现行的《运动员手册》是了解精英运动员计划详情的资料来源:国家积分排名、团队选拔和国际比赛。除非特别注明,否则本手册中的任何内容均不得凌驾于技术或材料规则(t. 和 m. )之上。选拔程序的变更只有以书面形式直接通知高级组前24名、初级组前16名、青少年组前12名和/或青年组14滚动积分排名前8名的运动员,并在美国击剑网站上公布以及在《运动员手册》中修改后方为有效。
ADM American Development Model
AH Athlete Handbook
Capping Event field to a maximum number of entrants
CDT Cadet (U17/U16)
DE Direct Elimination
Div I Division I
Div IA Division IA
Div II Division II
Div III Division III
EFC European Fencing Confederation
FIE Federation International d'Escrime
ICL International Competitive License - Foreign Fencers
IRC International Regional Circuit - Y10, Y12, Y14, CDT & JR
IWAS International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation
JOs Junior Olympic National Championship
JR Junior (U20/U19)
JSF Junior Strength Factor
JWC Junior World Cup
NAC North American Cup
NRPS National Rolling Point Standings
PARA Parafencing
RCC Regional Cadet Circuit
RJC Regional Junior Circuit
RJCC Regional Junior & Cadet Circuit
ROC Regional Open Circuit
RRPS Regional Ranking Point System
RYC Regional Youth Circuit
SF Strength Factor
SJCC Super Junior and Cadet Circuit
SSF Senior Strength Factor
SWC Senior World Cup
SYC Super Regional Youth Circuit
TM Team Fencing
USOC United States Olympic Committee
USOPC United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee
USCSS S Center for SafeSport
VET Veteran
WC World Cup
WV Weight Value
Y10 Youth 10 Age Group
Y12 Youth 12 Age Group
Y14 Youth 14 Age Group| ADM | American Development Model |
| :---: | :---: |
| AH | Athlete Handbook |
| Capping | Event field to a maximum number of entrants |
| CDT | Cadet (U17/U16) |
| DE | Direct Elimination |
| Div I | Division I |
| Div IA | Division IA |
| Div II | Division II |
| Div III | Division III |
| EFC | European Fencing Confederation |
| FIE | Federation International d'Escrime |
| ICL | International Competitive License - Foreign Fencers |
| IRC | International Regional Circuit - Y10, Y12, Y14, CDT & JR |
| IWAS | International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation |
| JOs | Junior Olympic National Championship |
| JR | Junior (U20/U19) |
| JSF | Junior Strength Factor |
| JWC | Junior World Cup |
| NAC | North American Cup |
| NRPS | National Rolling Point Standings |
| PARA | Parafencing |
| RCC | Regional Cadet Circuit |
| RJC | Regional Junior Circuit |
| RJCC | Regional Junior & Cadet Circuit |
| ROC | Regional Open Circuit |
| RRPS | Regional Ranking Point System |
| RYC | Regional Youth Circuit |
| SF | Strength Factor |
| SJCC | Super Junior and Cadet Circuit |
| SSF | Senior Strength Factor |
| SWC | Senior World Cup |
| SYC | Super Regional Youth Circuit |
| TM | Team Fencing |
| USOC | United States Olympic Committee |
| USOPC United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee | |
| USCSS S | Center for SafeSport |
| VET | Veteran |
| WC | World Cup |
| WV | Weight Value |
| Y10 | Youth 10 Age Group |
| Y12 | Youth 12 Age Group |
| Y14 | Youth 14 Age Group |
地区赛和分区预选赛的级别变更必须由获得级别的地区赛或分区预选赛的组织者在在线比赛系统中提交完整的成绩(上传)进行认证。成绩报告可从 Fencing Time v3.02 导出。分区预选赛必须连同级别变更报告和裁判使用报告或 Fencing Time 结果文件一起提交给国家办公室。一旦国家办公室核实了成绩和裁判报告,并收到适用的项目费用,将处理并发布级别变更。
1st - 16th at Cadet World
Championships| 1st - 16th at Cadet World |
| :---: |
| Championships |
世界青少年锦标赛第 17 - 32 名
17th - 32nd at Cadet
World Championships| 17th - 32nd at Cadet |
| :---: |
| World Championships |
退伍军人 50 - 59
老将世界锦标赛第 1 - 3 名
1st - 3rd at Veteran
World Championships| 1st - 3rd at Veteran |
| :---: |
| World Championships |
老将世界锦标赛第 5 - 8 名
5th - 8th at Veteran
World Championships| 5th - 8th at Veteran |
| :---: |
| World Championships |
老将世界锦标赛第 9 - 16 名
9th - 16th at Veteran World
Championships| 9th - 16th at Veteran World |
| :---: |
| Championships |
退伍军人 60 - 69
老将世界锦标赛第 1 - 3 名
1st - 3rd at Veteran
World Championships| 1st - 3rd at Veteran |
| :---: |
| World Championships |
老将世界锦标赛第 5 - 8 名
5th - 8th at Veteran World
Championships| 5th - 8th at Veteran World |
| :---: |
| Championships |
70 岁以上退伍军人
老将世界锦标赛第 1 - 3 名
1st - 3rd at Veteran World
Championships| 1st - 3rd at Veteran World |
| :---: |
| Championships |
Senior 1st - 64th 65th - 96th National Team member
Junior 1st - 32nd 33rd - 64th National Team member
Cadet "1st - 16th at Cadet World
Championships" "17th - 32nd at Cadet
World Championships" National Team member
Veteran 50 - 59 "1st - 3rd at Veteran
World Championships" "5th - 8th at Veteran
World Championships" "9th - 16th at Veteran World
Veteran 60 - 69 "1st - 3rd at Veteran
World Championships" "5th - 8th at Veteran World
Veteran 70+ "1st - 3rd at Veteran World
Championships" | | A | B | C |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Senior | 1st - 64th | 65th - 96th | National Team member |
