TEJ3M/4M - The History of the Internet "The Internet - Behind the Web" TEJ3M/4M - 互联网的历史 "互联网 - 网页背后"
For which industry did the internet first get its funding? 互联网最初为哪个行业获得资金?
What was the name of the M.I.T. psychologist that first envisioned connecting computers throughout the world together in the 1950's? 在 1950 年代,第一位设想将全球计算机连接在一起的麻省理工学院心理学家的名字是什么?
What Russian event in 1957 first caused the Americans to realize that they needed a more robustcommunicationsnetwork than their current one? 1957 年发生的哪个俄罗斯事件首次让美国人意识到他们需要比现有的更强大的通信网络?
What is the name of the US president that first fundedasolution to this end? 美国总统的名字是什么,他首次为此目的提供资金?
What does ARPA stand for and what was its goal? ARPA 代表什么,它的目标是什么?
Who was Leonard Kleinrock and what contribution did he make to the internet? 伦纳德·克莱因罗克是谁,他对互联网做出了什么贡献?
What 2 principles did Kleinrock come up with to increase the speed of atheoreticalpacketswitchingnetwork? 克莱因罗克提出了哪两个原则来提高无理论分组交换网络的速度?
Why were the telephone industry's "circuit" switchingnetworks not good deemed good enough as abasis for a reliable network? 为什么电话行业的“电路”交换网络被认为不够可靠,无法作为可靠网络的基础?
What was the name of the engineer hired by the U.S. governmenttasked to theoretically design this new more reliable "fishnet" network? 美国政府雇佣的负责理论设计这种新型更可靠的“鱼网”网络的工程师叫什么名字?
What is "Hot Potato" routing and what 2 things was it inspired by? “热土豆”路由是什么,它受到了哪两件事的启发?
What are packets and how do they work? 数据包是什么,它们是如何工作的?
Althoughresearch showed that apacketswitchingnetwork could be built in 1962, it wasn't complete until . 尽管研究表明,1962 年可以建立一个分组交换网络,但它直到才完成。
What was timesharing? 什么是时间共享?
Unlike the space race, the physicalrealization of the internet was driven the frustration of a single ARPA scientist, Bob Taylor, in 1966. What was this frustration? 与太空竞赛不同,互联网的实际实现是由一位 ARPA 科学家鲍勃·泰勒在 1966 年的挫败感驱动的。这种挫败感是什么?
How much money was Bob Taylor given to solve this frustration? 鲍勃·泰勒为解决这个烦恼得到了多少钱?
Bob Taylor recruited , the Director of InfoProcessingTechnology at ARPA, (who had lived with Len Kleinrock at MIT and learned about Packetswitchingfrom him), because he had already built the world's first experimentalconnection. 鲍勃·泰勒招募了阿帕网信息处理技术主任,他曾与麻省理工学院的伦·克莱因罗克同住,并向他学习了分组交换,因为他已经建立了世界上第一个实验连接。
What does IMP stand for and how do IMPs work? IMP 代表什么,IMPs 是如何工作的?
How many supercomputers did the first "Network" consist of and where were they located? 第一代“网络”由多少台超级计算机组成,它们位于哪里?
What company won the contract to build Larry Roberts' packetswitchingnetworkdesign? Who was the project manager? 哪个公司赢得了建设拉里·罗伯茨的数据包交换网络设计的合同?项目经理是谁?
What date was work begun on the hardwaresolution and when was it scheduled to be finished? 硬件解决方案的工作开始于什么日期,计划何时完成?
What were some of the problems that the company in charge of the build raninto? 该负责建设的公司遇到了哪些问题?
What was the first computer site to receive an IMP and who did they communicate with at that time? Was it delivered on time? How long before all 4 sites were connected? 第一个收到 IMP 的计算机站点是什么?他们当时与谁进行通信?是否按时交付?所有四个站点连接之前经过了多长时间?
By 1971, how many computers were networked with ARPAnet? 到 1971 年,有多少台计算机与 ARPAnet 联网?
Who was Bob Metcalf? 鲍勃·梅特卡夫是谁?
Who was the inventor of Email? Who did he work for? Was he commissioned by his company to createEmail? What was his new Email actually created for at first? What significance in the development of the internet did Emailprovide? 电子邮件的发明者是谁?他为谁工作?他是受公司委托创建电子邮件的吗?他最初创建电子邮件的目的是什么?电子邮件在互联网发展中提供了什么重要性?
What was "inclusion"? “包容”是什么?
In October 1972 ARPAnet was demonstrated at . 在 1972 年 10 月,ARPAnet 在...进行了演示。
How many different things that could be done with ARPAnet were demonstratedthere? 在那儿展示了可以用 ARPAnet 做多少不同的事情?
Where the telephone company executivesimpressed with packetswitchingtechnology? Why or why not? 电话公司高管对分组交换技术印象深刻吗?为什么或为什么不?
What is a LAN ? 局域网是什么?
What is a WAN? 什么是广域网?
What did Vin Cerf and Bob Kahn do? 文·萨夫和鲍勃·卡恩做了什么?
What does TCP/IP stand for? TCP/IP 代表什么?
What did Cerf and Kahn call the "computer" in the middleallowingnetworks to communicate? Cerf 和 Kahn 称中间允许网络通信的“计算机”为什么?
What year did TCP/IP become the world standard for globalcommunication? TCP/IP 在哪一年成为全球通信的世界标准?
What happened in June 1992 that prompted an explosion of the internet? 1992 年 6 月发生了什么,促使互联网的爆炸性增长?
Even with the success of global connectivity what was still the problem for the average person non-technical person trying to use the internet? 即使在全球互联互通取得成功的情况下,对于试图使用互联网的普通非技术人员来说,仍然存在什么问题?
Who was Tim Berners-Lee and where did he work? What did he develop in 1989? 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李是谁,他在哪里工作?他在 1989 年开发了什么?
What did he call his invention? 他把他的发明称为什么?
What final ingredient to the phenomenal commercial and home success of the internet did Mark Andreeson contribute? What did he call it? What did it later becomeknown as when it was commercialized? 马克·安德森为互联网的惊人商业和家庭成功贡献了什么最终成分?他称之为什么?当它商业化时,它后来被称为什么?
After this development, how much did the internet grow? 在这一发展之后,互联网增长了多少?