement is an independent participant and is solely responsible for its independent operations, costs, expenses, taxes or other expenses, as well as for satisfying all reporting requirements that may arise or will exist in connection with government or other bodies.
5.3.本协议的每一方都是独立的参与方,对其独立的业务、成本、费用、税收或其他支出, 以及满足政府或其他机构可能或将要提出的所有报告要求负全部责任。

5.4. In their general activities, the Parties shall bear liability only within the framework regulated by concluded agreements, protocols, contracts and other possible documents for each specific joint project.
5.4.在一般活动中,双方应仅在已缔结的协定、议定书、合同和其他可能的文件规定的框 架内,为每个具体的联合项目承担责任。

5.5. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by one of the Parties of the terms and obligations under this Agreement, which resulted in documented losses or other damage to the other Party, the guilty Party shall compensate the injured Party for all losses incurred in accordance with the supporting documents, except for lost profits. Compensation for losses does not release the Parties from further performance of obligations under this Agreement.
5.5.如果一方不履行或不适当履行本协议的条款和义务,给另一方造成有据可查的损失 或其他损害,除利润损失外,有罪一方应根据证明文件赔偿受害方的所有损失。赔偿损失并不免除双方进一步履行本协定规定的义务。


6.1. The Parties hereby confirm that the information they exchange within the framework of the execution of this Agreement is confidential, is valuable to the Parties and is not subject to disclosure, since it constitutes an official and/or commercial secret, has actual and potential commercial value due to its being unknown to third parties, and is not freely accessible on a legal basis.
6.1.双方特此确认,他们在执行本协议框架内交换的信息是保密的,对双方都有价值,不 应公开,因为这些信息构成官方和/或商业机密,由于不为第三方所知而具有实际和潜 在的商业价值,并且在法律上不能自由获取。

6.2. Within 10 (Ten) years from the date the entry into force of this Agreement, the parties undertake to keep confidential any information and data received by each of the parties within the framework of the implementation of this Agreement, not to voluntarily disclose or divulge, in general or in particular, facts or information related to the subject of the Agreement, to any third party without the written consent of the other party to the agreement. In this case, the measures taken must be no less significant than those that the party takes to preserve its own information of this kind. The party that violates the specified requirements may be subject to damage from the other party in court.
6.2.自本协定生效之日起十(10)年内,双方承诺对各自在执行本协定过程中获得的任何 信息和资料保密,未经协定另一方书面同意,不主动向任何第三方披露或泄露与本协定主 题有关的一般或具体事实或信息。在这种情况下,所采取的措施不得少于该方为保存自己的此类信息所采取的措施。违反规定的一方可能会在法庭上受到另一方的损害。

6.3. The obligation to maintain confidentiality does not affect cases of providing information to government bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4 Confidentiality obligations accepted the parties to this Agreement do not apply to publicly available information, as well as to information that becomes known to third parties through no fault of the parties.
6.4 本协议各方承担的保密义务不适用于公开信息以及非因各方过错而为第三方所知的信 息。


7.1. Neither Party may be considered or deemed to have violated this Agreement if such violation is forced by force majeure circumstances that arose after the entry into force of this Agreement, and which could not have been reasonably foreseen or prevented by the Parties.
7.1.如果本协定生效后出现的不可抗力情况迫使任何一方违反本协定,且双方均无法合理 预见或阻止,则任何一方均不得被视为或视为已违反本协定。

7.2. In the event of force majeure or equivalent circumstances of insuperable force, which entail the impossibility of full or partial fulfillment of obligations by either Party, such as: fires, floods, earthquakes, other natural disasters, wars, changes in legislation that significantly affect the subject of this Agreement, the term for fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which these circumstances will be in effect.
7.2.如发生不可抗力或不可克服的类似情况,导致任何一方无法全部或部分履行义务, 如:火灾、洪水、地震、其他自然灾害、战争、对本协定主体有重大影响的立法变化, 则履行本协定义务的期限应根据这些情况发生的时间按比例顺延。

7.3. In the event of the circumstances listed in this article, the Party for which and the execution of this Agreement has become impossible, is obliged to inform the other party in writing no later than 10 (Ten) working days of the occurrence of such circumstances.
7.3.如果出现本条所列情况,则无法执行本协议的一方有义务在发生此类情况后 10 个工作日内书面通知另一方。

7.4. If force majeure circumstances continue for more than 4 weeks, the Parties undertake not to have any mutual claims against each other.
7.4.如果不可抗力情况持续 4 周以上,双方承诺互不索赔。

7.5. The Party for which force majeure or equivalent circumstances have arisen is obliged to immediately notify the other Party in writing of their termination.


