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Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes for formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia: A scoping review

Shengze Zhi PhD

Shengze Zhi PhD

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Shizheng Gao Msc

Shizheng Gao Msc

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Juanjuan Sun Msc

Juanjuan Sun Msc

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Dongfei Ma PhD

Dongfei Ma PhD

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Yanjie Zhao PhD

Yanjie Zhao PhD

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang, People's Republic of China

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Meng He Msc

Meng He Msc

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Xiangning Zhu Msc

Xiangning Zhu Msc

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Yueyang Dong Msc

Yueyang Dong Msc

Registered Nurse

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Buheliqianmu Aini Bsc

Buheliqianmu Aini Bsc

School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

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Jiao Sun PhD

Corresponding Author

Jiao Sun PhD


School of Nursing, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China


Jiao Sun, School of Nursing, Jilin University, No. 965 Xinjiang Street, Changchun 130021, Jilin, People's Republic of China.

Email: sunjiao@jlu.edu.cn

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Abstract 摘要

Aim 目标

To map evidence of the existing virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes and the effects of these educational programmes on dementia formal and informal caregivers.

Design 设计

A scoping review. 范围审查。

Methods 方法

A comprehensive search of nine databases was conducted to find studies from the inception of the databases to October 2023. Two authors independently screened the titles and abstracts related to the eligibility criteria. Full texts of potentially relevant studies were read by one author and checked by a second. Data extraction and synthesis using NVivo 12 were undertaken by one author and checked by two other authors.
我们对九个数据库进行了全面检索,以找到从数据库建立之初到 2023 年 10 月期间的研究。两位作者独立筛选了与资格标准相关的标题和摘要。其中一位作者阅读了可能相关的研究全文,另一位作者进行了核对。一位作者使用 NVivo 12 进行数据提取和综合,另两位作者进行核对。

Results 成果

Nineteen studies published between 2002 and 2022. The four randomised controlled studies and five qualitative studies were of moderate to good methodological quality. The 10 quasi-experimental studies were of weak to moderate quality. Fifteen virtual reality-based educational programmes had a positive influence on formal and informal caregivers, including improving caregivers' perceptions changing attitudes towards people with dementia, while the nursing competence of formal caregivers did not improve in short term. Educational programmes that covered dementia-related information and care strategies better improved the knowledge level of dementia formal and informal caregivers.
19 项研究发表于 2002 年至 2022 年之间。其中 4 项随机对照研究和 5 项定性研究的方法学质量为中等至良好。10项准实验研究的质量为中弱。15项基于虚拟现实的教育项目对正规和非正规护理人员产生了积极影响,包括改善了护理人员对痴呆症患者的认知,改变了他们对痴呆症患者的态度,而正规护理人员的护理能力在短期内并未得到改善。涵盖痴呆症相关信息和护理策略的教育项目能更好地提高痴呆症正式和非正式护理人员的知识水平。

Conclusions 结论

The qualitative and quantitative studies of moderate to good quality included in this study support the idea that virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes may be a safe and effective way and have potential benefits for improving knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and nursing competence.

Impact 影响

This scoping review will provide an emerging teaching model for formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia and help them better understand the types and the influence of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes.

Reporting Method 报告方法


No Patient or Public Contribution

Not required as this review in accordance with the aim to map existing literature from the dementia formal and informal caregivers' perspective.

What does this paper contribute to the wider global community?

  • Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes offer new ideas for improving teaching models. Most dementia formal and informal caregivers are supportive of dementia educational programmes that use virtual reality, but these programmes must be improved.
  • Fifteen virtual reality-based educational programmes have potential benefits for improving dementia formal and informal caregivers' perceptions, attitudes and nursing competence. Virtual reality experiences, combined with other teaching or learning strategies, capture the knowledge gained from the experience and significantly improve the knowledge level of dementia caregivers.
    15 项基于虚拟现实的教育计划对改善痴呆症正规和非正规护理人员的认知、态度和护理能力具有潜在的益处。虚拟现实体验与其他教学或学习策略相结合,可以捕捉到从体验中获得的知识,并显著提高痴呆症护理人员的知识水平。


According to the World Health Organisation, there are currently more than 55 million people with dementia worldwide. Every year, there are nearly 10 million new cases. (World Health Organization, 2023). As dementia progresses, people's cognitive and physical abilities gradually decline (Brodaty et al., 2015), and they exhibit behavioural and psychological symptoms such as agitation, dyskinesia, apathy and anxiety (Kales et al., 2015). Amid a global shortage of health workers, dementia care is complicated and burdensome. Formal and informal caregivers play an important role in improving the quality of care for people with dementia, as they are the people who know about their condition and spend the most time with them (Alushi et al., 2015; Li et al., 2022). Informal caregivers refer to a non-professional caregiver who provides life care, emotional support and financial help to people with dementia in a residential environment, usually without professional knowledge learning and training, and does not need to be paid (e.g. family or friends) (Teri et al., 1997). Formal caregivers are trained professionals who have received training or education in nursing and usually need to be paid (e.g. nursers or health care assistants) (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2023). However, the available evidence suggests that both formal and informal caregivers have never experienced their lives from the perspective of people with dementia, are unable to perceive their needs (Cariñanos-Ayala et al., 2022), lack understanding and empathy for changes in dementia-related behaviour and psychological symptoms and may be prejudiced or have negative attitudes towards people with dementia (Borsje et al., 2016; Papastavrou et al., 2007). These factors negatively affect the health outcomes and quality of life of people with dementia and their caregivers (Travers et al., 2013). Therefore, there is a need to provide formal and informal caregivers with higher-quality and more specialised education and training to improve their knowledge and skills in dementia care.
据世界卫生组织统计,目前全球有超过 5,500 万痴呆症患者。每年新增病例近 1000 万例。(世界卫生组织,2023 年)。随着痴呆症的发展,患者的认知能力和身体机能会逐渐下降(Brodaty et al.在全球医护人员短缺的情况下,痴呆症护理工作既复杂又繁重。正规和非正规照护者在提高痴呆症患者的照护质量方面发挥着重要作用,因为他们是了解患者病情并与患者相处时间最长的人(Alushi 等人,2015 年;Li 等人,2022 年)。非正规照护者是指在居住环境中为痴呆症患者提供生活照料、情感支持和经济帮助的非专业照护者,他们通常没有经过专业知识学习和培训,也不需要报酬(如家人或朋友)(Teri 等人,1997 年)。正式照护者是受过护理培训或教育的专业人员,通常需要支付报酬(如护士或保健助理)(Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2023)。然而,现有证据表明,正规和非正规照护者从未从痴呆症患者的角度体验过他们的生活,无法感知他们的需求(Cariñanos-Ayala 等人,2022 年),对痴呆症相关行为和心理症状的变化缺乏理解和同情,并可能对痴呆症患者持有偏见或负面态度(Borsje 等人,2016 年;Papastavrou 等人,2007 年)。 这些因素对痴呆症患者及其照护者的健康状况和生活质量产生了负面影响(Travers 等人,2013 年)。因此,有必要为正规和非正规照护者提供更高质量、更专业的教育和培训,以提高他们在痴呆症照护方面的知识和技能。


Simulation is a pedagogical strategy that engages learners in life experiences. This experiential teaching puts learners in direct contact with the real-world environment in which they are learning rather than just reading, listening or writing (Cook et al., 2011). Virtual reality includes interactive simulations created with computer hardware and software to present users with opportunities to engage in environments that appear and feel similar to real-world objects and events (Weiss et al., 2014). Current virtual reality technology is widely used in healthcare professionals' education and training, such as the use of virtual environments to enhance the realism of simulated patients in nursing education and the simulation of complex environments, such as operating rooms or emergency rooms, and provide medical personnel with an opportunity to practice before treating patients (Tene et al., 2024; Weaver, 2011). The use of virtual reality requires fewer resources than traditional lecture-style education and is not limited by location or time (Plotzky et al., 2020). A meta-analysis of randomised controlled and cluster-randomised controlled trials found that virtual reality-based health professional educational programmes improved participants' knowledge and skills to a greater extent (Kyaw et al., 2019), and there is growing support for the use of virtual reality-based simulations in education (Han et al., 2020).
模拟是一种让学习者参与生活体验的教学策略。这种体验式教学使学习者直接接触到他们正在学习的真实世界环境,而不仅仅是阅读、聆听或写作(Cook 等人,2011 年)。虚拟现实包括使用计算机硬件和软件创建的交互式模拟,为用户提供参与环境的机会,这些环境看起来和感觉上与现实世界的物体和事件相似(Weiss et al.)当前的虚拟现实技术广泛应用于医疗保健专业人员的教育和培训,例如在护理教育中使用虚拟环境来增强模拟病人的真实感,以及模拟手术室或急诊室等复杂环境,为医务人员提供治疗病人前的练习机会(Tene 等人,2024 年;Weaver,2011 年)。与传统的讲座式教育相比,使用虚拟现实技术所需的资源更少,而且不受地点或时间的限制(Plotzky 等人,2020 年)。对随机对照试验和分组随机对照试验进行的一项荟萃分析发现,基于虚拟现实的卫生专业教育计划在更大程度上提高了参与者的知识和技能(Kyaw等人,2019年),越来越多的人支持在教育中使用基于虚拟现实的模拟(Han等人,2020年)。

Virtual reality technology has advantages in the field of dementia education due to its ability to immerse participants in a virtual environment, allow them to experience the lives of people with dementia from a first-person perspective, and think from the perspective of a person with dementia (Herrera et al., 2018). In the theoretical framework proposed by Slater et al. virtual reality technology enables participants to develop a ‘sense of presence’ or a feeling that the virtual environment is real, which may promote greater motivation and engagement in learning and generate thoughts and emotions similar to a real-life environment (Mantovani, 2003; Slater & Wilbur, 1997). More importantly, educational programmes based on virtual reality technology allow participants to experience how people with dementia perceive the world to deepen their understanding and empathy and improve their attitudes towards people with dementia (Green et al., 2014; Whitelock et al., 2000). Dementia educational programmes using virtual reality technology are designed to target a wide range of participants, including students, community residents, formal caregivers and informal caregivers (Gilmartin-Thomas et al., 2018; Sari et al., 2020;Stargatt et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018). In one non-randomised controlled study, 278 students (n = 64 medical, n = 214 pharmacy) were divided into intervention group (n = 80) and control group (n = 198) to receive virtual simulation educational programmes and standard curriculum, respectively. After 1 month, the medical students in the intervention group showed positive improvements in their awareness and attitudes towards people with dementia. (Gilmartin-Thomas et al., 2018). In the quasi-experimental study of Stargatt et al. and Wijma et al., empathy and self-confidence of formal (n = 40) and informal (n = 35) dementia caregivers were assessed immediately following virtual reality-based dementia education intervention. The results showed significant increases in empathy and self-confidence following the intervention (Stargatt et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018). Another one-group pre-test and post-test design study indicated that education using virtual reality could improve the attitudes of community residents (n = 42) and promote their willingness to help people with dementia (Sari et al., 2020).
虚拟现实技术能够让参与者沉浸在虚拟环境中,让他们从第一人称的角度体验痴呆症患者的生活,并从痴呆症患者的角度进行思考,因此在痴呆症教育领域具有优势(Herrera et al.)根据斯莱特等人提出的理论框架,虚拟现实技术能让参与者产生 "临场感",或感觉虚拟环境是真实的,这可能会促进学习动机和参与度的提高,并产生与现实生活环境类似的想法和情感(Mantovani,2003;Slater & Wilbur,1997)。更重要的是,基于虚拟现实技术的教育计划可以让参与者体验痴呆症患者是如何感知世界的,从而加深他们对痴呆症患者的理解和同情,改善他们对痴呆症患者的态度(Green 等人,2014 年;Whitelock 等人,2000 年)。使用虚拟现实技术的痴呆症教育计划旨在针对广泛的参与者,包括学生、社区居民、正式照护者和非正式照护者(Gilmartin-Thomas 等人,2018 年;Sari 等人,2020 年;Stargatt 等人,2022 年;Wijma 等人,2018 年)。在一项非随机对照研究中,278 名学生(n = 64 名医学生,n = 214 名药学学生)被分为干预组(n = 80)和对照组(n = 198),分别接受虚拟仿真教育课程和标准课程。1 个月后,干预组的医学生对痴呆症患者的认识和态度有了积极的改善。(Gilmartin-Thomas 等人,2018 年)。在Stargatt等人和Wijma等人的准实验研究中,干预组的医学生对痴呆症患者的认识和态度有了积极的改善(Gilmartin-Thomas等人,2018年)。在基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育干预之后,立即对正式(40 人)和非正式(35 人)痴呆症照护者的同理心和自信心进行了评估。结果显示,干预后移情能力和自信心都有了明显提高(Stargatt 等人,2022 年;Wijma 等人,2018 年)。另一项单组前测试和后测试设计研究表明,使用虚拟现实技术进行教育可以改善社区居民(n = 42)的态度,促进他们帮助痴呆症患者的意愿(Sari 等人,2020 年)。

