这是用户在 2024-12-19 23:00 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?









Presented a Project Management Organization Chart with a short narrative on the functions of each department namely, Planning and Scheduling, Budgeting and Cost Control, Risk Management, Communication and Coordination, Quality Assurance.

Incomplete discussion on the roles and responsibilities on the Management of the Overall Project Program. The Bidder only discussed the commercial departments.
关于整个项目计划管理的作用和责任的讨论不完整。 投标人只讨论了商务部门。

Provided Site Management Organizational Chart describing team composition with narrative on the duties and responsibilities of key personnel including the ESH Staff. Provided count of the labor needed for every construction phase and resource control procedures. Presented communication and coordination procedures with stakeholders.
提供工地管理组织结构图,说明团队组成,并说明包括 ESH 工作人员在内的主要人员的职责和责任。 提供每个施工阶段所需的劳动力数量和资源控制程序。 介绍与利益相关者的沟通和协调程序。




Discussed the approach of prioritizing key works before the general ones commencing construction on works with long durations, complex techniques, large earthworks and major intersecting bridges. Presented a diagram of the oveall construction sequence. Narrative on Alasasin Bridge falling in the critical path is supported by a tabulation of the estimated milestone schedule and description of the activities. Discussed procedures for Contract management System, Financial Management System, QA/QC System Highlights especially Quality Management System and Quality Policy including the duties and responsibilities of the personnel included in the QC Organization Chart. Outlined Project Startup and Close Out procedures.
讨论了在工期较长、技术复杂、大型土方工程和主要交叉桥梁的一般工程开始施工之前,优先安排关键工程的方法。 介绍了总体施工顺序图。 通过估算里程碑时间表表和活动描述,说明阿拉萨辛大桥属于关键路径。 讨论了合同管理系统、财务管理系统、质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)系统的程序,特别是质量管理系统和质量政策,包括质量控制组织结构图中人员的职责和责任。 概述项目启动和关闭程序。


Provided project risk assessment and prevention plans featuring Safety, Quality, Scheduling, Environmental, Budget Risks.

A full write up featuring Project Risk Prediction (which delineates procedures on identification of risks) and highlighting key issues such as material supply, impact of process, safety risk, equipment failure and work obstruction.

Provided a Risk matrix with the risk mitigation procedures.


Provided list of major suppliers;

2 for cement (
Holicim, Republic),
2 水泥(Holicim,共和国)、

2 for rebars (
Steelasia and pagasa),
2 用于钢筋(Steelasia 和 pagasa)、

1 Admix (
1 Admix(Fusionchem)、

1 Geosynthetics (Bright Light),
1 土工合成材料(亮光)、

1 Steel Strands (Imported), etc.
1 钢绞线(进口)等。

Aggregates (Planters,
Chif Bin)




Provided narratives on the phasing of the project Initial, Steady Deployment, Peak and Sustained months.

Presented the same
mobilzation schedule featured in the other sections.

Presented linked bar chart of key activities-critical path using MS Project.
使用 MS Project 演示关键活动--关键路径的链接条形图。


The Bidder provided narratives on intended plans in setting up the temporary facilities highlighting completion by Day 150.
投标人提供了有关建立临时设施的计划说明,强调要在第 150 天之前完成。

The write up featured sketches of Contractor Offices (Project Department's Camp), In-house Batching Plant, Storage Yard, Asphalt Mixing Plant, Precast Yard, Laboratory, Steel Bar fabrication and narratives on the considerations for each structure (floor area, equipment, etc.).

Provided layout of access road to
temporary facilities

Set-up sequence of facilties stated in Overall Schedule (p.1490), however, facilities for the Engineer is proposed to be located at the campsite of the Contractor and not consistent with Section VI - Employers Requirement (A.1.1). which states that, Building(s) and
总进度表(第 1490 页)中说明了设施的设置顺序,但是,工程师的设施拟设在承包商的营地,这不符合第 VI 节--雇主要求(A.1.1)。

facilities for the use
o the Engincer and

his staff shall be situated in the DPWH

property lots, public school lots, public

health lots or LGU lots, in accordance
卫生地段或 LGU 地段,根据

with the DPWH DO.08, series of 2006,
与 2006 年系列的 DPWH DO.08、

to maximize government's use of the

facilities even after project completion.

