BB 107 Tutorial 3
Part A: MCQ
1. A market:
A. reflects upsloping demand and downsloping supply curves.
A. 反映需求曲线上升和供给曲线下降。
B. entails the exchange of goods, but not services.
B. 涉及商品交换,但不涉及服务交换。
C. is an institution that brings together buyers and sellers.
C. 是一个将买家和卖家聚集在一起的机构。
D. always requires face-to-face contact between buyer and seller.
D. 始终要求买卖双方面对面接触。
2. The law of demand states that, other things equal:
2. 需求定律指出,在其他条件相同的情况下:
A. price and quantity demanded are inversely related.
A. 价格和需求量成反比。
B. the larger the number of buyers in a market, the lower will be product price.
B. 市场上的购买者数量越多,产品价格就越低。
C. price and quantity demanded are directly related.
C. 价格和需求量直接相关。
D. consumers will buy more of a product at high prices than at low prices.
D. 消费者在高价时会比在低价时购买更多的产品。
3. The demand curve shows the relationship between:
3. 需求曲线显示了以下关系:
A. money income and quantity demanded.
B. price and production costs.
C. price and quantity demanded.
C. 价格和需求数量。
D. consumer tastes and quantity demanded.
4. The demand curve shows the relationship between:
4. 需求曲线显示了以下关系:
A. money income and quantity demanded.
B. price and production costs.
C. price and quantity demanded.
C. 价格和需求数量。
D. consumer tastes and quantity demanded.
5. The relationship between quantity supplied and price is _____ and the relationship between quantity demanded and price is _____.
5. 供给量与价格之间的关系是 _____,需求量与价格之间的关系是 _____。
A. direct, inverse
B. inverse, direct
C. inverse, inverse
D. direct, direct
6. When the price of a product increases, a consumer is able to buy less of it with a given money income. This describes the:
6. 当产品价格上涨时,消费者在给定的货币收入下可以购买更少的产品。这描述了:
A. cost effect.
B. inflationary effect.
C. income effect.
D. substitution effect.
7. An improvement in production technology for a specific good will cause a(n):
7. 特定商品生产技术的改进将导致:
a. increase in demand and an increase in price
b. increase in demand and a drop in price
c. drop in price and increase in quantity demanded
d. increase in supply and an increase in price
8. If two goods are complements:
8. 如果两种商品是互补品:
A. they are consumed independently.
A. 它们是独立消耗的。
B. an increase in the price of one will increase the demand for the other.
B. 一种产品价格的上涨会增加另一种产品的需求。
C. a decrease in the price of one will increase the demand for the other.
C. 一种产品的价格下降会增加另一种产品的需求。
D. they are necessarily inferior goods.
9. Which of the following would not shift the demand curve for beef?
9. 以下哪项不会改变牛肉的需求曲线?
A. a widely publicized study that indicates beef increases one's cholesterol
A. 一项广泛宣传的研究表明牛肉会增加胆固醇
B. a reduction in the price of cattle feed
B. 牛饲料价格下降
C. an effective advertising campaign by pork producers
C. 猪肉生产商开展有效的广告活动
D. a change in the incomes of beef consumers
D. 牛肉消费者收入的变化
10. If the price of product L increases, the demand curve for close-substitute product J will:
10. 如果产品 L 的价格上涨,则接近替代产品 J 的需求曲线将:
A. shift downward toward the horizontal axis.
B. shift to the left.
B. 向左移动。
C. shift to the right.
D. remain unchanged.
D. 保持不变。
Part B: Short Answer
1. Explain the law of demand. Why does a demand curve slope downward?
2. Use a diagram to illustrate how each of the following might shift the demand or supply curve for gasoline?
2. 用图表说明下列各项可能如何改变汽油的需求或供给曲线?
A. the discovery of vast new oil reserves in Montana
A. 蒙大拿州发现大量新石油储量
B. the development of a low-cost electric automobile
B. 开发低成本电动汽车
c. a large decline in the price of automobiles
d. war break out in Middle East.
3. Draw a separate diagram to describe how the following factors shift the product supply or demand curve:
3. 绘制单独的图表来描述以下因素如何改变产品供给或需求曲线:
A. an improvement in the relevant technique of production.
B. a decline in the prices of needed inputs.
B. 所需投入品价格下降。
C. an increase in consumer incomes.
D. some firms leaving an industry.
D. 一些公司离开某个行业。
4. What effect will each of the following have on the supply of auto tires?
a. An increase in the prices of rubber used in the production of tires.
b. The expectation that the equilibrium price of auto tires will be lower in the future than currently.
c. The levying of a per-unit tax on each auto tire sold.
d. The granting of a 50-cent-per-unit subsidy for each auto tire produced.
5. Suppose the total demand for wheat and the total supply of wheat per month in the Ukrainian grain market are as shown in the nearby table. Suppose that the government establishes a price ceiling of $3.70 for wheat. What might prompt the government to establish this price ceiling? Explain carefully the main effects. Demonstrate your answer graphically. Next, suppose that the government establishes a price floor of $4.60 for wheat. What will be the main effects of this price floor? Demonstrate your answer graphically.
5. 假设乌克兰粮食市场每月小麦总需求量和小麦总供应量如下表所示。假设政府将小麦的价格上限设定为 3.70 美元。是什么促使政府设立这个价格上限?仔细解释主要影响。以图形方式展示您的答案。接下来,假设政府将小麦的价格下限设定为 4.60 美元。这个价格下限的主要影响是什么?以图形方式展示您的答案。