I have problems understanding the content of my course

Many students are unsure of the expectations of their course and can find the content difficult. You need to plan at the start of semester to make sure you understand the expectations and can learn the content to ensure successful completion of your assessment tasks.

Ask yourself: 问问自己:
  • Do I understand the expectations of my course?
  • Do I understand the expectations for each of my subjects?

Begin each semester by reviewing your subject handbook entries and reading them carefully. Each subject handbook entry will note the required and recommended texts, assessment dates and times as well as additional reading and resources. It will also outline the Learning Objectives which give you a clear idea of what you should have learnt and the skills and strategies your should have acquired by the completion of your subject and course.
每个学期开始时,请查看您的科目手册条目并仔细阅读。每个科目手册条目将注明所需和推荐的文本、评估日期和时间,以及额外的阅读和资源。它还将概述学习目标,这些目标将为您提供 一个清晰的概念,了解您在完成科目和课程时应该学到的知识以及您应该掌握的技能和策略。

For most subjects, there will be clear guides for what you are expected to do each week or for each assessment. These are often given out by lecturers or subject coordinators through the LMS or in the

first week of class. 第一周的课程。

If you’re still not sure, you can also reach out to academic staff. Being proactive about what you don’t understand is an important skill to develop for your University success. Both Canvas LMS and your subject outline list key staff information - you can approach staff in their weekly consultation times or you might like to write a clear email stating your student ID, name, the subject code and name, and your questions. The clearer your request is, the more likely your academic will understand it and be able to answer it or point you in the right direction.
如果您仍然不确定,您也可以联系学术工作人员。主动询问您不理解的内容是为您的大学成功发展的一项重要技能。Canvas LMS 和您的课程大纲都列出了关键的工作人员信息 - 您可以在他们的每周咨询时间接触工作人员,或者您可以写一封清晰的电子邮件,说明您的学生 ID、姓名、课程代码和名称,以及您的问题。您的请求越清晰,您的学术人员就越有可能理解并能够回答或指引您正确的方向。

You can also check if Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) program is offered for one of your subjects or form your own study group. You can often learn a lot from your fellow students.

The Academic Skills Hub is designed to help you assess and develop your study skills and connect with other students. As a member you will have access to interactive online modules, discussion boards and self-assessment tools and will find out first what’s happening in Academic Skills.

How to plan your course is another useful guide in defining and developing a study plan to ensure you’re on track with your course and subject selection.
如何规划你的课程 是另一个有用的指南,帮助你定义和制定学习计划,以确保你在课程和科目选择上保持正轨。

I have problems with writing, referencing, group work etc.

Many students find it difficult to adjust to the high expectations of University assessment. You may be asked to write in a way that is different to what you have done before. You may be asked to work with other students you don’t know or who have different levels of commitment to you. You may be asked to follow instructions for one subject that are different to those in another (for example, referencing styles). This is all normal for a tertiary level of education. These adjustments can occur at any stage of your degree, in the transition from school to uni, or from first to second year, from third year to honours, or from undergraduate to graduate school. Each year, the expectations rise.

Academic Skills website provides a range of resources and services to help you identify which skills you might need to work on and choose a strategy or approach that works for you.

Advisers can help you develop the skills you need to meet current academic needs (e.g. completing that assignment) and future professional needs through online resources, on-campus workshops, and one-on-one consultations with an Academic Skills Advisers or Peer Writing Mentors.

They cover a range of topics including:
The Academic Skills Hub is designed to help you assess and develop your study skills and connect with other students. As a member you will have access to interactive online modules, discussion boards and self-assessment tools and will find out first what’s happening in Academic Skills.

Following the academic integrity guidelines is also vital to completing your assignments successfully.
I have problems with staying up to date with my studies

It can be easy to get behind at University. There are only 12 weeks in a semester, so it is easy to lose track and, suddenly, it’s week 4 and you’re a third of the way through the semester. Then it’s really hard to catch up. It can be tempting to get involved in other activities or be distracted by important life events. Your role at university is to stay on top of your workload. One of the most important things is for you to organise and manage your own time.
在大学里落后是很容易的。一个学期只有 12 周,所以很容易失去时间的概念,突然间,已经是第 4 周,你已经完成了一个学期的三分之一。然后,赶上进度就真的很难。参与其他活动或被重要生活事件分心是很有诱惑的。你在大学的角色是保持对自己工作量的掌控。最重要的事情之一是你要组织和管理好自己的时间。

To help to stay up to date, you should begin each semester by reviewing your subject handbook entries and reading them carefully. Each subject handbook entry will note the required and recommended texts, assessment dates and times as well additional reading and resources.

