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Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq Indices and the Major Indices are delayed at least 1 minute.
数据免责声明:纳斯达克指数和主要指数延迟至少 1 分钟。

Bid Price and Ask Price

The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. The numbers next to the bid/ask are the “size”. The bid size displays the total amount of desired shares
to buy at that price, and the ask size is the number of shares offered for sale at that price. The data displayed in the quote bar updates every 3 seconds; allowing you to monitor prices in real-time.

The bid-ask spread can indicate a stock’s liquidity, which is how easy it is to buy and sell in the marketplace. Often, a smaller spread suggests higher liquidity, meaning more buyers and sellers in the market are willing to negotiate. In contrast, a larger spread suggests lower liquidity, as there are fewer investors willing to negotiate. You can use the bid-ask spread to determine whether to place a  market order or limit order when trading, helping you to optimize your price and have a successful order execution.

Real-time bid and ask information is powered by Nasdaq Basic, a premier market data solution. This data feed is available via Nasdaq Data Link APIs; to learn more about subscribing, visit Nasdaq Data Link's products page.

Label 标签 Value 价值
Bid * Size 出价 * 大小N/A
Ask * Size 询价 * 尺寸N/A
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Scorecard  记分卡

This feature is developed by Nasdaq that analyzes a stocks performance and history and assign it a score. It looks at past data, revenue, industry averages, among other parameters that you determine to adjust its scoring results based on selected criteria.
Metric 度量 More Data 更多数据 Score 得分
Earnings Surprises 收益惊喜
PEG ratio PEG比率
Return on Equity(ROE) 股本回报率(ROE)
Revenue 收入
Analyst Recommendation 分析师推荐
View the full scorecard Sign in to Nasdaq+ to view the full scorecard metrics of AAPL
查看完整记分卡 登录 Nasdaq+ 查看 AAPL 的完整记分卡指标
Sign in to Nasdaq+ to view this stock’s full scorecard details.
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Analyze your stocks, your way

Leverage the Nasdaq+ Scorecard to analyze stocks based on your investment priorities and our market data.

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Analyze your stocks, your way

Leverage the Nasdaq+ Scorecard to analyze stocks based on your investment priorities and our market data.

Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq Indices and the Major Indices are delayed at least 1 minute.
数据免责声明:纳斯达克指数和主要指数延迟至少 1 分钟。

  • Real-time Data is provided using Nasdaq Last Sale Data


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数据由纳斯达克数据链接提供,纳斯达克数据链接是金融、经济和另类数据集的主要来源。Data Link 基于云的技术平台允许您搜索、发现和访问数据和分析,以便通过云 API 实现无缝集成。立即在 data.nasdaq.com 注册您的免费帐户。

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