Strengths | Weaknesses | |
(11) | (12) | |
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Presented a Project Management Organization Chart with a short narrative on the functions of each department namely, Planning and Scheduling, Budgeting and Cost Control, Risk Management, Communication and Coordination, Quality Assurance. | Incomplete discussion on the roles and responsibilities on the Management of the Overall Project Program. The Bidder only discussed the commercial departments. | |
Provided Site Management Organizational Chart describing team composition with narrative on the duties and responsibilities of key personnel including the ESH Staff. Provided count of the labor needed for every construction phase and resource control procedures. Presented communication and coordination procedures with stakeholders. |
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Discussed the approach of prioritizing key works before the general ones commencing construction on works with long durations, complex techniques, large earthworks and major intersecting bridges. Presented a diagram of the oveall construction sequence. Narrative on Alasasin Bridge falling in the critical path is supported by a tabulation of the estimated milestone schedule and description of the activities. Discussed procedures for Contract management System, Financial Management System, QA/QC System Highlights especially Quality Management System and Quality Policy including the duties and responsibilities of the personnel included in the QC Organization Chart. Outlined Project Startup and Close Out procedures. |
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Provided project risk assessment and prevention plans featuring Safety, Quality, Scheduling, Environmental, Budget Risks. |
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Provided list of major suppliers; |
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Provided narratives on the phasing of the project Initial, Steady Deployment, Peak and Sustained months. |
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The Bidder provided narratives on intended plans in setting up the temporary facilities highlighting completion by Day 150. | Set-up sequence of facilties stated in Overall Schedule (p.1490), however, facilities for the Engineer is proposed to be located at the campsite of the Contractor and not consistent with Section VI - Employers Requirement (A.1.1). which states that, Building(s) and | |
Provided mobilization schedule of key personnel, other staff and manpower. |
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Provided a detailed overview of the seven (7) bridges and a list of equipment for bridge construction. Provided the flow chart for bored pile construction method statement including detailed narrative of the procedure for the drilling phase starting with setting-out, placement of temporary casing end drilling. |
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Provided procedure for cage installation tremie pipe installation, casting and inspection and acceptance. |
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Identified the location and layout of the fabrication yard at Sta. 3+600. Provided the process flow chart for girder production with narratives on yard preparation, girder production, curing, post-tensioning and storage. Narratives are supported by illustrations. |
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Girder erection sequence is span-by-span starting from one abutment towards the other abutment using cranes. Presented |
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Presented a tabulation of earthworks equipment with estimated numbers. Discussed survey, excavation, storage and spoil disposal. Identified storage and disposal site at Sta. 3+600. 重试 错误原因 |
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Discussed material testing requirements prior to embankment, fill compaction trials, setting out, embankment procedure and compaction. |
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Presented selected fill construction process from material stockpile to compaction identifying the required equipment and quality control procedures. |
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Discussed composition and quality of SMA. Methodology includes batching, hauling, laying, compaction, joimt treatment and quality control. |
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The bidder provided environmental management policies and procedures. Provided Table 2 Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) that outlines the different environmental plans that will undergo regular monitoring to guarantee adherence to regulations. |
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Provided Environmental Management Plan in narrative form discussing the potential impacts during construction and ways on bow to reduce or mitigate the impacts. |
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Provided Waste Management Plan with key measures on proper handling of all waste produced during construction. |
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Provided Biodiversity Management Plan which is aligned with the EIA findings and recommendations to safeguard the flora and fauna in the project area. Provided Biodiversiy Action Plan delineating potential impacts, as well as corresponding mitigation and enhancement strategies during Pre-construction, constuction and operation phases of the project. |
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Provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan with list of stakeholders identified for BCIB. Table 1 provides Stakeholders modes of engagement during projcct implementation. A narative on how to undergo the different modes of engagement. Grievance rederess |
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Provided Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan. Narrative on climate change mitigation measures, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate risk assessment. Provided matrir plan for Climate Change and Adaptarion detailing the objectives, key measures, timeline, responsible parties and monitoring indicators. |
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Provided Covid-19 Safety Protocols with guidelines that encompasses preventive, detection, and rapid response measures. |
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In the narative, the Contractor is required to designate the nearest district hospital at the projoct site as the official hospital to address the health care requirements of the entire workforce in the event of accident related incidents. |
