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90. Python 概率论和统计学基础#
90. Fundamentals of Probability Theory and Statistics in Python

90.1. 介绍# 90.1. Introduction

概率论是一种用于表示不确定性声明的数学框架。很多机器学习算法的设计都会依赖于对数据的概率假设。同样,我们还可以使用概率和统计的相关知识,从理论上分析我们提出的 AI 系统的行为。 本实验主要是对机器学习中常用的概率论和统计学习方法进行讲述。
Probability theory is a mathematical framework used to represent statements of uncertainty. The design of many machine learning algorithms relies on probabilistic assumptions about the data. Similarly, we can use knowledge of probability and statistics to theoretically analyze the behavior of the AI systems we propose. This experiment mainly discusses the commonly used probability theory and statistical learning methods in machine learning.

90.2. 知识点# 90.2. Knowledge Point #

  • 概率公式 Probability formula

  • 随机变量 Random variable

  • 概率分布 Probability distribution

  • 数学期望 Mathematical expectation

  • 方差、标准差和协方差 Variance, Standard Deviation, and Covariance

  • 假设检验 Hypothesis testing

概率论是一种用于表示不确定性声明的数学框架。很多机器学习算法的设计都会依赖于对数据的概率假设。同样我们还可以使用概率和统计的相关知识,从理论上分析我们提出的 AI 系统的行为。接下来,让我们介绍一下概率论中最为重要的几个概率公式。
Probability theory is a mathematical framework used to represent statements of uncertainty. The design of many machine learning algorithms relies on probabilistic assumptions about the data. Similarly, we can use related knowledge of probability and statistics to theoretically analyze the behavior of our proposed AI systems. Next, let's introduce some of the most important probability formulas in probability theory.

90.3. 条件概率# 90.3. Conditional Probability

条件概率即在某个条件之下的概率。如当事件 A 发生时,事件 B 发生的概率就可以被称作条件概率,记作 P(B|A)。又比如,给定条件 x=a 时,y=b 的概率就是条件概率,记作 P(y=b|x=a)。括号中竖线右边记录着条件,左边记录着结果。
Conditional probability is the probability under a certain condition. For example, when event A occurs, the probability of event B occurring can be called conditional probability, denoted as P(B|A) . Similarly, given condition x=a , the probability of y=b is conditional probability, denoted as P(y=b|x=a) . The condition is recorded to the right of the vertical bar in the parentheses, and the result is recorded to the left.

条件概率 P(B|A) 的计算公式如下:
The formula for calculating the conditional probability P(B|A) is as follows:


举个例子,一个盒子里混有 100 只新旧乒乓球,且这些乒乓球中有红色和黄色两种。分类如下:
For example, a box contains 100 mixed new and old ping pong balls, and these ping pong balls come in two colors: red and yellow. The classification is as follows:







如果我从盒子中取出了一个球,已知该球为 黄色,那么请问该球为新球的概率是多少呢?
If I took a ball out of the box, and it is known that the ball is yellow, then what is the probability that the ball is new?

我们可以从上表看出,这个黄色球为新球的概率为P=4060(因为已经知道是黄色了,所以分母为 60)。
We can see from the above table that the probability of this yellow ball being a new ball is P=4060 (since it is already known to be yellow, the denominator is 60).

当然,我们也可以使用上面讲到的条件概率的方法: Of course, we can also use the conditional probability method mentioned above:

设事件 A ={从盒子中随机取一个球,该球为黄球},则根据上表可得 P(A)=20+40100=60100
Let event A = {randomly drawing a ball from the box, the ball is yellow}, then according to the above table, we get P(A)=20+40100=60100 .

设事件 B ={从盒子中随机取一个球,该球是新球},则根据上表可知,取出的球为黄色新球的概率为:P(AB)=40100
Let event B = {a ball is randomly taken from the box, and the ball is a new ball}, then according to the above table, the probability that the taken ball is a new yellow ball is: P(AB)=40100 .

If a ball is drawn and it is a yellow ball, then the probability that this ball is also a new ball is as follows:


请注意,这里的事件 P(AB)P(A)×P(B),因为事件 A 和事件 B 不独立。
Please note that the event P(AB)P(A)×P(B) here, because event A and event B are not independent.

90.4. 全概率公式# 90.4. The Law of Total Probability

定义:设 A1,A2,...An,为一列互不相容的事件且 A1A2,...An=Ω,则对任意事件 B,都存在如下关系:
Definition: Let A1,A2,...An be a series of mutually exclusive events and A1A2,...An=Ω , then for any event B, the following relationship exists:


全概率公式可以通过下图进行解释: The total probability formula can be explained through the following diagram:

当我们直接求取 P(B) 非常困难时,我们可以将事件 B 分成多个部分: $P(B)=P(A1B)+P(A2B)+P(A3B)+P(A4B)+P(A5B)$
When it is very difficult to directly obtain P(B) , we can divide event B into multiple parts: $ P(B)=P(A1B)+P(A2B)+P(A3B)+P(A4B)+P(A5B) $

然后再根据条件概率公式,将上列式子转换一下: Then, according to the conditional probability formula, convert the above expression:


这就是全概率公式的来历。该公式的主要思想就是,在计算 P(A) 较困难时,我们可以通过将事件 A 分解成几个小事件,通过计算小事件的概率,然后相加,进而求得大事件的概率。
This is the origin of the total probability formula. The main idea of this formula is that when it is difficult to calculate P(A) , we can decompose event A into several smaller events, calculate the probabilities of the smaller events, and then sum them up to obtain the probability of the larger event.

举一个简单的例子,假设某车间使用甲、乙、丙、丁四台机床。各个机床的次品率分别为 5%,4%,3%,3.5%,且它们各自的产品占了总产量的 20%,35%,25%,20%。现在把它们混在一起,问随机取出一个产品为次品的概率。
Take a simple example, suppose a workshop uses four machines: A, B, C, and D. The defect rates of each machine are 5%, 4%, 3%, and 3.5% respectively, and their products account for 20%, 35%, 25%, and 20% of the total output. Now, if they are mixed together, what is the probability that a randomly selected product is defective?

思路:根据题目描述,我们可以知道: Idea: Based on the problem description, we can know:

  • 某个产品来自于某个机床的概率 P(Ai)=[20%35%25%20%] (使用占比估算概率)。
    The probability that a certain product comes from a certain machine tool is P(Ai)=[20%35%25%20%] (estimated using usage ratio).

  • 次品率 P(B|Ai)=[5%4%3%3.5%](该次品率为每个机床下的次品率,分母为机床各自的产品数量)。
    Defective rate P(B|Ai)=[5%4%3%3.5%] (This defective rate is for each machine tool, with the denominator being the respective product quantity of each machine tool).

而我们现在需要求的是 P(B),即分母为总产品数量的次品率。根据全概率公式,我们可以利用向量乘法求得该产品的中次品率:
What we need to find now is P(B) , which is the defect rate with the total product quantity as the denominator. According to the law of total probability, we can use vector multiplication to obtain the defect rate of the product:

import numpy as np

# 将百分数转为小数
pa = np.array([20.0, 35, 25, 20])*0.01
pb_A = np.array([5.0, 4, 3, 3.5])*0.01
# 利用全概率公式计算次品率:先相乘再求和
pb = np.sum(np.multiply(pa, pb_A))


90.5. 贝叶斯公式# Bayes' Theorem

定义:设 A1,A2,...An,为一列互不相容的事件且 A1A2,...An=Ω。若现在事件 B 已发生, Ai 发生的概率:
Definition: Let A1,A2,...An be a series of mutually exclusive events and A1A2,...An=Ω . If event B has now occurred, the probability of Ai occurring:


The above formula is the derivation of Bayes' theorem. In fact, whether it is the derivation of the total probability formula or the derivation of Bayes' theorem, their core is the use of the conditional probability formula.

The difference between Bayes' theorem and the law of total probability: Suppose there are several ways to achieve the same goal, each with a different probability of success. The law of total probability is used to calculate the final probability of achieving the goal (regardless of which method is used). Bayes' theorem, on the other hand, calculates the probability of using each method given that the goal has already been achieved.

还是拿上面机床加工产品举例,设抽出产品为次品为事件 B,第 i 个机床产生产品为事件 Ai,其他数据不变。
Let's still take the example of machining products with the above machine tool. Let event B be the extraction of a defective product, event Ai be the product produced by the i th machine tool, and other data remain unchanged.

假设现在还是将所有的产品混在一起,然后从中抽出一个产品。发现这个产品是次品,问该产品来自各个机床的概率 P(Ai|B)
Assuming that all the products are still mixed together, and then one product is drawn from them. It is found that this product is defective. What is the probability that this product came from each machine tool?

