1. 简介
2. 方法论
3.1. 抗动脉粥样硬化和心脏保护作用
3.2. 抗癌作用
3.3. 神经保护作用
3.4. 抗糖尿病、调脂和减肥作用
3.5. 抗菌和抗病毒作用
3.6. 其他影响
3.7. 新陈代谢
4. 酪醇
5.1. 抗动脉粥样硬化和心脏保护作用
5.2. 抗癌作用
5.3. 抗糖尿病、调脂和抗肥胖作用
5.4. 神经保护作用
5.5. 抗菌和抗病毒作用
5.6. 骨质保护作用
5.7. 其他影响
5.8. 新陈代谢
6. 油橄榄刺激醛
7. 橄榄素
8. 潜在的临床应用
9. 结论
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Karković Marković, A.; Torić, J.; Barbarić, M.; Jakobušić Brala, C. Hydroxytyrosol, Tyrosol and Derivatives and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Molecules 2019, 24, 2001. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24102001
Karković Marković A, Torić J, Barbarić M, Jakobušić Brala C. Hydroxytyrosol, Tyrosol and Derivatives and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Molecules. 2019; 24(10):2001. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24102001
Chicago/Turabian StyleKarković Marković, Ana, Jelena Torić, Monika Barbarić, and Cvijeta Jakobušić Brala. 2019. "Hydroxytyrosol, Tyrosol and Derivatives and Their Potential Effects on Human Health" Molecules 24, no. 10: 2001. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24102001
APA StyleKarković Marković, A., Torić, J., Barbarić, M., & Jakobušić Brala, C. (2019). Hydroxytyrosol, Tyrosol and Derivatives and Their Potential Effects on Human Health. Molecules, 24(10), 2001. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24102001