| Junior | 1st - 32nd | 33rd - 64th | National Team member |
| Cadet | 1st - 16th at Cadet World <br> Championships | 17th - 32nd at Cadet <br> World Championships | National Team member |
| Veteran 50 - 59 | 1st - 3rd at Veteran <br> World Championships | 5th - 8th at Veteran <br> World Championships | 9th - 16th at Veteran World <br> Championships |
| Veteran 60 - 69 | | 1st - 3rd at Veteran <br> World Championships | 5th - 8th at Veteran World <br> Championships |
| Veteran 70+ | | 1st - 3rd at Veteran World <br> Championships | |
在公认的高中比赛中不授予国家或地区积分。但是,拥有美国击剑高中或竞技会员资格的运动员可根据击剑总数和这些击剑手在高中个人赛中的当前级别获得级别。运动员必须在比赛时或比赛期间是现役会员,方可获得级别变更。没有美国击剑高中或竞技会员资格的运动员将不会获得级别更改。高中认可的比赛不需要满足 C 1 级比赛的要求来授予级别。这些比赛不是美国击剑全国锦标赛的资格赛。
In extreme circumstances, regional tournaments may be canceled, delayed or rescheduled by the majority decision of a group composed of the Tournament Organizer, the USA Fencing Senior Events
National Office is checking eligi-
bility (NOTE: Qualification should
not be assumed if your entry is in
this status.)| National Office is checking eligi- |
| :---: |
| bility (NOTE: Qualification should |
| not be assumed if your entry is in |
| this status.) |
Registration has been paid and
you are eligible for the event| Registration has been paid and |
| :---: |
| you are eligible for the event |
No Payment Method has been
entered and you have not been
assigned a position on waitlist| No Payment Method has been |
| :--- |
| entered and you have not been |
| assigned a position on waitlist |
Payment method has been ac-
cepted and athlete assigned wait-
list position| Payment method has been ac- |
| :--- |
| cepted and athlete assigned wait- |
| list position |
Withdrawn from the event| Withdrawn from the event |
| :---: |
You were deemed ineligible to
participate| You were deemed ineligible to |
| :---: |
| participate |
Pending "National Office is checking eligi-
bility (NOTE: Qualification should
not be assumed if your entry is in
this status.)"
Approved "Registration has been paid and
you are eligible for the event"
Waitlist Pending "No Payment Method has been
entered and you have not been
assigned a position on waitlist"
Waitlist "Payment method has been ac-
cepted and athlete assigned wait-
list position"
Withdrawn "Withdrawn from the event"
Denied "You were deemed ineligible to
participate"| Pending | National Office is checking eligi- <br> bility (NOTE: Qualification should <br> not be assumed if your entry is in <br> this status.) |
| :---: | :---: |
| Approved | Registration has been paid and <br> you are eligible for the event |
| Waitlist Pending | No Payment Method has been <br> entered and you have not been <br> assigned a position on waitlist |
| Waitlist | Payment method has been ac- <br> cepted and athlete assigned wait- <br> list position |
| Withdrawn | Withdrawn from the event |
| Denied | You were deemed ineligible to <br> participate |
A, B or C Born 2010 or earlier DIV 1 DIVISION I
N/A Born 2010 or earlier DIV 1A DIVISION IA
C, D, E or U Born 2010 or earlier DIV 2 DIVISION II
D. E or U Born 2010 or earlier DIV 3 DIVISION III
N/A Born 2010 or earlier SR OPEN SENIOR (OPEN) See 2.11.2
N/A Born 2010 or earlier STM SENIOR TEAM
N/A Born 1984 or earlier VET/VTM VETERAN ( 40 & Older) / VETERAN TEAM
N/A 1975-1984 V40 VETERAN 40-49
N/A 1965-1974 V50 VETERAN 50-59
N/A 1955-1964 V60 VETERAN 60-69
N/A Born 1954 or earlier V70 VETERAN 70 & OLDER
N/A Born 1944 or earlier V80 VETERAN 80 & OLDER
N/A 2009-2012 Y14 YOUTH 14 & YOUTH 14 TEAM
N/A 2011-2014 Y12 YOUTH 12
N/A 2013-2016 Y10 YOUTH 10
N/A 2015-2017 Y8 YOUTH 8| Y | YOUT | CODE | CATEGORY |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| A, B or C | Born 2010 or earlier | DIV 1 | DIVISION I |
| N/A | Born 2010 or earlier | DIV 1A | DIVISION IA |
| C, D, E or U | Born 2010 or earlier | DIV 2 | DIVISION II |
| D. E or U | Born 2010 or earlier | DIV 3 | DIVISION III |
| N/A | Born 2010 or earlier | SR OPEN | SENIOR (OPEN) See 2.11.2 |
| N/A | Born 2010 or earlier | STM | SENIOR TEAM |
| N/A | Born 1984 or earlier | VET/VTM | VETERAN ( 40 & Older) / VETERAN TEAM |
| N/A | $1975-1984$ | V40 | VETERAN 40-49 |
| N/A | $1965-1974$ | V50 | VETERAN 50-59 |
| N/A | $1955-1964$ | V60 | VETERAN 60-69 |
| N/A | Born 1954 or earlier | V70 | VETERAN 70 & OLDER |
| N/A | Born 1944 or earlier | V80 | VETERAN 80 & OLDER |
| N/A | 2004 - 2010 | JNR/JTM | JUNIOR & JUNIOR TEAM |
| N/A | 2007-2010 | CDT/CTM | CADET & CADET TEAM |
| N/A | 2009-2012 | Y14 | YOUTH 14 & YOUTH 14 TEAM |
| N/A | 2011-2014 | Y12 | YOUTH 12 |
| N/A | 2013-2016 | Y10 | YOUTH 10 |
| N/A | 2015-2017 | Y8 | YOUTH 8 |
All categories except Junior and Cadet should refer to Table A.
