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Date of filing of the claim: 22.11.2024

Deadline for filing a defense: According to the plaintiff's summons 22.12.2024. With the plaintiff's consent, an extension was granted to the defendant until 29.12.2024, according to the court's decision of 5.1.2025, a further extension was granted for filing a statement of defense.

Date of submission of document: 12.1.2025.

Regarding: Building Gronshard Belgian passport GB8280072 Inquiry by Advocate Rafi Shadmi, 7 Abba Hillel St., Ramat Gan. Tel: 03-6126327 Fax: 03-6126341

  Hereinafter: "the plaintiff"

Ziva Florence Maman, ID: 336430509

Attorney at Law Orly Shtarit-Milet

36 Maccabeus Street, Modiin

Mobile: 050-4411156 Email:

Hereinafter: "The Defendant"

  Statement of Defense

The defendant, Ms. Ziva Florence Maman (hereinafter: “the defendant”), hereby respectfully submits her statement of defense in the case at hand.

For the reasons detailed in this statement of defense, the Honorable Court is requested to dismiss the claim in its entirety and to order the plaintiff, Mr. Rene Gronschard (hereinafter: “the plaintiff”), to pay the defendant’s costs in these proceedings, including attorney’s fees.

At the outset, it should be stated that the plaintiff's claim lacks a detailed account of the plaintiff's income and assets, therefore it is not possible to discuss

the court to order the deletion of the plaintiff's claim or any other remedy deemed appropriate.

  1. Every fact alleged in this statement of defense is alleged cumulatively and supplementary to any other fact included herein, whether explicitly stated or not, except for facts alleged to the best of the defendant's knowledge.

  2. Every fact explicitly alleged in this statement of defense is to the best of the defendant's knowledge and is alleged cumulatively, supplementarily, or alternatively to any other fact included herein.

Raising a claim and/or mentioning a fact in this statement of defense does not shift the burden of proof from the plaintiff in any matter.3 in which the burden of proof rests on him, unless the fact and/or claim was alleged and/or mentioned.

Throughout this defense, where the claims in the statement of claim are denied and followed by a detailed explanation of the defendant's arguments, the details of the arguments do not detract from the generality of the denial.

6. Any document attached to the statement of claim by the plaintiff that the defendant does not explicitly admit or the fact alleged therein, is hereby denied. 7. Any sum appearing in the statement of claim that the defendant does not explicitly admit is hereby denied.

The emphasis throughout this defense is not original unless otherwise stated.

9. The plaintiff and defendant are the parents of the minor, Nikita Grünschard, born June 23, 2007 (hereinafter: "the minor").

10. Following the separation of the parties, an agreement was concluded between the parties in 2009 in Belgium (hereinafter: "the first agreement"), with the plaintiff remaining to reside in China and the defendant immigrating to Israel with the minor.

11. Following the separation of the parties, the defendant married Mr. Eli Maman, of blessed memory, and they had a daughter, currently 11 years old. In 2017, Mr. Maman passed away from a serious illness.

12. Due to the need to regulate the minor's status in Israel, from tourist status to Israeli citizen status, a joint application was submitted by the parties to the Family Court in Tel Aviv.

13. Accordingly, on March 5, 2018, the first agreement was translated and approved again in the Tel Aviv Family Court before Judge Alisa Miller (hereinafter: "the second agreement"), and within the framework of the second agreement, relevant clauses were added

to regulate the minor's status in Israel.

14. Until July 2023 - age 16 - the minor lived with the defendant, and the defendant, in accordance with the agreements, raised the minor transparently with the plaintiff, according to her lifestyle, giving the minor her full love, needs, and supporting continuous contact between him and the plaintiff.

To complete the picture, it is important to note that the plaintiff leads an average, modest, and religious life, and has raised and is raising her children in the same way.

At the beginning of each school year, the defendant diligently sent the plaintiff an Excel table detailing all expected expenses for the minor. It should be emphasized that the defendant's expenses averaged approximately €15,000 per year, with the plaintiff's proportional share being approximately €7,500 per year.

Attached are examples of expense tables that were sent to the plaintiff from 2013 (Appendix 1).

The plaintiff would pay as he pleased, reducing his share at his discretion, and for certain periods he did not bother to participate in the defendant's expenses at all - for example, from the recent past, for the period between January 2023 and July 2023, the plaintiff has refrained from reimbursing the defendant to this day.

Another example: the defendant will refer to the response she received from the plaintiff regarding a detailed breakdown of expenses for 2021-2022, totaling €16,620 - where the plaintiff's share was approximately €8,460 - the plaintiff responded by deducting, at his discretion, that he would only participate with €5,460.

It should be emphasized that between July 2019 and October 2021, despite repeated requests, he did not participate in the expenses at all. This amounts to an average of approximately €16,000.

After the plaintiff urged the defendant to allow the minor to move to live with him in China, and all within the context of promises and commitments by the plaintiff to provide and fund the best education for the minor in China, namely the British private school in China (hereinafter: “Private School”), and due to the defendant's desire to allow the minor to establish his relationship with his father, the defendant acceded to the plaintiff's request.

The defendant will reiterate that her consent to the minor's transfer to the plaintiff's custody in China was given with serious consideration and a heavy heart. For the defendant, this is not just an overseas move, but a move involving significant impacts and consequences for the minor, who is required to overcome and integrate into a new education system with academic and social challenges.

22. All this and more, there is a huge gap between the defendant's lifestyle and views and the plaintiff's lifestyle. 23. And yet, the defendant agreed to the move, after being convinced by the plaintiff, in his sincere desire and intention to invest in the minor, to finance private and prestigious education for him.

24. Thus, in light of the plaintiff's explicit commitment to bear the costs of the private school, subject to the clauses of the agreement regarding support in the parental relationship with her being maintained, with the defendant's consent, the minor moved to China in July 2023 under the plaintiff's custody.

