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Preface  序言

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  • ThOMAS CARLYLE 托马斯-卡莱尔
This book is about the vital subject of business logistics/supply chain-an area of management that has been observed to absorb as much as 60 to 80 percent of a firm's sales dollar and that can be essential to a firm's competitive strategy and revenue generation. This management area has been described by many names, including physical distribution, materials management, transportation management, logistics, and now supply chain management. The business activities of concern may include all or part of the following: transportation, inventory maintenance, order processing, purchasing, warehousing, materials handling, packaging, customer service standards, and production.
本书讲述的是企业物流/供应链这一重要主题--据观察,这一管理领域吸收了企业销售额的 60% 至 80%,对企业的竞争战略和创收至关重要。这一管理领域有许多名称,包括实物分销、材料管理、运输管理、物流,以及现在的供应链管理。所涉及的业务活动可能包括以下全部或部分:运输、库存维护、订单处理、采购、仓储、材料处理、包装、客户服务标准和生产。
The focus of this book is on the planning, organizing, and controlling of these activities-key elements for successful management in any organization. Special emphasis is given to strategic planning and decision making as perhaps the most important parts of the management process. The mission of this managerial effort is to set the level of the logistics activities su as to make products and services available to customers at the time, place, and in the condition and form desired, in the most profitable or cost-effective way.
Because logistics activities have always been vital to companies and organizations, the field of business logistics/supply chain management represents a synthesis of many concepts, principles, and methods from the more traditional areas of marketing, production, accounting, purchasing, and transportation, as well as from the disciplines of applied mathematics, organizational behavior, and economics. This book attempts to unify these into a logical body of thought that can lead to the effective management of the supply chain.
As with any field of management, there are frequently changing terms to capture the methods and concepts of business logistics/supply chain. An attempt has been made to resist following the popular press and fads, and to present the ideas, principles, and techniques that are fundamental to good business logistics practice, now and in the near future. In this spirit, the fifth edition is organized around two themes. First, the basic activities of management, namely, planning, organizing, and controlling, provide the overarching theme for the book. Second, a triangle of interrelated transportation, inventory, and location strategies are at the heart of good logistics planning and decision making. This triangle is emphasized through the text.
Several trends have been noted that affect the scope and practice of business logistics/supply chain. These have been integrated into the body of the text as application illustrations of the fundamental ideas being presented. First, emphasis is placed on logistics/supply chain in a worldwide setting to reflect the growing internationalization and globalization of business in general. Second, the shifting toward more service-oriented economies by industrialized nations is emphasized by showing how logistics concepts and principles are equally applicable to service-producing firms as they are to product-producing ones. Third, attention is given to the integrated management of supply chain activities, as well as managing these activities among the other functional areas of business as well as across multiple enterprises. Fourth, many practical examples are given to show the applicability of the material. Fifth, computer software is provided to assist in solving logistics/supply chain problems reflecting the growing use of computer technology in managerial decision making.
Over the years, so many people and companies have contributed to the ideas embodied in this fifth edition that a list of acknowledgments would be far too long to print. However, to all those students and professors around the world who were willing to comment on the previous editions, to those businesspeople who were willing to try the ideas embodied in them, and to all others who made comments of praise as well as criticism-my heartfelt thanks. A special note of gratitude goes to my wife, Carolyn, for editorial assistance and encouragement throughout this revision. Considering all of this help, any shortcomings and errors that remain must be mine.
R. H. BalloU R.H. BalloU
Weatherhead School of Management
Cleveland, Ohio 俄亥俄州克利夫兰
第 I 部分:引言和规划

Chapt pter 章次

Business Logistics/Supply Chain-A Vital Subject

Physical distribution is simply another way of saying "the whole process of business" 1
实物分销只是 "整个业务流程 "的另一种说法 1

-PETER DRUCKER, 1969 彼得-德鲁克,1969 年


s far back as history records, the goods that people wanted were not produced where they wanted to consume them, or these goods were not accessible when people wanted to consume them. Food and other commodities were widely dispersed and were only available in abundance at certain times of the year. Early peoples had the choice of consuming goods at their immediate location or moving the goods to a preferred site and storing them for later use. However, because no welldeveloped transportation and storage systems yet existed, the movement of goods was limited to what an individual could personally move, and storage of perishable commodities was possible for only a short time. This limited movement-storage system generally constrained people to live close to the sources of production and to consume a rather narrow range of goods.
Even today, in some areas of the world consumption and production take place only within a very limited geographic region. Striking examples can still be observed in the developing nations of Asia, South America, Australia, and Africa, where some of the population live in small, self-sufficient villages, and most of the goods needed by the residents are produced or acquired in the immediate vicinity. Few goods are imported from other areas. Therefore, production efficiency and the economic standard of living are generally low. In this type of economy, a well-developed and inexpensive logistics system would encourage an exchange of goods with other producing areas of the country, or even the world.

Example 示例

Suppose that consumers in the United States and South Korea buy DVD recorders and computer software. In the coming year, about the same number of consumers will purchase a word processing program and a television set. Because of the differences in local labor costs, tariffs, transportation, and product quality, the effective price to the consumers differs, as shown in Table 1-1. A consumer in South Korea and one in the United States (in this case, the economy of both countries) must pay a total of to fill their needs.
假设美国和韩国的消费者都购买 DVD 录像机和计算机软件。在未来一年中,购买文字处理程序和电视机的消费者数量大致相同。由于当地劳动力成本、关税、运输和产品质量的不同,消费者的实际价格也不同,如表 1-1 所示。一个韩国消费者和一个美国消费者(在这种情况下,两国的经济)必须总共支付 才能满足他们的需求。
Now, if each economy trades with the other those goods with which it has a cost advantage, both consumers and their economies will be better off. South Korea has low labor costs for making DVD recorders, whereas the United States has an advantage in producing low-cost, high-quality software. With the availability of inexpensive and reliable transportation, there is an economic advantage to specializing in the product that can be produced most cheaply and buying the remaining product from the other country. With reasonable transportation costs, South Korea can place DVD recorders in the United States at a price below the locally produced and locally transported product. Conversely, the United States has the design and production cost advantage for software and can incur a reasonable transportation charge to place software in South Korea and at a price below what is available locally. The revised economic picture can be seen in Table 1-2. Both consumers in the countries save . Expensive transportation would preclude the countries from trading with each other and realizing their comparative economic advantages by making the landed price of imported products higher than those available locally.
现在,如果每个经济体都与对方交易自己具有成本优势的商品,那么双方的消费者和经济都会得到更好的发展。韩国生产 DVD 刻录机的劳动力成本较低,而美国则在生产低成本、高质量的软件方面具有优势。有了廉价可靠的运输工具,专门生产最廉价的产品并从其他国家购买剩余产品就有了经济优势。由于运输成本合理,韩国可以以低于本地生产和本地运输产品的价格在美国销售 DVD 刻录机。相反,美国在软件的设计和生产成本方面具有优势,可以通过合理的运输费用将软件以低于当地产品的价格销往韩国。从表 1-2 中可以看出修订后的经济图景。两国的消费者都能节省 。昂贵的运输费用会使进口产品的到岸价格高于当地价格,从而阻碍两国之间的贸易往来,无法实现各自的比较经济优势。
As logistics systems improved, consumption and production began to separate geographically. Regions would specialize in those commodities that could be produced most efficiently. Excess production could be shipped economically to other producing (or consuming) areas, and

Table  表格

Consumer Prices to Buy Only Locally Produced Products
South Korea
United States 美国 400.00 300.00
The economies 经济
Table  表格
The Benefits of Trading Products When Transportation Is Inexpensive
South Korea
United States 美国 300.00
The economies 经济
Imports from the United States
Imports from South Korea
needed goods not produced locally were imported. This exchange process follows the principle of comparative advantage.
This same principle, when applied to world markets, helps to explain the high level of international trade that takes place today. Efficient logistics systems allow world businesses to take advantage of the fact that lands, and the people who occupy them, are not equally productive. Logistics is the very essence of trade. It contributes to a higher economic standard of living for us all.
To the individual firm operating in a high-level economy, good management of logistics activities is vital. Markets are often national or international in scope, whereas production may be concentrated at relatively few points. Logistics activities provide the bridge between production and market locations that are separated by time and distance. Effective management of these activities is the major concern of this book.

Business Logistics Defined

Business logistics is a relatively new field of integrated management study in comparison with the traditional fields of finance, marketing, and production. As previously noted, logistics activities have been carried out by individuals for many years. Businesses also have continually engaged in move-store (transportation-inventory) activities. The newness of the field results from the concept of coordinated management of the related activities, rather than the historical practice of managing them separately, and the concept that logistics adds value to products or services that are essential to customer satisfaction and sales. Although coordinated logistics management has not been generally practiced until recently, the idea of coordinated management can be traced back to at least 1844. In the writings of Jules Dupuit, a French engineer, the idea of trading one cost for another (transportation costs for inventory costs) was evident in the selection between road and water transport:
与传统的金融、营销和生产领域相比,商业物流是一个相对较新的综合管理研究领域。如前所述,物流活动多年来一直由个人开展。企业也一直在从事移动-存储(运输-库存)活动。该领域的新颖性源于对相关活动进行协调管理的理念,而非传统上对这些活动进行单独管理的做法,同时也源于物流为产品或服务增值的理念,而这些产品或服务对客户满意度和销售额至关重要。虽然协调物流管理直到最近才得到普遍实践,但协调管理的理念至少可以追溯到 1844 年。在法国工程师 Jules Dupuit 的著作中,以一种成本换取另一种成本(以运输成本换取库存成本)的理念在公路运输和水路运输的选择中显而易见:
The fact is that carriage by road being quicker, more reliable and less subject to loss or damage, it possesses advantage to which businessmen often attach a considerable value. However, it may well be that the saving of
0 fr. 87 induces the merchant to use the canal; he can buy warehouses and increase his floating capital in order to have a sufficient supply of goods on hand to protect himself against slowness and irregularity of the canal, and if all told the saving of in transport gives him an advantage of a few centimes, he will decide in favor of the new route . . . 2
0 fr.87 促使商人使用运河;他可以购买仓库,增加流动资本,以便有足够的货物供应,抵御运河的缓慢和不规则,如果在运输中节省 ,给他带来几分钱的好处,他就会决定选择新路线.2
The first textbook to suggest the benefits of coordinated logistics management appeared around in part explaining why a generally accepted definition of business logistics is still emerging. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore several definitions for the scope and content of the subject.
第一本提出协调物流管理益处的教科书出现在 左右,这在一定程度上解释了为什么普遍接受的商业物流定义仍在形成之中。因此,对这一主题的范围和内容进行几种定义的探讨是值得的。
A dictionary definition of the term logistics is:
The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining, and transporting materiel, personnel, and facilities.
This definition puts logistics into a military context. To the extent that business objectives and activities differ from those of the military, this definition does not capture the essence of business logistics management. A better representation of the field may be reflected in the definition promulgated by the Council of Logistics Management (CLM), a professional organization of logistics managers, educators, and practitioners formed in 1962 for the purposes of continuing education and fostering the interchange of ideas. Its definition:
这一定义将物流置于军事背景下。由于商业目标和活动与军事目标和活动不同,这一定义并没有抓住商业物流管理的本质。物流管理委员会(CLM)颁布的定义可能更能体现这一领域的特点,该委员会是一个由物流管理人员、教育工作者和从业人员组成的专业组织,成立于 1962 年,其宗旨是继续教育和促进思想交流。其定义如下
Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements.
This is an excellent definition, conveying the idea that product flows are to be managed from the point where they exist as raw materials to the point where they are finally discarded. Logistics is also concerned with the flow of services as well as physical goods, an area of growing opportunity for improvement. It also suggests that logistics is a process, meaning that it includes all the activities that have an impact on making goods and services available to customers when and where they wish to acquire them. However, the definition implies that logistics is part of the supply chain process, not the entire process. So, what is the supply chain process or, more popularly, supply chain management?
Supply chain management (SCM) is a term that has emerged in recent years that captures the essence of integrated logistics and even goes beyond it. Supply chain management emphasize's the logistics interactions that take place among the functions of marketing, logistics, and production within a firm and those interactions that take place between the legally separate firms within the product-flow channel. Opportunities for cost or customer service improvement are achieved through couritination and collaboration among the channel members where some essential supply chain activities may not be under the direct control of the logistician. Although early' definitions such as phs'sical distribution, materials management, industrial logistics, channel management, and even rhocrematics, all terms used to describe logisticy, have promoted this broad scope for logistics, there was little attempt to implement logistics bevond a company's own enterprise boundaries, or even beyond its own internal logistics function. Vow, retail firms are showing success in sharing information with suppliers, which in turn agree to maintain and manage inventories on retailers' shelves. Channel inventories and product stockouts are lower. Manufacturing firms operating under just-in-time production scheduling build relationships with suppliers for the benefit of both companies by reducing inventories. Definitions of the supply chain and supply chain management reflecting this broader scope are:
The supply chain (SC) encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw materials stage (extraction), through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows. Materials and information flow both up and down the supply chain.
Supply chain management (SCM) is the integration of these activities, through improved supply chain relationships, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. 6
After careful study of the various definitions being offered, Mentzer et al. propose the broad and rather general definition as follows:
Mentzer 等人在仔细研究了目前提出的各种定义后,提出了如下宽泛的定义:
Supply chain management is defined as the sy'stematic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole.
The supply chain management model in Figure 1-1 viewed as a pipeline show's the scope of this definition. It is important to note that supply chain management is about the coordination of product flows across functions and across companies to achieve competitive advantage and profitability for the individual companies in the supply chain and the supply chain members collectively.
图 1-1 将供应链管理模式视为一条管道,显示了这一定义的范围。值得注意的是,供应链管理的目的是协调跨职能部门和跨公司的产品流,以实现供应链中各公司和供应链成员的竞争优势和盈利能力。

River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999), p. 2.
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999),第 2 页。
John T. Mentzer, William DeWitt, James S. Keebler, Soonhong Min, Nancy W. Nix, Carlo D. Smith, and Zach G. Zacharia, "Defining Supply Chain Management," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2001), pp. 1-25.
John T. Mentzer、William DeWitt、James S. Keebler、Soonhong Min、Nancy W. Nix、Carlo D. Smith 和 Zach G. Zacharia,《定义供应链管理》,《商业物流杂志》,第 22 卷,第 2 期(2001 年),第 1-25 页。

Figure 1-1 A Model of Supply Chain Management
图 1-1 供应链管理模式
Source: Mentzer et al., "Defining Supply Chain Management," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2001), p. 19. Reproduced with permission of the Council of Logistics Management.
资料来源:Mentzer et al:Mentzer 等人,"定义供应链管理",《商业物流杂志》,第 22 卷,第 2 期(2001 年),第 19 页。经物流管理委员会许可转载。
It is difficult, in a practical way, to separate business logistics management from supply chain management. In so many respects, they promote the same mission:
To get the right goods or services to the right place, at the right time, and in the desired condition, while making the greatest contribution to the firm.
Some claim that supply chain management is just another name for integrated business logistics management (IBLM) and that the broad scope of supply chain management has been promoted over the years. Conversely, others say that logistics is a subset of SCM, where SCM considers additional issues beyond those of product flow. For example, SCM may be concerned with product pricing and manufacturing quality. Although SCM promotes viewing the supply channel with the broadest scope, the reality is that firms do not practice this ideal. Fawcett and Magan found that companies that do practice supply chain integration limit their scope to one tier upstream and one tier downstream. The focus seems to be concerned with creating seamless processes within their own companies and applying new information technologies to improve the quality of information and speed of its exchange among channel members. The boundary between the logistics and supply chain management terms is fuzzy. For the purposes of this text, integrated business logistics management and SCM will be referred to interchangeably. The focus will be on managing the product and service flows in the most efficient and effective manner, regardless of descriptive title. This includes integrating and coordinating with other channel members and service providers to improve supply chain performance when practical to do so.
有些人认为,供应链管理只是综合商业物流管理(IBLM)的另一个名称,而且多年来一直在推广供应链管理的广泛范围。相反,也有人说,物流是供应链管理的一个子集,供应链管理考虑的是产品流动以外的其他问题。例如,供应链管理可能会关注产品定价和制造质量。虽然供应链管理提倡以最广泛的视角看待供应渠道,但现实情况是,企业并没有践行这一理想。Fawcett 和 Magan 发现,实行供应链整合的公司将其范围限制在上游一级和下游一级。 其重点似乎是在公司内部建立无缝流程,并应用新的信息技术来提高信息质量和渠道成员之间的信息交流速度。物流和供应链管理这两个术语之间的界限是模糊的。在本文中,综合企业物流管理和供应链管理可以互换使用。重点是以最高效、最有效的方式管理产品和服务流,而不论描述性标题如何。这包括在可行的情况下,与其他渠道成员和服务提供商进行整合与协调,以提高供应链绩效。

The Supply Chain 供应链

Logistics/SC is a collection of functional activities (transportation, inventory control, etc.), which are repeated many times throughout the channel through which raw materials are converted into finished products and consumer value is added. Because raw material sources, plants, and selling points are not typically located at the same places and the channel represents a sequence of manufacturing steps, logistics activities recur many times before a product arrives in the marketplace. Even then, logistics activities are repeated once again as used products are recycled upstream in the logistics channel.
A single firm generally is not able to control its entire product flow channel from raw material source to points of the final consumption, although this is an emerging opportunity. For practical purposes, the business logistics for the individual firm has a narrower scope. Usually, the maximal managerial control that can be expected is over the immediate physical supply and physical distribution channels, as shown in Figure 1-2. The physical supply channel refers to the time and space gap between a firm's immediate material sources and its processing points. Similarly, the physical distribution channel refers to the time and space gap between the firm's processing points and its customers. Due to the similarities in the activities between the two channels, physical supply (more commonly referred to as materials management) and physical distribution comprise those activities that are integrated into business logistics. Business logistics management is now popularly referred to as supply chain management. Others have used terms such as value nets, value stream, and lean logistics to describe a similar scope and purpose. The evolution of the management of product flows toward SCM is captured in Figure 1-3.
单个企业一般无法控制从原材料源头到最终消费点的整个产品流通渠道,尽管这是一个新出现的机会。实际上,单个企业的商业物流范围较窄。通常情况下,可以预期的最大管理控制范围是直接的实物供应和实物分销渠道,如图 1-2 所示。实物供应渠道指的是企业的直接材料来源与加工点之间的时间和空间差距。同样,实物分销渠道指的是企业加工点与客户之间的时空差距。由于这两种渠道的活动具有相似性,实物供应(通常称为材料管理)和实物分销就构成了企业物流的组成部分。商业物流管理现在通常被称为供应链管理。 还有人使用价值网、价值流和精益物流等术语来描述类似的范围和目的。图 1-3 展示了产品流管理向供应链管理的演变过程。
Although it is easy to think of logistics as managing the flow of products from the points of raw material acquisition to end customers, for many firms there is a reverse logistics channel that must be managed as well. The life of a product, from a logistics viewpoint, does not end with delivery to the customer. Products become obsolete, damaged, or nonfunctioning and are returned to their source points for repair or disposition. Packaging materials may be returned to the shipper due to
Figure 1-2 The Immediate Supply Chain for an Individual Firm
图 1-2 单个企业的直接供应链
environmental regulations or because it makes good economic sense to reuse them. The reverse logistics channel may utilize all or a portion of the forward logistics channel or it may require a separate design. The supply chain terminates with the final disposition of a product. The reverse channel must be considered to be within the scope of logistics planning and control.

Example 示例

The reverse logistics channel comes into play when a customer buys a toaster from a retailer. The customer takes the toaster home and finds it defective. The customer returns it to the retailer, who gladly refunds the purchase price. The retailer now has a defective toaster in in-store inventory. The retailer sends it to a central return center. Upon receipt, the toaster's Universal Product Code (UPC) is scanned for identification in the return center's database. The database determines that the toaster has a return-to-vendor disposition. The database credits the store inventory for the toaster and creates a charge back to the manufacturer for the cost of the toaster. The toaster is shipped back to the manufacturer. The retailer has made a cost recovery for this

Figure 1-3 Evolution of Logistics Toward Supply Chain
图 1-3 物流向供应链的演变

Source: John Yuva, "Collaborative Logistics: Building a United Network," Inside Supply Management, Vol. 13, No. 5 (May 2002), p. 50 (with modification).
资料来源John Yuva, "Collaborative Logistics:建立一个联合网络",《内部供应管理》,第 13 卷,第 5 期(2002 年 5 月),第 50 页(有修改)。
defective asset. The toaster is received at the manufacturer's return center. The manufacturer scans the toaster into its database and determines that it has a refurbish disposition. The toaster is repaired and sent for resale on the secondary market. The manufacturer has now gained value for this defective asset.


The activities to be managed that make up business logistics (supply chain process) vary from firm to firm, depending on a firm's particular organizational structure, management's honest differences of opinion about what constitutes the supply chain for its business, and the importance of individual activities to its operations. Follow
Figure 1-4 Logistics Activities in a Firm's Immediate Supply Chain
图 1-4 企业直接供应链中的物流活动
along the supply chain as shown in Figure 1-2 and note the important activities that take place. Again, according to the CLM:
如图 1-2 所示,沿着供应链进行分析,并注意所发生的重要活动。同样,根据 CLM:
The components of a typical logistics system are: customer service, demand forecasting, distribution communications, inventory control, material handling, order processing, parts and service support, plant and warehouse site selection (location analysis), purchasing, packaging, return goods handling, salvage and scrap disposal, traffic and transportation, and warehousing and storage..
Figure 1-4 organizes these components, or activities, according to where they are most likely to take place in the supply channel. The list is further divided into key and support activities, along with some of the decisions associated with each activity.
图 1-4 根据这些活动最有可能在供应渠道中发生的位置,对这些组成部分或活动进行了组织。该清单进一步分为关键活动和支持活动,以及与每项活动相关的一些决策。

Key Activities 主要活动

  1. Customer service standards cooperate with marketing to:
a. Determine customer needs and wants for logistics customer service
b. Determine customer response to service
c. Set customer service levels
  1. Transportation 交通运输
a. Mode and transport service selection
b. Freight consolidation
c. Carrier routing d. Vehicle scheduling
c.运输路线 d. 车辆调度
e. Equipment selection e.设备选择
f. Claims processing f.索赔处理
g. Rate auditing g.费率审计
  1. Inventory management 库存管理
a. Raw materials and finished goods stocking policies
b. Short-term sales forecasting
c. Product mix at stocking points
d. Number, size, and location of stocking points
e. Just-in-time, push, and pull strategies
  1. Information flows and order processing
a. Sales order-inventory interface procedures
b. Order information transmittal methods
c. Ordering rules c.排序规则

Support Activities 支持活动

  1. Warehousing 仓储
a. Space determination a.确定空间
b. Stock layout and dock design
c. Warehouse configuration
d. Stock placement d.股票配售
  1. Materials handling 材料处理
a. Equipment selection a.设备选择
b. Equipment replacement policies
c. Order-picking procedures
d. Stock storage and retrieval
  1. Purchasing 采购
a. Supply source selection
b. Purchase timing b.购买时间
c. Purchase quantities c.采购数量
  1. Protective packaging designed for:
a. Handling a.处理
b. Storage b.存储
c. Protection from loss and damage
  1. Cooperate with production/operations to:
a. Specify aggregate quantities
b. Sequence and time production output
c. Schedule supplies for production/operations
  1. Information maintenance 信息维护
a. Information collection, storage, and manipulation
b. Data analysis b.数据分析
c. Control procedures c.控制程序
The Critical Customer Service Loop
Kev and support activities are separated because certain activities will generally: take place in every logistics channel, whereas others will take place, depending on the circumstances, within a particular firm. The key activities are on the "critical" loop within a firm's immediate physical distribution channel, as shown in Figure 1-5. They contribute most to the total cost of logistics or they are essential to the effective coordination and completion of the logistics task.
之所以将关键活动和支持活动分开,是因为某些活动通常会在每条物流渠道中进行,而另一些活动则会根据具体情况在特定公司内部进行。如图 1-5 所示,关键活动是企业直接实体配送渠道中的 "关键 "环节。它们对物流总成本的影响最大,或者说对有效协调和完成物流任务至关重要。
Customer service standards set the level of output and degree of readiness to which the logistics system must respond. Logistics costs increase in proportion to the level of customer service provided, such that setting the standards for service also affects the logistics costs to support that level of service. Setting very high service requirements can force logistics costs to exceedingly high levels.
Transportation and inventorys maintenance are the primary cost-absorbing logistics activities. Experience has shown that each will represent one-half to twothirds of total logistics costs. Transportation adds place value to products and services, whereas inventorys maintenance adds time value.
Transportation is essential because no modern firm can operate without providing for the movement of its raw materials or its finished products. This importance is underscored by the financial strains placed on many firms by such disasters as a national railroad strike or independent truckers' refusal to more goods because of rate disputes. In these circumstances, markets cannot be served, and products back up in the logistics pipeline to deteriorate or become obsolete.
Inventories are also essential to logistics management because it is usually not possible or practical to provide instant production or ensure delivery times to customers. They serve as buffers between supply and demand so that needed product arailability may be maintained for customers while providing flexibility for production and logistics in seeking efficient methods for manufacture and distribution of the product.
Order processing is the final key activity: Its costs usually are minor compared to transportation or inrentory maintenance costs. Nevertheless, order processing is an important element in the total time that it takes for a customer to receive goods or services. It is the activity triggering product morement and service deliverv:
Although support activities may be as critical as the key activities in any particular circumstance, they are considered here as contributing to the logistics mission. In

fics |hewererer, thery alor) affert the ereverall lespestices weffert, arid speer ific cally the.y affert the efforemey ef transportation and irneritery rrafaseserriernt. Firially, iriformiations mamternature suppererts all enthere bregistics artivities irn that it feresvidses the rireseded information for planning and control.

ther firm's irmmedinte suppliers our custorser's. 'Thery may be supeptiers the the imernedi-

serurere points or end rustromers are reacheed. It is imperetant tre plare and contrel the: purevirnssl: rertered ar fivities and information flowes if thery affect there legisties custrumer servire theat ean be presvided and the cost's enf suppelying this servire. Mariagernerit of the erternded supply thain has the porteritial rof impereroing Jogisturs perfformantere beyorid thet ef just managing the artientjes within the immediate supply chain.
如果我们要达到的目标或最终目标是什么?如果影响到法律规定的客户服务以及提供这种服务所需的成本,那么就必须对纯粹的服务和信息流进行规划和控制。对整个供应链的管理,其首要作用是使 Jogisturs 的工作效率超越对直接供应链内的艺术品的管理。


