# nDisplay Actor Replication
nDisplay Actor 複製
An overview of how to control Actor replication across your nDisplay cluster.
概述如何控制 nDisplay 叢集中的 Actor 複製。

All inputs to the nDisplay system are handled only by the primary node. Without any replication, only the primary node would see changes in the scene. Therefore, the primary node needs to be able to replicate changes to all other parts of the nDisplay network.
nDisplay 系統的所有輸入僅由主節點處理。如果沒有任何複製,只有主節點會看到場景的變化。因此,主節點需要能夠將變更複製到 nDisplay 網路的所有其他部分。
To accomplish this, nDisplay offers two different kinds of Components that you can attach to your Actors:
為了實現這一點,nDisplay 提供了兩種不同類型的元件,您可以將它們附加到 Actor 上:
- The **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent** Component tracks changes in the 3D transforms of its parent Component, and pushes those changes to the other cluster nodes in the network.
DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent 元件追蹤其父元件的 3D 變換變化,並將這些變化推送到網路中的其他叢集節點。
The default DisplayClusterPawn used by the nDisplay system uses this Component.
nDisplay 系統使用的預設 DisplayClusterPawn 使用此組件。
- The **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent** Component tracks changes to the 3D transforms of its child components, and pushes those changes to the other cluster nodes in the network.
DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent 元件追蹤其子組件的 3D 變換的更改,並將這些更改推送到網路中的其他群集節點。
For example, in the Actor shown below, the **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent_Scene** Component tracks and replicates changes to the 3D transforms of its parent Actor as the Actor moves around the Level. The **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncThis** Component tracks and synchronizes movements of its child Static Mesh component as it moves relative to the scene graph root.
例如,在下面所示的 Actor 中,當 Actor 在關卡周圍移動時,DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent_Scene 元件會追蹤並複製對其父 Actor 的 3D 變換的變更。 DisplayClusterSceneComponentSync此元件在其子靜態網格體元件相對於場景圖根移動時追蹤並同步其移動。

If you have other Actors in your scene that can be affected during gameplay, you must use one of these two Components to replicate those changes to all nodes. To do this:
如果場景中有其他在遊戲過程中受到影響的 Actor,則必須使用這兩個組件之一將這些變更複製到所有節點。去做這個:
1. Select the Actor you need to replicate in the Level viewport or the **World Outliner** panel.
在關卡視窗或 World Outliner 面板中選擇需要複製的 Actor。
2. In the **Details** panel, click **+ Add Component**. Search for either **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent** or **DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncThis**, and select it from the list.
在“詳細資料”面板中,按一下“+ 新增組件”。搜尋 DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncParent 或 DisplayClusterSceneComponentSyncThis,然後從清單中選擇它。

These components do not carry out a full replication. Only the transforms of the parent Actor or of child Components are sent to the cluster.
這些組件不執行完整複製。僅父 Actor 或子元件的轉換會傳送到叢集。
## Replicating Custom Data 複製自訂數據
If you need to replicate other custom data between your primary node and the rest of your cluster, you can write your own C++ class that implements the `IDisplayClusterClusterSyncObject` interface. nDisplay will automatically invoke the methods in this interface to check whether each instance of this class needs to be synchronized from the primary node to the other cluster nodes.
如果您需要在主節點和叢集的其餘節點之間複製其他自訂數據,您可以編寫自己的 C++ 類別來實作 `IDisplayClusterClusterSyncObject` 介面。 nDisplay會自動呼叫該介面中的方法來檢查該類別的每個實例是否需要從主節點同步到其他叢集節點。
- rendering 渲染
- vfx
- graphics 圖形
- guide 指導
- ndisplay 顯示器