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Contents  内容

Introduction … 2  介绍。。。2
Syllabus overview … 4  教学大纲概述 ...4
Topic descriptions … 6  主题描述 ...6
Topic 1 Learners and teachers, and the teaching … 6 and learning context
主题 1 学习者和教师,以及教学 ...6 和学习环境

Topic 2 Language analysis and awareness … 7
主题 2 语言分析和意识7

Topic 3 Language skills: reading, listening, … 8 speaking and writing
主题 3 语言技能:阅读、听力......8 口语和写作

Topic 4 Planning and resources for different … 10 teaching contexts
主题 4 不同产品的规划和资源10 种教学环境

Topic 5 Developing teaching skills … 11 and professionalism
主题 5 发展教学技能 ...11 和专业精神

Course requirements and components … 13
课程要求和组成部分 ...13

of assessment  评估
Assessment requirements … 13
评估要求 ...13

The two components of assessment … 13

Certificate grades … 14  证书等级 ...14
Component 1: Planning and teaching … 15
第 1 部分:规划和教学 ...15

Component 2: Classroom-related … 17
第 2 部分:课堂相关 ...17

written assignments  书面作业

Introduction - Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
简介 - 英语教学证书 (CELTA)

Target candidature  目标候选人

The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is an introductory course for candidates who have little or no previous English language teaching experience. It may also be suitable for candidates with some experience but little previous training.
英语教学证书 (CELTA) 是一门入门课程,面向以前几乎没有或没有英语教学经验的考生。它也可能适合具有一定经验但之前培训过较少的候选人。

Course aims  课程目标

The course enables candidates to:
  • acquire essential subject knowledge and familiarity with the principles of effective teaching
  • acquire a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
  • demonstrate their ability to apply their learning in a real teaching context.
Candidates who complete the course successfully can begin working in a variety of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teaching contexts around the world.
成功完成课程的考生可以开始在世界各地的各种英语为外语人士 (ESOL) 教学环境中工作。

Syllabus overview  教学大纲概述

This document outlines the syllabus and assessment criteria for CELTA.
本文件概述了 CELTA 的教学大纲和评估标准。

The following syllabus is a reflection of the pre-service entry point of prospective candidates and outlines both the subject knowledge and the pedagogic knowledge and skills required for beginner ESOL teachers.
以下教学大纲反映了潜在候选人的职前切入点,并概述了初级 ESOL 教师所需的学科知识和教学知识和技能。
The syllabus consists of five specific topic areas:
  • Topic 1 Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
    主题 1 学习者和教师,以及教学和学习环境
  • Topic 2 Language analysis and awareness
    主题 2:语言分析和意识
  • Topic 3 Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
    主题 3 语言技能:阅读、听力、口语和写作
  • Topic 4 Planning and resources for different teaching contexts
    主题 4 针对不同教学环境的规划和资源
  • Topic 5 Developing teaching skills and professionalism.
    主题 5 发展教学技能和专业素养。

Assessment overview  评估概述

CELTA is awarded to candidates who have completed the course and who have met the assessment criteria for all written and practical assignments.
CELTA 颁发给已完成课程并符合所有书面和实践作业评估标准的考生。
The overall assessment aims for each topic are that candidates should be able to:
  1. assess learner needs, and plan and teach lessons which take account of learners’ backgrounds, learning preferences and current needs
  2. demonstrate language knowledge and awareness, and appropriate teaching strategies
  3. demonstrate knowledge about language skills and how they may be acquired
  4. plan and prepare lessons designed to develop their learners’ overall language competence
  5. demonstrate an appropriate range of teaching skills at this level and show professional awareness and responsibility.

Assessment framework  评估框架

There are two components, Component One: Planning and teaching and Component Two: Classroom-related written assignments (of which there are four in total).
CELTA is internally assessed and externally moderated by a Cambridge English approved assessor, who samples portfolios and teaching practice, and who discusses and agrees the grades for all candidates.
CELTA 由剑桥英语认可的评估员进行内部评估和外部审核,该评估员对作品集和教学实践进行抽样,并讨论和商定所有候选人的成绩。