Four reviews of dementia educational programmes, including virtual reality, have been published. These reviews summarised evidence that educational programmes improve participant outcomes, including knowledge, attitudes, empathy, sensitivity and self-confidence (Adewuyi et al., 2022; Cariñanos-Ayala et al., 2022; Jones et al., 2021; Williams & Daley, 2021). However, these studies focused on nursing students and provided no evidence for dementia caregivers. Formal and informal caregivers provide direct care to people with dementia, and the effectiveness of virtual reality-based educational programmes for this population has not been determined. A previous scoping review investigating the influence of virtual reality simulation for caregivers in dementia care education included only six ongoing studies and single-arm before-and-after studies; it did not include studies with a control design. Besides, this study did not describe the different effects of education programs on formal and informal caregivers separately (Hirt & Beer, 2020). To the best of our knowledge, there is much evidence for dementia educational programmes involving virtual reality technology that has not been aggregated, and there is a lack of research that categorises these educational programmes. Therefore, the present study aimed to map the evidence for a virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes and explore its effects on dementia formal and informal caregivers.
目前已发表了四篇关于痴呆症教育计划(包括虚拟现实)的综述。这些综述总结了教育项目可改善参与者成果的证据,包括知识、态度、同理心、敏感性和自信心(Adewuyi 等人,2022 年;Cariñanos-Ayala 等人,2022 年;Jones 等人,2021 年;Williams & Daley,2021 年)。然而,这些研究主要针对护理专业学生,并没有为痴呆症护理人员提供证据。正式和非正式护理人员为痴呆症患者提供直接护理,而基于虚拟现实的教育计划对这一人群的有效性尚未确定。之前的一项范围审查调查了虚拟现实模拟对痴呆症护理教育中护理人员的影响,其中只包括六项正在进行的研究和单臂前后对比研究,并不包括采用对照设计的研究。此外,这项研究也没有分别描述教育项目对正式和非正式照护者的不同影响(Hirt & Beer,2020 年)。据我们所知,有许多涉及虚拟现实技术的痴呆症教育项目的证据尚未汇总,也缺乏对这些教育项目进行分类的研究。因此,本研究旨在绘制基于虚拟现实技术的痴呆症教育项目的证据图,并探讨其对痴呆症正式和非正式照护者的影响。

3 AIM(S) 3 AIM(S)

This study explored existing literature on the implementation of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes for dementia formal and informal caregivers. This scoping review investigated three research questions: (1) Types and programmes content of the existing dementia educational programmes based on virtual reality technology for dementia formal and informal caregivers, (2) the effects of these educational programmes on the knowledge level, perception, attitude and nursing competence of dementia formal and informal caregivers.


4.1 Design 4.1 设计

A scoping review methodology using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) method (Peters et al., 2020) was undertaken in association with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist (Tricco et al., 2018) (Supplementary Materials S1—Data S1). This form of knowledge synthesis maps out key concepts, types of evidence and gaps in research relevant to a particular field by systematically searching, selecting and synthesising existing knowledge (Colquhoun et al., 2014). The process of mapping is central to the scoping review, in which a range of evidence is assessed and mapped to convey the breadth and depth of an area. The ultimate aim is to identify gaps in knowledge and determine trends in research (Peters et al., 2020). Although a protocol was developed for this review, it was not published.
采用乔安娜-布里格斯研究所(JBI)的方法(Peters 等人,2020 年),结合《系统性综述和元分析扩展首选报告项目》(PRISMA-ScR)清单(Tricco 等人,2018 年),进行了范围界定综述(补充材料 S1-数据 S1)。这种知识综合形式通过系统地搜索、选择和综合现有知识,绘制出与特定领域相关的关键概念、证据类型和研究缺口(Colquhoun 等人,2014 年)。制图过程是范围界定审查的核心,其中对一系列证据进行评估和制图,以表达某一领域的广度和深度。最终目的是找出知识差距,确定研究趋势(Peters 等人,2020 年)。尽管已为本次综述制定了协议,但并未公布。

4.2 Search methods 4.2 搜索方法

The study search for this scoping review was performed between September and October 2023. As suggested by the Joanna Briggs Institute approach, the search strategy consisted of three steps (Peters et al., 2015). Step 1: Limited searches of MEDLINE and CINAHL were performed. Keywords and synonyms related to the topic were identified. Step 2: Terminology was used to construct a detailed search query and search the database. Step 3: The reference lists of all articles found in the database were manually searched. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL, Cochrane, PsycInfo, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), WanFang and China Science and Technology Journal Database. The search process comprised MeSH terms and their synonyms, which were clustered into four keyword groups: (1) dementia; (2) virtual reality; (3) education and (4) caregivers (Supplementary Materials S2—Data S1).
本范围综述的研究检索于 2023 年 9 月至 10 月间进行。根据乔安娜-布里格斯研究所(Joanna Briggs Institute)的建议,检索策略包括三个步骤(Peters 等人,2015 年)。步骤 1:对 MEDLINE 和 CINAHL 进行有限检索。确定与主题相关的关键词和同义词。第 2 步:使用术语构建详细的搜索查询并搜索数据库。第 3 步:人工检索数据库中所有文章的参考文献目录。搜索了以下数据库:PubMed、Embase、Web of Science、CINAHL、Cochrane、PsycInfo、CNKI(中国国家知识基础设施)、万方和中国科技期刊数据库。检索过程包括 MeSH 术语及其同义词,并将其分为四组关键词:(1) 痴呆;(2) 虚拟现实;(3) 教育和 (4) 护理人员(补充材料 S2-数据 S1)。

4.3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
4.3 纳入和排除标准

Studies were included if they presented a primary study investigating the virtual reality-based educational programmes for dementia caregivers. The Participants, Concept, Context (PCC) framework information is presented in Table 1.
只要是针对痴呆症护理人员的基于虚拟现实的教育计划的主要调查研究,均被纳入研究范围。表 1 列出了 "参与者、概念、背景"(PCC)框架信息。

TABLE 1. Participants, Concept, Context (PCC) selection criteria.
表 1.参与者、概念、背景 (PCC) 选择标准。
Inclusion criteria 纳入标准 Exclusion criteria 排除标准

Caregivers of people with dementia

Formal caregivers: nursing assistants, registered nurse, health professionals, health care assistants, etc

Informal caregivers: families, friends, etc

Undergraduate nursing students

Mixed samples of health science students


All available virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes regardless of learning outcomes, teaching methods, program sequence or duration or assessment method

Virtual reality is a realistic virtual environment formed by a combination of computer software and hard ware that should have 3 characteristics: immersion, interaction, and imagination


Studies from all over the world

Programs taking place in any setting (on home, care facilities, hospital, etc)

The described learning outcomes do not relate to care of people with dementia
Type of sources

Quantitative design, qualitative design, mixed methods design systematic

Reported as full-length articles and published in English and Chinese

Incomplete information or studies for which the full text could not be obtained, conference papers, study protocols, qualitative studies, reviews and editorials

4.4 Search outcome 4.4 搜索结果

In total, 853 articles were identified through database searches and 150 duplicate articles were removed. A total of 703 articles were screened for titles and abstracts, and 679 articles were excluded. The full texts of 24 articles were read and screened, and 16 articles met the inclusion criteria. Figure 1 shows the reasons for excluding full text articles. Three articles were included after screening the reference lists of the included articles or the reference lists of the reviews. The final scoping review contained 19 articles.
通过数据库搜索共找到 853 篇文章,删除了 150 篇重复文章。共筛选了 703 篇文章的标题和摘要,排除了 679 篇文章。阅读并筛选了 24 篇文章的全文,其中 16 篇符合纳入标准。图 1 显示了排除全文文章的原因。在筛选了纳入文章的参考文献目录或综述的参考文献目录后,有 3 篇文章被纳入其中。最终的范围界定综述包含 19 篇文章。

Details are in the caption following the image
Flow diagram of the search for and selection of the included studies.

4.5 Quality appraisal 4.5 质量评估

Critical Appraisal Tools from the Joanna Briggs Institute were used to evaluate the methodological quality of the randomised controlled trials (Barker et al., 2023), qualitative research (Lockwood et al., 2015) and quasi-experimental studies (The Joanna Briggs Institution, 2023) (Supplementary Materials S3—Data S1). Each study included in the quality assessment was evaluated by two independent authors (SZ and SG), with any discrepancies mediated by a third author (JS). No reviews or studies were excluded on the basis of the quality assessment score.
乔安娜-布里格斯研究所的 "批判性评估工具 "用于评估随机对照试验(Barker 等人,2023 年)、定性研究(Lockwood 等人,2015 年)和准实验研究(乔安娜-布里格斯研究所,2023 年)的方法学质量(补充材料 S3-数据 S1)。每项纳入质量评估的研究均由两位独立作者(SZ 和 SG)进行评估,如有任何差异,则由第三位作者(JS)进行调解。没有任何综述或研究因质量评估得分而被排除。

4.6 Data abstraction 4.6 数据抽象

Records of the comprehensive search were imported into EndNote X20, and duplicate articles were removed. Two independent authors (SZ and SG) screened the titles and abstracts of the identified articles according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Full texts of potentially relevant studies were screened against the eligibility criteria by one author (SZ) and checked by a second author (SG). When consensus could not be reached, these disagreements were resolved with a third author (JS) acting as arbiter. Full texts that met the criteria were available after the screening process was complete. If full text was not available online, articles were requested using library lending services.
将综合检索记录导入 EndNote X20,并删除重复文章。两位独立作者(SZ 和 SG)根据纳入和排除标准筛选了已确定文章的标题和摘要。由一位作者(SZ)根据资格标准筛选潜在相关研究的全文,并由第二位作者(SG)进行核对。如果无法达成共识,则由第三位作者(JS)作为仲裁人解决这些分歧。符合标准的全文可在筛选过程结束后获得。如果网上没有全文,则通过图书馆借阅服务索取文章。

The first author (SZ) extracted the data using NVivo 12, and the data graph content extraction and synthesis were in the form of data charts from the Joanna Briggs Institute method (Peters et al., 2020). To answer the questions of the scoping review, the authors extracted the following data from each study: author, year, country, study aim, sample, design, intervention, time(s) of evaluation and main finding. To ensure rigour and authenticity, the two other authors (SZ, SG) reviewed the extracted data before all authors undertook a final check.
第一作者(SZ)使用 NVivo 12 提取数据,数据图表内容提取和综合采用乔安娜-布里格斯研究所(Joanna Briggs Institute)方法(Peters 等人,2020 年)中的数据图表形式。为了回答范围界定综述的问题,作者从每项研究中提取了以下数据:作者、年份、国家、研究目的、样本、设计、干预措施、评价时间和主要发现。为确保严谨性和真实性,其他两位作者(SZ、SG)对提取的数据进行了审核,然后所有作者进行了最后检查。

4.7 Synthesis 4.7 综述

Our evidence was reported in a narrative synthesis. Researchers preliminarily synthesised data and explored the similarities and differences among the data. Then, researchers translated into a generic form that identifies similar concepts in qualitative and quantitative research and attempt to make to produce results beyond the original research.