根据题目,我们需要求的就是 P(Ai|B) 。那么利用贝叶斯公式,我们可以计算:
According to the question, what we need to find is P(Ai|B) . Then using Bayes' theorem, we can calculate:

# 根据贝叶斯公式,计算来自每个机床的概率
# 这里的 pb 可以通过全概率公式进行计算
pA_b = (pa*pb_A) / pb

for i in range(4):
    print("该产品来自第 {} 个机床的概率:{}".format(i+1, pA_b[i]))
该产品来自第 1 个机床的概率:0.25974025974025977
该产品来自第 2 个机床的概率:0.3636363636363637
该产品来自第 3 个机床的概率:0.1948051948051948
该产品来自第 4 个机床的概率:0.18181818181818185

90.6. 概率分布# 90.6. Probability Distribution

90.7. 数据的类型# 90.7. Data Types

In programming, we often need some random values (for example, when simulating a coin toss). We call these variables that store random values random variables.

Random variables can be divided into two types based on the range of values they produce:

  • 离散型随机变量:如果随机变量 X 只能取有限个或至多个可列值,则称 X 为离散型随机变量。比如,取集合 {0,1} 的随机变量就为离散型变量(只存在两个值)。
    Discrete random variable: If the random variable X can only take a finite number or a countable number of values, then X is called a discrete random variable. For example, a random variable taking values from the set {0,1} is a discrete variable (only two values exist).

  • 连续型随机变量:如果随机变量 X 的所有可能取值不可以逐个列举出来,而是取数轴上某一区间内的任一点的随机值,则 X 为连续型随机变量。比如取值为 (0,1] 的随机变量就为连续型变量(0 到 1 之间存在无数个点)。
    Continuous random variable: If all possible values of the random variable X cannot be enumerated one by one, but instead are random values at any point within a certain interval on the number axis, then X is a continuous random variable. For example, a random variable with values (0,1] is a continuous variable (there are countless points between 0 and 1).

No matter what kind of random variable it is, its generation principle is to assign a probability to each possible value within its range, and then randomly assign a value to the variable based on the probability.

The probability functions of all possible values can also be divided according to different variable types:

  • 概率质量函数:描述离散变量的可取值的概率函数。 Probability mass function: a probability function that describes the possible values of a discrete variable.

  • 概率密度函数:描述连续型变量的概率分布函数。 Probability density function: describes the probability distribution function of continuous variables.

A probability distribution refers to the probability law of a random variable. Simply put, a probability distribution describes the probability corresponding to each possible value of a random variable. When simulating data, we assign different values to the data based on different probabilities. Next, let's take a detailed look at common discrete probability distributions and continuous probability distribution functions.

Note that for beginners, we don't need to memorize the specific form of each function. What we should understand more are the characteristics and applicable scope of each distribution function.

90.8. 离散型概率分布# 90.8. Discrete Probability Distribution #

In life, there are many events that often have only two outcomes. For example: the result of flipping a coin (heads or tails), checking the quality of a product (pass or fail), buying a lottery ticket (win or lose). All of these events can be called Bernoulli trials.

伯努利试验其实就是单次随机试验,且结果只有 0 或 1 两种,由科学家伯努利提出。伯努利实验产生的数据分布就是两点分布。
A Bernoulli trial is essentially a single random experiment with only two possible outcomes, 0 or 1, proposed by the scientist Bernoulli. The data distribution generated by a Bernoulli experiment is a two-point distribution.

二点分布:也就是我们最常见的 0-1 分布。服从该分布的变量只有 0 和 1 两种取值。该分布的概率质量函数如下:
Two-point distribution: This is also the most common 0-1 distribution. Variables that follow this distribution have only two possible values, 0 and 1. The probability mass function of this distribution is as follows:

P(x)={λif x=11λif x=0

其中 x 的可取值为 {0,1}λ为结果成功的概率,可以为 [0,1] 中的任意值 。P(x) 表示结果为 x 的概率。
The possible values of x are {0,1} . λ is the probability of success, which can be any value from [0,1] . P(x) represents the probability of the result being x .

我们可以通过每个 x 所对应的概率来产生随机数。如下:
We can generate random numbers based on the probability corresponding to each x . As follows:

def Bernoulli(lambd_a):
    p = np.random.rand()
    # 表示返回 1 的概率 为 lambda
    if(p < lambd_a):
        return 1
        return 0

我们可以利用上面函数进行抛硬币的模拟,假设抛 5 次硬币:
We can use the above function to simulate coin tossing, assuming 5 coin tosses:

for i in range(5):
    result = Bernoulli(0.5)  # 每面的结果概率相同
    if(result == 1):

二项分布:进行 n 次伯努利实验后,结果为 1 的次数的概率分布,即实验成功的次数的概率分布,其中每次试验成功的概率为 p
Binomial distribution: The probability distribution of the number of times the result is 1 after conducting n Bernoulli trials, that is, the probability distribution of the number of successful trials, where the probability of success in each trial is p .

如果一个实验每次成功的概率为 p,然后我们进行了 n 次试验,问一共成功 x 次的概率。我们可以通过排列组合得到下面的公式:
If the probability of success for each experiment is p , and we conduct n trials, what is the probability of having x successes in total? We can derive the following formula using permutations and combinations:


其中 Cnx 是排列组合,表示从 n 次试验中选出 x 次实验。px 表示选出的实验都成功的概率。(1p)nx 表示未选出的实验都失败的概率。
Among them, Cnx is a combination, indicating the selection of x experiments from n trials. px represents the probability that all selected experiments are successful. (1p)nx represents the probability that all unselected experiments fail.

其实上面的这个函数就是二项分布的概率质量函数。表示在进行 n 次概率为 p 的伯努利实验后,成功 x 的概率值。其中 x 是变量,np 是常数。如果随机变量 X 服从参数为 np 的二项分布,我们可以记为 XB(n,p)
In fact, the above function is the probability mass function of the binomial distribution. It represents the probability of having x successes after conducting n Bernoulli trials with a probability of p . Here, x is a variable, and n and p are constants. If the random variable X follows a binomial distribution with parameters n and p , we can denote it as XB(n,p) .

注意,通过两点分布返回的是一次抛一个硬币的实验结果(0 或 1)。通过二项分布返回的是每次实验抛 n 个硬币,且硬币朝上的个数,结果可为 0,1,2,3……
Note that the result returned by the Bernoulli distribution is the outcome of a single coin toss (0 or 1). The result returned by the binomial distribution is the number of heads when n coins are tossed in each experiment, and the result can be 0, 1, 2, 3...

n=1 时,二项分布就是二点分布。
When n=1 , the binomial distribution is the Bernoulli distribution.

虽然上面的式子较为复杂,但是不需要手动编写。我们可以使用 numpy.random.RandomState.binomial(n, p, size=None) 随机初始化 x 的值。
Although the above formula is relatively complex, it does not need to be manually written. We can use numpy.random.RandomState.binomial(n, p, size=None) to randomly initialize the value of x.

该函数就是利用上面式子所提供的概率值,来随机初始化 x 的。
The function uses the probability values provided by the above formula to randomly initialize x .

n, p = 1000, 0.5
# 每得到一个随机数,都需要抛 1000 个硬币,然后返回其中成功的次数
# 一共得到 10000 个随机数
results = np.random.binomial(n, p, 10000)
array([512, 508, 495, ..., 500, 485, 471])

如上,我们进行了 10000 次试验,每次试验抛了 1000 个硬币,并且返回了其中为正面的硬币个数。我们可以将这些个数进行统计,返回每种数值出现的次数,并且画出成功个数的直方图:
As above, we conducted 10,000 trials, each time tossing 1,000 coins, and returned the number of coins that landed heads. We can count these numbers, return the frequency of each value, and plot a histogram of the number of successes:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

plt.hist(results, edgecolor='slategray', facecolor='lime')
(array([   9.,   68.,  384., 1563., 2599., 2921., 1822.,  517.,  110.,
 array([437. , 449.3, 461.6, 473.9, 486.2, 498.5, 510.8, 523.1, 535.4,
        547.7, 560. ]),
 <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

从上面可知,进行了多次试验,硬币正面个数为 500 左右的次数最多。这也是非常符合常理的,因为我们每次试验都会抛 1000 个硬币,然后由于硬币正面朝上的概率为 50%。因此,大多数试验的正面朝上次数都在 1000×50%=500 左右。
From the above, it can be seen that after multiple trials, the number of times the coin lands heads is around 500. This is very reasonable because each trial involves tossing 1000 coins, and the probability of a coin landing heads is 50%. Therefore, in most trials, the number of heads is around 500.