Iogistirs is abrout reating ralue-value fror rustromers and suppliers of the firm, and value fror the firm's stakeholders. Value in lesgistirs is primarily eyporessed in terms of time and plare. P'redurets and servires have nre value unless they are in the pressessiren of the customers when (time)) and where: (plare) they wish to cronsume them. For eyample, enncessirens at a sports event have ner value tr) (ronsumeres if they, are not available at the time and plare that the event is ocrurring, rer if inadequate: inseentrsries don't meet the demands of the sporrts fans. Crond Jogisties managerment viev's each activity in the supply rhain as contributing tr) the process of adding value. If little value can be added, it is questisnable whether the activity shrould exist. However, value is added when customers are willing tro pay more for a product or service than the crost to place it in their hands. Tro many firms throughrout the wrorld, Jogistics has becrome an increasingly important value-adding process for a number of reasrons.
企业价值是指企业的价值,即企业对客户和供应商的价值,以及企业对利益相关者的价值。企业价值主要体现在时间和规模上。除非产品和服务在客户需要的时间和地点出现,否则它们就没有价值:(他们希望在什么时间(地点)和什么时间(地点)享用这些产品和服务,否则它们就没有价值。例如,在体育赛事中,如果不能在赛事举行的时间和地点提供服务,那么这些服务就没有价值;如果不能满足体育迷的需求,那么这些服务就没有价值。Crond Jogisties 管理层将供应链中的每项活动都视为增值过程中的贡献。如果能增加的价值很少,那么这项活动是否应该存在就值得怀疑。然而,当客户愿意为产品或服务支付的价格高于将产品或服务交到他们手中所需的成本时,价值就增加了。在全球许多公司中,物流已成为一个越来越重要的增值过程,原因有很多。

Costs Are Significant 成本巨大

Over the years, several studies have been conducted to determine the crosts of logistics for the whole ecronomy and for the indisidual firm. There are widely varying estimates of the cost levels. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
Table 1-3 表 1-3
Recent Average Physical Distribution Costs in Percent of Sales and cwt.
近期平均实物分销成本占销售额的百分比和 cwt.
Warehousing 2.02 18.06
Customer service/order entry
0.43 4.58
Administration 0.41 2.79
Inventory carrying cost @ 18%/year.
存货账面成本为 18%/年。
1.72 22.25
Total distribution cost
a The statistics are for all firm types; however, they most closely represent
a 统计数据涉及所有类型的公司,但最能代表
manufacturing firms since they dominate the database.
The authors of this survey claim the totals do not match the sum of the indi-
vidual statistics due to a different number of data entries in each category.
Source: Herbert W. Davis and William H. Drumm, "Logistics Costs and
资料来源资料来源:Herbert W. Davis 和 William H. Drumm,"物流成本与成本效益"。
Service Database-2002," Annual Conference Proceedings (San Francisco,
CA: Council of Logistics Management, 2002) at www.clm1.org.
logistics costs average about 12 percent of the world's gross domestic product. Robert Delaney, who has tracked logistics costs for more than two decades, estimates that logistics costs for the U.S. economy are 9.9 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GOP), or billion. For the firm, logistics costs have ranged from 4 percent to over 30 percent of sales. The results from a cost survey of individual firms are shown in Table 1-3. Although the results show physical distribution costs at about 8 percent of sales, this survey does not include physical supply costs. Probably another one-third may be added to this total to represent average logistics costs for the firm at about 11 percent of sales. Over the last decade, physical distribution costs have ranged between 7 percent and 9 percent of sales. There may be a trend of increasing costs for individual firms, although Wilson and Delaney show over the same period that logistics costs as a percent of U.S. GDP have declined by about 10 percent. Logistics costs, substantial for most firms, rank second only to the cost of goods sold (purchase costs) that are about 50 percent to 60 percent of sales for the average manufacturing firm. Value is added by minimizing these costs and by passing the benefits on to customers and to the firm's shareholders.
物流成本平均约占全球国内生产总值的 12%。罗伯特-德莱尼(Robert Delaney)对物流成本进行了二十多年的跟踪研究,他估计美国经济的物流成本占美国国内生产总值(GOP)的 9.9%,即 0 亿美元。 就公司而言,物流成本占销售额的比例从 4% 到 30% 以上不等。 表 1-3 列出了对单个企业进行成本调查的结果。虽然结果显示实物分销成本约占销售额的 8%,但这项调查并不包括实物供应成本。如果再加上三分之一,企业的平均物流成本约为销售额的 11%。过去十年间,实物分销成本占销售额的 7% 到 9%。虽然威尔逊和德莱尼的研究表明,在同一时期,物流成本占美国国内生产总值的比例下降了约 10%,但个别企业的物流成本可能呈上升趋势。 对于大多数企业来说,物流成本是一笔不小的开支,仅次于销售成本(采购成本),而对于一般制造企业来说,物流成本约占销售额的 50% 至 60%。将这些成本降到最低,并将收益转给客户和公司股东,可以增加价值。

Logistics Customer Service Expectations Are Increasing

The Internet, just-in-time operating procedures, and continuous replenishment of inventories have all contributed to customers expecting rapid processing of their
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Total order cycle 总订单周期
Time, days 8 7
Product availability 产品供应情况 percent orders 订单百分比 84 84 86 87 87 87 85 85 86 87 88
percent line items 百分比项目 92 92 92 92 94 94 93 90 92 93 95
Source: Herbert W. Davis and William H. Drumm, "Logistics Costs and Service Database-2002," Annual Conference Proceedings (San Francisco, CA: Council of Logistics Management, 2002) at www.clml.org.
资料来源Herbert W. Davis 和 William H. Drumm,"Logistics Costs and Service Database-2002", Annual Conference Proceedings (San Francisco, CA: Council of Logistics Management, 2002) at www.clml.org。
Table 1-4 Average Customer Service Performance Measures for All Firms, Survey Years
表 1-4 调查年份所有企业的平均客户服务绩效指标
requests, quick delivery, and a high degree of product availability. According to the Davis survey of hundreds of companies over the last decade, world-class competitors have average order cycle times (the time between when an order is placed and when it is received) of seven to eight days and line item fill rates of 90 percent to 94 percent. LogFac summarizes world-class logistics performance for domestic companies as:
根据戴维斯公司在过去十年中对数百家公司的调查,世界一流公司的平均订货周期(从下订单到收到订单的时间)为七至八天,产品种类齐全率为 90 至 90%。根据戴维斯在过去十年中对数百家公司的调查,世界级竞争对手的平均订货周期(从下订单到收到订单的时间)为七至八天,生产线项目满足率为 90% 至 94%。 LogFac 将国内公司的世界级物流绩效概括为:
  • Error rates of less than one per 1,000 orders shipped
    出错率低于每 1 000 份已发货订单中的 1 份
  • Logistics costs of well under 5 percent of sales
    物流成本远低于销售额的 5
  • Finished goods inventory turnover of 20 or more times per year
    成品库存每年周转 20 次或 20 次以上
  • Total order cycle time of five working days
  • Transportation cost of one percent of sales revenue or less, if products sold are over per pound
    如果销售的产品每磅超过 ,运输成本不超过销售收入的百分之一
As might be expected, the average company performs below these cost and customer service benchmarks, when compared with the statistics in Tables 1-3 and 1-4.
与表 1-3 和表 1-4 中的统计数据相比,一般公司在成本和客户服务方面的表现都低于这些基准。

Supply and Distribution Lines Are Lengthening with Greater Complexity

The trend is toward an integrated world economy. Firms are seeking, or have developed, global strategies by designing their products for a world market and producing them wherever the low-cost raw materials, components, and labor can be found (e.g., Ford's Focus automobile), or they simply produce locally and sell internationally. In either case, supply and distribution lines are stretched, as compared with the producer who wishes to manufacture and sell only locally. Not only has the trend occurred naturally by firms seeking to cut costs or expand markets, but it is also being encouraged by political arrangements that promote trade. Examples of the latter are the European Union, the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Figure 1-6 Economic Benefit of Sourcing from LowCost Offshore Locations Rather Than from HigherCost Local Suppliers
图 1-6 从成本较低的海外地点而不是成本较高的本地供应商采购的经济效益
Source: "International Logistics: Battleground of the '90s" (Chicago: A. T. Kearney, 1988).
资料来源"国际物流:90 年代的战场"(芝加哥:A. T. Kearney,1988 年)。
between Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and the economic trade agreement among several countries of South America (MERCOSUR).
Globalization and internationalization of industries everywhere will depend heavily on logistics performance and costs, as companies take more of a worldview of their operations. As this happens, logistics takes on increased importance within the firm since its costs, especially transportation, become a larger part of the total cost structure. For example, if a firm seeks foreign suppliers for the raw materials that make up its final product or foreign locations to build its product, the motivation is to increase profit. Material and labor costs may be reduced, but logistics costs are likely to increase due to increased transportation and inventory costs. The tradeoff, as shown in Figure 1-6, may lead to higher profit by reducing materials, labor, and overhead costs at the expense of logistics costs and tariffs. Outsourcing adds value, but it requires careful management of logistics costs and product-flow times in the supply channel.
随着企业在运营中更多地采用全球视角,各行各业的全球化和国际化将在很大程度上取决于物流绩效和成本。在这种情况下,物流在企业内部的重要性日益增加,因为物流成本,尤其是运输成本,在总成本结构中的比重越来越大。例如,如果一家公司寻求国外供应商提供构成其最终产品的原材料,或在国外生产其产品,其动机就是为了增加利润。材料和劳动力成本可能会降低,但由于运输和库存成本增加,物流成本可能会上升。如图 1-6 所示,通过降低材料、人工和间接成本,牺牲物流成本和关税,可能会带来更高的利润。外包可以增加价值,但需要谨慎管理供应渠道中的物流成本和产品流动时间。

Example 示例

Toyota has 35 manufacturing plants in 25 countries (excluding Japan) at which it produces nearly 900,000 vehicles annually. While exports were down by 9 percent in 1993, overseas production was up by 16 percent. In the case of Georgetown, Kentucky, where Camrys are built, Toyota uses the just-in-time concept to supply
丰田公司在 25 个国家(不包括日本)拥有 35 家生产厂,年产汽车近 90 万辆。虽然 1993 年的出口下降了 9%,但海外生产却增长了 16%。以生产凯美瑞的肯塔基州乔治敦为例,丰田公司采用准时生产的概念来供应汽车。

parts from across the Pacific. The parts are loaded into ocean containers in Japan, shipped across the Pacific, and transferred to trains on the West Coast of the United States for relay to Georgetown, where they feed an assembly line that turns out 1,000 Camrys a day. Deliveries are scheduled to the minute in order to keep inventories low. Due to the long supply lines and the associated uncertainties, supply channels must be more carefully managed than if all production were local.
从太平洋彼岸运来的零部件。这些零部件在日本装入海运集装箱,运过太平洋,然后转运到美国西海岸的火车上,再转运到乔治敦,为每天生产 1,000 辆凯美瑞的装配线提供原料。为了保持低库存,交货时间被安排到分钟。由于供应线过长以及相关的不确定性,供应渠道的管理必须比全部在本地生产更加谨慎。

Logistics/SC Is Important to Strategy

Firms spend a great deal of time finding ways to differentiate their product offerings from those of their competitors. When management recognizes that logistics/SC affects a significant portion of a firm's costs and that the result of decisions made about the supply chain processes yields different levels of customer service, it is in a position to use this effectively to penetrate new markets, to increase market share, and to increase profits. That is, good supply chain management can generate sales, not just reduce costs. Consider how Wal-Mart used logistics as the core of its competitive strategy to become the world's number one merchandise retailer.

Example 示例

Wal-Mart Wins with Logistics Kmart and Wal-Mart are two retail merchandise chains that, a few years back, looked alike, sold the same products, sought the same customers, and even had similar names. When the race began, people were quite familiar with the "big red K," whose stores dotted metropolitan areas, but few had heard of Wal-Mart, whose stores were in rural settings. Considering the similarity of the stores and their mission, analysts attribute the fates of the two chains primarily to differing management philosophies.
沃尔玛赢在物流 凯马特和沃尔玛是两家零售连锁店,几年前,它们看起来很像,销售同样的产品,寻找同样的顾客,甚至连名字都很相似。比赛开始时,人们对 "大红 K "非常熟悉,因为它的商店遍布大都市,但很少有人听说过沃尔玛,因为它的商店都在农村地区。考虑到这两家连锁店的相似性及其使命,分析家们将两家连锁店的命运主要归咎于不同的管理理念。
In 1987, Kmart was far ahead, with twice as many stores and sales of billion, compared to billion for Wal-Mart. With its urban presence and a focus on advertising, Kmart had more visibility. In contrast, Wal-Mart began in stand-alone stores outside small towns, luring customers away from the mom-and-pop stores in aging downtowns. But so rapidly did Wal-Mart multiply over the rural landscape that an invasion of urban America-and a confrontation with Kmart-was inevitable.
1987 年,凯马特遥遥领先,商店数量是沃尔玛的两倍,销售额达 亿美元,而沃尔玛的销售额为 亿美元。凯马特凭借其在城市的影响力和对广告的重视,获得了更高的知名度。相比之下,沃尔玛开始在小城镇外开设独立门店,吸引顾客离开老城区的母婴店。但是,沃尔玛在农村地区的扩张速度如此之快,以至于它对美国城市的入侵--与凯马特的对抗--不可避免。
Kmart executives focused on marketing and merchandising, even using Hollywood star Jaclyn Smith to promote her clothing line. By contrast, Sam Walton, Wal-Mart's founder, was obsessed with operations. He invested millions of dollars in a company-wide computer system linking cash registers to headquarters, enabling him to quickly restock goods. He also invested heavily in trucks and modern distribution centers. Besides enhancing his control of the supply chain, these moves sharply reduced costs. While Kmart tried to improve its image and cultivate store loyalty,
凯马特的高管们专注于市场营销和商品推销,甚至利用好莱坞明星贾克琳-史密斯(Jaclyn Smith)来推广自己的服装系列。相比之下,沃尔玛的创始人山姆-沃尔顿则专注于运营。他投资数百万美元建立了全公司的计算机系统,将收银机与总部连接起来,使他能够快速补货。他还在卡车和现代化配送中心上投入巨资。除了加强对供应链的控制,这些举措还大大降低了成本。凯马特努力改善形象,培养顾客对商店的忠诚度、
Walton kept lowering costs, betting that price would prove more important than any other factor in attracting customers. Wal-Mart's incredibly sophisticated distribution, inventory, and scanner systems meant that customers almost never encountered depleted shelves or price-check delays.
Meanwhile, Kmart's woes mounted, as distribution horror stories abounded. Employees lacked the training and skill to plan and control inventory properly, and Kmart's cash registers often did not have up-to-date information and would scan items and enter incorrect prices. This led to a lawsuit in California, and Kmart settled for for overcharging its customers.
与此同时,凯马特的麻烦也越来越多,因为配送方面的恐怖故事层出不穷。员工缺乏正确计划和控制库存的培训和技能,凯马特的收银机经常没有最新信息,扫描商品时会输入错误的价格。这导致了加州的一场诉讼,凯马特因向顾客多收费而以 和解。
Over the years, it has been Wal-Mart's focus on logistical matters that enables it to keep its prices low and its customers happy and returning often. Today, Wal-Mart is nearly six times the size of Kmart!
Kmart continued its focus on ad circulars and promotional pricing into the twenty-first century, whereas Wal-Mart continued to focus more on supply chain efficiencies and less on advertising, with the results that selling, administrative, and overhead costs were 17.3 percent for Wal-Mart and Kmart's were 22.7 percent. Wal-Mart was able to achieve prices that average 3.8 percent below Kmart's and even 3.2 percent below Target's. In 2002, Kmart went into bankruptcy and reorganization.
进入 21 世纪后,凯马特继续把重点放在广告通告和促销价格上,而沃尔玛则继续把更多的精力放在供应链效率上,减少了广告宣传,结果沃尔玛的销售、管理和间接成本为 17.3%,而凯马特为 22.7%。沃尔玛的价格比凯马特平均低 3.8%,甚至比塔吉特低 3.2%。2002 年,凯马特破产重组。

Logistics/SC Adds Significant Customer Value

A product, or service, is of little value if it is not available to customers at the time and place that they wish to consume it. When a firm incurs the cost of moving the product toward the customer or making an inventory available in a timely manner, for the customer value has been created that was not there previously. It is value as surely as that created through the production of a quality product or through a low price.
It is generally recognized that business creates four types of value in products or services. These are: form, time, place, and possession. Logistics creates two out of these four values. Manufacturing creates form value as inputs are converted to outputs, that is raw materials are transformed into finished goods. Logistics controls the time and place values in products, mainly through transportation, information flows, and inventories. Possession value is often considered the responsibility of marketing, engineering, and finance, where the value is created by helping customers acquire the product through such mechanisms as advertising (information), technical support, and terms of sale (pricing and credit availability). To the extent that SCM includes production, three out of the four values may be the responsibility of the logistics/supply chain manager.

Example 示例

When discount houses selling computer software through Web sites, catalogs, and magazine advertisements wished to compete with local retailers, they had a price advantage due to the economies of scale that they could achieve. Operations were centralized at one location where lower-cost warehouse space rather than highercost retail space could be used. Their staff was predominately telephone order takers and warehouse order-fillers and packagers. Inventories were minimized relative to sales through centralization, but these discount operations also offered substantial variety and high levels of product availability. Conversely, retailers had the advantage of immediate availability for the anxious customer that would offset any price disadvantage of the local retailer. To counter this possible delivery advantage of retailers in their local markets, the discount houses made sure that customer orders could be placed using toll-free telephone numbers or through a Web site, that these orders were filled the same day, and that they were shipped overnight using priority air delivery. Many customers find this nearly as fast and, in many cases, a lot more convenient than traditional shopping! Value has been created for the busy customer through logistics.

Customers Increasingly Want Quick, Customized Response

Fast food retailers, automatic teller machines, overnight package delivery, and electronic mail on the Internet have led us as consumers to expect that products and services can be made available in increasingly shorter times. In addition, improved information systems and flexible manufacturing processes have led the marketplace toward mass customization. Rather than consumers having to accept the "one size fits all" philosophy in their purchases, suppliers are increasingly offering products that meet individual customer needs.
快餐零售商、自动取款机、隔夜包裹递送以及互联网上的电子邮件,使我们这些消费者期望能在越来越短的时间内获得产品和服务。此外,改进的信息系统和灵活的生产流程也使市场朝着大规模定制的方向发展。消费者在购买产品时不必接受 "一刀切 "的理念,供应商越来越多地提供满足客户个性化需求的产品。

Observations 意见

  • Dell, a desktop computer company, will configure a PC to a customer's exact hardware requirements, and even install requested software.
  • L. L. Bean sells clothes and other items through its catalog and Web site. In addition, some of the clothes may be altered to a customer's exact measurements. Moreover, L. L. Bean will ensure fast delivery by shipping via Federal Express at no additional charge (if the customer charges the order to an L. L. Bean Visa charge card).
    L.L. L. Bean 通过目录和网站销售服装和其他商品。此外,部分服装可根据客户的具体尺寸进行修改。此外,L. L. Bean 将通过联邦快递发货,确保快速送货,不收取额外费用(如果客户将订单记入 L. L. Bean Visa 充值卡)。
  • National Bicycle Industrial Co., a subsidiary of the Japanese electronics giant Matsushita, builds bicycles using flexible manufacturing techniques, those that allow switching from the production of one product to another with minimal setup cost. Rather than mass-producing in standard sizes and building inventories for retail sales, National Bicycle builds the bicycles to precise customer
    日本电子巨头松下公司的子公司 National Bicycle Industrial Co.National Bicycle 并不大规模生产标准尺寸的自行车,也不建立库存用于零售,而是根据客户的精确要求制造自行车。

    specifications in over 11 million variations on 18 models of road, racing, and mountain bikes. Although it takes three hours to produce a bicycle using flexible manufacturing as compared to 90 minutes for mass production, the company is able to charge more than twice the price by pleasing customers with unique bikes built to their individual specifications.
    在 18 种型号的公路车、赛车车和山地车中,有超过 1100 万种规格。虽然采用柔性生产方式生产一辆自行车需要 3 个小时,而批量生产只需 90 分钟,但该公司却能以高于批量生产两倍的价格为客户提供独一无二的自行车,满足他们的个性化需求。
Companies too have been applying the concept of quick response to their internal operations in order to meet the service requirements of their own marketing efforts. The quick response philosophy has been used to create a marketing advantage. Saks Fifth Avenue applied it, even though big profits are made through big margins and not on cost reductions that might be achieved from good logistics management. Supply chain costs may even rise, although the advantage is to more than cover these costs through increased profits.
企业也一直在内部运作中应用快速反应理念,以满足自身营销工作的服务要求。快速反应理念被用来创造营销优势。萨克斯第五大道百货公司(Saks Fifth Avenue)就运用了这一理念,尽管其高额利润是通过高利润率获得的,而不是通过良好的物流管理来降低成本。供应链成本甚至可能上升,尽管其优势是通过增加利润来弥补这些成本。

Application 应用

Retailers go out of business at an alarming rate. To Saks Fifth Avenue, this fear alone may have been adequate motivation for management to integrate merchandising and logistics. The benefits are obvious when merchandising relies on manufacturers that might cut cloth in Bangladesh and finish garments in Italy before shipping them to a ritzy selling floor in the United States. The difference between profit and loss on hot-selling items may be as little as seven to ten days, so good logistics performance requires that such items be on the selling floor precisely when needed most. How does Saks do it?
The company's 69 stores are served by just two distribution centers. One is in Yonkers, New York, close by Saks' flagship store on New York City's 5th Avenue. The second is in Ontario, California, well situated to serve the trendy southern California market. Rapid movement through the supply channel is key to profitability. Items are processed by the centers in a 24 -hour turnaround. About 80 percent of Saks' imported items arrive by airfreight-those from Europe are handled by Yonkers and those from the Far East by Ontario. Items are exchanged between the centers by airfreight, with a dedicated flight between New York and Los Angeles every business day. Distribution centers then serve their local stores with a combination of airfreight and trucking.
该公司的 69 家门店仅由两个配送中心提供服务。一个位于纽约扬克斯,靠近萨克斯位于纽约第五大道的旗舰店。第二个配送中心位于加利福尼亚州安大略,地理位置优越,可为加利福尼亚州南部的时尚市场提供服务。供应渠道的快速流动是盈利的关键。各中心在 24 小时内完成商品处理。约 80% 的萨克斯进口商品通过空运抵达--来自欧洲的商品由扬克斯处理,来自远东的商品由安大略处理。商品通过空运在各中心之间交换,纽约和洛杉矶之间每个工作日都有专机往返。然后,配送中心通过空运和卡车运输相结合的方式为当地商店提供服务。

Logistics/SC in Nonmanufacturing Areas

It is perhaps easiest to think of logistics/SC in terms of moving and storing a physical product in a manufacturing setting. This is too narrow a view and can lead to many missed business opportunities. The logistics/SC principles and concepts learned over the years can be applied to such areas as service industries, the military, and even environment management.

Service Industry 服务行业

The service sector of industrialized countries is large and growing. In the United States, over 70 percent of all jobs are in what the federal government classifies as the service sector. The size of this sector alone forces us to ask if logistics concepts are not equally applicable here as they are to the manufacturing sector. If they are, there is a tremendous untapped opportunity yet to be fulfilled.
工业化国家的服务业规模庞大且不断增长。在美国,超过 70% 的工作岗位属于联邦政府划分的服务业。仅这一部门的规模就迫使我们提出这样一个问题:物流概念是否与制造业一样适用于服务业?如果是的话,那么还有巨大的机会有待挖掘。
Many companies designated as service firms in fact produce a product. Examples include: McDonald's Corporation (fast foods); Dow Jones & Co., Inc. (newspaper publishing); and Sears, Roebuck and Co. (merchandise retailing). These companies carry out all the typical supply chain activities of any manufacturing firm. However, for service companies such as Bank One (retail banking), Marriott Corporation (lodging), and Consolidated Edison (electric power), supply chain activities, especially those associated with physical distribution, are not as obvious.
许多被指定为服务公司的公司实际上生产一种产品。这方面的例子包括麦当劳公司(快餐)、道琼斯公司(报纸出版)和西尔斯、罗巴克公司(商品零售)。这些公司开展了所有制造企业典型的供应链活动。然而,对于诸如 Bank One(零售银行)、Marriott Corporation(住宿)和 Consolidated Edison(电力)等服务公司来说,供应链活动,尤其是与实物分销相关的供应链活动,并不那么明显。
Even though many service-oriented companies may be distributing an intangible, nonphysical product, they do engage in many physical distribution activities and decisions. A hospital may want to extend emergency medical care throughout the community and must make decisions as to the locations of the centers. United Parcel Service and Federal Express must locate terminals and route pickup and delivery trucks. The East Ohio Gas Company inventories natural gas in underground wells during the off-season in the region where demand will occur. Bank One must locate and have cash inventory on hand for its ATMs. The Federal Reserve Bank must select the methods of transportation to move canceled checks among member banks. The Catholic Church must decide the number, location, and size of the churches needed to meet shifts in size and location of congregations, as well as to plan the inventory of its pastoral staff. Xerox's repair service for copying equipment is also a good example of the logistics decisions encountered in a service operation.