Provided mobilization schedule of key personnel, other staff and manpower.

Provided equipment utilization schedule.






Provided a detailed overview of the seven (7) bridges and a list of equipment for bridge construction. Provided the flow chart for bored pile construction method statement including detailed narrative of the procedure for the drilling phase starting with setting-out, placement of temporary casing end drilling.
提供了七(7)座桥梁的详细概述和桥梁施工设备清单。 提供钻孔灌注桩施工方法说明流程图,包括钻孔阶段的详细程序说明,从设置、放置临时套管到钻孔结束。


Provided procedure for cage installation tremie pipe installation, casting and inspection and acceptance.

Presented an illustration of typical pile concrete pouring.




Identified the location and layout of the fabrication yard at Sta. 3+600. Provided the process flow chart for girder production with narratives on yard preparation, girder production, curing, post-tensioning and storage. Narratives are supported by illustrations.
确定了位于 3+600 号站的加工场的位置和布局。 提供了大梁生产流程图,并对堆场准备、大梁生产、固化、后张法和存储进行了说明。 叙述部分配有插图。


Girder erection sequence is span-by-span starting from one abutment towards the other abutment using cranes. Presented
架梁顺序是使用起重机从一个桥墩开始向另一个桥墩逐跨架设。 介绍

illustration of girder erection scheme for Roman Interchange Bridge, Alas-
asin Bridge, Mt View Overpass Bridge and Bataan Land Viaduct. Presented crane selection criteria. Description of girder lifting and placement procedure is provided in narrative form with illustration.
为 Roman Interchange 大桥、Alas-asin 大桥、Mt View 立交桥和 Bataan Land 高架桥绘制梁架设方案图。 介绍起重机选择标准。 以图解的形式介绍了大梁的吊装和安放程序。




Presented a tabulation of earthworks equipment with estimated numbers. Discussed survey, excavation, storage and spoil disposal. Identified storage and disposal site at Sta. 3+600. 重试    错误原因


Discussed material testing requirements prior to embankment, fill compaction trials, setting out, embankment procedure and compaction.

Discussed monitoring of embankment using settlement plate on existing ground surface prior to embankment. Discussed procedures for geogrid placement, and bridge abutment fill.
讨论了在筑堤前使用沉降板对现有地表进行监测的问题。 讨论了土工格栅铺设和桥墩填土的程序。




Presented selected fill construction process from material stockpile to compaction identifying the required equipment and quality control procedures.

Discussed test section paving for subbase, base and surface courses with a length of at least 300m. Discussed construction and quality control procedures for subbase course and mentioned that the same will be adopted for crushed aggregate base course. Discussed asphalt treated base course batching, paving,
compaction and quality control.
讨论了底层、基层和面层的试验段铺设,长度至少为 300 米。 讨论了底基层的施工和质量控制程序,并提到碎石基层也将采用同样的程序。 讨论了沥青处理基层的配料、摊铺、压实和质量控制。


Discussed composition and quality of SMA. Methodology includes batching, hauling, laying, compaction, joimt treatment and quality control.
讨论了 SMA 的组成和质量。 方法包括配料、运输、铺设、压实、Joimt 处理和质量控制。






The bidder provided environmental management policies and procedures. Provided Table 2 Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) that outlines the different environmental plans that will undergo regular monitoring to guarantee adherence to regulations.
投标人提供了环境管理政策和程序。 提供了表 2 环境监测计划(EMoP),该计划概述了将定期监测的不同环境计划,以 确保遵守法规。


Provided Environmental Management Plan in narrative form discussing the potential impacts during construction and ways on bow to reduce or mitigate the impacts.


