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Why Bassreflex is not Suitable for a Subwoofer

Robert-H Munnig Schmidt 罗伯特-芒尼格-施密特

(C) 2017 The author, RMS Acoustics & Mechatronics and Grimm Audio. All rights reserved.
(C) 2017 作者、RMS Acoustics & Mechatronics 和 Grimm Audio。保留所有权利。
Copying of the complete document is allowed for personal use only.
The author/publisher is not responsible for any problems that might arise by using the contents of this paper.
Published by RMS Acoustics & Mechatronics
由 RMS Acoustics & Mechatronics 出版
The Netherlands 荷兰

Contents 目录

1 Introduction ..... 3 1 简介 .....3
2 Helmholz Resonator ..... 4
2 Helmholz 谐振器 .....4

3 Bassreflex Systems for Very Low Frequencies ..... 5
3 用于极低频的低音反射系统 .....5

4 Bassreflex Dynamics ..... 6
4 低音反射动态 .....6

5 Bassreflex with Diaphragm Resonator ..... 6
5 带振膜谐振器的低音反射式 .....6

5.1 Frequency Response of Diaphragm Resonator ..... 7
5.1 膜片谐振器的频率响应 .....7

5.2 Time Domain Response of Sine Signal . ..... 12
5.2 正弦信号的时域响应 . .....12

5.3 Modal analysis of Diaphragm Resonator. ..... 13
5.3 膜片谐振器的模态分析。.....13

6 Bassreflex with Air-Port Resonator ..... 18
6 带空气端口谐振器的低音反射式 .....18

6.1 Frequency Response of Air-Port Resonator ..... 19
6.1 空气端口谐振器的频率响应 .....19

6.2 Stepresponse of Air-Port Resonator ..... 21
6.2 空气端口谐振器的阶跃响应 .....21

6.3 Modal Analysis of Air-Port Resonator ..... 24
6.3 空气端口谐振器的模态分析 .....24

7 Conclusions on Bassreflex for Very Low Frequencies ..... 29
7 关于极低频低音反射的结论 .....29

1 Introduction 1 引言

Subwoofers have to deliver a high sound power level at low frequencies. this automatically implies that they need to be large because of the large volume of air that needs to be moved.

Generally such large loudspeakers do not get much sympathy from people who strive for home esthetics rather than sound quality due to constraints in space and the dominant techno-style shape of a loudspeaker.

In principle small and inconspicuous loudspeakers can be realised by using smaller drivers, however a small radiating surface requires a large diaphragm excursion to compensate the small radiating surface and generate sufficient sound pressure.

Unfortunately, a large mechanical excursion will automatically account for an increased distortion level by non-linearity of the actuator and the suspension.
To alleviate this issue, loudspeaker manufacturers have applied both impedance matching devices (horns) and acoustic dynamic phenomena to increase the acoustic output of a loudspeaker system without increasing the diaphragm excursion.

This paper deals with the second option, in particular with the bass reflex system, which is still the most widely used example of applying dynamics phenomena to enhance the performance at low frequencies.

In a bassreflex system a passive resonating mass is added, which is elastically coupled to the driver diaphragm and partly takes over the low frequency sound generation below a certain frequency while simultaneously reducing the excursion of the main loudspeaker.
The original purpose of this paper was to give students at the university a real life example of how dynamic eigenmodes determine the vibrational properties of mechanical structures. For that reason the dynamic analysis of a bassreflex system is dominant in this paper.
The second (and my personal) goal was, however, to determine the real value of such an approach for high quality loudspeakers.

And, unfortunately for the majority of loudspeaker manufacturers, the conclusion is that a bass reflex system is at best a compromise but mostly utterly useless when a transparent reproduction of music is strived for.
The paper starts with the Helmholtz Resonator, which is the basis of the bass-reflex principle.

Then, after some first thoughts about the applicability of a resonator at low frequencies, a demonstrator is introduced where the principle was shown in the classroom for a bassreflex system with passive diaphragm radiator.

This example is analysed for its dynamic properties followed by the same analysis for an air-port resonator. Finally conclusions are drawn from the analysis.
Figure 1: A Helmholtz resonator consists of an enclosed volume acting as an air-spring with a tube shaped opening, the port. The mass of the air in the port resonates with the stiffness of the air-spring.
图 1:亥姆霍兹谐振器由一个作为空气弹簧的封闭容积和一个管状开口(端口)组成。端口中的空气质量与空气弹簧的刚度产生共振。

2 Helmholz Resonator 2 Helmholz 谐振器

In most cases a so called "Helmholtz Resonator" is used of which the principle is shown in Figure 1. A Helmholtz resonator consists of a combination of an enclosed volume of air (the cabinet) acting as a spring with a moving amount of air (the mass) in a tube, the bassreflex-port.
在大多数情况下,使用的是所谓的 "亥姆霍兹谐振器",其原理如图 1 所示。亥姆霍兹谐振器由作为弹簧的封闭空气体积(箱体)与管内移动的空气量(质量)(低音反射端口)组合而成。

A well known example of a standalone Helmholtz resonator is the generation of sound by blowing air over the opening in a bottle. The resonance frequency of a Helmholtz resonator is calculated as follows starting with the stiffness of the air in the enclosure:
with being a correction factor for the expansion of air (1.4), the cross section of the air-port, the atmospheric pressure and the volume of the enclosed air. The mass of the air in the port is equal to , where equals the density of air and equals the effective length of the moving air. The effective length is somewhat larger than the physical length of the port alone as the air immediately near the openings of the port also moves rapidly, decreasing with the distance to the opening.
是空气膨胀的修正系数 (1.4), 是气口的横截面, 是大气压力, 是封闭空气的体积。端口中空气的质量等于 ,其中 等于空气密度, 等于移动空气的有效长度。有效长度略大于端口的物理长度,因为端口开口附近的空气也在快速流动,并随着与开口距离的增加而减少。

As an empirically found ballpark figure, the effective length equals the length of the port plus approximately 0.73 times the diameter of the port .
根据经验得出的大致数字,有效长度等于端口长度加上约 0.73 倍的端口直径
With these values the Helmholz resonance frequency can be calculated:
With the expression for the speed of sound the eigenfrequency equals:
根据声速表达式 ,特征频率等于:
When combining a Helmholtz resonator with a loudspeaker in one enclosure, the bassreflex port takes over the sound generation from the loudspeaker at the resonance frequency of the Helmholtz resonator.
当把 Helmholtz 谐振器和扬声器组合在一个箱体中时,低音反射端口会接管扬声器在 Helmholtz 谐振器共振频率处产生的声音。

As a result the diaphragm of the driven loudspeaker hardly moves at that frequency, allowing more electrical power to be supplied to the system, thereby increasing the maximum acoustical output of the system.

3 Bassreflex Systems for Very Low Frequencies
3 用于极低频的低音反射系统

A disadvantage of using a resonator is that it collects energy which is delivered back with some delay after the input signal is terminated, causing coloration of the sound by a delayed resonance at the resonance frequency of the Helmholtz resonator.

The delayed resonance can be limited by damping which dissipates the vibration energy into heat. With a standard bassreflex system damping is determined by the loudspeaker-actuator in combination with the amplifier.

A second damping factor is the dissipated energy of the port which is difficult to tune as it is influenced by the shape of the port and the amount of damping material used inside the cabinet near the port.

This situation almost guarantees differences between each manufactured loudspeaker and to reduce these deviations a special version of the bassreflex principle has been introduced where the moving air is replaced by an additional loudspeaker diaphragm, named a passive radiator with well defined dynamic properties.

Still, as will be shown in Section 5.2 , it is impossible to create a response without any delay unless the benefits of the bassreflex principle are fully sacrificed.
不过,正如第 5.2 节所述,除非完全牺牲低音反射原理的优点,否则不可能产生没有任何延迟的响应。
Another and even more important drawback of the bassreflex system is the higherorder drop-off below the Helmholz resonance frequency, which makes it virtually impossible to boost the sound power by filter corrections below this frequency.
低音反射系统的另一个更重要的缺点是,在 Helmholz 谐振频率以下会出现高阶 音量下降,因此几乎不可能通过滤波器修正来提高该频率以下的音量。

This higher-order drop-off is best understood when realising that at very low frequencies the bassreflex port is just an acoustic short-circuit between the front and the back side of the loudspeaker, which cancels the total sound pressure, just like with a loudspeaker without an enclosure.
When trying to achieve a response until with an acceptable dynamic response without too much delay, one would need to bring the Helmholz resonance also at 20 and this can only be achieved with extremely large enclosures. The alternative to use a very thin pipe will not work as then the velocity in the pipe becomes too large and turbulence will increase the flow resistance.
如果要在 之前获得可接受的动态响应,同时又没有过多的延迟,就需要将赫尔姆霍兹共振也设置在 20 ,而这只能通过超大的箱体来实现。使用极细管道的替代方案也行不通,因为管道中的流速会变得过大,湍流会增加流动阻力。

In fact one can already conclude from mere qualitative reasoning that a bassreflex system does not solve anything for real high end subwoofers. For these reasons the principle is not used for the subwoofers of RMS Acoustics and Mechatronics.
事实上,仅从定性推理就可以得出结论,低音反射系统对真正的高端超低音没有任何作用。由于这些原因,RMS Acoustics 和 Mechatronics 的超重低音扬声器并未采用这一原理。
In the following section the dynamic analysis of bass reflex systems is presented, further underlining these conclusive statements on the low-frequency limitations of the principle.

