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期末辅导 1

TUTOR: Jan 导师:杨

TUTOR 自我介绍: TUTOR 自我介绍:

  1. 现在所处的大学阶段是?
  2. 所学专业是?
  3. 所教授科目取得怎样的成绩?优势是什么?
  4. 您的教学风格是这么样的?
  5. 平时有什么兴趣爱好?
  6. 有哪些亮眼的实习经历?
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Lecture 3-Managing Companies with Share Capital

1. Members 股东

  • Membership rights

Common law rights

  • enforce statutory contract
  • appoint directors
  • dividend out of profits
  • attend members' meetings
  • vote at members' meeting
  • receive information from the company
  • Membership rights

Statutory rights

  • wind up the company (s 461)
  • enforce compliance with Corporations Act (s 1324)
  • call members' meeting (s 249D)
  • copy of company's annual financial report (s 314)
  • inspect the company's registers free of charge (s 173(2))
  • approve executive remuneration (s 200B) or related party benefits (Ch 2E)
  • remove directors of public companies (s 203D)
  • oppression action (s 232)
  • statutory derivative action (ss 236, 237) 代表公司行使权利怎样成为一个 member/以及卸任?
  • A person can become a member by:
  • Becoming a member on registration (s120)
  • subscribing for new shares after registration,
  • or acquiring already issued shares from another person
  • A person ceases to be a member by transferring their shares, or having them cancelled

Classes of shares 不同的股票 考点

  • Shares can be created with different rights attaching
  • Typically classes of shares have differing:
  • entitlement to dividends
  • priority in relation to payment of dividends
  • voting rights
  • priority in repayment of capital on a winding up
  1. Stakeholders.

2. Corporate Governance 公司治理

3. Internal Governance 公司内部治理 这个有点重要

  • After July 1998:
  • Replaceable rules ss140, 141
  • Or constitution
  • Or a combination s134
Replaceable rules: 记住 replaceable rule 不是万能的 考过
  • Companies may elect to rely on some or all of the replaceable rules in the Corporations Act
  • Not all of the replaceable rules are suitable for all types of companies
  • Some companies may wish to do things not provided for in the replaceable rules eg issue partly paid shares
  • S135 replaceable rules do not apply to single director companies but Act has other sections e.g.
    S135 可替换规则不适用于单一董事公司,但法案还有其他条款,例如
  • s198E deals with single director companies - powers of directors;
  • appointment of other directors
  • 202C remuneration of sole director

Constitution 考过

  • alternative to relying on the replaceable rules, a company can adopt a constitution
  • Can be done when the company is registered, s117
  • or later s135
  • Constitution contains customised internal governance rules for that particular company
  • 修改 constitution 需要召开股东大会. 比较重要的知识点

Amending the corporate constitution 修改公司宪法:

  • Under s136 the constitution can be amended by passing a special resolution in a members' meeting
    根据第 136 条,章程可在成员会议上通过特别决议进行修订
  • Restrictions:
  • s 140(2) prohibition on imposing further liability on members-公司不可以收取股东其他费用。Ding v Sylvania
  • s 232 protection of minority members from oppression by the majority
  • Ding v Sy/vania Waterways-- s140(2)
Members of the company were property owners in a canal development Company needed more money to dredge & clean the canals, sought to amend the constitution to charge all members a fee Members were successful in avoiding the fee by arguing s140(2).

4. Decision making 考过

  • Power to make decisions is divided between:
  • the members in general meeting
  • the board of directors
  • Residual decision making powers of members
  • Under the common law, members may also make decisions:
  • where the board is unable to act:
  • to ratify breaches of directors' duty.
  • Division of powers
  • s198A means that the board is exclusively vested with general powers of management.
    第 198A 条意味着董事会被专门授予一般管理权。


  • Members cannot override management powers: 相对比较重要
  • Automatic Self Cleansing; NRMA v Parker
  • The issue depends upon interpretation of the constitution (if there is one)
  • John Shaw & Sons
  • NRMA v Parker
  • The constitution of NRMA required at every AGM, half the board members to stand down and seek re-election, The board had the power to conduct the election
    NRMA 的章程规定,在每次年度股东大会上,半数董事会成员必须退任并寻求连任。
  • Members requisitioned a meeting to direct the board
  • to appoint a particular person as returning officer for the election
  • To conduct a postal ballot 可以邮寄选票
  • It is not the function of members to express an opinion as to how the powers vested in the board are to be exercised.
  • The general meeting could not pass its resolutions Members' decision making
    大会无法通过决议 会员国的决策
  • Members have specific decision making powers
  • DVT v Bigshop - an example of members' power subject to constitution:
  • directors appointed by either board or at AGM only. There were 4 directors, (public company = minimum 3)
    董事由董事会或股东大会任命。共有 4 名董事,(上市公司 = 至少 3 名董事)
  • Members wanted to pass a resolution at a general meeting (not AGM) for the appointment of 3 new directors and removal of 3 current directors
    成员希望在股东大会(非年度股东大会)上通过决议,任命 3 名新董事并免去 3 名现任董事的职务
  • Members had no power to appoint under the constitution, there may be residual power if the company was left in a position of unable to act, but no residual power
  • Members could validly remove directors and assume that the remaining director would fill the vacancies
Members' powers
  1. Decisions relating to the constitution, the structure of the company and its capital
  2. Decisions affecting the board (appointment, removal) and auditor
  3. Statutory powers to approve or veto certain transactions
  4. Auditor appt/removal
  5. Voluntary winding up (special resolution)
  • Finally, the general meeting can override the board in very limited circumstances
  • Eg where the board cannot act
Variation of class rights
  • Example of constitutional/structural change 什么情况下可以改变宪法 考过
  • Section 246B: variation or cancellation permitted only:
  • in accordance with the constitution, or
  • where the constitution is silent, by special resolution of the company and a separate special resolution of the class
  • Section 246D: rights of dissenting members where the variation, cancellation or modification does not have unanimous consent. Members holding at least of the class can apply to the Court for change to be set aside for unfair prejudice
    第 246D 条:在变更、取消或修改未获得一致同意的情况下,持异议成员的权利。持有至少 的成员可向法院申请以不公平损害为由撤销变更。


Composition of the Board 董事会
  • Appointment - member election or approval may be required under the internal governance rules, eg
  • members elect the directors by ordinary resolution: RR sec 201G - but see DVT v Bigshop
    成员通过普通决议选举董事:RR 第 201G 条 - 但参见 DVT 诉 Bigshop 案
  • members must approve appointments made under casual vacancy power: RR
  • Listed companies always provide for director election
  • Members' right to remove a director: 股东如何移除董事
  • public company: sec 203D (ordinary resolution)
  • proprietary company: only if provided for in the internal governance rules eg RR sec 203C
    自营公司:仅在内部治理规则(如《注册条例》第 203C 条)中有规定的情况下。
  • Veto of transactions 否决交易
  • This refers to certain statutory rights given to members to approve of particular transactions
  • For example: 只有在这两种情况下
  • Related party transactions
  • Financial benefits prohibition
  • Chapter 2E member approval needed for related party benefit
  • S208 applies to a public company or an entity controlled by a public company Is a financial benefit being given to a related party to the public company? S208 讲的关联方交易的定义
    第 208 条适用于上市公司或受上市公司控制的实体 是否向上市公司的关联方提供了经济利益?S208 讲的关联方交易的定义
确定 related party transaction 的基本思路是先确定 related party 在确定有 financial benefit,然后再看是不是符合 exception, 最后就可以确定是不是 related party transaction 了。
  • An entity that controls a public company
  • Directors of a public company
  • Directors of public company that controls another public company
  • Each of the persons making up the entity that controls a public company
  • Spouses and de facto spouses of any of these persons
  • Parents and children of these persons
  • An entity controlled by a related party
  • A related party in previous 6 months
  • Entity with reasonable grounds to believe it will become a related
  • party in the future
  • An entity acting in concert with a related party
  • Financial benefit defined at s229
  • Includes indirect financial benefits
  • Includes a financial advantage even if no money is actually paid over e.g. a discount
  • Examples include:
  • giving finance or property
  • Buying or selling an asset with a related party
  • Leasing an asset
  • Supplying or receiving services
  • Issuing securities or options to a related party
  • Taking up or releasing an obligation of a related party
  • Exceptions
  • s210 arms length transactions (normal commercial terms)
  • s211 benefits that are reasonable remuneration for officers or employees
    第 211 条 作为官员或雇员合理报酬的福利
  • s212 officers' indemnities and insurance for legal costs
  • s213 small amounts of or less to a director or director's spouse
  • s214 benefit to or by a closely held subsidiary (no other member apart from the relevant person)
    第 214 条 紧密控股的子公司(除相关人员外没有其他成员)获得或由其获得的利益
  • s215 a benefit given to members generally and this may
  • include a related party
  • s216 by court order

Lecture 4-Corporate governance

Officer 什么是 officer 从来没考过

  • Statutory definition s9 wider than a director
  • Includes director or secretary
  • Includes Person:
  • Who makes or participates in decision that affects a substantial part of the company's business
  • Who has the capacity to affect the corporations' financial standing
  • In accordance with whose instructions or wishes the directors are accustomed to act
Company secretaries. 公司秘书会 也没考过
  • An officer of the company
  • Chief administrative officer
  • s204A every public company required to have a secretary
  • S188(1) company secretaries duties and responsibilities:
  • Registered office s142
  • Office open to public s145
  • Lodgement of notices with ASIC e.g. ss146, 178A
  • Lodgement of financial reports with ASIC s319A
  • Provide particulars to ASIC ss346C and 346D
Director 考过-作业
  • Statutory Definition: s 9
  • Person who is a director
  • Appointed to position of alternate director and is acting in that capacity
  • A person "not validly appointed" if they are not appointed but:
  • Merely act in the position of director or
  • The directors are accustomed to act in accordance with the person's instructions or wishes
Different types of directors 考过 但是不是单独考的
  • Chairman of the board -
  • someone to chair the meetings
  • Required by all companies
  • ASIC v Rich (2003)
  • Managing directors s198C
  • Directors can confer or revoke powers to a managing director
  • Executive directors
  • Manage a significant part of the business of the company
  • Non Executive directors
  • Not employees of the company
  • directors who bring external view to the management of the company
Different types of validly appointed director 经过任命的
  • Nominee directors
  • Appointed to represent interests of a particular group e.g. major shareholder, large creditor
  • Walker v Wimborne(1976) 137 CLR 1
  • Must act in the paramount interest of the company not the stakeholder 以公司利益为重
  • Alternate directors (s 201K) 代理董事
  • With approval of other directors
  • Some or all of the director's powers
  • Appointment and termination must be in writing
Directors other than those validly appointed 未经过任命的但是也是合法的
  • De facto director
  • Corporate Affair Commission v Drysdale (1978)
  • Appointed director of Command Minerals to fill casual vacancy
  • Not re-elected at AGM
  • Continued to act as director and attend meetings for next 2 years, participating in management of the company
  • Found to be a de facto director
  • Mason J "who acts in the position [of director], with or without lawful authority"
    梅森-J "以[董事]身份行事的人,无论是否有合法授权"。
  • Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Austin (1998)
  • DD negotiated with creditors including ATO
  • Mistmorn v Yasseen (1996)
  • undertook tasks typically expected of a
  • Shadow director
  • The board is accustomed to act in accordance with directions or instructions of that person when they are given
  • Does not have to cover all matters involving the board
  • Qualifications for company directors
  • The person must not be disqualified from being a director: s 201B(2)
  • The person must be at least 18 years of age
  • The person must be an individual s 201B(1)
  • The person must agree to the appointment s201D
How can a director be removed from office? 如何移除 redictor
  • By complying with a removal procedure in the corporate constitution
  • By complying with the statutory conditions for proceedings of the board
  • s203C replaceable rule - ordinary resolution at a meeting of members, 21 days notice and at least of member votes to requisition the meeting
    第 203C 条 可替换规则--成员会议上的普通决议、21 天通知和至少 的成员票数要求召开会议
  • 203D public companies, not replaceable, ordinary resolution at a meeting of members, 2 months notice to the director
    203D 公众公司,不可更换,成员会议上的普通决议,2 个月内通知董事
  • s203E public companies - directors CANNOT be removed by other directors
    第 203E 条 上市公司--其他董事不得罢免董事
  • By resignation s 203A
  • By the director becoming disqualified from managing a corporation s 206A
    董事丧失管理公司的资格 第 206A 条
  • Automatic disqualification s 206B
  • Indictable offence concerning a decision affecting business of the corporation
  • Conviction of an offence
  • Against Corporations Act with greater than 12 months prison
  • Dishonesty offence with greater than 3 months prison
  • Undischarged bankrupts
  • People who have entered deeds of arrangement under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth)
    根据《1966 年破产法》(澳大利亚联邦)签订协议的人
  • Disqualification on application by ASIC to court
  • s206C - must have contravened a civil penalty provision under s1317E
  • Court uses its discretion
  • s206D - failed companies and insolvency, non-payment of debts
  • s206E repeated contraventions of the Corporations Act
  • s206F power of ASIC to disqualify
  • Person involved in several failed companies
  • Disqualification on application by ASIC to court
ASIC v Adler (2002) 42 ACSR 80
  • Disqualification on application by ASIC to court ASIC v Vizard (2005) 145 FCR 57
    澳大利亚证券和投资委员会向法院申请取消资格 澳大利亚证券和投资委员会诉 Vizard (2005) 145 FCR 57
  • 也是 by asic to court