Examples 实例

  • Promise Keepers is a Christian men's ministry that conducts 23 major events around the United States-with attendance ranging from 50 to 80,000 . Promise Keepers must rely on good logistics management to assure that their crusades can be conducted on time. The operation is large enough to involve a major motor carrier that handles the event logistics. Using the concept of time definite delivery, the carrier coordinates the receipt of supplies such as Bibles from Chicago, hats from Kansas City, in addition to trailer loads of stage equipment. The materials must be assembled and delivered to an event site and delivered precisely on time. Since events are held at stadiums, speedways, and the like, there are other events (ball games, races, etc.) also scheduled on the same weekend. There may be as many as 30 truckloads that must be coordinated to arrive precisely on time and leave just as precisely to avoid congestion with the
    承诺守护者 "是一个基督教男性事工组织,在美国各地举办了 23 场大型活动,参加人数从 50 到 80,000 不等。守约者 "必须依靠良好的物流管理来确保他们的十字军东征能够按时进行。由于活动规模庞大,因此需要一家大型汽车运输公司负责活动物流。承运商利用定时交货的概念,协调从芝加哥接收圣经、从堪萨斯城接收帽子等物资,以及拖车装载舞台设备。这些物资必须按时组装并运送到活动现场。由于活动是在体育场、赛车场等地举行,因此同一周末还安排了其他活动(球赛、赛车等)。可能会有多达 30 辆卡车必须协调好,准时到达,同样准时离开,以避免与其他活动发生拥堵。

    logistics of the other events. Computer technology is used to track trailer movements and ensure that the extremely close coordination can be achieved.
  • During the time span of one week, there were three major stories that drew the largest TV audience in history: England's Princess Diana was killed in an automobile crash in Paris, India's Mother Teresa died of heart failure in Calcutta, and there was a major bombing incident in Jerusalem. Suddenly, the media had major logistical problems with covering three major news stories in three corners of the world. For example, diverted a reporter from Paris to the Middle East, while other networks sent their Hong Kong correspondents to Calcutta. Then, there were the logistical problems of allocating airtime to the three stories. 22
    在一周的时间里,有三件大事吸引了历史上最多的电视观众:英国戴安娜王妃在巴黎死于车祸,印度特蕾莎修女在加尔各答死于心脏衰竭,耶路撒冷发生重大爆炸事件。突然之间,媒体在报道世界三个角落的三个重大新闻时遇到了重大的后勤问题。例如, ,将一名记者从巴黎调往中东,而其他网络则将香港记者派往加尔各答。此外,还有为三条新闻分配广播时间的后勤问题。22
The techniques, concepts, and methods discussed throughout this text should be as applicable to the service sector as they are to the manufacturing sector. The key, according to Theodore Levitt, may be in transforming an intangible service into a tangible product. Problems will remain in carefully identifying the costs associated with the distribution of an intangible product. Perhaps because of this, few service firms or organizations have a physical distribution manager on their staff, although they frequently do have a materials manager to handle supply matters. However, managing logistics in service industries does represent a new direction for the future development of logistics practice.
本文所讨论的技术、概念和方法应与制造业一样适用于服务业。西奥多-莱维特认为,关键可能在于将无形服务转化为有形产品。 在仔细确定与无形产品分销相关的成本方面仍然存在问题。也许正因为如此,很少有服务公司或组织在其员工中配备实物分销经理,尽管它们经常配备一名材料经理来处理供应事宜。不过,服务业的物流管理确实是未来物流实践发展的一个新方向。

Military 军事

Before businesses showed much interest in coordinating supply chain processes, the military was well organized to carry out logistics activities. More than a decade before business logistics' developmental period, the military carried out what was called the most complex, best-planned logistics operation of that time-the invasion of Europe during World War II.
Although the problems of the military, with its extremely high customer service requirements, were not identical with those of business, the similarities were great enough to provide a valuable experience base during the developmental years of logistics. For example, the military alone maintained inventories valued at about one-third of those held by all U.S. manufacturers. In addition to the management experience that such large-scale operations provide, the military sponsored, and continues to sponsor, research in the logistics area through such organizations as the RAND Corporation and the Office of Naval Research. With this background, the field of business logistics began to grow. Even the term logistics seems to have had its origins in the military.
尽管对客户服务要求极高的军方所面临的问题与商界并不完全相同,但两者之间的相似之处足以在物流发展时期提供宝贵的经验基础。例如,仅军方的库存价值就相当于美国所有制造商库存价值的三分之一。除了这种大规模运作提供的管理经验外,军方还通过兰德公司(RAND Corporation)和海军研究办公室(Office of Naval Research)等机构,赞助并继续赞助物流领域的研究。在此背景下,商业物流领域开始发展壮大。甚至连 "物流 "一词似乎也起源于军队。
The most recent example of military logistics on a large scale was the conflict between the United States and Iraq over Iraq's invasion of the small country of Kuwait. This invasion has been described as the largest military logistics operation in history. The logistics support in that war is yet another illustration of what worldclass companies have alway's known: Good logistics can be a source of competitive advantage. Lieutenant General William Pagonis, who was in charge of logistics support for Desert Storm, observed:
大规模军事后勤的最近一个例子是美国和伊拉克之间因伊拉克入侵小国科威特而发生的冲突。这次入侵被称为历史上最大规模的军事后勤行动。 这场战争中的后勤支持再次证明了世界级公司的一贯作风:良好的后勤保障可以成为竞争优势的源泉。负责 "沙漠风暴 "后勤保障的威廉-帕格尼斯中将指出:"好的后勤保障是竞争优势的源泉:
When the Middle East started heating up, it seemed like a good time to pull out some history books on desert warfare in this region. . . . But there was nothing on logistics. Logistics is not a best seller. In a couple of his diaries, Rommel talked about logistics. He thought the Germans lost the battle not because they didn't have great soldiers or equipment-in fact, the German tanks outfought ours almost throughout World War II-but because the British had better logistics. 25
当中东局势开始升温时,似乎是时候拿出一些有关该地区沙漠战争的历史书籍了。. . .但没有任何关于后勤的内容。后勤并不畅销。隆美尔在他的几本日记中谈到了后勤问题。他认为德国人输掉这场战役并不是因为他们没有优秀的士兵或装备--事实上,德国坦克几乎在整个二战期间都胜过我们的坦克--而是因为英国人有更好的后勤保障。25
Good logistics performance was obvious. The first wave of 200,000 troops and their equipment was deployed in a month and a half, whereas troop deployment took nine months in the Vietnam conflict. In addition, the application of many good logistics concepts was evident. Take customer service, for example:
良好的后勤表现显而易见。第一波 20 万部队及其装备在一个半月内就完成了部署,而在越南冲突中,部队部署需要九个月。此外,许多良好的后勤理念的应用也是显而易见的。以客户服务为例:
We believed that if we took care of our troops, the objectives would be accomplished no matter whatever else happened. The soldiers are our customers. It is no different than a determined, single focus on customers that many successful businesses have. Now, you take care of your soldiers not only by providing them cold sodas, and burgers, and good food: you make sure they have the ammunition on the front line, so that when they go fight the war they know they have what they need.
This meant that when guns rather than guns were desired on tanks, they were changed. When brown vehicles were preferred over the traditional camouflage green, they were repainted at the rate of 7,000 per month.
这意味着,当需要在坦克上安装 火炮而不是 火炮时,就需要更换火炮。当棕色车辆比传统的绿色迷彩更受欢迎时,就会以每月 7000 辆的速度重新喷漆。

Environment 环境

Population grow'th and resultant economic development have heightened our awareness of environmental issues. Whether it is recycling, packaging materials, transporting hazardous materials or refurbishing products for resale, logisticians are involved in a major way. After all, the United States alone produces more than 160 million tons of waste each year, enough for a conroy of 10-ton garbage trucks reaching halfway to the moon. In many cases, planning for logistics in an environmental setting is no different from that in manufacturing or service sectors. However,
人口增长和随之而来的经济发展提高了我们对环境问题的认识。无论是回收、包装材料,还是运输危险品或翻新产品以便转售,物流人员都在其中发挥着重要作用。毕竟,仅美国每年产生的垃圾就超过 1.6 亿吨,足以让一个由 10 吨垃圾车组成的车队开到半个月球。 在许多情况下,环保环境下的物流规划与制造业或服务业的规划并无不同。但是
Graham Sharman, "Good Logistics Is Combat Power," McKinsey Quarterly, No. 3 (1991), pp. 3-21. Tbid.
Graham Sharman,"良好的后勤就是战斗力",《麦肯锡季刊》,第 3 期(1991 年),第 3-21 页。 Tbid.
E. J. Muller, "The Greening of Logistics," Distribution (January 1991), p. 32.
in a few cases additional complications arise, such as governmental regulations that make the logistics for a product more costly by extending the distribution channel.

Example 示例

In Germany, the government requires retail grocers to collect cereal boxes at the point of sale. Typically, consumers pay for the product, then open the box and empty the contents into containers they brought from home, and put the empty boxes into collection bins. The seller has the responsibility either for recovery of the spent materials and their repackaging and reuse, or for their disposal.

Business Logistics/SC IN THE FIRM

It has been the tradition in many firms to organize around marketing and production functions. Typically, marketing means selling something and production means making something. Although few business people would agree that their organization is so simple, the fact remains that many businesses emphasize these functions while treating other activities, such as traffic, purchasing, accounting, and engineering, as support areas. Such an attitude is justified to a degree, because if a firm's products cannot be produced and sold, little else matters. However, such a pattern is dangerously simple for many firms to follow in that it fails to recognize the importance of the activities that must take place between points and times of production or purchase and the points and times of demand. These are the logistics activities, and they affect the efficiency and effectiveness of both marketing and production.

Example 示例

General Motors (GM) hopes improving customer service will boost sales of Cadillacs, which have been squeezed as buyers shift to other U.S. cars as well as to imports. Cadillac loses substantial sales when customers are put off by lengthy delivery times. Research shows that 10 percent to 11 percent of sales are lost simply because the cars are not available in a timely manner.
通用汽车公司(GM)希望通过改善客户服务来提高凯迪拉克的销量,因为随着买家转向其他美国汽车和进口汽车,凯迪拉克的销量已经受到挤压。如果客户因交货时间过长而望而却步,凯迪拉克就会损失大量销量。研究表明,仅仅因为不能及时提供汽车,凯迪拉克就损失了 10% 到 11% 的销售额。
A production and distribution program was tested in Florida, a major market for Cadillacs. Under the program, about 1,500 Cadillacs were sent to a regional distribution center in Orlando, Florida, where they would be delivered to dealers state-wide within 24 hours. In some areas of Florida, many buyers wait two days for popularly equipped cars. Additionally, GM's Cadillac factory in Detroit increased production of specially ordered Cadillacs as well as reducing shipping time. Custom Cadillacs arrived at dealerships in about three weeks, compared with the usual 8 to 12 weeks. Under this program, GM expected dealership inventories to decline by about 50 percent.
在凯迪拉克的主要市场佛罗里达州测试了一项生产和配送计划。根据该计划,约 1500 辆凯迪拉克汽车被送往佛罗里达州奥兰多的一个地区配送中心,在 24 小时内交付给全州的经销商。在佛罗里达州的一些地区,许多买家要等两天才能买到热门配置的汽车。此外,通用汽车位于底特律的凯迪拉克工厂增加了特别定制凯迪拉克的产量,同时也缩短了运输时间。定制的凯迪拉克汽车大约在三周内到达经销商处,而通常需要 8 到 12 周。根据这一计划,通用汽车预计经销商的库存量将下降约 50%。
Scholars and practitioners of both marketing and production have not neglected the importance of logistics. In fact, each area considers logistics within its scope of action. For example, the following definition of marketing management includes physical distribution:
Marketing (management) is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges with target groups that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Marketing's concern is to place its products or services in convenient distribution channels to facilitate the exchange process. The concept of production/operations management often includes logistics activities. For example, "operations management has the responsibility for the production and delivery of physical goods and services." "31 Production/operations, on the other hand, is likely to be most interested in those activities that directly affect manufacturing and its primary objective of producing at the lowest unit cost. Now, viewing product flow activities as a process to be coordinated, product flow aspects within marketing, production, and logistics are collectively managed to achieve customer service objectives.
The difference in operating objectives (maximize revenue versus minimize cost) for marketing and production/operations may lead to a fragmentation of interest in, and responsibility for, logistics activities, as well as a lack of coordination among logistics activities as a whole. This, in turn, may lead to lower customer service levels or higher total logistics costs than are necessary. Business logistics represents a regrouping, either by formal organizational structure or conceptually in the minds of management, of the move-store activities that historically may have been partially under the control of marketing and production/operations.
If logistics activities are looked upon as a separate area of managerial action, the relationship of logistics activities to those of marketing and production/operations would be as shown in Figure 1-7. Marketing would be primarily responsible for market research, promotion, sales-force management, and the product mix, which create possession value in the product. Production/operations would be concerned with the creation of the product or service, which creates form value in the product. Key responsibilities would be quality control, production planning and scheduling, job
如果将物流活动视为一个独立的管理领域,那么物流活动与市场营销和生产/运营活动的关系如图 1-7 所示。市场营销主要负责市场调研、促销、销售队伍管理和产品组合,从而创造产品的占有价值。生产/运营部门负责创造产品或服务,从而创造产品的形式价值。其主要职责是质量控制、生产计划和调度、岗位职责、生产管理和质量控制。
Figure 1-7 Logistics/SC Interfaces with Marketing and Production
图 1-7 物流/供应链与营销和生产的接口
design, capacity planning, maintenance, and work measurement and standards. Logistics would be concerned with those activities (previously defined) that give a product or service time and place value. This separation of the activities of the firm into three groupings rather than two is not always necessary or advisable to achieve the coordination of logistics activities that is sought. Marketing and production/operations, when broadly conceived and coordinated, can do an effective job of managing logistics activities without creating an additional organizational entity. Even if a separate functional area is created for logistics within the firm so as to achieve effective control of the firm's immediate logistics activities, logisticians will need to view their responsibility as one of coordinating the entire supply chain process rather than being just a local logistics activity administrator. To do otherwise may miss substantial opportunities for cost reduction and logistics customer service improvement.
Figure 1-7 also shows activities that are at the interface of marketing and logistics and production/operations and logistics within the immediate firm. An interface activity is one that cannot be managed effectively within one functional area. The interface is created by the arbitrary separation of a firm's activities into a limited number of functional areas. Managing the interface activities by one function alone can lead to suboptimal performance for the firm by subordinating broader company goals to individual functional goals-a potential danger resulting from the departmental form of organizational structure so common in companies today. To achieve interfunctional coordination, some measurement system and incentives for cooperation among the
图 1-7 还显示了企业内部营销与物流、生产/运营与物流的接口活动。界面活动是指在一个职能领域内无法有效管理的活动。企业的活动被任意划分为有限的几个职能领域,从而产生了界面活动。仅由一个职能部门管理界面活动,可能会使公司更广泛的目标从属于单个职能部门的目标,从而导致公司业绩达不到最佳水平--这是当今公司普遍采用的部门组织结构形式所带来的潜在危险。要实现职能部门间的协调,就需要有一定的衡量系统和激励机制来促进各职能部门间的合作。
Scope of the Modern Supply Chain
functions involved need to be established. This is equally true of the interorganizational coordination required to manage product flows across company boundaries.
It is important to note, however, that establishing a third functional group is not without its disadvantages. Two functional interfaces now exist where only one between marketing and production/operations previously existed. Some of the most difficult administrative problems arise from the interfunctional conflicts that occur when one is attempting to manage interface activities. Some of this potential conflict may be dissipated if a new organizational arrangement is created whereby production/operations and logistics are merged into one group called supply chain.
Just as managers are beginning to understand the benefits of interfunctional logistics management, interorganizational management is being encouraged. Supply chain management proponents who view the area more broadly than some logisticians have been strongly promoting the need for collaboration among supply channel members that are outside the immediate control of a company's logistician, that is members who are legally separate companies. Collaboration among the channel members that are linked through buyer-seller relationships is essential to achieving cost-service benefits unable to be realized by managers with strictly an internal view of their responsibilities. Supply chain managers consider themselves to have responsibility for the entire supply channel of the scope as illustrated in Figure 1-8. Managing in this broader environment is the new challenge for the contemporary logistician.
就在管理者开始了解功能间物流管理的好处时,组织间管理也受到了鼓励。供应链管理的支持者比某些物流专家更广泛地看待这一领域,他们一直在大力宣传在公司物流师直接控制范围之外的供应渠道成员(即法律上独立的公司成员)之间开展协作的必要性。通过买方和卖方关系联系起来的渠道成员之间的合作,对于实现成本服务效益至关重要,而这是严格从内部角度看待自身责任的管理者所无法实现的。如图 1-8 所示,供应链经理认为自己对整个供应渠道的范围负有责任。在这种更广泛的环境中进行管理是当代物流人员面临的新挑战。


Within the broader objectives of the firm, the business logistician seeks to achieve supply channel process goals that will move the firm toward its overall objectives. Specifically, the desire is to develop a logistics activity mix that will result in the highest possible return on investment over time. There are two dimensions to this goal: (1) the impact of the logistics system design on the revenue contribution, and (2) the operating cost and capital requirements of the design.
在公司更广泛的目标范围内,企业物流师寻求实现供应渠道流程目标,以推动公司实现其总体目标。具体来说,企业物流师希望制定的物流活动组合能够在一段时间内带来尽可能高的投资回报。这一目标包括两个方面:(1) 物流系统设计对收益贡献的影响,以及 (2) 设计的运营成本和资本要求。
Ideally, the logistician should know how much additional revenue would be generated through incremental improvements in the quality of customer service provided. However, such revenue is not generally known with great accuracy. Often, the customer service level is set at a target value, usually one that is acceptable to customers, the sales function, or other concerned parties. At this point, the logistics objective may become one of minimizing costs subject to meeting the desired service level rather than profit maximization or return on investment.
Unlike revenue, logistics costs usually can be determined as accurately as accounting practice will allow and are generally of two types: operating costs and capital costs. Operating costs are those that recur periodically or those that vary directly with variation in activity levels. Wages, public warehousing expenses, and administrative and certain other overhead expenses are examples of operating costs. Capital costs are the one-time expenses that do not change with normal variations in activity levels. Examples here are the investment in a private trucking fleet, the construction cost of a company warehouse, and the purchase of materials-handling equipment.
与收入不同,物流成本通常可以在会计实践允许的范围内尽可能准确地确定,一般分 为两类:运营成本和资本成本。运营成本是指定期发生的成本,或直接随活动水平变化而变化的成本。工资、公共仓储费用、管理费用和某些其他间接费用都属于运营成本。资本成本是不随活动水平的正常变化而变化的一次性支出。例如,对私人卡车车队的投资、公司仓库的建造成本以及材料处理设备的购买。
If it is assumed that there is knowledge of the effect of logistics activity levels on revenues of the firm, a workable financial objective for logistics can be expressed in the ratio known as ROLA (return on logistics assets). ROLA is defined as
如果假定物流活动水平对公司收入的影响是已知的,那么可行的物流财务目标就可以用 ROLA(物流资产收益率)来表示。ROLA 的定义是
The contribution to revenue refers to the sales resulting from the logistics system design. Logistics operating costs are the expenses incurred to provide the level of logistics customer service needed to generate sales. Logistics assets are the capital investments made in the logistics system. ROLA is to be maximized over time.
对收入的贡献是指物流系统设计所产生的销售额。物流运营成本是指为创造销售额而提供必要水平的物流客户服务所产生的费用。物流资产是对物流系统的资本投资。随着时间的推移,ROLA 将达到最大化。
If the value of money is high, maximizing the present value of cash flows or maximizing the internal rate of return is a more appropriate statement of the objective. Maximizing the cumulative return on investment over time is the single most important objective to ensure the long-run survival of the firm.

Approach to the Study of LogIStics/SC
研究 LogIStics/SC 的方法

Now that a background of definition and significance has been provided, we can begin our study of the management of logistics in a systematic way. Two themes are used in this text; they follow what management does and the skills needed to perform in a technically complex world. First, the work of management can be looked upon as performing the tasks of planning, organizing, and controlling to achieve the objectives of the firm. Planning refers to deciding on the goals for the firm, organizing refers to collecting and positioning the resources of firm to accomplish the company goals, and controlling refers to measuring company performance and taking corrective action when performance is not in line with goals. Because these are central to

what management does, each will be discussed within the various chapters of this book.
Second, managers, whether at entry level or top level, spend a great deal of time in the planning activity. To do effective planning, it is useful to have a vision of the goals of the firm, to have concepts and principles for guidance on how to get there, and to have tools that help to sort among alternative courses of action. Specifically for logistics management, planning follows a primary decision triangle of location, inventory, and transportation, with customer service being the result of these decisions (see Figure 1-9). Although the logistics' planning triangle is the primary organizational theme for this book, additional topics that relate to it will also be discussed. We begin with, an overview of a strategy for logistics planning and the information systems and technology that support the strategy. A chapter follows on the customer, who drives all logistics decision making. Chapters covering transportation, location, and inventory, which form the cornerstones of the logistics' planning triangle, are all included. Finally, chapters on organization and control round out the planning, organizing, and control theme. Contemporary issues such as global logistics, service industry logistics, quality, collaborative logistics, and reverse logistics are important, but are recognized as extensions of the basic ideas presented in the text. Therefore, their discussion is integrated throughout the text. Numerous examples are given to illustrate how the concepts and tools for good logistics/supply chain management apply to the problems actually encountered in the real world.
其次,无论是初级管理人员还是高层管理人员,都要花费大量时间进行规划活动。要进行有效的规划,就必须对公司的目标有一个远景规划,有指导如何实现目标的概念和原则,并有有助于对备选行动方案进行分类的工具。具体到物流管理,规划主要遵循位置、库存和运输三角决策,而客户服务则是这些决策的结果(见图 1-9)。尽管物流规划三角形是本书的主要组织主题,但与之相关的其他主题也将在本书中讨论。首先,我们将概述物流规划战略以及支持该战略的信息系统和技术。接下来的一章介绍客户,客户是所有物流决策的驱动力。此外,我们还将讨论构成物流规划三角形基石的运输、地点和库存等章节。最后,关于组织和控制的章节完善了规划、组织和控制的主题。全球物流、服务业物流、质量、协作物流和逆向物流等当代问题非常重要,但这些问题被认为是本书基本思想的延伸。因此,对这些问题的讨论贯穿全文。书中列举了大量实例,说明良好物流/供应链管理的概念和工具如何应用于现实世界中实际遇到的问题。
From just about every standpoint-whether cost, value to customers, or strategic importance to a firm's mission-logistics/SC is vital. However, only in recent years have businesses on a broad scale begun to manage supply chain activities in an
Figure 1-9 The Planning Triangle in Relation to the Principal Activities of Logistics/Supply Chain Management
图 1-9 与物流/供应链管理主要活动有关的三角规划图

integrated way-that is, to think about products and services flowing seamlessly from the sources of raw materials to the final consumers. Moreover, in recent times that flow must include backward movement in the supply channel, or reverse logistics. The economic forces-mainly increased worldwide deregulation of business, proliferation of free trade agreements, increased foreign competition, increased globalization of industries, and increased requirements for faster and more certain logistics performance--have all been instrumental in elevating logistics to a high level of importance in many firms. New opportunities for logistics management, brought about by growth in the service sector, environmental issues, and information technology, will continue to support the vital nature of logistics for many years to come.
The primary emphasis of this text is directed toward dealing effectively with the managerial problems associated with moving and storing goods throughout the supply chain by business firms. These firms may be producing either goods or services and will have profit-making objectives.
This text is organized around the three primary tasks of management: planning, organizing, and controlling. Usually, the most difficult of these is planning, that is, the identification of, and selection among, alternative courses of action. Therefore, major emphasis will be given to this phase of management. It is the approach of this text to describe logistics problems as simply as possible and to apply definitive methodology in solving them that has proven to be of practical value in real applications. It is a decision-making approach.

Questions and Problems 问题与难题

  1. What is supply chain management? Contrast it with business logistics management.
  2. Describe business logistics, as you would expect it to be practiced in the following countries or regions:
a. United States a.美国
b. Japan b.日本
c. European Union c.欧洲联盟
d. Australia d.澳大利亚
e. South Africa e.南非
f. China f.中国
g. Brazil g.巴西
  1. Summarize the factors and forces that give logistics importance among other functional areas (marketing, finance, production) of a firm.
  2. Discuss the similarities and differences between logistics management of a manufacturing firm and
a. a service firm (bank, hospital, etc.)
a. 服务公司(银行、医院等)
b. a nonprofit organization (symphony orchestra, art museum, etc.)
b. 非营利组织(交响乐团、艺术博物馆等)
c. the military c. 军队
d. a retailing firm (general merchandise, fast food, etc.)
d. 零售公司(日用百货、快餐等)
  1. Discuss the role that efficient and effective logistics systems play in encouraging a high level of foreign trade.
  2. Why is it that both marketing and production may claim some or all of logistics activities as part of their area of responsibility?
  3. What are the key activities of the business logistics function? Discuss their existence and importance to the management of
a. a TV manufacturer (Sony)
A. 电视机制造商(索尼)
b. a touring musical group (Berlin Philharmonic)
b. 巡回演出的音乐团体(柏林爱乐乐团)
c. a hospital (Massachusetts General)
c. 一家医院(马萨诸塞州综合医院)
d. a city government (New York City)
d. 市政府(纽约市)
e. a fast-food chain (McDonald's)
e. 快餐连锁店(麦当劳)
  1. How do you think international logistics differs from logistics for a firm with global operations?
  2. Suggest some products that benefit significantly from increased time and place value.
  3. Establishing logistics as a separate area for management within a business firm creates an additional set of interface activities. What are interface activities? Why would the creation of an additional set of interface activities cause concern in most companies?
  4. The political and economic barriers are continuing to come down among the several countries of the European Union. If you are a manager of physical distribution for a multinational company that sells finished consumer goods (e.g., Procter & Gamble of Italy) within your own country, what distribution decisions are facing you in the future?
  5. Suppose that a manufacturer of men's shirts can produce a dress shirt in its Houston, Texas plant for per shirt (including the cost of raw materials). Chicago is a major market for 100,000 shirts per year. The shirt is priced at at the Houston plant. Transportation and storage charges from Houston to Chicago amount to per hundredweight (cwt.). Each packaged shirt weighs 1 pound.
    假设一家男式衬衫制造商在德克萨斯州休斯顿的工厂生产一件正装衬衫的成本为 (包括原材料成本)。芝加哥是一个主要市场,每年销售 100,000 件衬衫。该衬衫在休斯顿工厂的售价为 。从休斯顿到芝加哥的运输和仓储费用为每 100 磅 (cwt.) 。每件包装衬衫重 1 磅。
As an alternative, the company can have the shirts produced in Taiwan for per shirt (including the cost of raw materials). The raw materials, weighing about 1 pound per shirt, would be shipped from Houston to Taiwan at a cost of per cwt. When the shirts are completed, they are to be shipped directly to Chicago at a transportation and storage cost of per cwt. An import duty of per shirt is assessed.
作为替代方案,该公司可以在台湾生产衬衫,每件衬衫的价格为 (包括原材料成本)。每件衬衫重约 1 磅的原材料将从休斯顿运往台湾,运费为每磅 。衬衫完工后,将直接运往芝加哥,运输和仓储费用为每担 。每件衬衫的进口税为
a. From a logistics-production cost stand point, should the shirts be produced in Taiwan?
b. What additional considerations, other than economic ones, might be considered before making a final decision?
  1. Use the following form as part of an in-class exercise. Be prepared to discuss your choices and to contrast them with others in the class. Identify the common elements making some companies successful logistically and the elements that are missing among others leading to logistics/SC failures.