5 RESULTS 5 结果

5.1 Study characteristics
5.1 研究特点

Supplementary Materials S4—Data S1 summarises the characteristics of 19 studies published between 2002 and 2022. All studies were written in English (Aicken et al., 2021; Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020, 2021; Hicks et al., 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Kim, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2019, 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2021, 2022; Sung et al., 2022; Tropea et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Five studies used qualitative methods, and 14 studies were quantitative (randomised controlled trial n = 4, non-randomised controlled study n = 2, one-group pretest-posttest design n = 7, and longitudinal study n = 1). The studies were performed in Europe (n = 8), Asia (n = 5), North America (n = 3) and Oceania (n = 3). There were six studies before 2020 and 13 studies in 2020 and beyond. A total of 4099 participants met the inclusion criteria for the included studies, whom were formal caregivers (n = 2183, e.g. nursing assistants, registered nurses, health professionals, health care assistants and activity coordinators) and informal caregivers (n = 598, e.g. families, friends and volunteers) and people with dementia (n = 1318). With the exception of four studies that did not report sex ratios (Aicken et al., 2021; Beville, 2002; Kim, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019), women accounted for approximately 50.1% of the total sample. The participation rate of studies was 70.3%, and the reasons for participants withdrawing from the study primarily included the death of people with dementia, the caregiver's ‘time constraints’ and a lack of interest in the programme. Study sites included the community (n = 1), hospital (n = 3), home (n = 3) and aged care facility (n = 7) and five studies were performed at multiple sites (Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020; O'Connor et al., 2014; Slater et al., 2019, 2021). The duration of virtual reality-based educational programmes ranged from 20 min to 3 h, and no adverse events were observed.
补充材料 S4-Data S1 总结了 2002 年至 2022 年间发表的 19 项研究的特点。所有研究均以英语撰写(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Beville,2002 年;Han 等人,2020 年、2021 年;Hicks 等人,2021 年;Jütten 等人,2018 年;Kim,2021 年;Maskeliūnas 等人,2019 年;O'Connor 等人,2014 年;Prins 等人,2020 年;Slater 等人,2019 年、2021 年;Solecki 等人,2019 年、2021 年)、2014;Prins 等人,2020;Slater 等人,2019,2021;Solecki 等人,2021;Stargatt 等人,2021,2022;Sung 等人,2022;Tropea 等人,2022;Wijma 等人,2018;Yamaguchi 等人,2022)。五项研究采用定性方法,14 项研究采用定量方法(随机对照试验 n = 4,非随机对照研究 n = 2,单组前测后测设计 n = 7,纵向研究 n = 1)。这些研究分别在欧洲(8 项)、亚洲(5 项)、北美洲(3 项)和大洋洲(3 项)进行。2020 年前的研究有 6 项,2020 年及以后的研究有 13 项。共有 4099 名参与者符合纳入研究的标准,他们是正式照护者(n = 2183,如护理助理、注册护士、卫生专业人员、卫生保健助理和活动协调员)、非正式照护者(n = 598,如家人、朋友和志愿者)和痴呆症患者(n = 1318)。除四项未报告性别比例的研究(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Beville,2002 年;Kim,2021 年;Maskeliūnas 等人,2019 年)外,女性约占样本总数的 50.1%。研究的参与率为 70.3%,参与者退出研究的原因主要包括痴呆症患者死亡、照顾者 "时间有限 "以及对计划缺乏兴趣。 研究地点包括社区(n = 1)、医院(n = 3)、家庭(n = 3)和老年护理机构(n = 7),其中五项研究在多个地点进行(Beville,2002年;Han等人,2020年;O'Connor等人,2014年;Slater等人,2019年,2021年)。基于虚拟现实的教育计划持续时间从20分钟到3小时不等,未观察到不良事件。

5.2 Risk of bias
5.2 偏差风险

The quality of the included studies varied. The four randomised controlled studies (Han et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022; Tropea et al., 2022) were of moderate to good methodological quality, with appropriate study design, appropriate data analysis and reliable results. The limitation is that differences in follow-up between groups are not adequately described and analysed (Han et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2021), failed to report whether researchers implementing interventions and collecting outcome data performed blinding (Han et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022), analysis in allocated group (Han et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022) and no concealment of grouping (Stargatt et al., 2021). The 10 quasi-experimental studies originated from a variety of sources and were of weak to moderate quality. The included studies were clear in the sequences of cause and effect and the intervention and control groups were given the same treatment other than the intervention of interest (Beville, 2002; Jütten et al., 2018; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). The outcomes measured in these studies were same, and data were collected and analysed using reliable and appropriate methods (Beville, 2002; Jütten et al., 2018; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). However, most studies are pretest-posttest design (Beville, 2002; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021). Only three studies had complete follow-up (Jütten et al., 2018; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Yamaguchi et al., 2022) and four studies had outcomes with multiple measurements (Jütten et al., 2018; O'Connor et al., 2014; Wijma et al., 2018). The five qualitative studies (Aicken et al., 2021; Han et al., 2020; Hicks et al., 2021; Kim, 2021; Slater et al., 2019) were strong methodologically in regards to stated research question and associated methods, research methodology and the conclusions that flowed from the analysis and interpretation of data. All studies had strong representation of the voices of participants in the studies and ethics approval from appropriate committees (Jütten et al., 2018; O'Connor et al., 2014; Wijma et al., 2018). However, none of the studies clearly stated philosophical views and research method and mention the cultural or theoretical position of the researchers (Aicken et al., 2021; Han et al., 2020; Hicks et al., 2021; Kim, 2021; Slater et al., 2019). Only one study stated the influence of the researcher on the research. (Kim, 2021). Supplementary Materials S5—Data S1 describes a more detailed quality assessment.
纳入研究的质量参差不齐。四项随机对照研究(Han 等人,2021 年;Stargatt 等人,2021 年;Sung 等人,2022 年;Tropea 等人,2022 年)的方法学质量为中等至良好,研究设计适当,数据分析恰当,结果可靠。不足之处是没有充分描述和分析组间随访的差异(Han等人,2021年;Stargatt等人,2021年),没有报告实施干预和收集结果数据的研究人员是否进行了盲法(Han等人,2021年;Stargatt等人,2022年),没有在分配的组别中进行分析(Han等人,2021年;Sung等人,2022年),也没有隐瞒分组情况(Stargatt等人,2021年)。这 10 项准实验研究来源广泛,质量处于中下水平。纳入研究的因果顺序清晰,除相关干预措施外,干预组和对照组的治疗方法相同(Beville,2002;Jütten 等人,2018;Maskeliūnas 等人,2019;O'Connor 等人,2014;Prins 等人,2020;Slater 等人,2021;Solecki 等人,2021;Stargatt 等人,2022;Wijma 等人,2018;Yamaguchi 等人,2022)。这些研究测量的结果是相同的,数据的收集和分析也采用了可靠和适当的方法(Beville,2002;Jütten等人,2018;Maskeliūnas等人,2019;O'Connor等人,2014;Prins等人,2020;Slater等人,2021;Solecki等人,2021;Stargatt等人,2022;Wijma等人,2018;Yamaguchi等人,2022)。然而,大多数研究都是前测-后测设计(Beville,2002;Maskeliūnas等人,2019;O'Connor等人,2014;Prins等人,2020;Slater等人,2021;Solecki等人,2021)。只有三项研究进行了完整的随访(Jütten et al.,2018;Slater 等人,2021;Solecki 等人,2021;Yamaguchi 等人,2022),四项研究的结果具有多重测量(Jütten 等人,2018;O'Connor 等人,2014;Wijma 等人,2018)。五项定性研究(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Han 等人,2020 年;Hicks 等人,2021 年;Kim,2021 年;Slater 等人,2019 年)在提出的研究问题和相关方法、研究方法以及数据分析和解释所得出的结论方面都具有很强的方法论意义。所有研究都充分反映了参与者在研究中的声音,并获得了相关委员会的伦理批准(Jütten 等人,2018 年;O'Connor 等人,2014 年;Wijma 等人,2018 年)。然而,没有一项研究明确阐述了哲学观点和研究方法,并提及研究者的文化或理论立场(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Han 等人,2020 年;Hicks 等人,2021 年;Kim,2021 年;Slater 等人,2019 年)。只有一项研究指出了研究人员对研究的影响(Kim,2021)。(Kim,2021)。补充材料 S5-Data S1 描述了更详细的质量评估。

5.3 Types of educational programmes
5.3 教育计划的类型

Table 2 provides a more detailed description of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes. Eleven virtual reality-based educational programmes incorporated philosophy and explained its theoretical underpinning. (Han et al., 2020, 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Kim, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Stargatt et al., 2022; Tropea et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Educational programmes were divided into three categories based on the degree of immersion of virtual reality devices: non-immersive (Participants interact with the computer via a mouse or keyboard without being immersed in a virtual environment), semi-immersive (Participants are partially immersed in a virtual environment through the use of image displays/stereoscopic glasses/computer screens), and fully immersive (Participants are fully immersed in a virtual environment using head-mounted devices that provide 360° images or videos). The purposes of the educational programmes were to simulate and guide care: Simulating the cognitive and behavioural symptoms (Aicken et al., 2021; Hicks et al., 2021; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022), feelings (Han et al., 2020, 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Kim, 2021; Wijma et al., 2018), activities of daily living (Beville, 2002; Slater et al., 2019), living environment (Stargatt et al., 2021, 2022) and the progression from illness to death (Prins et al., 2020); Directing formal and informal caregivers in end-of-life care services (Tropea et al., 2022), daily living care (Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; O'Connor et al., 2014) and healthcare care (Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Yamaguchi et al., 2022).
表 2 更详细地介绍了基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划。有11项基于虚拟现实的教育计划融入了哲学理念,并解释了其理论基础。(Han等人,2020年,2021年;Jütten等人,2018年;Kim,2021年;Maskeliūnas等人,2019年;O'Connor等人,2014年;Prins等人,2020年;Stargatt等人,2022年;Tropea等人,2022年;Wijma等人,2018年;Yamaguchi等人,2022年)。根据虚拟现实设备的沉浸程度,教育计划分为三类:非沉浸式(参与者通过鼠标或键盘与计算机互动,但不沉浸在虚拟环境中)、半沉浸式(参与者通过使用图像显示器/立体眼镜/计算机屏幕,部分沉浸在虚拟环境中)和完全沉浸式(参与者通过使用提供 360° 图像或视频的头戴式设备,完全沉浸在虚拟环境中)。教育计划的目的是模拟和指导护理:模拟认知和行为症状(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Hicks 等人,2021 年;Slater 等人,2021 年;Solecki 等人,2021 年;Sung 等人,2022 年)、感受(Han 等人,2020 年,2021 年;Jütten 等人,2018 年;Kim,2021 年;Wijma 等人,2018 年)、日常生活活动(Beville,2002 年;Slater 等人,2019 年)、生活环境(Stargatt et al、2021, 2022)和从疾病到死亡的进展(Prins 等人,2020);指导正规和非正规护理人员提供临终关怀服务(Tropea 等人,2022)、日常生活护理(Maskeliūnas 等人,2019;O'Connor 等人,2014)和医疗保健护理(Maskeliūnas 等人,2019;Yamaguchi 等人,2022)。

