1. 你不必热爱你的工作。工作是一种赚钱的方式。许多人通过将赚到的钱用在他们关心的事情上,过着美好的生活。
2. 斯特金定律指出,90% 的东西都是垃圾。如果你不喜欢诗歌、美术或其他任何东西,你可能只看过那些废话。去找吧!
3. 人们没有意识到他们有多么讨厌通勤。离工作地点较远的漂亮房子不值得你把生命中的一小部分花在无聊和疲劳上。
4. 有一些证据表明,内向者和外向者都受益于被推动变得更加外向。下次您不确定是否想外出时,请考虑一下。
5. 历史会记住那些最先进入市场的人。将您的创作推向世界比完美更重要。
6. 您是否对分手或离职持观望态度?你可能应该去做。平均而言,当人们冒险时,他们最终会更快乐。
7. 完成总比完美好。
8. 纪律优于动力。前者可以训练,后者转瞬即逝。如果你只依靠动力,你将无法完成伟大的事情。
9. 你可以通过练习来提高你的沟通技巧,而不是通过练习来提高你的智力。如果你不是那么聪明,但能清楚地传达想法,那么你比那些不能清晰沟通的人有很大的优势。
10. 你不生活在电子游戏中。如果您即将做一些愚蠢的事情,或者如果您已经朝着错误的方向前进太久,则不会弹出警告。您必须创建自己的警告。
11. 如果你听成功人士谈论他们的方法,请记住,所有使用相同方法但失败的人都没有制作相关视频。
12. 最好的建议是个人的,并且来自熟悉你的人。根据需要接受像这样的广泛建议,但寻求帮助的最好方法是询问爱你的诚实朋友。
13. 让事情尽可能简单。找到开始锻炼的最简单方法。找到开始写作的最简单方法。人们让事情变得比他们必须的更难,当他们无法成功时会感到沮丧。尽量不要这样做。
14. 树立可靠的声誉。良好的声誉很有价值,因为它们很稀有(很容易被摧毁且难以重建)。如果您的客户知道咖啡永远是热的,那么您不必冲泡最美味的咖啡。
15. 你每天如何度过就是你如何度过你的一生。
16. 在人际关系中,寻找一个你可以喜欢在附近闲逛的人。长期的关系大多只是为了放松。
17. 不要向同事或在网上抱怨你的伴侣。好处可以忽略不计,成本会摧毁你的一点灵魂。
18. 分手后,尽快停止所有联系。戏剧的可能性是无穷无尽的,而建立良好友谊的可能性可以忽略不计。等一年后再尝试再次成为朋友。
19. 约会时,不强调你的怪癖会导致 90% 的人认为你还不错。强调你的怪癖会导致 10% 的人认为你很迷人和有趣。这些人有兴趣和你约会。瞄准他们。
20. 有两个危险信号可以避免几乎所有危险的人: 1. 永远受委屈的人;2. 愤怒。
21. 那些在你心中产生焦虑并承诺他们有解决方案的人是骗子。参见:政客、营销人员、新男子气概大师等。避免这些。
22. 20-20-20 规则:每 20 分钟的屏幕工作,看 20 英尺外的一个点 20 秒。这将减少眼睛疲劳,并且易于记忆(或程序提醒)。
23. 锻炼是您可以做的最重要的生活方式干预。即使是最低限度的(每周 15 分钟)也会产生巨大的影响。从小处着手。
24. 手机在过去十年中变得越来越重,它们实际上对你的手腕来说非常困难!当它是替代品时,请使用电脑,或者至少尝试支撑您的手机。
25. 学习键盘快捷键。它们易于学习,您将更快、更轻松地完成任务。
26. 保持办公桌和工作区光秃秃的。把每一件物品都看作是你注意力的强加,因为它确实如此。工作区不是存放物品的地方。这是一个完成事情的地方。
27. 完成挑战后奖励自己,即使是糟糕的。
28. 注意到别人的偏见很容易,注意到自己的偏见很难。但是,它的回报要高得多。
29. 解释问题是好的。通常在布置问题的过程中,会有一个解决方案出现。
30. 自私的人应该听建议更无私,无私的人应该听建议更自私。这适用于许多事情。每当您收到建议时,也要考虑它的反面。您可能正在筛选出您最需要的建议。
31.Call your parents when you think of them, tell your friends when you love them.
32. Compliment people more. Many people have trouble thinking of themselves as smart, or pretty, or kind, unless told by someone else. You can help them out.
33. Don’t punish people for trying. You teach them to not try with you. Punishing includes whining that it took them so long, that they did it badly, or that others have done it better.
34.Don't punish people for admitting they were wrong, you make it harder for them to improve.
35. In general, you will look for excuses to not be kind to people. Resist these.
36. Things you use for a significant fraction of your life (bed: 1/3rd, office-chair: 1/4th) are worth investing in.
37. “Where is the good knife?” If you’re looking for your good X, you have bad Xs. Throw those out.
38. If your work is done on a computer, get a second monitor. Less time navigating between windows means more time for thinking.
39. Establish clear rules about when to throw out old junk. Once clear rules are established, junk will probably cease to be a problem. This is because any rule would be superior to our implicit rules (“keep this broken stereo for five years in case I learn how to fix it”).
40. When buying things, time and money trade-off against each other. If you’re low on money, take more time to find deals. If you’re low on time, stop looking for great deals and just buy things quickly online.
41. Deficiencies do not make you special. The older you get, the more your inability to cook will be a red flag for people.
42. If you’re under 90, try things.
43. Things that aren’t your fault can still be your responsibility.
44. Defining yourself by your suffering is an effective way to keep suffering forever (ex. incels, trauma).
45. Keep your identity small. “I’m not the kind of person who does things like that” is not an explanation, it’s a trap. It prevents nerds from working out and men from dancing.
46. Don’t confuse ‘doing a thing because I like it’ with ‘doing a thing because I want to be seen as the sort of person who does such things’.
47. Remember that you are dying.
48. Personal epiphanies feel great, but they fade within weeks. Upon having an epiphany, make a plan and start actually changing behavior.
49. In choosing between living with 0-1 people vs 2 or more people, remember that ascertaining responsibility will no longer be instantaneous with more than one roommate (“whose dishes are these?”).
50. When you ask people, “What’s your favorite book / movie / band?” and they stumble, ask them instead what book / movie / band they’re currently enjoying most. They’ll almost always have one and be able to talk about it.