2024 年 21 个最佳在线学习平台:顶级网络学习提供商
全球范围内向在线学习的转变改变了当今许多学生的教育偏好。特别是,希望参加完全在线课程的学生比例有所增加。在目前参加在线课程的学生中,88% 的人同意他们更愿意以完全在线的形式参加更多在线课程(Cengage,2022 年)。
在本文中,我们列出了当今市场上 20 个最佳在线学习平台。每个最佳在线课程平台都具有独特的功能,可帮助满足不同学习环境的要求。希望本指南可以帮助教师找到最适合他们需求的顶级电子学习公司和最佳在线学习系统。
尽管新冠疫情导致学习中断,但基于网络的学习仍使学生能够继续学习。尽管突然转向在线学习造成了一些问题,导致学生体验不佳,但事实证明,在线学习平台对从 K-12 到大学的学生都很有用。许多教育工作者还认为,广泛采用电子学习和使用最佳电子学习提供商将产生一种新的混合教育模式,并将成为学校教育不可或缺的一部分 (Li & Lalani, 2020)。
各个教育阶段的统计数据表明,在线学习平台和其他电子学习提供商已获得广泛认可和使用。例如,根据美国国家教育统计中心的数据,64% 的四年级和八年级学生参加了远程或混合教学。此外,调查还表明,大多数 K-12 学校使用数字和社交媒体工具与同学和家长沟通并促进合作。
电子学习平台在高等教育领域也得到了同样广泛的应用。根据对联邦教育数据的分析,2020 年 52% 的大学生至少参加了一门在线课程 (Hill, 2021)。某些在线学习平台(如 Canvas 和 Blackboard)也已成为高等教育机构在线学习领域的行业领导者。
在学校和大学将在线学习或电子学习作为应对 COVID-19 封锁的紧急措施后,采用在线学习或电子学习的人数显著增加。以下统计数据显示,各教育水平的在线教育软件或远程学习的使用率都在稳步增长。
- 2020 年,共有 860 万名学生专门参加远程教育或在线课程(综合高等教育数据系统,2021 年)。
- 2021 年,美国 100 家最大的地方教育机构中有 74% 选择远程学习作为应对疫情的返校方式(Zota & Granovskiy,2021 年)。
- 受新冠疫情的影响,97% 的大学生已转向在线教学(Bay Atlantic University,2020 年)。
- 美国排名前 25 的大学中有 22 所现在提供由电子学习供应商提供的免费在线课程(Mordor Intelligence,2021 年)。
- 自 2016 年以来,Coursera 等学习平台的注册人数一直在增加。2021 年,已有 1.89 亿学生在该平台上注册(Wood,2022 年)。
- 85% 的全职和兼职教职员工接受过在线教育培训(Bay Atlantic University,2020 年)。
- 73% 的美国学生希望在疫情过后继续上网课(McKenzie,2021 年)。
- 57% 的学生表示,他们现在对在线学习比疫情前更为乐观 (McKenzie,2021 年)。
- 同样,58% 的教师现在对在线学习持更积极的看法 (McKenzie,2021 年)。
- 71%的大学生认为在线学习给他们带来的最大好处是降低了患病风险(SYKES,2020)。
- 84% 的学生还认为在线学习是有效的 (Burt,2021)。
- 据大学生称,在线学习平台最有用的功能是同学之间的聊天/消息(31%)和交互式白板(29%)(SYKES,2020年)。
- 86% 的在线研究生认为他们从在线学位中获得的价值等于或超过了他们的投资(Wiley,2018 年)。
- 96% 的学生认为他们的老师已经很好地适应了在线教学(SYKES,2020 年)。
- 通过在线学习,学生可以保留 25% 至 60% 的科目或课程材料(中佛罗里达大学,nd)。
面向 K-12 学生的在线学习平台和工具
- 64% 的中学生每天使用数字学习工具(盖洛普)。
- 据中学生称,数字化学习的最大益处包括提高成绩和考试分数(59%)、按照自己的节奏学习(56%)以及培养创造性技能(56%)(Project Tomorrow,2019)。
- 超过 80% 的学龄儿童家长认为,在学校有效使用科技会对孩子的未来产生积极影响(Project Tomorrow,2019 年)。
- 35% 的 K-12 教师使用数字学习工具对学生的进步提供即时且可操作的反馈 (Duffin,2022 年)。
- 大多数高中生喜欢使用数字学习工具,因为这些工具有助于自主学习(71%)(Duffin,2022 年)。
- 12% 的美国青少年无法使用台式电脑或笔记本电脑(Zota & Granovskiy,2021 年)。
- 据报道,由于缺乏准备,自转向远程教学以来,三分之二的教师无法正常工作(Page,2020 年)。
