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    (48) I Hate Memorising, so I Created a System to Remember Everything - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjyMdQptGYI Transcript: (00:00) we live in a culture that tries to consume as much a
    (48) 我讨厌背诵,所以我创建了一个系统来记住一切 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjyMdQptGYI 转载:(00:00)我们生活在一种试图尽可能多地消费的文化中。
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    Please read this article.

    And tell me the author how to do it step by step & Examples.

    Here is a step-by-step summary of the author's system for learning and remembering information, along with some examples:

    1. Seek out unprocessed source material to study from, rather than pre-made study guides, notes, summaries, etc. This allows you to make your own connections which aids learning. Example: Use detailed textbooks and research papers from PubMed instead of lecture slides or revision notes.
      寻找未经加工的原始材料进行学习,而不是使用预制的学习指南、笔记、摘要等。这可以让你自己建立有助于学习的联系。例如使用 PubMed 上的详细教科书和研究论文,而不是幻灯片或复习笔记。
    2. Process the source material by identifying the key information relevant to what you need to know. Condense it down to the essential details. Example: For learning about eye conditions, read research papers on each condition and summarize the key points a doctor would need to know, removing extraneous details.
    3. Organize the information "horizontally" by connecting related concepts, rather than just listing things "vertically" under topic headings. Create subgroups based on characteristics and relationships between ideas. Example: Group eye conditions by common attributes like painful vs painless, more/less common in diabetic patients, age of onset, treatable or not, traumatic cause, urgency, etc. This links them in multiple ways to aid recall.
      通过连接相关概念来 "横向 "组织信息,而不是仅仅在主题标题下 "纵向 "罗列事物。根据概念之间的特点和关系创建子组。例如:根据眼部疾病的共同特征进行分组,如疼痛与无痛、在糖尿病患者中常见与不常见、发病年龄、可治疗与否、外伤原因、紧迫性等。这样可以通过多种方式将它们联系起来,帮助记忆。
    4. Represent these concept maps and summaries very concisely, limiting them to 1-2 notebook pages each. The harder the topic, the more different concept maps to create for it linking the ideas in different ways. Example: For a well-known topic, one 1-page summary may suffice. For harder topics like ophthalmology, multiple 1-2 page summaries organized by different characteristics help solidify the knowledge.
      将这些概念图和摘要表述得非常简洁,每份限制在 1-2 页笔记本的篇幅内。题目越难,就需要绘制更多不同的概念图,以不同的方式将各种想法联系起来。举例来说:对于众所周知的主题,一个 1 页纸的摘要可能就足够了。对于眼科等较难的主题,按不同特点组织多个 1-2 页的摘要有助于巩固知识。
    5. Keep a separate section of your notebook for capturing insights, informal understandings, and personal notes during lectures. Use casual language to record realizations. Professors can diagram things right in this notebook section too. Example: If a lecturer explains something in very technical terms, but you manage to translate it to a clear informal understanding, write that down to reference later. Hand the notebook to professors to sketch in as they explain things.
    6. Constantly integrate new learnings with existing knowledge in your concept maps and notes. Learning happens by connecting new information to what you already know. Example: If ophthalmology concepts aren't sticking, link them to something you know well like childhood psychology and development being affected by visual impairments. This anchors the new information to existing knowledge.

    The key principles are: 主要原则是

    1. Engage actively with unfiltered source material
    2. Condense, organize and map concepts yourself
    3. Link ideas "horizontally" in multiple ways
      以多种方式 "横向 "连接观点
    4. Keep summaries very concise
    5. Separately capture insights in informal language
    6. Integrate new and existing knowledge together

    The author finds this much more effective than passive, rote memorization of pre-made study materials. The act of processing and linking concepts yourself is where real learning happens.


    Can you talk about the frist tips{Seek out unprocessed source material to study from, rather than pre-made study guides, notes, summaries, etc.} in details?

    Sure, let's dive deeper into the first tip about seeking out unprocessed source material for studying.

    The author argues that using pre-made study resources like lecture notes, revision guides, and summaries can actually hinder deep learning. This is because a lot of the mental work of processing and connecting ideas has already been done for you by whoever created the study material.