8.1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and shall be binding upon the Parties, their heirs or successors, is valid for an indefinite period and may be suspended, modified or terminated by mutual written agreement of the Parties.
8.1.本协定自签署之日起生效,对双方、其继承人或后继人具有约束力,有效期为无限 期,经双方书面同意可中止、修改或终止。

8.2. Either Party may withdraw unilaterally. M order from this Agreement on its own initiative, having previously notified the other Party in writing no later than 3 (Three) months before the expected moment of withdrawal. The right to fully or partially terminate the Agreement unilaterally, except for cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is granted to the Parties in equal volume.
8.2.任何一方均可单方面退出本协定。M order from this Agreement on its own initiative having previously not later in writing notified the other Party no than 3 (Three) months before the expected moment of withdrawal.除哈萨克斯坦共和国现行法律规定的情况外,双方均有权单方面全部或部分终止本 协定。

8.3. Either Party has the right to full or partial and partial termination of the Agreement unilaterally if there is irrefutable evidence of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by any other Party of its obligations arising from or in connection with this Agreement.
8.3.如果有无可辩驳的证据表明任何其他方未履行或未适当履行由本协定引起或与本协定 有关的义务,任何一方均有权单方面全部或部分终止本协定。

8.4. Termination or suspension of the duration of this Agreement shall not release the Parties from the fulfillment of their mutual obligations, including financial obligations, arising from this Agreement or in connection with it.
8.4.本协定期限的终止或中止并不解除双方履行因本协定而产生的或与本协定有关的相互 义务,包括财务义务。


9.1 The provisions of the Agreement shall be interpreted based on the ordinary meaning of the words and expressions used, unless such interpretation leads to ambiguity, practical inexpediency, absurd conclusions or a clear unfair advantage of one Party over the other. In such a case, when interpreting the Agreement, due attention should be paid to the intentions of the Parties at the time of concluding the Agreement, common sense and the concepts of faimess and reciprocity enshrined in the principles of civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
9.1 本协定的各项条款应根据所使用的词语和表达方式的通常含义加以解释,除非这 种解释导致含糊不清、不切实际、结论荒谬或一方明显对另一方不公平。在这种情况下,在解释本协定时,应适当注意双方在缔结本协定时的意图、常识以及 哈萨克斯坦共和国民法原则中的公平和互惠概念。

9.2. The headings of the sections of the Agreement are used only for convenience of reference and orientation within the text. They have no binding force.


10.1. From the moment of signing this Agreement, all previous correspondence and negotiation materials become invalid and may be used only as explanatory, but not clarifying or confirming materials.
10.1.自签署本协议之时起,以前的所有信函和谈判材料均失效,只能作为解释材料,而 不能作为澄清或确认材料。

10.2 Neither Party has the right to transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Agreement in whole or in part to third parties without the written consent of the other Parties.
10.2 未经其他各方书面同意,任何一方均无权将其在本协议项下的权利和/或义务全部或 部分转让给第三方。

10.3. All disputes and disagreements, in arising from or in connection with this Agreement, the Parties shall try to resolve through negotiations. In the event of failure to reach a mutual agreement between the Parties, the dispute resolution and its consideration shall be transferred to the court in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10.4 Any changes and/Amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
10.4 对本协定的任何变更和/或修改必须以书面形式进行,并由双方授权代表签署。

10.5. Spelling errors and typos accidentally made in the text of this Agreement cannot be grounds for recognizing it as null and void.

10.6. All correspondence, agreements and additions, composition executed within the framework of this Agreement shall be performed in Russian and, if necessary, in English.

10.7. The parties acknowledge the legal force of documents transmitted by electronic and facsimile communications, as well as documents signed by facsimile (facsimile reproduction of a signature), electronic signature. Subsequent provision by the parties to each other of the originals of documents transmitted by facsimile or electronic communications is mandatory.

10.8. Done "12 112024 in Astana in 2 authentic copies, each of which has equal legal force, and the corresponding number of copies was transferred to the contracting parties.
10.8.112024 年 12 月 12 日订于阿斯塔纳,一式两份,均具有同等法律效力,并已将相应份数的副本转交给缔约双方。

10.9. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signing by authorized representatives of the Parties.



FB Waste Recycling AG FB 废物回收股份公司
Legal address: 法定地址:
Multergasse 2a 9004 St. Gallen Swiss
Multergasse 2a 9004 St.

Register No : CHE - 103.997.966
注册号 :che - 103.997.966

Zurcher Kartonalbank 苏黎世银行
IBAN:CH63 00700110003003701
Managing Director, 常务董事、
Mr. Walter Findeisen. 沃尔特-芬德森先生



Legal and postal address: 010020, Kazakhstan, Astana city, Yesil district, Mangilik El Avenue, building 21 , apt. 300
法律和邮政地址010020, Kazakhstan, Astana city, Yesil district, Mangilik El Avenue, building 21 , apt.300

BIN 240940900731
IBANEUR : KZ4496503F0013903858

SERIK < < << DINMUKHAMED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
SERIK < < << DINMUKHAMED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<