25. Unfortunately, immediately after the minor's transfer to the father's custody in China, the plaintiff violated all clauses of the agreement relating to support and maintaining the parental relationship, and in the name of "the plaintiff's desire to best the relationship with the minor" - the plaintiff began an intensive parental alienation campaign against the defendant.

26. The plaintiff prevented and blocked the defendant from any possibility of receiving information and establishing contact between the defendant and the private school,

and over time, the minor refused to answer the defendant's phone calls until he stopped answering her altogether.

27. The defendant did not burden the honorable court with the parental alienation, humiliation and degradation she has been suffering since the minor moved to the plaintiff's custody, but for illustration and to show that the parental alienation began against her immediately after the minor moved to the plaintiff's custody - one example will suffice, as follows:

With her sister, the defendant did arrive in China, after all her inquiries to the plaintiff requesting information about the date and time of the open day went unanswered, the defendant was forced to contact the school secretary.

29. But to her astonishment - she learned that her details do not appear in the minor's contact details, so it was impossible to give her information. In addition, it was stated - that only those who are updated with the minor's contact details can request the addition of details.

Exhibit A email from August 9, 2023 and the response from the school secretary in China as Exhibit 3.

30. The defendant again requested the plaintiff to update her contact information at the minor's school. However, the plaintiff refused to provide the defendant with details about the orientation day or any details regarding the start of the school year, as he wished to prevent the defendant from reaching the school, despite the fact that she had arrived specifically at the minor's request to accompany him in his first steps in China.

The plaintiff's refusal to provide the defendant with details about the school, despite her arrival at the minor's request to support him during his initial days in China.

Attached are WhatsApp conversations between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding his refusal to update the defendant's details and provide details about the school to Appendix 4.

It should be clarified that despite the defendant's efforts and requests, to this day her details have not been updated by the plaintiff at the school; she is not

32. Before the move on June 22, 2023, the plaintiff sent the defendant an email detailing the cost of the school year.
  totaling 51,600 Euros (!)

Attached is the plaintiff's email from June 22, 2023, in Appendix 5.

33. On the same day, the defendant replied to the plaintiff by email:

You're giving him a wonderful gift - I hope he appreciates it.

It should be noted that the plaintiff did not respond to the defendant's reply at all.

34. As per the plaintiff's claim - the plaintiff arbitrarily demands that the defendant return 50% of his expenses for the child's education and stay in China, while reneging on his obligation to bear the expenses of the private school. Now, the plaintiff seeks to base his claim on clause 3 of the first agreement, according to which the parties must contribute to the maintenance and education of the minor according to their means.

35. The defendant will clarify that for 14 years, while the minor was under her full custody, she provided for all his needs and education according to her means. The minor was educated in the state religious education system, extracurricular activities, psychologist, clothing, etc., as mentioned above. The average expenses for the minor were approximately €15,000 per year - participation of half amounts to approximately €7,500 per year - and even on this amount, the plaintiff contributed and transferred, at his discretion, approximately €5,000 per year.

36. In accordance with clause 3 of the judgment, the defendant will argue that the plaintiff is not entitled to claim the return of his excessive expenses, which are five times higher than the expenses that the defendant used to finance for the minor, and this is for the simple reason that these sums are beyond her means.

37. On August 8, 2024, the plaintiff, through his attorney, approached the defendant regarding participation in the education expenses in China. In response, the defendant replied that the request for participation contradicts the plaintiff's explicit undertaking to bear

the expenses of the minor in China; he should return the minor to Israel immediately.

See the defendant's attorney's response to the plaintiff's attorney in Appendix 6.

38. Despite the defendant's clarification above, the plaintiff registered the minor for another academic year at the private school.

40. The claim in paragraph 2 of the statement of claim is not denied, except for the emphasized claim: 'Appendix A includes and is marked with its own agreement for the benefit of the parties, from 2009. This agreement received all necessary formal approval at the time of its execution, as appears necessary at the time of the execution of the agreement – or then.' (Emphasis in the original statement of claim) The plaintiff's attempt to base his claim on the defendant's agreement to bear the expenses of the private elementary school is denied. The agreements to which the plaintiff attributes are the defendant's agreement to bear the maintenance of the minor according to her possibilities – as the defendant indeed did bear and does bear the maintenance of the minor according to her possibilities, as detailed above and will be detailed further below.

41. The claim in paragraph 3 of the statement of claim is not denied.

42. The claim in paragraph 4 of the statement of claim is not denied.

43. The claim in paragraph 5 of the statement of claim is not denied, and it is emphasized that the defendant raised the minor throughout the years in which he was in her custody, from the age of two until the age of 16 – according to her possibilities and lifestyle. The minor was educated in the public-religious state system, and the defendant provided the minor with all his necessary needs, enrichment activities, supportive emotional and psychological treatment, etc.

45. Regarding the claim in paragraph 6(a) – it is denied. Without detracting from the generality of the denial, the defendant will claim that the plaintiff 'forgot' to mention the fact that a daughter was born from her marriage to her husband, Mr. Maman, of blessed memory, who is now 11 years old.

46. The claim in paragraph 6(b) is denied. Without detracting from the generality of the denial, the defendant will claim that she shared with the plaintiff before

is not suitable and is not to the plaintiff's liking. Regarding the suitability for the minor – the defendant will clarify that from the age of two, the minor was in her full custody and naturally shared her lifestyle together with his sister.

47. The claim in paragraph 6(c) is denied. Without detracting from the generality of the denial, the defendant will clarify that although she informed the plaintiff about the minor's condition – who was diagnosed as suffering from anxiety and required psychological treatment – the plaintiff refused

to participate in the psychological expenses, which amounted to 800 euros per month.