- 75% 的高等教育机构官员认为教师培训是转向在线学习的最大挑战(SYKES,2020 年)。
21 个最佳在线学习平台
1. Blackboard Learn:最适合学生参与和无缝集成
Blackboard Learn现已成为 Anthology 的一部分,它是一个在线学习平台,支持教育工作者提供引人入胜的学习体验。该平台允许用户进行在线或混合学习,同时让教育工作者可以自由使用最佳的在线电子学习平台和最佳实践教学方法。更重要的是,该平台是一个一体化解决方案,可简化学生和教师的工作流程。
- 兼容在线或混合学习模式
- 基本导航可轻松访问相关课程内容
- 根据角色定制视图
- 需要关注的最重要的事项的活动流
- 可配置具有不同关键指标的绩效指标
- 发送会议邀请或消息
- 内部日历以及与外部日历的双向同步
- 整合消息
- 从仪表板访问评分功能
- 在线评分和防抄袭工具
- 超过 200 个集成合作伙伴,包括通信、监考和教学工具
- 您可以联系供应商获取演示和定制报价
2.Coursera:拥有超过 5,000 门课程的庞大学习平台
Coursera是当今最大的在线教育平台之一。该平台提供来自领先大学和公司的 5,000 多门课程,让想要在线学习并追求专业证书和学位的个人更容易获得教育。作为一个在线课程平台,Coursera 还帮助 3,600 多所大学和学院转向在线学习,为教师提供学生评估功能。所提供的课程涵盖广泛的研究领域,包括商业、计算机科学、健康和数据科学。
- 来自顶尖大学和公司的数千门课程
- 证书和学位课程(硕士和学士学位)
- 通过优质内容改进课程
- 以工作为基础的学习以提高职业准备度
- 指导项目进一步提高学生的数字技能
- 离线访问课程
- iOS 和 Android 应用程序
- 指导项目起价 9.99 美元
- 专业课程起价为每月 39 美元
- 专业证书起价为每月 39 美元
- MasterTrack 证书起价 2,000 美元
- 学士或硕士学位起价 9,000 美元
3. Edureka:当今专业人士的在线培训平台
Edureka 是一个在线培训平台,提供各种课程,帮助技术专业人员学习新技能并提升职业生涯。该平台提供由讲师指导的在线培训,并提供 24x7 终身支持,旨在帮助个人在软件开发、云计算、网络安全、项目管理、devops、编程、人工智能、商业智能等各个领域培养所需的技术技能。
- 现场互动培训
- 用户友好的 LMS
- 终身访问课程内容
- 24/7支持
- 以工作为基础的培训计划,提高职业准备度
- 实践学习
- 行业认可认证
- CloudLab 访问
- 大学认可的课程
- 免费职业咨询
- 自定进度模块
- 视频教程
- 社区
- 现场认证课程起价 400 美元
- 硕士课程起价 1,000 美元
- 大学课程起价 1,500 美元
- 自定进度课程起价 169 美元
- 无成本 EMI 选项可用。
4. Brightspace:高度个性化学习者体验的学习平台
Brightspace是一个灵活的在线学习平台,具有适合 K-12 和高等教育的功能。该平台配备直观的工具,不仅可用于数字化课程,还可用于创建个性化的学习体验。Brightspace 还支持高级学习模式,例如基于掌握的学习,以满足不同学习者的需求。
- 内置、适合移动设备的课程模板
- 支持多种教学法和学习模式
- 内置虚拟助手
- 个性化学习路径
- 追踪高风险学习者
- 创建评分标准
- 活动动态
- 讨论、内容和测验的可访问性检查器
- 情境反馈和评估
- 视频和音频反馈
- 学生作品集工具
- 内置徽章和证书
- 虚拟教室
- 自行报名参加补充课程
- 老师与家长沟通
- 抄袭检查和身份验证
- 根据学生的进步自动发布补习或充实内容
- 从 Google Drive、OneDrive 和其他本地来源导入文件
- 移动响应式设计
- 您可以联系在线学习平台获取免费报价。
- 可免费试用
5. edX:来自世界顶级机构的3000多门课程
edX是一个在线学习平台和课程市场,提供广泛的硕士学位、学士学位和高管教育课程选择。该平台由哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的科学家团队创立,提供基于认知科学的学习体验。因此,edX 的独特方法遵循三个主要原则:体验、实践和应用。
- 3,000 多门课程,涵盖商业和管理、计算机科学和人文学科等领域
- 硕士学位、学士学位和高管教育课程
- 视频讲座
- 课程讨论
- 讨论板
- 交互式媒体元素、数据可视化和动态图形
- 测验和开放式评估
- 计时和监考考试
- 团队项目和活动
- 新兵训练营
