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Once in a small town, an alien landed quietly in Mrs. Smith's backyard. The alien was very agile and jumped around the garden, inspecting the plants and flowers. Mrs. Smith, who was very fond of agriculture, was initially startled by the unexpected visitor but soon grew curious.

She noticed that the alien seemed interested in her vegetable allotment. The alien, in turn, was surprised to see how well humans could grow food. Mrs. Smith offered the alien a taste of her home-grown carrots and tomatoes. The alien, happy and agreeing to try them, found the vegetables delightful.

However, the alien soon started to sneeze and wheeze. Mrs. Smith realized the alien might have an allergy to something. She quickly fetched some water and kept the alien alert and calm until it felt better. They communicated through simple signs and discovered they both enjoyed learning about each other's worlds.

Their new friendship was like an alliance between Earth and space. The alien promised to visit again and share more about its home planet. Mrs. Smith looked forward to learning more and agreed to prepare an allowance of earth foods that the alien could safely enjoy.

Before leaving, the alien gave Mrs. Smith a small, shiny album filled with pictures of distant stars and galaxies as a gift. The town was abuzz with news of her interstellar friendship, and everyone learned the importance of kindness and curiosity.