4 Bassreflex Dynamics 4 低音反射动态

As part of the university classroom lectures on dynamics of motion systems, I have often used a demonstrator with two coupled loudspeakers working according to the bassreflex principle.

The charm of the system is the easy observability of the dynamic effects and the mental connection to real life systems as most of the students have loudspeakers where the bassreflex principle is used.

The demonstrator is based on the same enclosure design that will be presented in the paper on "Sensorless Velocity Feedback Subwoofer", which also was developed for as a classroom demonstrator, using two large loudspeakers and motional feedback.
该演示器基于 "无传感器速度反馈低音炮 "论文中介绍的相同箱体设计,该论文也是作为课堂演示器开发的,使用了两个大型扬声器和运动反馈。
The main difference of the approach in this section when compared with the well known Thiele-Small analysis and many other related methods is found in the more mechanical oriented approach.
与众所周知的 Thiele-Small 分析法和许多其他相关方法相比,本节所采用的方法的主要区别在于它更偏向于机械分析。

Regular analysis translates the lumped mechanical elements like the rigid body the spring and the damper into their electronic equivalents like inductor, capacitor and resistor.

Depending on the method used, the actuator is replaced by a gyrator or transformer and the analysis is further done as if it was an electronic circuit.

The usefulness of this electronic equivalent method is proven over the years with many easily applicable computer programs of which the free version of Scan-Speak which can be downloaded at their website is a good example.
多年来,许多易于使用的计算机程序证明了这种电子等效方法的实用性,可在其网站上下载的免费版 Scan-Speak 就是一个很好的例子。
While this electronic equivalent method has its advantage in the possibility to use dedicated software from the electronic domain, it is not capable of utilising the knowledge on dynamics which has been gained over the years in the mechanical domain with for instance vibration modal analysis which can model effectively breakup phenomena and decoupling of compliant bodies.

The propagation of sound in any medium is a physical phenomenon with a clear relation to the mechanical domain" which is a strong argument to remain in the mechanical domain when searching improvements in reproducing music by loudspeakers.

In this respect this section can be seen is a starting point for learning the mechanical dynamics approach on sound reproduction.

5 Bassreflex with Diaphragm Resonator
5 带振膜谐振器的低音反射式耳机

The enclosure as shown in Figure 2 was originally designed to be used as an active controlled closed-box system as described in a separate paper on velocity feedback.
图 2 所示的外壳最初是设计用作主动受控闭箱系统的,这在另一篇关于速度反馈的论文中有所描述。

Due to the two loudspeakers that share the same enclosure it allows to experiment with the passively radiating diaphragm principle by using one of the loudspeakers as the active driven loudspeaker and the other as the passive radiator.

The damping of each loudspeaker can be controlled by the impedance between the external connections, either from the amplifier for the driven loudspeaker or by a series resistance for the passive radiator.
Figure 2: The enclosure of the subwoofer with two loudspeakers. With the bassreflex principle one of the loudspeakers is driven by an amplifier while the other is passively coupled to the driven loudspeaker by the stiffness of the air spring enclosed by the cabinet.
图 2:带有两个扬声器的低音炮箱体。根据低音反射原理,其中一个扬声器由放大器驱动,而另一个扬声器则通过箱体中空气弹簧的刚度与驱动扬声器被动耦合。

5.1 Frequency Response of Diaphragm Resonator
5.1 膜片谐振器的频率响应

The bass-reflex principle is directly related to the theory about the dynamic response of two elastically coupled bodies to a force on one of the bodies. This theory shows that the motion amplitude of driven loudspeaker should become zero at the antiresonance frequency determined by the moving mass of the passive radiator and the stiffness of the coupling spring between the diaphragms, which is determined by the enclosed air.
低音反射原理与两个弹性耦合体对其中一个体上的力的动态响应理论直接相关。该理论 表明,驱动扬声器的运动振幅应在由无源辐射器的运动质量和膜片之间耦合弹簧的刚度(由封闭空气决定)决定的反谐振频率处变为零。
The stiffness of the air between the two diaphragms can be calculated with the same equation as used with the Helmholtz resonator. With the surface area of the diaphragm , an air pressure of , a volume of the enclosure and due to the fibre filling:
两个膜片之间空气的刚度可以用与亥姆霍兹谐振器相同的公式计算。膜片的表面积为 ,气压为 ,外壳的体积为 ,纤维填充物的体积为
For the total stiffness that the passive radiator experiences the stiffness of the suspension needs to be added, which equals the inverse of the compliance and leads to a total stiffness of:
被动散热器的总刚度需要加上悬挂装置的刚度,这等于顺应性 的倒数,从而得出总刚度为:
Electrical Data 电气数据 Power handling 功率处理
Nominal impedance 标称阻抗 4 ohm 100h RMS noise test (IEC)
100h 有效值噪声测试(IEC)
-- W
Minimum impedance 最小阻抗 3 ohm Long-term Max System Power
-- W
Maximum impedance 最大阻抗 Zo 65.7 ohm
DC resistance 直流电阻 2.6 ohm Max linear SPL (rms) @ power
最大线性声压级(均方根值)@ 功率
Voice coil inductance 音圈电感 Le 1.6 Short Term Max power
-- W
Capacitor in series with x ohm
与 x 欧姆串联的电容器
Cc -- Voice Coil and Magnet Parameters
T-S Parameters T-S 参数 Voice coil diameter 音圈直径 51
Resonance Frequency 共振频率 fs 19.1 Voice coil height 音圈高度 32.6
Mechanical Q factor 机械 Q 因子 Qms 9.29 Voice coil layers 音圈层 4
Electrical Q factor 电气 Q 因子 Qes 0.38 Height of the gap
Total Q factor 总 Q 因子 Qts 0.37 Linear excursion +/- 线性偏移 +/- 13
Ratio fs/Qts -- Max mech. excursion +/-
最大机械偏移 +/-
Force factor 10.3 Flux density of gap
Mechanical resistance 机械阻力 Rms 1.69 Total useful flux 总有用通量 2.3
Moving mass Mms 130.6 Diameter of magnet 磁铁直径 147
Suspension compliance 暂停遵守规定 0.53 Height of magnet 磁铁高度 35
Effective cone diameter 有效锥直径 24.4 Weight of magnet 磁铁重量 2.2
Effective piston area 有效活塞面积 Sd 466
Equivalent volume 等效体积 Vas 159 Itrs
Sensitivity 91.2
Ratio BL/ 6.4
Figure 3: Characteristics of the applied loudspeaker, the Peerless XXLS 12.
图 3:所用扬声器 Peerless XXLS 12 的特性。
With the moving mass of this results in a natural frequency of the passive radiator with this spring equal to:
由于移动质量为 ,因此使用该弹簧的无源辐射器的固有频率等于:
Measurement of this natural frequency showed a slightly lower frequency of which might indicate that the filling works better in achieving an isothermal compression/expansion or that the stiffness of the suspension is lower.
对这一固有频率的测量显示, ,频率略低,这可能表明填充物在实现等温压缩/膨胀 ,或者悬浮液的刚度较低。

This small deviation is acceptable within the accuracy of the approximated values and the model is sufficiently correct to take the estimated values for the moving mass and spring stiffness of the air in the enclosure and calculate the response of the two loudspeakers, taking into account all springs and dampers.

Figure 4 shows the lumped-element model used to derive the frequency response functions where equals the mass of the driven loudspeaker and the mass of the passive radiator. and are the springs and dampers of each element to the enclosure caused by the guiding diaphragm (surround, spider and the electromagnetic damping.
图 4 显示了用于推导频率响应函数的叠加元件模型,其中 等于驱动扬声器的质量, 等于被动辐射器的质量。 是每个元件与箱体之间的弹簧和阻尼,由导向振膜(环绕、蜘蛛和电磁阻尼)引起。

In the model the previously found resemblance between radiated power and acceleration is used and both sound-pressure responses are added together for the total sound pressure.