Provided Waste Management Plan with key measures on proper handling of all waste produced during construction.


Provided Biodiversity Management Plan which is aligned with the EIA findings and recommendations to safeguard the flora and fauna in the project area. Provided Biodiversiy Action Plan delineating potential impacts, as well as corresponding mitigation and enhancement strategies during Pre-construction, constuction and operation phases of the project.
提供与环境影响评估结果和建议相一致的生物多样性管理计划,以保护项目区的动植物。 提供生物多样性行动计划,说明在项目施工前、施工和运营阶段可能产生的影响,以及相应的缓解和改善策略。


Provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan with list of stakeholders identified for BCIB. Table 1 provides Stakeholders modes of engagement during projcct implementation. A narative on how to undergo the different modes of engagement. Grievance rederess
提供利益相关者参与计划,其中包括为生物多样性公约确定的利益相关者名单。 表 1 提供了项目实施期间利益相关方的参与模式。 说明如何采用不同的参与模式。 申诉

mechanism is also provided.
Details for Budget requirement and timing are also presented.
还提供了机制。 此外,还介绍了预算要求和时间安排的详细情况。


Provided Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan. Narrative on climate change mitigation measures, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate risk assessment. Provided matrir plan for Climate Change and Adaptarion detailing the objectives, key measures, timeline, responsible parties and monitoring indicators.
提供气候变化缓解和适应计划。 介绍气候变化减缓措施、温室气体减排和气候风险评估。 提供气候变化和适应计划,详细说明目标、关键措施、时间表、责任方和监测指标。




Provided Covid-19 Safety Protocols with guidelines that encompasses preventive, detection, and rapid response measures.
提供 Covid-19 安全协议,其中包括预防、检测和快速反应措施。

AIDS Awareness Program is also provided with details on workplace

policy, advocacy, information,
education and training. Provided table for Public Health and Safety Risk with anticipated impact and risk and corresponding mitigating measures.
政策、宣传、信息、教育和培训。 提供公共健康和安全风险表,其中包括预期影响和风险以及相应的缓解措施。


In the narative, the Contractor is required to designate the nearest district hospital at the projoct site as the official hospital to address the health care requirements of the entire workforce in the event of accident related incidents.


Provided Emergency Response Plan delineating the protocols and actions to be executed in case of emergency. Site safety provisions and medical facility and emergency response procedures are
提供应急计划,规定紧急情况下应执行的规程和行动。 现场安全规定、医疗设施和应急响应程序如下

provided with Emergency hotlines in
Brgy. Alas-asin, Mariveles, Bataan.
在巴丹省 Mariveles 的 Alas-asin 社区提供紧急热线。


















Presented a Project Management Organization Chart with a short narrative

on the functions of each department namely, Planning and Scheduling, Budgeting and Cost Control, Risk Management, Communication and Coordination, Quality Assurance.

Incomplete discussion on the roles and

responsibilities on the Management of the Overall Project Program. The Bidder only discussed the commercial departments.
对整个项目计划管理的责任。 投标方仅讨论了商务部门。

Provided Site Managenent Organizational Chart descibing team composition with narrative on the duties and responsibilities of key personnel including the ESH Staff. Provided count of the labor needed for every construction phase and resource control procedures.
提供工地管理组织结构图,说明团队组成,并说明包括 ESH 工作人员在内的主要人员的职责和责任。 提供每个施工阶段所需的劳动力数量和资源控制程序。

Presented communication and coordination procedures with stakeholders.




Discussed the approach of prioritizing key works before the general ones

commencing construction on works with long durations, complex techniques, large earthworks and major intersecting bridges.

Presented a diagram of the
oveall construction sequence starting the

construction from the project end

towards the start.

