This document aims to provide health and performance professionals with an understanding of force plate testing and analysis, including the calculations and metrics used by ForceDecks, as well as common applications. 本文件旨在为健康和表现专业人士提供对力板测试和分析的理解,包括 ForceDecks 使用的计算和指标,以及常见应用。
This document assumes the reader has a basic knowledge of how to use ForceDecks, including setting up the hardware and software, managing individual profiles, running tests, and generating reports. To get up to speed on these processes, check out the ForceDecks Starter’s Guide ForceDecks - VALD Knowledge Base 本文件假设读者对如何使用 ForceDecks 有基本了解,包括设置硬件和软件、管理个人档案、运行测试和生成报告。要了解这些流程,请查看 ForceDecks 入门指南 ForceDecks - VALD 知识库。
1.1 Understanding Force Plate Data 1.1 理解力板数据
A force plate can be thought of as a weighing scale, but instead of recording a single weight, a force plate records force values constantly over time (in ForceDecks’ case, up to 1,000 times every second) and plots that data on a graph. The sole purpose of the hardware is to accurately capture exact forces at exact time points, while the software performs analysis by applying algorithms to that data and automatically reporting its results. Though it is possible to manually perform this in Excel, the primary benefits of ForceDecks are: 力板可以被视为一个称重秤,但它记录的不是单一的重量,而是随着时间不断记录的力值(在 ForceDecks 的情况下,每秒高达 1000 次)并将这些数据绘制在图表上。该硬件的唯一目的是在确切的时间点准确捕捉确切的力,而软件则通过对这些数据应用算法进行分析并自动报告结果。尽管在 Excel 中手动执行这一操作是可能的,但 ForceDecks 的主要优势是:
ForceDecks allows people access to information that they may not know how to edit and calculate themselves, thus eliminating the need for specific training and experience to manually calculate values of interest; and ForceDecks 使人们能够访问他们可能不知道如何自己编辑和计算的信息,从而消除了手动计算感兴趣值所需的特定培训和经验
ForceDecks exponentially speeds up data processing and greatly supports those who work in high pressure and/or time-sensitive environments, such as in elite sport or clinical practice. ForceDecks 以指数级速度加快数据处理,并大大支持在高压和/或时间敏感环境中工作的人,如精英体育或临床实践。
To understand force plate data, it should be acknowledged that force plates directly measure only two things: force and time. In turn, these force and time values are what allow for the calculation of a host of other derivatives and metrics based on known physics principles, however these additional derivatives and metrics are calculated, not directly measured. 要理解力板数据,应当承认力板仅直接测量两样东西:力和时间。反过来,这些力和时间值使得基于已知物理原理计算一系列其他导数和指标成为可能,然而这些额外的导数和指标是计算得出的,而不是直接测量的。
Understanding how force and time underpin all force plate data will help users identify improper testing procedures and ensure greater validity and reliability. For example, if bodyweight is captured while the individual is unstable on a force plate, then their bodyweight will likely be recorded inaccurately. Subsequently, given that acceleration calculations are reliant on bodyweight, the downstream calculations of displacement and power will also be incorrect, thus demonstrating how one poor protocol can affect a host of other results. This can have significant ramifications across a dataset, making it less reliable and/or applicable in practice. 理解力量和时间如何支撑所有力量板数据将帮助用户识别不当的测试程序,并确保更大的有效性和可靠性。例如,如果在个体在力量板上不稳定时捕获体重,那么他们的体重可能会被不准确地记录。因此,由于加速度计算依赖于体重,位移和功率的下游计算也将不正确,从而表明一个不良的协议如何影响一系列其他结果。这可能对整个数据集产生重大影响,使其在实践中变得不那么可靠和/或适用。
1.2 Understanding Force Derivatives 1.2 理解力导数
ForceDecks provides a host of information on a range of metrics, all of which are derived from simple underlying measurements. At a fundamental level, all force plates measure two things directly: ForceDecks 提供了一系列指标的信息,这些指标均来源于简单的基础测量。从根本上讲,所有的力板直接测量两个方面:
Force (F); and 力 (F); 和
Time (t) 时间 (t)
From these two measurements and the known acceleration of gravity (g), ForceDecks uses Forward Dynamics and Newton’s Laws to calculate a host of other derivatives such as: 根据这两个测量值和已知的重力加速度(g),ForceDecks 使用前向动力学和牛顿定律计算一系列其他导数,例如:
Body Mass (BM) =F-:g=F \div g 体重 (BM) =F-:g=F \div g
Impulse (Imp) =F xx t=F \times t 冲动 (Imp) =F xx t=F \times t
Acceleration (a) =(F-BW)-:m=(F-B W) \div m 加速度 (a) =(F-BW)-:m=(F-B W) \div m
Velocity (V)=v_(0)+a.t(\mathrm{V})=v_{0}+a . t 速度 (V)=v_(0)+a.t(\mathrm{V})=v_{0}+a . t
quad Power(P)=F.v\quad \operatorname{Power}(\mathrm{P})=F . v
quad\quad Change in Displacement (S)=v.t(\mathrm{S})=v . t quad\quad 位移变化 (S)=v.t(\mathrm{S})=v . t
In ForceDecks Raw Data view, these derivatives are color-coded to assist with readability. Any one of them can be toggled on/off by clicking on its name in the legend at the bottom of the graph. 在 ForceDecks 原始数据视图中,这些衍生物被颜色编码以帮助可读性。可以通过点击图表底部图例中的名称来切换它们的显示状态。
1.3 Understanding Key Moments and Phases 1.3 理解关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks records raw time-series data for each of these derivatives, which in turn are used to identify key moments and phases such as: ForceDecks 记录每个衍生品的原始时间序列数据,这些数据用于识别关键时刻和阶段,例如:
Key Moment examples: 关键时刻示例:
Start of Movement (SoM); 运动开始 (SoM);
Start of max Rate of Force Development (RFD); 最大力量发展速率(RFD)开始时;
Takeoff; 起飞;
Landing; and 着陆;和
End of Movement Phase (EoM) examples: 运动阶段结束(EoM)示例:
Start of Movement Analysis: 运动分析开始:
Start of Movement (SoM) is the moment when ForceDecks detects that the rep being conducted has begun. ForceDecks default method is 20 N for every test, however it is customizable for the following test types: 运动开始时刻(SoM)是 ForceDecks 检测到正在进行的重复开始的时刻。ForceDecks 的默认方法是每个测试 20 N,但可以根据以下测试类型进行自定义:
Countermovement Jump 反向跳跃
Countermovement Jump - Loaded 反向跳跃 - 加载
Squat Jump 深蹲跳
Squat Jump - Loaded 深蹲跳 - 加重
Abalakov Jump 阿巴拉科夫跳
Single Leg Jump 单腿跳
See this article for Customize Start of Movement Analysis. 请参阅本文以自定义运动分析的开始。
In ForceDecks Raw Data view, key moments are labelled, and phases are shaded to assist with readability. Key moments can be toggled on/off by clicking on ‘Labels’ in the legend at the bottom of the graph. 在 ForceDecks 原始数据视图中,关键时刻被标记,阶段被阴影处理以帮助可读性。可以通过点击图表底部图例中的“标签”来切换关键时刻的显示。
2 Test Types 2 种测试类型
Test Types 测试类型
Descriptions 描述
Other Test Types in this Category 此类别中的其他测试类型
Pros 优点
Cons 缺点
Page Number 页码
Countermovement Jump (CMJ) 反向跳跃 (CMJ)
Jump for maximum height with hands on hips. 双手放在臀部,跳到最高点。
- Quick to test (<1min)
- Easy to perform
- Low stress
- Abundant data
- Shows "jump strategy"| - Quick to test (<1min) |
| :--- |
| - Easy to perform |
| - Low stress |
| - Abundant data |
| - Shows "jump strategy" |
Considered less specific than other test types 被认为不如其他测试类型特异性强
Countermovement Rebound Jump (CMRJ) 反向反弹跳(CMRJ)
Perform a
Countermovement Jump and then a rebound jump for maximum height immediately upon landing.
Perform a
Countermovement Jump and then a rebound jump for maximum height immediately upon landing.| Perform a |
| :--- |
| Countermovement Jump and then a rebound jump for maximum height immediately upon landing. |
- 快速设置和执行 - 生成慢速和快速 SSC 运动的结果指标
- Fast to set up and perform
- Generate outcome metrics for a slow and fast SSC movement
- Fast to set up and perform
- Generate outcome metrics for a slow and fast SSC movement| - Fast to set up and perform |
| :--- |
| - Generate outcome metrics for a slow and fast SSC movement |
无法控制反弹跳的落下高度 没有真正的计量标准用于反向运动跳跃
Cannot control the drop height for the rebound jump
No true metrics for the
Countermovement Jump
Cannot control the drop height for the rebound jump
No true metrics for the
Countermovement Jump| Cannot control the drop height for the rebound jump |
| :--- |
| No true metrics for the |
| Countermovement Jump |
Squat Jump (SJ) 深蹲跳 (SJ)
Jump for maximum height with hands on hips, starting from a paused squat position. 从暂停的深蹲姿势开始,双手放在臀部,跳起以达到最大高度。
- quad Specific "overcoming" test (No SSC)
- quad Can use RFDs
- Low Stress| - $\quad$ Specific "overcoming" test (No SSC) |
| :--- |
| - $\quad$ Can use RFDs |
| - Low Stress |
Difficult to remove countermovement No eccentric phase/data 难以去除的反向运动 无离心阶段/数据
Drop Jump (DJ) 下落跳跃 (DJ)
Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. 从一个箱子开始,落到力板上,然后反弹跳跃以达到最大高度。
- quad\quad Single Leg Drop Jump (SLDJ) - quad\quad 单腿下落跳 (SLDJ)
- Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. - 从一个箱子开始,落到力板上,然后反弹跳跃以达到最大高度。
Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. 从一个箱子开始,落到力板上,然后反弹跳跃以达到最大高度。
Loaded or bodyweight squats. Any external load can be entered manually or auto detected. 负重或自身体重深蹲。可以手动输入任何外部负载或自动检测。
- 适合等长收缩与跳跃之间的间隙 - quad\quad 可以跟踪力量产生与速度( F:VF: V 轮廓) - 立即的逐次结果提供生物反馈
- Fits gap between isometrics and jumps
- quad\quad Can track force production along with velocity ( F:VF: V Profile)
- Immediate, rep-by-rep results provide biofeedback
- Fits gap between isometrics and jumps
- quad Can track force production along with velocity ( F:V Profile)
- Immediate, rep-by-rep results provide biofeedback| - Fits gap between isometrics and jumps |
| :--- |
| - $\quad$ Can track force production along with velocity ( $F: V$ Profile) |
| - Immediate, rep-by-rep results provide biofeedback |
Slower to set up than other tests Detection works better for faster squats (without pause or slow tempo) 比其他测试设置更慢 检测在快速深蹲(没有暂停或慢节奏)时效果更好
Hop Test (HJ) 跳跃测试 (HJ)
Starting with a sub- maximal CMJ, followed by 5-10 consecutive hops using ankles only (no knee flexion). 从一个亚最大垂直跳开始,随后进行 5-10 次连续的仅用脚踝的跳跃(不屈膝)。
- quad\quad Single Leg Hop Test (SLHJ) - quad\quad 单腿跳测试 (SLHJ)
- 对某些人来说,比 DJ 更容易执行/学习 - 测试的弹性能力 - 比 DJ 更快设置和测试
- Easier to perform/learn than DJ for some
- Test's elastic ability
- Faster to set up and test than DJ
- Easier to perform/learn than DJ for some
- Test's elastic ability
- Faster to set up and test than DJ| - Easier to perform/learn than DJ for some |
| :--- |
| - Test's elastic ability |
| - Faster to set up and test than DJ |
Asymmetries cannot be used with confidence Difficult for some to stay on force plates 不对称性不能被自信地使用,某些人难以保持在力板上
Land And Hold (LAH) 土地与保持 (LAH)
Jumping with one or two legs from ground/box onto force plate/s, then holding in landing position until completely stable. 从地面/箱子用一条或两条腿跳到力板上,然后保持在着陆位置,直到完全稳定。
- quad\quad Single Leg Land and Hold (SLLAH) - quad\quad 单腿着陆保持 (SLLAH)
- ECC/仅着陆测试 - quad\quad 特定影响不对称 - 在众多 RTP 场景中有效
- ECC/landing
only test
- quad\quad Specific
- Effective in
- ECC/landing
only test
- quad Specific
- Effective in
scenarios| - ECC/landing |
| :--- |
| only test |
| - $\quad$ Specific |
| Impact |
| Asymmetries |
| - Effective in |
| numerous |
| RTP |
| scenarios |
有限的数据(<10 个指标)在追求性能时会产生强烈的冲击力
Limited data (<10 metrics)
Aggressive impact forces when done for performance
Limited data (<10 metrics)
Aggressive impact forces when done for performance| Limited data (<10 metrics) |
| :--- |
| Aggressive impact forces when done for performance |
Test Types Descriptions Other Test Types in this Category Pros Cons Page Number
Countermovement Jump (CMJ) Jump for maximum height with hands on hips. "- quad Single Leg Jump
- Loaded
Jump (LCMJ)
- Abalakov Jump
(ABCMJ)" "- Quick to test (<1min)
- Easy to perform
- Low stress
- Abundant data
- Shows "jump strategy"" - Considered less specific than other test types 9
Countermovement Rebound Jump (CMRJ) "Perform a
Countermovement Jump and then a rebound jump for maximum height immediately upon landing." "- Fast to set up and perform
- Generate outcome metrics for a slow and fast SSC movement" "Cannot control the drop height for the rebound jump
No true metrics for the
Countermovement Jump" 16
Squat Jump (SJ) Jump for maximum height with hands on hips, starting from a paused squat position. - Loaded Squat Jump (LSJ) "- quad Specific "overcoming" test (No SSC)
- quad Can use RFDs
- Low Stress" - Difficult to remove countermovement No eccentric phase/data 22
Drop Jump (DJ) Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. - quad Single Leg Drop Jump (SLDJ) - Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. - Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. 29
(SQT)" Loaded or bodyweight squats. Any external load can be entered manually or auto detected. "- Fits gap between isometrics and jumps
- quad Can track force production along with velocity ( F:V Profile)
- Immediate, rep-by-rep results provide biofeedback" - Slower to set up than other tests Detection works better for faster squats (without pause or slow tempo) 37
Hop Test (HJ) Starting with a sub- maximal CMJ, followed by 5-10 consecutive hops using ankles only (no knee flexion). - quad Single Leg Hop Test (SLHJ) "- Easier to perform/learn than DJ for some
- Test's elastic ability
- Faster to set up and test than DJ" - Asymmetries cannot be used with confidence Difficult for some to stay on force plates 45
Land And Hold (LAH) Jumping with one or two legs from ground/box onto force plate/s, then holding in landing position until completely stable. - quad Single Leg Land and Hold (SLLAH) "- ECC/landing
only test
- quad Specific
- Effective in
scenarios" - "Limited data (<10 metrics)
Aggressive impact forces when done for performance" 53| Test Types | Descriptions | Other Test Types in this Category | Pros | | Cons | Page Number |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Countermovement Jump (CMJ) | Jump for maximum height with hands on hips. | - $\quad$ Single Leg Jump <br> (SLJ) <br> - Loaded <br> Countermovement <br> Jump (LCMJ) <br> - Abalakov Jump <br> (ABCMJ) | - Quick to test (<1min) <br> - Easy to perform <br> - Low stress <br> - Abundant data <br> - Shows "jump strategy" | - | Considered less specific than other test types | 9 |
| Countermovement Rebound Jump (CMRJ) | Perform a <br> Countermovement Jump and then a rebound jump for maximum height immediately upon landing. | | - Fast to set up and perform <br> - Generate outcome metrics for a slow and fast SSC movement | ![]( | Cannot control the drop height for the rebound jump <br> No true metrics for the <br> Countermovement Jump | 16 |
| Squat Jump (SJ) | Jump for maximum height with hands on hips, starting from a paused squat position. | - Loaded Squat Jump (LSJ) | - $\quad$ Specific "overcoming" test (No SSC) <br> - $\quad$ Can use RFDs <br> - Low Stress | - | Difficult to remove countermovement No eccentric phase/data | 22 |
| Drop Jump (DJ) | Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. | - $\quad$ Single Leg Drop Jump (SLDJ) | - Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. | - | Starting from a box, dropping onto force plates then rebound jump for maximum height. | 29 |
| Squat <br> Assessment <br> (SQT) | Loaded or bodyweight squats. Any external load can be entered manually or auto detected. | ![]( | - Fits gap between isometrics and jumps <br> - $\quad$ Can track force production along with velocity ( $F: V$ Profile) <br> - Immediate, rep-by-rep results provide biofeedback | - | Slower to set up than other tests Detection works better for faster squats (without pause or slow tempo) | 37 |
| Hop Test (HJ) | Starting with a sub- maximal CMJ, followed by 5-10 consecutive hops using ankles only (no knee flexion). | - $\quad$ Single Leg Hop Test (SLHJ) | - Easier to perform/learn than DJ for some <br> - Test's elastic ability <br> - Faster to set up and test than DJ | - | Asymmetries cannot be used with confidence Difficult for some to stay on force plates | 45 |
| Land And Hold (LAH) | Jumping with one or two legs from ground/box onto force plate/s, then holding in landing position until completely stable. | - $\quad$ Single Leg Land and Hold (SLLAH) | - ECC/landing <br> only test <br> - $\quad$ Specific <br> Impact <br> Asymmetries <br> - Effective in <br> numerous <br> RTP <br> scenarios | - | Limited data (<10 metrics) <br> Aggressive impact forces when done for performance | 53 |
Quiet Stand (QSB) 安静支架 (QSB)
Stand as stationary as possible for a set amount of time. 尽可能保持静止,持续一段设定的时间。
- quad\quad Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB)
- quad Single Leg Stand (SLSB)
- quad Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB)| - $\quad$ Single Leg Stand (SLSB) |
| :--- |
| - $\quad$ Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB) |
- 立即的客观数据 - 量化平衡中的不对称 - 追踪压力中心随时间的移动
- Immediate objective data
- Quantify asymmetry in balance
- Track centre of pressure movement over time
- Immediate objective data
- Quantify asymmetry in balance
- Track centre of pressure movement over time| - Immediate objective data |
| :--- |
| - Quantify asymmetry in balance |
| - Track centre of pressure movement over time |
Slower test to perform Can be difficult to interpret the results without baseline data 进行测试较慢,若没有基线数据,结果可能难以解释
- quad Single Leg Isometric Test (SLISOT)
- Isometric MidThigh Pull (IMTP)
- Isometric Squat (ISQ)
- Isometric Shoulder I/Y/T Test (SHLDISOI/Y/T)| - $\quad$ Single Leg Isometric Test (SLISOT) |
| :--- |
| - Isometric MidThigh Pull (IMTP) |
| - Isometric Squat (ISQ) |
| - Isometric Shoulder I/Y/T Test (SHLDISOI/Y/T) |
- 安全、快速、可靠的最大力量测试 - RFD 指标用于复出和疲劳监测
- Safe, fast, and reliable test of maximal strength
- RFD metrics for return to play and fatigue monitoring
- Safe, fast, and reliable test of maximal strength
- RFD metrics for return to play and fatigue monitoring| - Safe, fast, and reliable test of maximal strength |
| :--- |
| - RFD metrics for return to play and fatigue monitoring |
可能需要特定设备,速度慢于跳跃测试 需要关注设置和执行
Can require
equipment slower
than jump testing
Requires attention
on setup and
Can require
equipment slower
than jump testing
Requires attention
on setup and
execution| Can require |
| :--- |
| specific |
| equipment slower |
| than jump testing |
| Requires attention |
| on setup and |
| execution |
Quiet Stand (QSB) Stand as stationary as possible for a set amount of time. "- quad Single Leg Stand (SLSB)
- quad Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB)" "- Immediate objective data
- Quantify asymmetry in balance
- Track centre of pressure movement over time" Slower test to perform Can be difficult to interpret the results without baseline data 58
Isometric Test (ISOT) Static maximal strength test. "- quad Single Leg Isometric Test (SLISOT)
- Isometric MidThigh Pull (IMTP)
- Isometric Squat (ISQ)
- Isometric Shoulder I/Y/T Test (SHLDISOI/Y/T)" "- Safe, fast, and reliable test of maximal strength
- RFD metrics for return to play and fatigue monitoring" - "Can require
equipment slower
than jump testing
Requires attention
on setup and
execution" "62
68"| Quiet Stand (QSB) | Stand as stationary as possible for a set amount of time. | - $\quad$ Single Leg Stand (SLSB) <br> - $\quad$ Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB) | - Immediate objective data <br> - Quantify asymmetry in balance <br> - Track centre of pressure movement over time | ![]( | Slower test to perform Can be difficult to interpret the results without baseline data | 58 |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Isometric Test (ISOT) | Static maximal strength test. | - $\quad$ Single Leg Isometric Test (SLISOT) <br> - Isometric MidThigh Pull (IMTP) <br> - Isometric Squat (ISQ) <br> - Isometric Shoulder I/Y/T Test (SHLDISOI/Y/T) | - Safe, fast, and reliable test of maximal strength <br> - RFD metrics for return to play and fatigue monitoring | - | Can require <br> specific <br> equipment slower <br> than jump testing <br> Requires attention <br> on setup and <br> execution | $\begin{aligned} & 62 \\ & 68 \end{aligned}$ |
ForceDecks can auto-detect 16 different test types (as at software version 2.0.8702 and iOS 1.9.0) ranging across various jump protocols, isometric tests, and dynamic squat assessments. This section aims to explain the raw data, key moments, and movement phases for each of the major ForceDecks test types, so that users can identify key characteristics and understand test results. This section also covers common methods to determine whether a test may be invalid, and if so, how to correct it or prevent future errors. ForceDecks 可以自动检测 16 种不同的测试类型(截至软件版本 2.0.8702 和 iOS 1.9.0),涵盖各种跳跃协议、等长测试和动态深蹲评估。本节旨在解释每种主要 ForceDecks 测试类型的原始数据、关键时刻和运动阶段,以便用户能够识别关键特征并理解测试结果。本节还涵盖了确定测试是否可能无效的常见方法,以及如果无效,如何纠正或防止未来的错误。
2.1 Countermovement Jump (CMJ) 2.1 反向跳跃 (CMJ)
The Countermovement Jump (CMJ) is arguably the most popular force plate test due to its wide range of applications and significant number of available metrics. 反向跳跃(CMJ)可以说是最受欢迎的力板测试,因为它具有广泛的应用范围和大量可用的指标。
The CMJ can be easily used in: CMJ 可以轻松用于:
Individual profiling; 个体画像;
Fatigue and adaptation monitoring; and 疲劳和适应监测;以及
A wide range of return-to-play scenarios. 多种复出场景。
The CMJ test in ForceDecks reports information on numerous phases and offers excellent asymmetry analysis. ForceDecks 中的 CMJ 测试报告了多个阶段的信息,并提供了出色的非对称性分析。
The goal of the CMJ is to jump as high as possible. CMJ 的目标是跳得尽可能高。
Below is a raw data trace of a typical Countermovement Jump test in ForceDecks, (showing only left, right and total vertical force - all other derivatives and key moment labels are toggled off to help with viewing): 以下是 ForceDecks 中典型反向跳跃测试的原始数据轨迹(仅显示左、右和总垂直力 - 所有其他导数和关键时刻标签已关闭以帮助查看):
2.1.1 Protocol 2.1.1 方案
To perform a Countermovement Jump test, follow these steps: 进行反向跳跃测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Normal standing posture. 正常站立姿势。
Hands on hips (if unweighted) or hands on barbell (if weighted). 双手放在臀部(如果没有负重)或双手放在杠铃上(如果有负重)。
Chest up and looking forward. 胸部抬起,目视前方。
Protocol: 协议:
Zero Plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 23 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 23 秒。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep the chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Bend down; then 弯下腰;然后
c. Jump up; then 跳起来;然后
d. Land softly; then 轻轻着陆;然后
e. Assume starting position again. e. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error Potential Effect(s) 错误潜在影响
Not stable during weighing. 称重时不稳定。
Bodyweight recorded inaccurately, which can introduce significant error into metrics such as jump height (flight time or Imp-Mom), power, and relative force values. 体重记录不准确,这可能会对跳跃高度(飞行时间或冲量-动量)、功率和相对力量值等指标引入显著误差。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is a test with a very unstable weigh period which in turn affects the displacement curve (pink) significantly. This can be expected to also have ramifications in SoM and jump height, which would then affect time-sensitive metrics and any metrics relying on jump height (e.g.: RSI Mod). 这里是一个具有非常不稳定称重周期的测试,这反过来显著影响了位移曲线(粉色)。这也可能对 SoM 和跳跃高度产生影响,从而影响时间敏感的指标以及任何依赖于跳跃高度的指标(例如:RSI Mod)。
Poor start of integration as there is already a positive velocity at SoM. This will influence a host of metrics from jump height to the entire displacement curve along with metrics associated with displacement. 整合的起步不佳,因为在 SoM 处已经存在正速度。这将影响一系列指标,从跳跃高度到整个位移曲线,以及与位移相关的指标。
Error example: 错误示例:
Positive Impulse immediately prior to the countermovement influences integration calculations, as they are based on the assumption of a zero-velocity start. If a positive velocity exists, displacement (pink) and therefore Jump Height will be less than the results show. 正向冲动在反向运动之前立即影响整合计算,因为这些计算是基于零速度起始的假设。如果存在正速度,则位移(粉色)因此跳跃高度将低于结果所示。
2.1.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.1.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moments in a Countermovement Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测反向跳跃中的以下关键时刻:
Key Moments 关键时刻
Description 描述
Start of Movement 运动开始
超过 20N 阈值的点。此标准可以在设置中自定义。
Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings.
Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings.| Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is |
| :--- |
| customizable in Settings. |
Start of Braking Phase 制动阶段开始
Minimum force until end of eccentric phase. 偏心阶段结束前的最小力。
Start of Deceleration Phase 减速阶段开始
Peak eccentric velocity until end of eccentric phase. 偏心阶段结束时的峰值偏心速度。
Start of Concentric Phase 同心相位开始
Zero Velocity until take-off. 起飞前零速度。
Start of Max. RFD 最大 RFD 开始
Point of steepest concentric force. 最陡同心力点。
End of Max. RFD 最大 RFD 结束
Peak take off force. 峰值起飞力。
Peak Take-off Force 峰值起飞力
Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric
Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric
phase).| Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric |
| :--- |
| phase). |
Take-off 起飞
Point where force is below 20N. 力低于 20N 的点。
Landing 着陆
Point where force rises above 20N. 力超过 20N 的点。
Peak Landing Force 峰值着陆力
Highest force obtained during landing phase. 着陆阶段获得的最大力。
Key Moments Description
Start of Movement "Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings."
Start of Braking Phase Minimum force until end of eccentric phase.
Start of Deceleration Phase Peak eccentric velocity until end of eccentric phase.
Start of Concentric Phase Zero Velocity until take-off.
Start of Max. RFD Point of steepest concentric force.
End of Max. RFD Peak take off force.
Peak Take-off Force "Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric
Take-off Point where force is below 20N.
Landing Point where force rises above 20N.
Peak Landing Force Highest force obtained during landing phase.| Key Moments | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Start of Movement | Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is <br> customizable in Settings. |
| Start of Braking Phase | Minimum force until end of eccentric phase. |
| Start of Deceleration Phase | Peak eccentric velocity until end of eccentric phase. |
| Start of Concentric Phase | Zero Velocity until take-off. |
| Start of Max. RFD | Point of steepest concentric force. |
| End of Max. RFD | Peak take off force. |
| Peak Take-off Force | Highest force value obtained during the jump (eccentric/concentric <br> phase). |
| Take-off | Point where force is below 20N. |
| Landing | Point where force rises above 20N. |
| Peak Landing Force | Highest force obtained during landing phase. |
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Countermovement Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测反向跳跃中的以下阶段:
From these key moments and phases in a Countermovement Jump test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 112 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 通过在反向跳跃测试中的这些关键时刻和阶段,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 112 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.1.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.1.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Countermovement Jump test include: 一些在反向跳跃测试中最常用的指标包括:
Flight Time: Contraction
Time and RSI-Modified| Flight Time: Contraction |
| :--- |
| Time and RSI-Modified |
Time spent in the air divided by time
spent on the ground (eccentric and
concentric phases).
Time spent in the air divided by time
spent on the ground (eccentric and
concentric phases).| Time spent in the air divided by time |
| :--- |
| spent on the ground (eccentric and |
| concentric phases). |
Difference between limbs in the rate
at which the deceleration force is
generated.| Difference between limbs in the rate |
| :--- |
| at which the deceleration force is |
| generated. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Eccentric Deceleration 偏心减速
Peak force difference between limbs
on landing.
Peak force difference between limbs
on landing.| Peak force difference between limbs |
| :--- |
| on landing. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Peak Landing Force
Peak Landing Force
Asymmetry| Peak Landing Force |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
"Performance Metrics" "Outcome measure which gives
context to other metrics." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
"Flight Time: Contraction
Time and RSI-Modified" "Time spent in the air divided by time
spent on the ground (eccentric and
concentric phases)." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
Eccentric Duration "Length of time spent in the eccentric
phase." Fatigue monitoring
Eccentric Mean Power "Average amount of power generated
in the eccentric phase." "Individual profiling and adaptation
Peak Power "Maximal power in the concentric
phase." "Profiling and adaptation
Asymmetry Metrics "Difference between left and right
limb in total concentric work." Return to play monitoring
"Concentric Impulse
Asymmetry" "Difference between limbs in the rate
at which the deceleration force is
generated." Return to play monitoring
Eccentric Deceleration "Peak force difference between limbs
on landing." Return to play monitoring
"Peak Landing Force
Asymmetry" | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics | Outcome measure which gives <br> context to other metrics. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Flight Time: Contraction <br> Time and RSI-Modified | Time spent in the air divided by time <br> spent on the ground (eccentric and <br> concentric phases). | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Eccentric Duration | Length of time spent in the eccentric <br> phase. | Fatigue monitoring |
| Eccentric Mean Power | Average amount of power generated <br> in the eccentric phase. | Individual profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Peak Power | Maximal power in the concentric <br> phase. | Profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Asymmetry Metrics | Difference between left and right <br> limb in total concentric work. | Return to play monitoring |
| Concentric Impulse <br> Asymmetry | Difference between limbs in the rate <br> at which the deceleration force is <br> generated. | Return to play monitoring |
| Eccentric Deceleration | Peak force difference between limbs <br> on landing. | Return to play monitoring |
| Peak Landing Force <br> Asymmetry | | |
The Countermovement Rebound Jump (CMRJ) is a test that combines the benefits of a Countermovement Jump with a Drop Jump. 反向反弹跳(CMRJ)是一项结合了反向跳跃和下落跳的测试。
The test can be performed with one or two limbs. The individual performs a Countermovement Jump with a slow stretch-shortening cycle, followed immediately upon landing by a rebound jump with a fast stretchshortening cycle. 该测试可以在一个或两个肢体上进行。个体进行一个缓慢的伸展-缩短周期的反向跳跃,着陆后立即进行一个快速的伸展-缩短周期的反弹跳跃。
The test allows for quick comparison of both jumping strategies. 该测试允许快速比较两种跳跃策略。
Below is a raw trace of a Countermovement Rebound Jump in ForceDecks: 以下是 ForceDecks 中反向跳跃的原始轨迹:
2.2.1 Protocol 2.2.1 方案
To perform a Countermovement Rebound Jump test, follow these steps: 进行反向反弹跳测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Normal standing posture. 正常站立姿势。
Hands on hips. 双手叉腰。
Chest up and looking forward. 胸部抬起,目视前方。
Protocol: 协议:
Zero Plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 23 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 23 秒。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
f. Keep the chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
g. Bend down; then 弯下腰;然后
h. Jump up; then 跳起来;然后
i. Land on the plates with both feet at the same time; then 同时用双脚着陆在板上;然后
j. Immediately jump as high as possible; then j. 立即尽可能高地跳起;然后
k. Land softly; then 轻轻着陆;然后
I. Assume starting position again. 我。再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error 错误
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Pre-jump movement or
inaccurate weighing
Pre-jump movement or
inaccurate weighing| Pre-jump movement or |
| :--- |
| inaccurate weighing |
Given the length of a Countermovement Rebound Jump, small
errors in protocol to start a test have lots of time to amplify during
a test. Incorrect weight or movement prior to the test will result in
inaccuracies in the velocity and height measurements.
