A place of fortune in Vienna

No Austrian architect built more flats than Harry Glück (1925 – 2016). In Vienna alone, he designed 16,000 flats in a career spanning over 50 years - most of them social housing. One of his most famous developments was built in 1976 under his principle "Live like the rich, even for the poor": the Alt-Erlaa residential park.
沒有哪位奧地利建築師能比哈里-格呂克(1925 - 2016)建造了更多的公寓。光是在維也納,他在50 多年的職業生涯中就設計了16,000 套公寓,其中大部分是社會住宅。他最著名的作品之一是1976 年根據他"像富人一樣生活,即使是窮人"的原則建造的Alt-Erlaa 住宅公園。
Modern living for little money
The housing estate is characterised by three parallel, stepped terraced buildings made of concrete. The densely stacked flats cover 70,000 square metres are home to 10,000 people at affordable prices. Spacious green areas and a comprehensive infrastructure with its own underground station, shopping facilities, indoor swimming pools, medical centres and schools make Alt-Erlaa to an own small town.
該住宅區的特點是由三座平行的階梯式混凝土建築組成。密集的公寓佔地達70,000 平方米,居住著10,000 人,價格低廉。寬敞的綠地和完善的基礎設施,包括自己的地鐵站、購物設施、室內游泳池、醫療中心和學校,使Alt-Erlaa 成為一個小城鎮。
Despite the dense construction, the level of the resident satisfaction is exceptionally high. (Copyrights: Julius Silver, Gesiba und lucazzitto - stock.adobe.com)
儘管建築密度很高,但居民的滿意度卻非常高。 (版權:Julius Silver、Gesiba und lucazzitto - stock.adobe.com)
Despite the high-density construction, the residential park has a village-like character. There are close neighbourly ties in Alt-Erlaa. Associations and its own TV station strengthen the sense of community, while a tenants' advisory council looks after the concerns of the residents. Tenant turnover is very low and the waiting time for a vacant flat is long. In hardly any other large development is the level of resident satisfaction so high.
儘管建築密度很高,但住宅園區仍具有村莊的特色。 Alt-Erlaa 的鄰裡關係非常密切。各種協會和自己的電視台加強了社區意識,而租戶諮詢委員會則負責解決居民關心的問題。租戶的流動率很低,空房的等待時間很長。幾乎沒有其他大型開發案的居民滿意度如此之高。
The centrepiece of the complex are the swimming pools on the seven roofs: a trademark of the architect and a novelty in social housing at the time. Critics therefore described Alt-Erlaa as a "luxurious facility".
建築群的核心是七個屋頂上的游泳池:這是建築師的標誌,也是當時社會住宅的新奇事物。因此,評論家將Alt-Erlaa 稱為"豪華設施"。
"It was one of the most modern residential buildings of its time," says Andreas Schmidl, Regional Sales Manager of the Austrian Geberit sales company. Between 1983 and 1985, when the third block of flats was built, Andreas Schmidl personally worked on the construction site as a plumber and heating engineer.
"奧地利吉博力銷售公司區域銷售經理Andreas Schmidl 說:"這是當時最現代化的住宅建築之一。 1983 年至1985 年期間,當第三棟公寓大樓建成時,Andreas Schmidl 曾作為水管工和暖氣工程師親自在施工現場工作。
Geberit pipes drain the roof
Together with around 100 other workers at times, he was responsible for the prefabrication of the Geberit PE pipes and their installation in hundreds of the more than 3,200 flats. He still remembers the work at dizzying heights: "My colleagues and I sometimes had to abseil down the balcony like mountaineers to install PE pipes for the balcony drainage on the building façade."
他有時與其他約100 名工人一起,負責吉博力聚乙烯管道的預製,並將其安裝到數百個3,200 多套公寓中。他至今仍記得在令人頭暈目眩的高處工作的情景:"我和同事們有時不得不像登山運動員一樣從陽台上跳下,在大樓外牆安裝陽台排水PE 管"。
Over 1000 Geberit exposed cisterns are also said to have been installed during the first construction phase. Alt-Erlaa has undergone minor refurbishments over the years. Visually, the building has hardly changed. Even today, the social housing still exudes the charm of that era.
據說在第一施工階段也安裝了1000 多個吉博力裸露式蓄水池。多年來,Alt-Erlaa 經過了小規模的翻修。從外觀上看,這座建築幾乎沒有什麼變化。即使在今天,這棟社會住宅依然散發著那個時代的魅力。
Tina Grabnar
I know this buildings. My late great-aunt used to live in it, and we often visited her when I was a child. It is all true, as the article says. I never actually felt that these were social flats—rather, they felt like luxurious and especially pleasant homes. So, all respect to the architect and all the installers! :)
我知道這棟建築。我已故的大姨媽曾經住在這裡,我小時候常去探望她。正如文章所說,這一切都是真的。實際上,我從未覺得這些是社會公寓,相反,它們給人的感覺就像豪華的、特別舒適的住宅。因此,向建築師和所有安裝人員致敬! :)