90.9. 连续型概率分布# 90.9. Continuous Probability Distribution

离散型概率分布的概率函数叫做概率质量函数。通过上面的学习,我们可以知道,概率质量函数描述的就是概率和可取值 x 之间的关系。因此,如果我们将所有 x 的概率取值相加就应该等于 1。
The probability function of a discrete probability distribution is called a probability mass function. From the above study, we can understand that the probability mass function describes the relationship between the probability and the possible values of x . Therefore, if we sum the probability values of all x, it should equal 1.

但是由于连续型变量的可取值往往不是离散的点,而是一个区间,其中存在着无数个点。因此,在针对连续型概率分布时,我们没有某点概率值的概念(如果有这个概念,无论该点值有多小,乘以一个无穷大,最终的值都远远大于 1)。
However, since the possible values of continuous variables are often not discrete points but an interval containing countless points, we do not have the concept of a probability value at a specific point when dealing with continuous probability distributions (if we had this concept, no matter how small the point value is, multiplying it by an infinity would result in a value far greater than 1).

我们选择了概率密度函数来表示概率分布。 We chose the probability density function to represent the probability distribution.

概率密度函数表示的其实是 概率在该点的变化率
The probability density function actually represents the rate of change of the probability at that point.

We can regard the relationship between probability and probability density as the relationship between distance and speed (probability is distance, probability density is speed).

就可以得到以下几个结论: The following conclusions can be drawn:

  • 说某一个点的距离是没有意义的,因为距离是 XX 到 XX 的概念。
    Saying the distance of a certain point is meaningless because distance is a concept from XX to XX.

  • 某点速度的概念和某点距离的概念完全不一致 The concept of velocity at a certain point and the concept of distance at a certain point are completely inconsistent

  • 因此,在描述连续型概率时,某点的概率是无意义的,只有加上区间才是有意义的。
    Therefore, when describing continuous probability, the probability of a specific point is meaningless; it only becomes meaningful when an interval is added.

  • 某个区间的总概率值就是概率密度函数在该区间内的面积,可以用定积分表示。
    The total probability value of a certain interval is the area of the probability density function within that interval, which can be expressed using a definite integral.

让我们来举几个常见的连续性分布函数的例子。 Let's give a few examples of common continuous distribution functions.

均匀分布: 产生任何数的概率相等的分布。 Uniform distribution: A distribution where the probability of generating any number is equal.

均匀分布是我们最常用的分布。该分布的密度函数需要两个参数 a,b。其中 a 表示随机数可取范围的下界,b 表示范围的上界。
The uniform distribution is the distribution we use most often. The density function of this distribution requires two parameters, a and b. Parameter a represents the lower bound of the range of random numbers, and parameter b represents the upper bound of the range.

该分布的概率密度函数如下: The probability density function of the distribution is as follows:

f(x)={0if x<a 或 x<b1baif axb

The above formula is the probability density function of a uniform distribution, which is the rate of change function of probability.

我们可以通过上列公式和定积分,求得 (,x) 区间的总概率值,如下:
We can obtain the total probability value of the interval (,x) through the above formula and definite integral, as follows:


上面的这种,求某区间概率值的函数被称作该连续变量 x 的分布函数。
The function that seeks the probability value of a certain interval mentioned above is called the distribution function of the continuous variable x.

我们可以使用 np.random.uniform(a,b) 产生服从均匀分布的数据:
We can use np.random.uniform(a,b) to generate data that follows a uniform distribution:

# 产生了 10000 条数据
datas = np.random.uniform(10, 20, 10000)
array([11.35253202, 18.10761871, 10.41783694, ..., 13.27334503,
       15.87429389, 11.32816989])

让我们来展示一下这些数据的分布情况: Let's show the distribution of these data:

# density=True 表示计算每个区间出现的次数后,除以一下总次数,使横坐标成为占比
plt.hist(datas, density=True, edgecolor='slategray', facecolor='lime')
(array([0.10361532, 0.09621423, 0.09561414, 0.09911466, 0.10241515,
        0.1041154 , 0.10171504, 0.09741441, 0.09851457, 0.101415  ]),
 array([10.00044859, 11.0003007 , 12.00015281, 13.00000492, 13.99985703,
        14.99970914, 15.99956125, 16.99941336, 17.99926548, 18.99911759,
        19.9989697 ]),
 <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

从上图可以看出,产生 0-20 中任意一点的概率都相等。
From the above figure, it can be seen that the probability of generating any point between 0-20 is equal.

指数分布:表示一个随机变量呈指数分布,可以写作 xE(λ)
Exponential distribution: Indicates that a random variable follows an exponential distribution, which can be written as xE(λ) .

该分布的概率密度函数如下: The probability density function of the distribution is as follows:

f(x)={λeλx if x>00 if x0

The above formula is the probability density function of the exponential distribution, which is the rate of change function of the probability.

We can obtain the exponential distribution function through the probability density function and definite integral knowledge as follows:

F(x)={1eλx if x00 if x<0

其中 F(x) 表示范围为 (,x) 的总概率值,λ 为指数分布所需的一个参数。
The total probability value within F(x) represents the range of (,x) , and λ is a parameter required for the exponential distribution.

我们可以利用 np.random.exponential(lambda,size) 来初始化 10000 条服从指数分布的数据,并且根据数据观察指数分布的图像:
We can use np.random.exponential(lambda,size) to initialize 10,000 pieces of data that follow an exponential distribution and observe the graph of the exponential distribution based on the data:

datas = np.random.exponential(3, 10000)
array([4.03047872, 4.7548291 , 0.34659548, ..., 5.23667938, 2.82619846,

Let's count the occurrences of each data point and plot the exponential distribution graph. As follows:

plt.hist(datas, density=True, edgecolor='slategray', facecolor='lime')
(array([2.24472872e-01, 8.91083550e-02, 3.75949512e-02, 1.59986563e-02,
        6.20278872e-03, 2.98792871e-03, 1.09683459e-03, 5.29506354e-04,
        1.51287530e-04, 7.56437649e-05]),
 array([4.35887905e-04, 2.64440794e+00, 5.28837998e+00, 7.93235203e+00,
        1.05763241e+01, 1.32202961e+01, 1.58642682e+01, 1.85082402e+01,
        2.11522123e+01, 2.37961843e+01, 2.64401564e+01]),
 <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

正态分布 Normal distribution:

正态分布又叫高斯分布。若随机变量 X 服从正态分布,可以写作 xN(μ,σ2)。其中 μσ 是该分布的两个参数。这两个参数其实就是该分布的平均值和标准差。
A normal distribution is also called a Gaussian distribution. If a random variable X follows a normal distribution, it can be written as xN(μ,σ2) . Among them, μ and σ are the two parameters of this distribution. These two parameters are actually the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.

该分布的概率密度函数如下所示: The probability density function of the distribution is as follows:


我们可以使用 np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size) 初始化服从正态分布的随机数:
We can use np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size) to initialize random numbers that follow a normal distribution:

mu, sigma = 0, 0.1  # 定义分布数据的平均值和标准差
s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000)
array([-1.03212013e-01,  1.34225459e-02, -8.51825733e-02,  1.39488356e-02,
       -1.54223413e-01, -6.78743103e-02, -1.09066754e-01,  2.95078420e-03,
        9.14926523e-02,  2.18311105e-02,  1.13268319e-01,  8.46439417e-02,
       -6.59709435e-02,  1.06736560e-02,  4.74476780e-02, -1.06676872e-01,
        5.72988789e-02, -4.54837692e-02,  5.59849027e-02,  1.12364086e-01,
       -1.10276381e-01,  7.51001710e-02,  2.14264673e-02,  1.15503133e-01,
       -8.56336100e-02,  1.31847207e-02,  1.54110124e-02, -2.58373868e-02,
        8.21562165e-02, -1.15138088e-01,  5.62701126e-02,  5.46837310e-02,
        7.78349911e-02,  1.32299939e-01, -7.37705083e-02,  8.71036210e-03,
        3.78679025e-03,  1.30365076e-02, -1.05973838e-01, -6.61335633e-02,
       -8.30134075e-02,  5.63107937e-02,  6.32973591e-02, -1.02907427e-01,
       -2.90186222e-02,  9.74900170e-02, -7.45204617e-02, -5.98677335e-02,
        1.85138553e-01,  4.55942171e-02, -5.17539703e-02,  2.58750419e-02,
        1.19750552e-01,  3.53238246e-02, -9.94301457e-02,  1.98513157e-01,
       -1.46224897e-01,  1.02378592e-01,  9.66797044e-02,  4.66401914e-02,
        3.54530458e-01,  9.69629220e-03, -3.79025300e-02,  6.57972492e-03,
       -1.74890632e-02, -1.35786327e-01, -5.54657391e-02,  5.65163964e-03,
        8.24665809e-02, -6.34523217e-03, -1.10999396e-02, -1.42414024e-01,
       -4.52386148e-02, -9.41074534e-02, -2.69334875e-01, -1.94842922e-02,
       -4.73237383e-02,  9.00397707e-02,  3.87999019e-03,  6.15473307e-02,
        8.11657744e-02,  5.52926349e-03,  2.00420205e-01,  2.77779831e-02,
        1.04155183e-01,  2.29098340e-01,  3.02839289e-03, -7.62428348e-02,
        1.71700692e-01,  2.79456378e-02, -5.57938763e-02,  8.68910720e-02,
       -1.76634530e-01,  1.27783514e-02,  6.57111847e-02, -2.01619261e-02,
       -1.33760586e-02, -2.96501764e-03,  1.15072227e-01,  1.40382815e-01,
       -7.30203980e-02, -2.82478210e-02, -4.28573831e-02,  4.86540059e-02,
        5.75251702e-02, -3.58291844e-02,  6.38200990e-02,  9.81212576e-02,
        1.62039099e-02, -4.65965099e-02, -4.82808791e-02, -1.08447217e-01,
        7.12551402e-02, -8.90705678e-02, -1.75874783e-02, -8.20507301e-02,
        3.17308354e-02, -7.74069571e-02,  1.13361871e-02, -9.66108169e-02,
        7.85999597e-02,  2.15834486e-01, -4.32908540e-02,  1.34863565e-01,
       -3.80695799e-03,  8.09941285e-02, -1.33292124e-02, -5.84623451e-02,
        7.51708486e-02,  1.15424306e-01, -7.27280790e-02,  2.22252113e-02,
        1.56402999e-01,  9.00184662e-02,  6.22957358e-03,  4.45413700e-03,
       -1.79916285e-02, -8.23709168e-02, -9.94830658e-03, -1.99626403e-02,
        9.47451880e-02,  4.21276074e-02, -9.24379383e-02,  1.39201859e-01,
       -1.94021455e-01,  1.07499636e-01, -2.17960619e-02,  1.24959083e-01,
       -5.36106346e-02, -2.05054406e-01, -3.86857696e-02,  6.26904597e-02,
       -1.06876941e-01,  3.75400447e-02, -5.62579252e-02, -2.41012882e-02,
       -5.78505174e-02,  9.70506314e-02,  4.88624698e-02,  9.01966546e-03,
        4.26860904e-02, -9.76559453e-02, -7.60155268e-02, -9.32302871e-02,
       -2.07964942e-01,  8.47002030e-02,  1.48508689e-02, -3.16250331e-02,
       -6.52772611e-02, -4.10257852e-02, -6.72812808e-02,  3.39399239e-02,
       -2.46794507e-02,  2.82255488e-02, -9.83309293e-03, -1.12212639e-01,
        3.68046323e-02,  1.58435551e-01, -1.60384599e-01, -1.11470595e-01,
        5.65803748e-02,  7.27597725e-02,  1.26971237e-01, -5.69599447e-03,
       -1.04505195e-01,  1.30238298e-02, -4.81125357e-02, -1.29461499e-01,
       -6.59886060e-02,  4.64535279e-02, -1.62860824e-02,  4.89595040e-02,
        7.52418661e-02,  2.02746308e-01, -9.42111714e-02,  1.02668115e-01,
       -1.03124594e-01, -6.43021780e-02,  2.71891204e-02, -9.65181795e-02,
        1.52550445e-01, -4.25016904e-02, -8.03019570e-02,  9.95801064e-02,
        8.24005271e-02,  9.61957157e-02, -1.47736752e-01, -4.57647941e-02,
       -6.55683561e-03,  2.56885379e-01,  4.95095955e-02, -3.84886390e-02,
       -1.63762448e-01, -1.86326278e-01, -3.96563499e-02, -2.60891662e-01,
        5.98106967e-02,  5.95193869e-02, -2.94034017e-02, -9.97794933e-03,
        1.16089004e-01, -5.66198735e-02, -7.83677969e-02,  5.12094010e-02,
       -2.85580609e-02,  2.10780937e-02,  4.59368329e-02,  7.55939616e-02,
        9.03651849e-02,  7.37273405e-02, -2.48958219e-02,  7.15584530e-02,
        5.31523076e-02, -1.30704265e-02,  2.45607645e-02,  1.03559631e-01,
       -1.24757044e-01,  2.29375300e-02,  1.77481790e-02, -1.44692850e-01,
        1.83641936e-02, -5.72485545e-03, -5.97195784e-02,  5.96419496e-02,
        8.57298250e-02,  8.13006377e-03, -1.89875793e-01,  9.97943681e-02,
        8.46199867e-02,  1.50010743e-01, -5.45163845e-02, -2.89238351e-02,
       -4.86058705e-03, -1.55315804e-01, -1.52953444e-01,  2.01107118e-01,
       -6.94985846e-02, -9.98206292e-02, -1.08779961e-01, -6.50690144e-02,
        3.04791857e-02, -9.29300930e-03, -5.15198805e-02, -1.67610775e-01,
        2.71715403e-02, -6.36411651e-02,  1.56951026e-01, -7.38105541e-02,
        3.79029639e-02,  5.61590830e-02, -2.71916144e-02,  7.01228450e-02,
       -4.21951403e-02,  2.22401159e-02,  1.61788597e-02,  1.47784436e-02,
        1.13670900e-02,  2.32787318e-03, -3.01547378e-02,  9.86237679e-02,
        8.43347378e-02,  2.52329473e-02,  1.94827514e-02, -9.32721054e-02,
       -5.17718576e-02,  6.69520777e-02,  8.85230328e-02,  1.28158888e-01,
       -3.20705375e-02,  9.83802811e-03, -8.04382898e-02, -2.59990161e-02,
       -1.07081847e-01, -7.61793678e-02, -1.21202096e-01, -3.71143607e-02,
        1.65045440e-01, -8.07852953e-02, -4.26651591e-02, -1.60423800e-01,
       -4.85852247e-02,  1.26566022e-01, -8.89879828e-02, -2.04655478e-01,
       -1.90122047e-01, -1.02882075e-01,  6.97891803e-02,  1.56354022e-02,
        1.31113975e-01, -7.26021503e-02,  6.61399960e-02,  1.87082337e-01,
        9.01168289e-02,  1.15031695e-01, -7.83808741e-02, -1.33216615e-01,
        1.02587647e-02, -1.89608379e-02,  2.50649977e-02,  1.30910580e-01,
       -1.31668220e-01, -4.08945116e-02,  4.22584845e-03, -2.13350698e-01,
        3.03030546e-02,  2.99598655e-02,  4.81247112e-02, -7.67847263e-02,
        3.84417186e-02,  8.61802475e-02, -1.99951989e-01,  2.40980408e-02,
       -1.29018358e-01,  3.65316072e-02, -4.53713505e-02, -7.10502550e-02,
       -5.20098356e-02,  3.04094308e-02,  7.52992839e-02,  6.61186909e-02,
       -9.67867938e-02, -1.29195917e-04, -5.19479750e-02,  1.48578528e-01,
        3.23400273e-02, -2.17161703e-02, -1.04817781e-01,  7.44292736e-02,
       -5.41295739e-02, -6.79119876e-02, -2.32050643e-01, -4.98423585e-02,
       -2.16949754e-01,  5.96252846e-02,  4.32523792e-02,  4.56964495e-02,
       -1.17961168e-01, -1.43334157e-01,  7.34100096e-04,  7.56813323e-02,
        9.12146646e-02,  1.83877144e-02, -2.00347068e-01,  7.17208061e-02,
        1.09144395e-01, -5.21044513e-02,  3.76149041e-02,  3.86468665e-02,
        1.00399705e-01, -4.61556204e-03,  3.39164434e-02,  5.65848462e-02,
       -6.50537821e-03,  1.32600846e-02, -1.16110013e-01,  3.69347877e-03,
        9.11290728e-02,  1.55042989e-02, -1.69306132e-01, -5.42772881e-02,
       -1.70641253e-01, -9.37610651e-02, -5.88636311e-02,  4.05188810e-02,
       -3.62855884e-02,  1.01757716e-01,  8.63622845e-02,  5.76912980e-02,
        7.13985155e-02, -8.84397562e-02,  1.51479199e-01, -8.15588867e-02,
        5.43494704e-02,  2.10977263e-01, -1.26613525e-01, -1.14998324e-01,
        2.30437719e-02,  2.61509881e-03, -2.27291280e-02, -9.04926242e-02,
       -3.78487241e-02,  2.67542602e-02,  3.64966414e-02, -1.28593177e-01,
       -2.82797756e-02, -1.25953855e-01,  8.03372263e-02, -5.15399243e-02,
        1.42018759e-02, -6.53924392e-02, -8.90653460e-03,  1.12026821e-01,
       -9.53956457e-02,  1.22187934e-02,  6.16323352e-02,  9.16076238e-02,
        1.14829890e-01, -1.83868074e-01, -7.48231957e-02,  1.91085627e-01,
        1.85541822e-02, -1.06773543e-01, -9.54505328e-02,  8.10870389e-02,
       -8.90828545e-02, -6.87272064e-02, -1.59339146e-02, -2.72853863e-02,
       -1.70806059e-01,  2.96515319e-02,  5.91177207e-02,  3.00651099e-02,
       -4.82497318e-02, -1.68193674e-01,  6.57138823e-02,  3.98445330e-02,
       -8.76130768e-02,  1.76332512e-01,  1.36117990e-01, -1.28518233e-03,
       -6.14667434e-02,  1.10217459e-01,  5.96002935e-02,  1.29378868e-01,
       -1.37550331e-01,  3.73099805e-02,  9.76899824e-03, -7.12450165e-02,
       -1.41369429e-01,  1.65226077e-01, -4.46207280e-02, -6.84757925e-02,
        8.04109419e-02, -4.65845484e-02,  1.28429729e-01, -8.35858270e-02,
        1.83522192e-02,  9.03509014e-03,  1.70358769e-01,  1.36397516e-01,
       -2.83933902e-02,  8.44143664e-02, -5.68204796e-02, -2.24114456e-02,
       -6.58831169e-02, -4.57375862e-02, -2.62972119e-02,  1.31088121e-01,
       -1.09551095e-01, -4.92194966e-02,  7.05350504e-02, -1.06664752e-01,
        6.22597671e-02,  8.40205575e-02,  1.58067926e-01, -4.92237043e-02,
       -3.81962554e-02,  4.13209964e-02,  4.92026288e-02, -9.54111935e-02,
        1.86121073e-01,  9.23164162e-03,  8.40616050e-02,  8.30168882e-02,
        1.02190104e-01, -4.40549939e-02,  3.54043816e-02,  4.88904642e-02,
        1.15819869e-01,  1.10332748e-01, -3.26431420e-01,  1.45556268e-01,
        5.39322790e-02, -2.34555612e-02, -4.18357562e-02, -3.91941445e-02,