Attaching the correspondence between the parties regarding the psychologist's expenses as Appendix 7.

48. The claim in Section 6(d) is denied. Without limiting the generality of this denial, the defendant clarifies that she bore the full expenses of the minor as required and exclusively. At the beginning of each school year, the defendant used to prepare a table detailing all the expected expenses for the school year. Despite the fact that these were only reasonable expenses, the plaintiff used to participate in the expenses according to his wishes and whims, and in this arbitrary manner, he retained the right to choose what and how much he paid.

99. The plaintiff's claim that he participated \"as required of him\" is inaccurate, to say the least. For illustrative purposes, a table is attached including expected real expenses for the minor for the 2021-2022 school year, which the defendant sent to the plaintiff. The total expected costs amounted to 16,620 Euros. In contrast, the plaintiff responded in his submissions and arbitrarily determined that he would participate only to the sum of 5,460 Euros.

Attached is a table detailing expenses and the plaintiff's response to Appendices 8-9, respectively.

50. The claim in Section 6(e) is denied, except for the minor's move to China and his education at the private school. The claim for payment of all education expenses and related payments – not proven.

51. The defendant clarifies that she participates in the minor's incidental expenses throughout his stay in China, since the minor has a credit card in her possession. By means of the credit card, and directly and in real time, the defendant bears every incidental expense required by the minor. This includes the minor's use of the credit card according to his discretion and needs, in amounts ranging from 100 to 500 Euros per month.

53. For example, in her response to the detailed expenses sent by the plaintiff to the defendant on June 22, 2023, via email, she replied to the plaintiff, “You are giving him (the minor) a wonderful gift – I hope he understands that.” It is clearly implied that the defendant knew that the plaintiff assumed full responsibility for the educational expenses associated with the private school. 54. The plaintiff did not request her participation in these expenses or, alternatively, did not say anything against the defendant's statement that this was a gift from the plaintiff to the minor in real time.

55. Furthermore, referring to the payment confirmations and receipts to which the plaintiff refers in his claim – it is not at all clear what documents were attached, but they clearly are not evidence of payment; transfer confirmations were not attached

funds and/or any evidence of actual payment; at most, it is a payment demand from the private school.

56. In this context, the defendant notes that the plaintiff tends towards an excessive and ostentatious lifestyle, which previously led to bankruptcy in Belgium; it is not impossible that now that the plaintiff understands that he is unable to meet the expenses of the private school, he is trying to shift these excessive expenses onto the defendant.

57. The defendant did not give her consent to participate in these expenses; in the absence of her explicit consent to bear the expenses of the private school, the plaintiff has no right to the return of these funds, neither by law and precedent nor by court order.

58. The claim in paragraph 7 of the complaint is not denied, but to the defendant's great regret, from the day the minor was transferred to the plaintiff's custody, the plaintiff began a campaign of alienation and incitement against the defendant, thus contrary to the parties' agreements in paragraph 6 of the agreement in the court order, as detailed above.

59. The claim in paragraph 8 of the complaint is not denied.

60. The claim in paragraph 9 of the complaint is completely denied, and the defendant opposes any attempt to quote statements
  in her name.

61. The claim in paragraph 10 of the complaint is denied, except for the mother's knowledge of the minor's desire to study in the USA.

62. The allegations in paragraph 11 of the Statement of Claim are denied in their entirety. Without prejudice to the generality of this denial, the Defendant clarifies that in the past, for over 10 years, she ran an active business in Shanghai in the clothing industry. Over the years, the business has been significantly reduced and changed to the wig industry. The business is not profitable, and the Defendant has not been drawing a salary for years. Due to bureaucratic considerations and frequent policy changes in China towards foreigners, the Defendant keeps the business active. Regarding the allegation concerning a business in France, it is clarified that she does not have a business in France under her name. The updated phone number is her private line.

63. The allegations in paragraph 12 of the Statement of Claim are denied. Without prejudice to the generality of this denial, the Defendant clarifies that she has no rights in insurance companies and does not own assets abroad. The Defendant receives a widow's pension of only 2,240 NIS. The Defendant owns the property at 21 Montefiore, Tel Aviv, for which a mortgage of 7,200 NIS is paid monthly. The Defendant has no rights in the property at 32 Nitzah Street, Netanya. The Defendant has a one-room apartment in Paris that she uses during her visits.

64. The allegations in paragraph 13 of the Statement of Claim are denied in their entirety. The Plaintiff has not proven even one payment with supporting documentation. In contrast, the Defendant will argue that she bears the various needs of the minor while he was in China in the father's custody. This is done through a credit card available to the minor at all times, so the Defendant directly and regularly covers the minor's expenses such as apps, Apple Store, clothing, apps related to studies, etc. The mother's participation in the minor's expenses ranges from 400 to 2,600 NIS per month - throughout 2024 it amounted to 4,876 NIS.

Attached is a table calculating all credit card expenses for 2024 and a copy of the credit card details as Annexes 10 and 11-1 respectively.

In addition, the Defendant financed all of the minor's flights from October 2023 to August 2024, totaling 5,932 NIS.

Attached is a detailed breakdown of all the minor's flights and costs as Annex 12.

65. The defendant will argue that the plaintiff's claim pursuant to Section 4 of the parties' agreement should be rejected, with regard to the obligation to cover the minor's expenses for a university degree in the USA, both due to the fact that Section 4 refers to a joint decision regarding the choice of an academic institution and higher education and not to the issue of financing university studies.

66. The judgment between the parties does not include obligations after reaching the age of 18.

67. The claim in Section 14 - the defendant's bankruptcy in Belgium more than 17 years ago, since which the plaintiff has conducted many businesses, the plaintiff's evasion and concealment of his assets and possibilities cannot be accepted.