- 移动应用程序
- 激活费 5 美元
- 认证课程(证书课程)50 至 300 美元
6. GetSmarter:简短课程学习平台
- 未来相关课程
- 多种多媒体格式,包括互动视频讲座
- 练习测验和演示
- 以人为本的学习模式
- 易于使用的界面
- 为学生分配一名成功顾问,提供全天候协助
- 课程类别包括商业管理和战略、数字化转型和颠覆性技术以及健康科学和保健
- 职业参与网络
- 专属招聘信息板
- 定价取决于所选的具体课程和大学
- 提供多种付款方式,包括单次付款、分期付款和分期付款
7. HurixDigital:完全可定制的云托管在线学习平台
- 支持在线和混合学习模式
- 通过 wiki、博客和聊天轻松协作
- 方便评估学生的进步
- 用户友好界面
- 基于 SaaS 的部署支持
- 多语言支持
- 拥有永久知识产权的白标 LMS
- 基于订阅/许可的 LMS
- 支持和升级基于 Moodle 的 LMS
- 为教师提供的帮助台服务
- 移动访问
- 您可以联系供应商获取定制报价。
8. Macmillan Learning Achieve:适合各类学生的灵活学习平台
Achieve是一个灵活的学习系统,配有一套评估工具,可支持各个准备水平的学生。这个在线学习平台旨在促进主动学习,并提供各种教学工具,如视频和模拟。为了更加方便,Achieve 还提供针对天文学、地理、数学和英语等课程的资源。
- 独特的课程特定内容,具有预建评估和多媒体资产
- 支持课前准备和课后活动
- 支持自学选项和课堂主动学习
- 自适应测验和个性化问题集
- 学生目标设定和反思调查
- 自动评分作业
- 符合无障碍标准
- 通过洞察和报告功能进行分析
- 可以与现有的 LMS 集成
- 当用户需要产品专家的帮助时
- 用于跟踪学生进度的成绩册
- 定价取决于所选的课程。
- 您还可以联系 Macmillan 销售代表了解 LMS 集成的定价。
9. McGraw Hill Connect:适合各种教学风格的多功能在线学习平台
McGraw Hill Connect是一个自适应学习平台,旨在突出教师独特的教学风格。此外,该平台还配备了一套全面的工具,用于提供课程材料、跟踪学生表现和支持学生成功。它有一个内置的课程构建器,可帮助教师节省构建和更新课程的时间,以及用于识别有风险的学生的表现跟踪功能。
- Course management tools
- Course builder
- Multimedia course content, with games and simulations
- Remote proctoring
- Auto-grading feature
- Create assignments, quizzes, and exams
- Application-based activities
- Question pooling
- Assignment reports, student performance reports, category analysis reports
- Pre-built assessments
- Cloud-based test creation tool
- Browser locking
- Identity verification for students
- Offline access
- Consultants for course building and implementation
- Integrations with other LMS
- A custom pricing quote is available directly from the vendor.
10. Pearson MyLab & Mastering: Tools for an Immersive Learning Experience
Pearson MyLab & Mastering consists of tools for distributing course materials and classwork and assessing student performance. With their features, these tools help educators create personalized, adaptive learning experiences. These platforms also offer data-driven guidance to help students understand and digest complicated course materials.