This corresponds with the earlier found conclusion that two loudspeakers that generate the same sound pressure by a certain movement of the diaphragm will together generate a sound power that is four times the sound power of one loudspeaker ( ).
这与早先发现的结论相吻合,即两个扬声器通过一定的振膜运动产生相同的声压,共同产生的声功率是一个扬声器声功率的四倍 ( )。
Starting with :
Figure 4: The lumped-element model of the bass reflex system with passive radiator is used to derive the frequency response functions.
图 4:带有无源辐射器的低音反射系统的叠加元件模型用于推导频率响应函数。
From this follows: 由此可见
The motion equation for mass equals
质量 的运动方程等于
and the displacement can be written as function from :
而位移 可以写成来自 的函数:
Filling this in Equation (8) and careful applying some algebra leads to the following equations:
将其填入公式 (8),并仔细应用一些代数方法,可以得出以下公式:
And: 还有
With: 有了
Replacing s with and multiplying with ultimately leads to the following radial frequency response functions for the sound pressure. Note that this is only a proportionality relation to the sound pressure as only the acceleration is calculated.
将 s 替换为 并与 相乘,最终得到以下声压的径向频率响应函数。请注意,这只是声压的比例关系,因为只计算了加速度。
To calculate the real soundpressure it must be multiplied with the radiating efficiency of the diaphragm at a certain distance:
and for the passive radiator:
The total sound pressure is than equal to the difference of these equations as being caused by the motion difference between the two diaphragms.
With the help of MATLAB the responses for different levels of damping are calculated using the above equations. By subtracting both responses the sound response is obtained because the difference of movement creates the acoustic pressure/power.
在 MATLAB 的帮助下,利用上述公式计算出不同阻尼水平的响应。将两个响应相减,就得到了声音响应,因为运动的差异产生了声压/声功率。

The first Bode-plot of Figure 5 shows the effect of the situation when the damping is very low as would be the case when the amplifier has a high output impedance, like a current source. At very low frequencies both masses move in phase until a clear resonance at around . This resonance is caused by the surround diaphragm and spider of both loudspeakers and corresponds with the given resonance frequency characteristics of the used loudspeaker when not mounted in an enclosure.
图 5 的第一张 Bode-plot 显示了阻尼非常低时的效果,就像放大器具有高输出阻抗(如电流源)时的情况一样。在很低的频率下,两个质量块相向移动,直到在 左右出现明显的共振。这种共振是由两个扬声器的环绕振膜和蜘蛛引起的,并与未安装在箱体内时所用扬声器的给定共振频率特性相对应。

They move both in the same direction so the air volume in enclosure does not change by this movement, causing no additional stiffness.
At a higher frequency the passive radiator will dynamically decouple from the driven loudspeaker because the spring can not supply enough force to accelerate the passive radiator.

Eventually this causes a negative peak, the anti-resonance in the response of the driven loudspeaker at the predicted . At the second resonance frequency both masses will move in counter phase.
最终,这将导致一个负峰值,即在预测的 处驱动扬声器响应的反谐振。在第二个共振频率,两个质量块将反相移动。

Now each loudspeaker works on half the volume of the enclosure which means that the gas spring of the enclosure is equally divided over each loudspeaker so they both get twice the stiffness of the total enclosed air between both loudspeakers:
Adding the stiffness of the diaphragm suspension results in the total stiffness per loudspeaker:
This results in a resonance frequency of:
As the diaphragms now move in the opposite direction of each other they will create a sound pressure and as a result the summed response shows a very strong resonance.

Figure 5: Bode plot of the undamped and damped responses from both the driven diaphragm (blue), the passive radiator (red) and the combined responses (black). Below the first resonance at both diaphragms move in the same direction and give no sound pressure. The damping matches the situation when the driven loudspeaker is connected to a voltage source amplifier. The damped step response is still quite nervous.
图 5:驱动振膜(蓝色)、无源辐射器(红色)和综合响应(黑色)的无阻尼和有阻尼响应的 Bode 图。在 第一个共振点以下,两个振膜向同一方向移动,不产生声压。阻尼与驱动扬声器连接到电压源放大器时的情况相符。阻尼阶跃响应仍然相当紧张。

This can be improved by also damping the passive radiator but then the beneficial effect of the resonator in the low frequency response is also reduced. Note the fourth order octave slope below the maximum value at in the combined response
这可以通过对无源辐射器进行阻尼来改善,但这样一来,谐振器对低频响应的有利影响也会减弱。请注意,在 的综合响应中,四阶 倍频程斜率低于最大值
Figure 6: The response of the driven and the resonator diaphragm on a starting sinusoidal signal with a frequency equal to the Helmholtz frequency,shows clearly that first the driven diaphragm will create the sound pressure while after a few periods the resonator takes over.
图 6:从动膜片和共振膜片对频率等于亥姆霍兹频率的起始正弦信号的响应可以清楚地看出,从动膜片首先产生声压,而共振膜片在几个周期后开始产生声压。

This is most clearly seen with low damping but then also the total response shows overshoot.

When both diaphragms have some amount of damping the system can be made to act without overshoot, however, in that case the total response becomes almost equal to the response of the driven diaphragm.
In order to reduce this resonance peak, damping is applied on the driven loudspeaker by using a voltage source amplifier. The effect is shown in the second Bode-plot of Figure 5 and also in the stepresponse.
为了降低共振峰值,使用电压源放大器对驱动扬声器施加阻尼。其效果如图 5 的第二幅节点图和阶跃响应所示。

The added damping clearly reduces the high peak in the frequency response but the sound contribution of the second passive diaphragm is also reduced. Still the summed output shows an acceptable resonance with less than increase in magnitude at and a bandwidth @ 30 . The stepresponse is still not very well damped with almost two full periods of ) which would clearly cause an over emphasis of at low frequency transients, creating a "boombox" sound. More damping could be applied at the passive radiator to reduce the resonance but this also reduces the beneficial effect of the reduction of the loudspeaker excursion as demonstrated in Figure 5, when comparing a: and b:.
增加的阻尼明显降低了频率响应的峰值,但第二个被动振膜的声音贡献也减少了。总和输出仍然显示出可以接受的共振,在 时幅度增加不到 ,在 时带宽为 30 。阶跃响应的阻尼仍然不是很好,几乎有两个整周期的 ),这显然会导致 过分强调低频瞬态,从而产生 "boombox "音效。可在无源辐射器上施加更多阻尼,以减少共振,但这也会降低减少扬声器偏移的有利效果,如图 5 中 a:和 b:的比较所示。

Furthermore it is quite expensive to use a full loudspeaker to only contribute some damping at this very limited frequency area.

For this reason normally the electromagnetic actuator is omitted with the passive radiator and only the mass is tuned while the surround is made from damping rubber to reduce the resonance to an acceptable level.

5.2 Time Domain Response of Sine Signal
5.2 正弦信号的时域响应

The stepresponse of Figure 5 showed a clear periodic reaction with an undamped resonator. Musical signals are, however, never like a step function but rather like a discontinuous series of sine functions and it is interesting to see the behaviour of
图 5 的阶跃响应显示了无阻尼谐振器的明显周期性反应。然而,音乐信号绝不是阶跃函数,而是一系列不连续的正弦函数。

both diaphragms on such signals.
Figure 6 shows the calculated time-domain response of a bassreflex system with a passive resonator for two situations, where in both cases a sinusoidal signal with a frequency, equal to the Helmholtz resonance frequency of the passive resonator diaphragm, is started at .
图 6 显示了带有无源谐振器的低音反射系统在两种情况下的时域响应计算结果,在这两种情况下,都是在 处启动频率与无源谐振器膜片的亥姆霍兹共振频率相同的正弦信号。

In the first situation both the driven diaphragm and the resonating diaphragm have a moderate level of damping and it clearly confirms that the dip in the frequency response of the driven diaphragm from Figure 5 only occurs after some time, because the resonator needs to build up its energy.
在第一种情况下,驱动膜片和共振膜片都具有中等程度的阻尼,这清楚地证实了图 5 中驱动膜片频率响应的下降只是在一段时间后才出现,因为共振器需要积累能量。

Furthermore, at a higher level of damping of both diaphragms, as shown in the right graph of Figure 6, the contribution of the resonating diaphragm to the total sound pressure is almost gone. This also corresponds to the frequency response curves from Figure 5.
此外,如图 6 右图所示,当两个振膜的阻尼水平较高时,共振振膜对总声压的贡献几乎消失。这也与图 5 中的频率响应曲线相吻合。
Two important conclusions can be drawn from these graphs.
  • The often assumed benefit that a bassreflex system could allow the use of a smaller driven loudspeaker than with a closed box enclosure for the same maximum low frequency sound pressure is only true for continuous signals and a low damping resonating diaphragm.