TABLE 2. Characteristics of virtual reality-based dementia education programs on formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia.
表 2.基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目对痴呆症患者正式和非正式照护者的影响。
Category Author and year and country
Intervention group 干预组 Control group 对照组 Lengtha/frequency time(s) of evaluation
长度 a /频率 评估时间(秒
Main finding
Intervention Theoretical underpinning/evidence
Stakeholder involvement in design
Non-immersive Tropea et al. (2022), Australia
Tropea 等人(2022 年),澳大利亚

IMPETUS-D training program

Module 1: characteristics; module 2: end-of-life care; module 3: care home and challenges; module 4–5: GOC; module 6–9: symptom management; module 10: communication
模块 1:特征;模块 2:临终关怀;模块 3:护理之家和挑战;模块 4-5:GOC;模块 6-9:症状管理;模块 10:沟通

Providing best practice in palliative and hospice care


computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone

Usual training

15–45 min each module/NR

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention 6-month, follow-up staff interviews and surveys

6-month follow-up: 128 (21.1%) people with dementia from the intervention group had an unplanned transfer or death in hospital compared to 132 (19.0%) residents from the control group; odds ratio 1.14
Solecki et al. (2021), USA
Solecki 等人(2021 年),美国
VDT: participants experienced some of the cognitive and physical deficits common in AD
  1. Read the instructions for VDT
    阅读有关 VDT 的说明
  2. Given five tasks to complete
  3. Received a 10–15-min debriefing session
    听取 10-15 分钟的情况汇报
NR NR Headphones, eyewear and gloves NR


T0: before intervention

T1: after intervention

T2: 3–6 weeks post-intervention

Total scores, although not statistically significant (p > .05), revealed a slight change in the total score and hope subscale, representing more optimism towards people with dementia
Slater et al. (2021), Northern Ireland
斯莱特等人(2021 年),北爱尔兰
VDT: participants experienced some of the cognitive and physical deficits common in patients with AD
  1. Read the instructions for VDT
    阅读有关 VDT 的说明
  2. Given five tasks to complete: 10 min
    完成五项任务:10 分钟
  3. Received a 30 min debriefing session
    听取 30 分钟汇报
NR NR Headphones, eyewear and gloves NR

2 h/once

T1: before intervention

T2: after intervention

T3: 3-month post-intervention

Empathetic understanding of symptoms (F (1.91, 153.00) = 59.42, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.97), understanding of behavioural impact (F (1.94, 151.64) = 36.65, p < .001, partial η2 = 0. 99) and the role of the person in care decisions (F (1.73, 138.11) = 36.65, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.96) are statistically significant increase in scores from pre and post scores, and pre and follow-up but not between post and follow-up
Slater et al. (2019), Ireland
斯莱特等人(2019 年),爱尔兰
VDT: no detailed reports available
NR NR Headphones, eyewear and gloves NR


Interview: after intervention

Theme 1: prior education experience; Theme 2: emotive component; Theme 3: moral component; Theme 4: cognitive component; Theme 5: behavioural component
Beville (2002), USA 贝维尔(2002 年),美国 VDT:  VDT:
  1. Read the instructions for VDT
    阅读有关 VDT 的说明
  2. Given five tasks to complete: find the gold sweater and put it on; write a three-sentence note to your family and put it in an envelope; fold the towels; brush your teeth; colour-coordinate the clothes in the closet
NR NR Headphones, eyewear and gloves NR

10 min/once

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention

Participants came away with heightened awareness of the plight of confused elders and a strong sense that the high behavioural expectations caregivers have for people with dementia are unrealistic and need to change
Han et al. (2021), Korea
Han 等人(2021 年),韩国

Simulation-based education (Dementia Live™):
模拟教育(Dementia Live™):

  1. Experienced similar feelings and behaviours of people with dementia (5 tasks, 7 min)
    体验痴呆症患者的类似感受和行为(5 项任务,7 分钟)
  2. Reflected on their experiences

Lecture-based education: 3 sessions about dementia related information; 5 sessions about caring strategies
讲座式教育:3 场关于痴呆症相关信息的讲座;5 场关于护理策略的讲座

Person-centered dementia care, need-driven dementia-compromised behaviour model, and experiential learning model
NR MP3 players, eyewear and gloves
MP3 播放器、眼镜和手套
Treatment as usual 照常治疗

1 h/once

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention 2 weeks

A statistically significant interaction between simulation and lecture on well-being measured by the CarerQol after controlling for pre-test results, kinship and gender (F (1.94) = 7.190, p = .009, partial η2 = 0.071)

A statistically significant interaction between simulation and lecture also was found on perceived feelings of helplessness measured by helplessness subscale of CDS, while controlling for pre-test results, kinship and gender (F (1.94) = 4.516, p = .036, partial η2 = .046)
在控制前测结果、亲缘关系和性别的情况下,模拟与讲课之间的交互作用在统计学上也有重大意义(F (1.94) = 4.516, p = .036, partial η 2 = .046)

Han et al. (2020), Korea
Han 等人(2020 年),韩国
Dementia Live™:  痴呆症现场直播
  1. Experienced similar feelings and behaviours of people with dementia (5 tasks, 7 min)
    体验痴呆症患者的类似感受和行为(5 项任务,7 分钟)
  2. Reflected on their experiences
Person-centered dementia care, need-driven dementia-compromised behaviour model, and experiential learning model
NR MP3 players, eyewear and gloves
MP3 播放器、眼镜和手套

30–40 min/once 30-40 分钟/次

Semi-structured interviews: after intervention

Theme 1 empathy: overall understanding about the world from the perspectives of people with dementia; relating emotions; overlapped behaviours
主题 1 共情:从痴呆症患者的角度全面了解世界;情感相关;行为重叠

Theme 2 care strategies: newly or increased use of helpful care strategies; emotional and social benefits on caregivers and people with dementia from the changed care strategies
主题 2 照护策略:新采用或更多采用有益的照护策略;改变照护策略可为照护者和痴呆症患者带来情感和社会方面的益处

Theme 3 increased awareness: having more attention and affection towards people with dementia; possible changes due to aging and the risk of dementia

Prins et al. (2020), The Netherlands
Prins 等人(2020 年),荷兰
AlzExp: 22 scenes  AlzExp: 22 场
  1. From the first signs (forgetting things) until the funeral of one of the two persons
  2. Watched from different perspectives: from the person with dementia, their relatives and/or health professionals
  3. At the end of each scene, information is obtainable on what was shown and how it relates to dementia, explained by a physician
The progression from illness (forgetting things) to death (funeral) focuses on typical experiences at each stage
NR Online media NR


Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention immediately

The attitude of the participants became more person-centered after watching the Alzheimer Experience (t = −1.92, df = 212, p = .06)
O'Connor et al. (2014), USA Virtual reality support:
  1. The virtual environment was a private living room setting: included learning to walk, opening doors, and sitting on the provided chairs in the cozy log cabin where the group met
  2. Group intervention: changed difficult behaviours, changed unhelpful thoughts, communication styles, communication and memory problems, planned for the future and pleasant events
Coping with Caregiving: an evidence-based treatment developed with the extant supportive evidence for the therapeutic effects of psychoeducation and skill training NR Computers and web browsers, keyboard NR

1-h weekly/8 weeks

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention

Only the perceived stress scale approached significance (F = 3.67, p < .10). Satisfaction reports also indicated that caregivers overcame the barriers to participation, and had a strong sense of the group's presence
Semi-immersive Stargatt et al. (2022), Australia VDE: participants undertake a group activity on communicating and recalling information
  1. Prior to education: present practice test (bathroom) and posttest (bedroom)
  2. Shown an image of a poorly designed bathroom or bedroom
  3. Instructed participants to indicate changes to make the room more ‘dementia-friendly’
Experimental-based learning NR Video-game technology in a 10 × 2.5-m wall-based projection; a full body motion sensor Non-VR classroom education: supplemented by still graphics and video; provided a range of strategies for designing residential environments

2 h/once

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention immediately

UDCE scores: no significantly greater in two group (t = .842, p = .403). Post-test scores were significantly greater than practice (non-VR, t = 10.348, p < .001, d = −1.383; VR, t = 11.505, p < .001, d = −1.819)

VR identified a significantly greater number of correct changes to the image of a bedroom (adjusted mean = 5.51, SE = .30) than non-VR (adjusted mean = 4.50, SE = .26) with a moderate effect size (F = 6.383, p = .013, partial η2 = .064)

Maskeliūnas et al. (2019), Lithuanian Serious Game iDO: provided a simple dialogue, where the player communicates with his game character, inquiring about his experience, etc. It included Knowledge on dementia case management, care processes, mental health (both caregiver and people with dementia) Gamification: Increasing motivation; based on the simplified needs system adopted by the SIMS games Medical professors Unreal engine 4 (Epic Games, SC) NR

20 min/once

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention 4 mouths

DAS: total scores in the pre-game survey ranged from 5.53 to 6.33 (mean = 5.94; SD = 0.21) and increased from 6.07 to 6.41 (mean = 6.28; SD = 0.08) in the post-game survey; the results between the pre-game survey and the post-game survey were statistically significant for both caregivers (p < .001) and seniors (p < 0.001)
Fully-immersive Yamaguchi et al. (2022), Japan Virtual reality intervention:
  1. Introduced each other
  2. Quizzed game as an icebreaker
  3. Experience: medication support, medical restraint and surgery
  4. Reflected VR scenarios
  5. Group discussion
  6. Thinking about approaches to improve dementia nursing care
Person-centered dementia care: Kitwood's theory Gerontological nursing specialists and clinical nurses Oculus Go™, 360° immersively Usual intervention

1-h monthly/3 times

T0: pre-intervention

T1: post-intervention

T2: at a 1-month follow-up

Dementia Nursing Competency Scale: T3 has significantly higher scores than T1 (p < .001, standard error 3.76, 95% CI 5.85–20.59)

Staff Experiences of Working with Dementia Residents questionnaire: pre-intervention was significantly lower than post-intervention (p = .002, standard error 1.65, 95% CI 0.61–2.69) and 1 month after intervention (p < .001, standard error 1.57, 95% CI 0.67–2.47).