Given the length of a Countermovement Rebound Jump, small
errors in protocol to start a test have lots of time to amplify during
a test. Incorrect weight or movement prior to the test will result in
inaccuracies in the velocity and height measurements.| Given the length of a Countermovement Rebound Jump, small |
| :--- |
| errors in protocol to start a test have lots of time to amplify during |
| a test. Incorrect weight or movement prior to the test will result in |
| inaccuracies in the velocity and height measurements. |
Error Potential Effect(s)
"Pre-jump movement or
inaccurate weighing" "Given the length of a Countermovement Rebound Jump, small
errors in protocol to start a test have lots of time to amplify during
a test. Incorrect weight or movement prior to the test will result in
inaccuracies in the velocity and height measurements."| Error | Potential Effect(s) |
| :--- | :--- |
| Pre-jump movement or <br> inaccurate weighing | Given the length of a Countermovement Rebound Jump, small <br> errors in protocol to start a test have lots of time to amplify during <br> a test. Incorrect weight or movement prior to the test will result in <br> inaccuracies in the velocity and height measurements. |
Error Example: 错误示例:
Here is a test which starts with an inaccurate body weight. This in turn affects the height (i.e., displacement) curve (pink). Additionally, this will impact the velocity, power, and impulse curves, and any metrics which are derived from them. 这里有一个测试,开始时体重不准确。这反过来会影响身高(即位移)曲线(粉色)。此外,这将影响速度、功率和冲量曲线,以及从中派生的任何指标。
2.2.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.2.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moments in a Countermovement Rebound Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测反向跳跃中的以下关键时刻:
Key Moment 关键时刻
Description 描述
Start of Movement 运动开始
Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. 超过 20N 阈值的点。
Start of Concentric Phase 同心相位开始
Zero Velocity before first takeoff. 首次起飞前零速度。
Peak Takeoff Force 峰值起飞力
Maximum force prior to first takeoff. 首次起飞前的最大力量。
First Takeoff 首次起飞
Point where force is below 20N. 力低于 20N 的点。
First Landing 首次着陆
Point where force rises above 20N. 力超过 20N 的点。
Peak Impact Force 峰值冲击力
Greatest passive force on impact from first landing. 首次着陆时的最大被动冲击力。
Contact Trough 接触通道
Lowest force point between peak impact and peak drive-off force. 峰值冲击力和峰值驱动力之间的最低力点。
Start of Concentric Phase 同心相位开始
Zero Velocity before second takeoff. 第二次起飞前的零速度。
Peak Drive-Off Force 峰值驱动离开力
Greatest active force prior to second takeoff. 第二次起飞前的最大主动力。
Second Takeoff 第二次起飞
Point where force is below 20N. 力低于 20N 的点。
Second Landing 第二次着陆
Point where force rises above 20N. 力超过 20N 的点。
Key Moment Description
Start of Movement Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded.
Start of Concentric Phase Zero Velocity before first takeoff.
Peak Takeoff Force Maximum force prior to first takeoff.
First Takeoff Point where force is below 20N.
First Landing Point where force rises above 20N.
Peak Impact Force Greatest passive force on impact from first landing.
Contact Trough Lowest force point between peak impact and peak drive-off force.
Start of Concentric Phase Zero Velocity before second takeoff.
Peak Drive-Off Force Greatest active force prior to second takeoff.
Second Takeoff Point where force is below 20N.
Second Landing Point where force rises above 20N.| Key Moment | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Start of Movement | Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. |
| Start of Concentric Phase | Zero Velocity before first takeoff. |
| Peak Takeoff Force | Maximum force prior to first takeoff. |
| First Takeoff | Point where force is below 20N. |
| First Landing | Point where force rises above 20N. |
| Peak Impact Force | Greatest passive force on impact from first landing. |
| Contact Trough | Lowest force point between peak impact and peak drive-off force. |
| Start of Concentric Phase | Zero Velocity before second takeoff. |
| Peak Drive-Off Force | Greatest active force prior to second takeoff. |
| Second Takeoff | Point where force is below 20N. |
| Second Landing | Point where force rises above 20N. |
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Countermovement Rebound Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测反向跳跃中的以下阶段:
Phase 阶段
Description 描述
Takeoff Phase 起飞阶段
Phase between start of movement and first takeoff. 运动开始与首次起飞之间的阶段。
Eccentric Phase 偏心相位
Phase between start of movement and start of concentric phase. 运动开始与向心相位开始之间的阶段。
Concentric Phase 同心相位
Phase between start of concentric phase and first takeoff. 从同心相位开始到第一次起飞之间的阶段。
Rebound Phase 反弹阶段
Phase between first landing and second takeoff. 首次着陆与第二次起飞之间的阶段。
Eccentric Phase 偏心相位
Phase between first landing and start of concentric phase. 首次着陆与同心相位开始之间的阶段。
Concentric Phase 同心相位
Phase between start of concentric phase and second takeoff. 同心相位开始与第二次起飞之间的阶段。
Phase Description
Takeoff Phase Phase between start of movement and first takeoff.
Eccentric Phase Phase between start of movement and start of concentric phase.
Concentric Phase Phase between start of concentric phase and first takeoff.
Rebound Phase Phase between first landing and second takeoff.
Eccentric Phase Phase between first landing and start of concentric phase.
Concentric Phase Phase between start of concentric phase and second takeoff.| Phase | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Takeoff Phase | Phase between start of movement and first takeoff. |
| Eccentric Phase | Phase between start of movement and start of concentric phase. |
| Concentric Phase | Phase between start of concentric phase and first takeoff. |
| Rebound Phase | Phase between first landing and second takeoff. |
| Eccentric Phase | Phase between first landing and start of concentric phase. |
| Concentric Phase | Phase between start of concentric phase and second takeoff. |
From these key moments and phases in a Countermovement Rebound Jump test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 82 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 通过在反向运动反弹跳测试中的这些关键时刻和阶段,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 82 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.2.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.2.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Countermovement Rebound test include: 一些在反向跳跃测试中最常用的指标包括:
Power produced by the individual
normalized to their body mass.| Power produced by the individual |
| :--- |
| normalized to their body mass. |
Individual profiling 个体画像
起飞峰值功率 / BM
Takeoff Peak Power /
Takeoff Peak Power /
BM| Takeoff Peak Power / |
| :--- |
| BM |
L/R difference of landing force from
the first jump.
L/R difference of landing force from
the first jump.| L/R difference of landing force from |
| :--- |
| the first jump. |
Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring
Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring| Return to play monitoring, |
| :--- |
| adaptation monitoring |
Asymmetry Metrics 非对称性指标
L/R difference of landing force from
the second jump.
L/R difference of landing force from
the second jump.| L/R difference of landing force from |
| :--- |
| the second jump. |
Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring
Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring| Return to play monitoring, |
| :--- |
| adaptation monitoring |
Force 力量
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
Performance Metrics Outcome measure to anchor/give "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
monitoring, profiling"
"First Jump Height
(Imp-Mom)" "Measure to compare to the first
jump with a slower takeoff." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
monitoring, profiling"
"Rebound Jump Height
(Imp-Mom)" "Time to complete the rebound
takeoff." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation,
monitoring, profiling"
"Rebound Contact
Time" "Power produced by the individual
normalized to their body mass." Individual profiling
"Takeoff Peak Power /
BM" "L/R difference of landing force from
the first jump." "Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring"
Asymmetry Metrics "L/R difference of landing force from
the second jump." "Return to play monitoring,
adaptation monitoring"
Force | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics | Outcome measure to anchor/give | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring, profiling |
| First Jump Height <br> (Imp-Mom) | Measure to compare to the first <br> jump with a slower takeoff. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring, profiling |
| Rebound Jump Height <br> (Imp-Mom) | Time to complete the rebound <br> takeoff. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation, <br> monitoring, profiling |
| Rebound Contact <br> Time | Power produced by the individual <br> normalized to their body mass. | Individual profiling |
| Takeoff Peak Power / <br> BM | L/R difference of landing force from <br> the first jump. | Return to play monitoring, <br> adaptation monitoring |
| Asymmetry Metrics | L/R difference of landing force from <br> the second jump. | Return to play monitoring, <br> adaptation monitoring |
| Force | | |
2.3 Squat Jump (SJ) 2.3 深蹲跳 (SJ)
The Squat Jump (SJ) test is used to evaluate triple extension performance by isolating the concentric phase of a jump. 深蹲跳(SJ)测试用于通过隔离跳跃的向心阶段来评估三重伸展表现。
The SJ is a highly effective test to determine an individual’s ability to exhibit pure concentric force, without utilizing the stretch shortening cycle. SJ 是一种高效的测试,用于确定个体在不利用伸展-缩短循环的情况下表现纯粹同心力的能力。
The protocol is extremely strict and must be performed precisely to ensure correct software detection and accurate results. 该协议非常严格,必须精确执行以确保正确的软件检测和准确的结果。
The goal of the SJ is to jump as high as possible. SJ 的目标是跳得尽可能高。
Below is a raw data trace of a typical Squat Jump test in ForceDecks, (showing only left, right and total vertical force - all other derivatives and key moment labels are toggled off to help with viewing): 以下是 ForceDecks 中典型深蹲跳测试的原始数据轨迹(仅显示左侧、右侧和总垂直力 - 所有其他导数和关键时刻标签已关闭以便于查看):
2.3.1 Protocol 2.3.1 方案
To perform a Squat Jump test, follow these steps: 进行深蹲跳测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Partial or quarter-squat position 部分或四分之一深蹲姿势
Hands on hips 双手叉腰
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates -Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零板 - 零板。确保在此步骤中没有任何物体接触到板。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 2-3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 2-3 秒。
Important: ensure there is no downward movement from the starting position. 重要提示:确保从起始位置没有向下的移动。
5. Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 5. 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep the chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Jump up; then 跳起来;然后
c. Land softly; then 轻轻着陆;然后
d. Assume starting position again. d. 再次假设起始位置。
6. Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 6. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
7. Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 7. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error Potential Effect(s) 错误潜在影响
Not stable during weighing. Bodyweight recorded inaccurately, which can introduce significant error into metrics such as jump height (Imp-Mom), power and relative force values. 称重时不稳定。体重记录不准确,这可能会对跳跃高度(Imp-Mom)、功率和相对力量值等指标引入显著误差。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is an example of an unstable weighing period which resulted in a recorded bodyweight, heavier than the individual’s actual bodyweight. This has caused the SoM to be incorrectly detected when the individual stabilizes at normal bodyweight. As can be seen, not only is SoM detected extremely early (i.e., at roughly 20.4s, rather than when it should - at roughly 21.5s), but displacement is incorrect due to incorrect bodyweight integration. 这里是一个不稳定称重期的例子,导致记录的体重比个体的实际体重重。这导致在个体稳定在正常体重时,SoM 被错误检测。如所示,SoM 不仅被极早检测到(即大约在 20.4 秒,而不是应该在大约 21.5 秒时),而且由于体重整合不正确,位移也不正确。
Error 错误
Countermovement prior to concentric phase. 向心阶段之前的反向运动。
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Can elicit a poor test detection and will negate the goal of a squat jump test as a stretch shortening cycle has been introduced. 可能会导致测试检测不佳,并且会否定深蹲跳测试的目标,因为引入了拉伸缩短循环。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here we can see not only a countermovement prior to the squat jump, but a poor detection of SoM. SoM should be after the second trough, well inside the concentric phase. Therefore, results for contraction time, all RFD and force, at given time points will all be unreliable. 在这里,我们不仅可以看到深蹲跳之前的反向运动,还可以看到对 SoM 的检测不佳。SoM 应该在第二个低谷之后,处于向心阶段的内部。因此,在给定时间点的收缩时间、所有 RFD 和力量的结果都将是不可靠的。
2.3.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.3.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moments in a Squat Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测深蹲跳中的以下关键时刻:
Key Moments 关键时刻
Description 描述
Start of Movement 运动开始
超过 20N 阈值的点。此标准可以在设置中自定义。
Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings.
Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings.| Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is |
| :--- |
| customizable in Settings. |
Start of Max. RFD 最大 RFD 开始
Point of steepest concentric force. 最陡同心力点。
End of Max. RFD 最大 RFD 结束
End point of the largest RFD. 最大 RFD 的终点。
Peak Take-off Force 峰值起飞力
Highest force value obtained during the jump. 跳跃过程中获得的最高力值。
Take-off 起飞
Point where force is below 20N. 力低于 20N 的点。
Landing 着陆
Point where force rises above 20N. 力超过 20N 的点。
Peak Landing Force 峰值着陆力
Highest force obtained during landing phase. 着陆阶段获得的最大力。
Key Moments Description
Start of Movement "Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is
customizable in Settings."
Start of Max. RFD Point of steepest concentric force.
End of Max. RFD End point of the largest RFD.
Peak Take-off Force Highest force value obtained during the jump.
Take-off Point where force is below 20N.
Landing Point where force rises above 20N.
Peak Landing Force Highest force obtained during landing phase.| Key Moments | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Start of Movement | Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. This criteria is <br> customizable in Settings. |
| Start of Max. RFD | Point of steepest concentric force. |
| End of Max. RFD | End point of the largest RFD. |
| Peak Take-off Force | Highest force value obtained during the jump. |
| Take-off | Point where force is below 20N. |
| Landing | Point where force rises above 20N. |
| Peak Landing Force | Highest force obtained during landing phase. |
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Squat Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测深蹲跳的以下阶段:
Phase 阶段
Description 描述
Weighing Phase 称重阶段
Steady phase for weight to be recorded. 记录体重的稳定阶段。
Concentric Phase 同心相位
Zero velocity until take-off. 起飞前零速度。
Flight Phase 飞行阶段
From take-off until landing. 从起飞到着陆。
Landing Phase 着陆阶段
Point where force rises above 20N and settles back to bodyweight. 力超过 20N 并回落至体重的点。
Phase Description
Weighing Phase Steady phase for weight to be recorded.
Concentric Phase Zero velocity until take-off.
Flight Phase From take-off until landing.
Landing Phase Point where force rises above 20N and settles back to bodyweight.| Phase | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Weighing Phase | Steady phase for weight to be recorded. |
| Concentric Phase | Zero velocity until take-off. |
| Flight Phase | From take-off until landing. |
| Landing Phase | Point where force rises above 20N and settles back to bodyweight. |
From these key moments and phases in a Squat Jump test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 71 metrics on performance and asymmetry 通过在深蹲跳测试中的这些关键时刻和阶段,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 71 项关于表现和不对称性的指标
2.3.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.3.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Squat Jump test include: 一些在深蹲跳测试中最常用的指标包括:
L/R difference in force output at the
moment of peak force application.| L/R difference in force output at the |
| :--- |
| moment of peak force application. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Force at Peak Power
Force at Peak Power
Asymmetry| Force at Peak Power |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
"Performance Metrics
Jump Height (Imp-
Mom)" "Outcome measure to give context to
other metrics." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
"Positive Takeoff
Impulse" "Total concentric work performed
above bodyweight." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
Concentric RFD "Rate of force development (RFD) in
the concentric phase." Fatigue monitoring, profiling
Peak Power / BM "Maximal power in the concentric
phase relative to bodyweight." "Individual profiling and adaptation
"Peak Net Takeoff Force
/ BM" "Peak net force (above bodyweight)
relative to bodyweight." "Profiling and adaptation
Asymmetry Metrics "L/R difference of concentric work
performed above bodyweight." Return to play monitoring
"Positive Takeoff
Impulse Asymmetry" "Rate of L/R force development in the
concentric phase." Return to play monitoring
"Concentric RFD
Asymmetry" "L/R difference in force output at the
moment of peak force application." Return to play monitoring
"Force at Peak Power
Asymmetry" | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics <br> Jump Height (Imp- <br> Mom) | Outcome measure to give context to <br> other metrics. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Positive Takeoff <br> Impulse | Total concentric work performed <br> above bodyweight. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Concentric RFD | Rate of force development (RFD) in <br> the concentric phase. | Fatigue monitoring, profiling |
| Peak Power / BM | Maximal power in the concentric <br> phase relative to bodyweight. | Individual profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Peak Net Takeoff Force <br> / BM | Peak net force (above bodyweight) <br> relative to bodyweight. | Profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Asymmetry Metrics | L/R difference of concentric work <br> performed above bodyweight. | Return to play monitoring |
| Positive Takeoff <br> Impulse Asymmetry | Rate of L/R force development in the <br> concentric phase. | Return to play monitoring |
| Concentric RFD <br> Asymmetry | L/R difference in force output at the <br> moment of peak force application. | Return to play monitoring |
| Force at Peak Power <br> Asymmetry | | |
2.4 Drop Jump (DJ) 2.4 跳落跳 (DJ)
The Drop Jump (DJ) test evaluates reactive ability and an individual’s stretch-shorten cycle capacity. The test has many similarities with repeat jumping and cutting maneuvers in athletics. 下落跳跃(DJ)测试评估反应能力和个体的拉伸-缩短循环能力。该测试与田径中的重复跳跃和切割动作有许多相似之处。
The goal of the DJ is to jump as high as possible but after minimal ground contact time. DJ 的目标是尽可能高地跳跃,但在接触地面的时间最小化之后。
Below is a raw data trace of a typical Drop Jump test in ForceDecks, (showing only left, right and total vertical force - all other derivatives and key moment labels are toggled off to help with viewing): 以下是 ForceDecks 中典型的下落跳跃测试的原始数据轨迹(仅显示左侧、右侧和总垂直力 - 所有其他导数和关键时刻标签已关闭以帮助查看):
2.4.1 Protocol 2.4.1 方案
To perform a Drop Jump test, follow these steps: 进行下落跳跃测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Standing on box or elevated platform immediately behind force plates 站在力板后面的箱子或高架平台上
Normal standing posture 正常站立姿势
Hands on hips 双手叉腰
Chest up and looking forward 胸部抬起,目视前方
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates -Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零板 - 零板。确保在此步骤中没有任何物体接触到板。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Assume starting position - Ask individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Step out from the box(maintain hip height until drop of both feet); then b. 从箱子里走出来(保持臀部高度,直到双脚落地);然后
c. Land on the plates with both feet at the same time; then 同时用双脚着陆在板上;然后
d. Immediately jump as high as possible; then d. 立即尽可能高地跳起;然后
e. Land softly, remaining completely still on the plates for 2-3 seconds; then 轻轻着陆,在板上保持完全静止 2-3 秒;然后
f. Assume the starting position again. f. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat steps 3 and 4 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 3 和 4 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors Include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error 错误
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Not taking individual's
weight prior to jump
Not taking individual's
weight prior to jump| Not taking individual's |
| :--- |
| weight prior to jump |
With no bodyweight taken, detection will not be successful. 未考虑体重,检测将无法成功。
Error Potential Effect(s)
"Not taking individual's
weight prior to jump" With no bodyweight taken, detection will not be successful.| Error | Potential Effect(s) |
| :--- | :--- |
| Not taking individual's <br> weight prior to jump | With no bodyweight taken, detection will not be successful. |
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is an example of a test where 3 drop jumps were performed, but an individual’s bodyweight was not taken prior to testing, resulting in an error. 这里是一个测试的例子,其中进行了 3 次下落跳,但在测试之前没有测量个体的体重,导致了错误。
Can influence asymmetries upon impact which can lead to poor
data quality especially post injury. This will also influence "effective
drop height" as the individual can lower down before dropping and
effectively change the drop height. Can also influence contact time
lengths if the step down is significant enough.
Can influence asymmetries upon impact which can lead to poor
data quality especially post injury. This will also influence "effective
drop height" as the individual can lower down before dropping and
effectively change the drop height. Can also influence contact time
lengths if the step down is significant enough.| Can influence asymmetries upon impact which can lead to poor |
| :--- |
| data quality especially post injury. This will also influence "effective |
| drop height" as the individual can lower down before dropping and |
| effectively change the drop height. Can also influence contact time |
| lengths if the step down is significant enough. |
Error Potential Effect(s)
Walking off the box instead
of hopping. "Can influence asymmetries upon impact which can lead to poor
data quality especially post injury. This will also influence "effective
drop height" as the individual can lower down before dropping and
effectively change the drop height. Can also influence contact time
lengths if the step down is significant enough."| Error | Potential Effect(s) |
| :--- | :--- |
| Walking off the box instead | |
| of hopping. | Can influence asymmetries upon impact which can lead to poor <br> data quality especially post injury. This will also influence "effective <br> drop height" as the individual can lower down before dropping and <br> effectively change the drop height. Can also influence contact time <br> lengths if the step down is significant enough. |
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is an individual that stepped off the with the left leg leading (right foot planted on box). The initial impact can be seen very early on the left leg while the right leg picks up force just slightly later. One objective of the test is for the individual to contact the force plates with both limbs at the same time after stepping off the box. 这里有一个人左腿领先着从箱子上跳下(右脚踩在箱子上)。左腿在最初的冲击中可以很早就看到,而右腿稍晚一些开始承受力量。测试的一个目标是让个人在跳下箱子后同时用双腿接触力板。
Jump height from flight time should be very similar to Imp-Mom method. If an error has occurred from manually entering a box height, there will be a difference between jump height via flight time and Imp-Mon calculation. 跳跃高度从飞行时间计算应与 Imp-Mom 方法非常相似。如果在手动输入箱子高度时发生错误,则通过飞行时间和 Imp-Mon 计算的跳跃高度之间会存在差异。
Error example: 错误示例:
In this example the drop height was entered in at 50cm (the actual height of the box) however the effective drop height was only an average of 38.3 cm (as seen below). This was likely due to either the test subject lowering down before stepping off the box or the platform height was not accounted for. Either way the drop height was reduced, and this leads to a large discrepancy in jump height between Flight Time and Impulse-Momentum. This should not be the case on a proper drop jump. 在这个例子中,跌落高度输入为 50 厘米(箱子的实际高度),然而有效跌落高度仅为平均 38.3 厘米(如下所示)。这可能是由于测试对象在跳下箱子之前降低了高度,或者平台高度没有被考虑到。无论哪种情况,跌落高度都被降低,这导致了飞行时间和冲量-动量之间的跳跃高度存在较大差异。在正确的跌落跳跃中不应出现这种情况。
Peak active force (contraction based). 峰值主动力(基于收缩)。
Take-off 起飞
Point of toe off/beginning of flight time. 脚趾离地点/飞行时间开始。
Landing 着陆
Point of touch down (Force over 20N). 接触点(力超过 20N)。
Peak Landing Force 峰值着陆力
Greatest force generated on landing. 着陆时产生的最大力量。
Key Moments Description
Drop Landing Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded.
Peak Impact Force Greatest passive force on impact from box drop.
Contact Trough Lowest force point between peak impact and peak drive-off force.
Start of Concentric Rising from the lowest position after landing.
"Peak Drive-Off
Force" Peak active force (contraction based).
Take-off Point of toe off/beginning of flight time.
Landing Point of touch down (Force over 20N).
Peak Landing Force Greatest force generated on landing.| Key Moments | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Drop Landing | Point where a 20N threshold is exceeded. |
| Peak Impact Force | Greatest passive force on impact from box drop. |
| Contact Trough | Lowest force point between peak impact and peak drive-off force. |
| Start of Concentric | Rising from the lowest position after landing. |
| Peak Drive-Off <br> Force | Peak active force (contraction based). |
| Take-off | Point of toe off/beginning of flight time. |
| Landing | Point of touch down (Force over 20N). |
| Peak Landing Force | Greatest force generated on landing. |
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Drop Jump: ForceDecks 自动检测跳落中的以下阶段:
From these key moments and phases in a Drop Jump test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 59 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 通过在下落跳跃测试中的这些关键时刻和阶段,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 59 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.4.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.4.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Drop Jump test include: 从下落跳跃测试中最常用的一些指标包括:
Peak active force (in concentric
phase) divided by the change in
displacement of CoM from contact
to the minimum value (the lowest
point during contact phase).| Peak active force (in concentric |
| :--- |
| phase) divided by the change in |
| displacement of CoM from contact |
| to the minimum value (the lowest |
| point during contact phase). |
L/R difference of eccentric work
performed.| L/R difference of eccentric work |
| :--- |
| performed. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Eccentric Impulse 偏心冲动
L/R difference in rate of force
produced/accepted on initial drop
L/R difference in rate of force
produced/accepted on initial drop| L/R difference in rate of force |
| :--- |
| produced/accepted on initial drop |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
下落着陆 RFD 不对称
Drop Landing RFD
Drop Landing RFD
Asymmetry| Drop Landing RFD |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
"Jerformance Metrics
Mom Height (Imp-" "Outcome measure to anchor/give
context to other metrics." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
RSI Flight time divided by contact time. "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
monitoring, profiling"
Active Stiffness "Peak active force (in concentric
phase) divided by the change in
displacement of CoM from contact
to the minimum value (the lowest
point during contact phase)." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation,
monitoring, profiling"
Peak Power "Maximum power value attained
during the trial." "Individual profiling and adaptation
Contact Time "Time spent on the ground between
drop landing and takeoff." "Adaptation monitoring, fatigue
Asymmetry Metrics "L/R difference of concentric work
performed." Return to play monitoring
"Concentric Impulse
Asymmetry" "L/R difference of eccentric work
performed." Return to play monitoring
Eccentric Impulse "L/R difference in rate of force
produced/accepted on initial drop" Return to play monitoring
"Drop Landing RFD
Asymmetry" | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Jerformance Metrics <br> Mom Height (Imp- | Outcome measure to anchor/give <br> context to other metrics. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| RSI | Flight time divided by contact time. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring, profiling |
| Active Stiffness | Peak active force (in concentric <br> phase) divided by the change in <br> displacement of CoM from contact <br> to the minimum value (the lowest <br> point during contact phase). | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation, <br> monitoring, profiling |
| Peak Power | Maximum power value attained <br> during the trial. | Individual profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Contact Time | Time spent on the ground between <br> drop landing and takeoff. | Adaptation monitoring, fatigue <br> monitoring |
| Asymmetry Metrics | L/R difference of concentric work <br> performed. | Return to play monitoring |
| Concentric Impulse <br> Asymmetry | L/R difference of eccentric work <br> performed. | Return to play monitoring |
| Eccentric Impulse | L/R difference in rate of force <br> produced/accepted on initial drop | Return to play monitoring |
| Drop Landing RFD <br> Asymmetry | | |
2.5 Squat Assessment (SQT) 2.5 深蹲评估 (SQT)
The Squat Assessment (SQT) enables detailed analysis of both body weight and externally loaded squats. 深蹲评估(SQT)能够对自身体重和外部负重深蹲进行详细分析。
It can be used to: 它可以用于:
Assess performance attributes through Force:Velocity profiling; 通过力:速度分析评估性能属性;
Track asymmetry improvements during rehabilitation; as well as 在康复期间跟踪不对称改善;以及
Provide biofeedback for performers to improve movement mechanics in real time. 为表演者提供生物反馈,以实时改善运动机制。
The goals of the SQT will vary based on objectives. SQT 的目标将根据具体目标而有所不同。
Below is a raw trace of a Squat Assessment with three reps in ForceDecks, (showing only left, right and total vertical force - all other derivatives and key moment labels are toggled off to help with viewing): 以下是 ForceDecks 中三次深蹲评估的原始记录(仅显示左侧、右侧和总垂直力 - 所有其他导数和关键时刻标签已关闭以便于查看):
2.5.1 Protocol 2.5.1 方案
To perform a Squat Assessment test, follow these steps: 进行深蹲评估测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Normal standing posture 正常站立姿势
Hands on hips (if unweighted) or hands on barbell (if weighted) 双手放在臀部(如果没有负重)或双手放在杠铃上(如果有负重)
Chest up and looking forward 胸部抬起,目视前方
Protocol: 协议:
[OPTIONAL] Enter external load - The weight of the external load can be manually entered. [可选] 输入外部负载 - 外部负载的重量可以手动输入。
Zero plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight without the barbell. 称量个体 - 在没有杠铃的情况下测量个体的体重。
Assume starting position - Ask individual to assume starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the standing position for 2-3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,站立姿势保持 2-3 秒。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep the chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Bend down into a squat, keeping the knees in line with the toes; then b. 弯下身进入深蹲,保持膝盖与脚趾对齐;然后
c. Push through the heels; then 通过脚跟推;然后
d. Assume the starting position again. d. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat step 6 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 6 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common Errors Include: 常见错误包括:
Error 错误
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Not selecting Squat 不选择深蹲
The squat needs prior selection to be detected. If this is not selected, 深蹲需要事先选择才能被检测。如果没有选择,
Assessment 评估
you will not get a detection of each repetition. 您将无法检测到每次重复。
Error Potential Effect(s)
Not selecting Squat The squat needs prior selection to be detected. If this is not selected,
Assessment you will not get a detection of each repetition.| Error | Potential Effect(s) |
| :--- | :--- |
| Not selecting Squat | The squat needs prior selection to be detected. If this is not selected, |
| Assessment | you will not get a detection of each repetition. |
Error example: 错误示例:
Test Type pre-set left on “Auto-Detect” leaves the squat undetected. This can easily be fixed by selecting Squat Assessment during test setup. 测试类型预设为“自动检测”会导致深蹲未被检测到。通过在测试设置中选择深蹲评估,可以轻松解决此问题。
Error 错误
Manually entering the incorrect weight for the external load 手动输入外部负载的错误重量
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
If the external resistance (weight plates etc.) are incorrectly identified as a certain weight, you will get poor data. This will result in the equations having incorrect data and result in incorrect force metrics. 如果外部阻力(重量盘等)被错误地识别为某个重量,您将获得不良数据。这将导致方程式具有不正确的数据,并导致不正确的力度量。
Error example: 错误示例:
This example has a dramatically incorrect weight attributed to the external load. The true load was 80 kg and 50 kg was manually entered. The poor detection can be seen in the graph as the SoM happens halfway down the unloading curve and the entire last repetition is missed. 这个例子对外部负载的重量有显著的错误。真实负载是 80 公斤,而手动输入的是 50 公斤。图表中可以看到检测不佳,因为 SoM 发生在卸载曲线的中间位置,整个最后一次重复被遗漏。
The below example is the correct external load detection. 以下示例是正确的外部负载检测。
Error 错误
Not staying stable between reps 在重复之间不保持稳定
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
This can become increasingly challenging with extreme loads as the bar will flex and rebound. Without clear separation of reps, start of movement detection and end of rep detection can be challenged by the large oscillating forces 这在极端负载下可能变得越来越具有挑战性,因为杠铃会弯曲和反弹。如果没有明确的重复分隔,运动开始检测和重复结束检测可能会受到大幅振荡力的挑战。
Error example: 错误示例:
2.5.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.5.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moment in a Squat Assessment: ForceDecks 自动检测到深蹲评估中的以下关键时刻:
Key Moments 关键时刻
Description 描述
Start of Rep 开始复印
Point where rep commences. 开始的点。
Start of Deceleration Phase 减速阶段开始
Point of peak negative velocity. 峰值负速度点。
Eccentric Peak Force 偏心峰值力
Greatest force found in eccentric phase. 在偏心相位中发现的最大力量。
Start of Concentric Phase 同心相位开始
Point at zero velocity. 零速度点。
Concentric Peak Force 同心峰值力量
Peak force found in concentric phase. 在向心相位中发现的峰值力量。
End of Rep 结束复印
Point where force returns to system weight/force. 力返回到系统重量/力的点。
Key Moments Description
Start of Rep Point where rep commences.