68. In light of the foregoing, the defendant will argue that the plaintiff's claim should be rejected, since from July 2023 until today the defendant participated in accordance with the provisions of the judgment and her possibilities in a total amount of 10,808 Euros. Conversely, the plaintiff did not prove his claim or actual payments at all, therefore the defendant is entitled to reimbursement from the plaintiff.

The court is hereby requested to dismiss the plaintiff's claim and order him to pay court costs, including attorney's fees, in addition.


I, the undersigned, Ziva Florens Zamman, ID No. 336430509, having been warned that I must declare the truth, otherwise I will be subject to the penalties stipulated by law, hereby declare in writing as follows:

  1. I am making this affidavit in support of the filing of a statement of defense on my behalf in the context of a lawsuit filed against me by the plaintiff, Rena Gronshard, in the Family Court, Tel Aviv - 47315-11.

  Ziva Florens Zamman


I, Adv. Orly Shtarit, M.R. 65966, hereby certify that on January 12, 2025, Ms. Ziva Florence Maman, ID 336430509, appeared before me and signed this affidavit after being warned that she would be subject to the penalties prescribed by law if she failed to do so, and after she confirmed the accuracy of the aforementioned statement.


Appendix 1: Detailed expenses for each year from 2013-2017 (pages 12-14)

Appendix 2: Counterclaim based on details and plaintiff's response (pages 16-17)

Appendix 3: Orientation day (pages 19-20)

Appendix 4: Notifications regarding the plaintiff's refusal to update the defendant's school details in China (pages 22-...)

Appendix 5: Email from the plaintiff dated June 22, 2023 (pages 26-27)

Appendix 6: Defendant's response dated June 22, 2022 (pages 29-29)

Appendix 7: Florence - Response from Rena Grünschard (pages 31-33)

Plaintiff's refusal to participate in the minor's expenses for psychological treatment (pages 34-3...)

Counterclaim based on details and plaintiff's response (pages 37-38)

January 2024 expense table (pages 40-40)

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Appendix 12: Visa statement details in the claimant's name, August-September 2024 (pages 44-46)

Appendix 13: Flights for Nikita - October 2023 to August 2024 (pages 48-48)

  Appendix 1:

Detailed expenses for each year from 2013-2017

(pages 12-14)

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  Appendix 2:

The defendant's request as detailed and the plaintiff's response

(Pages 16-17)

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He eats 12 months a year

  Appendix 3:

Orientation day - Open Day (pages 19-20)

Orientation day - 11th grade

Zivah Maman Wed, Aug 9, 2023, 4:39 PM
  to inquiries
Dear Sir
  Dear Madam

My son Nikita Grunchard is a new student starting 11th grade. Could you tell me when the orientation day for his grade (11th) will be? Is it on the 17th or 18th?

Could you send me the details? Times, etc.

  Thanks a lot.
Zivah Florence Maman Bricmaan

Dee Dee Zhou-Rossi Thu, Aug 10, 2023, 10:56 AM

Dear Zivah,
Thanks for your email.

Unfortunately, your name was not on the initial contact information provided during the admissions process, and the school can only communicate with the designated contacts provided during that process. This is for child protection and safety reasons, as we must be absolutely certain that anyone we communicate with about a student is the correct person. Additions to a student's contacts must be requested by an existing contact. Therefore, if you wish to be added as a contact for Nikita, we require authorization from Nikita's father. Then we will add you to our student database.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,
Dee Dee
T +86 (21) 52263211 ext 1812
111 Jinguang Road, Huacao Town, Minhang, 201107, Shanghai, China

  Appendix 4:

Notices regarding the plaintiff's refusal to update the defendant's details (school in China)

(Pages 22-24)

  Appendix 5:

Claimant's email from June 22, 2023 (pages 26-27)

  Estimated recycling

  • Tuition, study materials, mandatory day trips, exam fees

  • Additional student support services (IEL-I SEN)

    Additional food and drinks in the cafeteria
From: Florence Maman <,hk>
Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2023 04:58
To: René Grunchard

You're giving him a wonderful gift - I hope he realizes it.


From: René Grunchard
Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2023 04:51
To: Florence Maman

Subject: NIKITA/BISS: $51,600 USD +

School Year 2023/24
Price is indicative
  • Tuition fees
  • Textbooks and learning materials
  • Compulsory day trips
  • Examination fees

  • Extracurricular activities

  • BISCAP (external providers) extra
  •   Residential trips extra

  • Student support services (SEN and IEL) extra
  •   Bus fare extra

  • Cafeteria food and drinks extra
René Grunchard

  Appendix 6:

The defendant's response dated June 22, 2022, gives him a wonderful gift

(Pages 29 to 29)

  Appendix 7:

Florence - Response René Grunchard (Pages 31 to 32)

  Date: September 2, 2024
  -Without prejudice-

  To:  Uvizd Rafi Shadmi  7 Abba Hillel Street  Ramat Gan

  H. H.
  Subject: Rena Grünschard

Reference: Letter dated 8.8.2024

On behalf of my client, Ms. Ziva Lawrence Maman, I have the honor of replying to your letter of reference, as follows;

  1. My client firmly rejects everything stated in your letter of reference.

  2. My client wishes to remind your client that their son Nikita's move to China was not determined by the agreements mentioned in your letter, but was granted by my client based on your client's request and on your client's absolute commitment to my client that he would bear the full costs of their son's education and needs in China. 3. Your client's position, as presented in your letter of reference, contradicts this agreement and commitment. If your client reneges on his commitment, my client reserves the right to revoke her consent to Nikita's move to China.