Examples of Good Logistics/ Supply Chain Strategy, or Lack Thereof

Many firms use logistics/supply chain strategy as a central element in their corporate strategy. You are asked to identify those firms that have been successful because of their logistics/supply chain strategy execution and to note why you consider the execution outstanding (Hall of Famers). Conversely, identify those firms that suffer from poor execution of an important logistics/supply chain strategy (Hall of Shamers).
许多公司将物流/供应链战略作为公司战略的核心要素。请您找出那些因执行物流/供应链战略而获得成功的公司,并说明为什么您认为它们执行得非常出色(名人堂)。反之,请找出那些在重要的物流/供应链战略方面执行不力的公司(Hall of Shamers)。
  1. Hall of Famers. Identify three firms that use a logistics/supply chain strategy as an important element of their overall business strategy.
Hall of Famers 名人堂成员
Logistics/Supply Chain 物流/供应链
Elements Well Executed 要素执行得当
  1. Hall of Shamers. Identify three firms that have failed in the execution of a logistics/supply chain strategy important to their overall strategy.
Hall of Shamers 羞辱者大厅
Logistics/Supply Chain 物流/供应链
Elements That Failed 失败的要素
  1. From a logistics/supply chain viewpoint, what distinguishes the Hall of Famers from the Hall of Shamers?
Distinguishing Features

Chapter 2
Logistics/Supply Chain Strategy and Planning
第 2 章 物流/供应链战略与规划

Abstract 摘要

While in the past physical distribution (logistics) has been referred to as the last frontier of cost economies, it is now the new frontier of the demand generation.
过去,实体配送(物流)被称为成本经济的最后前沿,而 现在,它已成为创造需求的新前沿。

J n Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. Deciding a company's strategic direction in order to meet its financial, growth, market share, and other objectives is an important first consideration for management. This is a creative, visionary process, usually conducted by top management, whereby a firm's overall direction is outlined and translated into a corporate action plan.
在《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中,爱丽丝问柴郡猫:"你能告诉我,从这里我应该走哪条路吗?""猫说:"这在很大程度上取决于你想去哪里。 为了实现财务、增长、市场份额和其他目标,决定公司的战略方向是管理层首先要考虑的重要问题。这是一个富有创造性和远见的过程,通常由最高管理层负责,在这个过程中,公司的总体方向被勾勒出来,并转化为公司的行动计划。
For the functional areas of the firm, the corporate plan is then divided into subplans, such as marketing, production, and logistics. These subplans require making many specific decisions. Regarding the supply chain, these decisions include locating warehouses, setting inventory policies, designing order-entry systems, and selecting transportation modes. Many of these may be aided by the application of various concepts for logistics and decision-making techniques available to the supply chain manager.
This chapter focuses on the planning process, first from the corporate-wide perspective and then from the logistics function viewpoint. A framework is set for planning that will form the basis for later chapters. This chapter, as well as much of this book, will be focused on planning and the decision making that leads to good logistics/SC plans that contribute to a firm's financial goals.

Corporate StRAtegy 企业战略

Corporate strategy creation begins with a clear expression of the firm's objectives. Whether the company is to seek profit, survival, social, return on investment, market share, or growth goals should be well understood. Next, a process of visioning is likely to take place where unconventional, unheard of, and even counterintuitive strategies are considered. This requires addressing the four components of good strategy: customers, suppliers, competitors, and the company itself. Assessing the needs, strengths, weaknesses, orientations, and perspectives of each of these components is a beginning. Then, brainstorming about what may be possible as a niche strategy is the output of this visioning process. The following are examples of such visions:
制定公司战略首先要明确表达公司的目标。公司是要追求利润、生存、社会、投资回报、市场份额,还是要实现增长目标,这些都应清楚明了。接下来,可能会有一个远景规划的过程,在这个过程中要考虑非常规的、闻所未闻的,甚至是反直觉的战略。这需要解决好战略的四个组成部分:客户、供应商、竞争对手和公司本身。首先要评估这些组成部分的需求、优势、劣势、方向和观点。 然后,集思广益,探讨什么是可能的利基战略,这就是远景规划过程的成果。以下是此类愿景的实例:
  • General Electric's vision is to be number one or two in each market that it serves; it will get out of any market in which it cannot maintain that standard.
  • Hewlett-Packard envisions serving the scientific community.
  • IBM constantly reshapes itself to remain an effective competitor.
    IBM 不断调整自己,以保持有效的竞争力。
Next, the broad, general visioning strategies need to be converted into plans that are more definitive. With a clear understanding of the firm's costs, financial strengths and weaknesses, market share position, asset base and deployment, external environment, competitive forces, and employee skills, a selection is made from alternative strategies that evolve from the threats and opportunities facing the firm. These strategies now become specific directions for how the vision will be made reality.

Examples 实例

  • Xerox's copier patents were running out, meaning the company would no longer have a differentiated product in the marketplace. Therefore, it adopted the strategy to be number one in field service.
  • StarKist Foods adopted a supply-side strategy of buying and packing all the tuna that its own fleet and its contracted fleets could catch. This would help it to be the dominant packer in the tuna business.
    StarKist 食品公司采取供应方战略,购买和包装其自有船队和合同船队能够捕获的所有金枪鱼。这将有助于它成为金枪鱼行业的主导包装商。
The corporate strategy drives the functional strategies because they are contained within the former, as shown in Figure 2-1. The corporate strategy is realized as manufacturing, marketing, finance, and logistics shape their plans to meet it. When StarKist Foods decided on a supply-side strategy, marketing and logistics responded
如图 2-1 所示,公司战略驱动职能战略,因为职能战略包含在公司战略中。公司战略在生产、营销、财务和物流部门制定计划时就已实现。当 StarKist 食品公司决定采用供应方战略时,市场营销和物流部门做出了以下反应
Figure 2-1 Overview of Corporate Strategic Planning to Functional Strategic Planning
图 2-1 从公司战略规划到职能战略规划的概述
Source: William Copacino and Donald B. Rosenfield, "Analytic Tools for Strategic Planning," International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1985), p. 48.
资料来源William Copacino 和 Donald B. Rosenfield,"战略规划的分析工具",《国际实物分销和材料管理杂志》,第 15 卷,第 3 期(1985 年),第 48 页。
with their plan to control the potential excess inventories that would result. This plan was to place tuna on sale to reduce inventories when necessary. The plan works because tuna is in such demand that consumers often stock up when it is on sale. Let's now turn to the specific way logistics strategies are developed.


Selecting a good logistics/SC strategy requires much of the same creative processes as developing a good corporate strategy. Innovative approaches to logistics/SC strategy can give a competitive advantage.

Examples 实例

  • An office machine company took a bold step to save on valuable machine repair time. Traditionally, repair technicians were sent by a central service center to the customer repair site. These highly trained and highly paid personnel spent a fair amount of their time traveling to and from these sites. The company redesigned its logistics system so that inventories of on-loan and replaceinent machines were placed at service centers around the country. When a machine broke down, a replacement machine would be sent to the customer, and the

    broken machine sent to the service center for repair. The new system not only saved on repair costs, but improved customer service as well.
  • American Hospital Supply developed an efficient purchasing system for its customers by putting terminals in each of its customers' offices. The system simplified and facilitated the ordering process for its customers, and guaranteed a higher proportion of orders for American Hospital Supply..
It has been suggested that a logistics strategy has three objectives: cost reduction, capital reduction, and service improvement.
Cost reduction is strategy directed toward minimizing the variable costs associated with movement and storage. The best strategy is usually formulated by evaluating alternative courses of action, such as choosing among different warehouse locations or selecting among alternative transport modes. Service levels are typically held constant while the minimum cost alternatives are being found. Profit maximization is the prime goal.
Capital reduction is strategy directed toward minimizing the level of investment in the logistics system. Maximizing the return on logistics assets is the motivation for this strategy. Shipping direct to customers to avoid warehousing, choosing public warehouses over privately owned warehouses, selecting a just-in-time supply approach rather than stocking to inventory, or using third-party providers of logistics services are examples. These strategies may result in higher variable costs than strategies requiring a higher level of investment; however, the return on investment may be increased.
Service improvement strategies usually recognize that revenues depend on the level of logistics service provided. Although costs increase rapidly with increased levels of logistics customer service, the increased revenues may offset the higher costs. To be effective, the service strategy is developed in contrast with that provided by the competition.

Example 示例

Parker Hannifin, a maker of seals and O-rings, won sales with superior logistics customer service. A customer's purchasing agent showed the Parker Hannifin salesperson two invoices for the same product, one from a competitor and one from Parker Hannifin. The competitor's price was 8 percent lower. However, if Parker Hannifin would maintain a service center (an inventory stocking point with additional valueadded services) for the customer, then Parker Hannifin stood to gain over a million dollars of business at the higher price. Parker Hannifin complied and established the center, getting the contract. The customer was satisfied and Parker Hannifin made a profit, since operating the service center cost 3.5 percent of the sale:
派克汉尼汾公司是一家密封件和 O 形圈制造商,它以卓越的物流客户服务赢得了销售业绩。一位客户的采购代理向派克汉尼汾公司的销售人员出示了两张相同产品的发票,一张来自竞争对手,另一张来自派克汉尼汾公司。竞争对手的价格低 8%。但是,如果 Parker Hannifin 能为客户维持一个服务中心(提供附加增值服务的库存储备点),那么 Parker Hannifin 就能以较高的价格获得超过一百万美元的业务。派克汉尼汾同意并建立了服务中心,从而获得了合同。客户很满意,而派克汉尼汾公司也获得了利润,因为运营服务中心的成本占销售额的 3.5%:
A proactive logistics strategy often begins with the business goals and customer service requirements. These have been referred to as "attack" strategies to meet competition. The remainder of the logistics system design can then be derived from these attack strategies.
积极主动的物流战略通常始于业务目标和客户服务要求。这些被称为应对竞争的 "进攻 "战略。物流系统设计的其余部分可以从这些攻击战略中衍生出来。

Examples 实例

  • Nabisco comfortably reigned as king of steak sauces with its A-1 brand. Then Kraft came out with a spicier version called Bulls Eye. This competitive move by Kraft threatened Nabisco's franchise. . Vabisco responded with A-1 Bold, throwing its supply chain into overdrive and putting Bold on the store shelves in a matter of months. Vabisco succeeded in knocking Bulls Eve off the market. Without Nabisco's fast-response supply chain, Bulls Eye, which was a very good product, would have had time to take market share.
    纳贝斯克(Nabisco)以其 A-1 品牌轻松蝉联牛排酱之王。随后,卡夫推出了一款名为 "牛眼"(Bulls Eye)的辣酱。卡夫的这一竞争举措威胁到了纳贝斯克的专营权。.纳贝斯克以 A-1 Bold 作为回应,在几个月内将其供应链投入超负荷运转,并将 Bold 摆上了商店的货架。纳贝斯克成功地将 "公牛夏娃 "挤出了市场。如果没有纳贝斯克快速反应的供应链,牛眼这个非常好的产品就有时间抢占市场份额。
  • Domino Pizza is just one of many in the pizza market, serviced by competitors such as Pizza Hut as well as an army of independent retail operations. It has now become America's second-largest pizza chain by promising customers a discount on any pie not delivered within 30) minutes from the time it's ordered.'
    多米诺披萨只是披萨市场上众多披萨连锁店中的一家,其竞争对手包括必胜客以及一大批独立的零售店。它现在已成为美国第二大披萨连锁店,它向顾客承诺,凡是在订餐后 30 分钟内未送达的馅饼,都可享受 折扣。
  • Frito-Lay developed a strategic advantage with its direct-to-store delivery system, and Atlas Door recognized that no company in the industrial door business could get a door to a customer in less than three months. Atlas stepped in and dereloped a strategy: based on delivering a door in much less time, and it now enjoys a major share of the market.
    Frito-Lay 公司凭借其直接到店的送货系统形成了战略优势,而 Atlas Door 公司则认识到,在工业门业务领域,没有一家公司能在三个月内将一扇门送到客户手中。阿特拉斯介入并制定了一项战略:在更短的时间内交付一扇门,现在它在市场上占有很大份额。
Each link in the logistics system is planned and balanced with each other in an integrated logistics planning process (see Figure 2-2). Design of the management and control systems completes the planning cycle.
在综合物流规划过程中,物流系统的每个环节都要进行规划并相互平衡(见图 2-2)。管理和控制系统的设计完成了规划周期。
Designing effective logistics customer service strategies requires no particular program or technique. It is simply the product of a sharp mind. Once the logistics service strategy is formulated, the task is then to meet it. This involves selecting among alternative courses of action. Such selection is amenable to various concepts and techniques for analysis. The next section sets the stage for such evaluation. A recurrent theme throughout this book is understanding the logistical alternatives open to the supply chain manager and how they can be evaluated.

Logistics Management (Śan Diego, CA: October 8-11, 1995), p. 164.
物流管理》(加州圣地亚哥:1995 年 10 月 8-11 日),第 164 页。
7"How Managers Can Succeed Through SPEED," Fortune (February 13, 1989), pp. 54-59.
7 "管理者如何通过速度获得成功",《财富》(1989 年 2 月 13 日),第 54-59 页。
Ernst, "Visioning," pp. 153-165.
恩斯特,《远景规划》,第 153-165 页。


Figure 2-2 Flow of Logistics Planning
图 2-2 物流规划流程

Source: William Copacino and Donald B. Rosenfield, "Analytic Tools for Strategic Planning," International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1985), p. 49.
资料来源William Copacino 和 Donald B. Rosenfield,"战略规划的分析工具",《国际实物分销和材料管理杂志》,第 15 卷,第 3 期(1985 年),第 49 页。


Levels of Planning 规划层次

Logistics planning attempts to answer the questions of what, when, and how, and it takes place at three levels: strategic, tactical, and operational. The major difference between them is the time horizon for the planning. Strategic planning is considered long-range, where the time horizon is longer than one year. Tactical planning involves an intermediate time horizon, usually less than a year. Operational planning is shortrange decision making, with decisions frequently made on an hourly or daily basis. The concern is how to move the product effectively and efficiently through the strategically planned logistics channel. Selected examples of typical problems with these various planning time horizons are shown in Table 2-1.
物流规划试图回答 "什么"、"何时 "和 "如何 "的问题,它在三个层面上进行:战略、战术和操作。它们之间的主要区别在于规划的时间跨度。战略规划被视为长期规划,时间跨度超过一年。战术规划涉及中期时间跨度,通常少于一年。运营规划是短期决策,经常是每小时或每天做出决策。关注的是如何通过战略规划的物流渠道有效、高效地运输产品。表 2-1 列出了不同规划时间跨度下典型问题的部分示例。
Each planning level requires a different perspective. Because of its long time horizon, strategic planning works with data that are often incomplete and imprecise. Data may be averaged, and plans are usually considered good enough if they are reasonably close to optimum. At the other end of the spectrum, operational planning works with very accurate data, and the methods for planning should be able to handle a great deal of these data and still find reasonable plans. For example, we may strategically plan all company inventories not to exceed a certain dollar limit or to
ieroctro, I:Ez: is: DEcrsion I:Ez: is:DEcrsion
S:emecrer Termen: Orpserymisi
इac.... scation
Sercieng lacations and Sercieng 撕裂伤和
comori pyitoses 脓肿
Saíet: strock lerels Saíet: Stck lerels
Replenishment quantities
and timing
Tramepretamen Mopie siection
Seasronal equipment Seasronal 设备
Routing, dispatching 路由、调度
cocer procsing 可编程控制器
Ordin am, transmittel, Order am, transmittel、
ané procesirg srotem (三) 处理程序
Processing orders, filling
back orders
custumen senvice 保管服务 Sutmer stanciards 苏特玛标准件
Priority rules for 优先规则
castrmer corders 鳕鱼
Expediting deliveries 加快交付
Handling squipment 处理设备
yiecton, ayrur dissizn 伊埃克顿、艾鲁尔-迪西恩
Seasonal space choices 季节性空间选择
and private space 和私人空间
Order picking and 订单拣选和
Dereippment of supplier-
ruer teizturships
Contracting, sendor 承包、发送
seiection, forward seiection,forward
Order releasing and 命令释放和
expeciiting supplies 期待供应
#..... 3 remen - .....r. rurnce... :=t. " (In tha nether hand, ar opereztional plan for insentories requires that each item be managed individually:
#.....3 remen - .....r. rurnce... :=t."(另一方面,保险库的运营计划要求对每个项目进行单独管理:
U... . . . . ........ will hos dirested fow ard strerefich loglsters planning, since
U... .. ........ 将对其进行严格的日志规划,因为

ning problem, which is designing the overall logistics system.

Major Planning Areas 主要规划区

yon X. ․

an important impact on system design.
Figure 2-3 The Triangle of Logistics Decision Making
图 2-3 物流决策的三角关系

Customer Service Goals 客户服务目标

More than any other factor, the level of logistics customer service provided dramatically affects system design. Low levels of service allow centralized inventories at few locations and the use of less expensive forms of transportation. High service levels generally require just the opposite. However, when service levels are pressed to their upper limits, logistics costs will rise at a rate disproportionate to the service level. Therefore, the first concern in logistics strategic planning must be the proper setting of customer service levels.

Facility Location Strategy

The geographic placement of the stocking points and their sourcing points creates an outline for the logistics plan. Fixing the number, location, and size of the facilities and assigning market demand to them determines the paths through which products are directed to the marketplace. The proper scope for the facility location problem is to include all product movements and associated costs as they take place from plant, vendor, or port locations through the intermediate stocking points, and on to customer locations. Assigning customer demand to be served directly from plants, vendors, or ports, or directing it through selected stocking points, affects total distribution costs. Finding the lowest cost assignments, or alternatively the maximum profit assignments, is the essence of facility location strategy.

Inventory Decisions 库存决策

Inventory decisions refer to the manner in which inventories are managed. Allocating (pushing) inventories to the stocking points versus pulling them into stocking points through inventory replenishment rules represent two strategies. Selective location of various items in the product line in plant, regional, or field

warehouses or managing inventory levels by various methods of perpetual inventory control are others. The particular policy used by the firm affects the facility location decision and, therefore, the policy should be considered in the logistics strategy.

Transport Strategy 运输战略

Transport decisions can involve mode selection, shipment size, and routing and scheduling. These decisions are influenced by the proximity of warehouses to customers and plants, which, in turn, influence warehouse location. Inventory levels also respond to transport decisions through shipment size.
Customer service levels, facility location, inventory, and transportation are major planning areas because of the impact that decisions in these areas have on the firm's profitability, cash flow, and return on investment. Each decision area is interrelated and transport strategy should be planned with at least some consideration of the trade-off effect.

Conceptualizing the Logistics/SC Planning Problem

Another way to look at the logistics planning problem is to view it in the abstract as a network of links and nodes, as shown in Figure 2-4. The links of the network represent the movement of goods between various inventory storage points. These storage points-retail stores, warehouses, factories, or vendors-are the nodes. There may be several links between any pair of nodes, to represent alternate forms of transportation service, different routes, and different products. Nodes represent points
另一种看待物流规划问题的方法是将其抽象地视为一个由链接和节点组成的网络,如图 2-4 所示。网络中的链接表示货物在各个库存存储点之间的流动。这些存储点--零售店、仓库、工厂或供应商--就是节点。任何一对节点之间都可能有多个链接,以表示不同的运输服务形式、不同的路线和不同的产品。节点代表点
Figure 2-4 An Abbreviated Network Diagram for a Logistics System
图 2-4 物流系统简略网络图

where the flow of inventory is temporarily stopped--for example, at a warehousebefore moving on to a retail store and on to the final consumer.
These move-store activities for inventory flows are only one part of the total logistics system. In addition, there is a network of information flows. Information is derived from sales revenues, product costs, inventory levels, warehouse utilization, forecasts, transportation rates, and the like. Links in the information network usually consist of the mail or electronic methods for transmitting information from one geographic point to another. Nodes are the various data collection and processing points, such as a clerk who handles order processing and prepares bills of lading or a computer that updates inventory records.
这些库存流动的仓储活动只是整个物流系统的一部分。此外,还有一个信息流网络。信息来源于销售收入、产品成本、库存水平、仓库利用率、预测、运输率等。信息网络中的链接通常包括从一个地理点向另一个地理点传输信息的邮件或电子方式。节点是各种数据收集和处理点,如处理订单和准备提货单的办事员 或更新库存记录的计算机。
In concept, the information network is much like the product flow network in that both can be viewed as a collection of links and nodes. However, a major difference in the networks is that product mainly flows "down" the distribution channel (toward the final consumer), whereas information mainly, but not entirely, flows "up" the channel (toward raw material sources).
在概念上,信息网络与产品流通网络很相似,都可以看作是链接和节点的集合。然而,这两个网络的一个主要区别是,产品主要是在分销渠道 "向下 "流动(流向最终消费者),而信息主要是,但不完全是,在渠道 "向上 "流动(流向原材料来源)。
The product flow network and the information network combine to form a logistics system. The networks are combined, since designing each separately can lead to a suboptimal design for the entire system. Thus, the networks are dependent. For example, the design of the information network influences the order-cycle times for the system. Order-cycle times, in turn, affect the inventory levels that must be maintained at the nodes in the product network. The availability of inventory affects customer service levels, and customer service levels, in turn, affect order-cycle times and the information network design. In addition, still other interdependencies require viewing the logistics system as a whole rather than by its parts.
Logistics planning is a design problem. The network is to be constructed as a configuration of warehouses, retail outlets, factories, deployed inventories, transportation services, and information processing systems that will achieve an optimum balance between the revenues resulting from the level of customer service established by the network design and the costs associated with the creation and operation of the network.

When to Plan

In the planning process, when the network should be planned or planned again is the first consideration. If no logistics system currently exists, as in the case of a new firm or of new items within an existing product line, the need for planning a logistics network is obvious. However, in most cases in which a logistics network is already in place, a decision must be made either to modify the existing network or to allow it to continue to operate, even though it may not be an optimal design. A definitive answer to this question cannot be given without doing the actual planning. However, general guidelines for network appraisal and audit can be offered in the five key areas of demand, customer service, product characteristics, logistics costs, and pricing policy.

Demand 需求

Both the level of demand and its geographic dispersion greatly influence the configuration of logistics networks. Firms often experience disproportionate growth or decline in one region of the country compared with others. Although only expansion or reduction at current facilities may be required, substantial shifting of demand patterns may require that new warehouses or plants be located in rapidly growing areas while facilities in slow growth or declining markets need to be closed. Such disproportionate growth of only a few percentage points a year often is sufficient to justify network replanning.

Customer Service 客户服务

Customer service broadly includes inventory availability, speed of delivery, and order filling speed and accuracy. The costs associated with these factors increase at a higher rate as the customer service level is raised. Therefore, distribution costs will be quite sensitive to the level of customer service provided, especially if it is already high.
Reformulating the logistics strategy is usually needed when service levels are changed due to competitive forces, policy revisions, or arbitrary service goals different from those on which the logistics strategy originally was based. However, minor changes in service levels, when they already are low, are not likely to trigger the need for replanning.

Product Characteristics 产品特性

Logistics costs are sensitive to such characteristics as product weight, volume (cube), value, and risk. In the logistics channel, these characteristics can be altered through package design or finished state of the product during shipment and storage. For example, shipping a product in a knocked-down form can considerably affect the weight-bulk ratio of the product and the associated transportation and storage rates. Because altering a product's characteristics can substantially change one cost element in the logistics mix with little change to the others, this creates a new cost balance point for the logistics system. Thus, when substantial changes are made in the product characteristics, replanning the logistics system could be beneficial.

Logistics Costs 物流成本

The costs that a firm incurs for physical supply and physical distribution often determine how frequently its logistics system should be replanned. All other factors being equal, a firm producing high-valued goods (such as machine tools or computers); with logistics costs being a small portion of total costs, will likely give little attention to the optimality of logistics strategy. However, when logistics costs are high, as they can be in the case of packaged industrial chemicals and food products, logistics strategy is a key concern. With high logistics costs, even the small improvements brought about by frequent replanning can result in substantial cost reductions.

Pricing Policy 定价政策

Changes in the pricing policy under which goods are purchased or sold will affect logistics strategy, mainly because it defines responsibility for certain logistics activities. A supplier that switches from an f.o.b. factory price (transportation costs not
货物采购或销售所依据的定价政策的变化会影响物流战略,主要是因为它界定了某 些物流活动的责任。如果供应商将出厂价(运输成本不包括在出厂价内)改为到岸价(运输成本不包括在出厂价内),其物流战略就会受到影响。

included) to a delivered price (transportation costs included) will usually relieve the buying firm of the responsibility for providing or arranging for the inbound transportation. Similarly, price policy affects the transfer of title to goods and the responsibility for transportation in the distribution channel as well.
Although costs are transferable through the logistics channel regardless of how they are assigned by the pricing mechanism, some firms plan their logistics system based on the costs for which they are directly responsible. If a firm has a price policy where the customer pays for the delivery of goods, the resulting strategy is likely to be one where there are few stocking points, unless customer service restrictions force these to be increased. Due to the importance of transportation costs in total logistics costs, shifts in price policy will usually trigger strategy reformulation.
When changes have occurred in one or several of these areas, replanning the logistics strategy should be considered. Next, let us consider some of the logistics principles and concepts that are useful for strategy formulation.

Guidelines for Strategy Formulation

Many of the principles and concepts that guide logistics planning are derived from the unique nature of logistics activities, especially transportation. Others are a result of general economic and market phenomena. All give insight as to what the logistics strategy might be and set the stage for more detailed analysis. Several of these will now be outlined and illustrated.