Start of Deceleration Phase Point of peak negative velocity.
Eccentric Peak Force Greatest force found in eccentric phase.
Start of Concentric Phase Point at zero velocity.
Concentric Peak Force Peak force found in concentric phase.
End of Rep Point where force returns to system weight/force.| Key Moments | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Start of Rep | Point where rep commences. |
| Start of Deceleration Phase | Point of peak negative velocity. |
| Eccentric Peak Force | Greatest force found in eccentric phase. |
| Start of Concentric Phase | Point at zero velocity. |
| Concentric Peak Force | Peak force found in concentric phase. |
| End of Rep | Point where force returns to system weight/force. |
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Squat Assessment: ForceDecks 自动检测深蹲评估中的以下阶段:
Phase 阶段
Description 描述
Eccentric Phase 偏心相位
Point where rep commences to start of concentric phase. 从重复开始到同心相位的起点。
Deceleration Phase 减速阶段
Sub-phase within eccentric phase: point of peak negative velocity
to start of concentric phase.
Sub-phase within eccentric phase: point of peak negative velocity
to start of concentric phase.| Sub-phase within eccentric phase: point of peak negative velocity |
| :--- |
| to start of concentric phase. |
Concentric Phase 同心相位
Point at zero velocity to end of rep. 在零速度时指向重复的结束。
Phase Description
Eccentric Phase Point where rep commences to start of concentric phase.
Deceleration Phase "Sub-phase within eccentric phase: point of peak negative velocity
to start of concentric phase."
Concentric Phase Point at zero velocity to end of rep.| Phase | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Eccentric Phase | Point where rep commences to start of concentric phase. |
| Deceleration Phase | Sub-phase within eccentric phase: point of peak negative velocity <br> to start of concentric phase. |
| Concentric Phase | Point at zero velocity to end of rep. |
From these key moment and phases in a Squat Assessment, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 25 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 通过深蹲评估中的这些关键时刻和阶段,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 25 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.5.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.5.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Squat Assessment include: 一些在深蹲评估中最常用的指标包括:
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
Performance Metrics Average velocity found through the "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
Concentric phase."
Velocity | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics | Average velocity found through the | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring <br> Concentric phase. |
| Velocity | | |
2.6 Hop Test (HT) 2.6 跳跃测试 (HT)
The Hop Test (HT) is an excellent option to assess elastic/reactive qualities without the use of a box as during the Drop Jump. 跳跃测试(HT)是评估弹性/反应特性的优秀选择,无需像下落跳跃那样使用箱子。
The HT is a bilateral test performed with (relatively) straight legs, using the ankle/calf as the primary means of upward propulsion without squatting downward. The test is commonly done by performing 10 rapid hops and analyzing the best 5 . HT 是一项双侧测试,采用(相对)直腿,使用踝关节/小腿作为主要的向上推动方式,而不向下蹲。该测试通常通过进行 10 次快速跳跃并分析最佳的 5 次来完成。
The goal of the HT is to perform a set number of hops for maximum height and minimal ground contact time, using only the toes/forefoot. HT 的目标是仅使用脚趾/前脚掌进行一定数量的跳跃,以达到最大高度和最小接地时间。
Below is a raw trace of a Hop Test with ten hops in ForceDecks, (showing only left, right and total vertical force - all other derivatives and key moment labels are toggled off to help with viewing): 以下是 ForceDecks 中十次跳跃的 Hop Test 原始记录(仅显示左、右和总垂直力 - 所有其他导数和关键时刻标签已关闭以帮助查看):
2.6.1 Protocol 2.6.1 方案
To perform a Hop Test, follow these steps: 进行跳跃测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Normal standing posture 正常站立姿势
Hands on hips 双手叉腰
Chest up and looking forward 胸部抬起,目视前方
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Assume starting position - Ask individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 2-3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 2-3 秒。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Bend down; then 弯下腰;然后
c. Jump up; then 跳起来;然后
d. Land stiff-legged on only the toes; then d. 仅用脚趾着陆,腿僵硬;然后
e. Quickly jump off the toes, for the desired number of hops, in rapid succession. (Safely keeping the knees as straight as possible.) 迅速从脚趾跳起,进行所需次数的快速连续跳跃。(尽量保持膝盖尽可能直。)
f. Land softly; then 轻轻着陆;然后
g. Assume starting position again. g. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Potential Effect(s) 错误潜在影响
Not performing at least 5 hops Auto-analysis of hop test will fail. 未进行至少 5 次跳跃,跳跃测试的自动分析将失败。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here the Individual has not performed the required minimum of 5 hops to get a detection. 在这里,个人没有进行所需的至少 5 次跳跃以获得检测。
Error 错误
Allowing the Individual to bend the knees when jumping 允许个人在跳跃时弯曲膝盖
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
This simply changes the test from an ankle dominant, elastic test to a slower SSC lower body test. This will not result in incorrect detection but may produce poor data. 这只是将测试从以脚踝为主的弹性测试更改为较慢的 SSC 下肢测试。这不会导致错误检测,但可能会产生不良数据。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is an example of a Hop Test that has been performed with a knee bend upon each landing. Note the long contact times and the deep trough between impacts and takeoffs. In this example, some or all analyzed results may not be valid. 这是一个进行膝盖弯曲的跳跃测试示例,每次着陆时都进行了膝盖弯曲。请注意长时间的接触和冲击与起跳之间的深凹槽。在这个示例中,某些或所有分析结果可能无效。
Error 错误
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Not starting with a stable
period or ending with a stable
Not starting with a stable
period or ending with a stable
period| Not starting with a stable |
| :--- |
| period or ending with a stable |
| period |
This can lead to displacement drift as the Individual mass is needed
to orient displacement.
This can lead to displacement drift as the Individual mass is needed
to orient displacement.| This can lead to displacement drift as the Individual mass is needed |
| :--- |
| to orient displacement. |
Error Potential Effect(s)
"Not starting with a stable
period or ending with a stable
period" "This can lead to displacement drift as the Individual mass is needed
to orient displacement."| Error | Potential Effect(s) |
| :--- | :--- |
| Not starting with a stable <br> period or ending with a stable <br> period | This can lead to displacement drift as the Individual mass is needed <br> to orient displacement. |
Error example: 错误示例:
Shown here is a drifting displacement curve (pink) because the individual was never truly stable before jumping or on landing of the last hop. 这里显示的是一个漂移位移曲线(粉色),因为个体在最后一次跳跃之前或着陆时从未真正稳定。
2.6.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.6.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moment in a Hop Test: ForceDecks 自动检测跳跃测试中的以下关键时刻:
ForceDecks auto-detects the following phases in a Hop Test: ForceDecks 自动检测跳跃测试中的以下阶段:
From these key moment and phases in a Hop Test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 54 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 从这些关键时刻和阶段的跳跃测试中,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 54 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.6.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.6.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Hop Test include: 一些在跳跃测试中最常用的指标包括:
Metrics 指标
Description 描述
Common Application(s) 常见应用程序
表现指标指数 (RSI)
Performance Metrics
Index (RSI)
Performance Metrics
Index (RSI)| Performance Metrics |
| :--- |
| Index (RSI) |
绝对最佳的 RSI(FT:CT)在一系列跳跃中。
Absolute best RSI (FT:CT) out of a
series of hops.
Absolute best RSI (FT:CT) out of a
series of hops.| Absolute best RSI (FT:CT) out of a |
| :--- |
| series of hops. |
Adaptation monitoring, return to
play| Adaptation monitoring, return to |
| :--- |
| play |
Peak Force 峰值力量
Highest force output throughout the
entire hop test.
Highest force output throughout the
entire hop test.| Highest force output throughout the |
| :--- |
| entire hop test. |
Individual profiling and adaptation
Individual profiling and adaptation
monitoring| Individual profiling and adaptation |
| :--- |
| monitoring |
平均 RSI(在给定的 N 跳中)
Mean RSI (over given N
Mean RSI (over given N
Hops)| Mean RSI (over given N |
| :--- |
| Hops) |
N 跳的平均 RSI。这适用于 10/5 RSI,其中 10 个跳中的 5 个最佳跳的平均值被计算。
Average RSI over N hops. This fits
the 10/5 RSI where the average of
the 5 best hops out of 10 are
Average RSI over N hops. This fits
the 10/5 RSI where the average of
the 5 best hops out of 10 are
averaged.| Average RSI over N hops. This fits |
| :--- |
| the 10/5 RSI where the average of |
| the 5 best hops out of 10 are |
| averaged. |
Adaptation monitoring, profiling 适应监测,分析
Asymmetry Metrics 非对称性指标
L/R difference of work performed. 左右工作量差异。
L/R difference of work performed.| L/R difference of work performed. |
| :--- |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Mean Impulse
Mean Impulse
Asymmetry| Mean Impulse |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
L/R difference of the average of all
peak force measures (per rep)
L/R difference of the average of all
peak force measures (per rep)
performed.| L/R difference of the average of all |
| :--- |
| peak force measures (per rep) |
| performed. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Mean Peak Force
Mean Peak Force
Asymmetry| Mean Peak Force |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
L/R difference in the peak force
attained per Hop.
L/R difference in the peak force
attained per Hop.| L/R difference in the peak force |
| :--- |
| attained per Hop. |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Peak Force Asymmetry 峰值力量不对称
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
"Performance Metrics
Index (RSI)" "Absolute best RSI (FT:CT) out of a
series of hops." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
Contact Time "Time spent on the ground between
each hop." "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation
Mean Active Stiffness Peak force divided by displacement. "Adaptation monitoring, return to
Peak Force "Highest force output throughout the
entire hop test." "Individual profiling and adaptation
"Mean RSI (over given N
Hops)" "Average RSI over N hops. This fits
the 10/5 RSI where the average of
the 5 best hops out of 10 are
averaged." Adaptation monitoring, profiling
Asymmetry Metrics "L/R difference of work performed." Return to play monitoring
"Mean Impulse
Asymmetry" "L/R difference of the average of all
peak force measures (per rep)
performed." Return to play monitoring
"Mean Peak Force
Asymmetry" "L/R difference in the peak force
attained per Hop." Return to play monitoring
Peak Force Asymmetry | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics <br> Index (RSI) | Absolute best RSI (FT:CT) out of a <br> series of hops. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Contact Time | Time spent on the ground between <br> each hop. | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Mean Active Stiffness | Peak force divided by displacement. | Adaptation monitoring, return to <br> play |
| Peak Force | Highest force output throughout the <br> entire hop test. | Individual profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Mean RSI (over given N <br> Hops) | Average RSI over N hops. This fits <br> the 10/5 RSI where the average of <br> the 5 best hops out of 10 are <br> averaged. | Adaptation monitoring, profiling |
| Asymmetry Metrics | L/R difference of work performed. | Return to play monitoring |
| Mean Impulse <br> Asymmetry | L/R difference of the average of all <br> peak force measures (per rep) <br> performed. | Return to play monitoring |
| Mean Peak Force <br> Asymmetry | L/R difference in the peak force <br> attained per Hop. | Return to play monitoring |
| Peak Force Asymmetry | | |
2.7 Land and Hold (LAH) 2.7 土地和保持 (LAH)
The Land and Hold (LAH) is a test that evaluates stability as well as how an Individual manages landing impact forces. 土地与保持(LAH)是一项评估稳定性以及个体如何管理着陆冲击力的测试。
This test can be performed with one or two limbs and either off the ground or from an elevated start (e.g.: box). The intensity of the test can also be modified by adding external loads, thus allowing for a large variety of testing options in performance and rehabilitation. 该测试可以在一条或两条肢体上进行,且可以在地面上或从高起点(例如:箱子)开始。测试的强度也可以通过增加外部负载进行调整,从而在表现和康复中提供多种测试选项。
The goal for the LAH test is to land and stabilize as quickly as possible. LAH 测试的目标是尽快着陆并稳定。
Below is a raw trace of a Single Limb Land and Hold Test in ForceDecks: 以下是 ForceDecks 中单肢着陆保持测试的原始记录:
2.7.1 Protocol 2.7.1 方案
To perform a Land and Hold test, follow these steps: 进行着陆保持测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Standing on box or elevated platform immediately behind force plates 站在力板后面的箱子或高架平台上
Normal standing posture 正常站立姿势
Hands on hips 双手叉腰
Chest up and looking forward 胸部抬起,目视前方
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Assume starting position - Ask individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep the chest up and looking forward; 保持胸部抬起,目视前方;
b. Step off the box; then b. 从箱子上走下来;然后
c. Land on the plates with both feet at the same time; then 同时用双脚着陆在板上;然后
d. Land softly, remaining completely still for 2-3 seconds; then 轻轻着陆,保持完全静止 2-3 秒;然后
e. Assume starting position again. e. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat steps 3 and 4 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 3 和 4 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error Potential Effect(s) 错误潜在影响
Not remaining off the force Detection will be unsuccessful, or trials will be incorrectly detected plates for 3 seconds as Drop Jumps. between trials 不保持离开力量检测将会失败,或者试验将错误地将板检测为掉落跳跃,持续 3 秒钟。试验之间。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here is a test with four LAH reps performed, but the individual did not remain stable on landing and did not step off the force plates for 3 seconds which has resulted in both undetected and incorrectly labelled tests. 这里进行了一项包含四次 LAH 重复的测试,但个体在着陆时未能保持稳定,并且在力板上未能停留 3 秒,这导致了未被检测到和错误标记的测试。
Error 错误
Not remaining stable upon landing 着陆时不稳定
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
If the individual is too quick to step off the force plates, puts the other foot down, or hops to gain balance after landing, detection will fail. 如果个体过快地从力板上走开,放下另一只脚,或在着陆后跳跃以获得平衡,检测将失败。
Error example: 错误示例:
In the test above, the individual simply never came to a point of stability, and therefore no detection was made. 在上述测试中,个体根本没有达到稳定状态,因此没有进行检测。
2.7.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.7.2 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moments in Land and Hold tests. ForceDecks 自动检测土地和保持测试中的以下关键时刻。
Key Moment 关键时刻
Description 描述
Drop Landing 落地跳
Point where landing commences. 着陆开始的点。
Peak Landing Force 峰值着陆力
Highest landing force obtained. 获得的最高着陆力。
Stabilized 稳定的
力在 0.5 秒内处于 15N 标准差范围内的点。
Point where force is within a 15N standard deviation for 0.5
Point where force is within a 15N standard deviation for 0.5
seconds.| Point where force is within a 15N standard deviation for 0.5 |
| :--- |
| seconds. |
Key Moment Description
Drop Landing Point where landing commences.
Peak Landing Force Highest landing force obtained.
Stabilized "Point where force is within a 15N standard deviation for 0.5
seconds."| Key Moment | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| Drop Landing | Point where landing commences. |
| Peak Landing Force | Highest landing force obtained. |
| Stabilized | Point where force is within a 15N standard deviation for 0.5 <br> seconds. |
Note: there are no discrete phases detected in a Land and Hold test. 注意:在土地和保持测试中未检测到离散阶段。
From these key moments in a Land and Hold test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 3 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 在土地和保持测试中的这些关键时刻,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 3 个关于性能和不对称性的指标。
2.7.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.7.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Land and Hold test include: 一些土地和保持测试中最常用的指标包括:
Metrics 指标
Description 描述
Common Application(s) 常见应用程序
Performance Metrics 性能指标
Highest Force produced on landing 着陆时产生的最大力
Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling
Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling| Adaptation monitoring, return to |
| :--- |
| play, profiling |
Peak Landing Force 峰值着陆力
Time between landing and stability 着陆与稳定之间的时间
Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling
Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling| Adaptation monitoring, return to |
| :--- |
| play, profiling |
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
Performance Metrics Highest Force produced on landing "Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling"
Peak Landing Force Time between landing and stability "Adaptation monitoring, return to
play, profiling"| Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics | Highest Force produced on landing | Adaptation monitoring, return to <br> play, profiling |
| Peak Landing Force | Time between landing and stability | Adaptation monitoring, return to <br> play, profiling |
2.8 Quiet Stand (QSB) 2.8 静音站 (QSB)
The Quiet Stand (QSB) test assesses an individual’s ability to balance and maintain stability under a variety of conditions. 安静站立(QSB)测试评估个体在各种条件下保持平衡和稳定的能力。
This assessment measures the center of pressure (CoP) of the individual, which goes beyond the typical visual assessments that stability tests are limited to. 该评估测量个体的压力中心(CoP),超越了稳定性测试通常仅限于的典型视觉评估。
The goal of the Quiet Stand test is to stand as still as possible for a set amount of time. 安静站立测试的目标是在设定的时间内尽可能保持静止。
Below is the raw CoP trace of a Quiet Stand test in ForceDecks: 以下是 ForceDecks 中安静站立测试的原始 CoP 轨迹:
2.8.1 Protocol 2.8.1 方案
To perform a Quiet Stand test, follow these steps: 进行安静站立测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting Position: 起始位置:
Normal Standing Posture 正常站立姿势
Hands on hips 双手叉腰
Chest up and looking forward 胸部抬起,目视前方
Protocol: 协议:
Confirm exercise length - Input the desired length of the protocol (in seconds). 确认运动时长 - 输入协议的期望时长(以秒为单位)。
[OPTIONAL] Select additional test parameters - Select if the individual being tested has their eyes closed, is standing on an unstable surface, or is performing a secondary task. [可选] 选择额外的测试参数 - 如果被测试者闭眼、站在不稳定的表面上或正在执行次要任务,请选择。
Zero plates -Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零板 - 零板。确保在此步骤中没有任何物体接触到板。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Keep their feet set; then a. 保持他们的脚步稳定;然后
b. Stand as still as possible for the length of the exercise. b. 在整个练习过程中尽量保持静止。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Error Potential Effect(s) 错误潜在影响
Lifting feet off the plate during the test 在测试期间抬起脚离开板子
The measured centre of pressure will suddenly jump to another part of the plate when the foot is set back down, resulting in larger values for the metrics calculated using it. 当脚重新放下时,测得的压力中心会突然跳到板的另一部分,从而导致使用该值计算的指标出现更大的数值。
Example: 示例:
The right plate has two separate center of pressure traces indicating that the right foot was picked up and placed back down during the rep. If this happens the rep should be discarded and reperformed. 右侧板有两个独立的压力中心轨迹,表明右脚在重复过程中被抬起并放回。如果发生这种情况,该重复应被丢弃并重新进行。
2.8.2 Key Moments and Phases 2.8.2 关键时刻和阶段
There are no detected key moments or phases in a Quiet Stand test. 在安静站立测试中没有检测到关键时刻或阶段。
In a Quiet Stand test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 8 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 在静态站立测试中,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 8 个关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.8.3 Commonly Used Metrics 2.8.3 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from a Quiet Stand test include: 一些在安静站立测试中最常用的指标包括: {:[" Metrics "," Description "," Common Application(s) "],[" Performance Metrics ",,{:[" The distance between the furthest "],[" points in the side-to-side direction "]:}][" Balance screening, return to play, "],[" profiling "]]\left.\begin{array}{lll}\hline \text { Metrics } & \text { Description } & \text { Common Application(s) } \\ \hline \text { Performance Metrics } & & \begin{array}{l}\text { The distance between the furthest } \\ \text { points in the side-to-side direction }\end{array}\end{array} \begin{array}{l}\text { Balance screening, return to play, } \\ \text { profiling }\end{array}\right]
2.9 Isometric Test (ISOT) 2.9 等长测试 (ISOT)
Isometric tests (both bilateral and single limb) are an effective way to determine maximum strength output in numerous scenarios. A variety of testing options exist and include the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull, several hamstring variations, and a comprehensive shoulder series that examines force production at end ranges of motion. Isometric tests will be discussed together in this section since they exhibit common factors, including key analysis metrics and similar asymmetry considerations. 等长测试(包括双侧和单肢)是在多种情况下确定最大力量输出的有效方法。存在多种测试选项,包括等长中大腿拉力测试、几种腿筋变体以及一系列全面的肩部测试,旨在检查运动末端范围内的力量产生。由于等长测试表现出共同因素,包括关键分析指标和类似的非对称性考虑,因此将在本节中一起讨论。
Below is a raw trace of a Bilateral Isometric Test (in this case an Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull test), showing left, right, and total forces: 以下是双侧等长测试(在此情况下为等长中大腿拉力测试)的原始记录,显示左侧、右侧和总力量:
An example Single Limb Isometric Test (in this example, the right limb only) is shown below: 以下是一个单肢等长测试的示例(在此示例中,仅右肢):
2.9.1 Protocol 2.9.1 方案
To perform an Isometric test, follow these steps: 进行等长测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Starting position varies depending on the isometric test being performed. 起始位置因所进行的等长测试而异。
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates -Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零板 - 零板。确保在此步骤中没有任何物体接触到板。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Important: For isometric tests where the bodyweight is being supported by something other than the plates (e.g., Shoulder ISO-I), only the limb being tested should be weighted. 重要提示:对于身体重量由除板以外的其他物体支撑的等长测试(例如,肩部 ISO-I),仅应对被测试的肢体加重。
3. Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 3. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
4. Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 2-3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 4. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 2-3 秒。
5. Perform test - Instruct the individual to: 5. 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Contract as hard and as fast as possible; then 尽可能快速而坚决地签订合同;然后
b. Hold at maximum force output for a minimum of 2 seconds; then b. 以最大力量输出保持至少 2 秒;然后
c. Relax after the contraction; then c. 收缩后放松;然后
d. Assume the starting position again. d. 再次假设起始位置。
6. Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 6. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
7. Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 7. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
Common protocol errors include: 常见的协议错误包括:
Limb was not weighed prior to test. Here both limbs should have been weighed in the testing position. One limb should be removed while the other limb is tested. Then pause recordings, switch legs, continue recording, stop and analyze. 测试前未对肢体进行称重。在测试位置应对两个肢体进行称重。测试时应移除一个肢体,另一个肢体进行测试。然后暂停记录,切换肢体,继续记录,停止并分析。
Error 错误
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
Not utilizing pre-tension prior to the execution of a test 在执行测试之前未使用预拉力
Pretension reduces “Impact Forces” which effect all timebased force values and RFDs. This may also negate true maximal force values if the impact is hard enough. 预紧减少了“冲击力”,这会影响所有基于时间的力值和瞬时力(RFD)。如果冲击足够强烈,这也可能会抵消真实的最大力值。
Error example: 错误示例:
Here you can see a rapid rise of Force, a peak, trough, and another rise in force. This suggests there was no pretension before the pull was commenced, the individual pulled from a “slack” position, “bounced” back, and pulled again. Not only does this effect time metrics but also this “impact” is where peak force is found which is most likely not a real muscular action. 在这里您可以看到力量的快速上升、峰值、低谷和再次上升。这表明在拉动开始之前没有任何假装,个体从“松弛”位置拉动,“反弹”回来,然后再次拉动。这不仅影响时间指标,而且这种“冲击”是峰值力量出现的地方,这很可能不是一个真实的肌肉动作。
Error 错误
Using drastically inconsistent levels of pretension 使用极不一致的自负水平
Potential Effect(s) 潜在影响
This will have impact on all values relating to time. The more pretension there is, the higher starting value force you have. For example, Force@200ms will be higher than a lower pre-tension if intent and force rise is equivalent. This makes the data used for monitoring noisier. 这将对与时间相关的所有值产生影响。假设越多,起始值的力就越高。例如,如果意图和力的上升相等,Force@200ms 将高于较低的预紧力。这使得用于监测的数据变得更加嘈杂。
Error example: 错误示例:
Above is an example of two isometric tests with drastically different starting forces (892N left, and 1,388N right). Forces reached at 200ms are drastically higher in part due to the “head start” of starting with ∼500N\sim 500 \mathrm{~N} more force. 以上是两个等距测试的示例,起始力量差异巨大(左侧 892N,右侧 1,388N)。在 200 毫秒时达到的力量显著更高,部分原因是以 ∼500N\sim 500 \mathrm{~N} 更多的力量开始的“提前起步”。
If the same individual were to then start the 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} trial with closer to 900N of pre-tension again, we may see a decrease in RFD. In practice, such a decrease may be attributable to “noise” in the measure, but alternatively may simply be due to poor standardization of testing protocol. 如果同一个个体随后以接近 900N 的预紧力开始 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} 试验,我们可能会看到 RFD 的下降。在实践中,这种下降可能归因于测量中的“噪声”,但也可能仅仅是由于测试协议的标准化不良。
The Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (IMTP) test is a type of Isometric Test and is detected and analyzed exactly the same way within ForceDecks. However, given the IMTP is a very commonly used test in its own right, this section covers its specific protocol. 等长中大腿拉力(IMTP)测试是一种等长测试,并且在 ForceDecks 中以完全相同的方式进行检测和分析。然而,由于 IMTP 本身是一种非常常用的测试,本节将涵盖其特定协议。
To perform an IMTP test, follow these steps: 进行 IMTP 测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Setup: 设置:
Set your ForceDecks up in a dedicated IMTP rig or with a fixed barbell within a cage or frame. 将您的 ForceDecks 设置在专用的 IMTP 设备上,或在一个固定的杠铃架或框架内。
Note: the equipment used for an IMTP test can make a significant difference to the quality of your results. A dedicated IMTP rig is recommended because it will typically: 注意:用于 IMTP 测试的设备对结果的质量有显著影响。建议使用专用的 IMTP 设备,因为它通常会:
a. Allow for the bar height to be finely adjusted to suit different individuals; a. 允许精细调整杆的高度以适应不同个体;
b. Feature a stiffer bar than a traditional weightlifting bar; and b. 具有比传统举重杠更硬的杠杆;并且
c. Have no slack between the bar and frame. c. 在杆和框架之间没有松弛。
For recommendations on where to find a local supplier of IMTP rigs for your ForceDecks, please contact 有关在哪里找到您 ForceDecks 的 IMTP 装置的本地供应商的建议,请联系
Starting position: 起始位置:
Note: the individual’s body should be in the below position, with roughly 135^(@)135^{\circ} of knee flexion, and the feet, hands, and shoulders in vertical alignment (Kraska, 2009) 注意:个体的身体应处于以下位置,膝关节屈曲约 135^(@)135^{\circ} ,双脚、双手和肩膀应垂直对齐(Kraska,2009)
To perform an Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull test, follow these steps: 进行等长中大腿拉力测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
Starting position: 起始位置:
Standing position with hip and knees slightly bent 站立姿势,髋部和膝盖稍微弯曲
Bar positioned at mid-thigh 杠杆位于大腿中部
Gripping the bar with slight pretension 握住杠杆时稍微用力
Protocol: 协议:
Zero Plates - Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零盘 - 清空盘子。在此步骤中确保没有任何物体接触盘子。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 2-2- 3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 2-2- 3 秒。
Perform Test - Instruct the individual to: 进行测试 - 指示个人:
a. Contract as hard and as fast as possible: then 尽可能快速而坚决地签订合同:然后
b. Hold at maximum force output for a minimum of 2 seconds; then b. 以最大力量输出保持至少 2 秒;然后
c. Relax after the contraction; then c. 收缩后放松;然后
d. Assume the starting position again. d. 再次假设起始位置。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Complete the test - Click to stop the recording and check the results. 完成测试 - 点击停止录音并检查结果。
2.9.4 Key Moments and Phases 2.9.4 关键时刻和阶段
ForceDecks auto-detects the following key moments in an Isometric test. ForceDecks 自动检测等长测试中的以下关键时刻。
Note: there are no distinct phases detected in an Isometric Test. 注意:在等长测试中未检测到明显的阶段。
From these key moments in an Isometric test, ForceDecks software calculates and reports 44 metrics on performance and asymmetry. 通过这些等长测试的关键时刻,ForceDecks 软件计算并报告 44 项关于表现和不对称性的指标。
2.9.5 Commonly Used Metrics 2.9.5 常用指标
Some of the most commonly used metrics from an Isometric test include: 一些等长测试中最常用的指标包括:
Fatigue monitoring, adaptation,
mopending on the sport, you can
select a time epoch that matches the profiling
sport demand (example, sprinting
GCT of about 100ms)| Fatigue monitoring, adaptation, |
| :--- |
| mopending on the sport, you can |
| select a time epoch that matches the profiling |
| sport demand (example, sprinting |
| GCT of about 100ms) |
Force @ 力 @
Force @| Force @ |
| :--- |
类似于 F@atime 点,RFD 被发现能够跟踪选择时间时期的爆发力发展
Similar to F@atime point, RFD is
found to track explosive strength
Development @ time
epoch of choice
Similar to F@atime point, RFD is
found to track explosive strength