Your age eligibilty remains the same for the entire season| All categories except Junior and Cadet should refer to Table A. |
| :---: |
| Your age eligibilty remains the same for the entire season |
N/A 2005-2011 JNR JUNIOR
N/A 2008-2011 CDT CADET
N/A Various All Others "All categories except Junior and Cadet should refer to Table A.
Your age eligibilty remains the same for the entire season"| CLASS | BIRTH YEARS | CODE | CATEGORY |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| N/A | $2005-2011$ | JNR | JUNIOR |
| N/A | $2008-2011$ | CDT | CADET |
| N/A | Various | All Others | All categories except Junior and Cadet should refer to Table A. <br> Your age eligibilty remains the same for the entire season |
分区预选赛仅限以下项目的分区成员参加:14岁以下组、II组和III组(美国击剑全国锦标赛)以及青少年组(JOs)。资深击剑手可通过 II 组或 III 组的分站资格赛获得美国击剑全国锦标赛的参赛资格。分区资格赛不能是男女混合赛。只有获得全国积分的击剑运动员才会被跳过,以决定资格赛运动员的成绩。已获得地区资格的运动员不会被跳过。
从获得 II 组资格的击剑手之后的第一位击剑手(在本例中为第 13 位)开始,依次计算未通过其他途径获得资格的 10D,E10 \mathrm{D}, \mathrm{E} 或 U 级击剑手。这(10)名 D 级、E 级或 UU 级击剑手获得 III 级资格。在此范围内的任何 C 级击剑手将被跳过,但不计入 10 名,因为他们没有资格参加 III 级击剑比赛。
击剑手必须符合参赛资格要求,并且: - 截至报名截止日期,击剑手必须符合参赛资格和分级要求,并且 - 在当赛季分区 II 级资格赛(当 II 级和 III 级资格赛同时举行时)中,在 "D"、"E "或 "U "级击剑手总人数中排名前 25%25 \% (四舍五入),或者 - 如果当赛季分区单独举行 III 级资格赛,则排名前 25%25 \% 的击剑手将有资格参加 III 级全国锦标赛,或者 - 如果当赛季分区单独举行 III 级资格赛,则排名前 25%25 \% 的击剑手将有资格参加 III 级全国锦标赛。
在锦标赛正常收费报名截止日期时,在 IA 组或 II 组地区公开巡回赛积分榜上(如果符合分级条件)或
注:如果您已获得 III 级资格,并在锦标赛在线注册当天达到年龄和级别标准,则有资格参加全国锦标赛的该项目。如果您在分区预选赛中获得了 III 分区资格,同时获得了更高的级别,则有资格参加全国锦标赛。在这种情况下,请发送电子邮件至 nationalevents@usafencing.org 以获得注册帮助。 排位和赛制
Open Competitions,
Division I, IA NACs, ROCs
Div I July Challenge
(National only)| Open Competitions, |
| :--- |
| Division I, IA NACs, ROCs |
| Div I July Challenge |
| (National only) |
DVIA:全国老年滚动积分(分级/年份)。 DV2 & DV3:仅分级/年份
DVIA: Nat'l Senior Rolling Points
the classification/year.
