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Edukasi  江杜卡西

Overview of factors affecting work life balance in student part-time workers

Teguh Hidayatullah , Rahmawati Prihastuty
Teguh Hidayatullah , 拉赫馬瓦蒂·普里哈斯圖蒂
Psychology Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/edukasi.v17i2.45091
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/edukasi.v17i2.45091


The balance between work and life outside of work is very important for anyone, especially for those who are already working. There is no exception made for students who study while working either full-time or part-time jobs. The balance that needs to be struck is between fulfilling commitments as both a worker and a student. Students who study while working must balance the demands between study and work, specifically the demands of assignments given during course of study and the demands of work that they always receive from the workplace. If students are unable to balance the demands, then one of their activities, either study or work, will be sacrificed (Octavia & Nugraha, 2013). As a result, these demands must be carried out and completed by a student at the same time and as soon as possible. This demand typically necessitates students who study while working to be able to balance the two.
工作與工作之外的生活之間的平衡對任何人來說都非常重要,尤其是對於那些已經在工作的人來說。對於在全職或兼職工作中學習的學生來說,也不例外。需要取得的平衡是在履行作為工人和學生的承諾之間。邊工作邊學習的學生必須平衡學習和工作之間的要求,特別是學習期間佈置的作業要求和他們總是從工作場所收到的工作要求。如果學生無法平衡需求,那麼他們的一項活動,無論是學習還是工作,都將被犧牲(Octavia & Nugraha,2013)。因此,這些要求必須由學生同時儘快執行和完成。這種需求通常需要邊工作邊學習的學生能夠平衡兩者。
Due to the large number of students studying while working, the phenomenon of students studying while working is not something new to the general public. They become focused on adult chores to gain independence and get ready for a profession as they are ready to enter adulthood as students (Nurussa'adah, Purwanto, & Istyarini, 2020). According to Endsleigh and The National Union of Students research, there has been an increase in working students from to (Mitchell, 2015; in Utami, 2020). This is no exception in Indonesia, where there is also an increase in students studying while working (Octavia & Nugraha, 2013). We can find this phenomenon can be found in many places, such as in the environment around universities and around the areas where students live. College is a place where students can study. Typically, there are many places around universities that provide job vacancies (lockers) for students who want to study while working.
由於學生邊工作邊學習的人數眾多,學生邊工作邊學習的現象對普通大眾來說並不是什麼新鮮事。他們開始專注於成人家務以獲得獨立性,併為職業做好準備,因為他們準備作為學生進入成年期(Nurussa』adah,Purwanto和Istyarini,2020)。根據 Endsleigh 和全國學生聯合會的研究,在職學生從 有所增加(Mitchell,2015 年; in Utami,2020 年)。印尼也不例外,那裡的學生在工作時學習的學生也在增加(Octavia & Nugraha,2013)。我們可以發現這種現象可以在很多地方找到,例如在大學周圍的環境和學生居住的地區周圍。大學是學生可以學習的地方。通常,大學周圍有很多地方為想要在工作邊學習的學生提供職位空缺(儲物櫃)。
Many students' study and work simultaneously at Semarang State University (UNNES), one of the tertiary institutes in the city of Semarang. Whereas the number of students at Semarang State University (UNNES) reached 36,797 in the even semester of the 2020/2021 (http://data.unnes.ac.id/). This is what motivates local business owners to hire students to work. Many food stands, shops, and even taverns surround Semarang State University (UNNES), where students occasionally gather. Although the existing places are intended for students and students usually also work there. Many students also work around their neighborhood apart from the campus area. Jobs in their neighborhood include running a booth, running a shop, and even working as a private tutor. Students usually choose jobs that are flexible and do not burden them as students. These are typically part-time jobs. A part-time job is a flexible job that can be done at any time or only done part-time (less than normal working hours).