  • • Furthermore, it should be clarified that if your client is unable to bear the costs of the child's education and needs as he undertook, my client will act to return her son to Israel immediately. 5. Please clarify your client's position within 14 days regarding both his reneging on his commitment to bear the full costs of his son's education and needs and his financial ability to bear these costs.
    בכבוד רב ובברכה,
אורלי שטרית , עו\ויד

  Appendix 8:

The plaintiff's refusal to participate in the minor's expenses for psychological treatment

(Pages 34-35)

202 % 202 % 202%202 \% %
15 : 08 15 : 08 15:0815: 08 -1. 40 15:08
<90 Rene grunchard oa &   Rene Grunchard

Go see his therapist as soon as possible! That's my opinion.

Going to therapy as soon as possible! That's my opinion.

Should he see him at least twice a week!!

He should go at least twice a week!!

RENE GRUNCHARE should see him at least twice a week 1

(Reply to message) I agree... it's 800 Euros per month... besides saying you see nothing coming...
(תשובה להודעה) אני מסכימה... זה 800 אירו בחודשב... חוץ מלהגיד רואה שום דבר מגיע...| (תשובה להודעה) | | :--- | | אני מסכימה... זה 800 אירו בחודשב... חוץ מלהגיד רואה שום דבר מגיע... |

I agree.. it's 800 euros per month. Apart from saying that you're participating, I don't see anything coming.

Is this really all you have to say about this matter??!!!

Is this really all you can say in response to this subject??!!

Nikita is becoming schizophrenic and you're talking to me about money!!!! He urgently needs proper treatment!

Nikita is becoming schizophrenic and you're talking about money! It's urgent that he receives proper therapy.

And what about you? What's your problem with bearing part of the expenses? He's your son!

And you? What's your problem with covering your share of the expenses? He's your son!

Nikita! Our future! His situation
Q %
15:08 -1. 40 15:08 <90 Rene grunchard oa & רנה גרונשר Va voir son thérapeute avec luf des que possible! Cest mon opinion הולך לטיפול כמה שיותר מהר! זאת דעתי. If devratl le voir au moins 2 fois? semaine!! הוא צריך ללכת לפחות פעמיים בשבוע!! RENE GRUNCHARE devrait le woir au moms 2 . fous semuane 1 "(תשובה להודעה) אני מסכימה... זה 800 אירו בחודשב... חוץ מלהגיד רואה שום דבר מגיע..." D accord .. cest 800e par mois. a part dire que tu participes je ne vois rien venif . זה באמת כל מה שיש לך להגיד על הנוזא הזה??!!! C'est vrament tout ce que tu trouves à me répondre à c ) sujet ??!! ניקיטה הופך לסכיזופרן ואת מדברת איתי על כסף!!!! חייבים לתת לו טיפול אמיתי בהקדם! Nikita devient schizophrène et toi tume parles d'argent 4.11 est urgent de le tare suivre une vraie therapie ומה איתך? מה הבעיה שלך לשאת בחלק מההוצאות? זה בנך! Et toic est quoi ton prob d assurer la part des dépenses Ton fils? Nikita ! Som avenir ! Sa situation Q % | $15: 08$ | -1. 40 | 15:08 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | <90 | Rene grunchard oa & | רנה גרונשר | | Va voir son thérapeute avec luf des que possible! Cest mon opinion | | הולך לטיפול כמה שיותר מהר! זאת דעתי. | | If devratl le voir au moins 2 fois? semaine!! | | הוא צריך ללכת לפחות פעמיים בשבוע!! | | | RENE GRUNCHARE devrait le woir au moms 2 . fous semuane 1 | (תשובה להודעה) <br> אני מסכימה... זה 800 אירו בחודשב... חוץ מלהגיד רואה שום דבר מגיע... | | | D accord .. cest 800e par mois. a part dire que tu participes je ne vois rien venif . | זה באמת כל מה שיש לך להגיד על הנוזא הזה??!!! | | C'est vrament tout ce que tu trouves à me répondre à c ) sujet ??!! | | ניקיטה הופך לסכיזופרן ואת מדברת איתי על כסף!!!! חייבים לתת לו טיפול אמיתי בהקדם! | | Nikita devient schizophrène et toi tume parles d'argent 4.11 est urgent de le tare suivre une vraie therapie | | ומה איתך? מה הבעיה שלך לשאת בחלק מההוצאות? זה בנך! | | | Et toic est quoi ton prob d assurer la part des dépenses Ton fils? | | | Nikita ! Som avenir ! Sa situation | | | | | Q % | |

  Appendix 9:

Defendant's request according to details and plaintiff's response

(Pages 37-38)

5 5 5^(ᄃ)\stackrel{ᄃ}{5} | x Ω ^ | x Ω ^ |(x)/(( hat(Omega)))|\left|\frac{x}{\hat{\Omega}}\right|
N N N\mathfrak{N} is O 2  O 2 [" O"],[2∼]\begin{gathered} \text { O} \\ \underset{\sim}{2} \\ \hline \end{gathered}
5^(ᄃ) |(x)/(( hat(Omega)))| N is " O 2∼"| $\stackrel{ᄃ}{5}$ | $\left\|\frac{x}{\hat{\Omega}}\right\|$ | | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | ![]( | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | ![]( | $\mathfrak{N}$ | is | | $\begin{gathered} \text { O} \\ \underset{\sim}{2} \\ \hline \end{gathered}$ | ![]( | | ![]( |

He eats 12 months a year

  For example, suffered
  (Unable to translate. The input appears to be Korean Hangul characters, but is incomplete and lacks context.)