Development @ time
epoch of choice| Similar to F@atime point, RFD is |
| :--- |
| found to track explosive strength |
| Development @ time |
| epoch of choice |
Individual profiling and adaptation
Individual profiling and adaptation
monitoring| Individual profiling and adaptation |
| :--- |
| monitoring |
Peak Vertical Force/BW 峰值垂直力/体重
Peak force relative to bodyweight is
used for comparison to other
Peak force relative to bodyweight is
used for comparison to other
individuals| Peak force relative to bodyweight is |
| :--- |
| used for comparison to other |
| individuals |
Adaptation monitoring, profiling 适应监测,分析
Asymmetry Metrics 非对称性指标
L/R difference between max force
L/R difference between max force
produced| L/R difference between max force |
| :--- |
| produced |
Return to play monitoring,
Return to play monitoring,
Profiling| Return to play monitoring, |
| :--- |
| Profiling |
Peak Vertical Force 峰值垂直力
L/R difference of total work
L/R difference of total work
performed| L/R difference of total work |
| :--- |
| performed |
Return to play monitoring,
Return to play monitoring,
Asymmetry| Return to play monitoring, |
| :--- |
| Asymmetry |
Absolute Impulse 绝对冲动
L/R difference in rate of force
L/R difference in rate of force
produced| L/R difference in rate of force |
| :--- |
| produced |
Return to play monitoring 回归比赛监测
Return to play monitoring| Return to play monitoring |
| :--- |
Asymmetry 不对称
Metrics Description Common Application(s)
Performance Metrics Maximal force produced within the Profiling, adaptation monitoring
Peak Vertical Force "Trial" Profiling, adaptation monitoring
Absolute Impulse Total work performed "Fatigue monitoring, adaptation,
mopending on the sport, you can
select a time epoch that matches the profiling
sport demand (example, sprinting
GCT of about 100ms)"
"Force @" "Similar to F@atime point, RFD is
found to track explosive strength
Development @ time
epoch of choice" "Individual profiling and adaptation
Peak Vertical Force/BW "Peak force relative to bodyweight is
used for comparison to other
individuals" Adaptation monitoring, profiling
Asymmetry Metrics "L/R difference between max force
produced" "Return to play monitoring,
Peak Vertical Force "L/R difference of total work
performed" "Return to play monitoring,
Absolute Impulse "L/R difference in rate of force
produced" "Return to play monitoring"
Asymmetry | Metrics | Description | Common Application(s) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Performance Metrics | Maximal force produced within the | Profiling, adaptation monitoring |
| Peak Vertical Force | Trial | Profiling, adaptation monitoring |
| Absolute Impulse | Total work performed | Fatigue monitoring, adaptation, <br> mopending on the sport, you can <br> select a time epoch that matches the profiling <br> sport demand (example, sprinting <br> GCT of about 100ms) |
| Force @ | Similar to F@atime point, RFD is <br> found to track explosive strength <br> Development @ time <br> epoch of choice | Individual profiling and adaptation <br> monitoring |
| Peak Vertical Force/BW | Peak force relative to bodyweight is <br> used for comparison to other <br> individuals | Adaptation monitoring, profiling |
| Asymmetry Metrics | L/R difference between max force <br> produced | Return to play monitoring, <br> Profiling |
| Peak Vertical Force | L/R difference of total work <br> performed | Return to play monitoring, <br> Asymmetry |
| Absolute Impulse | L/R difference in rate of force <br> produced | Return to play monitoring |
| Asymmetry | | |
2.10 General Force-Time Analysis (GFTA) 2.10 一般力-时间分析 (GFTA)
The General Force Time Analysis is a very different process than other test types that have clear instructions and detection points that allow ForceDecks to auto-detect and auto-analyze. 一般力时间分析与其他具有明确指示和检测点的测试类型有很大不同,这些测试类型允许 ForceDecks 自动检测和自动分析。
The GFTA allows the user to record force:time data for any test or exercise they wish. In a GFTA test, there is no defined start of movement (SoM) or eccentric/concentric/landing phases, but ForceDecks does produce simple force related metrics such as peak force and minimum force. GFTA 允许用户记录他们希望的任何测试或练习的力:时间数据。在 GFTA 测试中,没有定义的运动开始(SoM)或离心/向心/着陆阶段,但 ForceDecks 确实生成简单的与力相关的指标,如峰值力和最小力。
There are countless examples of tests for which GFTA may be used, but one example shown below is a GFTA test being used to analyze a golf swing. 有无数个例子可以使用 GFTA 进行测试,但下面展示的一个例子是使用 GFTA 测试来分析高尔夫挥杆。
2.10.1 Protocol 2.10.1 方案
To perform a General Force -Time Analysis test, follow these steps: 进行一般力-时间分析测试,请按照以下步骤操作:
(This test is available on ForceDecks Windows only. GFTA is not available in ForceDecks iOS). (此测试仅在 ForceDecks Windows 上可用。GFTA 在 ForceDecks iOS 上不可用)。
Note: A General Force-Time Analysis is typically performed for tests and movements which are not automatically detected by ForceDecks Windows. This allows any test to be analyzed at a basic level, even if it is a unique or uncommon protocol or movement. 注意:一般的力-时间分析通常用于 ForceDecks Windows 未自动检测的测试和动作。这允许对任何测试进行基本水平的分析,即使它是一个独特或不常见的协议或动作。
General Force-Time Analysis tests yield generic results, which are broadly suitable for most tests, but depending on the test being performed, may not capture all desired metrics for all users. 一般的力-时间分析测试产生通用结果,这些结果广泛适用于大多数测试,但根据所进行的测试,可能无法捕捉到所有用户所需的所有指标。
Starting position: 起始位置:
As desired 如所愿
Protocol: 协议:
Zero plates -Zero the plates. Ensure nothing is touching the plates during this step. 零板 - 零板。确保在此步骤中没有任何物体接触到板。
Assume starting position - Ask the individual to assume the starting position on the plates. 假设起始位置 - 请个人在板上假设起始位置。
Weigh individual - Measure the individual’s weight. 称量个体 - 测量个体的体重。
Stabilize individual - Instruct the individual to remain completely still, in the starting position for 2-3 seconds before and between each rep in the test. 稳定个体 - 指示个体在测试的每次重复之前和之间保持完全静止,保持起始位置 2-3 秒。
Perform test - Instruct the individual to perform the desired movement. 进行测试 - 指示个人执行所需的动作。
Repeat - Repeat step 5 to record the desired number of reps. 重复 - 重复步骤 5 以记录所需的重复次数。
Stop recording - Click to stop the recording. 停止录音 - 点击停止录音。
Mark reps - Click “Mark Trial Range”, then on the graph, to select the desired range/s to be analyzed. 标记重复 - 点击“标记试验范围”,然后在图表上选择要分析的所需范围。
Complete the test - Analyze and save the results. 完成测试 - 分析并保存结果。
3 Example Applications 3 个示例应用程序
This section discusses some of the possible use cases for ForceDecks, using sources taken from: 本节讨论了 ForceDecks 的一些可能用例,引用的来源包括:
Published literature; and 已发表文献;和
Case studies from current ForceDecks users. 当前 ForceDecks 用户的案例研究。
ForceDecks provides a detailed and objective understanding of physical characteristics that relate to sport, work, and/or life tasks that in turn, can help manage general well-being (VALD, 2023). The following section covers common examples of force plate testing, while exploring how resultant data can be used effectively in daily practice. Specifically, we explore why all tests have value, while acknowledging that test types need to be matched with the right context to have maximal value, i.e., ecological validity. ForceDecks 提供了与运动、工作和/或生活任务相关的身体特征的详细和客观理解,这反过来可以帮助管理整体健康(VALD,2023)。以下部分涵盖了力板测试的常见示例,同时探讨了如何有效地在日常实践中使用结果数据。具体而言,我们探讨了所有测试为何具有价值,同时承认测试类型需要与正确的背景相匹配,以实现最大价值,即生态有效性。
Using ForceDecks helps to better understand and articulate changes in attributes that relate to sports performance, work-related duties, and to guide the progression of injury rehabilitation. In contrast to monitoring progress, it helps to illuminate when physical characteristics are in decline (e.g., fatigue monitoring), which can put performances and the individual at risk, including injury and illness. While these are two distinct considerations (i.e., deciding when to push and when to protect), in practice they work in tandem to ensure healthy performance is maintained. 使用 ForceDecks 有助于更好地理解和表达与运动表现、工作相关职责相关的属性变化,并指导伤害康复的进展。与监测进展相比,它有助于揭示身体特征何时在下降(例如,疲劳监测),这可能会使表现和个人面临风险,包括受伤和疾病。虽然这两个考虑是不同的(即,决定何时推动和何时保护),但在实践中,它们协同工作以确保保持健康的表现。
Before thinking deeply about what and when to test, it is important to consider what you want to know from testing and how you plan to use the resultant data, e.g., how will you leverage the information alongside other stakeholders so that programming interventions are successful? The following diagram (Figure 2), underpinned by principles of continuous improvement, offer an example process to help reach your goal(s). 在深入思考测试的内容和时间之前,重要的是要考虑您希望从测试中获得什么信息,以及您计划如何使用结果数据,例如,您将如何与其他利益相关者利用这些信息,以确保编程干预的成功?以下图表(图 2)基于持续改进的原则,提供了一个示例流程,以帮助您实现目标。
Figure 2. Testing using ForceDecks - considerations for planning, testing, leveraging results, and programming. 图 2. 使用 ForceDecks 进行测试 - 规划、测试、利用结果和编程的考虑事项。
For best practice, it is recommended to start with conducting a Needs Analysis, considering the demands of the task and/or sport, and the status of the individual being tested. The structure of the testing session and selected tests should generally meet the following criteria: 为了最佳实践,建议首先进行需求分析,考虑任务和/或运动的要求,以及被测试个体的状态。测试会话的结构和选择的测试通常应满足以下标准:
Tests should relate to a desirable quality in the individual’s sport or occupation (for example, the strength capacity of a dog handler in the military or the police). 测试应与个人在其运动或职业中的理想素质相关(例如,军队或警察中犬类处理者的力量能力)。
Tests should be repeatable (considering time, set up, access to equipment/space). 测试应该是可重复的(考虑到时间、设置、设备/空间的可访问性)。
The individual clearly understands the purpose and goal(s), to ensure that effort and intent are maximal. 个人清楚地理解目的和目标,以确保努力和意图达到最大化。
The data collected will be used to affect exercise prescription and training, where applicable. 收集的数据将用于影响运动处方和训练(如适用)。
Once these have been established, the next step is to select relevant tests and metrics. By quantifying relevant physical capacities, strengths and weaknesses can be determined, guiding targeted training prescriptions to address the revealed deficiencies (James, 2023; Sheppard, 2021). To assist with test selection, ForceDecks users should consider both the individual’s immediate and longer-term testing needs, where the choice of tests and metrics are an important first step. For example, as the user, are you looking to assess physical qualities that are important for performance (sport/ job/ life), monitor doseresponse/fatigue, or understand progressions during injury rehabilitation? Below are 3 distinct user applications using the CMJ, where ForceDecks can have a significant impact on practice: 一旦这些建立起来,下一步是选择相关的测试和指标。通过量化相关的身体能力,可以确定优缺点,从而指导针对性训练处方以解决暴露出的不足(James, 2023; Sheppard, 2021)。为了帮助选择测试,ForceDecks 用户应考虑个人的即时和长期测试需求,测试和指标的选择是一个重要的第一步。例如,作为用户,您是希望评估对表现(运动/工作/生活)重要的身体素质,监测剂量反应/疲劳,还是了解伤后康复过程中的进展?以下是使用 CMJ 的 3 种不同用户应用,ForceDecks 可以对实践产生重大影响:
*Ensure all component parts are concurrently monitored to understand what is driving any changes in data over time. *确保所有组件部分同时被监控,以了解是什么导致数据随时间变化的。
NOTE: It is often at times beneficial to evaluate countermovement jump metrics relative to body mass. Above all, the practitioner should be consistent in how they evaluate their data (absolute vs. relative) to appropriately appraise differences between athlete cohorts and changes over time. 注意:相对于体重评估反向跳跃指标通常是有益的。最重要的是,实践者在评估数据时应保持一致(绝对值与相对值),以适当地评估运动员群体之间的差异和随时间的变化。
Figure 3. A framework to guide practitioners for selecting metrics using the countermovement jump test (Adapted from Bishop et al. (2022) 图 3. 指导从业者选择使用反向跳跃测试的指标的框架(改编自 Bishop 等人(2022))
Once the user-case has been established, the next step is to understand how to generate a performanceprofile for the individual, where the ForceDecks Assessment Framework (see Figure 4) can help to design a suitable testing battery as part of a continuum, where at one end, tests are less demanding and focus on balance and basic function. On the other end of the continuum, test types are more ballistic, and are used to understand plyometric performance. Consequently, each test helps to understand physical characteristics (e.g., strength, speed, and/ or endurance) that are important for enhancing physical performance and is an important first step when designing training and exercise programs. Critically, practitioners need to be mindful that not every individual has to carry out tests at every stage of the ForceDecks Assessment Framework (Figure 4), as it is based on need and capability. 一旦用户案例建立,下一步是了解如何为个体生成性能档案,其中 ForceDecks 评估框架(见图 4)可以帮助设计合适的测试电池,作为一个连续体的一部分,在一端,测试要求较低,侧重于平衡和基本功能。在连续体的另一端,测试类型更具爆发性,用于理解弹跳性能。因此,每个测试有助于理解对提高身体表现重要的身体特征(例如,力量、速度和/或耐力),这是设计训练和锻炼计划的重要第一步。关键是,实践者需要注意,并非每个个体都必须在 ForceDecks 评估框架的每个阶段(图 4)进行测试,因为这取决于需求和能力。
For example, elderly individuals might not require and/ or be able to complete high impact and velocity test like, Drop Jumps, but they do require strength and balance to execute daily tasks like, squatting to pick a bag from the floor, or to get out of a chair. In this example, supporting practitioners need to consider whether tests other than balance, functional movement patterns, and isometric strength are safe and relevant to the client’s need. 例如,老年人可能不需要和/或无法完成高冲击和高速度的测试,如下落跳跃,但他们确实需要力量和平衡来执行日常任务,如蹲下从地上拿包,或从椅子上站起来。在这个例子中,支持的从业者需要考虑除了平衡、功能性运动模式和等长力量之外,其他测试是否对客户的需求安全且相关。
Conversely, military personnel and athletes might require a high degree of elastic reactive strength for aggressive change of direction, jumping from a run up, or running at speed, where Drop Jumps or the 10/5 Repeated Hop Test offer relevant test solutions. 相反,军人和运动员可能需要较高的弹性反应力量,以应对激烈的变向、从助跑起跳或快速奔跑,其中下落跳或 10/5 重复跳测试提供了相关的测试解决方案。
Figure 4. The ForceDecks Assessment Framework assists practitioners when selecting test types based on the individual’s need and as part of a continuum. 图 4. ForceDecks 评估框架帮助从业者根据个体需求和作为连续性的一部分选择测试类型。
3.1.2 Individualization: Personalizing the Assessment based on Need 3.1.2 个体化:根据需求个性化评估
It is important to consider if the goal of your testing is to determine one of the following: 重要的是要考虑您的测试目标是否是确定以下之一:
What is the individual’s capability and capacity - personal best efforts/outcomes across relevant metrics, how they compared to normative standards, and how you can leverage their results to improve the individual’s status? 个人的能力和容量是什么 - 在相关指标上个人最佳的努力/结果,他们与规范标准的比较,以及如何利用他们的结果来改善个人的状态?
What is the individual’s average and/or standard deviation of their effort and outcome? 个体的努力和结果的平均值和/或标准差是多少?
What do the individual’s effort/outcomes look like under adverse conditions, e.g., during peak levels of fatigue? 在不利条件下,个体的努力/结果是什么样的,例如,在疲劳高峰期?
The above may seem like a relatively minor distinction but can have a significant impact on the interpretation of any data collected. For example, when testing an individual, consider the differences between: 上述内容看起来可能是一个相对较小的区别,但对收集到的任何数据的解释可能会产生重大影响。例如,在测试个体时,请考虑以下差异:
a. Optimal status; and 最佳状态;并且
b. Normal daily demands. 正常的日常需求。
Below are examples applications that ForceDecks users encounter, providing details of the client/athlete, test, and metrics: 以下是 ForceDecks 用户遇到的示例应用,提供了客户/运动员、测试和指标的详细信息:
Profile 个人资料
Metrics 指标
22 岁篮球运动员开始季前测试 测试:腿部力量 - CMJ - 跳跃测试
22 yr old Basketballer
Start Preseason Testing
Testing: Leg Power
- Hop Test
22 yr old Basketballer
Start Preseason Testing
Testing: Leg Power
- Hop Test| 22 yr old Basketballer |
| :--- |
| Start Preseason Testing |
| Testing: Leg Power |
| - CMJ |
| - Hop Test |
The aim is to discover the status of the player, while understanding how the player has returned from an off-season break. More-over, the coaching and support staff are aiming to understand longer-term impact of their programming and competition, as it helps to guide the player for the next stage of preparation and competition.
Jump Height (cm) brings everyone onto the same page.
Eccentric and Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) provides understanding of the breaking and propulsive phases of the jump.
Countermovement Depth (cm) provides helpful information about the depth at the bottom of the movement - consistent or inconsistent?
10/5 Repeat Hop Test
RSI Best (Flight Time / Contact Time) <= 1.5\leq 1.5 requires work > 2.5>2.5 is advanced.
Jump Height (cm) Higher is better.
Contact Time (milliseconds) Lower is better.
The aim is to discover the status of the player, while understanding how the player has returned from an off-season break. More-over, the coaching and support staff are aiming to understand longer-term impact of their programming and competition, as it helps to guide the player for the next stage of preparation and competition.
Jump Height (cm) brings everyone onto the same page.
Eccentric and Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) provides understanding of the breaking and propulsive phases of the jump.
Countermovement Depth (cm) provides helpful information about the depth at the bottom of the movement - consistent or inconsistent?
10/5 Repeat Hop Test
RSI Best (Flight Time / Contact Time) <= 1.5 requires work > 2.5 is advanced.
Jump Height (cm) Higher is better.
Contact Time (milliseconds) Lower is better.| The aim is to discover the status of the player, while understanding how the player has returned from an off-season break. More-over, the coaching and support staff are aiming to understand longer-term impact of their programming and competition, as it helps to guide the player for the next stage of preparation and competition. |
| :--- |
| Metrics: |
| CMJ |
| Jump Height (cm) brings everyone onto the same page. |
| Eccentric and Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) provides understanding of the breaking and propulsive phases of the jump. |
| Countermovement Depth (cm) provides helpful information about the depth at the bottom of the movement - consistent or inconsistent? |
| 10/5 Repeat Hop Test |
| RSI Best (Flight Time / Contact Time) $\leq 1.5$ requires work $>2.5$ is advanced. |
| Jump Height (cm) Higher is better. |
| Contact Time (milliseconds) Lower is better. |
73 岁女性,膝关节置换手术后 4 周,测试:活动能力 - 静态站立 - 坐-站-坐
73 yr old Woman
4 Weeks Post-Knee Replacement
Testing: Mobility
- Quiet Stand
- Sit-Stand-Sit
73 yr old Woman
4 Weeks Post-Knee Replacement
Testing: Mobility
- Quiet Stand
- Sit-Stand-Sit| 73 yr old Woman |
| :--- |
| 4 Weeks Post-Knee Replacement |
| Surgery |
| Testing: Mobility |
| - Quiet Stand |
| - Sit-Stand-Sit |
Testing balance and sit-to-stand function after knee replacement surgery is an integral part of postoperative (and preoperative) care. It helps ensure patient safety, monitors rehabilitation progress, and guides the development of targeted interventions to optimize functional outcomes.
Quiet Stand (QSB)
Total Excursion (mm) total distance travelled by the CoP.
Mean Force (Asymmetry) [% L, R] mean force imbalance between involved vs uninvolved limbs.
Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS)
Mean (and/or Peak) Standing Force (Asymmetry) [% L,R] mean vertical force asymmetry over sit-tostand phase, giving insights into involved vs uninvolved force contributions to the standing phase.
Time to Stand (s) time between start of standing and stabilized in standing position, insights into rate and time-based components of functional standing task.
Testing balance and sit-to-stand function after knee replacement surgery is an integral part of postoperative (and preoperative) care. It helps ensure patient safety, monitors rehabilitation progress, and guides the development of targeted interventions to optimize functional outcomes.
Quiet Stand (QSB)
Total Excursion (mm) total distance travelled by the CoP.
Mean Force (Asymmetry) [% L, R] mean force imbalance between involved vs uninvolved limbs.
Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS)
Mean (and/or Peak) Standing Force (Asymmetry) [% L,R] mean vertical force asymmetry over sit-tostand phase, giving insights into involved vs uninvolved force contributions to the standing phase.
Time to Stand (s) time between start of standing and stabilized in standing position, insights into rate and time-based components of functional standing task.| Testing balance and sit-to-stand function after knee replacement surgery is an integral part of postoperative (and preoperative) care. It helps ensure patient safety, monitors rehabilitation progress, and guides the development of targeted interventions to optimize functional outcomes. |
| :--- |
| Metrics: |
| Quiet Stand (QSB) |
| Total Excursion (mm) total distance travelled by the CoP. |
| Mean Force (Asymmetry) [% L, R] mean force imbalance between involved vs uninvolved limbs. |
| Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS) |
| Mean (and/or Peak) Standing Force (Asymmetry) [% L,R] mean vertical force asymmetry over sit-tostand phase, giving insights into involved vs uninvolved force contributions to the standing phase. |
| Time to Stand (s) time between start of standing and stabilized in standing position, insights into rate and time-based components of functional standing task. |
39 岁士兵年度测试 测试:力量和腿部力量 - IMTP - CMJ
39 yr old Soldier
Annual Testing
Testing: Strength and Leg Power
39 yr old Soldier
Annual Testing
Testing: Strength and Leg Power
- CMJ| 39 yr old Soldier |
| :--- |
| Annual Testing |
| Testing: Strength and Leg Power |
| - IMTP |
| - CMJ |
Unlike in many sports, military personnel must be available for operational duties at any time, and not necessarily in peak condition. Testing should identify core physical capacities (e.g., strength and endurance), and identify potential injury risk.
Peak Vertical Force / BM (N/kg) helps to identify systematic full body strength relative to the weight of each individual.
Net Peak Vertical Force Asymmetry (%) is the soldier favoring one side more than the other?
Jump Height (cm/ inches) gives an overall indication of performance.
Eccentric Impulse (Ns) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Peak Landing Force (N)∼(\mathrm{N}) \sim helps to identify landing loads and asymmetries, which can be problematic with repeated jumping and landing.
Unlike in many sports, military personnel must be available for operational duties at any time, and not necessarily in peak condition. Testing should identify core physical capacities (e.g., strength and endurance), and identify potential injury risk.
Peak Vertical Force / BM (N/kg) helps to identify systematic full body strength relative to the weight of each individual.
Net Peak Vertical Force Asymmetry (%) is the soldier favoring one side more than the other?
Jump Height (cm/ inches) gives an overall indication of performance.
Eccentric Impulse (Ns) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Peak Landing Force (N)∼ helps to identify landing loads and asymmetries, which can be problematic with repeated jumping and landing.| Unlike in many sports, military personnel must be available for operational duties at any time, and not necessarily in peak condition. Testing should identify core physical capacities (e.g., strength and endurance), and identify potential injury risk. |
| :--- |
| Metrics: |
| IMTP |
| Peak Vertical Force / BM (N/kg) helps to identify systematic full body strength relative to the weight of each individual. |
| Net Peak Vertical Force Asymmetry (%) is the soldier favoring one side more than the other? |
| CMJ |
| Jump Height (cm/ inches) gives an overall indication of performance. |
| Eccentric Impulse (Ns) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Peak Landing Force $(\mathrm{N}) \sim$ helps to identify landing loads and asymmetries, which can be problematic with repeated jumping and landing. |
Profile Metrics
"22 yr old Basketballer
Start Preseason Testing
Testing: Leg Power
- Hop Test" "The aim is to discover the status of the player, while understanding how the player has returned from an off-season break. More-over, the coaching and support staff are aiming to understand longer-term impact of their programming and competition, as it helps to guide the player for the next stage of preparation and competition.
Jump Height (cm) brings everyone onto the same page.
Eccentric and Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) provides understanding of the breaking and propulsive phases of the jump.
Countermovement Depth (cm) provides helpful information about the depth at the bottom of the movement - consistent or inconsistent?
10/5 Repeat Hop Test
RSI Best (Flight Time / Contact Time) <= 1.5 requires work > 2.5 is advanced.
Jump Height (cm) Higher is better.
Contact Time (milliseconds) Lower is better."
"73 yr old Woman
4 Weeks Post-Knee Replacement
Testing: Mobility
- Quiet Stand
- Sit-Stand-Sit" "Testing balance and sit-to-stand function after knee replacement surgery is an integral part of postoperative (and preoperative) care. It helps ensure patient safety, monitors rehabilitation progress, and guides the development of targeted interventions to optimize functional outcomes.
Quiet Stand (QSB)
Total Excursion (mm) total distance travelled by the CoP.
Mean Force (Asymmetry) [% L, R] mean force imbalance between involved vs uninvolved limbs.
Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS)
Mean (and/or Peak) Standing Force (Asymmetry) [% L,R] mean vertical force asymmetry over sit-tostand phase, giving insights into involved vs uninvolved force contributions to the standing phase.
Time to Stand (s) time between start of standing and stabilized in standing position, insights into rate and time-based components of functional standing task."
"39 yr old Soldier
Annual Testing
Testing: Strength and Leg Power
- CMJ" "Unlike in many sports, military personnel must be available for operational duties at any time, and not necessarily in peak condition. Testing should identify core physical capacities (e.g., strength and endurance), and identify potential injury risk.
Peak Vertical Force / BM (N/kg) helps to identify systematic full body strength relative to the weight of each individual.
Net Peak Vertical Force Asymmetry (%) is the soldier favoring one side more than the other?
Jump Height (cm/ inches) gives an overall indication of performance.
Eccentric Impulse (Ns) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Peak Landing Force (N)∼ helps to identify landing loads and asymmetries, which can be problematic with repeated jumping and landing."| Profile | Metrics |
| :---: | :---: |
| 22 yr old Basketballer <br> Start Preseason Testing <br> Testing: Leg Power <br> - CMJ <br> - Hop Test | The aim is to discover the status of the player, while understanding how the player has returned from an off-season break. More-over, the coaching and support staff are aiming to understand longer-term impact of their programming and competition, as it helps to guide the player for the next stage of preparation and competition. <br> Metrics: <br> CMJ <br> Jump Height (cm) brings everyone onto the same page. <br> Eccentric and Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) provides understanding of the breaking and propulsive phases of the jump. <br> Countermovement Depth (cm) provides helpful information about the depth at the bottom of the movement - consistent or inconsistent? <br> 10/5 Repeat Hop Test <br> RSI Best (Flight Time / Contact Time) $\leq 1.5$ requires work $>2.5$ is advanced. <br> Jump Height (cm) Higher is better. <br> Contact Time (milliseconds) Lower is better. |
| 73 yr old Woman <br> 4 Weeks Post-Knee Replacement <br> Surgery <br> Testing: Mobility <br> - Quiet Stand <br> - Sit-Stand-Sit | Testing balance and sit-to-stand function after knee replacement surgery is an integral part of postoperative (and preoperative) care. It helps ensure patient safety, monitors rehabilitation progress, and guides the development of targeted interventions to optimize functional outcomes. <br> Metrics: <br> Quiet Stand (QSB) <br> Total Excursion (mm) total distance travelled by the CoP. <br> Mean Force (Asymmetry) [% L, R] mean force imbalance between involved vs uninvolved limbs. <br> Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS) <br> Mean (and/or Peak) Standing Force (Asymmetry) [% L,R] mean vertical force asymmetry over sit-tostand phase, giving insights into involved vs uninvolved force contributions to the standing phase. <br> Time to Stand (s) time between start of standing and stabilized in standing position, insights into rate and time-based components of functional standing task. |
| 39 yr old Soldier <br> Annual Testing <br> Testing: Strength and Leg Power <br> - IMTP <br> - CMJ | Unlike in many sports, military personnel must be available for operational duties at any time, and not necessarily in peak condition. Testing should identify core physical capacities (e.g., strength and endurance), and identify potential injury risk. <br> Metrics: <br> IMTP <br> Peak Vertical Force / BM (N/kg) helps to identify systematic full body strength relative to the weight of each individual. <br> Net Peak Vertical Force Asymmetry (%) is the soldier favoring one side more than the other? <br> CMJ <br> Jump Height (cm/ inches) gives an overall indication of performance. <br> Eccentric Impulse (Ns) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Concentric Impulse ( Ns ) capacity to apply braking forces before the concentric phase of jumping. Peak Landing Force $(\mathrm{N}) \sim$ helps to identify landing loads and asymmetries, which can be problematic with repeated jumping and landing. |
Practical Implications - when to test? 实际意义 - 何时进行检测?