許多學生同時在三寶壟州立大學(UNNES)學習和工作,該大學是三寶壟市的一所高等教育機構。而三寶壟州立大學 (UNNES) 的學生人數在 36,797/2020 學年的偶數學期達到 2021 人(http://data.unnes.ac.id/)。這就是當地企業主僱用學生工作的動機。三寶壟州立大學 (UNNES) 周圍有許多小吃攤、商店甚至小酒館,學生們偶爾會聚集在那裡。雖然現有的名額是為學生準備的,學生通常也在那裡工作。除了校園區域外,許多學生還在他們的社區周圍工作。他們附近的工作包括經營攤位、經營商店,甚至擔任私人導師。學生通常會選擇靈活的工作,不會給他們作為學生帶來負擔。這些通常是兼職工作。兼職工作是一種靈活的工作,可以隨時完成或只能兼職完成(少於正常工作時間)。
On June 9, 2021, interviews and preliminary observations were conducted with three Semarang State University (UNNES) students who were studying while working part-time. Subject 1 is a fourth semester with PG PAUD major student who works part-time as a shopkeeper and has worked since April 2021. Meanwhile, subject 2 is a fourth semester with PJKR major who works part-time as a food stand server and has worked since April 2021. Last, subject 3 is a second semester with accounting major who works part-time as a beverage stand server and has been with the there since March 2021.
2021年6月9日,對三名兼職學習的三寶壟州立大學 (UNNES) 學生進行了訪談和初步觀察。科目 1 是 PG PAUD 專業學生的第四學期,他兼職擔任店主,自 2021 年 4 月以來一直在工作。同時,科目 2 是 PJKR 專業的第四學期,他兼職擔任食品攤位服務員,自 2021 年 4 月以來一直在工作。最後,科目 3 是會計專業的第二學期,他兼職擔任飲料攤服務員,自 2021 年 3 月以來一直在那裡工作。
According to the findings of interviews and preliminary observations with these three students, there are factors that influence the balance of study and work on students based on the responses of participants, who say that the type or characteristics of work can influence the balance of study and work. Work that requires a lot of time, for example, can cause academic problems, such as piling up and procrastinating lecture assignments. Another influencing factor is student's attitude or behavior when balancing study and work. Participants stated that a balance between study and work can be achieved depending on how a person handles problems that arise. This balance in college and work is called work life balance. Work life balance refers to an individual's efforts to balance work and life.
This is in line with the opinion of Schabracq, et al (2003; in Putra, 2020) who believe that there are several factors that influence work-life balance, including personality traits, family characteristics, job characteristics, and attitudes. Work patterns, workload, and amount of time worked are all job characteristics that influence work-life balance. Meanwhile, a person's tendency to act is an attitude that can affect work-life balance. The factors that affect the work life balance of students who work part-time will determine whether they can balance their studies and work. Many things can happen if they don't know what factors will affect their work life balance, such as lectures being neglected by being late for class assignments, rarely coming to class, not participating in group work, and many others. Meanwhile, if they know these factors, they can try to control the factors that will hinder them from studying while working part-time. So students who want to choose to study while working parttime can better consider their options and whether they can balance studying and working or not.
Several factors can influence the emergence of a person's work-life balance. Working conditions, facilities, performance, support, independence, and satisfaction are all factors that influence work-life balance, according to opinion of Kundnani & Mehta (2015). Working conditions can have an impact on work-life balance. When a worker is in a comfortable working environment, this can improve work-life balance. The facility factor will be able to improve work-life balance when the workplace facilities can ensure that workers have public facilities and appropriate days off to live their personal lives. Work life balance will be affected by performance factors, where performance can determine a person's success, and success requires planning that can be used as motivation to improve performance in order to achieve work life balance. Support from family or a partner can help a person to manage and deal with life problems, and workplace support can help a person to maintain the balance between work and personal life (work life balance). The independence factor, or worker's independence, will be useful for managing existing situations in work and personal life, resulting in work-life balance. Satisfaction factors can influence work-life balance. If someone feels happy and satisfied with their life, they will have a work-life balance.
Many researches has been carried out on discussing the factors that affect work life balance, such as the research conducted by Pratiwi & Silvianita (2020) entitled "Analysis of Factors of Work Life Balance in PT. Indonesian Telecommunications Industry (Persero) Bandung", research conducted by Putri (2021) entitled "Factors Influencing Work-Life Balance in Female Farmers", and research conducted by Muttaqiyathun & Nurmaya (2021) entitled "Analysis Factors Influencing Millennial Student Work Life Balance". The results of previous research are very diverse, as there are several factors that influence work life balance, namely work environment management factors, time and role management factors, work time flexibility factors, management support factors, time factors, economic and family factors, loyalty factors, attitude factors, and salary factors. From the research that has been done, there are differences in this study, namely related to the subject. The subjects in this study were students who study while working part-time or students who work part-time where there has been no research discussing this subject.