Directors duties 必考必考

Common law and Equitable duties

  • Duty to act with reasonable care and diligence
  • Equitable duty of loyalty and good faith includes:
  • Duty to use powers for a proper purpose
  • Duty to act in good faith and in the interests of the company
  • Duty to avoid conflicts of interest
  • Duty to retain discretions

Statutory duties

  • S180 duty to act with reasonable care and diligence
  • applies to directors and officers
  • S181 duty to act in good faith in best interests of the company and for a proper purpose
    第 181 条 在符合公司最佳利益和适当目的的情况下善意行事的责任
  • Applies to directors and officers
  • SS182,183 duty not to misuse information or position
  • Applies to directors, officers and employees
  • S588G duty to prevent insolvent trading
  • Applies to directors
  • S187 director of wholly owned subsidiary
  • ss191 to 196 requirement to disclose certain interests
  • Chapter 2E Related Party Transactions
Who owes the duties? 没有专门考过这个
  • Officers
  • Directors
  • Secretary
  • Shadow director, de facto director
  • Employee
  • Fiduciary (common law)
To whom are directors' duties owed? 也没考过这个
  • To the company as a whole
  • Greenhalg v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1951] Ch 286
  • Individual shareholders
Brunninghausen v Glavanics (1999) 46 NSWLR 538
  • Employees
  • Parke v Daily News Ltd [1962] Ch 927
  • Case law that officers do not owe a duty to consider the company's employees ahead of shareholder interests
  • Nominee directors
  • Re: Broadcasting Station 2GB Pty Ltd [1964-5] NSWLR 1648
  • Nominee Ds can act in interests of their shareholder if no conflict with interests of the Co
  • Best interests of the Company remain paramount
  • Corporate groups
  • Walker v Wimborne (1976) 137 CLR 1
  • High Court decision, Ds of a subsidiary have to act in its interest and not the interests of the corporate group
  • S187 Corporations Act
  • Some exception for a wholly owned subsidiary if constitution allows to act in interests of holding
    如果公司章程允许 为控股公司的利益行事,全资子公司也有例外

- See also the Equiticorp Case

  • Creditors
  • Except for situations of insolvent trading, Ds' duties are owed to the shareholders and not to creditors of the Co
  • Spies V R(2000) 201 CLR 603
  • Where the company is insolvent or approaching insolvency, the Ds owe a duty to creditors
  • Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq)(1986) 4 NSWLR 722

Duty of care - s180

Duty of care - modern standard
  • A director must obtain a basic understanding of the business of the company and must be familiar with the fundamentals of the company's business.
  • Directors are under a continuing obligation to keep informed about the activities of the company.
  • Detailed inspection of day-to-day activities is not required but what is required is a general monitoring of the company's business affairs.
Accordingly, a director should attend board meetings regularly.
  • While directors are not required to audit the company's books they should maintain familiarity with the financial status of the company by a regular review of financial statements.
Statutory duty of care
Section 180(1)
  • A director or other officer must exercise their powers and discharge their duties with the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise if they:
A) were a director or officer in the corporation's circumstances and
B) had the same office and responsibilities as the director or officer
  • 这个 duty common law and statory 都有但是结果不同
  • Consequences are different
  • Common law
  • damages
  • Statutory breach
  • Civil penalty s1317E
  • Disqualification as director s206C
  • Compensation s1317H ( like damages)
Statutory defences for duty of care
  • Business judgment rule:
  • Business involves risks and not all business judgments will end up being profitable for a corporation
  • Ds and officers taken to meet s180(1) for a business judgment if
  • Make judgment in good faith and for a proper purpose and
  • Do not have a material personal interest in subject matter and
  • Inform themselves to extent they believe reasonable and
  • Rationally believe it is in best interests of corporation


- ASIC v Adler 经典案例

Santow J found that the payment of from HIHC to PEE and subsequent use of these shares was a breach of
Santow 法官认为,HIHC 向 PEE 支付 并随后使用这些股份违反了
  • A director or other officer of a corporation must exercise their powers and discharge their duties with the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise
Santow J also held that the payment by HIHC to PEE meant that Adler had breached s181 (the duty to act in good faith and for a proper purpose) and s182 (the duty not to improperly use his position as director).
Santow 法官还认为,HIHC 向 PEE 支付 意味着 Adler 违反了第 181 条(出于正当目的善意行事的责任)和第 182 条(不不当利用其董事身份的责任)。

Possible defence?

  • Adler failed to ensure that HIHC followed investment practices
  • Failed to get approval for the investments from the "investment committee"
    未能获得 "投资委员会 "对投资的批准
  • Adler knew about the investment committee
  • Delegating responsibility to others s190(2)
  • If delegate a power to another under s198D you are still responsible unless terms of are met:
    如果根据第 198D 条将权力授予他人,除非符合 的条款,否则您仍需承担责任:
  • Reasonable grounds to believe delegate will conform with director's duties
  • Director believed on reasonable grounds, in good faith and after proper enquiry that delegate is reliable and competent regarding delegated power
  • Reliance on others: s 189
  • In cases of an employee or an expert providing information and advice
  • Again require reasonable grounds for reliance
Duty to avoid insolvent trading - s588G 很难用,除非在题里面有明显说破产否则不要用
  • Section 588G:
  • Person is a director at a time when the company incurs a debt
  • At that time, the company is insolvent or becomes insolvent by incurring that debt
  • At that time, a reasonable person would have grounds to suspect that the company was insolvent or would become insolvent by incurring the debt
  • When is a debt incurred
  • Hawkins v Bank of China (1992)
  • A debt is incurred when a company subjects itself to an unavoidable obligation to pay a sum of money at a future time, even if the obligation is conditional
    当公司 承担在未来某个时间支付一笔钱的不可避免的义务时,债务就产生了,即使该义务是有条件的。
  • s588G(1A) a deemed debt includes a declared dividend
  • When is the company insolvent?
  • S 95A off the Corporations Act
  • s95A(1) A person is solvent if and only if ...able to pay all debts as and when they become due and payable.
    第 95A(1)条 一个人有偿债能力,当且仅当......有能力偿还所有到期应付的债务。
  • S95A(2) A person who is not solvent is insolvent


Cash flow test

  • When is the company insolvent?
Fryer v Powell (2001) 37 ACSR 589
  • The conclusion of insolvency must be derived from a proper consideration of the company's financial position, in its entirety, based on commercial reality.
  • Not just a temporary lack of liquidity
  • Not just immediately available cash resources but also to moneys it can procure by realisation by sale, or borrowing against the security of the assets, or otherwise reasonably raise from those associated with it, or supportive of it
    不仅包括立即可用的现金资源,还包括通过出售变现或以资产为抵押借款,或以 其他方式从与其有关联者或支持者那里合理筹集到的资金
  • It is not appropriate to say the company may be able to trade profitably in the future and so restore its financial position

Section - Defences:

  1. Director had reasonable grounds to expect, and did that company was solvent
  • Harder to "expect" than to "suspect" Metropolitan Fire Systems v Miller
  • Ignorance of co's finances no excuse
  1. Delegation and reliance on competent and reliable person: CBA Friedrich
    委托和依靠有能力和可靠的人:CBA Friedrich
  2. Absence from management, due to illness or other good reason: Tourprint v Bott; Clark
    因病或其他正当理由缺席管理:Tourprint 诉 Bott;Clark
  3. Director took all reasonable steps to prevent the company incurring the debt
  • Defences to insolvent trading
  1. Reasonable grounds to expect solvency
Southern Cross Interiors Pty Ltd
  • Mr and Mrs Clark directors of Southern Cross Interiors
  • Financial difficulties although creditors not enforcing payment of debts
  • Mr Clark was a carpenter. Company was formed.
  • Assumption that he intended to be the sole director. Mrs Clark has never been a director, had no business experience. She said she signed company documents, but that they were not explained to her and signature occurred in situations in which:
  • " I would usually have a frying pan in one hand and be signing with the other."

6. Absence from management s

Statewide Tobacco Services v Morley (1990)
  • Mrs Morley was a director of a small family company with no participation in its
  • management, company managed by son and traded while insolvent
  • Her defence was she relied on her son
  • This did not save her, she was liable for insolvent trading

Consequences of insolvent trading

  • S588G is a civil penalty provision
  • subject to a criminal offence if caused by dishonesty ss588J and 588K
  • Compensation orders
  • Under s588G civil penalty
  • Liquidator can bring proceedings s588M
  • Creditors can bring proceedings with consent of liquidator or the court ss 588R-588U
    债权人可在清算人或法院同意下提起诉讼 第 588R-588U 条
  • s588V allows holding companies to be liable for insolvent trading by subsidiaries
    第 588V 条允许控股公司对子公司在破产情况下的交易承担责任
  • s596AB says a person must not enter into an agreement with the intention of preventing the recovery of entitlements of employees e.g. wages etc
    第 596AB 条规定,任何人不得以阻止追讨雇员应得权益(如工资等)为目的订立协议
  • s596AC provides for compensation on application of an employee or the liquidator
    第 596AC 条就雇员或清算人提出的赔偿申请作出规定

lecture 5

第一个 duty: Director must act in good faith in the best interests of the company
  • Statutory duty contained in s 181(1)(a)
  • Also a general law duty
  • What is good faith?
  • ASIC v Adler [2002] NSWSC 171
Interests of the company: Corporate groups 在集团公司的时候怎么办
  • Each director must act in the interests of the company that they are a director of. 基本原则, 但是也有例外
  • But consider:
  • Section 187
  • Equiticorp
  • Interests of the company: section 187
  • Directors are taken to meet the requirements if:
  • Wholly-owned subsidiary
  • Constitution expressly authorises
  • Act in good faith in best interests of holding company
  • Company not insolvent or made insolvent
  • Interests of the company: Legal test
  • Where s 187 does not apply, each company's separate interests prevail
  • Test: whether an intelligent and honest person in the position of the director could have reasonably believed the decision was for the benefit of the company.
  • Charterbridge Corp Ltd v Lloyds Bank Ltd [1970] Ch 62 at 74 text
  • Equiticorp Finance v BNZ (1993) 32 NSWLR 50 text 13.120
  • Issues involved:
  • whether the directors had acted honestly in the interests of the company (EFSA & EFL) as a whole
  • A transaction involving companies in a group may benefit one, but have derivative benefits for others
第二个 duty: Directors must act for a proper purpose
  • Statutory duty contained in s 181(1)(b)
  • Also a general law duty
  • Proper purpose - Two step test
  • Two part test
  • Question of law - for what purpose was the power conferred?