  Appendix 10:

January 2024 expense table (pages 40 to 40)


Appendix 11: Visa expenses used by Nikita for the year 2024 Visa expenses used by Nikita for the year 2024 (pages 42 to 42)

א אפר-24 
# 2033
N אוג-24
24-ט90 2089
N אוק-24
1 8 7 7 5 \text { NIS}
yearly 4876.623 euro

Appendix 12:

Detailed Visa charges in the name of the plaintiff August-September 2024

(pages 44 to 46)

  七て/8/0 乙
  00% ^(@){ }^{\circ}   00.0 乙 『 しそıムく   Cull U 心ı
ャて/8/レて   Xog input AA\forall d   00*00¢'レ『   00*00¢'レ『   Shisoımu AIcIu
ャて/8/レて NITNO 7 NITNO 7 EENITNO7AA\exists \mathrm{NITNO} 7 \forall S a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}   09*9レて'乙『   09*9レて'乙『   Shikuıku Cull icankiv
  (Unintelligible characters) 1 I   (Unintelligible characters)   (Unintelligible characters)   (Unintelligible characters) AIcIu
  (Unintelligible characters)   UKLム COIU C4ヶ (Contains a mix of Latin and Japanese characters, likely a code or abbreviation)
  (Unintelligible characters)   UILNU LICイ (Unintelligible)   CıOIU IGıLCO, (Unintelligible)
  ャて/8/てて (Unintelligible) 70 M 70 M _|_70 M\perp 70 M   00レとレ (Unintelligible)   00レとし 『 (Unintelligible)   しくıらし (Unintelligible) UOKLIU
  ャて/8/てZ (Unintelligible) 70 M 70 M _|_70 M\perp 70 M   00レてて 『 (Unintelligible)   00レてて 『 (Unintelligible)   しくıくら (Unintelligible) UOKLIU
  ya te/8/te otsu 170 M 170 M 170 M170 M   00* 6 6 darr6\downarrow 6 te   00' ya 6 te   shiku ikura UOKLIU
  ya te/8/E te 7718 / W O ) 7 d d 7718 / W O ) 7 d d 7718//WO)^(')EE7dd AA7718 / W O)^{\prime} \exists 7 d d \forall   06.69   06.69   shiku iku   G[א,Сıґ,
  ya te/8/G te 7719 / W O ) 7 d d 7719 / W O ) 7 d d 7719//WO)^(')EE7dd AA7719 / W O)^{\prime} \exists 7 d d \forall    06 E 06 E 06^(@)E06^{\circ} \mathrm{E}    06.8 ε 06.8 ε 06.8 epsi06.8 \varepsilon   shikuiku
  00.9『   00.9「   shikuiku
  Yate/8/9te 7718 / W 03 7 d d 7718 / W 03 7 d d 7718//W 03*EE7dd AA7718 / W 03 \cdot \exists 7 d d \forall   06RERE『   06RERE『   Shikuiku
  Yate/8/9te   XO entry AA\forall d   00*00 pieces 『   00.00 pieces 『   Shikuira AIcIu
  00% L ^("L "){ }^{\text {L }}   00.61 『 UILNK Liç しイスヘı IUC,
ヤて/8/9て GL K1 七で9をレ 『 七で9Eし 『 UILNU L゙く介   L 心 IOIC,
  ヤて/8/L 乙 1 IG 00 08 00 08 00*0800 \cdot 08   00.08 "   properly, AItIL
ャて/8/Lて   CLICIEX, 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}   00'Gレ 『   00Gレ"   properly properly UOKLIU
  ャて/8/8 乙 UGCıLO Unロ ICLıNIL   tegu Yaya ¢ 『   tegu Yaya ¢ 『 UILNU L゙く介 ᄃıOIU IGıLEO,
  66'EGure 『 Gure 『   UILNU Lictsu CıOIU IGıLCO,
  Yate/8/8otsu   11yo〇   OZ'Gka『   OdeGka『   Shikuımu」 LCC ILUCILU
  Yate/8/8otsu   KıLıU Uku NC,   Te6.101'wo『   Z6'reO1' ®  ®  {:" ® ":}\begin{aligned} & \text { ® }\end{aligned}   Shiku, UIOLIU
  00*00te're '   00*00te're '   Shikuı」   Liclo IC.L
  Yate/8/6otsu 70 M 70 M _|_70 M\perp 70 M   00*tetote '   00'otsutote '   Shiku, UOKLIU
  ja te/8/6 otsu 70 M 70 M _|_70M\perp 70 \mathrm{M}   00 te 0 te   00 Z 0 te   shikuiku UOKLIU
  nana te/6/re   7718/WO tsu 7 dd 7 dd EE7dd\exists 7 \mathrm{dd}   00 ke wara    00 00 00^(@)darr00^{\circ} \downarrow ¢   shikuiku   uilaicu IUUACiro
  jin oilu UKLIL
  jin 0nin OCIO UıIT OCII  UıIT   OCII  {:[" UıIT "],[" OCII "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { UıIT } \\ & \text { OCII } \end{aligned}   golu OIK Kcb UKLIU