DV2 & DV3:
Classification/Year only| DVIA: Nat'l Senior Rolling Points |
| :--- |
| the classification/year. |
| DV2 & DV3: |
| Classification/Year only |
National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized.| National Senior Rolling Point Standings, |
| :--- |
| followed by classification (A, B, C, D, |
| $E, U)$ and within each classification by |
| year in which classification last earned. |
| Same class and year are randomized. |
I 组和 IA 组全国锦标赛
Div I and IA National
Championships| Div I and IA National |
| :--- |
| Championships |
National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U ) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized.| National Senior Rolling Point Standings, |
| :--- |
| followed by classification (A, B, C, D, |
| $\mathrm{E}, \mathrm{U}$ ) and within each classification by |
| year in which classification last earned. |
| Same class and year are randomized. |
National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U ) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized.| National Senior Rolling Point Standings, |
| :--- |
| followed by classification (A, B, C, D, |
| $\mathrm{E}, \mathrm{U}$ ) and within each classification by |
| year in which classification last earned. |
| Same class and year are randomized. |
National Junior Rolling
Points, then classification/year| National Junior Rolling |
| :--- |
| Points, then classification/year |
National Junior Rolling Points, then
classification/year.| National Junior Rolling Points, then |
| :--- |
| classification/year. |
National Cadet Rolling
Points, then classification/year| National Cadet Rolling |
| :--- |
| Points, then classification/year |
National Cadet Rolling Points, then
classification/year| National Cadet Rolling Points, then |
| :--- |
| classification/year |
青年 14
全国青少年 14 个滚动积分,然后按年分类
National Youth 14 Rolling Points,
then classification/year| National Youth 14 Rolling Points, |
| :--- |
| then classification/year |
全国青少年 14 个滚动积分,然后按年分类
National Youth 14 Rolling Points, then
classification/year| National Youth 14 Rolling Points, then |
| :--- |
| classification/year |
青年 12
全国青年 12 个滚动积分,然后按年度分类
National Youth 12 Rolling Points,
then classification/year| National Youth 12 Rolling Points, |
| :--- |
| then classification/year |
全国青年 12 个滚动积分,然后按年度分类
National Youth 12 Rolling
Points, then classification/year| National Youth 12 Rolling |
| :--- |
| Points, then classification/year |
青年 10
国家青年组 10 个滚动点,然后按年度分类
National Youth 10 Rolling Points,
then classification/year| National Youth 10 Rolling Points, |
| :--- |
| then classification/year |
国家青年组 10 个滚动点,然后按年度分类
National Youth 10 Rolling
Points, then classification/year| National Youth 10 Rolling |
| :--- |
| Points, then classification/year |
青年 8
第 I 组球队
Seeding is based on
Senior National Points
and participating
fencers' classification/
year only as of the
posted entry deadlines
OR classification and
year only| Seeding is based on |
| :--- |
| Senior National Points |
| and participating |
| fencers' classification/ |
| year only as of the |
| posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and |
| year only |
Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only| Seeding is based on Senior |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating |
| fencers' classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and year only |
Seeding is based on Senior National
Points and participating fencers' clas-
sification/year as of the posted entry
deadlines.| Seeding is based on Senior National |
| :--- |
| Points and participating fencers' clas- |
| sification/year as of the posted entry |
| deadlines. |
Seeding is based on
Senior National Points
and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year
only as of the posted
entry deadlines OR clas-
sification and year only| Seeding is based on |
| :--- |
| Senior National Points |
| and participating fenc- |
| ers' classification/year |
| only as of the posted |
| entry deadlines OR clas- |
| sification and year only |
Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only| Seeding is based on Senior |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating |
| fencers' classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and year only |
Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year as of the posted
entry deadlines| Seeding is based on Senior |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating fenc- |
| ers' classification/year as of the posted |
| entry deadlines |
"Open Competitions,
Division I, IA NACs, ROCs
Div I July Challenge
(National only)" Classification/Year "DVIA: Nat'l Senior Rolling Points
the classification/year.
DV2 & DV3:
Classification/Year only" "National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized."
"Div I and IA National
Championships" N/A N/A "National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U ) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized."
Division II, III Classification/Year Classification/Year Classification/Year
Veteran Open ( 40 & Older) Classification/Year Classification/Year Classification/Year
Veteran Age Classification/Year Classification/Year See the "Vet Seeding" outline below.
Junior NAC "National Senior Rolling Point Standings,
followed by classification (A, B, C, D,
E,U ) and within each classification by
year in which classification last earned.
Same class and year are randomized."
Junior Classification/Year "National Junior Rolling
Points, then classification/year" "National Junior Rolling Points, then
Cadet Classification/Year "National Cadet Rolling
Points, then classification/year" "National Cadet Rolling Points, then
Youth 14 Classification/Year "National Youth 14 Rolling Points,
then classification/year" "National Youth 14 Rolling Points, then
Youth 12 Classification/year "National Youth 12 Rolling Points,
then classification/year" "National Youth 12 Rolling
Points, then classification/year"
Youth 10 Classification/year "National Youth 10 Rolling Points,
then classification/year" "National Youth 10 Rolling
Points, then classification/year"
Youth 8 Classification/year
Division I Team "Seeding is based on
Senior National Points
and participating
fencers' classification/
year only as of the
posted entry deadlines
OR classification and
year only" "Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only" "Seeding is based on Senior National
Points and participating fencers' clas-
sification/year as of the posted entry
Senior Team "Seeding is based on
Senior National Points
and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year
only as of the posted
entry deadlines OR clas-
sification and year only" "Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only" "Seeding is based on Senior
National Points and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year as of the posted
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Competitions, <br> Division I, IA NACs, ROCs <br> Div I July Challenge <br> (National only) | Classification/Year | DVIA: Nat'l Senior Rolling Points <br> the classification/year. <br> DV2 & DV3: <br> Classification/Year only | National Senior Rolling Point Standings, <br> followed by classification (A, B, C, D, <br> $E, U)$ and within each classification by <br> year in which classification last earned. <br> Same class and year are randomized. |
| Div I and IA National <br> Championships | N/A | N/A | National Senior Rolling Point Standings, <br> followed by classification (A, B, C, D, <br> $\mathrm{E}, \mathrm{U}$ ) and within each classification by <br> year in which classification last earned. <br> Same class and year are randomized. |
| Division II, III | Classification/Year | Classification/Year | Classification/Year |
