Author's Note: I apologize for the skipping around that may happen between (or sometimes in) chapters, but I think some mundane details are best left out.

I've written and rewritten this section many times and I still can't get it to where I want it to be, but I'm ready to just move on with the story already : /. Anyways, have fun reading this ridiculously butchered chapter, if possible.


Fox sat back in the padded chair and let his thoughts wander. Already he was feeling the boredom that he knew would come with the team's self-afflicted furlough. It wasn't just that though; he missed the ubiquity of the bright stars and the brilliant sectors, the types of wondrous beauty that could only be seen from a starship. The lack of the steady, bass rumble of the engines was also a bit unnerving.

They had decided to stay in a cheap hotel in Corneria City for the moment, but he knew that that would change eventually. It was just a quick way to start; he knew Slippy probably had a lot of extravagant things in mind, and dual hotel rooms with two beds and a bathroom each wasn't one of them. Luckily enough, nobody had really taken much notice yet to who the latest residents of the city were, but he knew that would come eventually.
他们决定暂时住在 Corneria 市的一家廉价旅馆里,但他知道这最终会改变。这只是一个快速的开始;他知道斯利皮可能有很多奢侈的想法,而两张床和一个浴室的双人旅馆房间并不在其中。幸运的是,还没有人真正注意到谁是这座城市的新居民,但他知道这终究会到来。

The receptionist's reaction, though, was another story.

A flip of a coin had decided that he was to room with Peppy, which he didn't mind at all. It was far better than listening to Slippy rant about the future. It wasn't that he was too overly irritating, Fox just knew that the toad could handle things far better on his own. His mind was suddenly filled with images of Falco listening to Slippy's plans. He let out a bark of laughter. Maybe he should have opted to room with the bird.

A few staccato knocks interrupted his thoughts. He got up and approached the door, gazing out the peephole to see Falco and Slippy. He opened the door and let them enter without thought.
几声 "噔噔噔 "的敲门声打断了他的思绪。他起身走到门前,从窥视孔中看到了法尔科和斯利皮。他不假思索地打开门,让他们进来。

"Hey," the two said simultaneously.

"Hey, what's up?" Fox asked.

Slippy answered. "We were thinking that it was about time to go get some food." Falco nodded his assent.

The vulpine shrugged. "Sure, whenever Peppy gets back."

Falco looked around, probably noticing for the first time the hare's absence. "Where is he?"

"Oh... Uhh.." To be honest, he'd completely forgotten. "Maybe he's moving some more stuff. He didn't bring much yesterday." He paused for a moment and scratched his head. "I'm not really sure," he admitted. The task of moving was an unexpected one, but in retrospect, it wasn't necessarily unwelcome; at least they had something to do, no matter how trivial.

A look of suspicion settled over Slippy's face. "He didn't tell you where he was going?"

"Well, yeah... I think I kinda forgot." He winced, over exaggerating the motion a bit.

Falco snorted. "Wow," he said, drawing out the word. "That's pretty bad, even by your standards."

Fox cast a mock glare at Falco before giving in. Admittedly, it was pretty , I guess so. He should be back soon anyway..."
狐狸向法尔科投去嘲弄的目光,然后就屈服了。诚然,这很不错 ,我想也是。反正他应该快回来了......"

"I guess we'll just have to wait," said Slippy. "What are we going to eat, anyways?"

"Food," said Falco with mock seriousness.

"Ha ha, very funny," Slippy said, obviously not amused.

The bird grinned uncharacteristically. "Actually, I was kind of thinking we could go to Mora's."

"Sheesh, taking advantage of our money already?" Slippy scolded.

Falco merely shrugged. "It's a good place."

The two were quick to start up a casual discussion about lunch, and with nothing better to do, Fox joined in, adding in comments when appropriate. Their conversation strayed aside from lunch; somehow, they ended up talking about other things: the past, their plans for the future, and Peppy's absence. Minutes ticked by, and a knot of apprehension was slowly forming inside Fox. He couldn't get Peppy out of his mind. What if he was in danger? What if he needed help? Sitting around and talking certainly wouldn't be helpful.