        6.16007404e-02,  5.65514374e-03,  1.65918797e-01, -8.71656039e-02,
        1.09761792e-01,  1.39151800e-01, -2.25599785e-04,  1.56203245e-02,
        9.89700603e-02,  2.10704695e-02,  1.07903297e-01,  3.96906472e-02,
        7.24655119e-02, -1.39428925e-02, -1.44823484e-02, -6.37526454e-02,
       -1.51457881e-01,  1.65227574e-01,  8.20730098e-02, -2.90206465e-02,
        6.92388122e-02, -6.95454368e-02, -2.15717327e-02, -1.91239708e-01,
        3.80513543e-02, -1.00919586e-01, -2.42957797e-02,  2.25686982e-02,
       -5.15553000e-02,  1.11441279e-02,  1.44969048e-01,  5.87027186e-02,
       -1.35397452e-01, -9.99100943e-02, -9.45110401e-02, -1.10175312e-02,
       -9.08042564e-02, -8.42855236e-02, -3.93150500e-02, -6.27285431e-02,
        5.07541421e-02, -1.10767977e-02, -5.35497174e-02, -1.14192939e-01,
       -1.36079386e-01, -7.38767910e-03,  1.09356388e-01,  1.91517901e-02,
        3.05371604e-02, -2.68382037e-02,  9.25096061e-02,  4.14303435e-02,
       -6.57719466e-02,  7.10789053e-02, -5.00398784e-02, -6.18737343e-02,
        1.36755045e-03, -5.49308558e-02,  6.38548168e-03,  1.50716804e-02,
       -1.04259839e-01, -5.26867268e-04,  1.74846560e-02, -8.72175256e-02,
        7.12830078e-02, -1.10566839e-01, -6.99686111e-03, -2.03523093e-01,
        3.08655052e-02, -4.03217311e-02,  8.03534621e-02, -4.25909323e-03,
        1.78006309e-02,  5.78925175e-02,  6.05481563e-02,  1.15122819e-01,
       -8.79641884e-02, -7.28182565e-02,  1.15268203e-01, -1.25190091e-01,
        1.69868187e-01,  2.78768236e-02, -5.49236431e-02,  8.79345272e-02,
        1.55172759e-01, -3.35516470e-02,  1.94933650e-02,  1.09683279e-01,
        7.38649040e-02,  2.71889487e-02, -1.02203236e-01,  6.26739718e-02,
        3.01212939e-02,  8.55295435e-02, -8.99555152e-02,  5.75196520e-02,
        9.65068843e-02, -2.34338695e-02,  5.11524000e-02,  9.59786979e-02,
       -4.09009270e-03, -4.34284654e-03,  7.75102962e-02, -9.71237550e-02,
        2.49424335e-02, -2.42976067e-02,  1.17062379e-01,  1.24592745e-01,
        1.11873209e-02,  2.86462300e-02, -9.86969290e-02, -7.07860827e-02,
        3.26677339e-01, -9.32341096e-02,  4.44032822e-03,  2.03391567e-01,
        1.25322922e-01, -6.13731658e-02,  2.67250403e-02, -1.02302802e-01,
       -5.46276533e-02, -9.24825590e-02,  1.74442055e-01, -2.36831098e-02,
        1.04452982e-01,  1.68302812e-01,  1.28141798e-01, -1.38941701e-01,
       -9.08718773e-02,  3.38724564e-02,  3.93973870e-01, -1.35517549e-02,
       -2.27050321e-01, -4.24147992e-02,  2.70738761e-01, -2.31271024e-01,
        4.17720047e-02, -1.10417595e-01,  4.32469351e-02, -3.79741991e-02,
        1.11490712e-02, -2.35608123e-01,  5.59919881e-03, -1.84273591e-02,
        4.30270210e-03,  1.07343877e-01,  8.73628859e-02,  3.92284505e-02,
        2.08237312e-01, -1.50396207e-01, -5.78071600e-02,  1.09050064e-01,
       -1.72560508e-01, -5.29250048e-03, -4.30020691e-05, -1.09535915e-01,
       -6.88224221e-02, -1.16652351e-01, -6.08346479e-02, -1.10479863e-01,
        2.39838393e-02, -1.29158555e-01, -1.33933131e-02,  9.75715374e-02,
        5.20726807e-02,  1.00214419e-02,  1.24303848e-01, -3.79805143e-02,
       -2.02666428e-01,  8.38718202e-02, -9.11335698e-02,  7.95591754e-02,
       -5.81698323e-02, -5.34511292e-02, -6.17459653e-02,  2.60544183e-02,
        3.90948395e-03,  1.19604571e-01, -7.07347635e-02, -1.12078120e-01,
       -4.96179879e-02,  1.11526713e-02, -7.07221651e-02,  7.69144196e-02,
        1.58613041e-01, -1.39781026e-01,  2.95793752e-02,  3.68394110e-02,
       -4.18078127e-02, -1.60757015e-01,  1.47893762e-01, -9.84282057e-03,
        1.89614416e-01, -2.38628477e-02, -1.32418300e-01, -1.68296482e-01,
        1.25698533e-01,  1.05774445e-01, -3.71804423e-02, -2.13593768e-01,
        3.19594448e-02,  1.54781061e-03,  2.20367778e-03,  2.07988598e-02,
        5.41224126e-02, -9.23232942e-02,  1.70750438e-01, -5.27122468e-02,
        9.25312776e-04,  9.01657075e-02, -2.20170682e-02, -2.11158265e-03,
       -7.54551525e-02,  9.53720140e-03,  7.55578265e-02, -1.23155254e-02,
        1.04368406e-01,  4.28191715e-02,  1.23672910e-01, -2.77525048e-02,
        1.11384424e-01,  6.39740767e-02, -1.88260677e-02, -1.15043418e-01,
        3.22372753e-02, -1.01225379e-02, -1.37108132e-01,  6.97854432e-02,
        1.17521249e-01, -2.51552568e-02, -1.77961417e-01,  5.31862795e-02,
       -1.41220603e-01,  2.14986461e-01, -1.08034184e-01, -1.84180491e-02,
        7.79878087e-03, -9.05938863e-02, -4.83248139e-02, -9.60869016e-02,
       -6.97913023e-02, -1.16907469e-02,  6.10202025e-02, -5.78486811e-02,
        2.06700089e-01,  1.24277208e-01,  1.91080816e-01, -6.47910259e-03,
        1.75225356e-01, -8.44110722e-02,  5.01478987e-02, -8.56551337e-02,
        5.17711965e-02,  6.42261643e-02,  2.22894036e-01, -6.07027633e-02,
        2.05478927e-02,  1.37951283e-01, -2.13021341e-02,  3.09921472e-02,
        5.50481297e-02,  7.65550546e-02,  9.54117672e-02,  9.90553973e-02,
        1.28249736e-01, -1.28388305e-01,  1.99409425e-02,  5.41317405e-02,
        1.65428199e-02, -7.79161700e-03, -2.22760338e-01,  1.44991728e-01,
       -5.24649010e-02, -5.92774404e-02, -1.03581415e-02,  1.04159726e-01,
        1.29533429e-01,  1.70063520e-02,  1.04111676e-02, -2.23362998e-02,
       -3.62960885e-02, -4.59477709e-02,  4.30522613e-02,  1.19699534e-01,
        5.77504464e-02,  1.84266394e-01,  3.75006804e-03,  9.89718511e-02,
        4.59842839e-02, -5.83119485e-02, -8.86614216e-02, -4.26700382e-02,
        1.58807757e-01,  1.51974708e-02, -1.26840250e-03, -1.22019981e-02,
        3.08935079e-01,  4.63270561e-02, -1.63488044e-03, -1.49984190e-01,
        9.75082102e-02, -6.29723805e-02, -1.13820938e-01, -7.31180915e-03,
       -1.10964502e-01,  5.49700398e-02,  9.07988325e-02, -6.90418252e-02,
        1.29555693e-02,  7.62790039e-02,  1.00664394e-01,  2.57607467e-02,
       -1.14079824e-02,  1.53364129e-01, -1.24106507e-01, -1.70289728e-01,
        3.07791554e-02, -8.96111751e-02, -2.97177200e-02, -6.71701998e-02,
        9.10907016e-03,  1.09873706e-01, -9.82484282e-02,  5.50252596e-03,
        1.06404189e-01, -9.65272669e-02, -3.92007789e-02, -1.00951851e-01,
       -1.02342179e-01, -6.50844336e-03,  4.57039361e-02,  2.60436807e-02,
       -1.99107088e-01,  6.80906526e-02,  2.02862457e-02,  1.98220654e-01,
       -1.24779797e-01, -1.11222435e-01,  1.24684603e-03,  8.84841212e-02,
       -6.65867690e-02, -1.37476842e-01, -1.64705015e-01, -3.39106357e-02,
        4.88768752e-02,  8.48970262e-03,  1.86168310e-02, -1.92014889e-02,
       -4.00592266e-02,  6.79770519e-02, -8.09714789e-02,  3.83053876e-02,
        1.15890411e-01,  4.57180162e-02, -1.78226887e-01,  7.16453531e-02,
       -9.42551537e-02,  5.79174643e-02, -1.82654212e-02, -1.11120696e-01,
       -1.30939303e-02,  3.69285182e-02,  1.04544790e-01, -2.87094715e-03,
       -7.45169678e-02, -2.64419296e-02, -1.77889916e-01, -1.15789079e-01,
        2.35601282e-01, -5.94735448e-02, -8.98569813e-02,  8.75017377e-02,
        3.05196247e-02, -9.09946181e-03,  5.32243018e-02,  1.01669495e-01,
        6.80861028e-03, -1.39142521e-01, -9.64457416e-02,  7.18267539e-02,
       -7.59109154e-02,  1.45036711e-01,  1.17190105e-01,  1.80500781e-01,
       -1.28377262e-02,  3.05742413e-02, -4.59354531e-02, -8.60945625e-02,
        2.47108553e-01, -4.41058798e-02,  8.97614722e-03, -1.16175549e-01,
       -3.11678657e-02, -3.15132743e-02, -1.70303007e-03,  1.02449023e-01,
        1.44831377e-01, -4.23111810e-02, -1.04496701e-01, -5.02864641e-02,
       -1.77470952e-01,  5.70196206e-03, -1.21004897e-01,  1.02390113e-01,
       -4.51532500e-02,  2.15086429e-02, -4.01693302e-02,  1.23775032e-01,
       -1.00373951e-02,  1.05200593e-01, -2.92123459e-01,  1.58435840e-01,
        4.02348404e-02, -1.95641132e-02, -2.11935134e-03,  1.81223475e-01,
       -5.14744417e-02, -7.16209038e-02, -9.45797123e-02,  1.19286097e-02,
       -1.00280922e-01, -1.00878816e-01,  3.87653314e-02, -2.41592201e-02,
       -1.84317158e-03,  3.18474547e-02, -2.04477917e-01,  2.91607947e-02,
        1.00567001e-01,  6.04537064e-02, -7.73523227e-03,  6.30822799e-02,
       -2.96948132e-02,  2.28529429e-01,  5.82197923e-02, -1.74129026e-01,
       -2.41114605e-01,  2.43244244e-02,  3.01107604e-02,  1.82384292e-01,
        1.15662815e-01, -3.97686032e-02, -5.80240689e-03,  4.23530125e-02,
        8.47157181e-02,  4.41112710e-02, -1.03665217e-02,  1.66006498e-01,
        1.09792013e-01,  4.54716458e-02,  4.54465296e-02, -8.30272813e-02,
        4.73785624e-02, -6.77515329e-02,  7.16185061e-02,  1.16991266e-01,
        3.07325732e-02, -5.78692573e-02, -6.28055348e-02,  7.80415184e-02,
       -4.39636574e-02, -1.71740127e-02, -1.04629639e-01, -1.08860793e-02,
        1.50631938e-01, -7.60693647e-02, -5.91960387e-02,  8.64891111e-03,
        1.00587787e-01,  1.22685791e-01,  1.45965570e-01,  1.58254921e-02,
        2.66944159e-02,  1.85449163e-02,  6.49610177e-02,  1.50889209e-01,
       -1.03866292e-01,  1.52104795e-01, -2.10776265e-02, -1.07919457e-01,
       -1.15194517e-02, -2.72770323e-02,  4.69492985e-02, -9.25582542e-02,
       -7.19306490e-02, -9.24352647e-02,  3.00890814e-02,  6.07024756e-02,
        8.40467977e-02,  9.58729231e-02,  2.22074911e-01,  1.37396848e-02,
       -1.12782908e-01, -1.32617179e-02,  5.12865057e-02,  3.05592951e-02,
        7.38673064e-02,  8.58417577e-02,  3.22918249e-02, -8.28546841e-02,
        2.07313049e-01, -9.23590512e-02, -1.26355087e-01, -3.44102443e-02])