    With varying and sudden bass, like with a base drum, this benefit is non-existing.
  • A low level of damping will always create overshoot in the response but a higher level of damping will reduce the benefit of the bassreflex principle.

    For this reason small subwoofers for computers and cheap home-movie surround systems are always equipped with undamped resonators, resulting in an exaggerated boom bass, which is sometimes nice whan watching a war movie but more often very tiring, while cause a headache.
Like most things in real life, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Mostly benefits on one aspect are counteracted by drawbacks on other aspects.

5.3 Modal analysis of Diaphragm Resonator.
5.3 膜片谐振器的模态分析

The analytical expression of the frequency response becomes quickly quite complicated when describing higher order dynamic structures with several lumped bodies, springs and dampers. For that reason a dynamic system is often analysed by means of its vibration eigenmodes.

This is allowed when the system dynamics are essentially linear as then the total dynamic behaviour can be modelled as the superposition of the behaviour of the system in its separate eigenmodes.

The theory of eigenmodes is based on the property that a non-rigid dynamic system, described as a series of bodies connected by springs and dampers, shows several characteristic resonance frequencies.

Excitation at these frequencies will cause a synchronous periodic movement of all bodies of the system.

The characteristic periodic movement is called an "eigenmode" where the German and Dutch word "eigen" means "own", reflecting the fact that it is a characteristic system property. The corresponding
这种特征性的周期运动被称为 "特征模式",在德语和荷兰语中,"特征 "的意思是 "自己的",这反映了它是一种特征性的系统属性。相应的
a: Eigenmode 1 a: 特征模式 1
b: Eigenmode 1 equivalent (combined mass and stiffness)
b:特征模式 1 等效(质量和刚度的组合)
c: Eigenmode 2 c:特征模式 2
: Eigenmode 2 equivalent ( mirrored) and simplified (added elements)
:特征模式 2 等效( 镜像)和简化(增加元素)
Figure 7: Splitting of the fourth-order dynamic system in two second-order mass-spring systems according to the eigenmodes of the system. The first eigenmode is the rigid-body mode where both diaphragms and move in the same direction as if they were one body with modal mass . The mass and suspension stiffness of both diaphragms can then be added to determine the dynamic response of the first eigenmode. The second eigenmode is a bit more complicated to comprehend.
图 7:根据系统的特征模态,将四阶动力系统拆分为两个二阶质量弹簧系统。第一个特征模态是刚体模态,即 两个膜片沿同一方向运动,就好像它们是一个具有模态质量的体 。将两个隔膜的质量和悬挂刚度相加,即可确定第一特征模态的动态响应。第二个特征模态的理解要复杂一些。

It is the mode where both masses move opposite to each other with the same amplitude as if driven by a mechanism. The symmetry allows a mirroring of the second body with its related springs and like with the first eigenmode the modal mass . Special attention is needed for the connecting air spring which is a factor four larger in the equivalent simple mass-spring system.
在该模态中,两个质量块以相同的振幅相对运动,就像由机械装置驱动一样。对称性使得第二个物体与相关弹簧形成镜像,与第一个特征模态一样,模态质量为 。需要特别注意的是连接空气弹簧,它比等效的简单质量弹簧系统大四倍。

resonance frequency is called the eigenfrequency of that mode, while the movement amplitude as function of the bodies is called the "mode-shape" described by the shape function, a vector notation with terms for each body, where the sign of the value represents the phase at that point relative to the reference body.
共振频率被称为该模态的特征频率,而运动振幅与各机构的函数关系被称为 "模态形状",由形状函数描述。形状函数是一种矢量符号,包含每个机构的项,值的符号代表该点相对于参考机构的相位。
As an example the undamped response of Figure 5 shows two clearly distinguishable eigenfrequencies, one at and one at . The eigenmode that corresponds to has a mode shape that is uniform and equal for both loudspeaker diaphragms (Shape function [ ). The second eigenmode at has a mode shape where both diaphragms move opposite to each other with an equal amplitude (Shape function ).
例如,图 5 的无阻尼响应显示了两个明显不同的特征频率,一个位于 ,另一个位于 。与 相对应的特征模态的模态形状是一致的,两个扬声器振膜的模态形状相等(形状函数 [ )。 处的第二个特征模态的模态形状是两个振膜相对运动,振幅相等(形状函数 )。
From this example one could conclude that the amount of eigenmodes is equal to the square root of the order of the system, which is correct.

In principle the exact model of a real system should consist of an infinite amount of springs, dampers and bodies with a corresponding large amount of eigenmodes.

In a loudspeaker these are most visible at the higher frequencies where diaphragm-breakup, edge diffraction and other dynamic phenomena represent each their own eigenmodes.

In practice the infinite amount of eigenmodes can be reduced to a smaller set by neglecting eigenmodes with a very high eigenfrequency, outside the frequency range of interest.

With the example of the passive radiator bassreflex system this set can be restricted to the two mentioned eigenmodes, because this analysis focuses on low frequency sound reproduction.
The reason why this modal analysis is introduced here with this symplified system is its usefulness to explain the anti-resonance of the driven loudspeaker as not being a resonance at all. For that reason it also does not correspond to an eigenmode.
Figure 7 shows the mode-shapes that belong to the two eigenmodes of this fourthorder system while re-arranging the lumped-elements such that their modal behaviour can be directly determined.
图 7 显示了属于该四阶系统两个特征模态的模态振型,同时重新排列了组合元件,从而可以直接确定其模态行为。

One should be aware that this simplification is only valid for this specific symmetric situation with equal mass and stiffness values.

In the next section it will be shown that an asymmetric system like the bassreflex system with air-port needs some additional adaptations to enable the analysis.
The first eigenmode is the low frequency mode where both diaphragms move in the same direction with equal amplitude and phase, supported by the suspension rubber and spider.

With this mode the connecting air-spring is not deforming and its influence can thus be neglected from the analysis.

This first eigenmode will have an eigenfrequency which is equal to the eigenfrequency of the unmounted loudspeaker, because the combined masses of the two diaphragms work together with a total, so called "modal mass" on the combined stiffness of the two suspensions:
第一特征模态的特征频率等于未安装扬声器的特征频率,这是因为两个振膜的总质量(即所谓的 "模态质量 " )与两个悬挂架的总刚度共同作用:
when and .
This corresponds with the first resonance peak in Figure 8.
这与图 8 中的第一个共振峰相对应。
The second eigenmode is, as mentioned, related to the opposite movement of the
如前所述,第二特征模式与 "彗星 "的反向运动有关。

two bodies, elastically coupled with the connecting air-spring and an eigenfrequency as calculated in Equation (17).
两个主体,与连接空气弹簧弹性耦合,特征频率按公式 (17) 计算。

The movement amplitude is defined by the masses of the two bodies where a larger mass shows a lower amplitude to correlate the acceleration with the equal force in the connecting spring .
To imagine both eigenmodes is not extremely difficult. The first eigenmode is the most easy to imagine with the two loudspeakers moving in the same direction, even when only one of them is driven. Like a car with a caravan.
To imagine the second eigenmode one should think of two balls connected with a spring hanging in outer space. An astronaut grabs these balls, stretches the spring and lets the balls loose.

Now it is easy to see that the balls first approach each other until the spring is compressed, then they separate again, etc. When the balls have a different mass the smaller ball will move more quickly.

In extremis, like with a car as the first body connected via its suspension to the earth as second body, a bumping car will hardly move the earth due to the immense mass difference.
In the complete system the combination of both modes determines the total behaviour and as a result a force in the positive -direction will also result in a movement of the second body in the positive -direction but less than with the first eigenmode only. For the first body the response of the second eigenmode is positively added to the first eigenmode while the second eigenmode is subtracted from the first eigenmode for the second body.
在整个系统中,两种模式的组合决定了整个系统的行为,因此,正 - 方向上的力也会导致第二个物体在正 - 方向上的移动,但移动幅度小于仅使用第一特征模式时的移动幅度。对于第一个物体,第二个特征模态的响应与第一个特征模态的响应相加,而对于第二个物体,第二个特征模态的响应与第一个特征模态的响应相减。
It is interesting to see how the elements can be rearranged in ones imagination for the analytical understanding in this case where both moving diaphragms have the same mass. Especially the impact of the air-spring will prove to be significant.

In this specific situation with two equal masses the magnitude of the movement of both masses is equal. As a consequence the middle of the air-spring does not move.

One might call it a "node" where only force is transferred and for that reason this middle point could be connected to the stationary world like a wall without effect on the eigenmode from a dynamic point of view.
我们可以称它为 "节点",在这里只有力的传递,因此这个中间点可以像一堵墙一样与静止的世界相连,从动态的角度来看不会对特征模式产生影响。

This means that each body works on half the spring with double the stiffness as the full spring.
The presence of a imaginary wall in the middle allows to imagine the second body mirrored to the other side of the wall, while it also could be directly connected to the first body. This is allowed for the analysis as the movements are equal for this eigenmode.