Wait, something was different. The room was quieter... they'd stopped talking.

"Fox?" It was Slippy, he realized.

"Er... Yeah?" "呃......是吗?"

"Well...? What do you say?"

...Oh. He realized that Slippy had asked him a question, and he hadn't even heard it. "Sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Can you repeat?"

"I asked..." He shook his head, as if dismissing something. "Nevermind, it's not important." He squinted for a moment, as if he was examining Fox closer. When he spoke, his voice was serious and full of concern; there was none of the good spirit that had been there only moments earlier. "Why've you been so quiet? Is there something you're thinking about?"

"Yeah... I guess so." He let out a sigh, knowing how ridiculous he would sound. "It's just, you know, what if something happened to Peppy?"

Both the bird and the toad regarded him strangely. Silence pressed down on him like a tangible object. Had he said something wrong? Worrying about a teammate wasn't a crime last time he checked.

Thankfully, Falco broke the awkward silence with a guffaw. "Wow, man, you need to lighten up. Nobody's going to rob him or... or..." Yeah. That's right. People would rob him. He was one of the richest people on Corneria at the moment.

"Exactly," Fox said gravely.

"Nobody even knows him! I'm sure..." He growled, an odd, strangled sound. "Why are you obsessing over something bad happening?"

"I don't know. I just have this weird feeling..."
"我不知道 我只是有种奇怪的感觉" "I don't know.我只是有种奇怪的感觉......"

"Fox," warned Slippy, "I'm sure Peppy's fine. He can handle himself, otherwise he wouldn't be so old and still be alive."

He was trying to make a joke out of the situation. Fox appreciated the effort, but it was wasted. "I still think we should do something... Maybe we should go search for him, or call him at least."
他是想借题发挥。福克斯对他的努力表示赞赏,但这是白费力气。"我还是觉得我们应该做点什么......也许我们应该去找他 或者至少给他打个电话"

"Fox, this is Corneria City," Falco admonished. "What are we going to do, run around town asking everyone 'have you seen this hare'?"
"福克斯,这里是科内瑞亚城。"法尔科告诫道。"我们该怎么办? 在城里到处跑,问每个人'你见过这只野兔吗'?"

"I guess you have a point, but still... I think we should ca-" Fox froze in mid-sentence and looked up. What was that sound?

Slippy looked around, probably noticing Fox's sudden movement. "What's wron-" The vulpine held up a hand to silence him.

There it was again... What was it? It sounded like... It was someone at the door! Someone was frantically trying to get in. Fox rose from his seat and padded to the door. He glanced through the peephole to behold Peppy, but something was wrong. He was panting, out of breath, and he was fidgeting so much that he wasn't able to unlock the door. "It's Peppy," Fox called out, before opening the door and letting the hare in.

Or, at least that's what he intended to do. The old hare didn't make any move to enter the room at all. "Peppy? What's wrong?" He knew that his feelings had to be right. Something was amiss.

The hare paused for a moment to catch his breath. It looked like he had been running a marathon or something. "Get to the Great Fox. Now," he said, gazing at each one of the Star Fox members in turn. Without explaining or waiting for them to agree, he turned and ran towards the stairs.

The trio followed suit immediately. Fox was confused, but he understood the apparent urgency of the situation. Peppy wouldn't act this way unless the situation was dire. He was pretty sure that the others felt the same way. Nevertheless, he wanted answers.

"Peppy, what's going on ?"

The panting hare took a moment before answering. "Fox... there's no time. You'll have to find out when we get on the ship. We have to hurry."

Fox nodded to show his understanding and focused on keeping up with the others. He knew that something bad was going to happen, yet the knowledge didn't make him feel any more prepared for what was to come. Peppy was pretty grave.