我们可以验证一下通过正态分布随机产生的数据集合的平均值是否为最开始我们设定的 mu 的值:
We can verify whether the mean of the data set randomly generated through the normal distribution is the value of mu that we initially set:

# 误差小于0.01时,说明两个数相等
print("mu==平均值:", abs(mu - np.mean(s)) < 0.01)
mu==平均值: True

Finally, let's perform statistics on the generated dataset above to obtain the distribution image of the normal distribution:

count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 30, density=True)
plt.plot(bins, 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) *
         np.exp(- (bins - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)), linewidth=2, color='r')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x118a6e710>]

90.10. 方差和标准差# 90.10. Variance and Standard Deviation

Variance, used to indicate the degree of dispersion of data points in a dataset, is mathematically defined as:


其中 x 表示 x 的平均值,即 x=x1+x2+...+xnn
Among them, x represents the average value of x , which is x=x1+x2+...+xnn .

The standard deviation also represents the degree of dispersion of data points in a dataset. In mathematical terms, it is actually the square root of the variance:


我们可以使用 np.std(x, ddof=1)) 来计算任意数据集合 x 的标准差。
We can use np.std(x, ddof=1)) to calculate the standard deviation of any data set x .

接下来,我们就利用该函数计算一下上面服从正态分布的随机变量的标准差,并且判断该标准差是否和初始化传入的 sigma 参数相等:
Next, we will use this function to calculate the standard deviation of the above normally distributed random variable and determine whether this standard deviation is equal to the sigma parameter passed in during initialization:

std = np.std(s, ddof=1)
# 误差小于 0.01 则认为相等
print("sigma==标准差:", abs(sigma - std < 0.01))
sigma==标准差: True

综上,我们可以知道当数据 xN(μ,σ2)时, μ 为数据集合 x 的均值,σ 为数据集合 x 的标准差。
In summary, we can know that when the data is xN(μ,σ2) , μ is the mean of the data set x , and σ is the standard deviation of the data set x .

90.11. 数学期望# 90.11. Mathematical Expectation

The mathematical expectation is the sum of the probabilities of each possible outcome in an experiment multiplied by their respective results. It reflects the average value of a random variable.