| Veteran Open ( 40 & Older) | Classification/Year | Classification/Year | Classification/Year |
| Veteran Age | Classification/Year | Classification/Year | See the "Vet Seeding" outline below. |
| Junior NAC | | | National Senior Rolling Point Standings, <br> followed by classification (A, B, C, D, <br> $\mathrm{E}, \mathrm{U}$ ) and within each classification by <br> year in which classification last earned. <br> Same class and year are randomized. |
| Junior | Classification/Year | National Junior Rolling <br> Points, then classification/year | National Junior Rolling Points, then <br> classification/year. |
| Cadet | Classification/Year | National Cadet Rolling <br> Points, then classification/year | National Cadet Rolling Points, then <br> classification/year |
| Youth 14 | Classification/Year | National Youth 14 Rolling Points, <br> then classification/year | National Youth 14 Rolling Points, then <br> classification/year |
| Youth 12 | Classification/year | National Youth 12 Rolling Points, <br> then classification/year | National Youth 12 Rolling <br> Points, then classification/year |
| Youth 10 | Classification/year | National Youth 10 Rolling Points, <br> then classification/year | National Youth 10 Rolling <br> Points, then classification/year |
| Youth 8 | Classification/year | | |
| Division I Team | Seeding is based on <br> Senior National Points <br> and participating <br> fencers' classification/ <br> year only as of the <br> posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and <br> year only | Seeding is based on Senior <br> National Points and participating <br> fencers' classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and year only | Seeding is based on Senior National <br> Points and participating fencers' clas- <br> sification/year as of the posted entry <br> deadlines. |
| Senior Team | Seeding is based on <br> Senior National Points <br> and participating fenc- <br> ers' classification/year <br> only as of the posted <br> entry deadlines OR clas- <br> sification and year only | Seeding is based on Senior <br> National Points and participating <br> fencers' classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and year only | Seeding is based on Senior <br> National Points and participating fenc- <br> ers' classification/year as of the posted <br> entry deadlines |
Seeding is based on Ju-
nior National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only| Seeding is based on Ju- |
| :--- |
| nior National Points and |
| participating fencers' |
| classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry |
| deadlines OR classifica- |
| tion and year only |
Seeding is based on Junior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only| Seeding is based on Junior |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating |
| fencers' classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and year only |
Seeding is based on Junior
National Points and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year as of the posted
entry deadlines| Seeding is based on Junior |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating fenc- |
| ers' classification/year as of the posted |
| entry deadlines |
Seeding is based on Ca-
det National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only| Seeding is based on Ca- |
| :--- |
| det National Points and |
| participating fencers' |
| classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry |
| deadlines OR classifica- |
| tion and year only |
Seeding is based on Cadet
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only| Seeding is based on Cadet |
| :--- |
| National Points and participating |
| fencers' classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and year only |
Seeding is based on Cadet National
Points and participating fencers' clas-
sification/year as of the posted entry
deadlines.| Seeding is based on Cadet National |
| :--- |
| Points and participating fencers' clas- |
| sification/year as of the posted entry |
| deadlines. |
Y14 小组
Seeding is based on
Y14 National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only| Seeding is based on |
| :--- |
| Y14 National Points and |
| participating fencers' |
| classification/year only |
| as of the posted entry |
| deadlines OR classifica- |
| tion and year only |
Seeding is based on Y14 National
Points and participating fencers'
classification/year only as of the
posted entry deadlines OR classi-
fication and year only| Seeding is based on Y14 National |
| :--- |
| Points and participating fencers' |
| classification/year only as of the |
| posted entry deadlines OR classi- |
| fication and year only |
Seeding is based on Y14 National Points
and participating fencers' classification/
year as of the posted entry deadlines| Seeding is based on Y14 National Points |
| :--- |
| and participating fencers' classification/ |
| year as of the posted entry deadlines |
Seeding is based on
Veteran Open National
Points and participating
fencers' classification/
year only as of the
posted entry deadlines
OR classification and
year only| Seeding is based on |
| :--- |
| Veteran Open National |
| Points and participating |
| fencers' classification/ |
| year only as of the |
| posted entry deadlines |
| OR classification and |
| year only |
Seeding is based on
Veteran Open National Points and
participating fencers' classifica-
tion/year only as of the posted
entry deadlines OR classification
and year only| Seeding is based on |
| :--- |
| Veteran Open National Points and |
| participating fencers' classifica- |
| tion/year only as of the posted |
| entry deadlines OR classification |
| and year only |
Seeding is based on Veteran Open Na-
tional Points and participating fencers'
classification/year as of the posted
entry deadline.| Seeding is based on Veteran Open Na- |
| :--- |
| tional Points and participating fencers' |
| classification/year as of the posted |
| entry deadline. |
Seeding is based on national point
rankings| Seeding is based on national point |
| :--- |
| rankings |
Junior Team "Seeding is based on Ju-
nior National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only" "Seeding is based on Junior
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only" "Seeding is based on Junior
National Points and participating fenc-
ers' classification/year as of the posted
entry deadlines"
Cadet Team "Seeding is based on Ca-
det National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only" "Seeding is based on Cadet
National Points and participating
fencers' classification/year only
as of the posted entry deadlines
OR classification and year only" "Seeding is based on Cadet National
Points and participating fencers' clas-
sification/year as of the posted entry
Y14 Team "Seeding is based on
Y14 National Points and
participating fencers'
classification/year only
as of the posted entry
deadlines OR classifica-
tion and year only" "Seeding is based on Y14 National
Points and participating fencers'
classification/year only as of the
posted entry deadlines OR classi-
fication and year only" "Seeding is based on Y14 National Points
and participating fencers' classification/
year as of the posted entry deadlines"
Veteran Team "Seeding is based on
Veteran Open National
Points and participating
fencers' classification/
year only as of the
posted entry deadlines
OR classification and
year only" "Seeding is based on
Veteran Open National Points and
participating fencers' classifica-
tion/year only as of the posted
entry deadlines OR classification
and year only" "Seeding is based on Veteran Open Na-
tional Points and participating fencers'
classification/year as of the posted
entry deadline."