As a last step all mass and stiffness values can be added like with the first eigenmode. This means that also for this second eigenmode the modal mass becomes equal to and the air-spring stiffness appears with a factor four times in the equivalent simplified mass-spring system. For the example this stiffness equals
最后一步是将所有质量和刚度值相加,就像第一个特征模态一样。这意味着对于第二个特征模态,模态质量 也等于 ,而空气弹簧刚度在等效简化质量弹簧系统中的系数为 的四倍。在本例中,该刚度等于
The combined frequency-response transfer function can be derived from the two responses as shown in Figure 7.
如图 7 所示,从这两个响应可以得出频率-响应组合传递函数。
The frequency responses start at low frequencies on a different level because of the difference in stiffness of both modes due to the air-spring. At the common
由于空气弹簧导致两种模式的刚度不同,因此频率响应从低频开始就不同。在 ,普通

Figure 8: Bode plots of the diaphragms as combined response from the two undamped eigenmodes. The difference in phase of the driven loudspeaker and the passive radiator in the second eigenmode causes an "anti-resonance" at approximately because at that frequency the contributions of both eigenmodes are equal but with an opposite sign. With the passive radiator the phases are equal hence the values simply add to the double value . Note the combined sound response which is simply double ( ) the response of the second eigenmode for each loudspeaker.
图 8:振膜的 Bode 图为两个无阻尼特征模式的综合响应。在第二个特征模式中,驱动扬声器 和无源辐射器 的相位差会在大约 处产生 "反谐振",因为在该频率下,两个特征模式的贡献相等,但符号相反。而在无源辐射器中,相位相等,因此数值相加即可得到双倍值 。请注意综合声音响应,即每个扬声器的第二个特征模态响应的两倍( )。
eigenfrequency of the first eigenmode is visible in the response of both diaphragms. At the magnitude of both modes is equal and to determine the combined movement it is important to look at the phase of both modes. For the driven loudspeaker the first eigenmode has almost phase at while the second eigenmode has phase. This means both contributions to the movement of the first diaphragm will cancel each other out and cause the anti-resonance which appears to be no resonance at all but just the combination of two equal opposite movements.
第一个特征模态的特征频率在两个膜片的响应中都可以看到。在 ,两个模式的幅度相等,要确定组合运动,必须查看两个模式的相位。对于驱动扬声器,第一个特征模态在 时的相位几乎为 ,而第二个特征模态的相位为 。这意味着对第一振膜运动的两个贡献将相互抵消,并导致反共振,这似乎根本不是共振,而只是两个相等的相反运动的组合。

For the passive radiator the situation is different because here the second eigenmode moves in the opposite direction of the driven loudspeaker. An opposite movement means phase and as a consequence the first and second eigenmode have the same phase at for the passive radiator. As a consequence the movements add to a factor two (+6 dB). At higher frequencies first the eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode at shows its characteristic resonance peak. Above the driven loudspeaker follows a flat response corresponding by a constant acceleration, like with a closed box loudspeaker. The passive radiator however shows a -2 slope at increasing frequencies which is caused by the fact that both eigenmodes approach
对于无源辐射器而言,情况则有所不同,因为这里的第二特征模式与驱动扬声器的运动方向相反。相反的运动意味着 相位,因此对于无源辐射器而言,第一和第二特征模态在 时具有相同的 相位。因此,两个特征模式的相位相差 2 倍(+6 dB)。在较高频率下,位于 的第二特征模式的特征频率首先显示出其特有的共振峰值。在 以上,驱动扬声器的响应平缓,与恒定加速度相对应,就像封闭箱式扬声器一样。然而,无源辐射器在频率增加时显示出-2 斜坡,这是由于两个特征模态都接近于

the same mass-determined response corresponding with with a phase difference of which means that they cancel each other out more at higher frequencies.
相对应的相同质量决定响应的相位差为 ,这意味着它们在较高频率下会相互抵消。
The effect of damping is equal as shown with the analytical calculations. It should be noted that damping of the driven loudspeaker acts on both eigenmodes but with different levels. The quality factor is higher with the high stiffness of the second eigenmode which means that more damping is needed to suppress this second eigenmode. This is not always sufficiently possible leading to "boombass".
阻尼的影响与分析计算结果相同。值得注意的是,驱动扬声器的阻尼作用于两个特征模态,但程度不同。当第二个特征模式的刚度较高时,品质因数 会更高,这意味着需要更多的阻尼来抑制第二个特征模式。但这并不总能实现,从而导致 "boombass "现象。

A loudspeaker must be designed according to the application by tuning the electromagnetic properties of the actuator to the mass and the enclosure otherwise the result will not be acceptable.
Further it is good to be aware that the sound is only produced by the second eigenmode which matches the green line in the figure which is a factor above the movement of each diaphragm apart for this second eigenmode only. This factor 2 is due to the fact that the calculation is made for both eigenmodes separately, when driven with a unit force.
此外,最好注意声音仅由第二种特征模式产生,这与图中的绿线相吻合,绿线比第二种特征模式下每个膜片的运动高出一个系数 。系数 2 的原因是,在以单位力驱动时,两个特征模态是分开计算的。

When combined this force would be divided by two over the two eigenmodes, thereby cancelling the factor 2 in reality.
在两个特征模态之间,这个力将被二除以二,从而抵消了现实中的系数 2。
From this observation one can conclude that it is better to only drive the system in its second eigenmode with sufficient damping. This requires that the first eigenmode is not excited and that is only possible when the passive radiator is also driven.

When doing so the system becomes identical to a closed box with two drivers, which do deliver when compared to one driver because of the twice supplied electrical power.

6 Bassreflex with Air-Port Resonator
6 带空气端口谐振器的低音反射式耳机

A passive radiator is always more expensive than an air-port made by means of a plastic tube. This low cost level is the main reason that the latter is mostly applied even though it is more difficult to achieve a well defined low frequency behaviour.

Figure 9,a: shows a schematic drawing of the principle where the passive radiator is replaced by a volume of air contained within a tube that is open both to the outside and to the inside of the enclosure.
图 9a:显示的是原理示意图,其中被动散热器被一个管子中的空气量所取代,该管子既向机壳外部开放,也向机壳内部开放。

The air-volume in the bassreflex-port will act as the second passively radiating body and determine a resonating eigenfrequency with the spring of the enclosure and the mass of the driven loudspeaker diaphragm.

Unfortunately the modal analysis of this system is less simple as with the previously described symmetrical system. This is caused by the difference in diameter of the bassreflex port and the loudspeaker diaphragm and the different mass values.

Still it will be shown that the same "anti-resonance" effect occurs on the driven loudspeaker as with the passive radiator.
尽管如此,我们仍然可以看到,驱动扬声器与无源辐射器产生了相同的 "反谐振 "效应。

This corresponds approximately with the eigenfrequency of a Helmholtz resonator determined by the air-mass in the port and the enclosed volume of air as explained in Figure 1. It is also important to note that the same dynamic limitations that were described in Section 5.2 are valid
如图 1 所示,这与亥姆霍兹谐振器的特征频率大致吻合,该谐振器的特征频率由端口中的空气质量和封闭的空气体积决定。还需要注意的是,第 5.2 节中所述的动态限制同样有效。
a: Schematic cross-section
b: Lumped element model
Figure 9: A normal bassreflex loudspeaker enclosure (a:) applies a volume of air as passive radiator. This volume of air is enclosed by a pipe or port that is open at both sides, connecting the enclosure volume to the environment.
图 9:一个普通的低音反射式扬声器箱体(a:)使用一个空气体积作为被动辐射器。该空气体积由两侧开放的管道或端口封闭,将箱体体积与环境连接起来。

The mass of the volume of air inside the air-port or bassreflex-port port will resonate with the stiffness of the air spring by the enclosure volume causing a reduction of the excursion amplitude of the driven loudspeaker diaphragm at that frequency.

The lumped element equivalent scheme (b:) is used to derive the frequency transfer functions.
采用叠加元件等效方案 (b:) 来推导频率传递函数。
for bassreflex systems with an air-port resonator, because, as will be shown, the dynamics are essentially equal.