Total Cost Concept 总成本概念

Central to the scope and design of the logistics system is trade-off analysis, which, in turn, leads to the total cost concept. The cost trade-off is the recognition that cost patterns of various activities of the firm frequently display characteristics that put them in conflict with one another. This conflict is managed by balancing the activities so that they are collectively optimized. For example, Figure 2-5 shows that when a transportation service is being selected, the direct cost of the transport service and the indirect cost effect on inventory levels in the logistics channel due to different delivery performance of carriers are said to be in cost conflict with each other. The best economic choice occurs at the point where the sum of both costs is lowest, as indicated by the dashed line in Figure 2-5.
权衡分析是物流系统范围和设计的核心,而权衡分析又导致了总成本概念。成本权衡是指认识到企业各种活动的成本模式经常显示出相互冲突的特点。处理这种冲突的方法是平衡各项活动,使其达到最优化。例如,图 2-5 显示,在选择运输服务时,运输服务的直接成本与承运商不同的交付绩效对物流渠道库存水平的间接成本影响相互冲突。如图 2-5 中虚线所示,最佳经济选择出现在两种成本之和最低的地方。
Choosing a transportation service based on lowest rates or fastest service may not be the best method. Therefore, the basic problem in logistics is one of cost conflict management. Wherever there are substantial cost conflicts among activities, they should be managed in a coordinated manner. The network, as previously described, incorporates most of the potential cost conflicts relevant to logistics.
The total cost concept applies to more than the problem of selecting transportation service. Additional examples of logistics problems, where a trade-off of costs is indicated, are shown in Figure 2-6. Figure 2-6(a) illustrates the problem of setting the customer service level. As customers receive a higher level of service, fewer of them are lost because of out-of-stock situations, slow and unreliable deliveries, and inaccurate order filling. The cost of lost sales decreases with improved service. Counterbalancing the lost sales cost is the cost of maintaining the level of service.
总成本概念不仅适用于选择运输服务的问题。图 2-6 举例说明了成本权衡的其他物流问题。图 2-6(a)说明了设定客户服务水平的问题。随着客户服务水平的提高,因缺货、送货速度慢且不可靠以及订单填写不准确而损失的客户数量会减少。随着服务水平的提高,销售损失的成本也会降低。与销售损失成本相抵消的是维持服务水平的成本。
Figure 2-5 Generalized Cost Conflict Between Transportation and Inventory Costs As a Function of Transportation Service Characteristics
图 2-5 运输成本与库存成本之间的一般成本冲突是运输服务特征的函数
Improved service usually means that more must be paid for transportation, order processing, and inventories. The best trade-off occurs at a point below 100 percent (perfect) customer service.
改善服务通常意味着必须为运输、订单处理和库存支付更多费用。最佳权衡点是低于 100%(完美)的客户服务。
Figure 2-6(b) shows the basic economic considerations in determining the number of stocking points in a logistics network. When customers purchase in small quantities and stocking points are replenished in large quantities, the cost of transportation from the stocking points exceeds the inbound costs so that transportation costs decline when the number of stocking points is increased. However, as the number of stocking points increases, the inventory level for the entire network increases and inventory costs rise. In addition, the customer service level is affected by this decision. The problem is one of balancing the combined inventory-transportation costs against the contribution to revenues from the customer service level provided.
图 2-6(b)显示了确定物流网络中库存点数量的基本经济考虑因素。当客户少量采购而库存点大量补货时,库存点的运输成本会超过进货成本,因此当库存点数量增加时,运输成本会下降。但是,随着库存点数量的增加,整个网络的库存水平也会增加,库存成本也会上升。此外,客户服务水平也会受到这一决策的影响。问题在于如何平衡库存-运输综合成本与客户服务水平对收入的贡献。
Figure 2-6(c) illustrates the problem of setting the safety stock level for inventories. Because safety stock increases the average level of inventories and affects the customer service level through the availability of stock when an order is placed, the cost of lost sales declines. Increasing the average level of inventories will increase the inventory carrying cost. Transportation costs remain relatively unaffected. Again, a balance is sought between these opposing costs.
图 2-6(c)说明了设定库存安全库存水平的问题。由于安全库存会提高平均库存水平,并通过下订单时的库存可用性影响客户服务水平,因此销售损失的成本会下降。提高平均库存水平会增加库存账面成本。运输成本相对不受影响。同样,我们要在这些对立的成本之间寻求平衡。
Finally, Figure 2-6(d) shows the basic features of a multiproduct scheduling problem. Production costs are affected by the sequence in which the products are produced and the length of production runs. As the production sequence is changed, inventory costs will increase, because orders will not necessarily be received at the optimum time to replenish depleted stocks. The effect is to raise the average inventory level. The best production sequence and run length to produce the products are found where the combined production and inventory costs are minimized.
最后,图 2-6(d)显示了多产品调度问题的基本特征。生产成本受产品生产顺序和生产运行长度的影响。随着生产顺序的改变,库存成本也会增加,因为不一定能在最佳时间收到订单来补充耗尽的库存。这样做的结果是提高了平均库存水平。最佳的生产顺序和产品生产周期是生产成本和库存成本之和最小的地方。
These examples illustrate the total cost concept as applied to the internal problems of the firm and specifically to logistics problems. However, at times, decisions made by a firm in a channel of distribution affect the logistics costs of another firm. For example, the inventory policies of a buyer affect both the inventory costs of the shipper and the operating costs of the carrier. In this case, it is necessary to extend the boundaries of the system beyond either the logistics function or the firm, possibly to include several firms. Thus, the total cost equation would be expanded, and the scope of managerial decision making would extend beyond the legal limits of the firm,
The point is that the total cost, or alternately the total system, concept is a concept without clear boundaries. Although one might argue that in some way all activities of the entire economy are economically related to the logistics problem of the firm, to attempt to assess all the various cost trade-offs that might relate to any decision problem is folly. It is left to managerial judgment to decide the factors considered relevant and to include them in the analysis. This defines whether the total cost analy'sis will include only factors within the logistics function as we have defined it, or whether the analysis should be extended to include other factors under the control of the firm and even some beyond the immediate control of the firm, as in the entire supply chain. The total cost concept is the trade-off of all costs that are in cost conflict with each other and that can affect the outcome of a particular logistics decision.

Application 应用

A large manufacturer of marine products was constructing a warehouse in St. Louis. The choice of location was based on minimizing transportation costs. A follow-up study that included the effect of inventory consolidation on transportation costs showed that the warehouse was best located in Chicago. The more comprehensive analysis resulted in cost differences that were so dramatic that the company sold the partially constructed warehouse and moved the inventory to Chicago.

Differentiated Distribution

Not all products should be provided the same level of customer service. This is a fundamental principle for logistics planning. Different customer service requirements, different product characteristics, and different sales levels among the multiple items that the typical firm distributes suggest that multiple distribution strategies should be provided within the product line. Managers have made use of this principle when they broadly classify their products into a limited number of groups, such as high, medium, and low sales volume, and then apply a different stocking level to each. To a lesser extent, the principle is also applied to inventory location. When a firm stocks all products at all warehouse locations, it may do so to simplify administration, but this strategy denies the inherent differences between products and their costs, and it leads to higher than necessary distribution costs.
An improved strategy might be first to differentiate those products that should move through the warehouse from products that should be shipped directly to

customers from plant, vendors, or other source points. Because the transportation rate structure encourages shipments in vehicle-load volumes, the products might first be divided according to shipment size. Those customers ordering in highvolume quantities would be served direct, while all others would be served from warehouses.
Of the sales volume remaining, the products should be differentiated by location. That is, the fast-moving items should be placed in the field warehouses with the most forward locations in the distribution channel. Medium-volume items should be placed in fewer regional locations. The slow-moving items should be located only at centralized stocking points such as plants. As a result, each stocking point may contain a different product mix.

Application 应用

A small specialty chemical company manufactured a variety of products for coating metals for corrosion prevention. All products were produced at a single location. A study of the distribution network recommended distribution patterns somewhat different from those historically used by the company. That is, all shipments that could be made in full truckload quantities were to be shipped direct from plant to customers. All large customer orders, the top ten percent of the company's volume, were also to be shipped direct to customers from the plant. The remainder of the product line, with its small shipment sizes, was to be shipped out of two strategically located warehouses as well as from the plant. This differentiated distribution strategy saved the company 20 percent of its distribution costs while preserving the existing level of logistics customer service.
一家小型特种化学品公司生产多种金属防腐涂层产品。所有产品都在一个工厂生产。在对分销网络进行研究后,建议采用与该公司以往使用的分销模式略有不同的分销模式。也就是说,所有可以整车装运的货物都要从工厂直接运给客户。所有大客户订单,即公司销量前 10%的订单,也将从工厂直接运往客户手中。其余的小批量产品则由两家地理位置优越的仓库和工厂发货。这种差异化分销战略为公司节省了 20% 的分销成本,同时保持了现有的物流客户服务水平。
Differentiated distribution may be applied to factors other than volume. That is, separate distribution channels may be established for regular customer orders and back orders. The regular distribution channel might be to fill orders from warehouses. When an out-of-stock situation occurs, a backup distribution system may come into play that fills the order from secondary stocking points and uses premium transportation to overcome the disadvantage of increased delivery distances. Similarly, many other examples can be offered where multiple distribution channels give lower overall distribution costs than a single channel design.

Mixed Strategy 混合战略

The concept of a mixed strategy is similar to that of differentiated distribution. The concept is: A mixed distribution strategy will have lower costs than a pure, or single strategy. Although single strategies may benefit from economies of scale and administrative simplicity, they are at an economic disadvantage when the product line varies substantially in terms of cube, weight, order size, sales volume, and customer service requirements. A mixed strategy allows an optimal strategy to be established for separate product groups. This often has lower costs than a single, global strategy that must be averaged across all product groups.

Application 应用

One retailer of prescription drugs and sundry products was faced with expanding its distribution system to meet rapidly increasing sales brought about by a program of retail store acquisitions. A configuration of six warehouses was used to service about one thousand stores throughout the United States. The company's strategy was to use only privately owned warehouses and trucks to provide high levels of service to the stores. Expansion plans called for the construction of a new million facility. The warehouse was to supplement an overloaded facility that served a primary market area around Pittsburgh and to lower costs by using up-to-date handling and storage equipment and procedures. Management was committed to this strategy and had begun searching for a site for the new building.
一家处方药和杂货零售商面临着扩大配送系统的问题,以满足零售店收购计划带来的快速增长的销售额。该公司拥有六个仓库,为全美约一千家商店提供服务。公司的战略是只使用私有仓库和卡车为商店提供高水平的服务。扩建计划要求新建一个价值 万美元的设施。该仓库将补充服务于匹兹堡周边主要市场地区的超负荷设施,并通过使用最新的处理和存储设备及程序来降低成本。管理层致力于实施这一战略,并已开始寻找新建筑的选址。
At this time, a network planning study was conducted. The results showed that while the Pittsburgh facility was expensive to operate, the savings generated by the new warehouse could not justify the million investment. Although this was informative, it did not solve the company's need for additional space.
此时,进行了一项网络规划研究。研究结果表明,虽然匹兹堡仓库的运营成本较高,但新仓库所节省的费用并不能证明 万美元的投资是合理的。虽然这一研究提供了信息,但并没有解决公司对额外空间的需求。
A mixed strategy was suggested to the vice president of distribution (see Figure 2-7). The use of some public (for rent) warehouse space along with the company-owned space could offer lower total costs than the all-private strategy. The company was able to move the high-cube products into a nearby public warehouse, install new equipment, and recover enough space to meet foreseeable needs. The costs were about for the new equipment and about for additional annual transport expense for serving the stores from both facilities. Thus, the company was successfully able to avoid the million that it had already agreed to spend if a single, or pure, distribution strategy were pursued.
公司向分销副总裁建议了一种混合战略(见图 2-7)。与全私有战略相比,使用一些公共(出租)仓库空间和公司自有空间的总成本更低。该公司能够将高立方体产品转移到附近的公共仓库,安装新设备,并收回足够的空间来满足可预见的需求。新设备的成本约为 ,每年从两个设施为商店提供服务的额外运输费用约为 。因此,该公司成功地避免了如果采用单一或纯粹的分销战略而需要花费的 万美元。
Figure 2-7 A Total Cost Curve for Single and Mixed Warehousing Strategies
图 2-7 单一和混合仓储战略的总成本曲线

Postponement 延期

The principle of postponement can be stated as follows: The time of shipment and the location of final product processing in the distribution of a product should be delayed until a customer order is received. The idea is to avoid shipping goods in anticipation of when demand will occur (time postponement) and to avoid creating the form of the final product in anticipation of that form (form postponement).
推迟原则可表述如下:产品分销中的发货时间和最终产品加工地点应推迟到收到客户订单之后。 这样做的目的是避免在预期需求出现时才发货(时间延迟),也避免在预期最终产品的形式出现时才制作最终产品的形式(形式推迟)。

Examples 实例

  • JCPenney regularly practices time postponement in its retail catalog operations by filling orders on demand from relatively few warehouse locations.
    JCPenney 在其零售目录业务中经常采用时间延迟的做法,在相对较少的仓储地点按需完成订单。
  • Dell Computer, a manufacturer of mail-order personal computers, practices form postponement by configuring microcomputer systems to customer order from available options.
  • Sherwin-Williams retail paint stores create an endless variety of colors for customers by mixing pigments in relatively few base colors, rather than stocking all colors ready mixed (form postponement).
    Sherwin-Williams 油漆零售店通过在相对较少的基色中混合颜料,而不是将所有颜色都储存在现成的混合色中(形式延迟),为客户创造了无穷无尽的色彩。
  • Steel service centers cut standard shapes and sizes of steel products into custom products for customers (form postponement).
  • Postponement was used by Hewlett-Packard as a critical element in DeskJet Plus product design-the relationship between design and the eventual customization, distribution, and delivery of the product to multiple market segments.
    惠普公司将延期作为 DeskJet Plus 产品设计的关键因素,即设计与最终定制、分销和向多个细分市场交付产品之间的关系。
  • SW, a manufacturer of graphical software, developed its products at its U.S. headquarters. To save on transportation and inventory costs, it shipped master copies of the software to Europe for duplication and final customization for that market.
    SW 公司是一家图形软件制造商,在美国总部开发产品。为了节省运输和库存成本,该公司将软件的母版运往欧洲进行复制,并为欧洲市场进行最终定制。
Specifically, consider how StarKist Foods reworked its distribution strategy using the principle of postponement.
具体而言,请考虑 StarKist 食品公司如何利用推迟原则重新制定其分销战略。

Application 应用

StarKist Foods, a canner of tuna products, changed its distribution strategy to take advantage of the postponement principle and lower inventory levels. Historically, the company packed fish in its California cannery for both company-label and private-label markets. The end products were shipped to field warehouses for storage. A decision had to be made at the time of canning as to what proportion of the catch would be committed to the two end products, since there was too little capacity to store fish as a raw material. There was no difference in the quality of the final product under the two labels.
StarKist 食品公司是一家金枪鱼罐头生产商,它改变了分销策略,以利用延期原则降低库存水平。一直以来,该公司在加利福尼亚州的罐头厂为公司品牌和私人品牌市场包装鱼类。最终产品被运往外地仓库储存。在装罐时,必须决定将多大比例的捕捞量用于两种最终产品,因为将鱼作为原料储存的能力太小。两种标签下的最终产品在质量上没有区别。
The company established a forward labeling operation on the East Coast to serve the eastern markets. The fish was packed in unlabeled cans called "brights" and shipped to the East Coast warehouse. As the market developed for the end products, the "brights" were labeled and shipped to customers. Inventories were lowered through avoiding the costs associated with having too little or too much of the product with a particular label.
公司在东海岸建立了一个前向贴标业务,为东部市场提供服务。鱼被装在没有标签的罐头中,称为 "鲜鱼",然后运往东海岸的仓库。随着终端产品市场的发展,"鲜鱼 "被贴上标签,运往客户手中。这样就避免了因贴有特定标签的产品过少或过多而产生的成本,从而降低了库存。
Zinn and Bowersox classify five types of postponement and give suggestions as to the firms that might be interested in applying the principle. Form postponement can take four forms: labeling, packaging, assembly, and manufacturing; the fifth type is time postponement. Their suggestions are summarized in Table 2-2. Postponement is favored when the following characteristics appear to be present.
Zinn 和 Bowersox 将延期分为五种类型,并就可能有兴趣应用这一原则的公司提出了建议。形式推迟有四种形式:贴标签、包装、装配和制造;第五种是时间推迟。表 2-2 总结了他们的建议。当具备以下特征时,推迟生产会受到青睐。
Table 2-2 Types of Firms Potentially Interested in Using the Postponement Principle
表 2-2 可能有意采用推迟原则的公司类型
Firms selling a product under several brand names
Firms with high unit value products
Firms with high product value fluctuations
Firms selling a product under several package sizes
Firms with high unit value products
Firms with high product sales fluctuations
Firms selling products with several versions
Firms selling a product whose cube is greatly reduced if shipped unassembled
Firms with high unit value products
Firms with high product sales fluctuations
Firms selling products with a high proportion of ubiquitous materials
Firms with high unit value products
Firms with high product sales fluctuations
Firms with high unit value products
Firms with a large number of distribution warehouses
Firms with high product sales fluctuations
"A type of form postponement
bTime postponement b 推迟时间
Source: Adapted from Walter Zinn and Donald J. Bowersox, "Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of
Postponement," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1988), p. 133.
推迟",《商业物流杂志》,第 9 卷,第 2 期(1988 年),第 133 页。

Technology and Process Characteristics

  • Feasible to decouple primary and postponed operations
  • Limited complexity of customizing
  • Modular product design 模块化产品设计
  • Sourcing from multiple locations

Product Characteristics 产品特性

  • High commonality of modules
  • Specific formulation of products
  • Specific peripherals 特定外设
  • High value density of products
  • Product cube and/or weight increases through customization

Market Characteristics 市场特点

  • Short product life cycles
  • High sales fluctuations 销售波动大
  • Short and reliable lead times
  • Price competition 价格竞争
  • Varied markets and customers

Consolidation 合并

Creating large shipments from small ones (consolidation) is a powerful economic force in strategic planning. It results from the substantial economies of scale that are present in the transport cost-rate structure. Managers can use this concept to improve strategy. For example, customer orders arriving at a warehouse might be combined with orders received later. This would increase the size of the average shipment, which in turn would lower average per-unit shipping costs. Potentially reduced customer service resulting from increased delivery time must be balanced with the cost benefits of order consolidation.

Application 应用

A firm had a master warehouse in the Rochester, New York, area to serve a number of general merchandise stores in the eastern United States. The merchandise consisted of many items purchased in small quantities from thousands of vendors. To reduce inbound transportation costs, the company established consolidation terminals in major vendor regions. Vendors were instructed to ship the purchased quantities into the consolidation terminal. When full truckload quantities were accumulated, the company's own trucks moved the merchandise from the consolidation terminal to its master warehouse. This avoided shipping small quantities over long distances to the master warehouse, at very high per-unit transport rates.
In general, the concept of consolidation will be most useful in strategy formulation when quantities shipped are small. That is, the smaller the shipment size, the disproportionately greater the benefits of consolidation.

Standardization 标准化

Variety exacts its price in the logistics channel. Proliferation of product variety can increase inventories and decrease shipment sizes. Just adding a new item to the product line that is similar to an existing one can increase the combined inventory levels of both items by 40 percent or more, even though total demand does not increase. The key question in strategy formulation is how to provide the variety in the marketplace that customers desire without dramatically increasing logistics costs. The use of the concepts of standardization and postponement in combination is often effective for this problem.
在物流渠道中,种类繁多是要付出代价的。产品种类繁多会增加库存,减少发货量。只要在产品线中增加一种与现有产品相似的新产品,即使总需求没有增加,两种产品的总库存量也会增加 40% 或更多。制定战略的关键问题是,如何在不大幅增加物流成本的情况下,在市场上提供客户所期望的多样性。结合使用标准化和延期的概念往往能有效解决这一问题。
Standardization in production is created through interchangeable parts, modularizing products, and labeling the same products under different brand names. This effectively controls the variety of parts, supplies, and materials that must be handled in the supply channel. The disadvantages of product variety are controlled in the distribution channel through postponement. For example, automakers create endless product variety without increasing inventories by adding or substituting options at the point of sale and creating multiple brands from the same basic components. Clothing manufacturers do not attempt to stock exact sizes that many customers require, but alter standard sizes to fit.

Selecting the Proper Channel STRATEGY
选择合适的渠道 战略

Selecting the proper channel design greatly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain. Fundamentally, two strategies are significant-supply-to-stock and supply-to-order. These are the end points in a mixture of alternative strategies blended to meet a variety of product and demand characteristics.
A supply-to-stock strategy is one where the supply channel is set up for maximum efficiency. That is, inventories are used to achieve good economies by allowing economical production runs, purchasing in quantity, batch order processing, and transporting in large shipment sizes. Safety stocks are maintained to realize high levels of product availability. Demand is usually met from inventories, but careful control holds inventory levels to a minimum. In contrast, a supply-to-order strategy is one where the supply channel is set up for maximum responsiveness. The channel characteristics are excess capacity, quick changeovers, short lead times, flexible processing, premium transportation, and single order processing. Postponement strategies are used to delay the creation of product variety as long and as far down the supply channel as possible. The costs associated with responsiveness are offset by
从供应到库存战略是一种为实现最高效率而建立供应渠道的战略。也就是说,通过经济的生产运行、按量采购、批量订单处理和大批量运输,利用库存实现良好的经济效益。保持安全库存以实现高水平的产品供应。库存通常可以满足需求,但要小心控制,将库存水平控制在最低限度。与此相反,"按订单供货 "战略是一种将供应渠道设置为最大限度满足需求的战略。这种渠道的特点是产能过剩、转换快、交货期短、加工灵活、运输优惠和单笔订单处理。延迟战略是指在供应渠道中尽可能长、尽可能远地延迟产品品种的生产。与反应能力相关的成本可通过以下方式抵消
Figure 2-8 图 2-8
Characteristics of 特点
Supply-to-Stock and 供应到库存和
Supply-to-Order 按订单供货
Supply Chains 供应链
Supply Chain
Channel Design Characteristics
supply chain
- Economical production runs
- 经济型生产
- Finished goods inventories
- 成品库存
- Economical buy quantities
- 经济实惠的购买数量
- Large shipment sizes
- 装运量大
- Batch order processing
- 批量订单处理
supply chain
- Excess capacity - 过剩能力
- Quick changeovers - 快速转换
- Short lead times
- 交货时间短
- Flexible processing - 灵活加工
- Premium transportation
- 高级交通
- Single order processing
- 单一订单处理
the minimization of finished goods inventories. A summary of the differences between the two approaches is given in Figure 2-8.
最大限度地减少成品库存。两种方法的区别见图 2-8。
The predictability of demand and the profit margin of products are the primary determinants of supply channel choice. When products have a stable demand pattern and are therefore reasonably predictable, planning their supply is reasonably easy. Many products that have a stable demand pattern also have a mature characteristic where competition is keen and profit margins are low. These characteristics lead the logistician to design a supply channel to be as low cost as possible consistent with meeting customer service goals. Typical products that might be in the predictable category are shown in Table 2-3.
需求的可预测性和产品的利润率是选择供应渠道的主要决定因素。如果产品具有稳定的需求模式,因而具有合理的可预测性,那么其供应计划就比较容易制定。许多需求模式稳定的产品还具有成熟的特点,即竞争激烈,利润率低。这些特点促使物流人员在设计供应渠道时,在满足客户服务目标的前提下尽可能降低成本。表 2-3 列出了可能属于可预测类别的典型产品。
On the other hand, products that are highly unpredictable frequently carry a higher profit margin than unpredictable ones. See examples in Table 2-3. They are often innovative, are new product developments, and incorporate new technology; therefore, they command a higher return. There is less of an historical basis for estimating their sales level. Even some products that have been in product lines for
另一方面,高度不可预测的产品往往比不可预测的产品有更高的利润率。见表 2-3 中的例子。这些产品往往具有创新性,是新开发的产品,并采用了新技术;因此,它们的回报率较高。估计其销售水平的历史依据较少。甚至有些产品在产品线中已经存在了很长时间。
Table  表格
Classification of Products
- Gelatin desserts - 明胶甜点 - New CDs
- Corn flakes - 玉米片 - New computer games
- 新电脑游戏
- Lawn fertilizer - 草坪肥料 - High-fashion clothes - 高级时装
- Ballpoint pens - 圆珠笔 - Artwork
- Lightbulbs - Movies
- Auto replacement tires
- 汽车替换轮胎
- Consulting services - 咨询服务
- Some industrial chemicals
- 某些工业化学品
- New product offerings of existing product
- 现有产品的新产品供应
- Tomato soup - 番茄汤 lines
Figure 2-9 图 2-9
Actions for Misclassified Products
many years display demand that is highly variable, or lumpy. Low volume items are typical of these. Unless the products are low valued, there is an economic disincentive to maintain inventories of these products to meet the uncertain demand. The better strategy is to respond quickly to demand at the time that it occurs, not from inventories but from production processes or from vendors. Applying the supply-tostock design to the unpredictable product class results in excessive finished goods inventories needed to maintain adequate product availability levels, increased product cycle times resulting from batch production or quantity purchasing, and slow deliveries resulting from shipment consolidation. A responsive design avoids the long delivery times and/or excessive inventories by meeting demand as it occurs.
In fashioning the right strategy, it is necessary to categorize correctly existing items in a product line. Once this has been done, they should be matched to their supply chain design as shown in Figure 2-9. When there is a mismatch, two options are available. First, an attempt can be made to change the product characteristics. For an unpredictable product, an improved forecast method may be sought so that a supply-to-stock design is appropriate. Second, the type of supply chain design may be changed. A supply-to-stock design used for an unpredictable product may be changed to a supply-to-order, or responsive, design. On the other hand, a product categorized as predictable but being supplied under a responsive design can be changed to the efficient design. It is doubtful that a predictable product would be moved to the unpredictable category.
在制定正确的战略时,有必要对产品系列中的现有项目进行正确分类。分类完成后,应将其与供应链设计相匹配,如图 2-9 所示。当出现不匹配时,有两种选择。首先,可以尝试改变产品特性。对于难以预测的产品,可以寻求一种改进的预测方法,从而使 "从供应到库存 "的设计变得合适。其次,可以改变供应链设计的类型。用于不可预测产品的 "按库存供货 "设计可改为 "按订单供货 "或 "响应式 "设计。另一方面,被归类为可预测但按响应式设计供应的产品也可改为高效设计。可预测产品是否会被归入不可预测类别,这一点值得怀疑。
General guidelines have been provided to select the proper supply chain design; however, some mismatching of product characteristics to design type may be tolerated. Some products may have highly unpredictable demand, but their low value and low margin suggests that holding extra inventory resulting from poor forecasting, or highly variable replenishment lead times, is justified. Responsive design requiring careful management is not warranted. Similarly, products with predictable demand do not need to be moved from a responsive to an efficient design if there is no benefit from lower channel costs or higher customer service.
Consider how Benetton, an Italian clothing manufacturer and retailer best known for its colorful sweaters, introduced a supply-to-order strategy at its stores in a traditional supply-to-stock retail environment to reduce inventory obsolescence and increase sales. Sweater sales have been unpredictable, but because of long lead times from manufacturers, retailers took their best guess at sales and stocked accordingly. The principle of postponement plays an important role in the supply-to-order
贝纳通是一家意大利服装生产商和零售商,以生产色彩斑斓的毛衣而闻名。在传统的 "按库存供货 "的零售环境中,贝纳通如何在其门店引入 "按订单供货 "战略,以减少库存陈旧,提高销售额。毛衣的销售一直难以预测,但由于生产商的交货期较长,零售商只能尽力猜测销售情况,并据此备货。延迟原则在 "按订单供货 "模式中发挥着重要作用。

strategy whereby yarns and often sweaters are made up in a "gray" state ready for final knitting and dying to the finished color.
纱线和毛衣通常是在 "灰色 "状态下编织的,准备最后编织和染成成品颜色。

Example 示例

Benetton, the Italian sportswear company, has knitting as its core. Located in Ponzano, Italy, Benetton makes and distributes 50 million pieces of clothing worldwide each year. They produce mostly sweaters, slacks, and dresses.
意大利运动服装公司贝纳通以针织为核心。贝纳通位于意大利庞扎诺,每年在全球生产和销售 5000 万件服装。他们主要生产毛衣、休闲裤和连衣裙。
Benetton, found that the fastest way to run a distribution system is to create an electronic loop linking sales agent, factory, and warehouse, as illustrated in Figure 2-10. If, say, a salesperson in one of Benetton's Los Angeles shops finds that she is starting to run out of a best-selling red sweater in early October, she calls one of Benetton's 80 sales agents, who enters the order in his personal computer, which sends it to a mainframe in Italy. Because the red sweater was originally created on a computer-aided design system, the mainframe has all its measurements on hand in digital code, which can be transmitted to a knitting machine. The machine makes the sweaters, which factory workers put in a box with a bar code label containing the address of the Los Angeles store, and the box goes into the warehouse. That's rightone warehouse serves Benetton's 5,000 stores in 60 countries around the world. It cost million, but this distribution center, run by only eight people, moves 230,000 pieces of clothing a day.
贝纳通公司发现,运行分销系统的最快方法是建立一个连接销售代理、工厂和仓库的电子环路,如图 2-10 所示。例如,如果贝纳通在洛杉矶的一家商店的销售人员发现十月初最畅销的红色毛衣开始缺货,她就会打电话给贝纳通的 80 个销售代理中的一个,该代理会将订单输入个人电脑,然后电脑会将订单发送到意大利的主机上。因为这件红色毛衣最初是在计算机辅助设计系统上设计的,所以主机上的所有测量数据都是数字代码,可以传输到针织机上。机器生产出毛衣后,工厂工人将毛衣装入贴有条形码标签的盒子中,标签上写有洛杉矶商店的地址,然后将盒子放入仓库。没错,只有一个仓库为贝纳通在全球 60 个国家的 5000 家门店提供服务。虽然耗资高达 万美金,但这个只有八个人的配送中心每天却能运送 23 万件服装。
Once the red sweaters are sitting snugly in one of 300,000 slots in the warehouse, a computer sends a robot flying. By reading the bar codes, the robot finds the right box and any other boxes being shipped to the Los Angeles store, picks them up, and loads them onto a truck. Including manufacturing time, Benetton can get the order to Los Angeles in four weeks. If the warehouse already has red sweaters in stock, it takes one week. That's quite a performance in the notoriously slow garment industry, where hardly anyone else will even bother with reorders. And if Benetton suddenly realizes that it didn't make any, say, black cardigans and purple blouses this
一旦红色毛衣被稳稳地放在仓库 30 万个货位中的一个,电脑就会派出一个机器人。通过读取条形码,机器人可以找到正确的箱子和其他运往洛杉矶商店的箱子,然后将它们拾起,装上卡车。算上生产时间,贝纳通可以在四周内将订单送到洛杉矶。如果仓库已有红色毛衣库存,则只需一周。这在以速度慢著称的服装行业是相当不错的业绩,因为在这个行业里,几乎没有人会再去订货。如果贝纳通突然发现今年没有生产黑色开襟羊毛衫和紫色上衣等产品,那么就会出现这种情况。
Figure 2-10 Benetton's Delivery Channel
图 2-10 贝纳通的销售渠道

year and they're hot, it can manufacture and ship a "flash collection" of black cardigans and purple blouses in huge quantities in a few weeks.
它可以在几周内大量生产和发货黑色羊毛衫和紫色上衣的 "快闪系列"。

Measuring Strateg PERFORMANCE

Once supply chain strategies are planned and implemented, managers want to know if they are working. Three measures are useful to monitor this: cash flow, savings, and return on investment. If all are positive and substantial, the strategies are probably working well. These financial measures are of particular interest to top management.