    When you rely heavily on these "over-processed" study aids, you're not fully engaging your brain in understanding and linking the concepts yourself. The author compares it to simply memorizing "bricks" of information and stacking them in your mind, rather than constructing a strong knowledge foundation.
    当你严重依赖这些 "过度加工 "的学习辅助工具时,你并没有充分调动大脑去理解和联系概念。作者将其比作简单地记忆信息 "砖块 "并在脑海中堆砌,而不是构建坚实的知识基础。

    Instead, the author recommends going straight to the most detailed and unfiltered sources available on the topic you're studying. For a medical student like herself, this means reading original research papers and in-depth textbooks, rather than summarized lecture slides or student-made revision notes.

    The benefit of using unprocessed sources is that you're forced to actively identify the key ideas, understand how they connect, and essentially "build" the concept summaries and frameworks yourself. The mental effort required to process the information - figuring out what's important, what's extraneous, how things link together - is itself the act of learning.
    使用未经加工的资料来源的好处在于,你不得不主动找出关键观点,了解它们之间的联系,并从根本上自己 "构建 "概念摘要和框架。处理信息所需的脑力劳动--找出什么是重要的、什么是无关的、事物之间是如何联系在一起的--本身就是一种学习行为。

    Even if your self-made study notes end up looking similar to something pre-made you could have used, the author argues the learning benefits come from the creation process itself, not the finished product. Your brain has to engage more deeply with the material to create your own synthesis.

    The author acknowledges this is more time-consuming than using ready-made resources. But she finds the resulting understanding and retention is much stronger. By wrestling with the raw information yourself and organizing it in a way that makes sense to you personally, the knowledge sticks better and can be applied more flexibly.

    So in summary, this first tip is about taking an active, self-directed approach to engaging with study material. Whenever possible, seek out the most comprehensive, unfiltered sources and process the key concepts yourself, rather than relying on others' distillations. The mental effort of doing this is what leads to deeper, "stickier" learning.
    总之,第一条建议就是要采取积极、自主的方法来学习材料。在可能的情况下,寻找最全面、未经过滤的资料来源,自己处理关键概念,而不是依赖他人的提炼。这样做所付出的心智努力会使学习更深入、更 "扎实"。


    Can you talk about the frist tips{Condense, organize and map concepts yourself} in details?

    Certainly! The second key tip in the author's learning system is to condense, organize, and map concepts yourself. This builds on the first principle of seeking out unprocessed source material. Once you have that raw information, the next step is to actively process it.

    The author breaks this down into a few sub-steps:

    1. Identify the essential information: When faced with a detailed source like a textbook chapter or research paper, your first task is to distill it down to the key points. Ask yourself what the core concepts are, and what details are most relevant to the specific thing you're trying to learn or the task you're working on.

    For example, if you're learning about a medical condition for an exam, focus on extracting the information a doctor would need to know to diagnose and treat it, rather than getting bogged down in every detail about its biological mechanisms.

    1. Condense the information: Once you've identified the key points, summarize them concisely in your own words. The author recommends aiming to fit each topic or concept summary onto just one or two notebook pages.

    This forces you to be selective and really understand the material, rather than just copying verbatim. If you can explain something clearly and concisely, it tends to indicate you've understood it well.

    1. Organize and map the concepts: This is perhaps the most crucial step. The author advises against just listing out concepts or facts vertically under topic headings. Instead, she recommends organizing the information "horizontally" by creating concept maps that link related ideas.
      整理并绘制概念图:这也许是最关键的一步。作者建议不要只是在主题标题下纵向列出概念或事实。相反,她建议通过绘制概念图来 "横向 "组织信息,将相关观点联系起来。

    For instance, if you were learning about different diseases, rather than just listing each one with its symptoms and treatments underneath, you would create maps grouping them by common features. You might have a map linking diseases by their root causes, another mapping them by affected body systems, another by diagnostic methods, and so on.

    The idea is to find multiple ways of connecting concepts by their relationships and attributes. This creates a web of associations in your mind, making the information easier to recall and apply flexibly.

    The author suggests creating multiple concept maps for difficult topics, each one organizing the ideas in a different way. The process of figuring out these connections and creating the maps is itself a powerful act of learning.

    1. Iterate and integrate: As you learn new things, continually integrate them into your existing concept maps. Add to, rearrange, or redraw your maps to accommodate new information. This keeps your understanding up-to-date and reinforces the connections in your mind.

    The key point is that your concept maps and summaries are living documents. They grow and evolve as your knowledge does.