Example comparison. In a typical week, a military Sergeant and basketball player might experience high workloads in their respective jobs, which can have negative implications on their ForceDecks testing performances. Therefore, we might expect sub-optimal performances, unless their training is adjusted to accommodate (typically reduced) for associated acute fatigue to subside. Understanding the need to control physical status in the lead in to testing (time of day, day of week, stage of program, level of fatigue, etc.) is an important consideration when collecting data that is both valid and reliable (Issurin, 2010). 示例比较。在一个典型的星期里,一名军士和一名篮球运动员可能在各自的工作中经历高负荷,这可能对他们的 ForceDecks 测试表现产生负面影响。因此,我们可能会预期表现不佳,除非他们的训练调整以适应(通常是减少)相关的急性疲劳以便缓解。在进行测试前控制身体状态(时间、星期几、项目阶段、疲劳水平等)的必要性是收集有效且可靠数据时的重要考虑因素(Issurin,2010)。
Time of day is also an important consideration when testing. The impact on results is known to vary due to the natural circadian rhythm and the body’s fluctuation in alertness, hormonal status, and internal body temperature (Thun, 2015; Atkinson, 1996; Bourreau, 2015). If it is not possible to test-retest at a similar time of day, you can use “Attributes” to delineate results. 一天中的时间在测试时也是一个重要的考虑因素。结果的影响因自然昼夜节律以及身体警觉性、激素状态和体内温度的波动而有所不同(Thun, 2015; Atkinson, 1996; Bourreau, 2015)。如果无法在相似的时间进行重测,可以使用“属性”来划分结果。
In ForceDecks, you can assign “tags”, to help classify similar tests that have different constraints. For example, if CMJ is tested in the morning or the evening, it will help the practitioner decide whether the fluctuation in data is due to actual changes in neuromuscular status or simply due to variation in the time. Similarly, attributes can be used in the same manner to delineate differences in physical status (Zarrouk, 2012). 在 ForceDecks 中,您可以分配“标签”,以帮助分类具有不同限制的相似测试。例如,如果在早晨或晚上测试 CMJ,这将帮助从业者决定数据波动是由于神经肌肉状态的实际变化还是仅仅由于时间的变化。同样,属性也可以以相同的方式用于划分身体状态的差异(Zarrouk,2012)。
3.2 Profiling 3.2 轮廓分析
Purpose 目的
为个体建立基线,相对于:- 他们的同龄人(以便立即干预) - 该个体(以便未来监测和干预)
Establish a baseline for an individual, relative to:
- Their peers (for immediate intervention)
- The individual (for future monitoring and intervention)
Establish a baseline for an individual, relative to:
- Their peers (for immediate intervention)
- The individual (for future monitoring and intervention)| Establish a baseline for an individual, relative to: |
| :--- |
| - Their peers (for immediate intervention) |
| - The individual (for future monitoring and intervention) |
Establish a reliable measure of what is typical for the individual, using criteria that is:
- Reliably monitored over time
- Directly related to their goals
Establish a reliable measure of what is typical for the individual, using criteria that is:
- Reliably monitored over time
- Directly related to their goals| Establish a reliable measure of what is typical for the individual, using criteria that is: |
| :--- |
| - Reliably monitored over time |
| - Directly related to their goals |
Tests should be easy to perform reliably with minimal familiarization, while gathering as much data as possible, such as (but not limited to):
- SQT (loaded or unloaded)
- Isometric Tests
Tests should be easy to perform reliably with minimal familiarization, while gathering as much data as possible, such as (but not limited to):
- SQT (loaded or unloaded)
- Isometric Tests| Tests should be easy to perform reliably with minimal familiarization, while gathering as much data as possible, such as (but not limited to): |
| :--- |
| - CMJ |
| - SQT (loaded or unloaded) |
| - Isometric Tests |
Typically, just once, at start of a discreet period:
- During first visit to clinic
- Based on timeline needs - e.g., start of program/season/course
- Start of new exercise program
- Pre/post-surgery
Typically, just once, at start of a discreet period:
- During first visit to clinic
- Based on timeline needs - e.g., start of program/season/course
- Start of new exercise program
- Pre/post-surgery| Typically, just once, at start of a discreet period: |
| :--- |
| - During first visit to clinic |
| - Based on timeline needs - e.g., start of program/season/course |
| - Start of new exercise program |
| - Pre/post-surgery |
- Is the individual familiarized enough or physically capable enough to make their data reliable?
- Would improvement in the aspects being measured mean progress towards their goals?
- Can the analysis be consistently performed again in the future to test the same aspects?
- Is the individual familiarized enough or physically capable enough to make their data reliable?
- Would improvement in the aspects being measured mean progress towards their goals?
- Can the analysis be consistently performed again in the future to test the same aspects?| - Is the individual familiarized enough or physically capable enough to make their data reliable? |
| :--- |
| - Would improvement in the aspects being measured mean progress towards their goals? |
| - Can the analysis be consistently performed again in the future to test the same aspects? |
Purpose "Establish a baseline for an individual, relative to:
- Their peers (for immediate intervention)
- The individual (for future monitoring and intervention)"
Objectives "Establish a reliable measure of what is typical for the individual, using criteria that is:
- Reliably monitored over time
- Directly related to their goals"
Common tests "Tests should be easy to perform reliably with minimal familiarization, while gathering as much data as possible, such as (but not limited to):
- SQT (loaded or unloaded)
- Isometric Tests"
Frequency of testing "Typically, just once, at start of a discreet period:
- During first visit to clinic
- Based on timeline needs - e.g., start of program/season/course
- Start of new exercise program
- Pre/post-surgery"
Key considerations "- Is the individual familiarized enough or physically capable enough to make their data reliable?
- Would improvement in the aspects being measured mean progress towards their goals?
- Can the analysis be consistently performed again in the future to test the same aspects?"| Purpose | Establish a baseline for an individual, relative to: <br> - Their peers (for immediate intervention) <br> - The individual (for future monitoring and intervention) |
| :---: | :---: |
| Objectives | Establish a reliable measure of what is typical for the individual, using criteria that is: <br> - Reliably monitored over time <br> - Directly related to their goals |
| Common tests | Tests should be easy to perform reliably with minimal familiarization, while gathering as much data as possible, such as (but not limited to): <br> - CMJ <br> - SQT (loaded or unloaded) <br> - Isometric Tests |
| Frequency of testing | Typically, just once, at start of a discreet period: <br> - During first visit to clinic <br> - Based on timeline needs - e.g., start of program/season/course <br> - Start of new exercise program <br> - Pre/post-surgery |
| Key considerations | - Is the individual familiarized enough or physically capable enough to make their data reliable? <br> - Would improvement in the aspects being measured mean progress towards their goals? <br> - Can the analysis be consistently performed again in the future to test the same aspects? |
Profiling is an important part of understanding programming for performance and injury rehabilitation. The general goal of profiling is to take a “fingerprint” of the individual, to answer questions such as: 分析是理解性能编程和伤害康复的重要部分。分析的总体目标是获取个体的“指纹”,以回答诸如:
What are their strengths? 他们的优势是什么?
What are their outputs in given tests/metrics? 他们在给定的测试/指标中的输出是什么?
What are their weaknesses and imbalances? 他们的弱点和失衡是什么?
What do their normal outcome measures (e.g., jump height) look like? 他们的正常结果指标(例如,跳跃高度)是什么样的?
What do their normal strategies (e.g., countermovement depth, contraction time, etc.) look like? 他们的正常策略(例如,反向运动深度、收缩时间等)是什么样的?
What do they do on a consistent basis that may be beneficial or detrimental to their sport or their health? 他们在持续的基础上做些什么可能对他们的运动或健康有益或有害?
With this in mind, understanding how results in multiple assessments relate to each other can help to improve your understanding of an individual’s “fingerprint” and personalize their exercise prescription accordingly (Turner, 2019). 考虑到这一点,理解多个评估结果之间的关系可以帮助您更好地理解个体的“指纹”,并相应地个性化他们的运动处方(Turner, 2019)。
Below is an example of how relevant test/s and variable/s may be selected to form part of profiling. 以下是如何选择相关测试和变量以形成个人资料的一部分的示例。
*These tests may instead/also be performed in single limb variants where appropriate. *这些测试也可以在适当的情况下以单肢变体的形式进行。
Note: These are attributes that are relevant for rapid change of direct movements and agility. 注意:这些是与快速变化的直接动作和灵活性相关的属性。
For the purpose of this User Guide, our discussion focuses on neuromuscular assessment. Other common areas of profiling such as: 3D movement analysis, speed, endurance, blood panels and cognitive testing are out of the scope of this User Guide but may still form a part of the profiling and monitoring process and may 为了本用户指南的目的,我们的讨论集中在神经肌肉评估上。其他常见的评估领域,如:3D 运动分析、速度、耐力、血液检测和认知测试不在本用户指南的范围内,但仍可能是评估和监测过程的一部分。
add value to neuromuscular assessment results. 为神经肌肉评估结果增加价值。
The following section discusses profiling of both performance and asymmetry. 以下部分讨论了性能和不对称性的分析。
3.2.1 Profiling for Improved Performance 3.2.1 为提高性能而进行的分析
To establish a well-rounded profile for the individual, it is important to consider using different test types. Developing a well-rounded performance profile requires results from multiple test types, each offering details about different attributes. If time and resources allow, the best approach is to examine various test results to identify similarities and relationships. Trends will begin to emerge and that will help support informed decision-making for training and exercise. For example, consider the following tests and the data they most accurately report: 为了建立个人的全面档案,考虑使用不同的测试类型是很重要的。开发一个全面的表现档案需要来自多种测试类型的结果,每种测试都提供有关不同属性的细节。如果时间和资源允许,最佳的方法是检查各种测试结果,以识别相似性和关系。趋势将开始显现,这将有助于支持训练和锻炼的明智决策。例如,考虑以下测试及其最准确报告的数据:
CMJ: precise information regarding slow Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) ability and easily administered for ongoing monitoring. CMJ:关于慢速拉伸缩短循环(SSC)能力的精确信息,且易于进行持续监测。
DJ: provides relevant information for fast Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) ability, that relates to jumping from a run up, rapid change of direction, and running at speed. DJ:提供与快速伸展-缩短循环(SSC)能力相关的信息,这与从助跑跳跃、快速变向和高速奔跑有关。
SJ: isolates an individual’s ability to generate force during movement without any elastic contribution. SJ:隔离个体在运动中产生力量的能力,而不考虑任何弹性贡献。
Lower Limb ISOT: a reliable method to determine lower body maximum force production. 下肢 ISOT:一种可靠的方法来确定下半身最大力量产生。
However, this is by no means a comprehensive list of options. For example, a Hop Test can replace the DJ; Single Limb Jump and Isometric tests may help with single limb versus double leg abilities (possibly highlighting deficiencies or asymmetry variations). Lastly, Squat Assessment and/or Loaded CMJs can be used to create a Force:Velocity Profile or again, help to determine how external load influences asymmetry profiles. Beyond using single tests, it is also possible to cross-reference different test types such as an IMTP and CMJ to derive a Dynamic Strength Index (DSI), or to look at the difference in CMJ and SJ performance in order to better understand the relationship between strength capacity and Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) ability. 然而,这绝不是一个全面的选项列表。例如,跳跃测试可以替代 DJ;单肢跳跃和等长测试可能有助于评估单肢与双腿的能力(可能突出不足或不对称的变化)。最后,深蹲评估和/或负重垂直跳可以用来创建一个力:速度曲线,或者再次帮助确定外部负荷如何影响不对称特征。除了使用单一测试外,还可以交叉参考不同的测试类型,如 IMTP 和 CMJ,以得出动态力量指数(DSI),或者查看 CMJ 和 SJ 表现之间的差异,以更好地理解力量能力与拉伸-缩短循环(SSC)能力之间的关系。
Index 索引
Equation 方程
Description 描述
Common Values 共同价值观
Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) 动态强度指数 (DSI)
CMJ 峰值力量 / IMTP 峰值力量
CMJ Peak
Force / IMTP
Peak Force
CMJ Peak
Force / IMTP
Peak Force| CMJ Peak |
| :--- |
| Force / IMTP |
| Peak Force |
Determines the percentage of maximum isometric force (i.e., from an IMTP) that an individual expresses during a ballistic movement (i.e., a CMJ). 确定个体在弹跳运动(即,CMJ)中表现出的最大等长力量(即,来自 IMTP)的百分比。
A low DSI (e.g., < 0.6) suggests jump or plyometric training may be beneficial.
A moderate DSI (e.g., 0.6 - 0.8) may indicate that both power and maximum strength should be trained concurrently.
A high DSI (e.g., > 0.8) may indicate that additional maximum strength training would be useful to increase performance. Caution should be used with deconditioned individuals.
A low DSI (e.g., < 0.6) suggests jump or plyometric training may be beneficial.
A moderate DSI (e.g., 0.6 - 0.8) may indicate that both power and maximum strength should be trained concurrently.
A high DSI (e.g., > 0.8) may indicate that additional maximum strength training would be useful to increase performance. Caution should be used with deconditioned individuals.| A low DSI (e.g., < 0.6) suggests jump or plyometric training may be beneficial. |
| :--- |
| A moderate DSI (e.g., 0.6 - 0.8) may indicate that both power and maximum strength should be trained concurrently. |
| A high DSI (e.g., > 0.8) may indicate that additional maximum strength training would be useful to increase performance. Caution should be used with deconditioned individuals. |
Index Equation Description Common Values
Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) "CMJ Peak
Force / IMTP
Peak Force" Determines the percentage of maximum isometric force (i.e., from an IMTP) that an individual expresses during a ballistic movement (i.e., a CMJ). "A low DSI (e.g., < 0.6) suggests jump or plyometric training may be beneficial.
A moderate DSI (e.g., 0.6 - 0.8) may indicate that both power and maximum strength should be trained concurrently.
A high DSI (e.g., > 0.8) may indicate that additional maximum strength training would be useful to increase performance. Caution should be used with deconditioned individuals."| Index | Equation | Description | Common Values |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) | CMJ Peak <br> Force / IMTP <br> Peak Force | Determines the percentage of maximum isometric force (i.e., from an IMTP) that an individual expresses during a ballistic movement (i.e., a CMJ). | A low DSI (e.g., < 0.6) suggests jump or plyometric training may be beneficial. <br> A moderate DSI (e.g., 0.6 - 0.8) may indicate that both power and maximum strength should be trained concurrently. <br> A high DSI (e.g., > 0.8) may indicate that additional maximum strength training would be useful to increase performance. Caution should be used with deconditioned individuals. |
The CMJ uses the eccentric phase to develop elastic potential and quickly transfers that energy to the force generated during the concentric phase.
The SJ removes that elastic potential by requiring the individual to jump from a paused squat position.
Determining the difference between the two jump heights may identify the contribution of elastic potential to jump performance. The larger the difference, the more the individual may rely on elastic properties to jump.
The CMJ uses the eccentric phase to develop elastic potential and quickly transfers that energy to the force generated during the concentric phase.
The SJ removes that elastic potential by requiring the individual to jump from a paused squat position.
Determining the difference between the two jump heights may identify the contribution of elastic potential to jump performance. The larger the difference, the more the individual may rely on elastic properties to jump.| The CMJ uses the eccentric phase to develop elastic potential and quickly transfers that energy to the force generated during the concentric phase. |
| :--- |
| The SJ removes that elastic potential by requiring the individual to jump from a paused squat position. |
| Determining the difference between the two jump heights may identify the contribution of elastic potential to jump performance. The larger the difference, the more the individual may rely on elastic properties to jump. |
The CMJ protocol requires that the hands of the subject stay on their hips during the entire test. This restricts the upward momentum generated by the upper body and, in some cases, may expose deficits in jump strategy. These factors reduce final vertical jump height.
Testing an individual with and without arm swing will determine the additional contribution (if any) of upper body.
Some individuals may display stronger single limb results than when both limbs are testing simultaneously.
The CMJ protocol requires that the hands of the subject stay on their hips during the entire test. This restricts the upward momentum generated by the upper body and, in some cases, may expose deficits in jump strategy. These factors reduce final vertical jump height.
Testing an individual with and without arm swing will determine the additional contribution (if any) of upper body.
Some individuals may display stronger single limb results than when both limbs are testing simultaneously.| The CMJ protocol requires that the hands of the subject stay on their hips during the entire test. This restricts the upward momentum generated by the upper body and, in some cases, may expose deficits in jump strategy. These factors reduce final vertical jump height. |
| :--- |
| Testing an individual with and without arm swing will determine the additional contribution (if any) of upper body. |
| Some individuals may display stronger single limb results than when both limbs are testing simultaneously. |
Testing bilaterally and both limbs individually may demonstrate if and by how much single limb force output differs.
A result of > 1.0>1.0 means that bilateral force is higher, while < 1.0 means that summed unilateral forces are higher.
Such results may guide programming choices and inform practitioners of how asymmetries in bilateral movement patterns differ from single limb performances.
Testing bilaterally and both limbs individually may demonstrate if and by how much single limb force output differs.
A result of > 1.0 means that bilateral force is higher, while < 1.0 means that summed unilateral forces are higher.
Such results may guide programming choices and inform practitioners of how asymmetries in bilateral movement patterns differ from single limb performances.| Testing bilaterally and both limbs individually may demonstrate if and by how much single limb force output differs. |
| :--- |
| A result of $>1.0$ means that bilateral force is higher, while < 1.0 means that summed unilateral forces are higher. |
| Such results may guide programming choices and inform practitioners of how asymmetries in bilateral movement patterns differ from single limb performances. |
Elastic Utilization Ratio (EUR) "SJ Jump
Height / CMJ
Jump Height" Determines the contribution of the stretch/shorten cycle (i.e.: elastic properties) to overall jump performance. "The CMJ uses the eccentric phase to develop elastic potential and quickly transfers that energy to the force generated during the concentric phase.
The SJ removes that elastic potential by requiring the individual to jump from a paused squat position.
Determining the difference between the two jump heights may identify the contribution of elastic potential to jump performance. The larger the difference, the more the individual may rely on elastic properties to jump."
CMJ Upper Body Contribution CMJ Jump Height / Abalakov Jump Height Determines the contribution of an arm swing movement to overall jump height. "The CMJ protocol requires that the hands of the subject stay on their hips during the entire test. This restricts the upward momentum generated by the upper body and, in some cases, may expose deficits in jump strategy. These factors reduce final vertical jump height.
Testing an individual with and without arm swing will determine the additional contribution (if any) of upper body.
Some individuals may display stronger single limb results than when both limbs are testing simultaneously."
Strength Deficit" IMTP Bilateral Max/(IMTP Left Max + IMTP Right Max) Identifies if the summed unilateral force produced is greater than in the bilateral testing condition. "Testing bilaterally and both limbs individually may demonstrate if and by how much single limb force output differs.
A result of > 1.0 means that bilateral force is higher, while < 1.0 means that summed unilateral forces are higher.
Such results may guide programming choices and inform practitioners of how asymmetries in bilateral movement patterns differ from single limb performances."| Elastic Utilization Ratio (EUR) | SJ Jump <br> Height / CMJ <br> Jump Height | Determines the contribution of the stretch/shorten cycle (i.e.: elastic properties) to overall jump performance. | The CMJ uses the eccentric phase to develop elastic potential and quickly transfers that energy to the force generated during the concentric phase. <br> The SJ removes that elastic potential by requiring the individual to jump from a paused squat position. <br> Determining the difference between the two jump heights may identify the contribution of elastic potential to jump performance. The larger the difference, the more the individual may rely on elastic properties to jump. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| CMJ Upper Body Contribution | CMJ Jump Height / Abalakov Jump Height | Determines the contribution of an arm swing movement to overall jump height. | The CMJ protocol requires that the hands of the subject stay on their hips during the entire test. This restricts the upward momentum generated by the upper body and, in some cases, may expose deficits in jump strategy. These factors reduce final vertical jump height. <br> Testing an individual with and without arm swing will determine the additional contribution (if any) of upper body. <br> Some individuals may display stronger single limb results than when both limbs are testing simultaneously. |
| Bilateral <br> Strength Deficit | IMTP Bilateral Max/(IMTP Left Max + IMTP Right Max) | Identifies if the summed unilateral force produced is greater than in the bilateral testing condition. | Testing bilaterally and both limbs individually may demonstrate if and by how much single limb force output differs. <br> A result of $>1.0$ means that bilateral force is higher, while < 1.0 means that summed unilateral forces are higher. <br> Such results may guide programming choices and inform practitioners of how asymmetries in bilateral movement patterns differ from single limb performances. |
There are many options for creating a profile. The following principles are recommended for establishing priorities: 创建个人资料有许多选项。建议遵循以下原则来确定优先事项:
Determine the performance and/or physical demands for the individual, and assess what extent of testing can be tolerated; 确定个体的表现和/或身体需求,并评估可以承受的测试程度;
Identify the general attributes that match the response(s) to question 1 , such as, CMJ performance for a basketball player or single leg ISO strength for a soldier; 识别与问题 1 的回答相匹配的一般属性,例如,篮球运动员的垂直跳跃表现或士兵的单腿等长力量;
Select tests that return unique results rather than ones that examine similar aspects and yield redundant conclusions. Consider logistics such as time, equipment availability, and individual experience when selecting certain tests over others within a category; and 选择返回独特结果的测试,而不是检查相似方面并产生冗余结论的测试。在选择某一类别中的特定测试时,考虑物流因素,如时间、设备可用性和个人经验;并
Use the results to establish a baseline, identify areas of performance excellence, and aspects in need of improvement. 使用结果建立基线,识别表现卓越的领域和需要改进的方面。
Finally, it is worth considering how you will present the data in an understandable way. On that topic, the paper “Total Score of Athleticism: Holistic Athlete Profiling to Enhance Decision Making” by Anthony Turner 最后,值得考虑的是如何以易于理解的方式呈现数据。在这个主题上,安东尼·特纳的论文“运动能力总分:全面运动员画像以增强决策”
(2019) may provide some guidance. (2019)可能提供一些指导。
3.2.2 Controlling Test Protocols 3.2.2 控制测试协议
As stated earlier, the importance of applying a standardized protocol is fundamental to test validity and reliability, where the following examples need careful consideration: 如前所述,应用标准化协议的重要性对于测试的有效性和可靠性至关重要,以下示例需要仔细考虑:
A steady weigh-in period is measured immediately prior to start of movement; 在开始运动之前,稳重的称重期会立即测量;
A steady period of at least 3 seconds in squat position, before movement occurs; 在下蹲姿势中保持至少 3 秒的稳定期,然后再进行动作;
Preventing a countermovement/sudden dip at start of movement of a Squat Jump; 防止深蹲跳起始动作的反向运动/突然下沉;
When assessing a Drop Jump, the individual steps off the box and maintains hip height before dropping; 在评估下落跳时,个体从箱子上跳下并保持髋部高度,然后再下落;
Setting bar height and joint angles in consistent positions for each individual; and 为每个个体设置一致的杆高度和关节角度;并
Capturing an accurate system weight (i.e., bodyweight plus any external load) in a loaded Squat Assessment. 在负重深蹲评估中捕捉准确的系统重量(即体重加上任何外部负载)。
These factors (along with others mentioned throughout this document) are the cornerstones in the usage of force plates. Executing correct, repeatable protocols should be considered a critical precursor to selecting and analyzing force plate data. 这些因素(以及本文档中提到的其他因素)是使用力板的基石。执行正确、可重复的协议应被视为选择和分析力板数据的关键前提。
3.2.3 Defining Best Results 3.2.3 定义最佳结果
For any test that involves multiple trials, it is important to consider if data will be considered from all trials (repetitions) or from the “best” trial only. Results can then be filtered by the maximum, minimum, or average of trials (intra and inter-session). 对于任何涉及多次试验的测试,重要的是要考虑数据是来自所有试验(重复)还是仅来自“最佳”试验。结果可以通过试验的最大值、最小值或平均值进行过滤(会话内和会话间)。
For example, a profile can be built from a single “best trial” (e.g., the repetition with the best jump height, the shortest contact time, the lowest interlimb asymmetry, etc.) for key metrics of interest, such as, Jump Height, Peak Power, Eccentric Deceleration RFD, Eccentric Peak Power, etc. Alternatively, you may prefer to use multiple trials within a testing session. For example, consider a subject performs 5 trials in a CMJ test, and registers the following: 例如,可以从单个“最佳试验”(例如,最佳跳跃高度、最短接触时间、最低肢体不对称等)构建一个个人资料,以关注的关键指标,如跳跃高度、峰值功率、离心减速 RFD、离心峰值功率等。或者,您可能更喜欢在测试会话中使用多个试验。例如,考虑一个受试者在 CMJ 测试中进行 5 次试验,并记录如下:
Best Jump Height 最佳跳跃高度
in Trial 1 在试验 1 中
Best Peak Power 最佳峰值功率
in Trial 4 在试验 4 中
Best Eccentric Deceleration RFD 最佳偏心减速 RFD
in Trial 2 在试验 2 中
Best Eccentric Peak Power 最佳偏心峰值功率
in Trial 1 在试验 1 中
Best Jump Height in Trial 1
Best Peak Power in Trial 4
Best Eccentric Deceleration RFD in Trial 2
Best Eccentric Peak Power in Trial 1| Best Jump Height | in Trial 1 |
| :--- | :--- |
| Best Peak Power | in Trial 4 |
| Best Eccentric Deceleration RFD | in Trial 2 |
| Best Eccentric Peak Power | in Trial 1 |
The above outlines a test set, where the “best result” for each variable can occur in different repetitions or trials. For this reason, it might be preferable to use all trial/session data, as this single trial will be able to be better analyzed for both strengths and weaknesses. Thus, in this example, one may opt to analyze and filter results through the "maximum’ of trials. 上述概述了一个测试集,其中每个变量的“最佳结果”可能出现在不同的重复或试验中。因此,使用所有试验/会话数据可能更为可取,因为这个单一试验能够更好地分析其优缺点。因此,在这个例子中,可以选择通过“最大”试验来分析和过滤结果。
It’s normal to see inter-trial variation. ForceDecks then allows us to analyze multiple trials as an average or mean of trials, along with its respective standard deviation and coefficient of variation, to help us better understand this variability and compare changes within various testing sessions. 在试验之间出现变异是正常的。ForceDecks 允许我们将多个试验分析为试验的平均值或均值,以及相应的标准差和变异系数,以帮助我们更好地理解这种变异并比较不同测试会话中的变化。
3.2.4 Frequency of Testing 3.2.4 测试频率
Contextual needs and constraints are important considerations when setting testing frequency. In sport, for example, testing alongside known benchmarks and past results are often used to set training direction at the start of preseason; assess physical progress during and/or at the end of preseason training; before using testing sparingly during the in-season and off-season phases to monitor and manage physical status, i.e., dose-response relationship. 上下文需求和限制在设定测试频率时是重要的考虑因素。例如,在体育中,通常会使用已知基准和过去的结果来设定季前训练的方向;在季前训练期间和/或结束时评估身体进展;然后在赛季和休赛期阶段稀疏地使用测试,以监测和管理身体状态,即剂量-反应关系。
Compare this to private practice physiotherapy, where practitioner-client interactions are less frequent, testing frequency will be lower. In these circumstances, the practitioner needs to consider time constraints and how the test results will be applied to guide rehabilitation, while engaging the client optimally. 将此与私人诊所的物理治疗进行比较,在那里,治疗师与客户的互动较少,测试频率会更低。在这种情况下,治疗师需要考虑时间限制以及如何应用测试结果来指导康复,同时有效地与客户互动。
Therefore, an important consideration is frequency of testing, which changes depending on the desired outcome of the test. For example, fatigue monitoring will be conducted more frequently than testing the effectiveness of an intervention. 因此,一个重要的考虑因素是测试的频率,这取决于测试的预期结果。例如,疲劳监测的频率将高于干预效果的测试。
Below are some important considerations for selecting an appropriate frequency: 以下是选择适当频率的一些重要考虑因素:
Familiarization: it is prudent to allow enough trials to build familiarization and consistency in results. The rate of familiarization can vary depending on the experience of the individual and the complexity of the test (Bishop, 2022; Knezevic, 2014; Henry, 1967; Haugen, 2016). 熟悉度:允许足够的试验以建立熟悉度和结果的一致性是明智的。熟悉度的建立速度可能因个体的经验和测试的复杂性而异(Bishop, 2022;Knezevic, 2014;Henry, 1967;Haugen, 2016)。
With less data collected, it is more difficult to identify the difference between outliers and “good” or “bad” performances. The more consistently data is collected, the easier it becomes to spot and clean poorly performed tests, resulting in more reliable data. 收集的数据越少,识别异常值与“好”或“坏”表现之间的差异就越困难。数据收集得越一致,发现和清理表现不佳的测试就越容易,从而产生更可靠的数据。
Frequent testing helps visualize the normal trends that occur in each time, such as over the course of an exercise program, during a normal week of training, or during a rehabilitation journey. 频繁的测试有助于可视化在每个时间段内发生的正常趋势,例如在锻炼计划的过程中、在正常的训练周期间或在康复过程中。
For example, when trying to understand dose-response, if an individual is only tested fortnightly, it is difficult to determine how well that individual is progressing. Ideally, measures would be taken more frequently to get a better understanding (Bailey, 2019; Cormack, 2008). However, in contrast to testing healthy populations, frequent testing during rehabilitation interventions might not allow adequate time to highlight meaningful change but demonstrates normal daily variation of status. Therefore, practitioners need to adopt a plan and schedule for testing frequency that meets their individual’s set of circumstances. 例如,当试图理解剂量反应时,如果一个个体仅每两周进行一次测试,就很难确定该个体的进展情况。理想情况下,应该更频繁地进行测量,以便更好地理解(Bailey, 2019; Cormack, 2008)。然而,与对健康人群的测试相比,在康复干预期间频繁测试可能无法充分突出有意义的变化,而只是显示正常的日常状态变化。因此,实践者需要制定一个符合个体情况的测试频率计划和时间表。
Below is an example of how appropriate test types and metrics may be selected based on time constraints and need. 以下是一个示例,说明如何根据时间限制和需求选择适当的测试类型和指标。
Note: test choice is at the discretion of the practitioner based on the individual being tested. 注意:测试选择由从业者根据被测试者的个体情况自行决定。
3.2.5 Standardizing Test Protocols - Checklist before starting 3.2.5 标准化测试协议 - 开始前的检查清单
Standardizing test protocols for testing is essential to ensure consistency and reliability in the measurements obtained. Outlined below are steps to improve standardization of test protocols for force plate testing: 标准化测试协议对于测试至关重要,以确保所获得测量的一致性和可靠性。以下是改善力板测试协议标准化的步骤:
Define Objectives: Clearly outline the objectives of your testing. What specific physical capacities or qualities are you measuring? What information are you trying to gather? 定义目标:清晰地概述您的测试目标。您正在测量哪些特定的身体能力或特质?您试图收集哪些信息?