Cash Flow 现金流

Cash flow is the money that a strategy generates. For example, if the strategy is to decrease the amount of inventory in a supply channel, then the money released from the inventory carried as an asset is turned into cash. This cash can then be used to pay salaries or dividends, or can be invested in other areas of the business.

Savings 节约

Savings refer to the change in all relevant costs associated with a strategy. These savings contribute to period profits of the business. A strategy that changes the number and location of the warehouses in a logistics network will affect transportation, inventory carrying, warehousing, and production/purchase costs. A good network design strategy will produce a significant annual costs savings (or, alternately, a customer improvement that contributes to revenue growth). These savings appear as a profit improvement on a business's profit and loss statement.

Return on Investment 投资回报

Return on investment is the ratio of the annual savings from the strategy to the investment required by the strategy. It indicates the efficiency with which capital is being used. Good strategies should show a return greater than or equal to the expected return on a company's projects.

Application 应用

A company was looking to consolidate its warehouses from 19 to four locations. The current system of warehouses had grown due to the company's aggressive merger program, resulting in warehouses not suited to the revised geographic demand profile. In addition, improvements in transportation allowed carriers to deliver products at farther distances in shorter time. As a result, fewer warehouses might save costs while preserving customer service.
一家公司希望将其仓库从 19 个地点合并为 4 个地点。由于公司积极开展合并计划,目前的仓库系统不断扩大,导致仓库不适合修订后的地理需求状况。此外,运输工具的改进使承运商能够在更短的时间内将产品运送到更远的地方。因此,减少仓库数量既能节约成本,又能保证客户服务。
Analysis of the four-warehouse strategy revealed substantial improvement in the three performance measures. It was reported to top management that cash flow would increase by million, mainly due to inventory reduction. Profits would improve since a reduction in distribution costs would annually save million dollars. Finally, because only one new warehouse was required and little moving expense was anticipated, the projected return on investment was 374 percent. Top management was pleased and the strategy was implemented.
对四仓库战略的分析表明,三项绩效指标均有大幅改善。据向最高管理层报告,现金流将增加 万美元,主要原因是库存减少。由于减少了配送成本,每年可节省 万美元,因此利润将得到改善。最后,由于只需要新建一个仓库,而且预计搬迁费用很少,预计投资回报率为 374%。高层管理者很满意,战略得以实施。

ConClUDING ComMENTs 相关内容

This chapter has attempted to lay down a framework for planning the logistics network. The plan begins with a vision of where the company as a whole wishes to go and an outline of its competitive strategy. This vision is converted into specific plans for the functional areas of the firm, of which logistics is one.
Logistics strategy is typically formed around three goals: cost reduction, capital reduction, and service improvement. Depending on problem type, strategies may range from long to short time periods. Planning usually takes place around four key areas: customer service, location, inventories, and transportation. The network of links and nodes serves as an abstract representation of the planning problem.
Suggestions were given as to when the planning should be undertaken. Several principles and concepts were laid down that can prove useful to formulating effective logistics strategies. Finally, guidelines for selecting the right supply chain design were discussed.

Questions 问题

  1. You plan to start a company that will produce household furniture (sofas, chairs, tables, and the like). Outline a corporate strategy for competing in the marketplace. What logistics strategy might you derive from your corporate one?
  2. Suppose in your company that you are responsible for distributing Taiwanese beer throughout the European Union. Suggest a distribution network that meets the three individual goals of cost reduction, capital reduction, and service improvement. Contrast each of these designs and suggest what you think would be a good balanced design.
  3. Sketch a network diagram of the logistics systems you think would be appropriate for the following companies:
a. A steel company supplying sheet steel to auto manufacturers.
b. An oil company supplying heating fuel to the northeastern United States.
c. A food company distributing canned goods to a domestic market.
d. A Japanese electronics firm distributing television sets in Europe.

products and ships them in the proper cartons. What concept is the battery manufacturer applying, and what advantages is he likely to realize?
  1. The traffic manager of the Monarch Electric Company has just received a ratereduction offer from a trucking company for the shipment of fractional horsepower motors to the company's field warehouse. The proposal is a rate of per hundredweight (cwt.) if a minimum of 40,000 pounds is moved in each shipment. Currently, shipments of 20,000 pounds or more are moved at a rate of per cwt. If the shipment size falls below 20,000 pounds, a rate of per cw't. applies.
    Monarch 电气公司的运输经理刚刚收到一家卡车运输公司的降价提议,要求将分马力电机运往该公司的现场仓库。如果每批货物至少运输 40,000 磅,则提议的费率为每 100 磅 (cwt.) 。目前,20,000 磅或以上的货物按每百磅 的费率运输。如果货运量低于 20,000 磅,则适用 每立方英尺的费率。
To help the traffic manager make a decision, the following additional information has been gathered:
Annual demand on warehouse
Warehouse replenishment orders
Weight of each motor, crated
Standard cost of motor in warehouse
Stock replenishment order handling costs
Inventory carrying costs as a percentage of average value of inventory on hand for a year
Handling cost at warehouse
Warehouse space 仓库空间
5,000 motors per year 43 orders per year
每年 5,000 台电机 每年 43 份订单
per motor per motor per order 25 percent per year
每个马达 每个马达 每个订单 每年 25
per cwt. unlimited
Should the company implement the new rate?
  1. What are the differences between a supply-to-stock and a supply-to-order supply channel design? When is the use of each appropriate?
  2. Describe why you think the sales of the following products are predictable or unpredictable.
a. Coca-Cola a.可口可乐
b. A music compact disc release of a new artist
c. Lightbulbs c.灯泡
d. Custom-fitted bicycles
Discuss what the supply channel characteristics should be for each product in terms of production processes, transportation services, inventory levels, order processing, and vendor responsiveness.
  1. What differences are there, if any, between logistics management and supply chain management?
  2. You are planning to start a mail-order business that will sell moderately priced clothing for short men and petite women. Local clothing stores, your major competition, carry a limited selection of sizes for this market, and have little opportunity to obtain items not in their immediate stock. Some customers appreciate the chance to try on clothes and listen to the adrice of the salespeople, but are often frustrated by the limited selection. You feel that you have a price advantage because of low orerhead (only order takers and order fillers make up the staff, and the warehouse is in a low rent district).
What strategy can you formulate that will allow you to compete effectively with local retailers?
  1. Storck is a German producer of candies, of which the best-known brand names are Werther's, Riesen, and Golden Best. All production takes place in Europe; in
    Storck 是一家德国糖果生产商,其最著名的品牌是 Werther's、Riesen 和 Golden Best。所有产品均在欧洲生产,其中

    fact, Storck is the largest consumer of sugar in Europe. Storck USA imports its candy products to the United States through an East Coast port and distributes them to retail and distribution outlets such as Wal-Mart, CVS Pharmacy, McLane, Target, Tri-Cor Distributors, and Winn-Dixie. Sales in the United States are about million. Distribution currently takes place through a few public warehouses and some pool points. Consolidation among the retailers and a repositioning of their warehouses, shifts in demand levels, and the need to correct some customer degradation in order to protect market share have led to reevaluating the U.S. distribution system.
    事实上,Storck 是欧洲最大的糖消费国。Storck 美国公司通过东海岸港口将糖果产品进口到美国,然后分销到沃尔玛、CVS Pharmacy、McLane、Target、Tri-Cor Distributors 和 Winn-Dixie 等零售和分销店。在美国的销售额约为 万美元。目前通过几个公共仓库和一些联营点进行分销。零售商之间的合并、仓库的重新定位、需求水平的变化,以及为保护市场份额而纠正一些客户退化现象的需要,导致了对美国分销系统的重新评估。
Considering common logistics strategies that might maximize return on logistics assets (ROLA), what distribution system design can you propose that will generally meet each of this goal?
第 II 部分:客户服务目标


The Logistics/Supply Chain Product

Abstract 摘要

The first, rule in dealing with other people's cultures and customs is that you must follow them no matter what your role in the foreign land may be.

\author{ \作者{
  • Lieutenant General William Pagonis

The logistics/SC product is a collection of characteristics that can be manipulated by the logistician. To the extent that product characteristics can be shaped and reshaped to better position them for the marketplace, a competitive advantage can be created. Customers respond with their patronage.

Inventory Strategy 库存战略

  • Forecasting 预测
  • Inventory decisions 库存决策
  • Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions
  • Storage fundamentals 存储基础知识
  • Storage decisions 存储决定

Transport Strategy - Transport fundamentals - Transport decisions service goals - The product - Logistics service - Order processing & information systems
运输战略 - 运输基础 - 运输决策服务目标 - 产品 - 物流服务 - 订单处理与信息系统

Location Strategy 地点战略

  • Location decisions 地点决定
  • The network planning process
The product is the center of focus in logistics system design because it is the object of flow in the supply chain, and, in its economic form, it generates the firm's revenues. A clear understanding of this basic element is essential to formulating good logistics system designs. It is the reason for exploring the product's basic dimensions, as represented by its characteristics, package, and price, as an element of customer service in the design of logistics systems.

Nature of the Logistics/SC PRODUCT

According to Juran, a product is the outcome, or result, of any activity or process. The product is composed of a physical part and an intangible part which together make up what is called a company's total product offering. The physical portion of the product offering is composed of characteristics such as weight, volume, and shape as well as features, performance, and durability. The intangible part of the product offering may be after-sales support, company reputation, communication to provide correct and timely information (e.g., shipment tracking), flexibility to meet an individual customers needs, and recovery to rectify mistakes. Any company's total product offering will be a mixture of both physical and service characteristics.
根据朱兰的观点,产品是任何活动或过程的结果或成果。 产品由有形部分和无形部分组成,这两部分共同构成了公司的全部产品。产品的有形部分由重量、体积和形状等特征以及功能、性能和耐用性组成。产品的无形部分可能是售后支持、公司声誉、提供正确及时信息的沟通(如装运跟踪)、满足客户个性化需求的灵活性以及纠正错误的恢复能力。 任何公司的总体产品都将是有形产品和服务产品的混合体。

Classifying Products 产品分类

Depending on who will use the product, the logistics system design should reflect the different use patterns. Broad product classifications are valuable for suggesting logistics strategy and, in many cases, for understanding why products are supplied and distributed in the manner that they are. One traditional classification is to divide goods and services into consumer products and industrial products.

Consumer Products 消费品

Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers. Marketing people have long recognized the basic differences in the way consumers go about selecting goods and services, and where they buy them. A threefold consumer products classification has been suggested: convenience products, shopping products, and specialty products.
Convenience products are those goods and services that consumers purchase frequently, immediately, and with little comparative shopping. Typical products are banking services, tobacco items, and many foodstuffs. These products generally require wide distribution through many outlets. Distribution costs are typically high but are more than justified by the increased sales potential that is brought about by this wide and extensive distribution. Customer service levels, as expressed in terms of product availability and accessibility, must be high to encourage any reasonable degree of customer patronage for the products.

Example 示例

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola recognize that their soft drink products are convenience goods. Therefore, one channel of distribution is through vending machines located just about anywhere people may congregate.
As a result, public telephones are located widely and conveniently throughout the land as are cellular telephone towers, which are now replacing many of the public telephone sites.
Shopping products are those for which consumers are willing to seek and compare: shopping many locations; comparing price, quality, and performance; and making a purchase only after careful deliberation. Typical products in this category are high-fashion clothes, automobiles, home furnishings, and medical care. Because of the customer's willingness to shop around, the number of stocking points is substantially reduced as compared with convenience goods and services. An individual supplier may stock goods or offer services in only a few outlets in a given market area. Distribution costs for such suppliers are somewhat lower than for convenience products, and product distribution need not be as widespread.

Example 示例

High-level, specialized medical care is concentrated in relatively few university hospitals, clinics, and privately owned hospitals, due to the high costs of facilities, equipment, and highly trained personnel. Because patients often want the very best care possible, they are willing to seek out and travel to such places, often bypassing intervening health care providers that may be located closer to them.
Specialty products are those for which buyers are willing to expend a substantial effort and often to wait a significant amount of time in order to acquire them; examples range from fine foods to custom-made automobiles, or services such as management consulting advice. Because buyers insist on particular brands, distribution is centralized and customer service levels are not as high as those for convenience and shopping products. Physical distribution costs can be the lowest of any product category. Because of this, many firms will attempt to create brand preference for their product line.

Example 示例

Many professional musicians will go to almost any length to find the right equipment to perform their very best. For e r.ımple, a clarinetist requires a reed, which is a small piece of cane that is the tone generator for the clarinet. This capricious piece of dried grass can make or break a professional musician, or so he or she thinks. One brand of reed is particularly sought. It is grown in the south of France and distributed through only one retail outlet in the United States. According to the store owner, one professional clarinetist regularly drives over 600 miles to his store to acquire a supply of this specialty good.
许多专业音乐家几乎不遗余力地寻找合适的设备,以达到最佳演奏效果。例如,单簧管演奏家需要一个簧片,这是一小片藤条,是单簧管的音色发生器。这块任性的干草可以决定一个专业音乐家的成败,或者说他或她是这样认为的。有一种品牌的哨片特别受欢迎。它生长在法国南部,在美国只有一家零售店经销。据店主介绍,一位专业单簧管演奏家经常驱车 600 多英里到他的店里购买这种特产。

Industrial Products 工业产品

Industrial goods and services are those that are directed to individuals or organizations that use them to produce other goods or services. Their classification is quite different from consumer products. Because vendors typically seek the buyers, a classification based on shopping patterns would not be relevant.
Traditionally, industrial goods and services have been classified according to the extent to which they enter the production process. For example, there are goods that are part of the finished product, such as raw materials and component parts; there are goods that are used in the manufacturing process, such as buildings and equipment; and there are goods that do not enter the process directly, such as supplies and business services. Although this classification is valuable in preparing a selling strategy, it is not clear that it is useful in planning a physical distribution strategy. Industrial buyers do not seem to show preferences for different service levels for different product classes. This simply means that traditional product classifications for industrial products may not be as useful for identifying typical logistics channels as is the classification of consumer products.

The Product Life Cycle

Another traditional concept familiar to marketers is that of the product life cycle. Products do not generate their maximum sales volume immediately after being introduced, nor do they maintain their peak sales volume indefinitely. Characteristically, products follow a sales volume pattern over time, going through four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline (see Figure 3-1). The physical distribution strategy differs for each stage.
营销人员熟悉的另一个传统概念是产品生命周期。产品推出后不会立即产生最大销售量,也不会无限期地保持最高销售量。一般来说,产品的销售量会随着时间的推移而变化,经历四个阶段:引入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期(见图 3-1)。每个阶段的实体分销策略都不同。
The introductory stage occurs just after a new product is introduced into the marketplace. Sales are not at a high level because there is not yet wide acceptance of the product. The typical physical distribution strategy is a cautious one, with stocking restricted to relatively few locations. Product availability is limited.
Figure 3-1 A Generalized Curve for Product Life Cycle
图 3-1 产品生命周期的一般曲线

Example 示例

When a young college graduate developed the popular board game Pictionary, a version of charades, no established manufacturing or distribution system existed. He borrowed (from his parents) and had a limited supply of the game produced. To distribute Pictionary in this start-up phase, he hired teenagers to play the game in shopping malls and then sold them right there, to the interested passersby.
当一位年轻的大学毕业生开发出流行的猜字谜棋盘游戏 "Pictionary "时,当时还没有成熟的生产或销售体系。他从父母那里借来 ,生产了少量游戏。为了在起步阶段销售 Pictionary,他雇用青少年在购物中心玩游戏,然后就地向感兴趣的路人销售。
If the product receives market acceptance, sales are likely to increase rapidly. Physical distribution planning is particularly difficult in this stage. Often there is not much of a sales history to guide inventory levels at stocking points or even the number of stocking points to use. Distribution is frequently under managerial judgment and control during this expansion stage. However, product availability is also increasing rapidly over a wide geographic area in support of the growing customer interest in the product.

Example 示例

An executive at the company distributing the Trivial Pursuit game purchased a copy of Pictionary and had his daughter and her friends play the game. Fascinated with their acceptance of the game, he arranged for the rights to its manufacture and sale. This was a wise move, as Trivial Pursuit was in the declining stage of its life cycle.
Pictionary was distributed through the channels already established for Trivial Pursuit. Pictionary, in its growth stage, increased sales rapidly, becoming the bestselling board game of its time.
The growth stage may be fairly short, followed by a longer stage called maturity. Sales growth is slow or stabilized at a peak level. The product volume is no longer undergoing rapid change and, therefore, can be assimilated into the distribution patterns of similar, existing products. At this time, the product has its widest distribution. Many stocking points are used with good control over product availability throughout the marketplace.

Example 示例

The original Coca-Cola beverage, formulated by a pharmacist before the turn of the twentieth century, has been in the mature phase of its life cycle longer than about any other product. Distribution is worldwide, extending even to countries not usually considered to be open to free trade.
Eventually, the sales volume declines for most products as a result of technological change, competition, or waning consumer interest. To maintain efficient distribution, patterns of product movement and inventory deployment may have to be adjusted. The number of stocking points is likely to be decreased and the product stocking reduced to fewer, more centralized locations.

Examples 实例

The Barnum and Bailey Circus once played in many cities across the nation. With changing interest patterns and competing entertainment options, demand for the circus has fallen from its previous levels. In the declining stage of its life cycle, the circus is now booked into only a few major population centers each year so that large enough crowds can be drawn to cover costs.
The turntable, once a major piece of hardware in audio systems to play recorded music, is now taking a backseat to the compact disk player. The market has declined to sales limited to collectors and audiophiles.
The product life cycle phenomenon has an influence on distribution strategy. The logistician needs to be continually aware of a product's life cycle stage so that distribution patterns may be adjusted for maximum efficiency in that stage. The life cycle phenomenon in products allows the logistician to anticipate distribution needs and plan for them well in advance. Because a firm's different products are typically in different stages of their life cycles, the product life cycle serves as a basis for the 80-20 curve.
产品生命周期现象对分销战略有影响。物流人员需要不断了解产品的生命周期阶段,以便在该阶段调整配送模式,实现最高效率。产品的生命周期现象使物流人员能够预测配送需求并提前做好计划。由于公司的不同产品通常处于其生命周期的不同阶段,因此产品生命周期是 80-20 曲线的基础。

THE 80-20 CURVE 80-20 曲线

The logistics problem of any firm is the total of the individual product problems. The product line of the typical firm is made up of individual products at different stages of their respective life cycles and with different degrees of sales success. At any point in time, this creates a product phenomenon known as the 80-20 curve, a particularly valuable concept for logistics planning.
任何企业的物流问题都是单个产品问题的总和。典型企业的产品线由处于各自生命周期不同阶段、销售成功程度不同的单个产品组成。在任何时刻,这都会产生一种被称为 80-20 曲线的产品现象,这是一个对物流规划特别有价值的概念。
The 80-20 concept is derived after observation of product patterns in many firms, from the fact that the bulk of the sales is generated from relatively few products in the product line and from the principle known as Pareto's law. That is, 80 percent of a firm's sales are generated by 20 percent of the product line items. An exact ratio is rarely observed, but the disproportionality between sales and the number of items is generally true.
80-20 概念是在观察了许多公司的产品模式之后,根据大部分销售额来自产品线中相对较少的产品这一事实,以及帕累托定律这一原理而得出的。 也就是说,公司 80% 的销售额是由 20% 的产品线项目产生的。 准确的比例很少见,但销售额与产品数量不成正比的情况一般是真实的。
To illustrate, consider 14 products of a small chemical company. These products are ranked according to their sales volume, as shown in Table 3-1. A cumula-
以一家小型化工企业的 14 种产品为例进行说明。如表 3-1 所示,这些产品按其销售量排序。累计
Table 3-1 ABC Classification of 14 Products of a Chemical Company
表 3-1 某化工公司 14 种产品的 ABC 分类
SALES (000s)
Cumulative Percent 累计百分比
of Total Sales  占销售总额的百分比
Cumulative Percent 累计百分比
of Total Items  占项目总数的百分比
D-204 1
D-212 2 3,424 60.7 14.3
D-185-0 3 1,052 68.3 21.4
D-191 4 893 74.6 28.6
D-192 5 843 80.7 35.7
D-193 6 727 85.7 42.9
D-179-0 7 451 89.1 50.0
D-195 8 412 91.9 57.1 C
D-196 9 214 93.6 64.3
D-186-0 10 205 95.1 71.4
D-198-0 11 188 96.4 78.6
D-199 12 172 97.6 85.7
D-200 13 170 98.7 92.9
D-205 14 159 100.0 100.0
a Ranked
b Sum of
Stem ran
rding to sales vol
sales total sales
销售额 销售总额
total number of it
, e.g.,
Figure 3-2 The 80-20 Curve with an Arbitrary Product Classification
图 3-2 80-20 曲线与任意 产品分类
Source: Chemical company data from Table 3-1.
资料来源表 3-1 中的化工公司数据。
tive percentage of total dollar sales and of total number of items is computed. These percentages are then plotted, as in Figure 3-2, which exhibits the characteristic 80-20 curve. However, in this particular case, about 35 percent of the items account for 80 percent of the sales.
计算出销售总额和商品总数的百分比。然后将这些百分比绘制成图,如图 3-2 所示,呈现出 80-20 曲线的特征。不过,在这种特殊情况下,约 35% 的商品占了 80% 的销售额。
The 80-20 concept is particularly useful in distribution planning when the products are grouped or classified by their sales activity. The top 20 percent might be called items, the next 30 percent items, and the remainder items. Each category of items could be distributed differently. For example, items might receive wide geographic distribution through many warehouses with high levels of stock availability, whereas items might be distributed from a single, central stocking point (e.g., a plant) with lower total stocking levels than for the items. items would have an intermediate distribution strategy where few regional warehouses are used.
当产品按其销售活动进行分组或分类时,80-20 概念在分销规划中尤为有用。排名前 20% 的商品可称为 商品,排名后 30% 的商品可称为 商品,其余的商品可称为 商品。每一类商品都可以有不同的分配方式。例如, 项目可能会通过许多仓库进行广泛的地域性分销,库存水平较高,而 项目可能会从单一的中央库存点(如工厂)进行分销,总库存水平低于 项目。 项目将采用中间分销策略,只使用少数地区性仓库。
Another frequent use of the 80-20 concept and an classification is to group the products in a warehouse, or other stocking point, in a limited number of categories where they are then managed with different levels of stock availability. The product classifications are arbitrary. The point is that not all product items should receive equal logistics treatment. The concept with a resulting product classification provides a scheme, based on sales activity, to determine the products that will receive various levels of logistics treatment.
80-20 概念和 分类法的另一个常用方法是将仓库或其他存货点的产品分成数量有限的几类,然后以不同的存货可用性水平对其进行管理。产品分类是任意的。问题是,并非所有产品项目都应得到同等的物流处理。 概念和由此产生的产品分类提供了一个基于销售活动的方案,以确定哪些产品将受到不同程度的物流处理。
For analytical purposes, it is useful to describe the curve mathematically. Although a number of mathematical equations might be used, the following relationship has been suggested.
为了便于分析,可以用数学方法描述 曲线。虽然可以使用许多数学公式,但建议使用以下关系式。
where 其中
cumulative fraction of sales
cumulative fraction of items
a constant to be determined
The constant may be found by manipulating Equation (3-1) to give
常数 可以通过公式 (3-1) 计算得出
where the relationship between and is known. For example, if 25 percent of the items represent 70 percent of the sales, then, from Equation (3-2)
其中 之间的关系是已知的。例如,如果 25% 的商品占销售额的 70%,那么根据公式 (3-2)
Equation (3-1) can be used to determine the relationship between various percentages of items and sales.
等式 (3-1) 可用来确定各种商品百分比与销售额之间的关系。

Example 示例

Consider how the 80-20 rule is useful in estimating inventory levels. Suppose that a certain warehouse is to store 11 of the 14 items shown in Table 3-1. The same general relationship is expected to hold, that is, and , or 21 percent of the items result in 68 percent of the sales. Solving Equation (3-2) yields . A different inventory policy is maintained for different product groups. The turnover ratio (that is, annual sales/average inventory) for items is 7 to 1 , for items 5 to 1 , and for items 3 to 1 . If the annual sales through the warehouse are forecast to be , how much inventory investment in the warehouse can be expected?
考虑一下 80-20 规则在估算库存水平时的作用。假设某仓库要储存表 3-1 所示 14 种商品中的 11 种。预计同样的一般关系也会成立,即 ,或 21% 的商品会带来 68% 的销售额。解方程 (3-2) 得到 。不同的产品组采用不同的库存政策。 商品的周转率(即年销售额/平均库存)为 7 比 1, 商品的周转率为 5 比 1, 商品的周转率为 3 比 1。如果预测通过仓库的年销售额为 ,预计仓库的库存投资为多少?
The items stocked at the warehouse are shown in Table 3-2. They are the same as those in Table 3-1 except for items 5, 8, and 9, which were selected to not be included. The remaining items are ranked according to their relative sales level, highest to lowest. The cumulative item proportion is determined from for the first item, for the second, for the third, and so on. The constant is found from Equation , or . The cumulative sales proportion is found by applying Equation (3-1), using . The sales for the first item would be
仓库的库存物品见表 3-2。除第 5、8 和 9 项被选中不包括在内外,其余项目与表 3-1 中的项目相同。其余物品根据其相对销售水平从高到低排列。根据 得出第一个项目的累计项目比例, 得出第二个项目的累计项目比例, 得出第三个项目的累计项目比例,以此类推。常数 由公式 得出。应用公式 (3-1) 计算出累计销售比例,使用 。第一件商品的销售额为
which is the fraction of total warehouse sales represented by the first item, that is, . The procedure is repeated for each item in the list. The projected item sales is the difference between cumulative sales for successive items.
即第一个项目在仓库销售总额中所占的比例,即 。对清单中的每个商品都重复上述步骤。预计商品销售额是连续商品累计销售额之差。
Average inventory value is then found by dividing the projected item sales by the turnover ratio for the item. The sum of the item inventory values is , which is the investment expected in the warehouse inventory.
然后,用预计商品销售额除以商品周转率,就得出了平均库存值。项目库存值的总和为 ,即仓库库存的预期投资。
D-204 1 7
D-212 2 0.1818 15,994 4,889 7
D-185-0 B 3 0.2727 18,745 5
D-192 4 0.3636 1,764 5
D-193 5 0.4545 21,736 1,227 5
D-179-0 6 0.5454 22,639 903 5
D-195 7 0.6363 23,332 693 3
D-198-0 8 0.7272 23,879 547 3
D-199 9 0.8181 24,323 444 3
10 0.9090 24,691 368 3
D-205 11 1.0000 25,000 309 3
Table 3-2 Warehouse Inventory Investment Estimation Using the 80-20 Curve
表 3-2 利用 80-20 曲线估算仓库库存投资

Product Characteristics 产品特性

The most important characteristics of the product that influence logistics strategy are the attributes of the product itself-weight, volume, value, perishability, flammability, and substitutability. When observed in various combinations, these characteristics are an indication of the need for warehousing, inventories, transportation, materials handling, and order processing. These attributes can best be discussed in four categories: weight-bulk ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, and risk characteristics.