Narrative on the composition of the critical path, Cavite land Viaduct, Antero Bridge,
Timalan-Balsahan Underpass, Tramo Underpass 1 and 2 and pavement construction, supported by a tabulation of the estimated
关于关键路径、Cavite 陆上高架桥、Antero 桥、Timalan-Balsahan 地下通道、Tramo 地下通道 1 和 2 以及人行道建设的组成的说明,并辅以估算的表格。

milestone schedule and description of the activities.

Discussed procedures for Contract management System,
Fnancial Management System, QA/QC System, Highlights especially Quality

Management System and Quality Policy, including the duties and
responsiblities of the personnel included in the QC Organization Chart. Outlined Project Startup and Close Out procedures.
管理系统和质量政策,包括质量控制组织结构图中人员的职责和责任。 概述项目启动和关闭程序。


Provided project risk assessment and prevention plans featuring Safety,

Quality, Scheduling, Environmental, Budget Risks.

A full write up featuring Project Risk Prediction (which delineates

procedures on identification of risks) and highlighting key issues such as
mateial supply, impact of process, safety risk, equipment failure and work obstruction.

Provided a Risk matrix with the risk mitigation procedures.


Provided list of major suppliers for cement (Holcim, Republic), rebars

Steelasia and Pagasa), Admix (Fusionchem), Geosynthetics (Bright

Light), Steel Strands (Imported

Aggregates (Planters,
Chif Bin)




Provided narratives on the phasing of the project Inital, Steady Deployment, Peak and Sustained months.

Presented the same mobilization schedule featured in the other sections.

Presented linked bar chart of key activities - critical path using MS Project.
使用 MS Project 提出了关键活动的链接条形图--关键路径。


Completion of temporary facilities setup by Day 150.
在第 150 天之前完成临时设施的安装。

The write up featured illustrations of the location of the facilities, design sketch of the Contractor Offices, Concrete Batch Plant layout, photo of typical Storage Yard, design sketch of Asphalt Mixing Plant, sketch of

typical Precast Yard, photos of typical Laboratory and Steel Bar fabrication

plant. Narrative on the provision of access road with a map showing location.
工厂。 关于提供通路的说明,并附带显示位置的地图。

Set-up sequence of facilties stated in Overall Schedule (p.1490), however, facilities for the Engineer is proposed to be located at the campsite of the Contractor and not consistent with Section VI - Employers Requirement (A.1.1). which states that, Building(s) and
总进度表(第 1490 页)中说明了设施的设置顺序,但是,工程师的设施拟设在承包商的营地,这不符合第 VI 节--雇主要求(A.1.1)。

facilities for the use
o the Engincer and

his staff shall be situated in the DPWH

property lots, public school lots, public

health lots or LGU lots, in accordance
卫生地段或 LGU 地段,根据

with the DPWH DO.08, series of 2006,
与 2006 年系列的 DPWH DO.08、

to maximize government's use of the

facilities even after project completion.

Provided mobilization schedule of key personnel, other staff and manpower.

Provided equipment utilization schedule.






Provided a detailed overview of the two(2) bridges and a list of equipment for bridge construction. Provided the flow chart for bored pile construction
提供两(2)座桥梁的详细概况和桥梁施工设备清单。 提供钻孔灌注桩施工流程图

method statement including detailed narrative of the procedure for the
driling phase starting with setting-out, placement of temporary casing and drilling.


Provided procedure for cage installation tremie pipe installation, casting and inspection and acceptance. Presented an illustration of typical pile concrete pouring.
提供钢筋笼安装、浇注和检查验收程序。 介绍典型的桩基混凝土浇注图。




Identified the location and layout of the fabrication yard as near as possible the Cavite Viaduct & Antero Highway Bridge locations.
确定了加工场的位置和布局,尽可能靠近 Cavite 高架桥和 Antero 公路桥的位置。

Provided the process flowchart for girder production with narratives on yard preparation, girder production, curing, post-tensioning and storage.
Narratives are supported by illustrations.
提供了大梁生产流程图,并对堆场准备、大梁生产、固化、后张法和储存进行了说明。 叙述部分配有插图。


Girder erection sequence is span-by-span starting from one abutment towards the other abutment using cranes.

