重症监护 - 灾难分类
Disasters 灾害
Disasters 灾害
测试 ID:335186690(无辅导,定时)
The nurse in the emergency department is caring for a 22-year-old client.
急诊科的护士正在照顾一名 22 岁的客户。
Emergency Department 急诊室 |
Brought to the emergency department after a mass casualty event. Emergency medical services reported client was found covered in debris after building collapse. Apneic. Pupils dilated and nonreactive.
在发生大规模伤亡事件后被送往急诊室。紧急医疗服务部门报告说,在建筑物倒塌后,客户被发现被碎片覆盖。呼吸暂停。瞳孔散大,无反应。 |
Complete the following sentence by choosing from the list of options.
The nurse should triage the client as
In disaster triage, clients are sorted rapidly from highest medical priority to lowest, typically using a color-coded tagging system: red (emergent), yellow (urgent), green (nonurgent), black (expectant). Triage is necessary to make the best use of limited resources (eg, supplies, emergency personnel) while helping the greatest number of people.
在灾难分类中,通常使用颜色编码的标记系统,将客户从最高医疗优先级快速分类到最低优先级:红色(紧急)、黄色(紧急)、绿色(非紧急)、黑色(预期)。 为了充分利用有限的资源(如物资、急救人员),同时帮助最多的人,有必要进行分类。
The nurse should triage a client who is experiencing apnea and has severe neurological trauma (eg, dilated and nonreactive [fixed] pupils) as expectant (black tag). Clients triaged as expectant (black tag) have a poor prognosis regardless of treatment and are the lowest priority in disaster triage.
(Incorrect) Urgent (yellow tag) classification is for clients who have serious injuries (eg, open fractures with palpable distal pulses, large wounds, soft tissue injuries) that require treatment within a few hours.
(Incorrect) Emergent (red tag) classification is for clients who have life-threatening injuries (eg, compromised airway, shock, chest trauma) and are at imminent risk of death if not treated immediately. These clients are priority in disaster triage.
(Incorrect) Nonurgent (green tag) classification is for clients who have injuries (eg, infections, minor burns, lacerations, closed fractures) in which treatment can be safely delayed for hours to days.
Educational objective: 教育目标:
In disaster triage, clients are sorted rapidly from highest medical priority to lowest, typically using a color-coded tagging system. The nurse should triage a client who is experiencing apnea and has severe neurological trauma (eg, dilated and nonreactive pupils) as expectant (black tag).
重症监护 - 灾难分类
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