  • Question of fact - for what purpose was the power exercised?
  • "Dominant purpose", "but for" test
  • Howard Smith, Whitehouse
  • Proper purposes include:
  • to raise capital
  • for an employee share scheme
  • as consideration for purchase of an asset
  • Improper purposes include:
  • to entrench the existing board of directors
  • to fight off a hostile takeover bidder
  • to make a majority member a minority member
  • Howard Smith v Ampol [1974] All ER 1126 text 13-200
  • Mixed purposes
  • Whitehouse v Carlton Hotel Pty Ltd (1987) 162 CLR 285 text 13-200 经典
  • Kokotovich Constructions Pty Ltd v Wallington (1995) 13 ACLC 1113 text 13-200
  • Issue of shares by governing dr to his children was invalid even though one of the purposes was to raise capital

Held: But for the improper purpose of manipulating voting power the share issue would not have been made

  • Advance Bank of Australia Ltd v FAI Insurances Australia Ltd (1987) 5 ACLC 725 text 13-200 - used company money to fund re-election campaign
    Advance Bank of Australia Ltd 诉 FAI Insurances Australia Ltd (1987) 5 ACLC 725 text 13-200 - 使用公司资金资助连任竞选活动
  • Australian Metropolitan Life Assurance Co Ltd v Ure (1923) 33 CLR 199 - exercise of discretion to refuse to register transfer of shares must be exercised for a legitimate purpose eg to prevent insolvent person becoming a member see also s 1071F
    澳大利亚大都会人寿保险有限公司诉 Ure (1923) 33 CLR 199 - 行使拒绝登记股份转让的自由裁量权必须出于合法目的,例如防止无力偿债者成为成员,另见第 1071F 条。
  • ASIC v Adler (see later slide)
  • Permanent Building Society (in Liq) v Wheeler [1994] WASC 395 (28 July 1994) text 13-200
  • Permanent Building Society v Wheeler (Contd)
  • PBS purchased land at twice its value to enable the seller to have enough money to purchase a company called JCDL
    PBS 以两倍于其价值的价格购买土地,使卖方有足够的资金购买一家名为 JCDL 的公司
  • Hamilton was the managing director and CEO of PBS and agreed to the action
  • JCDL was wholly owned by Capital Hall Ltd, controlled by Wheeler (chairman of PBS) and Holding (executive director of PBS)
    JCDL 由 Capital Hall Ltd 全资拥有,该公司由 Wheeler(公共广播公司主席)和 Holding(公共广播公司执行董事)控制。
  • Permanent Building Society v Wheeler (Contd)

Principles of improper purpose:

  1. Fiduciary duties should not be exercised for collateral purposes 附带目的
  2. Must show substantial purpose of directors was improper or collateral to their duties
  3. Honest or altruistic behaviour does not prevent a finding of improper conduct

4. "The court must determine whether but for the improper or collateral purpose the directors would have performed the act impugned" but for test

第三个 duty: 这是一个 general law duty: Duty to avoid conflict of interest
  • Directors have a duty not to misappropriate company property or business opportunities or misuse corporate information
  • Directors have a duty not to make undisclosed or secret profits from their position
  • Conflicts of interest
  • General law conflict rule
  • Director must not be in a position where there is an actual or substantial possibility of conflict between a personal interest and the director's duty to act in the interests of the company
  • Unless the permission of the company is obtained
Arises in several contexts:题目设置的可能, 案例可能出现的情况
  • director entering contract with her or his company
  • director making personal profit as a result of her or his position as a director
  • director misusing confidential company information
  • director working for a competitor

Checklist for corporate opportunities conflicts of interest 的一种情况

  • Identify the opportunity
  • Does the opportunity belong to the company?
  • Not if the offer has been made to the individual (Peso Silver Mines)
  • It doesn't matter if the co can take advantage of the opportunity (Regal)
  • What may matter is whether the Co has relinquished the opportunity (Q/d Mines)
    重要的是公司是否放弃了机会(Q/d 矿井)
  • Has the d made a profit?
  • Has the d disclosed the conflict and potential profit?
第四个 duty: Duty to disclose: ss 191
  • director who has a material personal interest in a matter that relates to the affairs of the company must disclose the nature and extent of the interest to the other directors
  • Can give standing notice: s192
  • McGellin v Mt King Mining NL (1998) 144 FLR 288 text 14-320
  • Interests must be of a real or substantial kind.
  • Does not apply to a proprietary company with only one director
  • Restriction on voting by directors of public companies: s195
  • A director with a material personal interest in a matter being considered at a directors' meeting must not be present or vote at the meeting unless the other directors (or ASIC in limited circumstances) agree
  • Directors of proprietary companies may vote if disclosure is made: s194 (RR
    自有产权公司的董事可在披露信息的情况下投票:第 194 条 (RR)
第五个, 这两个基本总是一起用到 Statutory duty: ss182 and 183
  • s182 director ,officer, employees must not improperly use their position to:
    第 182 条 董事、高管、员工不得不恰当地利用职务之便:
  • Gain an advantage for themselves or someone else
  • Cause detriment to the corporation
  • Eg - The Adler case
  • S183 director ,officer, employees must not improperly use information to:
    S183 董事、高管、员工不得将信息用于不正当目的:
  • Gain an advantage for themselves or someone else
  • Cause detriment to the corporation
  • Would a reasonable director consider it to be an appropriate use of their position? (Grove v Flave)
    一个通情达理的董事会认为这是对其职位的适当利用吗?(Grove 诉 Flave 案)
Breach of officers' duties remedy: 甚至都不用细看, 考试如果考到 directors duty 然后问 consequences, 就直接把下面的全部抄上,当然结构也是要调整一下的。适当的结合一下题目中的案例。
  • Enforcement of officers' statutory duties by ASIC
  • Company's remedies for breaches of officers' general law and statutory duties
  • Relief from liability for breach of duty
  • Relief granted by the court
  • Relief given by the company ("ratification")
  • Insurance and indemnification
  • Statutory duties - Civil penalty provisions
  • ASIC can apply for any of the three "civil penalty orders"
  • Only some sections are "civil penalty provisions" e.g. ss180, 181, 182, 183, 588G:
    只有部分条款是 "民事处罚条款",如第 180、181、182、183、588G 条:
1 pecuniary penalty of up to (1317G)
2 disqualification from managing companies (s206C)
3 compensation order ( )
  • The company can only apply for a compensation order: s1317H
  • Statutory duties - Criminal penalties
  • Not available for breach of sec 180 (care and diligence)
  • Can apply to breaches of sec 181, 182, 183 and 588G: s 184, s1311
  • Generally require officer to act dishonestly Standard of proof - beyond reasonable doubt
    一 般 要 求 有 關 人 員 作 出 不 誠 實 的 行 為 舉 證 標 準 - 無 合 理 疑 點
  • Criminal penalties :
1 fine of up to
2 up to 5 years' jail
  • The company's remedies
  • Remedies for breaches of officers' general law duties
  • Injunction
  • e.g. to restrain proposed improper issue of shares
  • Compensation or damages
  • Account of profits
  • e.g. Regal (Hastings)
  • Rescission of contract
  • Constructive trust

Lecture 6

  • Who can seek remedies for breach of duty?
  • Statutory duties - ASIC, company
  • General law duties - company
  • Statutory duties - ASIC remedies
  • Civil penalties apply to some sections including ss180-183 and s588G
  • Following a declaration of contravention, the court can order any of the three remedies:
  • Pecuniary penalty up to
  • Disqualification order: s206C
  • Compensation order: s1317H
  • Enforceable undertakings: s93AA AS/C Act
  • ASIC is given power to accept enforceable undertakings. 强制执行
  • If ASIC believes the undertakings have been breached then court action can be taken.
  • Statutory duties - Criminal
  • Section 184 allows for ss181-183 to be considered criminal offences.
  • Section 588G(3) makes dishonest insolvent trading a criminal offence.
  • Generally require officer to act dishonestly
  • Standard of proof - beyond reasonable doubt
  • Criminal penalties:
  • Fine of up to
  • Up to 5 years' gaol
  • Not available for breach of sec 180
  • Statutory duties - Company remedies
  • Compensation for loss or damage as a result of the breach: s1317H
  • Obtain any profit made by the D (or officer) resulting from a breach: s1317H(3)
    獲取部門(或高級人員)因違規而獲得的任何利潤:第 1317H(3)條
  • Injunction 禁令 for person whose interests are affected by the conduct: s1324
Note: ASIC may seek to recover compensation on behalf of the company: s50 AS/C Act
注:澳大利亚证券和投资委员会可代表公司寻求赔偿:《澳大利亚证券和投资法》第 50 条。
  • Company's remedies - breach of general law duties
  • Injunction - order of the court requiring the director to stop doing something or to undertake a particular action
  • Compensation or damages - where a breach causes loss to the company
  • Account of profits - D makes a profit because of a breach of fiduciary duty may have to pay that profit to the company: Regal Hastings v Gulliver, Canadian Aero Service v O'Malley
    利润账目 - D 因违反信托责任而获利,可能必须将利润支付给公司:Regal Hastings 诉 Gulliver,加拿大航空服务公司诉 O'Malley
  • Rescission of contract - parties are returned to their pre-contract position
  • Constructive trust - Where as a result of a breach of directors duties, the has some property of the company: Cook Deeks
    推定信托--由于董事违反职责, 公司的某些财产:Cook Deeks
  • Company's remedies - breach of general law duties
General principles applying to equitable remedies
  • Company must not unduly delay bringing proceedings against the director
  • The company must not be guilty of misconduct in relation to the dealing with the director
  • If the company (ie members) later agrees to the transaction with the director on the basis of full knowledge of the relevant facts then the company will not be able to later sue the director.