6.1 Frequency Response of Air-Port Resonator
6.1 空气端口谐振器的频率响应

The frequency response for both moving elements is determined with the help of the lumped-element model of Figure 9,b:. New terms in this model are the radiating surfaces for the driven loudspeaker and for the opening of the bassreflex port, where stands for the diameter. The mass of the passive radiator is determined by the volume of the port and the density of air . As mentioned with the Helmholtz resonator, the effective length equals the length of the port plus approximately 0.73 times the diameter of the port . The factor for the adiabatic compression/expansion of the air in the enclosure can be accounted with as a factor reducing the volume of air in the enclosure .
两个移动元件的频率响应均借助图 9.b:中的块状元件模型确定。该模型中的新术语是驱动扬声器的辐射表面 和低音反射端口的开口 ,其中 代表直径。无源辐射器的质量由端口的体积 和空气密度 决定。如亥姆霍兹谐振器所述,有效长度 等于端口长度加上约 0.73 倍的端口直径 中空气的绝热压缩/膨胀因子可作为减少外壳中空气体积的因子来计算
Starting with the driven loudspeaker with mass :
从质量为 的驱动扬声器开始:
where equals the stiffness of the surround suspension of the loudspeaker and equals the air pressure of the environment . Both fractions in the above equation represent the relative volume change by a movement of the respective elements which, after multiplication with the average environmental pressure and the radiating surface of the loudspeaker, gives the force on that surface due to the movement of each element.
其中 等于扬声器环绕悬挂装置的刚度, 等于环境的气压 。上式中的两个分数均表示各元件运动时的相对体积变化,与平均环境压力和扬声器的辐射表面 相乘后,得出各元件运动对该表面的作用力。
Written as force in terms of and this equation is written as:
Doing the same steps as with the loudspeaker the motion equation for the passive radiating air-mass can be derived, resulting in the following relation between and :
按照与扬声器相同的步骤,可推导出无源辐射空气质量 的运动方程,从而得出 之间的关系如下:
To simplify further calculations three stiffness terms are defined:
With these terms Equation (20) is simplified into:
有了这些项,方程 (20) 简化为
and with Equation (21) the displacement can be written as function from :
根据公式 (21),位移 可以写成来自 的函数:
Filling this in Equation (23) and careful applying some algebra leads to the following transfer functions from force to motion:
将其填入公式 (23),并仔细应用一些代数,就可以得到以下从力到运动的传递函数:
with: 用:
Replacing s with and multiplying the numerator with to get the acceleration response, ultimately leads to the following proportional radial frequency response functions for the soundpressure of the loudspeaker diaphragm:
将 s 替换为 ,并将分子乘以 以获得加速度响应,最终得出以下扬声器振膜声压的比例径向频率响应函数:
To retain the same proportionality for the soundpressure of the passive radiator it is necessary to correct for the much smaller radiating surface for which reason the transfer function is multiplied with the ratio :
The total sound pressure is than equal to the difference of these equations as being caused by the motion difference between the driven loudspeaker and the moving air in the bassreflex port.
As an example the applied loudspeaker of the previous part is used in the same enclosure cabinet while the passive radiating diaphragm is replaced by a tube with a diameter of and a length . The air volume is then approximately because, as mentioned before, also the air just outside the port has to be taken into account, giving an effective length . The resulting moving mass of the passive radiator is then approximately . This is more then a factor 100 below the moving mass of the active driven loudspeaker diaphragm and one would expect little effect.
例如,在同一箱体中使用前一部分的扬声器,而无源辐射振膜则由直径为 、长度为 的管子取代。这样,空气体积约为 ,因为如前所述,端口外的空气也必须考虑在内,因此有效长度为 。因此,无源散热器的运动质量约为 。这比有源驱动扬声器振膜的运动质量低 100 多倍,预计影响不大。

The frequency response functions for the little damped and optimally damped situation are calculated in MATLAB and shown in Figure 10, unexpectedly indicating a comparable dynamic characteristic as with the passive radiating diaphragm.
在 MATLAB 中计算了小阻尼和最佳阻尼情况下的频率响应函数,如图 10 所示,出乎意料地显示了与被动辐射膜片相似的动态特性。

As will be showed with the modal analysis this is caused by the ratios between the active surfaces of the air in the tube and the loudspeaker diaphragm. This is very prominently shown with the first eigenfrequency which is significantly below the resonance frequency of the unmounted loudspeaker. When looking at the modal mass analysis in the next section it is showed that the small mass of the air is perceived as a large mass on the driven loudspeaker diaphragm to the ratio of the radiating surfaces squared.
正如模态分析所显示的那样,这是由导管中空气的有效表面与扬声器振膜之间的比率造成的。这在第一个特征频率上表现得非常明显,该频率明显低于未安装扬声器的 共振频率。下一节中的模态质量分析表明,空气的小质量在驱动扬声器振膜上被认为是与辐射表面平方之比相当的大质量。

6.2 Stepresponse of Air-Port Resonator
6.2 空气端口谐振器的阶跃响应

The stepresponse from Figure 10 is calculated for four different settings of the mainly resistive amplifier output impedance.
图 10 中的阶跃响应是根据主要是电阻放大器输出阻抗的四种不同设置计算得出的。

A true voltage source amplifier which almost all modern amplifiers are, shows a better damped stepresponse than the passive radiator with only one period of delayed response.

This difference in dynamic behaviour is related to a somewhat higher damping of the air-port by the high velocity

Figure 10: The Bode plots with little (a:) and optimal (b:) damping and step response with different levels of damping of the bassreflex system designed with the same enclosure as the passive loudspeaker diaphragm system of the previous section, where the passive radiating diaphragm is exchanged by an air volume in a pipe of diameter and length. When provided with the damping caused by a voltage source amplifier the frequency responses look almost equal as with the passive radiating diaphragm.
图 10:低音反射系统(a:)和最佳(b:)阻尼的 Bode 图,以及不同阻尼水平下的阶跃响应,低音反射系统的设计与上一节中的无源扬声器振膜系统相同 ,其中无源辐射振膜由直径为 、长度为 的管道中的空气量交换。通过电压源放大器产生的阻尼,频率响应与无源辐射振膜几乎相同。

The step response is improved although it is clearly seen that an amplifier with a non-zero output impedance rapidly results in a deterioration with a strong delayed resonance after a transient.

Figure 11: The impact of the damping in by the port on two settings of amplifier impedance. With a voltage source amplifier the level of port-damping influences the magnitude rather than the periodicity of the response while a high output impedance amplifier benefits more of a stronger damped port.
图 11: 中端口阻尼对放大器阻抗两种设置的影响。对于电压源放大器 ,端口阻尼水平影响的是响应的幅度而不是周期,而高输出阻抗放大器 则更受益于较强的端口阻尼。
of the air than was the case with the modelled undamped passive diaphragm of the previous case.

An increasing amplifier impedance shows a significant effect on the delayed resonance with almost three periods when the impedance of the amplifier becomes equal to the resistive value of the loudspeaker impedance.

Even though this is a high value especially tube amplifiers often show an output impedance in the Ohmic range due to lack of feedback and these amplifiers require a higher level of internal damping by for instance the port.

This is demonstrated in Figure 11 where four different levels of port damping are calculated for two settings of amplifier impedance. Both situations show a beneficial effect of increased port damping but the effect is most prominent with the high output impedance amplifier.
图 11 演示了这一点,图中计算了两种放大器阻抗设置下的四种不同水平的端口阻尼。两种情况都显示出增加端口阻尼的有益效果,但高输出阻抗放大器的效果最为突出。

This indicates that a less fortunate amplifier loudspeaker combination can be improved by increasing the port damping. A reason why several people prefer to combine their tube amplifier with a bassreflex loudspeaker over a closed box loudspeaker.
The beneficial effect of the port damping on the dynamics is however at a sacrifice of noise as most of the energy is dissipated in turbulence around the edges of the port.

This can be improved by rounding the edges but then the damping is decreased and one might insert a piece of fibre padding or rubber foam with open cells inside the tube to increase the damping.

This again is quite unpredictable, resulting in a larger spread in performance of different loudspeakers with the same design.

On the other hand it gives the possibility to tune a loudspeaker to the amplifier and with suitable measuring microphones one can even optimise the system for the listening room to a limited extent.

6.3 Modal Analysis of Air-Port Resonator
6.3 空气端口谐振器的模态分析

It was previously explained that the modal analysis of a "normal" mechanical system consisting of lumped bodies, springs and dampers is based on the principle that each eigenmode can exist independent of the others and will show a resonance when excited in its eigenfrequency.
前面已经解释过,对由块体、弹簧和阻尼器组成的 "正常 "机械系统进行模态分析所依据的原则是,每个特征模态都可以独立于其他模态而存在,并且在其特征频率下受到激励时会产生共振。

It also implies that no other external forces act on the system other than the excitation force by the actuator and the forces in the springs and dampers that connect the bodies to each other and to the stationary world.

The passive radiator had the same diameter as the driven loudspeaker for which reason the connecting air could be modelled straightforward as a mechanical spring acting equally on both diaphragms. The system with a bassreflex port is however quite different as the driven loudspeaker will experience another stiffness value by the enclosed air volume as the air-mass in the port, due to the diameter difference that comes squared in the equation for the stiffness value.

