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Cases a and c represent internal economies of scale because a single firm/factory is producing the output for the whole industry. As the output increases, average costs will fall. This can lead to imperfect competition as it supports a limited number of firms in the industry. Cases b and d represent external economies of scale as industry production is concentrated in a just a few locations. The benefits of geographical clustering include a greater variety of specialized services to support industry operations, access to a larger pool of specialized labour and thicker input markets.


The relatively few locations for production suggest external economies of scale in production. If these operations are large, there may also be large internal economies of scale in production.

Because economies of scale are significant in uranium production, it tends to be done by a small number of firms at a limited number of locations.

Because external economies of scale are significant in beef production, the industry tends to be concentrated in certain geographic locations. Soil, climactic conditions and historical breeding reflects the comparative advantage too.

“True” Champagne comes from France. The production of Champagne requires special techniques and it’s already a French trademark. This labor market pooling suggests external economy of scale. But soil and climactic conditions too are favorable for producing it and this reflects comparative advantage.

Because of climatic conditions, and due to a large market, Brazil generates external economies of scale in coffee production.

The three forces driving external economies of scale are access to specialised suppliers, labour market pooling, and knowledge spillovers. As these forces weaken, so too do the cost advantages of geographic clustering. The location of production becomes increasingly driven by factor costs when industries move away from external economies of scale toward traditional constant returns to scale.

Even with higher wages in China, the external economies of scale industries located in China may not move to lower-wage countries. Consider if for example, China’s average cost curve lies above that of Vietnam’s, reflecting higher wages in China, the external economies of scale industries located in China would not move to Vietnam. However, the fact that Chinese industry is established gives it a cost advantage over any Vietnamese firms who would enter the industry and face an initial cost higher than the established Chinese firms. Production would only shift to Vietnam if China’s average cost curve were to shift up enough so that the new equilibrium price and cost in China lies above the startup cost in Vietnam.