Presented illustration of girder erection scheme for Cavite Land Viaduct & Antero interchange Bridge.
介绍了 Cavite Land 高架桥和 Antero 立交桥的架梁方案。

Presented crane selection criteria. Description of girder lifting and placement procedure is provided in narrative form with illustration.
介绍起重机选择标准。 以图解的形式介绍了大梁的吊装和安放程序。




Presented a tabulation of earthworks equipment with estimated numbers. Discussed survey, excavation, storage and spoil disposal.
提交了一份土方工程设备表,并提供了估计数量。 讨论了勘测、挖掘、储存和弃土处理问题。

Identified storage and disposal site at Sta. 32+000.
在 32+000 号站确定了储存和处置地点。


Mentioned embankment material source is at Centennial Roud, Marulas, Kawit, Cavite. Discussed material testing requirements prior to embankment, fill compaction trials, setting out, embankment procedure and compaction.
提到路堤材料来源于卡维特省卡维特市 Marulas 的 Centennial Roud。 讨论了筑堤前的材料测试要求、填料压实试验、设置、筑堤程序和压实。

monotoringof embankment.

Discussed monitoring of embankment using settlement plate on existing ground surface prior to embankment. Discussed procedures for geogrid placement, and bridge abutment fill.
讨论了在筑堤前使用沉降板对现有地表进行监测的问题。 讨论了土工格栅铺设和桥台填土的程序。

Did not provide details of the material source as to exact location and quantity. A check on Google Earth shows the surrounding area along Centennial Road relatively flat wih elevations ranging from +2 m to +5 m.
没有提供材料来源的具体位置和数量。 谷歌地球(Google Earth)显示,沿百年路的周边地区相对平坦,海拔高度在 +2 米至 +5 米之间。



Mentioned sclected fill material source is at Centennial Road, Marulas, Kawit Cavite. Presented selected fill construction process from material
所提及的选定填料来源于卡维特省 Marulas 的 Centennial 路。 介绍了从材料

stockpile to compaction identifying the required equipment and quality control procedures.

Discussed test section paving for subbase, base and surface courses. Discussed construction and quality control procedures for subbase course and mentioned that the same will be adopted for crushed aggregate base course. Discussed asphalt treated base course batching, paving,
compaction and quality control.
讨论了底层、基层和面层的试验段铺设。 讨论了底基层的施工和质量控制程序,并提到碎石基层也将采用同样的程序。 讨论了沥青处理基层的配料、摊铺、压实和质量控制。


Discussed composition and quality of SMA. Methodology includes batching, hauling, laying, compaction, joint treatment and quality control.
讨论了 SMA 的组成和质量。 方法包括配料、运输、铺设、压实、接缝处理和质量控制。






The bidder started with an introduction dedicating to uphold the utmost standards of workmanship, environmental stewardship, health and safety

throughout the implementation of the BCIB project. The bidder provided
在整个生物多样性和生态系统服务项目的实施过程中。 投标人提供了

narrative on environmental management and environmental monitoring ensuring effective environmental management.


Provided Table 1 Environmental Management Plan presenting the potential impacts and mitigation measures on areas of concern.
表 1 环境管理计划介绍了对关注领域的潜在影响和缓解措施。

Provided Table 2 Environmental Monitoring
Plan(EMoP) outlining the different environmental aspects that will undergo regular monitoring to guarantee adherence to regulations. Both EMP and EMoP are supported with narratives on how to further mitigate/address the issues and impacts. Cost to cover the EMP and EMoP are also included.
表 2 提供了环境监测计划(EMoP),概述了将定期监测的不同环境方面,以确保遵守法 规。 环境管理计划和环境监测计划均附有如何进一步减轻/解决有关问题和影响的说明。 EMP 和 EMoP 的费用也包括在内。