离散型随机变量的数学期望如下: The mathematical expectation of a discrete random variable is as follows:


其中 pk 为离散型变量的概率质量函数。
Among them, pk is the probability mass function of the discrete variable.

连续型随机变量的数学期望如下: The mathematical expectation of a continuous random variable is as follows:


其中 f(x) 为连续型变量的概率密度函数。
The f(x) is the probability density function of the continuous variable.

90.12. 协方差# 90.12. Covariance #

In probability theory and statistics, covariance is used to measure the overall error between two variables. Variance is a special case of covariance, that is, when the two variables are the same, the covariance of these two variables is equal to the variance.

假设需要衡量的变量分别为 x ,y 。则它们的协方差的公式定义如下:
Assuming the variables to be measured are x and y, the formula for their covariance is defined as follows:


其中 xy 表示变量的平均值。
The average values of the variables are represented by x and y .

x=y 时,上面的式子就可以化为方差的计算公式,如下:
When x=y , the above equation can be transformed into the formula for calculating variance, as follows:


If the covariance is positive, it indicates that the two variables are positively correlated; if the covariance is negative, it indicates that the two variables are negatively correlated.

我们可以使用 numpy.cov() 函数对协方差进行计算。
We can use the numpy.cov() function to calculate the covariance.

注意:numpy.cov(X) 得到的是一个协方差矩阵,又叫相关矩阵。也就是说,该函数可以计算多组变量之间的协方差值。传入参数 X 是一个矩阵。该矩阵的每一列都是一组独立的数据集。如下:
Note: numpy.cov(X) yields a covariance matrix, also known as a correlation matrix. In other words, this function can calculate the covariance values between multiple sets of variables. The input parameter X is a matrix. Each column of this matrix is an independent dataset. As follows:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [3, 1, 1]
a = np.array([x, y])

# 传入的参数 a 的每一列都是一组数据集
A = np.cov(a)
array([[ 1.        , -1.        ],
       [-1.        ,  1.33333333]])

从上面的结果可以看出,我们利用 numpy.cov() 得到了一个协方差矩阵 A,且该矩阵大小为 2×2
From the above results, it can be seen that we obtained a covariance matrix A using numpy.cov() , and the size of this matrix is 2×2 .

  • A11 表示第一列和第一列的协方差,即数据集 x 与 数据集 x 的协方差,即数据集 x 的方差。
    A11 represents the covariance of the first column with the first column, which is the covariance of dataset x with dataset x , that is, the variance of dataset x .

  • A22 表示第二列和第二列的协方差,即数据集 y 与 数据集 y 的协方差,即数据集 y 的方差。
    A22 represents the covariance of the second column and the second column, which is the covariance of dataset y and dataset y , which is the variance of dataset y .

  • A12 表示第一列和第二列的协方差,即数据集 x 与 数据集 y 的协方差。
    A12 represents the covariance between the first column and the second column, that is, the covariance between dataset x and dataset y .

  • A21 表示第二列和第一列的协方差。其实和 A12 的性质是一样的,A21=A12
    A21 represents the covariance between the second column and the first column. In fact, it has the same properties as A12 , A21 = A12 .

同理,当传入的是一个 n×3 的矩阵(其中 3 代表列数,即数据集的个数。n 代表行数,即每个数据集中的样本数)时,np.cov() 得到的就是一个 3×3 的协方差矩阵。当传入的是一个 n×m 的矩阵时, np.cov() 得到的就是一个 m×m 的协方差矩阵 A。其中 Ai,j 的值就是第 i 列数据与第 j 列数据的协方差。
Similarly, when a n×3 matrix is passed in (where 3 represents the number of columns, i.e., the number of datasets, and n represents the number of rows, i.e., the number of samples in each dataset), np.cov() will obtain a 3×3 covariance matrix. When a n×m matrix is passed in, np.cov() will obtain a m×m covariance matrix A . Here, the value of Ai,j is the covariance between the data in column i and the data in column j .

90.13. 统计学相关概念# 90.13. Statistical Concepts

90.14. 样本和总体# 90.14. Samples and Populations

  • 总体:在进行统计分析时,研究对象的全部。可以用 X 表示。
    Overall: The entirety of the subjects under study during statistical analysis. It can be represented by X .

  • 样本:从总体 X 中按照一定的规则抽出的个体,用 X1,X2,...Xn表示。
    Sample: An individual drawn from the population X according to certain rules, denoted by X1,X2,...Xn .

  • 样本容量:样本中所含个体的个数被称之为样本容量,用 n 表示。
    Sample size: The number of individuals contained in the sample is called the sample size, denoted by n .

举个例子,假设我们需要调查全国青少年的平均身高。身高这个研究变量就是研究对象。全国青少年的身高就为总体 X。但是我们不可能对所有青少年的身高进行调查,一般只能通过抽样得到部分数据,然后利用部分数据对总体的身高值进行估计。
For example, suppose we need to investigate the average height of teenagers nationwide. Height, as a research variable, is the subject of the study. The height of teenagers nationwide is the population X . However, it is impossible to survey the height of all teenagers, so we generally obtain partial data through sampling and then use this partial data to estimate the height value of the population.

其实这里通过抽样得到的部分数据就叫做样本。 In fact, the partial data obtained through sampling here is called a sample.

从整体抽出一个个体,就是对总体 X 进行一次抽样并记录结果。在相同条件下对总体进行 n 次独立抽样。将 n 次抽样结果按照试验顺序记为 X1,X2,...,Xn。他们是相互独立的,且都是与 X 具有相同分布的随机变量。X1,X2,...,Xn 称之为来自总体 X 的一个简单随机样本。
Extracting an individual from the whole is to sample the population X once and record the result. Conduct n independent samplings of the population under the same conditions. Record the results of the n samplings in the order of the experiments as X1,X2,...,Xn . They are independent of each other and are random variables with the same distribution as X . X1,X2,...,Xn is called a simple random sample from the population X .

90.15. 假设检验的概念# Concept of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a very important concept in statistics. Its logic is similar to the method of contradiction. Establish a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis that opposes it.

在原假设的前提下,进行实验,如果发生了不可能事件或者几率很小的事件 ,那么我们就可以认为原假设不合理,应当被拒绝。而与之对应的备选假设合理,应该被接受。
Under the premise of the null hypothesis, if an experiment results in an impossible event or an event with a very small probability, we can consider the null hypothesis to be unreasonable and it should be rejected. Conversely, the alternative hypothesis is reasonable and should be accepted.

举个例子,有一种奶茶是由牛奶和茶按照一定比例混合而成。在制作该奶茶时,我们可以先加奶后加茶(记为 MT),也可以先加茶后加奶(记作 TM)。我有个同学叫小红,她声称她自己具有辨别 MT 和 TM 的能力。那么如何判别她是否真的具有这种能力呢?我们就可以使用假设检验。假设原假设 H0 为:
For example, there is a type of milk tea made by mixing milk and tea in a certain proportion. When making this milk tea, we can add milk first and then tea (denoted as MT), or add tea first and then milk (denoted as TM). I have a classmate named Xiaohong who claims she has the ability to distinguish between MT and TM. So how can we determine if she really has this ability? We can use hypothesis testing. Suppose the null hypothesis H0 is:


If the above assumption is correct, then the probability of Xiaohong accurately identifying any cup of milk tea is 0.5 (which means random identification).

现在我准备了 10 杯奶茶,如果原假设准确的话,那么小红全部鉴别成功的概率就为 p=210=0.00097<0.001,几乎为不可能事件。
Now I have prepared 10 cups of milk tea. If the null hypothesis is accurate, then the probability of Xiaohong successfully identifying all of them is p=210=0.00097<0.001 , which is almost an impossible event.

然后实验开始,我们为小红准备了 10 杯奶茶,让她检测,最终结果是她全部检测正确了。也就是说,在原假设的条件下,发生了不可能事件。因此原假设 H0 不合理,应当予以拒绝。而与之对应的备选假设 H1 合理,即该同学具有这种鉴别能力。
Then the experiment began. We prepared 10 cups of milk tea for Xiaohong to test, and the final result was that she correctly identified all of them. In other words, under the conditions of the null hypothesis, an impossible event occurred. Therefore, the null hypothesis H0 is unreasonable and should be rejected. The corresponding alternative hypothesis H1 is reasonable, meaning that the student has this ability to distinguish.

The entire process above is the hypothesis testing process. The basic idea of the hypothesis testing process is that a low-probability event will not occur in a single experiment. If it does occur, it proves that the original hypothesis should be rejected.

假设检验有很多种方法,大致可以根据分布函数的不同,分为 z 检验(正态分布)、t 检验(t 分布)和 F 检验(分布)。
Assuming there are many methods of hypothesis testing, they can be roughly divided into z-test (normal distribution), t-test (t distribution), and F-test (distribution) based on different distribution functions.