Key Features
- Pre-built courses and assignments
- Mobile-ready Reporting Dashboard
- Actionable insights into class and student performance
- Data visualizations for metrics such as score improvement and grade distribution
- Study Plan Manager
- LMS integration
- Learning Catalytics to improve student engagement
- Personalized wrong-answer feedback
- Homework and test manager
- Gradebook tracking
- Scalable and shareable content
- Training and support for educators
- You can get current pricing by getting in touch with the vendor.
11. Persona Learning: Intuitive Learning Management with Blended Learning Support
Persona Learning is an online learning solution designed to meet the needs of various educational institutions. The platform comes with edtech solutions for K-12 schools and districts, including support for blended learning and features for parent communications. The platform also offers tools to support competency-based education and improve outcomes and completions in higher education institutions.
Key Features
- eLearning and blended learning support
- Content authoring
- Communities and portfolios
- Parent communications
- Compliance with Common Core standards and other state standards
- Support for instructor-led and self-paced learning and competency-based education
- Compatible with SCORM, LTI, and xAPI
- Cloud-hosted platform
- Customizable interface through CSS, including a unique URL
- Full-service, 24/7 support portal
- Current pricing is available from the vendor.
12. Domestika: The Learning Platform for and by the Creative Community
Domestika takes its place among the best online learning platforms for its course marketplace designed for creatively inclined students. All courses are produced in-house and taught by a carefully curated roster of inspectors. Aside from fields such as graphic design, illustration, and photography and video, popular course categories include marketing and business as well.
Key Features
- Self-paced learning
- Courses taught by top experts in the creative sector
- Unlimited access to high-quality videos
- Subtitles are available in English, Portuguese, German, Italian, and French
- Students can ask questions and request feedback
- Students can create profiles and follow other students
- 9 course categories centered around the arts
- Android and iOS apps
- Prices vary per course
- Users can sign up for Domestika Plus, which adds up to around $7 per month when paid on a yearly basis
- A Domestika Plus account comes with discounts on courses and bundles, one free credit per month, open courses, an option to buy extra credits, and exclusive content.
13. Udemy: The Online Learning Platform with the Biggest Course Collection
Udemy is known for its huge collection of courses, which number 185,000 as of 2022. New additions are also published each month so students are sure to find the course they need at Udemy. Popular course categories at this online learning platform include design, development, marketing, IT and software, and personal development.
Key Features
- Courses for developing hard and soft professional skills
- A wide variety of course topics
- High-quality video presentations of about 10 minutes
- Speed controls, video controls, closed captioning, and resolution options
- Q&A page for feedback
- Subtitles in multiple languages
- Support and resources for instructors
- Supports self-paced learning
- Pricing varies per course (anywhere from $11.99 to $199.99 per course)
14. Edmodo: The Online Learning Platform for Easy Classroom Management
One of the most popular online learning platforms today, Edmodo makes classroom management easy and ensures that learning is accessible. Through Edmodo, educators can conveniently communicate with students through tools like Posts and Messages. The platform also makes it easy to create quizzes and digital assignments so instructors can assess student performance.
Key Features
- Posts and messages
- Online classroom discussions
- Digital assignments, quizzes, and polls
- Achievement badges for students
- Teacher community
- Welcome Note and Agenda
- Built-in moderation and safety features
- Built-in planner and class folders for students
- Supports blended learning and remote learning
- Edmodo accounts are free to create
- Edmodo also offers a paid plan for school districts with at least 200 users. You can contact the vendor to get current pricing.
15. Alma: The Learning Platform for Better Student Outcomes
Alma is an online learning platform and student information system designed to be versatile enough to meet any school’s unique needs. Alma provides valuable insights into valuable school management metrics such as student performance and attendance. The platform also supports progressive education models, allowing educators to grade student performance according to their preferences.
Key Features
- Supports competency-based learning
- Instructional Dashboard
- Assignment management
- Attendance tracking
- Enrollment history
- Flexible gradebook rubrics and weighting
- Incident tracking
- Progress reports and report cards
- Bulletin boards
- Group messaging
- Parent/student portal
- Teacher messenger
- Custom and standard reports
- Mobile app
- Interested schools can contact Alma directly to get information on pricing.