Provided Waste Management Plan specifying WMP goals and key measures such as regulatory compliance, waste segregation, collection, storage and recycling of waste, handling of hazardous waste, training as well as implementation and monitoring of these key measures.
提供废物管理计划,具体说明废物管理计划的目标和关键措施,如遵守法规、废物分 离、废物收集、储存和回收、危险废物处理、培训以及这些关键措施的实施和监测。


The bidder provided Biodiversity Mamagement Plan outlining the measures to protect, manage, and monitor terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. The bider provided narrative which includes objectives of the BMP, commitment to adhere and compliance to all existing statutes in the Philippines. It also provided table displaying a Preliminary BAP Action Plan. The document also provides table delinating potential impacts, as well as the corresponding mitigation and enhancement strategies during the 3 construction stages of the project. The BMP is aligned with the disclosed EIAreport for BCIB.
投标人提供了生物多样性管理计划,概述了保护、管理和监测陆地和水生生态系统的措 施。 投标人提供的说明包括生物多样性管理计划的目标、遵守菲律宾所有现行法规的承诺。 该文件还提供了一个表格,显示初步的 BAP 行动计划。 该文件还提供了一份表格,列出了项目三个施工阶段的潜在影响以及相应的缓解和改善策略。 BMP 与已披露的 BCIB 环评报告一致。


The bidder provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan emphasizing their

commitment in ensuring that the engagement strategies outlined in the SEP with project
stakcholders are implemented during construction of the
承诺确保在项目施工期间实施《战略规划文件》中概述的项目利益攸关方参与 战略

BCIB. The bidder identified the primary/
dircct and indirect stakeholders
北京工商局。 投标人确定了主要/间接利益相关者

along with the government agencies that have jurisdiction over the BCIB CP2 project as well as the environmental and advocacy groups, utility companies and transit advocacy organizations.
以及对 BCIB CP2 项目有管辖权的政府机构、环保和倡导团体、公用事业公司和公交倡导组织。

List of
stakcholders for BCIB is provided. Table 1 Stakeholders Engagement during Project Implementation is provided with trigger for engagement activity, modes of engagement, key target stakeholders and key topies. Grievance Redress Process is also providod. Budget requirement per
提供了生物多样性公约的利益相关者名单。 表 1 提供了项目实施期间利益相关者的参与情况,包括参与活动的触发因素、参与方式、主要目标利益相关者和关键人物。 还提供了申诉处理程序。

modes of engagement, timing and
documenation are all included in the

WIih familiarity to the disclosed ELA Repont
SEP. 熟悉已公布的 ELA Repont


The bidder provided Stakeholder Engagement Plan emphasizing their

commitment in ensuring that the engagement strategies outlined in the SEP with project stakeholders are implemented during construction of the
承诺确保 SEP 中概述的项目利益相关方参与战略在项目施工期间得到实施。

BCIB. The bidder identified the primary/direct and indirect
BCIB. 投标人确定了主要/直接和间接利益相关者

along with the government agencies that have jurisdiction over the BCIB CP2 project as well as the environmental and advocacy groups, utility companies and transit advocacy organizations.
List of stakeholders for BCIB is provided. Table 1 Stakeholders Engagement during Project implementation is provided with trigger for engagement activity, modes
以及对 BCIB CP2 项目有管辖权的政府机构、环保和倡导团体、公用事业公司和公交倡导组织。 表 1 列出了项目实施过程中利益相关方的参与情况,包括参与活动的触发因素、参与方式、参与时间和参与地点。 表 1 项目实施期间利益相关方的参与情况,包括参与活动的触发点、模式

of engagement, key target stakeholders and key topics. Grievance Redress
参与方式、主要目标利益相关者和主要议题。 申诉处理

Process is also provided. Budget requirement per modes of engagement,
还提供了流程。 每种参与方式的预算要求、

timing, and documentation are all included in the SEP. With familiarity to
时间安排和文件都包含在 SEP 中。 熟悉

the disclosed EIA Report.