Parafencing N/A N/A "Seeding is based on national point
rankings"| Junior Team | Seeding is based on Ju- <br> nior National Points and <br> participating fencers' <br> classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry <br> deadlines OR classifica- <br> tion and year only | Seeding is based on Junior <br> National Points and participating <br> fencers' classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and year only | Seeding is based on Junior <br> National Points and participating fenc- <br> ers' classification/year as of the posted <br> entry deadlines |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Cadet Team | Seeding is based on Ca- <br> det National Points and <br> participating fencers' <br> classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry <br> deadlines OR classifica- <br> tion and year only | Seeding is based on Cadet <br> National Points and participating <br> fencers' classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and year only | Seeding is based on Cadet National <br> Points and participating fencers' clas- <br> sification/year as of the posted entry <br> deadlines. |
| Y14 Team | Seeding is based on <br> Y14 National Points and <br> participating fencers' <br> classification/year only <br> as of the posted entry <br> deadlines OR classifica- <br> tion and year only | Seeding is based on Y14 National <br> Points and participating fencers' <br> classification/year only as of the <br> posted entry deadlines OR classi- <br> fication and year only | Seeding is based on Y14 National Points <br> and participating fencers' classification/ <br> year as of the posted entry deadlines |
| Veteran Team | Seeding is based on <br> Veteran Open National <br> Points and participating <br> fencers' classification/ <br> year only as of the <br> posted entry deadlines <br> OR classification and <br> year only | Seeding is based on <br> Veteran Open National Points and <br> participating fencers' classifica- <br> tion/year only as of the posted <br> entry deadlines OR classification <br> and year only | Seeding is based on Veteran Open Na- <br> tional Points and participating fencers' <br> classification/year as of the posted <br> entry deadline. |
| Parafencing | N/A | N/A | Seeding is based on national point <br> rankings |
Two-Pool Format (203 fencers or greater)
- One-day event with two rounds of pools
- Top 34 fencers will receive a bye into the second round of pools. Byes will be
awarded based on the USA Fencing National Rolling Points Standings, as of the
regular seeding deadline ( 10 days before the start of the tournament).
- First round pools; 6 or 7 -person pool with 75% promoted to single elimination until
64 fencers remain
- Second round pools; 6 or 7-person pools composed of 64 remaining first round
fencers and top 34 who received an initial bye
- 75 fencers promoted from second round to single elimination until 1 fencer remains
One-Pool Format (202 fencers or less)
- One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool
*75% promoted to single elimination| Two-Pool Format (203 fencers or greater) |
| :--- |
| - One-day event with two rounds of pools |
| - Top 34 fencers will receive a bye into the second round of pools. Byes will be |
| awarded based on the USA Fencing National Rolling Points Standings, as of the |
| regular seeding deadline ( 10 days before the start of the tournament). |
| - First round pools; 6 or 7 -person pool with $75 \%$ promoted to single elimination until |
| 64 fencers remain |
| - Second round pools; 6 or 7-person pools composed of 64 remaining first round |
| fencers and top 34 who received an initial bye |
| - 75 fencers promoted from second round to single elimination until 1 fencer remains |
| One-Pool Format (202 fencers or less) |
| - One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool |
| $\cdot 75 \%$ promoted to single elimination |
一级 NAC 花剑和七月挑战赛(有关 DV1 重剑格式的更多信息,请参阅锦标赛运动员资料包)。
Division I NAC Saber and July Challenge
(see the tournament Athlete Packet for
more information regarding DV1 Epee
formats)| Division I NAC Saber and July Challenge |
| :--- |
| (see the tournament Athlete Packet for |
| more information regarding DV1 Epee |
| formats) |
一轮混合赛;6 人或 7 人混合赛,75% 进入单败淘汰赛。国家教练员、运动成绩和比赛委员会可选择在 I 组全国比赛中使用专门的赛制,并在每场比赛的运动员资料包中公布。
One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool, 75% promoted to single elimination. The national
coaches, sports performance and tournament committee may elect to use specialized
formats for Division I national tournaments to be published in each tournament's athlete
packet.| One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool, 75% promoted to single elimination. The national |
| :--- |
| coaches, sports performance and tournament committee may elect to use specialized |
| formats for Division I national tournaments to be published in each tournament's athlete |
| packet. |
IA 级、II 级、III 级全国锦标赛,IA 级 NAC
Division IA, II, III National Championships,
Division IA NAC| Division IA, II, III National Championships, |
| :--- |
| Division IA NAC |
一轮同组比赛,每组 6 和 6 或 6 和 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛。
One round of pools, 6 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools, 6 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
IA 组、II 组、老将地区公开赛 (ROC)
Div IA, Div II, Veteran Regional Open Circuit
(ROC)| Div IA, Div II, Veteran Regional Open Circuit |
| :--- |
| (ROC) |
One round of pools (of sizes in accordance with the Operations Manual maximized to 6
and 7 fencers as possible), with 100% promoted to a direct elimination table.| One round of pools (of sizes in accordance with the Operations Manual maximized to 6 |
| :--- |
| and 7 fencers as possible), with $100 \%$ promoted to a direct elimination table. |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
100% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
Division I National Championships One round of pools; 6 or 7 person pool, 80% promoted to simple direct elimination.
Division I NAC Epee and Foil Format "Two-Pool Format (203 fencers or greater)
- One-day event with two rounds of pools
- Top 34 fencers will receive a bye into the second round of pools. Byes will be
awarded based on the USA Fencing National Rolling Points Standings, as of the
regular seeding deadline ( 10 days before the start of the tournament).