    So in summary, this tip is about taking that raw, unprocessed source material and actively molding it into a form that makes sense to you. By condensing, organizing and mapping concepts yourself, you're deeply engaging with the ideas and training your brain to make connections. The author argues this leads to much stronger understanding and retention compared to passively absorbing pre-organized information.


    Can you talk about the third tips{Link ideas "horizontally" in multiple ways} in details?
    您能详细谈谈第三个技巧{以多种方式 "横向 "链接观点}吗?

    Absolutely! The third key tip in the author's system is to link ideas "horizontally" in multiple ways. This is really the core of her approach to organizing and mapping concepts.
    完全正确!作者系统中的第三个关键窍门是以多种方式 "横向 "连接观点。这确实是她组织和映射概念的核心方法。

    The author contrasts "horizontal" linking of ideas with the more typical "vertical" organization of information. In vertical organization, you might have a main topic or concept, with all the related facts and subtopics listed underneath it, like in a typical outline or bullet-point list.
    作者将 "横向 "连接观点与更典型的 "纵向 "组织信息进行了对比。在纵向组织中,你可能会有一个主要话题或概念,在它下面列出所有相关的事实和副话题,就像典型的提纲或要点列表一样。

    While this vertical structure is neat and orderly, the author argues it doesn't align with how our brains actually learn and remember information. We don't retrieve knowledge in neatly organized lists - we recall things through webs of association and connection.

    That's where "horizontal" linking comes in. Instead of just grouping related information under a topic heading, the goal is to find multiple ways to connect ideas across topics based on their common attributes, relationships, or themes.
    这就是 "横向 "链接的作用所在。我们的目标不是仅仅将相关信息归类到一个主题标题下,而是要找到多种方法,根据它们的共同属性、关系或主题,将不同主题的观点联系起来。

    The author gives the example of learning about different eye conditions. A vertical approach would be to list each condition with its symptoms, causes, treatments, etc. underneath it.

    A horizontal approach, on the other hand, would create concept maps that group eye conditions in multiple ways - for example:

    • By symptom (painful vs. painless conditions)
    • By patient profile (conditions more common in diabetics, in children, in the elderly, etc.)
    • By urgency (conditions requiring immediate treatment vs. those that can wait)
    • By cause (genetic conditions, infections, injuries, etc.)
    • By anatomy (conditions affecting the cornea, retina, optic nerve, etc.)

    The key is to find as many relevant crosscutting themes as you can, and use them to link concepts across different "vertical" topics. Each theme becomes a new way to organize and connect the information.
    关键是找到尽可能多的相关交叉主题,并利用它们将不同 "垂直 "主题中的概念联系起来。每个主题都是组织和连接信息的新方法。

    By mapping concepts in multiple ways, you create a rich, interconnected web of associations in your mind. This makes the information more meaningful and easier to recall. When you need to retrieve a piece of information, you have multiple "paths" to get there based on its various attributes and relationships.
    通过以多种方式映射概念,你可以在脑海中创建一个丰富的、相互关联的联想网络。这使得信息更有意义,也更容易被回忆起来。当你需要检索某条信息时,根据信息的各种属性和关系,你可以有多种 "路径 "到达目的地。

    The author suggests that the more ways you can find to meaningfully connect ideas, the stronger your understanding and retention will be. For very complex or unfamiliar topics, she recommends creating numerous concept maps, each one organizing the information according to a different crosscutting theme.

    The process of identifying these themes and creating the concept maps is itself a powerful learning exercise. It forces you to think deeply about the material, draw connections, and structure the information in a way that makes sense to you.

    Over time, as you learn new things, you can continually add to and refine your concept maps, integrating new knowledge into your existing frameworks. This keeps your understanding fresh and up-to-date.

    In summary, the key insight here is that our brains don't learn and remember information in neatly segregated "vertical" categories. We learn through webs of association and connection. By consciously linking ideas "horizontally" in multiple ways, we can align our studying with how our brains naturally process information, leading to deeper, more robust learning.
    总之,这里的关键见解是,我们的大脑并不是按照整齐划一的 "垂直 "类别来学习和记忆信息的。我们是通过联想和联系网来学习的。通过有意识地以多种方式将想法 "横向 "联系起来,我们可以使自己的学习与大脑自然处理信息的方式保持一致,从而实现更深入、更稳健的学习。


    Can you talk about the fifth tips{Separately capture insights in informal language} in details?