Relief from liability - court

  • Court may excuse a breach of statutory duty: s1317S (civil)


  • Relief may be from all or part of the liability
  • Available where the person:
  • has acted honestly; and
  • should fairly be excused, considering all the circumstances
  • Court may excuse breach of general law duty on the same basis as above: s1318
    法院可根据与上述相同的依据免除违反一般法律义务的行为:第 1318 条

Relief from liability - ratification

  • Company may ratify a breach of duty
  • Ordinary resolution of shareholders
  • Members must have all necessary information
  • Notice of the meeting must set out clearly the breach of duty and state: -members are asked to ratify the breach; and -waive the right to sue.
  • Must occur within a reasonable time.
  • Those who are alleged to have breached cannot vote: Cook v Deeks
Note: Cannot ratify a breach of a statutory duty. 修正
Limits on members power to ratify a breach
  • It is oppressive
  • The result is to prejudice creditors because the company is insolvent
  • Breaches the equitable limitation on majority voting power
  • Results in a personal right of a member being eliminated
  • Results in the misappropriation of the company's property
  • Members acted for the same improper purpose as directors
Members' remedies 这个比较重要
  • Members' statutory remedies
  • Oppression remedy
  • Court-ordered winding up
  • Statutory injunction
  • Statutory right to inspect company books
  • Member's personal action
  • Member's derivative action 股东代表诉讼
Why do minority members need remedies? 作业考过了
Directors and majority shareholders can use their power to harm minority shareholders
  • Not always possible for a shareholder to sell their shares
  • This explains why the oppression remedy is most commonly sought by shareholders in proprietary companies rather than public companies

Oppression remedy 作业的知识点

  • S232: It is available in respect of:
  • the conduct of the company's affairs, or
  • an actual or proposed act or omission by or on behalf of the company, or
  • a resolution, or a proposed resolution, of members or a class of members
  • S232 - Where the conduct complained of is either:
contrary to the interests of the members as a whole, or
oppressive to, unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly discriminatory against, a member or members
Who can apply to the court?
  • A member, even if the oppression relates to some capacity other than a member.
  • A person removed from the register of members because of a selective capital reduction
  • A person who will cease to be a member if the oppression action relates to the circumstances in which they cease to be a member
  • A person whom ASIC thinks appropriate having regard to its investigations into the company's affairs
Wayde v NSWRL (1994) 180 CLR 459一这个跟我们有一年的作业的题是基本一样的

Examples of oppressive conduct

  • Diversion of business opportunities Scottish Co-op v Meyer
  • Improper exclusion from management Hogg Dymock
  • Does member have a "reasonable expectation"?
  • Unfairly restricting dividends
  • Oppressive conduct of board meetings John J Star
  • Share issue for improper purpose Kokotovich
  • Breaches of directors' duties Re Spargos
  • Reasonable expectation
Hogg v Dymock (1993) 11 ACSR 14 text 16-210
Held: there had been common expectation of continuing involvement of the plaintiff, so this was oppressive.
Thomas v HW Thomas Ltd (1984) 2 ACLC 610 text 16-210
Held: No oppression, other members were content and not unreasonable to comply with the expectation of the majority of members.
  • Oppressive conduct at board meetings
John J Starr (Real Estate) Pty Ltd v Robert R Andrew (A'asia) Pty Ltd (1991) 9 ACLC 1372 text
John J Starr (Real Estate) Pty Ltd 诉 Robert R Andrew (A'asia) Pty Ltd (1991) 9 ACLC 1372 正文
Not providing board with proper budget
Insufficient notice of significant matters that affected the franchisees (who were represented on the Board)
Restricted speaking time
Decisions made without reference to board.
Failure of directors to act in the best interests of the company
Re Spargos Mining NL (1990) and Jenkins v Enterprise Gold Mines NL (1992) text 16-210
Re Spargos Mining NL (1990) 和 Jenkins 诉 Enterprise Gold Mines NL (1992) 案文 16-210
Spargos and Enterprise were both taken over (but not 100%) by Independent Resources Group (IRL)
Spargos 公司和 Enterprise 公司均被独立资源集团(IRL)接管(但不是 100%)。
Ds entered into transactions for the benefit of the IRL
Series of breaches of directors duties.
Those breaches of duty found to be unfairly prejudicial to the interest of minority members.
Sale of company assets undervalue
Cassegrain v Gerard Cassegrain & Co Pty Ltd (2012) 88 ACSR 358 text 16-210
Company sold shares that the company held in another company undervalue to a person


who was a relative of 2 of the directors
no independent valuation and no consent of minority shareholders.
  • What orders can the court make?
winding up
To modify or repeal the constitution
regulating the company's affairs
purchase of oppressed member's shares
Commence or defend legal proceedings
appointment of a receiver
restraining someone from doing something, or requiring someone to do something

1. Court-ordered winding up

Section 461(1)(e), (f), (g), (k)
A member (and some others, eg a creditor, ASIC) can apply to court to have company wound up where :
在下列情况下,成员(以及其他一些人,如债权人、澳大利亚证券和投资委员会)可向法院申请将公司清盘: :
just and equitable, or
directors acting in own interests, or
oppressive, unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory conduct
Winding up: "just and equitable"

Fraud or misconduct

Failure of substratum--The reason for the company's existence is no longer being pursued
Breakdown in mutual trust
Deadlock/breakdown in mutual trust
Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [1972] 2 All ER 492 text 334
Fraud or misconduct
Re Neath Harbour Smelting & Rolling Works - The company was established was to commit a fraud on investors.
Loch v John Blackwood - Financial reports were not distributed and audits were not conducted in accordance with the law.
底层失效--不再追究公司存在的原因 相互信任破裂 僵局/相互信任破裂 Ebrahimi 诉 Westbourne Galleries Ltd [1972] 2 All ER 492 text 334 僵局 欺诈或不当行为 Re Neath Harbour Smelting & Rolling Works - 公司成立的目的是对投资者进行欺诈。Loch 诉 John Blackwood 案 - 未依法分发财务报告和进行审计。

  • Failure of substratum
Re Tivoli Freeholds [1972] VR 445 text 16-220
co not pursuing its objects
note that companies not now required to have objects clauses.
Public interest
ASIC v Pegasus Leveraged Options Group Pty Ltd (2002) 41ACSR 56 text 16-220
澳大利亚证券和投资委员会诉 Pegasus 杠杆期权集团私人有限公司(2002 年) 41ACSR 56 案文 16-220
Repeated contraventions of the Corporations Act and mismanagement of the company's affairs
winding up order granted to protect investors.
Protections on the minority
Members may exercise voting rights in their own self-interest (even if they are also


  • How does the law protect the minority?
  • Equitable limitation on majority voting power (including Gambotto)
  • Procedural requirements
  • Voting restrictions
  • Protection of members' personal rights
  • Statutory protections
  • Limits on ratification
  • The equitable limitation
  • Not a positive duty
  • Rule: if majority passes a resolution which no group of reasonable people would think is within majority's power, a court can declare the resolution void (invalid)
  • Sometimes overlaps with oppression remedy
  • Applying the equitable limitation


Member's personal action
  • From the Corporations Act
  • eg right of a member holding at least of votes to call a general meeting (s249F)
    例如:持有至少 票数的成员有权召开股东大会(第 249F 条)。
  • From the general law
  • eg the right to receive adequate information in a notice of general meeting


  • Member's derivative action
  • What is a derivative action?
  • An action to enforce a right of the company
  • eg to enforce a breach of directors' duties
  • Even though a member brings a derivative action, the action is not for the benefit of the member - it's for the company's benefit
  • any remedies go to the company
  • Statutory derivative action: Pt 2F.1A
Who may apply (s236)?
a member, former member, or person entitled to be registered as a
member of the company or a related company
an officer or former officer of the company
What are the criteria?
Court must grant leave if all of the criteria are met (s237):
is probable that the company will not take legal action
applicant is acting in good faith
is in the best interests of the company for applicant to be granted
serious question to be tried

Members' meetings 考过

  • Meetings
  • types of meetings
  • convening meetings
  • conducting meetings
  • member voting
  • Calling a meeting
  • Usually, meetings are called by the board. Can also be called:
  • RR s 249C by single director
  • Listed company by single director: s 249CA
  • Court, on application by a director or member if it is otherwise impracticable: s 249G
    法院在董事或成员提出申请后,如认为其他方式不可行:第 249G 条
  • Requisition by :
  • s 249D
  • Directors need not convene if the purpose is improper: NRMA Parker
  • Direct convening by members:

Directors remuneration 老师给的考试例题里面有这个

  • S202A (RR) the directors' remuneration may be approved by ordinary resolution.
    S202A (RR) 董事酬金可通过普通决议批准。
  • Note Chapter 2E of Corporations Act requirements may apply if it is not "reasonable remuneration"
    注意:如果不是 "合理报酬",则可能适用《公司法》第 2E 章的要求
  • ASX listing rule 10.17 requires member approval for remuneration and other benefits paid to directors of listed companies in certain circumstances.
    澳大利亚证券交易所上市规则第 10.17 条规定,在某些情况下,支付给上市公司董事的酬金和其他福利须经会员批准。
  • s300A and 250R require a company to produce a remuneration report. Until the 2011 amendments, the shareholder vote on that report was advisory only. Those provisions have been strengthened by amendments in 2011 which provide a "2 strikes then spill" process.
    第 300A 和 250R 条要求公司编制薪酬报告。在 2011 年修订之前,股东对该报告的投票仅是咨询性的。2011 年的修订加强了这些规定,规定了 "两击即撤 "的程序。
  • If more than of votes at an AGM are cast against adopting the remuneration report - that is the first strike
    如果在股东大会上反对通过薪酬报告的票数超过 --这就是第一次罢工
  • Then in its next remuneration report the board must address any comments and explain its proposed action if any
  • If more than of votes are cast against the next remuneration report - that is the second strike
    如果反对下一份薪酬报告的票数超过 ,即第二次罢工
  • If there is a second strike a spill resolution (declaring all directors positions, except MD, vacant and requiring an election) must be put to the shareholders at the same AGM as the second strike vote
    如果出现第二次罢免,则必须在第二次罢免投票的同一次股东大会上向股东提交溢出决议(宣布除 MD 外的所有董事职位空缺,并要求进行选举)。
  • If more than of eligible votes are in favour of the spill then the co must hold another AGM within 90 days at which all drs except MD, who were on the board when it resolved to put the remuneration report to the AGM, must stand for reelection
    如果超过 的合格票数赞成溢出,则公司必须在 90 天内召开另一次股东大会,除 MD 外,所有在董事会决议将薪酬报告提交股东大会时在董事会的博士都必须参加改选。

Notice of meeting

General rule - 21 days. Consent to short notice is possible: s
Listed companies - 28 days: s 249HA
Notice must be given to members, directors and auditor
Contents of notice: 249L
Place, date, time
General nature of business
Text of any proposed special resolution

Procedure for appointment of proxies

- Proxies 指定代理人: 代理人可以代替股东进行投票 考过 1 次

  • A proxy: is the right given by a member to a party to represent that members & vote at a general meeting
    代理:是指会员授权 一方代表该会员在会员大会上投票的权利。
  • Commonly, in listed companies, shareholders will appoint the chair of the meeting as proxy
  • S 249X - gives members right to appoint a proxy (RR for pty companies but mandatory for public companies)
    第 249X 条--赋予成员委任代表的权利(对私人公司是 RR,对公众公司是强制性的)。