- First round pools; 6 or 7 -person pool with 75% promoted to single elimination until
64 fencers remain
- Second round pools; 6 or 7-person pools composed of 64 remaining first round
fencers and top 34 who received an initial bye
- 75 fencers promoted from second round to single elimination until 1 fencer remains
One-Pool Format (202 fencers or less)
- One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool
*75% promoted to single elimination"
"Division I NAC Saber and July Challenge
(see the tournament Athlete Packet for
more information regarding DV1 Epee
formats)" "One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool, 75% promoted to single elimination. The national
coaches, sports performance and tournament committee may elect to use specialized
formats for Division I national tournaments to be published in each tournament's athlete
"Division IA, II, III National Championships,
Division IA NAC" "One round of pools, 6 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
"Div IA, Div II, Veteran Regional Open Circuit
(ROC)" "One round of pools (of sizes in accordance with the Operations Manual maximized to 6
and 7 fencers as possible), with 100% promoted to a direct elimination table."
Division II, III, IA NAC "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
100% promoted to simple direct elimination."| Division I National Championships | One round of pools; 6 or 7 person pool, $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| :---: | :---: |
| Division I NAC Epee and Foil Format | Two-Pool Format (203 fencers or greater) <br> - One-day event with two rounds of pools <br> - Top 34 fencers will receive a bye into the second round of pools. Byes will be <br> awarded based on the USA Fencing National Rolling Points Standings, as of the <br> regular seeding deadline ( 10 days before the start of the tournament). <br> - First round pools; 6 or 7 -person pool with $75 \%$ promoted to single elimination until <br> 64 fencers remain <br> - Second round pools; 6 or 7-person pools composed of 64 remaining first round <br> fencers and top 34 who received an initial bye <br> - 75 fencers promoted from second round to single elimination until 1 fencer remains <br> One-Pool Format (202 fencers or less) <br> - One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool <br> $\cdot 75 \%$ promoted to single elimination |
| Division I NAC Saber and July Challenge <br> (see the tournament Athlete Packet for <br> more information regarding DV1 Epee <br> formats) | One round of pools; 6 or 7-person pool, 75% promoted to single elimination. The national <br> coaches, sports performance and tournament committee may elect to use specialized <br> formats for Division I national tournaments to be published in each tournament's athlete <br> packet. |
| Division IA, II, III National Championships, <br> Division IA NAC | One round of pools, 6 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Div IA, Div II, Veteran Regional Open Circuit <br> (ROC) | One round of pools (of sizes in accordance with the Operations Manual maximized to 6 <br> and 7 fencers as possible), with $100 \%$ promoted to a direct elimination table. |
| Division II, III, IA NAC | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
二级、三级、IA 级锦标赛
一轮同组比赛;每组 5 人和 6 人或 6 人和 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛。
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
二级、三级、IA 级锦标赛
一轮同组比赛;每组 5 人和 6 人或 6 人和 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛。
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
一轮同组比赛;每组 6 或 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛
One round of pools; of 6 or 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination| One round of pools; of 6 or 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination |
青少年和学员 NAC 和七月挑战赛
一轮比赛,每组 6 或 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级后进行简单的直接淘汰。
One round of pools of 6 or 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools of 6 or 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
100% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
Y14 全国锦标赛
一轮同组比赛;每组 5 人和 6 人或 6 人和 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛。
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, 100% promoted
to direct simple elimination in which bouts are 15 touch bouts.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, $100 \%$ promoted |
| :--- |
| to direct simple elimination in which bouts are 15 touch bouts. |
一轮同组比赛;每组 5 人和 6 人或 6 人和 7 人, 80%80 \% 晋级简单直接淘汰赛。
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, |
| :--- |
| $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
Y10 NAC,全国超级青年巡回赛
Y10 NAC, National
Super Youth Circuit| Y10 NAC, National |
| :--- |
| |
| Super Youth Circuit |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, 100% promoted to simple direct
elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct |
| :--- |
| elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. |
National Championships| |
| :--- |
| National Championships |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. 100% promoted to simple direct
elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. There is a
one-minute rest between periods.
For Vet 70 and Vet 80 events with pools of 8 or more, , the pools will not be double
stripped until the pool is half complete; i.e. after the 14th bout in a pool of 8 and after the
18 th bout in a pool of 9 .| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. 100% promoted to simple direct |
| :--- |
| elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. There is a |
| one-minute rest between periods. |
| For Vet 70 and Vet 80 events with pools of 8 or more, , the pools will not be double |
| stripped until the pool is half complete; i.e. after the 14th bout in a pool of 8 and after the |
| 18 th bout in a pool of 9 . |
One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. In V70 and V80 events, pools
with 8 or more fencers will not be allowed to double strip until the pool is halfway
completed 100% promoted to single direct elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts
with two 3 minute periods. There is a one minute rest between periods.| One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. In V70 and V80 events, pools |
| :--- |
| with 8 or more fencers will not be allowed to double strip until the pool is halfway |
| completed $100 \%$ promoted to single direct elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts |
| with two 3 minute periods. There is a one minute rest between periods. |
击剑 NAC 和全国锦标赛
对少于 10 名运动员的项目进行两轮混合比赛;100%100 % 晋升为简单直接消除。
Two rounds of pools for events with less than 10 athletes; 100% promoted to simple
direct elimination.| Two rounds of pools for events with less than 10 athletes; $100 \%$ promoted to simple |
| :--- |
| direct elimination. |
The tournament is seeded based upon the ratings of all fencers. The parafencers and
able-bodied fencers will be able to earn ratings from this event based upon the USA
Fencing Event Classification Chart. During the competition, all able-bodied fencers will
compete against each other using traditional able-body rules. When two parafencers, or
an able-bodied and parafencer, fence in pools or direct elimination bouts, the bout will
take place in a seated position using parafencing rules.| The tournament is seeded based upon the ratings of all fencers. The parafencers and |
| :--- |
| able-bodied fencers will be able to earn ratings from this event based upon the USA |
| Fencing Event Classification Chart. During the competition, all able-bodied fencers will |
| compete against each other using traditional able-body rules. When two parafencers, or |
| an able-bodied and parafencer, fence in pools or direct elimination bouts, the bout will |
| take place in a seated position using parafencing rules. |
Direct elimination from beginning of competition. Relay format, 9 bouts to a maximum
score of 45 - increments of 5 touches or maximum time of 3 minutes for each bout.
