I often feel lonely 我常常感到孤独
Many students at Uni feel lonely, as they have moved away from their home, family and friends.
Loneliness can be a sign that some important emotional needs are not being met, such as feeling a lack of connection with others, and opportunities to share feelings and important experiences with someone.
While it can be difficult opening to others about the challenges we are facing, sharing your experiences with someone you trust can significantly ease the feelings of loneliness. Others may not be able to resolve your problem, but they can offer their presence, emotional validation and support. If others are unaware of how we are feeling, they will not know what it is that we need from them.
Of course this can feel uncomfortable or intimidating at first if we are not used to discussing these kinds of topics, however there are ways to help this. This includes increasing the frequency of contact we have with somebody, sharing an activity or experience together which opens new avenues for conversation, interacting with others in new contexts, and talking about deeper topics and emotions with them instead of superficial topics.
Counselling and Psychological Services run free workshops on creating social connections each semester. Of if you'd like to talk to someone face-to-face about this in a confidential setting, feel free to make an appointment with one of their team members.
咨询与心理服务 每学期举办 免费工作坊,旨在建立社交联系。如果您希望在保密环境中与某人面对面交谈,请随时与他们的团队成员预约。
The Melbourne Peer Mentor Program is designed to support new undergraduate students as they enter the University of Melbourne. As part of the program you will meet new friends, build personal connections and learn how to connect with the rich array of opportunities, activities and services available through your first year and beyond. The Graduate Student Association is an independent association the provides all University of Melbourne graduate students with representation, events, training and support.
SANE forums is a great place for individuals to discuss any mental health challenges in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment. SANE forums are anonymous and free to access and are moderated 24/7 by trained professionals. These forums are also a great way to connect with other, ask questions and seek advice.
SANE 论坛是一个很好的地方,供个人在安全、支持和无评判的环境中讨论任何心理健康挑战。SANE 论坛是匿名的,免费访问,并由经过培训的专业人员全天候 24 小时进行管理。这些论坛也是与他人联系、提问和寻求建议的好方法。
ReachOut have some great suggestions on what to do if you're feeling lonely. In addition, the Student Union have a range of Clubs and Societies that you can join, which is a great way to connect with others, make new friend and help regain a sense of connectedness to University life.
ReachOut 提供了一些很好的建议,帮助你应对孤独。此外,学生会 还有一系列的社团和组织,你可以加入,这是一种与他人建立联系、结交新朋友并帮助重新获得与大学生活的联系感的好方法。