The distance between their hotel and the area where the Great Fox was being docked was short enough that using a vehicle would only slow them due to the excess of traffic. They half jogged, half ran the rest of the way to the station in silence, Fox being too absorbed in his own thoughts to feel the strain of their jaunt.
从他们下榻的酒店到 "大狐狸号 "停靠的地方距离很近,由于车流过多,开车只会让他们的速度减慢。福克斯沉浸在自己的思绪中,丝毫感觉不到旅途的劳累。


They hustled aboard the hulking starship, narrowly escaping the wave of overzealous fanatics that they had managed to attract on the way. As they entered the lift that would take them up to the bridge, catching their breath in the process, Peppy spoke up. "Slippy, I want you to set course for Fortuna when we get up. We'll get the exact coordinates after we contact Pepper."

Pepper? If the general was involved, this had to be something very important.

"Mind telling us exactly what's going on here?" Falco asked. Fox could tell he was a little annoyed at the lack of information. He couldn't blame him.

"Pepper will explain it. I don't know too much about it myself."

"Something's wrong with Fortuna?"

"A military base there has been attacked."

Slippy gasped. "What?" 滑溜溜喘着粗气。"什么?"

"No way." said Falco. "不可能。"法尔科说。

Fox winced. This was worse than he had thought. If a military base was attacked, the chances were that either someone was trying to start a war or prove a point through terrorism. That person had to either be really stupid or really powerful to attempt such a move. An attack against Fortuna would be an attack against Corneria and Katina as well. "Who did it?"

Peppy shrugged right as the "ding" sounded, announcing their arrival. The old hare was the first one to step out, and he went immediately to the console that controlled the communications system.
当 "叮 "的一声宣布他们到达时,皮皮耸了耸肩。老野兔第一个走了出来,他立刻走到控制通讯系统的控制台前。

The rest of the team filed out of the lift. Slippy assumed a position at another console, probably readying the ship for takeoff, while Fox picked a random chair to sit in, and Falco, from the looks of things, did the same. It only took the effort of one person to set a course for the ship, and Slippy was usually the one who did the job, plus, Peppy had told him to do it. Nobody was questioning the old hare at the moment; with experience came respect.

The subtle, bass rumble of the ship began to flood Fox's ears. Already, a sense of elation was creeping up into him at once again being in the ship—his ship.

It was more than that, even. It was home.

Abruptly, a glimmer of light caught his eye, and he glanced over. A holographic image of Pepper had appeared next to where Peppy was sitting. The canine was wearing his usual uniform, a red military suit dotted with golden badges, stars, and buttons. The euphoria drained away as he saw Pepper's austere expression.

Fox and Falco moved closer to the hologram, and Slippy followed suit as soon as the usual steely voice of the AI announced "autopilot engaged."
福克斯和法尔科走近全息图,人工智能发出 "自动驾驶启动 "的坚定声音后,斯利皮也紧随其后。

Fox braced himself. "Pepper, what's the situation? Andross isn't involved, is he? He's still dead, right?" He found he was babbling and stopped talking.

"No, Fox, it's not Andross, or isn't as far as I know... And greetings to you, too." The last sentence was laced with sarcasm. The holograph shimmered and flickered a bit. Fox took note that they were probably leaving Corneria's gravity field. "We were contacted by Orrin, a major military base in Fortuna, a while back. They claimed they were under attack, but they said that no assistance was necessary. We thought that they would be able to handle it..." He looked as if he was feeling guilty; his eyes were gravitating downwards. "So, we listened, and didn't send any help. We haven't heard anything from them since."

So, they were going to go investigate the site of an attack that recently occurred. He had expected an emergency and possibly a fight, not an investigation. It was pretty obvious that Peppy had been expecting the same thing, based on his actions. "I don't mean any offense, sir, but isn't this something the military could handle? There's tons of military outposts in Fortuna."

"Normally, that's what we would do, but I don't think that would help any."

Fox was confused. There had to be something he was missing. "Sir, you said you haven't heard anything from them since. Does that mean the base was destroyed?"

