Criteria 标准 | 70+ | 60-69 | 50-59 | 40-49 | 0-39 |
Knowledge and understanding 知识和理解 | Excellent knowledge and understanding. This shown through clear evidence of a wide range of reading which went beyond the standard textbook and lecture material. 知识和理解能力出色。这表现在阅读范围广泛,超出了标准教科书和授课材料的范围。 | Clear knowledge and understanding is present 有明确的知识和理解 Clear grasp of the standard academic literature with some evidence of reading beyond the lecture slides and textbook 清楚掌握标准学术文献,有证据表明阅读了讲义和教科书以外的内容 | Reasonable knowledge and understanding evident 合理的知识和理解显而易见 Familiarity with the standard academic material from lectures and the textbook. No external material used 熟悉讲座和教科书中的标准学术材料。未使用外部材料 | Some knowledge and understanding is evident 有一定的知识和理解能力 Evidence of study but only a sketchy or limited use of set reading. Some gaps in knowledge of the relevant literature 有学习的证据,但只是粗略或有限地使用了设定的阅读内容。对相关文献的了解存在一定差距 | Little/unclear evidence of knowledge/ understanding 知识/理解的证据很少/不明确 Little or no evidence of study. Poor or incorrect use of academic material, with some main writings or literature ignored. 很少或根本没有学习的证据。学术材料使用不规范或不正确,一些主要著作或文献被忽视。 |
Application and analysis 应用与分析 | Excellent use of sources and theories. 出色地运用了资料和理论。 A wide range of relevant issues identified and are extremely well discussed in an analytical manner 确定了广泛的相关问题,并以分析的方式进行了非常好的讨论 | Sources and theories used are relevant to the topic. 所用资料和理论与主题相关。 A good range of relevant issues identified and largely discussed in an analytical manner 确定了一系列相关问题,并以分析的方式进行了广泛讨论 | Standard sources and theories applied in a formulaic way. 以公式化的方式应用标准资料和理论。 Some relevant issues identified but some less relevant information given too much prominence 确定了一些相关问题,但对一些不太相关的信息过于重视 | Some irrelevant or inappropriate material. 一些无关或不适当的材料。 Range of issues limited. 问题范围有限。 Only a few relevant issues identified 只确定了几个相关问题 | Largely irrelevant or inappropriate use of theories. 理论使用基本不相关或不恰当。 |
Research 研究 | Excellent use of a wide range of data, statistics, and facts from multiple credible sources. Demonstrates an outstanding ability to diversify sources, including academic journals, reputable publications, consulting reports, annual reports, and data sets, to support arguments comprehensively. 善于利用多种可靠来源的大量数据、统计资料和事实。表现出卓越的能力,能将学术期刊、著名出版物、咨询报告、年度报告和数据集等来源多样化,以全面支持论点。 | Clear and effective use of data, statistics, and facts from a good variety of sources. Evidence of using more than the standard textbooks and lecture materials to support arguments. Some diversification of sources is evident. 清晰有效地使用各种来源的数据、统计资料和事实。有证据表明使用了比标准教科书和讲座材料更多的资料来支持论点。资料来源明显多样化。 | Reasonable use of data and facts, with some attempt to use diverse sources. Mainly relies on standard materials, but some extra effort is shown in finding relevant data. 合理使用数据和事实,尝试使用不同的资料来源。主要依靠标准材料,但在寻找相关数据方面表现出一定的额外努力。 | Limited use of data and facts, with minimal diversification of sources. Largely depends on lecture notes and textbook material without significant external research. 数据和事实使用有限,来源极不多样化。主要依靠讲义和课本材料,没有大量的外部研究。 | Little or no use of data, statistics, or facts. Almost no effort to diversify sources, relying heavily on unsubstantiated statements or irrelevant information. 很少或根本不使用数据、统计资料或事实。几乎没有努力使信息来源多样化,大量依赖未经证实的陈述或无关信息。 |
Synthesis and Evaluation 综合与评估 | Clear evidence of strong critical judgement, independent thinking and originality in the use of concepts and comparison of ideas. 在概念的使用和观点的比较方面,有明显证据证明其具有很强的批判性判断、独立思考和独创性。 Balanced, two-sided consideration of the question or topic, based on academic literature. Able to contrast different arguments. 以学术文献为基础,对问题或主题进行平衡的、双面的思考。能够对比不同的论点。 The essay clearly addresses the title as set 文章清楚地论述了所设定的标题 | A very good attempt has been made to integrate ideas from a range of authors 在整合多位作者的观点方面,我们做了很好的尝试 Reasonably well balanced and reasoned arguments have been constructed 构建了合理均衡、有理有据的论点 Two-sided arguments made with some references to academic literature 提出了双面论点,并参考了一些学术文献 The essay very largely addresses the title as set 这篇文章在很大程度上是针对标题所设置的 | There is some integration from a range of authors 来自多位作家的作品进行了整合 There is some balance and reason in the arguments presented 提出的论点有一定的平衡性和合理性 A little bit one sided in their argument. 他们的论点有点片面。 The essay is more descriptive than analytical and the relevance to the essay title is not always clear 文章的描述性多于分析性,与文章标题的相关性并不总是很明确 | There is limited integration of authors 对作者的整合有限 There is limited balance/reason in the arguments 论据的平衡性/合理性有限 A very one-sided essay, setting out only one point of view. 这是一篇非常片面的文章,只阐述了一种观点。 Largely opinionated with no real analysis present. and only address the title in a limited way 主要是观点,没有真正的分析。 | There is no balance or reasoning applied 没有运用平衡或推理 Answer based largely or wholly on own viewpoint or assertion. 答案主要或完全基于自己的观点或主张。 The essay does not address the title as set 文章没有涉及所设置的标题 Highly descriptive with few facts or concepts. 描述性强,事实或概念很少。 |
Presentation and style 介绍和风格 | Extremely well structured with arguments and paragraphs following logically 结构极为严谨,论点和段落逻辑性强 Helpful introduction which sets out the basis and structure of the essay and a well justified conclusion 有用的引言,阐明文章的基础和结构,以及理由充分的结论 | Mainly well-structured with most arguments and paragraphs following logically from one to the next 主要结构合理,大多数论点和段落逻辑性强. Good try at both introduction and conclusion. 引言和结尾都做得很好。 | Reasonably well structured – some points not organised logically but generally possibly to follow 结构合理--有些观点的组织不符合逻辑,但总体上可以理解 Introduction evident but not clearly setting out essay structure 引言明显,但未明确提出文章结构 Conclusion evident but not clearly setting out essay arguments and final evaluation 结论明显,但未明确提出文章论点和最终评价 | Some structure evident in places but often the link between arguments is not clear and the flow is difficult to follow. 有些地方的结构很明显,但论点之间的联系往往不清楚,难以把握流向。 Introduction and conclusion unclear. One may be missing 引言和结论不明确。可能缺少一个 | No clear or logical structure. Mainly an assortment of observations or comments, possibly in bullet point form. 没有清晰或合乎逻辑的结构。主要是各种意见或评论,可能以要点形式出现。 No apparent introduction or conclusion 没有明显的引言或结论 |