Many factors are discovered in the elaboration and description of research and literature studies regarding the factors that influence work life balance, depending on the subjects in the study. As a result, based on previous research, the researcher hopes to learn more about the factors that influence work-life balance in part-time student workers. The research findings will be useful as a reference for the most recent information on the factors that affect work-life balance, as well as material to consider, for students who want to attend college while working part-time.


The research method used was qualitative research with descriptive narrative approaching, where the results of this study contain a narrative that describes the experiences experienced by the

subject. This study's data comes from interviews and observations of the subject, specifically active students in semesters 1-6 who work part-time on a total of three subjects. Perspective triangulation, time triangulation, and method triangulation were used at the same time which is useful for checking the validity or correctness of data from research results. Techniques for data analysis include data collection, data transcription, data presentation, and conclusions. The data analysis technique explains how the data is processed and structured to make understandable conclusions.
主題。本研究的數據來自對該主題的訪談和觀察,特別是第 1-6 學期的活躍學生,他們總共在三個科目上兼職工作。同時使用透視三角測量法、時間三角測量法和方法三角測量法,這對於檢查研究結果數據的有效性或正確性很有用。數據分析技術包括數據收集、數據轉錄、數據呈現和結論。數據分析技術解釋了如何處理和構建數據以得出可理解的結論。


According to the findings of the research, three factors influence work-life balance in student part-time workers at Semarang State University: internal work conditions, external work conditions, and individual internal conditions. These three factors were obtained from a study of the factors that influence work life balance according to opinion of Kundnani & Mehta (2015), including working conditions, facilities, performance, support, independence, and satisfaction. The internal working conditions are one of the factors influencing work-life balance in the three subjects. The physical workplace or comfortable facilities, good working relationships, clear job descriptions and work shifts, flexible work schedules, and a safe work environment will influence the work-life balance of student part-time workers. According to opinion of Nitisemito (2000), work facilities are everything that is around workers and can affect workers ability to carry out their duties and work-life balance. As for the opinion of Poluan (2018), workers comfort feelings at work will influence work-life balance.
Subject 1 has had a comfortable physical workplace, which can be seen from his workplace facilities that are above the standards of similar workplaces where she works in a shop that can be protected from heat and rain, as well as several supporting facilities in his study, such as a break room, mats, chairs, and sockets for charging cellphones or laptops for study activities. Even though subject 1 has a comfortable physical workplace, she still feels uncomfortable and unsafe in the environment outside the workplace because the subject works next to a barber shop where the majority of the customers are men. Subject 1 handles it while staying in the shop until be picked up. As for the relationship, subject 1 have a good relationship with her colleagues and business owners. This can be seen in the subject's coordination when distributing work shifts with coworkers and coordination with business owners regarding permits when she unable to come to work. The job description and work shifts are already clear enough, so she can balance her work and studies.
Similar to subject 1 , subject 2 also feels comfortable with the workplace which can be seen from the workplace facilities that provide several things, such as bathroom, prayer rooms, electric sockets for charging cellphones or laptops for study activities, and shelter from the heat and rain. Nonetheless, subject 2 felt that the environment around the workplace was still not comfortable as the landowners were not friendly and for the current situation, several outlets around were starting to decrease which caused the subject to feel lonely. As for the job description and work shifts, it is also clear, so he could balance his work and studies. Subject 3 also feels comfortable with her workplace because the workplace is clean enough with a cleaning pocket for each shift and also the workplace is protected from heat and rain. As for the job description and work shifts, it is also clear so she can balance her work and studies. Besides that, she has a flexible work schedule because there are no demands from business owners, as long as the communication is still maintained. Comfort feeling in Subject 3 leads to job satisfaction. This is in line with the opinion from Nurendra & Saraswati (2016), satisfaction for workers comes from pleasant and positive feelings towards work, that results from their work life balance. Another opinion from Mardiani & Widiyanto (2021), feelings of satisfaction from work and personal life will affect work life balance.