为了方便讲解,这里我们以 z 检验为例对假设检验进行讲解。
To facilitate the explanation, we will use the z-test as an example to explain hypothesis testing.

90.16. z 检验#
90.16. z Inspection #

z 检验是一种用于检验大样本(样本容量超过 30)的平均差异的检验方法。它用正态分布理论推断了差异发生的概率,从而比较了样本和总体平均数的差异是否显著。
The z-test is a method used to test the difference in means for large samples (sample size over 30). It uses the theory of normal distribution to infer the probability of the difference occurring, thereby comparing whether the difference between the sample mean and the population mean is significant.

z 假设检验的完整步骤如下: The complete steps of hypothesis testing are as follows:

  1. 提取总体的原假设(H0)和备选假设(H1),并且收集样本数据。
    Extract the null hypothesis ( H0 ) and the alternative hypothesis ( H1 ), and collect sample data.

  2. 假设原假设 H0 正确,构建比较分布:正态分布。
    Assuming the null hypothesis H0 is correct, construct the comparison distribution: normal distribution.

  3. 计算样本数据在比较分布中的位置。 Calculate the position of sample data in the comparative distribution.

  4. 将结果与临界值进行对比。 Compare the results with the critical value.

  5. 若为小概率事件,则拒绝原假设,接受备选假设。反之则接受原假设。
    If it is a low-probability event, reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Conversely, accept the null hypothesis.

小概率事件:我们认为小概率事件为 p<0.05 的事件。
Small probability event: We consider a small probability event to be an event with a probability of p<0.05 .

比较分布:用于检验假设的分布函数,z 假设检验中使用的是正态分布。
Comparison distribution: A distribution function used to test hypotheses, the normal distribution is used in z hypothesis testing.

统计量 z:正态分布的概率密度函数的面积就是该分布函数的概率值。概率值所对应的密度函数的横坐标的值就是统计量 z。
The area under the probability density function of the normal distribution is the probability value of the distribution function. The value of the horizontal coordinate of the density function corresponding to the probability value is the statistic z.

临界值:如下图所示,我们把左右两边的 2.5% 的面积定义为小概率事件,即紫色部分为小概率事件。这两个紫色区域的临界值的横坐标为: z=±1.96,称作统计量 z 的临界值。当通过样本计算出来的统计量 z 值小于 或者 大于临界值 ,就可以拒绝原假设。
Critical value: As shown in the figure below, we define the 2.5% area on both the left and right sides as a low-probability event, that is, the purple part is a low-probability event. The horizontal coordinates of the critical values of these two purple areas are: z=±1.96 , which is called the critical value of the statistic z. When the statistic z value calculated from the sample is less than or greater than the critical value, the null hypothesis can be rejected.

那么如何计算一个样本的统计量呢?statsmodels.stats.weightstats 库中的 ztest 可以实现这个过程。
So how do you calculate the statistics of a sample? statsmodels.stats.weightstats in the ztest library can accomplish this process.

ztest 函数包含的输入参数如下:  The input parameters included in the function are as follows:

  • x1:样本的数据值。 x1: The data value of the sample.

  • value:原假设中总体的均值。 value: The mean of the population in the null hypothesis.

该函数的原假设 H0:样本 x1 所对应的均值为 value;备选假设 H1,样本 x1 所对应的均值不为 value。通过函数可以得到如下输出值:
The null hypothesis of the function H0 : the mean corresponding to sample x1 is value; the alternative hypothesis H1 : the mean corresponding to sample x1 is not value. The function can produce the following output values:

  • tstats:统计量值 tstats: statistical value

  • pvalue:p 值 p-value: p value

如果这里存在一个样本集合 arr,让我们通过假设检验推断一下该样本对应的总体的均值是否为 39
If there is a sample set arr, let's infer through hypothesis testing whether the mean of the population corresponding to this sample is 39 .

首先让我们来定义样本容量超过 30 的样本集合,因为只有超过 30 的样本集合的均值才能使用 z 检验进行推断。
First, let's define a sample set with a sample size greater than 30, because only the mean of a sample set with more than 30 samples can be inferred using the z-test.

arr = [23, 36, 42, 34, 39, 34, 35, 42, 53, 28, 49, 39, 46, 45, 39, 38, 45, 27,
       43, 54, 36, 34, 48, 36, 47, 44, 48, 45, 44, 33, 24, 40, 50, 32, 39, 31]

接下来,让我们使用 ztest 计算原假设所对应的统计量 z:
Next, let's use ztest to calculate the test statistic z corresponding to the null hypothesis:

import statsmodels.stats.weightstats as sw

# 原假设为总体的平均值是 39
z, p = sw.ztest(arr, value=39)

从结果可以看到,原假设的统计量 z = 0.38,该值刚好大于 -1.96,小于 1.96。因此,我们应当接受原假设。
From the results, it can be seen that the test statistic for the null hypothesis is z = 0.38, which is just greater than -1.96 and less than 1.96. Therefore, we should accept the null hypothesis.

综上,我们可以得到样本所对应的总体的平均值等于 39。
In summary, we can conclude that the mean of the population corresponding to the sample is 39.

如果将原假设改为:样本所对应的总体的平均值为 20。让我们重新来计算统计量 t:
If the null hypothesis is changed to: the mean of the population corresponding to the sample is 20. Let's recalculate the t statistic:

z, p = sw.ztest(arr, value=20)

从结果可以看出,z 的值远远大于 1.96。因此,我们应当拒绝该假设,接受与之对应的备选假设,即总体的平均值不等于 20。
From the results, it can be seen that the value of z is much greater than 1.96. Therefore, we should reject the null hypothesis and accept the corresponding alternative hypothesis, which means that the population mean is not equal to 20.

当然,上面的 z 检验方案只是 z 检验的一种。我们还可以按照 {临界值只有左边存在、临界值只有右边存在、临界值两边都存在} 等三种可能,将 z 检验类型分为 {左侧检验、右侧检验和双侧检验}。
Of course, the above z-test scheme is just one type of z-test. We can also classify the z-test into three types: {left-tailed test, right-tailed test, and two-tailed test} based on the three possible scenarios: {critical value exists only on the left, critical value exists only on the right, and critical values exist on both sides}.

利用统计量判断原假设是否拒绝并不是唯一的方法,我们还可以使用 p 值来对其进行判断。 p 值就是上面这个函数返回的第二个参数。
Using statistics to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis is not the only method; we can also use the p value to make this judgment. The p value is the second parameter returned by the function above.

我们一般认为如果 p 值小于显著水平(0.05,即临界值所对应的概率),则表示拒绝原假设。若 p 值大于显著水平则接受原假设。你可以输出上面的 p 值,查看一下利用 p 值判断假设的结果和利用统计量判断的结果是否一致。
We generally believe that if the p value is less than the significance level (0.05, i.e., the probability corresponding to the critical value), it indicates rejecting the null hypothesis. If the p value is greater than the significance level, then the null hypothesis is accepted. You can output the above p value to check whether the result of using the p value to judge the hypothesis is consistent with the result of using the test statistic.

其实使用 p 值判断原假设是否应当被接受的方案比根据临界统计量判断的方案要好。因为无论我们选择任何比较分布,它的显著水平我们都可以设置为 0.05(即最小事件的概率)。但是,因为相同概率所对应的分布函数下的统计量根据分布函数不同而不同。即不同比较分布的临界统计量是不同的,而显著水平是相同的。
In fact, using the p value to determine whether the null hypothesis should be accepted is better than the method based on the critical statistic. This is because, regardless of the comparison distribution we choose, we can set its significance level to 0.05 (i.e., the probability of the smallest event). However, the statistics corresponding to the same probability under different distribution functions vary according to the distribution function. That is, the critical statistics of different comparison distributions are different, while the significance level is the same.

因此,大家都喜欢使用 p 值来判断原假设是否接受。而不是选择计算统计量,然后再找相应分布函数的临界值,然后再进行比较,最后再下结论。
Therefore, everyone prefers to use the p value to determine whether to accept the null hypothesis, rather than choosing to calculate the test statistic, then finding the critical value of the corresponding distribution function, and then making a comparison, and finally drawing a conclusion.

Actually, hypothesis testing is one of the most important parts of statistics, and it includes many knowledge points. However, since these knowledge points are not frequently used in machine learning (they are often used in data analysis), they will not be elaborated on.

90.17. 总结# 90.17. Summary #

This experiment first explained the three major formulas in probability theory, which are frequently used in the Naive Bayes algorithm. Then, it explained the specific differences between discrete and continuous distributions, as well as commonly used distribution functions and graphs. Finally, it provided relevant explanations and implementations of hypothesis testing in statistics.

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