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Provided Emergency Response Plan delineating the protocols and actions to be executed in case of emergency. Site safety provisions and medical facility and emergency response procedures are |
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Strengths | Weaknesses | |
(11) | (12) | |
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Presented a Project Management Organization Chart with a short narrative | Incomplete discussion on the roles and | |
Provided Site Managenent Organizational Chart descibing team composition with narrative on the duties and responsibilities of key personnel including the ESH Staff. Provided count of the labor needed for every construction phase and resource control procedures. |
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Discussed the approach of prioritizing key works before the general ones |
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Provided project risk assessment and prevention plans featuring Safety, |
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Provided list of major suppliers for cement (Holcim, Republic), rebars |
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Provided narratives on the phasing of the project Inital, Steady Deployment, Peak and Sustained months. |
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Completion of temporary facilities setup by Day 150. | Set-up sequence of facilties stated in Overall Schedule (p.1490), however, facilities for the Engineer is proposed to be located at the campsite of the Contractor and not consistent with Section VI - Employers Requirement (A.1.1). which states that, Building(s) and | |
Provided mobilization schedule of key personnel, other staff and manpower. |
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Provided a detailed overview of the two(2) bridges and a list of equipment for bridge construction. Provided the flow chart for bored pile construction |
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Provided procedure for cage installation tremie pipe installation, casting and inspection and acceptance. Presented an illustration of typical pile concrete pouring. |
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Identified the location and layout of the fabrication yard as near as possible the Cavite Viaduct & Antero Highway Bridge locations. |
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Girder erection sequence is span-by-span starting from one abutment towards the other abutment using cranes. |
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Presented a tabulation of earthworks equipment with estimated numbers. Discussed survey, excavation, storage and spoil disposal. |
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Mentioned embankment material source is at Centennial Roud, Marulas, Kawit, Cavite. Discussed material testing requirements prior to embankment, fill compaction trials, setting out, embankment procedure and compaction. | Did not provide details of the material source as to exact location and quantity. A check on Google Earth shows the surrounding area along Centennial Road relatively flat wih elevations ranging from +2 m to +5 m. | |
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Mentioned sclected fill material source is at Centennial Road, Marulas, Kawit Cavite. Presented selected fill construction process from material |
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Discussed composition and quality of SMA. Methodology includes batching, hauling, laying, compaction, joint treatment and quality control. |
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The bidder started with an introduction dedicating to uphold the utmost standards of workmanship, environmental stewardship, health and safety |
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Provided Table 1 Environmental Management Plan presenting the potential impacts and mitigation measures on areas of concern. |
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Provided Waste Management Plan specifying WMP goals and key measures such as regulatory compliance, waste segregation, collection, storage and recycling of waste, handling of hazardous waste, training as well as implementation and monitoring of these key measures. |
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The bidder provided Biodiversity Mamagement Plan outlining the measures to protect, manage, and monitor terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. The bider provided narrative which includes objectives of the BMP, commitment to adhere and compliance to all existing statutes in the Philippines. It also provided table displaying a Preliminary BAP Action Plan. The document also provides table delinating potential impacts, as well as the corresponding mitigation and enhancement strategies during the 3 construction stages of the project. The BMP is aligned with the disclosed EIAreport for BCIB. |
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The bidder provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan emphasizing their |
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The bidder provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan emphasizing their |
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The bidder provided Health and Safety Management Plan with an overview that it is based on the EIA carried out by the DPWH for the BCIB project. An |
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Provided list of health care and emergency facilities in Naic, Cavite with |
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An Emergency Response Plan is also provided by the Bidder with objectives, essential elements of the emergency response plan on emergency preparedness and emergency response procedures. Also included are the emergency response roles and responsibilities of site manager, safety officer and ER Team. |
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The bidder provided narrative which includes Traffic Impact Assessment to |
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Provided narrative on its reference Quality standards (ISO9001:2015) as | No Discussion on Handling, Storage and | |
Provided protocols for Offsite Laboratories, selection of laboratories coordination, acceptance and field testing, inspection and testing. |
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