Sung et al. (2022), China VR-based training:
  1. E-book modules
  2. Dementia VR-based activity: standing at the edge of the roof; experience of visual hallucination
  3. Face-to-face peer support group meetings
NR NR Silver Wood: 360° dementia VR videos E-book modules: received the dementia care

1-h monthly/3 times

T0: baseline, pre-intervention

T1: the end of the 3-month intervention

T2: 1-month post intervention

VR group: significant improvement in knowledge, attitudes, competence and empathy (DKAS, p = .033; ADQ, p < .001; JSE, p = .023)

The effects remained significant 1 month after the end of the 3-month intervention (DKAS, p < .001; ADQ, p < .001; SCIDS, p < .001; JSE, p = .001)

Stargatt et al. (2021), Australia EDIE: it was an active learning experience where the participants adopted the perspective of a person living with dementia in a virtual home environment
  1. Provided a range of strategies for designing residential environments to support the needs
  2. Function of people living with dementia and their rationale
NR NR A smartphone-app and VR headset technology Graphics and video

3 h/once

Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention immediately

Significant pre-post main effects were observed for empathy (p < .001), understanding of dementia care environments (p < .001), and attitudes (p < .001). Interaction effects were not found

Subgroups: empathy improved significantly in VR for older participants (p = .034); understanding of dementia care environments improved more in VR for younger (p = .017) and non-English-speaking (p = .047) background participants

Kim (2021), Korea Virtual reality practice program: case of people with dementia showing aggression when taking a bath due to the delusion of trying to kill themselves. Based on ADDIE model among teaching cases Formal dementia caregivers HTC's Vive Pro; two base stations and a vive controller NR

1 h/once

Interview: after intervention

Theme 1: interest in new teaching methods;

Theme 2: improving concentration of practical education based on real cases;

Theme 3: increasing confidence in caring for dementia patients

Hicks et al. (2021), UK AWTD:
  1. Completed three tasks (buy ingredients from a supermarket; walking home while accompanied by their son; making a cup of tea for the family)
  2. Group discussion
NR People with dementia and spouses Android or iPhone; Google Cardboard headset NR

1 h/once

A semi-structured focus group: after intervention

Theme 1: a convincing immersive experience;

Theme 2: insightful and evocative: an experience for the mind and body;

Theme 3: ‘Next-level’ dementia awareness

Aicken et al. (2021), UK

AWTD: Completed three tasks (buying ingredients from a supermarket; walking home while accompanied by their son; making a cup of tea for family).


  1. A professional actor played a dementia or a cognitive impairment resident
  2. Participants entered the ‘resident's’ room and communicated with at least one person structurally
  3. Discussion which followed the ‘TeamGAINS’ structured debriefing model

NR People with dementia and spouses Android or iPhone; Google Cardboard headset NR

AWTD: 30 min/once

SBAR: NR / once

A semi-structured interview: before/after intervention

Theme 1: the Experience of working as HCA;

Theme 2: training provision, training needs and responsibilities for staff development;

Theme 3: experiences of taking part in the simulation-based training;

Theme 4: impacts of the simulation-based training

Jütten et al. (2018), The Netherlands Into D'mentia: it was to increase the understanding and empathy for people with dementia in informal caregivers by experiential learning and include a group session in which best practices were shared, but role playing and feedback were not included Experimental-based learning NR Headset, sensors and projections No intervention


Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews:

T0: 1 week before intervention

T1: 1 week after intervention

T2: 2.5 months after intervention

T3: 15 months after intervention

85% of the participants in the intervention group found the intervention useful; 76% said they had changed their approach to caregiving, and 61% stressed that the intervention had increased their understanding of dementia. No significant differences were found between the two groups over time regarding empathy, sense of competence, relationship quality with the care receiver, burden, depression and anxiety, at either group or individual level

Wijma et al. (2018)

The Netherlands

TDL: based on Into D'mentia, a simulation intervention that made use of a shipping container furnished as a living kitchen in which sensors and projections were used to help visitors experience what it was like to have dementia.
  1. A short demo video to introduce characters
  2. Watched the movie: the person with dementia alone; interacted with the informal caregiver; interacted with a group of people
  3. A short conversation about the participant's experience
  4. A manual and login code for the e-course
Experimental-based learning NR Headset, sensors and projections NR


Pre-test: before intervention

Post-test: after intervention

35 caregivers completed the pre-test and post-test. Most participants were satisfied with TDL and stated that TDL gave more insight in the perception of the person with dementia. The simulation movie was graded 8.03/10 and the e-course 7.66. Participants significantly improved in empathy, confidence in caring for people with dementia, and positive interactions with people with dementia
  • Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer disease; ADDIE, analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation; ADQ, the approaches to dementia questionnaire; AlzExp, the Alzheimer experience; AWTD, A walk through dementia; CarerQol, care-related quality of life instrument; CDS, cognitive distortion scales; CI, Confidence interval; d, post test scores minus per test scores; DAS, dementia attitudes scale; DKAS, the dementia knowledge assessment scale; EDIE, educational dementia immersive experience; F, F-test; HCA, health care assistants; IMPETUS-D, improving palliative care education and training using simulation in dementia; JSE, the jefferson scale of empathy; NR, not report; partial η2, the effect size of choice for mixed ANOVA; SCIDS, the sense of competence in dementia care staff scale; SE, standard error; t, t-test; TDL, D′ mentia lens; UDCE, understanding of dementia care environments tool; VDE, Virtual Dementia Experience™; VDT, virtual dementia tour; VR, virtual reality.
    缩写:缩写: AD,阿尔茨海默病;ADDIE,分析、设计、开发、实施、评估;ADQ,痴呆症调查问卷;AlzExp,阿尔茨海默病体验;AWTD,痴呆症漫步;CarerQol,与护理相关的生活质量工具;CDS,认知扭曲量表;CI,置信区间;d,测试后得分减去测试前得分;DAS,痴呆态度量表;DKAS,痴呆知识评估量表;EDIE,沉浸式痴呆教育体验;F,F 检验;HCA,健康护理助理;IMPETUS-D,利用痴呆症模拟改善姑息治疗教育和培训;JSE,杰弗逊移情量表;NR,未报告;偏η 2 ,混合方差分析中选择的效应大小;SCIDS,痴呆症护理人员能力感量表;SE,标准误差;Ⅳ,-检验;TDL,痴呆症透视镜;UDCE,痴呆症护理环境理解工具;VDE,虚拟痴呆症体验™;VDT,虚拟痴呆症之旅;VR,虚拟现实。
  • a The duration of each intervention.
    a 每次干预的持续时间。

5.4 Results of synthesis
5.4 综合结果

Based on the analysis of the results of 19 studies (Table 3), we found that virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes improved formal and informal caregivers' knowledge and perceptions to some extent and changed their attitudes and views of people with dementia, while the nursing competence of formal caregivers did not improve in short term. In addition, although most formal and informal caregivers are supportive of education programmes, there are still some problems that need to be addressed.
根据对 19 项研究结果的分析(表 3),我们发现基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目在一定程度上提高了正规和非正规照护者对痴呆症的认识和看法,并改变了他们对痴呆症患者的态度和观点,而正规照护者的护理能力在短期内并没有提高。此外,虽然大多数正式和非正式照护者都支持教育计划,但仍有一些问题需要解决。

TABLE 3. The results for knowledge, awareness, attitude and competence.
表 3.知识、意识、态度和能力方面的结果。
Outcomes Categories Studies Measurements Caregivers
Formal Informal
Knowledge Symptoms and behaviour in people with dementia
Beville (2002); Han et al. (2021); Kim (2021); Maskeliūnas et al. (2019); O'Connor et al. (2014); Sung et al. (2022)
Beville( 2002); Han 等人( 2021); Kim( 2021); Maskeliūnas 等人( 2019); O'Connor 等人( 2014); Sung 等人( 2022)

Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale

Dementia Knowledge Assessment Scale

Interviews 访谈

Needs of people with dementia
Hicks et al. (2021); Kim (2021); Maskeliūnas et al. (2019); Stargatt et al. (2021); Sung et al. (2022)
Hicks et al. ( 2021); Kim( 2021); Maskeliūnas et al. ( 2019); Stargatt et al. ( 2021); Sung et al. ( 2022)
Drugs of people with dementia
Kim (2021)
Daily care Kim (2021)
Coping strategies 应对策略 Aicken et al. (2021); Beville (2002); Han et al. (2020); Han et al. (2021); Hicks et al. (2021); Prins et al. (2020); Sung et al. (2022); Yamaguchi et al. (2022)
Aicken et al ( 2021); Beville ( 2002); Han et al ( 2020); Han et al ( 2021); Hicks et al ( 2021); Prins et al ( 2020); Sung et al ( 2022); Yamaguchi et al ( 2022)
Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced
Palliative care Tropea et al. (2022) Questionnaire on Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia
Awareness Empathy Hicks et al. (2021); Han et al. (2020); Han et al. (2021); Jütten et al. (2018); Kim (2021); Slater et al. (2021); Sung et al. (2022); Wijma et al. (2018)

Interpersonal Reactivity Index

Jefferson Scale of Empathy

Long Tour Survey

Situational Empathy and Perspective Taking Scale


Understanding Aicken et al. (2021); Beville (2002); Han et al. (2020); Solecki et al. (2021); Jütten et al. (2018); Slater et al. (2019); Stargatt et al. (2021); Stargatt et al. (2022); Sung et al. (2022)

Cognitive Distortion Scales

Care-related Quality of Life instrument

Long Tour Survey

Understanding of Dementia Care Environments tool


Attitude Confidence Kim (2021); Maskeliūnas et al. (2019); Solecki et al. (2021); Tropea et al. (2022)

Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire

Dementia Attitudes Scale

Trust in Own Abilities


Person-centred Maskeliūnas et al. (2019); Prins et al. (2020); Slater et al. (2019); Solecki et al. (2021); Sung et al. (2022); Tropea et al. (2022); Yamaguchi et al. (2022)
Guilty and depression Hicks et al. (2021); Han et al. (2020); Tropea et al. (2022)
Competence Sung et al. (2022); Yamaguchi et al. (2022) Dementia Nursing Competency Scale

5.4.1 Knowledge 5.4.1 知识

Thirteen studies provided formal and informal caregivers with information about dementia, including symptoms and behaviours, the needs of people with dementia, medications for treatment, caregivers' coping strategies, usual care and palliative and hospice care (Table 3). In two of the five quantitative studies, virtual reality-based dementia education programmes combined with other activities (e.g. dementia lectures or peer support) showed a significant improvement in informal caregiver knowledge before and after the intervention (p < .001) (Han et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022), while three studies of formal caregivers that did not combine other activities did not have a significant improvement (p > .05) (Stargatt et al., 2021; Tropea et al., 2022; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Therefore, educational programmes that covered dementia-related information and care strategies might be more effective in improving formal and informal caregivers' knowledge than educational programmes that focused solely on experiencing the lives of people with dementia. Six studies of education programs for formal and informal caregivers had group discussions after virtual reality experiences, and caregivers reflected on their previous experiences during discussions of their virtual experience (Aicken et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021; Kim, 2021; O'Connor et al., 2014;Sung et al., 2022; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Both formal and informal caregivers emphasised that they had seen people with dementia face challenges that were simulated in virtual scenarios but did not know how to help them. They hoped to use their newly acquired knowledge to meet the needs of people with dementia (e.g. hunger, rest and activity) and understand their behavioural and psychological symptoms to maintain or improve their quality of life (Aicken et al., 2021; Han et al., 2020, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019).
有 13 项研究为正式和非正式照护者提供了有关痴呆症的信息,包括症状和行为、痴呆症患者的需求、治疗药物、照护者的应对策略、常规照护以及姑息和临终关怀(表 3)。在五项定量研究中的两项研究中,基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划与其他活动(如痴呆症讲座或同伴支持)相结合,显示非正式照顾者在干预前后的知识水平有了显著提高(p < .001)(Han et al、2021;Sung 等人,2022),而三项针对正式照护者的研究,如果没有结合其他活动,则没有明显改善(p > .05)(Stargatt 等人,2021;Tropea 等人,2022;Yamaguchi 等人,2022)。因此,与只注重体验痴呆症患者生活的教育项目相比,涵盖痴呆症相关信息和护理策略的教育项目可能会更有效地提高正规和非正规照护者的知识水平。六项针对正规和非正规照护者的教育项目研究在虚拟现实体验后进行了小组讨论,照护者在讨论虚拟体验的过程中反思了他们之前的经历(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Han 等人,2021 年;Kim,2021 年;O'Connor 等人,2014 年;Sung 等人,2022 年;Yamaguchi 等人,2022 年)。正式和非正式照护者都强调,他们看到过痴呆症患者面临虚拟场景中模拟的挑战,但却不知道如何帮助他们。他们希望利用新学到的知识来满足痴呆症患者的需求(如 饥饿、休息和活动),并了解他们的行为和心理症状,以保持或提高他们的生活质量(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Han 等人,2020 年、2021 年;Maskeliūnas 等人,2019 年)。