與受試者 1 類似,受試者 2 也對工作場所感到舒適,這可以從工作場所設施中看出,這些設施提供多種東西,例如浴室、祈禱室、用於為手機或筆記型電腦充電的電源插座用於學習活動,以及避暑和避雨。儘管如此,物件2認為工作場所周圍的環境仍然不舒服,因為土地擁有者並不友好,而且對於目前的情況,周圍的幾個網點開始減少,這導致物件感到孤獨。至於工作描述和工作班次,也很清楚,這樣他就可以平衡工作和學習。物件3也對她的工作場所感到滿意,因為工作場所足夠乾淨,每個班次都有一個清潔袋,而且工作場所也受到保護,可以防熱和防雨。至於工作描述和工作班次,也很清楚,這樣她就可以平衡工作和學習。除此之外,她的工作時程表很靈活,因為只要保持溝通,企業主就沒有要求。受試者 3 的舒適感會導致工作滿意度。這與Nurendra&Saraswati(2016)的觀點一致,工人的滿意度來自對工作的愉快和積極的感覺,這是工作與生活平衡的結果。Mardiani & Widiyanto (2021) 的另一個觀點是,工作和個人生活的滿足感會影響工作與生活的平衡。
The external working conditions are the next factor influencing the work-life balance of the three subjects where they have good relationships and support from their peers. In the opinion of Vyas
& Shrivastava (2017), good and harmonious social relations can improve work-life balance, while poor social relations can cause problems with work-life balance. This is rooted in humans as individual and social beings and they require social relations to meet their needs as social beings. Students must fulfil their social requirements since they are both social creatures and unique individuals (Sunarso, 2019). Another opinion from Triwijayanti & Astiti (2019), social support provided to working students will help them achieve a work-life balance. The support and motivation obtained from people around them can encourage students to do something good.
Concerning subject 1 and subject 2 , they have a good relationship with the family, but they still tend to harbor problems with the family or only tell the family good things. Unlike other subject, subject 3 has a good relationship with his family and constantly communicates about his studies, work, and daily activities. The three subjects also had good relationships with their college friends, despite the fact that subject 1 was unfamiliar with their college friends at first because the lectures were held online. On the subject 2 , he is also unfamiliar with his college friends but maintains good socialization because of necessity. As for subject 3 , she has a good rapport with her college friends because many of her friends are working part-time too.
關於物件1和物件2,他們與家庭關係很好,但他們仍然傾向於對家庭懷有問題,或者只告訴家人好話。與其他受試者不同,受試者3與家人關係良好,並不斷交流他的學習、工作和日常活動。這三個受試者與他們的大學朋友也保持著良好的關係,儘管受試者1一開始對他們的大學朋友並不熟悉,因為講座是在網上進行的。在主題 2 上,他也不熟悉他的大學朋友,但由於必要性而保持良好的社交。至於科目3,她與她的大學朋友關係很好,因為她的許多朋友也在兼職工作。
With good relationships with their families and college friends, the three subjects also received support from them. Even though at the beginning subjects 1 and 3 did not get support from their families for fear of disrupting their studies, subjects 1 and 3 gave evidence with IPS (temporary assessment index) which are still good. Besides getting support from family and friends, subject 1 also gets support from business owners regarding her college life by providing late tolerance. As for subject 2 , he also received support from lecturers regarding his part-time works by providing tolerance for late submission of assignments with maximum a day. The three subjects felt happy about the support given by the people around them that makes them more enthusiastic about studying and working part-time. They also felt that they were valuable because they were considered by the people around them. Because of social support, they feel more confidence in their decisions and current actions (Pastimo Muslikah, 2022).
由於與家人和大學朋友關係良好,這三名受試者也得到了他們的支援。儘管一開始受試者1和受試者3由於害怕干擾學業而沒有得到家人的支援,但受試者1和受試者3提供了IPS(臨時評估指數)的證據,這些證據仍然很好。除了從家人和朋友那裡得到支援外,受試者 1 還通過提供遲到容忍度來獲得企業主對她的大學生活的支援。至於科目2,他也得到了講師對他的兼職工作的支持,允許他延遲提交作業,最多一天。三位受試者對周圍人的支援感到高興,這使他們對學習和兼職工作更加熱情。他們也覺得自己很有價值,因為他們被周圍的人認為是有價值的。由於社會支持,他們對自己的決定和當前行動更有信心(Pastimo Muslikah,2022 年)。
Another factor that affects work life balance is internal conditions. Before doing part-time work, they have a lot of time to study, play, and rest (Fakhruddin et al., 2023). However, after doing parttime work, they feel the need to do good time management to manage their time for studying, working, resting, and playing. Even so, the three subjects were able to finish their assignment while working part-time or in their spare time before and after college or working. Due to her activities as worker and student, subject 1 feels a lack of time to play, rest, and socialize with her family and friends. Subject 1 is effort to overcome this is by making a plan when she will do activities. This interpreted as she performs time management by creating a schedule to manage her time in an efficient and effective manner (Dundes & Marx, 2006; in Andari & Nugraheni, 2016). In the matter of her assignments, subject 1 finishes it while working part-time. However, if the assignments are not finished during work hours, she will continue the assignments at home by reducing her rest time. Besides individual assignments, subject 1 is also given group assignments. In order to complete these, she will work with her friends to divide the assignments. When given group assignments, she always completes them and even becomes a group assignment pioneer.