S 250A - an appointment of a proxy must be signed by member, member's name & address, company name, proxy's name or office held (e.g. Chair of meeting), the meetings for which appointment is to apply
第 250A 条 - 委托书必须由成员、成员姓名和地址、公司名称、委托人姓名或担任的职务(如会议主席)、适用委托的会议签署
  • S 250B - appointment of proxy must be received by company at least before meeting
    第 250B 条 - 公司必须在会议召开前至少 收到委任代表的通知
  • Proxy must vote in accordance with the instructions of the person appointing the proxy:
  • S 250BB - an appointment may specify the way the proxy is to vote on a particular resolution, if it does:
    第 250BB 条--委任书可以指定受委代表对某项决议的投票方式(如果有的话):
  • proxy need not vote on a show of hands, but if proxy does so, proxy must vote that way
  • if proxy has 2 or more appointments that specify different ways to vote on the resolution - the proxy must not vote on show of hands
    如果受委代表有 2 项或 2 项以上指定对决议进行表决的不同方式--受委代表不得举手表决
  • if proxy is the chair - proxy must vote on a poll, must vote that way
  • if proxy is NOT chair - proxy need not vote on a poll, but if proxy does so, proxy must vote that way
    如果受委代表不是主席--受委代表无须在投票表决时投票,但如果受委代表投票,则受委代 表必须这样投票
  • if the proxy is not the Chair is instructed which way to vote proxy either:
    如果委托人不是主席 ,则指示 委托人如何投票:
  • does not attend or
  • does not vote
  • proxy defaults to Chair s 250BC
For listed companies- notice to members that a non-binding resolution on the remuneration report will be put to the meeting
Notice must contain sufficient information to enable the member to decide whether or not to attend the meeting and how to vote
Must not be misleading or deceptive (even if this is unintentional)
Must "fully and fairly inform and instruct the shareholder about the matter on which he or she will have to vote": Devereaux Holdings Pty Ltd Pelsart Resources NL (1986) 4 ACLC 12 text 168
必须 "充分、公平地告知并指示股东其必须投票的事项":Devereaux Holdings Pty Ltd Pelsart Resources NL (1986) 4 ACLC 12 text 168
Need to balance the information presented, to make it accessible: Fraser NRMA Holdings Ltd (1995) 13 ACLC 853
需要平衡所提供的信息,使其易于获取:Fraser NRMA Holdings Ltd (1995) 13 ACLC 853
  1. 股东可以通过视频等(与公司协调好的)方式参与股东大会
  2. 如果公司尽责的通知了股东但是股东个人原因没有收到, 那么由此导致的股东没有参加股东大会责任在于股东,这种情况下不能够 invalid 股东大会上做的任何决定。

Conduct of meetings

Use of technology
Proxies and corporate representatives
Conduct (role of the chair)
Members' entitlement to vote
replaceable rule in s 250E
preference shareholders

Voting by proxies

Voting (show of hands and poll)
Ordinary and special resolutions
Procedure for variation of class rights:
  • Company's constitution to be complied with if it sets out procedure for variation 246B (1)
    公司章程如列明更改程序则须遵守 246B (1)
  • Otherwise S 246B (2) applies - special resolution (75% majority) of members and special resolution of members of that class
    否则第 246B(2)条适用--成员的特别决议(75% 多数)和该类成员的特别决议
  • s 246C - matters assumed to vary class rights - see Table 7.1 on p 148 - 149
  • s - dissenters ( ) may apply to court
  • s 246E - if there is unanimous agreement the variation takes immediate effect
    第 246E 条 - 如果一致同意,变更立即生效

Decision-making without a meeting

  • In single member companies, resolution is passed by the member recording and signing it: s 249B
    在单一成员公司中,决议由记录和签署决议的成员通过:第 249B 条
  • Proprietary companies may use "flying minutes", in which all members entitled to vote must sign a document agreeing to the resolution: s 249A 会议记录
    股份公司可使用 "飞行会议记录",即所有有权投票的成员必须签署一份同意决议的文件:第 249A 条 会议记录


Section 1322 - outcome of meeting may be valid despite some irregularity (ie failure to follow required procedure)
第 1322 条 - 尽管存在某些不规范之处(即未遵循规定程序),会议结果仍可有效
  • Applies to "proceeding under the Act" - includes directors' and members' meetings
    适用于 "根据法案进行的程序"--包括董事会议和成员会议
Automatic validation (valid unless a court says no) or curing declaration Procedural irregularity
自动生效(除非法院拒绝,否则有效)或更改声明 程序违规
Section 1322(2) - includes absence of quorum, defect of notice or time
Not invalid unless court is of the opinion that a substantial injustice has resulted or may result, and declares it invalid
Onus on the person arguing invalidity
Other automatic validation provisions
  • Examples are - non receipt of notice, technology failure, voting in contravention of 259D
    例如--未收到通知、技术故障、投票违反 259D
  • Person seeking to overturn proceeding must establish "substantial injustice"
    寻求推翻诉讼程序的人必须证明 "实质性不公正"
  • Requirements for court order
  • Section 1322(6) - court can declare that an act, matter, or thing, or a proceeding, is not invalid so long as:
    第 1322(6)条 - 只要符合以下条件,法院就可以宣布某项行为、事项或事情,或某项诉讼程序不是无效的:
  • Onus on the person asserting validity 责任举证


Share capital (sometimes called "equity")
Debt finance
Off balance sheet financing eg equipment leasing
Trade finance
Retained earnings

Debt 考点

Company's obligation to pay interest does not depend on whether it has made a profit
Creditors expect repayment of principal at the end of the agreed term of the loan
Creditors are not members of the company
Has priority for payment of distributions and repayment of principal
No right to share in surplus assets on a winding up
Interest payments may be tax deductible

Equity 考点 股票

Dividends payable only out of profits
No expectation of a return of capital while the company is a going concern
Equity holders are members, with members' rights
Entitled to distribution and return of capital only after all creditors' entitlements are satisfied
Residual claimants of company assets
Dividends are not deductible.

Share capital

All have identical voting & dividend rights

Preference 优先股

Preference to receive dividend, fixed rate ( of issue price)


Similar to debt capital, share price can be repaid without a liquidation

How do you know if there are different classes of shares?

S117(2)(k) registration application must set out the type of shares
Subsequent to registration, pass a resolution and advise ASIC: s246F
For preference shares, s254A & requires the company to approve by special resolution, the rights attaching. If not, then use the common law rules
对于优先股,第 254A 和 条要求公司通过特别决议批准所附权利。如果没有,则使用普通法规则

Issue of shares 考点
"issue" in s124 = "allot"

Five main steps to allotment

Board resolution to issue shares s254A
Proposed member applies and pays for new shares
Application accepted by member being placed on the register s246A
Share certificate issued s1071H, s1070C
Company must notify ASIC s254X

Issue st step, Allot all steps

Debt capital

May be secured or unsecured, mortgage=security
A secured debt is one the repayment of which is secured by rights over the company's property
Companies may choose to raise finance through issuing debentures to the investing public S9 defines debentures
公司可选择通过向投资大众发行债券来筹集资金 第 9 节 界定债券
Debentures are "securities" and in some cases are quoted and traded on ASX
债券是 "证券",在某些情况下在 ASX 挂牌交易
Law requires a trustee for debenture holders to protect their interests and enforce the terms of the trust deed
s283AC requires a trustee to not have a conflict of interest
s283DA requires trustee to monitor the activities and enforce breaches
第 283DA 条要求受托人监督活动并强制执行违规行为
Sources of law for debt finance

Remember there are multiple sources of law:

Contract - the loan agreement
Property - securities
Company law - priorities, registration of charges, winding up, creditor protection
Trust law - debenture trustee

Nature of company charges

Secured debt:

Repayment of the debt is secured by a charge over some or all of the company's assets Security gives the lender the right to apply the charged property to satisfy the debt in the event of a default
以公司的部分或全部资产作为抵押偿还债务 抵押赋予放款人在发生违约时使用抵押财产清偿债务的权利

S9 "Charge"

Means a charge created in any way and includes a mortgage and an agreement to give or execute a charge or mortgage, whether on demand or otherwise.
Fixed and floating charges
Fixed charge - security over a specific asset (eg land). Company cannot dispose of the asset without the consent of the lender
Floating charge - "floats" over the assets, allowing the company to dispose of them in the normal course of business and replace them with others of the same class until crystallisation Illingworth v Houldsworth [1904] AC 355
浮动抵押--"浮动 "于资产之上,允许公司在正常业务过程中处置这些资产,并以同类其他资产取代,直至结晶 Illingworth 诉 Houldsworth [1904] AC 355

Floating charges

Company's power to give a floating charge is contained in s 124(1)(f)
Useful device enabling companies to give security over trading stock and book debts
Free to deal with charged assets in the normal course of business, until "crystallisation"
在 "结晶化 "之前,可在正常业务过程中自由处理抵押资产

Crystallisation 考过

Charge crystallises automatically on the company ceasing to carry on business or on winding up
Charge document may provide for crystallisation on the happening of specified events ("events of default") eg breaching debt/equity covenants selling a major asset
On crystallisation, the charge effectively becomes a fixed charge over the assets at that time and any later acquired assets
This means that the company can no longer dispose of the asset without the consent of the security holder
Fire Nymph Products Ltd v The Heating Centre Pty Ltd (1992) 7 ACSR 356
F previously sold heaters to THC
F was concerned about THC's ability to pay so reversed sale and converted to consignment.
F 担心 THC 的支付能力,因此撤销了销售,转为寄售。
THC had a loan with AGC finance, and gave AGC a floating charge over goods
Reversal of sale was not in the ordinary course of business and trigger crystallisation
AGC had benefit of the heaters not

Protection of Creditor Interests - registers

A company must maintain a register of debenture holders (s171)
Charges and other security interests created by companies over personal property (everything other than land) must be registered on the personal property register.


A company may create two or more charges
"Priority" refers to the order in which the charges are satisfied
Order of registration determines priority for registrable charges
Note that priority can be altered by agreement between the chargees


Priority is as follows:

Secured creditors

The first registered charge
Fixed over floating
Subject to agreement by lenders
Further advances - don't get the same priority as original loan
unless the chargee had actual or constructive notice of an earlier unregistered charge
Expenses of winding up
Unpaid wages
Unsecured creditors



Some charges are unenforceable
Charges that should be registered, but are not, cannot be enforced: s267, 267A (PPSA)
应登记但未登记的收费不能强制执行:第 267 和 267A 条(《公共和私人财产保护法》)。
Certain other charges created within 6 months of winding up in insolvency, either because
在破产清算后 6 个月内产生的某些其他费用,原因是
they are floating s588FJ
They are fixed and amount to a preference s588FA
We look at these sections in more detail later

Financial reporting 考点

Record keeping

Registered office s121

Statutory record keeping obligations:

Financial records- s 286
minute books --s251A
Record keeping
Financial records:
s 286 - all companies must keep sufficient records to enable the preparation of financial statements if required
第 286 条 - 所有公司必须保存足够的记录,以便在需要时编制财务报表
Minute books
Part 2G.3 - minutes of meetings and resolutions of directors and members
s251A record minutes within 1 month
s251B right of members to inspect and copy
register of members s169
register of option holders s170
register of charges e.g. s171 debenture holders
Register of relevant interests s672DA

Annual review - Chapter 2N

Review date and extract of particulars (may include request for particulars) s346A.
审查日期和详情摘录(可包括要求提供详情)第 346A 条。
Company must correct, and respond to request within 28 days s346C.

Event based notifications

change registered office s142 (28 days),
change of director s205B (28 days),
creation of registrable charge s263 (45 days),
change of name (2) (14 days)
Change of type of company s162(3) (14 days).