16. Canvas: An Open Learning Platform Trusted by the Ivy League
Canvas offers learning solutions for K-12 schools and higher education institutions. The Canvas LMS is designed to provide equitable access to every student while serving as a centralized platform for content delivery and personalized learning. Built-in collaboration tools also ensure that teachers and students can easily communicate.
Key Features
- Supports in-person, online, and blended learning
- Course materials
- Participation tracking and grades
- Built-in communication tools
- District-wide curriculum sharing through Blueprints
- Personalized learning through MasteryPaths
- Hundreds of integrations
- Chat and video messaging with students, groups, or classes
- Unlimited file size
- Course analytics
- Mobile app
- Free trial available
- Contact the vendor for more details on pricing of Canvas LMS.
17. Agilix Buzz: The Learning System for Teaching Better
Buzz is a learning platform designed to enable educators to improve instruction styles while supporting online and blended learning environments. The software also comes with intuitive tools to improve students’ and parents’ engagement in the learning process. For added convenience, Buzz seamlessly integrates with other learning platforms and student information systems.
Key Features
- Clean, user-friendly interface
- Achievement badges
- Multiple grading strategies
- Supports project- and mastery-based learning
- Progress tracking
- Formative assessments
- Custom Clipboard
- Course management
- White-labeled platform
- Single Sign-on
- Self-assigned tasks and self-assignment
- Discussion boards
- Peer assessment and peer help
- Individual Education Program tools
- Contact the vendor to get a demo and detailed pricing information.
18. itslearning: A Cloud-Based Learning Platform for Empowering Teachers and Students
itslearning is a cloud-hosted platform with an intuitive interface and task automation capabilities that help teachers save time. The platform also comes with a wide range of communication tools that facilitate better connections between students and teachers. itslearning also supports mobile learning through its mobile app and browser-based access.
Key Features
- One-on-one and mass messaging
- Announcements
- Video conferencing
- Group Assignments and Projects
- e-Portfolio
- Individual Learning Plans
- Library
- Mobile app
- Works on all modern browsers
- File upload
- Multimedia support
- Self-marking tests and quizzes
- Online annotation
- Set learning objectives
- Online gradebook
- Course Level Reports
- Custom Reports
- Pricing depends on your organization’s unique needs, so it’s best to contact the vendor directly.
19. Schoology: The Complete Learning Suite for K-12 Schools
Schoology comes with comprehensive features to support K-12 schools and school districts in boosting student performance. For instance, the platform helps educators and school administrators analyze student performance data from multiple sources, including benchmark assessments and classroom behavior. The platform also makes it easier for school districts to collaborate on instructional strategies and professional development.
Key Features
- Build course content
- Course resources
- Create assignments
- Student assessments
- Individualized instruction
- Support for self-paced learning
- Assessment reporting
- Public Groups and teacher community
- Proficiency-based grading
- Interested users can contact the vendor for pricing information.
20. Otus: All-in-One Learning Tool for Improving Student Engagement
As a learning management platform, Otus combines a comprehensive set of teaching and assessment tools into one platform. Through the platform, educators can design engaging activities while keeping everything organized. Communication tools such as Class Boards, blogs, and Mailbox also make it easy to share information and resources with students and parents.
Key Features
- Design activities
- Add images, videos, and documents
- Assessment activities
- Create, assign, and grade assessments
- Pre-built questions
- Class Board
- Blogs and mailbox
- Supports social-emotional learning
- Portfolio
- Communication Log
- Up to six custom cohorts for each report
- You can contact Otus for demo and pricing information.
21. NEO LMS: AI-Powered Learning Management Trusted by K-20 Institutions Worldwide
NEO LMS is an all-in-one learning management solution with a user-friendly interface. One unique feature of NEO LMS is that it uses advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence to recommend learning paths based on students’ goals. The platform also ensures inclusive e-learning through its accessibility features and mobile app.