Review Relevant Literature: Familiarize yourself with existing research and standards related to force plate testing. This can help you understand best practices and inform your protocol. 审查相关文献:熟悉与力板测试相关的现有研究和标准。这可以帮助您了解最佳实践并为您的方案提供信息。
Define Subject’s Instructions and Tester’s Cueing: Clearly communicate instructions/cueing to participants to ensure consistent testing conditions - includes all relevant instructions that might influence results. 定义受试者的指示和测试者的提示:清晰地向参与者传达指示/提示,以确保测试条件的一致性 - 包括所有可能影响结果的相关指示。
Control for Variability: Minimize external factors (e.g., task constraints) that could introduce variability in the measurements. Emphasize reliable and consistent testing conditions, e.g., footwear, fatigued vs non-fatigued, etc. 控制变异性:最小化可能引入测量变异性的外部因素(例如,任务限制)。强调可靠和一致的测试条件,例如,鞋类、疲劳与非疲劳等。
Consider Order Effects: If your testing involves multiple trials or conditions, consider the order in which they are presented to the subject. Randomize or counterbalance the order to minimize order effects when needed. 考虑顺序效应:如果您的测试涉及多个试验或条件,请考虑它们呈现给受试者的顺序。必要时随机化或平衡顺序,以最小化顺序效应。
By following these steps, you can establish a standardized and reliable protocol for testing in your specific application. Keep in mind that the details of the protocol may vary based on the specific goals of your testing. 通过遵循这些步骤,您可以为您的特定应用建立一个标准化和可靠的测试协议。请记住,协议的细节可能会根据您测试的具体目标而有所不同。
3.2.6 Test Delivery Considerations 3.2.6 测试交付考虑事项
Test delivery considerations during ForceDecks testing are crucial to ensure accurate and reliable data collection. Below are key considerations to keep in mind: 在 ForceDecks 测试期间,测试交付的考虑因素对于确保准确和可靠的数据收集至关重要。以下是需要牢记的关键考虑因素:
Cueing and Instructions: Ensure a protocol is clearly laid out, allowing all involved to understand every step in the process, and ensuring those being tested can perform the test to their full capabilities, e.g., acutely fatigued due to poorly administered warm up. 提示和说明:确保协议清晰明确,让所有参与者理解过程中的每一步,并确保被测试者能够充分发挥他们的能力进行测试,例如,由于热身不当而导致的急性疲劳。
Familiarization: Include a set of familiarization trials to allow participants to become accustomed to the testing environment and tasks. This helps reduce potential learning effects that could impact data validity. 熟悉度:包括一组熟悉度试验,以使参与者适应测试环境和任务。这有助于减少可能影响数据有效性的学习效应。
Order of Testing: Tests must be ordered to allow for the participant to perform optimally, without the negative effects of the previous tests affecting subsequent tests. 测试顺序:必须按照顺序下达测试,以便参与者能够最佳表现,而不受之前测试的负面影响影响后续测试。
Rest Periods in Between Trials and Subsequent Tests: These must be appropriate for the same reasons as delineated above. 试验之间及后续测试的休息时间:这些必须适当,原因与上述相同。
Task Repetition: Determine the number of repetitions or trials for each task. Consistency in the number of repetitions helps ensure that the data collected is representative of the participant’s performance. 任务重复:确定每个任务的重复次数或试验次数。重复次数的一致性有助于确保收集的数据能够代表参与者的表现。
Task Complexity: Be mindful of the complexity of the task participants are asked to perform. Ensure that tasks are appropriate for the participant’s ability level and that they can be consistently replicated. 任务复杂性:注意参与者被要求执行的任务的复杂性。确保任务适合参与者的能力水平,并且可以一致地重复。
Real-time Feedback: Consider providing real-time feedback to participants during testing, especially if the follow up involves intervention or training. This can help participants adjust their performance and maintain consistency. 实时反馈:考虑在测试期间向参与者提供实时反馈,特别是如果后续涉及干预或培训。这可以帮助参与者调整他们的表现并保持一致性。
Monitoring Participant Compliance: Continuously monitor participant compliance with the testing protocol. Address any deviations promptly to maintain consistency in data collection. 监测参与者合规性:持续监测参与者对测试协议的合规性。及时处理任何偏差,以保持数据收集的一致性。
By carefully considering these factors, you can enhance the reliability and validity of testing, ensuring that the data collected accurately reflects the demands of the individual’s needs - sport, work, and/or in life. 通过仔细考虑这些因素,您可以提高测试的可靠性和有效性,确保收集的数据准确反映个人的需求——运动、工作和/或生活。
Once testing has been successfully completed, it is important to understand the participant’s strengths and weaknesses relative to benchmarked standards or previous healthy results, for programming and training/ exercise prescription to meet the individual’s needs. In exercise science, the principle of Specificity is fundamental to adaptation and the successful transfer to real-world situations, e.g., prescribing exercises that help with heavy lifting from the ground (McGuigan, 2014). By choosing the right tests and metrics, it helps us consider wider implications of programming and/or recommendations, e.g., prior training history, current physical status, expected demands of role (sport or job), daily tasks, etc. 一旦测试成功完成,了解参与者相对于基准标准或之前健康结果的优势和劣势对于编程和训练/运动处方以满足个人需求是很重要的。在运动科学中,特异性原则是适应和成功转移到现实世界情况的基础,例如,处方有助于从地面进行重物搬运的运动(McGuigan,2014)。通过选择合适的测试和指标,有助于我们考虑编程和/或建议的更广泛影响,例如,之前的训练历史、当前的身体状况、角色(运动或工作)的预期需求、日常任务等。
For example, the diagram on the left (Figure 5) shows results for several strength tests and associated variables, illustrating varying degrees of output success (i.e., strengths and weaknesses). 例如,左侧的图表(图 5)显示了多个强度测试及相关变量的结果,说明了输出成功的不同程度(即,优点和缺点)。
In this example, while isometric performance is good (see dial on the far left), jumping performance landing and propulsive qualities were moderate (see all other dials). 在这个例子中,等长表现良好(见最左侧的表盘),跳跃表现的着陆和推进特性适中(见所有其他表盘)。
Therefore, where jumping and landing is required, as is the case here, the goal might be to improve the transfer of developed strength to more explosive actions, like high-speed running, aggressive change of direction, and/ or jumping after a run up. 因此,在需要跳跃和着陆的情况下,如这里所示,目标可能是提高已发展力量向更具爆发性的动作的转移,例如高速跑步、激烈的方向变化和/或助跑后的跳跃。
Figure 5. An example lower limb test battery looking at different strength qualities for performance athletes and personnel. 图 5. 一个针对运动员和工作人员的下肢测试电池示例,考察不同的力量素质。
It is also prudent to consider the individuals intrinsic injury risk profile (Joyce, 2015). Joyce & Lewindon (2015) suggest that intrinsic risks may include past injury, age, reduced range of motion, and muscle weakness. If the individual is exposed to extrinsic risk factors, they become more susceptible to injury. Extrinsic risk factors are those that are applied to the individual, such as, sports training, workplace hazards and regular physical activity, weather, and the nature of the expectations of the sport, job, or activity. As consequence, testing results help us understand risk factors, e.g., structural imbalances and asymmetries. 考虑个体内在伤害风险特征也是明智的(Joyce, 2015)。Joyce & Lewindon(2015)建议,内在风险可能包括过去的伤害、年龄、活动范围减少和肌肉无力。如果个体暴露于外在风险因素,他们就会变得更容易受伤。外在风险因素是施加于个体的,例如,体育训练、工作场所危险、定期体育活动、天气以及运动、工作或活动的期望性质。因此,测试结果帮助我们理解风险因素,例如,结构不平衡和不对称。
3.3.1 Balance vs. Asymmetry Profiling 3.3.1 平衡与不对称分析
When assessing physical asymmetries (structural and functional) from a scientific standpoint, it remains somewhat unclear about what constitutes as meaningful, or a “risky” magnitude of asymmetry. There are many factors that influence what is meaningful. Key to this are the characteristics of the individual and their environmental requirements (Coutts, 2015). Therefore, physical asymmetries should only ever be considered a risk indicator and never a predictor of injury. Despite this, there is a large amount of empirical evidence investigating asymmetries and their implications on performance (Eagle, 2019; Helme, 2021; Hewit, 2012). 从科学的角度评估身体不对称(结构性和功能性)时,什么构成有意义或“风险”程度的不对称仍然有些不清楚。有许多因素影响什么是有意义的。关键在于个体的特征及其环境需求(Coutts, 2015)。因此,身体不对称应仅被视为风险指标,而绝不应被视为伤害的预测指标。尽管如此,仍有大量实证证据研究不对称及其对表现的影响(Eagle, 2019;Helme, 2021;Hewit, 2012)。
Before considering the significance of asymmetries and how they trend over time, it is important to understand what they look like under normal conditions and more extreme circumstances. It is important 在考虑不对称的重要性及其随时间的变化趋势之前,了解它们在正常条件下和更极端情况下的表现是很重要的。
to note, there is no clear-cut rule on when an asymmetry is significant. Consequently, it is recommended that when assessing movement performance and asymmetries, peak and mean values drawn from ForceDecks reporting helps to gain a broader understanding of functional capability and capacity. Furthermore, these metrics can be further dissected, looking into the differences between the performance of each limb (e.g., Left side = 1200 N/Right side =1340N=1340 \mathrm{~N} ). 需要注意的是,关于何时不对称是显著的并没有明确的规则。因此,建议在评估运动表现和不对称时,使用 ForceDecks 报告中的峰值和平均值有助于更全面地理解功能能力和容量。此外,这些指标可以进一步分析,查看每个肢体的表现差异(例如,左侧 = 1200 N/右侧 =1340N=1340 \mathrm{~N} )。
Common questions practitioners seek to answer when considering the implications of asymmetries include: 从业者在考虑不对称的影响时,常见的问题包括:
Does the individual exhibit a compensatory movement strategy? Is that strategy of a large enough magnitude to justify intervention? 个体是否表现出补偿性运动策略?该策略的幅度是否足够大以证明干预的必要性?
Are there phase-specific asymmetries that warrant greater attention (e.g., left-dominant in eccentric phase, but right-dominant in concentric phase)? 是否存在阶段特异性的不对称性值得更多关注(例如,在偏心阶段左侧主导,但在向心阶段右侧主导)?
Is there any history of injury that warrants more scrutiny? 是否有任何受伤历史需要更仔细的审查?
Is there any movement variability that would signal cause for greater or lesser concern? 是否存在任何运动变异性会表明需要更大或更小的关注?
It is reasonable to expect to see asymmetries in certain populations over others, due to the demands of their occupation or sport (e.g., Tennis players, NFL Defensive Linesman, Dog Handlers, or Construction workers). Therefore, the goal of profiling is to highlight individuals that predominantly fall into one of three categories: 合理预期在某些人群中会看到不对称现象,这与他们的职业或运动的要求有关(例如,网球运动员、NFL 防守线员、犬类训练师或建筑工人)。因此,剖析的目标是突出主要属于以下三类中的个体:
a. They fall outside of what would be considered normal for their population; 它们超出了其人群所认为的正常范围;
b. Have an undisclosed history of injury (Hart, 2019). b. 有未披露的受伤历史(Hart, 2019)。
c. Disease or neuromuscular disorder; and/or, 疾病或神经肌肉疾病;和/或,
d. Even when satisfying a., b., or c., results fall outside the desired bounds to achieve their goals. d. 即使满足 a.、b. 或 c.,结果仍然超出实现目标的期望范围。
Analyzing asymmetries can be a complicated process, and understanding key concepts can help to create a flexible and straightforward system. Below are 6 considerations to help you understand asymmetry analysis for effective decision-making: 分析不对称性可能是一个复杂的过程,理解关键概念可以帮助创建一个灵活且简单的系统。以下是 6 个考虑因素,帮助您理解不对称性分析以便于有效决策:
Magnitude of Asymmetry 不对称的大小
Change in Magnitude of Asymmetry 对称性大小的变化
Influence of Previous Injury on Asymmetry 先前损伤对不对称的影响
Sport/Occupation/Life Stressors 运动/职业/生活压力源
Consistency of Inter-Phase Asymmetries 相间不对称性的一致性
Consistency of Inter-Trial Asymmetries 试验间不对称性的一致性
The learn more about asymmetries and their implications on practice, refer to Appendix A. 要了解更多关于不对称及其对实践的影响,请参阅附录 A。
3.4 Program Design/Intervention 3.4 程序设计/干预
The development of effective programming in performance environments, health and fitness, or rehabilitation is an intricate process (Wing, 2018; Issurin, 2010). Often there are multiple physical capacities and capabilities that need addressing, while other technical and tactical tasks are being trained or executed concurrently, resulting in high volumes and intensities. To best understand the effects of training and exercise, ForceDecks offers a sophisticated solution for practitioners in all contexts to assess the effects of their programming interventions through regular monitoring. 在表现环境、健康与健身或康复中有效编程的发展是一个复杂的过程(Wing, 2018; Issurin, 2010)。通常需要解决多个身体能力和素质,同时其他技术和战术任务也在并行训练或执行,导致高负荷和高强度。为了更好地理解训练和锻炼的效果,ForceDecks 为各个领域的从业者提供了一种复杂的解决方案,通过定期监测评估其编程干预的效果。
ForceDecks is a valuable tool when returning injured athletes and general populations to full function. In sport, this is broadly termed as, Return to Sport/Play/Participation rehabilitation. ForceDecks 是一个在将受伤运动员和普通人群恢复到完全功能时非常有价值的工具。在运动中,这通常被称为“回归运动/比赛/参与”康复。
3.4.1 Return to Play/Full Function 3.4.1 复出/完全功能
Return to play/participation measurement and monitoring is one of the most popular applications for force plate technology, and a common starting point for new users. This is likely due to the acute nature of injuries, which often creates a need for measurement and monitoring that may not have existed or was not able to be prioritized previously. 回归比赛/参与的测量和监测是力板技术最受欢迎的应用之一,也是新用户的常见起点。这可能是由于伤害的急性特性,通常会产生测量和监测的需求,而这种需求在之前可能并不存在或未能被优先考虑。
In multidisciplinary team (MDT) settings, it is common for Doctors, Physiotherapists, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Exercise Physiologists, and Coaches to collaboratively implement a plan that incorporates sophisticated processes to aid progression of the individual towards full function or return to playing their sport safely (see Figure 6) (Mujika, 2018). 在多学科团队(MDT)环境中,医生、物理治疗师、力量与体能教练、运动生理学家和教练通常会共同实施一个计划,该计划结合了复杂的流程,以帮助个体向完全功能或安全地恢复参与其运动的方向发展(见图 6)(Mujika,2018)。
Figure 6. Example of Return to Sport/ Play MDT process 图 6. 返回运动/游戏多学科团队(MDT)过程示例
Using the following principles below, practitioners can decide how best to adopt and apply ForceDecks testing for their circumstances: 根据以下原则,实践者可以决定如何最好地采用和应用 ForceDecks 测试以适应他们的情况:
- How quickly (or slowly) an individual is recovering from injury
- When the individual's rehabilitation program should progress (or regress)
- Finally, if the individual is ready to return to their sport, work, or other activity
Use reliable metrics to determine:
- How quickly (or slowly) an individual is recovering from injury
- When the individual's rehabilitation program should progress (or regress)
- Finally, if the individual is ready to return to their sport, work, or other activity| Use reliable metrics to determine: |
| :--- |
| - How quickly (or slowly) an individual is recovering from injury |
| - When the individual's rehabilitation program should progress (or regress) |
| - Finally, if the individual is ready to return to their sport, work, or other activity |
Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- (If pre-injury data exists) determine how far the individual has been set back by the injury
- Set goals for rehabilitation progress and outcomes
- Monitor progress, and if needed, alter rehabilitation programs accordingly
- Set measurable thresholds to be used for clearance for return to play/participation
Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- (If pre-injury data exists) determine how far the individual has been set back by the injury
- Set goals for rehabilitation progress and outcomes
- Monitor progress, and if needed, alter rehabilitation programs accordingly
- Set measurable thresholds to be used for clearance for return to play/participation| Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to: |
| :--- |
| - (If pre-injury data exists) determine how far the individual has been set back by the injury |
| - Set goals for rehabilitation progress and outcomes |
| - Monitor progress, and if needed, alter rehabilitation programs accordingly |
| - Set measurable thresholds to be used for clearance for return to play/participation |
Rehabilitation tests will vary widely based on the injury and stage of rehabilitation, for example:
- Lower limb injury, early rehabilitation: SQT (unloaded)
- Lower limb injury, mid-rehabilitation: CMJ
- Lower limb injury, late rehabilitation: DJ
Rehabilitation tests will vary widely based on the injury and stage of rehabilitation, for example:
- Lower limb injury, early rehabilitation: SQT (unloaded)
- Lower limb injury, mid-rehabilitation: CMJ
- Lower limb injury, late rehabilitation: DJ| Rehabilitation tests will vary widely based on the injury and stage of rehabilitation, for example: |
| :--- |
| - Lower limb injury, early rehabilitation: SQT (unloaded) |
| - Lower limb injury, mid-rehabilitation: CMJ |
| - Lower limb injury, late rehabilitation: DJ |
Purpose "Use reliable metrics to determine:
- How quickly (or slowly) an individual is recovering from injury
- When the individual's rehabilitation program should progress (or regress)
- Finally, if the individual is ready to return to their sport, work, or other activity"
Objectives "Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- (If pre-injury data exists) determine how far the individual has been set back by the injury
- Set goals for rehabilitation progress and outcomes
- Monitor progress, and if needed, alter rehabilitation programs accordingly
- Set measurable thresholds to be used for clearance for return to play/participation"
Common tests "Rehabilitation tests will vary widely based on the injury and stage of rehabilitation, for example:
- Lower limb injury, early rehabilitation: SQT (unloaded)
- Lower limb injury, mid-rehabilitation: CMJ
- Lower limb injury, late rehabilitation: DJ"| Purpose | Use reliable metrics to determine: <br> - How quickly (or slowly) an individual is recovering from injury <br> - When the individual's rehabilitation program should progress (or regress) <br> - Finally, if the individual is ready to return to their sport, work, or other activity |
| :---: | :---: |
| Objectives | Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to: <br> - (If pre-injury data exists) determine how far the individual has been set back by the injury <br> - Set goals for rehabilitation progress and outcomes <br> - Monitor progress, and if needed, alter rehabilitation programs accordingly <br> - Set measurable thresholds to be used for clearance for return to play/participation |
| Common tests | Rehabilitation tests will vary widely based on the injury and stage of rehabilitation, for example: <br> - Lower limb injury, early rehabilitation: SQT (unloaded) <br> - Lower limb injury, mid-rehabilitation: CMJ <br> - Lower limb injury, late rehabilitation: DJ |
Frequency of testing Regularly throughout rehabilitation, however often less regular than in fatigue monitoring, such as: 测试频率 在康复期间定期进行,但通常不如疲劳监测那样规律,例如:
Once per fortnight 每两周一次
During each in-clinic appointment 在每次门诊预约期间
At the end of each rehabilitation stage or exercise program 在每个康复阶段或锻炼计划结束时
Key considerations 关键考虑事项
How will progress be measured? 进展将如何衡量?
Are the tests being performed commensurate with the stage of rehabilitation? 进行的测试是否与康复阶段相符?
What will the threshold(s) be for return to play/participation? 返回比赛/参与的阈值将是什么?
Force plate metrics are usually not enough in isolation to determine that someone is “rehabilitated”. How will these results be crosschecked? 力板指标通常单独不足以确定某人是否“康复”。这些结果将如何进行交叉检查?
3.4.2 Pre-Injury Baseline Data 3.4.2 受伤前基线数据
One of the most valuable assets in implementing a return to sport/play/participation strategy is having preinjury data that provides a baseline for what may constitute “healthy” or “normal” for the individual. 实施运动/游戏/参与回归策略时,最有价值的资产之一是拥有受伤前的数据,这些数据为个体可能构成的“健康”或“正常”提供了基线。
Baselines for return to play/participation are typically not collected discretely, given that practitioners do not plan for injuries to occur, but rather simply try to be prepared for them. Instead, return to play/participation baselines are often drawn from data collected previously for profiling, fatigue monitoring or adaptation monitoring purposes. In this regard, the participant’s data can be used for several different purposes if the context around the test (discussed previously) is known and has been fully considered (see Figure 7 below): 参与者的回归比赛/参与的基线通常不会单独收集,因为从业者并不计划伤害的发生,而只是试图为其做好准备。相反,回归比赛/参与的基线通常是从之前为轮廓分析、疲劳监测或适应监测目的收集的数据中提取的。在这方面,如果已知并充分考虑了测试的背景(如前所述),参与者的数据可以用于几个不同的目的(见下图 7):
Figure 7. Using pre-injury/matched-control normative data to ‘reverse engineer’ and ‘backward design’ transferable and context specific programming. It can roughly be broken down into 4 stages: (1) define the return to performance goal, (2) determine the key performance indicators (KPIs), (3) assess current performance, (4) plan and program rehabilitation appropriately (Chia, 2022). 图 7. 使用受伤前/匹配对照的规范数据进行“逆向工程”和“向后设计”可转移和特定于上下文的编程。大致可以分为 4 个阶段:(1) 定义恢复表现的目标,(2) 确定关键绩效指标(KPIs),(3) 评估当前表现,(4) 适当地规划和编程康复(Chia, 2022)。
However, when a return to play/participation strategy becomes necessary (i.e., after an injury occurs), it is too late to establish such baselines. This often means that the program must use alternative options for establishing goals for return to play/participation clearance. 然而,当需要制定复出/参与策略时(即在受伤发生后),建立这样的基线已经为时已晚。这通常意味着该项目必须使用替代选项来设定复出/参与许可的目标。
For example, other options for return to play/participation goals may reference: 例如,其他关于重返比赛/参与目标的选项可能会提到:
Data from research literature; or 来自研究文献的数据;或者
Means from comparable individual populations. 来自可比个体人群的均值。
Ultimately, the circumstances of return to play/full function are often imperfect, as the individual’s status is inherently compromised, and there are often a multitude of other personal, emotional, and social influences which may introduce additional pressure or urgency to the process. This is why, whenever possible, establishing data-driven baselines, robust reference points and goals for individual to strive for can assist in directing focus onto modifiable factors (rather than non-modifiable factors) and removing potentially detrimental distractions. 最终,恢复比赛/全面功能的情况往往并不完美,因为个体的状态本质上受到影响,并且通常还有许多其他个人、情感和社会因素可能会给这一过程带来额外的压力或紧迫感。这就是为什么在可能的情况下,建立基于数据的基线、稳健的参考点和个体努力的目标,可以帮助将注意力集中在可修改的因素(而非不可修改的因素)上,并消除潜在的有害干扰。
Therefore, as a starting point, it is important to ask some fundamental questions that assist with choosing test types and associated metrics. For example, does your participant need to jump in the sport or work, and if so, which tests are most applicable and safe during the early stages of rehabilitation? Below is an example framework that helps to make these decisions. 因此,作为起点,提出一些基本问题是重要的,这些问题有助于选择测试类型和相关指标。例如,您的参与者在运动或工作中是否需要跳跃,如果需要,哪些测试在康复早期阶段最适用且安全?以下是一个帮助做出这些决策的示例框架。
*Particularly in return to play/participation applications (i.e., often even more so than in profiling and monitoring applications), practitioners would commonly monitor these tests’ asymmetry metrics as well. 在回归比赛/参与申请中(即,通常甚至比在评估和监测应用中更为重要),从业者通常也会监测这些测试的非对称性指标。
Once decided, the next step is to consider how you will progress testing to reflect the loading (load impact and velocity) required to move to the next stage of rehabilitation. Below is another example framework (Figure 8) where objective testing is performed to inform decision-making throughout the rehabilitationperformance continuum - part of an ongoing process of testing, applying load stimulus, re-testing, and assessing response: 一旦决定,下一步是考虑如何进行测试,以反映移动到康复下一个阶段所需的负荷(负荷影响和速度)。下面是另一个示例框架(图 8),在该框架中进行客观测试,以便在整个康复表现连续体中为决策提供信息——这是一个持续的测试、施加负荷刺激、重新测试和评估反应的过程的一部分:
Figure 8. Example RTS/RTP framework using a criteria-based objective approach to inform the decision-making process (Taberner, 2020; Ekizos, 2023; Rebelo-Marques, 2019). 图 8. 使用基于标准的客观方法来通知决策过程的 RTS/RTP 框架示例(Taberner, 2020; Ekizos, 2023; Rebelo-Marques, 2019)。
A progression/regression framework can then be created to identify the appropriate entry-point for intervention and objective assessments. The image below (Figure 9) depicts a relative progression within a continuum of tests that can be utilized throughout the rehabilitation course to assess various qualities and physical capacities: 可以创建一个进展/退步框架,以识别干预和客观评估的适当切入点。下图(图 9)描绘了在康复过程中可以利用的一系列测试中的相对进展,以评估各种素质和身体能力:
Figure 9. Example progression/regression framework, based on relative intensity/demand. 图 9. 基于相对强度/需求的示例进展/退化框架。
We can then zoom in further into the left side of that continuum, which at times can be referred to as the ‘early phase’ of the spectrum (figure 10), where tasks are considered to be of relative low load/velocity, nonballistic/low impact in nature. Task constraints/conditions can then be manipulated to either increase or decrease task demands, based on the subject’s current function and capabilities. 我们可以进一步放大该连续体的左侧,有时可以称之为光谱的“早期阶段”(图 10),在这个阶段,任务被认为是相对低负荷/低速度、非弹道/低冲击的性质。然后可以操控任务约束/条件,以根据受试者当前的功能和能力来增加或减少任务需求。
If we were to take for example, a patient status post total knee arthroplasty (TKA), one may start early on within the rehabilitation process assessing static balance and weight distribution in standing with the Quiet Stand (QSB) test, and possibly measuring bilateral subphase force capacities and interlimb asymmetries with the Sit to Stand to Sit (STSTS) test. Once the patient demonstrates acceptable outputs and qualities within those initial tests, one might progress now into an unsupported bilateral Squat Assessment (SQT) and look to assess unilateral static and dynamic balance/stability with the Single Leg Stand (SLSB) and Single Leg Range of Stability (SLROSB) tests. The patient can then be progressed to a Single Leg Squat Assessment (SLSQT) to assess unilateral submaximal dynamic strength and range of movement asymmetry, along with landing force attenuation capabilities from progressively higher stair riser heights comparable to daily functional demands. 如果我们以一位接受全膝关节置换术(TKA)的患者为例,可以在康复过程的早期开始评估静态平衡和站立时的体重分布,使用静态站立(QSB)测试,并可能通过坐到站再到坐(STSTS)测试测量双侧亚阶段力量能力和肢体间不对称性。一旦患者在这些初始测试中表现出可接受的输出和质量,可以进一步进行不支持的双腿深蹲评估(SQT),并评估单腿的静态和平衡/稳定性,使用单腿站立(SLSB)和单腿稳定范围(SLROSB)测试。然后,患者可以进行单腿深蹲评估(SLSQT),以评估单侧亚最大动态力量和运动范围不对称性,以及从逐渐增高的楼梯踏步高度进行着陆力量衰减能力的评估,这与日常功能需求相当。
Figure 10. Example of ‘early phase’ objective testing progression/regression framework for the lower limb. 图 10. 下肢“早期阶段”客观测试进展/退步框架示例。
A similar approach can then be applied to the right side of the continuum, where we can zoom in and dissect the ‘mid to late phase’ (Figure 11), where higher load demands are placed within the various tissues and systems. Following a similar approach to the ‘early phase’, pending preset goals and functional demands, emphasis can then be placed on a progressive increase in the demand of the stimuli, moving from a bilateral submaximal/maximal isometric strength test (ISOT), like the Isometric Squat (ISOSQT), all the way to a unilateral reactive strength-based test like the Single Leg Drop Jump (SLDJ). Various physical qualities and capacities can then be assessed from bilateral to unilateral tasks, manipulating task constrains to either increase or decrease task demand. 类似的方法可以应用于连续体的右侧,在那里我们可以放大并剖析“中后期”(图 11),在该阶段,各种组织和系统承受更高的负荷需求。遵循与“早期阶段”相似的方法,根据预设目标和功能需求,可以强调逐步增加刺激的需求,从双侧亚最大/最大等长力量测试(ISOT),如等长深蹲(ISOSQT),一直到单侧反应力量测试,如单腿下落跳(SLDJ)。然后可以从双侧到单侧任务评估各种身体素质和能力,通过调整任务约束来增加或减少任务需求。
Figure 11. Example ‘mid to late phase’ objective testing progression/regression framework for the lower limb. 图 11. 下肢“中后期”客观测试进展/退步框架示例。
In a very simplistic manner, return to play testing can be disseminated into 4 ‘main’ specific buckets of 以非常简单的方式,回归比赛测试可以分为 4 个“主要”的特定类别
physical capacities or qualities (Figure 12), looking to guide and optimize programming and decisionmaking: 身体能力或特质(图 12),旨在指导和优化编程和决策:
How strong are they? 他们有多强?
How well can they absorb landing force? 他们能多好地吸收着陆力?
How ‘explosive’/dynamic are they? 它们有多“爆炸性”/动态?
How reactive/elastic are they? 它们的反应性/弹性如何?
In the absence of pre-injury data, the uninvolved limb should be monitored throughout the rehabilitation process (including from initial onset of injury), and both limbs should reach matched-control normative values (Kotsifaki, 2023). 在缺乏受伤前数据的情况下,未受伤的肢体应在整个康复过程中进行监测(包括从受伤初期开始),并且两条肢体应达到匹配对照的标准值(Kotsifaki, 2023)。
Figure 12. Physical qualities and capacities within the RTS/RTP process for the lower limb. 图 12. 下肢 RTS/RTP 过程中的身体素质和能力。
Lastly, the image below (Figure 13) is an example of ‘mid-to-end stage’ testing after a medial meniscus knee injury looking at specific qualities and capacities as delineated above, including some possible ‘key metrics’ for initial analysis and interpretation: 最后,下面的图像(图 13)是一个“中期到末期”测试的例子,针对膝关节内侧半月板损伤,关注上述所述的特定特性和能力,包括一些可能的“关键指标”用于初步分析和解释:
Figure 13. Example objective testing for RTP post ‘knee injury’. 图 13. 膝关节损伤后 RTP 的客观测试示例。
3.5 Monitoring 3.5 监测
The body seeks to maintain a state of homeostasis and constantly aims to adapt to stress (physical and mental) from its environment (Soligard, 2016). Regular exercise and work challenge this homeostatic state and the use of ForceDecks provides a sophisticated solution to better understand the physical effects, within and between training bouts, i.e., examining the dose-response relationship. Choosing valid metrics that look at neuromuscular responses/fatigue, acute and chronic, are relevant when trying to understand over-reaching and over-training. 身体寻求维持一种内稳态,并不断旨在适应来自环境的压力(身体和心理)(Soligard, 2016)。定期锻炼和工作挑战这种内稳态,而使用 ForceDecks 提供了一种复杂的解决方案,以更好地理解训练间隔内和之间的身体效应,即检查剂量-反应关系。在试图理解过度训练和过度疲劳时,选择有效的指标来观察神经肌肉反应/疲劳(急性和慢性)是相关的。
Figure 6. Biological maladaptation through cycles of excessive loading and/ or inadequate recovery (Adapted from Soligard et al., 2016) 图 6. 通过过度负荷和/或恢复不足的循环导致的生物适应不良(改编自 Soligard 等,2016)
The Supercompensation Theory (see Figure 6) is a phenomenon that explains how the body responds to stress (physical and mental), leading to improvements in performance over time. The theory suggests that after a period of training, the body undergoes a cycle of stress, fatigue, recovery, and if training is structured appropriately, Supercompensation occurs. Inappropriate training stimulus (too much, too often) can have the opposite effect and causes the individual to be more susceptible to loss of performance, and susceptible to injury and illness, as they have a reduced ability to recover/ return to homeostasis. 超补偿理论(见图 6)是一种现象,解释了身体如何应对压力(身体和心理),从而随着时间的推移提高表现。该理论表明,在一段训练后,身体经历压力、疲劳、恢复的周期,如果训练结构得当,就会发生超补偿。不当的训练刺激(过多、过频)会产生相反的效果,使个体更容易出现表现下降,并更容易受伤和生病,因为他们的恢复/回归稳态的能力降低。
It’s essential to tailor the monitoring approach to the individual’s needs and goals, considering factors such as age, fitness level, and specific sport or activity. Regularly monitoring, reviewing, and adjusting programming is key to long-term success and avoiding potential issues related to overtraining or inadequate 根据个人的需求和目标量身定制监测方法至关重要,考虑因素包括年龄、健康水平以及特定的运动或活动。定期监测、审查和调整计划是长期成功的关键,并能避免与过度训练或不足相关的潜在问题。
adaptation. Using the following guidelines below, practitioners can decide what and how to monitor physical responses to training, competition, and job demands. 适应。使用以下指南,实践者可以决定如何监测对训练、比赛和工作要求的身体反应。
3.5.1 Monitoring Training Adaptations 3.5.1 监测训练适应性
Purpose 目的
使用可比的指标,在特定时间点进行测量,以确定:- 个人是否在改善 - 运动计划是否产生预期效果
Use comparable metrics, measured at specific timepoints to determine if:
- The individual is improving
- The exercise program is having the intended effect
Use comparable metrics, measured at specific timepoints to determine if:
- The individual is improving
- The exercise program is having the intended effect| Use comparable metrics, measured at specific timepoints to determine if: |
| :--- |
| - The individual is improving |
| - The exercise program is having the intended effect |
Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- Measure changes in metrics directly related to the individual's goals
- Determine level of progress relative to expected progress
- Make decisions to tailor upcoming programs accordingly
Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- Measure changes in metrics directly related to the individual's goals
- Determine level of progress relative to expected progress
- Make decisions to tailor upcoming programs accordingly| Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to: |
| :--- |
| - Measure changes in metrics directly related to the individual's goals |
| - Determine level of progress relative to expected progress |
| - Make decisions to tailor upcoming programs accordingly |
Common tests 常见检查
易于快速可靠地执行的测试,以确保长期合规:- CMJ - SQT(负载)- ISOT
Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SQT (Loaded)
Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SQT (Loaded)
- ISOT| Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time: |
| :--- |
| - CMJ |
| - SQT (Loaded) |
| - ISOT |
Purpose "Use comparable metrics, measured at specific timepoints to determine if:
- The individual is improving
- The exercise program is having the intended effect"
Objectives "Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to:
- Measure changes in metrics directly related to the individual's goals
- Determine level of progress relative to expected progress
- Make decisions to tailor upcoming programs accordingly"
Common tests "Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SQT (Loaded)
- ISOT"| Purpose | Use comparable metrics, measured at specific timepoints to determine if: <br> - The individual is improving <br> - The exercise program is having the intended effect |
| :---: | :---: |
| Objectives | Perform reliable testing at logical timepoints to: <br> - Measure changes in metrics directly related to the individual's goals <br> - Determine level of progress relative to expected progress <br> - Make decisions to tailor upcoming programs accordingly |
| Common tests | Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time: <br> - CMJ <br> - SQT (Loaded) <br> - ISOT |
Frequency of testing At least at the beginning and end of (and often at interim time points within) an exercise program or training block such as: 测试频率 至少在锻炼计划或训练阶段的开始和结束时(通常在其中的中间时间点)进行测试,例如:
Start and end of preseason 季前赛的开始和结束
Start and end of a 12-week training block 12 周训练周期的开始和结束
Start and end of an exercise intervention 运动干预的开始和结束
Key considerations - What are the individual’s goals for the exercise program? 关键考虑因素 - 个人对锻炼计划的目标是什么?