5.4.2 Perception 5.4.2 感知

Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes gave formal and informal dementia caregivers an immersive look into the lives of people with dementia, which improved caregivers' empathy and understanding (Table 3).
基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目让正规和非正规的痴呆症照护者身临其境地了解痴呆症患者的生活,从而提高照护者的同理心和理解能力(表 3)。

Empathy is the most important factor influencing care behaviour (Han et al., 2021). Increasing empathy for people with dementia reduces individual caregiver distress and encourages caregivers to comfort and help people with dementia. Two randomised controlled studies using VR-based Training and Educational Dementia Immersive Experience among formal and informal caregivers, respectively, showed a significant increase in empathy (p < .05) in the VR group compared to the non-VR group, and the effect persisted 1 month after the intervention (Stargatt et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022). These results were consistent with the results of the Virtual Dementia Tour intervention by Slater et al. (Slater et al., 2021). However, Jütten et al. compared 145 informal caregivers who received the Into D'mentia education programme and 56 informal caregivers who received no intervention and assessed caregiver empathy levels 1 week before the training, 1 week after the training, 2.5 months after the training and 15 months after the training. They found no significant difference in empathy levels over time between the two groups (Jütten et al., 2018), which may be related to higher rates of informal caregiver dropout in intervention group (55.2%) and control group (60.7%).
移情是影响护理行为的最重要因素(Han 等人,2021 年)。增加对痴呆症患者的同理心可减少护理人员的个人痛苦,并鼓励护理人员安慰和帮助痴呆症患者。两项随机对照研究分别在正式和非正式照护者中使用了基于 VR 的培训和痴呆症沉浸式教育体验,结果表明,与非 VR 组相比,VR 组的同理心显著增加(p < .05),并且在干预 1 个月后效果依然存在(Stargatt 等人,2021 年;Sung 等人,2022 年)。这些结果与 Slater 等人的虚拟痴呆症之旅干预结果一致(Slater 等人,2021 年)。然而,Jütten 等人比较了 145 名接受 Into D'mentia 教育计划的非正规照护者和 56 名未接受干预的非正规照护者,并评估了照护者在培训前 1 周、培训后 1 周、培训后 2.5 个月和培训后 15 个月的移情水平。他们发现,随着时间的推移,两组之间的移情水平没有明显差异(Jütten 等人,2018 年),这可能与干预组(55.2%)和对照组(60.7%)非正式照顾者的辍学率较高有关。

Formal and informal caregivers described virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes as inspiring. The experiential behaviours in the programme matched the behaviours of people with dementia observed by formal and informal caregivers in their daily lives, which enabled caregivers to think from the perspective of people with dementia (Sung et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018) and understand the behavioural and psychological responses of people with dementia in daily life, such as painful feelings (anxiety and fear) and overlapping behaviours when completing daily tasks (Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2019). This helped formal and informal caregivers were more aware of changes in aging and dementia, which encouraged caregivers to make changes to their unhealthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of dementia later in life (Han et al., 2020). In addition, this could also help reduce informal caregiver communication problems and improved well-being (Han et al., 2021; Jütten et al., 2018). Several qualitative analyses have suggested that environmental influences on people with dementia were important (Slater et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022). Whether in the hospital or at home, providing a comfortable, streamlined environment enhanced person-centred care and prevented people with dementia from being overwhelmed or frustrated by unfamiliar surroundings (Beville, 2002). Stargutt et al. showed that demographic characteristics were associated with the degree of understanding of dementia care settings (Stargatt et al., 2021, 2022). Subgroup analyses found that younger formal caregivers (below the age of 46 years) or those with non-English speaking backgrounds had a significantly higher understanding of the dementia care environment (p < .05), and they were more likely to recognise how the environment was modified (Stargatt et al., 2021), such as the placement of items in the bedroom.
正规和非正规照护者认为,基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目很有启发性。节目中的体验行为与正式和非正式照护者在日常生活中观察到的痴呆症患者的行为相吻合,这使照护者能够从痴呆症患者的角度思考问题(Sung 等人,2022 年;Wijma 等人,2018 年)、2018),并理解痴呆症患者在日常生活中的行为和心理反应,如痛苦的感觉(焦虑和恐惧)以及完成日常任务时的重叠行为(Beville,2002;Han 等人,2020;Slater 等人,2019)。这有助于正式和非正式照护者更加了解老龄化和痴呆症的变化,从而鼓励照护者改变不健康的生活方式,降低日后患痴呆症的风险(Han 等人,2020 年)。此外,这也有助于减少非正式照顾者的沟通问题,改善福祉(Han 等人,2021 年;Jütten 等人,2018 年)。一些定性分析表明,环境对痴呆症患者的影响非常重要(Slater 等人,2021 年;Stargatt 等人,2022 年)。无论是在医院还是在家中,提供舒适、简洁的环境都能加强以人为本的护理,防止痴呆症患者因周围环境不熟悉而不知所措或感到沮丧(Beville,2002 年)。Stargutt等人的研究表明,人口特征与对痴呆症护理环境的理解程度有关(Stargatt等人,2021年、2022年)。分组分析发现,年轻的正式照护者(46 岁以下)或非英语背景的正式照护者对痴呆症照护环境的理解程度明显更高(p < .05),而且他们更容易识别环境是如何改变的(Stargatt et al.

5.4.3 Attitude 5.4.3 态度

Formal and informal caregivers who received virtual experiences were more positive about people with dementia (Stargatt et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022), and more than 50% of formal and informal caregivers in four studies felt confident in caring for dementia (Jütten et al., 2018; Kim, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Tropea et al., 2022), and pointed to the need for more knowledge and patience with regard to dementia (Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020; Hicks et al., 2021) and provided person-centred care to people with dementia as unique individuals with the same value as anyone else (Solecki et al., 2021). However, Solecki et al. showed that a higher rate of dropout among participants (89.1%) which led to a lack of study data, resulting in only a slight improvement in formal caregivers' human-centered attitudes towards people with dementia. (Solecki et al., 2021). Quantitative studies found that formal caregivers' attitudes towards people with dementia were influenced by demographic characteristics (Prins et al., 2020), and younger formal caregivers (below the age of 48 years) had better improvement in person-centred attitudes after the virtual experience. No studies reported the effect of informal caregivers' demographic characteristics on the attitudes of people with dementia. Besides, formal and informal caregivers who participated in IMproving Palliative care Education and Training Using Simulation in Dementia, A Walk Through Dementia, Virtual Dementia Tour, and Serious Game iDO reported that they were unable to master simple tasks and/or lacked the ability to rely on everyday senses, which produced anxiety, fear, disorientation and powerlessness (Aicken et al., 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Slater et al., 2019; Tropea et al., 2022). These experiences prompted formal and informal caregivers to reflect on the care they had provided in the past, and they felt guilty and frustrated about the way they had previously cared for people with dementia (Slater et al., 2019) (Table 3).
接受过虚拟体验的正式和非正式照护者对痴呆症患者的态度更加积极(Stargatt 等人,2021 年;Sung 等人,2022 年),在四项研究中,50% 以上的正式和非正式照护者对照护痴呆症患者充满信心(Jütten 等人,2018 年;Kim,2021 年;Maskeliūnas 等人、2019;Tropea 等人,2022),并指出需要对痴呆症有更多的了解和耐心(Beville,2002;Han 等人,2020;Hicks 等人,2021),并为痴呆症患者提供以人为本的护理,将其视为与其他人具有同等价值的独特个体(Solecki 等人,2021)。然而,Solecki 等人的研究表明,参与者的辍学率较高(89.1%),导致研究数据缺乏,结果正式护理人员对痴呆症患者以人为本的态度仅略有改善。(Solecki 等人,2021 年)。定量研究发现,正式照护者对痴呆症患者的态度受人口特征的影响(Prins 等人,2020 年),年轻的正式照护者(48 岁以下)在虚拟体验后以人为本的态度有更好的改善。没有研究报告指出非正规照护者的人口特征对痴呆症患者态度的影响。此外,参加过 "利用痴呆症模拟改善姑息治疗教育和培训"、"漫步痴呆症"、"虚拟痴呆症之旅 "和 "严肃游戏 iDO "的正式和非正式照护者报告说,他们无法掌握简单的任务和/或缺乏依靠日常感官的能力,从而产生焦虑、恐惧、迷失方向和无力感(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Maskeliūnas 等人,2019 年;Slater 等人,2019 年;Tropea 等人,2022 年)。 这些经历促使正规和非正规照护者反思他们过去提供的照护,他们对自己以前照护痴呆症患者的方式感到内疚和沮丧(斯莱特等人,2019)(表3)。

5.4.4 Nursing competence
5.4.4 护理能力

Two quantitative studies respectively measured changes in formal and informal caregivers' competence to care after receiving virtual reality-based dementia education programmes (Sung et al., 2022; Yamaguchi et al., 2022) (Table 3). Notably, there was no significant improvement in informal caregiver competence after the end of the intervention but a significant improvement in nursing competence was observed 1 month after the end of the intervention (p < .05), which suggested that it took longer for informal caregivers to feel the change in dementia care skills (Sung et al., 2022). However, the nursing competence of formal caregivers did not improve significantly either immediately or 1 month after the intervention.
两项定量研究分别测量了正规和非正规照护者在接受基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目后照护能力的变化(Sung等人,2022年;Yamaguchi等人,2022年)(表3)。值得注意的是,非正式照护者的照护能力在干预结束后没有明显提高,但在干预结束1个月后,照护能力有了明显提高(p < .05),这表明非正式照护者需要更长时间才能感受到痴呆症照护技能的变化(Sung等人,2022年)。然而,正式照护者的照护能力在干预结束后一个月都没有明显提高。

5.4.5 Problems of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes
5.4.5 基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目存在的问题

Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes simulated the lives of people with dementia, which complements traditional teaching methods. More than 80% of the participants thought the virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes were a good concept, they liked the way the virtual experience was conducted and said they would recommend it to others (Hicks et al., 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Slater et al., 2021; Wijma et al., 2018). However, there were still some problems with virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes. (1) Lacking of security: A small number of participants in this study reported temporary disorientation, dizziness, or mild nausea when using virtual reality devices, but this feeling disappeared over time (Hicks et al., 2021; Kim, 2021). (2) Lacking of immersion: Some educational programmes used devices such as computers, Headphones, eyewear, gloves, etc. (Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020, 2021; O'Connor et al., 2014; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2019, 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Tropea et al., 2022), which were less interactive with participants, making it difficult for participants to better interact with 3D characters and fully focus on each scene. (3) Lacking of personalised design: Formal and informal caregivers participating in this study cared for people with different types or stages of dementia. However, existing educational programmes are only applicable in the early or middle stage of dementia. (Han et al., 2020, 2021; Slater et al., 2019; Wijma et al., 2018). (4) Lack of involvement of stakeholders in the development process: only three programmes were reported to involve stakeholders (medical/nursing professors n = 2; formal dementia caregivers n = 2; people with dementia/spouses n = 1) in the development of the virtual reality-based educational programmes (Aicken et al., 2021; Hicks et al., 2021; Kim, 2021; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Stakeholders' perspectives were used to identify the difficulties and challenges encountered by people with dementia and their formal and informal caregivers in their daily lives, which were incorporated into the educational programmes in the form of stories to ensure that the educational programmes were rational and scientific.
基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目模拟了痴呆症患者的生活,是对传统教学方法的补充。80%以上的参与者认为基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目是一个很好的概念,他们喜欢虚拟体验的方式,并表示会向其他人推荐(Hicks等人,2021年;Jütten等人,2018年;Maskeliūnas等人,2019年;Slater等人,2021年;Wijma等人,2018年)。然而,基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育方案仍存在一些问题。(1) 缺乏安全性:在这项研究中,少数参与者表示在使用虚拟现实设备时会出现暂时的迷失方向、头晕或轻微恶心,但这种感觉会随着时间的推移而消失(Hicks 等人,2021 年;Kim,2021 年)。(2) 缺乏沉浸感:一些教育项目使用电脑、耳机、眼镜、手套等设备(Beville,2002;Han等人,2020,2021;O'Connor等人,2014;Prins等人,2020;Slater等人,2019,2021;Solecki等人,2021;Tropea等人,2022),与参与者的互动性较差,使参与者难以更好地与3D角色互动,难以全神贯注于每个场景。(3) 缺乏个性化设计:参与本研究的正式和非正式照护者照护着不同类型或不同阶段的痴呆症患者。然而,现有的教育计划只适用于痴呆症的早期或中期阶段。(Han等人,2020,2021;Slater等人,2019;Wijma等人,2018)。 (4) 缺乏利益相关者对开发过程的参与:据报道,只有三项计划让利益相关者(医疗/护理教授n = 2;正规痴呆症护理人员n = 2;痴呆症患者/配偶n = 1)参与开发基于虚拟现实的教育计划(Aicken等人,2021年;Hicks等人,2021年;Kim,2021年;Yamaguchi等人,2022年)。从利益相关者的角度出发,找出痴呆症患者及其正式和非正式照护者在日常生活中遇到的困难和挑战,并以故事的形式将这些困难和挑战融入到教育计划中,以确保教育计划的合理性和科学性。


To the best of our knowledge, this review is the first scoping review to explore virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes for formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia. This study provided a detailed mapping of existing virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes and evaluated the effects of these educational programmes on improving the knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and nursing competence of dementia formal and informal caregivers. Although caregivers were receptive to virtual reality-based educational programmes, these programmes must be further optimised.

Eight virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes (Beville, 2002; Han et al., 2020, 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Slater et al., 2019, 2021; Stargatt et al., 2021, 2022; Sung et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018) and nine virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes (Aicken et al., 2021; Jütten et al., 2018; Kim, 2021; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2019; Solecki et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2021; Sung et al., 2022; Tropea et al., 2022) had positive effects on the perceptions and attitudes of dementia formal and informal caregivers, respectively. The model of Lane et al. hypothesised that knowledge directly influences behaviour and is indirectly adjusted by attitudes (Lane & Yu, 2020). However, the results of this review might reveal a new way to enhance care capabilities and promote helping behaviours by acting directly on emotions and increasing empathy without the need to acquire knowledge via lectures or other forms of education. Virtual reality technology creates a simulated body in space that allows participants to experience the life of a person with dementia from a first-person perspective (Yamaguchi et al., 2022). Participants felt a strong ‘sense of presence’ in virtual reality conditions, and this experiential learning occurred at cognitive and emotional levels. Formal and informal caregivers deeply understood the psychological and behavioural symptoms of people with dementia and developed empathy and positive attitudes towards them. This ‘understanding and empathy’ is likely to influence behaviour and practice (Digby et al., 2016). However, it is worth noting that the studies that revealed this result were mostly those with a quasi-experimental design (n = 8) (Beville, 2002; Jütten et al., 2018; Maskeliūnas et al., 2019; Prins et al., 2020; Slater et al., 2021; Solecki et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022; Wijma et al., 2018), randomised controlled studies also had problems such as failure to report blind method and analysis in allocated group (Han et al., 2021; Stargatt et al., 2022; Sung et al., 2022). Therefore, whether perception and attitude can directly affect the path of behaviour still needs to be verified by high-quality randomised controlled trial. In addition, the study found that virtual reality-mediated learning was more impactful than traditional face-to-face teaching. This form of virtual reality education is not overly dependent on cultural or linguistic backgrounds, and it provides different levels of assistance to learners of different ages, educational backgrounds and linguistic backgrounds (Olson et al., 2011). Given this diversity, it is important to know which educational programmes are suitable for different groups in the future. Notably, two studies in this review reported the effects of unfamiliarity with virtual reality procedures and devices in older formal caregivers (Aicken et al., 2021; Kim, 2021). Therefore, adequate familiarity with the use of educational devices in dementia formal caregivers before the implementation of educational programmes based on virtual reality education technologies is necessary.
8个基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目(Beville,2002;Han等人,2020,2021;Jütten等人,2018;Slater等人,2019,2021;Stargatt等人,2021,2022;Sung等人,2022;Wijma等人,2018)和9个基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目(Aicken等人,2021;Jütten等人,2018;Kim,2021;Maskeliūnas等人,2019;Prins等人,2020;Slater等人,2019;Solema等人,2018)、2021年;Jütten等人,2018年;Kim,2021年;Maskeliūnas等人,2019年;Prins等人,2020年;Slater等人,2019年;Solecki等人,2021年;Stargatt等人,2021年;Sung等人,2022年;Tropea等人,2022年)分别对痴呆症正式和非正式照护者的认知和态度产生了积极影响。Lane 等人的模型假设,知识直接影响行为,并由态度间接调整(Lane & Yu, 2020)。然而,本综述的结果可能揭示了一种新的方法,即通过直接作用于情感和增加同理心来提高护理能力和促进帮助行为,而无需通过讲座或其他形式的教育来获取知识。虚拟现实技术在空间中创造了一个模拟体,让参与者以第一人称的视角体验痴呆症患者的生活(Yamaguchi 等人,2022 年)。参与者在虚拟现实条件下感受到了强烈的 "存在感",这种体验式学习发生在认知和情感层面。正式和非正式照顾者深刻理解了痴呆症患者的心理和行为症状,并对他们产生了共鸣和积极的态度。这种 "理解和共情 "很可能会影响行为和实践(Digby 等人,2016 年)。然而,值得注意的是,揭示这一结果的研究大多采用准实验设计(n = 8)(Beville, 2002; Jütten et al.然而,随机对照研究也存在未报告盲法和分配组分析等问题(Han等,2021;Stargatt等,2022;Sung等,2022)。因此,感知和态度是否能直接影响行为路径仍需通过高质量的随机对照试验来验证。此外,研究还发现,以虚拟现实为媒介的学习比传统的面对面教学更有影响力。这种虚拟现实教育形式不过分依赖于文化或语言背景,它能为不同年龄、教育背景和语言背景的学习者提供不同程度的帮助(Olson 等人,2011 年)。鉴于这种多样性,未来了解哪些教育计划适合不同群体非常重要。值得注意的是,本综述中有两项研究报告了老年正式护理人员不熟悉虚拟现实程序和设备的影响(Aicken 等人,2021 年;Kim,2021 年)。因此,在实施基于虚拟现实教育技术的教育计划之前,有必要让老年痴呆症正规照护者充分熟悉教育设备的使用。

Currently, little is known about the effectiveness of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes in improving the nursing competence of formal and informal caregivers. Although studies have reported that understanding and empathy translated into outcomes in participants' behaviour, including nursing competence, enabling them to respond to challenges in practice (Slater et al., 2019), only one studies in this review addressed improvements in informal caregivers' nursing competence. Therefore, how to apply the theoretical knowledge learned in virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes to practice remains to be studied. There are many competing needs (e.g. lack of staff, time and resources) in dementia care that interfere with formal caregivers' ability to translate positive attitudes into practice. If virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes are embedded in the structured plan of dementia care, it will provide a more complete learning experience for dementia formal caregivers and reduce some of the waste of human and material resources.
目前,人们对基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目在提高正式和非正式护理人员护理能力方面的有效性知之甚少。虽然有研究报告称,理解和移情转化为参与者的行为结果,包括护理能力,使他们能够应对实践中的挑战(Slater 等人,2019 年),但本综述中只有一项研究涉及非正规护理人员护理能力的提高。因此,如何将在基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育项目中学到的理论知识应用于实践仍有待研究。痴呆症护理中有许多相互竞争的需求(如缺乏人手、时间和资源),这些需求干扰了正式护理人员将积极态度转化为实践的能力。如果将基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划嵌入痴呆症护理的结构化计划中,将为痴呆症正式护理人员提供更完整的学习体验,并减少部分人力和物力资源的浪费。

Preliminary findings from three studies suggested dementia educational programmes with virtual reality experiences alone might not be sufficient to significantly improve knowledge (Stargatt et al., 2021; Tropea et al., 2022; Yamaguchi et al., 2022). This finding highlighted the need to consider teaching or learning strategies outside of virtual reality experiences, potentially using different methods to capture the knowledge gained from experiences, such as dementia education lectures and e-book modules to consolidate and expand knowledge (Sung et al., 2022), maintain sustainability and prevent burnout (Solecki et al., 2021). In the future, this idea could be used when designing dementia educational programmes and further validate the validity of the findings. Besides, it is beneficial for caregivers to combine discussion groups or presentations during or at the end of teaching. Debriefing is an essential element of experiential learning to acquire knowledge because it provides a safe environment for sharing, reflection and critical thinking (Siew et al., 2021), where formal and informal caregivers have the opportunity to discuss dementia care experiences and care strategies with peers or specialists. However, the combination of virtual reality experiences with other educational methods requires more resources and time (Aicken et al., 2021), and existing research cannot determine whether the costs involved in these educational programmes are balanced with the benefits of the programmes. Further evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of educational programmes based on virtual reality technology needs to be conducted in the future.
三项研究的初步结果表明,仅有虚拟现实体验的痴呆症教育计划可能不足以显著提高知识水平(Stargatt等人,2021年;Tropea等人,2022年;Yamaguchi等人,2022年)。这一发现凸显了考虑虚拟现实体验之外的教学或学习策略的必要性,有可能使用不同的方法来获取从体验中获得的知识,如痴呆症教育讲座和电子书模块,以巩固和扩展知识(Sung 等人,2022 年),保持可持续性并防止倦怠(Solecki 等人,2021 年)。今后,在设计痴呆症教育计划时可采用这一想法,并进一步验证研究结果的有效性。此外,在教学过程中或教学结束时结合讨论小组或演讲,对护理人员也有好处。汇报是体验式学习获取知识的基本要素,因为它为分享、反思和批判性思维提供了一个安全的环境(Siew et al.然而,将虚拟现实体验与其他教育方法相结合需要更多的资源和时间(Aicken 等人,2021 年),现有研究无法确定这些教育计划所涉及的成本是否与计划的收益相平衡。今后需要进一步评估基于虚拟现实技术的教育计划的成本效益。