影響工作與生活平衡的另一個因素是內部條件。在做兼職工作之前,他們有很多時間學習、玩耍和休息(Fakhruddin 等人,2023 年)。然而,在做完兼職工作后,他們覺得有必要做好時間管理,以管理他們學習、工作、休息和玩耍的時間。即便如此,這三名受試者還是能夠在大學或工作前後的兼職或業餘時間完成作業。由於她作為工人和學生的活動,物件1感到沒有時間與家人和朋友玩耍、休息和社交。主題 1 是努力克服這一點,即制定計劃何時進行活動。這被解釋為她通過創建一個時程表來執行時間管理,以高效和有效的方式管理她的時間(Dundes&Marx,2006;Andari&Nugraheni,2016)。在她的作業方面,物件 1 在兼職工作時完成作業。但是,如果作業在工作時間內沒有完成,她將通過減少休息時間在家中繼續作業。除了個人作業外,受試者 1 還被分配了小組作業。為了完成這些任務,她將與朋友一起分配作業。當被分配小組作業時,她總是完成它們,甚至成為小組作業的先驅。
Due to his activities as worker and student, subject 2 feels a lack of time to play, rest, and socialize with his family and friends. Similar to subject 1 , subject 2 subject makes an effort to overcome it by making a schedule. subject 2 also felt that he had learned new things about responsibility and time management. This is because he was in charge for his studies, while also doing part-time work. Regarding assignments, subject 2 works on them while working part-time. Besides getting individual assignments, subject 2 also got group assignments. subject 2 handled this by coordinating with his group to divide the existing tasks. During college while working part-time, subject 2 had several achievements, such as getting a good IPS (temporary rating index), participating in competitions, and
由於他作為工人和學生的活動,物件2感到沒有時間與家人和朋友玩耍、休息和社交。與受試者1類似,受試者2通過制定時程表來努力克服它。物件2也覺得他學到了關於責任和時間管理的新知識。這是因為他負責他的學習,同時也做兼職工作。關於作業,受試者 2 在兼職工作時從事作業。除了獲得個人作業外,受試者 2 還獲得了小組作業。物件2通過與他的小組協調來劃分現有任務來處理這個問題。在大學期間兼職工作期間,受試者 2 取得了多項成就,例如獲得良好的 IPS(臨時評級指數)、參加比賽以及

becoming a freelance novel writer. subject 2 was working part-time to increase his income while in college and to learn about selling and buying transaction. In between his busy schedule, subject 2 finds time to participate in campus organizational activities and become a freelance novel writer.
成為一名自由小說作家。物件 2 在大學期間兼職工作以增加收入並學習買賣交易。在繁忙的日程中,物件2抽出時間參加校園組織活動,成為一名自由小說作家。
Similar to the two previous subjects, subject 3 also feels a lack of time to play and rest due to her two activities as student and part-time worker. For her assignments, subject 3 finish it during parttime work or her free time before and after lectures or part-time work. If a lecture assignment is difficult to finish, subject 3 will work on it with her college friends to make it easier to complete. subject 3 also received group assignments. When it comes to group assignments, subject 3 collaborate with her groupmates, who then choose a task coordinator to lead and divide the existing tasks. During college while working part-time, subject 3 had several achievements, such as getting an IPS (temporary rating index) above 3.00 and getting allowance more than working part-time. The reason for subject 3 to work part-time is to fill her free time because at the beginning of the college, subject 3 felt that she had a lot of free time which made her less productive so she sought activities by working part-time. Beside her busy schedule, subject 3 takes time to gather with her friends to play or rest at the boarding house.
