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This document aims to provide Katy with feedback on her current status regarding admission to top colleges in the United States. Before providing further feedback, it is important to introduce the main components of American colleges during the student admission process to provide context for the feedback.

Admission to American colleges primarily focuses on three key areas (based on Harvard's admission criteria, though details may vary among institutions, the core remains the same):

- Academic Foundation: GPA, SAT, AP…

- Extracurricular Activities: Competitions, Summer Schools, Research, Portfolios/Publications/Patents/Non-Profit Organizations

For this section, it's important to note that universities only care about extracurricular activities relevant to a student's future major. If a student participates in 20 extracurricular activities but only one is related to their major, strategically speaking, the time spent on the other 19 activities is wasted.
对于这一部分,重要的是要注意大学只关心与学生未来专业相关的课外活动。如果一个学生参加了 20 项课外活动,但只有一项与他们的专业相关,从战略角度来看,花在其他 19 项活动上的时间是浪费的。

- Personal Traits: Personality, Contribution to the community, Leadership.

Traits that top colleges are looking for include adaptability, perseverance, and how Katy faces obstacles. The focus is not just describing the experiences, but rather what lessons were learned, how she changed, and how it impacted her future.

Now, regarding Katy's performance in these elements:

-GPA: Top 1, very strong
-GPA:排名前 1,非常强劲

- Class Rank: Top 5%

- SAT or ACT: For top 10 schools, SAT is recommended at 1550+ and ACT at 35+
SAT 或 ACT:对于前 10 所学校,建议 SAT 成绩在 1550 分以上,ACT 成绩在 35 分以上

Katy is a very intelligent student. Not only has she excelled academically, but she has also achieved outstanding accomplishments in extracurricular activities such as piano. I cannot imagine Katy struggling with her grades; maintaining her current performance is sufficient.

Extracurricular Activities

When discussing extracurricular activities, I define them as preparation for future college majors (as we discussed, it does not necessarily have to be the major a student will study in the future; theoretically, you might start with Linguistics and then switch to CS or Economics in your sophomore year). We can consider research topics for the summer next year.

I also spoke with Katy about her volunteer work, such as co-founding a non-profit with her classmate. Katy could also develop an app/build an Instagram page for the performances to drive more social impact - this also provides material for her portfolio.
我还与凯蒂谈到了她的志愿工作,比如与她的同学共同创办一个非营利组织。凯蒂还可以开发一个应用程序/建立一个 Instagram 页面来推动更多的社会影响-这也为她的作品集提供了素材。

Additionally, we discussed Katy's target schools, including Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc. We talked about the admission and culture of each school to help Katy set more detailed targets in the future. The best way to understand a school, besides its official website, is to talk to current students/alumni, as they understand their peers best and can provide better advice. Moreover, Katy should have confidence in herself. American college applications consider a student's abilities comprehensively, not just grades, so don't underestimate yourself.

Overall, my impression of Katy is positive, and I am happy to work with her.

If you have any other questions regarding Katy’s education and college admission, please feel free to contact me.