Fence-off for 3rd.| Direct elimination from beginning of competition. Relay format, 9 bouts to a maximum |
| :--- |
| score of 45 - increments of 5 touches or maximum time of 3 minutes for each bout. |
| Fence-off for 3rd. |
Division II, III, IA Championship "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
Division II, III, IA Championship "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
Junior Olympic Fencing Championships "One round of pools; of 6 or 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination"
Junior & Cadet NAC and July Challenge "One round of pools of 6 or 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
Y14 SYC & NAC "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
100% promoted to simple direct elimination."
Y14 National Championship "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
Y12 NAC, Regional and Super Youth Circuit "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, 100% promoted
to direct simple elimination in which bouts are 15 touch bouts."
Y12 National Championship "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool,
80% promoted to simple direct elimination."
"Y10 NAC, National
Super Youth Circuit" "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, 100% promoted to simple direct
elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods."
National Championships" "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. 100% promoted to simple direct
elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. There is a
one-minute rest between periods.
For Vet 70 and Vet 80 events with pools of 8 or more, , the pools will not be double
stripped until the pool is half complete; i.e. after the 14th bout in a pool of 8 and after the
18 th bout in a pool of 9 ."
Veteran Open NAC "One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. In V70 and V80 events, pools
with 8 or more fencers will not be allowed to double strip until the pool is halfway
completed 100% promoted to single direct elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts
with two 3 minute periods. There is a one minute rest between periods."
Parafencing NAC & National Championships "Two rounds of pools for events with less than 10 athletes; 100% promoted to simple
direct elimination."
*Parafencing Walk N Roll Tournaments "The tournament is seeded based upon the ratings of all fencers. The parafencers and
able-bodied fencers will be able to earn ratings from this event based upon the USA
Fencing Event Classification Chart. During the competition, all able-bodied fencers will
compete against each other using traditional able-body rules. When two parafencers, or
an able-bodied and parafencer, fence in pools or direct elimination bouts, the bout will
take place in a seated position using parafencing rules."
Championships" "Direct elimination from beginning of competition. Relay format, 9 bouts to a maximum
score of 45 - increments of 5 touches or maximum time of 3 minutes for each bout.
Fence-off for 3rd."| Division II, III, IA Championship | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| :---: | :---: |
| Division II, III, IA Championship | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Junior Olympic Fencing Championships | One round of pools; of 6 or 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination |
| Junior & Cadet NAC and July Challenge | One round of pools of 6 or 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Y14 SYC & NAC | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Y14 National Championship | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Y12 NAC, Regional and Super Youth Circuit | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, $100 \%$ promoted <br> to direct simple elimination in which bouts are 15 touch bouts. |
| Y12 National Championship | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, <br> $80 \%$ promoted to simple direct elimination. |
| Y10 NAC, National <br> <br> Super Youth Circuit | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool, $100 \%$ promoted to simple direct <br> elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. |
| <br> National Championships | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. 100% promoted to simple direct <br> elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts with two 3 minute periods. There is a <br> one-minute rest between periods. <br> For Vet 70 and Vet 80 events with pools of 8 or more, , the pools will not be double <br> stripped until the pool is half complete; i.e. after the 14th bout in a pool of 8 and after the <br> 18 th bout in a pool of 9 . |
| Veteran Open NAC | One round of pools; 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 persons per pool. In V70 and V80 events, pools <br> with 8 or more fencers will not be allowed to double strip until the pool is halfway <br> completed $100 \%$ promoted to single direct elimination in which bouts are 10 touch bouts <br> with two 3 minute periods. There is a one minute rest between periods. |
| Parafencing NAC & National Championships | Two rounds of pools for events with less than 10 athletes; $100 \%$ promoted to simple <br> direct elimination. |
| *Parafencing Walk N Roll Tournaments | The tournament is seeded based upon the ratings of all fencers. The parafencers and <br> able-bodied fencers will be able to earn ratings from this event based upon the USA <br> Fencing Event Classification Chart. During the competition, all able-bodied fencers will <br> compete against each other using traditional able-body rules. When two parafencers, or <br> an able-bodied and parafencer, fence in pools or direct elimination bouts, the bout will <br> take place in a seated position using parafencing rules. |
| <br> Championships | Direct elimination from beginning of competition. Relay format, 9 bouts to a maximum <br> score of 45 - increments of 5 touches or maximum time of 3 minutes for each bout. <br> Fence-off for 3rd. |