七て/8/0乙 00\%^(@) 『 00.0乙 『 しそıムく Cull U心ı ャて/8/レて Xog入 AA d 00*00¢'レ 『 00*00¢'レ 『 しそıムく AIcIu ャて/8/レて EENITNO7AA S ^("a ") 09*9レて'乙 『 09*9レて'乙 『 しくıく Cull icankiv ャて/8/て乙 1 I 00*09ヶ 『 00.09ヶ『 しくıく AIcIu 七て/8/てZ UKLム COIU C4ヶ 89*て8し'レ 『 UILNU LICイ CıOIU IGıLCO, ャて/8/てて _|_70 M 00レとレ 00レとし 『 しくıらし UOKLIU ャて/8/てZ _|_70 M 00レてて 『 00レてて 『 しくıくら UOKLIU ャて/8/て乙 170 M 00*darr6 て 00'ヤ6て 『 しくıくら UOKLIU ヤて/8/Eて 7718//WO)^(')EE7dd AA 06.69 『 06.69 『 しくıく G[א,Сıґ, ヤて/8/Gて 7719//WO)^(')EE7dd AA 06^(@)E 匹 06.8 epsi 匹 しくıく ャて/8/Gて 00.9 『 00.9 「 しくıく ヤて/8/9て 7718//W 03*EE7dd AA 06レレ 『 06レレ『 しくıく ャて/8/9て XO日入 AA d 00*00ヶ 『 00.00ヶ 『 しくıら AIcIu ヤて/8/9て 00\%^("L ") 00.61 『 UILNK Liç しイスヘı IUC, ヤて/8/9て GL K1 七で9をレ 『 七で9Eし 『 UILNU L゙く介 L心IOIC, ヤて/8/L乙 1 IG 00*08 『 00.08 「 しく, AItIL ャて/8/Lて CLICIEX,^(1) 00'Gレ 『 00Gレ「 しくıく UOKLIU ヤて/8/8乙 UGCıLO Unロ ICLıNIL てぐヤヤ¢ 『 てぐヤヤ¢ 『 UILNU L゙く介 ᄃıOIU IGıLEO, ヤて/8/8乙 66'EGレ 『 66.とGレ 『 UILNU Lic爪 CıOIU IGıLCO, ヤて/8/8乙 11ヨ〇 OZ'Gヵ『 OでGカ『 しくıム」 LCC ILUCILU ヤて/8/8乙 KıLıU Uく NC, て6.101'を 『 Z6'レO1' " ® " しく, UIOLIU ヤて/8/6乙 00*00て'レ 『 00*00て'レ 『 しくı」 Liclo IC.L ヤて/8/6乙 _|_70 M 00*てとて 『 00'乙とて 『 しく, UOKLIU ャて/8/6乙 _|_70M 00「て0て 『 00'Z0て 『 しくıく UOKLIU 七て/6/レ 7718/WOつ EE7dd( 00ヶワら 『 00^(@)darr ¢ 『 しくıく uılaicu IUUACıロ 斤oilu UKLIL 斤0닌 OCIO " UıIT OCII " గolu OIK Kcb UKLIU| 七て/8/0乙 | ![]( | 00\%${ }^{\circ}$ 『 | 00.0乙 『 | しそıムく | Cull U心ı | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | ャて/8/レて | Xog入 $\forall$ d | 00*00¢'レ 『 | 00*00¢'レ 『 | しそıムく | AIcIu | | | ャて/8/レて | $\exists \mathrm{NITNO} 7 \forall$ S ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | 09*9レて'乙 『 | 09*9レて'乙 『 | しくıく | Cull icankiv | | | ャて/8/て乙 | 1 I | 00*09ヶ 『 | 00.09ヶ『 | しくıく | AIcIu | | | 七て/8/てZ | UKLム COIU C4ヶ | ![]( | 89*て8し'レ 『 | UILNU LICイ | CıOIU IGıLCO, | | | ャて/8/てて | $\perp 70 M$ | 00レとレ | 00レとし 『 | しくıらし | UOKLIU | | | ャて/8/てZ | $\perp 70 M$ | 00レてて 『 | 00レてて 『 | しくıくら | UOKLIU | | | ャて/8/て乙 | $170 M$ | 00*$\downarrow 6$ て | 00'ヤ6て 『 | しくıくら | UOKLIU | | | ヤて/8/Eて | $7718 / W O)^{\prime} \exists 7 d d \forall$ | 06.69 『 | 06.69 『 | しくıく | G[א,Сıґ, | | | ヤて/8/Gて | $7719 / W O)^{\prime} \exists 7 d d \forall$ | $06^{\circ} \mathrm{E}$ 匹 | $06.8 \varepsilon$ 匹 | しくıく | ![]( | | | ャて/8/Gて | ![]( | 00.9 『 | 00.9 「 | しくıく | ![]( | | | ヤて/8/9て | $7718 / W 03 \cdot \exists 7 d d \forall$ | 06レレ 『 | 06レレ『 | しくıく | ![]( | | | ャて/8/9て | XO日入 $\forall$ d | 00*00ヶ 『 | 00.00ヶ 『 | しくıら | AIcIu | | | ヤて/8/9て | ![]( | 00\%${ }^{\text {L }}$ | 00.61 『 | UILNK Liç | しイスヘı IUC, | | | ヤて/8/9て | GL K1 | 七で9をレ 『 | 七で9Eし 『 | UILNU L゙く介 | L心IOIC, | | | ヤて/8/L乙 | 1 IG | $00 \cdot 08$ 『 | 00.08 「 | しく, | AItIL | | | ャて/8/Lて | CLICIEX,${ }^{1}$ | 00'Gレ 『 | 00Gレ「 | しくıく | UOKLIU | | | ヤて/8/8乙 | UGCıLO Unロ ICLıNIL | てぐヤヤ¢ 『 | てぐヤヤ¢ 『 | UILNU L゙く介 | ᄃıOIU IGıLEO, | | | ヤて/8/8乙 | ![]( | 66'EGレ 『 | 66.とGレ 『 | UILNU Lic爪 | CıOIU IGıLCO, | | | ヤて/8/8乙 | 11ヨ〇 | OZ'Gヵ『 | OでGカ『 | しくıム」 | LCC ILUCILU | | | ヤて/8/8乙 | KıLıU Uく NC, | て6.101'を 『 | Z6'レO1' $\begin{aligned} & \text { ® }\end{aligned}$ | しく, | UIOLIU | | | ヤて/8/6乙 | ![]( | 00*00て'レ 『 | 00*00て'レ 『 | しくı」 | Liclo IC.L | | | ヤて/8/6乙 | $\perp 70 M$ | 00*てとて 『 | 00'乙とて 『 | しく, | UOKLIU | | | ャて/8/6乙 | $\perp 70 \mathrm{M}$ | 00「て0て 『 | 00'Z0て 『 | しくıく | UOKLIU | | | 七て/6/レ | 7718/WOつ $\exists 7 \mathrm{dd}$( | 00ヶワら 『 | $00^{\circ} \downarrow$ ¢ 『 | しくıく | uılaicu IUUACıロ | | | 斤oilu UKLIL | ![]( | 斤0닌 OCIO | $\begin{aligned} & \text { UıIT } \\ & \text { OCII } \end{aligned}$ | గolu OIK | Kcb | UKLIU |