Weight-Bulk Ratio 重量体积比

The ratio of product weight to bulk (volume) is a particularly meaningful measure, as transportation and storage costs are directly related to them. Products that are dense, that is, have a high weight-bulk ratio (e.g., rolled steel, printed materials, and canned foods), show good utilization of transportation equipment and storage facilities, with the costs of both tending to be low. However, for products with low density (e.g., inflated beach balls, boats, potato chips, and lamp shades), the bulk capacity of transportation equipment is fully utilized before the weight-carrying limit is reached. Also, the handling and space costs, which are weight-based, tend to be high relative to the product's sales price.
The effect of varying weight-bulk ratios on logistics costs is shown in Figure 3-3. As the product density increases, both storage and transportation costs decline as a percentage of the sales price. Although price may also be reduced by lower storage and transportation costs, they are just two cost factors among many that make up price. Therefore, total logistics costs can decline faster than price.
图 3-3 显示了不同重量体积比对物流成本的影响。随着产品密度的增加,储存和运输成本在销售价格中所占的百分比都会下降。虽然存储和运输成本的降低也会使价格下降,但它们只是构成价格的众多成本因素中的两个。因此,物流总成本的下降速度可能比价格下降速度更快。
Figure 3-3 Generalized Effect of Product Density on Logistics Costs
图 3-3 产品密度对物流成本的一般影响
Figure 3-4 Generalized Effect of Product Dollar Density of Logistics Costs
图 3-4 产品美元密度对物流成本的普遍影响

Examples 实例

J. C. Penney ships catalog furniture items in a knocked-down condition to reduce the packaged product bulk and lower transportation costs, but this practice forces assembly on the customer.
J.J. C. Penney 公司在运送目录中的家具产品时,会将其拆卸下来,以减少包装产品的体积并降低运输成本,但这种做法会迫使客户进行组装。
A steel storage rack manufacturer ships knocked-down racks to a forward assembly point in the distribution channel, where cross members are welded onto the frame and the product bulk is increased as close to the marketplace as possible. Again, transportation costs are reduced through controlling the weight-bulk ratio in this manner.

Value-Weight Ratio 价值重量比

The dollar value of the product being moved and stored is important to storage costs since those costs are particularly sensitive to it. When product value is expressed as a ratio to weight, some obvious cost trade-offs emerge that are useful in planning the logistics system. Figure 3-4 shows the trade-off.
移动和储存产品的美元价值对储存成本非常重要,因为这些成本对美元价值特别敏感。当产品价值与重量成比例时,就会出现一些明显的成本权衡,这对物流系统的规划非常有用。图 3-4 显示了这种权衡。
Products that have low value-weight ratios (e.g., coal, iron ore, bauxite, and sand) also have low storage costs but high movement costs as a percentage of their sales price. Inventory carrying costs are computed as a fraction of the product's value. Low product value means low storage cost, since inventory-carrying cost is the dominant factor in storage cost. Transport cost, on the other hand, are pegged to weight. When the value of the product is low, transport costs represent a high proportion of the sales price.
High value-weight ratio products (e.g., electronic equipment, jewelry, and musical instruments) show the opposite pattern, with higher storage and lower transport costs. This results in a U-shaped total logistics cost curve. Hence, firms dealing with
高价值重量比产品(如电子设备、珠宝和乐器)则呈现出相反的模式,存储成本较高,而运输成本较低。这就形成了一条 U 型总物流成本曲线。因此,经营

low value-weight ratio products frequently try to negotiate more favorable transportation rates (rates are generally lower for raw materials than for finished products of the same weight). If the product has a high value-weight ratio, minimizing the amount of inventory maintained is a typical reaction. Of course, some firms attempt to adjust an unfavorable value-weight ratio by changing accounting procedures to alter value or by changing packaging requirements to alter weight.

Substitutability 可替代性

When customers find little or no difference between a firm's product and those of competing suppliers, the products are said to be highly substitutable. That is, the customer is readily willing to take a second-choice brand when the first is not immediately available. Many food and drug products have a highly substitutable characteristic. As might be expected, suppliers spend great sums of money attempting to convince customers that such generic products as aspirin tablets and laundry soaps are not all alike. Distribution managers try to provide product availability at a level so that customers will not have to consider a substitute product.
In large part, the logistician has no control over a product's substitutability, yet he or she must plan for the distribution of products with varying degrees of substitutability. Substitutability can be viewed in terms of lost sales to the supplier. Higher substitutability usually means a greater chance for a customer to select a competing product, thus resulting in a lost sale for the supplier. The logistician generally deals with lost sales through transportation choices, storage choices, or both. To illustrate, consider Figure 3-5.
在很大程度上,物流人员无法控制产品的可替代性,但他(她)必须为具有不同程度可替代性的产品的配送制定计划。可替代性可以从供应商的销售损失角度来看待。可替代性越高,通常意味着客户选择竞争产品的机会越大,从而导致供应商的销售损失。物流人员通常通过运输选择、存储选择或两者兼而有之来处理销售损失。请看图 3-5。
Figure 3-5(a) shows that improved transportation can be used to reduce lost sales. For a given average inventory level, a supplier can increase the speed and dependability of product deliveries and lower the incidence of loss and damage. The product becomes more readily available to the customer, and fewer product substitutions by the customer are likely to occur. Of course, the higher cost of premium transportation is in trade-off with the cost of lost sales. Figure 3-5(b) shows the same type of cost trade-off, except that the stock availability to the customer is controlled through the inventory level, with the transportation choice remaining constant.
图 3-5(a)显示,改善运输可以减少销售损失。在给定的平均库存水平下,供应商可以提高产品交付的速度和可靠性,降低损失和损坏的发生率。客户更容易获得产品,客户更换产品的情况也会减少。当然,较高的溢价运输成本需要与销售损失的成本进行权衡。图 3-5(b)显示了相同类型的成本权衡,但客户的库存可用性是通过库存水平控制的,而运输选择保持不变。
In either case, the logistician is in a prime position to control the impact of product substitutability on the firm's profits.

Risk Characteristics 风险特征

Product risk characteristics refer to features such as perishability, flammability, value, tendency to explode, and ease of being stolen. When a product shows high risk in one or more of these features, it simply forces certain restrictions on the distribution system. Both transport and storage costs are higher in absolute dollars and as a percentage of the sales price, as shown in Figure 3-6.
产品风险特征指的是易腐性、易燃性、价值、爆炸倾向和易被盗性等特征。当一种产品在其中一个或多个特征上表现出高风险时,就会对分销系统施加一定的限制。如图 3-6 所示,运输和储存成本的绝对值和占销售价格的百分比都会较高。
Figure 3-5 图 3-5
Generalized Effect of Transportation Service and Average Inventory Level on Logistics Costs for a Product with a Given Degree of Substitutability (a) Setting the customer service level
运输服务和平均库存水平对给定替代度产品物流成本的一般影响 (a) 设定客户服务水平

Consider products, such as pens, watches, or cigarettes, that have a high risk of being stolen. Special care must be taken in their handling and transport. Inside warehouses, special fenced-in and locked areas are set up to handle these and similar products. Highly perishable products (e.g., fresh fruits and whole blood) require refrigerated storage and transportation, and products that may have a tendency to contaminate fresh food products, such as automobile tires, cannot be stored near them in a warehouse. Whether in transportation, storage, or packaging, special treatment adds to the cost of distribution.
Figure 3-6 图 3-6
Generalized Effect of 的普遍影响
Product Risk on 产品风险
Logistics Costs 物流成本


With the exception of a limited number of items, such as raw materials in bulk, automobiles, and furniture items, most products are distributed in some kind of packaging. There are a number of reasons why a packaging expense is incurred. The reason may be to:
  • Facilitate storage and handling
  • Promote better utilization of transport equipment
  • Provide product protection
  • Promote the sale of the product
  • Change the product density
  • Facilitate the use of the product
  • Provide reuse value for the customer
Not all of these objectives can be met through logistics management. However, changing product density and protective packaging are of concern in this area. The need for changing product density to achieve more favorable logistics costs has already been discussed (recall Figure 3-3).
并非所有这些目标都能通过物流管理来实现。不过,改变产品密度和保护性包装在这方面值得关注。前面已经讨论过改变产品密度以实现更有利的物流成本的必要性(回顾图 3-3)。
Protective packaging is a particularly important dimension of the product for logistics planning. In many respects, it is the package that must be the focus of planning, with the product itself of secondary concern. It is the package that has shape, vol- ume, and weight. The product may not have the same characteristics. The point is that if a television set were removed from its shipping carton and replaced with shocktesting equipment, as is frequently done to test for damage during rough handling, the logistician would not treat the shipment differently, assuming that the change was not known. The package gives a revised set of characteristics to the product.
The protective package is an added expense that is counterbalanced with lower transportation and storage rates as well as fewer and less extensive damage claims. The logistician brings these costs into balance while working closely with sales and engineering to achieve the overall objectives for packaging.
Logistical considerations in package design can be important for marketing to achieve its objectives. Controlling product density can be critical to the success of a product.

Example 示例

Johnson & Johnson identified a significant market among women for a product to handle incontinence. Using the technology developed for diapers, Johnson & Johnson created Serenity, a boat-shaped, cuplike product, packaged 12 or 24 to the box. When marketing personnel reviewed the product, the concern was that its bulky nature would limit sales. The product would have to compete for restricted shelf space in retail stores, causing frequent stockouts, thus limiting its exposure to customers. The logistics staff came through with the answer: Change the product density. By folding the product in half and further collapsing it in a pouch package, the size of the resulting box was less than one-half of its former dimensions. Not only did this satisfy marketing's shelf-space concern, it also saved on storage, transportation, and packaging costs.
强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)在女性中发现了处理失禁问题的产品的巨大市场。强生公司利用为尿布开发的技术,创造了一种船形杯状产品 Serenity,每盒包装 12 或 24 片。市场营销人员在审查该产品时,担心其笨重的特性会限制销售。该产品必须争夺零售店有限的货架空间,导致经常缺货,从而限制了其在客户中的曝光率。物流人员给出了答案:改变产品密度。通过将产品对折并进一步折叠成小袋包装,包装盒的尺寸不到原来的二分之一。这不仅满足了市场部对货架空间的要求,还节省了仓储、运输和包装成本。

Product Pricing 产品定价

Along with quality and service, price also represents the product to the customer. Although the logistician is usually not directly responsible for setting price policy, he or she does have influence on pricing decisions. This is because product price often has a relationship to geography and because incentive prices often are pegged to transportation rate structures.
Pricing is a complex decision-making problem involving economic theory, buyer behavior theory, and theory of competition, among others. The discussion here is limited to methods of pricing that are geographically related and to incentive pricing arrangements that are derived from logistics costs.

Geographic Pricing Methods

Customers are not concentrated at a single point for most suppliers, but are usually dispersed over wide areas. This means that the total cost to distribute to them varies with

their location. Pricing should be simple then? Not so! Companies can have customers numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Administering separate prices becomes overly burdensome as well as costly. Choice of a pricing method depends in part on balancing the detail in the pricing structure with the costs of managing it. There are a limited number of categories that define most geographic pricing methods. These pricing categories are f.o.b., zone, single or uniform, freight equalization, and basing point.

F.O.B. Pricing 离岸价格

To understand geographic pricing, it is best to begin by considering the f.o.b. pricing options. In a dictionary sense, f.o.b. stands for "free on board." In a practical sense, this policy simply denotes the location at which the price is effective. F.o.b. factory means that the price is quoted at the factory location. F.o.b. destination means that the price is quoted at the customer's location or in the vicinity. It is also implied that the customer takes title to the goods at the point designated. There are a great many alternatives under f.o.b. pricing. Fo.b. factory and f.o.b. destination are the most popular.
要了解地域定价,最好先考虑 f.o.b. 定价选项。在字典里,f.o.b. 代表 "船上免费"。在实际意义上,这一政策只是表示价格生效的地点。F.O.B.工厂是指在工厂所在地报价。离岸价是指在客户所在地或附近报价。这也意味着客户在指定地点取得货物的所有权。离岸价有多种选择。最常见的是工厂交货和目的地交货。
The f.o.b. factory price is a single price established at the factory location (shipment origin). Customers take ownership of the goods at this point and are responsible for transportation beyond this point. As a practical matter, the customers may have the suppliers make the shipping arrangements simply because the supplier may be better equipped and more skilled at it, or may be able to obtain lower shipping costs by combining the orders of several customers. Customers are then billed for the actual transportation costs.

Example 示例

Automobiles are price-quoted at the factory or port of entry with a destination (transportation) charge in an amount depending on where the customer (automobile dealer) is located.
The f.o.b. destination, or delivered price is the price to the customer's location or in the general vicinity. Under this policy, transportation costs are already included in the price. It is expected that the supplier will make all of the transport arrangements. This policy recognizes that the supplier may be in a position to handle transportation more economically than the customer, or that the customer does not possess the desire or expertise to make such arrangements. There may be a net transportation cost advantage to the buyer if the buyer has insufficient shipping volume to secure transportation rates as low as those available to the supplier.

Example 示例

Burger King prices its fast foods to the customer at the point of retail sale. All transportation charges for acquiring the products' raw materials are already included in the prices.
Many combinations of f.o.b. factory and destination pricing are possible, depending on how freight charges are paid. A variety of these arrangements is shown in Figure 3-7.
根据运费的支付方式,可以有多种离岸价和目的地价的组合。图 3-7 展示了其中的多种安排。

Zone Pricing 分区定价

For those companies that must deal with thousands of customers, it is not necessarily the wisest policy to establish a different price for each customer. Suppliers of finished goods often cannot afford the administrative complexity of individual prices. Also, prices overall may have to be somewhat higher to support the cost of the complex administrative structure.
Zone pricing reduces administrative complexity by establishing a single price within a wide geographic area. Any number of areas may be defined, depending on the degree to which a company may want geographic price differences. For example, the Ball Corporation, a manufacturer of home canning equipment, created 89 geographic pricing zones throughout the country.
区域定价通过在广泛的地理区域内确定单一价格来降低行政管理的复杂性。可以根据公司希望地域价格差异的程度,定义任意数量的区域。例如,家用罐头设备制造商波尔公司在全国设立了 89 个地理定价区。
To illustrate zone pricing on a less grand scale, consider the pricing policy of Colonial Originals, a manufacturer of colonial furniture in kit and finished form sold through a catalog and a Web site. The company is located in Boston. The furniture items are priced at Boston with a shipping charge added. This is a form of f.o.b. factory pricing, with the supplier arranging transportation. The variation is that the country is divided into eight zones according to postal zip code designations to achieve gradations in transportation costs. The prices effective for various zones throughout the country for a tavern table weighing 30 pounds and priced at at the factory can be derived from Table 3-3. This table gives the shipping rates for each zone, by weight, for Lnited Parcel Service's ground residential delivery service. The customer has a choice. Note that UPS has no zone 1. Using the table, the effective zone prices across the country may be developed for the tavern table (Figure 3-8).
为了说明规模较小的分区定价,请考虑一下 Colonial Originals 公司的定价政策, ,该公司是一家殖民地家具制造商,通过目录和网站销售成套家具和成品家具。该公司位于波士顿。该公司位于波士顿,家具产品按波士顿价格定价,并加收运费。这是一种离岸价(f.o.b. factory pricing),由供应商安排运输。不同之处在于,全国按照邮政编码划分为八个区,以实现运输成本的分级。表 3-3 列出了一张重 30 磅、出厂价为 的酒馆用桌在全国各区的有效价格。该表按重量列出了美国联合包裹服务公司陆运住宅递送服务在各地区的运费率。客户可以选择。请注意,UPS 没有 1 区。利用该表,可以为酒馆表(图 3-8)制定出全国的有效区域价格。

Single, or Uniform, Pricing

The ultimate in pricing simplicity would be to have a single price for all customers, regardless of their location. This pricing method is used for many fair-trade items, first-class mail, and books. There is a certain appeal to customers in knowing that the same price for a product is charged everywhere. However, such a pricing policy masks the differences in costs of distributing to different customers. Such costs must be averaged.

Freight Equalization Pricing

The practical concerns of competition have an impact on pricing strategy. If two firms have equal efficiency in producing and selling, which results in the same product cost at the factory locations, then competitive pricing is a matter of transportation costs. If the markets are not equidistant from each factory location, the firm farthest from the marketplace may wish to absorb enough of the freight charges to meet the price competition. This practice is referred to as freight equalization and results in dif-
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Origin, Freight Collect
Buyer-Pays freight charges Buyer-Bears freight charges Buyer-Owns goods in transit Buyer-Files claims (if any)
买方--支付运费 买方--承担运费 买方--拥有运输中的货物 买方--提出索赔(如果有的话)
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid
Title passes to 所有权转移给
Seller-Pays freight charges
Seller-Bears freight charges
Buyer-Owns goods in transit
Buyer-Files claims (if any)
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charged Back
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Destination, Freight Collect
    销售条款: 目的地交货,运费到付
Buyer-Pays freight charges Buyer-Bears freight charges
买方支付运费 买方承担运费
Seller-Owns goods in transit
Seller-Files claims (if any)
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Origin, Freight Prepaid (Delivered)
Seller-Pays freight charges
Seller-Bears freight charges
Seller-Owns goods in transit
Seller-Files claims (if any)
  1. Terms of Sale: f.o.b. Destination, Freight Collect and Allowed
Buyer-Pays freight charges
Buyer-Bears freight charges
Seller-Owns goods in transit
Seller-Files claims (if any)
Then charged to seller by deducting amount from invoice
Figure 3-7 The Variety of F.O.B. Pricing Arrangements
图 3-7 离岸价定价安排的多样性
Source: Edward J. Marien, "Making Sense of Freight Terms of Sale," Transportation & Distribution (September 1996), pp. 84-86.
资料来源Edward J. Marien, "Making Sense of Freight Terms of Sale," Transportation & Distribution (September 1996), pp.
Figure 3-8 Zone Prices for a Tavern Table Shipped from Boston
图 3-8 从波士顿运来的酒馆餐桌的区域价格
Source: Table 3-3 and f.o.b. Boston table price.
资料来源资料来源:表 3-3 和波士顿离岸价。
ferent net returns for the firm engaging in it. Transportation as well as production costs across a number of producing locations are averaged.

Basing Point Pricing 基点定价

As with freight equalization, the motives behind basing point pricing are competitive. Basing point pricing establishes some point other than the one from which the product is actually delivered as the point from which to compute price. Price is computed as if the product were delivered from the basing point. If the location chosen is the location of a major competitor, prices can be forced to be similar to the competitor's at every geographic customer location. This new location for price computation is referred to as a basing point. Firms may use single or multiple basing points.
The steel and cement industries were early leaders in the use of the basing point pricing method. This is understandable because basing point pricing is attractive when (1) the product has a high transportation cost relative to its overall value; (2) there is little preference among buyers as to the supplier of the product; and (3) there are relatively few suppliers and any price cutting leads to retaliation by rival firms. From the customer's perspective, the industries are located at the same points. Because this is in fact not true, the actual cost of supplying a given customer by each firm is different. Then how can a firm charge the same prices?
钢铁和水泥行业是较早使用基点定价法的行业。这是可以理解的,因为基点定价法在以下情况下具有吸引力:(1) 相对于产品的总体价值而言,产品的运输成本较高;(2) 买方对产品供应商的偏好不大;(3) 供应商相对较少,任何降价行为都会导致竞争对手的报复。从客户的角度来看,这些行业位于相同的地点。但事实上并非如此,每家公司向特定客户供货的实际成本是不同的。那么,企业怎么能收取相同的价格呢?

ฏْ 닥
Whenever a pricing method generates prices that are not in line with the cost of producing, selling, and distributing the product, certain legal considerations result. For the logistician, unless actual transportation costs are reflected in the product to each customer, there is a degree of price discrimination. Single, zone, freight equalization, and basing point pricing methods are inherently discriminatory. For example, if the same price is charged throughout a zone, those customers nearest the point from where the goods are being delivered absorb more than their share of the transportation costs, or they are paying for some "phantom" freight. Those customers in the farthest reaches of the zone are subsidized. The extent of the freight subsidizing depends on zone size.
只要定价方法产生的价格与产品的生产、销售和分销成本不符,就会产生某些法律问题。对于物流业者来说,除非产品的实际运输成本反映在每个客户的产品中,否则就存在一定程度的价格歧视。单一定价法、分区定价法、运费均衡定价法和基准点定价法本身就具有歧视性。例如,如果在整个区域内收取相同的价格,那么离交货地点最近的客户所承担的运输成本就超过了他们应承担的份额,或者说,他们是在为一些 "虚假 "运费买单。最远地区的客户则得到补贴。运费补贴的程度取决于区域的大小。
Although some methods of geographic pricing can be discriminatory, some discrimination can benefit all customers even though the benefits may not be uniform. The reduced costs associated with administering fewer prices may be enough to offset the phantom freight charges to the least favorably located customer.
The Federal Trade Commission has challenged some delivered pricing policies and freight absorption policies. However, such policies are not necessarily illegal as long as the seller is willing to sell on an f.o.b. basis at the purchaser's request; the seller maintains uniformity of price at all delivered points, as in the case of a single national price policy; the price after freight absorption is higher than that of a competitor; and the buyers and/or their customers are noncompetitive.

Incentive Pricing Arrangements

Logistics costs are often a driving force behind price incentives. Two common types of price incentives are the quantity discount and the "deal."
物流成本往往是价格激励背后的驱动力。两种常见的价格激励方式是数量折扣和 "成交"。

Quantity Discounts 数量折扣

Economic theory teaches that the more goods that are handled during a single transaction, the lower the cost on a per-unit basis. The principle is known as economies of scale, where fixed costs spread over an increasing number of units reduce per-unit costs. This idea has led many firms to use purchase volume as a way of offering lower prices to buyers and increasing the supplier sales. The buyer benefits from a lower price if the larger purchase can be absorbed, and the supplier benefits through increased profits.
Legal restrictions have complicated the use of quantity discounts as a sales stimulant. Some firms are discouraged from using them altogether. The thrust of the Robinson-Patman Act, directed at competitive practices, is that it is unlawful to discriminate in price between different buyers if the effect is to lessen competition or to create a monopoly. Quantity discounts potentially create this discrimination but can be justified in terms of the cost savings obtained in the manufacturing, selling, and
Figure 3-9 图 3-9
Per-Case Logistics 按个案物流
Costs As a Justification for Price Discounts
delivery activities. In practice, it is difficult to argue convincingly that cost savings in manufacture and sale in fact take place on a by-sale basis. Logistics costs, on the other hand, which are largely composed of transportation costs, have well-known volume-cost breaks. If transportation is purchased outside a company, documentation of the cost savings is readily available in public records. Hence, logistics costs become a key factor in support of a discount schedule, as can be illustrated in the following example for a manufacturer of glass products.