Furthermore the volume of air acts like a compressible medium creating forces to all surfaces inside the enclosure.
The easy part is the fact that also in this case it is allowed to limit the relevant eigenmodes to just two as the non-modal analysis shows two clearly distinguishable eigenfrequencies, corresponding to a first eigenmode where both bodies (diaphragm and air-column in the bassreflex port) move in the same direction and a second eigenmode where they move opposite to each other.
The first eigenmode will have a mode-shape where the air in the bassreflex port will show a higher amplitude than the loudspeaker diaphragm in the ratio of the cross-section of the loudspeaker and the bassreflex port.

When assuming the air to be incompressible, the corresponding shape function would equal ). The assumption of incompressibility at the low frequency is based on the understanding that at this frequency the air in the port will not yet receive much motion resistance, hence not exert large forces.
假设空气不可压缩,则相应的形状函数等于 )。低频不可压缩的假设是基于这样一种理解,即在此频率下,端口中的空气不会受到太大的运动阻力,因此不会产生很大的力。

It will be shown that this assumption is only allowed for a very rough approximation and in any case the mass of the air is accelerated with a large factor higher than the first body and this has a very interesting effect on the equivalent modal mass as observed at the point of excitation, which is the first moving mass.

This is best explained with mathematics, starting with Newton's second law on inertia with the variables as defined in Figure 9:
最好用数学来解释这一点,从牛顿惯性第二定律开始 ,变量如图 9 所示:
where equals the acceleration of the driven loudspeaker with mass and equals the reactive force by the mass of the air in the bassreflex port. This reactive force is equal to the pressure that is created by the force that accelerates the air in the port.
其中, 等于质量为 的驱动扬声器的加速度, 等于低音反射端口中空气质量 所产生的反作用力。该反作用力等于 加速端口内空气的力所产生的压力
Note that in the relation between the acceleration levels the condition of incompressibility is assumed. Both equations combined give the following value for the modal

mass: 质量
With for the driven loudspeaker, for the port and , the modal mass for the first eigenmode becomes equal to . This means that the mass of the air is even more dominant than the mass of the driven loudspeaker for this eigenmode. In reality it is necessary to take into account the real finite stiffness for the connecting air spring.
表示驱动扬声器, 表示端口, ,则第一特征模式的模态质量等于 。这意味着在该特征模式下,空气质量比驱动扬声器的质量更为重要。实际上,有必要考虑到连接空气弹簧的实际有限刚度。

It is well imaginable that a lower stiffness value than infinite will create a smaller movement of the mass of the air in the bassreflex port, thus reducing the reactive force.

Most probably the modal mass component of the air in the bassreflex port is approximately equal to the mass of the loudspeaker diaphragm like is the case for the second eigenmode as will be shown further on.
The stiffness of the connection of the first eigenmode to the stationary enclosure is equal to the stiffness of the suspension of the driven loudspeaker. With this stiffness the more than doubled mass will result in a significantly lower eigenfrequency at times the eigenfrequency of the unmounted loudspeaker which was . The resulting resonance at around corresponds with the value shown in Figure 10.a:. Unfortunately this lower frequency does not mean that the loudspeaker will reproduce sound at this frequency as the sound pressure is not produced by the first eigenmode, which was also the case with the passive diaphragm version.
第一特征模态与固定外壳连接的刚度等于驱动扬声器悬架的刚度。在此刚度下,超过一倍的质量将导致 的特征频率大大降低,是未安装扬声器特征频率的 倍。由此产生的共振频率约为 ,与图 10.a:中显示的数值一致。遗憾的是,较低的频率并不意味着扬声器能在此频率重现声音,因为声压不是由第一特征模式产生的,这也是无源振膜版本的情况。

Even though the air in the port moves faster in the ratio of the radiating surfaces, the same ratio compensates the effect on sound pressure as it is linear proportional to both surface and excursion .
For the sound radiation the second eigenmode is the determining factor and this analysis is even more complicated because now the compressibility of the air must be taken into account.

The starting point for this modal analysis is the assumption that the enclosure is small in respect to the wavelength of the sound at the eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode. From Figure 10.a: this eigenfrequency is expected around where the second resonance is shown. This corresponds to a wavelength of several metres so the condition is met and as a consequence the air pressure can be assumed homogeneous inside the enclosure.
这种模态分析的出发点是假定在第二特征模态的特征频率处,外壳相对于声音波长较小。从图 10.a:该特征频率预计在 附近,此处显示了第二共振。这相当于几米的波长,因此符合条件,因此可以假定箱体内的气压是均匀的。

This means that the forces acting on both moving masses will relate to the radiating surfaces and . At the eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode the system is in full equilibrium and assuming no energy is dissipated it will keep resonating at this frequency.
这意味着作用在两个运动质量上的力将与辐射表面 有关。在第二特征模式的特征频率下,系统处于完全平衡状态,假设没有能量耗散,系统将在此频率下保持共振。

In that case the relative periodic accelerations and the directly proportional relative periodic displacements of both bodies can then be calculated as follows using Newton's second law with the necessary equilibrium in pressure inside the enclosure:
This enables to write down the following ratio between and :
这样就可以写出 之间的比率:
The sound pressure is a function of the excursion and the radiating surfaces giving:
声压是偏移和辐射表面 的函数:
With the numbers from the example this ratio equals approximately 1.4, meaning both radiating surfaces act almost equal on the sound pressure at the eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode.
根据示例中的数字,这一比率约等于 1.4,这意味着两个辐射表面对第二特征模特征频率处的声压作用几乎相等。

The determination of the eigenfrequency is based on the fact that there should be a neutral zone in the air spring as both bodies move opposite to each other. This means that there is a dividing plane inside the enclosure where the molecules of air stand still.

This plane is determined by the volume change which is related to a displacement of both diaphragms of which the relation is given by Equation (33).
该平面由体积变化决定,体积变化与两块膜片的位移有关,其关系式为公式 (33)。
which is not unexpectedly the same relation as between the sound pressures with a value of 1.4 for the practical example, meaning that about of the enclosure volume is used by the loudspeaker and by the bassreflex-port. These findings all point stronger and stronger to the previously found similarity between the passive radiator and the port-loaded bassreflex system and indeed this is a true finding.
这与实际例子中声压值为 1.4 的关系并不意外,这意味着扬声器使用了约 的箱体容积,而低音反射端口使用了 的箱体容积。这些发现都愈发证明了之前发现的无源辐射器与端口加载低音反射系统之间的相似性,而这也确实是一个真实的发现。

If the ratio value was equal to one the systems would be exactly the same and this can be arranged in this example by increasing the air mass with a longer bassreflex port. The eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode is then equal to the value found with the passive radiator with but even with the given dimensions the system acts almost the same. As a check whether this reasoning is true the eigenfrequency of the second eigenmode can be calculated on both the loudspeaker mass and bassreflex port mass each with the stiffness of their own part of the enclosure volume using Equation (30) of the paper on "Low Frequency Sound Generation by Loudspeaker Drivers". Using the values for the loudspeaker with and , and for the moving air with and and taking for both stiffness values and , the following is obtained:
如果比率值等于 1,系统将完全相同,在本例中,可以通过加长低音反射端口来增加空气质量。这样,第二个特征模式的特征频率就等于使用 的无源辐射器时的值,但即使在给定的尺寸下,系统的作用也几乎相同。为了验证这一推理是否正确,可使用 "扬声器驱动器产生的低频声音 "论文中的公式 (30) 计算扬声器质量 和低音反射端口质量 的第二个特征模式的特征频率,每个特征频率都与箱体体积中各自部分的刚度有关。使用 得出扬声器的数值,使用 得出移动空气的数值,并将这两个刚度值取为 ,得出以下结果:
Adding the stiffness of the diaphragm suspension results in the total stiffness for the loudspeaker of . With the moving mass values
加上振膜悬挂装置的刚度 ,扬声器的总刚度为 。运动质量值

of and this results respectively in a natural frequency of:
The difference in these calculated values, which should have been equal, is small enough to prove the assumption, while it is easily caused by the approximation of the factor 1.4 between the volume parts of the enclosure, having a large impact on the stiffness.
这些本应相等的计算值之间的差异很小,足以证明这一假设,而这很容易是由于外壳体积部分之间的系数 1.4 近似造成的,对刚度有很大影响。

A 10% larger part of the enclosure volume for the loudspeaker and a corresponding smaller part for the moving air in the bassreflex port would result in a different frequency thus equalising the values.
扬声器的箱体容积增大 10%,低音反射孔中的流动空气容积相应减小 10%,就会产生 不同的频率,从而使数值相等。
Based on the found similarity with the passive radiator it is not without logic to expect that the modal mass, effective on the point where the actuator drives the system is most probably approximately equal to the modal mass of the first eigenmode.