"We think so." "我们也这么认为"

Ouch. That was bad news. "But if the base was destroyed, what are we supposed to do?"

"We need you to help us find out who led the attack. It could have been terrorists, but I doubt it. I fear that something much larger is at work here."

"So why don't you send the Fortuna military to investigate?" He felt like he was repeating himself, but it was such an obvious solution.

"Star Fox team, don't repeat this to anyone, but we have reason to believe there was a spy in Orrin. We're pretty confident of that. We also think it's a very strong possibility that similar spies might exist all throughout the military system. There can be no doubt that they will act against us in the future."
"星际火狐 "小队 请不要对任何人重复 但我们有理由相信奥林有一个间谍我们对此非常有信心。我们还认为,整个军事系统都很有可能存在类似的间谍。毫无疑问,他们将来会对我们不利。"

Fox furrowed his brow in thought. "So, what we're dealing with is probably a conspiracy? A conspiracy to take over the military forces?" He wasn't going to ask what the reasoning behind the claim of espionage was. Frankly, it was none of his business. He trusted Pepper's judgement.

"That's correct. Involving anyone that we do not completely trust, especially people in the military, could be extremely dangerous."

Finding evidence of a conspiracy certainly wasn't something that he'd counted on doing as a mercenary.

Still, he noticed as he glanced around at his teammates that each of them bore the same look of determination. They were all in the mood for action now. They had already made up their subconscious minds that they had work to do, and no matter what the job was, they were going to get it done.

Besides, the reward would probably be generous.

"Alright, we'll do it, just tell us what we need to do."

"Sir," Slippy cut in. "I'm going to need those coordinates, too."

"I'll send them now, along with the information you'll need about the job."

Moments later, Pepper confirmed that he had sent all the necessary information, and bade the Star Fox team farewell. As Slippy entered the coordinates and Peppy shut off the communications, Fox padded over to a nearby chair and was about to sit as his stomach growled. It hit him all of a sudden that they had never eaten lunch. He cleared his throat. "Guys, I'm going to head down to the galley while we wait. We shouldn't be working on an empty stomach, anyway, so you might as well do the same."

He went over to the lift and was soon joined by Falco, then Slippy as he finished entering the coordinates. Peppy, though, lingered in his chair.

"Peppy, you coming?" Fox asked.

"No," the hare replied passively, "I've already eaten. I'll just make sure that everything's all right with the ship."

Fox blinked. "Already eaten?"

"What did you think I was doing? Pepper contacted me while I was eating at Mora's," he said.

That explained a lot. 这说明了很多问题。

"Mora's? That's not fair," Falco interjected.

Fox ignored Falco's comment. "Well, I kind of... forgot where you went."

Peppy laughed merrily. "Fox, you're not really being a good example to your teammates. We might start to get slack like you!" He laughed harder. Slippy joined him in his laughter, and Falco snickered as well.
皮皮开心地笑了。"福克斯,你可真没给队友们做个好榜样。我们可能会开始像你一样懈怠!"他笑得更厉害了。Slippy 也加入了他的笑声,Falco 也窃笑起来。

Fox's ears lay down on his head and he felt a flush coming. He'd have to get Peppy back for that.

As the effects of Peppy's droll comments wore off, the Star Fox team, excluding Peppy, resigned to visit the galley.
随着 Peppy 呆萌言论的影响逐渐消失,除 Peppy 之外的《星际火狐》团队辞职去参观厨房了。

As the lift went down, something was pulling at Fox, a question he couldn't answer. Why did Pepper call Peppy first, and not him? Maybe the general thought that Fox might be involved, or maybe he just trusted the hare more. He mentally shrugged, dismissing the question as just a result of paranoia.


Endnote: The next chapter is definitely going to introduce the Star Wolf team, and will probably come a lot faster.

One more thing, if you've taken the time to read this, please also take the time to leave a review, if for no other reason than to tell me something I did wrong. It's really not that time-consuming.