Use the handbook entries to create a calendar when your major assessments are due and ask yourself the following questions:
  • What are the pass requirements?
  • What are the penalties for late submission? 
  • How do I apply for an assessment extension?
  • When is the exam period? When is the census date?
Then ask yourself, what else do I need to do in my life? Shopping, cooking, eating, sleeping, seeing friends and family, having fun time or down time: all of these things need to be thought through.

The Academic Skills website provides a range of resources and services to help you identify which skills you might need to work on and choose a strategy or approach that will help you stay up to date with your studies.

I’m not enjoying the course I’m in

Many university students find that the first course of study they choose is not right for them. Ideally students will be in a course that they enjoy and they can succeed in academically.  If you have found that the course you have chosen isn’t right for you, it’s a good time to reflect on this and consider your options.
This may involve choosing another study direction, such as changing course or major(s). In some cases changing your study load or taking a break can be beneficial.  Start with some self-reflection and ask yourself these questions:

  • What don’t I enjoy about the course?
  • Is what I don’t enjoy about the course beyond my control? (eg if I became better at it, more confident, would I enjoy it then?) 
  • Is there anything I do enjoy about the course?
  • Do I need to stay in this course to reach my goals?
  • Should I change courses?  我应该换课程吗?
There are different ways to explore career pathways. The University of Melbourne offers appointments with career advisers and course planning advisers.  Students can attend a short drop in session at Stop One, or make a longer appointment. Career Counsellors provide support for people to understand their own personality, interests and values and to learn about careers that match with these. 
探索职业道路有不同的方法。墨尔本大学提供与职业顾问和课程规划顾问的预约。学生可以参加在Stop One的短暂咨询会,或预约更长的时间。职业顾问为人们提供支持,帮助他们了解自己的个性、兴趣和价值观,并了解与这些相匹配的职业。

If you are feeling distress from your experience, an appointment at Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) may help you manage your thoughts and feelings during this time.
如果您因经历而感到痛苦,预约咨询与心理服务 (CAPS)可能会帮助您在此期间管理您的思想和情感。
The course I’m enrolled in isn’t what I expected

Many university students find that the first course of study they choose is not right for them. Ideally students will be in a course that they enjoy and can succeed in academically.  If you have found that the course you have chosen isn’t right for you, it’s a good time to reflect on this and consider your options.  This may involve choosing another study direction, such as changing course or major(s). In some cases, changing your study load or taking a break can be beneficial. Start with some self-reflection and ask yourself these questions:
  • What were your expectations of your course before you started?
  • How has your experience differed from those initial expectations?
  • Are there aspects of your course you are struggling with?
  • Were there subjects that you enjoyed?
  • What do you like about your course?
The University of Melbourne offers appointments with career advisers and course planning advisers to assist with exploring career and course options.  Students can attend a short drop in session at Stop One, or make a longer appointment. Career advisers provide support for people to understand their own personality, interests and values and to learn about careers that match with these. 

More advice about considering course changes can be found here.

An appointment at Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) may help you manage your thoughts and feelings, which may include feelings of distress, disappointment and uncertainty.
咨询与心理服务 (CAPS)的预约可能会帮助你管理你的思想和情感,这可能包括痛苦、失望和不确定的情感。
I have problems with Maths

Many students struggle with Maths, whether it’s their chosen major or something they need to understand to progress in other studies. Success in Maths often comes down to putting in the time and practice. However, if you need help, there is assistance available.