Periodic reporting

Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act
S285 overview of obligations
Annual (and half-yearly for disclosing entities)
Applies to all public and large proprietary companies (s45A); small proprietary
适用于所有上市公司和大型专有公司(第 45A 条);小型专有公司
company s293 and s294
Reports are lodged with ASIC and sent to shareholders

Public company

Any company that is not a proprietary company
Can be listed or unlisted

Proprietary company

Defined at s45A
Distinguish 'large' and 'small' for reporting purposes

Small proprietary company

s293 members with of voting rights can request the reports
s294 ASIC can direct that reports are prepared

Disclosing entities:

Are required to lodge half yearly reports
Defined at s111Ac and 111AD
All listed companies are included
unlisted companies that have issued shares covered by Chapter 6D disclosure requirements
已发行第 6D 章披露要求所涵盖股份的非上市公司

Financial reports S 295


financial statements (income statement, statement of financial position and cash flow statement),
disclosures and notes,
directors' declaration
Remuneration report s300A listed copies

Audit requirements

  • Removal by special resolution at a general meeting (s.329)
  • Powers and duties (ss.307-309)
  • CLERP9 changes since 2004 - affect independence
Professional Independence CLERP 9


Substancial independence

Appointment & removal of auditors
Controlled by general meeting
Protection provided by qualified privilege
Auditor's independence declaration (s.307C)
Auditor rotation for listed companies (s324DA-DD)
Obligation to report to ASIC s311
General independence requirements - conflict of interest situations (s324CACD)
一般独立性要求 - 利益冲突情况(第 324CACD 条)
Specific independence requirements - specific relationships(s324CE-CH)
Director's declaration re non-audit services & fees s300(11A)

Disclosing entities MUST have their annual financial report audited : s301

Public company - must appoint an auditor of the company within one month after the date of the company's registration: s 327A.
上市公司 - 必须在公司注册日期后一个月内任命公司审计员:第 327A 条。
A large proprietary company must have annual financial statements prepared and audited, s292
大型自营公司必须编制和审计年度财务报表,第 292 条
Proprietary company - directors of a proprietary company appoint an auditor only if an auditor has not been appointed by the company in general meeting: s325.
专有公司--只有在公司未在股东大会上委任审计师的情况下,专有公司的董事才可委任审计师:第 325 条。
Objective of conducting an audit of financial statements
ASA200: general duty of care.
The auditor shall obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial report taken as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, when conducting an audit in accordance with Auditing Standards.
审计员在根据《审计准则》进行审计时,应对财务报告整体上是否不存在因欺诈或错误造 成的重大错报获取合理保证。
The auditor shall express an opinion on whether the financial statements and notes for a financial year give a true and fair view of:
the financial position and performance of the company
审计师是否要对投资者负责? ?


  1. Disclosure documents
  2. Takeovers 考点
  3. Continuous disclosure 考点
Generally, a decision of the board
Directors must act;
  • in good faith,
  • proper purpose,
  • with reasonable care and
  • without conflict of interest
  • s254X must notify ASIC within 1 month of new issue and ASX if a listed company
    s254X 必须在新股发行后 1 个月内通知澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC),如果是上市公司,则必须通知澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX
  • GENERAL RULE: Disclosure is required for ALL offers of securities: s706


  • the offer is excluded by sec 708,
  • secondary trading s 707 (trading in existing securities)- refinance
  • involves non- "securities" eg retirement villages
  • s708AA (rights issues)

What is a disclosure document?

  • S705 distinguishes 4 types of disclosure doc:
  1. Prospectus: ss710, 711, 713 招股说明书
  2. Short form prospectus: s712
  3. Offer information statement: s714
  4. Profile statement: 715
When is a disclosure document required to be lodged with ASIC
  • excluded issues under s 708 include:
  1. "small scale offerings": "personal offers" to no more than 20 persons per year
    "小规模提供":每年向不超过20人的 "个人提供"
  2. offers to "sophisticated investors"
  3. offers to "professional investors"
  4. bonus share issues
  5. employee share schemes

Prospectuses 招股说明书 考过

  • S 113(3) limitation on proprietary companies fundraising that requires a prospectus
    第 113(3)條 對須提交招股章程的自營公司 籌款活動的限制
  • securities defined generally in , but for ch 6D, go to s 700 , then to s761A Includes
    证券的一般定义见 ,但关于第 6D 章,请查阅第 700 条,然后查阅第 761A 条 包括
(a) a share in a body;
(b) a debenture of a body;
(c) a legal or equitable right or interest in a share or debenture;
(d) an option

Prospectuses: Form & Content

  • 2 levels of disclosure:
  • basic eg nature of securities
  • s710 general:
all information investors and professional advisers would reasonably expect to make an informed investment decision
  • consider:
  • the nature of securities
  • Financial position, performance & prospects of company

Liability under

A person must not offer securities under a disclosure document if there is: 考点
(a) a misleading or deceptive statement
(b) an omission
(c) a new circumstance

Consequences for breach Ch6D

  • stop order on prospectus: 5739
  • civil liability: s729
  • criminal liability: s1311
  • rescind & have money refunded
  • injunction: s1324


What is a takeover?
  • Generally,
  • "Takeover" - change of control in a company
  • Bidder acquires voting shares in the target
  • Regulated by Ch 6
  • Note - only voting shares
Objectives of the Code
  • Ch 6 - attempts to protect shareholders in the target
  • s602 - objectives:
  1. The takeover should happen in an efficient, competitive and informed market.
  2. The identity of the bidder should be known.
  3. There should be reasonable time for the target company to consider the offer.
  4. There should be sufficient information of the takeover so shareholders and directors can form a reasoned judgment.
  5. Each shareholder should have an equal opportunity to participate.


When the takeover provisions will be triggered:
  • S606(1) - prohibits certain increases in voting power, referred to as the threshold test
    第 606(1)条 - 禁止某些投票权的增加,称为门槛测试
  • Subject to exceptions listed in s611
  • Then sets out certain permissible methods
  • Off market bid
  • On Market bid

Trigger elements:

  • Bidder
  • Cannot acquire RELEVANT INTEREST
  • In issued voting shares
  • In listed or unlisted coy members
If a transaction
  • Increases voting power to the threshold
  • Threshold - 90%
When are the takeover provisions triggered?
Threshold test
  • s606(1)
(a) a bidder's voting power cannot increase from below to more than of the voting shares of the target.
(a) 投标人的投票权不能从低于 增加到超过
(b) a bidder's voting power cannot increase from above and below of the voting shares of the target.
(b) 投标人的投票权不得从高于 增加到低于
从低于 到多于
Trigger - relevant interest
S608(1) - "relevant interest" if
  • The holder of the shares, or
  • have power or ability to control the voting rights attached to that share, or
rule: s608(3)
  • to control the disposal of a share
  • A bidder does not need to own the shares to have a relevant interest in them
  • More than one person can have a RI in the same share
Edensor Nominees Pty Ltd v ASIC [2002] FCAFC 72
  • Together 3 companies held of the shares in target mining company
  • The three companies had an informal agreement not to sell their shares in the target
  • Held: this is enough for a relevant interest, so breach of s606

Trigger - Applying the threshold test

  • FIRST, identify what the bidder is entitled to (ie % Relevant interest)
  • SECOND, identify which of the 2 threshold tests applies
  • THIRD, identify some transaction where the bidder's increase in relevant interest has increased voting power in shares - assosciate


  • Voting power: s610
  • A person's voting power
Person (relevant interest)'s and associates' votes
Total votes in the company
Look out for voting power increases

Associates 母公司和子公司, 集团公司和子公司,

  • S12 defines associates:
  • A second person is an associate of the
  • primary person if:
  • It is controlled by the primary person or
  • it controls the primary person or
  • It is a body corporate controlled by an entity that controls the primary person
  • S 12 Also includes relationships where:
  • there are agreements or proposed agreements for controlling or influencing the composition of the board or conduct of its affairs
  • The persons are acting or proposing to act in concert in relation to the entity's affairs

Exemptions - Creeping Takeovers

  • S611 item 11 - If bidder has greater than of voting shares for 6 months or more, bidder can acquire up to every 6 months
    S611 第 11 项 - 如果投标人在 6 个月或更长时间内拥有超过 的有表决权股份,投标人每 6 个月最多可获得
Takeover bids - off market bid s633


  • Bidder sends bidder's statement to target and target shareholders
  • S619 - all offers to must be the same
  • Bidder sends offer to target shareholders
  • Target sends target's statement to bidder and target shareholders
  • Variation or withdrawal of offer
  • Shareholders accept / reject offer

Bidder's statement

  • Content s636
  • Must disclose:
  • sources of any cash to be provided under the takeover;
  • identity of the bidder, directors, etc
  • bidder's future intentions regarding the target
  • any information material to the target shareholders whether or not to accept the offer
  • If a scrip takeover, must also comply with s710 prospectus disclosure
  • statement must disclose
  • Directors' recommendations as to the offer.
  • any information material to the target shareholders whether or not to accept the offer
GIO Australia Holdings Ltd v AMP Insurance Investment Holdings Pty Ltd (1998)
GIO 澳大利亚控股有限公司诉 AMP 保险投资控股私人有限公司(1998 年)
  • AMP prospectus (April 1998) contained forecast earnings for 1998-9
  • AMP bidder's statement (September) stated that AMP Board had approved inclusion of prospectus forecast
    AMP 投标人声明(9 月)称,AMP 董事会已批准将招股说明书预测纳入其中
  • Statement was misleading because AMP Board had not formally approved NOT because updated forecast required, as claimed by GIO
    声明具有误导性,因为 AMP 董事会尚未正式批准,并非如 GIO 所称需要更新预测

Market bid - The Announcement

  • S635: Bidder company advises ASX that it will stand in the market - ie, purchase all shares target shares tendered to the market for a certain price.
    S635:投标公司通知 ASX,它将站在市场上,即以一定价格购买所有向市场投标的目标股份。
  • s621(3): must be for cash
  • S621(4): The minimum price to be paid will be the highest price paid by the bidder in the four months preceding the announcement

Liability provisions - Misleading statements

  • misleading or deceptive statements in takeover documentation
  • Material omission
  • New circumstance requiring disclosure
  • s670B damages provision to any person who suffers loss


  • s670D - Person having reasonable grounds to believe that the statement was true.
    第 670D 条--有合理理由相信陈述属实的人。

Exceptions to the General Prohibition

Found at s611

  • Authorised takeover bids whether on or off market
  • Approval by target shareholders
  • Less than 3% increase in 6 months - creeping take over.
  • Scheme of arrangement
Downstream acquisitions
Breach of General Prohibition
  • Fine up to for individual and for a company and/or 6 months gaol s1311
  • Transactions are not invalid
  • Court orders as it sees appropriate s1325A
  • S606(5) defence of inadvertence or mistake, but ignorance of the law is no defence
    第 606(5)条 以疏忽或错误为辩护理由,但对法律的无知不能作为辩护理由

Compulsory Acquisition

  • Chapter 6A allows where:
  • Bidder has relevant interests in at least AND
  • Have acquired at least of the shares they bid for s661A
  • Strategic stake: increasing your holding above mitigates (but does not eliminate) the risk of rival bidders because it limits their ability to compulsorily acquire remaining shares.
    战略股份:将持股比例提高到 以上,可减轻(但不能消除)竞争对手竞购的风险,因为这限制了他们强制收购剩余股份的能力。

Compulsory buy-out:

  • Where threshold passed but do not use compulsory acquisition
  • Instead offer minority holders the opportunity to sell shares at the same price as the takeover bid s662A to s663C
    而不是向少数股权持有人提供以与收购出价相同的价格出售股份的机会 第 662A 至 663C 条
Substantial shareholder provisions

s671B provision

  • Person must notify a listed company if they begin or cease to have a substantial holding, that is
  • Once a substantial shareholder then you must notify of changes in holding of or more, increases or decreases
    一旦成为大股东,则必须通知持股 或更多的变化、增加或减少
  • S 9 definition of substantial holdings includes associates ( defined at s12)
    第 9 条中 "大量持股 "的定义包括联营公司(定义见第 12 条)。
Other trading issues
Insider trading 考点重点
  • s1042 - definitions
  • A - inside information
  • C - generally available
  • D - material effect
  • s1043 - category of offences
  • Trading
  • Tipping
  • Procuring
  • Companies prohibited from acquiring shares in themselves - s260A
■ Share buyback - s257A

Continuous disclosure 考过

  • Applies to all "disclosing entities"
  • ASX Listing Rule 3.1 requires listed companies to disclose certain price sensitive information to the market as it occurs (subject to exceptions)
    澳大利亚证券交易所上市规则》第 3.1 条要求上市公司在出现某些价格敏感信息时向市场披露这些信息(例外情况除外)
  • Corporations Act Ch 6CA underpins the Listing Rule requirements
  • What must be disclosed?
  • information concerning the company
  • of which it is or becomes aware
  • that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price of its shares.
  • Some exceptions ASX Listing Rule 3.1A: confidential information, incomplete proposals, internal management information
    ASX 上市规则》第 3.1A 条的某些例外情况:机密信息、不完整提案、内部管理信息
  • Must meet all 3 criteria to rely on exception: 考点
  • Reasonable person would not expect disclosure
  • Information is confidential
  • One or more of the following apply
  • Breach of law to disclose
  • Incomplete proposal
  • Matters insufficiently definite as yet
  • Information for internal management use
  • Trade secret
  • S674 statutory liability for failing to disclose
  • S1311 company has committed an offence
  • S674(2A) person in company can be liable if involved
  • It is a civil penalty offence
  • ASIC can enforce using infringement notices (on the spot fines)
WEEK9: Company Contracts Corporate Liability, Corporate Veil 一般考简答题
Contract directly: 直接签合同 没考过但是这部分是理解的基础


  • As well as proper signing/sealing procedure, there must also be authority for the company to enter the contract
  • normally comes from the board
  • resolution # 1 approves company entering the
contract ("substantive authority")
  • resolution # 2 authorises the execution of the documents in a specified way ("formal authority")
    第 2 号决议授权以特定方式执行文件("正式授权)
表见代理 和显见代理
Actual Authority: 当代理人明确表明当事人可以作为代理人行使权利。(express or implied)
Express actual authority:
Can arise from a provision in the Corporations Act or the company's constitution eg s 198A
可能源于《公司法》或公司章程中的规定,如第 198A 条
Can also arise when a company agent (eg the board) who has actual authority delegates some of their own actual authority.
Implied actual authority:
Actual authority can arise by implication from things the principal says and does eg appointing someone to a certain position.
Different company officers have different levels of implied authority
Requirements for apparent authority
  • There must be:
  • a "holding out" (or "representation") - can
be words or conduct
  • by someone with actual authority
  • on which the outsider relied - outsider must be "induced"
Indoor management rule: 考过
Statutory assumptions:
  • Officers on public record at ASIC - assume proper appointment and customary authority s 129(2)
    澳大利亚证券和投资委员会公开记录中的官员--假定有适当的任命和惯常授权 第 129(2)条
  • Persons held out as officers - same assumptions as above s 129(3)
ss 129(5) and 129(6)
  • Assumption can be made even if an officer or agent acts fraudulently or forges a document s 128(3)
    第 128(3)条 即使官员或代理人有欺诈行为或伪造文件,也可作出推定
Story v Advance Bank of Australia Ltd (1993) 11 ACLC 629 - husband forged wife's signature of mortgage by co of property (family home).
Story 诉澳大利亚 Advance 银行有限公司(1993 年)11 ACLC 629 案--丈夫伪造了妻子在共同财产(家庭住房)抵押贷款上的签字。
Bank was entitled to assume that the mortgage was validly executed.
Limitation on assumptions:
  • Knowledge or suspicion that assumption is incorrect s 128(4)
BNZ v Fiberi Pty Ltd (1994) 12 ACLC 48 -造假太过明显, 银行不能睁一只眼闭一只眼了
Companies' liability for civil wrongs


Vicarious liability

理解即可 没考过

How can companies commit crimes?

Which crimes can companies commit?
Vicarious liability
Direct liability
Attribution of fault under common law
"directing mind and will" - Tesco v Nattrass
Attribution of fault by statute
Criminal liability:
Corporate criminal liability will depend on the particular crime and either the statute or the common law


Receivership, Administration, Winding up 公司破产流程

External administration

A company is ordinarily managed by the board of directors
  • When in financial difficulty or insolvent external administration allows sound business decisions that allow best opportunity for debts to be repaid
Three types of external administration:
  • Receivership
  • Private appointment (secured creditor)
  • Court appointed (remedy)
  • Voluntary administration
  • Ends in a winding up; or
  • Ends with a deed of company arrangement
  • Winding up
  • Court appointed
  • Voluntary - initiated by shareholder resolution

Receivership 破产接管

  • What is a receiver?


  • Person appointed to take control of some or all of a company's assets
  • Who is allowed to be appointed?
  • A registered liquidator (with ASIC)
  • Who may appoint a receiver?
  • Court as a remedy eg s233 under oppression remedy
  • Secured creditor as a term of a charge (loan agreement)
Regulated by Corporations Act in ss 416 - 434, but largely left to the agreement of parties and general law
受《公司法》第 416 - 434 条管辖,但主要由当事人协议和一般法律管辖
Private appointment
  • Appointed by chargee pursuant to rights under the charge/debenture document ie company has defaulted, charge has crystallised or chargee entitled to crystallise the charge and appoint a receiver.
Court appointment
  • Application of ASIC s 1323
  • Supreme Court's own power to appoint a receiver where "just and convenient" Eg where secured property is at risk
    最高法院本身有权在 "公正和便利 "的情况下指定破产管理人。
National Australia Bank Ltd v Bond Brewing Holdings (1990) 1 ACSR 445
  • unsecured creditors, unsuccessfully (ultimately) sought the appointment of a receiver.
Court appointed receivers are officers of the court - interference with a court appointed receiver may be a contempt of court.
Privately appointed receivers are normally appointed as agents of the company so that the company is bound by receiver's acts. Receiver will normally have a right of indemnity from company assets. See also ss 419, 419A
私人指定的破产管理人通常作为公司的代理人,因此公司受破产管理人行为的约束。接管人通常有权从公司资产中获得补偿。另见第 419、419A 条

Receiver's powers and duties

  • S 420 wide powers of management
  • Duties of receivers s 420A - to take reasonable care to sell for market value or best price reasonably obtainable
    接管人的职责 第 420A 条 - 采取合理的谨慎措施,以市值或可合理获得的最佳价格出售
  • S 424 - receiver can apply to the court for directions
Role of receiver - to sell secured property and distribute proceeds to the secured creditor.
破产管理人的作用 - 出售担保财产并将收益分配给有担保债权人。
See for the priority of payment of debts
Potential impact of retention of title clauses - receiver may be liable in conversion to property owner.
Effect of receivership on the company and its directors
  • Company continues in existence
  • Directors still hold office but have no assets to manage - can still make some decisions eg to challenge appointment of receiver.
    董事仍担任职务,但无资产可管理 - 仍可做出某些决定,如质疑接管人的任命。

Breach of duty by receiver

  • Officer of the company under Chapter 2D (duties of directors/officers)
  • Court or ASIC may inquire into potential breach of duty s 423

Liability of Receivers

  • Receivers are personally liable for debts incurred in the course of the receivership goods purchased, property hired, leased, used or occupied s 419
    接管人对在接管过程中产生的债务承担个人责任 购买的货物、租用、租赁、使用或占用的财产 第 419 条
  • Receiver may repudiate contracts made by the co prior to receivership without

    incurring personal liability although the other party may sue co for breach of contract
    尽管另一方可能会以违约为由起诉 co,但仍需承担个人责任

Termination of receivership

  • Objective achieved
  • Liquidator may apply that receiver cease to act
  • Chargee may remove receiver
  • Court may remove s 418
  • Removal for misconduct s 434A
  • Invalid appointment s 418A


  • Objects s 435A
  • Is to provide for the business property and affairs of an insolvent company to be administered in a way that:
(a) maximises the chances of the company, or as much as possible of its business continuing in existence; or
(a) 尽可能增加公司或其业务继续存在的机会;或
(b) results in a better return for the company's creditors and members than would result from immediate winding up Voluntary administration may be initiated by 资源托管任命
(b) 为公司债权人和成员带来比立即清盘更好的回报 自愿管理可由托管资源任命发起
  • Company s 436A
  • Liquidator or provisional liquidator s 436B
  • Person holding charge over the whole or substantially the whole of the company's property s 436C
    对公司全部或实质上全部财产持有押记的人 第 436C 条
Effect of administration
  • Statutory moratorium ss 440D
  • key provision - gives company a breathing space as legal proceedings cannot be commenced against co while it is in administration except with administrator's written consent or with leave of the court
    关键条款 - 为公司提供喘息空间,因为在公司处于管理期间,除非得到管理人的书面同意或法院许可,否则不得对公司提起法律诉讼
stay of proceedings s
  • proceedings which have already been commenced cannot be proceeded with except as above
suspension of enforcement action s
  • ie action to recover a judgment debt cannot be begun or proceeded with except with leave of the court
Secured creditors s 440B
  • cannot enforce a charge during administration without administrator's written consent Owners and lessors of property s 440C
    在沒有管理人的書面同意 下,不得在管理期間強制 執行押記 物業業主及出租人 第 440C 條
-cannot recover property during administration except as above
Company cannot be wound up s 440A
-voluntarily except in accordance with s 446A
-hearing of application to wind up generally adjourned
-generally no appointment of provisional liquidator


  • Chargee with a charge over the whole or substantially the whole property s 441A
    对全部或实质上全部财产设有押记的承押记人 第 441A 条
  • is entitled to enforce the charge if it does so before or during the decision period (13

    days from appointment of administrator)
  • Any charge can continue to be enforced if the circumstances in s 441B apply
    如果第 441B 条规定的情况适用,则可以继续执行任何收费
  • Entered into possession
  • Agreed to sell property
  • Made auction arrangements
  • Invited tenders
  • Exercised other power in relation to the property
  • Charges over perishable property ss 441C and 441G
-chargee may enforce the charge over perishable property
  • Recovery of property can continue if begun before the administration s 441F
    如果在行政管理之前就开始追回财产,则可继续追回第 441F 条
  • Liabilities of administrator
  • General law and statutory duties - administrator is an officer of the company and is in a fiduciary relationship
    一般法律和法定职责 - 管理人是公司的高级职员,具有信托关系
  • Contracts (including employee contracts)s 443A, s 443D
  • administrator is personally liable on contracts which he/she enters into and has a right of indemnity out of the company's assets (same as receiver)
  • administrator may terminate existing contracts - any action for breach against the company rather than the administrator (same as receiver)
    管理人可终止现有合同 - 任何针对公司而非管理人的违约诉讼(与接管人相同)
  • Leases s 443B and s 443D
-administrator has 7 days to give the owner or lessor notice that the company does not propose to occupy the property
-管理人有 7 天时间通知业主或出租人公司不打算占用该物业
-if no notice given becomes personally liable for payment of rent from 5 business days after administration.
-如果未发出通知,则从行政管理后 5 个工作日起,个人有责任支付租金。
-Administrator has a right of indemnity out of company's assets. (same as receiver)
  • Company guarantees given by drs s 440J
  • company guarantees given by directors cannot be enforced against them during the moratorium period
  • Transactions of the company
  • anything done by the administrator in good faith is effective and not liable to be set aside by liquidator on winding up s 451C
    管理人真誠作出的任何事情均屬有效,清盤人在清盤時不得將之撤銷 第 451C 條
  • only the administrator can deal with the company's property. Any transaction is void unless entered into by administrator or with his/her consent 437D
    只有管理人可以处理公司财产。除非由管理人进行或经其同意,否则任何交易都是无效的 437D
■ Regd liquidator s 448B
  • Consent s 448A
  • Disqualifications s 448C
  • similar to auditor disqualifications, owing money or being owed money greater than , being director or auditor of the company, other matters which would compromise independence
    与取消审计员资格类似,欠钱或被欠钱超过 ,担任公司董事或审计员,其他有损独立性的事项


