Started onMonday, 23 October 2023, 11:15 AM
Completed onMonday, 23 October 2023, 11:45 AM
Time taken30 mins
Grade4.86 out of 10.00 (48.57%)

Question 1

Partially correct
Mark 0.17 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the algebraic LP model for the APPLES problem (with 4 decision variables) in standard form. The number of functional constraints involving 3 decision variables with non-zero coefficients is . The constraint for the apple juice total demand is X_as + X_aj + X_aas + X_aaj <= , where X_as is apple syrup produced, X_aj is apple juice produced, X_aas is advertising spent on apple syrup, X_aaj is advertising spent on apple juice. 


Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the optimal solution to the LP model for the APPLES problem. The product with the largest total demand including advertising is . The number of non-binding functional constraints is


Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the optimal solution to the IP model for the APPLES problem. The total production cost is . The number of binding functional constraints is . The optimal solution is of quality compared to the LP optimal solution.


Question 4

Partially correct
Mark 0.33 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the following modification to the original LP model for the APPLES problem. The following two constraints are added to the model: X_aas + X_aaj <= 10000 and X_aas + X_aaj >= 20000, where X_aas is advertising spent on apple syrup, X_aaj is advertising spent on apple juice. This results in . These two constraints can be reformulated as X_aas + X_aaj U <= 10000 and X_aas + X_aaj V >= 20000, where U and V are auxiliary non-negative decision variables. 


Question 5

Partially correct
Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the optimization model for the LIGHTS PRODUCTION problem. Solving the model as IP gives an optimal solution with objective function value Z = and the total number of all non-binding constraints equal to . Before applying optimization, the company had a reference solution with total profit of 7500250 for exactly the same problem. Now you can tell them that the optimal profit you found is the and the profit they had before is a .


Question 6

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Consider the following notation for the optimization model for the LIGHTS PRODUCTION problem:

Si is the selling price for each product

Mi is the material cost per unit for each product

Ri is the production cost in regular time per unit for each product

Oi is the production cost in overtime per unit for each product

Xir is units produced of product i in regular time

Xio is units produced of product i in overtime

Xia is the advertising expenditure in product I 

i = 1 (table lamp), 2 (floor lamp), 3 (ceiling fixture), 4 (chandelier) 

The algebraic expression in compact notation using sigma (sum) for the objective function is as follows

Question 6 Select one:
Maximize Z = SUM[i=1 to 4] (Si – Mi – Ri – Oi) (Xir + Xio) – SUM[i=1 to 4] Xia
Maximize Z = SUM[i=1 to 4] (Si – Mi – Ri) Xir + SUM[i=1 to 4] (Si – Mi – Oi) Xio – SUM[i=1 to 4] Xia
Maximize Z = SUM[i=1 to 4] SUM[i=1 to 4] ((Si – Mi – Ri) Xir + (Si – Mi – Oi) Xio) – SUM[i=1 to 4] Xia
Maximize Z = (Si – Mi – Ri) Xir + (Si – Mi – Oi) Xio – Xia for i = 1 to 4


Question 7

Partially correct
Mark 0.40 out of 1.00

Question text

Use LP-Solve for this question. The following modifications are made to the LIGHTS PRODUCTION problem. The total advertising budget reduces from 18000 to 15500. The total production of table lamps must be equal to the total production of floor lamps. The lp-relaxation optimal solution for this modified problem has an objective function value of with the total production of table lamps = total production of floor lamps = . The IP optimal solution to this modified problem has an objective function value of , that is,  compared to the  bound.