†Z/6/E dly _|__(**)\perp_{*} yヨg GL゙てZ ¢  ¢  {:" ¢ ":}\begin{aligned} & \text { ¢ }\end{aligned}¢   Ya 0.96 『   shikuıku LCC ILCUTILU KOLU
  Ya te/6/Ya
  0008 E   G9*9te shi   Shikuiku   UILIU   KOLU TUIC UnLI
  Ya te I re/L
  00*009' E   00'92E   Se sumu! LGINU ICLiNIU
hisumuic 8 UuIL 8
LZOGレ'G「 8G*09L'レ 『 LCıAU CLlしıı   Shahalo IC, ku
  Yaz/9/G NцılOLICılo GLI   00.001'レ 「 L916 『   shisumu IGıro   Lili IC,
  00.000'9 『   00.00G 『   shisumu! CıGIU IıIGı
  Yate/9/Yute OCIL Cnl   00*0Gte'9『   00*reya0're"
  〉te/8/re   77I 日/WO) EE\exists 7dd AA\forall 08 E 08 E 08^(@)E08^{\circ} \mathrm{E} L 厄 08 E 08 E 08^(@)E08^{\circ} \mathrm{E} L T   shikuırashi   tojiลILU IUUACıロ
  00*66 『   00.66 『 LILNK G[א,Cıц,
6L'G0G 『 6LGOG 『 しくıく Unll IMALNIU
darr\downarrow †/8/乙 7718 / W 03 7 d d 7718 / W 03 7 d d 7718//W 03*EE7dd AA7718 / W 03 \cdot \exists 7 d d \forall 08レとて 『   08 train and...   Difficult to understand.   Difficult to understand.
  Ya te / 8 / ¢ (Difficult to understand without more context)   WOO*XI7」 darr\downarrow N (Difficult to understand without more context)   06.69 (Possibly a code or reference number)   06.69 (Possibly a code or reference number)   Difficult to understand.
  Ya te / 8 / ¢ (Difficult to understand without more context) 7718 / W O ) 3 7 ddV 7718 / W O ) 3 7 ddV 7718//WO)^(3)7ddV7718 / W O)^{3} 7 \mathrm{ddV}    06 ε 06 ε 06^(@)epsi06^{\circ} \mathrm{\varepsilon} ¢ (Difficult to understand without more context)    06 ε 06 ε 06^(@)epsi06^{\circ} \mathrm{\varepsilon} cents   Shikukkura (This appears to be a Japanese word or onomatopoeia without a direct English equivalent. Context is needed for a more accurate translation.)
  〉te/8/E (This is likely a code or abbreviation with no clear English translation without more context.) 7718 / W O 5 7 d d V 7718 / W O 5 7 d d V 7718//WO5*EE7ddV7718 / W O 5 \cdot \exists 7 d d V   9ャ゙9を 『- (This appears to be a mix of Japanese characters and symbols with no clear English translation without more context.)   9ャ゙9を 『- (This appears to be a mix of Japanese characters and symbols with no clear English translation without more context.) L 1 Cl I 1 L 1 Cl I 1 L_(1)ClI_(1)\mathrm{L}_{1} \mathrm{Cl} \mathrm{I}_{1}   G[א,ᄃıцı (This is a sequence of letters and symbols from various alphabets; no direct English translation without context.)
  ヤて/8/ฤ (This is likely a code or abbreviation with no clear English translation without more context.)   LU,CLOıO CLI LıOLIIN (This appears to be a nonsensical string of letters and symbols.)   086レ 『 (This is likely a code or abbreviation with no clear English translation without more context.)   086レ 『 (This is likely a code or abbreviation with no clear English translation without more context.)   LU, UCL AIcIu
  Ya 乙/8/ฤ   Llı UCC,   00. 861 『   00. 861 『 UILNU Lİ介 LGINU ICLiNIU
  Ya 乙/8/G ロ 17 7ヨ 1 NNN 77 77 AA77\forall 77 Lレ0Gカ『 Lレ09ヵ「   shikuırashi
  Seven, two slashes, eight, slash, eight 7718 / W O 7 d d 7718 / W O 7 d d 7718//WO◯*EE7dd AA7718 / W O \bigcirc \cdot \exists 7 d d \forall 0L6Gレ「 0<69し 『   shikuık   tobu SURU IUUAC
00.92G 『   00. 92G 『 UILNく Lİく UIOLIS
  Yate/8/0re 7718 / W O 5 7 d d 7718 / W O 5 7 d d 7718//WO5*EE7dd AA7718 / W O 5 \cdot \exists 7 d d \forall   06. 6を 『 06 6を 『   Shikuikura
  Yate/8/0re   7718/WOS'Yo7ddV   06rete   061te"   LINK LIC   G[N, Cıцı (Unable to translate due to unclear input)
  Yate/8/Rere (Unable to translate due to unclear input)
   06 06 06^(@)darr06^{\circ} \downarrow 厄厄 (Unable to translate due to unclear input and context)    06 06 06^(@)darr06^{\circ} \downarrow 『 (Unable to translate due to unclear input and context)   sikukura (Unable to translate due to unclear input)
  Yate/8/Rere (Unable to translate due to unclear input)   ULNц-CIOIU CLıNIU (Unable to translate due to unclear input)   991.19 Heart   99* 91. 厄 (Unable to translate due to unclear input and context)   LILNUK LIC interface   CIOIU IGILTO. 0