Voluntary winding up
  • Members ss 491- 495
  • Initiated by special resolution of members
  • Company must be solvent
Winding up
Creditors ss
  • Initiated by special resolution of members
  • Proceeds as creditors voluntary winding up where drs do not make declaration of solvency or where liquidator forms the opinion that the company will be unable to pay its debts within 12 months
    在董事未作出偿付能力声明或清算人认为公司将无法在 12 个月内偿还债务的情况下,作为债权人自动清盘的收益
Compulsory winding up - insolvency
Applicant for winding up in insolvency s 459P (applicants) s459A (application)
第 459P 條 (申請人) 第 459A 條 (申請)
  • Company
  • Creditor (most common)
  • Contingent or prospective creditor (needs leave of court)
  • Contributory (needs leave of court)
  • Director (needs leave of court)
  • Liquidator/provisional liquidator
  • ASIC (needs leave of court)
  • Compulsory winding up - insolvency
Is the company solvent?
  • Remember s 95A definition of insolvency
How would a creditor go about proving that the company is solvent?
Presumptions of insolvency s 459C
  • Execution of judgment returned unsatisfied
  • Receiver appointed
  • Possession of property taken (by creditor or agent without appointment of receiver).
  • Statutory demands s 459E
  • Written demand in prescribed form signed by or on behalf of creditor
  • Specifies debt (s) more than the statutory minimum, presently
  • Must require payment or to secure or compound the debt to creditor's satisfaction within 21 days
    必须在 21 天内要求付款,或为债务提供担保或复合担保,使债权人满意
Technical defects to be ignored s 459J unless substantial injustice if demand not set aside
第 459J 条 技术上的缺陷可不予考虑,除非不撤销要求会造成重大不公
  • Irregularity
  • Misstatement of an amount or total see below s
  • Misdescription of a debt or other matter see below s 459H
  • Misdescription of a person or entity however see B & M Quality Constructions Pty Ltd v WG Brady Pty Ltd (1994) 12 ACLC 970 where court set aside stat demand because creditor was referred to as WG Brady Pty Ltd instead of W & J Brady Pty Ltd
    对个人或实体的描述有误,但参见 B & M Quality Constructions Pty Ltd 诉 WG Brady Pty Ltd (1994) 12 ACLC 970,在该案中,由于债权人被称为 WG Brady Pty Ltd 而不是 W & J Brady Pty Ltd,法院撤销了统计要求。
  • Overstatement of debt s - to be ignored so long as admitted debt is more than statutory minimum
    多报债务 s - 只要承认的债务超过法定最低限额,则不予考虑
  • Co may dispute the debt or may have off-setting claim but demand my be varied if still above the stat minimum
  • Company must satisfy the court that the dispute or off-setting claim is genuine
  • Setting aside statutory demand s 459G - application must be made within 21 days of service of demand.
    撤销法定要求 第 459G 条 - 必须在要求书送达后 21 天内提出申请。
  • (Failure to do so will limit the grounds upon which the application for winding


up can be opposed s 459S)
  • Grounds other than insolvency s 461 include:
  • Special resolution
  • Failure to commence business
  • No members
  • Drs have acted in own interests
  • affairs being conducted in a way that is oppressive or unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory to member of members
  • act or omission is oppressive etc
  • ASIC has prepared report that the co cannot pay it debts and should be wound up
  • The court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company be wound up


  • Official liquidator (regd liquidator regd by ASIC as official liquidator) for court appointment) - compulsory winding up
    正式清盘人(由澳大利亚证券和投资委员会重新指定为正式清盘人)供法院委任) - 强制清盘
  • Registered liquidator (s1282) for members' voluntary winding up (except for pty co)
    成员自动清盘的注册清盘人(第 1282 条)(公司除外)
  • Liquidator's functions and duties
  • Take possession of assets, make a list of contributories, have disputed cases adjudicated, realise the assets and distribute to creditors and contributories
  • Official liquidator is an officer of the court and has responsibility to investigate past activities and take appropriate legal proceedings
  • Subject to statutory duties as an officer
  • Powers of liquidator ss 477 and 506
  • Carry on business so far as necessary for beneficial disposal of business
  • Sell company's property
  • Bring or defend legal proceedings in company's name
Unusual transactions
Voidable transactions
  • A company goes into liquidation on a particular day.
  • A liquidator may look back at transactions which the company has entered into prior to liquidation and seek to avoid (or reverse) some transactions.
  • The relation back period, the amount of time prior to liquidation over which the liquidator can seek to avoid transactions, depends on the type of transaction.
  • Voidable transactions
Seven different types at s588FE
  1. insolvent transaction entered 6 months prior to relation back date
  2. s588FE(3) insolvent and uncommercial transaction entered up to 2 years before relation back date
    第 588FE(3)條 無力償債而在追溯既往日期前 2 年內訂立的非商業交易
  3. Insolvent transaction with a related entity, relation back 4 years
  4. Insolvent transaction with purpose of interfering with a winding up, relation back 10 years s588FE(5)
    以干扰清盘为目的的破产交易,追溯至 10 年前 第 588FE(5)条
  5. Unfair loan made at anytime on or before winding up s588FE(6)
  6. Unreasonable director related transaction, 4 years relation back period
    不合理的董事关联交易,4 年追溯期
  7. Other similar types of transactions entered into when the company was in voluntary administration s588FE(2A)
    公司处于自愿管理状态时达成的其他类似类型的交易 第 588FE(2A)条
Unfair preferences s 588FA
  • Insolvent transaction s 588FC (company is insolvent or becomes insolvent as a result of the transaction)
    破产交易 第 588FC 条(公司破产或因交易而破产)
  • Relation back period 6 months s 588FE(2)
  • Factual question - Would creditor receive more than if the transaction were set aside and the creditor were to prove for the debt in a winding up?
Defences: unfair preferences
  • Running account S588FA--- Air Services Australia v Ferrier
  • Not a party to the transaction s588FG (1)--- Re Pacific Hardware Brokers Pty Ltd
    不是交易的一方 第 588FG(1)条--关于 Pacific Hardware Brokers Pty Ltd
  • Good faith s588FG(2)--- Spedley Securities v South Sea Farms
  • Solvency of debtor s588FC
Uncommercial transactions s 588FB
  • Insolvent transaction
  • Relation back period 2 years s588FE(3)
  • Would a reasonable person in the company's circumstances have entered into the transaction having regard to
  • Benefits to the company
  • Detriment to the company
  • Respective benefits to other parties to the transaction
  • Other relevant matters
■ McDonald and Anor v Hanselmann
Transactions for the purpose of defeating creditors -s 588FE(5)
  • Insolvent transactions
  • Relation back period 10 years
  • Entered into for the purpose of defeating creditors' claims (doesn't have to be the only purpose)
Unfair loan s 588FD
  • Unlimited relation back period s 588FE(6)
  • Interest or charges were or have become extortionate taking into account
  • Risk to the lender
  • Value of any security
  • Term of the loan
  • Schedule for repayments and amount of loan
  • Other relevant matters
Unreasonable director related transactions s 588FDA
  • Relation back period is 4 years s 588FE(6A)
  • Company enters into transaction
  • Payment,
  • Conveyance
  • Issue of securities or incurring the obligation to do so with a director or close associate or someone on behalf of either of those and a reasonable person would not have entered into the transaction.
Exceptions s 588FG (2)
  • Court can't make an order materially prejudicing a right or interest of a party to a voidable transaction (not an unfair loan or unreasonable dr related transaction) if
  • The person became a party to the transaction in good faith
  • No reasonable grounds for suspecting insolvency
  • Valuable consideration provided or person changed their position relying on the transaction
Void charges
  • Floating charge created within 6 months of winding up s 588FJ is void unless
    在清盤後 6 個月內設立的浮動押記 第 588FJ 條無效,除非
  • Company was solvent
  • The company received some benefit or consideration such as a fresh loan (eg not just providing extra security for an existing loan)
  • Unregistered charge void against the liquidator s266
  • A charge in favour of an officer of the company cannot be enforced within 6 months of its creation without leave of the court s 267
    未经法院许可,不得在公司设立后 6 个月内强制执行对公司高管的抵押 第 267 条


Distribution of the estate
  • Priorities
  • s 555 general rule that all debts and claims rank equally and if assets insufficient will be paid proportionately
    555 一般规则:所有债务和债权一律平等,如果资产不足,则按比例偿还
  • S 556 give priority to some payments - costs of winding up and employee entitlements
    第 556 条优先支付某些款项--清盘费用和雇员应得权利
The general order is:
  • Secured creditors, then
  • Expenses of winding up, then
  • Unpaid wages, unpaid superannuation
  • contributions, and other employee
  • entitlements, then
  • Unsecured creditors, then
  • Members (assuming there is a surplus)
Consider the main types of creditors secured creditors
  • fixed charge
  • floating charge subject to s561
unsecured creditors:
  • priority
Check that the security is valid against the liquidator:
Is it registered?
Is it an invalid floating charge s588FJ


Employee entitlements and insolvent trading
  • Transactions to prevent recovery of employee entitlements s 596AB
  • S 596AC liquidator may recover loss from person who has entered into an agreement in contravention of s
    第 596AC 條 清盤人可向在違反第 596AC 條的情況㆘訂立協議的㆟追討損失。
  • Liquidator may recover compensation from director in relation to insolvent trading s
    清盘人可向董事追讨与在破产情况下 营商有关的赔偿 s
Administration of winding up
  • A creditor claims for a debt or claim by lodging a proof of debt with the liquidator 553D
    债权人通过向清算人提交债务证明对债务或债权提出申索 553D
  • The liquidator then admits the debt or rejects it
  • A creditor is entitled to a set-off in relation to mutual debts or other mutual dealings ie to lodge a proof the net debt without having to pay their debt in full and claim for the full amount of the debt owed s 553C
    债权人有权就相互债务或其他相互交易进行抵消,即提出债务净额证明,而不必全额偿还债务,并要求全额偿还所欠债务第 553C 条
  • Secured creditors can exercise their rights over the property which is subject to security and can lodge a proof of debt for the balance. A secured creditor can only prove for the whole debt if security is surrendered

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