More exactly it can be determined starting with the first part of Equation (30):
更确切地说,可以从公式 (30) 的第一部分开始计算:
Using Equation (33) the following relation between the accelerations is obtained
利用公式 (33) 可以得出加速度之间的关系如下
which leads to a simple expression for the reactive force:
This means that the reactive force by the coupled mass on the point of insertion of the driving force is equal to force needed for the acceleration of the driven loudspeaker diaphragm alone and the coupled mass just doubles the perceived mass of the driven loudspeaker for the second eigenmode.

This fully complies with the "gutfeel" that the second eigenmode should be in mass balance. It is also logical to state then that the modal stiffness is twice the perceived stiffness of the enclosure by the driven loudspeaker.
这完全符合第二特征模态应达到质量平衡的 "直觉"。同样符合逻辑的是,模态刚度是驱动扬声器的箱体感知刚度的两倍。

With these findings the frequency response can be derived using Matlab with the following steps.
有了这些结论,就可以使用 Matlab 按以下步骤得出频率响应。
  • The first step is to model the first eigenmode for the driven loudspeaker which can be based on the modal mass with the stiffness of the suspension of the driven loudspeaker.
    第一步是建立驱动扬声器的第一特征模态模型,该模型可基于模态质量 和驱动扬声器悬挂装置的刚度。
  • The acoustic radiation by the first eigenmode of the air-mass in the bassreflex tube is equal and with opposite sign to the acoustic radiation by the first eigenmode of the driven loudspeaker.

Figure 12: The construction of the frequency response by means of eigenmodes with a bassreflex system with air port gives comparable results as with the analytical solution. The deviations are larger due to the many assumptions on the system.
图 12:通过带有气孔的低音反射系统的特征模态来构建频率响应,结果与分析解法相当。由于对系统做了许多假设,因此偏差较大。
  • The second eigenmode is calculated first on the driven loudspeaker with the modal mass equal to the double mass of the moving diaphragm acting on the double stiffness value of the air-spring defined by the volume part of the enclosure that is compressed/expanded by the driven loudspeaker.
  • Finally the responses are combined to give the result.
Figure 12 shows the result of this exercise and when comparing with Figure 10 several deviations are visible. First of all the änti-resonance is not at the same frequency. This is due to the large impact of relative gains of both eigenmodes on the point where they intersect.
图 12 显示了这一练习的结果,与图 10 相比,可以看到一些偏差。首先,反共振不在同一频率。这是因为两个特征模态的相对增益对它们的交点有很大影响。

Secondly the small remaining resonance in the sound output at the first eigenfrequency is not seen. But for the remainder the results are qualitatively comparable.

Certainly this all points out that these simplified calculations have to be seen as not better than rough approximations to obtain qualitative indications of the phenomena that can be expected in reality as a large series of assumptions are made which are all not completely true:
  • The air is assumed to flow frictionless for both modes without turbulence.
  • All is modelled linear.
  • The moving mass in the bassreflex port is estimated with a "rule of thumb" correction factor for the air just outside the port.
    低音反射端口中的运动质量是根据端口外空气的 "经验法则 "修正系数估算出来的。
  • The mass of the air in the enclosure is not taken into account.
  • The mass of air that is driven to produce sound is neglected for reason of the low coupling between a diaphragm and the surrounding air but it is not zero.
  • The wavelength and speed of the sound can be neglected in the enclosure.
  • etc. 等等
Nevertheless the shown dynamic responses are sufficiently representative for real bassreflex systems to be conclusive.

7 Conclusions on Bassreflex for Very Low Frequencies
7 关于极低频低音反射的结论

When observing the resulting responses from Figure 5 and Figure 10 it is clear that even with a good sized enclosure of 60 litres and a large loudspeaker the achieved lowest frequency is around , with a very steep octave slope below this frequency depending on the applied damping. One can in principle extend this range and reduce the dynamic effect of the resonance by a compensation filter at the input signal.
通过观察图 5 和图 10 得出的响应,我们可以清楚地看到,即使使用 60 升的超大箱体和大型扬声器,所实现的最低 频率也在 左右,根据所应用的阻尼,该频率以下的 倍频程斜率非常陡峭。原则上,我们可以通过在输入信号处使用补偿滤波器来扩大这一范围并降低共振的动态效果。

This will however drive the driven loudspeaker diaphragm in extreme excursions, while the entire purpose of bass reflex was to prevent this.

Furthermore, increasing the movement of large volumes of air below the frequency, where the port takes over the main part of the sound reproduction, will increase flow noise.
The only way to really extend the response to is to decrease all resonance frequencies with a factor two. Due to the square root relation with mass or stiffness this means a factor four less stiffness or higher mass or a factor two in both.
只有将所有共振频率降低 2 倍,才能真正扩大 的响应范围。由于质量或刚度的平方根关系,这意味着刚度降低 4 倍或质量增加 2 倍,或者两者都降低 2 倍。

While a higher mass will further decrease efficiency, only a four times lower stiffness would work as long as all stiffness values are decreased that much, so including the surround, spider and the volume of the enclosure.

The last one can also be decreased by means of a smaller loudspeaker but then the moving mass is also decreased.
From this reasoning it can be concluded that only extremely large bass-reflex systems can produce frequencies around . And even then the stepresponse will always show a delayed reaction, giving the impression of uncontrolled "woolly" bass.
由此可以得出结论,只有超大型低音反射系统才能产生 左右的频率。即便如此,阶跃响应也总是会出现延迟反应,给人一种不受控制的 "毛糙 "低音的印象。
Finally there have been times that people believed and seriously stated that a bassreflex system has a higher efficiency. They used as argument that the pipe is open and transfers the sound from the back like in a delay-line.

The fact is, however, that a higher output for the same input power only occurs, when the bassreflex resonance on the second eigenmode ( in the examples) is insufficiently damped and then only around that frequency. Below the roll-off is 4th order, so the power output and efficiency is lower than with the second order roll-off of a closed-box enclosure with bandwidth. Above the air in the pipe or the
但事实上,只有在第二特征模态的低音反射共振(示例中为 )阻尼不足时,才会出现相同输入功率下较高的输出,而且仅在该频率附近出现。在 以下,滚降为四阶,因此功率输出和效率低于带宽为 的封闭式箱体的二阶滚降。高于 时,管道中的空气或

Figure 13: By closing off the pipe or passive membrane the effect of the bassreflex principle on both frequency and time response is made clear. In a closed-box enclosure the sound output matches the diaphragm motion of the driven loudspeaker.
图 13:通过关闭管道或无源膜,低音反射原理对频率和时间响应的影响便一目了然。在封闭箱体中,声音输出与驱动扬声器的振膜运动相匹配。
passive diaphragm hardly moves and does not transfer anything. This means that it effectively closes off the enclosure at those frequencies and consequently the sound output is then equal to the situation with a closed-box enclosure.
Figure 13 is derived from the optimally damped graphs of Figure 5 where the passive membrane part is omitted and the response of the system is added when closing off the passive membrane.
图 13 由图 5 的最佳阻尼图推导而来,其中省略了被动膜部分,增加了关闭被动膜时的系统响应。

It clearly shows the benefit of a smaller diaphragm excursion, however as was shown before in Figure 6 only after the transient periods are over!. It is also clear that there is hardly an increase in efficiency, while the steeper slope with less output below is also evident. Finally the stepresponse of the closed-box situation is better controlled. When increasing the damping of the bassreflex system this can be improved, but then the benefit on diaphragm excursion will also decrease.
它清楚地显示了振膜偏移较小的好处,但正如图 6 所示,只有在瞬态周期结束后才会出现这种情况!此外,效率几乎没有提高。同样明显的是,效率几乎没有提高,而在 以下输出较少的陡峭斜率也很明显。最后,封闭箱体的阶跃响应得到了更好的控制。当增加低音反射系统的阻尼时,这一点可以得到改善,但对振膜偏移的好处也会随之减少。

This all underlines the conclusion from Section 3 that for high quality well-controlled low-frequency sound reproduction one should use a closed-box enclosure.
这一切都强调了第 3 节中的结论,即要重现高质量、控制良好的低频声音,就应该使用封闭箱体。

In two other papers it is shown that the time response can even be further improved by active velocity or acceleration feedback.

  1. For more detailed background information see the book "The Design of High Performance Mechatronics" as presented on the website http://rmsacoustics.nl/education.html
    有关更详细的背景信息,请参阅网站 http://rmsacoustics.nl/education.html 上介绍的《高性能机电一体化设计》一书。