Example 示例

Glass jars used for home canning are sold primarily through distributors. These distributors may purchase in various case quantities. The component costs of total logistics costs for the manufacturer are shown as they vary with the quantity purchased in Figure 3-9. Transportation costs are the key to determining at what quantity the price break will occur and how large the price break will be.
家庭罐头用玻璃瓶主要通过分销商销售。这些分销商可能会按不同的箱数采购。图 3-9 显示了生产商总物流成本的各个组成部分,它们随采购数量的变化而变化。运输成本是决定在什么数量下会出现断价以及断价幅度有多大的关键。
If fewer than 100 cases are purchased at any one time, the order must be shipped at less-than-truckload rates. With the addition of inventory-carrying costs needed to support an order of that size and the per-unit costs of handling the order, the total per-unit costs would average out to be in Figure 3-9. Purchasing in quantities ranging from 100 to 199 cases allows for truckload rates and a total average per-unit cost
如果每次购买的数量少于 100 箱,则必须以低于卡车装载量的速度发货。加上支持这种规模的订单所需的库存搬运成本和处理订单的单位成本,单位总成本的平均值为 ,如图 3-9 所示。采购数量从 100 箱到 199 箱不等,可按卡车装载率计算,平均单位总成本如下图所示

of B. Purchasing in quantities of 200 cases or more up to a practical limit of 400 cases has an average total cost of . Therefore, if price were brought in line with costs, no price discounts would be offered for a purchase order of 0-99 cases. The maximum discount for the purchase of cases would be . If is case and is case, the transportation costs could be reduced by , or 9 percent. For the range of 200 to 400 cases, with an average cost of or case, the discount on transportation costs could be as much as , or , or 23 percent. If the remaining manufacturing and sales costs, including markup, of per case are now added to logistics costs, the price to the purchaser would be
采购数量为 200 箱或更多,实际上限为 400 箱,其平均总成本为 。因此,如果价格与成本一致,0-99 箱的采购订单将不提供价格折扣。购买 箱的最高折扣为 。如果 箱, 箱,则运输成本可减少 ,即 9%。在 200 到 400 箱的范围内,平均成本为 箱,运输成本的折扣可高达 或 23%。如果把每箱 剩余的生产和销售成本(包括加价)加到物流成本中,购买者的价格将是
Price, $/case 价格(美元/箱
Discount; %
Over 200 11.70 4.1
, or  


Occasionally, some companies offer reduced product prices for a short time in exchange for larger than normal purchase quantities from its customers. A selling company may wish to reduce its inventories, maintain output levels, or encourage sales as the motivation for lowering price. From the buyer's perspective, whether to accept purchases under the price incentive and how much to buy if it does requires trading off the benefit of the price reduction with costs that it incurs, which are generally logistical in nature. The buyer must weigh the effect of a larger than normal buying quantity with its benefit of lower price against common logistics costs of transportation, inventory carrying, and storage. Determining the size of the special buying quantity is discussed in Chapter 10.
有时,一些公司会在短期内降低产品价格,以换取客户超出正常的购买量。销售公司可能希望减少库存、维持产量水平或鼓励销售,以此作为降价的动机。从买方的角度来看,是否接受价格激励下的采购,以及如果接受,采购多少,都需要在降价带来的利益与成本(通常是物流成本)之间进行权衡。买方必须权衡比正常采购量更大的采购量所带来的价格下降收益与运输、库存搬运和仓储等一般物流成本之间的关系。确定特殊采购量的大小将在第 10 章中讨论。

Concluding Comments 结论性意见

Understanding the nature of a product, whether it is a good or a service, in its economic environment provides useful insights for logisticians planning a strategy for supply and distribution. Therefore, this chapter has examined such important concepts as product classification, product life cycle, the 80-20 curve, and a set of product characteristics.
了解产品(无论是商品还是服务)在其经济环境中的性质,可以为物流人员规划供应和分销战略提供有益的启示。因此,本章研究了产品分类、产品生命周期、80-20 曲线和一系列产品特征等重要概念。
Product classification helps to group products according to how customers behave toward them. Customers of finished goods require different logistics services than do industrial customers. Even customers within the same customer class have

marked differences in service needs. Often, a good distribution strategy can be obvious from a careful identification and classification of the product.
The product life cycle describes the sales activity level that most products achieve over time. The four life cycle stages-introduction, growth, maturity, and declineare well documented. Each stage may require a different distribution strategy.
The 80-20 curve expresses the relationship that 80 percent of a firm's sales are derived from 20 percent of its product items. This curve is simply a result of the products being in different stages of their life cycles. This disproportionality between sales and the number of products becomes very useful when deciding where to locate products within the distribution system and which products should be inventoried at any given stocking point.
80-20 曲线表达了这样一种关系,即公司 80% 的销售额来自 20% 的产品项目。这条曲线只是产品处于生命周期不同阶段的结果。这种销售额与产品数量不成正比的关系在决定产品在分销系统中的位置以及在任何特定的库存点应该库存哪些产品时非常有用。
The product characteristics focus on certain physical and economic features of the product that influence logistics system design to a substantial extent. These characteristics are weight-bulk ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, and risk.
Two additional dimensions of the product have been discussed: (1) the package, which can alter a product's physical characteristics and, therefore, the requirements for a distribution system and (2) with customers dispersed geographically and costs varying on a geographic basis, certain pricing aspects of the product are of concern to the logistician. Although the logistician normally might not be concerned with pricing matters, the fact that incentive pricing is perhaps more easily justified on the grounds of logistics cost than any other forces him or her into the pricing arena.
我们还讨论了产品的另外两个方面:(1) 包装,它可以改变产品的物理特性,从而改变对分 销系统的要求;(2) 由于客户分散在不同的地区,成本也因地区而异,产品的某些定价方面的问 题是物流人员所关心的。虽然物流人员通常不关心定价问题,但以物流成本为由进行激励定价可能比其他任何方式都更容易,这就迫使物流人员进入定价领域。


  1. Indicate whether you think the following types of firms handle convenience, shopping, or specialty goods.
a. Jack Spratt's Woodwind Shop sells musical instruments and supplies nationwide, to professional woodwind musicians.
a.Jack Spratt's Woodwind Shop 在全国范围内向专业木管音乐家销售乐器和用品。
b. Hart, Schaffner, and Marx produces and sells, nationally, top-of-the-line, ready-to-wear men's suits.
b.Hart, Schaffner, and Marx 公司在全国范围内生产和销售顶级成衣男装。
c. Edward's Bakery produces and sells, regionally, a line of baked goods, mainly bread. Distribution is primarily through food retail chain stores.
c.Edward's Bakery 在当地生产和销售一系列烘焙食品,主要是面包。主要通过食品零售连锁店进行分销。
Describe what you think an efficient distribution system should be in each case, as might be dictated by the product characteristics in each situation.
  1. Contrast the product life cycle of a brand of laundry detergent with that of the works of a contemporary artist. Suggest how the physical distribution of these might be handled at each stage of their life cycles.
  2. A drug retailer has two ways that he can replenish his shelf merchandise: directly from vendors or through the company's warehouse. Items with high sales volume and high replenishment quantity usually have a cost advantage if they can be purchased directly from vendors because no extra warehouse storage and handling are required. The remaining items are more efficiently handled through warehousing. The retailer has heard of the 80-20 principle and thinks that it might be a useful way of separating the product line into high and low volume groups to achieve the greatest supply economies.
    药品零售商有两种方式补充货架上的商品:直接从供应商处或通过公司仓库。销售量大、补充量大的商品,如果能直接从供应商处购买,通常会有成本优势,因为不需要额外的仓库存储和处理。其余物品通过仓储处理则更有效率。该零售商听说过 80-20 原则,并认为这可能是将产品线分为高销量和低销量组别以实现最大供应经济性的有效方法。
There are 12 items in a particular drug class. Annual sales data have been collected as noted here.
某一药物类别共有 12 个项目。年度销售数据已按此处所述收集。
Product Code Dollar Sales
11693 51,000
09721 10,000
14217 9,000
10614 46,000
08776 71,000
12121 63,000
11007 4,000
07071 22,000
06692 14,000
12077 27,000
10542 18,000
If the order size closely follows sales level, use the principle to determine the items that should be purchased directly from vendors. Use 20 percent of the items as the break point.
如果订单规模与销售额水平密切相关,则应使用 原则来确定应直接从供应商处采购的项目。以 20% 的项目作为突破点。
  1. Identify several products that have extreme characteristics as to weight-bulk ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, and risk. Some suggestions are assembled bicycles, sand for glassmaking, and prescription drugs sold at retail, but you should choose different examples. Explain how knowledge of the product's characteristics can be used to specify or alter the way in which the products are distributed.
  2. Explain the role the product package plays in the design of a supply or distribution strategy.
  3. Suppose that a customer were to purchase from Colonial Originals a furniture kit that has a catalog price of and a shipping weight of 26.5 pounds.
    假设客户从 Colonial Originals 购买了一套家具,目录价格为 ,运输重量为 26.5 磅。
a. Using Table 3-3, determine the total cost of the kit if delivery is to be made by UPS residential ground service to one of the following zip code areas in the United States:
a.使用表 3-3,确定如果用 UPS 住宅陆运服务送货到美国下列邮政编码地区之一的套件总成本:

(i) 11101 ,
(ii) 42117 , (ii) 42117 、
(iii) 74001 , (iii) 74001 、
b. What can you say about the fairness and efficiency of this pricing arrangement?
  1. What is the motivation of a basic steel products manufacturer to use the freight equalization pricing method?
  2. Why are uniform and zone pricing schemes fair for customers on the whole but discriminatory and unfair for a great many of them individually?
  3. Why are logistics costs, and especially transportation costs, so important in developing incentive pricing arrangements?
  4. Describe how transportation charges are paid under the following terms of sale: a. F.o.b. destination, freight prepaid
    说明在以下销售条款下如何支付运输费: a. 目的地交货,预付运费
b. F.o.b. origin, freight prepaid

c. F.o.b. destination, freight collect and allowed
c. 目的地离岸价,运费到付,允收
d. F.o.b. origin, freight prepaid and charged back
d.F.o.b. 原产地,预付运费并退回
e. F.o.b. origin, freight collect
If the pricing policy is such that a firm's customers pay for the freight, should the supplying firm consider such costs in making warehouse location, transportation service selection, and similar decisions?
  1. Davis Steel Distributors is planning to set up an additional warehouse in its distribution network. Analysis of item-sales data for its other warehouses shows that 25 percent of the items represent 75 percent of the sales volume. The company also has an inventory policy that varies with the items in the warehouse. That is, the first 20 percent of the items are the items and are to be stocked with an inventory turnover ratio of 8 . The next 30 percent of the items, or items, are to have a turnover ratio of 6 . The remaining items are to have a turnover ratio of 4 . There are to be 20 products held at the warehouse with sales on the warehouse forecasted to be million annually. What dollar value of average inventory would you estimate for the warehouse?
    戴维斯钢铁分销商计划在其分销网络中增设一个仓库。对其他仓库商品销售数据的分析表明,25% 的商品占销售量的 75%。该公司的库存政策也随仓库物品的不同而变化。也就是说,前 20% 的商品是 商品,库存周转率为 8。接下来 30% 的物品,即 物品,周转率为 6。其余 商品的周转率为 4。仓库将存放 20 种产品,预计年销售额为 万美元。您估计该仓库的平均存货价值为多少美元?
  2. Beta Products is planning to add another warehouse. Ten products from the entire line are to be stored in the new warehouse. These products will be the and items. All items are to be served out of the plant. Forecasts of annual sales that are expected in the region of the new facility are 3 million cases , and items). Historical data show that 30 percent of the items account for 70 percent of the sales. The first 20 percent of the entire line are designated as items, the next 30 percent as items, and the remaining 50 percent as items. Inventory turnover ratios in the new warehouse are projected to be 9 for items and 5 for items. Each inventory item, on the average, requires 1.5 cubic feet of space. Product is stacked 16 feet high in the warehouse.
    Beta 产品公司计划再增加一个仓库。新仓库将存放全系列中的十种产品。这些产品将是 产品。所有 产品都将在工厂外供应。新工厂所在区域的年销售额预计为 300 万箱 项 目)。历史数据显示,30% 的产品占销售额的 70%。整条生产线的前 20% 被指定为 商品,接下来的 30% 被指定为 商品,剩下的 50% 被指定为 商品。预计新仓库中 商品的库存周转率为 9, 商品的库存周转率为 5。每个库存物品平均需要 1.5 立方英尺的空间。仓库中的产品堆放高度为 16 英尺。
What effective storage space is needed in square feet excluding aisle, office, and other space requirements?
  1. An analysis of the product line items in the retail stores of the Save-More Drug chain shows that 20 percent of the items stocked account for 65 percent of the dollar sales. A typical store carries 5,000 items. The items accounting for the top 75 percent of the sales are replenished from warehouse stocks. The remainder is shipped directly to stores from manufacturers or jobbers. How many items are represented in the top 75 percent of sales?
    对 Save-More 药品连锁零售店的产品系列进行的分析表明,20% 的库存商品占美元销售额的 65%。一家典型的商店有 5000 种商品。占销售额前 75% 的商品由仓库库存补充。其余的则直接从制造商或零售商那里运到商店。占销售额前 75% 的商品有多少种?
  2. The costs associated with producing, distributing, and selling a domestically produced automotive component to Honda in Japan can be summarized as follows:
Cost Type Cost per Unit,  单位成本、
Purchased materials 购买材料 25
Manufacturing labor 制造业劳动力 10
Overhead 5
Transportation Varies by
shipment size 装运量
Sales 8
Profit 5
Transportation costs vary as follows. If the purchase (shipping) quantity is 1,000 units or less, the transportation cost is per unit. For more than 1,000 units but less than or equal to 2,000 units, the transportation cost is per unit. For more than 2,000 , the transportation cost is per unit.
运输成本如下。如果购买(运输)数量为 1,000 件或以下,则运输成本为每件 。超过 1,000 件但少于或等于 2,000 件,运输成本为每件 。如果超过 2,000 件,则运输成本为每件
Construct a price schedule, assuming the vendor would like to pass the transportation economies on to the customer. Indicate the discount percentage the customer will receive through buying at various quantities.

  1. 1Peter F. Drucker, "Physical Distribution: The Frontier of Modern Management," in Donald J. Bowersox, Bernard J. LaLonde, and Edward Smykay (eds.), Readings in Physical Distribution Management (New York: Macmillan, 1969), p. 4.
    1Peter F. Drucker,"Physical Distribution:现代管理的前沿",见 Donald J. Bowersox、Bernard J. LaLonde 和 Edward Smykay(编),《实物分销管理读本》(纽约:麦克米伦,1969 年),第 4 页。
  2. 2Jules Dupuit, "On the Measurement of the Utility of Public Works," reprinted in International Economic Papers, No. 2, translated from the French by R. H. Barback (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1952), p. 100 .
    2Jules Dupuit,"On the Measurement of the Utility of Public Works",重印于《国际经济论文集》第 2 期,由 R. H. Barback 从法文翻译(伦敦:麦克米伦有限公司,1952 年),第 100 页。
    Edward W. Smykay, Donald J. Bowersox, and Frank H. Mossman, Physical Distribution Management: Logistics Problems of the Firm (New York: Macmillan, 1961).
    Edward W. Smykay, Donald J. Bowersox, and Frank H. Mossman, Physical Distribution Management:公司的物流问题》(纽约:麦克米伦,1961 年)。
    Webster's Nerw) Encyclopedic Dictionary (New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 1993), p. 590.
    韦伯斯特百科词典》(纽约:Black Dog & Leventhal 出版社,1993 年),第 590 页。百科辞典》(纽约:Black Dog & Leventhal 出版社,1993 年),第 590 页。
    From the by laws of the Council of Logistics Management, accessed at CLM's Web site http://www.clm1.org.
    摘自物流管理理事会的章程,可在物流管理理事会的网站 http://www.clm1.org 上查阅。
  3. "Stanley E. Fawcett and Gregory M. Magan, "The Rhetoric and Reality of Supply Chain Integration," International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 32, No. 5 (2002), pp. 339-361.
    "Stanley E. Fawcett 和 Gregory M. Magan,"The Rhetoric and Reality of Supply Chain Integration",《International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management》,第 32 卷,第 5 期(2002 年),第 339-361 页。
  4. Some proponents of supply chain management include pricing within its scope. Business logistics management rarely does this.
  5. Jerry A. Davis, Jerome G. Lawrence, Peter Rector, and Herbert S. Shear, "Reverse Logistics Pipeline," Annual Conference Proceedings (San Diego, CA: Council of Logistics Management, October 8-11, 1995), p. 427 .
  6. Careers in Logistics (Oak Brook, IL: Council of Logistics Management), p. 3.
    物流职业》(伊利诺伊州橡树溪:物流管理委员会),第 3 页。
  7. Rosalyn Wilson and Robert V. Delaney, "11th Annual State of Logistics Report," Cass Information Systems and ProLogis (Washington, DC: National Press Club, June 5, 2000).
    Rosalyn Wilson 和 Robert V. Delaney,"第 11 次年度物流状况报告",Cass Information Systems 和 ProLogis(华盛顿特区:国家新闻俱乐部,2000 年 6 月 5 日)。
    For a history of these costs estimates, see Bernard J. LaLonde and Paul H. Zinszer, Customer Service: Meaning and Measurement (Chicago: National Council of Physical Distribution Management, 1976); Richard E. Snyder, "Physical Distribution Costs: A Two-Year Analysis," Distribution Age Vol. 62 (January 1963), pp. 50-51; and Wendall M. Stewart, "Physical Distribution: Key to Improved Volume and Profits," Journal of Marketing Vol. 29 (January 1965), p. 67.
    有关这些成本估算的历史,见 Bernard J. LaLonde 和 Paul H. Zinszer 合著的《客户服务》:意义与衡量》(芝加哥:全国实物分销管理委员会,1976 年);理查德-E-斯奈德,《实物分销成本:分销时代》第 62 卷(1963 年 1 月),第 50-51 页;Wendall M. Stewart,《实物分销:29 卷(1965 年 1 月),第 67 页。
    Wilson and Delaney, op. cit.
    Wilson 和 Delaney,同前。
  8. Herbert W. Davis and William H. Drumm, "Logistics Costs and Service 2001," Annual Conference Proceedings, (Kansas City, MO: Council of Logistics Management, 2001).
    Herbert W. Davis 和 William H. Drumm,"2001 年物流成本与服务",年会论文集,(密苏里州堪萨斯城:物流管理理事会,2001 年)。
    16"Logistics Rules of Thumb III," LogFac, www.logfac.com (2001).
    16 "物流经验法则 III",LogFac,www.logfac.com(2001 年)。
  9. 18"Loss Leader: How Wal-Mart Outdid a Once-Touted Kmart in Discount Store Race," Wall Street Journal, March 24, 1995, and revenue data for 2000 from Wal-Mart and Kmart financial reports found online at http:/finance.yahoo.com
    18 "Loss Leader:沃尔玛如何在折扣店竞争中击败曾被吹捧的凯马特》,《华尔街日报》,1995 年 3 月 24 日,以及沃尔玛和凯马特财务报告中的 2000 年收入数据,可在 http:/finance.yahoo.com 上查阅。
    Amy Merrick, "Expensive Ad Circulars Help Precipitate Kmart President's Departure," Wall Street Journal, January 18,2002, B1ff.
    Amy Merrick,"昂贵的广告有助于促使凯马特总裁离职",《华尔街日报》,2002 年 1 月 18 日,B1ff.
  10. Bruce Vail, "Logistics, Fifth Avenue Style," American Shipper (August 1994), pp. 49-51.
    Bruce Vail,"物流,第五大道风格",《美国托运人》(1994 年 8 月),第 49-51 页。
  11. Roger Morton, "Direct Response Shipping," Transportation & Distribution (April 1996), pp. 32-36.
    Roger Morton,"直接响应运输",《运输与配送》(1996 年 4 月),第 32-36 页。
    Kyle Pope, "For the Media, Diana's Funeral Prompts Debate," Wall Street Journal September 8, 1997, B1.
    凯尔-波普:"对于媒体而言,戴安娜的葬礼引发了争论",《华尔街日报》1997 年 9 月 8 日,B1 版。
    Theodore Levitt, The Marketing Imagination (New York: The Free Press, 1983), pp. 108-110.
    Theodore Levitt, The Marketing Imagination (New York: The Free Press, 1983), pp.
  12. .
  13. Wall Street Journal, August 16, 1994, A5.
    华尔街日报》,1994 年 8 月 16 日,A5 版。
    Definition approved by the American Marketing Association as paraphrased in Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Planning, Analysis, Implementation, and Control, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: PrenticeHall, 2000), p. 13.
    美国市场营销协会批准的定义,转引自 Philip Kotler,《营销管理》:Planning, Analysis, Implementation, and Control, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: PrenticeHall, 2000), p. 13.
    John O. McClain and L. Joseph Thomas, Operations Management: Production of Goods and Services, 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985), p. 14.
    John O. McClain and L. Joseph Thomas, Operations Management:商品与服务的生产》,第 2 版(新泽西州上鞍河:Prentice-Hall,1985 年),第 14 页。
  14. 1Peter F. Drucker, "The Economy's Dark Continent," Fortune (April 1962), pp. 103, 265-270.
    1Peter F. Drucker,"经济的黑暗大陆",《财富》(1962 年 4 月),第 103、265-270 页。
    Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (New York: Knopf, 1983), p. 72.
    刘易斯-卡罗尔:《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(纽约:Knopf 出版社,1983 年),第 72 页。
  15. Roger Kallock, "Develop a Strategic Outlook," Transportntion and Distribution (January 1989), pp. 16-18. "Kenneth R. Ernst, "Visioning: Key to Effective Strategic Planning," Annual Conference Proceedings, volume 1 (Boston: Council of Logistics Management, 1988), pp. 153-165.
    Roger Kallock, "Develop a Strategic Outlook," Transportntion and Distribution (January 1989), pp."Kenneth R. Ernst,"远景规划:年会论文集》第 1 卷(波士顿:物流管理委员会,1988 年),第 153-165 页。
  16. William Copacino and Donald B. Rosenfield, "Analytic Tools for Strategic Planning," International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1985), pp. 47-61.
    William Copacino 和 Donald B. Rosenfield,"战略规划的分析工具",《国际实物分销和材料管理杂志》,第 15 卷,第 3 期(1985 年),第 47-61 页。
  17. Thrismor, tumorer ratio is defined as the ratio of annual saies to the arerage inventory level for the
    Thrismor, tumorer ratio(血浆、肿瘤比率)的定义是:每年的血浆量与血浆库存量的比率。
  18. bill of lading is a contractual agreement between the shipper and carrier setting forth the conditions under which the freight will be moved.
    Adapted from Ronald H. Ballou, "How to Tell When Distribution Strategy Needs Revision," Marketing News, May 1, 1982, Sec. 2, p. 12.
    改编自 Ronald H. Ballou,"How to Tell When Distribution Strategy Needs Revision",《营销新闻》,1982 年 5 月 1 日,第 2 章,第 12 页。
  19. Walter Zinn and Donald J. Bowersox, "Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of Postponement," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1988), pp. 117-136.
    Walter Zinn 和 Donald J. Bowersox,"Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of Postponement",《商业物流杂志》,第 9 卷,第 2 期(1988 年),第 117-136 页。
    "Hau Lee, Corey Billington, and Brent Carter, "Hewlett-Packard Gains Control of Inventory and Service Through Design for Localization," Interfaces, Vol. 23, No. 4 (July/ August 1993), pp. 1-11.
    "Hau Lee、Corey Billington 和 Brent Carter,"Hewlett-Packard Gains Control of Inventory and Service Through Design for Localization",《界面》,第 23 卷,第 4 期(1993 年 7 月/8 月),第 1-11 页。
    Remko I. van Hoek, Harry R. Commandeur, and Bart Vos, "Reconfiguring Logistics Systems Through Postponement Strategies," Planning for Virtual Response, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual
    Remko I. van Hoek、Harry R. Commandeur 和 Bart Vos,"通过延迟策略重新配置物流系统",《虚拟响应规划》,第二十五届年会论文集,第 2 卷,第 1 期,第 2 页。
    Transportation and Logistics Educators Conference (Orlando, FL: The Transportation and Logistics Research Fund, 1996), pp. 53-81.
    运输与物流教育工作者会议(佛罗里达州奥兰多:运输与物流研究基金,1996 年),第 53-81 页。
  20. Ibid.  同上。
  21. Based on Marshall L. Fisher, "What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product?" Harvard Business Review, Vol. 75, No. 2 (March/April 1997), pp. 105-116.
    根据 Marshall L. Fisher,"什么是适合你产品的供应链?哈佛商业评论》,第 75 卷,第 2 期(1997 年 3 月/4 月),第 105-116 页。
  22. 17"How Managers Can Succeed Through SPEED," Fortune, February 13, 1989, pp. 54-59. @ 1989 The Time Inc. Magazine Company. All rights reserved.
    17 "管理者如何通过速度获得成功",《财富》,1989 年 2 月 13 日,第 54-59 页。@ 1989 The Time Inc.杂志公司。保留所有权利。
  23. Joseph M. Juran, Juran on Leadership for Quality (New York: The Free Press, 1989).
    Joseph M. Juran,《Juran on Leadership for Quality》(纽约:The Free Press,1989 年)。
    Tommy Carlsson and Anders Ljundberg, "Measuring Service and Quality in the Order Process," Proceedings of the Council of Logistics Management (San Diego; Council of Logistics Management, 1995), pp. .
    Tommy Carlsson 和 Anders Ljundberg,"衡量订单流程中的服务和质量",《物流管理理事会论文集》 (圣地亚哥;物流管理理事会,1995 年),第 页。
  24. The 80-20 curve was first observed by Vilfredo Pareto in 1897 during a study of the distribution of income and wealth in Italy. He concluded that a large percentage of the total income was concentrated in the hands of a small percentage of the population in a proportion of roughly 80 percent to 20 percent, respectively. The general idea has found wide application in business.
    1897 年,维尔弗雷多-帕累托在研究意大利的收入和财富分配时首次发现了 80-20 曲线。他得出的结论是,总收入的很大一部分集中在一小部分人手中,比例大约分别为 80% 和 20%。这一观点在商业领域得到了广泛应用。
  25. "4Pul S. Bender, "Mathematical Modeling of the 20/80 Rule: Theory and Practice," Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1981), pp. 139-157.
    "4Pul S. Bender,"20/80 规则的数学模型:理论与实践》,《商业物流杂志》,第 2 卷,第 2 期(1981 年),第 139-157 页。
    If the relationship is to be established on actual sales item data, the constant can be found by using the least squares curve fitting procedure. This means solving the following expression:
    如果要根据实际的销售项目数据来确定这种关系,则可通过最小二乘法曲线拟合程序来找到常数 。即求解以下表达式:
    where and are individual data pairs in a total sample size of . The value for is then determined through successive approximations. Constructing a small computer program to do these computations works nicely. When this technique was applied to the data in Table 3-1, an A value was found to be 0.143.
    其中 是总样本量 中的单个数据对。然后通过连续近似计算确定 的值。构建一个小的计算机程序来进行这些计算效果很好。当对表 3-1 中的数据应用这一技术时,发现 A 值为 0.143。
  26. b  b
  27. Adapted from Theodore N. Beckman, and William R. Davidson, Marketing, 8th ed. (New York: Ronald Press, 1967), p. 444.
    改编自 Theodore N. Beckman 和 William R. Davidson,《市场营销》,第 8 版(纽约:罗纳德出版社,1967 年),第 444 页。
  28. A disguised name.
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