The bidder provided Health and Safety Management Plan with an overview that it is based on the EIA carried out by the DPWH for the BCIB project. An
投标人提供了健康与安全管理计划,并概述了该计划是以公共工程和卫生部为 BCIB 项目开展的环境影响评估为基础的。 投标人

Organization Chart for the composition of Safety and Health Committee as well as the authority and duties of the committee were provided. The bidder provided safety protocols and guidelines on Covid-19 as well as AIDS Awareness Program covering workplace policy and program, advocacy, information,
education and training. Promotion of a mental health awareness program is also provided. A table on Public Health Risk is
提供了安全与健康委员会的组织结构图以及委员会的权力和职责。 投标人提供了关于 Covid-19 的安全协议和准则,以及艾滋病宣传计划,其中包括工作场 所政策和计划、宣传、信息、教育和培训。 还提供了心理健康宣传计划。 公共卫生风险表

provided identifying health risk, it's anticipated impact and mitigating measures during pre-construction,
construction and operation phases of



Provided list of health care and emergency facilities in Naic, Cavite with
提供卡维特省 Naic 的医疗保健和急救设施列表,包括

location, services and contact numbers.


An Emergency Response Plan is also provided by the Bidder with objectives, essential elements of the emergency response plan on emergency preparedness and emergency response procedures. Also included are the emergency response roles and responsibilities of site manager, safety officer and ER Team.
投标方还提供了应急计划,其中包括应急计划的目标、应急准备的基本要素和应急程 序。 还包括工地经理、安全员和应急小组的应急职责。



The bidder provided narrative which includes Traffic Impact Assessment to

understand the effects of the construction project, an inventory of Traffic Control Measures it intends to use for the project as well as some protocols for coordinating with Local Authorities. The discussion highlighted a Traffic Diversion Plans featuring the measures it intends to implement given the connection with Antero Soriano Highway.
lt features Table 1 where in the Specific Traffic Control Measures shall be employed in compliance to the specifications. This section also features pictures of Barriers, Cones and the enumerated Traffic Control Measures. It also discussed measures to manage the pedestrian traffic and some protocols for emergency response planning. Lastly it featured Public Information and Control Protocols for the existing community and Phased Implementation during project execution.
讨论的重点是交通分流计划,其特点是考虑到与 Antero Soriano 高速公路的连接,计划采取的措施。 讨论强调了交通分流计划,其中包括考虑到与 Antero Soriano 高速公路的连接而打算实施的措施。 这一部分还包括障碍物、锥形筒和列举的交通控制措施的图片。 该部分还讨论了行人交通管理措施和一些应急响应规划协议。 最后,还介绍了针对现有社区的公共信息和控制协议,以及项目实施过程中的分阶段实施。




Provided narrative on its reference Quality standards (ISO9001:2015) as

well as its integration with the other ISO Standards for Safety and Environment Protection. The document started with an introduction of the Quality Management System it intends to implement which includes Policies,
Objectives and the Planning of Resources to attain these objectives. Next are the Implementation Procedures and Inspection Test Plans to be drafted with components including description, acceptance criteria, test requirements and acceptance test and at applicable points of the procedure. It then discussed record keeping procedures and Material Storage and Handling.
以及与其他 ISO 安全和环境保护标准的整合。 文件首先介绍了公司打算实施的质量管理体系,包括政策、目标和实现这些目标的资源规划。 接下来是要起草的实施程序和检查测试计划,其组成部分包括说明、验收标准、测试要求和验收测试以及程序的适用点。 然后讨论了记录保存程序和材料储存与处理。

No Discussion on Handling, Storage and

Testing (
ie PIT, PDA and bored piling record) - (50%)
测试(即 PIT、PDA 和钻孔打桩记录) - (50%)

Provided protocols for Offsite Laboratories, selection of laboratories coordination, acceptance and field testing, inspection and testing.


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