    Sure! The fifth tip in the author's learning system is to capture insights and understandings in informal language, separate from your main concept maps and summaries.

    The author dedicates a specific section of her notebook to this. Whereas the "back" of her notebook contains her carefully organized concept maps and topic summaries, the "front" is a space for more raw, unfiltered thoughts and notes.
    作者在她的笔记本上专门辟出一个区域来记录这些内容。笔记本的 "背面 "是她精心组织的概念图和主题摘要,而 "正面 "则是更原始、未经过滤的想法和笔记的空间。

    The key idea here is that when we're first encountering new information, our initial understandings and realizations often come to us in informal, everyday language. This is especially true when we're listening to a lecture or explanation.

    The author argues that there's significant value in capturing these first glimmers of understanding in the language in which they occur to us, before we formalize them into more structured notes.

    For example, imagine a lecturer is explaining a complex biological process using very technical scientific terms. As you listen, you might mentally translate their explanation into more everyday language to make sense of it. The author recommends writing down this informal version of your understanding.

    Why? Because these personal, informal framings of ideas often contain valuable insights. They represent the way you've made sense of the concept, the mental models and analogies that work for you.

    Moreover, the process of translating a complex idea into plain language can reveal gaps in your understanding. If you struggle to explain it simply, that's a sign you might need to revisit the concept.

    Capturing these informal understandings right away is important because our initial framings can be fleeting. If we don't record them, we may lose that first flash of insight and have to reconstruct our understanding from scratch later.

    The author also uses this "insight capture" section of her notebook to record other valuable tidbits that come up in lectures or discussions, like:
    作者还利用笔记本中的 "洞察捕捉 "部分,记录在讲座或讨论中出现的其他有价值的花絮,比如:

    • Examples and case studies that clarify a concept
    • Mnemonics or analogies used to explain an idea
    • Connections to other topics that the lecturer mentions in passing
    • Diagrams and sketches (she often hands her notebook to lecturers to draw in)

    The key is that this section of notes is quick, raw, and informal. It's not about neat organization, but about capturing those sparks of understanding and connection in real-time.

    The author then uses these informal notes as raw material when she comes to create her more structured concept maps and summaries. The casual language and personal framings in her insight notes help her reconstruct her initial understandings and incorporate them into her more formal notes.

    So in summary, this tip recognizes that our first glimmers of understanding often come to us in everyday language. By dedicating space to capture these insights separately in the language in which they occur to us, we preserve valuable mental models and connections. These raw notes can then inform and enrich our more structured learning materials. It's a way of honoring and leveraging the informal thought processes that are a crucial part of learning.


    Can you talk about the sixth tips{Integrate new and existing knowledge together} in details?
    您能详细谈谈第六个技巧 "将新知识和现有知识结合起来 "吗?

    Absolutely! The sixth and final tip in the author's learning system is to continuously integrate new knowledge with existing understanding. This is a crucial step in constructing a robust, interconnected knowledge base.

    The author emphasizes that learning is not just about accumulating new facts and concepts in isolation. Rather, it's about actively integrating new information into the frameworks of understanding we already possess.

    Each time we encounter a new idea, our brains naturally try to make sense of it by relating it to what we already know. We look for similarities, contrasts, and connections to our existing knowledge. This process of integration is how we construct meaning and develop a coherent understanding of a subject.

    The author intentionally leverages this natural learning process in her note-taking and concept mapping. Whenever she learns something new, she actively seeks to connect it to her prior knowledge.

    For example, let's say she's learning about a new disease in her medical studies. Rather than just adding it as a new entry in her notebook, she'll look for ways to integrate it into her existing concept maps and frameworks. She might ask herself:

    • How does this disease relate to others I've learned about?
    • Does it share similar causes, symptoms, or treatments with other conditions?
    • Does it affect the same body systems or patient populations as other diseases I know?
    • Can I link it to my knowledge from other domains, like physiology or pharmacology?

    By asking these kinds of questions, she's actively seeking to weave the new information into her existing web of understanding. She might add the new disease to existing concept maps, drawing connections to related conditions. Or she might create new maps that highlight novel connections revealed by the new information.

    This process of integration isn't just about adding new nodes to existing knowledge networks. It's also about updating and revising our prior understanding in light of new learning.

    As the author incorporates new concepts, she's constantly re-evaluating her existing frameworks. If a new piece of information contradicts or expands on what she previously thought, she'll revise her concept maps and notes accordingly. This keeps her understanding current and prevents the buildup of misconceptions.

