To whom it may concern.
As the Director of EC Design Schook, I have had the pleasure of knowing Nt. Wan. Hsuan-Fu for more than one year. He has been a tremendous student and an asset to our center. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Wan, Hsuan-Fu for your undergraduate program in industrial design.
作為 EC Design Schook 的總監,我有幸認識了 Nt. Wan。玄福一年多。他一直是一名出色的學生,也是我們中心的資產。我想藉此機會推薦 Wan, Hsuan-Fu 為您的工業設計本科課程。
He is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his coursework. In classes, he always listened attentively participated actively in class, and handed in very good assignment. He has the ability to grasp concepts and developed his own viewpoints.
Hsuan-Fu is an outstanding individual with a strong character: He has the ability to produce impressive results in a wide variety of areas. Hsuan-Fu is motivated in the class. I have seen astonishing results on complex project that offered great attention to detail where quality was never compromised. Additionally, he has a very positive attitude and truly embraces learning all there is to know about industrial design.
Hsuan-Fu 是一位具有堅強性格的傑出人士:他有能力在各個領域取得令人印象深刻的成果。Hsuan-Fu 在課堂上很有動力。我在複雜的專案上看到了驚人的結果,這些專案非常注重細節,而品質從未受到影響。此外,他的態度非常積極,真正樂於學習有關工業設計的所有知識。
Hsuan-Fu has completed all the classes at the center including Design Thinking, The Art of Sketch, Design Methods, Mockup Making, 3D Modeling & Rendering, and Portfolio Presentation, which has obtained good appreciation from every teacher at the center. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Hsuan-Fu without reservation.
Hsuan-Fu已經完成了中心的所有課程,包括設計思維、素描藝術、設計方法、模型製作、3D建模和渲染以及作品集演示,這些課程得到了中心每一位老師的良好讚賞。正是出於這些原因,我毫無保留地向 Hsuan-Fu 提供高度推薦。
I do recommend Hsuan-Fu for study abroad, and I do believe that he will succeed well. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
我確實推薦 Hsuan-Fu 出國留學,我確實相信他會成功。如果您對此建議有任何疑問,請隨時與我聯繫。
arqier -
阿奇爾 -
Maggie Chiu 趙美琪
Director of EC Design School
EC 設計學院院長
電子郵件: maggie@ecgroup.com.tw
TEL: 886-2-23111855 ext. 616
電話: 886-2-23111855 ext. 616