與前兩個科目類似,科目3也因為學生和兼職的兩項活動而感到沒有時間玩耍和休息。對於她的作業,受試者 3 在兼職工作或講座或兼職工作前後的空閒時間完成作業。如果一個講座作業很難完成,科目3將與她的大學朋友一起完成,使其更容易完成。受試者 3 也接受了小組作業。在小組作業方面,受試者 3 與她的小組成員合作,然後由小組成員選擇一名任務協調員來領導和分配現有任務。在大學期間兼職工作期間,受試者 3 取得了多項成就,例如獲得高於 3.00 的 IPS(臨時評級指數)和獲得比兼職工作更多的津貼。物件3打工的原因是為了打發空閒時間,因為在大學開學之初,物件3覺得她有很多空閒時間,這讓她的工作效率降低,所以她通過兼職工作來尋求活動。除了繁忙的日程外,實驗體3還會抽出時間與朋友聚在一起,在寄宿公寓玩耍或休息。
Based on the description of the results and discussion of the research above, it can be described as follows:
Subject 1, Subject 2 , dan Subject 3
科目 1, 科目 2 , 丹 科目 3
Part-Time Student Workers
Factors Affecting Work Life Balance on Part-Time Student Workers
Have enough rest 充分休息
  • Maintain good relations with surrounding
  • Productive time 生產時間
  • Earn extra money 賺取額外收入
Figure 1. Summary of Research Findings
圖 1.研究結果摘要
According to the explanation above, the three subjects have similarities in the findings of the three factors that affect work life balance, they are internal work conditions, external work conditions, and individual internal conditions. Based on the findings, the three subjects made several efforts to achieve a work-life balance from study and part-time job. The efforts made are creating comfortable working conditions, reviewing lecture material, developing good relationships with those around them, providing direct evidence regarding college decisions while working part-time, using time as efficiently and effectively as possible, and being responsible for their studies and part-time jobs, including any mistakes they made (Nikmah & Shofwan, 2023). These factors can be considered by Semarang State University students who wish to choose college while working part-time, where they must be prepared for existing factors and must direct them in a positive direction regarding existing factors that are useful for improving the work life balance they have. They can also consider whether they can balance studying and working or not.
根據上述解釋,這三個受試者在影響工作生活平衡的三個因素的發現上有相似之處,它們是內部工作條件、外部工作條件和個人內部條件。根據研究結果,三名受試者在學習和兼職工作之間取得了工作與生活的平衡。所做的努力是創造舒適的工作條件,審查講座材料,與周圍的人建立良好的關係,在兼職工作時提供有關大學決定的直接證據,盡可能高效和有效地利用時間,並對他們的學習和兼職工作負責,包括他們犯的任何錯誤(Nikmah & Shofwan,2023)。希望在兼職工作的同時選擇大學的三寶壟州立大學學生可以考慮這些因素,他們必須為現有因素做好準備,並且必須將他們引向有利於改善工作生活平衡的現有因素的積極方向。他們還可以考慮是否可以平衡學習和工作。
They will be able to carry out lectures and part-time jobs, complete all lecture assignments, get a good IPS (temporary assessment index), be able to carry out other activities such as taking part in student-level competitions, have enough rest, maintain good relationships with people around them, and get extra pocket money if they make efforts to create a work life balance and run well (positively). Meanwhile, if they do not make efforts to achieve a work-life balance, they will be unable to deliver lectures (disturbed lectures), they will have disrupted rest periods, and their relationships with those around them will suffer.
他們將能夠進行講座和兼職工作,完成所有講座作業,獲得良好的 IPS(臨時評估指數),能夠開展其他活動,例如參加學生級別的比賽,有足夠的休息,與周圍的人保持良好的關係,如果他們努力創造工作生活平衡並運行良好(積極),他們將獲得額外的零用錢。同時,如果他們不努力實現工作與生活的平衡,他們將無法進行演講(被打擾的講座),他們的休息時間將被打亂,他們與周圍人的關係將受到影響。


According to the research, three factors influence the work-life balance of part-time student workers at Semarang State University are internal work conditions, external work conditions, and individual internal conditions. All of the subjects had one thing in common: they all worked hard to balance the factors that affect work-life balance, such as creating comfortable working conditions, cultivating good relationships with those around them, making the best use of their time, and being responsible for lecturestheir studies and part-time jobs. According to the findings of this study, students who study while working can continue to improve the three existing factors in a positive direction, which is beneficial to their work-life balance. Meanwhile, students who want to study while working part-time should carefully consider their options to see if they can balance study and work. For researchers interested in similar research, it is expected that they will optimize every process and stage of the research in order to achieve better results, such as making observations that can influence the research results.


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