Is the exercise program likely to yield measurable results? 该锻炼计划是否可能产生可测量的结果?
Which metrics can be measured that are most closely related to the Individual’s goals? 与个人目标最密切相关的哪些指标可以被测量?
Adaptation monitoring is quite different when compared to fatigue monitoring, as it proactively anticipates change, rather than waiting for and reacting to change. For this reason, adaptation monitoring typically involves less frequent testing - albeit still pre-planned - than fatigue monitoring. This application is commonly used in performance environments. 适应性监测与疲劳监测有很大不同,因为它是主动预测变化,而不是等待并对变化做出反应。因此,适应性监测通常涉及的测试频率较低——尽管仍然是预先计划的——与疲劳监测相比。这种应用通常用于绩效环境中。
Turner et al. (2019) suggests that adaptations should be measured at the end of each training block or exercise program to assess whether the desired outcomes were achieved, and to confirm or adapt plans for the next program. 特纳等人(2019)建议在每个训练周期或锻炼计划结束时测量适应性,以评估是否达到了预期的结果,并确认或调整下一个计划的方案。
For example, consider an American Football Wide Receiver (a position requiring extreme speed, agility, and coordination) and an Offensive Lineman (a position requiring extreme strength and power). In this scenario, both individuals play the same sport, however positionally, they likely have significantly different goals. 例如,考虑一名美式足球外接手(一个需要极高速度、敏捷性和协调性的职位)和一名进攻线员(一个需要极高力量和爆发力的职位)。在这种情况下,这两个人都在同一项运动中比赛,但在位置上,他们的目标可能有显著不同。
The Lineman may need to be as maximally strong as possible, possess as much relative power as possible, and need to overcome a static start explosively. Meanwhile, the wide receiver may need to be powerful, fast, quick to accelerate and elastic, and all these metrics may need to be improved while minimizing weight gain. 接线员可能需要尽可能强壮,拥有尽可能多的相对力量,并需要以爆发力克服静态起步。同时,外接手可能需要强大、快速、加速迅速且富有弹性,并且所有这些指标可能需要在尽量减少体重增加的情况下得到改善。
Both Individuals will perform tests that assess common traits that both require, such as: 两位个体将进行评估双方都需要的共同特征的测试,例如:
The Lineman will then perform tests tailored to the demands of their position, such as: 线路工将进行针对其职位要求的测试,例如:
Likewise, the Receiver will perform different tests tailors to their position, such as: 同样,接收者将根据其职位进行不同的测试,例如:
JUMP 单腿跳
The purpose of this example is to explain the rationale that, while all tests have merit, tests need to be carefully selected for every individual, pathology, or person. 本例的目的是解释这样一种理由:虽然所有测试都有其价值,但每个个体、病理或人都需要仔细选择测试。
With initial data collected, a first block/ program of training can be constructed to target general and specific qualities that are relevant to the individual and their sport and job. At the end of the program, re-testing (along with other agreed performance measures) will allow the effectiveness of the program to be judged as successful or not. 随着初步数据的收集,可以构建一个针对个人及其运动和工作的相关一般和特定素质的初步训练模块/程序。在程序结束时,重新测试(以及其他商定的绩效指标)将允许评估该程序的有效性是否成功。
For example, the Lineman could show poor Peak Vertical Force in the IMTP but good RFD at 100 ms , and high peak power in the CMJ and SJ. This, in turn, might help steer the next training block/ program towards strength development as the key performance indicator. 例如,进攻线员在 IMTP 中可能表现出较差的峰值垂直力量,但在 100 毫秒时的快速发力良好,并且在 CMJ 和 SJ 中表现出高峰值功率。这反过来可能有助于将下一个训练周期/计划引导向力量发展作为关键绩效指标。
On the other hand, the receiver might have improved in all categories except elastic qualities as measured CMJ and DJ, and under further inspection, showed he gained body mass over the course of the program, which was considered a contributing factor. This case may suggest that a subsequent program target more plyometric training, while reducing body mass. 另一方面,接收者在所有类别中可能都有所改善,除了通过垂直跳跃(CMJ)和深蹲跳(DJ)测量的弹性素质,而在进一步检查中显示他在项目期间增加了体重,这被认为是一个影响因素。这个案例可能表明,后续项目应更多地针对爆发力训练,同时减少体重。
The overarching principle of adaptation monitoring is to allow assessment and adaptation to occur more quickly and reliably. 适应监测的总体原则是允许评估和适应更快、更可靠地进行。
3.4.2 Monitoring Fatigue 3.4.2 监测疲劳
Using ForceDecks, we can also measure the response to training, including fatigue. Most commonly, the CMJ and DJ have been used to assess athletic populations and provide insights into neuromuscular fatigue, 使用 ForceDecks,我们还可以测量对训练的反应,包括疲劳。最常用的 CMJ 和 DJ 已被用于评估运动人群,并提供有关神经肌肉疲劳的见解。
focusing on explosive leg power and is considered relatable for high-speed running, jumping, and change of direction. 专注于爆发性腿部力量,被认为与高速跑步、跳跃和变向相关。
Monitoring fatigue typically requires frequent testing, and in turn, requires consistency and repeatability in testing procedures to ensure that any data collected is reliable enough to be acted upon. The following recommendations can be used to help ensure monitoring data is collected reliably: 监测疲劳通常需要频繁测试,因此需要测试程序的一致性和可重复性,以确保收集的数据足够可靠,可以采取行动。以下建议可用于帮助确保监测数据的可靠收集:
Where possible, schedule testing for the same time of day (or as close to the same time of day as possible). This limits the effect that natural body/circadian rhythms have on both neural and hormonal outputs. Evidence suggests that, on average, outputs can be expected to be better in the afternoon than in the morning (Jordan, 2017; Bishop, 2022) 尽可能安排在同一时间(或尽可能接近同一时间)进行测试。这限制了自然身体/昼夜节律对神经和激素输出的影响。证据表明,平均而言,下午的输出通常优于早晨的输出(Jordan, 2017; Bishop, 2022)。
Review and “clean” your data and be willing to discard data that does not meet a satisfactory quality standard. Elements that can affect data quality can include incorrect bodyweight measurements, unstable periods prior to start of movement and sub-maximal efforts in maximal tests. These elements can lead to inaccurate dependent metrics, such as contraction time, flight time and displacement which can in turn drastically alter means, CVs, and SDs (Stone, 2019; Cohen, 2020) 审查并“清理”您的数据,并愿意丢弃不符合满意质量标准的数据。可能影响数据质量的因素包括不正确的体重测量、运动开始前的不稳定期以及最大测试中的亚最大努力。这些因素可能导致不准确的依赖指标,例如收缩时间、飞行时间和位移,这反过来又会大幅改变均值、变异系数和标准差(Stone, 2019; Cohen, 2020)。
Apply a consistent statistical method that suits the data you collect. This may involve always using the mean of a certain number of trials and applying the Smallest Worthwhile Change, Standard Deviation change, or another pre-set threshold considered to be important (Gorard, 2015; Bailey, 2019; Wing, 2018). 应用适合您收集的数据的一致统计方法。这可能涉及始终使用一定数量试验的均值,并应用最小有意义变化、标准差变化或其他被认为重要的预设阈值(Gorard, 2015;Bailey, 2019;Wing, 2018)。
Overall, time-based metrics are more sensitive to change (and therefore more suitable for fatigue monitoring) than outcome-based metrics [citation]. Below are brief example summaries of commonly used time-based CMJ metrics that have been shown to be useful in fatigue monitoring: 总体而言,基于时间的指标对变化更敏感(因此更适合疲劳监测)而不是基于结果的指标[citation]。以下是一些常用的基于时间的 CMJ 指标的简要示例总结,这些指标已被证明在疲劳监测中非常有用:
a. Flight Time: Contraction Time (FT:CT) - FT:CT is a commonly-used assessment ratio for monitoring neuromuscular fatigue, originally popularized in Australian Rules Football (Cormack, 2008). Subsequent research has supported these conclusions for FT:CT (Gathercole R. S., 2015) along with other duration-based metrics such as RSImod (Martinez, 2016). Common logic suggests this may be due to metrics such as Flight Time (or Jump Height) typically being more stable than the time it takes to jump (Contraction Time). Therefore, while Jump Height is a very reliable and stable measure, FT:CT may provide a more sensitive measure of change, due to fluctuations in Contraction Time. a. 飞行时间:收缩时间 (FT:CT) - FT:CT 是一种常用的评估比率,用于监测神经肌肉疲劳,最初在澳大利亚规则足球中流行(Cormack, 2008)。后续研究支持了 FT:CT 的这些结论(Gathercole R. S., 2015),以及其他基于持续时间的指标,如 RSImod(Martinez, 2016)。常理认为,这可能是因为飞行时间(或跳跃高度)等指标通常比跳跃所需的时间(收缩时间)更稳定。因此,虽然跳跃高度是一个非常可靠和稳定的测量,但 FT:CT 可能提供更敏感的变化测量,因为收缩时间的波动。
b. Eccentric Duration - Another time-based measure, Eccentric Duration is the time spent in the Eccentric Phase of the jump (this phase is also referred to as “Unweighting Phase” plus “Braking Phase” in some literature (McMahon, 2018). This is another metric shown by Gathercole to be a sensitive measure of Neuromuscular Fatigue (Gathercole R. S., 2015; Gathercole R. J., 2015), which follows logic given that Eccentric Duration makes up a portion of Contraction Time (discussed above), again suggesting that a lengthening of time may indicate the presence of neuromuscular fatigue. b. 离心持续时间 - 另一种基于时间的测量,离心持续时间是指在跳跃的离心阶段所花费的时间(在一些文献中,该阶段也被称为“去重阶段”加上“制动阶段”(McMahon, 2018)。这是 Gathercole 所展示的另一个对神经肌肉疲劳敏感的指标(Gathercole R. S., 2015; Gathercole R. J., 2015),这一逻辑是合理的,因为离心持续时间构成了收缩时间的一部分(如上所述),再次表明时间的延长可能表明神经肌肉疲劳的存在。
While many other metrics can also be used in a fatigue monitoring program, the metrics discussed above are some of the most-used and most-supported by research. 虽然许多其他指标也可以用于疲劳监测程序,但上述讨论的指标是一些最常用和最有研究支持的指标。
Jump Height is also a useful indicator of fatigue, and can be an easy variable to collect, i.e., using a jump mat (despite their limitations in measurement) (Whitmer, 2015). However, the reliability of Jump Height 跳跃高度也是疲劳的一个有用指标,并且可以通过跳跃垫(尽管其测量存在局限性)轻松收集这一变量(Whitmer, 2015)。然而,跳跃高度的可靠性
must not be confused with sensitivity. While decrements in Jump Height are likely indicators of fatigue, and is a very reliable measure, it may also be less sensitive to change than some time-based measures. This means that a decrease in Jump Height may happen later than some of the time-based metrics discussed above (RSImod, FT:CT, ECC Duration) making it less suitable for fatigue monitoring (Cormack, 2008). 不得与敏感性混淆。虽然跳跃高度的下降可能是疲劳的指示,并且是一个非常可靠的测量,但它可能对变化的敏感性不如一些基于时间的测量。这意味着跳跃高度的下降可能发生在上述一些基于时间的指标(RSImod,FT:CT,ECC 持续时间)之后,使其在疲劳监测中不太适用(Cormack,2008)。
As our industry of exercise science evolves and becomes more analytics-driven, many organizations now employ dedicated data analysts, data scientists, and machine learning specialists, for the purposes of performing significantly more robust analysis than has been common in the past. It is highly likely that, as these professions develop, more and more metrics will be proven (and perhaps disproven) as being valuable in contexts such as fatigue monitoring. 随着我们的运动科学行业不断发展并变得更加依赖分析,许多组织现在雇佣专门的数据分析师、数据科学家和机器学习专家,以进行比过去更为强大的分析。随着这些职业的发展,越来越多的指标很可能会被证明(也可能被证明不成立)在疲劳监测等背景下具有价值。
Use comparable metrics, measured over time to determine if:
- The individual is fatigued
- This fatigue poses a risk
- A program modification might be appropriate (if any)
Use comparable metrics, measured over time to determine if:
- The individual is fatigued
- This fatigue poses a risk
- A program modification might be appropriate (if any)| Use comparable metrics, measured over time to determine if: |
| :--- |
| - The individual is fatigued |
| - This fatigue poses a risk |
| - A program modification might be appropriate (if any) |
Objectives 目标
定期进行测试,以提供以下结果:- 可靠 - 对疲劳敏感 - 通过针对性干预支持知情决策
Perform regular testing to provide results that are:
- Reliable
- Sensitive to fatigue
- Support informed decision making through targeted interventions
Perform regular testing to provide results that are:
- Reliable
- Sensitive to fatigue
- Support informed decision making through targeted interventions| Perform regular testing to provide results that are: |
| :--- |
| - Reliable |
| - Sensitive to fatigue |
| - Support informed decision making through targeted interventions |
Common Tests 常见检查
易于快速可靠地执行的测试,以确保长期合规:- CMJ - SJ - DJ - ISOT
Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SJ
- DJ
Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SJ
- DJ
- ISOT| Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time: |
| :--- |
| - CMJ |
| - SJ |
| - DJ |
| - ISOT |
As often as possible when fatigue is an important consideration, at consistent time points, such as:
- Every week, 48 hours after competition
- Twice per week, once 48 hours after competition and once 24 hours before competition
- Every weekday, when first arriving at training
- At the start of each appointment
As often as possible when fatigue is an important consideration, at consistent time points, such as:
- Every week, 48 hours after competition
- Twice per week, once 48 hours after competition and once 24 hours before competition
- Every weekday, when first arriving at training
- At the start of each appointment| As often as possible when fatigue is an important consideration, at consistent time points, such as: |
| :--- |
| - Every week, 48 hours after competition |
| - Twice per week, once 48 hours after competition and once 24 hours before competition |
| - Every weekday, when first arriving at training |
| - At the start of each appointment |
- Are the metrics being measured sensitive to fatigue?
- If so, are they being measured at consistent times, with the individual in consistent states of fatigue, that will show if the performance is different from typical results?
- If the results are different, is it feasible to modify the training program to account for the fatigue and prevent injury or other issues from occurring?
- Are the metrics being measured sensitive to fatigue?
- If so, are they being measured at consistent times, with the individual in consistent states of fatigue, that will show if the performance is different from typical results?
- If the results are different, is it feasible to modify the training program to account for the fatigue and prevent injury or other issues from occurring?| - Are the metrics being measured sensitive to fatigue? |
| :--- |
| - If so, are they being measured at consistent times, with the individual in consistent states of fatigue, that will show if the performance is different from typical results? |
| - If the results are different, is it feasible to modify the training program to account for the fatigue and prevent injury or other issues from occurring? |
Purpose "Use comparable metrics, measured over time to determine if:
- The individual is fatigued
- This fatigue poses a risk
- A program modification might be appropriate (if any)"
Objectives "Perform regular testing to provide results that are:
- Reliable
- Sensitive to fatigue
- Support informed decision making through targeted interventions"
Common Tests "Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time:
- SJ
- DJ
Frequency of Testing "As often as possible when fatigue is an important consideration, at consistent time points, such as:
- Every week, 48 hours after competition
- Twice per week, once 48 hours after competition and once 24 hours before competition
- Every weekday, when first arriving at training
- At the start of each appointment"
Key Considerations "- Are the metrics being measured sensitive to fatigue?
- If so, are they being measured at consistent times, with the individual in consistent states of fatigue, that will show if the performance is different from typical results?
- If the results are different, is it feasible to modify the training program to account for the fatigue and prevent injury or other issues from occurring?"| Purpose | Use comparable metrics, measured over time to determine if: <br> - The individual is fatigued <br> - This fatigue poses a risk <br> - A program modification might be appropriate (if any) |
| :---: | :---: |
| Objectives | Perform regular testing to provide results that are: <br> - Reliable <br> - Sensitive to fatigue <br> - Support informed decision making through targeted interventions |
| Common Tests | Tests that are easy to perform quickly and reliably to ensure compliance over time: <br> - CMJ <br> - SJ <br> - DJ <br> - ISOT |
| Frequency of Testing | As often as possible when fatigue is an important consideration, at consistent time points, such as: <br> - Every week, 48 hours after competition <br> - Twice per week, once 48 hours after competition and once 24 hours before competition <br> - Every weekday, when first arriving at training <br> - At the start of each appointment |
| Key Considerations | - Are the metrics being measured sensitive to fatigue? <br> - If so, are they being measured at consistent times, with the individual in consistent states of fatigue, that will show if the performance is different from typical results? <br> - If the results are different, is it feasible to modify the training program to account for the fatigue and prevent injury or other issues from occurring? |
3.6 Re-evaluate Progress or Completion of Intervention? 3.6 重新评估干预的进展或完成情况?
The value of assessing the responses to exercise/training and rehabilitation lies in the ability to use valid and reliable data to effectively manipulate future training bouts ^([8]){ }^{[8]}. The success of a program is likely to be the highest with the use of minimally invasive tools and without requiring a specific session devoted to data collection. 评估运动/训练和康复反应的价值在于能够使用有效和可靠的数据来有效地调整未来的训练课程 ^([8]){ }^{[8]} 。使用微创工具且不需要专门的会议来收集数据,程序的成功可能会达到最高。
Whether it be Performance or Health environments, it is recommended that practitioners use a combination of objective and subjective information to formulate their action-plan. In doing so, all stakeholders can be better informed, while communicating with confidence that their intervention(s), individual and collectively, has best practice impact for the athlete/client/worker 无论是在表现还是健康环境中,建议从业者使用客观和主观信息的结合来制定行动计划。这样,所有利益相关者都可以获得更好的信息,同时自信地沟通他们的干预措施,无论是个人还是集体,都对运动员/客户/工人产生最佳实践影响。
Force plate terminology can be confusing, so we have compiled an alphabetical glossary of terms you’ll see commonly used both in this guide and in other force plate literature. 力板术语可能会令人困惑,因此我们编制了一个字母顺序的术语表,您将在本指南和其他力板文献中常见到这些术语。
Term 术语
Definition 定义
Asymmetry 不对称
Inequality or imbalance between left and right. In reference to force plate testing,
asymmetry refers to the difference in output or strategy between left and right limbs.
Inequality or imbalance between left and right. In reference to force plate testing,
asymmetry refers to the difference in output or strategy between left and right limbs.| Inequality or imbalance between left and right. In reference to force plate testing, |
| :--- |
| asymmetry refers to the difference in output or strategy between left and right limbs. |
ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Analyze" results immediately after a
repetition and/or test is completed. This means that after a rep or test is completed, up to
200 summary metrics are calculated and displayed immediately and automatically, without
requiring any further post-processing or analysis work from the user.
ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Analyze" results immediately after a
repetition and/or test is completed. This means that after a rep or test is completed, up to
200 summary metrics are calculated and displayed immediately and automatically, without
requiring any further post-processing or analysis work from the user.| ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Analyze" results immediately after a |
| :--- |
| repetition and/or test is completed. This means that after a rep or test is completed, up to |
| 200 summary metrics are calculated and displayed immediately and automatically, without |
| requiring any further post-processing or analysis work from the user. |
Term Definition
Asymmetry "Inequality or imbalance between left and right. In reference to force plate testing,
asymmetry refers to the difference in output or strategy between left and right limbs."
Auto-Analysis "ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Analyze" results immediately after a
repetition and/or test is completed. This means that after a rep or test is completed, up to
200 summary metrics are calculated and displayed immediately and automatically, without
requiring any further post-processing or analysis work from the user."| Term | Definition |
| :--- | :--- |
| Asymmetry | Inequality or imbalance between left and right. In reference to force plate testing, <br> asymmetry refers to the difference in output or strategy between left and right limbs. |
| Auto-Analysis | ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Analyze" results immediately after a <br> repetition and/or test is completed. This means that after a rep or test is completed, up to <br> 200 summary metrics are calculated and displayed immediately and automatically, without <br> requiring any further post-processing or analysis work from the user. |
ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Detect" what type of movement is being ForceDecks 软件使用算法来“自动检测”正在进行的运动类型
performed, as well as when it starts and ends. This means that ForceDecks can detect a 执行的时间,以及何时开始和结束。这意味着 ForceDecks 可以检测到一个
movement, highlight it on-screen and categorize it as the correct type of movement (e.g., 运动,在屏幕上突出显示并将其分类为正确的运动类型(例如,
CMJ, DJ, ISOT), all without any manual input from the user. Most (but not all) tests that CMJ、DJ、ISOT),所有这些都无需用户手动输入。大多数(但不是全部)测试
can be Auto-Analyzed can be Auto-Detected. 可以自动分析 可以自动检测。
ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Detect" what type of movement is being
performed, as well as when it starts and ends. This means that ForceDecks can detect a
movement, highlight it on-screen and categorize it as the correct type of movement (e.g.,
CMJ, DJ, ISOT), all without any manual input from the user. Most (but not all) tests that
can be Auto-Analyzed can be Auto-Detected. | | ForceDecks software uses algorithms to "Auto-Detect" what type of movement is being |
| :--- | :--- |
| performed, as well as when it starts and ends. This means that ForceDecks can detect a | |
| movement, highlight it on-screen and categorize it as the correct type of movement (e.g., | |
| CMJ, DJ, ISOT), all without any manual input from the user. Most (but not all) tests that | |
| can be Auto-Analyzed can be Auto-Detected. | |
B process whereby electronic monitoring of a normally internalized bodily function (such B 过程,通过电子监测通常内化的身体功能(这
as the expression of force) is used to provide real time or near-real time feedback on 作为力的表达,用于提供实时或近实时反馈
performance. Biofeedback is typically used to train the subject to improve their 表现。生物反馈通常用于训练受试者以改善他们的
understanding - and subsequently their performance - of that function/movement. 理解 - 以及随后他们在该功能/运动上的表现。
extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the concentric phase represents the
time period between the lowest point of the CoM depth and take off from the force plates.
This is the upward phase or triple extension component of a jump.
extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the concentric phase represents the
time period between the lowest point of the CoM depth and take off from the force plates.
This is the upward phase or triple extension component of a jump.| extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the concentric phase represents the |
| :--- |
| time period between the lowest point of the CoM depth and take off from the force plates. |
| This is the upward phase or triple extension component of a jump. |
The time spent in contact with the force plates during a rapid single jump after landing or a
repeat jump test (measures each contact individually). The most prominent examples are
the Drop Jump and Hop Tests, respectively.
The time spent in contact with the force plates during a rapid single jump after landing or a
repeat jump test (measures each contact individually). The most prominent examples are
the Drop Jump and Hop Tests, respectively.| The time spent in contact with the force plates during a rapid single jump after landing or a |
| :--- |
| repeat jump test (measures each contact individually). The most prominent examples are |
| the Drop Jump and Hop Tests, respectively. |
Contraction Time (CT) {f7ba4c0c9-b8a0-41ff-8b9e-a27c24f5bd1b}
Total measured time from the Start of Movement until Takeoff. For a movement such as a
Countermovement Jump, this encapsulates both eccentric and concentric phases.
Total measured time from the Start of Movement until Takeoff. For a movement such as a
Countermovement Jump, this encapsulates both eccentric and concentric phases.| Total measured time from the Start of Movement until Takeoff. For a movement such as a |
| :--- |
| Countermovement Jump, this encapsulates both eccentric and concentric phases. |
Concentric (CON) "extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the concentric phase represents the
time period between the lowest point of the CoM depth and take off from the force plates.
This is the upward phase or triple extension component of a jump."
Contact Time "The time spent in contact with the force plates during a rapid single jump after landing or a
repeat jump test (measures each contact individually). The most prominent examples are
the Drop Jump and Hop Tests, respectively."
Contraction Time (CT) {f7ba4c0c9-b8a0-41ff-8b9e-a27c24f5bd1b}"Total measured time from the Start of Movement until Takeoff. For a movement such as a
Countermovement Jump, this encapsulates both eccentric and concentric phases." | Concentric (CON) | extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the concentric phase represents the <br> time period between the lowest point of the CoM depth and take off from the force plates. <br> This is the upward phase or triple extension component of a jump. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Contact Time | The time spent in contact with the force plates during a rapid single jump after landing or a <br> repeat jump test (measures each contact individually). The most prominent examples are <br> the Drop Jump and Hop Tests, respectively. |
| Contraction Time (CT) {f7ba4c0c9-b8a0-41ff-8b9e-a27c24f5bd1b}Total measured time from the Start of Movement until Takeoff. For a movement such as a <br> Countermovement Jump, this encapsulates both eccentric and concentric phases. | |
A number (or Metric) based on the calculations from other such numbers. In the context
of force plate analysis, Force and Time are used as the basis for calculating a range of
different derivates such as power, velocity, displacement (height) and impulse.
A number (or Metric) based on the calculations from other such numbers. In the context
of force plate analysis, Force and Time are used as the basis for calculating a range of
different derivates such as power, velocity, displacement (height) and impulse.| A number (or Metric) based on the calculations from other such numbers. In the context |
| :--- |
| of force plate analysis, Force and Time are used as the basis for calculating a range of |
| different derivates such as power, velocity, displacement (height) and impulse. |
Drop Landing 落地跳
In a Drop Jump, this is the first landing impact on the force plates after the drop, prior to
In a Drop Jump, this is the first landing impact on the force plates after the drop, prior to
jumping.| In a Drop Jump, this is the first landing impact on the force plates after the drop, prior to |
| :--- |
| jumping. |
Derivative "A number (or Metric) based on the calculations from other such numbers. In the context
of force plate analysis, Force and Time are used as the basis for calculating a range of
different derivates such as power, velocity, displacement (height) and impulse."
Drop Landing "In a Drop Jump, this is the first landing impact on the force plates after the drop, prior to
jumping."| Derivative | A number (or Metric) based on the calculations from other such numbers. In the context <br> of force plate analysis, Force and Time are used as the basis for calculating a range of <br> different derivates such as power, velocity, displacement (height) and impulse. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Drop Landing | In a Drop Jump, this is the first landing impact on the force plates after the drop, prior to <br> jumping. |
Describes a muscle contraction that produces force as it lengthens, during either flexion or extension of a specific joint. In terms of jump analysis, the eccentric phase represents the 描述了一种肌肉收缩,在特定关节的屈曲或伸展过程中,随着长度的增加而产生力量。在跳跃分析中,离心阶段代表着
Eccentric (ECC) 偏心 (ECC)
This be the start of the movement and the lowest point of the CoM depth. 这标志着运动的开始和质心深度的最低点。
This is the downward phase that generates/builds elastic energy for use during the concentric phase (i.e.: stretch shorten cycle). 这是产生/积累弹性能量以供在向心相位使用的下行阶段(即:拉伸-缩短循环)。
A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is
more proficient in force production or movement velocity. Several loads are used, (based
on a specific weight (20kg, 40kg etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1RM), and a maximal
CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power
A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is
more proficient in force production or movement velocity. Several loads are used, (based
on a specific weight (20kg, 40kg etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1RM), and a maximal
CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power| A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is |
| :--- |
| more proficient in force production or movement velocity. Several loads are used, (based |
| on a specific weight (20kg, 40kg etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1RM), and a maximal |
| CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power |
CMtput equations using participant biometrics. 使用参与者生物特征的 CMtput 方程。
CMtput equations using participant biometrics.| CMtput equations using participant biometrics. |
| :--- |
Force: Velocity (F:V) "A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is
more proficient in force production or movement velocity. Several loads are used, (based
on a specific weight (20kg, 40kg etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1RM), and a maximal
CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power"
"CMtput equations using participant biometrics." | Force: Velocity (F:V) | A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is <br> more proficient in force production or movement velocity. Several loads are used, (based <br> on a specific weight (20kg, 40kg etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1RM), and a maximal <br> CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power |
| :--- | :--- |
| CMtput equations using participant biometrics. | |
The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the
individual. Impulse reflects the area under the Force-time curve. ForceDecks splits impulse
into phases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force
application in different phases of jumps.
The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the
individual. Impulse reflects the area under the Force-time curve. ForceDecks splits impulse
into phases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force
application in different phases of jumps.| The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the |
| :--- |
| individual. Impulse reflects the area under the Force-time curve. ForceDecks splits impulse |
| into phases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force |
| application in different phases of jumps. |
Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force
production. This is achieved by maintaining the exact position of involved joints at the
onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric
Squat, IMTP, the ASH Test, and numerous hamstring variations.
Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force
production. This is achieved by maintaining the exact position of involved joints at the
onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric
Squat, IMTP, the ASH Test, and numerous hamstring variations.| Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force |
| :--- |
| production. This is achieved by maintaining the exact position of involved joints at the |
| onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric |
| Squat, IMTP, the ASH Test, and numerous hamstring variations. |
The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as
a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding
movement). This can be measured from impulse-momentum equations or from flight time.
The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as
a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding
movement). This can be measured from impulse-momentum equations or from flight time.| The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as |
| :--- |
| a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding |
| movement). This can be measured from impulse-momentum equations or from flight time. |
A single key time point within a movement. E.g., Start of Movement. 一个运动中的单一关键时间点。例如,运动开始。
Impulse (Imp) "The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the
individual. Impulse reflects the area under the Force-time curve. ForceDecks splits impulse
into phases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force
application in different phases of jumps."
Isometric (ISO) "Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force
production. This is achieved by maintaining the exact position of involved joints at the
onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric
Squat, IMTP, the ASH Test, and numerous hamstring variations."
Jump Height {f09cd33e1-9b7c-4a1e-a369-2bdb4ae5e810}"The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as
a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding
movement). This can be measured from impulse-momentum equations or from flight time."
A single key time point within a movement. E.g., Start of Movement. | Impulse (Imp) | The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the <br> individual. Impulse reflects the area under the Force-time curve. ForceDecks splits impulse <br> into phases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force <br> application in different phases of jumps. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Isometric (ISO) | Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force <br> production. This is achieved by maintaining the exact position of involved joints at the <br> onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric <br> Squat, IMTP, the ASH Test, and numerous hamstring variations. |
| Jump Height {f09cd33e1-9b7c-4a1e-a369-2bdb4ae5e810}The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as <br> a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding <br> movement). This can be measured from impulse-momentum equations or from flight time. | |
| A single key time point within a movement. E.g., Start of Movement. | |
Neuromuscular Fatigue 神经肌肉疲劳
Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle's ability to develop
force or power.
Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle's ability to develop
force or power.| Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle's ability to develop |
| :--- |
| force or power. |
Phase 阶段
A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric
A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric
Phase).| A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric |
| :--- |
| Phase). |
Neuromuscular Fatigue "Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle's ability to develop
force or power."
Phase "A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric
Phase)."| Neuromuscular Fatigue | Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle's ability to develop <br> force or power. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Phase | A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric <br> Phase). |
Pre-Tension quad\quad thus creating a truly isometric testing condition and safely preparing the individual for Profiling categorizing or triaging. In large cohorts, profiling is typically done to assist with grouping 预紧 quad\quad 从而创造出真正的等长测试条件,并安全地为个体进行分类、分组或分流做好准备。在大规模队列中,通常进行轮廓分析以帮助分组。
Rate of Force 力的速率
Development (RFD) 发展 (RFD)
Reactive Strength Index (RSI) 反应力量指数 (RSI)
Reactive Strength Index Modified (RSImod) 反应力量指数修正版 (RSImod)
A comparative, multi-stage testing protocol intended to determine the ideal external load 比较性的多阶段测试协议,旨在确定理想的外部负荷
for producing peak performance in one or more metrics. One common example is performing a Squat Assessment using different weights to identify CON Peak Power and Velocity. 用于在一个或多个指标中产生最佳表现。一个常见的例子是使用不同的重量进行深蹲评估,以识别 CON 峰值功率和速度。
isometric test. Pre-tension is intended to remove elastic give from key body segments, larger amounts of force production. 等长测试。预紧旨在消除关键身体部分的弹性变形,产生更大的力量。
The recording and analysis of a person’s neuromuscular characteristics, for the purpose of similar subjects together to streamline exercise programming or treatments. 对一个人的神经肌肉特征进行记录和分析,目的是将相似的对象聚集在一起,以简化运动程序或治疗。
The change in force applied as a function of time (i.e.: N//s\mathrm{N} / \mathrm{s} ). This can be ‘instantaneous’ (I.e., every 0.001 s for a 1000 Hz sample frequency), or ‘average’ (between specific key moments within a movement, e.g., SoM to peak force). 施加的力随时间变化(即: N//s\mathrm{N} / \mathrm{s} )。这可以是“瞬时的”(即,每 0.001 秒对于 1000 Hz 的采样频率),或“平均的”(在运动中的特定关键时刻之间,例如,从最小力到峰值力)。
A commonly used Drop Jump metric, RSI is Flight Time divided by Contact Time. 常用的跳跃下落指标,RSI 是飞行时间除以接触时间。
A simple ratio of jump performance to preparation time needed. In a sporting context, it is desirable for an individual to achieve significant vertical jump performance (i.e.: elevated flight time, power output, and peak velocity) with the least amount of time required. Increases in this ratio are due to improved jump ability and/or reduced preparation time (defined as from start of movement to take off). 跳跃表现与所需准备时间的简单比率。在体育背景下,个人希望在最少的时间内实现显著的垂直跳跃表现(即:飞行时间、功率输出和峰值速度)。该比率的增加是由于跳跃能力的提高和/或准备时间的减少(定义为从开始动作到起跳的时间)。
A comparative, multi-stage jump testing protocol intended to determine if an individual is on a specific weight ( 20kg,40kg20 \mathrm{~kg}, 40 \mathrm{~kg} etc.), a % of body weight or %'s of 1 RM ), and a maximal CMJ is performed with each. Results are calculated and can be compared to ideal power 比较的多阶段跳跃测试协议旨在确定个体是否处于特定体重( 20kg,40kg20 \mathrm{~kg}, 40 \mathrm{~kg} 等)、体重的百分比或 1 RM 的百分比,并且每个测试都进行最大垂直跳跃(CMJ)。结果被计算并可以与理想功率进行比较。
The action of a force over a period which leads to a change in momentum (velocity) of the 一个力在一段时间内的作用导致动量(速度)的变化
intophases such as braking, deceleration, concentric denoting the effect of the force Related to or having no change in muscle-tendon length or joint angles during force production. This is achilud by onset of contraction until the end of the repetition. Common tests include the Isometric The net displacement of the CoM from the instant of take-off to the peak displacement (as a result of the net concentric impulse generated on the ForceDecks in the preceding movement). This can be measured frominpulse momentum equations or from fightime. 在制动、减速、同心等阶段,表示与肌肉-肌腱长度或关节角度在产生力量过程中没有变化或变化的力量的影响。这是通过收缩的开始直到重复的结束来实现的。常见的测试包括等长测试。重心从起飞瞬间到峰值位移的净位移(作为前一个动作中在 ForceDecks 上产生的净同心冲动的结果)。这可以通过冲动动量方程或飞行时间来测量。
Any (usually but not exclusively exercise-induced) decrease in a muscle’s ability to develop force or power. 任何(通常但不限于运动引起的)肌肉产生力量或功率的能力下降。
A period of movement within a test, typically bound by 2 key moments (e.g.: Eccentric Phase). 在测试中的一个运动阶段,通常由两个关键时刻界定(例如:离心阶段)。
The amount of force applied to a bar (or other immovable setup) prior to a maximum effort 施加在杆(或其他不可移动装置)上的力量量,在最大努力之前
A commonly used Countermovement Jump metric, RSImod is Jump Height divided by Contraction Time. 一种常用的反向跳跃指标,RSImod 是跳跃高度除以收缩时间。
The process of returning to play/compete a given sport or exercise after injury. 伤后恢复参与某项运动或锻炼的过程。
Start of Integration (Sol) 集成开始(Sol)
Key moment at which Force and Time begin being calculated together to produce new "derivatives" or metrics such as displacement or power. 力和时间开始一起计算以产生新的“导数”或指标,如位移或功率的关键时刻。
Start of Movement (SoM) 运动开始 (SoM)
Key moment where the individual begins to move. In ForceDecks, for the CMJ, this is a 20 N threshold change from bodyweight. 个体开始移动的关键时刻。在 ForceDecks 中,对于 CMJ,这是一个从体重开始的 20 N 阈值变化。
Stiffness 僵硬
The extent to which an object resists deformation (such as muscle lengthening) in response to an applied force, calculated by Peak Force / displacement. 物体在施加力的情况下抵抗变形(如肌肉拉伸)的程度,通过峰值力/位移计算得出。
Strategy 策略
In the context of this manual - strategy refers to the idiosyncratic way in which an individual completes a task (jump/isometric/squat). For example, a subject's strategy in a CMJ may be to consistently exhibit a long eccentric phase with large asymmetry. 在本手册的背景下,策略指的是个体完成任务(跳跃/等长收缩/深蹲)的特有方式。例如,受试者在垂直跳跃中的策略可能是始终表现出较长的离心阶段和较大的不对称性。
Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) 伸展缩短循环 (SSC)
A muscle action where active muscle lengthening is immediately followed by active muscle shortening (e.g., demonstrated in a countermovement jump but not in a squat jump) 一种肌肉动作,其中主动肌肉伸长后立即跟随主动肌肉缩短(例如,在反向跳跃中表现出来,但在深蹲跳中则没有)。
Depending on the test being performed, system weight is the total weight of the subject, partial subject and/or any additional load that will be directly on the force plate/s during a test. For example:
- For a CMJ, system weight is simply the individual's bodyweight;
- For a Loaded Squat Assessment, system weight is the individual's bodyweight, plus, the external load they are holding/carrying; or
- For a Single Limb Isometric Test where part of the individual will rest on the floor (i.e., not on the force plates), such as a posterior chain or shoulder I/Y/T isometric test, system weight is the weight of the individual's limb*
*While precise bodyweight measurements are critical for jumping tests, precise measurements for limb weights in Single Limb Isometric Tests are less critical, as these tests typically rely less on relative force measurements and more on absolute force measurements.
Depending on the test being performed, system weight is the total weight of the subject, partial subject and/or any additional load that will be directly on the force plate/s during a test. For example:
- For a CMJ, system weight is simply the individual's bodyweight;
- For a Loaded Squat Assessment, system weight is the individual's bodyweight, plus, the external load they are holding/carrying; or
- For a Single Limb Isometric Test where part of the individual will rest on the floor (i.e., not on the force plates), such as a posterior chain or shoulder I/Y/T isometric test, system weight is the weight of the individual's limb*
*While precise bodyweight measurements are critical for jumping tests, precise measurements for limb weights in Single Limb Isometric Tests are less critical, as these tests typically rely less on relative force measurements and more on absolute force measurements.| Depending on the test being performed, system weight is the total weight of the subject, partial subject and/or any additional load that will be directly on the force plate/s during a test. For example: |
| :--- |
| - For a CMJ, system weight is simply the individual's bodyweight; |
| - For a Loaded Squat Assessment, system weight is the individual's bodyweight, plus, the external load they are holding/carrying; or |
| - For a Single Limb Isometric Test where part of the individual will rest on the floor (i.e., not on the force plates), such as a posterior chain or shoulder I/Y/T isometric test, system weight is the weight of the individual's limb* |
| *While precise bodyweight measurements are critical for jumping tests, precise measurements for limb weights in Single Limb Isometric Tests are less critical, as these tests typically rely less on relative force measurements and more on absolute force measurements. |
Test 测试
For the purposes of this document, "test" refers to a single ForceDecks test recording, of a single test type, which may involve one or more trials. 在本文件中,“测试”指的是单个 ForceDecks 测试记录,属于单一测试类型,可能涉及一个或多个试验。
Test Type 测试类型
For the purposes of this document a "test type" is a single type of movement, able to be auto analyzed by ForceDecks software. For example, CMJ, DJ and SQT are all test types. 在本文件中,“测试类型”是指一种单一的运动类型,可以通过 ForceDecks 软件进行自动分析。例如,CMJ、DJ 和 SQT 都是测试类型。
Time Series 时间序列
Sequence of data taken in equally spaced points in time. ForceDecks collects time series data on force, at a default sampling rate of 1,000Hz1,000 \mathrm{~Hz} (samples per second). 在时间上等间隔点采集的数据序列。ForceDecks 以默认采样率 1,000Hz1,000 \mathrm{~Hz} (每秒样本数)收集力的时间序列数据。
Trial 试验
Synonymous with "rep" or "repetition", a trial is one rep of a test. 试验与“重复”或“重复次数”同义,是测试的一次重复。
Triple Extension 三重伸展
The actions that describe the proximal to distal sequencing of joint movements across the ankle, knee, and hip joints during the CON phase of a jump. Although the ankle is technically performing plantar flexion, it assists in raising the CoM upward just as knee and hip extension do. The term expresses these three coordinated joint actions in displacing the body away from the ground. 描述在跳跃的收缩阶段,踝关节、膝关节和髋关节的关节运动从近端到远端的顺序。尽管踝关节在技术上执行的是跖屈,但它在向上抬升重心方面与膝关节和髋关节的伸展一样起到辅助作用。该术语表达了这三种协调的关节动作在将身体从地面移开的过程。
To "Zero" a force plate (also known as "taring") means to reset the point of zero weight. Zeroing is used to cancel out any errors in starting measurement, which may be introduced by factors such as the weight of the force plates themselves, any external fixings, and/or any sensor drift over time.
For example, if you have a force plate that registers 2 kg despite having no weight applied, performing a test could be expected to produce downstream measurement and calculation errors. Zeroing the platform will perform an offset, adjusting the starting reading to 0kg and in turn ensuring that downstream data is more accurate.
To "Zero" a force plate (also known as "taring") means to reset the point of zero weight. Zeroing is used to cancel out any errors in starting measurement, which may be introduced by factors such as the weight of the force plates themselves, any external fixings, and/or any sensor drift over time.
For example, if you have a force plate that registers 2 kg despite having no weight applied, performing a test could be expected to produce downstream measurement and calculation errors. Zeroing the platform will perform an offset, adjusting the starting reading to 0kg and in turn ensuring that downstream data is more accurate.| To "Zero" a force plate (also known as "taring") means to reset the point of zero weight. Zeroing is used to cancel out any errors in starting measurement, which may be introduced by factors such as the weight of the force plates themselves, any external fixings, and/or any sensor drift over time. |
| :--- |
| For example, if you have a force plate that registers 2 kg despite having no weight applied, performing a test could be expected to produce downstream measurement and calculation errors. Zeroing the platform will perform an offset, adjusting the starting reading to 0kg and in turn ensuring that downstream data is more accurate. |
Start of Integration (Sol) Key moment at which Force and Time begin being calculated together to produce new "derivatives" or metrics such as displacement or power.
Start of Movement (SoM) Key moment where the individual begins to move. In ForceDecks, for the CMJ, this is a 20 N threshold change from bodyweight.
Stiffness The extent to which an object resists deformation (such as muscle lengthening) in response to an applied force, calculated by Peak Force / displacement.
Strategy In the context of this manual - strategy refers to the idiosyncratic way in which an individual completes a task (jump/isometric/squat). For example, a subject's strategy in a CMJ may be to consistently exhibit a long eccentric phase with large asymmetry.
Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) A muscle action where active muscle lengthening is immediately followed by active muscle shortening (e.g., demonstrated in a countermovement jump but not in a squat jump)
System Weight "Depending on the test being performed, system weight is the total weight of the subject, partial subject and/or any additional load that will be directly on the force plate/s during a test. For example:
- For a CMJ, system weight is simply the individual's bodyweight;
- For a Loaded Squat Assessment, system weight is the individual's bodyweight, plus, the external load they are holding/carrying; or
- For a Single Limb Isometric Test where part of the individual will rest on the floor (i.e., not on the force plates), such as a posterior chain or shoulder I/Y/T isometric test, system weight is the weight of the individual's limb*
*While precise bodyweight measurements are critical for jumping tests, precise measurements for limb weights in Single Limb Isometric Tests are less critical, as these tests typically rely less on relative force measurements and more on absolute force measurements."
Test For the purposes of this document, "test" refers to a single ForceDecks test recording, of a single test type, which may involve one or more trials.
Test Type For the purposes of this document a "test type" is a single type of movement, able to be auto analyzed by ForceDecks software. For example, CMJ, DJ and SQT are all test types.
Time Series Sequence of data taken in equally spaced points in time. ForceDecks collects time series data on force, at a default sampling rate of 1,000Hz (samples per second).
Trial Synonymous with "rep" or "repetition", a trial is one rep of a test.
Triple Extension The actions that describe the proximal to distal sequencing of joint movements across the ankle, knee, and hip joints during the CON phase of a jump. Although the ankle is technically performing plantar flexion, it assists in raising the CoM upward just as knee and hip extension do. The term expresses these three coordinated joint actions in displacing the body away from the ground.
Zeroing "To "Zero" a force plate (also known as "taring") means to reset the point of zero weight. Zeroing is used to cancel out any errors in starting measurement, which may be introduced by factors such as the weight of the force plates themselves, any external fixings, and/or any sensor drift over time.
For example, if you have a force plate that registers 2 kg despite having no weight applied, performing a test could be expected to produce downstream measurement and calculation errors. Zeroing the platform will perform an offset, adjusting the starting reading to 0kg and in turn ensuring that downstream data is more accurate."| Start of Integration (Sol) | Key moment at which Force and Time begin being calculated together to produce new "derivatives" or metrics such as displacement or power. |
| :---: | :---: |
| Start of Movement (SoM) | Key moment where the individual begins to move. In ForceDecks, for the CMJ, this is a 20 N threshold change from bodyweight. |
| Stiffness | The extent to which an object resists deformation (such as muscle lengthening) in response to an applied force, calculated by Peak Force / displacement. |
| Strategy | In the context of this manual - strategy refers to the idiosyncratic way in which an individual completes a task (jump/isometric/squat). For example, a subject's strategy in a CMJ may be to consistently exhibit a long eccentric phase with large asymmetry. |
| Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC) | A muscle action where active muscle lengthening is immediately followed by active muscle shortening (e.g., demonstrated in a countermovement jump but not in a squat jump) |
| System Weight | Depending on the test being performed, system weight is the total weight of the subject, partial subject and/or any additional load that will be directly on the force plate/s during a test. For example: <br> - For a CMJ, system weight is simply the individual's bodyweight; <br> - For a Loaded Squat Assessment, system weight is the individual's bodyweight, plus, the external load they are holding/carrying; or <br> - For a Single Limb Isometric Test where part of the individual will rest on the floor (i.e., not on the force plates), such as a posterior chain or shoulder I/Y/T isometric test, system weight is the weight of the individual's limb* <br> *While precise bodyweight measurements are critical for jumping tests, precise measurements for limb weights in Single Limb Isometric Tests are less critical, as these tests typically rely less on relative force measurements and more on absolute force measurements. |
| Test | For the purposes of this document, "test" refers to a single ForceDecks test recording, of a single test type, which may involve one or more trials. |
| Test Type | For the purposes of this document a "test type" is a single type of movement, able to be auto analyzed by ForceDecks software. For example, CMJ, DJ and SQT are all test types. |
| Time Series | Sequence of data taken in equally spaced points in time. ForceDecks collects time series data on force, at a default sampling rate of $1,000 \mathrm{~Hz}$ (samples per second). |
| Trial | Synonymous with "rep" or "repetition", a trial is one rep of a test. |
| Triple Extension | The actions that describe the proximal to distal sequencing of joint movements across the ankle, knee, and hip joints during the CON phase of a jump. Although the ankle is technically performing plantar flexion, it assists in raising the CoM upward just as knee and hip extension do. The term expresses these three coordinated joint actions in displacing the body away from the ground. |
| Zeroing | To "Zero" a force plate (also known as "taring") means to reset the point of zero weight. Zeroing is used to cancel out any errors in starting measurement, which may be introduced by factors such as the weight of the force plates themselves, any external fixings, and/or any sensor drift over time. <br> For example, if you have a force plate that registers 2 kg despite having no weight applied, performing a test could be expected to produce downstream measurement and calculation errors. Zeroing the platform will perform an offset, adjusting the starting reading to 0kg and in turn ensuring that downstream data is more accurate. |
References 参考文献
Atkinson, G. &. (1996). Circadian Variation in Sports Performance. Sports Med, 21, 292-312. 阿特金森,G. &. (1996). 体育表现的昼夜变化。体育医学, 21, 292-312.
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Appendices 附录
A. Asymmetries A. 不对称性
1. Magnitude of Asymmetry 1. 不对称的大小
Magnitude simply refers to the size of an observed asymmetry, without consideration for the direction of asymmetry. At 0%0 \% asymmetry for a given metric, it could be safely assumed that the individual is not favoring one limb over the contralateral limb. However, if magnitude of asymmetry is greater than 0%0 \%, further consideration of whether an asymmetry is problematic or not, is far less clear-cut. A typical asymmetry for a cohort is unlikely to be indicative of all the populations, and therefore, results must be interpreted with caution. 幅度仅指观察到的不对称的大小,而不考虑不对称的方向。在给定指标的 0%0 \% 不对称时,可以安全地假设个体没有偏向一侧肢体而忽视对侧肢体。然而,如果不对称的幅度大于 0%0 \% ,那么进一步考虑不对称是否存在问题就不那么明确了。一个群体的典型不对称不太可能代表所有人群,因此,结果必须谨慎解读。
In large, diverse organizations, cross-disciplinary analysis can help create magnitude rating systems, such as ranking asymmetry ranges from low to moderate to high concern. However, this is not possible in all organizations, and some practitioners must instead rely on intra-subject asymmetry monitoring alone. 在大型多样化组织中,跨学科分析可以帮助创建幅度评级系统,例如将不对称范围从低到中到高关注进行排名。然而,并非所有组织都能做到这一点,一些从业者必须仅依赖于个体内不对称监测。
2. Change in Magnitude of Asymmetry 2. 不对称程度的变化
Changes in asymmetry can be a powerful factor to monitor, given that asymmetry may be influenced by fatigue and/or ongoing adaptations to physical stimulus. Consider an individual who typically averages 10% asymmetry for a given test and selected metrics. The same individual is tested the day after heavy exercise or a demanding working day, registering a 25%25 \% asymmetry for the same tests and metrics. This might suggest that when in a fatigued state, the individual’s asymmetry is magnified and may be interpreted as the individual is at an increased risk of injury. Therefore, timing of testing needs to be carefully considered. 不对称性的变化可能是一个强有力的监测因素,因为不对称性可能受到疲劳和/或对身体刺激的持续适应的影响。考虑一个在某项测试和选定指标中通常平均有 10%不对称性的人。该个体在进行重度锻炼或繁忙工作日后的第二天接受测试,在相同的测试和指标中记录到 25%25 \% 的不对称性。这可能表明,当处于疲劳状态时,个体的不对称性被放大,可能被解读为个体面临更高的受伤风险。因此,测试的时机需要仔细考虑。
Similarly, changes in magnitude over time can help identify improvements or warn practitioners of a developing problem. For example, if an individual displays a 5%5 \% asymmetry on day 1 of testing (multi-day/ high frequency testing) and the magnitude of asymmetry is amplified as days pass, this may indicate an issue is developing. Conversely, if a client recovering from ACL reconstruction begins their rehabilitation at 40%40 \% asymmetry, but consistently reduces this asymmetry over time, this may indicate positive progress. 类似地,随时间变化的幅度可以帮助识别改善或警告从业者潜在的问题。例如,如果一个个体在测试的第 1 天显示出 5%5 \% 的不对称性(多天/高频测试),并且随着时间的推移不对称性的幅度加大,这可能表明问题正在发展。相反,如果一位从 ACL 重建手术中恢复的客户在康复开始时表现出 40%40 \% 的不对称性,但随着时间的推移持续减少这种不对称性,这可能表明积极的进展。
Often, these changes are imperceptible to the individual. However, using dual force plate measurement, we can identify changes magnitude and intervene earlier than would otherwise be possible with subjective analysis only. 这些变化通常对个体来说是不可察觉的。然而,通过使用双力板测量,我们可以识别变化的幅度,并比仅依靠主观分析更早地进行干预。
3. Influence of Previous Injury on Asymmetry 3. 先前损伤对不对称的影响
Following an injury, movement mechanics and force production capacity may be altered immediately (i.e., acute responses), leading to obvious asymmetries in many metrics. 在受伤后,运动机制和力量产生能力可能会立即发生变化(即急性反应),导致许多指标出现明显的不对称。
Further, the effects of an injury may go on to affect an individual’s asymmetry indefinitely (i.e., chronic adaptations). Depending on the chronic nature of the injury, there may be limits with the amount of improvement possible. Examples of this are observed commonly following severe injuries such as ACL rupture. 此外,伤害的影响可能会无限期地影响个体的非对称性(即慢性适应)。根据伤害的慢性性质,可能会对改善的程度有所限制。这种情况常见于严重伤害后,例如前交叉韧带(ACL)撕裂。
In general, an asymmetry analysis should consider how previous setbacks may still affect the individual and how that may change the goals of their exercise program. 一般来说,非对称分析应考虑以往的挫折如何仍然影响个体,以及这可能如何改变他们锻炼计划的目标。
4. Sport/Occupation/Life Stressors 4. 体育/职业/生活压力源
Aside from injury events and/or the influence of chronic overuse, asymmetries can also develop naturally in response to repetitive actions and may not necessarily be cause for concern. Take for example, a Tennis player exhibits significant asymmetries due to the physical demands of repetitive training and playing where forces are constantly being channeled through their dominant side, whereas road cyclists and weightlifters move more symmetrically. While a Tennis player shows substantial asymmetries between their arm used for a forehand shot, linking to their back, hip, and leg, this does not necessarily mean that they will experience injuries, as there are multiple factors that influence the player’s response. Cormack and Coutts (2015) argue that the practitioner needs to consider the combination of physiological and psychological traits and issues related to the specifics of the player’s training and competition environment, and not focus on the test alone. Therefore, if the tennis player is generally healthy - physically, mentally, and emotionally, and their magnitudes of asymmetry do not fluctuate greatly over time with good management, any asymmetry can be deemed within acceptable limits, 除了受伤事件和/或慢性过度使用的影响,非对称性也可能自然发展,以响应重复性动作,并不一定是值得担忧的原因。例如,网球运动员由于重复训练和比赛的身体需求,表现出显著的非对称性,因为力量不断通过他们的主导侧传递,而公路自行车手和举重运动员的动作则更为对称。虽然网球运动员在用于正手击球的手臂之间表现出显著的非对称性,这与他们的背部、臀部和腿部相关,但这并不一定意味着他们会遭受伤害,因为有多个因素影响运动员的反应。Cormack 和 Coutts(2015)认为,实践者需要考虑生理和心理特征的组合,以及与运动员训练和比赛环境的具体情况相关的问题,而不仅仅关注测试本身。因此,如果网球运动员在身体、心理和情感上总体健康,并且他们的非对称程度在良好管理下不会随时间大幅波动,那么任何非对称都可以被视为在可接受的范围内
5. Consistency of Inter-Phase Asymmetries 5. 相间不对称的一致性
Asymmetries can occur within any given metric, whether it is a singular point (e.g., peak takeoff force), a value of force over time (e.g.: eccentric braking impulse), or a rate of force applied (e.g., eccentric deceleration rate of force development). 不对称可以在任何给定的度量中发生,无论是单个点(例如,峰值起飞力)、随时间变化的力值(例如:离心制动冲量)还是施加的力速率(例如,离心减速力的发展速率)。
To thoroughly understand asymmetries, it is important to analyze an entire movement, looking for similarities and differences across phases and/or key moments. For example, consider the three major phases of the CMJ test: 要全面理解不对称,分析整个运动是很重要的,寻找各个阶段和/或关键时刻的相似性和差异性。例如,考虑 CMJ 测试的三个主要阶段:
Eccentric; 偏心;
Concentric; and 同心; 和
Landing. 着陆。
It is common for an individual to exhibit minimal or no asymmetry in one or more phases (e.g., concentric phase), while showing significant asymmetry in other phase/s (e.g., eccentric and landing phases). 个体在一个或多个阶段(例如,向心阶段)中表现出最小或没有不对称,而在其他阶段(例如,离心和着陆阶段)中表现出显著的不对称是很常见的。
Such a phenomenon may be explained by several different factors. For example, the individual may be subconsciously “protecting” one limb from: 这种现象可能由几个不同的因素解释。例如,个体可能在潜意识中“保护”某个肢体免受:
Rapid movements (which may manifest in RFD and peak force asymmetry metrics); and/or 快速运动(可能表现为 RFD 和峰值力量不对称指标);和/或
Heavy loading (which may manifest in higher average force or impulse asymmetries). 重载(可能表现为更高的平均力或冲动不对称)。
In either case, the specific phase or variable can provide significant insights for the practitioner about asymmetries while their athlete/client, or staff member executes a movement. 在任何情况下,特定的阶段或变量都可以为从业者提供关于运动员/客户或员工执行动作时的不对称性的重要见解。
6. Consistency of Inter-Trial Asymmetries 6. 试验间不对称性的一致性
Performing several repetitions of a jump or movement often yields asymmetry results of significantly different magnitudes and directions. 进行多次跳跃或运动的重复往往会产生显著不同幅度和方向的不对称结果。
For example, consider someone who performs 5 Drop Jump (DJ) tests and registers a consistent asymmetry of 15%15 \% right-dominance across a variety of metrics and phases. Although this might not be cause for concern in isolation, the fact that the individual consistently stresses one limb more than the other may warrant greater investigation. 例如,考虑一个进行 5 次下落跳跃(DJ)测试的人,并在各种指标和阶段中注册了一致的 15%15 \% 右侧主导性不对称。尽管单独来看这可能不值得担忧,但该个体持续对一侧肢体施加的压力可能需要更深入的调查。
Conversely, compare this to someone else who performs the same test and has similar results (e.g., average jump height and RSI). These individual exhibits asymmetries that vary between 2%2 \% - 40%, randomly alternating between left and right sides. Although peak asymmetry magnitudes appear higher on this occasion, average relative asymmetry (i.e., factoring in direction of imbalance) may be closer to 0%0 \%. 相反,将此与其他执行相同测试并具有相似结果(例如,平均跳跃高度和相对强度指数)的人进行比较。这些个体表现出在 2%2 \% - 40%之间变化的非对称性,随机交替于左右两侧。尽管此次峰值非对称幅度似乎更高,但平均相对非对称性(即考虑不平衡的方向)可能更接近 0%0 \% 。
This large variance may be completely normal, resulting from variations in movement strategies (e.g., poor jump technique) from trial to trial, suggesting the participant might be comfortable in accepting load and producing force on both limbs equally. Therefore, while these results seem highly variable, this client’s performance profile might be protective, showing they may be well-prepared to tolerate variable loading on both limbs. 这种较大的变异可能是完全正常的,源于每次试验中运动策略的变化(例如,跳跃技术不佳),这表明参与者可能在接受负荷和在双肢上均匀产生力量方面感到舒适。因此,尽管这些结果似乎高度可变,但该客户的表现特征可能是保护性的,表明他们可能已做好准备以承受双肢上的可变负荷。