Key Features
- Intuitive interface
- Fully responsive design
- Support for 40+ languages
- Customizable public profiles
- Instructor-led, self-paced, and blended classes
- Content authoring and navigation
- Certificates of completion
- Student class dashboard
- Closed captions for videos
- Multiple question types
- Quiz results analytics
- Gradebook, rubrics, and point grading scales
- Personalized assignments
- Support for mastery and competency-based learning
- Badges gallery and badge builder
- Chat, forums, wikis, blogs
- Built-in messaging system
- Micro classes
- Support for learning paths
- White-labeled platforms
- Ad-hoc reporting
- Canned reports
- Compliance management
- NEO LMS is available in three plans: Free, Pilot, and Premium.
- The Free Plan includes features such as a graphical class catalog, gamification, competency-based learning, and mobile responsive interfaces. This plan is available to schools with up to 400 students.
- Meanwhile, the Pilot Program includes a branded website, content migration, demo classes on request, analytics and reports, and help desk access.
- Lastly, the Premium Plan adds support for adaptive learning and learning paths, integrations with SIS and web conferencing.
What is the best online learning platform?
There’s no simple answer to this question since the best online learning platform is the one that meets your educational institution’s particular needs. Most of the applications that made it to this list of the best online learning platforms are designed as all-in-one solutions to make it easier for you to create engaging courses, assess student performance, and gain data-driven insights into learners’ progress.
Most of these online learning platforms for business and classrooms are highly flexible, so you can work with vendors to have a learning platform that’s made specifically for your institution. As such, it’s also important to consider features such as gamification, white labeling, and built-in tools for communication and collaboration. With these features, you can ensure that educators have everything they need to improve learning outcomes.
If you are interested in learning more about the future of online education as well as auxiliary tools like the best timeline makers, video editors, reference management tools, and the like, check our article on top online education trends.
Key Insights
- Rising Preference for Online Learning: 88% of students currently taking online courses prefer to take more courses in a fully online format, indicating a strong shift towards online education.
- Widespread Adoption: Statistics show a significant increase in the adoption of online learning across all educational levels, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- High Engagement and Flexibility: Features such as chat/messaging, interactive whiteboards, and personalized learning paths have made online learning platforms highly effective and engaging.
- Increased Faculty Training: 85% of faculty members have received training in online education, enhancing their ability to deliver effective online instruction.
- Challenges in Accessibility: Despite the benefits, challenges such as lack of access to devices and insufficient preparation for remote instruction persist.
- Diverse Platform Offerings: The market offers a variety of online learning platforms, each with unique features catering to different educational needs, from K-12 to higher education.
- What is the current preference for online learning among students? According to recent studies, 88% of students currently taking online courses prefer to take more courses in a fully online format, indicating a significant shift towards online education.
- How has the adoption of online learning changed since the COVID-19 pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the adoption of online learning, with many schools and universities switching to remote instruction as an emergency response.
- What are some key features of online learning platforms that enhance student engagement? Key features that enhance student engagement include chat/messaging, interactive whiteboards, personalized learning paths, and tools for real-time collaboration and communication.
- How well have faculty members adapted to online teaching? 85% of faculty members have received training in online education, and 96% of students believe their instructors have adapted well to online teaching.
- What are the main challenges of using online learning platforms? Main challenges include lack of access to devices for some students, insufficient preparation for remote instruction, and the need for ongoing faculty training to effectively use online learning tools.
- What are the benefits of online learning platforms for students and educators? Benefits for students include the flexibility to learn at their own pace, improved engagement through interactive tools, and the ability to retain more course material. For educators, online platforms offer tools to streamline course delivery, assess student performance, and provide personalized feedback.
- How do online learning platforms support different educational levels? Online learning platforms offer features tailored to various educational levels, from K-12 to higher education, including tools for course management, student assessments, and parent-teacher communication.
- What are some of the most popular online learning platforms mentioned in the article? Popular online learning platforms include Blackboard Learn, Coursera, Brightspace, edX, and Canvas, each offering unique features to support different learning environments.
- How do online learning platforms ensure the security and privacy of student data? Many online learning platforms comply with industry standards for data security and privacy, offering features such as secure login, data encryption, and compliance with regulations like GDPR and FERPA.
- How can schools and universities choose the best online learning platform for their needs? Schools and universities should consider their specific needs, such as the level of education, required features, ease of use, integration capabilities, and support services when choosing an online learning platform. It's also beneficial to take advantage of free trials and demos to assess the platform's suitability.
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