    The key insight here is that learning is an ongoing, iterative process of integration and revision. It's not about perfectly filing away new facts, but about constantly updating and expanding our mental models as we learn.

    By intentionally focusing on integration, we train our brains to make connections and construct meaning. Over time, this leads to a rich, interconnected understanding of a subject, where new ideas are readily incorporated and connected to existing knowledge.

    The author notes that this process of integration is a key part of what makes her personal note-taking and concept mapping so effective for learning. By putting in the mental work to actively integrate new concepts, she's deepening her understanding and making the knowledge "stickier" and more accessible in her mind.
    作者指出,这种整合过程是她个人记笔记和绘制概念图之所以能有效学习的关键部分。通过积极整合新概念的脑力劳动,她加深了对新概念的理解,使知识在脑海中更加 "粘稠",更容易理解。

    So in summary, this final tip underscores that learning is an active process of constructing meaning by integrating new information with existing knowledge. By consciously and continually seeking to make these connections in our notes and mental models, we can build more robust, flexible, and durable understanding. It's a key part of the author's system for turning information into embedded knowledge.


    According to these tips. 根据这些提示

    Could you give me some actionable advice to use it. Step by step & Examples.

    Absolutely! Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can apply these tips in your own learning, along with some practical examples:

    1. Find unprocessed sources:
      • Identify the topic you want to learn about.
      • Look for detailed, original sources like textbooks, research papers, or in-depth articles.
      • Avoid pre-summarized materials like lecture notes or study guides.

    Example: If you're learning about the Civil War, find a comprehensive history book or primary source documents from the era, rather than relying on a condensed summary.

    1. Extract key concepts: 提取关键概念:
      • Read through your source material attentively.
      • Identify the main ideas, key facts, and important details.
      • Focus on information that's directly relevant to your learning goals.

    Example: As you read about the Civil War, note down key events, major figures, pivotal battles, and underlying causes and consequences.

    1. Condense and summarize: 浓缩和总结:
      • In your own words, write concise summaries of the key points.
      • Aim to distill each main idea down to its essence.
      • Limit your summaries to brief paragraphs or bullet points.

    Example: Write a short paragraph summarizing the key causes of the Civil War, and another summarizing its major outcomes.

    1. Create concept maps: 绘制概念图:
      • On a blank page, write down the central topic you're learning about.
      • Around it, add nodes for the key subtopics, ideas, or themes.
      • Draw lines to connect related ideas, creating a web of associations.
      • Look for multiple ways to link concepts based on different attributes or relationships.

    Example: Create a concept map with "Civil War" at the center. Add nodes for "Causes", "Key Battles", "Major Figures", "Consequences", etc. Connect related nodes, like linking specific battles to their outcomes, or specific figures to their roles.
    举例说明:创建以 "内战 "为中心的概念图。添加 "起因"、"关键战役"、"主要人物"、"后果 "等节点。将相关节点连接起来,如将具体战役与其结果联系起来,或将具体人物与其角色联系起来。

    1. Capture insights informally:
      • As you're learning, write down your thoughts, questions, and realizations in informal language.
      • Capture analogies, examples, or personal framings that help you understand the concepts.
      • Don't worry about perfect organization or wording - the goal is to preserve your insights in the moment.

    Example: In a separate section of your notes, jot down your thoughts as you learn about the Civil War. Note personal connections, questions that arise, or modern-day parallels you see.

    1. Integrate with prior knowledge:
      • As you learn new concepts, actively look for connections to things you already know.
      • Ask yourself how the new information fits into, expands on, or challenges your existing understanding.
      • Update your concept maps and summaries to incorporate these new connections.

    Example: As you learn about the Civil War, think about how it connects to other historical events you know about, like the American Revolution or World War I. Consider how it fits into your understanding of themes like democracy, slavery, or states' rights.

    1. Review and revise regularly:
      • Periodically revisit your notes and concept maps.
      • As you learn more, add new information and connections.
      • If your understanding of a concept changes, update your notes to reflect your new perspective.

    Example: After learning about the Civil War, you might learn new information about its economic implications. Go back to your notes and add this new dimension to your concept maps and summaries.

    Remember, the key is to engage actively with the material, put ideas into your own words, and consciously seek out connections. The more you practice this process, the more natural it will become. Happy learning!