The challenges and responsibilities posed by dementia should not stop at the level of dementia formal and informal caregivers but should be structured at the social level to strengthen the understanding of dementia in the whole community, which is consistent with the social model of disability (Anastasiou & Kauffman, 2013). There is a need to conduct virtual reality-based educational programmes in dementia safety centres in various localities so that caregivers and the public can experience and receive education. However, most of the scenes constructed using virtual reality technology depict the negative psychology or behaviour of people with dementia. Although disability simulation effectively raises awareness of dementia, they may inadvertently perpetuate the ‘tragedy discourse’ that prevails throughout society (McParland et al., 2017). This view is consistent with the disability simulation of undergraduate students conducted by Nario-Redmond et al. in 2017 (Nario-Redmond et al., 2017). For this study, 60 undergraduates were randomly assigned to a disability awareness simulation group with dyslexia, hearing impairment or mobility impairment. Before and after the simulation, all participants were asked about their emotions, their thoughts and attitudes towards disability. The results showed that the disability simulation made participants feel more negative, and the reading and mobility disorders simulations made them feel more anxious, embarrassed and helpless, and even perceived themselves as more vulnerable to becoming disabled. This phenomenon also appeared in Silverman et al.'s study (Silverman, 2015; Silverman et al., 2017). However, it is worth noting no studies reported controversy about this disability simulation (e.g. negative perceptions of disability or reduced respect/perceptions of ability) among formal or informal caregivers when applying virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes. Therefore, future studies are necessary to report on this situation to identify and prioritise the challenges associated with the disease and to describe whether disability simulation leads to greater stigmatisation of the disease and a tendency to view people with dementia with despair, which will help researchers judge the feasibility and effectiveness of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes.
痴呆症带来的挑战和责任不应停留在痴呆症正式和非正式照护者的层面,而应在社会层面进行构建,以加强整个社区对痴呆症的理解,这与残疾的社会模式是一致的(Anastasiou & Kauffman,2013 年)。有必要在各地的痴呆症安全中心开展基于虚拟现实的教育项目,以便护理人员和公众能够体验和接受教育。然而,大多数利用虚拟现实技术构建的场景都描述了痴呆症患者的消极心理或行为。尽管残疾模拟能有效提高人们对痴呆症的认识,但它们可能会无意中延续整个社会普遍存在的 "悲剧话语"(McParland 等人,2017 年)。这一观点与 Nario-Redmond 等人在 2017 年对本科生进行的残疾模拟研究(Nario-Redmond et al.)在这项研究中,60 名本科生被随机分配到有阅读障碍、听力障碍或行动障碍的残疾意识模拟组。在模拟之前和之后,所有参与者都被询问了他们的情绪、想法以及对残疾的态度。结果显示,残疾模拟让参与者感到更加消极,而阅读障碍和行动障碍模拟则让他们感到更加焦虑、尴尬和无助,甚至认为自己更容易成为残疾人。这一现象也出现在西尔弗曼等人的研究中(Silverman,2015;Silverman et al.,2017)。然而,值得注意的是,没有任何研究报告了关于这种残疾模拟的争议(例如,Silverman et al. 在应用基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划时,正式或非正式照顾者会对残疾产生负面看法,或对能力的尊重/看法降低。因此,未来的研究有必要报告这种情况,以确定与该疾病相关的挑战并将其列为优先事项,同时描述残疾模拟是否会导致对该疾病的更大鄙视以及对痴呆症患者的绝望倾向,这将有助于研究人员判断基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划的可行性和有效性。

Furthermore, improvements are needed for virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes. (1) Virtual reality neuroscience investigations: The development of virtual reality experience symptom measurement tools for participants who feel scared, dizzy, etc., for the first time can assess participants' symptoms before and during implementation (Kim, 2021). (2) Deepening the immersive experience: Compared with virtual reality technology using PCs, tablets or large displays, wearable devices (helmets, gloves, etc.) provide more realistic visual, auditory and tactile simulations (Zagury-Orly et al., 2023). (3) Personalisation: At present, there are no effective drugs for the treatment of dementia (Yiannopoulou & Papageorgiou, 2020). Therefore, as dementia progresses, formal and informal caregivers need to deal with the different cognitive and behavioural symptoms of people with dementia. However, existing educational programmes are only applicable for a certain stage of dementia and may no longer be applicable when people with dementia progress and develop more severe dementia symptoms (e.g. aggressive behaviour and self-care difficulties) (World Health Organization, 2023). Consequently, dementia educational programmes based on virtual reality technology must tailor scenarios and content for inform and informal caregivers according to different types (e.g. Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia), symptoms (e.g. memory loss, anxiety and apathetic) and degrees (e.g. mild, moderate and severe) of dementia. (4) Involvement of stakeholders in the development process: Co-design of technologies with advice from people with dementia and their caregivers is an emerging trend (Span et al., 2013). Kenigsberg et al. emphasised that the decision to consult people with dementia and their caregivers while creating virtual scenarios, implementing educational programmes and evaluating programmes' effectiveness is justified, thus ensuring that they accurately depict some of the life experiences of people with dementia and developing educational programmes that fit the purposes of the study (Kenigsberg et al., 2019). In the future, the field of dementia care and/or virtual reality education can continue to follow the principle of stakeholder participation in development, implementation and evaluation.
此外,还需要改进基于虚拟现实的痴呆症教育计划。(1) 虚拟现实神经科学调查:开发虚拟现实体验症状测量工具,对首次感到恐惧、头晕等症状的参与者进行测量,可以在实施前和实施过程中对参与者的症状进行评估(Kim,2021 年)。(2)加深沉浸式体验:与使用个人电脑、平板电脑或大型显示器的虚拟现实技术相比,可穿戴设备(头盔、手套等)可提供更逼真的视觉、听觉和触觉模拟(Zagury-Orly et al.)(3) 个性化:目前,还没有治疗痴呆症的有效药物(Yiannopoulou & Papageorgiou, 2020)。因此,随着痴呆症的发展,正规和非正规护理人员需要应对痴呆症患者不同的认知和行为症状。然而,现有的教育计划只适用于痴呆症的某一阶段,当痴呆症患者病情发展并出现更严重的痴呆症症状(如攻击性行为和自理困难)时,这些计划可能就不再适用了(世界卫生组织,2023 年)。因此,基于虚拟现实技术的痴呆症教育计划必须根据痴呆症的不同类型(如阿尔茨海默氏症和血管性痴呆)、症状(如记忆力减退、焦虑和冷漠)和程度(如轻度、中度和重度),为信息提供者和非正规护理者量身定制情景和内容。(4) 让利益相关者参与开发过程:根据痴呆症患者及其照顾者的建议共同设计技术是一种新兴趋势(Span 等人,2013 年)。Kenigsberg et al. 他们强调,在创建虚拟场景、实施教育计划和评估计划效果时咨询痴呆症患者及其护理人员的决定是合理的,这样可以确保他们准确描述痴呆症患者的一些生活经历,并制定符合研究目的的教育计划(Kenigsberg et al.)未来,痴呆症护理和/或虚拟现实教育领域可以继续遵循利益相关者参与开发、实施和评估的原则。

6.1 Impact 6.1 影响

Virtual reality technology in dementia education and training enables participants to explore to explore what and how it feels to be experiencing dementia, which is to see the world through the eyes of a person living dementia. For formal and informal caregivers, educational programmes can potentially improve their dementia knowledge and enhance their understanding of caring for someone living with dementia. This may enable them to identify support needs and consult professionals to develop supportive approaches to help people with dementia live confidently and independently.

6.2 Limitations 6.2 局限性

Due to some limitations of the current scoping review, the findings of this study should be interpreted with caution. First, the scoping review protocol had not been registered in the system (e.g. Open Science Framework, Figshare, Institutional repository). However, in order to ensure the quality of the research, we set up a research group (10 member), whose research directions are related to dementia, community care and virtual realities. After group discussion, a preliminary research protocol was developed, and the tasks of literature retrieval, quality evaluation, data collection and sorting were completed according to the guidance of the protocol. Second, this review included only articles written in English and Chinese. Third, due to the limitations of study methods, most studies used a single-group before-and-after design and a non-randomised controlled design, and no regular follow-up was performed after the study to observe long-term effects. Fourth, most of the included studies had relatively small sample sizes and low participation rates, and studies with limited sample sizes are at risk of lack of motivation. Fifth, there is no consumer and community engagement throughout this review. Consumer and community involvement (CCI) is an Australian term that Consumers, including people with dementia, caregivers, people who use health services and community members, are willing and able to offer unique and valuable perspectives to research (Cox et al., 2022; National Health and Medical Research Council & Consumers Health Forum of Australia, 2016). Sixth, meta-analysis of study results was not possible due to heterogeneity in the included studies.
由于本次范围界定审查存在一些局限性,因此在解释研究结果时应谨慎。首先,范围界定审查协议尚未在系统(如开放科学框架、Figshare、机构资料库)中注册。不过,为了确保研究质量,我们成立了一个研究小组(10 名成员),其研究方向与痴呆症、社区护理和虚拟现实有关。经过小组讨论,制定了初步的研究方案,并在方案的指导下完成了文献检索、质量评估、数据收集和整理等工作。其次,本综述只收录了中英文文献。第三,由于研究方法的限制,大多数研究采用单组前后对照设计和非随机对照设计,且研究后未进行定期随访以观察长期效果。第四,大多数纳入研究的样本量较小,参与率较低,而样本量有限的研究有可能缺乏动力。第五,本综述中没有消费者和社区参与的内容。消费者和社区参与(CCI)是澳大利亚的一个术语,指包括痴呆症患者、护理人员、医疗服务使用者和社区成员在内的消费者愿意并能够为研究提供独特而有价值的观点(Cox等人,2022;澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究委员会和消费者健康论坛,2016)。第六,由于纳入的研究存在异质性,因此无法对研究结果进行荟萃分析。


Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes offer new ideas for improving teaching models and may be a safe and effective way to improve dementia formal and informal caregivers' perceptions, attitudes and nursing competence. Notably, when virtual reality experiences were combined with other teaching or learning strategies, the knowledge gained from the experience significantly improved the knowledge level of formal and informal caregivers. Virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes are currently not widely available, but our findings demonstrate the potential of educational programmes to support formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia. In the future, high-quality randomised controlled trials or cohort studies with larger sample sizes and longer intervention durations should be designed to explore which type of educational programmes are more beneficial for formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia. Besides, the development process of virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes and theoretical underpinning should be described in detail. More importantly, in the process of developing virtual reality-based dementia educational programmes, it is necessary to involve not only experts in the field of dementia and virtual reality, but also consumers and community involvement with life experience who may provide valuable advice.


Shengze Zhi: conceptualization, methodology, writing—original draft, formal analysis, data curation, validation. Shizheng Gao: data curation, writing—original draft. Juanjuan Sun: data curation, validation. Dongfei Ma: writing—review and editing. Yanjie Zho: conceptualization, writing—original draft. Meng He: conceptualization, writing—original draft. Xiangning Zhu: formal analysis. Yueyang Dong: formal analysis. Buheliqianmu Aini: validation. Jiao Sun: supervision, writing—review and editing.
支盛泽:构思、方法、撰写-原稿、形式分析、数据整理、验证。Shizheng Gao:数据整理、撰写-原稿。孙娟娟:数据整理、验证。马东飞:撰写-审阅和编辑。赵艳杰:构思、撰写-原稿。何萌:构思、撰写-原稿。Xiangning Zhu:形式分析。岳阳东:形式分析。布合力前木-艾尼:验证。孙娇:指导、撰写-审阅和编辑。


The authors thank AJE for editing the language of the document.
作者感谢 AJE 对文件语言的编辑。


    Supported by Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University [2023CX130]; Supported by the Department of Science and Technology of Jilin Province [20230203076SF].


    None. 无。

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