Oasis is a unified home for Mathematics and Statistics student support, both online and in person. Oasis currently includes mathSpace, mathAssist, learning resources, and reading packs. Consultation hours run for most subjects through semester, through swot vac and up to the exam.
绿洲 是一个为数学和统计学学生提供支持的统一平台,既有在线支持,也有面对面的支持。绿洲目前包括 mathSpace、mathAssist、学习资源和阅读包。咨询时间 在整个学期、复习周和考试期间为大多数科目提供。

The Maths and Stats drop-ins is a support program to help students of the University with Mathematics, Statistics and Quantitative skills required for their studies. The main component of the program is a drop-in support service offered in the University’s libraries, where students can obtain help with mathematics, statistics and quantitative skills from Student Peer Assistants. This Canvas community provides additional information and resources about the Maths and Stats drop-ins.
数学与统计辅导是一个支持项目,旨在帮助大学的学生掌握他们学习所需的数学、统计和定量技能。该项目的主要组成部分是在大学图书馆提供的随到随学支持服务,学生可以从学生同伴助理那里获得数学、统计和定量技能的帮助。这个 Canvas 社区提供有关数学与统计辅导的额外信息和资源。
I often feel lonely 我常常感到孤独

Many students at Uni feel lonely, as they have moved away from their home, family and friends.

Loneliness can be a sign that some important emotional needs are not being met, such as feeling a lack of connection with others, and opportunities to share feelings and important experiences with someone.

While it can be difficult opening to others about the challenges we are facing, sharing your experiences with someone you trust can significantly ease the feelings of loneliness. Others may not be able to resolve your problem, but they can offer their presence, emotional validation and support. If others are unaware of how we are feeling, they will not know what it is that we need from them.
Of course this can feel uncomfortable or intimidating at first if we are not used to discussing these kinds of topics, however there are ways to help this. This includes increasing the frequency of contact we have with somebody, sharing an activity or experience together which opens new avenues for conversation, interacting with others in new contexts, and talking about deeper topics and emotions with them instead of superficial topics.

Counselling and Psychological Services run free workshops on creating social connections each semester. Of if you'd like to talk to someone face-to-face about this in a confidential setting, feel free to make an appointment with one of their team members.
咨询与心理服务 每学期举办 免费工作坊,旨在建立社交联系。如果您希望在保密环境中与某人面对面交谈,请随时与他们的团队成员预约。

The Melbourne Peer Mentor Program is designed to support new undergraduate students as they enter the University of Melbourne. As part of the program you will meet new friends, build personal connections and learn how to connect with the rich array of opportunities, activities and services available through your first year and beyond. The Graduate Student Association is an independent association the provides all University of Melbourne graduate students with representation, events, training and support.

SANE forums is a great place for individuals to discuss any mental health challenges in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment. SANE forums are anonymous and free to access and are moderated 24/7 by trained professionals. These forums are also a great way to connect with other, ask questions and seek advice.
SANE 论坛是一个很好的地方,供个人在安全、支持和无评判的环境中讨论任何心理健康挑战。SANE 论坛是匿名的,免费访问,并由经过培训的专业人员全天候 24 小时进行管理。这些论坛也是与他人联系、提问和寻求建议的好方法。

ReachOut have some great suggestions on what to do if you're feeling lonely. In addition, the Student Union have a range of Clubs and Societies that you can join, which is a great way to connect with others, make new friend and help regain a sense of connectedness to University life. 
ReachOut 提供了一些很好的建议,帮助你应对孤独。此外,学生会 还有一系列的社团和组织,你可以加入,这是一种与他人建立联系、结交新朋友并帮助重新获得与大学生活的联系感的好方法。
I have longer-term issues that affect my study

If you experience circumstances which significantly affect your ability to meet your academic requirements, you can apply for ongoing support.

You can register for ongoing support if your circumstances and their expected duration of impact on your studies will be six weeks or more.  It is recommended that you apply for support as early as possible.

Circumstances in which students are eligible include an ongoing disability, mental health condition or commitment (such as being a carer).

Some possible outcomes in ongoing support applications include assistance from an academic support worker, assistive technology, or flexible attendance requirements.

The University also has free and confidential Counselling and Psychological Services. Our counsellors can assist students, with or without an existing mental health diagnosis, to develop long term strategies to balance the commitments of study, work and family whilst keeping healthy both mentally and physically.