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3D Spark .GLB Troubleshooting
3D 火花。GLB 故障排除

Summary: 总结:

.GLB File Validation will assist in reducing the number of files not matching standards from entering Spark. If a file fails the initial .GLB File Validation, Spark will log the issue and communicate to the user. It is the business partner's responsibility to address any issues with the 3D files they upload to Spark.
.GLB 文件验证将有助于减少与标准不匹配的文件数量进入 Spark。如果文件未通过初始 .GLB 文件验证,Spark 将记录问题并与用户沟通。业务合作伙伴有责任解决他们上传到 Spark 的 3D 文件的任何问题。

Spark .GLB File Validation Messages Explained
火花。GLB 文件验证消息解释

4.0 MB 4.0兆字节
(c) File rejected View Details
(c) 文件被拒绝 查看详细信息
Click View Details to see the Spark File Validation messages.
单击“查看详细信息”以查看 Spark 文件验证消息。

Warning: Message will be sent to user in Spark about what is needing to be addressed; file is uploaded and Spark Services will still be ran
警告:将在 Spark 中向用户发送有关需要解决的问题的消息;文件上传后,Spark 服务仍将运行

"Camera" must be set to off in the GLB export settings.
必须在 GLB 导出设置中将“相机”设置为关闭。
Warning: User should have no cameras in the .GLB file. Make sure that this parameter is NOT checked in your .GLB export settings.
警告:用户不应在 .GLB 文件。请确保未在 .GLB 导出设置。
"Lights" must be set to off in the GLB export settings.
必须在 GLB 导出设置中将“灯光”设置为关闭。
Warning: User should have no lights in the .GLB file. Make sure that this parameter is NOT checked in your .GLB export settings.
警告:用户 .GLB 文件。请确保未在 .GLB 导出设置。
Please optimize your model's vertices count to below .
Warning: User should attempt to use the minimum amount of geometry to accurately describe drape, silhouette, wrinkles. CLO GLB: Check Particle Distance for all pattern pieces: should not be below 5 or greater than 10 .
警告:用户应尝试使用最少的几何形状来准确描述悬垂、轮廓、皱纹。CLO GLB:检查所有图案的粒子距离:不应低于 5 或大于 10。
"Animation" must be set to off in the GLB export settings.
必须在 GLB 导出设置中将“动画”设置为关闭。
Warning: Animation was checked ON in your .GLB export settings. Make sure "animation" is unchecked.
警告:动画已在 .GLB 导出设置。确保未选中“动画”。
Model located more than 25 feet from world center.
模型位于距离世界中心超过 25 英尺的地方。
Warning: User should attempt to keep the model as close to the center of the scene as possible. You will see this warning if there is a part of the model between 25 feet and 100 feet from the center of the scene.
警告:用户应尝试使模型尽可能靠近场景中心。如果模型的一部分在距 场景中心 25 英尺到 100 英尺之间,您将看到此警告。
Model is placed meter from world origin .
模型从世界原点 放置 米。
Warning: User should attempt to keep the model as close to the center of the scene as possible. You will see this warning if there is a part of the model greater than 0.5 meters from the center of the scene.
警告:用户应尝试使模型尽可能靠近场景中心。如果模型的一部分距离 场景中心大于 0.5 米,您将看到此警告。
Model's Scale transformation matrix has not been reset size.
模型的比例转换矩阵尚未重置 大小。
Model's Rotation value is not set to
Warning: User should reset the rotation values. Model Rotate (X, Y, Z) should be
警告:用户应重置旋转值。模型旋转 (X, Y, Z) 应为

File Rejected: Spark services will be blocked such as "Auto-Generated Renders" etc.
文件被拒绝:Spark 服务将被阻止,例如“自动生成的渲染”等。

File failed pre-upload validation: Vertices count must be
Error: User perhaps accidentally didn't include any parts of their model in the .GLB file. Vertex count must be greater than 3 and less than 275,000 .
错误:用户可能不小心没有在 .GLB 文件。顶点计数必须大于 3 且小于 275,000。
File failed pre-upload validation: Optimize file size to .
文件上传前验证失败:将文件大小优化为 .
Error: The file size is too big. User should attempt to use the minimum amount of geometry to accurately describe drape, silhouette, wrinkles. A common issue that causes this error is having the incorrect Topstitch settings in CLO. For CLO .GLB, all Topstitching must be set to "Texture". Check Material file size and type, Use .JPEG or .PNG. This helps keep the .GLB file a smaller file size by reducing the geometry of all the stitches, simulating them as Texture instead of OBJ
错误:文件大小太大。用户应尝试使用最少的几何形状来准确描述悬垂、轮廓、皱纹。导致此错误的常见问题是 CLO 中的 Topstitch 设置不正确。对于 CLO .GLB,所有明缝必须设置为“纹理”。检查材料文件大小和类型,使用 .JPEG 或 .PNG。这有助于保持 .GLB 通过减少所有针迹的几何形状来文件更小的文件大小,将它们模拟为 Texture 而不是 OBJ
File failed pre-upload validation: Model located feet from world center. .
文件上传前验证失败:模型距离 世界中心仅几英尺。
Error: User should attempt to keep the model as close to the center of the scene as possible. You will see this error if there is a part of the model greater than 100 feet from the center of the scene.
错误:用户应尝试使模型尽可能靠近场景中心。如果模型的一部分距离 场景中心大于 100 英尺,则会看到此错误。
File failed pre-upload validation: Model's mesh must be embedded within the GLB file.
文件上传前验证失败:模型的网格必须嵌入到 GLB 文件中。
Error: User perhaps accidentally didn't include any parts of their model in the .GLB file. Vertex count must be greater than 3 and less than 275,000 .
错误:用户可能不小心没有在 .GLB 文件。顶点计数必须大于 3 且小于 275,000。
File failed pre-upload validation: PBR materials must be embedded within the GLB file
文件上传前验证失败:PBR 材质必须嵌入到 GLB 文件中
Error: User hasn't added Materials and Textures to the model. The minimum textures are: base color, metalness, roughness, and bump/normal. The .GLB file needs to include materials setup in the PBR workflow according to standards.
错误:用户尚未将材质和纹理添加到模型中。最小纹理为:基色、金属度、粗糙度和凹凸/正常。这。GLB 文件需要根据标准在 PBR 工作流程中包含材料设置。

Still experiencing issues after using this tool to troubleshoot?

  1. Create a discussion within the PID with a brief explanation of the issue with the model.
    在 PID 中创建讨论,简要说明模型的问题。
  2. Add the appropriate 3D team in Spark: 3D Hard Goods Product Team or 3D Soft Goods Product Team.
    在 Spark 中添加相应的 3D 团队:3D 硬货产品团队或 3D 软货产品团队。
  3. The 3D team will review the model and let you know how the issue can be resolved.
    3D 团队将审查模型,并让您知道如何解决问题。
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