VLSI Design 4/M - Analogue
VLSI Design 4/M - 模拟
Edward Wasige
EEE, University of Glasgow 74 Oakfield Ave., x8662 edward.wasige@glasgow.ac.uk
EEE,格拉斯哥大学 74 Oakfield Ave.,x8662 edward.wasige@glasgow.ac.uk
CMOS (complimentary metal oxide semiconductor) technology has been the dominant technology for fabricating integrated circuits (ICs or chips). The process of creating an IC by combining thousands of transistors into a single chip is very−large−scale−integration (VGSI). CMOS is reliable, manufacturable, low power, low cost, and perhaps most importantly, scalable. For several decades the evolution of integrated circuits has followed Moore’s lam, according to which the number of transistors per square millimetre of silicon doubles every 18 months. At the same time transistors have become faster, making possible ever-increasing clock rates in digital circuits. This trend seems set to continue for at least another decade without slowing down. Thus, in the foreseeable future, the processing power of digital circuits will continue to increase at an accelerating pace. The gate lengths of early CMOS transistors were in the micrometer range (long-channel devices), the feature sizes of the current CMOS devices are in the nanometer range (short-channel devices).
CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体)技术一直是制造集成电路(IC 或芯片)的主导技术。通过将数千个晶体管组合成单个芯片来创建 IC 的过程isvery−large−scale−integration(VGSI)CMOSisreliablemanufacturablelow功率、低成本,也许最重要的是,可 伸缩。几十年来,集成电路的发展一直遵循Moore的 lam,根据该理论,每平方毫米硅的晶体管数量每18个月翻一番。同时,晶体管变得更快,使数字电路中不断提高的时钟速率成为可能。这一趋势似乎将持续至少十年而不会放缓。因此,在可预见的未来,数字电路的处理能力将继续加速提高。早期CMOS晶体管的栅极长度在微米范围内(长通道器件),当前CMOS器件的特征尺寸在纳米范围(短通道器件)。
For analog circuits the evolution of technology is not as beneficial. Thus, there is a trend to move signal prcessing functions from the analog domain to the digital one, which, besides allowing for higher levels of accuracy, provides savings in power consumption and silicon area, increases robustness, speeds up the design process, brings flexibility and programmability, and increases the pos- sibilities for design re-use. In many applications the input and output signals of the system are inherently analog, preventing all-digital realisations; at the very least a conversion between analog and digital is needed at the interfaces. Typi- cally, moving the analog-digital boundary closer to the outside world increases the bit rate across it.
In telecommunications systems the trend to boost bit rates is based on em- ploying wider bandwidths and a higher signal-to-noise ratio. At the same time radio architectures in many applications are evolving towards software-defined radio, one of the main characteristics of which is the shifting of the analog-digital boundary closer to the antenna. Because of these trends, there is an urgent need for data converters with increasing conversion rates and resolution. A part of